Picking seedlings in March are favorable days. When to pick tomatoes, how to do it correctly with tomato seedlings Picking tomatoes in April

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Try to do all work in accordance with the phases of the moon. Then your seedlings will grow a strong root system and develop properly, and the plants planted in a permanent place will delight you with a good harvest.

When to plant tomatoes for seedlings according to the lunar calendar in 2017

(for greenhouse)

Sowing tomato seeds for seedlings

If you plan to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse, sow the seeds from late February to mid-March. Remember that the day before sowing they need to be soaked in warm water.

Picking tomato seedlings

Under optimal conditions (temperature 25-27°C and high humidity), tomato seedlings appear on the 5-8th day after sowing. 15-20 days after their appearance (when the seedlings have 1-2 true leaves), pick

Feeding tomato seedlings

During cultivation, tomato seedlings are fed twice. First feeding seedlings are carried out 1-2 weeks after picking. It is best to add chicken manure to this fertilizer, diluted in hot water in a ratio of 1:20 (the mixture should be allowed to brew for 2 hours). If there is no droppings, prepare a solution of mineral fertilizers at the rate of 35 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium sulfate and 5 g of urea per 10 liters of water. The rate of fertilizer application is the same as for normal watering.

Second feeding carried out 2 weeks after the first. The nutrient solution is prepared more concentrated than for the first feeding. To do this, dissolve 50 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium sulfate and 10 g of urea in 10 liters of warm water. You can also use ready-made complex fertilizers, such as Kemira-universal, Mortar, Rost-II (according to instructions).

Planting seedlings and growing tomatoes in a greenhouse according to the lunar calendar in 2017

Tomatoes are usually planted in a permanent habitat in a greenhouse 50-60 days after germination. Seedlings ready for planting should be strong and healthy, 25-35 cm high. Each plant should have 8-10 well-developed dark green leaves and 1 flower cluster.

When to plant tomato seedlings in a greenhouse

Tomato seedlings are planted in a greenhouse when the temperature in it remains at 20°C during the day and 18°C ​​at night for several days. The holes are dug a little larger than the root ball and watered well 20 minutes before planting. Plants are buried down to the cotyledons or the first pair of true leaves and immediately tied to stakes or trellises to make them more stable. It is recommended to shade the planted seedlings for the first 2-3 days.

Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

If you want to get a good harvest of large tomatoes, you simply cannot do without pinching. This is an extremely important procedure, during which excess shoots are removed from the leaf axils.

You can start planting tomatoes 10-14 days after planting the seedlings in a permanent place (provided that stepsons have already appeared in the leaf axils). It is carried out throughout the season at least once every 10 days.

Watering tomatoes in a greenhouse

The first watering is carried out 14-17 days after transplanting the plants into the greenhouse. In the future, the tomatoes are watered rarely (about once every 10 days), but abundantly. Moreover, they should be watered exclusively with warm water and at the root, avoiding drops getting on the leaves.

Feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse

You need to start feeding tomatoes in the greenhouse a few days after planting. There are no clear instructions on the amount of fertilizing and the time of fertilizing. It all depends on the fertility of the soil and the condition of the plants. Normally developing tomatoes are fed 3-4 times per season. For those who are lagging in growth, the amount of feeding is increased. And problem plants that develop poorly and get sick are fertilized every 10-14 days.

Harvesting tomatoes in a greenhouse

In order for the fruits not only to please with their amazing taste, but also to be stored longer, when harvesting it is also important to be guided by the days suitable for this type of work.

For tomatoes in greenhouses, fruiting begins at end of June - first ten days of July and continues until end of August.

When to sow tomatoes for seedlings according to the lunar calendar in 2017

(for open ground)

In order for the seeds to enjoy good germination, it is recommended to germinate them. To do this, you will need a piece of gauze, a rag or a paper napkin. Moisten the material, place it on a plate and sprinkle the tomato seeds on it. Cover them on top with the free edge of a cloth or napkin, and then place the plate in the bag.

Sowing tomato seeds for seedlings

In the middle zone, tomato seeds for open ground are usually sown from March 10 to April 15. But these dates may shift slightly depending on the weather. If spring is early and warm, sowing can be done a few days earlier, but if in March, on the contrary, there are still frosts, it is better to postpone sowing for 7-10 days.

Picking tomato seedlings

You can start picking tomato seedlings as soon as the plants have 2-3 true leaves. Remember that when transplanting tomato seedlings, they must be buried down to the very cotyledon leaves, otherwise they will not take root in the new container.

When to feed outdoor tomato seedlings

If your seedlings look healthy - the plants have a strong stem and developed dark green leaves, then you need to feed the seedlings once, usually 10 days before planting in a permanent place.

Planting seedlings and growing tomatoes in the ground according to the lunar calendar in 2017

In order not to worry about how successful the planting process will be and what percentage of seedlings will take root, protect yourself in advance. A few days before the planned transplant, stop watering the seedlings, and just before planting, water thoroughly, so that the soil is wet. This will make it more uniform and, accordingly, maintain the integrity of the root system.

Planting tomato seedlings in the ground

Seedlings for open ground are planted in the garden bed 60-70 days after emergence. The holes are dug slightly larger than the containers in which the seedlings were grown. Seedlings of standard sizes (25-35 cm high) are planted vertically, deepening to the cotyledon leaves or the first pair of true leaves (if the cotyledons were removed during the growing process). Overgrown seedlings are planted at an angle of 45 degrees so that the lower leaves are located at a height of 15-20 cm from the ground. It is desirable that the roots be directed to the south and the trunk to the north.

Growing tomatoes in open ground

It is recommended to carry out pinching throughout the season as shoots appear in the leaf axils (about once a week). The sprouts must be removed while they are still small (no more than 5 cm long). To prevent a new one from forming in place of the broken stepson, it is broken off not at the base, but leaving a stump 1-2 cm high.

Watering tomatoes in the ground

Cold water can cause root rot in tomatoes. Therefore, it is advisable to heat water for irrigation in the sun. Plants need to be watered only at the roots. If water gets on the leaves (especially in hot weather), it can cause them to burn and also provoke the development of late blight.

Feeding tomatoes in the ground

It is recommended to feed tomatoes in dry weather, and this should be done in the morning before sunrise, or in the evening after sunset. Never apply fertilizer to dry soil, otherwise you may burn the roots. Before fertilizing, always water the tomatoes with warm water, and if the solution gets on the leaves, rinse them with clean water.

When to harvest tomatoes in open ground

For tomatoes planted in open ground, the fruits begin to ripen in mid-July. In general, the plants continue to bear fruit until mid-August. The last harvest should be harvested as soon as the night temperature drops to 10°C. If not the entire crop is ripe by this time, green and brown tomatoes should also be removed. They can be put for ripening or used for seaming

Kira Stoletova

Picking tomatoes in 2018 must take place on time - no earlier and no later than the required date. This process is very important for growing healthy and strong seedlings.

When determining the timing of tomato transplantation, you can focus on the lunar calendar. Typically, gardeners determine the time accordingly to the planting date or the development phases of the sprouts.

The benefits of picking

The essence of the process is to transplant plants from smaller containers to larger ones filled with a new substrate containing useful substances. At the first stages, the seedlings do not interfere with each other. They can exist nearby as long as there are enough trace elements in the soil. But over time, the strongest plants suppress the weaker ones. Both of them begin to develop incorrectly. Therefore they need to be transplanted.


Some gardeners pinch the taproot of seedlings before planting. This is done for the purpose of developing lateral processes. Thus, the root system is strengthened, which will affect productivity in the future.

When planting a crop in 2018, you can plant tall varieties of tomatoes twice, others - once. The second transplant should be carried out 20-22 days after the first.

The need for picking is as follows:

  1. Next, the strongest sprouts go into the process of growing tomatoes, the weak ones are left - they are not replanted.
  2. Moving to new containers creates a lot of space for plants to develop the above-ground part and root system. The sprouts will not infringe on each other, their roots will not intertwine. This will make it easier to plant in a permanent location in the future.
  3. The seedlings receive clean, disinfected soil.
  4. It is especially useful to carry out this procedure when the seedlings have outgrown. Then the plant will stop its growth, as a result of which the roots will strengthen.

Carrying out this process correctly will ensure the plants develop well in the future. Then, with proper care, the harvest will be high.

If you grow tomatoes without the picking stage, you should immediately plant the seeds in large vessels (2-3 pieces each). Of the sprouted seedlings, only one is left - the healthiest one. From time to time you need to add soil to strengthen the roots. This method can be used when only a few plants are needed, since there is not always enough space on the windowsill for a large number of pots.

Timing for picking seedlings in 2018

Gardeners calculate favorable days when they can move seedlings. When the moon waxes, tides occur. The water level will rise. For tomatoes, these changes have a beneficial effect on their growth - moisture moves from the roots to the green part of the plant. They are beginning to actively develop.

The best option would be to adhere to the timing of planting and transplanting seedlings according to the lunar calendar. According to it, in 2018, picking tomatoes in March can be done on the following days: from 9 to 11, from 13 to 15, from 26 to 30.

They are replanted about 10 days after germination (depending on the variety and conditions). It is necessary to approximately calculate the sowing time so that full seedlings occur on the following days: from February 28 (29) to March 1, March 03, 04 and 05. It is also worth considering what stage of development the sprouts are at, so as not to harm them. Seedlings should have 2-3 true leaves (cotyledons are not taken into account).

If the seeds were planted later, then favorable days in 2018 for picking tomatoes in April may be: from 16 to 18, from 24 to 27.

When planning work, you should also pay attention to unfavorable days on the calendar, on which it is not recommended to do anything:

  • January 1, 27-28;
  • February 23-26;
  • March 23, 24, 28;
  • April 19, 20, 26;
  • 16-18, May 25;
  • June 13, 14, 24.

Preparing for a pick

The transplantation process includes several stages.

Preparing containers

First you need to take care of choosing the vessels into which the seedlings will move. They must have sufficient volume - 500 -700 ml, dimensions approximately 9 cm * 9 cm * 10 cm. If you choose larger ones, pathogenic ones may develop. Suitable containers made of paper, cardboard, and plastic. Use peat cups or do-it-yourself cups from several layers of newspaper. The last two options are considered optimal, because when transplanting seedlings to a permanent place, the roots will not be damaged.

Soil preparation

Before picking tomatoes, you need to know which soil to choose. It should be loose, light, absorb moisture well and contain useful substances. You can buy it at the store or prepare it yourself. Garden soil is added to the universal soil mixture in a 1:1 ratio. This manipulation will help plants adapt faster.

To prepare the soil with your own hands, you need to take 1 part:

  • sand;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • turf land.

There are other options for mixtures. Here is one of them: 2 parts turf soil, 1 part peat (leaf soil), 1 part river sand, ½ part rotted manure, 1 part perlite.

The prepared mixture must be disinfected to prevent fungal diseases. To do this, a week before transplantation, they are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate (1 mg per 1 liter of water). You can use the fungicide Previkur (10 ml per 6 liters of water).

Before picking, the soil must warm up to the temperature of the room in which the seedlings will grow. Then it is placed in vessels, filling them to 2/3 of the volume.

Picking tomato seedlings

A day before this process, the seedlings are treated with Epin or Zircon. Spraying is carried out to reduce stress.

There are two ways to pick tomatoes: transplanting and transshipment. In the first case, the roots are cleared of soil, in the second case, an earthen lump is left.


To replant, you need to moisten the soil well 2 hours before. Then you can clear the roots from the soil. You should be very careful not to damage the roots. To do this, you can use a wooden stick, which is used for cleansing. The main root is pinched to 3-5 mm. A depression is made in the center of the vessel and the plant is placed up to the height of the cotyledon leaves. You can only hold the seedling by them or by the roots, so as not to break the young, fragile stem. Sprinkle with earth. To ensure good contact between the roots and the soil, you need to compact it with your hands.


Transshipment is recommended for the second picking of tall varieties. With it, the roots of the plant are not damaged. The tomatoes then do not need time to adapt. To ensure that an earthen lump remains, the seedlings are not watered 2 days before transshipment. Place in a vessel filled 1/3 with earth, add the required amount. Compact the soil near the base of the stem.

After diving, water the soil generously with warm water. Tomatoes are left in partial shade for 2 days. Then they move it to the windowsill.

There is a way to check whether the transplant was performed correctly. To do this, you need to pull the plant up by the cotyledon leaves. Well-planted tomatoes will remain in place, poorly planted ones will be pulled out without effort.

After transferring the seedlings, the soil can be covered with foil. It will reflect light. This will protect the seedlings from overgrowing - they will not stretch too much.

Picking tomatoes should be done using gloves. Young stems are very sensitive. Therefore, the temperature difference between the environment and your hands is quite noticeable. This is additional stress for tomatoes.

Caring for seedlings after picking

In order for the seedlings to take root well and develop, it is necessary to provide them with optimal conditions:

  • illumination;
  • temperature regime;
  • watering;
  • loosening;
  • feeding.


For tomatoes, the daylight hours should be about 10 hours. Therefore, lamps are installed above the seedlings at a height of 50 cm, which are turned on as needed. Additional light must be provided in February and March. In April there is enough natural light.

Tomatoes are one of the most beloved, popular vegetables on our table, which we surround with care and attention at all stages of growth - before planting in the garden, greenhouse or greenhouse. Do you need to pick tomatoes? The opinion of most gardeners leans towards a positive answer. How and when to pick tomatoes? What is tomato picking? What is it for?

To speed up the time of fruiting and make the seedling bushes stronger, gardeners use an effective agrotechnical technique - picking.

What is tomato picking

After the tomatoes produce the first two or three full leaves, it is time to pick them or transplant the bushes into a larger container. The picking method (transplantation) allows seedlings to form a stronger root system. Prevents stretching and allows for early harvest. When diving, the root of the plant is buried, this makes it possible to form new lateral roots.

With proper picking, weak specimens are rejected, and promising seedlings are planted in separate pots for subsequent development.

Typically, tomato seeds are sown towards the end of the calendar winter (February or early March). If you did everything correctly in advance: sowed the seeds, took into account the requirements for lighting, watering, temperature changes during the day or night, then it’s time to pick.

How to properly plant tomato seedlings?

After a certain time after the emergence of seedlings, it becomes clear which sprouts are weaker. They should be removed so that they do not draw vitality from their strong brothers. After about a month, the plants will gain strength, their first real leaves will appear - this will serve as a signal - you can start diving.

Tomato seedlings need to be watered thoroughly within a few hours; the water temperature should not be lower than +20°C. New containers for seedlings (cups, pots, special shapes) should not be very large, approximately 8x8 or 10x10 cm in diameter.

If these are not special containers, then you need to prepare them first, for example, pierce the bottom of the pot several times so that the water does not stagnate.

Then you need to fill it with pre-prepared soil, press the soil down a little, and make indentations. If you have potassium permanganate at home, you can make a slightly pink solution and pour it over the soil before planting. In the absence of potassium permanganate, you should simply moisten the hole with water at room temperature - this will have a positive effect on the further survival of the tomatoes.

How to pick tomatoes if they were initially sown and grew all together? To carefully and comfortably remove a tomato bush from the ground, you can take a sharpened wooden stick or a small fork, and then carefully remove the sprout along with the earthen lump.

If it doesn’t work out with a lump, then at least don’t shake off the soil from the roots.

Be careful not to damage the roots. Try to keep your hands in less contact with the green part of the seedling. Tender tomato sprouts are very sensitive. Contact of human hands (skin temperature) with the stem or leaves can cause stress. The plant may get sick. Try to hold the plant by the part of the stem that is closest to the root. Or, even better, for a lump of earth with roots.

I know that some gardeners remove the cotyledon leaves before picking.

I tried it in different ways. Mainly removed cotyledon leaves if the seedlings stretched out,

and the plant had to be buried when picking in order to slightly retard growth.

How do you pick up tomato seedlings if they were previously grown in individual molds or cups? The only difference here is in the process of extracting the earthen clod along with the sprout. It is much easier to remove the lump from separate molds, for example, by transferring it. To do this, a day and a half before picking, they stop watering the seedlings, the soil dries out a little, and when the mold is turned upside down, the seedling with soil falls out freely. It can be helped by lightly pressing on the bottom of the container; the stem itself with leaves is passed between your fingers. This method is also good because the roots of the plant are not injured during the process.

How to pick tomatoes if the root system has formed differently? Properly formed roots should be approximately the same in size and resemble a fluffy ball in structure. Such roots do not need to be pinched or sunk too deeply into the soil - deepening to the level of the cotyledon leaves will be enough. After this, you should carefully press the soil around the sprout. Digging too deeply has a negative effect on the further growth of the bush, as it will spend all its energy on the formation of new roots.

If one of the roots is more actively developed than the others, it should be slightly shortened - pinched by about 1-1.5 cm. If, when removing the seedling, you damaged this main tap root, then do not worry too much. Favorable development of the bud system is the main condition for tomatoes; when transplanting a bush to a permanent place of residence, the roots of the plant will deepen exactly as they need (downwards or to the sides).

Caring for tomato seedlings after picking

After pruning, the tomato seedlings need to be placed where they will be hidden from direct sunlight. Daytime temperature should be +20..23°C, night temperature - +15..17°C. After 4-5 days, the seedlings can be irrigated with a spray bottle or watered with water at room temperature. Previously, it is impossible to moisturize, since the roots, looking for moisture, begin to stretch and, accordingly, grow stronger. As soon as you see that the sprouts have freshened up and taken root in their new place, they can be taken out into the light.

After 10-12 days, carry out a control inspection: if the tomato seedlings have acquired a juicy green color and sprouted new leaves, the process was successful.

Fertilizing is done two times:

  1. 2 weeks after the pick,
  2. 3 weeks after the first application of fertilizers.

Feeding for tomato seedlings is important - they have a beneficial effect on root development, growth, and fruit formation. Complex mineral supplements that contain potassium sulfate, superphosphate, ammonium nitrate, and urea are well suited for these purposes. After feeding, the seedlings must be watered with clean water (as if to wash off the fertilizers), and carefully loosen the soil.

Additional questions about picking

Is it possible not to pick tomato seedlings?

The answer to this question will be positive - yes, it is possible. But at the same time, the seeds are sown about a month later (late March-early April). Sow either directly into the ground (in established warm weather) or in a greenhouse. The seeds are pre-soaked for several hours and sown in small increments - this is a seedless method of growing tomatoes.

Feeding with urea or nitrophoska will have a beneficial effect on the general condition and development of the bushes. When two full-fledged leaves (not cotyledons) appear, the tomatoes are thinned out - simply pinch off weak shoots with a fingernail. After 3 days, the seedlings are fed with a solution of nitrate (15 mg/10 l of water), approximately 1 liter of fertilizer is poured under each bush. The second, potassium-phosphorus fertilizing is done before the fruits begin to increase in size.

Also, seeds can be sown immediately in separate pots, and then transplanted into the soil in the garden using the transfer method, bypassing the picking process.

What to do if tomato seedlings stretch to the point of picking?

Seedlings are stretched due to lack of light. This is a natural process, since all plants are drawn to the sun. A similar phenomenon can also be observed when the bushes are planted too close (a common tray, not individual molds), they do not have enough light because they obscure it from each other.

Another reason is non-compliance with the temperature regime. Seeds need warmth to germinate. But when the seedlings have already seen the light, the temperature needs to be lowered so that they do not actively grow until the moment of picking.

To correct the situation, the tomatoes should be transplanted into boxes, having previously made elongated grooves in the soil. Fertile soil should be mixed with humus and sand; before planting tomatoes, the furrow itself should be watered with warm water. The seedling is laid along the groove, tilting the earthen ball with roots at an angle of 45 degrees. In this case, the roots lie, and the top is visible on the surface. The root system is carefully covered with earth, then the rest of the plant.

Thus, new roots will grow on the stem buried in the soil, it will straighten up, and will bear fruit normally, perhaps a little later. The same method is used when bushes are planted in open ground in a permanent place of growth. To give the bushes a horizontal direction, tying is additionally used. Support pins are installed along the edges of the grooves, between which ropes are stretched. The stem is carefully tied to them.

There is another method of “reanimating” elongated seedlings: before diving, the elongated top of the sprout is pinched off, this is done in such a way that a stem fragment of about 1 cm remains above the cotyledon leaves. After this, the seedling is picked into a separate container and buried as usual (to cotyledon leaves). Place a transparent plastic glass on top of the pot or stretch plastic wrap. After 7-10 days, a new full-fledged leaf appears on the remaining stem.

We hope that after reading this information, you understand why you should pick tomatoes.

Perhaps you will choose the seedless method of planting tomatoes, that is, you will do without the picking stage. And immediately plant the bushes removed from the cups directly into the ground.

It all depends on your preferences, the time you either have or not.

Sometimes, in order to strengthen the seedlings and avoid stretching the sprouts, gardeners use double or even triple picking, each time planting the bushes in a larger container.

In any case, now you know when to pick tomatoes, we hope that the results of this method will be beneficial and will delight you with a generous harvest.

Having the lunar calendar at hand and knowing the favorable days when you can pick tomatoes, you can get a truly royal harvest. You need to try, devoting to caring for him exactly as much time as he requires. It all starts with seedlings: sowing seeds in the ground, caring for them, watering, fertilizing, picking, observing temperature and light conditions. Each of these stages requires a separate and broad disclosure of the topic.

As with any issue, there are always two opinions, two sides. So, some doubt the need for this process, wondering whether it is necessary to pick tomatoes. They also try to find a way to avoid it and “special” seeds. This may not only be due to a lack of time or desire. There may simply not be enough space on the windows, especially where there is good lighting. Not everyone can afford an additional artificial light source, again, for various reasons. But! Be that as it may, without picking you cannot get a good and significant harvest with large, fleshy fruits. Yes, he will, but not like this. And, as a rule, in the summer, when the neighbors begin to collect the first large red fruits, your tomatoes are late, and even threaten to bear the first fruits small and not soon. Therefore, there is only one answer to the question: you can’t do without picking tomatoes.

Picking dates in 2019

Everyone determines the time when they can pick tomatoes for themselves.

You can focus on the meaning of the dates of the lunar calendar when to dive, you can focus on the phases of development of sprouts and the days from the moment of planting seedlings and germination. In this case, it is better to combine the values ​​of the lunar calendar with all the landmarks listed above. That is, it is necessary to plan sowing and picking tomatoes in advance, taking into account the favorable dates of the lunar calendar on both days.

When planning, take into account the phase and day of germination of the first seeds.

In 2019, good days for picking tomatoes in the spring will be:

  • in March - 9,10, 11, and 13,14,15

So, 10-14 days should pass after germination, depending on the variety and favorable phases of the moon. If we focus more on the stage of development of the plant itself, then the most favorable phase is the phase of the first pair of true leaves. Not to be confused with cotyledon leaves; they are not taken into account. When transplanting into the cotyledon leaf phase, a large percentage of plants die; they are too small for such a test and stress.

And during the phase of the first pair of true leaves, and even on a favorable day of the calendar, it’s time. In central Russia, these manipulations occur in the month of March. Depending on what soil (open or closed) the tomato seedlings will be planted in the future.

The main thing is not to carry out work on unfavorable days in 2019:

  • In January it is 1, 27-28
  • February - 23-26th
  • March - 23,24, 28
  • April 2017 - 19, 20, 26
  • May - 16-18, 25
  • June - 13, 14, 24

What is picking and why is it needed?

Tomato picking is the thinning of seedlings by transferring them to separate containers.

Thus, sowing dry seeds in seedling boxes produces friendly, dense rows of seedlings (of course, the seeds must be checked for germination in advance). While the sprouts are small, they do not interfere with each other and develop quickly. Until there is a shortage of space, light, and batteries. One plant, which is stronger, begins to suppress another, which is weaker or less advantageously located in the row. Friendship disappears, and here the main law of life comes into its own - the survival of the fittest. That's exactly what survives.

Plants reach for the light - they stretch out or are stunted in growth. Thus, neither one nor the other cannot develop normally. The result is that if the picking of tomato seedlings is not carried out, then there will be no harvest. Only a few will survive, weakened by the struggle for life and less productive.

Picking tomato seedlings allows you to select the best, strongest plants, which are grouped and planted in separate containers.

The elongated seedlings, grouped separately, must be temporarily moved to the brightest, but not very hot place, in order to give them the opportunity to calmly gain the thickness of the stem and not strive upward anymore. Completely frail, diseased growth should be classified as substandard and disposed of. If the variety is valuable and there are few seeds, you can leave these sprouts, creating favorable conditions for them by picking, disinfecting and fertilizing. They will still take theirs in such conditions.

How to pick tomato seedlings

Tomatoes tolerate replanting quite well due to the fact that they easily produce additional roots even on the stem. But all the same, the transplantation process is stressful for any plant, including tomatoes, since it slows down their development during the recovery period. Therefore, the more painlessly it can be carried out, the better. Let's figure out step by step how to pick tomatoes correctly:

  1. Preparing containers for diving. The volume of the container should be at least 500 - 700 ml, the dimensions should be the most comfortable 9/9/10 (length / width / height, respectively). You can take plastic, cardboard, and paper, including homemade cups made from several layers of newspaper, and peat cups. The last three options are the best, as they save the plants from re-injuring the roots during planting in a permanent place.
  2. Soil preparation. It is best to take soil that is moisture-intensive and breathable, rich in nutrients and humus. The purchased universal soil for seedlings works well. Can be mixed in a 1:1 ratio with soil from the garden. If the soil is prepared on your own, then the proportion and composition should be as follows: 1: 1: 1: 1 (peat, humus, turf soil, sand). It is important to prepare the last version of the soil in advance and it must be disinfected with a strong solution of manganese or fungicide.
  3. Fill the picking cups 2/3 full with this soil. And the tomatoes are sprouting. It is important to remember that picking tomato seedlings requires careful handling of the soil around the root. The better you can preserve it, the more pleasant it is for the plant. It is convenient to do this with a teaspoon, pry up the required volume of soil and almost without disturbing the roots, transfer it to a pre-filled glass. Gently sprinkle the remaining third of the soil so that the plant is immersed in it exactly up to the cotyledon leaves, not deeper. Press the soil for better contact of tomato roots with the soil, water it with water at room temperature and place it in partial shade for a couple of days for complete adaptation to new growing conditions. This will protect the picked plants from sunburn if they are placed on window sills prematurely. Then you can display them in a permanent place before planting them in the ground. The root tip can be pinched off if it is visible. If you have to disturb the soil to do this, then it is better not to touch it and plant it like that.
  4. It is better to pick tomato seedlings while wearing gloves. This is due to the difference in ambient temperature and finger temperature. For the delicate stems of small tomatoes, this is very noticeable and acts on them like a hot shower. It’s the same as pouring a bucket of water on us, with a temperature of 46 - 50ºС. It won't scald you, but it won't be pleasant. So it is with them. The temperature of their stems is 22-25 ºС, and our hands - 36.6 ºС. Gloves are protection from additional stress. It's better to wear them.
  5. From the moment of picking tomatoes until planting mature ready-made seedlings in open ground, at least three feedings must be carried out. You can feed vegetable crops with Agricola, or alternate with Kornerost and Biohumus. Alternate fertilizing with watering. Water it with water as the soil clod dries out, preferably not to overwater. Every couple of weeks, harden the seedlings, lowering the ambient temperature by several degrees. Immediately before planting the seedlings in a permanent place, take them out and harden them in a greenhouse, greenhouse or outside in the shade.


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