List of diseases for obtaining a group. List of diseases, defects, irreversible morphological changes

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1. Malignant neoplasms (with metastases and relapses after radical treatment; metastases without an identified primary focus when treatment is ineffective; severe general condition after palliative treatment, incurability of the disease with severe symptoms of intoxication, cachexia and tumor disintegration).
2. Malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissues with severe symptoms of intoxication and severe general condition.
3. Inoperable benign neoplasms of the brain and spinal cord with persistent severe impairments of motor, speech, visual functions (severe hemiparesis, paraparesis, triparesis, tetraparesis, hemiplegia, paraplegia, triplegia, tetraplegia) and severe liquorodynamic disorders.
4. Absence of the larynx after its surgical removal.
5. Congenital and acquired dementia (severe dementia, severe mental retardation, profound mental retardation).
6. Diseases of the nervous system with a chronic progressive course, with persistent severe impairment of motor, speech, visual functions (severe hemiparesis, paraparesis, triparesis, tetraparesis, hemiplegia, paraplegia, triplegia, tetraplegia, ataxia, total aphasia).
7. Hereditary progressive neuromuscular diseases (pseudohypertrophic Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Werdnig-Hoffmann spinal amyotrophy), progressive neuromuscular diseases with impaired bulbar functions, muscle atrophy, impaired motor functions and (or) impaired bulbar functions.
8. Severe forms of neurodegenerative brain diseases (parkinsonism plus).
9. Complete blindness in both eyes if treatment is ineffective; a decrease in visual acuity in both eyes and in the better-seeing eye up to 0.03 with correction or a concentric narrowing of the field of vision in both eyes up to 10 degrees as a result of persistent and irreversible changes.
10. Complete deaf-blindness.
11. Congenital deafness with the impossibility of hearing endoprosthetics (cochlear implantation).
12. Diseases characterized by high blood pressure with severe complications from the central nervous system (with persistent severe impairment of motor, speech, visual functions), heart muscles (accompanied by circulatory failure of IIB - III degree and coronary insufficiency of III - IV functional class), kidneys (chronic renal failure stage IIB - III).
13. Coronary heart disease with coronary insufficiency of III - IV functional class of angina and persistent circulatory disorders of IIB - III degree.
14. Diseases of the respiratory system with a progressive course, accompanied by persistent respiratory failure of II - III degrees, in combination with circulatory failure of IIB - III degrees.
15. Liver cirrhosis with hepatosplenomegaly and portal hypertension of III degree.
16. Unremovable fecal fistulas, stomas.
17. Severe contracture or ankylosis of large joints of the upper and lower extremities in a functionally disadvantageous position (if endoprosthesis replacement is impossible).
18. End-stage chronic renal failure.
19. Unremovable urinary fistulas, stomas.
20. Congenital anomalies of the development of the musculoskeletal system with severe persistent impairment of the function of support and movement with the impossibility of correction.
21. Consequences of traumatic injury to the brain (spinal cord) with persistent severe impairment of motor, speech, visual functions (severe hemiparesis, paraparesis, triparesis, tetraparesis, hemiplegia, paraplegia, triplegia, tetraplegia, ataxia, total aphasia) and severe dysfunction of the pelvic organs.
22. Defects of the upper limb: amputation of the shoulder joint area, disarticulation of the shoulder, shoulder stump, forearm, absence of the hand, absence of all phalanges of four fingers of the hand, excluding the first, absence of three fingers of the hand, including the first.
23. Defects and deformations of the lower limb: amputation of the hip joint area, disarticulation of the thigh, femoral stump, lower leg, absence of the foot.



In accordance with the Federal Law "On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in
Russian Federation" Government of the Russian Federation


1. Approve the attached Rules for recognizing a person as disabled.

2. Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation
Federations with the participation of all-Russian public associations
disabled people to develop and, in agreement with the Ministry of Education and
science of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
Federations to approve the classifications and criteria used in
implementation of medical and social examination of citizens by federal
state institutions of medical and social examination.
3. Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation
Federations to provide clarification on issues related to the use of
Rules approved by this Resolution.
4. Recognize the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation as no longer in force
Federation of August 13, 1996 N 965 “On the procedure for recognizing citizens
disabled people" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N
34, art. 4127).

Chairman of the Government
Russian Federation

Government Decree
Russian Federation
dated February 20, 2006 N 95


(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/07/2008 N 247)

I. General provisions

1. These Rules are determined in accordance with Federal Law
"On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation" procedure and
conditions for recognizing a person as disabled. Recognition of a person (hereinafter - citizen)
disabled person is carried out by federal government agencies
medical and social examination: Federal Bureau of Medical and Social
examination (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Bureau), the main bureaus
medical and social examination (hereinafter referred to as the main bureaus), as well as the bureau
medical and social examination in cities and regions (hereinafter referred to as the bureau),
being branches of the main bureaus.
2. Recognition of a citizen as disabled is carried out when
medical and social examination based on a comprehensive assessment of the condition
of a citizen’s body based on an analysis of its clinical and functional,
social, everyday, professional, labor and psychological data
using classifications and criteria approved
Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian
3. Medical and social examination is carried out to establish the structure
and the degree of limitation of a citizen’s life activity (including
degree of limitation of ability to work) and its
rehabilitation potential.
4. Specialists of the bureau (main bureau, Federal Bureau) are obliged
familiarize the citizen (his legal representative) with the procedure and
conditions for recognizing a citizen as disabled, and also provide explanations
citizens on issues related to the determination of disability.

II. Conditions for recognizing a citizen as disabled

5. The conditions for recognizing a citizen as disabled are:
a) health impairment with persistent impairment of body functions,
caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects;
b) limitation of life activity (complete or partial loss
citizen's ability or ability to exercise
self-service, move independently, navigate,
communicate, control your behavior, study or practice
labor activity);
c) the need for social protection measures, including rehabilitation.
6. The presence of one of the conditions specified in paragraph 5 of these Rules does not
is a sufficient basis for recognizing a citizen as disabled.

7. Depending on the degree of disability,
caused by a persistent disorder of body functions that arose in
as a result of diseases, consequences of injuries or defects, a citizen,
recognized as disabled, group I, II or III is established
disability, and for a citizen under the age of 18 - category
"disabled child".
8. When a citizen is assigned a disability group at the same time
determined in accordance with classifications and criteria,
provided for in paragraph 2 of these Rules, the degree of limitation thereof
ability to work (III, II or I degree
restrictions) or the disability group is established without restrictions
ability to work.
9. Disability of group I is established for 2 years, groups II and III -
for 1 year.
The degree of limitation of the ability to work (lack of
restrictions on the ability to work) is established on
the same period as the disability group.
10. The category “disabled child” is established for 1 or 2 years, or
until the citizen reaches the age of 18.
11. If a citizen is recognized as disabled by the date of establishment
disability is considered the day the bureau receives a citizen’s application for
conducting a medical and social examination.
12. Disability is established until the 1st day of the month following
month for which the next medical and social examination is scheduled
examination of a citizen (re-examination).
13. Citizens are assigned a disability group without specifying a period
re-examination, and for citizens under 18 years of age -
category "disabled child" until the citizen reaches the age of 18:
no later than 2 years after the initial recognition as disabled (establishment
category "disabled child") of a citizen with diseases,
defects, irreversible morphological changes, dysfunction
organs and systems of the body according to the list according to the appendix;
no later than 4 years after the initial recognition of a citizen as disabled
(establishing the category “disabled child”) if identified
impossibility of eliminating or reducing during implementation
rehabilitation measures degree of disability
citizen caused by persistent irreversible morphological
changes, defects and dysfunctions of organs and systems
body (except for those specified in the appendix to these

Establishing a disability group without specifying a period
re-examination (category "disabled child" until reaching
a citizen of 18 years of age) can be carried out during the initial
"disabled child") on the grounds specified in paragraphs two and
third of this paragraph, in the absence of positive results
rehabilitation measures carried out to the citizen before his
referrals for medical and social examination. In this case, it is necessary
so that in the direction for medical and social examination issued
to a citizen by an organization providing him with treatment and prophylactic
help and referred him for a medical and social examination, or to
medical documents in case of referral of a citizen to
medical and social examination in accordance with paragraph 17 of these
The rules contained data on the absence of positive results
such rehabilitation measures.
Citizens who contact the bureau independently in accordance with
paragraph 19 of these Rules, disability group without specifying a period
re-examination (category "disabled child" until reaching
citizen aged 18 years) can be established during the initial
recognizing a citizen as disabled (establishing a category
"disabled child") in the absence of positive results
assigned to him in accordance with the specified paragraph of rehabilitation
(Clause 13 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/07/2008 N 247)
13.1. Citizens who are classified as “disabled children”, according to
upon reaching the age of 18 years are subject to re-examination
in the manner established by these Rules. At the same time, calculus
terms provided for in paragraphs two and three of clause 13 of these
Rules, is carried out from the date of establishment of the disability group
for the first time after reaching the age of 18.

(clause 13.1 introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/07/2008 N 247)
14. If a citizen is recognized as disabled as a reason
disability is indicated by general illness, work injury,
occupational disease, disability since childhood, disability since
childhood due to injury (concussion, mutilation) associated with combat
actions during the Great Patriotic War, war trauma,
illness acquired during military service, disability,
associated with the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the consequences
radiation impacts and direct participation in activities
special risk units, as well as other reasons established
legislation of the Russian Federation.
In the absence of documents confirming the fact of professional
illness, work injury, war injury or other
circumstances provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation,
causing disability, as a cause of disability
a general illness is indicated. In this case, the citizen finds himself
assistance in obtaining these documents. When presented to the bureau
relevant documents the cause of disability changes from the date
submission of these documents without additional examination
disabled person

III. The procedure for referring a citizen
for medical and social examination

15. The citizen is sent for a medical and social examination

organization providing treatment and preventive care, regardless
from its organizational and legal form, the body implementing
pension provision, or the social protection body.
16. An organization providing medical and preventive care,
sends the citizen for a medical and social examination after
carrying out the necessary diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation
measures if there is data confirming a persistent violation
body functions caused by diseases, consequences of injuries
or defects.
At the same time, in the direction for a medical and social examination, the form
which is approved by the Ministry of Health and Social
development of the Russian Federation, data on the state of
health of a citizen, reflecting the degree of dysfunction of organs and
systems, the state of the body’s compensatory capabilities, as well as
results of the rehabilitation measures carried out.
17. The body providing pension provision, as well as the body
social protection of the population has the right to direct to medical and social
examination of a citizen who has signs of limitation
life activity and in need of social protection, if they have
him of medical documents confirming dysfunction
the body due to diseases, consequences of injuries or defects.
Form of the corresponding referral for medical and social examination,
issued by the body providing pensions, or
body of social protection of the population, approved by the Ministry

18. Organizations providing medical and preventive care, bodies,
providing pensions, as well as social authorities
protection of the public are responsible for the accuracy and completeness
information specified in the referral for medical and social examination, in
in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
19. If an organization providing treatment and prophylactic
assistance, the body providing pensions, or the body
social protection of the population denied a citizen a referral to
medical and social examination, he is issued a certificate based on
which a citizen (his legal representative) has the right to apply
at the office yourself.
Bureau specialists conduct an examination of the citizen and, based on its results,
draw up a program for additional examination of the citizen and
carrying out rehabilitation measures, after which
are considering whether he has any disabilities.

IV. The procedure for conducting medical and social

citizen examination

20. Medical and social examination of a citizen is carried out in the bureau for
place of residence (at the place of stay, at the location
pension file of a disabled person who left for permanent residence for
limits of the Russian Federation).
21. In the main bureau, a medical and social examination of a citizen is carried out
in case of appeal against the decision of the bureau, as well as in the direction of the bureau to
cases requiring special types of examination.
22. In the Federal Bureau, medical and social examination of a citizen
carried out in the event of an appeal by him against the decision of the main bureau, as well as on
referral to the main bureau in cases requiring particularly complex
special types of examination.
23. Medical and social examination can be carried out at home if
if a citizen cannot appear at the bureau (main bureau, Federal
bureau) for health reasons, as confirmed by the conclusion
organization providing treatment and preventive care, or in
hospital where the citizen is undergoing treatment, or in absentia by decision
the relevant bureau.
24. Medical and social examination is carried out at the request of a citizen
(his legal representative).
The application is submitted to the bureau in writing with an attachment
referral for medical and social examination issued by the organization,
providing treatment and preventive care (the body implementing
pension provision, social protection body), and
medical documents confirming health impairment.
25. Medical and social examination is carried out by specialists of the bureau
(main bureau, Federal Bureau) by examining a citizen,
studying the documents presented to him, analyzing social and everyday life,
professional, labor, psychological and other data of the citizen.
26. When conducting a medical and social examination of a citizen,
27. In conducting a medical and social examination of a citizen according to
invitation from the head of the bureau (main bureau, Federal Bureau)
Representatives may participate in an advisory capacity
state extra-budgetary funds, the Federal Labor Service and
employment, as well as specialists of the relevant profile (hereinafter -
28. The decision to recognize a citizen as disabled or to refuse
recognition of him as disabled is adopted by a simple majority of votes
specialists who carried out the medical and social examination, based on
discussing the results of his medical and social examination.
The decision is announced to the citizen who has undergone medical and social examination.
examination (to his legal representative), in the presence of all
specialists who conducted medical and social examinations, who
If necessary, provide clarification on it.
29. Based on the results of a medical and social examination of a citizen
an act is drawn up and signed by the manager
the relevant bureau (main bureau, Federal Bureau) and
by the specialists who made the decision, and then certified with a seal.
Conclusions of consultants involved in medical and social work
examination, list of documents and basic information that served
basis for making a decision are entered into the medical and social certificate
expertise of a citizen or are attached to it.
The procedure for drawing up and form of the medical and social examination report
citizens are approved by the Ministry of Health and Social

The storage period for a citizen’s medical and social examination report is
10 years.
30. When conducting a medical and social examination of a citizen, in the main
available documents are sent to the main office within 3 days from
the day of the medical and social examination at the bureau.
When conducting a medical and social examination of a citizen in the Federal
bureau act of medical and social examination of a citizen with the attachment of all
available documents are sent to the Federal Bureau within 3 days
from the date of the medical and social examination at the main bureau.
31. In cases requiring special types of examination of a citizen in
in order to establish the structure and degree of disability
(including the degree of limitation of ability to work
activities), rehabilitation potential, as well as obtaining other
additional information, a program of additional
examination, which is approved by the head of the relevant
bureau (main bureau, Federal Bureau). Specified program
is brought to the attention of the citizen undergoing medical and social
examination, in a form accessible to him.
The additional examination program may include
carrying out the necessary additional examination in medical,
rehabilitation organization, obtaining an opinion from the main bureau or
Federal Bureau, requesting the necessary information, conducting
survey of the conditions and nature of professional activity,
social and living situation of the citizen and other events.
32. After receiving the data provided by the program
additional examination, specialists from the relevant bureau
(main bureau, Federal Bureau) decide on recognition
citizen as disabled or refusal to recognize him as disabled.
33. If a citizen (his legal representative) refuses
additional examination and provision of required documents
decision to recognize a citizen as disabled or to refuse recognition
his disabled person is accepted on the basis of available data, about which
a corresponding entry is made in the medical and social examination report
34. For a citizen recognized as disabled by bureau specialists
(main bureau, Federal Bureau) who carried out medical and social
examination, an individual rehabilitation program is developed,
which is approved by the head of the relevant bureau.
35. Extract from the act of medical and social examination of a citizen,
recognized as disabled, is sent to the relevant bureau (main
bureau, Federal Bureau) to the body implementing his pension
security, within 3 days from the date of the decision on recognition
disabled citizen.
The procedure for drawing up and the form of the extract are approved by the Ministry
healthcare and social development of the Russian Federation.
Information on all cases of recognition of persons liable for military service as disabled or
citizens of military age are represented by the bureau (main bureau,
Federal Bureau) to the relevant military commissariats.
36. A citizen recognized as disabled is issued a certificate,
confirming the fact of disability, indicating the group
disability and degree of limitation of ability to work
activities or indicating the disability group without limitation
ability to work, as well as an individual program
The procedure for compiling and forming a certificate and an individual program
rehabilitation are approved by the Ministry of Health and Social
development of the Russian Federation.
A citizen who is not recognized as disabled is issued a certificate at his request
about the results of the medical and social examination.
37. A citizen who has a document on temporary disability and
recognized as disabled, disability group and date of its establishment

are indicated in the specified document.

V. The procedure for re-examination of a disabled person

38. Re-examination of a disabled person is carried out in the manner
provided for in sections I - IV of these Rules.
39. Re-examination of disabled people of group I is carried out 1 time every 2
year, disabled people of groups II and III - 1 time per year, and disabled children - 1
times during the period for which the child is assigned a category
"disabled child".
Re-examination of a citizen whose disability has been established
without specifying the period for re-examination, it can be carried out according to its
personal statement (statement of his legal representative), or by
direction of the organization providing treatment and preventive care,
due to changes in health status, or when exercising
main bureau, Federal Bureau of Control over decisions taken
respectively bureau, main bureau.
40. Re-examination of a disabled person can be carried out
in advance, but no more than 2 months before expiration
established period of disability.
41. Re-examination of a disabled person earlier than the established period
is carried out upon his personal application (application of his legal
representative), or in the direction of the organization providing
treatment and preventive care due to changes in condition
health, or in the implementation of the main bureau, the Federal Bureau

control over decisions made by the respective bureau, the main bureau.

VI. The procedure for appealing the decisions of the bureau,

main bureau, Federal Bureau

42. A citizen (his legal representative) can appeal the decision
bureau to the main bureau within a month on the basis of a written
application submitted to the bureau that conducted the medical and social
examination, or to the main bureau.
The bureau that carried out the medical and social examination of the citizen, in
3 days from the date of receipt of the application sends it with all
available documents to the main office.
43. Main Bureau no later than 1 month from the date of receipt of the application

44. If a citizen appeals a decision of the main bureau, the chief
expert in medical and social examination for the relevant subject
The Russian Federation, with the consent of the citizen, may entrust the conduct
his medical and social examination to another group of specialists
main bureau
45. The decision of the main bureau can be appealed within a month in
The Federal Bureau, on the basis of an application submitted by a citizen (his
legal representative) to the main office that conducted
medical and social examination, or to the Federal Bureau.
Federal Bureau no later than 1 month from the date of receipt of the application
citizen conducts his medical and social examination and, on the basis of
makes an appropriate decision based on the results obtained.
46. ​​Decisions of the bureau, main bureau, Federal Bureau may be
appealed to the court by a citizen (his legal representative) in the manner
established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In the event of a serious impairment of the functioning of the body, a citizen of the Russian Federation is recognized as disabled. Moreover, sometimes people do not suspect that they have the right to benefits and preferences due to the presence of a group. After all, the third category is assigned in the presence of changes that allow one to lead an almost normal life.

At the legislative level, a list of diseases for obtaining disability has been approved. This is what doctors and medical and social experts focus on.

Register of diagnoses for disability assignment

By Order No. 1024, the Ministry of Labor approved the criteria for assigning citizens to the disabled group. This document is not exhaustive. This means that the register of specific ailments can be expanded if the patient is found to have other persistent functional disorders.

The main list as of 2020 includes the following ailments:

Body system Disease
Lung transplant
Angina pectoris
Cardiac ischemia
Introduction of implants
DigestiveFacial bone or jaw defect
Peptic ulcer
Colitis and enteritis
Chronic hepatitis or pancreatitis
Kidney failure
Absence of a kidney
Sexual ailments
Urolithiasis disease
Tissue or organ transplantation
Pathology of blood clotting
Connective tissuesArthritis
lupus erythematosus
Central nervousMigraine
Head injuries and contusions
Multiple sclerosis
cerebral palsy
Parkinson's disease
Spinal cord injuries
Asperger's syndrome
Mental retardation
EyesNarrowing of visual fields
EarLack of hearing
Diabetes, adrenal gland diseases
Skin coveringPyoderma
Spinal injuries
Pathologies (absence) of limbs
OncologyMalignant tumors
Leukemia and lymphoma
Attention: the most frequently used diagnoses are given. The full list is much broader. Download for viewing and printing:

List of diagnoses for obtaining the first group

The first category of disability is assigned to people with persistent functional impairment. Moreover, doctors do not separately investigate the cause of this condition. To obtain this category, the following factors are critical:

  • inability to cope with everyday life without outside help;
  • the need for ongoing medical support.

Disorders that qualify for the first group include the following:

  • complete paralysis of the organs of movement;
  • blindness or deafness;
  • complex nervous disorders;
  • deformation of the arms or legs;
  • insurmountable dysfunction of some internal organ.
Hint: the first category means that a disabled person is practically unable to care for himself without the help of relatives or social workers.

Register of ailments for obtaining the second category

When examining a patient, medical and social examination workers are guided by the above list of ailments. However, the decision is made based on the degree of defeat of the applicant for benefits. Therefore, for the same disease, different disability groups can be assigned to different people.

  • demonstrate loss of ability to work and study up to 80%;
  • require constant medical support;
  • cannot be quickly restored.
Hint: the second category, like the first, is non-working. A disabled person is exempt from compulsory participation in work and receives a certain amount.

The illnesses that constitute the basis for issuing a certificate are as follows:

  • partial (up to 80%) loss of hearing or vision;
  • paralysis (progressive);
  • persistent dysfunction of internal organs;
  • nervous (mental) disorders;
  • heart or kidney failure;
  • disruption of the liver, stomach, intestines;
  • physical abnormalities.
Attention: a disabled person must undergo re-examination annually.

List of ailments for obtaining the third group

The third stage is considered the easiest. This disability is assigned to people who are able to work and interact with the environment almost at the level of healthy people. However, their daily activities are hampered by the condition of their body. Its dysfunction varies between 40-60%.

This group is usually assigned for the following diseases:

  • blindness of one eye or chronic ptosis;
  • initial stage of a malignant tumor;
  • deafness;
  • diabetes with complications;
  • defects:
    • jaw bone;
    • skulls;
    • faces (not subject to correction);
  • instability of motor function, including paralysis of the hand or foot;
  • brain injury due to the introduction of a foreign body into it;
  • installation of an implant in the area of ​​the heart muscle;
  • amputation of fingers or the entire hand;
  • absence of one of the paired organs (lung, kidney, etc.).
Attention: in the presence of the listed diseases that lead to more serious changes in the body, a different category of disability is established.

Under what circumstances is a children's group assigned?

The health status of children is monitored from the moment they are born. For certain ailments, the child may be recognized. This happens if the condition of his body interferes with normal:

  • develop;
  • to study;
  • interact with the environment and society.

Diseases arise for various reasons. There are congenital (intrauterine) and acquired. The causes of dysfunction are not affected. The commission analyzes the state of health and the likelihood of cure. Based on the results, a decision is made to provide a certificate of disability.

The diseases that are the basis for assigning disability to a minor patient in 2018 are as follows:

  • mental retardation;
  • impairment of mental and physical development;
  • mental disorder;
  • dysfunction of organs:
    • hearing;
    • vision;
    • endocrine;
  • external deformities that cannot be corrected;
  • dysfunction of metabolic processes;
  • impaired motor response;
  • other.
Attention: a minor patient may be issued an indefinite certificate. In this case, regular re-examination is not required.

The list of violations for which a group is assigned to a child is quite wide. It includes almost all ailments from the first list. The attending doctor should understand the situation more specifically. And the responsibilities of parents include regular visits to the pediatrician in order to prevent the development of negative processes in the baby’s body.

Unlimited certificate

In certain situations, re-examination is canceled for disabled people. The ITU body issues a certificate of lifelong disability. This is possible with the following diagnoses:

  • oncological diseases with metastases;
  • inoperable neoplasms in the brain (brain and spinal column), leading to disruption of the functioning of organs and systems;
  • blindness, deafness, deaf-blindness that cannot be cured;
  • amputation of arms, legs, important joints;
  • limb deformities that cannot be corrected;
  • dementia;
  • degenerative conditions of the cerebral cortex;
  • progressive pathologies;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • chromosomal abnormalities (including Down syndrome);
  • cerebral palsy;
  • schizophrenia;
  • liver cirrhosis, etc.
Hint: an unlimited certificate until April 2018 was issued within two years from the date of the initial determination of violations. In April of this year, a new Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation was issued, according to which the indefiniteness of disability can be confirmed during an initial medical examination. Including for children, including the correspondence form of ITU.

The full register of violations is given in government resolution No. 247 of 04/07/2008. In addition, the document contains a list of criteria for the appointment of a lifelong group. You should know that the following can count on relaxation in this matter:

  • pensioners and citizens of pre-retirement age;
  • minor patients;
  • military personnel injured during military operations.
Download for viewing and printing:

Procedure for issuing a certificate

A certificate for a disabled person is issued by a specialized government agency - the medical and social examination (MSE). Before contacting the organization:

  • treatment in a regular clinic at the place of registration;
  • carrying out activities to prepare documentation.
Attention: ITU goes to the patient’s place of residence if the latter is unable to visit the government agency.

The procedure for applying for help is as follows:

  • Contact a specialized doctor with complaints. Get recommendations and undergo treatment.
  • If medications and procedures do not produce results, then initiate a contact with ITU.
Important: the referral is given by the clinic to which the person is registered.
  • The attending doctor, having received the patient’s request, prescribes a study of his body:
    • examination by specialized specialists;
    • a set of tests corresponding to the clinical picture.
  • Applicants are required to comply with all requirements and obtain results.
  • All documents are collected by the attending physician. He also issues the final conclusion.
  • The application is considered by a collegial body created in each clinic. If doctors decide that the patient is potentially disabled, they will refer him for an examination.
  • A package of documents is compiled at the clinic. A covering letter of application is attached to it. The document is signed by the chief physician.
  • The package is sent by mail to the ITU government agency.
Important: the examination is scheduled for the date calculated from the moment the package is received. The patient must be examined by specialists within thirty days.

The work of medical and social examination

The responsibilities of the government agency include confirming the final diagnosis and issuing the coveted certificate about the group. The decision is made only after studying all the nuances of the situation. For the applicant this means the following:

  1. His documents will be subject to scrutiny. Each certificate will be examined for accuracy.
  2. Civil servants will analyze the correctness of:
    • making a diagnosis;
    • treatment assignments;
    • use of medications.
  3. The patient will be invited for an interview. During its course:
    • a visual inspection is carried out;
    • the person’s social status, including family status, is clarified.
  4. The examination will probably require an inspection report of living conditions. It is done by social workers.

Upon completion of all required activities, the commission makes a decision. It could be:

  • positive - the establishment of a specific group;
  • negative if there are no sufficient grounds.

The applicant is given a certificate. The paper states:

  • disability category;
  • degree of disability;
  • date of re-examination.
Important: you cannot skip the next examination, as the disability is canceled automatically. And this leads to a stop in the provision of appropriate benefits and payments.

Important information

Diseases are divided into rare and common. Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding the second category of diseases:

  1. Intervertebral hernia provides grounds for receiving benefits. However, the patient is referred for examination only after long-term treatment. And then only if it does not show positive dynamics.
  2. Diabetes mellitus is directly included in the list of the Ministry of Health and Social Development. If you have such a metabolic disorder, you should feel free to ask for a referral. The category of disability will be determined during the examination.
  3. The consequences of a stroke also lead to the patient being recognized as disabled. According to statistics, only one person out of five recovers. Everyone else becomes beneficiaries.
  4. Vision problems are a special case. When examined by a doctor, I find out the possibility of recovery. And it depends on the reasons for the loss of vision. Therefore, such a disease is dealt with individually. If cure, including through surgery, is impossible, then a group is given.

Last changes

In 2018, the procedure for registering disability was significantly simplified, including obtaining its permanent form.

Since May 2019, ITU has introduced electronic document management. It has also been established that MSE can be carried out:

  • at home, if a person cannot come to the ITU bureau for health reasons, when this fact is confirmed by the conclusion of the medical commission of the medical organization,
  • at the person’s location in a medical organization providing medical care in a hospital setting,
  • in organizing a stationary form of social services,
  • in a correctional facility,
  • in absentia by decision of the relevant bureau.

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Watch the video about the size of the disability pension

February 17, 2018, 18:40 Oct 5, 2019 01:20

Let's talk about an unpleasant, but existing phenomenon - disability. What is it, what diseases give disability, how to apply for it? In general, this condition means loss of ability to work. With minor reservations, we will also accept that the state of disability is characterized by the presence of a chronic disease or pathology.

In order to complete all the relevant papers and become officially disabled, you must pass a medical labor expert commission (abbreviated VTEC). In order to undergo it, you need to take a referral from your attending physician at the clinic at your place of residence. With this referral, an identification document, and an application, you need to contact the medical institution to which you belong at your place of residence. Each such institution usually has a list of diseases that qualify for disability.

According to the regulations, the examination is carried out no later than a month after the documents are submitted. In reality, the regulations are rarely observed, and most often people have to wait longer.

The examination itself - a commission of three people will decide whether you are disabled.

She will also determine your disability group and issue a corresponding certificate upon completion of the examination.

What diseases give disability:

· malignant tumors;

· benign tumors that have led to pronounced damage to the functionality of the body;

· dementia;

· removed larynx;

diseases of the nervous system;

· neuromuscular diseases (hereditary);

Complete blindness or deafness;

· diseases accompanied by high blood pressure, in case of complications on the central nervous system;

· cardiac ischemia;

· respiratory tract diseases with complications;

· fecal fistulas that cannot be eliminated surgically;

renal failure;

Congenital anomalies that damage the musculoskeletal system;

· defects of the upper and lower extremities (for example, amputation);

· trauma to the brain or spinal cord with pronounced damage.

This is a general list, groups are given according to the severity of these diseases.

People receiving the first group cannot take care of themselves; they constantly need help from other people.

The second group is characterized by moderate severity of illness; a person does not constantly need help from other people. Some types of activities are even available for this group, however, a specially equipped place and working conditions are required.

The criteria for disability of the third group are as follows - a person does not need outside help, but cannot work in his main specialty.

The commission also evaluates abilities for communication, work, self-care, movement, orientation and learning. Based on all these factors, a decision is made and the person receives the appropriate certificate. It will indicate the group, the validity period, after which you will need to go through the commission again. Sometimes you have to wait several months for this document, so you should be patient. Disabled people of the first group undergo a commission once every two years, and all others - once a year. However, there are some categories of persons who do not need to undergo examinations. What diseases give permanent disability? With the same ones from the above list, but with reservations. For example, you are eligible for permanent disability if you:

A man over 60 or a woman over 55;

Over the past 15 years, the disability group has not been changed or changed to a more severe one;

A man over 55 or a woman over 50 and for 5 years your group is the first;

Disabled servicemen (including WWII veterans) who were wounded and damaged during hostilities.

The certificate will be accompanied by a list of rehabilitation measures that are indicated for you.

With this document, all that remains is to contact the social security authorities at your place of residence so that you can receive the appropriate pension.

Disability is a fairly broad concept that implies a person’s incapacity due to problems with physical health or mental health.

Incapacity may be complete or partial. People with moderate health limitations who need support from social services may be assigned a group 3 disability.

The list of diseases in Russia that belong to this group is not officially approved by law. Disability is established based on the results of a medical and social expert commission, which in its assessment is guided by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 1013n of 2009.

Criteria for receiving disability

The legislation of Russia defines the criteria according to which disability of the first, second, third groups or the category of “disabled child” is given. Child disability can be assigned for any impairment of legal capacity. Upon reaching adulthood, the patient undergoes an examination.

Citizens of the following categories may be recognized as fully or partially incompetent.

  1. People with confirmed diagnoses of diseases;
  2. People with injuries, disabilities, certified by the commission.

What is assessed during a medical examination

A specific list of diagnoses for which a particular group of disabilities is established is not approved in the legislative documents of Russia. Medical and social examination evaluates:

  • complexity of diagnosis;
  • specificity of the disease;
  • restrictions and difficulties associated with the manifestations of the disease;
  • causes of the disease (it can be congenital, acquired as a result of injury, participation in combat).

Criteria for incapacity

To obtain a disability group, incapacity must be determined. Medical examination examines areas of life in which a person experiences difficulties due to health conditions, assesses his ability to:

  • move;
  • navigate;
  • serve yourself;
  • communicate;
  • work;
  • study;
  • physiological and psychological adequacy.

Severity of violations

Each persistent manifestation of incapacity due to illness is assessed. There are norms regarding a person’s age that make it possible to determine the severity of violations.

  1. First degree - the disease is mildly expressed.
  2. The second degree is moderate severity.
  3. Third degree – severe incapacity.

For what disorders is group 3 disability given?

Group 3 disability in Russia is established by the decision of a medical and social examination for diseases and disorders that cause minor difficulties. According to the classification, these are diagnoses that do not give a person the opportunity to work in some desired areas, but at the same time he does not need help to perform everyday activities.

  1. Diseases of internal organs.
  2. Nervous system and mental disorders.
  3. Musculoskeletal diseases.
  4. Diseases of the respiratory tract, ears.
  5. Ophthalmological diseases.

What can be considered a minor disorder

  1. Problems with speech and hearing.
  2. Impaired blood circulation.
  3. Functions of the musculoskeletal system.
  4. General difficulty in perceiving information through the senses.
  5. Congenital or acquired physical deformity.

Getting a 3rd group disability

To obtain a disability, a citizen applies to the ITU at his place of residence.

List of documents to be submitted:

  • referral from a doctor for a medical examination;
  • own statement;
  • outpatient card;
  • a copy and original passport of a Russian citizen, for a minor - a birth certificate;
  • a copy of the work book certified by the HR department, characteristics;
  • income certificate;
  • pension certificate;
  • copies of hospital treatment certificates signed by several doctors.

Additionally, you can attach the following documents:

  • act of receiving a work injury;
  • evidence of what conditions at the place of work led to deterioration in health;
  • receipts for payment of treatment, ambulance coupons.

If a person’s condition does not allow him to visit the ITU, and this is confirmed by a medical report, the commission’s specialists come to the home.

Patients undergo an annual medical examination to confirm their diagnosis and determine their disability group. To re-obtain a disability group, you must submit a certificate of incapacity, a program of your treatment and rehabilitation.

For people of retirement age, disability can be assigned indefinitely, without the need to undergo an annual check.

Group 3 disability criteria

According to the criteria set out in the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia, disability of group 3 is established for violations of legal capacity of the first degree.

Ability to care for yourself

A person does not require outside help to fulfill basic physiological needs or perform daily household tasks. However, there are minor restrictions on self-service:

  • takes longer than a healthy person;
  • aids are used;
  • self-service cannot be performed at once; the task must be divided into stages.

Ability to move around

No assistance required to move. A person can move independently and uses public transport. First degree mobility restrictions:

  • to maintain balance and walking, aids are required;
  • movement takes longer;
  • a person needs to take breaks, rest, reduce the distance.

Ability to navigate

The ability to orientate is practically not impaired. Human can:

  • navigate familiar and familiar surroundings;
  • adequately assess the situation;
  • determine your location;
  • the use of auxiliary devices is expected.

Ability to communicate

The person retains the ability to:

  • contact people at a reduced pace;
  • receive, comprehend and share information through verbal and non-verbal communication.

Help for people with speech and hearing problems can be used:

  • a hearing aid and other technical devices are installed;
  • sign language interpreter services are used.


This implies the ability to behave adequately, adhere to morality and socially accepted norms.

In the first degree of incapacity, a person:

  • is able to control himself in a familiar environment, but may lose self-control if the situation becomes more complicated;
  • has difficulty performing functions in certain areas of life;
  • is able to evaluate his mistakes and correct them.

Ability to learn

A person is able to receive and assimilate general educational and professional knowledge, reproduce, and use it in work. However, during training he may need:

  • specialized program;
  • adapted mode;
  • technical aids.

Permanent disability

The official list of diseases for establishing permanent disability was approved back in 1956 by the USSR Ministry of Health and is still relevant in Russia. This is the only document that provides a list of injuries, defects and diseases that give the right to apply for support from state social services. Group 3 disability is assigned for some diseases from this list, if they have not been re-examined by the ITU.

Diseases of internal organs

  1. Hypertension (organic changes in the central nervous system, eyes, myocardium, kidneys).
  2. Coronary insufficiency in the post-infarction period. Significant disturbances in blood circulation, changes in the myocardium.
  3. Heart disease with severe blood circulation problems.
  4. Lung diseases with chronic cardiac and respiratory failure.
  5. Nephritis in the chronic stage with acute renal failure.
  6. Liver cirrhosis, which is accompanied by abdominal ascites.
  7. Complex forms of diabetes with acetonuria, tendency to fainting and coma.
  8. Incurable cancers.
  9. Rehabilitation after complete gastric resection.
  10. Removal of one lung.

Nervous system and psyche

  1. Chronic diseases of the central nervous system provoked by infection.
  2. Progressive paralysis with signs of mental impairment, without noticeable improvements due to therapy.
  3. Mobility problems after traumatic brain injury. Without re-examination, if the skull is damaged with a defect or foreign object in the brain area, a group 3 disability is assigned.
  4. Injuries and diseases of the spinal cord, cauda equina, which resulted in functional disorders in the pelvis.
  5. Deterioration of blood circulation in the brain, causing dementia or unilateral paralysis (hemiplegia, hemiparesis, psychosis).
  6. Epilepsy, accompanied by frequent seizures and clouding of reason.
  7. Progressive impairment of motor functions due to shaking paralysis. Diseases of the central nervous system (myotonia, myopathy).
  8. Paralysis of the limbs due to peripheral nerve injury.
  9. Inoperable oncology in the brain and spinal cord.
  10. Oligophrenia in the stage of imbecility.
  11. Absolute hearing loss on both sides (group 3 is given without re-examination).

Defects after surgery

  1. Amputation or congenital absence of arms, hands, deformation of the shoulder and elbow joints.
  2. Missing fingers on one or both hands.
  3. Absence of lower limbs after amputation or as a result of injury.
  4. Foreign object in the area of ​​the heart muscle and pericardial sac.
  5. Fistulas that cannot be treated and do not allow the patient to maintain hygiene.
  6. Deformations of the jaw and palate, in which chewing function cannot be restored with prosthetics (group 3 is assigned without re-examination).
  7. Poor respiratory function after chest surgery, amputation of several ribs (group 3 may be assigned without re-examination).

Defects of the throat, nose

Permanent disability is prescribed for complete amputation of the larynx with the installation of a prosthesis.

Ophthalmic diseases

  1. Complete blindness of both eyes or one eye.
  2. Deterioration of vision in one or both eyes up to 0.02‒0.03.
  3. Narrowed field of view up to 10 degrees in both eyes or 5 degrees in one eye without the ability to correct it.
  4. In case of permanent disability, visual impairment due to other concomitant diagnoses may be a reason to change the group. For this purpose, a new expert examination of the disease is appointed.

Groups of citizens for whom disability is established indefinitely

  1. Permanent disability is assigned to people who have reached retirement age in accordance with Russian legislation.
  2. If disability for health reasons was assigned before retirement and was confirmed for 5 years, upon reaching retirement age, permanent disability may be assigned for the same deviations.
  3. Patients with disabilities of groups 1 and 2, if their group has not been lowered over the previous 15 years.
  4. Citizens who, during military service, received injuries, contusions, or wounds that caused disability.
  5. Participants of the Second World War and defenders of the Fatherland in pre-war times with disabilities of groups 1 and 2 who were injured during military operations have the right to permanent disability.

Procedure for appealing ITU results

Citizens who have a confirmed diagnosis can challenge the decision of the medical and social commission if a decision was made to refuse to establish disability.

At the present stage of social development, carrying out measures for social adaptation and protection of people with disabilities is one of the main directions of state policy of the Russian Federation.

That is why, in order to receive this rehabilitation and material support, the question of the concept of disability, its establishment and for what diseases it is given is relevant for many people.

Legislative regulation

The concept of disability is a physical condition of a person that imposes restrictions on daily activities due to the presence of certain diseases that cause the need for social protection.

A disabled person is a person who, due to his mental, physical or mental disabilities, has limitations in normal functioning in society.

The legal framework that regulates state protection and services for people with disabilities, the procedure for registration and recognition of a citizen as a disabled person, includes the following: legislative acts:

Criteria for determining disability

To obtain disabled status it is necessary compliance with the following criteria:

  • deterioration of health with a pronounced impairment of the basic functionality of the body, which is caused by illness or injury;
  • complete or partial deprivation of the ability to move, communicate, learn, work, self-control, and most importantly, self-care;
  • the need for social adaptation and protection.

Disability category is determined in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 664n dated September 29, 2014 “On the categories and conditions applied when carrying out MSE of persons by federal municipal MSE institutions.”

Diseases that may become the basis for obtaining disabled status

It is worth considering that this order does not have a specific list of diseases for which disability is recognized, due to the fact that disability is established by the severity of disturbances in the functioning of the body that do not allow a person to perform certain actions for normal life.

According to the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, a citizen can be declared disabled in 2019 if presence of one or more diseases from the following groups of violations:

Order of assignment to various categories

At the moment, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, there are the following categories of disability:

Disability Group I is one of the most difficult groups, since assignment to this category is carried out in the event of a severe deterioration in the functioning of the functions of the human body. Often, disabled people of group 1 cannot do without the help of other people in everyday life.

To deviations of persons of the 1st disability group often referred to :

  • complete or partial absence of organs;
  • hereditary diseases that damage the central nervous system;
  • absence of lower limbs;
  • damage to the hearing organs by more than 80% and others.

Disability Group II. This group includes people who can perform minimal self-care activities without the help of other persons or with the help of technical means.

The most common disorders of the body of a disabled person of group 2 include the following:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • disruption of the visual organs;
  • paraplegia;
  • fistula;
  • disarticulation of the thigh;
  • the presence of 1 lung in the body or pulmonary insufficiency of the 2nd degree.

Disability Group III Often received by people who have limitations due to a previous illness or injury. Group 3 disabled people do not have any special restrictions in their work activities and receive salaries at the level of ordinary employees, but they, like all disabled people, are provided with social and material support by the state.

Common deviations in the functioning of the human body recognized as a group 3 disabled person are:

The legislation classifies disability as a separate group. This concept includes children under 18 years of age who have limitations in everyday life due to impaired ability to move, communicate and self-care, as well as deviations in the development of the child’s growth and mental abilities.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides a list of benefits for disabled children themselves, as well as for their parents (guardians). For example, providing preferential travel on municipal passenger transport (with the exception of taxis).

Appointment and registration procedure

A person is recognized as disabled with the help of medical and social examination (MSE) when analyzing the general state of health according to the criteria defined by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation. This examination determines a person’s need for social protection, and subsequently the category and group of disability.

To begin the disability registration procedure, you need medical documents, indicating the presence of abnormalities in the body (patient’s outpatient card, extracts from inpatient medical institutions, X-rays, and so on). They can be obtained from the medical institution where the citizen is undergoing treatment and examination.

The next step is to obtain referrals to ITU(form No. 088/у-06). This document is issued only after reviewing all medical examinations at a medical institution, pension insurance authority or social protection authority.

ITU is carried out in the institution by patient location. If a physiological need arises, MSE can take place in an outpatient or inpatient medical facility, or, with rare exceptions, at the patient’s place of residence.

In addition, to mandatory documents To undergo MSA, a citizen’s application containing all the necessary information reflected in the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation “On approval of the regulations for conducting MSA” is required.

No later than five days after submitting the application form, the citizen is provided with information about the appointed time and place (address, office number) of the MSE. At the ITU, the municipal medical authority is given 30 calendar days. The calculation also begins from the date of receipt and registration of the application.

recognition of disability or refusal of recognition is decided collegiately by the specialists who conducted the examination. Data on the examination performed are entered into the minutes of the ITU meeting and into the inspection report. The final conclusion is communicated to the citizen in the presence of all medical specialists who made the decision based on the results of the medical examination.

Upon completion of the ITU the citizen is issued:

  • if recognized as disabled, the citizen receives a certificate of disability indicating the category, as well as an IPR card - an individual rehabilitation program;
  • in case of refusal to recognize disability, the person undergoing the examination has the right to receive a certificate of the results of the examination.

In case of disagreement with the decision made by the ITU institution, the citizen has the right to appeal, which is possible within a month from the date of the examination.

For information on the rules for registering disability, watch the following video:


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