U-shaped arch made of wooden beams. How to build a garden wooden arch with your own hands - classics and unusual ideas

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An interior arch is a universal solution that will fit perfectly into the layout of a standard apartment and into a spacious country mansion. Unlike standard door frames, arches allow you to adjust the space, give it originality and connect different parts of the room into a single whole, creating only a conditional barrier. Decorative overlays will help to complement them with interesting touches, original finish, curtains, etc.

In this photo collection you will see finished arches and you will be able to understand how they look in the interior. They come not only in streamlined shapes, but also square and rectangular. Sometimes their appearance amazes the imagination with its creativity.

An interior arch made of plasterboard is the most common solution. Such a “portal” is easy to make yourself, and they are much cheaper than standard doors and arches made of natural wood.

The simplest arch visually expands the room

Drywall makes it easy to create arches of original and complex shapes

Photo of a large interior arch with niche shelves

An interior arch is a great way to correct a bad layout

Photo of the layout of a modern kitchen studio

Even such complex arches as in the photo can be easily made on your own

Plasterboard interior arches easily fit into any interior style

Modern minimalistic design does not involve the use of decorative overlays

Photos of interior wooden arches in the interior

Wooden arches are a classic that will fit perfectly into an interior where natural materials predominate.. The price of this design solution an order of magnitude higher when compared with plasterboard arches, but they last much longer.

But for modern design, all main types of arches are perfect if you abandon unnecessary decorative elements. See for yourself by looking at the selection of photos.

Wooden arches are mainly used in classic style designs

Ideally, they should be combined with other interior elements made from the same types of wood.

The photo shows that a wide wooden arch not only enlarges the room, but also visually “raises” the ceiling

Photo of an interesting version of a wooden arch with through niches

Consecutive arches visually “stretch” the corridor

Classic combination with wood wall panels- the basis of a traditional English interior

Simple arches made of inexpensive wood are a good option for a modern apartment

Photos of beautiful interior arches made of stone with your own hands

You can replace bulky doors with a beautiful arched span yourself, without the help of builders. Finishing the arches with your own hands is also not the most difficult thing. All you need is minimal skills, and you will get an original interior element that will decorate even an apartment with a standard layout. Decorating arches with stone requires more imagination than professional skills.

Tiles that imitate natural stone will fit into any interior

It’s easy to lay a beautiful arch with a pointed vault with stone, even with your own hands

An arch like the one in the photo will be an original addition to the interior.

In a room with a fireplace masonry looks especially organic

Photos of finished interior arches made of plasterboard with lighting

The design of arches using lighting is simple and affordable way give the interior individuality. The play of light creates a special atmosphere in the room. At the same time, it is quite easy to install lamps in an arch; you can do it yourself, without resorting to the help of craftsmen, and they are inexpensive. Big choice lamps can be found in " Leroy Merlin" We bring to your attention ready-made interior solutions.

Illumination built into the arch‒ great alternative traditional lampshades and wall lamps

Built-in lamps will help create interesting lighting in the room

Illuminated arches look more original

Even a beginner in construction can install lamps in a plasterboard arch with his own hands.

In combination with the original shape of the arch itself, the lighting will become a creative and beautiful design element

Instead of the usual light bulbs, you can make luminous panels

Everyone chooses the backlight intensity to their own taste.

Photo of a classic illuminated arch

Photos of square and rectangular interior arches made of wood

Options for square and rectangular arches are suitable for those who do not want to deal with long repairs. After all, such an arch can be installed in place of a doorway, which, as a rule, has a rectangular shape. If the size of the opening allows, then this is the easiest way to refresh the renovation.

Simple and functional solution for a small apartment

You can install a rectangular wooden arch yourself

Photo of a complex version of an interior wooden square arch

Photo of a laconic and stylish rectangular arch

Luxurious interior arch

A simpler version of a wide arch, suitable even for a small apartment

The photo shows a classic rectangular arch

Original wooden arch, painted white

Budget solution - simple white arches made of wood

Have you looked at the selection of photos? interior arches. Big photo can be seen in the Apartment section.

Interior wooden arches in modern design projects are used for visual expansion premises and its decorations. This solution appeals to people who are tired of standard doors in interior doorways and want to bring some newness and luxury into their home with their own hands.

The most acceptable and simplest option for untrained craftsmen is a wooden arch; such a structure can be easily made if you have at hand standard set tools and wood workpieces.

Before you start studying technologies that allow you to make wooden arched passages with your own hands, you should find out what types of arches are used today in the interior.

So, the most popular styles of products today are modern and classic; portal structures also deserve attention; all of them can be made of wood.

Arch portals made of wood

These wooden arched structures are U-shaped, often with rounded corners.

At first glance, an inconspicuous counter can modify and complement the existing interior, adding a touch of luxury and sophistication to it.

Interior arches: 50 interior design ideas for 2018

You can make such a structure with your own hands for high-tech and minimalist style rooms.

Arches in the Art Nouveau style

For interior doorways rounded ones are used wooden bases.

It’s easy to make a bend in such a design with your own hands using arched platbands. The finished structure can be decorated with wood carvings, glass, and mirror elements. Shelves, niches and other openings can also be attached to the side of the platband. Such wooden structures most acceptable in low apartments. For the owner this a great opportunity expand your living space with your own hands and without much labor.

Wooden classic arches

With your own hands, you can make massive, luxurious arched structures from wood that will amaze with their simplicity of shape and discreet natural tones.

For doorways, structures are made in the form of an ellipse or trapezoid, complementing them with special extensions and decorative elements. But it is worth noting that the simple shape, smooth lines, beautiful texture are able to make wooden arches elegant and aesthetic even without additional decorations. In rooms where you need to be in a serious mood, namely in offices, auditoriums, you should make wooden classic arched structures with your own hands.

Technology for making arches for doorways

Preparation stage

Initially, it is necessary to prepare doorways for the installation of wooden arched structures.

In order to avoid reducing the height of the passage, it is necessary to remove part of the wall located above the arch. You should also prepare finishing material, namely wooden blocks, chipboard sheets, thin sheets of plywood and small nails.


At the top of the doorway, above the door, the top point is determined; a margin of 5 cm must be added to the given height.

The height from the floor to the reference top point is the size of the arched opening itself. Next, the craftsman should remove the excess part of the wall with his own hands. This stage of work must be approached most responsibly and carefully so as not to provoke the destruction of the wall partition.

Making an arch

At the stage of creating an arch, two rectangles are cut out from chipboard with your own hands.

Their width should be equal to the width of the opening and have the height of the arch (+5 cm margin). Next you need to start building a compass from slats, the length of which is 150 cm, the nails are driven into the edges of the boards. At this stage of work, compasses are used to construct rectangular arcs on plywood.

On one of the chipboard sheets, a straight line is drawn in the very center, conditionally dividing the arched opening in half.

By extending the line, you can understand where exactly the center of the circle will be concentrated. The higher the radius, the flatter the arched structure will be. Using a self-made compass, an arc is drawn on the canvas.

The same activities are carried out with another sheet of chipboard. It is better to cut out the workpiece using a jigsaw.

Frame construction

It is worth considering that the thickness of the arched base should be thicker than the wall to which it will be located. This dimensional parameter already includes the width of the bars that are used to build the frame, as well as the thickness of the chipboard sheets.

After the bars are knocked into the frame, you need to drill holes in the wall surface, provide them with plugs and then attach the frame with screws. The frame is installed in the center of the doorway, the position of the two walls must be identical and have no protrusions. To achieve a uniform position of the canvases, you need to pre-drill holes in them, this will avoid the wall moving to the side.

After fixing the frame, plywood blanks should be cut equal to the thickness of the arched structure.

Plywood is nailed around the circumference to the chipboard structure using small nails. Next, the arched structure is finished with decorative elements and materials.

Glued arch

Glued blocks and plywood are the basis for making a wooden arch.

The blocks are attached to each other using a special rigid joint. Such arches can be fixed using the arch support stop, without the use of puffs. Such installation technologies should be used only for narrow interior passages, where there is no high load on the racks. If the situation requires it, you can make the rotating elements of a wooden arch from solid wood, which will be cut according to a pre-designed and prepared template.

It is necessary to take into account that wooden arched structures are prone to destruction if the bend passes through the wood fibers.

To avoid deformation and damage to the structure, bending should be done using a special technology, which involves boiling and steaming the workpiece in special compositions. The steamed wood is placed in prepared forms, resulting in the required bend.

Approximately according to this scheme, you can make a wooden arch for doorways with your own hands.

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Photos of beautiful wooden and plasterboard interior arches

On this page, dear visitors of our site, we invite you to get acquainted with the interior arches "Trapezoid"

Dear site visitors! Interior arches of the "Trapezoid" type- these are arches with a vault trapezoidal shape, are one of the most original types of arches.

Depending on the geometric shape of your opening, “Trapezoid” arches may visually resemble “Romantic” or “Modern” arches, only with unsmoothed shapes. Trapezoid arches are such a suitable design for some interiors that they seem simply irreplaceable.

Photo ideas for beautiful wooden and plasterboard interior arches

Structurally, like the “Modern” arches, the “Trapezoid” arches contain two necessary additional parts for installation - legs.

Calculation of the cost of a standard arch interior type"Trapezoid" as of today it is.

The basic cost of an interior "Trapezium" arch is 14,300, the cost of measuring in Moscow is 800 rubles, the cost of one pair of decorative locks is 1,200 rubles, the cost of tinting an arch is 3,400 rubles, the cost of installing a standard arch is 2,400 rubles.

We deliver all arches ordered from us free of charge if the client orders the installation of an interior arch from our company’s installers.

Final the cost of a standard "Trapezoid" type arch with two pairs of capitals, If we calculate all these above prices for services, will beamount23300 rub. Respectively, the price of a "Trapezoid" type arch with one upper pair of capitals will be 22,100 rubles.

Our dear customers who are planning to equip their openings with arches like "Trapezoid"!

For ordering options for arches, you can use different angles of inclination of the side elements of the vault of the “Trapezoid” arch, as well as order legs of different sizes for your arches, thus adjusting the installation height of decorative arched locks (capitals). Don’t forget that you can order capitals of various types, as well as the profile, color and width of the architraves of the arched posts to ensure that the “Trapezoid” arch has a harmonious resonance with the interior of your room.

And our company’s employees are always happy to help you solve your problems!

Our contact address Email: [email protected] .

By sending a description and drawings of your order to this address, you will receive the necessary advice in a reply letter along with options for calculating the cost of your interior arches or other ordered products. Our specialists will always support you at all stages of cooperation!

Our company provides the opportunity to install turnkey interior arches in your premises. You just need to contact our company, and then our experienced specialists will figure out how to most fully satisfy all your needs for arranging your openings with interior arches.

If you want to order an interior arch “Trapezoid” with only one upper pair of capitals, then the calculation will be as follows: 14300 (arch "Trapezoid")+1200 (one pair of decorative locks) +2400(installation cost) + 800 (measurement cost in Moscow) = 22,100 rubles.

Calculation of the cost of a standard "Portal" arch made of oak or beech with two pairs of decorative locks (capitals): 14300 (arch "Trapezoid")+2400 (two pairs of decorative locks) + 3400 (cost of tinting) + 2400 (installation cost) + 800 (cost of measurement in Moscow) = 23,300 rubles.

You can build an ark yourself, but first of all, you need to know all the nuances of this process. Arka is original and elegant furniture that brings lightness to every room. This element is often used in the design of doors or window openings, gazebos, and sometimes as garden decoration. To build an arc structure, you can call the experts and try to create yourself.

It's simple. It is enough to have some knowledge in construction and all the necessary tools.

Stylish internal arches with your own hands: their shapes and materials for manufacturing

IN Everyday life the ark is a kind of element in the form of an overlap a certain shape, which forms a hole in the wall.

Such models are very popular and are often used in the design of modern premises.

The benefits of using locations include:

  • The emergence of a certain accent in the interior;
  • Opportunity visual increase space;
  • The ability to “hide” defects or corner space.

If you decide to place an arc in space, you must determine its shape.

An elegant arc will not only decorate the interior, but will also become the main direction in space design

There are the following basic hole shapes:

  1. Classic is an arc or semicircle.

    This design is universal because it suits almost any interior.

  2. The ellipse is ideal for a low opening. It looks original and elegant.
  3. A portal is one of the simplest forms. It can be inserted into a regular right-angle aperture without the need to dramatically change the size or shape of the door.
  4. Romance - has a rectangular shape with slightly rounded corners.
  5. Modern - it is made with a fairly large radius of curvature and looks like an oval or circle.
  6. A trapezoid is a simple design made from the corners of corners.

    It's very easy to find out.

  7. Kovacs is an extension of the door. It can accept any type of door or is an independent element.

If you choose the color and shape of the structure, you must consider the entire design of the room, so it all comes together. And the main materials for making an arch are dry wall, various types of wood, plastic or fiber boards.

Instructions for self-leveling wooden arches

Such materials are usually used to make a wooden arch: oak, mahogany, pine, larch, linden and beech.

The most common pine is rot-resistant and resilient, but it is quite cheap.

Necessary tools and materials for production:

  • Construction class;
  • Echrokluzik or wood saw;
  • perforator;
  • Pencil, compasses and tape;
  • screwdriver;
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • Sheets of plywood or fiberboard for the template;
  • Wooden decorations;
  • Varnish for processing the finished product.

Before you start building an arc, you must first prepare all the materials and tools for the job

It all starts with creating a template.

Since the arch is curved shape, it consists of individual elements.

It should be noted that the smaller the size of the component parts, the smoother it will be on the arc and more seams.

If the compiled proposal is excellent, all the elements can be glued together and carefully defined.

In order for the inner surface to look like a circle, all excess and protruding parts must be cut off.

This is usually done using a router or other power tool.

Thus, if necessary, it is carried out a large number of wooden arches. Ready template allows you to create them quickly and easily. Then all the data is merged.

Stands are made from boards correct size, which is then connected to the arcuate arch using the “spike groove” method.

Additionally, the contact points can be reinforced with metal or wood pins.

The inner surface of the arch should be carefully polished, and any discrepancies should be tormented. Thus, it will be clear that the entire hole is from one array.

Toning and varnishing of the final product. If you want, you can add trim, imitate different stones, make a peak.

Versions on how to make a bow from a fiber board with your own hands

Fiberboard is a type of shredded wood, leftover chips.

Now this material is quite popular and is widely used in decorating various spaces.

It's quite simple, you can easily and quickly create a bow from a board

It seems that the process of creating a fiberboard arc is:

  1. Firstly, the doors are ready for repair.

    The old door is removed with a frame, then the surface is cleaned of dirt and dust.

  2. It's best at wooden boxes. It can be made from rods of a suitable size, in which holes must be drilled for fastening the fastening elements. Then the same holes with a drill or punch are made on the door. The pins are inserted into the holes, after which the bundle is attached.
  3. The fiberboard sheets are then attached to the resulting frame.

    The procedure is similar: first, all dimensions are removed, and then pieces of material of the desired shape are cut out.

  4. In addition, there are holes in the wood fibers that coincide with the location of the rods.

    The recess parts belong to the box and are secured with screws.

  5. At the end of the cover, the self-tapping screws should be covered with special caps so that they cannot be seen, and the ends of the material should be covered with linen.

Thus, you get a bow made from fiberboard panels. The main thing is to ensure a thorough and high-quality connection between the upper (lower part) and the lower part of the structure so that the product has a solid and final appearance.

Internal portals look very elegant and original, although they are quite simple to install.

They are essentially located between common spaces and visually increasing space.

Portals are usually installed to make a room appear wider.

What should I do to install such a portal:

  1. To begin with, the pages of the future design should have a uniform look.

    For this you can use plaster or corners. And this should be set as accurately as possible, since minimal displacement will be noticeable.

  2. The gap between the corners should be filled with mortar and wait until it dries. If the width of the wall is less than the width of the fence, it must be cut off and one of the sides of the piston cover.
  3. Then fill the doppler hole and drill the drill bit 5-10cm from the top.

    Wooden port: production and installation

    First it is attached at the top, then at the bottom and finally in the center. The range between the fixing elements can be from 10 to 60 cm. So all contacts are included.

By the way, the portal portal can be assembled separately and then inserted into the aperture, but this turns out to be more difficult because the smallest mistake during installation reduces the entire effort to "no".

Original do-it-yourself bow (video)

Do-it-yourself internal bows are simple, but responsible.

To make this decorative element, it must be adopted by a person who is familiar with certain elements of the building and is not afraid to take a stab at it. An arch or portal is always beautiful, elegant and original design, created with your own hands, gives the space its unique charm.

Wooden arches (interior photo)

Home / Wood processing / Wood bending

Wood bending technology with steaming

Curvilinear furniture frame structures are difficult to produce, and large curves cut from straight sections of wood will require complex manufacturing techniques to avoid the weakness of short fiber and large, uneconomic waste.

However, using dry or wet bending techniques, complex curved shapes can be produced quite economically, and since the fibers will run along the bend rather than across it, the finished product will be stronger.

Dry bending involves first dividing the wood into thin sections, but thicker pieces can be bent by soaking or steaming.

Michael Toneti's bent cafe chairs and rocking chairs are classic examples of bent furniture made using steaming, and in the thirties of the 20th century, furniture made from laminated materials became an element of high fashion, after the invention industrial methods production different varieties plywood.

Both steam bending and layer bending can be accomplished in the home workshop, and both methods continue to be used in the antique furniture industry and by skilled craftsmen and designers.

Steamed wood can bend with a relatively large bending steepness. The steam softens the wood fibers enough to bend them and mold them into the desired shape.

It may require significant bending force, but this is quite achievable in a home workshop using basic equipment. You will need to make a template, a clamping clamp and a steam chamber. Wood bending is not a precise procedure. There are many options, and often trial and error is the only way to possible ways obtaining the required result.

Wood bending

Thin wooden pieces do not require preliminary preparation.

The minimum radius to which it can be bent will depend on the thickness and natural properties of the wood species. Thin wood, in the absence of deformation limiters (and in the form of, for example, a template), when bent freely, will take the shape of a ring if the ends of the workpiece are brought together. To obtain a greater bending steepness, the wood must be steamed and “kept” fixed on the template so that, having taken the desired shape, it is stabilized in this position due to internal residual deformation.

When thick wood is bent, it is necessary to limit the stretching of the outer layers to prevent them from peeling off or breaking. The method described here is intended for bending relatively thick pieces of wood.

Wood preparation

For bending, choose straight-grained wood without knots or cracks.

Any defect or flaw is potentially a weak point, so certain failures are possible. There are dozens of types of wood that can be successfully steam-bent, and many of them are hardwoods. In the table below you can find a short list of suitable types of material for bending. You can bend well-dried wood, but freshly cut wood is easier to process.

Atmospherically seasoned wood bends better than chamber- or oven-dried wood. If the wood is too dry and difficult to work with, you can soak it for several hours before steaming.

Depending on the type of workpiece, you can cut it to size in advance or do it with a saw, plow or stapler after bending. The latter method is often used in the production of bent furniture such as Windsor chairs and armchairs.

Wood with a flat, smooth surface finish is less likely to delaminate and will make the final finish of the entire piece easier. Green wood shrinks more than seasoned wood, and when turned on a lathe before bending, it tends to take on an oval cross-section when drying. Regardless of the shape and size, make the length of the workpiece approximately 100 mm longer than the length of the finished product. Then, in case of delamination or splitting of the ends after bending, it will be possible to trim off the damaged areas.

To calculate the length, make a drawing of the bend shape on a scale of 1:1.

Measure the outside of the curved piece to get the correct length. This will prevent unnecessary stretching of the external fibers, which could lead to cracking under the influence of internal stresses. The softened inner fibers will be able to shrink enough to take the shape of a smaller inner bend.

Making a clamp clamp

The key to making a tight bend is to use a flexible clamp.

Make a clamp from mild steel, 2mm thick and at least as wide as the workpiece you bend. This will work for almost any job you might need to do. To avoid possible contamination of the surface of the part as a result of interaction reactions chemical elements wood, metal and the environment, make a clamp from of stainless steel or galvanized steel or use a polyethylene gasket.

Install end stops or stops on the clamp to secure the ends of the workpiece, thereby preventing the fibers on the outside of the curved part from stretching and delaminating.

These stops must be strong enough to withstand significant pressure on them, and be of sufficient size so that the end of the workpiece can rest against the stop with its entire surface. You can make them from thick angle metal or from solid wood, which is usually easier to do.

To equip the clamp with reliable end stops, install wooden blocks approximately 225 mm long at the ends of the metal strip. Along the center lines of each block, drill two holes with a diameter of 9 mm at a distance of about 150 mm from each other.

Mark and drill the clamp strip for the end stop mounting bolts. The distance between the stops should be equal to length workpieces, including allowance. To ensure that the clamp has a lever action that is convenient for operation, attach sufficiently strong wooden blocks to the ends of the strip on its back side using long bolts for fastening the stops.

Making a template

Steamed wood is bent into a pattern that defines the shape of the bend and provides support for the fibers of the interior of the curved piece.

The template must be very strong and have a width that is at least equal to the width of the part being bent. It must provide certain possibilities for fixing the workpiece on it using clamps or other clamps.

You can make a template from thick wood, setting the mold on a base made of artificial wood materials, or use sheets of plywood glued together.

Because bent wood tends to straighten after the clamp is released, it is necessary to adjust the shape of the template to account for the straightening of the part.

Interior arches: photo

To do this, you will have to use the most reliable, although not always pleasant, method - trial and error to determine the parameters of such correction.

Types of wood for bending with steaming

  • Ash
    Fraxinus excelsior
    Fraxinus amcricana
  • Beech
    Fagus grandifolia
    Fagus sylvatica
  • Birch
    Betula pendula
    Benda alleghaniensis
  • Elm
    Ulmus americana
    Ulmus procera
    Ulmus liollandica
    Ulmus thomasii
  • Hickory Cartja spp.
  • Oak
    Quercus rubra
    Quercus petraea
  • Nut
    Juglans nigra
    Juglans regia
  • Yew
    Taxus baccara

Making a steam chamber

Make a steam chamber from plywood for outdoor use or use plastic or metal pipe boxes.

Plywood allows you to create a simple structure using glue and screws exactly to your specific requirements. This type of chamber is ideal if you plan to steam entire batches of wood.

A chamber made of plastic or metal pipe limits the size range, but is quite suitable for small workpieces.

Cut a piece of pipe to the required length in accordance with the dimensions of the workpiece.

The length of 1 m is a convenient size that allows you to process entire workpieces or even parts of increased length if you need to bend only its end part. Make removable push-in end flaps from plywood for outdoor use.

Drill a hole in one of them for the steam pipe and use a plane to plan the lower part of the edge of the other damper to create ventilation and a drainage hole.

Make special “open” flaps with a hole for long workpieces. Install corpses inside wooden supports so that the workpiece does not touch the bottom of the chamber. Insulate the chamber using polystyrene foam or wooden blocks, securing them to the chamber with wire. Place the camera on stands with a slight inclination to allow condensation to drain out.

Provide a receptacle for any leaking water.

Steam can be obtained using a small electric evaporator or a factory-made steam generator, or you can make your own evaporator from a 20-25 liter metal tank with a removable lid or cap. Connect one end of a short rubber hose to a pipe or valve (valve) soldered into the tank, and insert the other into the hole in the chamber damper.

To heat the water, you can use some kind of heating device, such as an electric or gas stove. Fill the tank halfway with water and heat it to 100 °C. to ensure a constant flow of steam. As a guide, wood should be steamed for 1 hour for every 25 mm of thickness. Longer steaming will not necessarily improve the ductility of the wood, but may destroy its internal structure.

Wood bending

You will only have a few minutes to secure the workpiece into the template before it begins to cool and stabilize.

Prepare your work area in advance. Have a sufficient number of clamps available and, in the case of processing very thick wood, negotiate with a friend for help.

Turn off the steam supply and turn off the steam generator.

Remove the workpiece from the chamber and place it in a pre-sized and heated clamp. Install it all together on the template. Secure the center by placing a piece of wood between the clamp and the clamp. Tightly screw the workpiece onto the template and clamp securely in place with several clamps. Allow the part to stabilize for at least 15 minutes before transferring it to a uniformly shaped drying mandrel or template.

You can leave the blank on the first template. In any case, aging of the material should take from 1 to 7 days.

Security measures

When bending with steaming, observe the following rules:

  • Do not over-tighten the steam generator cap or plug.
  • Provide ventilation for the steam chamber.
  • Do not operate the steam generator without water.
  • Do not stand or lean over the steam generator or steam chamber when opening them.
  • Wear thick gloves or mittens when handling heated workpieces and steaming equipment.
  • The source of steam must be removed at a considerable distance from flammable objects and materials.

How to make a wooden arch for an arched door. I have already written about making an arch from plywood, but that option is intended for decorating an arched opening and is not suitable for hanging an arched door. For the job you will need at least a jigsaw and a screwdriver.

This arch was made for a double arched door. Marking the arch along the correct circle. Such a steep arch is the most difficult option; it is rarely used. Typically, arches and arched doors are made more flat. This arch is 1500 mm wide. along the inner edge, respectively, the radius is 750 mm. . Arch depth 160 mm. , it is made according to the thickness of the wall. The thickness of all parts of the arched box is 40 mm. , the height of the entire arch assembly is 2300 mm. .

These dimensions refer specifically to this arch, and special significance Dont Have. Is that the thickness of the parts is 40 mm. , I think this is optimal, an arched vault of such thickness can withstand decent loads. To work, you will need planed boards, it is advisable that the boards be calibrated on a surface planer, in other words, they are the same thickness.

The principle of making an arched lintel is simple and as old as time. A large part is assembled from a certain number of small parts. In this case, the arch is assembled from pre-cut bars along the arc. The length of the workpieces can also be different, for example from 400 mm. up to 800 mm. . But the longer you take the blanks, the larger the width of the board should be.

Let's start from the beginning as they say. First we need to decide on the markings of the arch. The marking of the arch must be done in life size for any flat surface. I used a piece of fiberboard and outlined the entire arch with a radius of 750 mm. and immediately drew an arc with a radius of 790 mm. , i.e. I also marked the thickness of the arched lintel. While I was preparing the parts, a piece of fiberboard with markings lay on my table. I have some work experience, so I didn’t saw off fiberboard. If you have little experience, then it is better to cut out an arc according to the markings; it is much more convenient to work with a cut template. Of course, these dimensions are only needed as an example; you need to mark the arch according to your opening.

We've made the markings, let's move on. Now we will prepare the bars for assembling the arc of the arch. We make the workpiece like this: We attach the template to the board and draw out the upper and lower arc, and then cut out the part with an electric jigsaw. You need to cut as accurately as possible, especially for the underside of the arc. I immediately processed and sanded the prepared parts. If possible you can use manual frezer, and make details using a copier. The inner part of the arc is the front side, we will varnish it. The top edge can be cut out approximately; we will not process it.

Next we assemble the first row of bars. We assemble the bars according to the template, one to one for the entire width of the arch. We adjust the ends of the parts to each other as accurately as possible. We prepare the second row of the arch in the same way, but the bars should be laid with an offset of approximately half the part, as the bricks are laid. When the bars for the second row are prepared, we begin assembling the arch.

We take a block of the second row, apply glue to the bottom layer, lay it on the marked place and screw it with self-tapping screws. There are four self-tapping screws for each block, so that they grab the two lower parts; we must recess the caps. Next, take the next block (you need to number them in advance), smear the bottom face and ends with glue and also tighten them with self-tapping screws. So let's complete the entire second row. Try to very accurately align the parts along the lower edges, the final result of the work depends on this.

On this arch I had four rows of bars; to prepare the arch segments I used 40 mm thick boards. , the depth turned out to be 160 mm. . You can add as many of these rows as you need. I don't see any restrictions here. The arc of the arch turns out to be quite strong and does not require any kind of fastening.

And the last important stage, inner side the arches must be thoroughly sanded. If all the parts are well adjusted in advance, then only small inconsistencies between the rows will remain to be sanded. To do this, you can use grinders or sanding attachment for drill. Of course, it doesn’t take fifteen seconds to do the work, but it’s worth it. As a result, you will get an arched vault made of solid wood.

This arch was made for a double door, so on the lower edge I also went through a quarter with a router. Then the upper arched lintel is joined to the vertical bars of the box. You need to adjust the ends and screw the box with self-tapping screws. Additionally, I placed two dowels at the upper ends of the vertical bars, and drilled sockets at the ends of the arched lintel accordingly.
Continuation, interior.

For the top of the arch you need an arched frame. It can be cut from boards 12 mm thick. according to the template. Just make the template not 40 mm. , and 60-70 mm. . If one board is not enough for the platband, then it can be joined in the center, and the joint can be covered with a small figured overlay. If you have any questions, ask, I look at the comments.

Interior wooden arches in modern design projects are used to visually expand the room and decorate it. This solution appeals to people who are tired of standard doors in interior doorways and want to bring some newness and luxury into their home with their own hands.

The most acceptable and simplest option for untrained craftsmen is a wooden arch; such a structure can be easily made if you have a standard set of tools and a wooden blank on hand.

Before you start studying technologies that allow you to make wooden arched passages with your own hands, you should find out what types of arches are used today in the interior. So, the most popular styles of products today are modern and classic; portal structures also deserve attention; all of them can be made of wood.

Arch portals made of wood

These wooden arched structures are U-shaped, often with rounded corners. At first glance, an inconspicuous counter can modify and complement the existing interior, adding a touch of luxury and sophistication to it. You can make such a structure with your own hands for high-tech and minimalist style rooms.

For interior doorways, rounded wooden bases are used. It’s easy to make a bend in such a design with your own hands using arched platbands. The finished structure can be decorated with wood carvings, glass, and mirror elements. Shelves, niches and other openings can also be attached to the side of the platband. Such wooden structures are most suitable for low-rise apartments. For the owner, this is an excellent opportunity to expand the living space with his own hands and without much labor.

Wooden classic arches

With your own hands, you can make massive, luxurious arched structures from wood that will amaze with their simplicity of shape and discreet natural tones. For doorways, structures are made in the form of an ellipse or trapezoid, complementing them with special extensions and decorative elements. But it is worth noting that a simple shape, smooth lines, and beautiful texture can make wooden arches elegant and aesthetic even without additional decorations. In rooms where you need to be in a serious mood, namely in offices, auditoriums, you should make wooden classic arched structures with your own hands.

Technology for making arches for doorways

Preparation stage

Initially, it is necessary to prepare doorways for the installation of wooden arched structures. In order to avoid reducing the height of the passage, it is necessary to remove part of the wall located above the arch. You should also prepare finishing material, namely wooden blocks, chipboard sheets, thin sheets of plywood and small nails.


At the top of the doorway, above the door, the top point is determined; a margin of 5 cm must be added to the given height. The height from the floor to the control top point is the size of the arched opening itself. Next, the craftsman should remove the excess part of the wall with his own hands. This stage of work must be approached most responsibly and carefully so as not to provoke the destruction of the wall partition.

Making an arch

At the stage of creating an arch, two rectangles are cut out from chipboard with your own hands. Their width should be equal to the width of the opening and have the height of the arch (+5 cm margin). Next you need to start building a compass from slats, the length of which is 150 cm, the nails are driven into the edges of the boards. At this stage of work, compasses are used to construct rectangular arcs on plywood.

On one of the chipboard sheets, a straight line is drawn in the very center, conditionally dividing the arched opening in half. By extending the line, you can understand where exactly the center of the circle will be concentrated. The higher the radius, the flatter the arched structure will be. Using a self-made compass, an arc is drawn on the canvas. The same activities are carried out with another sheet of chipboard. It is better to cut out the workpiece using a jigsaw.

Frame construction

It is worth considering that the thickness of the arched base should be thicker than the wall to which it will be located. This dimensional parameter already includes the width of the bars that are used to build the frame, as well as the thickness of the chipboard sheets. After the bars are knocked into the frame, you need to drill holes in the wall surface, provide them with plugs and then attach the frame with screws. The frame is installed in the center of the doorway, the position of the two walls must be identical and have no protrusions. To achieve a uniform position of the canvases, you need to pre-drill holes in them, this will avoid the wall moving to the side.

After fixing the frame, plywood blanks should be cut equal to the thickness of the arched structure. Plywood is nailed around the circumference to the chipboard structure using small nails. Next, the arched structure is finished with decorative elements and materials.

Glued arch

Glued blocks and plywood are the basis for making a wooden arch. The blocks are attached to each other using a special rigid joint. Such arches can be fixed using the arch support stop, without the use of puffs. Such installation technologies should be used only for narrow interior passages, where there is no high load on the racks. If the situation requires it, you can make the rotating elements of a wooden arch from solid wood, which will be cut according to a pre-designed and prepared template.

It is necessary to take into account that wooden arched structures are prone to destruction if the bend passes through the wood fibers. To avoid deformation and damage to the structure, bending should be done using a special technology, which involves boiling and steaming the workpiece in special compositions. The steamed wood is placed in prepared forms, resulting in the required bend.

Approximately according to this scheme, you can make a wooden arch for doorways with your own hands.

Wooden arch arching is a popular way to finish an opening without doors. There are ready-made arched structures available for sale, which are fitted parts that need to be mounted in a prepared opening. But what to do if the finished products are not suitable - in design, color or size? There is a solution - to make an entrance wooden arch according to individual sketches.

Choosing the type of arch

An arch is an architectural element that carries a certain structural load. The circular ceiling of the opening can withstand higher loads than the beam ceiling. The design of the vault, which is what the arch is, creates lateral thrust, transferring part of the load into the wall, and not just down to the supports.

Certainly, decorative arches, which are used to finish the opening in the apartment, do not have any load-bearing function. Basically, it's just this shape. Depending on the construction techniques used in different eras and in different regions, several different types of arches can be distinguished.

Thus, for ancient architecture and its ideological successor, the architecture of classicism, the use of semicircular or round gentle arches is most typical; lanceolate (pointed) arches and flying buttresses are most often found in buildings dating back to the Gothic era. Tudor or three-lobed arches were used in Romanesque and Renaissance architecture, and Moorish horseshoe arches were used in Arab countries. When decorating an interior to suit any architectural style, it is worth choosing an architectural structure that matches this style as a decorative element.

DIY wooden arch

Ready decorative designs, offered for sale, most often have a semi-circular shape and a classic decor in the form of flutes. That is, they are ideal for interiors in the style of classicism. But what if the interior design uses Moorish or Moroccan style? Order the production of this decorative element in a carpentry workshop or try to make it yourself.

Is it possible to make a wooden arch with your own hands using step-by-step instructions with photos and videos? Theoretically, yes - after all, in a carpentry workshop, a master will make the ordered product with his own hands. But practically, it’s unlikely that a good video instruction will help you, in which this same carpenter shows in detail the process of manufacturing a wooden arched structure using a milling, jointing, two circular machines, as well as a manual router and a miter-bevel machine, if the specified equipment is at your disposal No. Although, all operations can be done without buying carpentry machines, however, the process will be long, but truly, with your own hands.

In short, step-by-step instructions for making a wooden arch come down to the following:

  • Making a template. You will need to make a template that will help you shape the product into the shape you need. The template serves as a support in the process of gluing the arch from individual elements.
  • Calculation and cutting of workpieces. Since the arch has a curved outline, it is therefore made up of separate segments. The smaller the size of the segments, the smoother the resulting curve will be. Here you need to take into account the balance: the smaller the size of the segments, the more seams. Having decided on the optimal size of the parts, they need to be trimmed at an angle so that the parts fit tightly into the given template. The cutting angle is also determined depending on the shape of the arch and the size of the parts.
  • Gluing parts according to a template. Having assembled the arch “dry” from individual elements, and making sure that everything fits perfectly, you can begin gluing the parts and fixing them with clamps.
  • Leveling the inner surface. Even if you used small parts, the inner surface of the arc of the arch will still be a polygon rather than a circle. To reduce the polygon to a circle, you need to cut off the excess. In a workshop setting, it is used for this purpose. milling machine. At home, this operation can be done using a hand router and additional equipment for it.

Important! Power tools require careful adherence to safety precautions. Do not risk the integrity of your fingers or other parts of your body.

  • Assembling the upper part of the arch. This method is used to produce required amount wooden arches. This depends on the depth of the opening in which the arch is installed and on the size of the source material. The template allows you to make identical arcs that are glued together. The final sanding of the arch surface is done manually using sandpaper.
  • Manufacturing of pillar parts. Vertical straight sections are made from boards of suitable width. If width standard boards not enough, you can use ready-made furniture board or join several boards together.

  • Fastening the arched part and the pillars. The upper part of the arch and the straight sections can be fastened together using a tongue-and-groove joint and the joint reinforced with wooden or metal pins. This operation can be abandoned if it is possible to connect the parts of the arch directly during installation.

At this point, the manufacture of a wooden arch can be considered complete. In addition to the arch itself, additional decorative elements are made: platbands, imitation keystone, “heels” and other details. Wooden surfaces are tinted and varnished or painted.

Advice. If this is your first carpentry project, keep in mind that you may not get the desired result the first time. If you are planning an arch made of valuable wood species - oak, beech, walnut, then first try to make an arch from cheaper material, for example, pine boards.

DIY wooden arch: video

Interior wooden arches: photo

An element such as an arch can be an excellent replacement for a regular door or act as a delimiter of functional areas. It not only plays the function of protecting the opening, but also carries a colossal decorative load, which is why it is important to choose the right style and quality materials. Every home craftsman can make a wooden arch with his own hands; the process is not particularly complicated and does not require any special expensive tools.

Wooden arch - an original decoration for your interior

Materials for production

First of all, you should turn to the selection of suitable materials. In order to make an arch, it is not necessary to use wood; modern manufacturers of building materials offer a wide range of more advanced substitutes natural wood, facilitating the manufacture of products from them. One such material is fiberboard or MDF.

Compared with natural wood Fiberboard is better protected from exposure external factors and wear, while visually this material may not have any differences at all with wood.

The manufacturing process is also no different; make an arch with your own hands in doorway made from fiberboard is no more difficult than made from natural wood. The main requirement for such arches is to properly prepare the form. Wooden elements are attached directly to the boundaries of the opening, and therefore it is important to correctly cut and measure so that all the parts fit neatly into place when assembling the structure.

Making an arch from fiberboard will greatly simplify the task

Project selection

Before you start making a wooden arch, you should decide on the project. The following main ones can be distinguished:

  • rectangle;
  • classic rounded portal;
  • ellipse;
  • circle;
  • broken configuration;
  • asymmetrical project.

Options for interior wooden arches

The simplest rectangular model can be assembled from its frame, that is, using platbands and a set of extensions. But for structures with bent elements, patience and correct calculations will be required. If you are not sure that you can manufacture the parts perfect shape for complex arch models, it is better to go with the classic version. Such a product will be quite simple to manufacture and at the same time can visually smooth out the passage into the room due to the rounding of the corners, which, in principle, will not be so difficult to do.

Markings and drawings

Since you have to make a wooden arch from scratch with your own hands, you first need to take measurements and determine the dimensions and shape for the manufacture of future parts. To do this, it is best to use a level and some round object as a template. To begin, determine the height and width of the portal, mark these data on paper, and draw the corresponding lines on the wall.

For a standard portal in a doorway you will need:

  • sets of platbands on both sides;
  • two sidewalls;
  • roundings for corners;
  • top cross bar.

Making straight parts with your own hands should not cause any problems, but roundings can be made using a template. Use it to draw the contours along which you will need to cut the opening for further installation of the arch.

When marking, take into account the thickness of the arch parts and additional finishing, since this area will be taken up by the design.

Schematic representation of two options for interior arches

Cutting elements

When making a wooden arch with your own hands, cutting is best done using a jigsaw; this tool does not leave nicks on the edges of the parts and quickly copes with any shapes and types of materials. For convenience, full-size patterns are placed on the solid canvas.

In order to avoid problems in the future and ensure that the opening looks perfect, after cutting the parts you need to carefully sand their surface on all sides. This is done with a grinding machine or fine sandpaper.

The cutting of structural elements is carried out using a jigsaw


Once all the parts have been prepared, you can begin assembling the structure. First you need to install all the straight elements of the arch; they are fixed strictly according to the boundary marks and taking into account the level.

Ideally, the surface of the opening is puttied in advance so that the arch can later be assembled with minimal effort. If distortions remain, it is recommended to fasten the wood or fiberboard not with glue, but by fixing it to a frame, under which you can additionally lay insulation. The frame for the arch can be made from wooden blocks, but since the use of shaped elements is most often assumed, it is better to use metal profiles.

After fixing the sidewalls and the top straight strip, the turn of the roundings comes; they are driven into the free space and fixed in place. The junction of the arch with the wall is hidden with platbands on both sides or finished with plaster.

If the arch is assembled from additional panels and platbands, it will be even easier to do everything yourself. To do this, you just need to install them in the opening in such a way as to completely cover the wall and connect it with the platbands. Ideally, it is assumed that telescopic models of extensions will be used.

The assembly of all arch parts begins with direct structural elements


The final design of doorways and arches involves masking the joints and fastenings. The tree must be treated with an antiseptic before installation in the opening. The fiberboard will most likely already be impregnated with protective substances.

The best option is impregnation with stain and opening with varnish. If you are afraid that the coating may be damaged during installation, carry out the work after installing the arch. According to the rules, you need to prepare the details in advance. The stain is applied at the very beginning, then you need to use varnish, it is applied in two or three layers, alternating the direction of the brush.

An alternative option for wood and MDF can be painting; this option is more relevant for modern interiors. You can also cover the parts with veneer, laminate or PVC. This should be done immediately after cutting onto a cleaned and degreased surface.

If installed and designed correctly, your doorway will look great and give the room a feeling of spaciousness, luxury and coziness.

Doorways in a house do not always imply the presence of doors. Wood trim on arches is often used. This method allows you to make the corridor or rooms in a private house, apartment or office visually larger and brighter. This question is quite relevant. And for those who want to remake a doorway with their own hands, it is very important to know how to make a wooden arch yourself. Making interior wooden arches is not an easy process, but still doable. In this article I will tell you how to make an arch with your own hands, and then install it correctly.

Such designs are divided into types according to their shape and style.

  1. Classic. A classic arch is usually called a semicircle or arc. This look fits perfectly into any environment, be it a residential building or an office building.
  2. Arches in the Art Nouveau style are considered modern. The look is a little similar to the classic one, the only difference is its shape, since its upper part has the shape of a circle. If you add a little imagination, you can add a little romance (make it in the form of a rectangle and round its corners). This option is ideal for wide doorways.
  3. For rooms with spacious rooms there is a type of arches, which has the shape of a semi-ellipse.
  4. The most common types of Art Nouveau arches are trapezoids. They look special when installed when moving from one room to another.
  5. Exclusive options require a wild imagination, as they can have non-standard forms. If a person wants to create a unique design in his home, then exclusive views are for him. Here you can make broken lines and various kinds of abstractions.

Material selection

To produce a wooden arch, there are four main materials: pine, oak, beech and mahogany. Scots pine is most often used as the base material. And all because of the color of its wood. It has a pinkish core, which changes to dark red over time. Among its advantages are high density, good strength, elasticity, and resistance to rotting. It is one of the cheapest finishing materials.

Oak and beech are chosen only when the apartment is already finished with something similar in style and shade. These are specific and very durable materials, have a special color and wood. Mahogany is the most expensive, it looks very rich and serious. Often this material is chosen when a wooden arch is needed in the office of a large company. For residential premises, the material is used less frequently. As for the remaining materials for decorating the interior doorway, it can be plasterboard with additional wallpaper, plastic panels, and glass. The choice is very wide, the decision is only up to the home owner.


Depending on what type of arch you want to make with your own hands, you need to do some work. Let's look at the most typical options:

  • Interior wooden arches of oval, round or rounded shape are made by connecting small parts. You need to prepare a slightly rounded beam, which you will then connect into a whole product. You can glue them together, or you can connect them with metal staples. The wooden look of the arches will then have to be thoroughly cleaned and sanded so that there are no burrs or irregularities left.
  • Making a wooden arch of a square shape or with sharp corners does not require much explanation, since its manufacture does not require much knowledge. You can connect straight parts, as in the previous version, with special glue or staples; wood lends itself quite well to any type of connection.
  • Wooden arches can be of a shape that combines both the first and second types. In this case, it is worth combining both methods: prepare small timber about 10-20 centimeters long for ovals and large, flat ones for other parts.

Preparing the opening

In order for the arch to fit into the opening without unnecessary problems, especially when wood is chosen for its manufacture, and you decide to do all the work yourself, you will have to carefully prepare the wall and the installation site.

It is worth removing everything unnecessary from the walls where the arch is attached - wallpaper, panels, paint. Clean the wall and level it. If the wooden interior arches have an oval format, and the old opening is square shape, then it needs to be converted to an oval. To do this, you can use additional brick, stone (do masonry), add a plasterboard frame, etc. It all depends on desire. The main thing is that the size of the resulting opening coincides with the parameters by which the arch was made.


In order for the arch to install well, it is worth preparing wood screws, special glue, a screwdriver, and possibly dowels. When you insert the wooden arch into the door, check if everything is correct:

  • the arch should not look beyond the edges of the walls;
  • she should not hide behind the edge of the wall, everything becomes level.

Wooden arches between rooms should be installed so as not to damage their structure. It is necessary to screw the arch elements with self-tapping screws to the wall to strengthen the structure. If empty spaces form, they can be puttied or foamed. But this will be a minus of the design.


Once the arch is installed, it's time to finish it properly. If you made the opening itself using drywall, then before installing the structure, it was worth covering it with wallpaper or performing other cladding. The wooden type of arches must be varnished or painted. This way, you can protect the structure from aging and fading, and it will serve for many years.

At the end of the work, you need to check whether there are any disadvantages on the arch itself - dents, irregularities, chips. If they are found, they must be eliminated as much as possible using the finish that is selected. When you make an arch in a house or apartment, remember that the wooden type of openings will always be the best option, since it is environmentally friendly. The wear resistance and durability of wood makes it a very good option for indoor work.

Be careful at every moment when you make and install an arch with your own hands, and you will succeed. Good luck!

How to make a wooden arch for an arched door. I have already written about making an arch from plywood, but that option is intended for decorating an arched opening and is not suitable for hanging an arched door. For the job you will need at least a jigsaw and a screwdriver.

This arch was made for a double arched door. Marking the arch along the correct circle. Such a steep arch is the most difficult option; it is rarely used. Typically, arches and arched doors are made more flat. This arch is 1500 mm wide. along the inner edge, respectively, the radius is 750 mm. . Arch depth 160 mm. , it is made according to the thickness of the wall. The thickness of all parts of the arched box is 40 mm. , the height of the entire arch assembly is 2300 mm. .

These dimensions refer specifically to this arch, and are not particularly important. Is that the thickness of the parts is 40 mm. , I think this is optimal, an arched vault of such thickness can withstand decent loads. To work, you will need planed boards, it is advisable that the boards be calibrated on a surface planer, in other words, they are the same thickness.

The principle of making an arched lintel is simple and as old as time. A large part is assembled from a certain number of small parts. In this case, the arch is assembled from pre-cut bars along the arc. The length of the workpieces can also be different, for example from 400 mm. up to 800 mm. . But the longer you take the blanks, the larger the width of the board should be.

Let's start from the beginning as they say. First we need to decide on the markings of the arch. The arch markings must be made in full size on any flat surface. I used a piece of fiberboard and outlined the entire arch with a radius of 750 mm. and immediately drew an arc with a radius of 790 mm. , i.e. I also marked the thickness of the arched lintel. While I was preparing the parts, a piece of fiberboard with markings lay on my table. I have some work experience, so I didn’t saw off fiberboard. If you have little experience, then it is better to cut out an arc according to the markings; it is much more convenient to work with a cut template. Of course, these dimensions are only needed as an example; you need to mark the arch according to your opening.

We've made the markings, let's move on. Now we will prepare the bars for assembling the arc of the arch. We make the workpiece like this: We attach the template to the board and draw out the upper and lower arc, and then cut out the part with an electric jigsaw. You need to cut as accurately as possible, especially for the underside of the arc. I immediately processed and sanded the prepared parts. If possible, you can use a hand router and make parts using a copy machine. The inner part of the arc is the front side, we will varnish it. The top edge can be cut out approximately; we will not process it.

Next we assemble the first row of bars. We assemble the bars according to the template, one to one for the entire width of the arch. We adjust the ends of the parts to each other as accurately as possible. We prepare the second row of the arch in the same way, but the bars should be laid with an offset of approximately half the part, as the bricks are laid. When the bars for the second row are prepared, we begin assembling the arch.

We take a block of the second row, apply glue to the bottom layer, lay it on the marked place and screw it with self-tapping screws. There are four self-tapping screws for each block, so that they grab the two lower parts; we must recess the caps. Next, take the next block (you need to number them in advance), smear the bottom face and ends with glue and also tighten them with self-tapping screws. So let's complete the entire second row. Try to very accurately align the parts along the lower edges, the final result of the work depends on this.

On this arch I had four rows of bars; to prepare the arch segments I used 40 mm thick boards. , the depth turned out to be 160 mm. . You can add as many of these rows as you need. I don't see any restrictions here. The arc of the arch turns out to be quite strong and does not require any kind of fastening.

And the last important stage, the inside of the arch must be thoroughly sanded. If all the parts are well adjusted in advance, then only small inconsistencies between the rows will remain to be sanded. To do this, you can use a sander or a sanding attachment for a drill. Of course, it doesn’t take fifteen seconds to do the work, but it’s worth it. As a result, you will get an arched vault made of solid wood.

This arch is made for double door, so on the bottom edge I also went through a quarter with a router. Then the upper arched lintel is joined to the vertical bars of the box. You need to adjust the ends and screw the box with self-tapping screws. Additionally, I placed two dowels at the upper ends of the vertical bars, and drilled sockets at the ends of the arched lintel accordingly.
Continuation, interior.

For the top of the arch you need an arched frame. It can be cut from boards 12 mm thick. according to the template. Just make the template not 40 mm. , and 60-70 mm. . If one board is not enough for the platband, then it can be joined in the center, and the joint can be covered with a small figured overlay. If you have any questions, ask, I look at the comments.

Arch - popular view decoration, since antiquity it has been used to decorate openings, gazebos and paths in the garden. Inside the room, arches visually expand the space, making rooms more spacious and brighter. This element gives the interior uniqueness; it allows you to hide the shortcomings of the home and divide it into several zones. The curved vault of arched structures can withstand significant loads.

Decorative arches largely determined the appearance of buildings Ancient Rome, medieval buildings of Europe and masterpieces of ancient Russian architecture. In a word, they have been used in literally every historical period.

Wooden arches can be made to order, but they can also be easily made with your own hands. You will get it no worse than in the photo below. Next we will look at this process in detail.


The first step is to decide on the material from which the structure will be made. Interior vaults are most often made of oak, ash, pine, larch, mahogany and other species. Each of the materials has its own characteristics.

The main advantages of pine are its shades (from pink to dark red). This is a durable but quite elastic material. Pine blanks have an affordable price; this type of wood is resistant to rotting.

Oak and beech are the most durable materials. They are suitable for rooms with high humidity, although they can be used anywhere if the decoration has something similar in texture and style.

Mahogany looks elegant and expensive; due to its high price, it is rarely used in residential buildings. With a modest budget, an arch in a wooden house can be made of chipboard.

Having decided on the material, you need to choose the size and shape of the decoration. This entirely depends on the type of furniture and design of the room or hall.

Designers identify the following forms of decorative arches:

  • classic (semicircle or arc);
  • “modern” (vault flattened at the top);
  • ellipse;
  • trapezoid (a structure made of straight boards with sewn corners).

There are also exclusive solutions - “portals”, “transoms” and so on. Each of these forms has its own nuances of use.

The classic version (see photo) will suit almost any room. These are ideal arches for doorways with a height of 2.5 m. “Modern” - a vault in the shape of a regular oval, on the contrary, is installed in wide places.

Ellipse is ideal for doorways small height, and the trapezoid is almost universal (this is the simplest form from a production point of view).

Wooden arches allow you to decorate them with additional elements: side shelves and various decorative elements - candlesticks, pendants, lamps, and so on.


Structurally, a wooden arch consists of a set of small parts - beams, which are cut along an arc. The length of the blanks can vary between 40-80 cm. The longer curved beam, the wider it should be.

Production consists of three simple stages: creating a drawing and cutting out a template, cutting bars and assembly, and final finishing.

To work you will need the following tools and materials:

  • planed boards of equal thickness (about 4 cm);
  • compass
  • level;
  • pencil;
  • screwdriver and screws;
  • drywall;
  • roulette;
  • perforator;
  • jigsaw;

Step one: create the vault of the arch

We will make an interior wooden arch from pine boards. First, let's calibrate the material using a rimming machine. Next, we will cut the board into 3 cm thick planks, which we will also run through the frame. After this, we will cut the finished planks into required quantity bars (their size will be equal to the width of the opening).

Let's draw an arched vault using a large compass (you can use two large slats and a nail instead), its radius should be 1-2 cm less than the radius of the opening. If this is your first time making an arch yourself, you should choose the gentlest possible bend. The steeper the arc, the more difficult it is to create the desired structure. When developing a drawing, you should also take into account that the distance from the top edge of the decoration to the ceiling cannot be less than 30 cm. Based on the drawing, a plasterboard template is made.

Lubricate the sides of each bar with glue and lay them out along the radius of the template (the bars must be joined; to simplify the work, they can be pre-numbered). This preparation should be left for one day. When the glue dries, remove the arch from the template and strengthen it reverse side using glue and fabric. This will give our product additional strength. The front side needs to be processed grinder, after placing it back into the template.

Step two: make the arched casing and side posts

Cut the board into small pieces. Lay them out so that they coincide with the radius of the arch, then connect them together with glue and leave to dry for one day. After this, the glued platband can be sanded, it front side should be processed with a milling cutter.

To make side posts, make a harness hand cutter. Create panels, insert them into the harness and glue them well. Then all that remains is to fasten the vertical trim to the stand and glue the edging from the three finished parts.

Step three: final processing and assembly of the arch

The parts of the structure that are ready for assembly must be sanded again. This will hide the joints to create the illusion of a solid arch. After sanding, the parts can be coated with paint or varnish. When the coating has dried, you can begin installing our product in the opening. First, the arched part is installed, then the side posts are mounted, and the lining is installed at the joints between them.

Do you dream without special costs decorate the interior of your home? Then use a popular and at the same time ancient method of decorating a doorway - an arch. When choosing a material for its manufacture, many choose wood. This classic version is able to add a touch of grace and nobility to any room. In addition, such an arch is not at all difficult to make with your own hands, having minimal skills construction work. Let's talk in more detail about this process.

First of all, decide on the type wood material for finishing the arch. Experts advise choosing MDF boards ( fibreboard medium density). They have the following advantages:
  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to fungi;
  • strength;
  • great appearance(imitation wood);
  • unpretentiousness in the process of work;
  • low cost.

The following types of materials are also in demand:

  • chipboards (chipboard);
  • veneer;
  • laminate.
Choose the shape of the arched opening, taking into account its size and personal wishes. The main options are:
  1. Classic arches are the most popular option. The reason is that they match any interior and various materials. Fits well into narrow openings of small apartments.
  2. A romantic design style is a more original solution with the ability to maintain the width of the doorway.
  3. Modern arches – emphasized unusual style interior They have unlimited scope for imagination, because... are performed on openings with a large radius and can be of various shapes.
Work on creating an arch begins with measuring the doorway (width, height, etc.) and marking the arc of the arch. For the last steps you will need a large compass. If you don't have one, make one using two slats and nails. Mark the arch with a compass. Work on a flat surface so that the template sheet lies flat. The main thing is to leave a small margin (a few cm) in width and height. Important: the more regular the circumference of the arch, the steeper the radius of its bend. This kind of work will be quite difficult, so beginners are advised to make the arch flatter.

For example, we have the following measurements of a doorway:

  • width – 1 m;
  • height – 2.1 m;
  • wall thickness – 0.16 m.

We get an arch that will be slightly smaller than the opening:

  • height – 2.8 m;
  • width – 0.97 cm;
  • arch depth – 0.16 m;
  • radius is 0.75 m, but can be arbitrary.
The arch of a classic semicircular shape consists of three main parts - an arched arc and two vertical side posts. Therefore, the next and most difficult stage for beginning craftsmen is preparing the bars to create the arc of the future arch.

The process itself is simple:

  1. Attach the prepared template to the board. Draw two arcs on it - upper and lower.
  2. Divide the arc into two equal parts. Then, using the template, draw the four elements of each half-arc. The number of parts depends on the width of the board, so half an arc can consist of more elements.
  3. Cut out the marked elements using an electric jigsaw.
  4. Sand the resulting parts with sandpaper.
Assemble the arch arch:
  • Using the same template, assemble the first row of bars.
  • The elements of the second row are attached to the first using self-tapping screws, and the joints are coated with glue. The principle of their assembly has a nuance - each of the bars is shifted by half of the part.
  • Connect the two assembled half-arcs together. Use cross bars for fastening.
  • Sand the inside of the arch and the joints between the rows.
At the final stage of work, cut out the vertical bars of the box with a height equal to the height of the opening. Their width in our case is 160 mm.

Assemble the arch:

  • Coat the outside of the arc with silicone and insert it into the doorway.
  • Measure the distance from the floor to the beginning of the arc. If the side parts are higher, trim them.
  • Attach the side posts to the wall and secure them with silicone or foam.

If all the work on building an arch is done slowly, carefully and carefully, then even a novice master can create a masterpiece in the form of an arched opening at home.


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