Opening of a children's store. Is this activity profitable? How to open a children's goods store. It is profitable to open a department with children's things. Question

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Trade is one of the most popular types of business for beginning entrepreneurs, however, retail trade is just a general category, which in turn has a huge variety of areas and specializations. Not so long ago, on the pages of the blog, we discussed the general issues of opening your first store, you can read in more detail. In the first parts, we not only examined general issues in the first stages of organizing your own store, but also determined the real prospects for opening a grocery store, although not everything is so simple with a grocery store, because the level of competition in this segment of retail trade is very high and therefore we will move on to other ideas for trading points.

Next up is a rather attractive direction - a children's store.

Today, thanks to certain efforts of the government and the emergence of a number of programs, there are trends in the birth rate. Of course, it would not be correct to talk about a baby boom, but there are still positive trends. As a result, the market for children's products and goods has positive growth trends; the second advantage that spurs demand in the market is the desire of the parents themselves to give their child more and better. It is interesting that according to the second plus, we are moving according to the Western model, where parents, with the help of such purchases, “buy off” their children in an attempt to compensate for the decrease in their attention. The fact is quite sad, but at the same time it pushes overall demand up, creating an excellent environment for creating your own business.

It is worth noting that, despite the lower level of competition compared to the retail food market, it is quite high and it will not be possible to open your own children’s store without a “fight”. The only thing that can really be considered an advantage is the high segmentation of the market (in practice, this means that most small children's stores have a clear specialization), and there are quite a few large stores with a full range of all goods, plus they usually sell expensive children's clothes. goods (although often the same China only with a branded label).

Children's store specialization

Unlike most other stores, a children's outlet can be opened using a very narrow profile and the approximate profile of the store:

  • You can open a teenage clothing store
  • You can open a children's clothing store
  • You can open a children's toy store
  • You can open a stationery store for schoolchildren
  • You can open a store for newborns (with a range of products from 0 to 1 year)
  • You can open a children's shoe store

This is the most minimal segmentation of trading ideas, so there is plenty to choose from on what to trade on the children’s goods market.

No one says that you need to definitely focus on a narrow segment; the best option is to combine different directions, but here everything depends on the area of ​​the outlet.

Premises for opening your children's store

Actually, the main problem of selling children's goods is the need to use large retail spaces, for example, when trading toys, you must take into account the interests of children, and then the question arises of how to place three series of dolls, each of which has 5-6, on 20 squares (a small stall). heroines. And of course, these are just dolls, but there are also banal sandbox buckets and baby strollers, and many other representatives of the gaming world. Of course, there are also examples of selling children's goods in such stores, but according to statistics, they lose at least every second potential buyer, only because of problems with the placement and display of goods.

Actually, in the sale of children's goods, both in that old saying that you can't spoil porridge with butter, and in this case, the larger the area, the more promising the business idea itself looks. Of course, there is a direct connection between the total area and the amount of initial investment, because it is not enough to have space, you need to have a product to place it in the available space. But this trade has one specific feature that, by and large, makes large children's stores leaders in the segment.

Just remember or visit any large children's store and analyze the prices! They are an order of magnitude higher than in the market or small shops, but there are still more buyers there! The question is why?

The answer is hidden in the psychological aspects of the buyers of children's goods themselves:

  • – first, in most cases, parents try to purchase exactly what is interesting to the child, and here the decisive role when choosing stores for purchase is played not by the cost of the product, but by its assortment;

As the father of two daughters, I can say with confidence that whether I want it or not, I have to buy a specific doll from a specific series. The result of this is a trip to a store with a large assortment, try to find what they want in the market, especially when you don’t fully understand what they are talking about.

  • – second, most often parents come to the store with their children and the consequence of such trips is the purchase of not one, but several goods. Moreover, a large area allows you to reveal the range of goods in all its glory, and here the “I want” comes into play.
  • - third, children's things, toys - they break, get lost, become small and, as a result, purchases of such goods occur much more often, therefore, having made a purchase in the store once and seeing a wide list of goods, there is a 95% chance that the client will return for the next things or goods. Moreover, this will allow him to save time and not have to run around the entire market or group of stores looking for the things he needs, even if he has to overpay a little.

Of course, the above does not make it unprofitable to open a small retail outlet for children's things; it's just that the larger the store, the more profitable the business becomes.

In addition, you should not forget about one more aspect of retail space for opening a children's goods store - location.

Place to open a children's store

Location plays a huge role in this business, so opening a children's retail outlet in a residential area may not live up to expectations. The optimal option for locating such a store is either a large transport interchange, or the presence of a large retail trade hub, be it a market or a large shopping complex.

What not to do:

  • - open a children's goods store in the depths of a residential area. Most potential buyers are working parents who put time first, so this placement narrows the pool of buyers.
  • – open a children's store from scratch in the area of ​​entertainment complexes. In this case, you risk causing discontent among parents and losing customers, because those who have already come to the entertainment cannot buy (the money goes to the entertainment themselves), and those who have come to buy will be forced to listen begging of children (they want to have fun)

Choosing an assortment for opening your children's goods store

As I wrote above, the assortment of products (how the assortment is chosen for other retail outlets) largely depends on the area of ​​the outlet, the larger the assortment, the wider the assortment. Of course, in this context, assortment should be understood as a different range of children's goods, that is, children's clothing plus toys, or products for newborns plus toys. Regarding the assortment in the selected group of goods, especially if you have chosen the option of a highly specialized retail outlet, it is simply necessary to maintain a very large one. As an example, when selling goods for newborns, the range of baby nipples and pacifiers should be at least 30 names and varieties, and also from different manufacturers.

In fact, one of the biggest disadvantages of selling children's things is the need to maintain a very wide range of one group of goods, which in turn leads to the need to allocate a larger retail space for them and additional investments of money.

A consequence of this specificity of this type of trade will be the need to find more suppliers, of course, today this is no longer a big problem, but still.

Profitability of trade in children's goods

We can safely say that it has a number of disadvantages, such as:

  • – the need for large retail space;
  • – maintaining a wide range, which costs an extra penny;

There are a number of advantages

  • – buyers more often make purchases of children’s goods, as a result, turnover in such stores is higher;
  • – customers are more loyal and, with a good assortment, always return;
  • – the demand for children's goods is stable, one might even say that, like food, goods for children fall under the knife in the last line of family expenses.
  • – in the trade of goods for children and adolescents (read schoolchildren) there are minimal losses from so-called “waste” (read about them below).

The average markup on children's goods is quite “adult” and ranges from 70 to 200% depending on the group and the cost itself, while, unlike adult clothing, the level of “waste” is an order of magnitude lower.

By “waste” we mean non-traditional sizes of clothes, so all wholesale lots of things are bought in so-called “size sizes”, that is, a pack in which one product is 5-6 sizes in a row. So, every season, in adult clothing and shoe stores, a lot of things of unpopular sizes accumulate, such things cannot be placed on the shelves and it is very difficult to find a buyer for them. They are written off towards the general costs of maintaining the point.

This makes selling products for children more profitable.

Features of trading in a children's clothing store

Product certification plays a huge role in the sale of children's goods; we are not talking about any special procedures, but about the presence of product certificates in the store. Of course, most stores have such certificates for at least some of the goods, but the vast majority of outlets selling children's goods keep them “under the carpet”, preferring to show them only in case of an inspection. At the same time, the experience of individual stores dealing with children's things and goods shows that placing certificates in prominent places, optimally in the area where the products themselves are displayed, increases gross revenue by 20-25% . It seems like a trifle, but if you consider that the correct layout and the widest possible choice (in a particular niche) will there is a plus of another 15-20% , then as a result of such simple tricks you can easily increase the gross revenue of the children's store by 50% compared to similar establishments .

The article turned out to be quite voluminous, I will be happy to answer all your questions, write in the comments and don’t forget to tag me on your social networks.

And a little video about the production of children's toys

How to organize a business in children's goods?

Selling children's products is a business that will always develop. Regardless of the political and economic situation in the country, parents are always involved in raising their children, investing a lot of time and effort into it. In order for a child to grow up in a comfortable environment, he needs a large number of different goods.
That is why there will always be a demand for children's products, which means it is profitable to sell them.

Features of the business selling children's goods

The children's goods market today is one of the most dynamically developing. Evidence of this is from companies operating in completely different formats. These can be hypermarkets, departments in large shopping centers, shops in residential areas, chain points, fairs and even shops that operate only via the Internet. As a rule, each type has its own clients.

Chain stores and hypermarkets focus on the needs of customers with middle and high incomes. Small shops and specialized fairs are more economical retail outlets.
You can also distinguish universal retail outlets and stores specializing in certain product groups (toys, goods for newborns, clothing, stores for expectant mothers).

Opening a children's store

In order to open a children's goods store, it is necessary to analyze the market and decide on the type of outlet - will it be a general store or a highly specialized one. Next, the documents are registered. This process may take several months, while at the same time you can look for premises for a store.

Ideally, this should be a separate building or premises with a separate entrance from the street. You might consider renting space in a walkable shopping center. Since parents and children will often come to the store, it is worth considering the possibility of lifting a baby stroller into the sales area. This will significantly increase the number of visitors, and therefore buyers.

An equally important factor is transport accessibility. It should be convenient to get to the store by public transport (an important factor here is the presence of a stop nearby) or park the car in a convenient place.

If necessary, the premises should be renovated. It is better to choose bright colors that make children stop and stay in the store longer. In addition, the store can be divided into zones using color. The more zones, the more interesting. In addition, if space allows, you can allocate a small play area where kids can spend time while parents do shopping.

Personnel should be selected taking into account the specifics of the store. A very important quality for a seller is the ability and desire to communicate with children.

An equally important stage when opening a children's store is advertising policy. First of all, the store must have a bright, memorable sign. You can place several pillars at the entrance, and if possible, change the information there regularly. Advertising on the Internet, on television, and also in specialized institutions is excellent for children's stores. Do not forget that the best advertising was and remains word of mouth.

When drawing up the store’s operating hours, you should take into account the fact that many visitors will make purchases in the evenings or on weekends. Optimal opening hours are until nine in the evening on weekdays. On weekends you can close a little earlier. The longer a store is open, the more potential customers will be able to get there.

What are the best baby products to sell?

If opportunities do not allow you to open a hypermarket, you can limit yourself to a small assortment of children's goods. In order to determine the specifics of a retail outlet, you should study the assortment of stores operating in the area. Thus, in a residential area it is not advisable to open a second store selling goods of the same type in the same price range. And you shouldn’t open a small store next to a hypermarket - the profit will be significantly less than expected.

For example, it is best to open stores selling goods for newborns near a maternity hospital. They can sell cribs, strollers, walkers, diapers, clothes for little ones, as well as toys, cosmetic and hygiene items and various related products - dishes, bottles, pacifiers. If space allows, you can allocate space for water, juices and baby food. Such a zone is suitable for any store, regardless of location.

Shops in residential areas sell a wide range of clothes or toys. Stationery or creativity kits are also well sold there.

Shops that sell everything for expectant mothers are very popular. There may be not only clothes for pregnant women, but also goods that will be needed in the first year of the baby’s life.

Specialized stores for creative arts will attract parents of inquisitive children, and stores with active games will appeal to parents whose children lead an active lifestyle.

How to organize the sale of children's goods?

It's no secret that the Internet has taken up a large part of our lives lately. And if earlier purchasing goods through the global network was perceived as something risky, today there is nothing unusual about it. You can order food, furniture, household appliances, clothing, and sporting goods via the Internet. Children's products are no exception.

The bulk of buyers– young parents aged 25 to 40 with average income. Surely, many of them are fluent in computers and can arrange delivery of the necessary goods.

Selling children's goods through an online store significantly reduces the seller's costs. There is no need to rent space or hire a large staff. In addition, the costs of storing goods are significantly reduced.

At the same time, to promote an Internet page, you will need to invest a certain amount of money so that the site stands out from its competitors. It will be necessary to resolve the issue of payment and delivery. If pickup is possible, you will need to rent a small office space. If the client places an order for delivery, the assistance of a courier will be required.

Ideally, you can combine sales at a stationary point and through an online store. This way you can significantly increase the number of potential clients.

Children's goods rental

A relatively new, but already in demand service is the rental of goods.

Both goods that are in seasonal demand and goods that are suitable only for a certain age are suitable for this type of activity.

Quite a profitable business is the rental of New Year's and holiday costumes. As a rule, the baby can only wear it once, so the item remains in good condition. To organize rental services, you will need to purchase costumes for different ages. An excellent place to find potential clients is schools, as well as additional education institutions where New Year trees and holiday events are held. As a rule, clients of such companies become regulars and recommend the company to their friends.

Another product that will be in demand for rental is car seats. This accessory will come in handy for a trip of several days. In addition, some car seat models are suitable for short-term use (a month or two). Therefore, it is more advisable to rent them than to buy new ones.

In addition, you can rent sporting goods, toys, clothes and even books.

In order to correctly compose the assortment of the future rental point, you should study the assortment of nearby stores. Ideally, you should come there as a buyer and find out what is in great demand and what the target audience lacks.

A very important service that you should provide to your clients is the possibility of redemption. If a child really likes a toy, parents should have the opportunity to buy it. This will bring in most of the business income.

Another interesting service– clients have the opportunity to hand over their belongings. This service may not bring much profit, but in this way you can significantly increase customer loyalty.

Another idea for a children's goods business

If you have a pedagogical education or have hired such employees, you can organize a leisure center for children. This could be a small room with a play area where buyers can leave the child under the supervision of a teacher for several hours. The service can be used regularly or as needed. The main thing is that adults feel confident in this center and can safely leave their children there.

The children's goods market has always been a very attractive sector in trade for many entrepreneurs, and what can I say, it is still the most profitable and remains very profitable even in times of crisis. All this is based on the principle of the mentality of our people, namely, they do not skimp on children. This is how it is, and if, for example, adults can refuse to buy some thing, then for a child they try to buy the best. It is this factor that makes the children's clothing trade a competitive business, and at the same time, a large number of manufacturers allows many entrepreneurs to work and take their “place in the sun” in this area of ​​activity.

In this article we will talk about how to open a small store selling children's clothing and what needs to be done for this. We will go through all the main steps of starting this business and you will decide for yourself whether you should work in this niche or not.

Business format

Before you start looking for premises and buying equipment, you need to clearly decide on the format in which you will work. In fact, the business idea for a children's clothing store should have been placed in several subcategories, but we decided to give a more general overview in one article. So, the most popular options are:

— purchase of a ready-made business selling children's clothing. This is a very good solution, especially if the point is promoted and already has a list of regular customers. This is a profitable start for beginners, but in fact it is very difficult to find a good option for a ready-made business in this area. Truly profitable outlets are rarely sold.

— opening a retail outlet selling children's clothing from scratch. In this format, you will need to go through all the steps, from selecting premises to developing a client base. It’s a difficult and very expensive path, but often this is the option that beginners start with, launching a small store of children’s clothing and accessories in their city, after which it often grows over time into fairly large boutiques.

- consignment store for children's clothing. Opening this type of business is especially beneficial during an economic crisis. There are a number of points in this area, namely working with used things, but on the other hand, the price tag in such a store is much lower and you can find your customers.

— sale of children's clothing by franchise. The least attractive option for starting a business, especially in small cities. There are many different options for franchises with children's clothing, but with this format you will have a number of limitations, such as the range of goods and working only with certain manufacturers, which may not help increase sales.

As you can see, there are many formats and they all have their own nuances. The choice is entirely yours.

Selection of premises and equipment

First, you need to note for yourself a list of the most profitable places where you can open a children's clothing store. Firstly, these are shopping centers. Young mothers love to go shopping with their children and often they visit shopping centers. Renting a good place in a shopping center is already half the success of this business, and this will especially affect the savings in the advertising budget.

Secondly, these are free-standing stores. Such stores usually sell some specific product and attract customers with their uniqueness. For example, good quality children's clothing at low prices, or the availability of discount programs and other things.

Thirdly, these are clothing markets. At this time, it is profitable to work in small towns in this format. Prices at such outlets are usually low, and there will always be customers.

Fourthly, you can open an online children's clothing store and rent only warehouse space for an inexpensive price and sell all products using the Internet and online advertising. With the advent of social networks, this option has taken a significant share of sales in this segment.

The size of the premises for a small store can be found from 30 sq.m. and higher. You need to take into account that most of the goods are a set of all sizes, so this entire assortment will need to be stored somewhere.

Now let's look at what equipment you need to sell children's clothing:

  • racks with shelves;
  • display cases on wheels for displaying sweaters, outerwear, suits and more.
  • shopping baskets in which socks, panties and other rubbish are usually laid out.
  • racks with hooks on which a large amount of outerwear is placed using hangers.
  • cabinets for storing other assortments.

Also, do not forget about the workplace for the seller and provide a small play area for children, with a few toys. This will help distract them while the mother chooses clothes for her baby.

Rules for selling children's clothing

One of the frequently asked questions on the Internet is what documents are needed to sell children's clothing? It is quite logical, and we will try to answer it.

  • choose the organizational and legal form, types of activities and taxation system
  • enter into a rental agreement
  • if the landlord has not provided you with all the permitting documents for the premises, you will need to undergo all SES and fire safety checks yourself
  • placement of a trade patent, license in accordance with the requirements established by law
  • Do you, as a seller, have quality certificates for the product?
  • organizing a buyer's corner in your department

After meeting all these requirements, you will be able to obtain permission to sell children's clothing. When starting a business, it is best to consult with a lawyer, since the rules of work in Russia and Ukraine are slightly different and an experienced lawyer will advise you on all these points.

Assortment and suppliers

The next step on the path to opening a department for the sale of children's clothing, as in any business, is the selection of assortment. We will indicate only the main categories of goods that should be presented in such a store.

Gender division:

  • for boys
  • for girls

According to the age:

  • for newborns
  • from 1 year
  • from 3 years, etc.

By product groups:

  • outerwear: jackets, coats, vests
  • hats, scarves, mittens
  • overalls, envelopes
  • jeans, trousers, trousers
  • sweaters, shirts, blouses
  • tracksuits
  • bodysuits, onesies, bibs, tights, socks, underwear and much more.

Your assortment will depend on the starting capital and perhaps at first, when starting a small business selling children's clothing, you will choose a narrower segment of goods with a subsequent expansion of the assortment.

To find suppliers of products, you can either cooperate with sellers at wholesale clothing markets, or look for manufacturing plants in your country and order goods directly.

Also, now there are a huge number of representatives of various children's clothing manufacturers who are ready to cooperate even with small stores. There is a huge choice and you need to choose the most profitable and cost-effective product. Of course, you shouldn’t include low-quality children’s clothing from China in your assortment, unless the seller provides you with all the certificates for this product.


Nowadays, with huge competition in the children's clothing market, it is not enough to say that I want to open a children's clothing store in my city. To promote it, you will need to invest in advertising.

Here is a list of the main sources of clients:

  • advertisements in the media
  • distribution of leaflets with promotions and discounts on goods
  • discount program in your store
  • advertising on the Internet, namely contextual advertising for your online store and its search promotion in various product categories
  • advertising on social networks. In fact, well-promoted groups on social networks can bring in the lion's share of customers, and there are often queues for popular goods.

Don't forget about an interesting name for your store and a bright sign.

How much does it cost to open a children's clothing store?

Investments in this business will be different in each individual case. It all depends on the price range of goods, assortment, store location and other factors. We will provide a basic list of expenses.

  • Room rental – $250 – $300
  • Taxes - $150
  • Salesperson salary - $220
  • Initial purchase of goods – $15,000 – $20,000
  • Purchase of equipment – ​​$1500 – $2500
  • Advertising - $550 (+ advertising on the Internet).

How much can you earn?

You can earn a lot, especially if you connect to social networks, but promoting a business selling children's things will require time and money, you need to be prepared for this.

The average markup on children's clothing ranges from 50% to 110%. But at the same time, there are a number of product groups where the markup can reach up to 130%.

Based on these figures, you can approximately estimate the volume of sales required to break even the business.

The demand for children's products is increasing from year to year. Whatever the economic situation in the country, they will be born and raised. Therefore, opening a children's store from scratch is a great idea.

How much money do you need to open?

It is better to locate a children's store somewhere in the central part of the city, near office buildings. On the way home, most parents always stop by such establishments to please their offspring. One of the best places is next to kindergartens and maternity hospitals.

You should not look for premises near cinemas, parks or attractions, because in this case all the attention, and, consequently, the profit, will be received by the entertainment outlets. Avoid rooms in the basement or on the upper floors - it will be difficult for mothers with strollers and pregnant women to go up/down the stairs.

And don’t forget to decorate the room correctly: the spacious hall should be well lit, shelves and stands with goods should be arranged as neatly as possible. In order to meet all safety standards and regulations, access to the product should be limited for children, and loose counters and a large number of glass display cases should be completely abandoned.

Such a store can specialize in several types of products or in just one option. For example, this could be a baby food or clothing store. It all depends on your plans, willingness to work and financial capabilities.

The most popular products are clothing, food, toys, children's furniture (cribs, car seats and strollers), as well as hygiene products necessary for care.

]The following places in popularity are occupied by children's books, special educational games, and materials for handicrafts (fabric, paper, plasticine, felt-tip pens).

Your costs

So what is the financial component of the issue? It is difficult to draw up a universal plan in advance, because the situation in such a market changes quite often. But, we will present you with approximate calculations:

  • Rent of premises - around 300,000 rubles per year;
  • purchase of necessary equipment – ​​from 100,000 rubles;
  • staff salary – 500,000 per year;
  • purchase of goods – 300,000 rubles;
  • working capital – 300,000 rubles.

So, for a good start and confident work all year, you need about 1,500,000 rubles.

Necessary documents for opening a children's store

To prevent paperwork from dragging on for months and years, you need to immediately prepare all the necessary certificates and data.

Company registration . To register an enterprise, you must know the name of the company, the number of founders and the main type of activity. On site, you choose the taxation system, the general director, the chief accountant, as well as the type of contribution of the authorized capital (cash or property).

You need to obtain certificates:

  1. About registration;
  2. on assignment of TIN;
  3. on registration of a legal entity.

To do this, you register in the Unified State Register of legal entities. You receive a letter from Goskomsat about assigning a code, register with the medical and pension funds and the social insurance fund. After that, you make a stamp and open a bank account.

Agreement with SES. You receive a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor. To do this, you prepare a package of documents and certificates.

It includes an application, a lease agreement, a company registration certificate, a certificate of registration with the tax service, employee medical records, a list of goods, certificates for goods, a sanitary passport of the facility, and a garbage removal agreement.

Agreement with the Fire Service . To conclude it, you prepare:

  • Statement;
  • a premises rental agreement or a copy of property rights documents;
  • certificate of registration of your enterprise;
  • special floor plan of BTI;
  • a copy and original of the contract for the installation of fire alarms;
  • property insurance policy.

Permission for cash registers . To register a cash register, prepare an application, a KKM passport, a lease agreement for the premises where the KKM will be located, holograms of maintenance and the State Register, a central service center (certified by the master), copies of documents on opening and registration with the tax service.

The sign for the store also deserves special attention. To obtain permission for it, you provide an application and registration card, a notarized lease agreement, notarized copies of the opening of the store, a sketch of the image certified by the seal of your company, color photographs of the future location, approval of the location by the owner of the building, a map of the location.

The level of safety is of increased interest to the relevant authorities. All items are subject to mandatory certification because children come into contact with them (clothing, toys or hygiene items). A quality passport must accompany all types of products. Only related products are certified voluntarily.

Associated risks

Before you open a baby store, you should consider the potential risks.

Risk one– prices. Entrepreneurs involved in this type of trade are torn between the tastes of young buyers and the price preferences of their parents. It is for this reason that most owners are faced with difficulties in forming a pricing policy and assortment.

Risk two– flow of buyers. Changing customer flow paths is always scary. Often a store is opened in a popular location, and after a year or a year and a half, due to renovation work, job cuts, or offices moving to other buildings, the flow goes the other way. No one is immune from this.

Risk three- retail business. It is always characterized by high demand risks. This primarily applies to children's clothing.

Profitability is also affected by the solvency of the population, the vagaries of the weather, etc.

How much can you earn?

On average, the net profit from goods is 250,000 per month, which is 2,800,000 rubles per year. This means that with an approximate cost of 1,500,000 rubles, full payback occurs within six months.

Of course, results vary and depend on various factors. But is it profitable to open a children's store in our realities? In principle, this is quite a promising business.

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What kind of children's stores are there? In response to this question, we wrote an article in which we identified the types of children's stores and compiled a brief business plan for each.
And what type of children's store you will open is up to you, choose!

What kind of children's stores are there?
  • Baby clothes
  • Children's shoes
  • Kids toys
  • Baby food
  • Children's products (strollers, cribs, car seats, etc.)
  • Universal children's stores with a variety of products

Personnel selection.

The target audience.
Choosing a location.
Advertising and PR.
Income and expenses.

Review section.
Description of the enterprise.
Description of business services.
Market analysis.
Business financial plan.

General section.
Description of the business.
Market competition analysis.
Production plan.
Financial plan.

The target audience.
Competitive environment.
Market segmentation.

Income level.
Required resources.

Business opening of a children's store

Most parents mainly try to make some savings on themselves, but in no case seek compromises in purchasing food, clothing and toys for their child. Thanks to the markup for the bulk of children's goods, which is the highest compared to adult goods, "children's" stores receive quite a good income despite the surrounding economic situation. In this regard, trade in children's goods is one of the most promising.

Often, children's products of various groups are sold in different types of outlets. For example, you can buy baby food or some hygiene product in almost any pharmacy or special section of a grocery supermarket. The sale of children's clothing is usually carried out by specialized stores, which may also contain some other goods (cribs, strollers, toys). Specialized stores are also created for the sale of toys.

Typically, the purchase of everyday necessary goods (diapers, food) by parents comes down to retail outlets closest to their place of residence. At the same time, the purchase of strollers, clothes, car seats and other large purchases is made in large specialized stores, most often located in the city center. If there was such a store in close proximity to their place of residence, parents could make everyday and major purchases in one place.

Based on this, the relevance of opening universal children's stores in urban residential areas becomes clear. The use of the business plan under consideration will allow organizing the work of universal children's stores selling food, hygiene products, clothing and shoes, strollers and car seats.

Nowadays, it is not necessary to start everything from scratch; it is quite possible to purchase a ready-made business.

To organize trade in children's clothing, careful planning and study of the structure of the children's clothing market are required. First of all, a prerequisite is to draw up a business plan for the store.

When considering the characteristics of the children's goods market, it becomes clear that children's clothing is allocated a third, toys - about a fifth of the entire market, shoes - a little more than one tenth, and other goods - also one third.

Children's clothing on the Russian market has an annual turnover of more than $3 billion and is increasing by one quarter every year.

On the world market, Russian children's clothing takes up slightly less than 20%, the rest is allocated to foreign countries. The leadership in the production of children's clothing is given to China; Finnish and German children's clothing is also quite common.

According to analysts, the average amount spent by parents on the purchase of children's clothing per year is about 10 thousand rubles (the family budget loses almost one thousand rubles every month in this regard). By calculating the approximate number of families in your city and comparing this figure with the number of stores selling children's clothing, you can determine how profitable this business is.


After assessing your capabilities in terms of this business, studying the market situation in this area in your region, you can look for the most suitable premises. The store can be set up in any room, and you only need to be guided by your finances.
It is possible to organize a separate store or mini department in a shopping center. The most important aspect is to properly plan its location.
The design of the store must be original. In this case, you should be guided by the specifics of the product being sold.

To open and decorate a small store in rented premises, you will have to spend from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

Store registration and necessary documentation.

In order to register a children's clothing store, the best option would be to register as an individual entrepreneur. There is no point in opening a limited liability company, since the clients of such a store will be ordinary people. In addition, all accounting will be significantly simplified, and there will be no particular difficulties when preparing tax reports. In addition, there will be a noticeable reduction in tax-related expenses.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs is much cheaper compared to companies. This also means submitting a much smaller package of documents to the tax authorities.

Furniture, purchase of equipment, inventory.

It is quite possible to set up a children's clothing store for 50 thousand rubles. This amount implies both the design of the room itself and an unusual, attractive sign. In the absence of the required amount, it is quite possible to rent commercial equipment from a specialized organization.

Personnel selection.

The number of employees is mainly influenced by the retail space. A small store can easily get by with two salespeople. The main criteria in the selection of workers are good manners, the ability to find a common language with a wide variety of people, tact, politeness, and knowledge of children's sizes. Situations often arise when clients (often men) simply do not know the size of the child, but may know the age, height or weight.
It is necessary to analyze the average salary of sellers in your region. You should set exactly the same wages for your staff. Today it is approximately 6-8 thousand rubles. In addition, we should not forget about an accountant with an average income of 8 to 10 thousand rubles.


It is necessary to understand that wages directly affect compulsory pension insurance (14%) and personal income tax (13%). To maintain tax and accounting records, it is best to use the simplified taxation system, which in turn will help reduce taxes and significantly simplify document flow.

When using the “income” tax base, payment of a tax of 6% will become mandatory.

These days, the cost of children's clothing is often significantly higher than for adults. And almost everyone knows about this.

Income of a children's clothing store
- for example, the store’s profit was 150 thousand. Cost calculation:
- equipment and furniture - from 40 to 60 thousand;
- rental cost - monthly 30 - 50 thousand;
- staff salary - more than 20 thousand monthly;
- payment of taxes - monthly 15 thousand;
- payment of tax according to the simplified taxation system - monthly 9 thousand;
- payment of personal income tax - monthly 2.6 thousand.

As a result, the total amount of expenses ranges from 100 to 150 thousand (taking into account monthly expenses from 60 to 90 thousand).

It follows that the monthly income generated by a children's clothing store will be about 60 thousand.

Of course, this figure is not final, since each product will be sold in different volumes. In addition, unexpected expenses may arise. Normal trading will allow you to make a profit of 40 - 60 thousand every month.

Results of a business plan for a children's clothing store.

After making the calculations, you can judge how profitable this business is. It can pay for itself in less than six months. And this, in turn, is a good result, and therefore thinking about the feasibility of opening a children's clothing store is simply unacceptable.

Due to the fact that the birth rate in Russia is increasing, there is also an increase in demand for children's products. The same applies to high-quality children's shoes. Over the past couple of years alone, the number of infants has increased by more than a quarter, and 2013 was no exception.

Children's shoe stores are a very profitable business, characterized by constant demand. Due to the rapid growth of children, new shoes for children are purchased almost every season.

Opening a children's shoe store requires starting capital of about 2 million rubles.

A properly organized business plan will allow you to receive a total income of about 600 thousand rubles monthly (taking into account if the city’s population is about half a million). The net profit will be approximately 15%.

Structure of a business plan for a children's shoe store

1). Solving all the basic organizational issues for opening a children's shoe store.
- Potential market capacity should be calculated, taking into account the number of competitors and the total number of potential customers. An urban population of half a million implies an annual potential consumption capacity of 85 million;
- choose a store location with an area of ​​more than 40 square meters;
- select personnel and determine the work schedule, indicate wages;
- purchase specialized retail equipment (showcases, racks, mirrors, poufs, cash registers).

2). Drawing up a plan for conducting trade in a children's shoe store.
- It is necessary to determine the assortment. More than 70% of all goods should be allocated to children's shoes in the age category from birth to 9 years. The assortment should change every season, and various discounts and sales should be offered;
- select a supplier and enter into cooperation with him. All shoes for children must have the necessary certificates and meet existing standards for quality and safety. In order to provide the required volume of goods, you need to have at least three suppliers;
- develop a marketing strategy for business promotion. An effective advertising campaign and various bonus offers will allow the store to develop.

3). Feasibility study.
To open a children's shoe store, proper distribution of finances is necessary.
- We need to determine capital costs. With an investment of 2 million rubles, the inventory will be more than 60%, trade equipment - a little more than one tenth, the cost of renting and repairing the premises - more than 15%, all other expenses should not exceed a tenth of the amount;
- calculate estimated revenue. The most profitable periods are considered to be spring and autumn. Therefore, shoes should have a markup of 100 to 160 percent;
- determine the monthly costs of running a children's shoe store. Monthly expenses should be a little more than a tenth of all invested funds.

This business has a profitability of 17% and can pay for itself in about a year and a half.

Due to the increasing interest of children and their parents in everything new, thanks to the emergence of new methods of developmental education and an increase in the birth rate, the demand for toys and other goods for children is increasing.

It is important not to forget that in the last decade the quality of childhood has improved significantly, and therefore the requirements for goods have increased. Therefore, in the process of developing a promising business plan, it is important to pay attention to the originality and quality of the goods that will be sold.

Creating and developing your own business will require a lot of costs, which can hardly be covered by the revenue accumulated over the course of six months. Therefore, if your wallet does not allow you to open a children's goods store, you can take a partner, attract investors, take out a loan from a bank, or simply receive a monetary reward by winning a business project competition. But choose the right investment option wisely by carefully analyzing the situation.

The target audience.
It is important to remember that the main consumers will still be children, not their parents. After all, it is kids who initiate purchases in a toy store.

Choosing a location.
The success of your business will also depend on the location of the outlet. The most advantageous location would be a new area or proximity to a kindergarten, school, or supermarket.

Your store should be constantly visible to potential buyers. Before choosing a building in which you plan to locate a store, you need to conduct a survey of people living in the territory close to the future point regarding their wishes for opening a toy store, the need for its appearance, etc.

Be sure to summarize the results of your research. In the future, they will be very useful when planning store activities and creating a pricing policy.

Also very important when creating a business plan for a children's goods store is the correct choice of building. You can place a point on the upper floors of a supermarket, rent a space specifically, or independently build a building for a store.

For the convenience of customers, organize an open area based on the principle of self-service. When planning the size of your future premises, rely not only on the start-up capital, but also on the possibility of profitable placement of goods, and also think carefully about the range of products sold.

Comfort and hospitality.
To ensure regular traffic to your store and its good reputation, you need to take care of a cozy atmosphere and comfort. To do this, you need to work hard on the design. It would be better, of course, to turn to professionals who will take care of the design of your store, select the optimal color palette and lighting, which will have a positive impact on customers’ impressions of your store.

Completion of construction and renovation work on the territory of the future store implies the acquisition of the necessary equipment. First of all, you will need to buy racks, shelves, cabinets, furniture for employees, surveillance cameras, cash registers, as well as rugs, decorations, take care of the design of places for children to relax, etc.

To successfully develop a business, you need to take care of a good product. When choosing a supplier, pay attention to the quality of the product, terms of delivery and price. If these three main requirements do not conflict with your business plan, then you can safely make purchases. Do not forget that the product should have the widest possible range of types and materials, be intended for different age categories of children and for children with different interests and needs.

When hiring staff, you should first take into account the personal characteristics and pleasant appearance of the employees. The employees of your store should treat customers with respect, help them whenever necessary, but the main thing is a love for children and the ability to find a common language with them. It is believed that it is better to hire employees with experience in a similar field, but it is important not to forget that professionals may have excessively high demands on conditions and wages, while newcomers are usually more modest and try to develop a good reputation.

Advertising and PR.
It goes without saying that the bright design of your store and a beautiful sign can serve as good advertising. But that is not all. At the implementation stage of the life cycle of your enterprise, it will be useful to carry out ATL advertising events. To do this, you need to place advertisements in the press, print and distribute leaflets, etc. ATL has the ability to influence large numbers of people. Next, to develop the image of your company, you need to develop your own website, for the promotion of which you must turn to SEO services. Also use BTL advertising, which will send out information about your store and the services it offers.
If such advertising does not justify your plans, it is necessary to create a system of discounts or discounts.

Take care of the safety of the product. To prevent theft, equip it with code stickers or chips. Also, place surveillance cameras correctly, which will help monitor the work of staff. You can also hire a security guard. Don't forget that your customers are the smallest, so take care of the safety of goods and furniture in your store.

The correct placement of goods has a great influence on the effectiveness of sales. Learn the basics of merchandising, or contact specialists.

Income and expenses.

To implement your business strategy, expenses were incurred on:
- registration of a future business $350
- rent from $1,500/month.
- expenses for repair work from $1700
- purchase of equipment from $3000
- purchase of furniture from $2000
- initial PR costs $1000
- salary expenses from $300/month. per worker
- first delivery of products from $10,000, and subsequent deliveries from $4,500/month.
- household needs from $1000/month.
- working capital $2000/month.
It will take 6 to 12 months to pay off the business. The amount of net profit will be from $3,000 to $9,000/month. In case of increasing the price of a product - from 30% - 200%.

Review section.
The goal of this project is to open a specialized store selling baby food products

Description of the enterprise.
When drawing up a business plan for a baby food store, it is necessary to put the quality of the product and all the subtleties of the pricing policy first. Before opening a point, you need to ensure that there are certificates for each type of product. Affordable prices will always attract customers, which will increase the volume of products sold. It is important that the store is located in a favorable location. For example, close to shopping centers, clinics, children's stores, and dairy kitchens. Before starting a business activity, you must register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur.

Description of business services.
The point of sale of food products for children should be aimed at the average buyer. Therefore, the product range may include not only food, but also hygiene products, toys, clothing and dishes.

Market analysis.
The business plan for a baby food store must include information about similar points located nearby. It is important to collect as much information as possible about them, including assortment, traffic, prices, advantages and disadvantages of service, and location features. It is necessary to develop the positive features of your own store that will help you withstand the competition.

There are different ways to gain popularity among consumers: locating the store in a crowded place, providing a high level of service, selling additional products, and flexible pricing.

Business production plan.
The area required for a store of this type will usually be 10-20 square meters. A bright design that stimulates a good mood among buyers is needed. The equipment you will need to purchase is retail racks, counters, and cash registers.

Keep in mind that buyers like to read product labels and inspect them before purchasing, so it is best to provide open access to the shelves where the products are located. Make a low markup on food for children - up to 30%, and it is better to increase business income by including non-food products in the assortment. It would be promising to include the sale of baby food products via the Internet in the business plan.
Then your product will be bought by busy customers who have no time to go shopping. Be careful when selecting personnel. Its quantity should be proportional to the volume of goods sold. And the level of service will depend on the politeness and responsibility of employees, which greatly affects the prospects of the business.

Business financial plan.
The process of creating a financial enterprise will include approximately the following financial costs and profits:

Capital expenditures:
Equipment for trade 50,000
Purchase of initial volume of goods - 300,000
Advertising - 10.000
In total this will be equal to 360,000
Current expenses:
Renting a room - 20,000
Payment of salaries - 40,000
Purchase of products - 200,000
Other operating expenses - 10,000
Amount 270,000
Revenue for the month - 290,000
Monthly profit 20.000
The payback time for the enterprise will be about 18 months.

Children's products are in demand for people with completely different income levels. After all, parents, as a rule, first of all buy what they need for their kids, and then satisfy their own needs. However, as with any business plan, this one also has its own peculiarities. It is our website that presents a complete business plan for a children's goods store with a step-by-step breakdown of each aspect.

General section.
In this business plan, we will consider in detail the features of opening a store selling children's goods, aimed at the middle class of consumers. This type of activity provides for an organizational and legal form called “individual entrepreneur”. Since the consumers are private buyers, this reduces taxes and simplifies accounting. The level of success of the project can be called high, since the birth rate has been increasing recently. However, much depends only on the correct and clear organization of the business.

Description of the business.
It is planned to open a retail outlet selling children's goods. The pricing policy is aimed at consumers with an average income level.

Market competition analysis.
This section provides for compiling a detailed description of services of this type in your city. It is important to pay attention to the mistakes and shortcomings of future competitors in order to prevent this from happening in your activities.

Production plan.
It is necessary to select a room that is suitable for placing a children's store in it. It is important to consider the following factors:
- Availability of the location of the point, its proximity to the potential client;
- Try to locate your store away from competitors' businesses. The only exception is if your company is 100% superior to competitors in the quality of products and services;
- It is important that the enterprise meets the requirements of the store;
- It is better to entrust the process of repairing a room to specialists. You also need to take care of a beautiful design. To make it interesting for children to enter your store, install some interesting figurines of animals or fairy-tale characters;

The next step to opening a store is finding employees. You need to select an accountant, manager and salespeople, the number of which must correspond to the volume of planned sales. It is better to hire people with an attractive appearance and sociability. According to the law, every seller must have a health certificate.

Next you will need to find good product suppliers. This varies greatly by region. Where there is considerable competition among suppliers, there is a high probability of offering you favorable conditions (for example, they can deliver goods directly to the store). If the competition is insignificant, then you will most likely have to deliver the goods yourself and even make an advance payment.

It is also important that suppliers have all the necessary certificates for the goods offered, since if they are missing, the goods may be confiscated from the store at the first inspection.
When you have fulfilled all the necessary requirements, you can safely open the store to visitors.

Remember that to succeed in running a business, you need to prepare a reliable marketing strategy for promoting your product on the market. It is important to correctly calculate your strengths, and if serious doubts arise, it is better to entrust this matter to specialists with experience.

Financial plan.
We consider this aspect of the store’s business plan the financial aspect of this project. Due to constant changes in the market, drawing up a universal and accurate business plan is not always possible. Therefore, the costs of opening and maintaining an outlet may also change. Therefore, here are the averages:

- premises (300,000 rubles per year);
- purchase of goods (RUB 300,000);
- means of turnover (RUB 300,000);
- payments to employees (RUB 500,000 per year);
- equipment (RUB 100,000);
The total is 1,500,000 rubles. - the amount you will need to get started.
- from the sale of goods (250,000 rubles per month net);
As a result, we get an amount of 2,800,000 rubles. annually.

It is not difficult to understand that it will take half a year to recoup the costs, but this figure is approximate, since it depends on many factors. However, we see that this enterprise is quite profitable.

We sincerely hope that this business plan will be very useful to you when drawing up your own business strategy and will contribute to success in the field of sales of children's products.
The target audience.
The main class of consumers of a universal children's goods store are families with children. As a rule, everyday goods (hygiene items and food) are purchased by young mothers, and large goods (car seats, strollers) are purchased by both parents. Also potential buyers are friends and relatives who buy gifts and gifts for their child.

Competitive environment.
In the sales segment of children's consumer goods, the main competitors of this type of children's store are markets, pharmacies and supermarkets. Moms usually buy diapers where it is cheaper, and this is usually on the market. Parents very often buy baby food at the pharmacy, since such a product inspires more confidence, or in supermarkets, since it is cheaper there.

Specialized stores that sell strollers, children's clothing, car seats and other goods that cannot be classified as everyday demand can be considered the most important competitors in our business project. Usually, parents plan the purchase of clothes for a baby or a stroller in advance, and therefore visit several points that sell the necessary goods.

The choice of item, as a rule, is carried out regardless of the geographical location of the retail facility and is based on the price and quality of the purchased product. Therefore, it is necessary to include in the list of competitors all specialized stores that are located in your city.

Market segmentation.
To successfully implement a business plan for a department store for children's goods in a highly competitive environment, it is necessary to properly focus on target market segmentation. The most convenient way to do this would be to use segmentation by methods of consumption and income level of buyers.

Regarding the way they consume everyday products, all buyers who live in residential areas of a big city are divided into the following segment groups:

Mothers who are on maternity leave. This segment can be considered as a target segment. Therefore, business organization must be carried out in such a way that this category of consumers buys all everyday goods in your store. This will be helped by the correct organization of space in the store, which will make it convenient for mothers with a stroller to enter, as well as facilitate high-speed and high-quality service. Expanding the range of products will also contribute to increasing the rating of your store, because a young mother will be able to buy everything she needs in your store and does not need to run to other points.

If the child’s mother works, then as a rule the grandmother takes care of the baby. Remember that people of retirement and pre-retirement age like to save, so give them the opportunity to purchase inexpensive products, as well as natural goods.

It often happens that parents working in the city center buy the necessities for their child at home. It will be most convenient for them to purchase everyday goods in a store located in the central part of the city. In this regard, it is necessary to motivate parents to buy goods in a store that is located near their home. To do this, the point must have a convenient location (for example, close to a transport stop), additional discounts after 6 or 7 p.m. can be included in the pricing policy, and hiring efficient salespeople will help avoid queues.

Other consumers. This segment includes mainly casual buyers, friends or relatives who visit a family with a child. They prefer to buy toys and goods in beautiful packaging.

Consumers of other products.
Regarding the consumption of other products, which include clothing, strollers, car seats, and large toys, such customers are usually grouped into two segments:
. Hunters for quality products at an affordable price. This segment can be safely considered the main target. Successful work with buyers in this category consists of providing a wide range of products at a variety of prices.
. Buyers who pay attention to the brand of the product and the status of the place of purchase. Such customers try to buy products preferably in branded stores, boutiques or expensive shopping centers. They cannot be classified as consumers of a universal children's mini-market, which is located in a residential area. In some cases, if they have to buy goods in such a store, they will prefer things sold at high prices.

Income level.
As for income level, based on these criteria, buyers can be concentrated into three segments. Consumers can be low, medium or high income earners.
. Low-income consumers make up the majority of the store's potential target audience. We cannot compete with other outlets by using dumping; therefore, buyers in this segment need to be attracted through discount programs and given the opportunity to purchase certain types of goods one at a time.
. The store's main customers will be consumers with an average level of financial capabilities. The most effective methods of attracting buyers in this category will be to provide a wide selection of products sold, a high level of service, and the opportunity to purchase goods necessary for the child at one point.
. For buyers with high wages, the quality of service, the range of products sold, their strength and reliability are important.
Product Description

A feature of a universal children's goods store is to provide consumers with a wide assortment and the opportunity to purchase all goods at one point.

Products sold by a department store can be divided into two groups:
1. Products of daily necessity, which include hygiene products and food.
2. Products that are not needed every day. This category includes toys, clothing, strollers, car seats and similar products.

The store will operate in a supermarket format, which provides for free display of products and access to customers, the work of consultants, and a cash desk. This format helps ensure high quality service and gives some advantages over specialized stores that may be located near a given outlet.
Also, a store with this method of trading organization has other advantages.

For example:
. Providing access to all the necessary products in one place.
. Implementation of the opportunity for parents to make a large purchase (children's clothing, strollers, car seats) without going far from home.
. Providing a wide range of products, in no way inferior in the number of items to large supermarkets.
. Pricing policy that is loyal to the client’s wallet. Possibility of purchasing goods by low-income customers thanks to discount programs and maintaining price levels for goods that are comparable to specialized retail outlets). However, the store’s plans do not include attracting customers through dumping.
. Compliance with sanitary requirements for the storage of perishable goods and guaranteeing the quality of food products.

To conduct business, an entrepreneur needs to register as an individual entrepreneur or organize an LLC. In addition, to legally ensure the operation of a retail outlet, it is necessary to obtain a special license and permission for retail sales and sale of food products.

The basis of the marketing plan for the financial organization of a department store is to strengthen the competitive advantages of the range of goods sold. At the same time, the key to running a successful business is choosing a good location for a retail facility. The store should be located in the central part of the city, and if this is not possible, then not far from a transport stop.

The main condition for stimulating an increase in sales is the quality of service, the level of which should be higher and more modern than in other retail outlets located in the residential area.

Also, a very important role in gaining authority among buyers and stimulating trade turnover is played by a system of discounts, a loyal pricing policy, the ability to purchase all the goods necessary for a child at one point, etc.

An entrepreneur needs to take care of a high level of service, constantly expanding the range of goods and maintaining prices at an optimal level, which will direct potential buyers who are in a residential area to purchase products at your location, and not on the market in order to save a few rubles.

Marketing of a store of this type should rely only on targeted advertising events, which should be carried out near the place of operation of the outlet. An effective method would be to distribute leaflets, provide customers with the opportunity to receive a discount card, and conduct local PR campaigns. All these events will help you attract the attention of the target audience to the opened point.

Required resources.

To organize the activities of a universal children's store, it is necessary to ensure the availability of the following resources:

First of all, to open a retail outlet, you need to rent or build a premises that will house a trading floor, occupying an area of ​​40 to 50 m², and rooms for a warehouse. The most optimal option would be the size of the total area of ​​the premises including service rooms of about 75-80 m².

In large cities of the Russian Federation, prices for renting space for commercial enterprises vary significantly, but the average fee is 600 rubles every month for residential areas (this does not include only Moscow and St. Petersburg). When calculating, we see that the price for renting space for a supermarket will cost 48,000 per month or 576 thousand per year.

Inventory for trade, which includes racks, clothing hangers, closed display cabinets, refrigeration equipment, cash registers, as well as furniture for counters.
Based on the size of the sales area, the area of ​​which is 40 m², to open a store you will need:

  1. wall racks 200 by 90 cm - 7 pieces (7 * 3740 RUR = 26,180 RUR);
  2. island racks 150 by 90 cm - 5 pieces (5 * 6950 rub. = 34,750 rub.); shelves for island racks - 15 pieces (15 * 790 RUR = 11,850);
  3. clothing hangers 90 by 57 cm - 3 pieces (3 * 7500 RUR = 22,500 RUR);
  4. display cabinets 248 by 90 cm - 2 pieces (2 * 6860 RUR = 13,720 RUR);
  5. display counters 90 cm by 110 cm - 3 pieces (3 * 5010 = 15,030 rubles);
  6. cash register unit 120 cm by 106 cm - 1 piece (RUB 18,090);
  7. cooling display - 1 piece (RUB 44,970);
  8. refrigerated cabinet with glass door - 1 piece (RUB 26,560);
  9. refrigeration chamber for a warehouse - 1 piece (RUB 52,230).

Having calculated all this, we see that in the end the commercial furniture will cost an amount equal to 265,880 rubles.

Required employees: each department will need 1-2 sales consultants. We will also need a cashier salesperson and a merchandising accountant. Costs for the salary of a sales consultant will be 20,000 monthly (including taxes).

It is easy to calculate that to pay for the work of four sellers you will need 20,000 * 4 = 80,000 per month or 960,000 per year. The cost of a commodity accountant's salary is 25,000 rubles monthly (including taxes) and 300,000 rubles per year. In total, employees will have to spend 105,000 rubles on salaries. monthly and 1,260 thousand rubles. annually.

Working capital for the purchase of products. The store will need to purchase the following goods every month: car seats - 60,000 rubles, strollers - 60,000 rubles; toys - 60,000 rubles, children's clothing - 90,000 rubles, food and hygiene items - 300,000 rubles.

In general, you will need to spend 570,000 rubles on the purchase of goods in circulation. monthly and 6,840,000 rub. annually.

To open a retail outlet and ensure its functioning for one year, an entrepreneur will need to spend 7,981,880 rubles. It is easy to calculate that the monthly expenses of an entrepreneur during the first year of operation will be 665,156 rubles.

The budget of a retail outlet should be drawn up based on the following markups to the purchase price:
. Toys - 40%;
. Car seats, strollers - 15%;
. Food and hygiene items - 30%;
. Clothes - 50%;
Thus, the monthly income with the absolute sale of goods in circulation will be 747 thousand rubles, the annual revenue will be 8,964,000 rubles.
The tax (6% of turnover) is equal to 44,820 rubles every month or 537,840 rubles. in year.

As a result, the monthly profit will be equal to 702,180 - 665,156 = 37,024 rubles. Profit for the year is about 444,288 rubles.


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