The main ways to remove a mosquito net from a plastic window. Mosquito net for plastic windows: how to remove the net from the window without incidents Removing the sliding net

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A mosquito net installed on a window sometimes needs to be removed: this is necessary for winter storage, to extend the life of certain types of structures, or for cleaning it. Knowing how to remove the mesh from a plastic window , you can do this yourself without causing any damage to the mesh frame. Removal methods different types products may vary.

Regardless of what type of product you have installed, if you decide to remove the mesh, you should choose dry, calm weather. The mesh has a large area, so a gust of wind can tear it off when you unscrew it, or tear it out of your hands. If it falls to the ground, the frame is likely to break. The rain will drip into your face, which is not very pleasant.

If the structure has shutters, then how to remove the mesh from the window , you don't have to think about it. You just need to open one leaf and unscrew the external fasteners.

How to remove the frame mesh

This design is easy to recognize: it consists of metal frame with plastic or iron corners, and the mesh itself is stretched inside it. The corners themselves are usually located on the street side, and they are not visible from the room. Most nets have special handles, so you need to pull them up to remove them. Raising the frame 2 cm will release the lower fastenings, then the structure must be pulled down.

Before removing the mosquito net from a plastic window , Please note that it will not just fit through the opening. It will need to be unrolled on the street and then pulled into the room. Remove all obstructive objects located near the window inside the room: first of all, this applies to the window sill. If the mesh is equipped with pockets that are screwed into the corners of the frame, it can be removed in a similar way, with the only difference that you will need to tilt it not up and down, but to the side.

How to remove the sliding mesh

If the house has sliding windows, they are equipped with sliding screens: the peculiarity of this design is its ability to move to the side, using special sliders and guides for this. They are located at the top and bottom. Wondering how to remove the mesh from a plastic window , no need. The mesh can be removed easily, just lift it slightly so that it comes out of the guide, and then pull it down with an offset.

Removing sliding nets

If the mesh is pleated (can be folded into window opening), the technology for dismantling it is no different from a conventional sliding one.

Removing the mesh on the plungers

The pin connection is used quite often, as it is considered the most reliable. This design is screwed to the top and bottom window profile on the pins. You can remove such a mesh only if you unscrew all the plungers that secure the pin, after which the fastener can be removed and the necessary actions can be carried out with it.

Removing the mesh on the plungers

Advice: To prevent the plunger from getting lost, it is recommended to rotate the pin only clockwise.

Other ways to remove the mesh if its design is different I

Wondering how to remove a mosquito net from a window? , It also happens in cases where it has some special structure: for example, an old-style mesh. Such structures are screwed to the frame with self-tapping screws or nailed. You will need to pull out the fasteners or unscrew them. Leave in open access holes left by fasteners are not recommended: they should at least be sealed with tape.

Removing mosquito nets on hooks

If you are dealing with a door screen, keep in mind that it is attached to its own hinges. To remove it, you will need to unscrew them or disconnect them, depending on which hinge is installed. Rolled screens can cause some difficulties, as they are placed above the window in a special box. Without dismantling the box, it is usually impossible to remove the canvas. If the frame is supported by flags, they will need to be bent, only then can the structure be dismantled.

Conclusion: knowing how to remove a mosquito net , you can clean and repair it if necessary, or put it away for the winter if you don’t want the canvas to experience additional stress.

Availability on the window mosquito net prevents insects from entering the premises. As a rule, the structure is used only during the warm period, when it is required frequent ventilation. When wondering how to properly remove a mosquito net from a plastic window, you need to understand several nuances.

To avoid common mistakes when dismantling a structure, you need to take into account simple general rules. Including:

  • It is better to remove the product in favorable and calm weather;
  • if possible, an assistant should hold the net from the inside;
  • Fastening elements can be removed through the adjacent window sash.

Basic methods by type of fastening

Before you begin dismantling, you should find out design features plastic windows, since fastenings may have distinctive characteristics. Modern mosquito nets are installed both outside and indoors, which is especially convenient if they have a spring pin.

This type of fastening is more expensive, but is easy to install and valued for its strength.

In most premises, frame-type mosquito products are installed, which are a frame with a fine mesh. There are also nets with suction cups, rolls and others. Some varieties can be rolled or bundled to protect against external influence, and more simple options structures will need to be removed.


This type is attached to plastic windows using corners, pockets or flag latches. Fastening is carried out at the corners of the product from the street side. To remove the structure, you need to tilt the lower part away from the opening and immediately begin lifting it by the plastic handles. When the corners located below come out of the fastenings, the frame must be picked up and brought into the room in a horizontal position.

The product with mounting angles fixed to the frame is dismantled in a similar way - the structure is lifted, tilted and removed from the clamps. The hook-shaped mesh is easily removed when lifting and tilting away from the frame. In this case, the clamps themselves are not removed from the frame.


The sliding version of the mesh is fixed on the openings using a built-in guide, which simultaneously functions as a rail along which the product moves. There are designs with two guides - in this case they are located below and above.

To dismantle sliding mesh, you need to lift it and pull the roller out of the hole. Then it remains to lower the structure and separate it from the opening.

A subtype of the sliding mosquito net is the pleated design. It is distinguished by smaller dimensions and a convenient folding ability when opening. This product is dismantled in the same way as the classic sliding version.

On plungers

The plunger type involves the use of pins and is considered the most durable. The mesh is fixed in the window opening on pins with springs, which are inserted into specially equipped recesses. To remove the product, you need to remove the pins from the holes by turning them clockwise. It is not allowed to rotate the plunger in the opposite direction, as this may damage the part.

Old style

To dismantle old-style mosquito nets that are nailed or fastened with self-tapping screws, you will need to use a screwdriver or wire cutters. The latches are pulled out of the frame, after which the product itself is removed. You can hide the remaining recesses in the frame using putty. If the mesh is held on hinges, you need to remove the structure by lifting it up.

On hooks

Dismantling of the model on hooks is carried out by loosening the screws and turning the hooks inward. The lower hooks should not be turned. Then the structures are pulled out and removed from the opening.


The most difficult type to remove is the roll type, since it will require dismantling the entire mechanism along with the guides. The difficulty is that the fastening is located on the street side, and when unscrewing the screws you need to keep the entire structure suspended. The easiest way is to roll the product and hide it in a special container.

Product with simple type fastenings should always be removed winter period, as exposure to cold may cause damage. Dismantling must be carried out carefully so as not to disturb the structure of the material. If the structure is made of durable material, it can be used on an ongoing basis. When deciding whether to dismantle, you need to take into account weather conditions and the type of product.

This question will probably be of interest to most owners of a house or apartment, because many windows have them: should they be removed for the winter, or is there no need? First, let’s determine how important this familiar thing is for our comfort and coziness in the house.

Do you think that a mosquito net is only needed to protect against flying insects? This is, of course, its main function, but there are others. Even if partial, there is protection from:

  • street dust;
  • fluff when poplars bloom;
  • plant pollen, to which many people are allergic today;
  • penetration of larger “objects” into houses: birds, cats, rodents;
  • pets falling out of the window.

Remember! For small, curious children, a mosquito net is not an insurmountable obstacle and can even pose a hidden threat, because it seems like such a stable structure. Yes, but only if you don’t rest your hands on it. It is necessary either additionally or to open the windows only to the window.

Caring attitude

Considering its unconditional usefulness, the mosquito net must be protected! Why do these simple steps:

  • At least once a season, clean the canvas from dust, fluff, broken insects flying towards the light in the evening;
  • If you have a tendency to allergies, the mosquito net needs to be washed more often, especially during the spring seasons of flowers opening on trees, poplar fluff flying, and ragweed blooming;
  • It is imperative to remove mosquito nets for the winter and store them in a heated room.

Materials of manufacture and design

Products for protecting the interior of a home are designed to last 10-15 years, or even more. But only on condition correct operation. As you have probably noticed, a mosquito net cannot be called a particularly durable product. It is made of rather fragile materials and consists of:

  • Frames. Most often they are made of PVC (many call this material plastic). Cold winter he doesn't tolerate it well. There are frames made of metal-plastic, they are somewhat stronger, but they are quite rare;
  • Directly the canvas, which can be made of nylon; polyester, cotton or fiberglass. For a private house, apartment, or if you have a cat, it is better to order anti-cat fabric with increased resistance to claws;
  • Corners (brackets) that are fixed from the outside to window frame and the mosquito net with frame is already inserted into them, and if necessary, easily removed. You can find a different design: curtains on which the frame is attached/removed, plus latches;
  • Small handles that hold the product when attaching or removing it from the window.

Question of safety

You may ask: is it necessary to remove mosquito nets for the winter, if in many houses they “decorate” the windows all year round? Judge for yourself: the structures are made of material that was not originally designed for use in winter time. For this reason, under the influence of frost, sudden changes in temperature during thaws, wind, and blizzards, products may become unusable.

  1. Although this rarely happens, the frame material may crack. This inexorably leads to destruction; if not next season, then in a year you will have to order a new mosquito net to match the size of your windows.
  2. The canvas is also subjected adverse effects winter elements. Initially, the “threads” that make up the lattice become thinner, then break. And mosquitoes are already beginning to find these places to buzz boringly above your head when you are about to fall asleep. This is one of the main reasons why you need to remove mosquito nets for the winter and not leave them to freeze.
  3. Handles are most often made of even lighter material, so don’t be surprised if they fall apart in your hands when you decide to remove the mosquito net for washing. It’s good if she doesn’t fall from the fifth or seventeenth floor.

Someone finds an excuse that there is nowhere to store the nets. They say it’s easier for the owner of the house to accommodate it, but the apartments are cramped. But the grids are so oversized that they won’t take up much space. They can be placed behind the cabinet or on top of it, which will be almost invisible. In principle, this is your mosquito net; whether to remove it for the winter or leave it on the windows is up to you. If it is not important to you that it not only spoils the view outside the window by becoming clogged with snow and ice, but also becomes unusable faster, you can leave it. If your task is to protect the product from damage - be sure to take pictures, store in a heated room, but not near the battery. Excessive heat dries out the plastic, causing it to deteriorate more quickly.

We have no doubt that you have already decided for yourself how important it is to remove the mesh, and now you will religiously do this with the arrival of cold weather, when insects no longer fly into your houses, and you open the windows only for a short time to ventilate the room.

If it is necessary to clean windows or carry out repair work, mosquito net in mandatory removed. Considering that the meshes differ in the method of fastening, size and design, you need to know how to remove them.

Such protection has a huge windage and it will be very difficult to maintain it during bad weather.

Removing the frame structure

Classic version The frame mesh is produced in the form of a quadrangular frame, much more often in the shape of a square or rectangle. Attaching to a window is carried out using several methods:

  • Using plungers.
  • Fastening with hooks.
  • On special pockets and Z-shaped holders.

Due to the enormous variety of designs of mosquito nets, there cannot be a standard method for removing this device from a plastic window.

Let's look at the types of meshes and methods for their dismantling.

Fixation on holders and pockets

There are practically no difficulties when removing these parts, since the fastening elements are very similar. Using the handles located on the frame, lift it all the way and move the lower area of ​​the frame away from the window so that it passes near the fastenings when lowered. The mesh is slowly removed from the fastening elements. Now you need to take the frame and unfold it horizontally. In this form, it will be convenient to bring it into the room for storage or cleaning.

First of all, it is fundamentally important to check whether the handles are securely fastened. Otherwise, they may break off unexpectedly, at the most inopportune time, which will cause the mesh to fall, and it will need to be repaired.

Removing the frame on the hooks

This fixation method involves attaching hooks to the frame itself. The frame is attached to the inner area. So, when attached to hooks, it is possible to remove the mesh as described above. But if the fastening is made using iron hooks, you need to take into account some nuances that will help you cope with removal.

For this fastening method, the mesh is installed so that its central part is easily recessed into the window opening - it must be structurally designed for this. Each hook is fastened with one self-tapping screw, making it possible to turn the hook if necessary. For dismantling, it is easy to loosen the screws and carefully turn the hooks inward. In addition, the hooks located below do not need to be touched. Having completed the sequence of actions, the upper edge of the structure can be easily pulled out, the frame can be lifted up and removed from the window opening.

If the hooks are pulled to the side tightly, you still need to loosen the screw. Otherwise rubber compressor it is possible to break.

Dismantling the mesh on the plungers

When fixing a mosquito net with plungers, this type of fastening can be considered the most reliable option; dismantling one fixed this way will be more difficult. To do this, first of all, two plungers are pulled out from the lower profile at one time. Then, easily pushing out the structure, the upper plungers are pulled down. The work is easier to do with an assistant who will hold the frame so that it does not fall.

In some cases, the plunger fasteners come out of the holes along with the mesh without additional effort.

Removing the sliding structure

Much more often this fastening method is used on sliding windows. The frame must be removed from the guide rail along which movement is carried out. In order to properly dismantle the moving frame, it is lifted and removed from the rails, and then moved to the side, lowered and removed.

If there is a pleated or sliding mosquito door located on a loggia or balcony, it can be removed using a similar method.

About the rolled mesh

In the database roll design lies the roller shutter mechanism. Its operation is similar to that of a sliding mesh. In order to remove it, you need to dismantle the entire mechanism, including the guides. The work is not easy to do, since the mechanism mount is located outside. While unscrewing the screws, it is necessary to hold the entire structure so that it does not fall. It is much easier to dismantle the net from the balcony, but this is not always possible.

There is no need to dismantle it in winter.

We tried to present the material as clearly as possible so that you could use this article as if it were an instruction.


Watch a video on how to remove and replace the mosquito net:

This video is about the types and variety of mosquito nets.

The main reason why a balcony mosquito net should be installed lies in its very name. In the summer, we all really want coolness in the house, we open the windows and, along with the fresh air, flies, mosquitoes and all sorts of other annoying insects enter the apartment. They cause a lot of inconvenience: they sit on food, leave marks on furniture and walls, and irritate with their monotonous squeaking. Blood-sucking insects They easily carry various infectious diseases. And for people prone to allergic reactions, such “guests” can even be deadly. People who care about their health and comfort do not hesitate to install mosquito nets on their windows.

Of course, repellent manufacturers now offer a large assortment chemicals against mosquitoes: sprays, creams, liquids and plates in fumigators. However, all these means, familiar to many, are not as safe for the human body as their manufacturers say. There is only one alternative - mosquito...

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A mosquito net is absolutely harmless and effective method protection of premises from uninvited guests, mosquitoes and flies, as well as protection from poplar fluff, from foreign objects entering the premises (for example, cigarette butts with upper floors), protection against pets and objects falling from windows, partial protection from raindrops. The materials from which the mosquito net is made are resistant to weather conditions and temperature changes. The mosquito net mounting options make it easy to remove the structure for the winter or during cleaning.

A mosquito net can be installed in a city apartment, on a balcony, in country house, on the terrace. Mosquito nets can be installed on any type of windows, balcony doors, attics and terraces.

Whatever type of double-glazed windows is used in your windows, sometimes they must be opened - after all, there is no substitute for fresh air from the street! Unfortunately, during ventilation along with a clean breeze outside in...

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Summer. Poplar fluff, getting into all the cracks. The annoying squeak of mosquitoes, the buzzing of flies that flew into the apartment. A feeling of defenselessness in the face of such insignificant but annoying natural phenomena. And yet a way out was found. This is a simple and reliable mosquito net for the balcony door. It will not only protect the apartment from foreign objects, but will also provide a constant flow of fresh air.

Mosquito nets are non-flammable and resistant to tearing and bending. For the winter, it is enough to remove them from the door and wipe them with a damp cloth soaked in a soap or powder solution. There is no need to clean the mesh with a vacuum cleaner so as not to disturb the tension. The design of the mosquito net is such that it takes up little space when stored. Store the mesh in an upright position. Before each installation, check that the corners are in order to ensure secure fastening.

Today the following types of mosquito nets for doors are produced:

Mosquito net for the balcony door on hinges. Such networks appeared very...

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Frame mosquito nets.

Window and frame mesh.

Frame-type mosquito net is a practical, inexpensive solution for protecting windows from insects. Perfectly suitable for both residential and office office premises. Maybe unlike a mosquito net roll type, made in almost any required width and height. Frame mosquito nets are installed in the window system using special brackets. The use of these mosquito nets is very convenient, since they do not require any special care, and can be easily removed from the window for the winter.

- Does not interfere with air exchange
- Almost invisible in the light opening
- Attaches directly to the window opening
- Easy to maintain: after the season it can be removed from the window
- Low price

Door mosquito nets (hinged, framed)

There are mosquito-proof frame door screens to protect doorways...

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Attaching a mosquito net [Archive] - Forum home handyman

View full version: Mosquito net attachment

They installed a mosquito net on our balcony door so that you have to remove it before going out. Tell me, is it possible to change it? Or is it better not to touch anything?

It is much easier to hang a net on the entire window, since in the summer you often have to go out onto the balcony, and the constant removal and installation of the net on the door will eventually turn into torture.

19.10.2009, 00:43

They installed a mosquito net on our balcony door so that you have to remove it before going out. Tell me, is it possible to change it? Or is it better not to touch anything? Mesh on the opening balcony door installed for you, right? Is the balcony glazed? If it is glazed, then it is better to install a mosquito net on the opening fragments of the balcony glazing.

21.10.2009, 05:11

If you don’t go out to the balcony very often, then you can leave the mosquito net, but if you’re always there...

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You can’t close your eyes because of the mosquito squeak, and with closed balcony stuffy? The solution will be a mosquito net - and the enemy will not get through!

Types of mosquito nets

There are plenty of varieties of mosquito nets - gone are the days when we nailed a piece of gauze.

Frame mosquito nets

The most common type of mesh, they are placed on aluminum profile. They are not susceptible to corrosion and are not afraid of temperature changes.

They produce “anti-dust” and “anti-cat” frame nets

Frame meshes are popular due to their ease of maintenance and low price. Specialized companies make to order any size. The frame mosquito net is easy to install yourself.

We advise those for whom dust is contraindicated to install an anti-dust frame mesh with small cells (0.8 mm). To caring owners For cats and cats, the anti-cat frame mesh (high-strength fiber) will help protect your pet from falling out of the window.

Sliding mosquito nets

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When winter ends, the warm season comes, insects become active on the street, which, intentionally or not, strive to get into a person’s home. The easiest way to do this is through a window or door. Therefore, it is natural that a person seeks to protect these “channels”. AND modern solution In this vein is the use of so-called mosquito nets.

They allow you to keep windows and doors open so that the room can enter Fresh air, but protect from insects.

Installing a mosquito net on the window

Therefore, it is worth considering this invention in more detail, including the features of its installation.


removable frame; sliding frame; pleated; roll type; secured with tape or magnetic tape; "anti-cat"; "anti-dust"; for doors or windows.

Let's look at the main types in more detail.


If you have pets at home, then when installing a mosquito net, you should also think about their safety....

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Material from WikiPro: Industry encyclopedia. Windows, doors, furniture

Spring and summer are a wonderful time when you want to open the window and fully enjoy the fresh air. Flies, mosquitoes and other insects can spoil your mood and disrupt all your plans. And if there is a child in the house, then mosquito bites and scratched heels cannot be avoided.

Getting rid of problems is to buy mosquito nets. She will be able to very quickly and completely and effectively stop everyone's access small insects to your home. You can always install such nets on all types of wooden, aluminum and, of course, plastic windows and doors. What does such a grid look like today? then a small and compact frame corresponding to your opening (window, door), onto which you stretch special material, used for the production of mosquito nets. This design translucent and through it fresh air flows well into your room. Mosquito nets can last a very long time for a long time at...

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