Pension funds ratings. Rating of non-state pension funds

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There are a lot of non-state pension funds (NPFs) competing with each other in our country, so it can be difficult for the average person to navigate. All these structures work with several companies, information is available, risks are considered minimal, and various additional services are provided. The choice is also complicated by the periodic appearance of false financial structures of this type and various reforms and innovations. In order to somehow decide, the rating of non-state pension funds is most often used, which determines the leaders in terms of profitability, stability, and reviews.

By what indicators is the NPF rating determined?

The rating is important not only for potential investors, but also for the founders, who take its indicators into account when developing a strategy. The data is analyzed every year; the most popular analytical resources on the Internet are the websites of the Russian Agency (RA) and the National Rating Agency (NRA). Here you can determine what positions a particular NPF occupies in terms of financial volume, profitability, stability and reliability, and find out the opinions of other users.

Profitability is called an “indicator of investment efficiency.” But when choosing, you need to evaluate data for 5-6 years and compare them with the inflation rate. If information about the chosen structure is not publicly available, it is worth looking for another option.

In addition to profitability such an indicator as reliability is important. Having a reliability rating is also important for the fund, as it helps attract new clients. RA data can be completely trusted, since this agency is accredited by the Ministry of Finance and recognized by the Bank of Russia.

However, all information must be studied very carefully, since a high profitability rating of a non-state pension fund is not always a guarantee of stability and reliability. Experts advise paying special attention to the reliability indicator. A striking example: “Education and Science” does not offer the highest income, but the “A” rating by RA indicates that this structure is capable of fulfilling obligations in almost any conditions.

The best option is the optimal balance of profitability, reliability and stability.

Some investors consider the amount of finances and savings to be the most important. In 2015, according to the first indicator, the leader was Gazfond, and according to the second, Lukoil-Garant, although their percentage of profitability cannot be called the highest.

NPF rating in 2016 by profitability and stability

The profitability of non-state pension funds this year (2016) varies in a fairly wide range: from 12.43% (European) to 2.97% (First National Pension Fund). The top five in terms of profitability are:

  • European ( 12,43% );
  • Defense Industrial Fund ( 11,94% );
  • Ural Financial House ( 11,38% );
  • Education and Science ( 11,08% );
  • NPF Education ( 10,99% ).

List of leaders in reliability (A++):

  • Welfare;
  • Promagrofund NPF;
  • KITFinance;
  • European;
  • GAZFOND pension savings;
  • Sberbank NPF

If you pay attention to both indicators, the list will be as follows:

  • 1 place– Gazfond pension savings;
  • 2nd place– Welfare;
  • 3rd place— European;
  • 4th place– KITFinance;
  • 5th place— Education and science.

It should be noted that Sberbank, KITFinance and European have occupied the top positions in the lists for several years in a row.

When analyzing information from rating tables, it should be taken into account that most often only the best structures are displayed in them. It is also important to know that participation in any rating is voluntary, so there are funds that for some reason do not provide data. Exception— NPF rating based on reviews on the Internet. Most of all, investors trust Gazfond, European Pension Fund, Lukoil-Garant (does not cooperate with rating agencies), KITfinance and Education.

Assessment of NPFs by the Central Bank

The National Bank approaches rating determination differently. The main indicators are the volume of own funds and the presence of a guarantee (insurance) system. Information is collected constantly and summarized for the quarter, six months and year.

According to the National Bank, the best pension fund for several years in a row is Sberbank. In second place is Doverie, in third place is European, in fourth place is Stalfond, and in fifth place is Lukoil-Garant. All these structures are ahead of inflation in terms of income for investors, and profits are stable.

Criteria for choosing a non-state pension fund

When choosing, you need to focus on several indicators. First of all, you need to make sure of reliability, read reviews, compare income. The following data is also important:

  • work period;
  • number of clients;
  • profitability for the entire period of existence;
  • information in the press and the Internet;
  • volume of reserves and pension savings;
  • volume of authorized capital;
  • the amount of contributions and pensions paid;
  • Availability of a license, charter and rules in the public domain.

It should also be noted that you can transfer to another agency only once a year.

When choosing a non-state fund to create pension savings, you need to focus on its reliability, stability and profitability. The rating of Russian NPFs in terms of reliability and profitability according to 2015-2016 statistics can help you decide.

It is worth saying that the highest-yielding funds are not always the most popular or reliable. For example, in 2016, the most attractive conditions were offered by NPF Imperia. The return on savings is almost 24%. But experts from the specialized agency Expert RA revoked his remote reliability rating back in 2008. Also not included in the rating is NPF Sberfond, but the return on savings in it is 23%. But the Education and Science fund, the profitability of savings in which exceeds 21%, was assigned an “A” rating. This means that while maintaining conditions of external stability, the fund will fulfill its obligations. At the same time, the forecast for it is stable. This means that with a high degree of probability everything will remain this way in the medium term.

If you choose the 5 best non-state pension funds, then you need to pay attention to the ratio of reliability and profitability. The main five looks like this.

  1. NPF JSC "European Pension Fund". According to the regulator’s calculations, it provides 20.64% income on invested pension savings, and it has been assigned an A++ rating. Even with unfavorable changes in the situation in the country, it can be assumed with a high degree of probability that it will continue to work normally.
  2. NPF CJSC "Promagrofond". The return on investment in it is 17.32% with a stable A++ reliability rating.
  3. JSC NPF (TNK) "Vladimir" offers a slightly lower yield - 15.03%, but it is reliable. According to expert assessment, it has a confirmed A++ rating.
  4. NPF OJSC Khanty-Mansiysk in 2016 accrued income of about 19.46% per annum. At the same time, experts assigned it an A+ rating. This means that even in unfavorable conditions, it remains likely that he will continue to fulfill his obligations.
  5. JSC NPF “Doverie” showed 19.01% profitability. At the same time, it was assigned an A+ rating.

For those who are more interested not in the profitability of the fund, but in the volume of its finances, NPF Gazfond will seem more interesting. Based on the results at the end of 2016, it was the leader in terms of property volume. But at the same time, its profitability is not high - just over 10%. Statistics show that in terms of the volume of savings in 2016, Lukoil-Garant NPF was in the lead. But in June 2015, his rating was withdrawn due to the fact that its validity period had expired, and the company refused to update it.

In terms of the volume of reserves in Russia at the end of the past year, NPF Gazfond was also in the lead. But in terms of the number of insured persons, OJSC NPF Lukoil-Garant was in first place - at the end of 2016 there were almost 2.5 million. In terms of the number of clients who became participants in non-state pension provision, NPF Blagosostoyanie is in the lead - their number exceeded 1,198 million. These non-state pension funds have held the first position for 2 years, despite the relatively low profitability.

It is worth noting that at the beginning of 2017, the leading European Pension Fund in terms of profitability was only in 15th place in terms of savings volume, and in 26th place in terms of property volume. In terms of the number of persons insured in it, it was only able to reach 20th place. The situation is slightly better for the second most profitable company this year, NPF Promagrofond CJSC. In terms of the number of insured participants, it took 4th place, and in terms of the volume of pension savings – 9th. Assessing the size of the property, experts ranked Promagnofond in 13th place.

When choosing, you can focus on the popularity of the fund, the number of its participants, and the level of reliability and profitability.

NPF name Rating Forecast Profitability of investing pension savings since the beginning of the year
"Electric power industry" withdrawn
"LUKOIL-GARANT" withdrawn
"Diamond Autumn" A+ stable 14.69
"Promagrofond" A++ stable 19.63
"Sberbank" A++ stable 12.70
"Khanty-Mansiysk" A+ stable 18.63
"Vladimir" A++ stable 13.28
Raiffeisen A++ stable 11.54
"First Russian" B+ negative 6.63
"BIG" A++ stable 11.98
"Telecom-Soyuz" withdrawn
"Blagovest" B++ negative 4.50
"Prosperity" withdrawn
"Atomgarant" A++ stable 11.51
"WELL-BEING" A++ stable 0.00
"Confidence" withdrawn
"Education and Science" A stable 19.04
"GAZFOND" A++ stable 0.00
"National" A++ stable 13.31
"StalFond" A+ stable 4.86
"First National" B+ negative 6.45
"Confidence" A+ stable 27.08
"Society" A+ stable 13.34
"NEFTEGARANT" A++ stable 0.00
"Transneft" A++ stable 12.83
"Defense-Industrial Fund named after. V.V. Livanova" A stable 11.65
"URALSIB" A+ stable 9.25
"European" A++ stable 23.29
"Volga-Capital" A+ stable 14.82
"WELL-BEING EMANCY" A++ stable 0.00
"RGS" A++ stable 9.60
"KITFinance" A++ stable 15.63
"Education" withdrawn
"Alliance" A+ stable 15.78
"FUTURE" A+ stable 6.07
"LUKOIL-GARANT" withdrawn
"Surgutneftegaz" A++ stable 13.91
"Agreement" withdrawn
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In 2015, all future pensioners had to decide on the fate of the funded part of their pension. The government decided not to extend the right of citizens to choose for 2016, which caused a real stir. Many citizens were in a hurry to transfer their funds to non-state funds.

Pension funds have become leaders in attracting new clients Sberbank, Agreement And Confidence. Currently, about 30 million Russians (more than a third of the working-age population) have transferred the funded part of their pension to non-state pension funds. This, by the way, is a kind of voting by the most capable citizens on the issue of funded pensions.

Attention, the website contains a more recent NPF Rating 2017

The general distribution of insured citizens by NPF as of June 2016 is as follows:

Table 1

License NPF name Growth

Number of insured
September 2016, persons

1 41/2 Sberbank NPF 301% 4 250 902
2 431 Future (Stalfond) NPF 3 726 315
3 432 Lukoil-Garant NPF 35% 3 339 958
4 407/2 RGS NPF 70% 2 841 984
5 67/2 SAFMAR (European) NPF 2 266 789
6 408/2 KIT Finance NPF 7% 2 119 340
7 28/2 Promagrofond NPF 4% 1 802 506
8 318/2 Trust of NPF 269% 1 481 530
9 430 83% 1 340 993
10 269/2 VTB pension fund 24% 1 329 837
11 3/2 Electric power industry NPF -2% 1 072 896
12 434 Consent of NPF 470% 1 003 525
13 1/2 Legacy of NPF -22% 795 174
14 78/2 Big NPF -9% 429 475
15 288/2 National Non-State Pension Fund -5% 308 146
16 320/2 Society NPF -12% 243 597
17 281/2 Magnet NPF 15% 240 300
18 56/2 Khanty-Mansiysk NPF -2% 134 778
19 361/2 UralSib NPF 81% 107 275
20 308/2 Social development of NPF -26% 103 377
21 237/2 Trust (Orenburg) NPF -11% 95 371
22 412 Education NPF -58% 90 254
23 436 Neftegarant NPF -6% 70 801
24 378/2 UMMC-Perspective 9% 70 741
25 347/2 -14% 69 456
26 346/2 Transneft NPF -5% 46 118
27 175/2 Stroykompleks NPF -5% 43 836
28 377/2 Volga-Capital NPF -29% 41 139
29 433 Surgutneftegaz NPF 85% 36 234
30 359/2 -13% 35 397
31 23/2 Diamond Autumn NPF -10% 32 828
32 12/2 Hephaestus NPF -27% 25 757
33 57/2 Vladimir NPF -30% 20 803
34 94/2 Telecom-Soyuz NPF -13% 18 194
35 106/2 -17% 12 268
36 158/2 Rostvertol NPF -14% 10 008
37 360/2 Professional NPF -18% 6 553
38 415 Alliance NPF -8% 701

Note: The table takes into account only the number of people insured under compulsory pension insurance (OPI).

The gain was not calculated for funds that went through a merger.

As can be seen from the table, not all funds have increased the number of clients. Many of them experienced significant churn.

It is interesting to compare the number of people insured under compulsory pension insurance with fund management indicators, and at the same time compare with the 2015 NPF Rating.

What has changed in 2016?

First of all, citizens no longer have the opportunity to transfer the funded part of their pension from the Russian Pension Fund to Non-State Pension Funds.

The flow of new funds into the funded part of the pension remains frozen. Let us recall that the funded pension system was first frozen in 2014. Unfortunately, the complexity of the economic situation in Russia does not allow us to hope that the situation with the funded part will change in the near future. Moreover, much suggests that this part of the pension will no longer be replenished at all. Thus, it is quite reasonable to treat funds in a non-state pension fund as a certain starting investment amount, which will increase only due to the results of the investments. This means that when choosing a fund, fairly high requirements for the quality of management must be made. In such a situation, it becomes even more important not to lose money due to annual inflation.

The difficulty of comparing fund management performance this year is due to the numerous merger processes that have not yet been completed. Let's say SPF SAFMAR united several funds at once: Trust, Education and Science, European, Regionfond and Raiffeisen. Another important merger - NPF Future. It united the NPF Blagosostoyanie and Stalfond. When analyzing these funds, we proceeded from the optimistic assumption that the management standards of OPS funds would correspond to the best performance of the funds included in the group. Therefore, to analyze the activities of NPF SAFMAR, we took the management statistics of NPF European. We took Stalfond statistics as historical data for NPF Future. Of course, this approach is not ideal, so we recommend treating funds that have undergone a merger with more caution.

Rating construction methodology

Therefore, the ranking formula is now based on the overall longest tenure since 2011 (6 years). Most of the funds operating and included in the guarantee system have such a history of work. In addition, this year’s rating formula takes into account profitability over the period of the last 3 years (since 2014).

Data on the results of NPF management were taken from the Central Bank website. Returns before 2011 were not taken into account. Atomfond NPF, AvtoVAZ NPF and Akvilon NPF were not included in the rating due to the lack of statistical data for the period 2011 - 2016.

It can be noted that the proposed comparison is essentially a rating of the profitability of non-state pension funds, that is, such an indicator as reliability was not taken into account in the formula at all. This is another difference from previously used methods. The fact is that since 2015, Russia has had a pension savings insurance system. The principle of its operation is similar to that used for bank deposits. The only difference is that NPFs do not insure the income part (accrued interest). In this regard, the NPF reliability rating no longer seems relevant.

NPF rating

table 2

License Name Rating
1 434 Consent of NPF 100
2 67/2 SAFMAR (European) NPF 97
3 320/2 Society NPF 95
4 318/2 Trust of NPF 92
5 377/2 Volga-Capital NPF 89
6 347/2 Defense Industrial Fund NPF 87
7 436 Neftegarant NPF 84
8 359/2 First industrial alliance NPF 82
9 3/2 Electric power industry NPF 79
10 23/2 Diamond Autumn NPF 76
11 408/2 KIT Finance NPF 74
12 407/2 RGS NPF 71
13 28/2 Promagrofond NPF 68
14 1/2 Legacy of NPF 66
15 378/2 UMMC-Perspective 39
16 269/2 VTB pension fund 0
17 361/2 UralSib NPF 0
18 41/2 Sberbank NPF 0
19 432 Lukoil-Garant NPF 0
20 430 Gazfond pension savings NPF 0
21 431 Future (Stalfond) NPF 0
22 106/2 Defense-industrial complex NPF 0
23 433 Surgutneftegaz NPF 0
24 237/2 Trust (Orenburg) NPF 0
25 78/2 Big NPF 0
26 288/2 National Non-State Pension Fund 0
27 281/2 Magnet NPF 0
28 412 Education NPF 0
29 308/2 Social development of NPF 0
30 56/2 Khanty-Mansiysk NPF 0
31 94/2 Telecom-Soyuz NPF 0
32 415 Alliance NPF 0
33 57/2 Vladimir NPF 0
34 12/2 Hephaestus NPF 0
35 360/2 Professional NPF 0
36 158/2 Rostvertol NPF 0
37 175/2 Stroykompleks NPF 0
38 346/2 Transneft NPF 0

Real yield shows the final result of management after subtracting inflation.

The top three included NPF Soglasie, SAFMAR And Society. It is quite close to them in terms of indicators NPF Trust. As you can see from Table 1, all of these funds (except for NPF Sotsium) are quite large - with the number of insured persons exceeding 1 million. NPF Sotsium has 243 thousand people. The funds were highly rated due to their consistently high level of returns over a 6-year and 3-year horizon. In this regard, NPF SAFMAP and Sotsium especially stand out. They are leaders in both intervals. The Soglasie fund showed the highest return over a period of 6 years - 12.4%. However, over a three-year period, this fund was not the leader in terms of profitability (but showed a return noticeably higher than inflation).

Interestingly, the leaders in terms of the number of insured persons are: NPF Sberbank And Future(Stalfond) received a zero point because the results of their management are worse than inflation over all periods of time considered. It can be noted that even the state-owned VEB showed better results at all time periods than Sberbank. The question arises: why was the savings part transferred there? Thus, the sharp increase in the number of people insured by Sberbank NPF is more likely the result of marketing than good management of savings.

In general, it is useful to compare the results of managing your non-state pension fund not only with inflation but also with the state fund (VEB). This gives a good picture

The “victim” of the application of the new technique was NPF Gazfond(leader of reviews and years). The fact is that the results of managing this NPF in 2014 and 2011 were rather weak and did not allow the NPF to bypass inflation either over a period of 6 years or over three years. This fund's significant reshuffle in the rankings is primarily due to the fact that its high historical returns were achieved through periods not included in the accounting (2009, 2007, 2005). Nevertheless, it seems correct to “cut off” difficult-to-verifiable data that is not present in the Central Bank’s statistics for all funds.

The results of NPF management by year can be found below. For all non-state pension funds, the real return was calculated (i.e., return minus inflation).

Table 3

License Name Real yield
6 years
Real yield
3 years
2016/9 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Inflation 4,05% 12,9% 11,4% 6,5% 6,6% 6,1%
VEB state securities 0,33% -1,60% 11,68%* 15,3% 0,0% 6,9% 8,5% 5,9%
VEB extended 1,06% -0,98% 11,54%* 13,2% 2,7% 6,7% 9,2% 5,5%
434 Consent of NPF 12,46% 1,14% 10,43% 9,13% 9,84% 8,92% 14,23% 7,63%
318/2 Trust of NPF 4,33% 0,78% 9,24% 12,27% 7,5% 7,4% 9,87% 5,71%
320/2 Society NPF 2,92% 3,62% 12,62% 12,43% 7,1% 8,5% 8,2% 1,87%
436 Neftegarant NPF 2,63% 1,38% 11,88% 10,57% 7,3% 8,0% 7,9% 4,58%
67/2 SAFMAR (European) NPF 1,79% 5,56% 10,41% 12,60% 11,1% 7,7% 7,8% 0,04%
377/2 Volga-Capital NPF 1,54% 4,41% 11,71% 13,69% 7,59% 8,96% 7,35% 0,13%
359/2 First industrial alliance NPF 1,40% 0,91% 13,43% 13,34% 2,73% 8,68% 8,35% 2,77%
347/2 Defense Industrial Fund NPF 0,61% 5,34% 14,52% 13,06% 6,48% 7,51% 6,99% 0,00%
3/2 Electric power industry NPF -0,76% 0,46% 11,17% 8,46% 9,0% 8,4% 7,8% 1,88%
433 Surgutneftegaz NPF -1,32% -0,12% 12,39% 12,94% 3,0% 7,6% 9,87% 0,66%
175/2 Stroykompleks NPF -1,52% -1,35% 9,28% 12,51% 5,01% 7,67% 7,28% 4,08%
158/2 Rostvertol NPF -1,74% -0,66% 10,80% 9,71% 6,95% 8,27% 6,90% 2,93%
78/2 Big NPF -2,69% -0,04% 10,70% 11,33% 6,15% 7,25% 7,67% 1,53%
432 Lukoil-Garant NPF -2,98% -1,68% 10,58% 8,96% 6,8% 8,9% 7,6% 1,45%
430 Gazfond pension savings NPF -3,02% -0,12% 11,62% 13,92% 2,8% 7,2% 7,7% 1,23%
23/2 Diamond Autumn NPF -3,54% 1,11% 14,05% 13,59% 2,15% 5,34% 7,20% 1,74%
408/2 KIT Finance NPF -3,58% 0,85% 12,16% 14,50% 2,8% 7,9% 6,70% 0,00%
407/2 RGS NPF -3,58% 0,46% 11,59% 9,56% 7,54% 6,22% 7,99% 0,77%
269/2 VTB pension fund -3,85% -0,15% 13,00% 10,76% 4,4% 5,9% 8,7% 0,73%
56/2 Khanty-Mansiysk NPF -3,86% -0,68% 11,72% 15,84% 0,44% 6,61% 6,80% 2,39%
57/2 Vladimir NPF -4,06% -0,89% 9,96% 11,92% 5,40% 7,46% 7,45% 0,96%
281/2 Magnet NPF -4,12% -7,13% 11,85% 7,74% 0,86% 13,30% 9,74% 0,00%
237/2 Trust (Orenburg) NPF -4,32% -1,80% 11,22% 9,60% 5,4% 8,4% 8,30% 0,00%
412 Education NPF -4,58% -4,16% 8,23% 9,43% 5,91% 8,39% 9,58% 0,95%
12/2 Hephaestus NPF -4,96% -0,02% 11,48% 16,65% 0,62% 7,37% 6,62% 0,00%
361/2 UralSib NPF -5,27% -0,95% 14,70% 10,69% 2,1% 7,1% 7,5% 0,04%
1/2 Legacy of NPF -5,49% 0,08% 12,02% 16,93% 0,0% 6,6% 6,7% 0,00%
28/2 Promagrofond NPF -5,86% 2,95% 14,23% 16,34% 1,4% 4,5% 3,55% 1,80%
378/2 UMMC-Perspective -6,05% -0,46% 13,07% 12,75% 2,19% 6,07% 6,80% 0,34%
346/2 Transneft NPF -6,27% -2,92% 9,85% 12,97% 2,38% 6,65% 7,16% 1,74%
106/2 Defense-industrial complex NPF -6,31% -1,92% 11,59% 12,87% 1,9% 7,0% 7,53% 0,00%
360/2 Professional NPF -6,53% -5,79% 10,44% 8,11% 3,27% 7,40% 7,07% 3,90%
415 Alliance NPF -6,88% -4,02% 12,01% 12,15% 0,00% 9,84% 6,37% 0,00%
41/2 Sberbank NPF -7,75% -2,95% 11,76% 10,70% 2,7% 7,0% 7,0% 0,00%
94/2 Telecom-Soyuz NPF -8,04% -4,58% 12,81% 8,42% 2,11% 5,74% 7,35% 2,25%
308/2 Social development of NPF -8,42% -3,30% 9,58% 14,49% 0,88% 6,90% 6,10% 0,55%
288/2 National Non-State Pension Fund -9,03% -4,03% 10,42% 11,90% 1,65% 4,94% 7,02% 1,65%
431 Future (Stalfond) NPF -10,50% -7,82% 3,87% 7,5% 8,0% 7,0% 6,1% 3,00%

Note: Data on VEB management for 2016 correspond to the first half of the year.

A complete table with fund management parameters for the period 2011 - 2016 is attached. The table includes the following information:

  • Standard deviation of NPF return (risk)
  • Annual real return over a period of 6 years
  • Annual real return over a period of 3 years
  • Number of insured 2014, 2015, 2016
  • Increase in the number of insured 2014-2016

Now more and more people are thinking about investing money in non-state pension funds. The rating of the 5 best funds in 2017 will help you understand which institution is more profitable and reliable to invest money in.

NPF is a special organizational and legal form for non-profit organizations responsible for social security (in addition to). There are several laws regulating the activities of such funds.

  1. This is Federal Law, issued in December 2001 No. 167-FZ.
  2. In addition, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides an important basis for carrying out activities.
  3. Specifically, the activities of non-state pension funds are described by Law No. 75 Federal Law.
  4. Finally, savings accounts (for) are maintained in accordance with law number 27-FZ “On individual (personalized) accounting in the compulsory pension insurance system.”

How do NPFs work?

Such an organization is practically no different from government structures. That is, he can do:

  • Payment of pensions.
  • Cash accounting.
  • Investing in shares and shares (like and), bonds (for example,) with a minimum.
  • Accumulation of capital to make payments after this point.

Commercial pension funds may fall into one of the following groups.

  1. Open or universal. They are not affiliated with any financial and industrial groups. Savings of depositors make up the majority of assets.
  2. Territorial. With the support of local authorities, they operate only on the territory of a single region.
  3. Corporate. Can work with founders' programs. The savings rate is growing.
  4. Captives. They also work with founder programs.

The best non-state pension funds in 2015-2016

Company founded in 1994. It ranks first in the ranking for a number of reasons.

  • It occupies about 14 percent of the market, serving up to three million three hundred thousand people.
  • Has savings in the amount of 149,289,065,000 rubles.
  • No claims of participation in financial fraud for a long period of work.
  • Received many awards

The website has a calculator that allows you to estimate future savings.

One of the most stable and reliable non-state pension funds in Russia. This is confirmed by the high A++ rating. It occupies one of the leading positions in terms of average annual profitability, which is 11.5-12 percent.

Another advantage of the fund is the opportunity for clients to gain access to a layout not only with the structure of placement of pension savings, but also of investment instruments that allow increasing the level of profitability.

Pension reserves now exceed the size of pension savings by more than three times. And the return on savings themselves consistently exceeds the inflation rate.

Leader of the list with an average annual return of up to 14 percent.

Clients receive the following benefits:

  1. Long and successful experience in the market.
  2. Individual investment program for each client.
  3. Individual approach with European service standards.

The Central Bank of Russia fully controls the activities of this NPF, which allows it to receive a high A++ rating.

NPF with a high level of reliability in A++. More than a million clients were satisfied with the services of this fund. What characterizes his activities in the best way.

The organization maintains strict reporting to its clients regarding the placement of pension savings. There are a number of programs not only for individual pension savings, but also for those who are interested in increasing business efficiency.

Retains the third position in reliability among organizations that have received a license. Serves more than two million customers. The total volume of savings reaches 72,281,723 rubles. Actively working throughout the country.

About compiling a rating scale

There is no need to create a separate classification for parameters such as number of clients or profitability. But there is also an abstract concept of “reliability”.

  • A++. This is a high level of reliability. It means that successful cooperation is guaranteed regardless of any market fluctuations.
  • A+. Very high level designation.
  • A is just a high level indicator.
  • B++ - this level is considered satisfactory.
  • B+ - the indicator is not very high. Problems are most likely to arise if there is a significant amount of money to be paid.
  • B - reliability is low.
  • C++ - for an extremely low level of reliability. There is a possibility that the license will be revoked and the fund will fail to fulfill its obligations.
  • C+ - this level is unsatisfactory. Such funds quickly lose their licenses.
  • C- there are situations where the NPF has not fulfilled its obligations.
  • D- for bankrupt companies.
  • E – the license has already been revoked, the organization itself has been declared bankrupt or liquidated.

How to become a client of a non-state pension fund?

For this purpose, an agreement is concluded with the NPF. But before concluding it, the visitor will have to choose a scheme not only for payments, but also for depositing funds into the account. It is imperative to decide on:

  1. Rules for terminating the contract and making changes.
  2. Payment of the state pension itself.
  3. Type of payments when the client reaches retirement age.
  4. Pension scheme and its components.
  5. The amount of money, the time it was deposited into the account.

A personal account is opened for the depositor when the agreement becomes valid. A joint purpose account is opened if the agreement is concluded by the employer. To conclude a contract, you need a very small package of documents:

  • Pensioner's ID.
  • Insurance certificate.
  • Passport, its first and second pages (if the document is expired, you will have to pay).

The Fund independently manages the money deposited into the account. Most treaties provide for a minimum level of income guaranteed to every citizen.

The fund will necessarily compensate for losses from its own funds, even if their investments do not pay off. This means that clients get their money back, in any case.

The investor can choose two payment options upon reaching retirement age:

  1. The whole amount at once.
  2. In installments that are paid every month.

However, such payments require a 13 percent tax. They are assessed on the income earned by the fund for the entire time the agreement was in force.

Information about savings and termination of the contract

Any client has the right to terminate the contract earlier than the period specified in it if the NPF is not satisfied for some reason. But each NPF has its own requirements in such situations.

You can change the management company in the form of a non-state pension fund once annually; this right is reserved for all citizens of the Russian Federation. But such a decision can be made no more than once a year.

If less time has passed since the contract, you will have to wait. Or you need to write a statement in which the client indicates why he decided to apply to another fund.

To find out the size of his savings, the client must contact representatives of the NPF itself, indicating his individual data.

Information can also be obtained via the Internet if there is no time or desire to personally visit the NPF office.

It is enough to register on the official website and get your personal account at your disposal.

A letter with individual data and calculations is sent by email. During a personal visit to a non-state pension fund, information is given to those who provide a passport and contract.

The government has once again decided to “freeze” the funded part of pensions, which will lead to a shortfall of 300 billion rubles by non-state pension funds (NPFs). This will affect their stability and popularity among people, but at the same time it makes it possible to identify the most reliable among them.

List of the 5 best NPF models according to the Central Bank

According to the joint assurances of the Central Bank, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Labor, they are developing the most effective models for managing savings, which should make any non-state fund independent of budget decisions.

In order not to be unfounded, the Russian National Bank will oblige NPFs to compensate people for losses from dishonest investment of money. That is, the Central Bank wants to eliminate the risks of investing in so-called friendly, related projects with low returns, which will bring profit to the Non-State Pension Fund itself and its associated structures, but the people who invested in them will not receive the funds. If such cases come to light, then any fund will have to pay for the fact that people's pensions are not in good hands. The Central Bank also constantly monitors the work of non-profit pension funds, which allows it to name the 5 best and worst organizations for each period of time.

So, according to the Central Bank, during 2015, the highest profitability was shown by NPF Doverie (27%), European Pension Fund (more than 23%), several more organizations earned more than 20% for their investors: Empire, Regionfond. Statistics also say that most non-state pension funds have had a stable year over the past year, showing profitability above inflation.

The worst indicator was shown by Uraloboronzavodsky, by August 2015 it had lost about 40% of its investments, for such indicators it was deprived of its license, the funds were transferred to the Pension Fund.

Rating of non-state pension funds by reliability

The most objective rating is considered to be one compiled by independent experts from various rating agencies (RAs). The most famous is Expert RA, the country's largest international agency with a 17-year history. It has long proven its objectivity and professionalism.

According to this organization’s estimates, the greatest reliability, based on a combination of different indicators, today is shown by NPF Blagosostoyanie, Promagrofond, European Pension Fund, KIT Finance, Sberbank NPF, as well as a number of other funds that have been assigned the highest rating A++. This means that even if Russia experiences even greater economic difficulties, this will not affect the work of these organizations, and they will continue to be able to show stability.

The RA expert checks all accredited pension funds, however, some non-state pension funds refuse to participate in this rating, for example, the Lukoil-Garant fund, which was traditionally included in the TOP in terms of reliability, but since mid-2015 it has decided not to confirm its indicators.

Non-state pension funds - reviews from investors

In addition to official statistics, the rating of non-profit PFs in the blogosphere (compiled based on reviews on the Internet) is interesting. This list is compiled based on thousands of references to NPFs. It should be noted that clients’ trust is experienced not only by market leaders, but also by fairly small funds, for example, the one most often mentioned on the Internet NPF Stalfond , which also has the most positive reviews. The first thing to note is that this organization is non-conflict.

But about a fairly large fund Electric power industry , are mentioned on the Internet quite rarely, and in most cases neutrally, but they almost never talk about it negatively, and reviews also indicate that the fund is quite non-conflict.

KIT Finance received quite good reviews and the conflict index is average. Lukoil-Garant cannot boast of a significant number of reviews on the network, most of them are neutral, although there are positive and negative reviews. Negative ones mainly include conflicts with employees of the organization, although their conflict index is average for the market.


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