Original do-it-yourself bird feeder. Wooden bird feeders - made simply and quickly Designs of bird feeders

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Winter is a difficult time for birds. Our little friends often have to fight for survival. We can help the birds wait until spring. A good, well-chosen feeder is not only a bird’s canteen, but also a decoration for a garden or balcony. Feeders have any shape - it all depends on our imagination and the materials at our disposal. We will tell you how to make a bird feeder with your own hands from a bottle, wood, plywood and other materials in this article.

How to make a bird canteen correctly?

Several rules must be followed to avoid harming the birds. Construction of feeders and systematic feeding of birds will be a worthy lesson in ecology for the little ones! We have prepared interesting ideas for making feeders.

Posting rules

The product must meet certain requirements:

  1. look aesthetically pleasing;
  2. easy to keep clean;
  3. It is important to place the feeder in a secluded place:
    • away from a busy street;
    • away from windows and glassed rooms (birds can break on the glass);
    • in a place inaccessible to predators (cats, dogs);
    • birds do not tolerate human proximity, do not place feeders on windowsills;
    • tree branches and pillars near bushes are suitable, which, if necessary, will become a shelter for birds;
    • A good idea is to attach the canteen to a free-standing metal pipe dug into the ground (a wooden pole will not work; a predator could climb up it).

In the photo below: to make cleaning the food supply device easier, the feeder was equipped with a lowering hinged floor.


To make a convenient feeder, its dimensions are adapted to the size of the birds:

  • a structure that is too large will be used by large birds; there will not be enough space for small birds;
  • small – it will become inaccessible for large birds.

If you don't know what birds live in the area, it's best to choose a small bird feeder. For large guests, you can arrange a dining room in another feeding trough. Different sizes of feeders are chosen for sparrows, pigeons, and jackdaws.

Ideas for making feeders

We present various options on how to create a simple or original feeder for your feathered friends.

Made of wood


  • pine board (width 20 cm, length 60 cm);
  • 2 slats (2 × 2 cm);
  • 2 corners;
  • 8 screws (length: 2.5 cm and 0.7 cm);
  • 2 loops;
  • 2 hooks;
  • tools for impregnating wood (brush, screwdriver).

Below are step-by-step instructions on how to make a wooden bird feeder from wood.

From plywood

Using commonly available materials, plywood and simple tools, you can make a really good feeder.

You will need:

  • wooden slats;
  • nails or glue;
  • plywood;
  • holder for attaching the product to a balcony or wall;
  • wood saw or jigsaw.

The feeder should provide shelter from snow and wind. The inside and opening should provide feeding access for different species of birds.

The easiest way is to make a feeder in the form of a small house. The roof is made in the form of a gable structure made of 2 sections of plywood.

Photo diagram. Plywood feeder

The side walls of the feeder are made of plywood in the shape of a trapezoid or an equilateral triangle. This shape provides support for the roof and allows it to be shaped into a gable structure. The base should include a floor with slats to limit where food can be spilled. Attach a beam under the bottom of the feeder for mounting on a balcony, tree, or pole.

Wood and plywood are cheap, widely available materials; unfortunately, they are not waterproof, quickly lose their properties under the influence of external conditions, turn black, and become unsightly. You need to buy wood paint or varnish and, after completing assembly, cover the product with 2-3 layers of varnish, ensuring its even distribution. The tightness of varnish coatings will ensure water resistance and durability.

Wire mesh

If there is not enough time to make a feeder in the form of a wooden house, we will focus on the minimal option. A modest bird feeder can be made from chicken wire and slats. A ventilated metal mesh tray is suitable for large food particles (eg pieces of bread, apples). The product is ideal for summer.

Photo. Simple DIY mesh feeder for tits

From a milk carton

It's easy to make a bird feeder from an ordinary milk carton and sticks.

You need to cut 2-3 holes in the side walls of a large bag, tie ropes and hang it on a tree. The hole is cut at a height of several centimeters from the bottom so that the grain placed on the bottom does not spill out. We stick a wooden stick into the place under the hole. Birds will sit on the stick and calmly eat the grain.

The box is hung on a branch by threading a thread or wire through the top.

Children can make a beautiful craft from cardboard or a cardboard box for kindergarten or school, decorating it with a drawing or simple decor, for example, from buttons. This is the simplest feeder, but, unfortunately, the least durable. Thanks to the aluminum layer, the milk carton is quite resistant to moisture and precipitation for a long time, but not as much as wooden models.

3 ideas from a plastic bottle

An interesting suggestion on what you can use to make a bird canteen is the use of plastic bottles.

Photo. Simple plastic bottle bird feeder idea

The next canteen consists of 2 plastic bottles. A bottle feeder will help your feathered friends survive the winter.

  1. We fill one five-liter plastic bottle with various seeds and grains.
  2. The second bottle is cut with a sharp knife, preferably for cutting wallpaper.
  3. First, cut off the top of the bottle, leaving 2/3 of the height (it is necessary to cut off the entire narrowing of the bottle).
  4. Cut out square “windows” 8 cm high at a height of 5 cm above the bottom of the bottle.
  5. Between the “windows” we leave strips of the bottle 2-3 centimeters long.
  6. At the bottom of the cut bottle you need to make small holes, preferably with a nail. The role of the holes is to drain water.
  7. The feeder needs to be aligned correctly. You will need a cotton thread and a piece of rubber hose with a diameter of 1-2 cm. The bottle with grains is turned upside down, so you can unscrew the lid at any time. The grain will fall out under the influence of gravity. The base on which the grain should fall will be the bottom of the second bottle, which must be placed on top of the first bottle. To strengthen the feeder you have made, you need to tie both bottles with a cord, weaving it between the cut out “windows” and a hook suspended above the bottom of the bottle filled with grain.

The finished product can be hung on any branch, under the terrace, on the roof, or on the balcony.

Self-filling bottle feeder, photo

To implement the idea you will need a plastic bottle and 2 wooden spoons.

You will need:

  • plastic bottle (1.5 l) with a stopper;
  • 2 wooden spoons;
  • marker;
  • a thread;
  • lighter;
  • wallpaper knife (scissors);
  • leg-split;
  • scotch.

Work order:

From a stump

A winter feeder for tits can be made from a tree stump. The stump of birch, poplar, and linden will do. The stump feeder looks impressive and goes well with the natural look of the garden. You will need a spade drill. Using a drill, we make holes in the trunk with a diameter of several centimeters.

Pour grain into the drilled holes. An excellent solution is to insert small wooden sticks under each hole. This way the birds can sit quietly in front of the hole and feed comfortably.

Photo. Wooden feeder - stump

From coconut

An empty coconut is a great idea for a feeder.

List of required items:

  • coconut;
  • drill;
  • hammer;
  • saw;
  • lace;
  • lard (unsalted!);
  • seeds, grains, chopped nuts.

Open the coconut. You need to cut off the top part (the place with three holes). You can make a cut using a drill - you need to drill holes along the cut line, then tap with a hammer in the center of the cut area. After opening, the nut pulp is carefully selected and eaten. 2-3 holes are cut into the coconut shell to accommodate the bird's heads.

At the end, we drill 2 small holes opposite each other with a drill. We thread a rope through which we will later hang the coconut on a branch.

Melt lard in a saucepan. When it becomes liquid, add grain, seeds, chopped nuts. Leave to cool. When the mass begins to harden, fill the coconut.

Photo. Original coconut feeder

From an old lamp

A feeder can be made from an old lantern on a stand, with a hole cut out for pouring out grains.

Edible feeder made from orange and pumpkin

A bird feeder can be made from an orange or pumpkin. The edible plate looks like a bowl, is bright, attractive, and is readily visited by birds.

You will need:

  • orange or pumpkin;
  • cord.

Oranges or a small pumpkin are cut into larger and smaller pieces. To make a feeder, you will need a large part with the pulp removed. We make 4 holes in the orange (pumpkin). We measure 2 cords of the same length on which we hang the orange feeder. We hang the dish and pour in the food. The beautiful orange color of pumpkin and orange will brighten up the gray climate around you.

Below are some interesting ideas with photos.

What to feed the birds?

  • Finches, bullfinches, tits, sparrows - eat sunflower seeds, flax, poppy seeds.
  • Robins, wrens, thrushes, feed on insects, worms, snails. In winter, birds lack food; insects can be replaced with seeds, raisins, rowan berries, and elderberries.
  • You can attach several hooks to the feeder, hang pieces of lard - a favorite delicacy of tits. If you feed a titmouse in winter, it will get used to finding food in the garden, and in the spring-summer season it will repay its gratitude by feeding on pests living in the garden. One family of tits eats 75 kg of insects over the summer. For tits, you can mix lard with small oil seeds: poppy seeds, flax, crushed seeds.
  • Environmentalists remind us that many birds willingly eat fruits, such as apples. Blackbirds love apples and pears.
  • Sparrows love millet.
  • Jay eats hazelnuts.

Attention! What not to feed birds:

  • Don't feed your birds boiled potatoes.
  • Bread thrown into the snow becomes wet and freezes, which is dangerous for feeding birds.
  • It is important that the food does not contain salt! Salted lard can kill a bird.

Winter is a difficult period for nature, for plants and animals. Low temperatures and unfavorable conditions force some birds to fly to warmer regions of the world. Some birds remain, although it is difficult for them to survive the winter. Without food or shelter, they cannot always wait until next year. Therefore, it is worth thinking about feeding birds in winter. You should not pour food directly onto the ground or windowsill; such food quickly rots and becomes covered with snow. Feeding in a special feeder will bring much greater benefit. You can buy a ready-made feeder in a store, but it’s not difficult to build one yourself from wood, plywood or auxiliary materials.

Bird feeders have long become something more than just a device for feeding them. We admit that we not only want to make life easier for birds, but also to observe the behavior of wonderful birds, decorate our yard, realize ourselves in front of others and teach our children to love this world. If at the same time our wards help in protecting the garden from pests, it will turn out very well.

Bird feeders: what should they be?

When starting to make a feeder, it is useful to remember Exupery’s remark: we are responsible for those we have tamed.

In other words, having accustomed the birds to easy food production, we are obliged to think about them all winter.

Otherwise, they will experience big problems, losing food overnight, and may even die. Now we list a number of characteristics that a poultry canteen must meet:

  • the bird table must have sides that will prevent the wind from blowing away the food;
  • the craft should not have sharp edges that could injure birds’ legs;
  • a roof over the table will protect food from rain and snow;
  • the feeder should be, if possible, inaccessible to cats;
  • the holes in the walls of the craft must be of sufficient size so that the birds are not afraid of closed spaces;
  • the product must be moisture resistant in order to last at least one season;
  • the craft should not sway too much in the wind, that is, it is better to weigh it down with a piece of linoleum or pebbles.

The birds won't like this feeder.

Bird feeders: what are they?

There are so many people who want to make an exclusive table for birds that they have created an innumerable number of hand-made works. Obviously, everyone's preferences and capabilities are different. We intend to offer you a range of different products with a description of their features and designs. Of course, we will also discuss the wishes of the birds themselves. Putting everything together, you will have the opportunity to compose your own “symphony” called “bird feeder”.

Made of wood - most options

The picture shows feeders made from planks. Depending on preferences and availability of material, you can choose one or another design. The very first option has a twist: a gap on the side bar for water to drain. Any product will last longer if it is treated with impregnation, painted and varnished.

These products are a little more complicated - they are all made of bars and slats. This material allows you to make quite interesting and exclusive options. Pieces of roofing felt on the roof will significantly increase the durability of the craft. The bars and slats can be secured with small nails or glue.

Using tree branches will bring your craft closer to nature. The product can be quite simple and unusual. The use of impregnation and varnish is also advisable in this case.

Feeders made from birch branches look very interesting. Given such material, I would choose this option. Various roof construction methods are possible. Birch bark already has protective functions, but varnish will not hurt.

The photo shows several feeders for mounting on a wall or to a tree trunk. They all have a back plate with a hole for fastening. You can independently make options of varying complexity. The glass jar feeder is very simple and easy to use.

The photo shows surprisingly simple and original wood structures. It’s quite possible to make such feeders yourself. Treatment with protective impregnation did them good.

Carved products are fraught with considerable possibilities. However, in this case it is difficult to do without a jigsaw. A piece of galvanized steel on the roof is correct. Treatment with a blowtorch will give the product a special color. It is simply necessary to protect a product on which a lot of time has been spent from moisture.

The images above show a selection of products made by professionals. All parts of the feeders were first processed and painted, and then assembled into a single structure. As a result, we have impeccable appearance and durability. Nothing prevents you from repeating the same thing!

The photo shows feeders that will decorate a mansion of any level with their presence. Probably, such products are made by specialists in a workshop. I am sure that if you set a goal, it is quite possible to repeat the elite version yourself.

In the photo above we have selected the most interesting ideas for wood feeders. They differ in materials and design. Moreover, it is quite possible to make such products yourself.

Made from plywood – its features and capabilities

Here are several designs of plywood feeders. There are quite a lot of products made using this technology. The parts of such feeders are cut out on a machine and sold in stores in the form of sets. Crafts are assembled easily and quickly. A set from the store is interesting and useful to process and paint to your taste.

These products are made in a workshop from thick plywood. The designs are assembled from simple parts and can be easily replicated yourself if you have a jigsaw. Clean plywood clearly requires coating and decoration.

It is much easier to make a plywood feeder using bars and slats. In this case, you can do without a jigsaw. The designs shown in the picture are different, but simple.

Plywood feeders using wood are quite popular. We demonstrate several more possible options. Simplicity of execution cannot create barriers to exclusive options if creative people get down to business.

The picture above shows evidence of the effectiveness of using paints in making a feeder. In the hands of craftsmen, fairly simple products can easily turn into fabulous attributes. In this case, desire is more important than the inclinations of an artist.

Especially for those who want to make a feeder from plywood and blocks, we have prepared product drawings. All parts are numbered for convenience. To assemble the feeder you will need 4mm thick plywood, a block with a cross section of 20x20mm and wood screws.

Here is a drawing of the parts of the feeder. The number of the latter is given in the table. The cross-section of the 20X20 bar is not shown in the drawing.

From bottles - simple and reliable

Very often bird feeders are made from plastic bottles. This is due to the availability and durability of available materials and ease of manufacture. Transparent plastic bottles allow you to easily observe the behavior of birds.

The sharp edges of the plastic must be treated with electrical tape or a PVC tube cut along the length. Then the birds will not injure their legs and plumage. Light bottle feeders should be weighted with pieces of linoleum or pebbles to prevent them from swaying in the wind. The image above shows the simplest options.

Containers made from automobile fluids make it possible to obtain more reliable and voluminous structures. Unfortunately, they are not transparent. In feeders made from any plastic containers, small holes should be made in the bottom to allow water to drain.

Five-liter eggplants can be decorated beyond recognition. Burlap, twine, washcloth and small twigs will do. To prevent beauty from fading quickly, it is necessary to use moisture-resistant materials and glue.

As you can see, there are plenty of options for decorating feeders made from five-liter bottles. Show your imagination and make it your own and unique. Don't forget about the reliability of the design.

In the photo above there are several more typical techniques for using plastic bottles:

  1. In the first picture, two holes were made in the bottle opposite each other, closer to the neck. A stick was inserted into the holes - a stick. A hole for food was made just below the perch. It should have optimal dimensions: the seeds do not spill, but are accessible to the bird. Then they poured in the food, turned the container upside down and secured it to the tree.
  2. In the next image, the role of dispensers and shelves is played by the two upper parts of the bottles, tightly inserted with their necks into the holes on the sides of the main bottle. The lower edges of the specified parts are bent and turned inward so that the birds do not injure their paws.
  3. The picture on the left below shows the possibilities of using paints. The simple, tasteful design brings the technical transparency of plastic to life.
  4. The presence of wooden spoons helps to call the birds for dinner. They are simply threaded through the holes in the bottle. It is better to place the spoons at an angle so that two birds can eat at once. The holes for food above the spoon should not be too large so that the food does not spill out all at once.

Made from cardboard and bags - cheap and cheerful

Bird feeders made of cardboard and cardboard boxes are the most unreliable. But you can make a large feeder and decorate it as you wish. You can increase the service life of a cardboard bird canteen by covering it with tape or film.

Dairy and juice bags are a good way to make feeders. They cost nothing and have good moisture resistance. Of course, bottles are more durable, but bags are easier to work with. You have several options for execution.

We decided to make a fun and simple feeder from a 2 liter juice carton. The idea came up to feed the birds on a makeshift bus. The master class on assembling the craft is quite simple:

Unusual – bunker, transparent, designer, funny

Of particular interest to us are bunker feeders, which provide automatic feed supply as it is consumed. This way, bird food is not blown away by the wind, and we do not have to constantly monitor the availability of grain. The design of such a feeder can be very different, but the essence is the same: through a hole of a certain size, food pours in from above and replenishes the bird’s table.

In the above examples, the dispenser is:

  • gap between two glasses;
  • narrow neck of a glass bottle;
  • holes at the bottom of the plastic bottle.

We have already considered similar options in the description of feeders made from plastic bottles. Based on these principles, you can certainly come up with something new.

Feeders using plexiglass look elegant. Birds and food are clearly visible. The design approach makes you want to repeat a successful experiment.

I don't want to throw away the rest of the tea set. Here are four options for using dishes as a feeder. The moisture resistance and appearance of the material are beyond doubt. Securing a cup or teapot in the garden is not difficult.

Particularly persistent and talented home-made people create funny feeders - jokes. We must be determined to repeat the best examples. It’s especially nice to compose something of your own.

To begin with, you can try a simpler option made from plastic bottles. Much depends on the materials you have at hand. The above examples are quite subject to female hands.

Here are four options for a “male” cool wooden feeder. The design of the crafts is quite obvious. Repeating the proposed ideas is a very real task.

Here are images of several more options for unusual bird feeders. The main idea is obvious: don't be afraid to experiment. It’s easier not to torment yourself with searching for exactly the same materials, but to use existing ones.

Let's make a feeder together - a snowman from a plastic bottle

Of course, I want to make a bird feeder simpler and more interesting. It seems to us that a snowman with gifts from Santa Claus for the birds is a suitable option. The master class for making crafts is as follows:

  1. On one side of the bottle we mark the snowman's mouth with a marker. Now this wall will be the face. We cut out the outlines of the mouth according to the markings. Bend the resulting tongue down 90 degrees.
  2. On the side we mark the ear in the form of an inclined oval, narrowed at the bottom. Cut a hole simulating an ear.

  3. Place the resulting piece of plastic on the other side and outline it with a marker. Cut out the second ear.
  4. Mark a large rectangular hole at the back of the head and cut it out.

  5. The result was a blank, as in the photo above.
  6. Paint the snowman's cap the same blue as the bottle cap. Paint the bottom of the eggplant with white paint.

  7. We paint the tongue with red paint.

  8. We put a plastic corrugated tube with a diameter of 16mm on the edges of all holes. In an electrical goods store, 2m of such pipe will cost absolutely nothing. We first cut the tube along its entire length.
  9. To weight the container we use linoleum. Place the container on it and trace it with a marker. It is better to cut out two such parts.

  10. We prepare plugs, screws, a sealant cover and a stick in accordance with the picture. We make holes in the corks for screws. We make a hole in the red cork for the stick.

  11. We make two holes to install the nose stick. We punch one at the place of the nose, the other at the back of the head. We insert a stick into them. We first put the red plug on it, and then the sealant cover. The result is a snowman's nose.

  12. We collect the eyes from small white and large blue caps. We screw them into place with self-tapping screws. From the inside, we screw two more covers onto the protruding screws to securely fasten the eyes and protect against sharp screws. All is ready!

Master class on making a classic feeder

At school, my youngest son was encouraged to make a bird feeder. The following materials were found:

  • painted galvanized corner 50x50mm;
  • wooden slats with a cross section of 20x40mm;
  • a piece of plywood 4mm thick.

From which it was decided to compose my work. The sequence of the master class is as follows:

Cereal biscuits for birds

Sometimes you can do without creating a feeder to help the birds. You can hang special bird cookies on tree branches. Note that bird cookies made from grains look so tempting that I would eat them myself.

The first way to make a delicacy is as follows:

  • prepare molds for making cookies;
  • place pieces of twine in the molds that will serve as pendants;
  • dissolve the gelatin packet in warm water;
  • pour grain feed into the prepared solution;
  • pour the mixture into the prepared molds;
  • place the food in the refrigerator to harden;
  • We hang the finished cookies on tree branches: accessible to our eyes and out of reach of cats.

In the absence of forms, beautiful food for birds can be made in another way:

  • cut out figures of various shapes from cardboard;
  • we make holes in the cardboard blanks, thread twine through them and tie rings for fastening on the tree;
  • to attach the food to the cardboard, we prepare special glue, which consists of an egg, a spoonful of honey, 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and flour;
  • mix the mixture and leave to mature for half an hour;
  • When the glue is ready, lubricate the cardboards with it and roll the latter in bird food;
  • send the semi-finished product to the refrigerator to harden;
  • When the cookies are ready, we hang them on the tree and go to the window to observe.

Bird food: “what is good and what is bad”?

Take a close look at the birds that have remained to spend the winter in our area. The hope was frozen in their eyes that we would not give them an “expired product” or harmful food for them, from which the birds would suffer. Let's remember what we cannot treat our charges to, what should never be included in their diet:

  • salted and fried seeds;
  • cream pies and cake;
  • fresh white bread;
  • Rye bread;
  • nuts;
  • chips;
  • cereals;
  • leftover bananas and other citrus fruits;
  • fresh fruits.

Fortunately, the range of possibilities is much wider. Birds can be offered:

  • bread crumbs;
  • sunflower, pumpkin and watermelon seeds;
  • cereals: oats, wheat, millet, barley;
  • rice, buckwheat;
  • unsalted lard especially for tits;
  • viburnum and rowan, maple and ash seeds especially for bullfinches.

Eggshells, coarse sand, and crushed chalk will serve as seasoning for birds' dinner, especially during the nest-building period. Thus, we know almost everything about bird feeders and bird food. By the way, observing the behavior of birds in spring and summer is no less fascinating than in winter. We wish you good luck and offer a video to help.

(7 rated at 4,00 from 5 )

Winter is a difficult time for birds. Our little friends often have to fight for survival. We can help the birds wait until spring. A good, well-chosen feeder is not only a bird’s canteen, but also a decoration for a garden or balcony. Feeders have any shape - it all depends on our imagination and the materials at our disposal. We will tell you how to make a bird feeder with your own hands from a bottle, wood, plywood and other materials in this article.

Selecting material for making a feeder

A beautiful and unusual bird feeder, which is quite easy to make with your own hands, will help completely transform the concept of landscape design, while practical designs can be made from a variety of materials.

Using traditional and familiar materials, such as wood and scraps of boards, plastic and metal, you can build interesting feeders, but the most exclusive and original products are made from waste materials.


Plywood products are quite durable, but are susceptible to moisture.

A simple version of the feeder consists of just a pallet with sides, two pieces of plywood that serve as a roof, and a rope connecting all the parts. To fix the bottom and roof in the desired position, knots are tied on the rope.

If you have the desire and a jigsaw, you can design a more complex feeder using one of the presented drawings.

Carton boxes

Capacious and large boxes for shoes or juice, food and household products are used by craftsmen to create unique feeders that are convenient for birds and easy to make, which does not require special skills or drawings of a bird feeder.

Without special skills, you can make additional decor with your own hands to decorate the outer surfaces of the future feeder, which is important for matching the overall decor of the yard, garden or summer cottage.

Other materials at hand

It won’t be difficult to come up with a lot of ways to feed birds.

Tits love not only grains. You can feed such gourmets by hanging a piece of unsalted lard wrapped with rope or wire on a branch.

If you buy products packaged in nets in supermarkets, then this container can also be used by pouring nuts into it.

You can form a ball from small bulk food (adding flour and water) and also hang it in a net. In frosty weather, the food can be mixed with vegetable oil. Milk or sour cream is not suitable for these purposes, since the bird’s body does not accept such food.

In order to protect the food from precipitation, you can build a roof from plywood.


A pumpkin feeder can be called a waste-free production, since the birds first eat the food, and then the edible “dining room” itself. All you have to do is cut holes in the pumpkin and remove the core.

You can cut the pumpkin in half and thread a rope through both halves with a knot tied at the bottom. To fix it in a disconnected state, you need to install spacers made of twigs between the halves. As a last resort, you can use pencils as stands. The top edge of the rope threaded through the pumpkin is tied to a branch, and the feeder is ready to receive feathered guests.

Video: pumpkin feeder

Sofa spring

Things and items that usually have nowhere else to be used can be used.

If you have a spring left over from an old sofa, you can also use it by holding pieces of bread between the coils. This feeder can be hung both vertically and horizontally.

Car air filter

A metal mesh feeder can be seen on a store counter, but a similar structure can be built from a used paper car air filter.

To make it, you need to cut off the top part of the filter and remove the paper filling (you can do it together with the inner or outer mesh if you don’t plan to put food between them). Outside the filter, to the top of the mesh, a wire is tied, which will serve as a loop for hanging the feeder on a tree. Suitable food is poured inside, and the cut off upper part of the filter can be used as a lid.

To reduce feed loss, you can glue the lid of a plastic bucket to the bottom of the feeder with hot glue. You can make a canopy from the same cover.

Teapot for brewing

If you have an old kettle and it would be a pity to throw it away, but it can no longer be used for its intended purpose, then you can make a feeder out of it. How to hang it? Drilling a hole in a piece of earthenware is a very thankless task, so you can use hot glue. If there is a hole in the lid, then you need to insert the ends of the rope into it and make a knot inside. To be on the safe side, it is better to tie a small washer. Now the lid can be glued to the teapot, the neck of which will now serve as an entrance for the birds.

Old bread box

Looking into a barn or pantry, you can find things that are “hard to carry, but a pity to throw away.” This category includes an old metal bread bin. You don't need much imagination to place it - just tie a rope and hang it on a branch.

You can use an unnecessary plastic container in a similar way.


Tin cans collected after holiday feasts must be thoroughly washed and dried, sharp edges processed using pliers and other convenient tools, and painted in bright and attractive colors.

Having placed the cans on a wooden surface, they need to be secured using small self-tapping screws, the finished structure is filled with birdseed, seeds and grains, bread crumbs and secured to a branch or tree trunk in the garden.

How to make a bird canteen correctly?

Several rules must be followed to avoid harming the birds. Construction of feeders and systematic feeding of birds will be a worthy lesson in ecology for the little ones! We have prepared interesting ideas for making feeders.

Posting rules

The product must meet certain requirements:

  1. look aesthetically pleasing;
  2. easy to keep clean;
  3. It is important to place the feeder in a secluded place:
      away from a busy street;
  4. away from windows and glassed rooms (birds can break on the glass);
  5. in a place inaccessible to predators (cats, dogs);
  6. birds do not tolerate human proximity, do not place feeders on windowsills;
  7. tree branches and pillars near bushes are suitable, which, if necessary, will become a shelter for birds;
  8. A good idea is to attach the canteen to a free-standing metal pipe dug into the ground (a wooden pole will not work; a predator could climb up it).

In the photo below: to make cleaning the food supply device easier, the feeder was equipped with a lowering hinged floor.


To make a convenient feeder, its dimensions are adapted to the size of the birds:

  • a structure that is too large will be used by large birds; there will not be enough space for small birds;
  • small – it will become inaccessible for large birds.

If you don't know what birds live in the area, it's best to choose a small bird feeder. For large guests, you can arrange a dining room in another feeding trough. Different sizes of feeders are chosen for sparrows, pigeons, and jackdaws.

Plastic bottles

The most unusual and original bird feeders are made using plastic bottles; you just need to cut holes in them for the birds and fill them with treats, fix them in the garden or near the house, waiting for your feathered friends.

Using ice cream sticks, wooden spoons and spatulas for the kitchen, you can complement such structures with perches for birds, where they can sit for lunch and not injure their paws. It is important to replenish the feeders in a timely manner and not forget about the treat.


From large branches you can assemble an original feeder. To complete the job you will need an axe, a hammer, nails and a little imagination.

Wooden house

A classic wooden feeder is made in the shape of a house, but without walls, this allows birds of different species and sizes to have free access to food at any time of the day and in different weather conditions.

To decorate the roof of the feeder, pre-stored pieces of tree bark are used, and it is better to weight the base with pebbles or a metal plate, which will make the structure more stable in strong or gusty winds during snowfall or thunderstorms.


When preparing firewood, logs with rotten cores are encountered. This piece of trunk will serve as our base. You need to remove the core. Windows are drilled into the hollow trunk or its longitudinal part is cut out. The ends are closed with selected “plaques”, sawed off from other trunks. A tree trunk feeder can be found in both horizontal and vertical versions.

Ideas for creating original bird feeders

A multi-tiered feeder made from a bottle, glass or plastic will decorate the garden, as will a structure made with your own hands from the remaining cup from the service; plastic containers and even children’s toys are suitable for the creative process.

A lampshade from a chandelier, lamp or table lamp, like a milk carton, can be easily adapted for feeding birds, while you can use drawers from an old chest of drawers, small boxes and pencil cases, tin boxes for storing tea or coffee, trays and plates.

Use of glass

Glassware can be used to distribute food to birds. The container must be securely fastened with the neck down at a short distance from any platform. Pour food into this container and place it in place (holding the hole with your finger so that the grains do not spill out). As the feed is consumed, the food in the bottle will be released onto the site.

Video: glass feeder

Unusual grain feeders of different shapes

When considering ideas for feeders, you can separately note grain feeders, the creation of which requires only food and twine or ribbon; it will help fix the finished feeder on a branch or tree trunk in the garden or near the house.

Mixed sunflower seeds and other grains, cereals and bread crumbs are combined into a sticky mass using sugar syrup, a thick dough of water and flour or egg white, baking pans can be used to shape and shape the finished feeder.

A through hole is made in the mass distributed over the form using a toothpick, then the workpiece should be dried in the oven for 2-3 hours in the oven, on the lowest possible heat, or left on a warm radiator overnight.

By threading the prepared twine into the provided hole, the grain feeder can be attached to branches in the garden; such structures do not need to be replenished with food and there is no need to worry about easy access for birds to grains and seeds.

Using seasonal, autumn vegetables, you can make the basis for a future design with your own hands, and knowing how to make a feeder from different materials, you can safely experiment and help birds by feeding them during the cold season.

What to feed the birds?

  • Finches, bullfinches, tits, sparrows - eat sunflower seeds, flax, poppy seeds.
  • Robins, wrens, thrushes, feed on insects, worms, snails. In winter, birds lack food; insects can be replaced with seeds, raisins, rowan berries, and elderberries.
  • You can attach several hooks to the feeder, hang pieces of lard - a favorite delicacy of tits. If you feed a titmouse in winter, it will get used to finding food in the garden, and in the spring-summer season it will repay its gratitude by feeding on pests living in the garden. One family of tits eats 75 kg of insects over the summer. For tits, you can mix lard with small oil seeds: poppy seeds, flax, crushed seeds.
  • Environmentalists remind us that many birds willingly eat fruits, such as apples. Blackbirds love apples and pears.
  • Sparrows love millet.
  • Jay eats hazelnuts.

Attention! What not to feed birds:

  • Don't feed your birds boiled potatoes.
  • Bread thrown into the snow becomes wet and freezes, which is dangerous for feeding birds.
  • It is important that the food does not contain salt! Salted lard can kill a bird.

Winter is a difficult period for nature, for plants and animals. Low temperatures and unfavorable conditions force some birds to fly to warmer regions of the world. Some birds remain, although it is difficult for them to survive the winter. Without food or shelter, they cannot always wait until next year. Therefore, it is worth thinking about feeding birds in winter. You should not pour food directly onto the ground or windowsill; such food quickly rots and becomes covered with snow. Feeding in a special feeder will bring much greater benefit. You can buy a ready-made feeder in a store, but it’s not difficult to build one yourself from wood, plywood or auxiliary materials.


You can make a feeder from almost any available material. For this, plastic bottles, paper boxes, pieces of tin and plexiglass are often used, but wood is the best option for manufacturing.

Compared to other materials, a bird feeder made of wood has the following advantages:

  • accessibility - building materials can be found at any summer cottage (off-cut boards, plywood, even sticks - everything is suitable for a bird canteen);
  • simplicity - wood is easy to process and does not require special skills and knowledge in handling tools;
  • safety - despite the apparent fragility, wooden feeders have a good margin of safety, so they can easily withstand the weight of even large birds (products made from paper boxes and bags cannot boast of this feature);
  • original appearance - the wood can be decorated with carvings and supplemented with any decorative elements (the designs look much more elegant than a cut-off plastic bottle);
  • ecology - contrary to popular belief, birds are not attracted to all feeders: the strong chemical smell of plastic can scare away birds, but wooden products are not afraid of such problems.

Wooden products also have some disadvantages. The material is very sensitive to external factors: it dries out from the heat, and can become moldy at high humidity levels.

Important! To ensure that the product retains its appearance longer, it is better to paint the wooden bird feeder, covering it with a protective layer of varnish with a neutral odor. The coating will have to be corrected at least once a year (before the onset of the autumn-winter period).

Decorations for feeders

How do you decorate your products from 5 liter bottles? Many ideas can be seen in the photo below.

You can transform a feeder for different birds made from a bottle beyond recognition. For example, wrap the bottle with burlap or twine. Instead of a roof, strengthen it with washcloth, small branches, hang pine cones, a spruce branch, an artificial flower, etc. on the side.

The bottle can be painted as you wish.

Mesh feeder for fruits

Supermarkets often sell tangerines or apples in nets. This item will be useful for creating a feeder. Difficulties arise with placing food in it. Regular grains fall out of the mesh easily.

It is better to place peanuts or shelled walnuts in such a mesh feeder. It is advisable to place a roof made of a piece of plywood, board or plastic over the mesh.

Location and installation

Choosing the right location is an extremely important point!

Having chosen the most suitable position from the point of view of landscape design, evaluate:

Accessibility for birds. Perhaps the feeder will be closed from them by thick branches, or, conversely, it will be too open, and then, in a strong wind, the birds simply will not be able to get close to it.

Difficulty for cats. These animals are excellent hunters, especially those who live in villages and holiday villages. They are stronger, faster and more dexterous than their domestic counterparts, and therefore, sneaking up to the feeder, they can cause great damage to the bird community.

Vertical models

The crafts resemble multi-story houses and are designed to simultaneously feed a large number of birds. Considering that the model is quite complex, it is better to first prepare a drawing of a bird feeder made of wood.

The construction of a two-story building is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The base is prepared - a rectangular piece of board is cut out in accordance with the planned dimensions.
  2. Walls are made - there can be two or three of them, depending on the type of structure. The walls are installed at the ends of the base, and small slats are nailed in the middle.
  3. The roof is installed - the element can be flat or gable. In the second case, the upper part of the walls is cut out in the shape of a triangle to simplify the assembly process.
  4. Overlapping - a plywood partition is placed on the prepared racks, dividing the feeder into two levels.

All that remains is to coat the structure with waterproof varnish, pour in food and wait for the birds to arrive. The number of floors is at the discretion of the master. Using a similar scheme, you can create three- and four-level crafts.

Other options

The above options are extremely popular - such feeders can be found at any dacha. If you want to make a unique feeder with your own hands, you should take unusual materials, for example, old tableware: a cup and saucer.

In the autumn, you can cut out a product from a pumpkin or zucchini; in the winter, halves of an orange, peeled from the pulp, are suitable for this. These feeders will surprise your neighbors and will undoubtedly decorate your garden!

From slats

For production you will need:

  • self-tapping screws;
  • small nails;
  • slats.

To make the roof and bottom, you can use plastic or HDF (whatever you can find, since this material is sold only in large sheets).

When making any design, it is convenient and practical to use drawings that indicate the dimensions of the parts. We will also use the drawing to cut all the blanks to size.

They can be lightly sanded.

First, we will assemble the narrower part of the future feeder, hammering 3 nails on each side.

Then the entire frame is assembled in a similar way. If the nails are short, then you can use 5 pieces each.

We will install the frame on the prepared bottom and outline the outside with a pencil - this will give us a marking according to which we will need to cut out this part and then nail it.

In order to fix the top slats, we use 4 self-tapping screws - 1 pc. for each attachment point.

From the remaining slats we will make the upper part of the feeder, fastening the parts with self-tapping screws. The final stage will be marking, sawing and securing the roof. The junction of two sheets of roof sheathing can be hidden by nailing an angle strip on top.

Classic model

Elementary crafts that schoolchildren used to make during labor lessons. For a feeder, it is not even necessary to prepare drawings or draw up a project.

To make a feeder you will need:

  • boards or thick plywood;
  • four round sticks;
  • furniture nails or waterproof glue.

The dimensions of a bird feeder made of wood with your own hands are selected individually. The boards are marked in the corners; support posts will be installed here. The markings are placed with the expectation that along the perimeter of the bottom there will be sides to prevent feed from spilling out. The roof of the feeder can be made single-slope or gable. The sides of the roof should extend beyond the floor.

After assembly, all surfaces must be treated with fine sandpaper, primed and several layers of moisture-resistant paint applied. It is better to choose paintwork materials with a neutral odor.

What can be used to feed birds?

There are a lot of creative ideas:

  • Glue the mug to the saucer with the handle up, by which we hang it from the branch. The saucer will comfortably accommodate several birds.
  • You can attach several plastic cups with food to a wire. Birds will like even apples or oranges.
  • A swinging swing - a saucer with food on chains will attract titmice and beautiful blue tits.
  • You can take a coconut shell as a basis and cut out a window ¼ of the volume. This will be convenient for everyone, and a lot of food will fit inside.
  • A wicker basket with a handle is also suitable, but closed models are better.
  • You can glue corks in different shapes.
  • The egg tray is an unusual and lightweight design; it is easily attached to the edges with long ropes. Instead of eggs - food for several guests.
  • Metal tin can, cut 1 side in half to prevent food from spilling out. A little lower, be sure to insert a long stick protruding 7-10 cm.

Advice! In winter there are not enough vitamins. You can put viburnum berries, rowan berries, dry rose hips, even apple or pear cores, pumpkin seeds, etc. in the feeders.

So that you can imagine what different dining rooms for different birds might look like, look at the photo gallery, the choice is huge.

With dispenser

The idea is suitable for those craftsmen who not only want to make a decorative decoration for the garden, but also show sincere concern for their feathered friends. The peculiarity of the design is that there is a dispenser that automatically adds food to the birds as it decreases. In addition, grains and seeds are reliably protected from dampness and retain their nutritional value for a long period of time.

It is worth examining the technological map of a wooden bird feeder with a dispenser in more detail. Projects are produced according to a standard scheme. The main elements are the base and the roof, which are connected to each other by support posts. An option is possible when a rope passes through the roof and floor, which serves as a connecting link and a hanging element. Sides and walls are not needed for the structure. To feed birds, 4 recesses are formed at the base of the feeder: one on each side, located closer to the center.

A dispenser is installed above the prepared recesses. The easiest option is to use a liter plastic bottle with a screw cap. Holes are drilled in the bottom of the bottle, which should coincide with the recesses in the base. The dispenser lid extends through the roof to make it convenient to add seeds to the birds.

Important! Considering that products with a dispenser are completely open, it is better to use durable wood or moisture-resistant plywood for manufacturing.

From a juice box

You need to cut holes on the opposite sides of the tetra-pack, slightly retreating from the bottom, so that the food does not spill out of the feeder and is not blown away by gusts of wind. Strengthen the edges of the cut-out window with adhesive tape, then the bird will not be injured by the edges of the window.

Make a “perch”: pierce a through hole under the window with scissors, insert cardboard or paper rolled into a tube.

Make holes in the top and stretch a cord or wire to hang the feeder. If you attach it to a tree trunk, the wind will not rock it and the food will not fall apart.

There are some points that need to be taken into account when making and determining where to install the feeder:

  1. You should not underestimate cats, because they can get to the feeder, and then the birds will fly away or become prey to a domestic predator.
  2. The feeder needs to be made with a large roof, then a lot of precipitation will not fall into it.
  3. The entrance to the feeder should not be small, as fear may be stronger than hunger, and the birds may not take advantage of your hospitality.
  4. It is better to make the structure from moisture-resistant material, then it will last a long time. Other materials must be treated with water-repellent compounds.
  5. If the feeder is too light or has a large windage, then a gust of wind can turn it upside down. Even turning over for a short time will result in all the food ending up on the ground. The lightweight structure needs to be weighted down.

We will send the material to you by e-mail

In harsh winter times, only a person can take care of the birds that remain for the winter near his home. Not all birds are ready to go to warm countries; many migrate in search of food to small areas. The nimble birds do not hibernate, they are endlessly in search of food, and if there is no food, then the nimble creatures literally fall dead right under people’s feet. Editorial websiteis concerned about the fate of our feathered friends and offers readers useful material on how to make a bird feeder with your own hands.

Feeders are an opportunity for a bird to survive in winter, and in the spring it will thank humans by fighting harmful insects in the garden

Before you rush out and build a structure from the first materials you come across, you should consider what types of designs there are for outdoor bird feeders. Perhaps there are already convenient instructions and a drawing of the birds’ future feeding area. Not every bird's dining room is convenient - some birds will not be able to feed from certain structures, others will have to wait until their more nimble comrades have eaten. Birds are different; it depends on how the bird is used to feeding, whether it will be convenient for her to take food from your feeder, or whether the anatomy of the beak will not allow this.

In addition to the fact that the food should be visible from afar, the design should be such that the food will not be swept away by the wind: not only will the food get lost, but also the food scattered on the ground serves as an excellent marker for small predators. Let's study the best designs for a bird canteen.

The simplest designs

The suspended platform is located either on a rope or in a mesh case. Tits love to eat in such a place, but a woodpecker will not be able to visit such a kitchen.

Advice! If you want to feed the tits, you can simply hang a ball of a mixture of lard and seeds with inclusions of vegetables.

The trays are convenient to place, their sides do not allow food to spill out, and in general the design is quite stable. A roof is not required in the building.

To set up a food area, one rectangular square is enough. plywood, four pieces of wood for the sides and rope for fastening. Sometimes they simply secure a plastic egg container in a stable place and pour grain and bread crumbs into the compartments. They also use other plastic trays for vegetables or salads. This is rather a temporary solution, since the plastic will quickly be blown away by the wind, or the mini-dining room will collapse during a snowfall.

Feeders in the form of a house and closed options

The house looks more solid and reliable - the roof protects the edible contents and the birds themselves from wind and snow, and besides, the ubiquitous sparrows do not like to poke their noses into such feeders. The disadvantage of houses with roofs is that forest birds may not notice the life-saving treat and die of hunger right under the bird's kitchen. To do this, first feed the birds, scattering food around.

Many guests fly to the house with a pitched roof to feed: pigeons, waxwings, jays, and nutcrackers. If a perch is equipped, then the area around the bird's dining room will always be noisy and interesting. It is easiest to build a house with a flat roof, but a significant drawback will be the retention of snow on it, which can cause the bird’s canteen to fall.

Sparrows do not like bunker feeders: flocking birds do not fit in the feeding area, and those that do fit will not be able to interfere with buntings, titmice and other birds.

The bunker structure has several compartments for feeding different birds; sometimes there are sections for various feeds. Making your own bunker bird feeder is not difficult: you can make a structure from a plastic bottle, a plate, thread and super glue.

Related article:

DIY birdhouse made of wood. Drawings, review of materials, dimensions of the structure; features of manufacturing from cardboard, wood, bottles and plywood; decor and installation - read our publication.

How to make feeders for street birds with your own hands - description and drawings

Let's pay tribute to the vastness of the Internet: it is not necessary to reinvent the wheel when there are ready-made recommendations, instructions and drawings with pictures. It’s okay if it’s someone else’s idea - another person’s execution will add a new twist to the design.

DIY bird feeder made of wood

Wood is an excellent durable material. Minimal skills in working with wood are desirable, but even beginners can easily build a wooden feeder.

It is not necessary that all surfaces be perfectly smooth; the more creative the craft, the more interesting it will be to watch how the birds master it. You can find 4 thick, beautifully shaped branches and prepare a platform from wood or plywood. The roof is made of wooden slats, but you can make a roof from the bark of old trees - such a design will look very organic.

DIY bird feeder made of plywood

Plywood is a convenient material and has a service life of several years. Plywood feeders, which is a plus. When working with plywood, use a tape measure, a drill, a corner, a pencil, screws and a knife.

Important! The calculations take into account that the roof is larger in size than the bottom - this prevents moisture from getting inside the structure.

All markings from the drawing are transferred to a sheet of plywood and blanks of the selected sizes are cut out with a jigsaw.

The sides for the fencing are attached to the base with screws. The bottom and roof are connected to each other by longitudinal slats. The height between the roof and the base should be comfortable for birds, but not too high.

Advice! It is better to treat plywood with an antiseptic waterproofing solution - this will significantly increase the service life of the product.

Parts for the roof are made from identical sheets, which are connected to each other with screws.

Simple options for making feeders from boxes

Tetrapack is a material that you don’t even need to specifically look for: juice and milk boxes can serve as an excellent base for making a feeder for your feathered friends. By connecting two narrow boxes and making holes in them at different heights, you get a bunker canteen for birds.

To work you will need a knife, scissors, rope and 5 minutes of time.

The most interesting models of feeders made from plastic bottles

Plastic bottles are never used. The plastic feeder is light, creative and convenient for the birds. More often they take bottles of 0.25-0.5 liters. Holes are drawn with a marker, which are then cut out with scissors.

Original hanging bird feeders

In addition to the above materials, use any other available material.

Methods for attaching a bird feeder to a window

Those who like to observe the inhabitants outside the window can be advised to purchase or make a bird feeder with suction cups. This mount allows you to admire the flying birds all winter, photograph them and regularly change the food.

The glass is washed with vinegar and water and suction cups are pressed tightly against it. That's all the difficulties associated with attaching the feeder.

Related article:

You, probably, like many site owners, want to know what you can do with your own hands for garden decoration, because decorative decorations in the store are so expensive. In this review we will tell and show what can be created from scrap materials.

Bird feeders - what types of feed are there?

In an article about feeding birds, we must not forget to talk about those birds that bring unconditional benefits to humans. Tray feeders are used to feed chickens - they are designed in such a way that the chick does not fit completely into the feeder and does not have the opportunity to spill the food.

Trough feeders can be limited at the top by a grid and divided inside into compartments for different types of feed.

Used for dry food: poured grain in the morning and remembered a fresh portion the next morning. The environment is kept clean, and the food is supplied in doses as it is eaten.

How to make a chicken feeder with your own hands

It is not always possible to have the means or desire to purchase a chicken feeder in a store. We offer several options that are convenient and easy to manufacture.

Do-it-yourself bunker feeder for chickens made of wood or plywood - description and drawings

This method takes more time. The video shows all stages of work:

To make it, you need thick-walled plywood, screws, 90° hinges, sandpaper, a jigsaw, a tape measure, a pencil, a ruler, a saw, a drill with drills, and a clamp.

First, mark the desired dimensions on the plywood and draw out all the details with a pencil and ruler. All parts are cut out with a jigsaw, and holes for fastening are immediately made with a drill. The edges of all parts are sanded and then assembled using screws and a clamp.

Advice! The front part can be made of transparent plastic - this way the amount of feed will always be visible.

The lid is attached with hinges to the side walls. The product is treated with an antiseptic.

Making a chicken feeder from PVC pipes

Take 1-3 sewer pipes with a diameter of 15 cm, plugs and according to size if necessary. It is better to make the pipes of medium length - and there will be a lot of feed and good stability.

The two parts are connected with a knee, the larger one is laid horizontally and several holes with a radius of 4 cm are made in it with a drill with a circular bit. A plug is installed at the other end. The second option is installed vertically, and the elbows are placed on both sides of the main pipe.

Feeder made from plastic bottles

A convenient option for both drinking bowls and feeders: made from a 19-liter bottle and PVC pipe. To make it, a hole is made on top of the bottle for a pipe, in which the edge is beveled at the bottom. Holes are made at the bottom along the base so that the bird sticks its head into them for food. The grain is poured into the pipe.

Making a chicken feeder from a bucket

An automatic chicken feeder made from a plastic bucket and a plastic container or container is very convenient. The diameter of the feeding bowl should exceed the diameter of the bucket by 15 cm. Holes for food are cut out at the bottom of the bucket. The containers are connected to each other with self-tapping screws.

Features of making your own chicken feeders

Chickens can actively scatter food with their paws, so a structure is provided for their feeding where they will be deprived of this opportunity and will not stain the food.

We offer you a selection of different options for making a bird feeder with your own hands. Here we have collected the best master classes and step-by-step lessons, as well as dozens of original ideas and photos for inspiration. In this article you will find crafts of varying degrees of complexity: from those that will take no more than 5 minutes to create, to those that will require a lot of tinkering.

Creating feeders is one of the best ways to organize excellent leisure time and at the same time help feathered creatures survive the cold. This is a really useful and very kind thing - by hanging a feeder, you will prevent the birds from dying of hunger (in urban conditions, this, unfortunately, is quite possible).

What should you pay attention to?

We have previously told you about how to choose the right wood for creating birdhouses. If you are planning to make a wooden feeder, check out our tips. However, feeders can be made from other materials. Here are some general important tips before starting the creative process.

  1. If you want to make your feeder colorful, paint only the outside to prevent birds from accidentally pecking and ingesting harmful chemicals.
  2. When creating feeders, make sure that the hole into which the bird flies is smooth on all sides (this is especially true for bottle feeders, the edges of which can get scratched if not carefully cut). This will help protect birds from accidental injuries.
  3. If you use glue or varnish in your work, carefully study their composition. They should not contain toxic elements.
  4. Do not make paper feeders too large - if a bird sits on it, the craft may tear and harm the bird.
  5. Remember that wooden feeders can develop dangerous mold, and metal feeders can develop rust. Therefore, it is better to protect them with a special coating (without harmful chemicals).
  6. It is important to check the cleanliness of the feeder from time to time and examine it for damage.

Made of wood

Let's move on to the manufacturing process. A standard wooden feeder is made in the form of a birdhouse or house. They can also be made in several variations. We offer you the most popular of them.

House with vertical posts

Please use this dimensional drawing. The picture is clickable, and it contains step-by-step instructions for assembling the feeder with your own hands.

Please note that vertical posts can be replaced with thick branches.

The hut can be made of plywood, but it will need to be varnished.

Vary the size and height of the sides.

House with side walls

An approximate assembly diagram for this hut looks like this. Please note that dimensions can be changed and adjusted proportionally.

The side walls can be made solid. Interesting decor will add attractiveness to the house.

You can cut neat round holes in the side edges. Don't forget to sand them down so the birds don't pick up the splinter.

If the design turns out to be small, it is better to fill it with cereals and seeds, glued together into a special treat. More on this below.

Edible feeder

To feed the birds, you can do without a traditional feeder. Let's prepare special "cookies" for the birds and simply hang them on the branches.

We will need:

  • 2 packs of gelatin;
  • 2/3 glass of water;
  • 2 cups of food (seeds, cereal);
  • skewers;
  • cookie cutters.

Pour hot water over the gelatin and wait for it to swell. Then mix it with cereal and seeds. Mix the mixture thoroughly and fill the cookie or muffin molds. Insert a skewer to make a hole.

When the mixture has cooled and “set”, carefully remove it from the mold and remove the skewer. Insert thread into the hole.

If you don't have molds, spread the gelatin mixture onto a toilet paper roll and roll it over the food to help it stick. Let it dry, then attach it to the branch.

You can also roll the mixture into lumps and place them in large mesh bags.

Birds really like this treat.


Didn't find a suitable option? This video presents 50 more original ideas and a variety of ways to make a bird feeder from wood or bottles.

Choose any of the presented feeders, decorate it, fill it with seeds and cereals. This will give you a wonderful opportunity to observe the life of birds and do a good deed!

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