The downturned corners of the lips are a character. What does the shape of your lips tell you about your character? Large and plump lips

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The mouth carries information about sensuality, softness, pliability, love, friendship, i.e. about the emotional world of a person. In ancient times, before taking on someone as a student, the sages would carefully examine his mouth to identify his vices and virtues. Purely feminine qualities (softness, kindness, affection, dreaminess and passivity) relax the lips. Excessive development of these character traits (fearfulness, weak character, laziness, susceptibility to someone else's influence) opens the lips. A stupid person's mouth is often open limply. The more the lips are open, the weaker the mental control, the stronger the instincts.

The size and shape of the mouth can determine the strength of a person’s internal energy. The guidelines for determining the size of the mouth are vertical lines drawn from the centers of the pupils to the line where the lips close. Typically, men have larger mouths than women. “Everything that human nature contains,” said Lavater, “is put into his mouth. They express reason and madness, strength and weakness, virtue and vice, delicacy and rudeness; are the receptacle of love and hatred, sincerity and hypocrisy, humility and pride, truth and lies.”

People with big mouths- born “invaders”, they strive to keep as much different information as possible near them, in order to then digest it and appropriate it, ultimately saying: “This is mine!” They will never miss their goal and will do an excellent job with any task if they see their own benefit in it.

A woman with a large mouth (if her lips are not full) is considered courageous, which, by the way, is not very popular with strong-willed men.

Large mouth and downturned lips they speak of the strong will of the owner, who is difficult to influence. Such a person bets on the strength of the conqueror. It's good to be with him, but going against him is dangerous. He may joke, seem active and cheerful, but drooping corners of his mouth will reveal his depressed state: with prolonged depression, the corners of his mouth are always drooping. At the same time, a large mouth is a sign of a vulnerable, sentimental, creative nature.

Open big mouth is a sign of strength and courage, but also hatred of someone, indicates a person’s temper, thirst for adventure, and the need for a change of situation.

If a person's mouth is large but compressed, in the arsenal of his personal characteristics there is purposefulness and determination, stinginess, greed, and rancor.

Small mouth indicates a weak character and a constant struggle for survival. Such people often have to resort to skill and even cunning. They know for sure what they want and do not try to scatter their forces, which they do not have enough, especially for large prey. But such people have more than enough zeal.

If small mouth is often open, then this speaks of the tenderness, kindness of its owner, love of order and cleanliness, but also of secrecy and skepticism.

Expansion of the mouth opening, especially with drooping of the lower jaw, indicates a decrease in mental activity.

Slightly open mouth may indicate that the person is listening carefully to your words, or that this is an interlocutor who always finds it difficult to understand someone else’s speech.

If a small mouth is often closed, then its owner is a balanced person, capable of helping. He remains serious both in his work and in his feelings, although a fire burns in his soul.

Tight lips and clenched teeth talk about a person's perseverance.

Slightly smiling mouth- a sign of an interesting, rich, intelligent, friendly, open-hearted personality, if, of course, this smile is not artificial.

Sometimes you can meet a man with a crooked mouth. This is a skeptical nature, with a changeable mood, a tough approach to people and their problems, and a high intelligence.

Symmetrical, without distortion, mouth opening indicates the balance of emotions, and a mouth, one side of which is narrowed and lowered, is found in stubborn people.

Constantly twitching mouth is a sign of a neurotic personality.

The outline of the mouth is constantly changing. In the first years of life, a person is optimistic and always ready to smile, so the corners of the child’s mouth are slightly raised up. Depending on how life subsequently develops, natural optimism is fixed in the facial features or disappears, and the mouth takes on a shape reflected in ancient Greek theatrical masks: the corners of the mouth turned upward symbolize love of life and optimism, downwards - a tendency towards pessimism.

There is an opinion that it is not the eyes that are the mirror of the soul, but the lips: the more correct and beautiful a person’s lips are, the better his character. In profile they should be even. Beautiful, regular lips are rare; a drooping upper lip or drooping lower lip speak of flaws in a person’s character.

The observations of psychologists coincide with traditional everyday generalizations. It was noted that people with thin lips by nature they are dry, prudent and economical, they do not like long conversations and theatricality. As a rule, they achieve success in financial transactions, which cannot be said about full-lipped (“big-lipped”) people, who are distinguished by their generosity and open demeanor. Women with thin lips often use pencil and bright lipstick to look more attractive and hide bad character traits behind makeup.

Upturned upper lip speaks of a foolish character and distinguishes capricious people, overly full lips talk about affectation. "Dimples" in the corners of the lips distinguish people of good character.

Careful correlation of character with the shape of the lips allows us to identify certain types of lips that reflect important personality traits. The relationship between intelligence and the structure of lips is clearly visible in the example of mentally retarded people: there are no mentally retarded people with neat, even lips.

We stick out our lower lip as a sign of protest, lack of desire, refusal. At the same time, we aggressively raise our chin, thereby expressing disappointment or anger.

When we want to take a decisive step, we purse our lips. Pursed lips drawn deep into the mouth betray a greedy person or a stubborn person, an egoist for whom the world around him is cold and alien, and there is only profit. Tightly pursed lips indicate reluctance to accept or share information. A “stiff” upper lip expresses cold determination, bordering on severity, and can also be a sign of pride or a sense of superiority.

Bow lips- the most feminine. They indicate charm, coquetry, sensuality and at the same time insincerity and deceit. For men, such lips are a sign of vanity and frivolity;

juicy lips are lively, talkative, open people who quickly make friends, easily adapt to any situation and are distinguished by temperament and sensuality;

small lips– gentle, thin, with soft lines, speak of generosity, intelligence, honesty and modesty;

thin lips, cold, but beautifully shaped, they reveal a passionate, very gentle, but sometimes restrained nature. It is difficult to captivate such a person; in any situation he is eloquent and witty. Tough people who are capable of meanness have lips that are too thin;

beautiful, finely drawn and somewhat ironic lips may belong to a poet and intellectual who knows how to combine reality with dreams;

if the upper lip is significantly larger than the lower lip, then the owner of such a mouth is an imperious, dry person with a rational outlook on life, devoid of emotions. If the lower lip is pursed, this indicates impotence in men and frigidity in women;

thick (puffy) lips- a sign of sensuality and strength of character, the distinctive features of which are complete control over oneself, unshakable calm and the need for sensual pleasures.

Do you know that lips reveal character traits? The shape of your mouth reflects how you relate to people; your lips bear the imprint of your temperament. The ability to determine a person's character by their lips helps in communication.

The skill of Chinese sages in determining a person’s character by his face has been known for more than 3,000 years, and it has not lost its significance even today. Facial features are inherited from parents in the same way as temperament traits. With age, your character changes and so do your facial features. The faces of older people very eloquently reveal their essence: on some faces the stamp of bitter disappointment, anger and envy appears, while on others a calm peace, kindness and generosity of soul appear.

When trying to understand the character of an unfamiliar person, first of all, pay attention to the eyes. Yes, of course, they are the “mirror of the soul.” But this mirror is sometimes so deceiving! Take a closer look at your lips too. They will also say a lot about a person.

What do your lips say about your personality?

Key guidelines for analysis:

  • The cupid's bow is a double curved upper lip with a central "V" or indentation. This line resembles the bow of Cupid, the Roman god of love.
  • Lip contour - the border of the lips where the mouth ends and the face begins.
  • The corners are the outer edges of the lips.

Where are the corners of the lips directed?

People with raised corners of their lips are considered optimistic and cheerful, they are sociable and greet every day with a smile. People with downturned lips are often pessimistic, very shy and tend to be alone. However, you can count on them to be honest and fair.

With age, the facial muscles weaken and the corners of the lips droop in almost all people. However, for some they form a rigid line, while for others they give the face an unhappy expression of bitter disappointment.

Full lips

People with thick lips are confident and energetic, although sometimes they are prone to rash actions. They sincerely care about others, value friendship and social connections, but at the same time they have their own opinions and are not afraid to defend them. Men are active and if they are engaged in some activity, they devote themselves completely to it, no matter what it is - business, hobby or entertainment. Women with full lips are generous and affectionate, and they naturally gravitate toward motherhood. They are also sociable and sociable. People with thick lips are believed to be passionate and loving.

Thin lips

Thin-lipped people are independent, cautious and restrained in their expressions of emotion. They are patient and persistent, diligent and pedantic. Usually they study well and achieve a lot in their profession. Men with thin lips can be sarcastic and mocking; if they become leaders, their subordinates fear them. They open their souls only to the closest people and never forgive betrayal. Women with narrow lips seem dry and calculating, but behind external coldness and restraint they sometimes hide high sensitivity and vulnerability, which can lead to loneliness.

Wide mouth

People with wide mouths are energetic, enterprising, lively and talented. They have different interests and a large circle of friends. They are self-sufficient, have their own opinion, although they are not always in a hurry to express it; they are said to walk to the beat of their own drum, and not follow the crowd. Men are often prone to rash and thoughtless actions, but if they make a mistake, they honestly admit it and try to correct it. Women with wide-open lips are able to find their own ways out of difficult situations, without particularly taking into account the opinions of others.

Small mouth

A small mouth is considered a sign of weak character and touchiness. Sometimes this is true, but more often these people are bright and charismatic. It's easy and pleasant with them. The mouth-button in the shape of a kiss reveals a lively and charming woman. But sometimes they can be capricious and in no case want to be left without attention. A man with a small mouth indicates a hidden inner strength, which sometimes manifests itself quite unexpectedly, which makes them especially attractive.

Cupid's bow

In some people, the upper lip has a pronounced depression in the middle, the so-called Cupid's bow. This indicates a creative and bright personality. The essence of their life is glamor and sophistication. People with bow-shaped lips grab life by the horns and are not afraid to take responsibility for the situation. However, they often act impulsively, flare up like matches, and go out just as quickly.

Plump in the center

Sometimes there are lips that are full in the middle and thin at the corners. Cupid's bow. Such people are often the life of the party; they love to be the center of attention. They are caring and cheerful, their character is most often light and pleasant. Thin angles indicate a cheerful disposition.

Rose petals

This is the name for lips in which no particular feature can be identified. They are simply beautiful. As in the fairy tale, these symmetrical lips are “just right” and the character is also without extremes. They are neither full nor thin, but medium in size. Cupid's bow is rounded, this is a sign that the person is kind and gentle. These lips indicate a man with a balanced temperament, he is sociable, but not excessively, he loves to have fun, but can always stop and refrain from any adventure. A woman with such lips is calm and attentive to other people. She loves to communicate, she has good relationships with friends and relatives, but she is unobtrusive and not touchy.

Symmetry and personality traits

According to ancient Chinese ideas about the correspondence of facial features and character, the upper lip represents the “feminine” side (yin) while the lower lip represents the “masculine” side (yang). A person's upper lip can show his sensuality and ability to love, while his lower lip indicates how much love he needs to receive from other people.

A thick lower lip combined with a thin upper lip is a sign of greed and selfishness. Such people love pleasure, but only their own; what their partners feel and desire does not interest them at all. But they can be witty and funny, bursting with energy, entertaining and captivating. They know how to get joy from life, this is worth learning from them.

If the upper lip is full and the lower lip is narrow, then such people are often indecisive, unable to stand up for themselves. They willingly take care of someone, help and save. At the same time, they often like to manipulate others, are vain, strive to set the tone, make plans and captivate others with their ideas. Surprisingly, they usually succeed.

A lip print will tell all the secrets

Gilly Eddu studied more than 10,000 lip prints over the course of almost 30 years. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times. She is also interviewed on radio and television. Jilly Eddy shares her findings and observations about the connection between the shapes of lip prints and the character traits of their owner.

Do a little test:

  • Apply dark lipstick to your lips.
  • Gently pat your mouth dry with a tissue.
  • Find your lip print among the images below.

Imprint shape

Triangle. Your top peak on your lip print is at the center point, your bottom lip is almost straight.

Interpretation. You excel at developing talent and supporting ideas. You are ideally suited for the professions of teacher, consultant, manager and coach. Your career niche is in human resources and technical support.

Diamond (Rhombus). Both your upper and lower lips have a peak at the center point, an imprint in the shape of a diamond crystal.

Interpretation. You are a dazzling personality. Diamonds are a girl's best friend, and so are you. You easily achieve success and gain experience in everything you do. You enjoy helping others achieve their dreams. Your professional area is mentoring. You will make progress and teach others.

Rectangle. Your lip print fits into a rectangular shape, without any curves.

Interpretation. You are the person people go to for advice, money or other help. You help solve problems. You are a skilled negotiator and know how to negotiate. You can become an excellent arbitrator, mediator, lawyer, and also a manager.

Closed or open?

Closed. The imprint of your lips has a small space between them, with your lips almost closed on the imprint.

Interpretation. You are a man of your word. Once you have made a decision, nothing can change it! You always finish what you start. This ability makes you a respected accountant, lawyer and project manager.

Open. The prints of the upper and lower lips are almost never connected.

Interpretation. You are full of energy and can keep a lot of things on your mind. You can excel in a receptionist role, work as a department manager, event planner, nurse, teacher, waiter, and cook.

How to check the accuracy of a lip characteristic?

The answer is very simple: take a closer look and observe people with whom you are familiar and whose character is no secret to you. Start with yourself and those people who clearly have certain structural features of the mouth and lips.

It's not always convenient to look at a person closely, so start with photographs. Choose those where your friends and relatives are not posing, but accidentally got into the frame. Characterize a person based on his lips and check whether your personal opinion matches what the lips indicate. And don’t forget to look at photographs of your elderly relatives in which they were taken in their youth. Old photographs will reveal a lot to you.

Learn to read lips, it will help you in relationships. Sometimes it is difficult to discern evil and deception behind a pleasant smile and beautiful words. But lips can reveal the truth. Knowing this will help you avoid unpleasant surprises.

A person’s character and some behavioral features can be determined by his face. It is believed that the face reflects three worlds: the forehead refers to the divine world, the nose and eyes reflect the physical world. The chin and mouth represent the material world of man.

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The mouth and lips are considered sensual facial features associated with love and eloquence. If a person has a thin and small mouth, this indicates a desire for precision and order. A small mouth “speaks” of a weak character, while people with an inner core have a large mouth. A strong character is reflected by proportional, regularly shaped lips. Plump lips of the correct shape are a sign of kindness, openness, cordiality, thin lips are a sign of selfishness, cruelty, sarcasm, cunning. People with thin lips are petty and scrupulous.

A sign of a good nature is a protruding upper lip. Pursed lips are a sign of selfishness. Thick lips speak of sensuality, laziness, gluttony and a tendency towards base instincts. The masculine principle is reflected by the upper lip, which is slightly larger in size than the lower lip.

Sensual and thin natures have lips that look like a flower bud.

Lips can have the following shapes: - full, wide, - full, small, - the upper lip is larger than the lower, - the lower lip is larger than the upper, - narrow lips of a wide mouth, - narrow lips of a small mouth.

How to determine a woman's character by her lips

A woman with full, wide lips can be called gambling. If she liked something, she will strive to get it at any cost. Such women are usually relaxed and energetic, they do not hesitate to take initiative. Independence and freedom are very important to them; they respect personal space and expect the same from others. The man that such a woman chooses must be able to make important decisions and be a wonderful lover. “Mumbles” and “mama’s boys” are not her taste.

A woman with full but small lips is romantic by nature. Her emotions come first, not cold calculations. The life of such a woman consists of ups and downs. She can genuinely empathize with others and often acts as a vest to cry on, making her likable to many people. She tries not to delve into the essence of the problems, but simply turns a blind eye to them. The image of the ideal man in her head is created from illustrations in romance novels and glossy magazines. Often men make a big mistake, considering such women to be prudes who will unconditionally recognize their superiority and look into their mouths,

A woman with an upper lip larger than her lower lip loves to command. This is an integral personality who takes on a task thoroughly and brings it to its logical conclusion. Such a woman knows exactly what she wants. However, she takes active action if she is confident that she is right. She is infuriated by people who abandon their endeavors halfway through. She achieves success thanks to a combination of high self-esteem and vanity. Such a woman has a full range of leadership qualities; she sets the tone in everything. The ideal man for her should be as ambitious as she is. For such an alliance to be long-term, both will have to learn to find compromises.

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A woman with a lower lip larger than her upper is a mysterious stranger. She is always the center of attention because she stands out from the crowd. Men often look after her with longing, and women throw angry, envious glances in her direction. Such a woman has an incredibly high need to feel her individuality, which is reflected in her manners and clothing style. The ideal man for her is completely special, unlike others.

The mysterious stranger always has many admirers, but she is more interested in those who did not succumb to her charms at first sight

A woman with narrow lips and a wide mouth is a realist. She stands firmly on her feet, loves to plan everything in advance, enjoying this process. The realist is practical and does not wear rose-colored glasses, even when she falls in love. Before throwing herself headlong into the pool, she will first feel the temperature of the water with her toe and evaluate the relief and depth of the bottom. The realist does not show her emotions in public and often gives the impression of a closed, cold and arrogant person. However, this is a mistaken impression. Such a woman likes stability and predictability in life. The man of her dreams does not require any ingenuity or sophistication in any area of ​​life, except for one quality - reliability.

A woman with narrow and small lips is an adventurer. Her reserve of optimism is enough for 3-4 ordinary women; any sea is knee-deep to her. She physically cannot sit in one place; she is not interested in standard projects. Such a woman constantly needs adrenaline, so she often gets into adventures. The adventurer is very confident in herself, so she takes on risky things that others refuse, so as not to spoil her reputation. Such a woman has a strong and strong-willed character, she is a real fighter, and therefore often scares off men. Not everyone can become her worthy companion; the ideal man for her should have the same qualities that she possesses.

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When determining a person’s character, physiognomists consider lips one of the most important features. After all, it is verbally that we express our thoughts, thus revealing our character and mental characteristics.

website suggests taking a close look at your lips (not just your own) and checking how accurately they reflect the owner’s personality.

Large and plump lips

People with this lip shape are simply created to take care of someone. If this is your type, then perhaps as a child you often fed stray kittens, helped at the shelter and wanted to take each pet home with you. You have a strong maternal instinct, a desire to protect and protect others. And in any stressful situation, you think first of all about others, and then about yourself. Such people, as a rule, become the most loving and responsible parents.

The upper lip is larger than the lower lip

The owner of such lips is a drama man. Emotional, bright, charismatic and cheerful. With high self-esteem and the ability to win people over. Admit it, you just love being the center of attention. The brightest phrase and the funniest joke in the company is always yours. You are a real actor who can handle any image.

The lower lip is larger than the upper

Let's be honest: you're just not cut out for office work. And how can you sit on your butt straight when there are so many interesting things in the world! Owners of such lips know what real fun is. You vitally need energy recharge, new acquaintances, new places and impressions. They are curious, sociable and open to everything new. You are the one who leads people along towards new adventures.

Regular lips

The usual lip shape is found in balanced people, with a sound approach to solving problems of any complexity. Your strength is the ability to listen and hear others. You accept criticism easily and respect other people's opinions. It's almost impossible to make you angry. But despite your iron steadfastness, you love to laugh and joke, and the glass is always half full for you.


People with thin lips are usually loners. Just because they like it better. They are self-sufficient and can handle any task. If you have thin lips, then you don't need an escort to go to a museum or travel to distant islands. But despite your love for solitude, you are quite comfortable in company. You quickly find a common language with people, and you understand and appreciate those around you primarily by their actions.

Upper lip with a sharp hollow

Creative nature, creator to the tips of his fingers. Such people make excellent artists and musicians. You perfectly remember faces and names, maintain contacts with all your acquaintances and are always aware of all the latest events. You are sociable, strive for self-expression in all forms and almost always achieve high results.

Upper lip with a rounded hollow

You are a compassionate, sensitive and kind person. You take any trouble to heart and will always find time to help others. Helping in hospitals, shelters and taking care of nature is your calling. It is on such people that our world rests.

Upper lip without hollow

Lip shape can change depending on your mood, on the emotions that overwhelm you at a certain moment. Changes in the shape of the lips due to mood swings are temporary and do not give an accurate description of the person. In order to determine the character by the shape of the lips, you need to look at them when they are in a calm state, i.e. determine the natural shape of the lips.

Lips of medium thickness and regular shape

A characteristic feature of people with such lips is naturalness. In any situation, they remain themselves - balanced, conflict-free, friendly, which attracts other people to them. They are kind and caring, it is very easy to get along with them, and therefore a family union with the owners of such lips is reliable and strong.

Upper lip is larger

This is a sign of determination, as they say: “I see the goal - I see no obstacles.” They are always in the center of events, in the spotlight. Charismatic people know how to beautifully present themselves in society and win over their interlocutor. They treat others with patience and understanding, they will always listen, but once you offend the owner of a large upper lip, touch a nerve, you will lose his favor forever. Always confident that you are right. There is an opinion that people with such lips are insincere.

The bottom one is bigger

When the lower lip is larger than the upper - this is a sign of leadership, these people always want to be right and if they can’t, they just pout that very lip, which means they are also touchy. They are also unyielding and selfish. But with all this, their real passion is pleasure and entertainment. Those with a large lower lip cannot sit still, routine kills them, they need to be nourished with emotions: new people, new impressions, they are inquisitive, it’s interesting to be with them.

Plump lips

People with plump lips are capricious and love attention. They are very sociable and are never lonely. They seek pleasure and an easy life, for the sake of which they can be calculating, cynical and heartless. But in family life they are affectionate, kind and caring people.

Thin lips

A characteristic feature of thin-lipped people is independence and self-sufficiency. They study hard and achieve a lot. They are careful and restrained in expressing emotions, fully revealing themselves only to close people. Pedantic. Many people believe that if a person has thin lips, then he is closed, not sociable and gloomy, but in fact these are sociable and cheerful people.

Upper with a sharp hollow

This indicates a sophisticated mind, the ability to generate ideas, and wit. The owner of an acute cleavage quickly reacts to everything that happens around him and is always aware of all matters and events. They are very sociable and have many friends and acquaintances. This is a kind of genius with excellent memory and a mega-developed brain. Such a person will never forget anything. In addition, he can be quite harsh and can subtly humiliate.

Upper with a rounded hollow

These are sensitive, sincere people who take everything to heart. Kind and sympathetic, ready to help at any time.

The top without a hollow is straight

These are very responsible people, they will hurt themselves, but they will complete the task, and on time. They are balanced, restrain their emotions and know how to forgive.

The top one is almost invisible

People with a thin upper lip show clear signs of leadership. They control everything, understand people, can be persistent, and also know how to persuade. Distrustful.

Large mouth

These are people with a pronounced desire to grow up the career ladder. They have a strong, strong-willed character. They don't expect miracles, they don't fly in the clouds. They have a tendency to depression.

The corners of the mouth look up

These people are undoubtedly optimists. Sociable, the life of the party.

The corners of the mouth look down

These people are most often depressed, prone to melancholy, apathy and depression.

The shape of the lips will tell you about a person, about his character traits. Observe the people around you, what kind of lips do they have!? What shape are your lips? Does the character description based on your lips suit you?


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