Key dates for Russian history for the exam. Dates in the history of Russia for passing the Unified State Exam

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Key dates in Russian history:

  • Russia from antiquity to the end of the 16th century. (beginning of the 17th century)
  • Russia in the XVII–XVIII centuries.
  • Russia in the 19th century
  • Russia in the 20th century

Russia from antiquity to the end of the 16th century. (beginning of the 17th century)

  • IX century. – Formation of the Old Russian state.
  • 862- “The Calling of the Varangians” to Rus'.
  • 862–879- The reign of Rurik in Novgorod.
  • 879–912– The reign of Oleg in Kyiv.
  • 882– The unification of Novgorod and Kyiv into a single state under Prince Oleg.
  • 907, 911– Oleg’s campaigns to Constantinople. Treaties with the Greeks.
  • 912–945– The reign of Igor in Kyiv.
  • 945- Revolt of the Drevlyans.
  • 945–962- The reign of Princess Olga during the early childhood of her son Prince Svyatoslav.
  • 957– Baptism of Princess Olga in Constantinople.
  • 962–972- The reign of Svyatoslav Igorevich.
  • 964–972. – Military campaigns of Prince Svyatoslav.
  • 980–1015– The reign of Vladimir I Svyatoslavich the Holy.
  • 988– Adoption of Christianity in Rus'.
  • 1019–1054- The reign of Yaroslav the Wise.
  • 1037– Beginning of construction of the Church of St. Sophia in Kyiv.
  • 1045– Beginning of construction of the Church of St. Sophia in Novgorod the Great.
  • OK. 1072– Final design of “Russian Truth” (“Pravda Yaroslavich”).
  • 1097 g. - Congress of princes in Lyubech. Consolidation of the fragmentation of the Old Russian state.
  • 1113–1125. – The Great Reign of Vladimir Monomakh.
  • 1125–1157 g. – The reign of Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky in Vladimir.
  • 1136– Establishment of a republic in Novgorod.
  • 1147– The first mention of Moscow in the chronicle.
  • 1157–1174– The reign of Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky.
  • 1165– Construction of the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl.
  • 1185– The campaign of Prince Igor Novgorod Seversky against the Polovtsians. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign."
  • 1199– Unification of the Volyn and Galician principalities.
  • 1202– Formation of the Order of the Sword.
  • 1223, May 31st.- Battle of the Kalka River.
  • 1237–1240. – Invasion of the Mongol Tatars led by Khan Batu into Rus'.
  • 1237– Unification of the Teutonic Order with the Order of the Sword. Education Livonian Order.
  • 1238, March 4. – Battle of the City River.
  • 1240, July 15. - Battle of the Neva. The defeat of the Swedish knights on the Neva River by Prince Alexander Yaroslavich. Nicknamed Nevsky.
  • 1240– The defeat of Kyiv by the Mongol-Tatars.
  • 1242, 5th of April. - Battle on the Ice. The defeat of the crusaders by Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky on Lake Peipsi.
  • 1243 g. – Formation of the Golden Horde state.
  • 1252–1263. - The reign of Alexander Nevsky on the Grand Duke's throne of Vladimir.
  • 1264– Collapse of the Galician-Volyn principality under the blows of the Horde.
  • 1276– Formation of an independent Moscow principality.
  • 1325–1340– The reign of Prince Ivan Kalita in Moscow.
  • 1326– Transfer of the residence of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church- metropolitan - from Vladimir to Moscow, the transformation of Moscow into an all-Russian religious center.
  • 1327– Uprising in Tver against the Golden Horde.
  • 1359–1389– The reign of Prince (from 1362 – Grand Duke) Dmitry Ivanovich (after 1380 – Donskoy) in Moscow.
  • OK. 1360–1430. – Life and work of Andrei Rublev.
  • 1378 g. – Battle of the Vozha River.
  • 1380 8 September– Battle of Kulikovo.
  • 1382 g. – The defeat of Moscow by Tokhtamysh.
  • 1389–1425. – The reign of Vasily I Dmitrievich.
  • 1410 g., July 15- Battle of Grunwald. Defeat of the Teutonic Order.
  • 1425–1453. – Dynastic war between the sons and grandsons of Dmitry Donskoy.
  • 1439 g. – Florentine Church Union about the unification of the Catholic and Orthodox churches under the leadership of the Pope. The act of union was signed by the Russian Metropolitan Isidore, for which he was deposed.
  • 1448– Election of Bishop Jonah of Ryazan as Metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox Church and All Rus'. Establishment of autocephaly (independence) of the Russian Orthodox Church from Byzantium.
  • 1453– Fall of the Byzantine Empire.
  • 1462–1505– The reign of Ivan III.
  • 1463– Annexation of Yaroslavl to Moscow.
  • 1469–1472– Travel of Afanasy Nikitin to India.
  • 1471– Battle on the Sheloni River between Moscow and Novgorod troops.
  • 1478– Annexation of Novgorod the Great to Moscow.
  • 1480 g. - “Standing on the Ugra River.” Elimination of the Horde yoke.
  • 1484–1508– Construction of the current Moscow Kremlin. Construction of cathedrals and the Chamber of Facets, brick walls.
  • 1485– Annexation of Tver to Moscow.
  • 1497– Compilation of the Code of Laws of Ivan III. Establishing uniform norms of criminal liability and judicial procedural norms for the entire country, limiting the right of peasants to transfer from one feudal lord to another - the week before and the week after November 26 (St. George's Day in the fall).
  • End of the 15th – beginning of the 16th centuries.– Completion of the process of folding the Russian centralized state.
  • 1503– Controversy between Nil Sorsky (the leader of the non-acquisitive people, who preached the refusal of the church from all property) and Abbot Joseph Volotsky (the leader of the acquisitive people, a supporter of the preservation of church land ownership). Condemnation of the views of non-possessors at the Church Council.
  • 1503– Annexation of the Southwestern Russian lands to Moscow.
  • 1505–1533– Reign of Vasily III.
  • 1510– Annexation of Pskov to Moscow.
  • 1514– Annexation of Smolensk to Moscow.
  • 1521– Annexation of Ryazan to Moscow.
  • 1533–1584– The reign of Grand Duke Ivan IV the Terrible.
  • 1547– The crowning of Ivan IV the Terrible.
  • 1549- The beginning of the convening of Zemsky Sobors.
  • 1550– Adoption of the Code of Laws of Ivan IV the Terrible.
  • 1551– “The Hundred-Glavy Cathedral” of the Russian Orthodox Church.
  • 1552– Annexation of Kazan to Moscow.
  • 1555–1560– Construction of the Intercession Cathedral in Moscow (St. Basil's Cathedral).
  • 1556 g. – Annexation of Astrakhan to Moscow.
  • 1556– Adoption of the “Code of Service”.
  • 1558–1583- Livonian War.
  • 1561- Defeat of the Livonian Order.
  • 1564- The beginning of book printing in Rus'. Publication by Ivan Fedorov of “The Apostle” - the first printed book with a set date.
  • 1565–1572– Oprichnina of Ivan IV the Terrible.
  • 1569– Conclusion of the Union of Lublin on the unification of Poland with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania into one state – the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
  • 1581– The first mention of “reserved years.”
  • 1581– Ermak’s campaign in Siberia.
  • 1582– Signing of Yam Zapolsky truce between Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
  • 1583– Conclusion of the Truce of Plus with Sweden.
  • 1584–1598- The reign of Fyodor Ioannovich.
  • 1589- Establishment of the Patriarchate in Rus'. Patriarch Job.
  • 1597 g. - Decree on “pre-scheduled years” (a five-year period for searching for runaway peasants).
  • 1598–1605- Board of Boris Godunov.
  • 1603– Uprising of peasants and serfs under the leadership of Khlopok.
  • 1605–1606– Reign of False Dmitry I.
  • 1606–1607– Peasant uprising led by Ivan Bolotnikov.
  • 1606–1610– The reign of Tsar Vasily Shuisky.
  • 1607–1610– Attempt of False Dmitry II to seize power in Russia. The existence of the “Tushino camp”.
  • 1609–1611. - Defense of Smolensk.
  • 1610–1613. - “Seven Boyars”.
  • 1611, March – June. – The first militia against Polish troops led by P. Lyapunov.
  • 1612– The second militia under the leadership of D. Pozharsky and K. Minin.
  • 1612, October 26. – Liberation of Moscow from Polish invaders by the Second Militia.
  • 1613– Election Zemsky Sobor Mikhail Romanov to the kingdom. The beginning of the Romanov dynasty. 1613–1645 – The reign of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov.
  • 1617– Conclusion of the Stolbovsky “eternal peace” with Sweden.
  • 1618– Deulino truce with Poland.
  • 1632–1634– Smolensk War between Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Russia in the XVII–XVIII centuries.

  • 1645–1676- The reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.
  • 1648– Semyon Dezhnev’s expedition along the Kolyma River and the Arctic Ocean.
  • 1648– The beginning of the uprising of Bogdan Khmelnitsky in Ukraine.
  • 1648– “Salt riot” in Moscow.
  • 1648–1650– Uprisings in various cities of Russia.
  • 1649– Adoption by the Zemsky Sobor of a new set of laws – “ Cathedral Code» Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The final enslavement of the peasants.
  • OK. 1653–1656– Reform of Patriarch Nikon. The beginning of the church schism.
  • 1654, January 8. - Pereyaslavskaya Rada. Reunification of Ukraine with Russia.
  • 1654–1667– Russia’s war with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth for Ukraine.
  • 1662– “Copper riot” in Moscow.
  • 1667– Conclusion of the Andrusovo truce between Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
  • 1667– Introduction of the New Trade Charter.
  • 1667–1671– Peasant war led by Stepan Razin.
  • 1672, May 30.– Birth of Peter I.
  • 1676–1682– Board of Fedor Alekseevich.
  • 1682 g. – Abolition of localism.
  • 1682, 1698– Streltsy uprisings in Moscow.
  • 1682–1725– The reign of Peter I (1682–1689 – under the regency of Sophia, until 1696 – together with Ivan V).
  • 1686 – « Eternal Peace"with Poland.
  • 1687 g. – Opening of the Slavic Greek Latin Academy.
  • 1695, 1696– Campaigns of Peter I to Azov.
  • 1697–1698. - “Great Embassy”.
  • 1700–1721- North War.
  • 1703, May 16.– Founding of St. Petersburg.
  • 1707–1708– Peasant uprising led by K. Bulavin.
  • 1708, September 28.– Battle of the village of Lesnoy.
  • 1709, June 27.- Battle of Poltava.
  • 1710–1711- Prut campaign.
  • 1711- Establishment of the Senate.
  • 1711–1765– Life and work of M.V. Lomonosov.
  • 1714– Decree on single inheritance (cancelled in 1731).
  • 1714, July 27.– Battle of Cape Gangut.
  • 1718–1721– Establishment of boards.
  • 1720- Battle of Grengam Island.
  • 1721– Peace of Nystadt with Sweden.
  • 1721– Proclamation of Peter I as emperor. Russia became an empire.
  • 1722– Adoption of the “Table of Ranks”.
  • 1722– Signing of the decree on the succession to the throne.
  • 1722–1723- Caspian campaign.
  • 1725 g. – Opening of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg.
  • 1725–1727– The reign of Catherine I.
  • 1727–1730– The reign of Peter II.
  • 1730–1740- The reign of Anna Ioannovna. "Bironovschina."
  • 1741–1761. - The reign of Elizaveta Petrovna.
  • 1755, January 25.– Opening of Moscow University.
  • 1756–1763Seven Years' War.
  • 1757– Foundation of the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg.
  • 1761–1762– The reign of Peter III.
  • 1762- “Manifesto on the freedom of the nobility.”
  • 1762–1796– The reign of Catherine II.
  • 1768–1774– Russian-Turkish war.
  • 1770– Victory of the Russian fleet over the Turkish in the Battle of Chesma and the Russian ground forces over the Turkish army in the battles of the Larga and Cahul rivers.
  • 1774– Conclusion of the Kyuchuk Kaynardzhi Peace following the Russian-Turkish War. The Crimean Khanate came under Russian protectorate. Russia received the territory of the Black Sea region between the Dnieper and the Southern Bug, the fortresses of Azov, Kerch, Kinburn, and the right of free passage of Russian merchant ships through the Black Sea straits.
  • 1772, 1793, 1795– Partitions of Poland between Prussia, Austria and Russia. The territories of Right Bank Ukraine, Belarus, part of the Baltic states and Poland were transferred to Russia.
  • 1772–1839. – Life and work of M.M. Speransky.
  • 1773–1775– Peasant war led by Emelyan Pugachev.
  • 1775 g. – Carrying out provincial reform in the Russian Empire.
  • 1782 g. – Opening of the monument to Peter I “ Bronze Horseman"(E. Falcone).
  • 1783. – The entry of Crimea into the Russian Empire. Georgievsky Treaty. Transition of Eastern Georgia under Russian protectorate.
  • 1785 g. – Publication of letters of grant to the nobility and cities.
  • 1787–1791– Russian-Turkish war.
  • 1789– Victories of Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov at Focsani and Rymnik.
  • 1790– Victory of the Russian fleet over the Turkish in the battle of Cape Kaliakria.
  • 1790– Publication of the book by A.N. Radishchev "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow."
  • 1790– Capture by Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov of the Turkish fortress Izmail on the Danube.
  • 1791– Conclusion of the Peace of Jassy following the Russian-Turkish War. The annexation of Crimea and Kuban, the territory of the Black Sea region between the Southern Bug and the Dniester, was confirmed to Russia.
  • 1794– Uprising in Poland led by Tadeusz Kosciuszko.
  • 1796–1801– Reign of Paul I.
  • 1797. – Cancellation of the order of succession to the throne established by Peter I. Restoring the order of succession to the throne by primogeniture in the male line.
  • 1797– Publication by Paul I of the manifesto on the three-day corvee.
  • 1799– Italian and Swiss campaigns of A.V. Suvorov.

Russia in the 19th century

  • 1801–1825– The reign of Alexander I.
  • 1802– Establishment of ministries instead of boards.
  • 1803- Decree on “free cultivators”.
  • 1803– Adoption of a charter introducing university autonomy.
  • 1803–1804– First Russian round the world expedition under the leadership of I.F. Krusenstern and Yu. F. Lisyansky.
  • 1804–1813– Russian-Iranian war. Ended with the Peace of Gulistan.
  • 1805–1807– Russia’s participation in the III and IV anti-Napoleonic coalitions.
  • 1805, December.– Defeat of Russian and Austrian troops in the Battle of Austerlitz.
  • 1806–1812– Russian-Turkish war.
  • 1807– Defeat of the Russian army near Friedland.
  • 1807– Conclusion of the Peace of Tilsit between Alexander I and Napoleon Bonaparte (Russia’s accession to the continental blockade of England, Russia’s consent to the creation of the Duchy of Warsaw as a vassal of France).
  • 1808–1809– Russian-Swedish war. Annexation of Finland to the Russian Empire.
  • 1810– Creation of the State Council on the initiative of M.M. Speransky.
  • 1812, June – December. – Patriotic War with Napoleon.
  • 1812– Conclusion of the Bucharest Peace following the Russian-Turkish War.
  • 1812, August, 26th- Battle of Borodino.
  • 1813–1814– Foreign campaigns of the Russian army.
  • 1813- “Battle of the Nations” at Leipzig.
  • 1813– Conclusion of the Treaty of Gulistan following the Russian-Iranian War.
  • 1814–1815– Vienna Congress of European States. Solving the problems of the structure of Europe after the Napoleonic wars. Annexation of the Duchy of Warsaw (Kingdom of Poland) to Russia.
  • 1815– Creation of the “Holy Alliance”.
  • 1815– Granting of the Constitution to the Kingdom of Poland by Alexander I.
  • 1816. – The beginning of the mass creation of military settlements on the initiative of A.A. Arakcheeva.
  • 1816–1817– Activities of the “Union of Salvation”.
  • 1817–1864- Caucasian War.
  • 1818–1821– Activities of the “Union of Welfare”.
  • 1820– Discovery of Antarctica by Russian navigators under the command of F.F. Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev. 1821–1822 – Formation of the Northern and Southern Decembrist societies.
  • 1821–1881– Life and work of F.M. Dostoevsky.
  • 1825, December 14.– Decembrist uprising on Senate Square in St. Petersburg.
  • 1825, December 29 – 1826, January 3.– Uprising of the Chernigov regiment.
  • 1825–1855– The reign of Nicholas I.
  • 1826–1828– Russian-Iranian war.
  • 1828– Conclusion of the Turkmanchay Peace following the Russian-Iranian War. Death of A.S. Griboedova.
  • 1828–1829– Russian-Turkish war.
  • 1829– Conclusion of the Peace of Adrianople following the Russian-Turkish War.
  • 1831–1839– Activities of the circle N.V. Stankevich.
  • 1837. – Opening of the first railway Petersburg - Tsarskoe Selo.
  • 1837–1841– Conducting P.D. Kiselev reforms in the management of state peasants.
  • 1840–1850s– Disputes between Slavophiles and Westerners.
  • 1839–1843– Monetary reform E.F. Kankrina.
  • 1840–1893. – Life and work of P.I. Tchaikovsky.
  • 1844–1849. – Activities of the circle M.V. Butashevich-Petrashevsky.
  • 1851– Opening of the Moscow – St. Petersburg railway.
  • 1853–1856- Crimean War.
  • 1853, November.- Battle of Sinope.
  • 1855–1881– The reign of Alexander II.
  • 1856- Paris Congress.
  • 1856– Founding of P.M. Tretyakov collection of Russian art in Moscow.
  • 1858, 1860– Aigun and Beijing treaties with China.
  • 1861, February 19.– Abolition of serfdom in Russia.
  • 1861–1864– Activities of the organization “Land and Freedom”.
  • 1862– Formation of the “Mighty Handful” - an association of composers (M.A. Balakirev, Ts.A. Cui, M.P. Mussorgsky, N.A. Rimsky Korsakov, A.P. Borodin).
  • 1864– Zemstvo, judicial and school reforms.
  • 1864–1885– Annexation of Central Asia to the Russian Empire.
  • 1867– Sale of Alaska to the USA.
  • 1869– Discovery by D.I. Mendeleev of the Periodic Law of Chemical Elements.
  • 1870– Reform of city government.
  • 1870–1923– Activities of the “Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions”.
  • 1873– Creation of the “Union of Three Emperors”.
  • 1874– Carrying out military reform – introducing universal conscription.
  • 1874, 1876– The Narodniks’ “walking among the people.”
  • 1876–1879- Activity new organization"Land and Freedom".
  • 1877–1878– Russian-Turkish war.
  • 1878– Treaty of San Stefano.
  • 1878- Berlin Congress.
  • 1879. – Split of the organization “Land and Freedom”. The emergence of the organizations “People's Will” and “Black Redistribution”.
  • 1879–1881– Activities of the organization “People's Will”.
  • 1879–1882- Formation of the Triple Alliance.
  • 1881, March 1st.– Murder of Alexander II by Narodnaya Volya.
  • 1881–1894– Reign of Alexander III.
  • 1882– Abolition of the temporarily obliged position of peasants. Transfer of peasants to compulsory redemption.
  • 1883–1903– Activities of the “Liberation of Labor” group.
  • 1885– Strike at the Nikolskaya manufactory T.S. Morozov in Orekhovo Zuevo (Morozov strike).
  • 1887– Adoption of a circular “on cook’s children.”
  • 1889– Adoption of the “Regulations on Zemstvo Chiefs”.
  • 1891–1893- Formation of the Franco-Russian Union.
  • 1891–1905– Construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway.
  • 1892– Transfer P.M. Tretyakov donated his collection of Russian art to the city of Moscow.
  • 1894–1917– The reign of Nicholas II.
  • 1895– Invention by A.S. Popov radio communications.
  • 1895– Creation of the “Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class.”
  • 1897– The first general census of Russia.
  • 1897– Monetary reform S.Yu. Witte.
  • 1898– 1st Congress of the RSDLP.
  • 1899– The Hague Peace Conference of 26 powers on disarmament issues, convened at the initiative of Russia.

Russia in the 20th century

  • 1901–1902– Creation of the Socialist Revolutionary Party (SRs) as a result of the unification of neo-populist circles.
  • 1903– II Congress of the RSDLP. Creation of a party.
  • 1903– Creation of the “Union of Zemstvo Constitutionalists”.
  • 1904–1905– Russian-Japanese War.
  • 1904, August- Battle of Liaoyang City.
  • 1904, September– Battle on the Shahe River.
  • 1905, January 9– « Bloody Sunday" The beginning of the first Russian revolution.
  • 1905–1907– First Russian revolution.
  • 1905, February– Defeat of the Russian army near the city of Mukden.
  • 1905, May– The death of the Russian fleet near the island of Tsushima.
  • 1905, June– Uprising on the battleship “Prince Potemkin-Tavrichesky”.
  • 1905, August– Conclusion of the Portsmouth Peace Treaty following the Russian Japanese war. Russia ceded to Japan the southern part of Sakhalin, lease rights to the Liaodong Peninsula and the South Manchurian Railway.
  • 1905, October 17– Publication of the Manifesto “On Improvement public order».
  • 1905, November– Creation of the “Union of the Russian People”.
  • 1905, December– Armed uprising in Moscow and a number of other cities.
  • 1906, April–July– Activities of the First State Duma.
  • 1906, November 9- Decree on the withdrawal of peasants from the community. The beginning of the Stolypin agrarian reform.
  • 1907, February–June– Activities of the Second State Duma.
  • 1907, June 3– Dissolution of the Second State Duma. Adoption of a new electoral law (June 3rd coup).
  • 1907–1912. – Activities of the III State Duma.
  • 1907, August– Russian-English agreement on the delimitation of zones of influence in Iran, Afghanistan and Tibet. The final formation of the Entente alliance.
  • 1912- Lena execution.
  • 1912–1917– Activities of the IV State Duma.
  • 1914, August 1 – 1918, November 9- World War I.
  • 1915, August. – Creation of a Progressive block.
  • 1916, May- “Brusilovsky breakthrough.”
  • 1917, February– February bourgeois-democratic revolution in Russia.
  • 1917, March 2– Nicholas II's abdication of the throne. Formation of the Provisional Government.
  • 1917, May– Formation of the 1st coalition Provisional Government.
  • 1917, June– Activities of the First All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies.
  • 1917, July– Formation of the 2nd coalition Provisional Government.
  • 1917, August- Kornilov rebellion.
  • 1917, September 1– Proclamation of Russia as a republic.
  • 1917, October 24–26– Armed uprising in Petrograd. Overthrow of the Provisional Government. II All-Russian Congress of Soviets (Proclamation of Russia as a Republic of Soviets.). Adoption of decrees on peace and land. 1918, January. – Convocation and dissolution of the Constituent Assembly.
  • 1918, March 3.- Conclusion Treaty of Brest-Litovsk between Soviet Russia and Germany. Russia lost Poland, Lithuania, part of Latvia, Finland, Ukraine, part of Belarus, Kars, Ardagan and Batum. The treaty was annulled in November 1918 after the revolution in Germany.
  • 1918–1920Civil War in Russia.
  • 1918– Adoption of the Constitution of the RSFSR.
  • 1918–1921, March– The Soviet government’s implementation of the policy of “war communism.”
  • 1918, July– Execution of the royal family in Yekaterinburg.
  • 1920–1921– Anti-Bolshevik peasant uprisings in the Tambov and Voronezh regions (“Antonovschina”), Ukraine, the Volga region, Western Siberia.
  • 1921, March– Conclusion of the Riga Peace Treaty of the RSFSR with Poland. The territories of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus.
  • 1921, February–March– Uprising of sailors and soldiers in Kronstadt against the policy of “war communism.”
  • 1921, March.– X Congress of the RCP(b). Transition to NEP.
  • 1922– Genoa Conference.
  • 1922, December 30– Education of the USSR.
  • 1924– Adoption of the USSR Constitution.
  • 1925, December– XIV Congress of the CPSU(b). Proclamation of a course towards industrialization of the country. The defeat of the “Trotskyist-Zinoviev opposition.”
  • 1927, December– XV Congress of the CPSU(b). Proclamation of the course towards collectivization of agriculture.
  • 1928–1932– The first five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR.
  • 1929. - The beginning of complete collectivization.
  • 1930– Completion of construction of Turksib.
  • 1933–1937. – The second five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR.
  • 1934– Admission of the USSR to the League of Nations.
  • 1934, December 1– Murder of S. M. Kirov. The beginning of mass repressions.
  • 1936– Adoption of the Constitution of the USSR (“victorious socialism”).
  • 1939, August 23– Signing of a non-aggression pact with Germany.
  • 1939, September 1 – 1945, September 2- The Second World War.
  • 1939, November - 1940, March– Soviet Finnish war.
  • 1941, June 22 – 1945, May 9- The Great Patriotic War.
  • 1941, July–September- Battle of Smolensk.
  • 1941, December 5–6– Counter-offensive of the Red Army near Moscow.
  • 1942, November 19 – 1943, February 2– Counter-offensive of the Red Army at Stalingrad. The beginning of a radical change during the Great Patriotic War.
  • 1943, July–AugustBattle of Kursk.
  • 1943, September–December– Battle of the Dnieper. Liberation of Kyiv. Completion of a radical change during the Great Patriotic War.
  • 1943, November 28 – December 1– Tehran Conference of Heads of Government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain.
  • 1944, January– Final liquidation of the siege of Leningrad.
  • 1944, January–February– Korsun Shevchenko operation.
  • 1944, June–August– Operation for the liberation of Belarus (“Bagration”).
  • 1944, July–August– Lvov-Sandomierz operation.
  • 1944, August– Yassko-Kishinev operation.
  • 1945, January–February– Vistula Oder operation.
  • 1945, February 4–11– Crimean (Yalta) conference of heads of government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain.
  • 1945, April–May- Berlin operation.
  • 1945, April 25- Meeting on the river. Elbe near Torgau advanced Soviet and American troops.
  • 1945, May 8- Surrender of Germany.
  • 1945, July 17– August 2 – Berlin (Potsdam) conference of heads of government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain.
  • 1945, August – September- Defeat of Japan. Signing of the act of unconditional surrender of the Japanese armed forces. The end of World War II.
  • 1946- Start " cold war».
  • 1948– Severance of diplomatic relations with Yugoslavia.
  • 1949. – Start of a campaign to combat “cosmopolitanism.”
  • 1949– Creation of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA).
  • 1949. – Creation of nuclear weapons in the USSR.
  • 1953, March 5– Death of I.S. Stalin.
  • 1953, August– Report on testing in the USSR hydrogen bomb.
  • 1953, September – 1964, October– Election of N. S. Khrushchev as First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Removed from his posts in October 1964.
  • 1954– Obninsk NPP was put into operation.
  • 1955. – Formation of the Warsaw Pact Organization (WTO).
  • 1956., February– XX Congress of the CPSU. Report by N. S. Khrushchev “On the cult of personality and its consequences.”
  • 1956., October November– Uprising in Hungary; suppressed by Soviet troops.
  • 1957., The 4th of October– Launch of the world's first artificial Earth satellite in the USSR.
  • 1961 G., 12th of April– Yu. A. Gagarin’s flight into space.
  • 1961, October– XXII Congress of the CPSU. Adoption of a new Party Program - the program for building communism. 1962 – Cuban Missile Crisis.
  • 1962, June– Strike at the Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant; shooting of a workers' demonstration.
  • 1963, August– Signing in Moscow of an agreement between the USSR, the USA and England banning nuclear weapons tests in the atmosphere, under water and outer space.
  • 1965– The beginning of the economic reform of A.N. Kosygina.
  • 1968– The entry of troops of the Warsaw Pact countries into Czechoslovakia.
  • 1972 May– Signing of the Treaty on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (SALT 1) between the USSR and the USA.
  • 1975– Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki).
  • 1979– Signing of the Treaty on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (SALT 2) between the USSR and the USA.
  • 1979–1989– “Undeclared war” in Afghanistan.
  • 1980, July AugustOlympic Games in Moscow.
  • 1985., March– Election of M.S. Gorbachev general secretary Central Committee of the CPSU.
  • 1986., 26 April– Accident on Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
  • 1987– Conclusion between the USSR and the USA of an agreement on the elimination of intermediate- and shorter-range missiles.
  • 1988. – XIX Party Conference. Proclamation of a course for reform of the political system.
  • 1989, May- June. – First Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR.
  • 1990., March– Election at the Third Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR M.S. Gorbachev as President of the USSR. Exception from the Constitution of Article 6.
  • 1990., 12 June– The Declaration on the State Sovereignty of the RSFSR was adopted.
  • 1991. 12 June– Election of B.N. Yeltsin, President of the RSFSR.
  • 1991., July– Signing of the Treaty between the USSR and the USA on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (START 1).
  • 1991., August 19–21– Attempted coup d'état (GKChP).
  • 1991 G., December 8– Belovezhskaya agreement on the dissolution of the USSR and the creation of the CIS.
  • 1991 December 25– Addition M.S. Gorbachev powers of the President of the USSR.
  • 1992. – Beginning of radical economic reform E.T. Gaidar.
  • 1993., January– Signing of the Treaty between Russia and the United States on the Reduction of Strategic Offensive Arms (START 2).
  • 1993, October 3–4– Armed clashes between supporters of the Supreme Council and government troops in Moscow.
  • 1993., 12 December– Elections to the Federal Assembly – State Duma and the Federation Council and the referendum on the draft Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  • 1994. – Russia’s accession to the NATO “Partnership for Peace” program.
  • 1994., December– The beginning of large-scale actions against Chechen separatists.
  • 1996. – Russia’s accession to the Council of Europe.
  • 1996, July– Election of B.N. Yeltsin as President of the Russian Federation (for a second term).
  • 1997– Creation on the initiative of D.S. Likhachev state TV channel "Culture".
  • 1998, August– Financial crisis in Russia (default).
  • 1999., September– Beginning of the anti-terrorist operation in Chechnya.
  • 2000, March– Election of V.V. Putin as President of the Russian Federation.
  • 2000– Award of the Nobel Prize in Physics to Zh.I. Alferov for fundamental research in the field of information and telecommunication technologies.
  • 2002– Agreement between Russia and the United States on the mutual reduction of nuclear warheads.
  • 2003. – Award of the Nobel Prize in Physics to A.A. Abrikosov and V.L. Ginzburg for his work in the field of quantum physics, in particular for his studies of superconductivity and superfluidity.
  • 2004., March– Election of V.V. Putin as President of the Russian Federation (for a second term).
  • 2005– Creation of the Public Chamber.
  • 2006. – Launch of a program of national projects in the fields of agriculture, housing, health and education.
  • 2008, March– Election of D.A. Medvedev as President of the Russian Federation.
  • 2008., August– Invasion of Georgian troops into South Ossetia. Carrying out Russian army operations to force Georgia to peace. Russian recognition of the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
  • November 2008– Adoption of a law on increasing the term of office of the State Duma and the President of the Russian Federation (5 and 6 years, respectively).

9th century

862-879 Rurik
882 - unification of Novgorod and Kyiv under Prince Oleg
882-912 - Oleg

10th century

907 - Oleg's campaign against Constantinople.
911 - Conclusion of the Russian-Byzantine peace treaty.
912 - Igor Rurikovich becomes Prince of Kyiv.
913 - Caspian campaign of the Rus against Gilan, Deylem, Tabaristan, Abaskun.
915 - the first attack of the Pechenegs on Rus'.
920 - Prince Igor's campaign against the Pechenegs.
941-944 - Russian-Byzantine war. A new treaty was concluded with Byzantium (944).
941 - Unsuccessful campaign of Prince Igor’s army against Constantinople.
944 - Successful campaign of the united army of Rus, Pechenegs and Hungarians to Constantinople. The conclusion of a Russian-Byzantine treaty, less beneficial than Oleg’s treaties.
944–945 — Rus’ raid on the Caspian city of Berdaa
945 - Prince Igor is killed by the Drevlyans at Polyudye while trying to collect tribute again.
945-964 - Reign of Princess Olga. Setting up “lessons and graveyards”, organizing the collection of tribute.
957 - Princess Olga is baptized in Constantinople under the name Elena.
964-972 - reign of Prince Svyatoslav.
964-966 - Prince Svyatoslav’s campaigns against the Kama Bulgarians, Khazars, Yasses and Kasogs.
965 - Defeat of the Khazar Kaganate by Prince Svyatoslav.
968-969 - Conquest of the First Bulgarian Kingdom.
970-971 - War of Svyatoslav with Byzantium.
972 - Death of Svyatoslav.
972-978 - reign of Yaropolk, son of Svyatoslav.
975-978 - civil strife between the sons of Svyatoslav Igorevich
978 - Vladimir’s campaign against Polotsk. Vladimir kills the Polotsk prince Rogvolod and marries his daughter Rogneda.
978 - Vladimir kills his brother Yaropolk and seizes power in Kyiv.
980 - Establishment of an all-Russian pantheon of pagan gods.
983 - Vladimir makes a campaign against the Prussian Yatvingian tribe, defeats them and establishes control over their lands.
984 - Vladimir and his commander Wolf Tail defeated the Radimichi, who, back in the 9th century. included in the Old Russian state, came out of subordination. As a result of this campaign, the Radimichi were re-conquered and forced to pay tribute and “carry carts.”
985 - Vladimir and his uncle Dobrynya went on a campaign against the Kama Bulgarians with the Torks. Russian troops captured many prisoners, and a treaty of peace and mutual assistance was concluded with the Danube Bulgarians.
986 - Bulgarian troops, with the help of the Rus, inflicted a crushing defeat on the Byzantines in Bulgaria.
988 - Baptism of Rus' by Vladimir.
996 — The Church of the Tithes (Church of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary) is built in Kyiv.

11th century

1015 - Internecine wars between the sons of Vladimir I (until 1019).
1019 - Reign of Yaroslav the Wise in Kyiv (until 1054). During these years, “Yaroslav’s Truth” was compiled - the oldest part of the “Russian Truth”.
1030 - Start of construction of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Chernigov (until 1035).
1037 - Beginning of construction of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv (until 1041).
1043 - Campaign of Prince Yaroslav the Wise against Byzantium
1045 - Beginning of construction of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod (until 1050).
1051 - Hilarion becomes the first metropolitan of Russian origin in Kyiv.
1054 - death of Yaroslav the Wise and division of Rus' between his sons. Triumvirate of Yaroslavichs.
1068 - Battle of Alta. Uprising in Kyiv. The enthronement of the Polotsk prince Vseslav the Magician in Kyiv.
1072 - “The Truth of the Yaroslavichs”, the second part of the “Russian Truth”, was compiled.
OK. 1072 - Uprisings in the Novgorod land and the Rostov-Suzdal land
1073 - “Svyatoslav’s Collection.”
1078 - Battle of Nezhatina Niva between Grand Duke Izyaslav and his brother Vsevolod on the one hand, and their nephews Oleg Svyatoslavich and Boris Vyacheslavich on the other. Death of Izyaslav and Boris Vyacheslavich; enthronement of Vsevolod Yaroslavich in Kyiv.
1093 - Svyatopolk Izyaslavich reigned in Kyiv (until 1113).
1097 - Congress of princes in Lyubech. The rule “Everyone keeps his fatherland” was adopted, which consolidated the tendency towards political fragmentation of the Old Russian state.

12th century
1103 - Dolob congress of Russian princes and the first joint campaign against the Polovtsians.
1107 - a new defeat of the Polovtsians in Rus'.
1111 - defeat of the Polovtsians in the steppes and their migration to Georgia.
1113 - Conquest of Vladimir Monomakh in Kyiv. Kiev uprising of the people against the senior squad.
1118 — Final edition of The Tale of Bygone Years.
1125 - Death of Vladimir Monomakh and installation of Mstislav Vladimirovich in Kyiv.
1127 - capture of Polotsk by the troops of Mstislav Vladimirovich and deportation of the Polotsk princes to Constantinople.
1132 - death of Mstislav Vladimirovich and the beginning of the collapse of Kievan Rus.
1136 - Uprising in Novgorod. Expulsion of Prince Vsevolod Mstislavich. Establishment of the republic in Novgorod.
1147 - The first chronicle mention of Moscow. Murder of Grand Duke Igor Olgovich in Kyiv.
1157 - Death in Kyiv of Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Reign of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky in Vladimir of Suzdal (until 1174).
1158 - Construction of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir-on-Klyazma (until 1161)
1169 - The troops of Andrei Bogolyubsky captured and burned Kyiv.
1174 - Murder of Andrei Bogolyubsky in Bogolyubovo.
1176 - Beginning of the reign of Vsevolod the Big Nest in the Vladimir principality.
1185 - Campaign of Novgorod-Seversky Prince Igor Svyatoslavich against the Polovtsians. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign."
1199 - Unification of the Volyn and Galician principalities.

13th century

1216 - Battle of Lipitsa between the sons of Vsevolod the Big Nest.
1221 - Founding of Nizhny Novgorod.
1223 - Battle of the Kalka River. The Mongols, led by Subudei and Jebe, defeat the united Russian-Polovtsian army.
1237 - Invasion of Mongol troops led by Batu into Rus'. The ruin of Ryazan.
1238 - January 1, the battle of Kolomna, the destruction of the city of Kolomna by Batu Khan (Batu), the death of Prince Roman, governor Eremey Glebovich and military leader Kulhan - the youngest son of Genghis Khan. The destruction of the cities of North-Eastern Rus' by the Mongols. Defeat of the Grand Duke of Vladimir Yuri Vsevolodovich in the Battle of the City River, defense of Kozelsk.
1239 - Invasion of Batu's troops into the southern Russian lands. The destruction of Pereyaslavl and Chernigov.
1240 - Capture of Kyiv by Batu's troops.
July 15, 1240 - Battle of the Neva. Victory of the Novgorod prince Alexander over the Swedes.
April 5, 1242 - Battle of the Ice. The army of Alexander Nevsky defeats the German knights.
1243 - Batu founds the Golden Horde.
1252 - Nevryuev’s army, the beginning of the great reign of Alexander Nevsky in Vladimir.
late 1250s - Census of the population of Rus', conducted by the Mongols to collect tribute.
1263 - Alexander Nevsky dies while returning from the Golden Horde. His brother Yaroslav Yaroslavich receives the label for the Great Reign of Vladimir.
1276 - Reign of Daniil Alexandrovich in Moscow (until 1303).
1281-1293 - the struggle of the sons of Alexander Nevsky for the great reign.
1293 - Khan Duden’s campaign against Rus', as a result of which 14 cities in northeastern Rus' were destroyed and burned.
1299 - Transfer of the residence of the Metropolitan of All Rus' from Kyiv to Vladimir.

14th century
1301-1302 - Annexation of Kolomna, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky principality (temporarily), Mozhaisk to Moscow.
1325 - Murder of Moscow Prince Yuri Daniilovich prince of Tver Dmitry Terrible Eyes. The beginning of the reign of Ivan Kalita in Moscow (until 1340)
1326 — Metropolitan Peter moves his residence from Vladimir to Moscow.
1327 - Uprising in Tver against the Golden Horde Baskak Cholkhan.
1328 - Fedochukova’s army against Tver, in which Ivan Kalita takes part. Ivan Kalita becomes Grand Duke.
around 1340 - Founding of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery by Sergius of Radonezh.
1352-1353 - Plague epidemic.
1359 - Beginning of the reign of Dmitry Ivanovich in Moscow (in the future Donskoy, until 1389).
1363 - confirmation of Dmitry Ivanovich to the great reign in Vladimir.
1367-1369 - Construction of the stone Kremlin in Moscow.
1378 - victory of the Russian army over the Golden Horde in the battle on the Vozha River.
1380 - Battle of Kulikovo on the Don River. Victory of the united Russian army over the Horde troops of Mamai.
1382 - Siege and destruction of Moscow and other cities of North-Eastern Rus' by Khan Tokhtamysh.
around 1382 - Beginning of coinage in Moscow.
1385 - Capture of Kolomna by the Ryazan prince Oleg.
1395 - Defeat of the Golden Horde by Tamerlane.

15th century
1408 - Siege of Moscow by the Horde emir
1425 - Beginning of internecine war (until 1453)
1425 - death of Vasily I. Reign of Vasily II the Dark.
1433, 1434 - reign in Moscow of Yuri Dmitrievich Zvenigorodsky
1445 - defeat of Vasily II near Suzdal and his capture by the Tatars.
1446 - blinding of Vasily II. The reign of Dmitry Shemyaka.
1448 - The Russian Orthodox Church is declared autocephalous (independent). Election of Bishop Jonah of Ryazan as Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Rus'
1453 - death of Dmitry Shemyaka in Novgorod. The end of feudal wars.
1458 - The final division of the Metropolis of All Rus' into Kyiv and Moscow
1462 - Beginning of the great reign of Ivan III Vasilyevich (until 1505)
1466 - Journey of the Tver merchant Afanasy Nikitin to India (“Walking beyond the three seas”, until 1472)
1471 - First campaign of Ivan III to Novgorod, Battle of Shelon
1475 - Start of construction of the Assumption Cathedral in the Kremlin (until 1479)
1478 — Fall of Veliky Novgorod’s independence, its annexation to Moscow
1480 - “Standing” on the Ugra River, liberation of Russian lands from the Horde yoke.
1483 - The Russians crossed the Ural ridge for the first time and reached the Ob.
1485 - Tver joins Moscow.
1485 - Start of construction of brick walls and towers of the Moscow Kremlin (until 1489)
1497 - Adoption of the Sudebnik - an all-Russian code of laws, establishing a single deadline for the transition of peasants (a week before and a week after the autumn St. George's Day)

16th century
1501-1503 - War with Livonia
1505 - Death of Ivan III, beginning of the reign of Vasily III (ruled until 1533)
1510 - Pskov joins Moscow
1514 - Annexation of Smolensk to Moscow
1517 - First mention in the chronicles of the Boyar Duma
1521 - Annexation of the Ryazan Principality to Moscow
1524 — Construction of the Novodevichy Convent
1533 - Death of Vasily III, beginning of the reign of Elena Glinskaya (ruled until 1538).
1533 - the beginning of the great reign of Ivan IV the Terrible (ruled until 1584).
1538-1547 - Boyar rule.
1547 - Crowning of Ivan IV to the throne
1549 — Convening of the first Zemsky Sobor
1549(47)—1560 — Reform activities of the “Elected Rada”
1550 - Code of Law of Ivan IV. Creation of the Streltsy army
1551 - Stoglavy Cathedral
1552 - Annexation of the Kazan Khanate
1555 - Siberian Khan Ediger recognized vassal dependence on Moscow.
1556 - Annexation of the Astrakhan Khanate
1558 - Beginning Livonian War(until 1583)
1562 - capture of Polotsk.
1563 - Khan Kuchum came to power in the Siberian Khanate, breaking off relations with Moscow.
1564 - The first printed book by Ivan Fedorov - “The Apostle”. The defeat of Russian troops by the Poles on the Ula River (near Polotsk).
1565 — Establishment of the oprichnina
1570 - Novgorod pogrom and mass executions in Moscow. Peak of terror.
1571 - burning of Moscow by Devlet-Girey I.
1572 - Abolition of the oprichnina. Battle of Molodi.
1581 - Introduction of the “Sacred Years”. The beginning of Ermak's campaign in Siberia. Siege of Pskov by Stefan Batory.
1582 - Peace of Yam-Zapolsky with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
1582-1583 - Ermak’s campaign in Siberia.
1583 - Truce of Plyus with Sweden.
1584 - Death of Tsar Ivan IV, the beginning of the actual reign of Boris Godunov.
1589 — Establishment of the patriarchate in Russia
1591 - Death of Tsarevich Dmitry in Uglich
1592 - Compilation of scribal books
1597 - Introduction of “lesson years” (a five-year period for searching for runaway peasants)
1598 - Death of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich. The end of the Rurik dynasty. Election to reign of Boris Godunov (until 1605). The beginning of the Time of Troubles (before 1613).

17th century
1605 - Overthrow of the Godunov dynasty.
1606 - Murder of False Dmitry I and accession of Vasily Shuisky.
1606-1607 - Uprising led by Ivan Bolotnikov.
1607 - appearance of False Dmitry II.
1608 - False Dmitry defeats the troops of Vasily Shuisky at Bolkhov. Tushino camp. Siege of Moscow.
1608-1610 - siege of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery by the people of False Dmitry II and Polish invaders
1609 - The siege of Smolensk by the Poles begins.
1610 - Battle of Klushina. Overthrow of Vasily Shuisky. Seven Boyars. The entry of the Poles into Moscow.
1610 - Death of False Dmitry II
1611 - Fall of Smolensk, Swedish intervention in Novgorod land
1612 - Liberation of Moscow from the invaders by the people's militia of Minin and Pozharsky.
1613 - Zemsky Sobor. Election to the kingdom of Mikhail Romanov (ruled until 1645). The beginning of the Romanov dynasty (until 1917).
1617 - Peace of Stolbovo with Sweden.
1618 - Deulin truce with Poland.
1632-1634 - Smolensk War.
1645 - Beginning of the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich (until 1676).
1648 - the beginning of the uprising in Ukraine led by Bohdan Khmelnytsky.
1648 - Uprisings in Moscow (“Salt Riot”), Voronezh, Kursk and other cities.
1648 - Cossack Semyon Dezhnev discovered the strait separating Chukotka from Alaska.
1649 - Council Code. The process of enslaving the peasants has been completed.
1652 - Nikon becomes patriarch.
1654 - Church reforms of Nikon. The beginning of the split.
1654 - Pereyaslav Rada. The beginning of a new Russian-Polish war. Return of Smolensk.
1656 - Truce of Vilna. Beginning of the Russian-Swedish war
1662 - “Copper riot” in Moscow.
1666-1667 - Condemnation of Patriarch Nikon at a church council.
1667 - Truce of Andrusovo with Poland.
1668-1676 - Solovetsky uprising.
1670-1671 - Peasant-Cossack uprising led by Stepan Razin.
1676-1682 - Reign of Fedor III Alekseevich
1682 - Burning of Habakkuk. Khovanshchina. The beginning of the reign of Peter I and Ivan V under the regency of Sophia.
1689 - Beginning of the independent reign of Peter I (until 1725).
1695, 1696 - Azov campaigns.
1697-1698 - Great Embassy.
1698 - Streltsy riot in Moscow.
1700 - Introduction of a new calendar from January 1. Beginning of the Northern War (before 1721). Defeat of Russian troops in the Battle of Narva.

18 century
1703 - Founding of St. Petersburg. Publication of the first issue of the Vedomosti newspaper.
1709 - Victory of Russian troops in the Battle of Poltava.
1711 - The Senate is established. Prut campaign.
1712 - Transfer of the capital to St. Petersburg.
1714 - Victory of the Russian fleet in naval battle at Gangut. Decree on unity of inheritance.
1718-1721 - Collegiums were established.
1721 - Nystadt Peace Treaty between Russia and Sweden. The Synod was established.
1721 - Proclamation of Russia as an Empire.
1722 - The Table of Ranks was adopted.
1724 - Decree on the establishment of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg.
1725 - Death of Peter I.
1725-1727 - Reign of Catherine I.
1727-1730 - Reign of Peter II.
1730 - Beginning of the reign of Anna Ioannovna (until 1740).
1732 - The Land Noble Corps, the main higher military educational institution in Russia, opened.
1733 - Second Kamchatka expedition of Vitus Bering (until 1743).
1733 - the beginning of the War of the Polish Succession.
1735 - the beginning of the Russian-Turkish War of 1735-1739.
1736 - Azov is finally annexed to Russia.
1739 - Battle of Stavuchany. Russia's first victory over Turkey in a field battle.
1740 - beginning of the reign of Ivan VI (until December 1741).
1741 - beginning of the Russian-Swedish War of 1741-1743
1741 - beginning of the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna (until 1761).
1755 - Foundation of Moscow University.
1756 - beginning of the Seven Years' War.
1759 - Battle of Kunersdorf. Victory of the Russian troops.
1761 - Becomes Emperor Peter III(until 1762).
1762 - Manifesto on the freedom of the nobility. Beginning of the reign of Catherine II (until 1796)
1764 - Secularization of church and monastic lands. Abolition of hetmanship in Ukraine.
1765 - Decree on the right of landowners to exile serfs to Siberia. Creation of the Free Economic Society.
1767 - The laid down commission was convened (until 1768).
1768 - Beginning of the war with the Bar Confederation (until 1772). The beginning of the Russian-Turkish war (until 1774).
1769 - Issue of banknotes (the first paper money in Russia).
1770 - Defeat Turkish fleet in Chesme Bay. Victories at Larga and Cahul.
1772 - First partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (together with Prussia and Austria). Annexation of Eastern Belarus and part of Latvia.
1773-1775 - Peasant War led by Emelyan Pugachev.
1775 - liquidation of the Zaporozhye Sich
1775 - The Russian Empire is divided into 51 provinces.
1783 - Manifesto of Catherine II on the annexation of Crimea to Russia. "Georgievsky Treaty" on the voluntary acceptance of Eastern Georgia under the protection of Russia.
1787 - Beginning of the Russian-Turkish War (until 1791).
1790 - Capture of the Izmail fortress by Russian troops.
1792 - Russian intervention in Poland.
1793 - Second partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (together with Prussia). Annexation of Central Belarus and part of Right Bank Ukraine.
1794 - Kosciuszko uprising and its suppression.
1795 - Third partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (together with Prussia and Austria). Annexation of Western Belarus, Lithuania and Volyn.
1796 - Beginning of the reign of Paul I (until 1801).
1799 - Italian and Swiss campaigns of Alexander Suvorov.

19th century
1801 - Paul I is assassinated. The reign of Alexander I begins (until 1825).
1802 - Establishment of ministries in Russia.
1803 - Decree on free cultivators.
1805 - Battle of Austerlitz.
1806 - the beginning of a new Russian-Turkish war (until 1812).
1807 - Meeting of Alexander I and Napoleon in Tilsit. Tilsit world.
1809 - Speransky's reform project. Annexation of Finland to Russia.
1812 - Patriotic War of 1812. Battle of Borodino.
1813 - Foreign campaign of the Russian army. Peace of Gulistan with Persia.
1814 - capture of Paris.
1817 - Beginning of the Caucasian War (until 1864).
1825 - Accession to the throne of Nicholas I (until 1855). Decembrist revolt.
1826-1828 - Russian-Persian war. Annexation of Nakhichevan and Erivan.
1828-1829 - Russian-Turkish war.
1830 - Polish uprising.
1835 - Reduction of university autonomy.
1849 - Russian participation in the suppression of the revolution in Hungary.
1851 - Opening of railway communication between St. Petersburg and Moscow.
1853-1856 - Crimean War (ended with the signing of the Paris Peace Treaty).
1854-1855 - Defense of Sevastopol.
1855 - Beginning of the reign of Alexander II (until 1881).
1858 - Annexation of the Amur region. Aigun Treaty with China.
1861-1865 - American Civil War.
1863 - Abolition of slavery in the United States.
1869 - Opening of the Suez Canal.
1870 - Completed the unification of Italy.
1871 - Completion of German unification. Parisian commune.
1874 - Rebellion of the samurai in Japan (until 1877).
1885 - Creation of the Indian National Congress party.
1899 - Beginning of the Anglo-Boer War (until 1902).
1899 - Beginning of the Boxer Rebellion in China (until 1900).
1861 - Manifesto on the abolition of serfdom.
1862 - Beginning of great reforms.
1863 - Polish uprising. Expedition of the Russian fleet to the shores North America (1863-1864)
1864 - Beginning of judicial reform. Establishment of zemstvos. The University Charter was adopted and the autonomy of universities was restored.
1865 - Censorship reform.
1865-1873 - Annexation of the Central Asian states: Khanate of Khiva, Khanate of Kokand, Khanate of Bukhara.
1867 - Russia sells Alaska to the United States.
1870 - “City situation”.
1874 - Transition to universal conscription. "Walking among the people."
1877-1878 - Russian-Turkish War. Berlin Congress.
1878 - Trial of Vera Zasulich
1881 - Murder of Alexander II by Narodnaya Volya. Beginning of the reign of Alexander III.
1884 - Abolition of university autonomy.
1891 - Construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway begins (until 1902).
1894 - Accession to the throne of Nicholas II (until 1917).
1896 - Khodynka disaster.
1897 - First All-Russian population census. Witte's monetary reform.
1898 - First Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP).

20th century

1902 - Creation of the Socialist Revolutionary Party
1903 - II Congress of the RSDLP. Split into "Bolsheviks" and "Mensheviks".
1904-1905 - Russian-Japanese War.
1905 - Creation of the Cadets and Octobrist parties. January 9 (22) Bloody Sunday. The first Russian revolution (before 1907).
1906 - Activities of the State Duma. The beginning of Stolypin's agrarian reform.
1907 - New electoral law, the beginning of the work of the III State Duma (until 1912)
1914 - Russia enters the First World War.
1916 - Brusilov breakthrough.
1917 - February Revolution. Nicholas II's abdication of the throne. Provisional government. October Revolution. Beginning of the Civil War (until 1922-1923).
1918 - Dispersal of the Constituent Assembly. Peace of Brest-Litovsk.
1919—1921 — Soviet-Polish War
1921 - Transition to the New Economic Policy.
1922 - Formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
1924 - Death of V.I. Lenin. Adoption of the First Constitution of the USSR.
1928 - First Five-Year Plan (until 1932). Industrialization.
1929 - Beginning of complete collectivization.
1932 (autumn)—1933 (spring) - Famine in the USSR
1936 - The Stalinist Constitution of the USSR was adopted.
1936-1939 - Repressions in the USSR.
1939 - Soviet-German non-aggression pact. Soviet-Finnish War(until 1940).
1941 - Beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Battle for Moscow.
1941 (08.09) - 1944 (27.01) - Siege of Leningrad.
1942 - Battle of Stalingrad.
1943 - Battle of Kursk. Tehran Conference.
1944 - Operation Bagration - liberation of Belarus from the Nazis.
1943-1944 - Mass deportation of the peoples of the North Caucasus and Crimea
1945 - Crimean Conference. The victorious end of the Great Patriotic War. Soviet-Japanese War.
1947 - The Marshall Plan for the reconstruction of Europe is adopted.
1947 - Proclamation of independence of India and Pakistan.
1948 - Proclamation of the State of Israel. First Arab-Israeli War.
1948 - Division of Korea along the 38th parallel.
1949 - Proclamation of the People's Republic of China.
1949 - NATO is formed.
1959 - Cuban Revolution.
1961 - Construction of the Berlin Wall.
1967 - Six-Day War.
1964 - Vietnam War (until 1973).
1969 - First manned flight to the Moon.
1979 - Islamic revolution in Iran.
1980 - Formation of the Solidarity trade union in Poland.
1990 - Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. Operation Desert Storm.
1991 - Collapse of Yugoslavia.
1946 - Beginning of the Cold War
1949 - Successful test took place on August 29 atomic bomb at the Semipalatinsk test site. The beginning of the “fight against cosmopolitanism.”
1953 - Death of Stalin. G. M. Malenkov, who took the post of Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, becomes the de facto leader of the USSR. Testing of the first Soviet hydrogen bomb.
1954 - Beginning of development of virgin lands.
1955 - Replacement of Malenkov, power passes to the First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee N. S. Khrushchev. Signing of the Warsaw Pact.
1956 - XX Congress of the CPSU. Khrushchev's report “On the cult of personality and its consequences.” Soviet troops entered Hungary. Rehabilitation of the repressed.
1957 - Launch of the world's first artificial satellite.
1961 - Space flight of Yu. A. Gagarin.
1962 - Cuban Missile Crisis.
1964 - Removal of N. S. Khrushchev from power. L.I. Brezhnev becomes the leader of the country.
1965 - Economic reform of national economic management and planning in the USSR under the leadership of A. N. Kosygin.
1968 - USSR participation in the suppression of the Prague Spring.
1972 - Treaties on the Limitation of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense System and Strategic Offensive Arms.
1974 - Expulsion of the writer A.I. Solzhenitsyn from the USSR.
1977 - Adoption of the Brezhnev Constitution of the USSR.
1979 - Beginning Afghan war, which ended in 1989.
1980 - 1980 Summer Olympics held in Moscow.
1982-1985 - death of L. I. Brezhnev, change of power in the USSR. During four years two leaders were replaced (Andropov and Chernenko served as party general secretary for a year and three months and three hundred and eighty days, respectively)
1985 - M. S. Gorbachev was elected General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. The beginning of perestroika.
1986 - The largest man-made disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine.
1991 - Election of B.N. Yeltsin as President of the RSFSR. Formation of the Emergency Committee. The coup attempt failed. Collapse of the USSR. End of the Cold War.
1992 - Beginning of liberal economic reforms. The beginning of privatization.
1993 - Constitutional crisis, attack by supporters of the dissolved Supreme Council on the Moscow City Hall building and the Ostankino television center. Shooting of the Russian Parliament. Adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation by popular vote.
1994-1996 - War in Chechnya.
1996 - B. N. Yeltsin was re-elected President of the Russian Federation.
1998 - Default in Russia.
1999 - Invasion of militants in Dagestan, the beginning of the Second Chechen campaign, a series of terrorist attacks in Russian cities (Buinaksk, Moscow and Volgodonsk) - explosions of residential buildings, resignation of B. N. Yeltsin, appointment of Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin as acting President of the Russian Federation .
2000 - V.V. Putin was elected President of the Russian Federation. Creation federal districts in the Russian Federation. Disaster of the nuclear submarine "Kursk". Fire at the Ostankino TV tower in Moscow.

Russian Federation- a state that ranks first in terms of territory and ninth in terms of population. This is a country that has gone from scattered principalities to a candidate for superpower. How did the formation of this political, economic and military colossus take place?

In our article we will look at the main dates in the history of Russia. We will see the development of the country from the first mentions of it until the end of the twentieth century.

9th - 10th century

The word “Rus” was first mentioned in 860 in connection with the siege of Constantinople (Constantinople) and the plunder of its surroundings. Researchers estimate that more than eight thousand people took part in the raid. The Byzantines did not expect an attack from the Black Sea at all, so they were unable to give a worthy rebuff. “The Rus left with impunity,” the chronicler reports.

The next important date was 862. This is one of the most significant events. According to the Tale of Bygone Years, it was at that time that representatives of the Slavic tribes invited Rurik to reign.

The chronicle says that they were tired of constant quarrels and civil strife, which only a visiting ruler could put an end to.

Like 862, the next year, 863, became important in the history of Russia. This year, according to chroniclers, it is created Slavic alphabet- Cyrillic. It was from this time that the official written history of Rus' begins.

In 882, Prince Oleg, Rurik’s successor, conquered Kyiv and made it the “capital city”. This ruler did a lot for the state. He began to unite the tribes, went against the Khazars, recapturing many lands. Now the northerners, Drevlyans, Radimichi pay tribute not to the Kaganate, but to the Kyiv prince.

We are considering only the main dates in the history of Russia. Therefore, we dwell only on some key events.

So, the 10th century was marked by a powerful expansion of the Rus into neighboring countries and tribes. So, Igor went against the Pechenegs (920) and Constantinople (944). Prince Svyatoslav defeated in 965, which significantly strengthened the position of Kievan Rus in the south and southeast.

In 970, Vladimir Svyatoslavovich became the prince of Kyiv. He, together with his uncle Dobrynya, whose image was later reflected in the epic hero, is preparing a campaign against the Bulgarians. He managed to defeat the Serbian and Bulgarian tribes on the Danube, as a result of which an alliance was concluded.

However, during the mentioned campaigns, the prince becomes imbued with Christianity. Previously, his grandmother, Princess Olga, was the first to accept this faith and found herself misunderstood by those around her. Now Vladimir the Great decides to baptize the entire state.

Thus, in 988, a series of ceremonies were carried out designed to baptize the majority of the tribes. Those who refused to change their faith voluntarily were forced to do so.

The last important date in the 10th century is considered to be the construction of the Tithe Church. It was with the help of this building that Christianity was finally established at the state level in Kyiv.

11th century

The eleventh century was marked by a large number of military conflicts between princes. Immediately after the death of Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, civil strife began.

This devastation continued until 1019, when Prince Yaroslav, who was later nicknamed the Wise, sat on the throne in Kyiv. He reigned for thirty-five years. It is noteworthy that during the years of his reign Kievan Rus practically reaching the level of European countries.

Since we are talking briefly about the history of Russia, the most important dates of the eleventh century are associated with the reign of Yaroslav (in the first half of the century) and the period of unrest (in the second half of the century).

So, from 1019 until his death in 1054, Prince Yaroslav the Wise compiled one of the most famous codes - “The Truth of Yaroslav”. This is the oldest part of “Russian Truth”.

Over five years, starting in 1030, he built the Transfiguration Cathedral in Chernigov.

In the capital, in 1037, construction of the famous temple - Sophia of Kyiv - began. It was completed in 1041.

After the campaign against Byzantium, in 1043, Yaroslav built a similar cathedral in Novgorod.

The death of the Kyiv prince marked the beginning of the struggle for the capital between his sons. From 1054 to 1068 Izyaslav ruled. Then, with the help of an uprising, he is replaced by the Polotsk prince Vseslav. In epics he is mentioned as Volga.

Due to the fact that this ruler still adhered to pagan views in matters of faith, in folk tales the properties of a werewolf are attributed to him. In epics he becomes either a wolf or a falcon. In official history, he was given the nickname Sorcerer.

When listing the main dates in the history of Russia in the eleventh century, it is worth mentioning the creation of the “Pravda of the Yaroslavichs” in 1072 and the “Izbornik of Svyatoslav” in 1073. The latter contains descriptions of the lives of the saints, as well as their important teachings.

A more interesting document is “Russian Truth”. It consists of two parts. The first was written during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise, and the second in 1072. This collection contains norms of criminal, procedural, commercial and inheritance legislation.

The last event worth mentioning within the eleventh century was the princes. He marked the beginning of the fragmentation of the Old Russian state. There it was decided that everyone should manage only their own estate.

12th century

Oddly enough, but important role at the reunion ancient Russian princes Polovtsians played. Speaking about the main dates in the history of Russia in the twelfth century, one cannot fail to mention the campaigns against these nomads in 1103, 1107 and 1111. It was these three military campaigns that united the Eastern Slavs and created the preconditions for the reign of Vladimir Monomakh in 1113. His successor was his son Mstislav Vladimirovich.

During the reign of these princes, the Tale of Bygone Years was finally edited, and there was also an increase in discontent among the people, which was expressed in the uprisings of 1113 and 1127.

After the death of Yaroslav the Wise, the political history of Europe and the history of Russia gradually became distant. The dates and events of the twelfth century fully confirm this.

While there was a struggle for power here caused by the collapse of the Kyiv state, the unification of Spain and several crusades were being carried out in Western Europe.

The following happened in Rus'. In 1136, as a result of the uprising and expulsion of Vsevolod Mstislavovich, a republic was established in Novgorod.

In 1147, chronicles first mention the name Moscow. It was from this time that the gradual rise of the city began, which was subsequently destined to become the capital of the united state.

The end of the twelfth century was marked by even greater fragmentation of the state and the weakening of the principalities. All this led to the fact that Rus' is deprived of freedom, falling into the yoke of the Mongol-Tatars.

Since these events took place in the thirteenth century, we will talk about them further.

XIII century

In this century, the independent history of Russia is temporarily interrupted. The dates, the table of Batu’s campaigns, which is given below, as well as maps of battles with the Mongols, indicate the incompetence of many princes in matters of military operations.

Campaigns of Khan Batu
The Council of Mongol Khans decides to launch a campaign against Rus', the army was led by Batu, the grandson of Genghis Khan1235
The defeat of the Volga Bulgaria by the Mongols1236
Subjugation of the Polovtsians and the beginning of the campaign against Rus'1237
Siege and capture of RyazanDecember 1237
Fall of Kolomna and MoscowJanuary 1238
Capture of Vladimir by the MongolsFebruary 3-7, 1238
The defeat of the Russian army on the City River and the death of the Vladimir princeMarch 4, 1238
The fall of the city of Torzhok, the return of the Mongols to the steppesMarch 1238
Beginning of the siege of KozelskMarch 25, 1238
Rest of the Mongol army in the Don steppessummer 1238
Fall of Murom, Nizhny Novgorod and Gorokhovetsautumn 1238
Batu's invasion of the southern Russian principalities, the fall of Putivl, Pereyaslavl and Chernigovsummer 1239
Siege and capture of Kyiv by the Mongol-Tatars5-6 September 1240

There are several stories where city residents were able to heroically repel invaders (for example, Kozelsk). But not a single event is mentioned when the princes defeated the Mongol army.

Regarding Kozelsk, this is simply a unique story. The campaign of the invincible army of Khan Batu, who ravaged North-Eastern Rus' from 1237 to 1240, was stopped near the walls of a small fortress.

This town was the capital of the principality on the land of the former Vyatichi tribe. According to scientists, the number of his defenders did not exceed four hundred people. However, the Mongols were able to take the fortress only after seven weeks of siege and the loss of more than four thousand soldiers.

It is noteworthy that the defense was held by ordinary residents, without a prince or governor. At this time, Mstislav’s grandson, twelve-year-old Vasily, “ruled” in Kozelsk. Nevertheless, the townspeople decided to protect him and defend the city.

After the fortress was captured by the Mongols, it was razed to the ground and all the inhabitants were killed. Neither infants nor frail old people were spared.

After this battle, other important dates in the history of Russia associated with Mongol invasion, relate exclusively to the southern principalities.

So, in 1238, a little earlier, a battle takes place near the Kolomna River. In 1239, Chernigov and Pereyaslavl were plundered. And in 1240 Kyiv also fell.

In 1243, the Mongol state - the Golden Horde - was formed. Now Russian princes are obliged to take the “label to reign” from the khans.

In the northern lands at this time a completely different picture occurs. Swedish and German troops are approaching Rus'. They are opposed by the Novgorod prince Alexander Nevsky.

In 1240, he defeated the Swedes on the Neva River, and in 1242 he completely defeated the German knights (the so-called Battle of the Ice).

In the second half of the thirteenth century, several punitive campaigns of the Mongols against Rus' took place. They were directed against unwanted princes who did not receive a label to rule. So, in 1252 and 1293, Khan Duden destroyed fourteen large settlements of North-Eastern Rus'.

Due to difficult events and the gradual transfer of control to the northern lands, in 1299 the patriarch moved from Kyiv to Vladimir.

XIV century

More significant dates in the history of Russia date back to the fourteenth century. In 1325, Ivan Kalita came to power. He begins to gather all the principalities into a single state. So, by 1340, some lands were annexed to Moscow, and in 1328 Kalita became the Grand Duke.

In 1326, Metropolitan Peter of Vladimir moved his residence to Moscow as a more promising city.

The plague (“Black Death”) that began in 1347 in Western Europe reached Rus' in 1352. She destroyed many people.

When mentioning important dates in the history of Russia, it is especially worth focusing on events related to Moscow. In 1359, Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy ascended the throne. Over the course of two years, starting in 1367, the construction of the stone Kremlin in Moscow took place. It was because of this that it was later called “white stone”.

By the end of the fourteenth century, Rus' finally emerged from the rule of the Golden Horde khans. So, in this vein, important events are the battle near the Vozha River (1378) and the Battle of Kulikovo (1380). These victories showed the Mongol-Tatars that a powerful state was beginning to take shape in the north, which would not be under anyone’s authority.

However, the Golden Horde did not want to lose its tributaries so easily. In 1382 he gathered a large army and ravaged Moscow.

This was the last disaster associated with the Mongol-Tatars. Although Rus' finally freed itself from their yoke only a century later. But during this time no one else disturbed its borders.

Moreover, in 1395 Tamerlane finally destroyed the Golden Horde. But the yoke over Russia continued to exist.

15th century

The main dates in the history of Russia in the fifteenth century relate mainly to the unification of lands into a single Moscow state.

The first half of the century passed in civil strife. During these years, Vasily I and Vasily II the Dark, Yuri Zvenigorodsky and Dmitry Shemyaka were in power.

The events of the first half of the fifteenth century are a little reminiscent of 1917 in the history of Russia. The civil war that followed the revolution also revealed many appanage princelings, gang leaders, who were subsequently destroyed by Moscow.

The reason for the civil strife lay in the choice of ways to strengthen the state. Externally, the political activities of the provisional rulers were connected with the Tatars and Lithuanians, who sometimes carried out raids. Some princes were guided by the support of the East, others trusted the West more.

The moral of decades of civil strife was that those who did not rely on external support, but strengthened the country from within, won. Thus, the result was the unification of many small appanage lands under the rule of the Grand Duke of Moscow.

An important step was the establishment of autocephaly in the Russian Orthodox Church. Now the metropolitans of Kyiv and all Rus' were proclaimed here. That is, dependence on Byzantium and the Patriarch of Constantinople was destroyed.

In the course of feudal wars and religious misunderstandings, the separation of the Moscow Metropolis from the Kyiv Metropolis took place in 1458.

The discord between the princes ended with the accession of John III. In 1471 he defeated the Novgorodians in the Battle of Shelon, and in 1478 he finally annexed Veliky Novgorod to the Moscow Principality.

In 1480 one of the most significant events of the fifteenth century took place. It is known in the chronicles under the name This is a very interesting story, which contemporaries considered “the mystical intercession of the Virgin Mary.” gathered a large army and opposed Ivan III, who was in alliance with the Crimean Khan.

But there was no battle. After the troops stood against each other for a long time, both armies turned back. Researchers have now found that this was caused by weakness Great Horde and the actions of sabotage detachments in the rear of Akhmat.

Thus, in 1480 Muscovy becomes a fully sovereign state.

The year 1552 was similar in importance in the history of Russia. We'll talk about it a little later.

In 1497, the Code of Laws, a set of laws for all residents of the state, was officially adopted and approved.

16th century

The sixteenth century is characterized by powerful processes of centralization of the country. During the reign of Vasily III, Pskov (1510), Smolensk (1514) and Ryazan (1521) were annexed to Moscow. Also for the first time in 1517 it was mentioned as a state governing body.

With the death of Vasily III, a slight decline of Muscovy begins. The rules at this time were Elena Glinskaya, who was replaced by Boyar power. But the grown-up son of the deceased prince, Ivan Vasilyevich, put an end to arbitrariness.

He ascended the throne in 1547. Ivan the Terrible began with foreign policy. In the state itself, in fact, until 1565, the prince relied on zemsky councils and boyars. During these eighteen years, he was able to annex many territories.

The year 1552 is noteworthy in the history of Russia. Then Ivan the Terrible captures Kazan and annexes the Khanate to the Moscow state. In addition to it, such territories as the Astrakhan Khanate (1556) and the city of Polotsk (1562) were conquered.

The Siberian Khan in 1555 recognized himself as a vassal of Ivan Vasilyevich. However, in 1563, Khan Kuchum, who replaced him on the throne, breaks off all relations with Muscovy.

After a decade and a half of conquests, the Grand Duke turns his attention to the internal situation in the country. In 1565, the oprichnina was established and persecution and terror began. All boyar families that began to attach themselves to power are destroyed, and their property is confiscated. Executions continued until 1572.

In 1582, Ermak began his famous campaign in Siberia, which lasted a year.

In 1583, peace was signed with Sweden, returning to the latter all the lands conquered during the war.

In 1584, Ivan Vasilyevich dies and Boris Godunov actually comes to power. He became a real tsar only in 1598, after the death of Fedor, the son of Ivan the Terrible.

In 1598, the Rurikovich line was interrupted, and after the death of Boris (in 1605) it began Time of Troubles and Seven Boyars.

17th century

The most important event was 1613 in the history of Russia. He influenced not only this century, but the next three hundred years. This year the turmoil ended and Mikhail, the founder of the Romanov dynasty, came to power.

The seventeenth century is characterized by the processes of formation and development of the Muscovite kingdom. In foreign policy, conflicts occur with Poland (1654) and Sweden (1656). From 1648 to 1654 there was an uprising in Ukraine led by Khmelnytsky.

There were riots in the Moscow kingdom itself in 1648 (Solyanoy), 1662 (Medny), 1698 (Streletsky). In 1668-1676 there was an uprising on the Solovetsky Islands. And from 1670 to 1671, the Cossacks rebelled under the leadership of Stenka Razin.

In addition to political and economic turmoil, religious turmoil and schism were brewing in the mid-seventeenth century. tried to reform the spiritual life of society, but was not accepted by the Old Believers. In 1667 he was convicted and sent into exile.

Thus, over the course of seven decades, the process of forming a single state took place, in which different institutions “grinded in” to each other. It ends with the accession of Peter I.

It turns out that 1613 in the history of Russia marked the beginning of a departure from feudalism. And Pyotr Alekseevich turned the kingdom into an empire and brought Russia to the international level.

XVIII century

The century of the most powerful rise that the history of Russia has ever known - the 18th century. The dates of the founding of new cities, universities, academies and other places speak for themselves.

So, in 1703 St. Petersburg was built. In 1711 the Senate was established, and in 1721 the Synod. In 1724 the Academy of Sciences was founded. In 1734 - the main military educational institution of the country, the Land Noble Corps. In 1755, Moscow University was created. These are just some of the events that show powerful cultural growth in the state.

In 1712, the capital was moved from “old” Moscow to “young” St. Petersburg. In addition, in 1721, Russia was proclaimed an empire, and Peter Alekseevich was the first to receive the corresponding title.

The eighteenth century will be of particular interest to those interested in military history Russia. The dates and events of this century show the unprecedented power of the Russian army and navy, as well as the wonders of engineering.

The country entered the nineteenth century as a powerful empire that defeated Turkey, Sweden, and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

19th century

If a feature of the previous century was the cultural and military growth of the state, then in the next period there is a slight reorientation of interests. Stormy economic development and the separation of the government from the people - all this is the history of Russia, the 19th century.

The dates of significant events of that time tell us about the growth of bribery among officials, as well as about the authorities’ attempts to create thoughtless performers from the lower strata of society.

The main military conflicts of this century were the Patriotic War (1812) and the confrontation between Russia and Turkey (1806, 1828, 1853, 1877).

In domestic politics, many reforms are taking place aimed at even greater enslavement ordinary people. These are Speransky's reforms (1809), great reforms (1862), judicial reform (1864), censorship reform (1865), and universal military service (1874).

Even if we take into account the abolition of serfdom in 1861, it is still clear that the bureaucracy strives for maximum exploitation of the common people.
The response to this policy was a series of uprisings. 1825 - Decembrists. 1830 and 1863 - uprising in Poland. In 1881, the Narodnaya Volya killed Alexander II.

In the wake of general dissatisfaction with the government, the position of the Social Democrats is strengthening. The first congress took place in 1898.

XX century

Despite the wars, disasters and other horrors discussed above, some dates of the 20th century are especially terrible. Until that time, the history of Russia had not known such a nightmare as the Bolsheviks created in the first quarter of the century.

The 1905 revolution and participation in the First World War (1914-1917) were the last straw for ordinary workers and peasants.

The year 1917 will be remembered for a long time in the history of Russia. After the October Revolution and the abdication of Nicholas II, his family was captured and executed in July 1918. A civil war begins, which lasted until 1922, when the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was formed. A similar revolution and devastation marked 1991 in the history of Russia.

The first years of the existence of the new state were marked by social disasters of enormous proportions. These are famine in 1932-1933 and repression in 1936-1939.

In 1941, the USSR entered World War II. In our historical tradition, this conflict is called the Great Patriotic War. After the victory in 1945, the restoration and short-term rise of the country began.

1991 became a turning point in the history of Russia. Soviet Union collapsed, leaving all dreams of a “bright future” under the rubble. In fact, people had to learn how to live from scratch in a market economy in a new state.

Thus, you and I, dear friends, briefly went through the most significant events in the history of Russia.

Good luck, and remember that the answers to the future are stored in the lessons of the past.

The history of the Russian state goes back more than 12 centuries. Over the course of centuries, events took place that became turning points on the scale of a huge country. Top 10 important dates in Russian history collected in our top ten today.

Of course, such a list cannot be called exhaustive - in the richest Russian history there are more than one hundred significant days. However, we suggest starting small and turning to the current top ten.

September 8, 1380 - Battle of Kulikovo (Battle of the Don or Mamayevo)

This battle between the army of Dmitry Donskoy and the army of Mamai is considered a turning point in the more than two hundred years of the Tatar-Mongol yoke. The crushing defeat dealt a blow to the military and political dominance of the Horde. According to legend, the battle was preceded by a duel between the Russian hero Peresvet and the Pecheneg Chelubey.

November 24, 1480 – Fall of the Tatar-Mongol yoke

The Mongol yoke was established in Rus' in 1243 and remained unshakable for 237 years. At the end of November 1480, the Great Stand on the Ugra River ended, marking the victory of the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III over the Khan of the Great Horde, Akhmat.

October 26, 1612 – Liberation of the Kremlin from invaders

On this day the participants people's militia under the leadership of the legendary Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin, they liberate the Kremlin from the Polish-Swedish invaders. Among those who left the Kremlin was the nun Martha with her son Mikhail Romanov, who in 1613 was proclaimed the new Russian sovereign.

June 27, 1709 – Battle of Poltava

The largest battle of the Northern War ended in a decisive victory for the Russian army. From that moment on, Sweden's authority as one of the leading military powers in Europe was over. But the power of the renewed Russian army was demonstrated to the whole world.

August 26, 1812 - Battle of Borodino

The largest battle of the Patriotic War lasted 12 hours. Both armies lost 25-30% of their strength. The battle was conceived by Napoleon as a general one, and the goal was a crushing defeat of the Russian army. However, the battle ended ingloriously for the French, despite the Russian retreat, and became the beginning of the end of the Napoleonic campaign.

February 19, 1861 – abolition of Russian serfdom

The freedom of the peasants was secured by the manifesto of Emperor Alexander II, who was popularly nicknamed the Liberator. By the time the manifesto was published, the share of serfs in the Russian population was about 37%.

February 27, 1917 – February Revolution

An armed uprising in February 1917 led to the abdication of Emperor Nicholas II. These events are considered the beginning of the Soviet period in Russian history. For the next 74 years, a new form of government was established in the state.

May 9, 1945 – Signing of the Act of Unconditional Surrender of Germany

The day of the end of the Great Patriotic War was declared a national holiday immediately in 1945. Despite the fact that the first victory parade took place in the capital on Red Square on June 24, 1945, Russians celebrate Victory Day on May 9.

April 12, 1961 - Yuri Gagarin's flight into space

The first human flight into space was not only the most important event in the scientific world, but also significantly strengthened the prestige of the USSR as a military space power. In the eyes of the whole world, the authority of the Americans was undermined; space flight became decisive for a number of states that wavered in their sympathies between the Union and the United States.

December 8, 1991 – Signing of the Agreement on the Creation of the CIS (Belovezhskaya Agreement)

The agreement was signed by three leaders: Boris Yeltsin, Stanislav Shushkevich and Leonid Kravchuk. This event can be considered the date of the final collapse of the USSR. By the end of 1991, the Russian Federation was recognized by the world community and took the place of the USSR in the UN. It can be considered that from this moment the history of modern Russia began.

Russia from antiquity to the end of the 16th century. (beginning of the 17th century)

VI century - The legend about Prince Kiy - the founder of the city of Kyiv.

9th century – Formation of the Old Russian state.

860 - Russian campaign against Constantinople.

862 - “The Calling of the Varangians” to Rus'.

862–879 - The reign of Rurik in Novgorod.

879–912 – The reign of Oleg in Kyiv.

882 – The unification of Novgorod and Kyiv into a single state under Prince Oleg.

907, 911 – Oleg’s campaigns to Constantinople. Treaties with the Greeks.

912-945 – The reign of Igor in Kyiv.

944 - Treaty of Igor with Byzantium.

945 - Revolt of the Drevlyans.

945-962 - The reign of Princess Olga during the early childhood of her son Prince Svyatoslav.

957 - Baptism of Princess Olga in Constantinople(Embassy in Constantinople).

962–972 - The reign of Svyatoslav Igorevich.

964–972 . – Military campaigns of Prince Svyatoslav.

980–1015 – The reign of Vladimir I Svyatoslavich the Holy.

988 – Adoption of Christianity in Rus'.

1015 - Uprising in Novgorod against the Varangians.

1019–1054 - The reign of Yaroslav the Wise.

1037 g . – Beginning of construction of the Church of St. Sophia in Kyiv.

1045 – Beginning of construction of the Church of St. Sophia in Novgorod the Great.

1068-1072 - Popular performances in Kyiv, Novgorod, Rostov-Suzdal, Chernigov lands.

OK. 1072 – Final design of “Russian Truth” (“Pravda Yaroslavich”).

1097 - Congress of princes in Lyubech. Consolidation of the fragmentation of the Old Russian state.

1113–1125 – The Great Reign of Vladimir Monomakh.

1113 -Uprising in Kyiv.

1125–1157 – Reign of Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky in Vladimir.

1136 – Establishment of a republic in Novgorod.

1147 – The first mention of Moscow in the chronicle.

Beginning of the 12th - end of the 15th centuries. - Feudal fragmentation of Rus'.

1157–1174 – The reign of Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky.

1165 – Construction of the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl.

1169 -Capture of Kyiv by the troops of Andrei Bogolyubsky.

1185 – The campaign of Prince Igor Novgorod Seversky against the Polovtsians. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign."

1199 – Unification of the Volyn and Galician principalities.

1202 – Formation of the Order of the Sword.

Beginning of the 13th century . - Formation of the Lithuanian state.

1206-1227 - The reign of Genghis Khan.

1219-1221 - Conquest of Central Asia by the Mongol-Tatars.

1227-1255 - The Board of Batu.
1235-1243 -Conquest of Transcaucasia by the Mongol-Tatars.

1236 -Conquest of Volga Bulgaria by the Mongol-Tatars.

1237–1240 . - Invasion of the Mongol Tatars led by Khan Batu into Rus'.

1237 g . - Unification of the Teutonic Order with the Order of the Sword. Formation of the Livonian Order.

1240, July 15. - Battle of the Neva. The defeat of the Swedish knights on the Neva River by Prince Alexander Yaroslavich. Nicknamed Nevsky.

1240 g . – The defeat of Kyiv by the Mongol-Tatars.

1242, April 5. - Battle on the Ice. The defeat of the crusaders on Lake Peipus by Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky.

1243 – Formation of the Golden Horde state.

1247 - Formation of the Tver Principality.

1252–1263 – The reign of Alexander Nevsky on the grand-ducal throne of Vladimir .

1262 - Uprisings in Russian cities against the Mongol-Tatars.

1264 – Collapse of the Galician-Volyn principality under the blows of the Horde.

1276 – Formation of an independent Moscow principality.

1299 - The Metropolitan's move from Kyiv to Vladimir.

1301 - Annexation of Kolomna to Moscow.

1302 - Entry of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky into the Moscow Principality

1303 -Annexation of Mozhaisk to Moscow.
1310 - Adoption of Islam as the state religion of the Golden Horde.

About 1313-1392 -Sergius of Radonezh

1325-1340 - The reign of Prince Ivan Kalita in Moscow.

1326 - Transfer of the residence of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church - the Metropolitan - from Vladimir to Moscow, turning Moscow into an all-Russian religious center.

1327 - Uprising in Tver against the Golden Horde.

1328 - Transfer of the metropolitan center to Moscow.

1359-1389 – The reign of Prince (from 1362 – Grand Duke) Dmitry Ivanovich (after 1380 – Donskoy) in Moscow.

OK. 1360-1430 - Life and work of Andrei Rublev.

1363 -Victory of Lithuanian troops over the Horde at Blue Waters. Entry of Kyiv into Lithuania.1367 -Construction of the white stone Kremlin in Moscow.

1378 - Battle of the Vozha River.

1382 - The defeat of Moscow by Tokhtamysh.

1385 -Union of Krevo between Lithuania and Poland.

1389-1425 - The reign of Vasily I Dmitrievich.

1393 -Annexation of Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow.

1395 - Timur's destruction of the Golden Horde.

1410, July 15. - Battle of Grunwald. Defeat of the Teutonic Order.

1425-1453 – Dynastic war between the sons and grandsons of Dmitry Donskoy.

1437 - Formation of the Kazan Khanate.
1439 – Florentine Church Union about the unification of the Catholic and Orthodox churches under the leadership of the Pope. The act of union was signed by the Russian Metropolitan Isidore, for which he was deposed.

1443 - Formation of the Crimean Khanate.

1448 - Election of Bishop Jonah of Ryazan as Metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox Church and All Rus'. Establishment of autocephaly (independence) of the Russian Orthodox Church from Byzantium.

1453 g . - Fall of the Byzantine Empire.

1462–1505 – The reign of Ivan III.

1463 – Annexation of Yaroslavl to Moscow.

1469–1472 . – Travel of Afanasy Nikitin to India.

1471 – Battle on the Sheloni River between Moscow and Novgorod troops.

1474 -Annexation of Rostov the Great to Moscow.

1478 g . - Annexation of Novgorod the Great to Moscow.

1480 - “Standing on the Ugra River.” Elimination of the Horde yoke.

1484-1508 - Construction of the current Moscow Kremlin. Construction of cathedrals and the Chamber of Facets, brick walls.

1485 - Annexation of Tver to Moscow.

1489 - Annexation of the Vyatka land to Moscow.

1497 - Compilation of the Code of Laws of Ivan III. Establishing uniform norms of criminal liability and judicial procedural norms for the entire country, limiting the right of peasants to transfer from one feudal lord to another - the week before and the week after November 26 (St. George's Day in the fall).

End of the 15th – beginning of the 16th centuries. – Completion of the process of formation of the Russian centralized state.

1500-1503, 1507-1508, 1512-1522, 1534-1537 - Russian-Lithuanian wars.
1503 – Controversy between Nil Sorsky (the leader of the non-acquisitive people, who preached the refusal of the church from all property) and Abbot Joseph Volotsky (the leader of the acquisitive people, a supporter of the preservation of church land ownership). Condemnation of the views of non-possessors at the Church Council.

1503 – Annexation of the Southwestern Russian lands to Moscow.

1505–1533 – Reign of Vasily III.

1510 – Annexation of Pskov to Moscow.

1514 – Annexation of Smolensk to Moscow.

1521 – Annexation of Ryazan to Moscow.

1533–1584 – The reign of Grand Duke Ivan IV the Terrible.

1547 - Uprising in Moscow.

1547 g . – The crowning of Ivan IV the Terrible.

1549 g . - The beginning of the convening of Zemsky Sobors.

1550 – Adoption of the Code of Laws of Ivan IV the Terrible.

1551 – “The Hundred-Glavy Cathedral” of the Russian Orthodox Church.

1552 – Annexation of Kazan to Moscow.

1552-1557 - Entry of the Volga region into Russia.
1555–1560 – Construction of the Intercession Cathedral in Moscow (St. Basil's Cathedral).

1556 g . – Annexation of Astrakhan to Moscow.

1556 g . – Adoption of the “Code of Service”.

1558–1583 . - Livonian War.

1561 - Defeat of the Livonian Order.

1564 - The beginning of book printing in Rus'. Publication by Ivan Fedorov of “The Apostle” - the first printed book with a set date.

1565-1572 – Oprichnina of Ivan IV the Terrible.

1569 – Conclusion of the Union of Lublin on the unification of Poland with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania into one state – the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

1581 – The first mention of “reserved years.”

1581 g . – Ermak’s campaign in Siberia.

1582 – Signing of the Yam-Zapolsky truce between Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

1583 g . – Conclusion of the Truce of Plus with Sweden.

1584–1598 . - The reign of Fyodor Ioannovich.

1589 - Establishment of the Patriarchate in Rus'. Patriarch Job.

1591 - Death of Tsarevich Dmitry in Uglich.

1592 - Compilation of scribal and census books.

1595 - Tyavzinsky peace with Sweden.

1596 - Brest Church Union.
1597 g . - Decree on “pre-scheduled years” (a five-year period for searching for runaway peasants).

1598–1605 - Board of Boris Godunov.

1603 – Revolt of peasants and serfs led by Cotton.

1605–1606 – Reign of False Dmitry I.

1606–1607 – Peasant uprising led by Ivan Bolotnikov.

1607 - Decree on a fifteen-year search for fugitives.

1606–1610 – The reign of Tsar Vasily Shuisky.

1607–1610 – Attempt of False Dmitry II to seize power in Russia. The existence of the “Tushino camp”.

1609–1611 . - Defense of Smolensk.

1610–1613 - “Seven Boyars”.

1611, March–June. – The first militia against Polish troops led by P. Lyapunov.

1612 – The second militia under the leadership of D. Pozharsky and K. Minin.

1612, October 26. – Liberation of Moscow from Polish invaders by the Second Militia.

1613 – Election of Mikhail Romanov to the throne by the Zemsky Sobor. Beginning of the Romanov dynasty .

1613–1645 – The reign of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov.

1617 – Conclusion of the Stolbovsky “eternal peace” with Sweden.

1618 – Deulino truce with Poland.

1632–1634 . – Smolensk War between Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Russia in the XVII–XVIII centuries.

1645–1676 - The reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

1648 – Semyon Dezhnev’s expedition along the Kolyma River and the Arctic Ocean.

1648 -1654 . –The uprising of Bogdan Khmelnitsky in Ukraine.

1648 – “Salt riot” in Moscow.

1648–1650 – Uprisings in various cities of Russia.

1649 - Adoption by the Zemsky Sobor of a new set of laws - the “Cathedral Code” of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The final enslavement of the peasants.

1649 - Zborovsky world.

1651 - Belotserkovsky Peace.

OK. 1651–1656 – Reform of Patriarch Nikon. The beginning of the church schism.

1654, January 8 . - Pereyaslavskaya Rada. Reunification of Ukraine with Russia.

1654-1667 – Russia’s war with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth for Ukraine.

1661 -Peace of Kardis with Sweden.

1662 – “Copper riot” in Moscow.

1667 g . – Conclusion of the Andrusovo truce between Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

1667 g . – Introduction of the New Trade Charter.

1667-1669 - “Hike for zipuns.”

1667–1671 – Peasant war led by Stepan Razin.

1667-1676 - Solovetsky uprising.

1670-1671 -Peasant war led by S.T. Razin.

1676–1682 – Board of Fedor Alekseevich.

1676-1681 - Russia's war with Turkey.

1682 – Abolition of localism.

1682, 1698 . – Streltsy uprisings in Moscow.

1682–1725 – The reign of Peter I (1682–1689 – under the regency of Sophia, until 1696 – together with Ivan V).

1686 g . – “Eternal Peace” with Poland.

1687 – Opening of the Slavic Greek Latin Academy.

1687, 1689 - Crimean campaigns V.V. Golitsyn.

1689 -Nerchinsk Treaty with China.
1695, 1696 – Campaigns of Peter I to Azov.

1697–1698 - “Great Embassy”.

1700–1721 . - North War.

1707–1708 . – Peasant uprising led by K. Bulavin.

1708-1710 - Establishment of provinces.

1710–1711 . - Prut campaign.

1711 g . - Establishment of the Senate.

1711–1765 – Life and work of M. V. Lomonosov.

1713 - Transfer of the capital to St. Petersburg.

1714 g . – Decree on single inheritance (cancelled in 1731).

1718–1721 – Establishment of boards.

1720 g . - Battle of Grengam Island.

1721 – Peace of Nystadt with Sweden.

1721 – Proclamation of Peter I as emperor. Russia became an empire.

1721 - Permission to buy peasants into factories.

1722 – Adoption of the “Table of Ranks”.

1722 – Signing of the decree on the succession to the throne.

1722–1723 - Caspian campaign.

1725 – Opening of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg.

1725–1727 – The reign of Catherine I.

1727–1730 – The reign of Peter II.

1730–1740 - The reign of Anna Ioannovna. "Bironovschina."

1731 - Abolition of single inheritance.

1741–1761 - The reign of Elizaveta Petrovna.

1750 - Opening of the first Russian theater in Yaroslavl.

1756–1763 - Seven Years' War.

1757 – Foundation of the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg.

1761–1762 – The reign of Peter III.

1762 - “Manifesto on the freedom of the nobility.”

1762–1796 – The reign of Catherine II.

1764 - Secularization of church property.

1764 - Elimination of the hetmanate in Ukraine.

1767-1768 - Stacked commission,

1768–1774 . – Russian-Turkish war.

1768 - Beginning of issue of banknotes.

1770 – Victory of the Russian fleet over the Turkish in the Battle of Chesma and the Russian ground forces over the Turkish army in the battles of the Larga and Cahul rivers.

1771 -Plague riot in Moscow.

1774 – Conclusion of the Kyuchuk Kaynardzhi Peace following the Russian-Turkish War. The Crimean Khanate came under Russian protectorate. Russia received the territory of the Black Sea region between the Dnieper and the Southern Bug, the fortresses of Azov, Kerch, Kinburn, and the right of free passage of Russian merchant ships through the Black Sea straits.

1772, 1793, 1795 – Partitions of Poland between Prussia, Austria and Russia. The territories of Right Bank Ukraine, Belarus, part of the Baltic states and Poland were transferred to Russia.

1772–1839 – Life and work of M. M. Speransky.

1773–1775 . – Peasant war led by Emelyan Pugachev.

1775 g . – Carrying out provincial reform in the Russian Empire.

1780 -Declaration of Armed Neutrality.
1782 – Opening of the monument to Peter I “The Bronze Horseman” (E. Falcone).

1783 – The entry of Crimea into the Russian Empire. Georgievsky Treaty. Transition of Eastern Georgia under Russian protectorate.

1785 – Publication of letters of grant to the nobility and cities.

1787–1791 . – Russian-Turkish war.

1789 – Victories of Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov at Focsani and Rymnik.

1790 – Victory of the Russian fleet over the Turkish in the battle of Cape Kaliakria.

1790 – Publication of A. N. Radishchev’s book “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow.”

1790 g . – Capture of the Turkish fortress Izmail on the Danube by Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov.

1791 . – Conclusion of the Peace of Jassy following the Russian-Turkish War. The annexation of Crimea and Kuban, the territory of the Black Sea region between the Southern Bug and the Dniester, was confirmed to Russia.

1794 – Uprising in Poland led by Tadeusz Kosciuszko.

1796–1801 – Reign of Paul I.

1797 – Cancellation of the order of succession to the throne established by Peter I. Restoring the order of succession to the throne by primogeniture in the male line.

1797 – Publication by Paul I of the manifesto on the three-day corvee.

1799 – Italian and Swiss campaigns of A.V. Suvorov.

Russia in the 19th century

1801–1825 – Reign of Alexander I.

1802 – Establishment of ministries instead of boards.

1803 - Decree on “free cultivators”.

1803 . – Adoption of a charter introducing university autonomy.

1803–1804 . – The first Russian round-the-world expedition led by I. F. Krusenstern and Yu. F. Lisyansky.

1804–1813 . – Russian-Iranian war. Ended with the Peace of Gulistan.

1805–1807 . – Russia’s participation in the III and IV anti-Napoleonic coalitions.

1805, December. – Defeat of Russian and Austrian troops in the Battle of Austerlitz.

1806–1812 – Russian-Turkish war.

1807 – Defeat of the Russian army near Friedland.

1807 . – Conclusion of the Peace of Tilsit between Alexander I and Napoleon Bonaparte (Russia’s accession to the continental blockade of England, Russia’s consent to the creation of the Duchy of Warsaw as a vassal of France).

1808–1809 – Russian-Swedish war. Annexation of Finland to the Russian Empire.

1810 – Creation of the State Council on the initiative of M. M. Speransky.

1812, June–December . – Patriotic War with Napoleon.

1812 – Conclusion of the Bucharest Peace following the Russian-Turkish War.

1812, July 22 - Union of the 1st and 2nd Russian armies near Smolensk.
1812, August 3-6 - Battle for Smolensk.
1812, August 8 - Appointment of M.I. Kutuzov as commander-in-chief of the Russian army.
1812, August 26 - Battle of Borodino.
1812, September 1 - Meeting in Fili.
1812, October 7 - The departure of the French army from Moscow.
1812, October 12 - Battle of Maloyaroslavets.
1812, November 14-17 - Crossing of French troops across the Berezina River.
1812, December 21 - Order of M.I. Kutuzov for the army on the expulsion of the French army from Russia.

1813–1814 . – Foreign campaigns of the Russian army.

1813 - “Battle of the Nations” at Leipzig.

1813 – Conclusion of the Treaty of Gulistan following the Russian-Iranian War.

1814–1815 . – Vienna Congress of European States. Solving the problems of the structure of Europe after the Napoleonic wars. Annexation of the Duchy of Warsaw (Kingdom of Poland) to Russia.

1815 – Creation of the “Holy Alliance”.

1815 – Granting of the Constitution to the Kingdom of Poland by Alexander I.

1816 – The beginning of the mass creation of military settlements on the initiative of A. A. Arakcheev.

1816–1817 – Activities of the “Union of Salvation”.

1817–1864 - Caucasian War.

1818–1821 – Activities of the “Union of Welfare”.

1820 – Discovery of Antarctica by Russian navigators under the command of F. F. Bellingshausen and M. P. Lazarev.

1820 - Uprising in the Semenovsky regiment.

1821–1822 – Formation of the Northern and Southern Decembrist societies.

1821–1881 . – Life and work of F. M. Dostoevsky.

1825, December 14 . – Decembrist uprising on Senate Square in St. Petersburg.

1825, December 29 – 1826, January 3. – Uprising of the Chernigov regiment.

1825–1855 – The reign of Nicholas I.

1826–1828 . – Russian-Iranian war.

1828 – Conclusion of the Turkmanchay Peace following the Russian-Iranian War. Death of A. S. Griboyedov.

1828–1829 – Russian-Turkish war.

1829 . – Conclusion of the Peace of Adrianople following the Russian-Turkish War.

1831–1839 – Activities of N.V. Stankevich’s circle.

1837 – Opening of the first railway St. Petersburg – Tsarskoe Selo.

1837–1841 – P.D. Kiselev’s implementation of reforms in the management of state peasants.

1840–1850s – Disputes between Slavophiles and Westerners.

1842 - Issuance of a decree on “obligated peasants.”

1839–1843 . – Monetary reform by E. F. Kankrin.

1840–1893 – Life and work of P. I. Tchaikovsky.

1844–1849 – Activities of the circle of M. V. Butashevich-Petrashevsky.

1845 - Formation of the Slavic Society of St. Cyril and Methodius.

1851 . – Opening of the Moscow – St. Petersburg railway.

1853–1856 . - Crimean War.

1853-1856 - Creation of the “Free Russian Printing House”.
1853, November. - Battle of Sinope.

1854, September 2 - landing of Anglo-French troops in Crimea.
1854, September 2 - The sinking of the Russian fleet in the bay of Sevastopol.
1854, September 8 - Battle on the Alma River.
1854, September-1855, August - Defense of Sevastopol.

1855-1881 – The reign of Alexander II.

1855 - Signing of the Shimoda Treaty between Russia and Japan.
1855, November - Capture of the Kare fortress by Russian troops.
1856 - Paris Congress.

1856 – Founding by P. M. Tretyakov of a collection of Russian art in Moscow.

1858, 1860 . – Aigun and Beijing treaties with China.

1861-1863 - Activities of the secret circle “Velikorus”.

1 861, February 19. – Abolition of serfdom in Russia.

1861–1864 – Activities of the organization “Land and Freedom”.

1862 . – Formation of the “Mighty Handful” - an association of composers (M. A. Balakirev, Ts. A. Cui, M. P. Mussorgsky, N. A. Rimsky Korsakov, A. P. Borodin).

1864 – Zemstvo, judicial and school reforms.

1864–1885 – Annexation of Central Asia to the Russian Empire.

1866 - Formation of the Turkestan General Government.
1867 – Sale of Alaska to the USA.

1868 - Establishment of vassal dependence of the Bukhara Emirate on Russia.

1869 – Discovery by D.I. Mendeleev of the Periodic Law of Chemical Elements.

1870 - Founding of the Russian section of the First International.

1870 – Reform of city government.

1870–1923 . – Activities of the “Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions”.

1873 – Creation of the “Union of Three Emperors”.

1874 – Carrying out military reform – introducing universal conscription.

1874, 1876 . – The Narodniks’ “walking among the people.”

1875 - Treaty of Russia and Japan on the division of possessions into Kuril Islands and Sakhalin Island.
1876 - Entry of the Kokand Khanate into Russia.

1876–1879 – Activities of the new organization “Land and Freedom”.

1877–1878 – Russian-Turkish war.

1877, July-December - Defense of the Shipka Pass.
1878 – Treaty of San Stefano.

1878 - Berlin Congress.

1879 . – Split of the organization “Land and Freedom”. The emergence of the organizations “People's Will” and “Black Redistribution”.

1879–1881 – Activities of the organization “People's Will”.

1879–1882 - Formation of the Triple Alliance.

1881, March 1st. – Murder of Alexander II by Narodnaya Volya.

1881–1894 – Reign of Alexander III.

1881 - Adoption of the “Regulations on measures to protect state security and public peace.”
1882 – Abolition of the temporarily obliged position of peasants. Transfer of peasants to compulsory redemption.

1883–1903 – Activities of the “Liberation of Labor” group.

1885 – Strike at the Nikolskaya manufactory of T. S. Morozov in Orekhovo Zuevo (Morozov strike).

1887 . – Adoption of a circular “on cook’s children.”

1889 – Adoption of the “Regulations on Zemstvo Chiefs”.

1890 - Adoption of the “Regulations on provincial and district zemstvo institutions” (zemstvo counter-reform).

1891–1894 - Formation of the Franco-Russian union.

1891–1905 . – Construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway.

1892 – P. M. Tretyakov donated his collection of Russian art to the city of Moscow.

1892 - Adoption of the “City Regulations” (urban counter-reform).

1894–1917 – The reign of Nicholas II.

1895 - Creation of the “Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class.”

1895 – Invention of radio communication by A. S. Popov.

1895 . – Creation of the “Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class.”

1897 – The first general census of Russia.

1897 . – Monetary reform S. Yu. Witte.

1898 . – 1st Congress of the RSDLP.

1899 – The Hague Peace Conference of 26 powers on disarmament issues, convened at the initiative of Russia.

1900, December - Creation of the newspaper "Iskra".

Russia in the 20th century

- “Obukhov Defense”.

1901–1902 – Creation of the Socialist Revolutionary Party (SRs) as a result of the unification of neo-populist circles.

1903 – II Congress of the RSDLP. Creation of a party.

1903 – Creation of the “Union of Zemstvo Constitutionalists”.

1904–1905 – Russian-Japanese War.

1904, January 26-27 - Attack of Japanese ships on Russian squadrons in Port Arthur and Chemulpo.
1904, August-1905, December - Defense of Port Arthur.

1904, August. - Battle of Liaoyang City.

1904, September. – Battle on the Shahe River.

1905, January 9. - “Bloody Sunday.” The beginning of the first Russian revolution.

1905–1907 – The first Russian revolution.

1905, February. – Defeat of the Russian army near the city of Mukden.

1905, May. – The death of the Russian fleet near the island of Tsushima.

1905, June . – Uprising on the battleship “Prince Potemkin-Tavrichesky”.

1905, August . – Conclusion of the Portsmouth Peace Treaty following the Russian-Japanese War. Russia ceded to Japan the southern part of Sakhalin, lease rights to the Liaodong Peninsula and the South Manchurian Railway.

1905, October 17. – Publication of the Manifesto “On the Improvement of State Order.”

1905, November . – Creation of the “Union of the Russian People”.

1905, December . – Armed uprising in Moscow and a number of other cities.

1906, April–July. – Activities of the First State Duma.

1906, November 9 . - Decree on the withdrawal of peasants from the community. The beginning of the Stolypin agrarian reform.

1907, February–June . – Activities of the Second State Duma.

1907, June 3 . – Dissolution of the Second State Duma. Adoption of a new electoral law (June 3rd coup).

1907–1912 . – Activities of the III State Duma.

1907, August – Russian-English agreement on the delimitation of zones of influence in Iran, Afghanistan and Tibet. The final formation of the Entente alliance.

1912 - Lena execution.

1912–1917 . – Activities of the IV State Duma.

1914, August 1 1918, November 9. - World War I.

1914, August - East Prussian operation of the Russian army.
1914, August-September - Galician operation of the Russian army.
1915, May-October - Retreat of the Russian army.

1915, August. – Creation of a Progressive block.

1916, May. - “Brusilovsky breakthrough.”

1917, February. – February bourgeois-democratic revolution in Russia.

1917, February 23 - Demonstration in Petrograd.

1917, March 2. – Nicholas II's abdication of the throne. Formation of the Provisional Government.

1917, May. – Formation of the 1st coalition Provisional Government.

1917, June. – Activities of the First All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies.

1917, July. – Formation of the 2nd coalition Provisional Government.

1917, August. - Kornilov rebellion.

1917, September 1. – Proclamation of Russia as a republic.

1917, October 24–26 . – Armed uprising in Petrograd. Overthrow of the Provisional Government. II All-Russian Congress of Soviets (Proclamation of Russia as a Republic of Soviets.). Adoption of decrees on peace and land.

1918, January. – Convocation and dissolution of the Constituent Assembly.

1918, March 3. – Conclusion of the Brest-Litovsk Treaty between Soviet Russia and Germany. Russia lost Poland, Lithuania, part of Latvia, Finland, Ukraine, part of Belarus, Kars, Ardagan and Batum. The treaty was annulled in November 1918 after the revolution in Germany.

1918–1920 – Civil war in Russia.

1918 . – Adoption of the Constitution of the RSFSR.

1918–1921, March. – The Soviet government’s implementation of the policy of “war communism.”

1918, July – Execution of the royal family in Yekaterinburg.

1920–1921 – Anti-Bolshevik peasant uprisings in the Tambov and Voronezh regions (“Antonovschina”), Ukraine, the Volga region, Western Siberia.

1921, March – Conclusion of the Riga Peace Treaty of the RSFSR with Poland. The territories of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus went to Poland.

1921, February–March . – Uprising of sailors and soldiers in Kronstadt against the policy of “war communism.”

1921, March . – X Congress of the RCP(b). Transition to NEP.

1922 – Genoa Conference.

1922, December 30. – Education of the USSR.

1924 – Adoption of the USSR Constitution.

1925, December – XIV Congress of the CPSU(b). Proclamation of a course towards industrialization of the country. The defeat of the “Trotskyist-Zinoviev opposition.”

1927, December – XV Congress of the CPSU(b). Proclamation of the course towards collectivization of agriculture.

1928–1932 – The first five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR.

1929 - The beginning of complete collectivization.

1930 – Completion of construction of Turksib.

1933–1937 . – The second five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR.

1934 – Admission of the USSR to the League of Nations.

1934, December 1. – Murder of S. M. Kirov. The beginning of mass repressions.

1936 . – Adoption of the Constitution of the USSR (“victorious socialism”).

1939, August 23 . – Signing of a non-aggression pact with Germany.

1939, September 1 – 1945, September 2. - The Second World War.

1939, November - 1940, March. – Soviet-Finnish War.

1941, June 22 – 1945, May 9. - The Great Patriotic War.

1941, July–September. - Battle of Smolensk.

1941, December 5–6 – Counter-offensive of the Red Army near Moscow.

1942, November 19 – 1943, February 2 . – Counter-offensive of the Red Army at Stalingrad. The beginning of a radical change during the Great Patriotic War.

1943, July–August. - Battle of Kursk.

1943, September–December . – Battle of the Dnieper. Liberation of Kyiv. Completion of a radical change during the Great Patriotic War.

1943, November 28 – December 1 . – Tehran Conference of Heads of Government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain.

1944, January . – Final liquidation of the siege of Leningrad.

1944, January–February . – Korsun Shevchenko operation.

1944, June–August – Operation for the liberation of Belarus (“Bagration”).

1944, July–August – Lvov-Sandomierz operation.

1944, August – Yassko-Kishinev operation.

1945, January–February – Vistula Oder operation.

1945, February 4–11 – Crimean (Yalta) conference of heads of government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain.

1945, April–May - Berlin operation.

1945, April 25 - Meeting on the river. Elbe near Torgau advanced Soviet and American troops.

1945, May 8 - Surrender of Germany.

1945, July 17 – August 2 – Berlin (Potsdam) Conference of Heads of Government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain.

1945, August – September - Defeat of Japan. Signing of the act of unconditional surrender of the Japanese armed forces. The end of World War II.

1946 – The beginning of the Cold War.

1948 – Severance of diplomatic relations with Yugoslavia.

1949 – Start of a campaign to combat “cosmopolitanism.”

1949 – Creation of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA).

1949 – Creation of nuclear weapons in the USSR.

1953, March 5 . – Death of I.S. Stalin.

1953, August. – Report on the testing of a hydrogen bomb in the USSR.

1953, September – 1964, October . – Election of N. S. Khrushchev as First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Removed from his posts in October 1964.

1954 – Obninsk NPP was put into operation.

1955 – Formation of the Warsaw Pact Organization (WTO).

1956, February . – XX Congress of the CPSU. Report by N. S. Khrushchev “On the cult of personality and its consequences.”

1956 October - november. – Uprising in Hungary; suppressed by Soviet troops.

1957 October 4 . – Launch of the world's first artificial Earth satellite in the USSR.

1961, April 12. – Yu. A. Gagarin’s flight into space.

1961 October . – XXII Congress of the CPSU. Adoption of a new Party Program - the program for building communism. 1962 – Cuban Missile Crisis.

1962, June. – Strike at the Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant; shooting of a workers' demonstration.

1963, August . – Signing in Moscow of an agreement between the USSR, the USA and England banning nuclear weapons tests in the atmosphere, under water and outer space.

1965 – The beginning of the economic reform of A.N. Kosygina.

1968 – The entry of troops of the Warsaw Pact countries into Czechoslovakia.

1972, May. – Signing of the Treaty on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (SALT 1) between the USSR and the USA.

1975 – Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki).

1979 . – Signing of the Treaty on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (SALT 2) between the USSR and the USA.

1979–1989 – “Undeclared war” in Afghanistan.

1980, July–August . – Olympic Games in Moscow.

1985, March. – Election of M. S. Gorbachev as General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.

1986, April 26 . - The Chernobyl accident.

1987 . – Conclusion between the USSR and the USA of an agreement on the elimination of intermediate- and shorter-range missiles.

1988 – XIX Party Conference. Proclamation of a course for reform of the political system.

1989, May–June . – First Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR.

1990, March. – Election of M. S. Gorbachev as President of the USSR at the Third Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR. Exception from the Constitution of Article 6.

1990, June 12 – The Declaration on the State Sovereignty of the RSFSR was adopted.

1991 June 12 . – Election of B. N. Yeltsin as President of the RSFSR.

1991 July . – Signing of the Treaty between the USSR and the USA on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (START 1).

1991, August 19–21 . – Attempted coup d'état (GKChP).

1991, December 8 . – Belovezhskaya agreement on the dissolution of the USSR and the creation of the CIS.

1991, December 25 . – M. S. Gorbachev resigns from the powers of the President of the USSR.

1992 – The beginning of the radical economic reform of E. T. Gaidar.

1993, January. – Signing of the Treaty between Russia and the United States on the Reduction of Strategic Offensive Arms (START 2).

1993, October 3–4. – Armed clashes between supporters of the Supreme Council and government troops in Moscow.

1993, December 12 . – Elections to the Federal Assembly – the State Duma and the Federation Council and a referendum on the draft Constitution of the Russian Federation.

1994 – Russia's accession to the NATO Partnership for Peace program.

1994 December . – The beginning of large-scale actions against Chechen separatists.

1996 – Russia’s accession to the Council of Europe.

1996, July . – Election of B. N. Yeltsin as President of the Russian Federation (for a second term).

1997 – Creation of the state TV channel “Culture” on the initiative of D. S. Likhachev.

1998, August . – Financial crisis in Russia (default).

1999, September . – Beginning of the anti-terrorist operation in Chechnya.

2000, March. – Election of V.V. Putin as President of the Russian Federation.

2000 – Award of the Nobel Prize in Physics to Zh. I. Alferov for fundamental research in the field of information and telecommunication technologies.

2002 . – Agreement between Russia and the United States on the mutual reduction of nuclear warheads.

2003 . – Awarding the Nobel Prize in Physics to A. A. Abrikosov and V. L. Ginzburg for work in the field of quantum physics, in particular for research into superconductivity and superfluidity.

2004, March . – Election of V.V. Putin as President of the Russian Federation (for a second term).

2005 – Creation of the Public Chamber.

2006 – Launch of a program of national projects in the fields of agriculture, housing, health and education.

2008, March - Election of D. A. Medvedev as President of the Russian Federation.

2008, August – Invasion of Georgian troops into South Ossetia. Conducting an operation by the Russian army to force Georgia to peace. Russian recognition of the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

November 2008 – Adoption of a law on increasing the term of office of the State Duma and the President of the Russian Federation (5 and 6 years, respectively).

Head of the government

(Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, from 1923 - Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, from 1938 - Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, from May 1989 to March 1990 - Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, from March 1990 - President of the USSR, from December 1991 – President of the Russian Federation).

1. Kamenev Lev Borisovich - November 1917 (new style)
2. Sverdlov Yakov Mikhailovich - November 1917 - March 1919.
3. Kalinin Mikhail Ivanovich - March 1919 - March 1946
4. Shvernik Nikolai Mikhailovich – March 1946 – March 1953
5. Kliment Efremovich Voroshilov – March 1953 – May 1960
6. Brezhnev Leonid Ilyich - May 1960 - July 1964; June 1977 - November 1982
7. Mikoyan Anastas Ivanovich – July 1964 – December 1965
8. Podgorny Nikolay Viktorovich - December 1965 - June 1977
9. Andropov Yuri Vladimirovich – June 1983 – February 1984
10. Chernenko Konstantin Ustinovich - April 1984 - March 1985
11. Gromyko Andrey Andreevich – July 1985 – October 1988
12. Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev – October 1988 – December 1991
13. Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin - June 1991 to December 1999.
14. Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich - since December 31, 1999 to present day

Head of the government

(Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, from July 1923 - Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, from March 1946 - Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, from December 1990 to December 1991 - Prime Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR, from December 1991 - Prime Minister Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation)

1. Lenin Vladimir Ilyich - November 1917 - January 1924
2. Rykov Alexey Ivanovich - February 1924 - December 1930
3. Molotov Vyachevlav Mikhailovich - December 1930 - May 1941
4. Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich - May 1941 - March 1953
5. Malenkov Georgy Maximilianovich - March 1953 - February 1955
6. Bulganin Nikolai Alexandrovich – February 1955 – March 1958
7. Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev - March 1958 - October 1964
8. Kosygin Alexey Nikolaevich – October 1964 – October 1980
9. Tikhonov Nikolay Alexandrovich – October 1980 – September 1985
10. Ryzhkov Nikolay Ivanovich – September 1985 – December 1990
11. Pavlov Valentin Sergeevich – December 1990 – August 1991
12. Gaidar Egor Timurovich - Spanish. oblig. – December 1991 – December 1992
13. Chernomyrdin Viktor Stepanovich - December 1992 - March 1998
14. Kiriyenko Sergey Vladilenovich – March 1998 – August 1998
15. Primakov Evgeniy Maksimovich – September 1998 – May 1999
16. Stepashin Sergey Vadimovich – May 1999 – August 1999
17. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin – August 1999 – May 2000.
18. Kasyanov Mikhail Mikhailovich – May 2000 – to present.

Leader of the Communist Party

(Secretary General Central Committee, from 1953 to 1966. First Secretary of the Central Committee).
1. Stalin I.V. – April 1922 – March 1953
2. Khrushchev N.S. – September 1953 – October 1964
3. Brezhnev L.I. – October 1964 – November 1982
4. Andropov Yu.V. – November 1982 – February 1984
5. Chernenko K.U. – February 1984 – March 1985
6. Gorbachev M.S. – March 1985 – August 1991


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