"main directions of development of the dairy industry and issues of greening." The current state of the Russian dairy industry

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In the economy of any state the role Food Industry huge. Currently, there are about 25 thousand enterprises in this industry in our country. The share of the food industry in the volume Russian production- more than 10%. The dairy industry is one of its industries. This includes enterprises that produce their products from milk. The scale and uniqueness of production are determined by the number of residents, their creative and genetic potential.

Global dairy and meat industry

All states have a food industry, but in terms of its level of development it differs significantly in different countries. The undisputed leaders are economically developed states. In addition, many industries, including the dairy and meat industries, have an international specialization. This means that some countries are large exporters, while others are large consumers.

The meat industry is an industry of international specialization European countries(especially France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium and Denmark), North America, New Zealand, Australia, as well as some developing countries (Brazil, China, Uruguay, Argentina). The largest exporters of these products to the world market are countries Western Europe. They account for about 50% of all world exports. The industry leaders are also the USA, Australia and Brazil. The largest importers of products are the states of Western Europe, Japan and Russia.

Dairy products are produced in European countries, as well as in the USA, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, New Zealand and Australia. Finnish and French butter, cheeses from Germany, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Lithuania, sour cream from Estonia and Finland, yoghurts from Germany and France have become widely known. The leaders in the supply of dairy products to the international market are European countries (especially Northern and Central Europe), as well as Australia and New Zealand. Its main importers are the CIS countries and China.

Features of dairy production

In terms of its nutritional properties, milk is the most perfect type of food. It has an almost perfectly balanced composition nutrients. Dairy products account for a significant portion of the human diet. Researchers estimate that their annual consumption accounts for about 16% of all food types.

Dairy production has one important feature: its results are In addition, they relate to goods characterized by a high rate of consumption. This means that their production must be large-scale, and the range must be steadily expanding.

A little history

Milk processing in pre-revolutionary Russia took place mainly handicraft. During the Soviet era, the dairy industry became a major industry. Already in the 1930s it received great development. It was then that, as a result of the industrialization of the country, conditions were created for active growth manufactured products. At this time, the dairy industry developed especially actively in Moscow, Leningrad, Kislovodsk, Sochi, Kuibyshev, and Sverdlovsk. Large dairy plants were established in these cities. In the 1970s, the USSR ranked first in the world in terms of production of animal oil and milk. Today factories and combines produce a large assortment products. They are equipped with automated and mechanized lines for filling bags, bottles and other types of containers, coolers and pasteurizers, evaporators, separators, cheese producers, etc.

Factors for locating dairy industry enterprises

These enterprises are located depending on the availability of consumers and raw materials. They are concentrated mainly in highly urbanized areas.

The following most significant locations of dairy industry enterprises can be identified:

  • the location of the relevant farms in relation to sales markets, as well as the presence of processing enterprises in this place; condition of communication routes and vehicles; availability of containers for storing final products and raw materials;
  • production potential, expressed in the already created livestock, production buildings and agricultural facilities;
  • efficiency of production from an economic point of view;
  • stability and features of interregional relations in the field of dairy farming;
  • provision of means of production supplied by industry.

Modern market trend

The number of butter, cheese and dairy production enterprises is relatively stable. However, the current trend in the market is towards larger shapes. Large firms often buy up small factories, thereby expanding their sales territory and production capacity. In addition, the acquisition modern equipment, which allows improving the quality of products and maintaining the reputation of the manufacturer, is financed mainly large enterprises. Industry profits grew 36.8% in just one year, from 2009 to 2010. This happened thanks to the successful functioning of national and regional market leaders.

Raw milk shortage

Dairy production enterprises face a number of problems. One of the main ones is the production of raw milk. The fact is that milk yield in last years are constantly decreasing. This means that processing enterprises are faced with the problem of a shortage of raw materials, which, in turn, leads to an increase in prices for them. In addition, raw milk produced by Russian producers is often of unsatisfactory quality. This creates additional difficulties in production High Quality. Enterprises are forced to use dry and artificial additives, which leads to increased production costs and a decrease in the value of goods.

Organizational problems

Currently, the dairy market in our country is experiencing serious difficulties. One can state the absence of a unified strategy for its development and internal disorder. There is also no clear system of state support for this industry.

The Russian dairy industry is currently fragmented. Each processor and manufacturer tries to solve the problems of their company alone. As a result, the development of the dairy industry in our country is significantly slowing down. Industry unions that unite milk processors and producers, unfortunately, have proven unable to develop a unified strategy for protecting this industry.

Requirements for production emanating from government officials are multidirectional and politicized. Each association, each industry participant makes its own proposals and demands, often contradicting each other. The state, in response to this, offers its own vision of solving the problems faced by the dairy industry - one that is convenient for officials. However, the market often cannot agree with him. The state currently needs to draw up a clear business plan for 30-50 years ahead.

The dairy industry in Russia is highly disintegrated. Processors and milk producers are often in opposition to each other. Common sense and world experience suggest that two industries - milk production and its processing - are parts of the same system. It is impossible to grow the industry if you only support milk production, since increasing its output will require its processing. Likewise, developing only the processing industry will lead to a shortage of raw materials. Only importers will be able to quickly fill it.

Other problems

To the main problems listed above that hinder the development of such an industry as the dairy industry in our country, we must add the following:

  • seasonality of milk production in our country;
  • shortage of milk collection points, shortage refrigeration units on farms;
  • moral and fixed assets of factories, the construction of most of which dates back to the 70-80s of the last century.

Many of the problems listed above need to be addressed at the state level. They require combining the efforts of enterprises. This is the only way to solve many problems of the dairy industry.

Russia in the global dairy market

Our country is a major importer, but it cannot be called a major player in the global market. Russia is actually not represented in the main world associations. This has a very negative impact on the development of the industry. The market of our country does not take part in the discussion global problems. He does not know what the global trends in the development of such an industry as the dairy industry are. Instructions, innovative and scientific developments, which are used by the world's largest associations, he also does not use. This affects both milk processors and milk producers, as well as end consumers.

Main manufacturers

Today there are quite a few manufacturers of goods in this industry in our country. However, only a few dairy enterprises sell their products in most regions of Russia. According to experts, the market leaders in our country are the following companies (2012 data):

  • "Unimilk".
  • "Wimm-Bill-Dann".
  • Ochakovsky dairy plant.
  • Voronezh dairy plant.
  • Piskarevsky dairy plant.
  • Permm milk.
  • "Danone".
  • "Rosagroexport".
  • "Ehrmann."
  • Campina.

Competition in the market

The share of Wimm-Bill-Dann, the leader in the domestic dairy market, was estimated at 10.8% in 2012. Note that the share of its closest competitor is approximately 4 times lower. One could say that the food dairy industry in our country is characterized by relatively high competition. But you need to keep in mind that many products have a short shelf life. In addition, they require compliance special conditions storage In this regard, the degree of competition in local and regional markets is much lower. As a result, it turns out that in some regions, local leading factories or industry leaders receive from 30 to 70% of the entire dairy market. The remaining share is shared by other local firms or firms from neighboring regions.

Import of goods

Imported goods compete with Russian products. In general, the share of imports is small, estimated at between 15 and 19%. This is explained by the fact that the dairy market has natural protection from foreign competitors, since the goods are perishable and require special conditions of transportation and storage.

Nevertheless, in some categories with long shelf life, it is imported products that lead the market. Russian market. In particular, foreign brands account for 30% of sales butter and 60% cheeses. Imports of dairy products and milk are also actively growing. The volume of imports into the country of condensed cream and milk in 2012 increased by 124.6%, cheese - by 34%, butter - by approximately 21%.

The production volumes in Russia are not enough, so our country is forced to import condensed milk, cheeses and butter in large volumes. As for the whole milk products market, it is fully provided by domestic production. For the period from 2009 to 2012, the total volume of imports of cheese amounted to $7.5 billion, butter - $2.15 billion. In the annual resources of cheese and butter, the share of products imported into the country from abroad is approximately 40%.

The volumes and dynamics of the development of dairy production in Russia clearly demonstrate the prospects for further increasing production volumes, subject to the implementation modern technologies caring for animals, using high-quality food products and ensuring the necessary climatic conditions in places for keeping livestock.

Dairy cattle breeding is one of the main areas of modern livestock farming. In Russia, traditions of production and consumption of milk, primarily cow's, have long been well developed. And although the share of dairy products in the diet of modern Russians has decreased significantly, they are still in great demand, and therefore the state of the industry is great importance both for the economy and for the food security of the state.

The significance and role of dairy farming in modern Russia

The average Russian today consumes about 250 kg of milk and dairy products per year, which is approximately 100 kg less than scientifically based consumption standards. This situation is partly due to the lack of habit among urban residents of drinking milk and eating dairy products. However, the insufficient volume of dairy production, as well as its high cost for certain segments of the population, also plays an important role here.

The lack of a culture of milk consumption in cities affects the health of Russians. Natural dairy products are an irreplaceable source of easily digestible proteins, fats and minerals. Regular consumption of dairy products has a positive effect on the health of not only children, but also adults. In particular, the body's immune defense is significantly strengthened, performance and physical endurance are increased, and mood improves. Natural milk also has unique medicinal properties, in particular, it is capable of removing toxins and radionuclides from the body.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of dairy farming in ensuring the country's food security. Due to the fact that Russia provides itself with milk and dairy products by 80%, no external factors (trade wars, embargoes) can significantly undermine the situation on the dairy market. As the events of the last two years have shown, in the worst case scenario, we can cover the deficit through domestic production. In other words, Russians will never be left without milk, butter and cheese. However, according to calculations by specialists from the relevant ministry, in order to be completely calm on this issue, Russia must provide itself with at least 90% of milk.

Even though dairy farming in Russia accounts for only a fraction of a percent of the total gross domestic product, for certain regions it is one of the most important sectors of the economy. Dairy production is especially important for rural areas, where livestock farms are major employers.

Volumes and dynamics of production of dairy products in Russia

In 2015, livestock farms of all types produced 30.78 million tons of milk. This is almost the same as in the previous year. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, agricultural organizations during this period increased production by almost 350 thousand tons, or 2.4% (up to 14.7 million tons), while in the private farmsteads of villagers, where half of domestic milk is produced, there was a drop in production volumes by 474.5 thousand tons.

The most significant growth rates in commodity terms at the end of the year were demonstrated by livestock enterprises in the Kaluga, Kirov and Voronezh regions, the Republic of Tatarstan and the Krasnodar Territory.

A positive result of 2015 was also an increase in milk production per cow in agricultural organizations (except small enterprises): 5233 kg or 336 kg (6.9%) more than in 2014.

As for dairy products, at the end of last year their production increased quite significantly. Thus, the production of cheese amounted to 414 thousand tons (+21% compared to 2014), cheese products - 121 thousand tons (+18%), cottage cheese and curd products - 728 thousand tons (+6.3%). Butter production is also growing, but at a much more moderate pace: 258.9 thousand tons (+3%).

But production volumes of milk powder and cream, on the contrary, are declining. In the twelve months of 2015, only 111.7 thousand tons of this product were produced, which is 14% less than in 2014.

Dairy map of Russia

Dairy farming develops best in those regions where there are extensive meadow pastures rich in a variety of green fodder. Main center dairy farming in Russia it is Privolzhsky federal district, which accounts for almost a third of all domestic production milk (about 9.5 million tons). The Central Federal District is in second place - 18%, and the Siberian Federal District closes the top three - 17% of domestic milk.

In terms of individual regions in 2015 the situation was as follows (all categories of farms):

  1. Republic of Bashkortostan - 1812.3 thousand tons or 5.9% of total Russian production.
  2. Republic of Tatarstan - 1750.7 thousand tons or 5.7%.
  3. Altai Territory - 1414.9 thousand tons or 4.6%.
  4. Krasnodar Territory - 1328.2 thousand tons or 4.3%.
  5. Rostov region - 1080.5 thousand tons or 3.5%.
  6. Republic of Dagestan - 820.2 thousand tons or 2.7%.
  7. Voronezh region - 805.8 thousand tons or 2.6%.
  8. Orenburg region - 797.1 thousand tons or 2.6%.
  9. Krasnoyarsk Territory - 730.2 thousand tons or 2.4%.
  10. Udmurt Republic - 729.0 thousand tons or 2.4%.

In addition, in the twenty largest producers milk included the Saratov and Omsk regions, the Stavropol Territory, the Novosibirsk, Sverdlovsk, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Leningrad, Kirov and Tyumen regions.

State and problems of dairy production in Russia

Until mid-2014, the demand for finished dairy products on the Russian dairy market was steadily increasing (by an average of 5-6% per year), while the supply of raw materials, on the contrary, was decreasing, and over the previous 7 years its gross loss amounted to about 2 million tons. The reason for this phenomenon was the low attractiveness of investments in dairy farming compared to other branches of agriculture. The result of this was a shortage of raw milk, which in turn led to a reduction in the production of cheeses, butter and other milk-intensive products. By the beginning of 2014, the share of imports in the cheese and butter segment reached 50%, and in milk powder - 70%.

Radical changes occurred after the introduction of a food embargo against Western exporting countries. These measures freed up to 20% of domestic dairy market, and the empty place was occupied by Russian and Belarusian producers, which managed to increase production by tens of percent.

However, even taking into account favorable market conditions, a similar increase in the production of milk itself, a key raw material for cheese and butter makers, has not occurred. The devaluation of the ruble sharply increased the cost of production - by 30-40%, and due to an increase in interest rates on loans, investment projects were completely stopped. As a result, even those dairy complexes that were recently built or reconstructed found themselves on the verge of profitability.

Another serious blow to the industry was the reduction in household incomes due to inflation, which led to a decrease in the level of consumption of dairy products. As a result, there is a threat of industry stagnation. Already at the end of 2015, production decreased by hundredths of a percent. According to negative forecasts, which have not yet been confirmed, by the end of 2016, milk production in Russia may drop close to the psychological mark of 30 million tons or even overcome it.

As mentioned earlier, Russia provides only 4/5 of itself with milk and dairy products. According to the head of the Ministry of Agriculture, Alexander Tkachev, today the milk shortage in the country is about 8 million tons. At the same time, according to the minister, Russia is quite capable of solving the problem within 5-7 years, if there is appropriate support from the state.

At the beginning of the year, analysts from the industry organization Soyuzmoloko published their forecast for 2016, which included two scenarios - conservative and optimistic. The first assumed a reduction in production volumes below psychological barrier at 30 million tons, while the second provided for their maintenance at the level of 2014-2015. According to official statistics, in the first quarter of 2016, milk production in Russia increased by 1.3% compared to the same period last year. That is, the conservative scenario has not yet been confirmed.

The likely reason for the increase in production volumes in 2016 is the active support of the industry from the state. This year, twice as much money has been allocated from the budget for the needs of dairy farmers - about 30 billion rubles. In particular, subsidies for investment loans increased by a quarter, subsidies for short-term loans increased 5 times, 15 times more money allocated to reimburse the costs of construction and modernization of dairy farms, the volume of subsidies for the production of 1 kg of milk was increased by 62%.

In the long term, it will be possible to achieve growth in production indicators in the industry only if the following conditions are met:

  • building a clear strategy for admitting imports to the domestic market;
  • introduction of a system of commodity procurement and government interventions to regulate purchase prices for milk;
  • further increase in the volume of subsidies for the industry (direct subsidies for the production of 1 kg of milk, as well as compensation for interest rates on investment loans);
  • reorganization of problem enterprises and transferring them to effective owners for management on preferential terms;
  • implementation effective measures combating counterfeit dairy products on the market;
  • stimulating domestic demand for milk and dairy products through the sale social programs of different nature.

The Russian dairy industry is an important activity that concentrates on the production of products intended for consumption by Russians, and some of the products are even exported to other countries. Today, there are simply a huge number of companies operating in the country that collect and process milk, resulting in a variety of by-products that are in demand among the population. The number of these enterprises throughout the country even exceeds 1,600 firms, and some are incredibly large and developed, therefore they differ high power, and their products are supplied to many cities in the country.

Prospects for the development of the dairy industry

Most often, the development of the dairy industry in Russia occurs in large and developed cities, where it is possible to build enterprises that will be large and developed, and at the same time will be constantly provided the right amount raw materials. also in major cities it is possible to constantly introduce into the production process innovative methods and technology, which leads to the creation of goods that are high-quality and competitive, tasty and healthy, while the amount of manual labor in the production process will be minimal.

It is important to consider that the development of the industry depends entirely on how technically equipped the main companies producing dairy products are. Since technology is constantly evolving, all companies must regularly update their equipment and tools, since only then will they be able to compete with other companies that exist both in Russia and in other countries of the world. Only with the help of high-quality and automated equipment can it be achieved that one enterprise will produce a wide range of dairy products that will be in demand among the population of Russia or in other countries of the world. That is why the state should pay a lot of attention to the dairy industry, but today this is not the case, which is a serious problem for modern dairies. They are limited in subsidies and assistance, so the update technical base occurs extremely slowly, which leads to the inability of firms to produce new products that could be successful in the market.

One more thing should also be highlighted important problem dairy industry, which consists of limited raw materials. The fact is that Agriculture is just beginning to gain popularity again, resulting in an increase in the number of dairy farms. However, even so, the amount of raw materials that can be received by one dairy plant is considered limited, as a result of which it is impossible to provide such a quantity of produced products that would be sufficient to fully supply the domestic market, as well as to ship products to other countries. Additionally, one should highlight such a problem as the low quality of milk that enters factories as raw materials. This is due to the high incidence of disease in herds, as well as the livestock being kept in inappropriate conditions, which leads to the fact that raw milk requires careful and expensive processing.

Thus, the Russian dairy industry is a promising area of ​​activity that has not received enough attention, and there are also many problems that must be solved in the near future so that the products can compete with the products of foreign companies.

How the dairy industry lives, video

Currently, the dairy industry is a large industrial branch of the food industry, which is armed with tens of thousands of units of modern technological and energy equipment, thousands of production lines, and many means of mechanization and automation.

Thanks to the increase in the volume of industrial milk processing, the targeted work of enterprises on the integrated use of all its components, rational use of secondary resources, development and production of new types of products with various fillers of plant origin, development of new progressive resource-saving technologies. In the Russian dairy industry modern stage There have been trends towards stabilization, and for some types of products there is a fairly steady growth.

The greatest consumption of milk occurs in the production of whole milk products - about 45%. In recent years, the share of milk for the production of rennet cheeses has increased (12%) and decreased for the production of animal butter (32.8% in 2002).

In addition, in 2003, milk processing at dairy industry enterprises produced 4,647 thousand tons of skim milk and buttermilk and 2,447 thousand tons of whey. It should be noted that the bulk of skim milk and buttermilk (88.3%) is used for the production of dairy products, 1151 thousand tons of whey are sold to various organizations and only 26% (636 thousand tons) are used for the production of dairy products. In 2003, dairy industry enterprises produced 461.3 thousand tons of low-fat dairy products from secondary milk raw materials.

The production of dairy products in 2003 compared to 2002 increased by 7.9%, including animal butter - by 1.3%, dry whole milk- by 3.5%, canned milk - by 5.2%, whole milk products - by 8.7%, fatty cheeses - by 9.7%, low-fat dairy products - by 10%.

In 2003, compared to 2002, the production of whole milk products increased by 675 thousand tons and amounted to 8472.8 thousand tons. The production of whole milk increased by 5.6%, the share of sterilized milk in the volume of drinking milk production was 16. 4%, milk with a fat content of 2.5% and below - 34.9%.

The production of fermented milk products in 2003 compared to 2002 increased by 6.6%. Kefir production increased over the year by 34 thousand tons (from 703 thousand to 737 thousand tons). In 2003, dairy industry enterprises produced 472 thousand tons of yogurt, its share in fermented milk products was 29%.

The production of sour cream over the year increased by 12.7%, mainly (85.6%) - sour cream with a fat content of 20% or less. The share of packaged sour cream was 78.3%.

The production of full-fat cottage cheese in 2003 increased by 17.4% compared to 2002. Very quickly in Lately Production volumes of cottage cheese with fruit and berry fillings are growing. Specific gravity packaged cottage cheese amounted to 52.2%. The production of curd cheeses and curd mass increased by 38.1% compared to 2002.

It should be noted that the production of whole milk products is also carried out by dairies at agricultural organizations and small enterprises. In 2003, these enterprises produced 26.1% of drinking milk, 13.2% of cream, 16.9% of full-fat cottage cheese, 11.7% of sour cream. This shows that the share of these enterprises in production individual species products are high.

The cheese-making branch of the dairy industry has been developing most dynamically in recent years. The average annual rate of increase in production volumes of fatty cheeses in recent years has been 16.9%. In 2003, the production of full-fat cheeses amounted to 348.7 thousand tons, with an increase of 9.7% compared to 2002, including rennet cheeses by 5.5%, processed cheeses by 16.7%.

In 2003, enterprises affiliated with agricultural organizations and small enterprises produced from general production in the country there are 11.4% fatty cheeses, including: large - 16%, small - 14.6, soft - 20, pickled - 15.1%.

The production of animal oil in 2003 amounted to 284.8 thousand tons, which is 1.3% more than in 2002. The share of “Krestyanskoye” oil was 80.8%. In 2003, enterprises affiliated with agricultural organizations and small enterprises produced 37.2 thousand tons of animal oil, which amounted to 13.1% of its total volume.

In 2003, dairy industry enterprises produced 304 thousand tons (759.7 million conventional cans) of canned milk. 84.4 million conventional cans of condensed sterilized milk were produced, and its share was 11.1%. The production of condensed skim milk with sugar increased 1.7 times (from 32.2 million standard cans in 2002 to 54 million standard cans in 2003). The production of whole condensed milk with sugar amounted to 360.6 million conventional cans, condensed skimmed milk with sugar - 54 million conventional cans, condensed and concentrated whey with sugar - 0.21 million conventional cans. In terms of volumes of canned condensed milk, Russia is in fourth place in the world after the USA, Germany and the Netherlands. In 2003, 306.8 million conventional cans of condensed milk canned using fats of non-dairy origin were produced, which is 34.3% of their total production volume.

Production of whole milk powder, dry cream and dry milk mixtures in 2003 amounted to 95.1 thousand tons (91.6 thousand tons in 2002). Production of dry milk formulas for children early age increased from 8.6 thousand tons in 2002 to 10.4 thousand tons in 2003.

In recent years, there has been a decrease in the production of skimmed milk powder, whole milk substitutes and whey powder. Also, the volume of production of dairy and technical products from skim milk, buttermilk and whey is decreasing annually. In 2003, 6.7 thousand tons of dry technical casein were produced (11.1 thousand tons in 2002). In recent years, dairy industry enterprises have practically stopped producing refined milk sugar, enriched whey, and liquid substitutes for whole milk.

In 2003, the country produced 387.2 thousand tons of ice cream, with an increase of 3.4% by 2002.

However, the level of utilization of production capacity of existing enterprises is quite low: for the production of whole milk products - 32%, animal butter - 25%, rennet cheeses - 49%, whole milk powder - 36%, skimmed milk powder, whole milk substitutes and whey powder - 28%, canned milk - 55%. This leads to an increase in costs - an increase in costs per unit of output, an increase in its cost, and a decrease in price competitiveness in the domestic food market.

Based on what was stated earlier, we can formulate promising directions in the development of the dairy industry:

1) Creation of a new type of agro-industrial formations, taking into account the diversity of forms of ownership and the priority of economic interests, building equal relationships between their participants, establishing strong integration ties exclusively on market principles, mutually beneficial cooperation of processing enterprises and agricultural producers, integrating these structures into unified organizational and legal formations;

The experience of functioning of agro-industrial formations of large economic complexes (for example, OJSC Lianozovo Dairy Plant, OJSC Tsaritsyn Dairy Plant, members of the Wimm-Bill-Dann production and trading group, etc.) indicates that such integrated structures are more efficient and adapted to the conditions of a market economy.

2) the formation of effective competitive agro-industrial production, ensuring the country’s food security;

3) development of individual plans for the structural restructuring of production; implementation of the plan on the basis of leasing, as well as at the expense of own and attracted Money will create unique production facilities for the production of dairy products;

4) the formation of fundamentally new milk procurement systems, the creation of conditions for attracting additional volumes of raw milk for processing.

5) expansion of sales markets for manufactured products, creation road transport with refrigeration, which will allow the formation of local food markets for dairy products.

To solve these problems, it is necessary that science, together with industry, determine rational stages for increasing the efficiency of enterprises. The role of science in this regard takes on special significance.

The active process of establishing a new culture of industrial relations, changing approaches to working with people, and forming a highly qualified team of specialists will undoubtedly lead to maintaining a sustainable pace of development of dairy industry enterprises.


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