Open your own business. Entrepreneur registration cost

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The world economy does not stand still. Every day an increasing number of new small, and then large, enterprises appear. Having your own business is a profitable business for an entrepreneur. Legal business is beneficial for the state. How to open your own individual entrepreneur? This is a question many people ask today.

Individual entrepreneurship is the key to stability and prosperity

An individual entrepreneur is always an individual who has legalized his activities. Legalization implies registration of the subject economic activity as individual entrepreneur. Only a person can become an individual entrepreneur, unlike an LLC. In the case of a business company that acts only as a legal entity, there are exceptions. And this happens when a limited liability company is formed by one individual. However, opening your own individual entrepreneur is much easier than becoming a “single founder” of an LLC.

How to register your business?

On the Internet today you can find many recommendations on how to start doing your own business, how to form start-up capital and how to “stand” on the rather shaky path of entrepreneurship. After all, business is always a risk. Let's consider the question of how to register your individual entrepreneur.

From the very beginning you need to do the following:

  1. . Individual entrepreneurship begins with a person determining the type of activity that is suitable for him, in which he plans to earn a living as an individual entrepreneur. This will help you figure it out.
  2. . What is it for? Start-up funds are necessary to create working and non-working funds of the enterprise. This could be money, property, property rights, etc.
  3. Before registering as an individual entrepreneur, an individual needs to collect and prepare.
  4. After filling out the forms, obtaining permits and certifying documents, you can go to the tax office to pass state registration IP.

According to legislative acts Russian Federation, the following can open an individual entrepreneur from scratch in our country:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • persons who have no citizenship at all.

It is also stated that these subjects are equally equal before the law, except in certain specified cases. In particular, the document that has the highest legal force - the Constitution - states that foreign citizens and stateless persons have the same rights and bear the same responsibilities as citizens of the Russian Federation. Persons who are not citizens of our state should remember that registration of individual entrepreneurs takes place at the place of registration of residence. Therefore, before opening an individual entrepreneur, it is necessary to deal with this problem. There are two solutions:

  1. Obtain a temporary residence permit in the territory of a certain region in which you intend to do business.
  2. Get a residence permit. This document, unlike a permit, gives its owner the right to indefinite residence in Russia.

Once these documents have been completed and all the necessary marks on the place of permanent or temporary residence have been made in the identification documents, you can prepare the registration package.

What is required to register an individual entrepreneur?

If you do not know how to open your own individual entrepreneur and where to start the process of preparing for state registration, then you are recommended to study Law 129-FZ in detail. It has everything detailed instructions, which will help you make a balanced choice in favor of one type of business or another and collect the registration package the first time.

It is worth noting that many people who want to register as an individual entrepreneur are faced with the problem of multiple returns of documents by the registration authorities for certain reasons. Sometimes this happens if the subject is not authorized to carry out business activities, for example, has not reached the age of majority, or has not received necessary permissions and licenses.

Before you create an individual entrepreneur, make sure that the type of activity you choose is legal. Some types of private business related to the provision of medical services or detective work require obtaining certificates or other documents confirming the right of the entity to engage in this activity. In such cases, the presence of “paper” confirming the level of education of an individual entrepreneur is not enough.

How to open and register an individual entrepreneur on your own? What documents are required to register an individual entrepreneur? Which form of taxation is best to choose?

Dear friends, my name is Alexander Berezhnov and I am glad to welcome you to this really important article.

You can open an individual entrepreneur yourself or use the capabilities of Internet accounting "". I use it myself and recommend it to my entrepreneur friends.

I myself opened an individual entrepreneur 3 times and know all the intricacies of this procedure.

Most entrepreneurs, when starting their own business, do not have large funds and try to open it with. Therefore, if you do not yet have a stable income, and opening an individual business is more of a “tick-box” procedure for you, then I strongly do not recommend rushing into it.

Here we will discuss in detail how to register an individual entrepreneur and conduct business correctly after receiving documents granting you the status of an individual entrepreneur.

Before I go directly to the essence of the question “How to open an individual entrepreneur,” I want to warn you:

“Before officially registering your activities by opening an individual entrepreneur, remember that this step imposes certain administrative and financial obligations on the person”

1. Who can become an individual entrepreneur

According to the law, a citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 18 can become an individual entrepreneur.

It's important to note that can not be individual entrepreneurs, state and municipal employees.

There are some other nuances in the legislation, but in practice they are quite rare, so I will not voice them here.

2. What documents are needed to open an individual entrepreneur and how to fill them out

If you decide to register an individual entrepreneur yourself, you will need the following documents:

  1. Application on form P21001.
  2. Receipt for payment of state duty for 800 rubles.
  3. TIN (individual taxpayer number)
  4. Applicant's passport (in in this case Your passport)

You can significantly simplify the preparation of documents by

Using the Internet accounting service "".

2.1. Step-by-step instructions for registering an individual entrepreneur

1. Fill out form P21001


After filling out the application, you need to stitch it and glue it with a small piece of paper like a book, then write the number of sheets, the date and put your signature so that it fits on the application.

Example of firmware documents:

2. We pay a state fee of 800 rubles

3. We take the TIN and passport and make copies of them

4. We take the documents to the registration authority (tax, registration inspection)

5. We wait 5 days and come for ready-made documents about registration

In each region, the registration authority has its own name, so check it, as well as its code, you will need it to fill out an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur.

2.1.1. And now in more detail about each stage

If you do not yet have a TIN, be sure to obtain one from the tax office at your place of residence.

In order to start filling out form P21001, you need to decide on the types of activities that you plan to engage in.

The all-Russian species classifier will help you with this. economic activity (OKVED).

The application on form P21001 for individual entrepreneur registration provides tips on how to correctly fill out the digital code by type of activity.

As an example, I’ll give you my extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP) state register individual entrepreneurs).

You will receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs after registering an individual entrepreneur along with a registration certificate.

Please note that in the extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, just like in your application, the group, subgroup and type of activity with digital code and the name of the activity itself.


If you do not submit documents for registration in person, for example, by mail or someone does it for you, in this case you will need notarization of your signature on the application.

After you have filled out the application, pay a state fee of 800 rubles according to the details that will be given to you at the registration authority, where you will submit documents for registration of individual entrepreneurs.

Congratulations! Now you are ready to register, but read the article to the end and you can avoid the mistakes that people make when registering an individual entrepreneur for the first time.

3. Submission of documents and pitfalls when opening an individual entrepreneur. Overview of tax systems

Before registering an individual entrepreneur, I advise you to get advice from a professional accountant on choosing the tax system you will work with.

At the moment there are 3 taxation systems:

  1. Classical or general taxation system (OSNO)
  2. Simplified taxation system (“Simplified”)
  3. Unified tax on imputed income (UTII)

3.1. Classical or general taxation system (OSNO)

Here you will pay several types of taxes, including personal income tax (income tax individuals) and VAT (value added tax)

3.2. Simplified taxation system (“Simplified”)

There are two types of simplified tax system today, depending on which tax base you choose:

  • Type of tax base "Income". In this case, you will pay 6% on all income (revenue)
  • Type of tax base "Income minus expenses (profit 15%)". Here you will pay 15% tax on the difference between income and expenses

3.3. Unified tax on imputed income (UTII)

If your activity falls under the payment of UTII, then you will pay a fixed tax for a certain period, regardless of revenue and profit.


By default, a person registered as an individual entrepreneur falls on general taxation system (OSNO) .

If you are going to work under a simplified taxation system, then along with submitting documents for registration of an individual entrepreneur, you will need to submit an application to switch to a “simplified” system.

Application form for transition to a simplified taxation system (Form No. 26.2-1).

If the activity you plan to engage in falls under UTII, then from the moment you engage in it, you will need to submit an application to switch to UTII using the UTII-2 form.

4. What to do after registering an individual entrepreneur

After you receive all the documents and register as an individual entrepreneur, you can make a seal for an individual entrepreneur. To do this, you will need a certificate of OGRN individual entrepreneur and your TIN. Today there are a lot of companies engaged in the production of seals and stamps, so making a seal will not be difficult for you.


According to the law, an individual entrepreneur can work without a seal. One of your handwritten signatures on any contracts and papers and the inscription “Without stamp” or B/P is enough.

Example of my print:

Pension Fund

Now, if you work independently (WITHOUT HARRIED EMPLOYEES), notify the Pension Fund NO NEED! You register with the Pension Fund without any application, that is, automatically.

If you plan to work with non-cash payments, that is, transfer and receive funds to your individual entrepreneur current account, you need to open it. Now it is not difficult to do this in any bank. When choosing a bank, I advise you to focus primarily on the interest rate on account servicing.

According to the law, an individual entrepreneur has the right to work without a current account.

So you will need to open a PC if you plan to receive non-cash payments, especially if you provide services/sell legal products to individuals and other individual entrepreneurs.

Attention, this is very important!

Now (since May 2014 there is no need to submit a notification about opening an individual entrepreneur current account to the tax office and the Pension Fund!

If you plan to work with a cash register, then you will need to purchase it and register it with the tax office. Before doing this, I also advise you to consult with a good lawyer and accountant to make this procedure the most effective and least expensive.

After all the above actions, you can fully conduct business, the main thing is not to forget to report and pay taxes on time. A good accountant will help you with this, and you need to take care of cooperation with him in advance.

You can conduct accounting for your individual entrepreneur via the Internet using the appropriate capabilities of the “” service.

Dear reader, now you have all necessary information about how to register an individual entrepreneur yourself and, as you can see, it’s not that difficult.

Let's now look at the nuances of IP.

5. Pros and cons of the organizational and legal form of “individual entrepreneurship”. Rights and obligations of individual entrepreneurs

From the moment you receive the OGRNIP certificate (main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur), you can engage in all types of entrepreneurial activity not prohibited by law. But there are also exceptions.

For example, an individual entrepreneur cannot engage in wholesale and retail sales of alcohol, so if you decide to open grocery store and sell alcohol there, you will have to register as a legal entity.

This limitation is most often encountered in practice. Full list You can download the types of activities that individual entrepreneurs are prohibited from engaging in below:

5.1. Pros and cons of the legal form of individual entrepreneurs

Here I will touch on the main pros and cons of individual entrepreneurs, I hope that this will broaden your horizons and help you better understand yourself as an individual entrepreneur.

5.1.1. Pros:

1. Easy registration

It’s quite easy to open an individual entrepreneur without even resorting to the help of third-party consulting firms.

I can say with confidence that if I went to open an individual entrepreneur now, the whole procedure, taking into account the preparation of documents and standing in line to submit them to the tax office, would take me about 2-3 hours.

2. Relatively mild penalties

Individual entrepreneurs are practically not checked by regulatory authorities; there are far fewer requirements for them to comply with various standards and requirements when conducting commercial activities. The simplest and fewest reports. Accordingly, fines are on average 10 times less than for legal entities. I won't go into detail here, just so you know:

From the point of view of doing business, individual entrepreneurs are the most “gentle” form of doing business in all respects.

3. Greater flexibility in work

Also, one of the advantages of such an organizational and legal form as an individual entrepreneur is that all proceeds belong to the individual entrepreneur, that is, in this case, to you. Accordingly, you can dispose of this money immediately after receiving it at your own discretion, unlike an LLC.

Also, an individual entrepreneur has the right to work without a seal; in this case, he puts his signature on contracts and other documents and writes “BP,” which means “without a seal.”

An individual entrepreneur has the right not to have a bank account when working with cash. Then he might need cash machine or strict reporting forms (SSR), but this is if the individual entrepreneur works on a simplified or common system taxation.

If he works on an “imputed” basis, that is, he pays single tax on imputed income (UTII) or carries out his activities under a “patent”, in this case he simply pockets the money he earns, paying a fixed tax and insurance contributions.

5.1.2. Minuses

1. Degree of responsibility for obligations

Very important!

According to the law, an individual entrepreneur is liable for his obligations with all his property.

This means that if you have incurred debts as a result of engaging in entrepreneurial activity, then in this case judicial procedure your creditors have the right to take almost everything from you: a car, bank deposits, real estate (if it is not your only home), and other material assets.

An individual entrepreneur is required to pay insurance contributions to the pension fund, even if he does not operate or even works at a loss.

For example, in 2013, the amount of mandatory insurance premiums for individual entrepreneurs was 35665 rubles .

That is, even if you don’t earn a penny, every month the existence of your individual entrepreneur will cost you almost 3,000 rubles.

Do not forget that if you operate, add to this amount the taxes that you will have to pay.

2. Lack of opportunity to name your company

According to the law, an individual entrepreneur, as a business entity, can write only his full name as a name in all official documents.

For example: IP Ivanov N.V.

Unlike individual entrepreneurs, legal entities, such as LLCs, have a name.

For example: Limited Liability Company "Pupkin and Partners"

3. Image moment

It so happens that some companies do not work with individual entrepreneurs, although, in essence, the conduct of commercial activities of an individual entrepreneur and, for example, an LLC are no different.

If you do not yet have experience in conducting commercial activities, then I advise you to start with an individual entrepreneur, and then, if the need arises, you can open a legal entity.

5.2. Rights and obligations of individual entrepreneurs

You can learn more about the rights and responsibilities of an individual entrepreneur below.

If you are going to register as an individual entrepreneur, you will need to understand all the issues related to this. You must know how and where to register an individual entrepreneur, how to prepare documentation, and how to act in the event of unforeseen situations related to obtaining the opportunity to conduct business.

Individual entrepreneur registration procedure

If you already know how and where to register an individual entrepreneur, then you are probably aware that you will need to prepare everything Required documents:

  • photocopied pages of your passport;
  • supporting documents in the amount of 800 rubles;
  • a statement indicating the form of taxation that you would like to use during your work.

The first and most important document is an application filled out in form P21001. With this paper you will be able to register as an entrepreneur. Several years ago, the procedure for filling it out was adjusted for the convenience of novice businessmen, so it will be easy to do.

If you already know how to properly register an individual entrepreneur, remember that all documents that you submit to the tax service must be up to date. Replacement of all documentation, if necessary, should be carried out approximately 1.5-2 months before the opening of the individual entrepreneur. The application must contain information about the place and date of your birth, place of registration, as well as your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).

In the application, two additional sheets must be filled out: in the first, you will need to indicate what exactly you plan to do as an individual entrepreneur. Codes from a special classifier are indicated here. You should also fill out the second sheet and then photocopy it. After this, you need to flash the application; you do not need to include the second sheet (sheet B) in the general package. All documents must be accompanied by a receipt indicating that you have paid the state fee.

Where exactly should I submit my documents?

Every aspiring businessman faces the question: where is registration of individual entrepreneurs carried out? The answer is simple - in the department tax office at the place of registration. If you do not live in the place where you are registered, you can register as an individual entrepreneur at your place of actual residence by providing confirmation.

You can contact the tax office before registration - most often this is necessary in order to obtain information about the actual registration process. In addition, this is where you can consult with specialists involved in preparing documents for opening an individual entrepreneur.

Registration and taxation systems

Now you know where you can register an individual entrepreneur, but before submitting documents you need to decide which one you are going to continue working on. There are several options by which you can carry out business activities.

For those who have not previously run their own business, but are ready to make every effort to do so, a simplified taxation system is perfect, which will allow them to save a large number of funds and keep documentation of your labor activity using easy and simple to understand algorithms.

With this tax system, you can deduct 6% of your income or 15% of the amount that remains after deducting expenses from your income. billing period income. The first option can be used by entrepreneurs who specialize in providing services (service firms), the second is suitable for those who intend to supply certain goods (groceries, clothing).

The mechanism of how to register an individual entrepreneur may seem quite complicated, but anyone can figure it out. If you have chosen the simplified tax system, you must submit a statement of your choice in two copies. If you choose a different tax system, you can change it once every 12 months - this is possible after a month after registration.

Each copy must be signed by an employee of the Federal Tax Service, after which the first set is provided to the organization, and the second remains in your hands.

Opening and registration of individual entrepreneurs

Now you know where to register as an individual entrepreneur. After all the necessary documents have been prepared, you can submit them to the Federal Tax Service. When going to the institution, you must have your passport with you. Do not forget to check your details with those indicated at the tax office stands.

Recently, you no longer need to have your signature certified by a notary. Thus, government agencies were able to significantly facilitate the existence of individual entrepreneurs. It is recommended to pay the state duty only at the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation. After submitting the documents, you need to wait 5 working days, after which you will be given:

  • USRIP record sheet;
  • official papers notifying you of registration with the Pension Fund and the Federal Tax Service;
  • certificate of assignment of special codes and registration with compulsory medical insurance;

If you represent someone's interests in the tax office, you need to know how to register an individual entrepreneur. For registration, you must prepare a similar package of documents. It must also be accompanied by a power of attorney stating that the person who plans to become an individual entrepreneur trusts you to represent his own interests in all relevant organizations.

Despite the fact that you know the place of registration of an individual entrepreneur, the registration process does not end with a visit to the tax office. It is very important to register yourself as an entrepreneur in a timely manner. additional organizations(PFR, FSS, Rospotrebnadzor, etc.), otherwise you will have to pay a fairly impressive fine, the amount of which can amount to 30 thousand rubles.

Registration process in other organizations

Many people will ask, is it necessary to register an individual entrepreneur? The answer in this case is the same - definitely, there are many reasons for this.

  1. Firstly, illegal business activities on the territory of Russia are prohibited and prosecuted by law.
  2. Secondly, few people will want to deal with an organization that is represented by an ordinary individual.
  3. Thirdly, you may have difficulties with translation Money, all financial transactions will raise questions from regulatory authorities.

When registering as an individual entrepreneur, you automatically register yourself as a businessman with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. Despite the simple registration, it is advisable to know where exactly you can turn if difficulties arise. From time to time you will need to make contributions to these structures; their amount is individual in each case.

Contributions are calculated based on the number of employees who work for you. If you hire someone to work for you, you will need to register yourself as a businessman and make contributions for employees in each reporting period. After registration, you will receive notification at the address specified in the documents submitted upon registration.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs, when clarifying the question of how to open and register an individual entrepreneur, are interested in opening a special current account. If you decide to open it, you will have to notify the relevant authorities, in particular the Pension Fund. You will need to provide the fund with two copies of the notice. A specialist from the organization must certify them, after which one of them will remain with you.

Also necessary. The maximum registration period is 10 days from the date of signing the contract with the employees you hire. If you fail to do this on time, you may be subject to a fairly large fine, ranging from 5 to 100 thousand rubles.

Reasons for refusal

You need to know how to open an individual entrepreneur correctly, otherwise... Even if you have prepared all the documents correctly and are rejected, do not be upset. You have every right to receive information about the reasons for the refusal. To do this, you need to contact the tax office with the relevant questions. After the reasons have been announced, you have the right to apply for registration of an individual entrepreneur. You may not be registered again only by a court decision.

You may not be registered as an individual entrepreneur if:

  • all necessary documentation has not been provided or it has been provided incorrectly;
  • The individual entrepreneur has already been registered;
  • you have a criminal record;
  • you went bankrupt as a sole proprietor less than a year ago.

Selected moments

If you were previously registered as an individual entrepreneur and intend to open a branch in another locality, the local Federal Tax Service is obliged to do this. You don’t have to contact the Federal Migration Service of that region if you work under the simplified tax system. If you operate under UTII, the tax authority will have to notify the registration of the branch immediately after the start of its work.

You already know where to open an individual entrepreneur, but you do not have the right to make entries in your own work book. Officially, you are not considered an employee of your company, but you can change this situation at any time. Seniority for an individual entrepreneur it is calculated from the moment of commencement of activity.

You have every right to register a trademark for your business activity and use it in further work. Registration is carried out with the help of regulatory authorities. They subsequently monitor the situation and prohibit third parties from using your sign.

An individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) is an individual who has proper registration and conducts business activities without registering as a legal entity.

Based on Article 23, part one of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, any capable citizen of Russia or another country has the right to conduct his own business activities in Russia.

Why open a sole proprietorship at all?

Registration of an individual entrepreneur entails avoiding personal income taxes (NDFL), reducing payments to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (Pension Fund of the Russian Federation) and the Social Insurance Fund (Fund Social Insurance). On the other hand, the official registration of an individual entrepreneur opens up more opportunities for you in cooperation with various firms and companies that prefer, when interacting with your organization, to transfer money to current accounts by bank transfer, and then write it off as expenses.

At the very start of your career, it may be enough to work without official registration, when you are not yet cooperating with large companies. But then you will have to face problems disabilities and the reluctance of large organizations to work with your company - no one wants to work with illegal clients.

This is precisely why you need to open an individual entrepreneur and go on a “big voyage”. As a result of official registration, you will be able to access new level, and you will have the opportunity to earn more.

What does it take to open an individual entrepreneur in 2019?

Before you start collecting paperwork for registration, it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with the following points:

  • You must have a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). If you do not currently have it, you have the opportunity to apply to receive it. You can do this either together with submitting the entire package of documents for individual entrepreneur registration, or in advance. Only in the first case, registration will take much longer instead of the required 5 working days.
  • You should decide in advance on the tax system that is most suitable for you.
  • You will need to decide on the types of activities you will engage in ( OKVED codes). They must be indicated when registering an individual entrepreneurship. The code that you write first is considered first priority. It will determine the amount of the insurance tariff of the Social Insurance Fund (SIF).

Next, we will consider in more detail the second and third points from the above list.

Selecting a tax system and OKVED codes

Let's start with the systems by which the amount of duty paid to the state is determined. All payments assigned to individual entrepreneurs are divided into 4 sections. This:

  • a fixed payment that is made to extra-budgetary funds “for oneself” (in 2019 it is 36,338 rubles, and if his income exceeds 300,000 rubles, then an additional 1% of the amount of income exceeding 300 thousand);
  • a set payment made to extra-budgetary funds, which is withdrawn from wages workers (the entrepreneur must exclude 13% of a person's income, working for him);
  • additional taxes that are assigned in accordance with the type of activity;
  • taxes assigned depending on the tax system you specify.

There are several payments of the latter type:

  • General taxation system.
  • Special modes, which in turn are divided into:
    • simplified taxation system (STS);
    • single agricultural tax (UST);
    • unified tax on imputed income (UTII);
    • taxation system for the implementation of production sharing agreements.

Each of them has its own characteristics and criteria by which the amount of payment is determined.

As for OKVED codes, first you need to figure out what they are.

OKVED codes or the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities are codes with encrypted and classified all types of activities that can be used if you have your own business.

When registering an individual entrepreneur, it is better to immediately decide what exactly you want to do and indicate not one, but several codes. Although, on the other hand, too many of them can lead to certain problems and confusion in the numbers. From the choice of main activity, i.e. The first code specified during registration determines the size of the mandatory insurance tariff.

It is necessary to take into account that you can only engage in the type of activity specified during registration, and each type of activity has its own taxation system. They may vary depending on the region in which you will register.

Required documents

If you decide to register your own business, you will need a certain set of papers to do this. It looks like this:

  • Passport.
  • A stapled photocopy of each page of the passport. You will need it to send the documentation set by mail.
  • Receipt certifying payment state duty for registration of individual entrepreneurs.
  • A copy of the certificate with the taxpayer identification number (TIN), if available.
  • Application for registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur in form P21001. If the situation is such that the one who signed this paper for some reason is not able to bring the papers in person, it is necessary to have them certified by a notary to certify the applicant’s signature (1 copy).
  • Application for application of the simplified taxation system (STS) according to form No. 26.2-1 (2 copies).

After submitting the documents, you should receive a receipt for their receipt and one of the copies of the transition to a simplified tax system. When submitting documents electronically from January 1, 2019, the state fee is not paid.

We write and submit an application to the tax office

The registration application consists of five pages. In it you need to indicate your Full name, contact details (phone number and e-mail), passport details, OKVED codes and TIN. You need to fill it out in block letters and legibly so that no problems arise in the future.

How much does it cost?

When registering yourself as an individual entrepreneur, the amount of expenses is only 800 rubles. It is in this amount that you need to pay the state duty at the branch of Sberbank of Russia nearest to you. A receipt confirming this must be submitted along with all other documents.

Also, when you go to a lawyer to have your application certified, you will have to leave about 350 more rubles there. At the same time, he will check your document for errors so that they do not interfere with your registration as an individual entrepreneur.

What documents should you be given after registration?

The time it takes to register an individual entrepreneur may differ depending on the region where you will do it. But basically this procedure takes five working days. The date of issue of papers will be written in the receipt that you will receive when submitting the package of documents. In the event that you are unable to pick them up in person, they will be sent to you by mail.

Upon completion of registration, you will receive the following documents:

  • Certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP).
  • Certificate that you, as an individual, have been registered with a tax authority.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP) (1-4 pages).
  • Certificate that you, as an individual, were registered with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of registration.
  • Notification that you have been assigned statistics codes from Rosstat.

After this, you need to make copies of all the documents you received and then give them to the tax inspector.

Registration in other institutions

It may happen that you will not be given some of the above papers. To receive them, the tax office will send information that you have been registered as an individual entrepreneur to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The Pension Fund, in turn, will have to send you a certificate of registration by mail.

If this does not happen, you will have to contact them yourself, having with you the Individual Entrepreneur Registration Certificate (original and photocopy), taxpayer identification number and pension certificate.

What to do next?

After receiving all the documents that indicate that you have every right to engage in entrepreneurial activity, the only main rule that you need to remember is that you are now required to pay taxes, maintain documentation and reporting.

In order to be able to make non-cash payments, you will need open a current account. It will also be needed if contracts are concluded for an amount exceeding 100,000 rubles with other individual entrepreneurs.

For registration current account and you will need certification of your documents own seal. Thus, if you have made a seal for yourself, then in further work one signature will no longer be enough to certify the document.

If your activity involves paying for services using cash or bank cards, you will need a cash register. Although there are exceptions related to the chosen taxation system and certain trading conditions.

Why can they refuse registration?

The reasons why they may refuse to register you may be different. Below are the main circumstances why this might happen:

  • If you provided incorrect information or made mistakes or typos when filling out documents.
  • If you submitted incorrect documents, or if they were not complete.
  • When you submitted your documents to the wrong place.
  • In case you were declared bankrupt and less than a year has passed since that moment.
  • If a sentence was imposed to prohibit business activities, and its validity period has not yet expired.

As you can see, registering yourself as an individual entrepreneur is not difficult. The main thing is to follow the instructions presented above, and everything will work out.

If you compare registering an individual entrepreneur yourself and through an intermediary, then each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. Self-registration takes a little more time to gather the proper documents and complete them, although your costs will be negligible. Registration of an individual entrepreneur with the help of an intermediary, on the contrary, takes less time, but you will need to pay him for the work. Thus, the amount you spend will increase significantly. So, the choice is yours.

Changes for 2019

Registration as an individual entrepreneur does not imply major changes. The main ones will be related to tougher penalties for committing certain violations:

  • In particular, if the registration authority doubts the reliability of the data provided by the entrepreneur, it will be able to stop the registration process for a period no more than 30 days.
  • Persons who violated the law during business activities they previously organized may be denied registration.
  • Administrative penalties will become more stringent: for example, when providing incorrect information for the first time, the fine varies from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles.
  • Administrative liability is also tightened upon registration using dummy persons. Moreover, it is now sufficient to have a statement from the dummy director to prove the illegality of the actions taken.

What documents are needed to open an individual entrepreneur in 2019? The folder is not large, only 3 or 4 completed forms... But they need to be completed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Tax Service, of which there are much more. In this article we will tell you what papers you will need to open your own business and try to warn against common mistakes that lead to refusal to create a business...

Behind Last year In Russia, more than 800,000 individuals have registered as individual entrepreneurs. Statistics prove that Russians are ready to open their own business, even in conditions of an economic crisis.

Today you can submit documents to open an individual entrepreneur () both through the authorized tax authority and at your place of residence.

List of documents for individual entrepreneur registration

To register with the Federal Tax Service you will need:

  1. Copy of the passport.
  2. (optional).

The list is given according to Federal law RF dated 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ “On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs”.

What is not included in the main list:

  • For foreign citizens, you will need to provide a copy of identification documents confirming the right to reside in the Russian Federation.
  • For a minor citizen, it is necessary to submit a notarized consent of the parents (guardians) or a copy of the marriage certificate. Another option is to submit a copy of the decision of the guardianship authorities or the court decision recognizing the citizen as legally competent.
  • If you intend to work in a field related to the participation of minors (education, recreation, upbringing, medical care, etc.), then you will need a criminal record certificate. If you have a criminal record, you must obtain a decision from the commission for minors and the protection of their rights on admission to entrepreneurial activity in the mentioned area.
  • If you have heard about, don’t worry, an individual entrepreneur does not need it. It is submitted upon registration only by an LLC.

Conditions that will not allow you to become an individual entrepreneur (even if you receive the necessary documentation):

  • If you are already registered as an individual entrepreneur, or a year has not passed since the date of bankruptcy.
  • If the period prohibiting you by court decision from engaging in entrepreneurial activity has not expired.

Instructions for filling out documentation for individual entrepreneurs

Application for registration of individual entrepreneurs in form P21001

The vast majority of refusals are made due to trivial errors in filling out P21001: incorrectly carried out word hyphenation will cause the computer to “reject” the application during verification. The Federal Tax Service introduced automatic (machine) processing of papers submitted to open a business, and this innovation became the “Achilles heel” for novice businessmen. Not everyone can fill out an application for opening an individual entrepreneur correctly the first time, because the requirements for filling out, specially developed by the Federal Tax Service, take more than 40 pages.

How to fill 21001 correctly:

1. Appendix No. 20 to the order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated January 25, 2012 MMV-7-6/25@ establishes the requirements for filling out the application. From the first time, taking into account all the rules for placing spaces and hyphens, font size and type, following the rules for abbreviating address objects, the rules for aligning letters and numbers, etc., to put it mildly, is not easy. Formatting has nothing to do with the essence of the matter, but it does provide information to the computer: it is important that the machine evaluates the data correctly.

How to simplify the process and protect yourself from mistakes?

  1. Fill out the application according to the sample. Here you will have to rely on your attentiveness and knowledge of the requirements for completing forms.
  2. Use the online service. These are programs with an intuitive interface that “guide” you step-by-step from sheet to sheet. They already automatically contain the requirement to comply with the formatting: the software will correctly arrange and transfer words, suggest the necessary abbreviations, and will not allow you to make a mistake. The service is also popular on the Federal Tax Service website, although, according to user reviews, it is not always available due to the resource being overloaded. It’s not difficult to find such sites on the Internet: type “online service for registering individual entrepreneurs” in a search engine. We described the experience and results of working in one such free service in the article “”.

2. Taxpayer Identification Number, if available, must be indicated.

3. Indicate the main and additional OKVED codes in sheet A. We select codes from four-digit ones onwards (for example, 45.20, 45.20.1, etc.). The OKVED-2 classifier is current and entered into force on July 11, 2017. You can enter as many codes as you like into the form, the number is not limited. Indicate the code of your preferred (main) direction in the field “code of main activity” (for a number of codes you need to submit an application). But remember that.

4. Do not sign P21001 in advance if you take it to the tax office in person: this is done in the presence of an inspector. If you entrust the delivery of documents to a trusted person, then first have the power of attorney and your signature on the application notarized.

5. Blank sheets (for example, page 3 for a Russian citizen) are not included.

6. The completed form is printed on one side of the sheet and only in black.

7. In field 7.1 on page 2 for the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, indicate 21. Codes for other documents are contained in Appendix No. 3 to the Order of the Federal Tax Service of January 25, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/25@.

8. It is advisable to print Sheet B in two copies: some Federal Tax Service Inspectors prefer to hand over the sheet to you with a note that the documents have been accepted.

9. Until now, different inspectorates have different interpretations of the question of whether applicants need to staple papers. You can only find out the truth from your tax office; usually it’s enough to call the hotline.

For a better idea of ​​what a correctly completed application looks like, we offer you a sample of it.

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Receipt for payment of state duty for individual entrepreneur registration

A receipt for payment of the state fee is another required document. But even if you honestly sent the state 800 rubles for registration as an individual entrepreneur, but using the wrong details, you are guaranteed a refusal. Thus, the first task is to find out where to pay and what details. Let's consider a couple of cases when

Ways to make payment and receive a receipt:

  1. Receipt through the tax service. We gave a detailed overview of the program in the article. The Federal Tax Service takes into account internal features in the structure of tax authorities, which are not always “on the surface”. You can generate a receipt without thinking about the details of your tax office: enter your full name, tax identification number and residence address in the form. There is no fee for the service.
  2. In the regional MFC. When applying through a local multifunctional center, you need to pay using other details (the service will automatically fill in the receipt with the necessary data). All you have to do is save and print the resulting pdf file.
  3. Through the bank's website. When paying state fees through online banking, you will save even more time.

If you cannot use the Federal Tax Service or another online program, then contact the territorial tax office and request details for paying the state fee for registering an individual entrepreneur. Next, go to the bank or post office, take the form and carefully fill out the fields with the details received from the tax office. A sample of a completed Sberbank receipt looks like this:

Documents for registration of individual entrepreneurs | Sample of filling out a receipt for state duty 2019

Please note that in the purpose of payment you must indicate “State duty for registration as an individual entrepreneur”. Don't forget to indicate your tax identification number, payment amount and date.

We hope that the recommendations will help you quickly and without extra costs become the owner of a certificate: they are required to issue it to you along with a tax registration certificate 3 days from the date of receipt of the documents). You might also be interested in or.

To consolidate the information and learn everything about the registration documentation of an individual entrepreneur, we recommend watching this video:

Please share your opinion and ask questions in the comments to the article.

Documents for opening an individual entrepreneur in 2019 on your own updated: January 17, 2019 by: Everything for individual entrepreneurs


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