Distinguish the accusative case from the nominative case? It's simple. Accusative

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At school, several classes are always devoted to the accusative case, as it causes the most serious difficulties for students. It is no wonder that adults often make mistakes when using the accusative case. So it’s worth looking into this topic.

The accusative case is one of the 6 main ones and, as a rule, is used in the “transitive verb + noun” pair. What does this mean? This means that a noun in the accusative case experiences some kind of action directed at it by the noun or pronoun that performs the function of the subject. A simple and understandable example is “I love mom (dad, cat, sausages, porridge, music, flowers, etc.)” The subject, that is actor, V in this case is the pronoun "I". The direct object, expressed by a noun following a verb, experiences the action of the subject - love. And it will always be used in the accusative case.

This is quite easy to check: firstly, you can remember the case questions,

the accusative answers to “who? what?”, secondly, follow the endings, substituting nouns of the 1st declension instead of the complement in ambiguous cases - mom, dad, fox, etc. They will all end in "y".

The accusative case in the Russian language is often a source of errors, especially when it is replaced by the genitive, dative, nominative, and even Very often verbs require the use of a nominal direct object, but errors still slip through, so studying a topic on how to correctly use the accusative case , needs to be combined with the topic about the construction of phrases and the features of the “verb + noun” pair.

There is also a possibility of encountering the accusative case in sentences that denote temporary concepts, for example, “work all week,” “get up every hour,” “rewrite notes all night.” In the latter case, both nouns are used in the accusative case, so care and caution should be exercised when parsing such sentences.

If the form of a noun is very similar to but the noun is not the subject, you can do a grammatical to make sure that the noun is used in the accusative case.

If doubts arise about the correctness after

some verb, you should look in the dictionary and check which case you need to use. For example, verbs such as “slow down”, “inspire”, “report”, “send”, “put on” and so on.

There are also some differences in the declension of animate and inanimate nouns. For example, “wait for a letter” and “wait for father.” In the first case the case will be genitive, and in the second case it will be accusative. This can be easily verified by asking questions from the verb to the object. So the substitution of nouns belonging to the first declension is still not a panacea. There are several ways to check yourself.

A The best way become a competent person and practically avoid making mistakes - in large quantities read good literature.

In the Russian language, the forms of inanimate nouns of the second and third declension in the nominative and accusative cases are the same. In order not to be mistaken in their definition, we must remember that nouns in the nominative case always act as the main member of the sentence, more often as the subject, and the accusative case always indicates the dependence of the noun on the main word, that is, the noun in the accusative case is a secondary member of the sentence.
For example:
The ax chops - chips fly. (Axe, wood chips - I.p.)
If you pick up an ax, remember that you will have to collect wood chips. (axe, wood chips - V.P.)

According to the terminology accepted in Russian linguistics, the accusative case is a “morphologically weakly independent case.” The difficulty of its definition arises only when compared with the nominative and genitive. If in doubt, you should use the proven school method: ask a case question to the noun:
(see) who? – teacher, mother, elephant, mouse (V.p.);
(see) what? – tree, bench, reeds, balcony (V.p.).
The nominative and accusative cases are also distinguished by the presence of prepositions, the use of which is possible only in indirect cases.
For example:
The bridge was built using modern engineering design. (What? - bridge, I. p.)
It was not easy to cross the bridge. (Through what? – through the bridge – V.p.)

Conclusions website

  1. Nouns in these case forms perform different syntactic functions: in the nominative case - the role of the subject, in the accusative - the complement.
  2. Nominative case questions - who? What?
    accusative case questions - whom? What?
  3. Nouns in the nominative case are used without prepositions. In the accusative case there are prepositions in, on, for, through.

Lesson type: combined lesson


  • Educational: To promote interest in the Russian language, activity, communication skills, and general culture.
  • Educational: Systematize knowledge on the topic, replenish students’ knowledge about the nominative and accusative cases, the subtlety of using these cases in speech, the role of words in this form in a sentence .
  • Developmental: contribute to the formation of skills to use techniques: highlighting the main thing, thinking, observation, attention, speech and memory.

1. Org. moment

2. Work on attentiveness (slide)

  • Doll - and
  • Table - m
  • Dress - ?

(student answers: instead of a question mark there should be the letter o. I prove that the doll is a toy, table-furniture, dress-clothes)

3. Updating of basic knowledge. Language warm-up.

(the class is divided into 2 groups) Group 1 - 4 work at the board, 4 are preparing for the test

A- Syntactic analysis. Place punctuation marks.

A woodpecker loudly knocks on a dry tree, orioles whistle on the birch trees. (1 student)

A crow was sitting on a bench and Mitya saw a crow. (2nd student)

B - Morphemic parsing: paw silently ran up (third student)

Morphological analysis: elephant (fourth student)

B - The rest work with the teacher: false - true (slide)

In a word close- 1 soft consonant sound - (children’s answers: l (2) Y is always soft, the vowel sound e softens the consonant sound t) We left- there are more sounds than letters - true, e is heard as 2 sounds

Elnik - as many as letters - true e is heard as 2 sounds, ь - not a sound

Alarm - 1 ring. acc. sound - l (2), r, v

Ice drift - 1 root l(2), this is compound word, roots - ice and progress

For the word anxiety, choose words with the same root so that they are in different parts speech. Children's answers: (anxiety - i/s, anxious - adjective, disturb - verb, anxious - adverb)

After group work Individual work is being checked. Works are checked by children and then grades are given.

4. Theoretical training

What can you say about the noun? Why could the nominative case get such a name? (children's assumptions)

Read what is written here?

By the mark, at the mark, mark, by mark, about the mark, about the mark (case)

Name these nouns in declension order. What is noun declension?

5. A minute of penmanship. In a minute of penmanship we will write 3 letters.

  • The first letter is a suffix in the word mark. What letter is this? (To)
  • The second letter is the ending in the noun mark, used in the nominative case (a).
  • The third letter is the ending in the noun mark, used in the accusative case (y).

Determine the order of the letters: kuuuua kuuuaa kuuaaa kuaaaa (slide)

Children's answers:

(the quantity y decreases one at a time, the quantity a increases one at a time)

Didn't a moment of penmanship tell us the topic of our lesson?

Remember in what cases these letters were used (in nominative and accusatory cases).

Children's answers:

Today we will talk about the nominative and accusative cases.

6 .But first, a task for thought.(slide)

Read the words carefully. Think and say which word should stand instead of the question mark. Children's answers: (station)

How do you know? How? (the word umbrella is formed in this way, the second syllable zone is taken from the word season, and the second syllable tik is also taken from the word cog. This means the second syllables are wok, hall) What is this? (building where passengers are served)

What can you say about this word?........ - educate. moment

Making sentences using the word station. Several sentences are written from dictation.

7 .Learning new material.

And here are my suggestions. Let's make observations. (slide)

The station is located on the outskirts of the city.

The station received a message about the arrival of the train.

Passengers see the station.

(underline the main members, determine the case. What member is it? What is common? The difference? Observation in progress)

Children's answers: Conclusion

The noun in the nominative case, being the main member, is used without a preposition. Nouns in the accusative case are minor members, used with and without a preposition)

8. Formation of practical skills

No. 131 (why is the nominative case the most popular? - main member

Why could the accusative case get such a name? - children's assumptions

(it turns out that the object of the action, designated by the noun in V.P., is the reason that causes the action itself - Read the book).

No. 134 (what principles helped you distinguish nouns in the nominative case from nouns in the accusative case?)

9. Graphic dictation followed by testing (pair work: the first student finds nouns, determines cases, the second student draws a diagram)

The young captain climbed aboard. (captain - im.p., on board - vin. p.) / _____ ===== /.

The cat crawled out from under the sofa, stretched, and jumped onto the sofa. (cat-name, on the sofa-vin.p.)

\ ________ ========,========,===========\.

Mishka ran next to him and shouted: “Press the pedal!” (on the pedal-vin.p.) A: "P!"

“I forgot my handkerchief,” Denis answered quietly. (scarf-vin.p.) “P,” - A.

Thunder rumbled and lightning illuminated the ocean. (thunder - im.p., lightning - im.p., ocean - vin.p.)

/ _______ ===========/, and \ ______ ============/

10 .Compound. proposals boat - using in the nominative, accusative cases.

11 . Bottom line. How not to confuse the nominative case with the accusative case?

12. Homework. Exercise 136. Learn the rule.

Students are often faced with the need to determine case nouns. This needs to be done, say, when you need to check the spelling of an unstressed vowel at the end. Difficulty arises when distinguishing between nominative and accusative case to her, because auxiliary questions for words used in the data case ah, actually identical.


1. In order to determine case nouns, it is necessary, before each one, to pose a question to the word. Words related to nominative case y, answer the questions WHO? WHAT? If you asked questions WHO? or WHAT?, then you have a noun used in the accusative form case A.

2. Determine which part of the sentence the noun is. If the word is the subject, i.e. main member of the sentence, then it is used in the nominative form case a.Accusative case om denotes a word that is a minor member in a sentence, a direct object. Let’s say, ask the guys to define case nouns in this proposal.The girl writes a letter. Ask them to put questions to the words, determine which part of the sentence they are. They are obliged to come to a further conclusion. The word “girl” answers the question WHO?, is the subject, which means it is used in the nominative case e. And the word “letter” is a minor member of the sentence, a direct object. It answers the question WHAT? and, therefore, is used in the accusative case e.

3. Draw the attention of schoolchildren to the fact that a noun is used with or without a preposition. Words in the nominative case They are not used without prepositions. In the accusative - they have prepositions ON, FOR, THROUGH, IN, etc.

4. It is also worthwhile when determining case and compare endings in words. So, nouns of the first declension will have endings A, Z, if they are in the nominative form case A. Accordingly, in the accusative case e - U, Yu. Let's say, in the first declension noun “wall” the ending is A. It is used in the nominative case e. The word “wall” has the ending U. This means it has an accusative case .

5. Case indicates the role of a word in a sentence. It is allowed to use the assistant phrase WHO DOES WHAT to distinguish between nominative and accusative case to her.

“Ivan Gave Birth to a Girl and Ordered to Drag the Diaper” - the first letters of this literary nonsense orderly read out the list of cases. There are six types of cases: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, prepositional. All of them speak about the temporary state of one or another noun, which can change in case form. It is not difficult to determine the type of case of a noun; you just need to figure out which question is answered by all of the cases.


1. Case nominative– initial, determining the real sound of the word. Answers the questions “who?” or “what?” If the noun is inanimate, say: window, house, book, bus, then it answers the question “what?”, and if it is animate, for example, girl, elephant, mother, Rita, then, accordingly, it answers the question “who?” . This division according to the liveliness of the subject will concern all cases, and consequently each case has two questions. Example 1. Man (who?) is an animate noun in the nominative case, machine (what?) is inanimate noun in the nominative case.

2. Genitive case, from the word “to give birth to whom?” or “what?” No matter how comical it may sound, this is exactly how the question should be asked. A number of questions in cases coincide, and therefore some words will sound identical, the main thing is to put the case question correctly. Example 2. A person (whom?) is an animate noun in the genitive case, a car (what?) is an inanimate noun in the genitive case.

3. The dative case is determined by the phrase “give to whom?” or “what?” Example 3. To a person (to whom?) is an animate noun in the dative case, to a car (to what?) is an inanimate noun in the dative case.

4. The accusative case answers the question: “whom to blame?” or “what?” In the above example, an inanimate noun coincides, and therefore the case is determined logically, according to meaning. Example 4. A person (who?) is an animate noun in the accusative case, a car (what?) is an inanimate noun in the accusative case. But if it makes sense: I bought a car (genitive case), but crashed the car (accusative case).

5. The instrumental case sounds like: “to create by whom?” or “what?” Example 5. By a person (by whom?) is an animate noun in the instrumental case, by a machine (by what?) is an inanimate noun in the instrumental case.

6. The prepositional case is exceptional, posing a question that is not consonant with its name: “to talk about whom?” or “about what?” It is easy to identify a word in this case, because a noun in this case invariably has a preposition. Example 6. About a person (about whom?) is an animate noun in the prepositional case, about a car (about what?) is an inanimate noun in the prepositional case.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice
Even if a case question does not match the meaning in a given sentence, it should still be asked to determine the case of a noun.

Tip 3: How to distinguish the genitive case of a noun from the accusative case

Cases of the Russian language is a category of a word that shows its syntactic role in a sentence. Schoolchildren memorize the names of cases and their signs, that is, questions, but sometimes difficulties arise. For example, when it is necessary to distinguish the genitive case from the accusative case.

You will need

  • Knowledge of Russian language by school curriculum, nouns in accusative and genitive cases,


1. In the Russian language there are six cases: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, prepositional. To determine the case of a noun, auxiliary words and questions are used. The spelling of the ending of the word depends on this. The genitive (no: whom? what?) and accusative (blame: whom? what?) cases are often confused, because identical questions are asked to animate objects: “who?”

2. Ask a question. If in doubt, ask the noun a qualifying question: “no what?” (for genitive) and “I see what?” (for accusative). If a word takes the form of the nominative case, it means that in this case it is accusative. Let's say: a small fish (accusative case: I see what? a fish, it is impossible to say: there is nothing? a fish).

3. If you need to determine the case in order to arrange the endings, replace the noun with the word “cat” or any other word, but certainly of the first declension. Depending on the ending, determine the case. Let's say: pride for the teacher is the accusative case, since, substituting the word “cat” in place of the noun, we get: glory for the cat. The ending "u" indicates the accusative case. The ending “and” is in the genitive.

4. Analyze the connection of words in a phrase. The genitive case, as usual, denotes the relationship between a part and the whole (a glass of milk), belonging to something (a sister’s jacket), it is used when comparing (more beautiful than a queen). The accusative is used to convey spatial-temporal relations (work for a week), the transition from an action to an object (drive a car).

5. Use the same methods for indeclinable nouns. Let's say: put on a coat (put on a cat - accusative case), do without coffee (do without a cat - genitive).

The accusative case denotes the complete coverage of the object by the action, certain number(drink milk), and the genitive case is the extension of the action to part of the object (drink milk).

Helpful advice
An inanimate noun in the accusative case does not change to differ from the same noun in the genitive case: I saw a house (accusative), there were no houses in the area (genitive)

Unlike the Finnish and Hungarian languages, in which there are one and a half to two dozen cases, in Russian grammar there are six of them. The endings of words in different cases may coincide; therefore, to determine the case, you need to ask the correct question for the word being checked.


1. To determine the case of a noun, carefully read the phrase in which it is included. Find the word that the noun you are checking refers to - that's why words you will ask a question. Let's say you're given the phrase “I love dogs,” and you need to determine the case of the noun “dogs.” The word “dogs” in this sentence is subordinate to the word “love”. Consequently, you will ask the case question in the following way: “I love whom?”

2. Each of the six cases has its own special question. So, nouns in the nominative case answer the question “who?” or “what?” The auxiliary word “is” can be added to this case. Let's say there is (who?) a dog. The question of the genitive case is “who?” or “what?” The auxiliary word “no” can be added to the noun in this case. The dative case answers the question “to whom?/what?” and harmonizes with the auxiliary word “give”. The question of the accusative case is “who?” or “what?”, and its auxiliary word is “blame.” Nouns in the instrumental case answer the question “by whom?/what?” and are in harmony with the words “created” and “pleased.” Finally, the prepositional case is characterized the following questions: “about whom?/about what?”, “in whom?/in what?”. One of the auxiliary words of this case is the word “I think”.

3. In order to determine the case of an adjective, you first need to find the noun or pronoun to which it refers. Having determined the case of this basic word, you will also know the case of the adjective, because adjectives invariably agree in gender, number and case with the nouns (pronouns) on which they depend. For example, in the sentence “Kolya ate a large pear,” the noun “pear” is used in the accusative case, and therefore the case of the adjective “large” related to it is also accusative.

A noun is a part of speech that denotes a person or object and answers the questions “who?” So what?". Nouns change according to cases, of which there are six in the Russian language. To prevent cases from being confused with each other, there is a strict system of rules and differences between them. In order to be able to correctly and quickly determine the accusative case, you need to know its questions and what it is used for.


1. In order to never make a mistake with the case of a noun, remember that each of them has unique questions specific to it, by asking which you will receive the corresponding case of the noun. Accusative case questions are the question “I see who?” for the animate and “I see what?” for inanimate nouns.

2. In addition, learn the definitions of the accusative case of the Russian language, or rather, the cases when it is used. It turns out that the accusative case denotes the transfer of temporal and spatial relations (rest for a week, walk a kilometer); transition of the action entirely to the object (driving a car, leafing through a book). It is very rare that the accusative case is formed as a dependence on an adverb (annoyed for a friend).

3. However, even according to the rules or endings, it is sometimes very difficult to determine the case, so always use special questions. In its questions, the accusative case partly coincides with the genitive and nominative. In order not to confuse them, do the following: if you have an animate noun in front of you, and it answers the question “who?”, the one that coincides with the genitive case, substitute an inanimate noun in its place and ask a question to it. If the word answers the question “I see what?”, then you have the accusative case.

4. Remember also that in the Russian language there are some nouns that look identical in all cases: metro, cinema, coat, cafe, etc. To determine their case, ask a question about the keyword. For example, in the sentence “Yesterday they bought me an expensive coat,” the word “coat” is in the accusative case, because in response to the question “I see what?” You are allowed to answer “beautiful coat.” In addition, replace the word “coat” here with a variable, say, “decoration”. Then belonging to the accusative case immediately becomes more clear.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice
When determining the case of any noun, always apply all the rules and methods that you know, then it will be much easier for you to verify that a word belongs to one or another case.

The nominative case is the original dictionary form of nouns, contrasted with every other form of indirect case: genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, prepositional. A word in the nominative case is never used with a preposition and traditionally performs in a sentence syntactic function subject or nominal part of a compound predicate.


1. Define nominative case noun on grammatical questions “who?” or “what?” For example, in the sentence “His mother was kindness itself,” the word “mother” answers the question “who?”, and the word “kindness”? to the question “what?”

2. For nominative case and the main ones are the subjective and attributive meanings. In the first case, this form denotes the figure performing the action, or the object towards which it is directed. Compare: “A mother loves her son.” The word “mother” denotes a doer. “The son is loved by the mother.” The word “son” denotes an animate object, the one on which the action is directed.

3. Determine the subjective meaning of the nominative form case and by the syntactic role of the subject in a two-part sentence (“The son is a student, but at the same time he works”) or the subject in a one-part noun (“Whisper, cowardly breathing, trills of a nightingale...”).

4. Determinative meaning of the nominative form case a is expressed in a compound nominal predicate or in syntactic construction applications. “The new building is a factory.” The word “factory” is a nominal part of the predicate, which answers the question “what is the new building?” “The female doctor invited me into the office.” The word "doctor" answering the question "who?" is ? is an application that performs the syntactic function of defining. Note that the nominative case, used in a definitive meaning, gives a different name to an object by property, quality, sign, and adverbial meanings are not characteristic of it.

5. Additional meanings of the nominative case and the noun are: - an evaluative value expressed in the nominal part of the predicate (“He was a good-natured person”); - an expression of a temporary sign related to the past (“At that time there was still a groom, her husband”); - the meaning of an informatively filling form used both with a proper name (“They called her Olya”) and a common noun (“He is listed as a watchman”). More often than not, nominative case used in this meaning with geographical names (“Then the city began to be called Petrograd”).

In addition to nouns, the case category has inflected parts of speech: adjective, numeral, participle and pronoun. Determine the nominative case of adjectives and participles using the questions “which one?” which? which? what?”, given from the noun being defined, “how many?” ? for cardinal numbers, “which one?” ? for ordinal ones. Pronouns, depending on their rank, can answer the questions “who?” in the nominative case. What?" (I, that), “which one? whose?" (certain, own), “how much?” (so many).

The accusative case answers the questions "who? what?" and is used in sentences and phrases only with verbs and its forms (participle and gerund). The most common function of this case in the Russian language is the expression of the direct object of the action: I read a book, draw a picture and so on. What else can the accusative case mean, and how to distinguish it from the genitive? Read the article below!

What does case mean?

The case discussed in the article can have completely different meanings.

For example:

  • The accusative tense will indicate the time of an already completed action - “meet every Tuesday.”
  • The accusative quantity should be used to denote cost when there is a reference to the quantitative side of the verbal action - “cost one hundred rubles.”
  • A noun in the accusative case of measure will indicate a measure of time or space - “to run three kilometers.”
  • The accusative of the object will name the object to which the action is directed - “throw the ball.”
  • The accusative of the result will designate an object that will be the result of some action - “sew a T-shirt.”

In order to correctly determine the case in front of you, you need to know the questions of the accusative case (who? what?). Substitute “blame” or “see” with the word, and you will immediately understand everything. For example, I blame (who?) my grandmother, I see (what?) a cutlet.

Case meanings

This form of the word has two main meanings: objective and subjective.

  1. Object meaning can appear next to transitive verb (buy a cat), next to the predicate ( sorry, visible, necessary, painful, sorry for the dog) and in one-part sentences expressing the required object ( reward for the brave).
  2. Subjective meaning can only be expressed in a sentence (not in a phrase). The accusative case, located at the beginning of a sentence, which tells us about the state of the person ( The boys were inspired by the award). The subject meaning is expressed by the case in sentences like “The child is shivering.” This meaning is also expressed by sentences that do not have a clear subject of action ( a person was killed).

Case endings

Questions in the accusative case also determine its ending.

So, what should be the endings for these forms of words?

  • Singular nouns: horse, land, mother, pig, field, mouse, path, banner.
  • Accusative case of plural (the number plays a big role in setting the correct ending) number: horses, land, mothers, pigs, fields, mice, paths, banners.
  • Adjectives and participles in the singular have the following endings: oval and oval, oval, oval; soft and soft, soft, soft; hare and hare, hare, hare.

Accusative prepositions

This case can be combined with a large number of prepositions, both simple and derivative. If a word is combined with simple prepositions (in, for, under, on, with), then it has a definitive meaning. Moreover, this definition can be different - by place, time, property, reason, purpose, and so on. Paired with a simple preposition, a word in the case we are analyzing can also have an objective meaning ( vote for a deputy, go mushroom picking). The word can also perform the function of completion necessary information (got a reputation for being a talker).

In the whole sentence, the form of the word in the accusative case paired with a simple preposition performs other functions. For example, case can indicate a predicative feature ( medal for bravery). The accusative case can even extend the sentence ( a kilometer from the village there is a lake; V New Year miracles happen). Paired with the prepositions “for” and “under,” the word can express the meaning of approximate ( he is over forty, she is under fifty).

Also, words in the accusative case form can be combined with derived prepositions ( despite, despite, a day later).

How to distinguish the accusative from the genitive: method one

In order not to confuse the cases of the Russian language, you need to remember that each of them has its own question, depending on the meaning of the case. By asking a universal question and finding a match for it, you will easily understand which case the word is in front of your eyes. The genitive case often denotes belonging, the whole-part relationship, a sign of an object in relation to some other object, an object of influence, and so on.

This form of the word is associated with the questions “no who?”, “no what?”. The accusative case will answer the questions “I see who?”, “I see what?” It is very difficult to determine the form of a word only by its meaning or ending. It is too difficult to remember all the meanings of the genitive and accusative case; they have many nuances. And the endings of nouns in these forms may even coincide!

Difficulties can especially often arise in determining the case of an animate noun. If the question is “who?” does not help you cope with the task, then imagine an inanimate noun in place of the animate noun. Ask a question for the genitive “no what?” and for the accusative “I see what?” If the word being defined has the same form as in the nominative case, then it is in the accusative case.

How to distinguish the accusative from the genitive: method two

  • If the noun in front of you is inanimate, just ask the right question ( I buy (what?) flowerpots; I don’t see (what?) pots). In the second case, the word is in the genitive case.
  • If you see an animate noun of the 2nd declension masculine, put any word of the 1st declension in its place and watch the ending ( I see a boar - I see a fox: ending y - genitive); ( no boar - no fox: ending ы - accusative).
  • If you see an animate noun in plural, then simply replace it with an inanimate noun ( I love people - I love (that) letters- accusative; I love the kindness of people - I love the kindness of letters- genitive).

Remember that in Russian there are many indeclinable nouns ( coffee, flower pots and so on), looking the same in any case. In this case, all higher-level advice may not be suitable. Always check the correctness of the case definition with a key question, and there will be no mistakes.


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