Does Russia still have friends in Europe? Which countries will continue to be friends with Russia.

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Everyone only likes the $100 bill. And not everyone likes the others. Shifts in boundaries also fall into this larger category. On December 19, the UN General Assembly held a vote on Crimea. They say it is occupied and human rights are being violated on the peninsula.

One could have expected that Russia would remain alone or that at most one or two votes would support it. For example, when the General Assembly condemns the United States for the blockade of Cuba, two or three states vote on the side of the United States - the constant Israel and Micronesia. But this is still not a blockade, but a noticeable change in borders.

But closer to the topic - a resolution on the glorification of the Waffen SS, Bandera and other Nazis in Ukraine. The United States and Ukraine voted against this resolution. That is, the USA and Ukraine were practically isolated.

Among them are Brazil, Egypt, Jordan, United United Arab Emirates, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand and others. This is a wonderful result.

But even better is that together with Russia, as many as 25 countries voted against the draft resolution (26 together with Russia): Armenia, Venezuela, Belarus, Bolivia, Burundi, Cambodia, China, Cuba, North Korea, Eritrea, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Philippines, Serbia, South Africa, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Uganda, Uzbekistan and Zimbabwe.

In this list:

- the two largest powers of Eurasia and the most populous countries in the world, China and India, with their more than two billion populations and gigantic GDP;

— South Africa is a BRICS partner and the most developed country in Africa;

— friends in the CIS: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan;

- long-time and current comrades in arms - Syria, Iran, North Korea and Cuba. At the same session, they also voted on resolutions on Syria, Iran and the DPRK. Cuba voted against all these resolutions, including on Crimea;

— Russia’s friends in America are Cuba, Nicaragua, Bolivia and Venezuela. There, in Uncle Sam's “backyard,” a powerful opposition to the American dictatorship arose. Note that Argentina and Brazil abstained.

Let us especially note Serbia: of the European countries, only it and Belarus voted with Russia.

The Philippines' support was unexpected. For a long time this country followed America's footsteps, but President Duterte freed his country from this dependence.

Myanmar (formerly Burma) was also friends with the USSR and remained a friend of Russia. With its veto, Russia saved Myanmar from humanitarian bombing, and is still trying to protect it from sanctions.

Sudan moved to the camp of Russia’s friends after several years of following in the footsteps of Saudi Arabia.

The fight for every vote continued until the end. Thanks to the efforts of Russian diplomats, Saudi Arabia moved to the abstaining camp (previously it was in favor of the resolution), and Tajikistan, which previously abstained, moved to the Russian camp.

Generally good result showing that American diktat no longer dominates the General Assembly and that more countries began to understand Russia’s position on Crimea.

Now everyone is eagerly awaiting the results of the Jerusalem vote. The draft resolution condemning the United States was put to a vote after the United States vetoed a unanimous Security Council resolution. There is no veto power at the General Assembly. But now President Trump has made a strange statement that the United States will vote for this resolution.

Such direct blackmail has not happened at the UN for many years. It caused huge outrage, but it remains to be seen how the countries that normal time, of course, the United States would condemn it. What will win - money or principles? We will see this soon.

In any case, Russia did not resort to blackmail and did not demand that any country vote one way or another. After all, voting at the General Assembly is an assessment of the moral attitude of the world community, and it must be unbiased and free.

The situation in the world today is such that many countries are divided into several opposing camps. Some states support Russia, while others openly support the United States. Now we will try to understand the global geopolitical situation.

The Ukrainian conflict has clearly demonstrated and also openly revealed who truly supports the United States and Russia. As it turns out, there are noticeably more supporters of America on a global scale. First of all, we are talking about the European Union. Almost all EU countries support the White House's policies. Canada is an ardent ally, as is Japan. IN Lately Both Norway and Sweden actively support the United States. In addition, countries such as Croatia, Australia and Turkey are supporting the United States. Moreover, even those countries that are very close to the US suddenly turned out to be American supporters. Russian Federation. Of course, these are Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. And every year Russia is surrounded by more and more states that are extremely hostile.

As for Russia's friends, they also exist. First of all, it is worth noting Belarus, which throughout for long years is a reliable partner of the Russian Federation. At the same time, certain economic and political conflicts periodically arise between the countries, but the Belarusian vector is still directed in the Russian direction. Some Latin American states are also open allies: Venezuela and Bolivia. This also includes Cuba, which has been on friendly terms with Russia for quite some time. Zimbabwe is also supported by the Kremlin, since the head of this country is Robert Mugabe, who does not want to serve the West. North Korea and Syria seem to be quite important allies for Russia. These countries are significant in their regions, as they have great military and political power. And Armenia can be classified as one of those states that protect Russian interests. But voices against Moscow are increasingly being heard there, which casts some doubt on this alliance.

There are a number of countries in the world that try to adhere to a certain neutrality. One of these powers was the powerful

The question of who in your environment is friendly towards you and who is hostile is important not only for each individual person. From time to time, entire nations need to answer it.

Recently, the Levada Center asked Russians: which countries, in their opinion, are hostile towards Russia, and which can be considered friendly? We tried to guess why fellow citizens sorted friends and enemies in this way and not otherwise. And then they asked the expert to comment on the survey results.



They are almost the same as us, in their presidents Lukashenko, who cares about the common people and does not hand over enterprises to be plundered by moneybags. Perhaps Russia's only ally in the western direction.


A Russian and a Chinese are “brothers forever”: we sell them weapons and gas, and they sell us everything else.


There is a skating rink "Medeo", friendly President Nazarbayev and a large Russian-speaking population. An ally in the CIS, CSTO and Customs Union.


A very ancient Christian country. Hopes for Russia's help in resolving conflicts with Azerbaijan. Well, he makes good cognac...


“Hindi Rusi bhai bhai!” They also make films with music and dance there, and they also make cheap medicine.


Liberty Island, which inserted the US wick. Famous for the best free medicine in the world, cigars and Havana Club rum.


A major buyer of Russian weapons. Their tomatoes are also delicious!


Bulgarians are our “brothers”, Bulgaria is the former, almost 16th republic of the USSR. Even though she later joined NATO.



They are surrounding Russia with NATO bases and a missile defense system, trying to snatch the former Soviet republics. Finally, the only country in the world that can destroy Russia with its nuclear arsenal.

Why the United States is unable to solve any world problem - »


Power in the country was seized by Russophobes and Banderaites, who are at war with their own people.

Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia

In these countries, the Russian-speaking population is oppressed, and in general they fled from the USSR to NATO.

Which countries is Russia friends with? Or is everyone around assholes..? Chur Sev. Korea doesn't count..!!

  1. BRICS, Argentina, Cuba, CU, India, CIS (minus Ukraine), and Latin America, I don’t remember all of them.
  2. Belarus, Kazakhstan, Cuba.
  3. ____ With its own army, navy and strategic nuclear forces.
  4. Russia's allies: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, North. Korea, China, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Hong Kong, India, Iraq, Iran, Syria, all Gulf countries, all countries South America(and especially closely Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil), Cuba, most African countries (I will not list). In general, there are about 50 allied countries.
    But the allies of the first plan are Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, India, Venezuela, North. Korea, Mongolia, Cuba.
  5. We have no allied states.
    Belarus is friendly, but even it raises doubts.

    China... he is a friend, just like Hitler before the attack.

    Japan is hostile

    USA - Russia, in their opinion, has no right to independence.

    Britain - believes Russian possession Siberia and the Far East are unfair and wants to correct it.

    France - she doesn’t mind being friends, but greed gets in the way.

    Canada is a pity for Britain and the USA.

    Ukraine is now a US puppet

    Kazakhstan believes that we conquered it.

    Uzbekistan - They were never friends with us (descendants of Khiva and Bukhara)

    Georgia is a US pawn

    Azerbaijan - .

    Armenia - .

    Serbia - the people want friendship, the government probably doesn't.

    Germany - rewrote our history in the 18th century, replacing it with lies. Tried to destroy it a couple of times.

    Greece is a blood enemy

    Italy is hostile

    Mongolia sleeps and sees its former greatness.

    North Korea is not up to us

    South Korea is working to annex Primorye.

    India - dreams of our open spaces.

    Poland is the enemy

    Lithuania is the enemy

    Latvia is the enemy

    Estonia is the enemy

    Finland - staring at our lands

    Turkey does not accept our existence.

    Iran - wants to convert to Islam.

    Taiwan - hates us as occupiers of their ancestral lands (Southern Siberia, Transbaikalia, Tuva, Amur region and Primorye.

  6. So with all those with whom the Merikos are not friends and vice versa
  7. Belarus, China, Armenia, India, Kazakhstan.. Well, now with Trump and the USA we are allies :)
  8. Allies of Russia:
    North Korea
  9. With the poor. They fell out with the normal ones because they themselves are savages.
  10. Difficult question.. . Maybe China?
  11. Your only ally is Belarus.
  12. "We were friends" when I was general idea(communism). Now there is only business and politics.
  13. China, Belarus, Venezuela and other Latin American countries, India.
  14. Everyone can be friends if they are paid extra for it and their debts are forgiven.

Among the countries with which Russia is friends, respondents most often name Belarus (66%), China (54%) and Kazakhstan (53%); among those with whom they are at enmity are the United States (77%) and Ukraine (62%). Answering the question with whom Russians have the most in common, with whom is it easiest for them to find mutual language, mutual understanding, our fellow citizens most often named residents of Belarus (69%), Kazakhstan (36%), Ukraine (17%) and China (13%).

Why do you think that China is the most necessary, most valuable partner for Russia?


Open question. Asked who named Russia's most valuable partner, China - answered by 31% of respondents

Why do you think that Belarus is the most necessary, most valuable partner for Russia?


Open question. Was asked by those who named Belarus as Russia’s most valuable partner – answered by 11% of respondents

Why do you think that Germany is the most necessary, most valuable partner for Russia?


Open question. Was asked by those who named Germany as Russia’s most valuable partner – answered by 6% of respondents


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