Description of willow for children. Weeping willow: description and photo of the tree

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The weeping willow is a large tree that can often be found near rivers and ponds in temperate climates. Judging by the fact that the plant feels great in wildlife and tolerates heat and frost, it will not be difficult to care for it at home. Willow looks great in parks, recreation areas or even in the front yard.

The tree can grow up to 25 meters and live 100 years.

What types of willow are there?

Weeping willow in landscape design- this is an unusual solution. Among the varieties of willows you can find both full-fledged trees with a powerful trunk and ornamental shrubs. The varieties differ because they are adapted to live in different climatic conditions:

  1. White willow is a tree whose height can reach 25 m. The lifespan of the variety is about 100 years. The white willow is called because bottom side its leaves are colored light color. The plant feels good on the banks of rivers and reservoirs; it can also be planted near an artificial pond.
  2. Weeping white willow also has an unusual color, but differs in the shape of its crown. Its branches are long, flexible, lowered to the ground. The tree bark has a rich yellow tint.
  3. Babylonian willow also has a weeping crown. It can reach a height of 15 m or more, and its lifespan is about 100 years. The leaves are light, but without a silvery tint. The tree grows quickly and reaches its peak. The most comfortable conditions for his life are well-lit shores of reservoirs.
  4. Shaggy dwarf willow is a shrub that does not grow higher than 2 meters. Its leaves are different from those that grow on the usual weeping willow - rounded and covered with light down. This plant can form a crown of an unusual shape, since the shoots are strong and grow upward. The shrub easily tolerates winter frosts and prefers to grow in moist soil.
  5. Goat willow is a distinctive tree that is often planted in parks and recreation areas. The shoots are directed downwards, and small round leaves grow on them. Flowering occurs in spring, during which time the tree emits a sweet honey aroma.

There are other varieties of trees such as weeping willow. They can be completely different appearance, but all belong to the willow family. These are not only large trees with branches falling to the ground, but also small bushes with unusual shape leaves. With proper care and watering, willow grows quickly, and by pruning you can form a crown of the desired shape on it.

Rules for planting and care

Caring for decorative weeping willow not difficult. The only thing worth paying attention to is the composition of the soil and its moisture content. Under natural conditions, the tree grows on sandy or loamy soils and constantly receives the required amount of water from the reservoir. If you plant a willow far from natural sources of moisture (a pond or river), it will have to be constantly watered. On dry, hot summer days it will be useful to spray the leaves.

The plant does not need additional feeding. It adapts well to temperature changes and tolerates both heat and frost. However, you can periodically fertilize the soil with humus or compost.

It is most comfortable for weeping willow to grow on constantly moist soil. It will grow faster if the groundwater level in the area is high.

Willow propagation

Under natural conditions, the tree propagates by seeds; at home, cuttings or seedlings are used. Cuttings are harvested in spring or autumn; the middle sections of young branches that are no more than 2 years old are suitable for them. Next, they need to be prepared for planting:

  • the optimal cutting length is from 20 to 30 cm;
  • planted in the ground in a greenhouse or any other warm room;
  • until the seedlings get stronger and are ready for transplanting, they need to be watered frequently, fertilized and the soil around them loosened;
  • young trees are not planted outside in the first year; they must spend the first winter in a warm place.

Planting weeping willow in open ground produced in the spring, when the snow has completely melted. By this time young tree The root system should already be fully formed. You can also plant it in the fall, when the period of sap movement has already ended. In this case, the soil will need to be covered with leaves or straw, and the tree itself with spruce branches.

It is necessary to dig a shallow hole in the ground (up to 60 cm in depth). During planting, the tree should be fertilized so that it takes root faster. The lower third of the hole is filled with a mixture of soil, peat and humus, and the remaining volume is filled with earth. The soil is raked up to the seedling in such a way that it forms a mound, around which there will be a depression for watering. After planting, pour 2 buckets of water under the plant. Dwarf weeping willow is no less resistant to change weather conditions than a full-fledged tree.

If the seedling is tall and unstable, it will need additional support. A peg is placed next to it, and the young tree is loosely fixed with a rope.

Growing on a trunk

A weeping willow on a trunk will decorate any garden. Stamped trees are those in which a decorative crown, either its own or grafted, extends from a straight trunk without branches (the trunk itself). For these purposes, a variety such as goat willow is suitable. It can be grafted onto a standard, but there is another way to grow it original:

  • after planting, choose a strong and powerful shoot and firmly fix it to the support;
  • as it grows, the trunk is tied higher so that it grows straight and does not branch;
  • side shoots in summer need to be shortened by a third so that nutrients entered the main trunk, and it grew stronger;
  • in the fall, the remaining parts of the shoots are completely removed, leaving stumps 0.5 cm long.

When the stem reaches the desired height, the support is removed. The next step it is necessary to form a uniform thick crown that will fall down. To do this, it is enough to trim it in such a way that all the branches grow downwards. Their ends are pinched off, and the shoots begin to produce new branches.

In the photo, a weeping willow grown on a trunk looks original. Other upright trees can be used as a headquarters, and goat willow can be grafted in as a decorative crown. First, you need to plant a trunk so that by the time of grafting it has time to get stronger and take root. The procedure is best carried out in late spring or early summer. When it is ready for grafting, a split is made at its top, into which a willow rootstock is planted. They usually take root well if grafted in the spring. As a result, the tree grows even and tall from below, and at its top there is a weeping crown.

Before planting a new tree in your garden, you should read the description of the weeping willow and make sure that the climatic conditions are suitable for it. It should not be planted in areas where the groundwater level is low, since it will have to be watered daily. If possible, you should choose places near natural or artificial bodies of water. Planting young trees is not difficult even for a novice gardener, but preparing cuttings can be lengthy. The best solution There will be a purchase of a young seedling ready for planting at the age of 1 or 2 years, which has already developed a root system. With proper care and suitable conditions the tree will live for at least 100 years.

Weeping willow in landscape design - video

Willow is a deciduous tree or shrub that grows primarily in temperate climates. Some varieties are found in the tropics and even beyond the Arctic Circle. Archaeologists have found imprints of willow leaves on chalk deposits more than several tens of millions of years old.

Willow has long been used as an ornamental plant; we will consider the most famous willows of the genus in this article.

White willow, or silver willow, is a powerful tree that reaches 25 meters in height when mature. The tree has a lush crown, consisting of long, gently flowing stems with green foliage shimmering with silver. The willow tree blooms in April yellow flowers, popularly called cats, the flowers really do look like pieces of fur.
White willow is in demand in landscape design. It grows quickly, withstands frosty climates, develops on almost any soil, and tolerates shearing painlessly. Willow is not afraid of moisture, even in excess, it loves solar lighting. Mature trees have a crown up to 20 meters in diameter.
The most popular decorative forms of white willow:

  • Argentea- a tree with flowing shoots, up to 25 meters high, the glossy upper side of the leaf is dark green, the lower side is whitish, during flowering the crown is literally strewn with bright yellow catkins.
  • Limpde– tree 20-40 meters in height, different yellow stems. A lush crown in the shape of a cone about 12 meters in diameter. Honey plant, blooms in April, frost-resistant variety.
  • Tristis– height up to 20 meters, with a spreading crown up to 20 meters in diameter, yellow bark and branches. Willow is a honey plant and blooms in April, almost simultaneously with the blossoming of leaves.

Babylonian willow

Babylonian willow is a low tree up to 15 meters, with a spreading weeping crown 10 meters in diameter. Willow branches, in addition to green, can have yellow and red shades; the branches are almost bare, with glossy bark, hanging straight to the ground. The oblong-shaped green leaves have small teeth along the edges and begin to turn yellow closer to January. After the leaves bloom, the willow is covered with thin earring flowers of white and yellow color. Willow has good winter hardiness and is not capricious to grow.

This is a two-meter tall shrub, interesting feature varieties have twisted branches of a yellowish-golden color that look impressive against the backdrop of bright green foliage. This variety is afraid of the cold, but quickly recovers if it freezes. Tortuosa requires a lot of light to grow.
Willow Babylonian Crispa. This is a dwarf variety, no more than two meters in height. The shrub is decorative due to its unusual foliage: the leaf plates of rich green color are twisted in the shape of a flower and covered with gloss.

Willow Kanginskaya

Willow Kanginskaya is a variety of special selection, the Latin name of willow is Salix Kangensis Nakai. The variety is presented in two varieties: tree and shrub. Both forms of the plant grow up to 10 meters tall. The leaves differ in size from each other: on sprouting stems the length is up to 20 cm, on fruiting stems the leaves are half as long. The leaf blades are lanceolate, pubescent. Willow blooms in early spring and is distinguished by lush flowering. Prefers to grow on the banks of rivers and other bodies of water, loves good lighting, winter-hardy, this willow is a honey plant. In nature, it is distributed in the Primorsky Territory, Korea and the northeastern regions of China.

Did you know? The ancient Slavs revered the willow as a sacred tree of life; the tree was a symbol of the god Yarila. Followers of Buddhism believe that the willow is a symbol of the spring rebirth of nature. Taoists called the willow a symbol of the manifestation of strength in weakness due to its bending but not breaking stems. The willow was a sacred tree, near which prayers were offered to the gods, among the ancient peoples of Mexico and North American Indians.

The Caspian willow variety grows as a shrub, a branched bush with a fan-shaped crown and long thin stems. The willow bark is gray-green, the leaves are glossy, bright green, elongated. The length of the leaves is 10 centimeters, the height of the bush is three meters, the crown is almost two meters in diameter. Willow blooms in May and blooms for only three days. Winter-hardy, but severe frosts does not love. In landscape design it is used for decoration artificial reservoirs or natural streams and ponds, its root system, growing, strengthens the banks well.

Goat willow, or bredana, is a small tree with drooping branches. Goat willow is absolutely unpretentious: it is not afraid of shade, moist soil, grows on any soil, and is winter-hardy. The plant is often planted near bodies of water. Willow blooms from April to May with yellow cat flowers. The crown shape of goat willow is weeping. The most popular types of wood:

  • goat willow Pendula- a tree with a weeping crown, silver-green leaves and golden seals. Frost-resistant, loves sunlit areas, grows well in partial shade. Willow Pendula is not taller than two meters, the diameter of the crown is up to one and a half meters.
  • Zilberglyants- a tree up to eight meters high, stems gently falling down, crown diameter - about five meters. The tree blooms in April.
  • willow goat Mac– tree or shrub, tree height – up to 10 meters, spreading crown diameter – up to six meters. In the lower part of the trunk, the bark has small cracks; higher up it becomes smooth, gray-green in color. The beautiful bluish-green leaves have a pleasant aroma.

Interesting! People say that the willow's heart dies first: it rots from the core of the trunk. It is interesting that because of this it was believed that if a child was whipped with a willow rod, it would not grow up, and in those days people flogged for disobedience with willow rods. Apparently, this is why in ancient times there were more short people.

Willow brittle

Brittle willow, broom, as it is also called, is a medium-sized tree (up to 20 meters) or shrub. Its crown is tent-shaped, the stems are not very flexible and break, which gave rise to the name willow. The stems are not pubescent, green, glossy, sticky at the beginning of plant development. The leaves are large, 15 cm long, lanceolate, with a serrated edge and a sharp tip. The tree blooms when the leaves bloom - in May-April, with long yellow-green catkins.
The brittle willow variety Bullata is well known and popular. It has a spherical, gently rounded crown. The structure and development of the tree is somewhat reminiscent of a jellyfish. The crown sphere consists of branching stems arranged in a dome, and below, shoots growing upward seem to support this dome. The foliage grows so densely that the tree seems covered with a green velvet cape.

This tree naturally lives in Korea and China. The tree grows up to 13 meters tall, it has a slender, straight trunk, and a pyramid-shaped crown. Long, thin, ascending stems are fleecy at a young age, colored olive color with a yellowish tint. The castings are narrow, elongated up to 10 cm in length. Along with the leaves blooming, fluffy catkins bloom. Matsuda's willow loves good lighting, warmth, does not tolerate temperature changes, and grows in nutritious soils.

Important! Most varieties and types of willow grow quickly and therefore require regular pruning; if this is not done, the tree or shrub will grow into a shapeless mass. They begin to trim a tree or bush that has reached 80 cm in height.

Holly willow has many names - red shell, red willow, willow. This is a tree or tall shrub with a reddish tint to the branches, as reflected in the name. In addition to color, the stems are distinguished by a waxy coating on the bark. It is found naturally in the Ciscaucasia regions, throughout the European part of Russia. Grows in forest-tundra, on sandstones and near water bodies. The willow grows up to 10 meters in height, its crown is spreading, oval in shape, the leaves are long and narrow, dark green, the petioles of the leaf blades are red-yellow. Blooms before the leaves bloom. In the landscape, it is used in plantings near ponds, in parks, and as a hedge. Popularly, pussy willow earrings are used in religious rituals on Palm Sunday. Willow twigs are used to make furniture, baskets and other household utensils.
The most decorative form of willow is Tatarian willow. This plant with a weeping crown is strewn with white catkins during the flowering period.

Attention! If you are growing long-eared or brittle willow, please note:in hot weather, provided there is no body of water near the tree, it needs to be watered and sprayed frequently. White willow is more resistant to drought.

Creeping willow Armando is a standard variety, a low shrub with thin, flexible stems. The bush has a wide crown up to three meters in diameter, the height of the bush is no more than a meter. The foliage is matte, the upper part of the leaf is green, the lower part is grayish, pubescent. It blooms with fluffy gray-pink earrings. Willow is resistant to low temperatures, loves good lighting and moisture. This variety can also be grown indoors in a tub. On the site it is used in decoration stone gardens, decorating slides, rockeries, ponds.

The twig willow, or hemp willow, inhabits most of Russia and the Baltic states. She loves river banks, forests and forest-steppes. This is a tall shrub up to eight meters, with a spreading crown, long shoots-twigs, covered with pile; as it grows, the pile disappears. The leaves are long and narrow with a curved edge, the lower plate has a pile. Willow received its second name for the shape and arrangement of its leaves: they are similar to hemp leaves. The willow blooms before the leaves bloom, it has long catkins (6 cm) in the shape of a cylinder, and it blooms for only two weeks.
This type of willow is well suited for weaving baskets and hedges. The bush grows quickly, tolerates frost well, and is not picky about soil and conditions.

This type of willow is unusual due to the red color of the stems. This is a shrub with a ball-shaped crown, thin and long shoots and silver-green leaves. The bush grows up to five meters in height, the crown is also about five meters in diameter. Purple willow blooms in May, the flowers have a purple hue.

  • Variety Mayak. Ornamental shrub with pink branches, resistant to low temperatures. Prefers bright areas and moderate humidity. The height of the bush is three meters, the diameter of the spherical crown is the same.
  • Variety Nana. A shrub that grows no more than one and a half meters, blooms luxuriantly, and is not picky about the soil and growing conditions. Resistant to frost. But you need to be protected from strong winds. The bush has a rounded crown and brownish shoots, blooms with greenish flowers.
  • Pendula. The shrub is no more than three meters high, the crown is lush, weeping, the foliage is green with a blue tint, the flowers are purple. Frost-resistant, moisture-loving, light-loving, may not tolerate drought. Looks good and grows near water bodies.

Rosemary willow is also called Siberian willow, netala and niceloz. This is a meter-long shrub with a voluminous crown and purple shoots. The shrub has fluffy leaves, dark green on top and bluish below. Willow blooms with yellow or red catkins in May; the catkins have a delicate aroma. The variety is frost-resistant and unpretentious in cultivation, grows slowly on any soil.

Botanical name: Weeping willow, Babylonian (Salix), genus of the Willow family.

Homeland of the weeping willow: Iran, Western China.

Lighting: photophilous.

The soil: light and medium loams.

Watering: moderate.

Maximum tree height: 25m.

Average lifespan of a tree: 100 years.

Landing: seeds, cuttings and layering.

Description of the weeping white willow tree and photo

Weeping willow - with a transparent, see-through crown up to 25 m high. The trunk is powerful, the bark is gray. The crown is narrow, columnar, later spreading, wide, round.

The branches are thin, flexible, with matte, purple and light green bark, directed upward, side shoots hanging down. The leaves are petiolate, arranged alternately. The leaf blade is wide, elliptical, in some species it is narrow and long.

The color of the leaves is dark green, the lower part is light green and bluish. The buds can be dark brown and red-yellow. The flowers are dioecious, small, inconspicuous, collected in earrings. Willow blooms in early spring, before the leaves bloom.

The fruit is a capsule. The seed is small, with white fluff, light, and transported by winds over long distances. Willow tree. Photo

The weeping willow tree is common in the Northern Hemisphere, the tropics, and North America. Dwarf willows grow in the mountains. Willow species such as willow, willow, shelyuga, willow and others are found in the European part of Russia. Shrub species grow in Siberia and Central Asia.

Reproduction of weeping willow

Under natural conditions, the plant reproduces by seeds. Light seeds are carried by wind over long distances. Germination of willow seeds in air lasts for several days. In water, germination can persist for up to several years. A young willow sprout develops and grows very quickly, but can be drowned out by grass and other plants.

Growing willow

At home, willow is propagated by cuttings. Lignified cuttings, cut before buds open, quickly take root. Before roots form, they can be placed in water, and then planted in the ground. Due to the fact that willow is not whimsical and takes root in the shortest possible time, its cuttings are stuck into the ground of the greenhouse, so that 2-3 buds remain on the soil surface.

Willow is also propagated by green cuttings. To do this, make an oblique cut at the bottom, remove the apical soil and shorten the leaf blades. Then the cuttings are placed in a greenhouse or under a jar.

When planting shrubs, willows are dug up small holes 50X50 cm for each seedling. The recess is filled soil mixture, consisting of soil, compost, peat and manure. Are being added. The plant is not picky about soil, but prefers light to medium loams. It is best to grow willow in a well-lit, sunny place. These trees do not grow in the shade. Special care for willow is required in the first weeks of planting.

Young seedlings need constant watering and feeding with fertilizers. During periods of drought, they are watered once a week (20-50 liters of water per plant). In spring, the soil is loosened and mulched. Dry branches are trimmed and a crown is formed. Long shoots on the lower part of the trunk are removed.

Pests and diseases of white weeping willow

The willow tree is rarely exposed to diseases, but is sometimes damaged by fungal diseases, which provoke frequent rains and overwatering. With the onset of sunny weather, fungal diseases disappear. However, if dark gray spots appear on the willow leaves, it is necessary to treat the tree with copper-containing preparations. If the leaves are damaged, insecticides are sprayed.

Use of white willow and its bark

White willow bark, rich in tannins, glucose, flavonoids, ascorbic acid and resins, has been widely used in folk medicine. Willow bark has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effect. An infusion of white willow bark is used for colitis, gout, female diseases, gastritis, internal bleeding, liver diseases, spleen diseases and other diseases. A decoction of the leaves of the tree is used for severe bleeding in the intestines and for colds. Pregnant women and nursing mothers are not recommended to use medications, which include this plant.

The abundantly branched roots of willow serve to strengthen loose soils and sands. Willow plantations can often be found around mountain streams. Trees are used to secure river banks, canals, slopes, dams, slopes and cliffs.

Thick willow twigs are used to make sheds for sheep and pens for livestock. The bark of the trunk and branches is used as a natural dye, which is used to dye wool, leather and silk red, brown and yellow.

The wood, which is quite soft and pliable, quickly rots and is used for making crafts. The branches are used to feed livestock, especially goats and sheep. Willow bark is used for tanning leather. On Orthodox Palm Sunday, according to a long-standing tradition, branches of a young tree are used instead of palm leaves.

Willow bark juice is included in some cosmetic preparations that smooth out fine wrinkles, relieve redness, and cleanse the skin.

Previously, willow twigs and the bark of this tree were used to make wickerware, furniture, baskets and other products.

White willow is often used in landscape design. Planted in parks and forested areas. The rapid growth of the tree allows it to be used for lining roads and prompt landscaping.

White willow bark is used for tanning leather. The shoots serve as feed for livestock. In addition, willow is considered a valuable honey plant. Bees take nectar, pollen and bee glue from the tree. When white willow honey crystallizes, it becomes fine-grained, creamy in color, and has a pleasant taste and fragrant aroma.

Weeping decorative white willow

One of the forms of willow - white willow - is a deciduous tree, 20-30 m high with a wide-rounded, weeping crown. The trunk is powerful, reaching up to 3 m in diameter. The bark is dark gray, longitudinally fissured in old trees. Young shoots are olive-green or red-brown. The lower branches bend to the ground. The buds are reddish-yellow, flattened, sharp, 6 mm long, 1.5 mm wide. The leaves are narrow, alternate, with a pointed tip, 5-15 cm long, 1-3 cm wide, dark green, yellow in autumn, bronze. They stay on the branches for a long time. Flowers are thick, cylindrical earrings, 3-5 cm long. Fruits are capsules, 4-6 mm long. White willow blooms in April-May, at the same time as the leaves bloom.

Decorative white willow in the photo (click on the picture to enlarge):

Photo gallery

Growing conditions

White willow is widespread in Europe, Western Siberia, Asia Minor and Iran. In central Russia, cultivated forms of trees are planted, which gradually become wild in the area where they are planted.

White willow grows along the banks of rivers, ponds and other bodies of water. Found along roads and near houses. Lives up to 100 years. Propagated by seeds. Cultural forms are propagated by cuttings. The plant is light-loving and frost-resistant. Photos of white willow can be seen in the gallery below.

White willow: weeping form

A small tree 5-7 m high. It has a beautiful crown that flows down and long branches stretching all the way to the ground. It is not demanding on soils, is frost-resistant, and moisture-loving. It is shade-tolerant, but in the shade the crown becomes not as dense as when planted in a well-lit place.

Weeping white willow is used in group and single plantings. Combined with ornamental shrubs, deciduous and coniferous trees: thuja, juniper, cypress and others.

Weeping decorative willow

The beautiful crown, shape and color of the leaves allow this tree to be classified as an ornamental plant used for decoration. garden plots, alleys, parks and squares. Some types of willows attract attention with their originality and quirkiness.

For example, the Matsudana willow has unusual, twisted branches and seemingly crumpled leaves. Some ornamental willows are different small in size, these include woolly, reticulated, blunt-leaved, whole-leaved and purple willows.

Dwarf trees reach a height of no more than 20 cm. Low-growing willows are usually planted in flower beds, next to flowers, and such compositions look very impressive.

Decorative forms of weeping willow look good both in group and single plantings. Some species can be grown in a small garden. The willow crown is easily formed into a ball.

History of the tree. The magical properties of willow

This beautiful, flexible, graceful tree has been valued since ancient times. In Ancient Greece, the willow was a symbol of the goddesses Hecate and Hera. Roman poets praised this tree in their works. In Ancient Egypt, it was considered a symbol of the power and wisdom of the deceased, so its branches were burned on funeral pyres. IN Ancient Rome For the first time they began to use willow twigs.

In the Middle Ages, decoctions and infusions of willow bark, leaves and seeds were used to heal wounds and stop bleeding.

The weeping willow tree has long been considered feminine and was dedicated to the lunar goddesses, the moon and fertility. They endowed her and magical properties. The twigs of this tree Slavic pagans decorated altars before performing rituals. Wreaths woven from willow twigs were famous love spells. A decoction of willow leaves was mixed into a lover’s drink; such a drink also served as a love spell. This tree was used to make amulets for good luck in love affairs. This type of jewelry was worn by unhappy lovers. The Slavs called willow, willow and willow. These names are still used today.

Today, willow is considered a calming and relaxing tree. Contact with her has a beneficial effect on nervous system, puts thoughts in order, eliminates headaches and improves mood.

Associated with this tree folk signs and superstitions. It is believed that if you knock on a willow trunk, it will bring good luck. If you put its leaves under your pillow, you will have a good dream.

By its nature, willow is quite sensitive, so when contacting it, you need to be extremely sincere; willow especially does not like liars, so it can negative impact on the health or fate of an insincere person.

Why is the willow called weeping?

There are three versions of this name: scientific, folklore and poetic.

According to the scientific version, willow is a tree that tends to secrete small drops of water. This happens because the roots of the plant absorb a lot of moisture, much more than what the leaves evaporate. In addition, the weeping willow has a unique shape. Its long, curved branches stretch down to the ground, hence the “weeping” feeling of the tree. Weeping willow grows near ponds, with its roots immersed in the water.

The poetic version is based on the observations of poets who tend to notice and admire every detail of nature. Early in the morning on thin leaves willow trees, sparkling drops of dew can be seen, which begin to fall with a light blow of wind. This picture gives the impression that the tree is shedding tears or crying.

The folklore version was created on the basis of folk beliefs and legends. According to one legend, illuminated willow branches were placed in the house to protect against evil spirits, the smallest of them were burned, and that’s why this tree cried.

Another belief said that if the weather was bad outside for a long time, you should throw a willow branch into the yard, then the rain would stop. This also brought tears to the sensitive tree.

On Ivan Kupala they made madder from willow and decorated it with wreaths and ribbons. The girls swam to the middle of the river and left the madder there, but it could not swim to the shore and take root, so it cried.

There are many other interesting ancient legends associated with this plant.

Orally folk art you can find many signs, proverbs and sayings about willow. After all, once upon a time the life of the people was closely connected with this tree. Willow was used in the household, in everyday life and in folk medicine. She was worshiped and deified, endowed with unique properties.

“The willow was covered with frost early - for a long winter.”

“Where there is water there is a willow, where there is a willow there is water.”

Many property owners underestimate the willow and treat it as a waste or even weed plant. A quick acquaintance with some species and decorative forms can radically change this view of this interesting culture. Willow has long been used for treatment and used on the farm. Today we can afford to decorate our areas with this plant by choosing the appropriate species. This plant is better suited than many others for creating garden bonsai and unusual shapes.

Willow in flowering period

Where does the fluff come from?

Willow - dioecious plant, which has males with anthers and females that bear fruit. Bisexual specimens are less common. Earring-shaped inflorescences decorate some species in spring. Men's earrings first look like silvery silky balls, soon they are covered with bright yellow anthers, and then fall off. Willow fluff is given only by women's earrings. This is necessary in order to disperse the seeds at a distance from the mother plant. And we usually only blame poplars for the appearance of balls of fluff. Even when these trees are not nearby. Some types of willow bloom in early spring before the leaves bloom, others bloom when the leaves turn green on the branches.

Willow or willow?

One day, on the eve of Palm Sunday, I heard two people arguing about the name of a bush growing next to them. willow . One of them claimed that it was a willow tree. Another called the bush a willow. Both were right, because... holly willow And willow It is customary to call it a willow and break off branches before the holiday.

Holly willow (red willow, red willow, red willow) - one of the earliest flowering species in central Russia. It is a tall shrub or tree with reddish-brown smooth branches. Flowering begins before the long narrow leaves appear. Large buds with red-brown scales are visible already in autumn.

They weave from thin willow branches various furniture and boxes, not baskets, because It is not worth storing food in them because of the bitter bark.

Willow willow also called willow. This common plant can grow as a shrub or tree. Long leaves wider than that of common willow. This type of willow does not tolerate prolonged stagnation of water.

Wolf willow allows you to quickly grow hedge from cuttings stuck into the ground that quickly take root. They need to be regularly trimmed or young flexible shoots intertwined with each other. Interesting variety "Aglaya" with large silver earrings and red branches. In early flowering varieties "Praecox" earrings length is about 9 cm.

Do goats like goat willow?

We often hear about goat willow (bredena) . This tall tree or shrub is decorated in early spring with fluffy earrings, which stay on the bare branches for a week or two, and then instantly fall off. During the flowering period, a subtle aroma is felt. Later, wide leaves with a velvety felt texture grow. bottom side. They are said to resemble the skin of a goat's lips when touched. Hence the name of this type of willow.

Weeping form "Pendula" - the result of grafting goat willow onto a rootstock of a different species. The result is miniature trees with a trunk 60 - 170 cm high with a cascading crown. In the first years, immediately after flowering, all young shoots need to be cut short, leaving about 20 cm on each of them. Subsequently, the scion is annually cut to the outer bud, which allows you to increase the size of the crown and form a strong frame in the shape of an open umbrella. Without corrective pruning or regular blinding of the buds, the shoots quickly reach the ground, sink to it and continue to grow in the horizontal plane. The growth rate is more than two meters during the summer. It is necessary to ensure that the rootstock does not produce its own shoots that drown out the scion.

The initially neat tree, unattended, acquired a strange shape. Long shoots of the scion felt great between the stones alpine slide and grew into standing water decorative pool. Forced pruning was reduced to shortening branches and removing dried twigs

At first, you need to pay attention to the vaccination site. Immediately after purchase, remove the winding and all fasteners. In the first winters, it is advisable to insulate the scion for the winter, especially its “crown”. Suitable for this purpose non-woven material, folded in several layers.

This willow can be planted on the lawn, next to it, in a rock garden, or grown in a container. A group of several weeping willows with different heights of trunks looks impressive.

There are garden forms and varieties of goat willow with white-green variegated foliage ( "Variegata" ) and broad oval outline of the leaves. Decorative men's uniform "Mas" , which is good during flowering and in the fall, when the foliage turns golden yellow. Grows into a tree or bush "Zilberglyants" With beautiful crown from hanging branches. The slightly wrinkled leaves have a felt underside that is pleasant to the touch.

Goat willow leaves are rich in vitamin C. In earlier times, they were brewed as tea. It is useful to gargle and gargle with a decoction of the bark for various inflammatory processes, especially sore throat. Abscesses and ulcers are treated with an ointment made from powdered willow bark and butter.

Forming brittle willow

Brittle willow (broom) - a fast-growing tree with a tent-shaped crown. Lanceolate leaves up to 15 cm long bloom at the time of flowering. In autumn they turn lemon yellow. This species is easily propagated by cuttings, the degree of rooting is close to 100%. Brittle willow does not freeze even in the harshest winters. Under the species willow there are always a lot of dead, dried branches that easily break off during strong gusts of wind.

So I formed a brittle willow, which grew to the wires

I consider this species the most suitable for creating garden bonsai. Cultural form brittle willow "Bulat » (« Bullata ") tolerates corrective pruning very well. From it you can “cut” different geometric figures. At the end of winter, the bark of young shoots begins to turn green, so in early spring the crown acquires a pleasant greenish tint. Willow does not produce fluff, which is important for people with allergies.

Option for forming the crown of willow brittle "Bulat"

Who bends the willow branches?

The twisted trunk and branches of the matsudana willow are a distinctive feature of these trees or shrubs. The frost resistance of the species is satisfactory: in severe winters, freezing occurs above the level of snow cover. Some gardeners additionally insulate their plants for the winter. Popular decorative form " Tortuosa » - a tree or bush with a twisting trunk and olive-gray branches. The leaves are also twisted in a spiral. The plant does not do well in a windy place, especially in an icy northeast wind. Willow leaves are burned during spring frosts. Without corrective pruning, the tree becomes thickened, which makes it difficult to admire the pattern of intertwined and twisted branches.

Willow tortuous "Tortuosa"

The tortuous willow of the Ural selection with strongly curved branches of olive or reddish-brown color and twisted leaves tolerates our climate better. Tree height "Sverdlovskaya winding 1" about 4 m. It has a slightly weeping shape. There are winter-hardy low-growing forms with a weeping and pyramidal shape. They tolerate pruning well. When propagating, it is better to root short cuttings.

Twisty willow always looks so unusual

Low growing willows

The choice of low-growing ornamental willows is huge.

Shaggy willow (woolly) in the Moscow region it grows no higher than one meter. In spring, catkins appear. The grayish-green leaves are round in shape and have white felt pubescence, so the entire bush appears blue and fluffy. This slow-growing willow is afraid of cold winds, waterlogging and prolonged drought. After the end of sap flow, the frozen tips of the branches are removed.

Drought resistant rosemary willow up to 1 meter high, it is better to plant it on poor soil, perhaps among rockery stones. On nutritious soil it fattens, which prevents the appearance of dense crown cushions. Most of the shortened trunk is hidden underground, and we see only numerous branches of the crown. Earrings appear before narrow dark green leaves, pubescent on the underside. Dense bushes are suitable for borders. Peat is added to the planting holes.

This low-growing willow tree needs very little space.

Purple willow "Gracilis" (Nana) is a ball up to 1.5 m high made of thin flexible branches of a purple hue. They arise from a shortened stem. The leaves are narrow, lanceolate, silvery-bluish in color. earrings are bright, reddish in color. This willow is more elegant in a bright place. In the shade, the shoots stretch out and the crown thins out. The plant grows better in sandy soils with the addition of lime. Suitable for this culture wet places, and arid. In harsh winters, the beautiful bush may freeze slightly, but then quickly recovers. Pruning is easy and allows you to create various garden shapes.

Willow herbaceous (dwarf willow) up to 15 cm high (most often 6 - 7 cm) decorated with tiny earrings and small rounded leaves with a relief pattern of veins. This is a frost-resistant species that is incredibly interesting. The herbaceous willow is sometimes called the smallest tree in the world. Its homeland is considered not only in the Arctic latitudes, but also in the highlands of the Alps and Pyrenees. There this willow almost completely fits into a layer of moss, hiding from strong winds. This species can be recommended to bonsai connoisseurs.

Tundra species include willow reticulum - a strongly branched, low-growing, frost-resistant shrub with branches 30–50 cm long that spread along the ground. It grows slowly. Dark branches with small leathery leaves with a relief mesh pattern. Young leaves are pubescent. In spring, reddish catkins stick vertically upward. This species looks great among a scattering of stones, where low carpet cushions form over time. Reticulated willow is ideal for rock gardens.

Is there enough room for white willow?

We are often forced to refuse to plant spectacular large trees. (silver willow, willow ) from among them. This is a powerful tree up to 25 meters high. Young leaves are silvery-white. For small areas, smaller garden forms have been developed.

Such a white willow is unlikely to fit in a garden plot

Weeping white willow up to 7 m high, it attracts with its rare beauty of a weeping crown with a skirt of branches right down to the ground. An unpretentious winter-hardy plant needs regular watering and good lighting. This willow will decorate any decorative pond. It can be planted as a tapeworm on the lawn.

White silver willow up to 12 m high, it has silvery foliage. She wins when landing next to plants with burgundy leaves.

White willow "Chermezina" ("Chermesina" ) - a tree up to 7 meters high with orange-red bark and gray-green leaves, which can be grown as a tall shrub. The plant is pruned at least once every two years, removing old, faded branches, which provokes the appearance of bright young shoots.

ABOUT medicinal properties White willow can be judged by the fact that in the first half of the 19th century, the glycoside salicin was isolated from willow bark, after which salicylic acid was obtained. Later, aspirin was synthesized on its basis. ethnoscience different countries uses teas, infusions and decoctions of white willow bark as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and antifungal agent. The bark infusion is used to rinse the mouth during inflammatory processes.

I haven’t named very many other types of willow that could decorate our plots. It is worth taking a closer look at this wonderful plant and using its amazing ability to adapt to any living conditions. When no other plant could survive. Even in the most unfavorable situations, the willow continues to live.

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Willow is considered one of the oldest trees on the planet. Siberia and Central Asia are considered the homeland of willow, but it also grows in the USA. This is common beautiful tree in northern and temperate latitudes, although it sometimes grows in subtropical areas.

The tree has many varieties. Below are the most basic and common types of willow:

  • rod-shaped;
  • purple;
  • goat;
  • crying;
  • spherical;
  • dwarf;
  • five-stamen;
  • American;
  • wavy-leaved;
  • Russian;
  • holly.

Now about each tree in order.

twig willow

This type of willow is considered one of the most common. It is a shrub with many branches, reaching a height of about 5 meters. The bark is purple with a bluish tinge. The buds are brown. The earrings open almost in line with the leaves. Grows in the middle zone of the country.

For planting, it is better to choose frost-resistant plants so that they do not freeze in winter. Therefore, before laying a fence, it is first worth marking the territory. You need to dig a hole with a diameter of 50 centimeters and the same depth. If the soil is rough, it is worth adding sand to it. Planting should be done at intervals of 20 centimeters. After planting, the plant must be watered frequently.


Purple willow leaves are divided into alternate and opposite, up to 12 cm long. They grow upward and are pointed. More often, this type of tree can be found in the southern and central zones of the country, and in the mountainous areas of the Urals and Crimea. It can also be found in America, Asia and Africa. The tree loves light, but does not tolerate groundwater and flooded areas. It cleans well from bark. It is valued because it has few branches.

Determining a place to plant purple willow is not difficult: you need to choose a place with constant access to light. This tree loves moisture, so you will have to get automatic watering herbs. This willow differs from others in that it is not picky about the soil. It is worth planting in early spring.


Goat willow - universal look for landscaping. Grows up to 10 meters high. It has smooth green-gray bark. The branches of the plant are dense and spreading. The leaves have oval shape jagged with a green surface on top and a light gray fluffy bottom. This tree grows in the European part of the country and Asia Minor. The habitat is non-swampy soil or forest edges.

In the steppe zone it can be found next to forest valleys.

It is better to plant goat willow in early spring, when it has optimal conditions to get used to the place and gain root mass. At first, the tree will have to be watered frequently. During drought it is better to do this more often. In the second year of growth, it can be watered once a week.


The weeping willow grows to large sizes. Its bark is yellowish in color. Leaves are green in color. The branches are down. The habitat of this tree is reservoirs in central Russia.

This plant should be planted in sandy soil and fertilized with compost. The tree grows faster from cuttings. The best way to plant a weeping willow is late autumn. Shoots should be selected that are at least two years old. Cuttings must first grow in home greenhouse, and when spring comes, they need to be transplanted to an area where holes are dug certain sizes, approximately 50 centimeters. The soil should be loosened and fertilized. Do not forget to water the plant often and care for it.


The globular willow grows up to 20 meters and has many massive branches. In winter, the foliage of this plant changes its green color to olive. The plant is attached to moisture, so it is found near the coast and dams. Resistant to cold. The leaves are elongated and slightly rough. To keep the willow spherical, it should be trimmed frequently. The globular willow grows in almost all parts of the country, but is observed even in Australia, Africa and America. This tree lives up to 80 years.

It should be planted in April. Seedlings are usually purchased from a nursery. When planting a willow tree, they dig a hole 30 centimeters deep and place seedlings there with fed soil in the form of peat and fertilizers. This will allow the plant to grow strong and healthy. The main thing is not to forget to water the seedlings regularly.


Dwarf willow has many varieties throughout the world. It grows in both Europe and America. It is also found in mountainous areas. The tree is resistant to cold, but does not tolerate heat. Therefore, comfortable weather for the living conditions of a dwarf willow will be a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius. The foliage of this plant is small and does not cause any special problems when harvesting. The main advantage of this mini-species is that this tree reaches a height of one to two meters.

When planting willow, shoots are planted in fed mineral fertilizers soil. During drought, it is necessary to water the plant more often. It is not particularly sensitive to cold weather and can grow even in alkaline soils.

Now breeders are effectively breeding new dwarf varieties ive, and believe that they are the future.

Five-stamen willow

The five-stamen willow, which will be described below, performs well in weaving. It grows in meadows and peat bogs in Siberia, as well as in European parts of the country, in particular in the lowlands. You can also find her on Far East and in the Ural mountains. The tree reaches a height of more than 10 meters. The bark of the plant is brown, and the shoots and leaves seem to shine in sun rays. The willow leaves themselves resemble a laurel leaf, having an oval shape with denticles along the edges. The upper part of the leaf has a greenish tint, and the bottom is pale matte. This wood is mainly used for weaving furniture.

When planting in spring, it is necessary to moisten the soil with peat and compost and plant cuttings of the plant in the hole. Usually planted to a depth of forty centimeters between rows fifty centimeters wide. To do this, they pierce the ground with a rod, and lower the plant in the place where the willow will grow. Then the soil is compacted. Cuttings are planted vertically and from south to north. This method is practiced by many gardeners.

American willow

American willow is considered the most cultivated in the forested regions of Russia. It is a hybrid of purple and five-stamen willow.

After the end of the growing season, the downward inclined end of the branch does not straighten. The leaves are narrow and elongated up to 15 centimeters. In autumn, the bark has a purple tint with varying degrees of saturation. At the bottom the vine is greenish in color. The advantage of this plant is that it retains universal qualities for willow crafts. Widely distributed in European regions of Russia.

A plant such as American willow should be planted in May. The cuttings are lowered into holes 30 centimeters deep vertically and from south to north and compact the soil. Here, as with the five-stamen willow, a metal rod is lowered into the soil. This method is practiced by many gardeners.

Wavy-leaved willow

The wavy-leaved willow is a cross between a twig and a five-stamened willow. It grows as a bush almost 5 meters high. The shoots of this plant are thin and flexible brown in color. The leaves are lanceolate and have jagged edges. The leaf blade has a wavy shape.

Young leaves are completely drooping, while mature leaves are bare and slightly inclined downwards. Almost always, an annual twig produces a little more than 2 meters in length, shades the soil, thereby helping to combat regrowth. The elasticity of the rod is the same as that of the five-stamen willow. Excellent for removing bark. The habitat of a tree such as wavy-leaved willow is located near the coastal zone in the middle zone of the country, as well as in Europe.

To plant a willow tree, you will need soil with loam. The location should be chosen where there will be constant sunlight. This tree will not grow in the shade. You can also use a place where groundwater is located.

To properly plant this plant, you need to follow the following rules:

  • dig a hole with a diameter of 50 centimeters and a depth of 30-40 centimeters;
  • pour sand or crushed stone at the bottom of the pit;
  • pour fertilizer from peat and soil;
  • bury a third of the hole with earth and place a seedling there;
  • compact the soil into a pit to make watering easier.

Russian willow

Russian willow is considered less suitable for weaving. This tree reaches a maximum height of 10 meters, and the shrub grows up to 6 meters in height. The branches are elongated, the color is gray-green. The leaves are narrow, lanceolate in shape. The plant flourishes most in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. It can be found along rivers and lakes, as well as near the coast. The twig is of low quality and brittle and is mainly used in its bare form without bark.

This plant should be planted in May. The cuttings are lowered into holes 30 centimeters deep and the soil is compacted. As with the five-stamen and American willow, a metal rod is lowered into the soil. Cuttings are planted vertically and from southeast to northwest. This method is practiced by many gardeners.

Holly willow

Few products are made from holly willow. The plant itself reaches about 10 meters in height, and the bushes grow up to 5 meters. It has elongated thin shoots of a dark brown hue. The shape of the leaves is pointed, and has teeth along the edges, with a shine on top and a greenish tint below. The European region of the country is recognized as the place of distribution of this plant, and in Siberia and Central Asia it is less common.

This tree can be seen in coastal areas, where it forms dense thickets. Resistant to frost and drought. It is distributed more often than other willows throughout our country.

The twigs of a tree such as Norway willow are used for weaving various furniture, except baskets.

When planting a willow tree, it is necessary to prepare the area, freeing it from foreign objects. Then you need to dig grooves with a diameter of 30 centimeters and a depth of 40 centimeters. After this, plant the seedlings, sprinkling the soil with mineral fertilizers. Don't forget to water the willow, especially during the dry season.


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