Orthoepy and the concept of orthoepic norm. Topic: Basic orthoepic rules of the modern Russian literary language

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Orthoepic norms of Russian literary language regulate correct pronunciation sounds in different phonetic positions, with other sounds, in certain grammatical forms ah and separate words. Distinctive feature pronunciation is uniform. Spelling errors can negatively affect listeners’ perception of speech. They can distract the interlocutor’s attention from the essence of the conversation, causing misunderstanding and irritation. Pronunciation that corresponds to orthoepic standards facilitates the communication process and makes it more effective.

Orthoepic norms determined by the phonetic system of the language. Each language is characterized by its own phonetic laws governing the pronunciation of sounds and the words they create.

The basis of the Russian literary language is the Moscow dialect, however, in Russian orthoepy, the so-called “younger” and “senior” norms are distinguished. The first one displays the distinctive features modern pronunciation, the second draws attention to Old Moscow orthoepic norms.

Basic rules of pronunciation

In the Russian language, only those vowels that are under stress are clearly pronounced: garden, cat, daughter. Those vowels that are in an unstressed position may lose clarity and definition. This is the law of reduction. Thus, the vowel “o” at the beginning of a word without stress or in pre-stressed syllables can be pronounced like “a”: s(a)roka, v(a)rona. In unstressed syllables, an unclear sound can be pronounced in place of the letter “o”, for example, like the first syllable in the word “head”.

The vowel sound “and” is pronounced like “y” after a preposition, a hard consonant, or when pronouncing two words together. For example, “pedagogical institute”, “laughter and tears”.

As for the pronunciation of consonants, it is guided by the laws of deafening and assimilation. Voiced consonants facing a dull sound are deafened, which is characteristic feature Russian speech. An example is the word “pillar”, the last letter of which is stunned and pronounced like “p”. There are very, very many such words.

In many words, instead of the sound “ch”, one should pronounce “sh” (the word “what”), and the letter “g” in endings is read as “v” (the words “mine”, “nobody” and others).

As mentioned above, orthoepic norms deal with the pronunciation of borrowed words. Usually such words obey the norms existing in the language, and only sometimes can they have their own characteristics. One of the most common rules is to soften the consonants before “e”. This can be seen in words such as “faculty”, “cream”, “overcoat” and others. However, in some words the pronunciation may vary (“dean”, “terror”, “therapy”).

Orthoepic norms– these are also norms for setting stress, which is not fixed in the Russian language. This means that in different grammatical forms of the word the stress may differ (“hand” - “hand _

9. Stress norms in modern Russian

Accent- This is a mandatory feature of the word. This is the highlighting of a syllable in a word by various means: intensity, duration, tone movement. Russian stress is unfixed (various places) and mobile (moves in different grammatical forms of one word). Stress serves to distinguish the grammatical forms of a word. Sometimes stress serves as a sign by which the meanings of a word differ (homographs). In the accentological norm, there are such concepts as proclitic and enclitic. A proclitic is an unstressed word adjacent to a stressed word in front. An enclitic is an unstressed word attached to the back of a word. In addition, there are words in the language with so-called double stress, these are accentological variants. Sometimes they are equal, often one may be preferable.

Orthoepy(Greek orthоpeia, from orthоs - correct and еpos - speech). The term “orthoepy” has two main meanings: 1) “a set of norms of a literary language associated with the sound design of significant units: morphemes, words, sentences. Among such norms, a distinction is made between pronunciation norms (the composition of phonemes, their implementation in different positions, the phonemic composition of individual phonemes) and the norms of supersegmental phonetics (stress and intonation)”; 2) a branch of linguistics that studies the rules of oral speech.

The scope of the concept “orthoepy” is not completely established: some linguists understand orthoepy in a narrowed way - as a set of not only specific norms of oral speech (i.e. norms of pronunciation and stress), but also the rules for the formation of grammatical forms of a word: candles - candles, sways - sways, heavier - heavier. In our manual, in accordance with the definition given at the beginning of this paragraph, orthoepy is understood as a set of rules of pronunciation and stress. The formation of grammatical forms is considered only if the form-distinguishing function is performed by stress.

Orthoepy is closely related to phonetics: pronunciation rules cover phonetic system language, i.e. the composition of phonemes distinguished in a given language, their quality, changes in different phonetic conditions. The subject of orthoepy is pronunciation standards. Orthoepic norm- this is the only possible or preferred language option that corresponds to the pronunciation system and the basic patterns of language development.

Orthoepy includes the following sections.

1. Orthoepic norms in the field of vowels and consonants.

2. Features of the pronunciation of borrowed words.

3. Features of the pronunciation of individual grammatical forms.

4. The concept of pronunciation styles. Their features.

Orthoepy norms

Orthoepic norms are also called literary pronunciation norms, since they serve the literary language, i.e. a language spoken and written by cultured people. Literary language unites all Russian speakers; it is needed to overcome linguistic differences between them. And this means that he must have strict norms: not only lexical - norms for the use of words, not only grammatical, but also orthoepic norms. Differences in pronunciation, like other differences in language, interfere with people's communication by shifting their attention from what is being said to how it is being said.

Pronunciation standards are determined by the phonetic system of the language. Each language has its own phonetic laws according to which words are pronounced. For example, in Russian the stressed sound [o] in an unstressed position changes to [a] ( V[O] du - in[A] Yes,T[O] cheat - t[A] read); after soft consonants, stressed vowels [o, a, e] change to an unstressed sound [i] ( m[I] with - m[And] sleep, V[ё] l - V[And] la, l[e] h - ow[And] shut up); at the end of words, voiced consonants change to voiceless (du[b]y - du[P], Moro[z] s - Moro[With]). The same exchange of voiced for voiceless occurs before voiceless consonants ( RU[b] it - RU[P] ka, how much h it - how much[With] co), and voiceless consonants before voiced ones change to voiced ones ( co[With] it - co h bah, molo[T] it - molo[d] bah). Phonetics studies these laws. Orthoepic norms determine the choice of pronunciation options - if the phonetic system is in in this case allows for several possibilities. So, in words of foreign origin, in principle, the consonant before the letter e can be pronounced both hard and soft, while the orthoepic norm sometimes requires hard pronunciation (for example, [de] when, [te] mp), sometimes soft (for example [d "e] declaration, [i.e.] temperament, mu[z"e] th). The phonetic system of the Russian language allows both the combination [shn] and the combination [ch"n], cf. bulo[h"n] and I And bulo[shn] and I, but the orthoepic norm prescribes to speak horse[shn] O, but not horse[h"n] O. Orthoepy also includes stress norms: pronounce correctly document, but not document,began, but not started,ringing, A Not rings, alphabet, but not alphabet).

The basis of the Russian literary language, and therefore literary pronunciation, is the Moscow dialect. This is how it happened historically: it was Moscow that became the unifier of Russian lands, the center of the Russian state. Therefore, the phonetic features of the Moscow dialect formed the basis of orthoepic norms. If the capital of the Russian state were not Moscow, but, say, Novgorod or Vladimir, then the literary norm would be “okanye” (i.e. we would now pronounce V[O] Yes, but not V[A] Yes), and if Ryazan became the capital - “yakanye” (i.e. we would say V[l "a] su, but not V[l"i] su).

Orthoepic rules prevent errors in pronunciation and cut off unacceptable options. Pronunciation options recognized as incorrect, non-literary, may appear under the influence of the phonetics of other language systems - territorial dialects, urban vernacular or closely related languages, mainly Ukrainian. We know that not all Russian speakers have the same pronunciation. In the north of Russia they “okayat” and “ekayat”: they pronounce V[O] Yes, G[O] V[O] rit, n[e] su), in the south - “akat” and “yak” (they say V[A] Yes, n[I] su), there are other phonetic differences.

A person who has not mastered the literary language since childhood, but is consciously mastering literary pronunciation, may encounter in his speech pronunciation features characteristic of the local dialect, which he learned in childhood. For example, people from the south of Russia often retain a special pronunciation of the sound [g] - they pronounce in its place a voiced [x] (a sound denoted in transcription by the sign [g]). It is important to understand that this kind of pronunciation features are a violation of norms only in the system of a literary language, and in the system of territorial dialects they are normal and correct and correspond to the phonetic laws of these dialects.

There are other sources of non-literary pronunciation. If a person first encountered a word in written language, in fiction or other literature, and before that he has never heard how it is pronounced, he may read it incorrectly, voice it: the pronunciation may be affected by the lettering of the word. It was under the influence of writing that, for example, the pronunciation of the word appeared chu[f] quality instead of the correct one chu[With] yours, [h] That instead of [w] That, help[sch] Nick instead of help[w] Nick.

The orthoepic norm does not always affirm as the only correct one of the pronunciation options, rejecting the other as erroneous. In some cases, it allows variations in pronunciation. Literary, correct pronunciation is considered e[f"f"] at, in and[f"f"] at with a soft long sound [zh "], and e[LJ] at, in and[LJ] at- with a hard long; correct and before[f"f"] And, And before[railway] And, And ra[sh"sh"] ist And ra[sh"h"] ist, and [d] believe and [d"] believe, And P[O] ezia And P[A] ezia. Thus, in contrast to spelling norms, which offer one option and prohibit others, orthoepic norms allow options that are either assessed as equal, or one option is considered desirable and the other acceptable. For example, Orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language edited by R.I.Avanesov (M., 1997) word pool allows you to pronounce with both soft and hard [s], i.e. And ba[s"e] yn And ba[se] yn; in this dictionary it is suggested to pronounce maneuvers, glider, but pronunciation is also allowed maneuvers, plner.

The appearance of many orthoepic variants is associated with the development of the literary language. The pronunciation is gradually changing. At the beginning of the 20th century. talked A[n"] gel, this[R"] forge, ve[r"x], ne[R"] vyy. And even now in the speech of older people one can often find such pronunciation. The hard pronunciation of the consonant [s] in the particle - is quickly disappearing from the literary language. Xia (sya) (laughed[With] A, met[With]). At the beginning of the 20th century. this was the norm of the literary language, just like the hard sounds [g, k, x] in adjectives in - cue, -Guy, -hey and in verbs ending in - nod, -give up, -huff. Words high, strict, dilapidated, jump, bounce, shake off pronounced as if it were written strict, dilapidated, jump up, jump up. Then the norm began to allow both options - old and new: and laughed[With] A And laughed[s"]i, and strictly[G] th strictly[G"] th. As a result of changes in literary pronunciation, variants appear, some of which characterize the speech of the older generation, others - of the younger.

Orthoepic norms are established by scientists - specialists in the field of phonetics. On what basis do linguists decide which option should be rejected and which should be approved? Orthoepy codifiers weigh the pros and cons of each of the variants encountered, taking into account various factors: the prevalence of the pronunciation variant, its compliance with the objective laws of language development (i.e. they look at which variant is doomed and which has a future ). They establish the relative strength of each argument for a pronunciation option. For example, the prevalence of a variant is important, but this is not the strongest argument in its favor: there are also common mistakes. In addition, spelling specialists are in no hurry to approve new option, adhering to reasonable conservatism: literary pronunciation should not change too quickly, it should be stable, because the literary language connects generations, unites people not only in space, but also in time. Therefore, it is necessary to recommend a traditional, but living norm, even if it was not the most widespread

In the pronunciation of adjectives of the genitive case singular, neuter and masculine, according to tradition, the consonant [g] is replaced by [v]: near a black [ch"yaoґrnav] stone, without a blue [s"yn"въ] scarf.

In adjectives starting with - hiy, -kyy, -hiy and in verbs ending in - nod, nod, huff the consonants G, K, X are pronounced softly, in contrast to the Old Moscow pronunciation, which required a hard consonant in these cases:

Unstressed personal endings of verbs 1 and 2 conjugations - ut, -ut, -at, -yat and suffixes active participles present time -ush-, -yush-, -ash-, -box- in the language of our days they are pronounced differently, their pronunciation is guided by writing. Old Moscow norms required the pronunciation of these endings and suffixes only according to option 1 of the conjugation. Such pronunciation options are now outdated, but they can still be heard in the speech of old intellectuals.

4. Pronunciation of postfixes -sya and -s in reflexive verbs. Old Moscow pronunciation was characterized by the pronunciation of the hard [s] in these morphemes: battle[s], soap[sъ]. The only exceptions were gerunds in which a hard consonant was pronounced: fighting [s"], knocking [s"]. IN modern language It is recommended to pronounce [s"] in all cases, except for those when the postfix is ​​preceded by the sound [s]: carried [s'], shook [s'], but: stay [s"'], washed [s''].

Orthoepic rules cover only the area of ​​pronunciation of individual sounds in certain phonetic positions or combinations of sounds, as well as features of the pronunciation of sounds in certain grammatical forms, in groups of words or individual words.

It should be highlighted:

a) rules for pronunciation of individual sounds (vowels and consonants);

b) rules for pronunciation of combinations of sounds;

c) rules for pronunciation of individual grammatical forms;

d) rules for pronunciation of individual borrowed words.

The differentiation of styles in the literary language in the field of vocabulary and grammar is also manifested in the field of pronunciation. There are two types of pronunciation style: conversational style and public (book) speech style. Conversational style is ordinary speech, dominant in everyday communication, stylistically weakly colored, neutral. The absence of a focus on perfect pronunciation in this style leads to the appearance of pronunciation variants, for example: [pr O s "ut] and [pr O s"ът], [high O ky] and [high O k"y]. Book style finds expression in different forms public speech: in radio broadcasting and sound films, in reports and lectures, etc. This style requires impeccable linguistic design, strict preservation of historically formed norms, and the elimination of pronunciation variations. In cases where differences in pronunciation are due solely to the field of phonetics, two styles are distinguished: full and colloquial (incomplete). Full style It is distinguished by a clear pronunciation of sounds, which is achieved by a slow pace of speech. The conversational (incomplete) style is characterized by a faster pace and, naturally, less careful articulation of sounds.

In the Russian literary language, due to certain sound laws (assimilation, dissimilation, reduction) In words, the pronunciation of individual sounds and their combinations was established, which did not correspond to the spelling. We write what, whom, went, studied, but we must pronounce [ what ], [cavo ], [hadil ], [student ], etc. This is generally considered to be the pronunciation norm of the literary language, which was established long before the appearance of the rules of orthoepy. Over time, pronunciation rules were developed that became mandatory for literary speech.

The most important of these rules are the following:

1. Vowel sounds are pronounced clearly (in accordance with their spelling) only under stress ( conversationAND li, xABOUT dim, cmE ly, bE ly, nABOUT Sim). In an unstressed position, vowel sounds are pronounced differently.

2. The vowel o in an unstressed position should be pronounced as a sound close to a [ VA Yes], [XA RA sho], [ToA force], [mountainsAT ], and write - water, good, mowed, city .

3. Unstressed e, i should be pronounced as a sound close to i [ VAND sleep], [passAND private], [plAND satiate], [PAND RAND smatreli], and write - spring, sowing, dance, reviewed .

4. Voiced consonants (paired) at the end of words and before voiceless consonants in the middle of a word should be pronounced as their corresponding paired unvoiced [ duP ], [mountainT ], [breadP ], [MaroWITH ], [daroSh ka], [grisP ki], [aboutZ bah], [smallD bah], [reWITH cue], and it is written - oak, city, bread, frost, path, fungi, request .

5. The sound g should be pronounced as a plosive, except for the word God, which is pronounced aspirated. At the end of words, instead of r, there is a paired voiceless k [ otherTO ], [booksTO ], [bootsTO ], [moTO ], and it is written - friend, books, boots, could etc.

6. Consonants s, z before sibilants zh, sh, ch should be pronounced as long sibilants [ AND burn], [AND feverish], [beLJ worn out], but it is written burn, with heat, lifeless . At the beginning of some words sch sounds like sch [SCH astier], [SCH no], [SCH italy], and it is written - happiness, counting, counting .

7. In some words the combination chn pronounced like [ caneShN A], [boredShN A], [Me andShN itza], [squareShN IR], [NikitiShN A], [SavvySh on], [laundryShN and I], but it is written of course, boring, scrambled eggs, birdhouse, Nikitichna, Savvichna, laundry . In some words, double pronunciation is allowed - bakery -[buloShN and I], lactic - [moloShN th], but only bakery, dairy is written. In most words, the combination chn is pronounced in accordance with the spelling (eternal, dacha, durable, night, stove).

8. Words that should be pronounced as [ what], [shtoby].

9. When a series of consonants collide - rdc, stn, stl, etc., usually one of these sounds is not pronounced. We write: heart, honest, stairs, happy , and we pronounce [ seRC e], [whatCH th], [leCH itza], [nowSL willow].

10. The endings -ogo, -it should be pronounced as ava, iva [ redAVA ],[synWILLOW ], [kavo], [chIVO], and write red, blue, whom, what.

11. Endings -tsya,-tsya(study, studies) are pronounced like - tsa [teachCC A], [daringCC A], [meetingCC A].

12. Letters at the beginning of words uh - e are written in accordance with pronunciation (this, echo, standard, experiment; ride, eat, huntsman).

In a number of foreign words after consonants and And is written e, although pronounced uh(diet, hygiene, atheist, atelier, muffler, coffee, pince-nez, parterre), exceptions: sir, mayor, peer. After other vowels, e is more often written and pronounced (poetry, poet, silhouette, maestro, but: project, register).

In a number of foreign words, after consonants that are pronounced softly, it is written and pronounced e(museum, technical school, academy, dean, decade, cologne, plywood, tempo).

In Russian words after f, w, c pronounced uh, but it is always written e(iron, even, six, quieter, whole, at the end).

13. Double consonants, both in native Russian words and words of foreign origin, are in most cases pronounced as single consonants (that is, without their extension).

We write : Russia, Russian, eleven, public, made, chord, cancel, accompaniment, assistant, carefully, balloon, Saturday, gram, flu, class, correspondent, tennis, etc., and we pronounce these words without doubling these consonants, for with the exception of a few words in which double consonants are written and pronounced (bath, manna, gamma, etc.).

In orthoepy, there is a law of reduction (weakening of articulation) of vowels, according to which vowel sounds are pronounced without change only under stress, and in an unstressed position they are reduced, that is, they are subject to weakened articulation.

In orthoepy, there is a rule according to which the voiced consonants B, V, G, D, Zh, 3 at the end of a word sound like their paired voiceless P, F, K, T, Sh, S. For example: forehead - lo[p], blood - cro[f"], eye - eye[s], ice - le[t], fright - fright[k]. (The sign " denotes the softness of the consonant).

In orthoepy, the combinations Зж and Жж, located inside the root of the word, are pronounced as a long (double) soft sound [ZH]. For example: I’m leaving - I’m leaving, I’m arriving - I’m coming, later - it’s burning, reins - reins, rattling - rattling. The word “rain” is pronounced with a long soft [SH] (SHSH) or with a long soft [ZH] (ZHZH) before the combination ZhZH: dosh, dozhzha, dozzhichek, dozhzhit, dozzhem, dozzhevik.

Combinations of MF and ZCH are pronounced as a long soft sound [Ш"]: happiness - happiness, count - schet, customer - customer.

In some combinations of several consonants, one of them falls out: hello - hello, heart - heart, sun - sun.

The sounds [T] and [D] are softened before the soft [V] only in some words. For example: door - door, two - two, twelve - twelve, movement - movement, Thursday - Thursday, solid - solid, branches - branches, but two, courtyard, supply.

In the words “if”, “near”, “after”, “unless” the sounds [S] and [Z] are softened and pronounced: “if”, “took”, “posle”, “razve”.

In the words ordinary, majestic, especialN-Nyn and others, two “Ns” are pronounced.

The reflexive particle SY in verbs is pronounced firmly - SA: washed, boyals, dressed. Combination of ST sounds before soft sound[B] is pronounced softly: natural - natural, majestic - majestic.

In normal colloquial pronunciation There are a number of deviations from orthoepic norms. The sources of such deviations are often the native dialect (pronunciation in one or another dialect of the speaker) and writing (incorrect, letter pronunciation corresponding to spelling). So, for example, for natives of the north, a stable dialect feature is okanye, and for southerners - the pronunciation of the [g] fricative. Pronunciation in place of the letter G at the end of the family pad. adjectives sound [g], and in place h(in words of course that) sound [h] is explained by the “literal” pronunciation, which in this case does not coincide with the sound composition of the word. The task of orthoepy is to eliminate deviations from literary pronunciation.

There are a lot of rules in orthoepy and to master them you should consult the relevant literature.

Word stress

Russian stress is the most difficult area of ​​the Russian language to master. It is distinguished by the presence large quantity pronunciation options: loop and loop, cottage cheese and cottage cheese, rings and rings, beginnings and beginnings, means and means. Russian accent is characterized by diversity and mobility. Variability is the ability of stress to fall on any syllable of Russian words: on the first - iconography, on the second - expert, on the third - blinds, on the fourth - apartments. In many languages ​​of the world, stress is attached to a specific syllable. Mobility is the property of stress to move from one syllable to another when changing (declension or conjugation) of the same word: water - water, I go - you walk. Most words in the Russian language (about 96%) have movable stress. Variability and mobility, historical variability of pronunciation norms lead to the appearance of accent variants for one word. Sometimes one of the options is sanctioned by dictionaries as corresponding to the norm, and the other - as incorrect. Wed: shop, - incorrect; the store is correct.

In other cases, the options are given in dictionaries as equal: sparkling and sparkling. Reasons for the appearance of accent variants: The law of analogy - large group words with a certain type of stress affects a smaller one, similar in structure. In the word thinking, the emphasis moved from the root thinking to the suffix -eni- by analogy with the words beating, driving, etc. False analogy. The words gas pipeline, garbage chute are pronounced incorrectly by false analogy with the word wire with the emphasis on the penultimate syllable: gas pipeline, garbage chute. Development of the ability of stress to differentiate the forms of words. For example, with the help of stress, the forms of the indicative and imperative moods are distinguished: restrain, force, take a sip and restrain, force, take a sip. Mixing stress patterns. This reason operates more often in borrowed words, but can also appear in Russian ones. For example, nouns in -iya have two stress patterns: dramaturgy (Greek) and astronomy (Latin). In accordance with these models, one should pronounce: asymmetry, industry, metallurgy, therapy and veterinary medicine, gastronomy, cooking, speech therapy, drug addiction. However, in living speech there is a mixture of models, as a result of which variants appear: cooking and cooking, speech therapy and speech therapy, drug addiction and drug addiction. The effect of the tendency towards rhythmic balance. This tendency appears only in four- to five-syllable words.

If the interstress interval (the distance between stress in neighboring words) turns out to be greater than the critical interval (the critical interval is equal to four unstressed syllables in a row), then the stress moves to the previous syllable. Accent interaction of word-formation types. The variants in the cases spare - spare, transfer - transfer, platoon - platoon, push - push, tidal - tidal, otvodny - otvodny are explained by the accentual interaction of denominal and verbal formations: transfer - from transfer, transfer - from translate, etc. Professional pronunciation: spark (for electricians), mining (for miners), compass, cruisers (for sailors), boy (for salesmen), agony, bite, alcohol, syringes (for doctors), armhole, leaves (for tailors), characteristic (for actors), etc. Trends in the development of stress. In two- and three-syllable masculine nouns, there is a tendency for stress to shift from the last syllable to the previous one (regressive stress). For some nouns this process has ended. Once upon a time they said: turner, competition, runny nose, ghost, despot, symbol, air, pearl, epigraph. In other words, the process of stress transition continues to this day and is manifested in the presence of options: quarter (incorrect quarter), cottage cheese and additional. cottage cheese, contract and extras. contract, dispensary (wrong dispensary), catalog (catalogue not recommended), obituary not recommended (obituary). In feminine nouns also of two- and three-syllables, there is a shift in stress from the first word to the next (progressive stress): kerza - kerza, keta - keta, foil - foil, cutter - cutter. The source of the appearance of variants can be stresses in words with different meanings: linguistic - linguistic, developed - developed, chaos - chaos, flap - flap. Insufficient mastery of exotic vocabulary: pima or pima (shoes), high boots or high boots (shoes), shanga or shanga (in Siberia this is what they call cheesecake). Thus, the norms of modern Russian literary pronunciation are a complex phenomenon.

Studying pronunciation norms orthoepy. Orthoepy means correct pronunciation. Russian orthoepy is a branch of the science of the Russian language that studies the norms of literary pronunciation. In Russian orthoepy, a distinction is made between “senior” and “younger” norms in the pronunciation of individual sounds, sound combinations, words and their forms. The “senior” norm retains the features of Old Moscow pronunciation. The “younger” norm reflects the features of modern literary pronunciation. The listener tries to perceive the meaning of what is said. Errors in the pronunciation of certain words hurt the ear, distract from the essence of the presentation, and can cause misunderstanding and indignation.

By the way a person speaks, how he puts emphasis, one can determine, for example, his place of birth or residence. There are such dialect features as “akanye” or “okanye”, etc. In any case, the correct pronunciation of words is an indicator of the level of education of the speaker.

Among the pronunciation norms, two of the strongest can also be distinguished. First norm– this is a quantitative and qualitative reduction of vowel sounds in an unstressed position. This norm excludes the so-called okanye, i.e. pronouncing the sound [ O] in an unstressed position. You can’t say [milk?, dear?y, z?loto], etc. You need to say: [melak?, dear?y, z?lta].

Attention should be paid to difficult cases of reduction.

After soft consonants in the first pre-stressed syllable in place of letters a, e, i pronounce the sound [ ie]: watch. This is called "hiccupping". It is found in neutral and colloquial styles. “Ekanye” (pronunciation of the sound [ hey]) characterizes stage speech: V[ hey]nets, t[ hey]new. Pronunciation h[ And]sy- outdated, h[ A]sy– dialectal.

In a few words of foreign language origin, not completely assimilated by the Russian language, in place of the letter O, in contrast to the Russian orthoepic norm, in an unstressed position the weakened [ O], i.e. without reduction: for the sake of[ O]. Too distinct [ O] is perceived as mannered, on the other hand – a distinct pronunciation [ O] in “Russified” book words ( sonata, short story) is also undesirable, as it gives the pronunciation a colloquial connotation.

Causes difficulty in the functioning of the sound [ O], indicated on the letter by the letter e. Letter e proposed to use the Russian historian N.M. Karamzin, simplifying complex drawing pre-existing letter in the alphabet. However, the letter e Now we can only find it in primers and textbooks for foreigners studying the Russian language. The absence of this letter in books and periodicals leads to incorrect pronunciation of words. You should pay attention to words in which the vowel [ O], designated by the letter e, sometimes mistakenly replaced with percussion [ uh], whitish, maneuvers pronounced as whitish, maneuvers. Sometimes, on the contrary, the drum [ uh] is mistakenly replaced with [ O] e: grenadier, scam pronounced as grenadier, scam. This pronunciation is not normative.

Second strongest pronunciation norm- This is a softening of hard consonants before soft ones and before front vowels.

After the hissing [ and] And [ w] and sound [ ts] unstressed vowel [ A] is pronounced like a short [ A]: jargon, kings, but before soft consonants - like the sound [ ee]: regret, thirty. In rare cases [ ee] is also pronounced before hard consonants: rye, jasmine.

Consonants ts, f, w- hard sounds, followed by letters in place And pronounced [ s]: revolutionary[ s]i, f[ s]zn, w[ s]ry.

There are also a number of rules that regulate correct use(application), i.e., pronunciation of consonants (most often combinations of consonants). Let's list some of them.

In masculine nouns – change consonant [ h] is pronounced firmly in all cases, including when softening the final consonant in D.p. and pp.: under capitalism.

Voiced consonants at the absolute end of a word and before voiceless consonants are deafened: shares[ With], pre[ T] acceptance.

Consonant [ G] can be pronounced like [ G] – year, [ To] – enemy, [ ? ] – God(r-fricative), [ X] – God, [ V] – whom.

Sound [ ? ] within the modern literary norm is pronounced in a limited number of words, but the pronunciation [ G]oh my God, a[ G]a, o[ G]o can be considered a variant of the norm.

In the Russian language there is a tendency towards adaptability of the sound appearance of borrowed words from e after a hard consonant, many such words have “Russified” and are now pronounced with a soft consonant before e: museum, cream, academy, overcoat, plywood, Odessa. But a number of words retain a hard consonant: antenna, business, genetics, detective, test. Variant pronunciation allowed: dean, claim, therapy, terror, track. The hard or soft pronunciation of a consonant is determined in dictionary order.

According to old Moscow standards, the spelling combination chn pronounced like [ shn]. Currently [ shn] is stored in words: of course, boring, scrambled eggs, on purpose, birdhouse, trifling and in female patronymics – ichna: Fominichna, Kuzminichna. In a number of words, double pronunciation is allowed: bulo[ chn]naya and boo[ shn]naya, although the latter is becoming obsolete.

According to the “senior” standard, the combination Thu pronounced like [ PC] in a word What and words derived from it: nothing, something etc. Currently, this rule is maintained for all specified words, except something[ Thu]. In all other words, spelling Thu always pronounced like [ Thu]: mail, dream.

Combination railway in a word rain and its derivatives were pronounced according to the “senior” norm as [ w'f'] (at the end of the word – [ sh'sh']). Modern pronunciation [ zhd'] (at the end of the word – [ PC']) is assessed as a variant of the literary norm.

According to the “senior” standard, spelling combinations zzh And LJ(yeast, later) worn out like [ w'f'] – long and soft hissing. Currently on site zzh And LJ pronounced hard hissing [ LJ]. And this pronunciation is assessed as a variant of the literary norm.

According to the rate of speech, complete and incomplete pronunciation styles are distinguished. The full style is characterized by a slow tempo and correct articulation. Sounds are pronounced clearly and clearly, for example: "Hello!" The incomplete style is characterized by a fast tempo and unclear pronunciation of sounds is allowed, for example: “Hello!” The incomplete style is appropriate for everyday, interpersonal communication.

According to another classification of styles, there are high, neutral and conversational styles. The choice of pronunciation style depends on the appropriateness of its use in a particular situation. IN colloquial speech you can pronounce words "only" like [toko], words "What"[che], etc. It is obvious that on public speaking or in official communication, such liberties are unacceptable.

You should also pay attention to the placement of the accent. Stress in Russian is not fixed, it is flexible: in different grammatical forms of the same word, the stress can be different: end - final - finish.

In most cases, it is necessary to refer to the “Orthoepic Dictionary of the Russian Language”, ed. R.I. Avanesov, which gives the pronunciation of the word. This is the best way to learn the above norms: before using any word that causes difficulties in practice, you need to look into a spelling dictionary and find out how it (the word) is pronounced.


1. Orthoepy tasks.

2. Modern spelling standards.

3. Russian literary pronunciation and its historical foundations.

4. General and specific rules of orthoepy.

5. Deviations from pronunciation norms and their causes.

Orthoepy – This is a set of rules for pronunciation of words. Orthoepy (Greek orthos - straight, correct and eros - speech) is a set of rules of oral speech that establish uniform literary pronunciation.

Orthoepic norms cover the phonetic system of the language, i.e. the composition of phonemes distinguished in the modern Russian literary language, their quality and changes in certain phonetic positions. In addition, the content of orthoepy includes the pronunciation of individual words and groups of words, as well as individual grammatical forms in cases where their pronunciation is not determined by the phonetic system.

Orthoepy is a term that is used in 2 meanings:

1. A set of rules that establish the unity of pronunciation in a literary language (this is the rule of literary pronunciation).

2. A branch of linguistics adjacent to phonetics, which describes the theoretical foundations and norms of the literary language from the point of view of pronunciation. Oral speech has existed as long as human society. In ancient times and even in the 19th century. Each locality had its own pronunciation features - these were the so-called territorial dialect features. They have survived to this day.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, an urgent need arose for a unified literary language, including, general rules pronunciation. Therefore, science began to take shape orthoepy. It is closely related to phonetics. Both sciences study spoken speech, but phonetics describes everything that is in oral speech, and orthoepy characterizes oral speech only from the point of view of its correctness and compliance with literary norms. Literary norm - this is the rule of use linguistic units. These rules are mandatory for everyone who speaks a literary language.

The norms of literary language develop gradually, and mastery of the norms is a difficult and complex task, which is facilitated by the widespread development of means of communication. The norms of the literary language, including pronunciation, are laid down at school. Oral literary speech has uniform norms, but it is not uniform. She has some options. There are currently three pronunciation styles:

1. Neutral (medium) This is normal, calm speech. educated person, who knows literary norms. It is for this style that orthoepic norms are created.

2. Book style (nowadays rarely used in scientific oratorical introductions). This is characterized by increased clarity of pronunciation.

3. Colloquial literary style. This is the pronunciation of an educated person in unprepared situations. Here it is possible to deviate from strict rules.

Modern pronunciation developed gradually over a long period of time. The basis of modern pronunciation is the Moscow dialect. The Moscow dialect itself began to be created in the 15th-16th centuries, in general outline developed in the 17th century. In the 2nd half of the 19th century, a system of pronunciation rules was developed. Norms based on Moscow pronunciation were reflected in stage speeches in Moscow theaters of the 2nd half of the 19th century. These standards are reflected in the 4-volume explanatory dictionary edited by Ushakov in the mid-30s, Ozhegov’s dictionary was created. These norms are not fixed. Moscow pronunciation was influenced by: a) St. Petersburg and Leningrad norms; b) some norms of book writing. Orthoepic norms are changing.

By their nature, pronunciation norms are divided into two groups:

1. Strictly mandatory.

2. Variant acceptable standards

Modern spelling standards include several sections:

1. Rules for the pronunciation of individual sounds.

2. Rules for pronunciation of combinations of sounds.

3. Rules for the pronunciation of individual grammatical sounds.

4. Rules for pronunciation of foreign words and abbreviations.

5. Rules for placing stress.

The orthoepy of the modern Russian literary language is a historically established system, which, along with new features, largely preserves old, traditional features that reflect the historical path traversed by the literary language. Historical basis Russian literary pronunciation are the most important linguistic features spoken language cities of Moscow, which were formed in the 1st half of the 17th century. By this time, Moscow pronunciation had lost its narrow dialectal features and combined the pronunciation features of both the northern and southern dialects of the Russian language. Acquiring a generalized character, Moscow pronunciation became a typical expression of the national language. M.V. Lomonosov considered the Moscow “dialect” to be the basis of literary pronunciation: “The Moscow dialect is not ...... for the importance of the capital city, but also for its excellent beauty, it is rightly preferred to others ...”

Moscow pronunciation norms were transferred to other economic and cultural centers as a model and were adopted there on the basis of local dialect features. This is how the peculiarities of pronunciation in St. Petersburg developed, cultural center and the capital of Russia 18-19 centuries. at the same time, there was no complete unity in Moscow pronunciation: there were pronunciation variants that had different stylistic overtones.

With the development and strengthening national language Moscow pronunciation acquired the character and significance of national pronunciation norms. The orthoepic system developed in this way has been preserved to this day in all its main features as stable pronunciation norms of the literary language.

Literary pronunciation is often called stage pronunciation. this name indicates the importance of realistic theater in developing pronunciation. When describing pronunciation norms, it is quite legitimate to refer to the pronunciation of the scene.

All rules of orthoepy are divided into: general and private.

General rules pronunciations cover sounds. They are based on phonetic laws modern Russian language. These rules are generally binding. Their violation is considered speech error. These are the following.


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