Open a pharmacy without medical education. Business at a pharmacy kiosk in the village

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Despite the fact that this is the 21st century, people have not stopped getting sick. This means they need medication. Where can I buy them? Of course, in this case, the pharmacy will help. The pharmacy business is one of the most “promoted”, because there is so much money circulating here that it is difficult to imagine. But this is if we consider the business as a whole. Although if we talk about only one pharmacy, then the amount of earnings can also be envied. Of course, the income is much more modest, but to live comfortably, this will be enough. So, answering the question of whether it is profitable to open a pharmacy, you can give a clear positive answer.

The pharmacy business is one of the popular ones in the market. In terms of income, it is second only to such types of businesses as the sale of food, alcohol and tobacco. That is, the logic is that people will eat some nasty thing, pour alcohol into it all, smoke it, and then complain about poor health.

The popularity of pharmacy products is growing. So if you want to get profitable business, focus on pharmacies. They will always bring money, especially since there is a category of medications that a person, once he starts taking, must take them throughout his life. So, let's talk about how to get your own pharmacy when you have zero knowledge and skills.

What is a pharmacy business

As soon as we start sneezing due to a cold, the first place we go is not the hospital, but the pharmacy. Why do we get sick so often? These are individual indicators, and the environment also has its influence. But the pharmacy business is one of the most popular in the world. But there is an opinion that it is not easy to “get into” this industry.

In a way, this is true, since the industry is too specialized. But there are more and more drugs, they are more expensive, so this requires experience, knowledge and just instinct. The responsibility in this matter is simply off the charts, because the drugs purchased must be not just expensive or cheap, but effective. This increases the demand for them. In addition, some drugs cannot be sold at all without a doctor’s prescription, which is conveniently ignored by our pharmacy representatives. Not in all cases, but in many.

So, let's think about where to start if you have zeros in all subjects related to the pharmacy business. Probably, first let’s look at what types of pharmacies there are:

  • Pharmacy points;
  • Medicine shops or kiosks;
  • Pharmacies with ready-made medicines;
  • Industrial-type pharmacies;
  • Pharmacy stores are a type of establishment where the production of certain aseptic drugs is permitted.

To open a private pharmacy, it is better to stop at the first three options, especially if the future owner is not very knowledgeable about medications and plans to hire a professional pharmacist who will receive wages for your work. The types of pharmacies under consideration have the maximum range of functions and can sell almost any medicine. So, before you begin any active actions that accompany the opening of a pharmacy, you need to choose which type of establishment is right for you.

Step-by-step instructions on how to open a pharmacy

The pharmacy business has been popular since the times when it was called witchcraft, and instead of pills some roots and other dubious means were used. Now, to open a pharmacy, just one desire is not enough. This industry is beneficial for people who have connections, good capital and a desire to work. In principle, medicines are a profitable investment, so if a group of people opened a private pharmacy, then that’s even better.

But let's still appreciate it step by step instructions, which will be useful when opening a pharmacy kiosk both in a private area and in the center of a metropolis:

  1. Registration procedures.
  2. Selection and preparation of premises.
  3. Purchase of necessary equipment.
  4. Before you open, you definitely need to recruit staff. In particular, you need your own pharmacist if the owner of the establishment does not have such qualifications or does not plan to stand behind the counter himself. In addition, employees are required to take continuing education courses every five years to stay abreast of developments in the drug market.
  5. Not least on the list of what is needed to open a pharmacy from scratch is the conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor.
  6. Receipt pharmaceutical license in Roszdravnadzor.

In order to open your own pharmacy, you need a lot more, but everyone who wants to sell medicines and make a profit from it goes through the steps in question. And in order to stay afloat, you need to avoid all the pitfalls of pharmacy management.

What documents do you need to collect to open a pharmacy?

To start any business, including a pharmacy, a certain list of documents is required. Without them, you simply will not be registered. Precisely because, in order not to waste time, documents need to be collected in advance. You need to spend a month and a half on all the trips to the authorities, waiting for these papers to be drawn up and sent to the person who is interested in receiving them. This is only according to the most conservative estimates. That's why we need to hurry.

Among novice businessmen, few people know exactly what papers need to be prepared. So we've put together a short list necessary documents. It looks like this:

You must obtain a license that allows you to sell medicines at retail. This is one of the most important documents, since without it there is no point in even starting the business in question. The pharmacy will not even be allowed to open, because its activities will be completely illegal. Unless the owners will sell traditional medicine;

You must also obtain permission from the fire department. In pharmacy establishments, the door cannot even be opened unless there is permission from the fire department. If a person is in an establishment that does not meet fire safety standards, he is at risk, and the one who decided to open a pharmacy in Moscow also risks the goods;

Apply for a sanitary passport at the SES. This document confirms the possibility of using the premises as a pharmacy.

In addition to the papers already mentioned, other documents may be required, therefore the list in question must be clarified depending on the individual situation. And if necessary documents there will be more, which means that much more time will have to be spent on their preparation.

Organization of an open pharmacy business

At the moment, there are two popular forms of organizing space in a pharmacy: closed and open. They have a number of fundamental features, advantages and disadvantages. But at the same time, buyers perfectly perceive both the first and second types. The difference is how the goods are laid out in the pharmacy:

Open types of organization imply something like a pharmacy-supermarket. That is, the buyer comes in, selects the medications he needs, and goes to pay at the cash register. Very simple and convenient, but not in the case when you need to ask the seller for advice;

The closed form of organizing the space of private pharmacies implies the usual counter behind which stands a pharmacist selling medicines according to the client’s order. That is, the drugs are in the display case and are inaccessible to the average buyer who would like to take them, but cannot;

A closed display is safer because no one will steal the product without paying for it. But it’s still better to start with open types of organizations, because then sales increase by at least twenty percent. This means that paying for a newly created business will be much easier, it will take much less time and will be more profitable.

Is it worth opening a pharmacy with an open form? If your pharmacy is located on a crowded street and there is a large flow of customers, you need an open form of organization. Then the pharmacy space will not only be competently, but also effectively organized. Buyers themselves know which drug to take, there will be no queues at the checkout, and if there are, they will move quickly, since all the pharmacist needs is to “punch” the medicine and issue a receipt.

But here you will need to organize additional security measures, install video cameras in the room and even hire a security guard who will monitor what is happening in the hall. So far, the pharmacy industry in Moscow is distinguished by a small number of pharmacies of this type. But they have a significant advantage in that they do not have to notify the entire customer about the purchase.

How to open a pharmacy from scratch. Requirements for a pharmacy premises

If you are thinking about where to start when opening a pharmacy, the main focus, as already mentioned, is on the premises. Above, we looked at how to lay out goods so that sales of a young establishment grow. Now we’ll try to figure out what needs to be done to prevent the pharmacy from being closed due to violations of rules and regulations in the premises where medicines and personnel are located.

First of all, you need to choose the area in which to rent premises. If the city where your establishment will operate is Moscow, then it is better to forget about the center, since the beginning pharmacist will give all the profits for rent, or there will still be some left over. But in a small town, the central location of the premises directly affects whether the business will be profitable or not.

For megacities, it is much more profitable to rent premises somewhere in residential areas, provided that wealthy people live there, and the competition of pharmacies per square meter is not off the charts. Here are a few more features of choosing a location for a pharmacy:

  1. The area of ​​the premises where the pharmacy will be must be at least 75-80 square meters. This size is used for a reason, since the territory should be divided as follows:
  • Shopping room;
  • Department for storing drugs (even if we are talking about open type pharmacies);
  • A sector - or even better if it is a room - where only staff can be;
  • Offices for management, in particular for the director and accountant;
  • Household block;
  • If necessary, archive.

  1. Discreet room design. If you are doing repairs on it, then choosing Decoration Materials, we must remember that they must be durable and of high quality so as not to damage the medications. There are even special rules for storing medications, and to prevent anything from spoiling, you must follow the instructions.
  2. When a pharmacy has opened, the premises must be regularly wet cleaned using various disinfectants, since medications must be stored under sterile conditions. Therefore, the owners of the premises, if you rent it, must express their consent to such a set of procedures.
  3. Since different drugs require special storage methods, it is advisable to protect them from direct light. In addition, the room should be cool. But the instructions for drugs often indicate that they must be stored in a dark and cool place, at a certain level of humidity and more. So in this situation the lack large windows, and therefore light, is more of a plus than a minus.
  4. It is important to install a good security system. Medicines are a special type of goods that are bought not only by sick people. Drug addicts are also those who have repeatedly opened the doors to the pharmacy with the hope that they will give them an illegal drug. So if you own initial capital and just thinking about where to spend it, before opening a pharmacy, order a good alarm system. Except burglar alarm, we need to install a fire alarm.

How much does it cost to open a pharmacy in Russia?

At the moment, the cost of drugs is steadily increasing, which pharmacists can only rejoice at, since the profitability of their business is increasing. Now it is 10%, which is not so much compared to other industries. But one rule applies here, which is that the more pharmacies there are in the network, the higher its profitability will be.

But how much money will it take to open a pharmacy from scratch? In fact, this is a very individual indicator. If you manage to avoid the pitfalls of the case under consideration, then with a competent approach it is possible to invest two million rubles, or at least 1.7 million.

Even despite more than modest estimates, the amount for the average resident of the country is simply huge. But business needs money, because as already mentioned, in addition to the medicines themselves, which also don’t cost a penny, you also need to purchase equipment (refrigerators and more) in order to comply the right conditions storage of drugs. This is very important because if the medicine goes bad, the buyer can sue the pharmacy and receive compensation.

And at such a cost of specialized equipment, a novice pharmacist may be shocked, since the prices really bite. That is why, before buying anything from your pharmacy, check with several sellers to find out what the cost of these items is and choose the most economical option. This way you can save a significant amount and quickly become the owner of a successful business.

The pharmacy business is the most in demand today. Diseases have not yet left our society, and bright and promising advertisements awaken humanity to use various drugs every day as a preventive measure for any diseases. And besides, the cost of foreign and domestic medicines increases every year. Therefore, it makes no sense to say that a pharmacy is a high-income business, since this is already clear to everyone.

But since there are more than enough pharmacy outlets on the market, it is necessary to take into account some of the nuances of opening this business in order to make it competitive and generating high income.

Nuances of the pharmacy business

Not all retail outlets of this type on the market have the right to sell prescription medications. According to the law, only pharmacies can do this. And various pharmacy points and kiosks are deprived of this right. Therefore, you need to decide in advance about the product - whether it will be healthy eating, baby food, cosmetics or prescription medications.

A pharmacy kiosk can only be opened on the basis of an existing pharmacy. Therefore, it would be more correct to open a pharmacy first, and then, to increase profits, kiosks and points.

Where to begin?

The first thing you need to do when starting a business is to register with the tax service. It is worth noting that this requires certain knowledge and immersion in this area. This should be done only after it has already been decided what type of service the company will provide.

According to the law, pharmacies are registered under, which belongs to group 24.42.1. This group gives permission for the production of medicines of all types, including aseptic ones. Besides, OKVED codes give the right to sell certain products at retail. For example:

Code no.Product type
52.3 cosmetic, perfumery, pharmaceutical and medical
52.31 pharmaceutical
52.32 medical and orthopedic
52.33 cosmetic and perfumery

You can register with the tax service using the following forms:

When opening an individual entrepreneur, the owner of the enterprise in mandatory must have a medical education (diploma of a pharmacist or pharmacist). In other cases, such formality is not required.

Required documents and licenses

Before opening a pharmacy, you will need to obtain:

  • permission from the SES (sanitary-epidemiological station);
  • permission from the fire department;
  • license to provide this type of service on the market.

In each case, you will need to collect a package of documents. For SES permission you need to fill out a corresponding application and provide a copy and original passport. It will be impossible to obtain permission from the SES without providing a Certificate of Enterprise Registration. You will need both a copy and the original.

You will also need to contact the Unified State Register of Real Estate and receive an extract that will contain all the necessary information about the company:

  • cadastral value of the building;
  • everyone on it plot of land objects;
  • encumbrances of the object;
  • claims to the building by third parties.

To receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate when registering a new building, you must first register it with the Cadastral Chamber, and then register your rights with the Federal Registration Service for the registration of rights. Next, to obtain permission from the SES, you need to provide a document confirming ownership of the property or the original lease agreement, as well as a BTI plan, TIN certificate and an explanation that will contain information about the number of rooms in the building and their area.

In addition to all this, the owner will need to provide the following agreements (copies and originals) to the SES:

  • for washing clothes;
  • for disinfection;
  • to carry out an inspection in medical institutions all employees;
  • on the destruction of fluorescent lamps.

You will need to collect medical records of all employees in advance. They must contain truthful information about the health status of workers, as well as all necessary vaccinations.

This documentation will allow you to obtain a sanitary passport, without which opening a pharmacy will become impossible.

To obtain permission from the fire department You will need to collect a smaller package of documents. To do this, you will need to call the fire inspectorate and obtain the following documents from them:

  • confirming the presence and good condition of all components fire safety;
  • approving the receipt of a protocol on measuring the insulation resistance of electrical wires;
  • approving the receipt of a pharmaceutical license in Roszdravnadzor.

You will also need to provide a copy and original of the Business Registration Certificate to the tax service.

To obtain a license You will need a large list of documents:

  • This is an application in the appropriate form and a Certificate of Registration of the enterprise.
  • You will also need a copy of the document confirming the entry of a legal entity into the Unified State Register, as well as a receipt for payment of the license fee.
  • These documents will need to be supported by a sanitary passport and permission from the fire service to open a pharmacy. And also provide the originals work records and diplomas of all employees.
  • Here you will also need to support the rental agreement for the premises or a certificate of ownership, as well as a plan diagram and characteristics of the building.

If one of the documents is missing or if reality does not correspond with the information specified in them, a decision may be made to refuse to issue a license to open a pharmacy premises.

Choosing a pharmacy location, premises requirements

Profit from the pharmacy business directly depends on the location of the pharmacy. This is exactly what you need to think about first when opening it. Of course, it should be opened in crowded places. This metro, shopping centers, bus stops etc.

Open a pharmacy in shopping centers should take into account cross-country ability. The higher it is, the greater the profit. However, in existing shopping centers everything free places are probably already occupied by competitors. Therefore, you should sign an agreement on opening a retail outlet in advance, that is, before the opening of the center.

If the opening is planned on the central streets of the city, then the most optimal options are places of mass gathering of people - bank branches, food markets, parks etc. Well, if the opening is planned in a courtyard area, then you should be patient and learn how to advertise yourself correctly. If this is an old neighborhood where competitors are already present, you need to come up with interesting advertising for your pharmacy and come up with some promotions. You need to do everything possible to attract buyers.

But it is best to open a pharmacy in new neighborhoods that are under construction, since there are practically no competitors there. You should not be afraid that the neighborhood is sparsely populated and will bring little profit. This will be the case for the first year or two. However, then your pharmacy will be the most popular in the area and will have its own regular customers.

Each point of this type must have:

  • shopping room;
  • bathroom;
  • wardrobe;
  • cabinet;
  • stock;
  • room for household needs.

The room must be heated, have water supply, ventilation and exhaust, be equipped with all fire safety equipment and humidity parameter recorders. When renovating a building, you also need to consider some points. Walls and ceilings should give in easily wet cleaning, so they need to be finished with special reflective material. When finishing the floor, the following should be used: floor coverings like linoleum or ceramic tile. They are well suited for wet cleaning and are most resistant to aggressive influences. detergents, which will need to be used regularly to maintain cleanliness in the room.

Concerning external design, then there must be a sign “Pharmacy”, “Pharmacy Point” or “Pharmacy Kiosk” hanging on the street. And the porch should be equipped with a ramp so that disabled people and young mothers with strollers can easily get inside the premises and purchase goods. The area of ​​the premises directly depends on the type of pharmacy and its location. For example, if the premises are located in the city, and the owner has the right to manufacture medicines, its area should be not less than 138 m2, and outside the city - not less than 85 m2.

Purchase of medicines, purchase of equipment

Medicines can be purchased from several suppliers at once. Moreover, the wider your network, the greater the discount you will receive. You can negotiate with the owners of other pharmacies and buy goods directly from them at the purchase price.

It is worth considering that pharmacies should sell not only medicines, but also other cosmetic products. For example, children's cosmetics and skin and hair care products. This will increase the flow of consumers and, accordingly, profits.

The state sets a maximum price for some medicines, an increase in which will lead to administrative responsibility. Products from the series cosmetics have no such restrictions.

You will also need to purchase the necessary equipment. Particular care must be taken when choosing an electronic system that will allow you to keep records of the product, its expiration date, quantity sold, etc.


Recruitment is very important point in the pharmacy business, since its profitability by 30% depends on it. Every employee must have higher medical education (pharmacist or pharmacist) and have at least three years of experience in this field.

Requalification is required every 5 years.

The following video describes in detail how to open such a business:

Option to open an online pharmacy

Opening an online pharmacy is also very profitable business, however, it requires more time to promote. Unlike a regular pharmacy, there is no need to purchase a separate premises and collect necessary information about him. However, obtaining a license is also integral in this area.

Here you need to pay more attention to the site. It is necessary to make an interesting home page that attracts attention; you will need to spend money on promoting the site and bringing it to the top places in Yandex and Google. You can do this yourself, but it will take 1-2 years.

You will also need to constantly monitor product updates and find an experienced manager with a medical education who will take calls and answer all customer questions.

Total cost and payback period

The average return on investment for a project is 2-3 years. Therefore, if you rent a premises, you should enter into an agreement for at least 5 years, since most of your income will go to pay rent.

Average daily revenue is approx. 25 thousand rubles. Upon successful development, the amount working capital is at least one million. To start a business you will need approximately $52,000. Of them:

  • $5000 rental of premises;
  • $20,000 renovation;
  • $12,000 trade and cash register equipment;
  • $5,500 for completing the necessary documentation;
  • $3000 outdoor advertising;
  • $7,000 additional costs in the form of software support and the purchase of other equipment.

Based on this, decide for yourself whether this business is profitable for you or not.

Sale of medicines at the right approach can become a very profitable business, which is why many beginning (and not only) businessmen are interested in questions about how to open a pharmacy. What documents will be needed for this? What is more profitable to open: a pharmacy, a pharmacy or a kiosk? What is the difference between these companies?

What is the difference between pharmacies and pharmacy points?

IN modern cities You can often see pharmacies, kiosks, shopping centers, and even shops. What are the differences between them? If you are interested in how to open a pharmacy, you should immediately understand these subtleties.

Pharmacies sell almost all types of medicines. Moreover, some products are prepared here, in the pharmaceutical laboratory. Such enterprises also supply those medications that are issued exclusively with a doctor’s prescription. Pharmacies sell ready-made medications, both with and without prescriptions.

The only limitation in in this case are narcotic, poisonous, psychotropic and potent drugs. But at the pharmacy kiosk they sell exclusively those medications that can be issued without a prescription from the treating specialist. It’s worth noting right away that the boundaries between such enterprises are often blurred.

How to open a pharmacy? Required package of documents

Of course, in order to open your own point of sale of medicines, you need the appropriate documents. First of all, you should register with the tax service. If you plan to open just one kiosk and cooperate exclusively with individuals, you can arrange an individual

entrepreneurship. But if in the future you plan to expand your business, cooperate with public and private institutions, more suitable option will become a limited liability company or an open joint stock company.

In addition, you will need an appropriate license to sell pharmaceuticals. If you are a certified pharmacist with more than three years of experience as a pharmacist, then you will not have any problems - you will receive required permission within 45 days. But how to open a pharmacy without pharmaceutical education? This is also possible, you just need to provide evidence that you have professional employees with necessary education and work experience.

Now it’s worth mentioning the OKVED codes. A pharmacy falls under clauses 52.3 (retail sale of medical and pharmaceutical goods), 52.31 (retail sale of pharmaceutical goods and manufacture of drugs), 52.32 (retail sale of medical and orthopedic goods), 52.33 (sale of perfumes and cosmetic products).

In addition, you will need permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station, a copy of the agreement with special organizations ensuring regular disinfection of premises, removal of medical waste, etc. By the way, copies of all documents must be kept in the pharmacy in case of an unscheduled inspection.

Pharmacy premises requirements

In fact, the requirements for the premises are not that great and depend on the type of activity.
If the pharmacy will be engaged exclusively in sales, then the minimum area should be about 12 m2. If the enterprise is engaged in the production of medicines, it will need a separate room for the laboratory and storage of raw materials, and this increases the minimum area to 22–30 m2.

Naturally, there must be an uninterrupted water and electricity supply, as well as a ventilation and air conditioning system. We need a small office for the manager, as well as a wardrobe room for employees.

By the way, if you are interested in the question of what it takes to open your own business and make it profitable, you should know that a favorable location is one of the main factors. Rent a room in busy and densely populated residential areas of the city.

It is advantageous to locate a pharmacy near a clinic, hospital, or hostel. Before opening, it is worth conducting research and determining what category of clients you will have to serve - it is unlikely that a person with a minimum salary will buy expensive, foreign funds unless there is a special need for it.

Design Features

If you are interested in how to open a pharmacy, think about the necessary equipment and furniture that are simply necessary. To begin with, you should purchase the necessary racks, shelves, counters and other furniture that is necessary to display and store medicines. By the way, it is best to arrange the drugs in a certain sequence (for example, analgesics, diuretics, antibiotics, etc.).

If you are going to open a large pharmacy with a huge assortment of goods, then you should think about putting several benches in the sales area where customers can wait in line, etc.

What equipment will you need?

First you need to obtain and register cash machine. Some pharmacies use computers and special software that facilitates record keeping and bookkeeping.

Don't forget that some medications need to be stored at a certain temperature - you will probably need special refrigeration chambers. If you are going to make medicines, then the amount of equipment and special utensils will increase significantly.

Deciding on the range of products

If you are thinking about how to open a pharmacy kiosk or point, then first of all you should take care of the range of products. Before opening, be sure to conduct monitoring to determine the products in greatest demand.

Some pharmacies work closely with hospitals to purchase the medications and instruments they need.

In addition, pharmacies (points or kiosks) sell other goods, in particular, cosmetic products (shampoos, creams, lotions based on medicinal herbs), baby products and accessories (milk formula, bottles, creams, powders), etc. You can sell simple orthopedic products, some medical devices (for example, blood pressure monitors, thermometers). Homeopathic medicines are also popular.

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4.Other provisions

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Publication date: 12/01/2016

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Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus"

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InSales Rus Limited Liability Company (InSales Rus LLC)

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The pharmacy business appeared when people invented medicines. A person wants to live longer, be healthy and beautiful. Realizing this, many businessmen are thinking about creating a pharmacy business, correctly counting on good regular profits. However, in order to open the doors of a pharmacy to a visitor, it is necessary to take into account many nuances.

So, how to open a pharmacy? Below are step-by-step instructions.

Where to start: preparing a business plan

There are three options for resolving the issue with a business plan.

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The first is to write it yourself. In this case, it is necessary to thoroughly understand the specifics of this type of activity.

Second – download ready business plan in the Internet. This is not the most reliable option for those who are willing to invest considerable cash to opening a pharmacy.

And the third is to contact a consulting firm, whose specialists will literally “live” this issue for money and will ultimately issue a fully working tool that will inspire great confidence among potential investors.

Regardless of the option chosen, the business plan for opening a pharmacy should cover the following issues:

  1. Justification of the feasibility of opening a pharmacy.
  2. The amount of investment to open a pharmacy and the payback period.

Key points:

  1. Range.
  2. Average number of customers per day.
  3. Trade margin.
  4. Necessary investments.
  5. Number of staff.
  6. Operating mode.
  7. Start of activity.

Registration of activities

Who can open a pharmacy? This question is answered by the Federal Law “On the Circulation of Medicines”.

There is such an opportunity as individual entrepreneur, having a diploma of a pharmacist or pharmacist, and the owner of an LLC, OJSC or CJSC.

In this case, pharmaceutical education is not necessary for the business owner, but you will have to hire a manager with the appropriate diploma.

To open a pharmacy, OKVED data is suitable:

  1. 3 Retail pharmaceutical and medical products, cosmetics and perfumes.
  2. 31 Retail trade of pharmaceutical products.
  3. 32 Retail trade of medical goods and orthopedic products.
  4. 33 Retail trade in cosmetics and perfumes.

What types of pharmacy companies are there?

The next document that will be required to open a pharmacy is the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development “On approval of types of pharmacy organizations.”

It defines and classifies the types of pharmacies:

Which pharmacy should you choose as your own business? It’s best to look at this question through the eyes of your clients.

The choice of pharmacy is influenced by its territorial accessibility, range of medications, availability of prescription drugs, delivery options and the pharmacy’s discount policy. If a drug is required, the sale of which is permitted only by prescription, the consumer will contact a regular pharmacy.

If there is no urgency to purchase or there is an opportunity to wait for the delivery of the medicine from several days to a week, the modern client will prefer an online pharmacy. People of retirement age, especially those living close to hospitals, clinics and other healthcare institutions, will choose interhospital pharmacies.

All of the listed types of pharmacies differ from each other. different amounts functions. The pharmacy has the most functions, the pharmacy kiosk has the least.

The business plan for opening a pharmacy is described in the video.

Selection of premises and equipment, requirements for them

Any pharmacy, even a private one, belongs to healthcare institutions. The purpose of the pharmacy is to provide citizens with medicines and medical supplies.

The requirements for pharmacy premises are set out in the project “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for pharmacy organizations and organizations for the wholesale trade of medicines for medical use.”

Internal layout:

  • shopping room,
  • premises in which medicines are produced,
  • a warehouse in which medicines are stored,
  • room for the production of distilled water,
  • washing,
  • manager's office,
  • staff room,
  • toilet room,
  • locker room

In addition, pharmacies must be connected to water supply, sewerage, electricity and central heating.

What will it take to open?

Now let's look at what is needed to open a pharmacy, namely what documents, permits, licenses.

To get the go-ahead from Rospotrebnadzor you will need:

  1. Statement of the established form.
  2. Citizen's passport.
  3. TIN certificate.
  4. Certificate of registration of a legal entity or individual.
  5. Extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.
  6. Lease agreement or ownership of premises.
  7. Explication.
  8. BTI plan.
  9. Contract for washing clothes.
  10. Contract for disinfection of premises.
  11. Agreement on the disposal of used fluorescent lamps.
  12. Agreement on medical examination of personnel.
  13. Medical records of employees.
  14. Measurements of microclimate and room illumination.
  15. Production control plan.

To obtain a fire service permit, the following documents are required:

  1. Registration certificate.
  2. Documents confirming the availability of fire protection and warning equipment.
  3. Declaration of fire safety.
  4. Wire insulation resistance measurements
  5. Pharmaceutical license obtained from Roszdravnadzor.

It will take from thirty to forty days to issue a license required in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law “On Licensing of Certain Types of Activities” and “Regulations on Licensing of Pharmaceutical Activities”.

Criteria for selecting personnel for a pharmacy

Personnel are what the success of any business rests on. For a pharmacy, it is advisable to select people with higher medical or pharmacological education.

This is necessary so that pharmacy staff can correctly give advice on choosing a particular drug and explain the conditions for using the drug.

A pharmacist at a pharmacy must know which drug will help with which disease, and understand its analogues and synonyms. In addition, pharmacy staff must be sociable, polite and friendly to visitors, not forgetting that many pharmacy clients may not feel well and be sensitive when discussing diseases.

In addition, staff must strictly adhere to discipline and internal regulations. The pharmacist must stimulate sales: such a simple move as offering a hematogen bar for change will allow sales a large number of this product.

Procurement of medicines and selection of suppliers

It is possible to purchase medicines for a pharmacy from a single or from many suppliers. The second option is preferable, since suppliers, competing with each other, will strive to maximize the interest of the owner of the pharmacy business.

What do you need to know when choosing a drug supplier for your pharmacy?

It is necessary to have information about the suppliers available in the city. This is not difficult to do if you have the Internet.

A lot of information can be found on specialized forums. There you can find out, for example, whether a given supplier has any problems with defects or certificates, how simple and convenient negotiations are, whether applications are accurately formed, how often errors occur in accompanying documents.

Meeting delivery deadlines is another important criterion supplier selection.

In addition to medications, pharmacies can sell special foods or cosmetics. Pharmacies often sell medical equipment - thermometers, pressure measuring devices or glucometers, which are so necessary for patients with diabetes. All these medical and near-medical products bring in a good income, since many drugs have surcharges strictly established by the state, but “by-products” do not.

Subsequently, when starting to work with suppliers, it is recommended to conduct a rating of suppliers.

Profitability of pharmacy business, ways of development and promotion

Today in our country there are approximately 2,400 residents per pharmacy. This is quite enough to talk about good profitability of this business.

The pharmacy business is sometimes called a “business for life”; this is a long-term project, it can be passed on not only to children, but also to grandchildren. Medications– just like food is a necessity, and being healthy today is fashionable.

According to research by marketers, the pharmacy business pays back its investment in the first two years, breaks even in another year or two, and only then, after 4 years, begins to generate good profits.

Competition in the pharmacy market is high, so it will be difficult for a single person to stay afloat - you need pharmacy chain. This will be the further progress of the business.

In the future, you should think about promoting your pharmacy point. Advertising placed on public transport surfaces or banners would be inappropriate here.

One point is a pharmacy walking distance, a person will not go to it through the whole city. Therefore, the main consumer is a resident of the residential area located next door.

But, we repeat, competition in this market is great, so not one, but two or three or four pharmacies may be located within walking distance. It is important to be the best - to work competently with suppliers so that the necessary drugs are available, and those that run out arrive as quickly as possible.

A person should not leave empty-handed. You can hold promotions, for example, on bad days of the week, announce discounts on the best-selling items.

How much does it cost to open a pharmacy from scratch and as a franchise?

In this matter, a lot depends on the room. Rented space will cost less than purchased space.

But here everything depends on the requirements that legislation imposes on the pharmacy business. It is important to take into account such parameters as lighting, ceiling height, size of the rented area, and the presence of a sanitary unit.

The necessary premises that meet the requirements may eventually be found, but it will be far from places where potential buyers and their traffic gather. Again, you will have to invest in repairs and equipment.

And there are no guarantees that the landlord will not ask an entrepreneur who has just started his activity to “exit” in six months.

If you decide to buy or build a building, then, despite high cost, there are much more advantages here. Firstly, your own premises will still pay off.

In addition, this is a guarantee that the pharmacy will remain in the same place in twenty years. In extreme cases, for example when changing your place of residence, you can sell or rent it out.

If you build your own trade pavilion, you can place it in the most accessible place, of course, with the permission of the administration. And already at the construction stage, take into account all the requirements for the pharmacy.

The cost of purchasing or building a premises depends on the specific locality.

The second significant part of the expenses is the purchase of equipment, goods, furniture and other opening costs. On average, in locality with half a million inhabitants, these costs are about 2,000,000 rubles.

Plus the rental cost is about 80,000 rubles monthly. In the case of purchasing premises as a property, the price of the purchased premises must be added to the cost of opening costs.

To be fair, it is worth noting that a pharmacy is usually a business for entrepreneurs with experience and financial capabilities. It’s difficult for those new to pharmacy.

Required in short time will learn many business processes, work with suppliers and personnel, master marketing and promotion. But if you want to open a pharmacy and difficulties do not frighten you, you can make your life a little easier by opening a pharmacy under a franchise.

Its obvious advantages:

  • the initial investment is much smaller than when opening a pharmacy on your own, especially when the franchisor offers a turnkey solution and independently selects the premises, enters into a lease agreement, makes repairs and obtains a license.
  • Recognizable brand and logo.
  • Help and support in organizing and running a business.
  • Discounts on the purchase of goods and return of unsold medicines.
  • Minimizing advertising costs.
  • Consultations on personnel selection and further work with him.
  • The risk of failure is much lower.
  • Shorter payback period, from six months to one year.

Typically, the price of a well-known pharmacy franchise starts from two and a half to ten million rubles. In this case, the franchisor, as a rule, guarantees a payback of up to one year, subject to strict compliance with all franchise conditions.

You can learn how to open a pharmacy from the video.

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