Plan template for self-care at home. Face and body care: program for every day

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Weekly self-care plan

The modern beauty industry offers a variety of cosmetics, and glossy magazines and women's websites are full of various recipes for masks, scrubs, baths, peelings, lotions and various facial and body care procedures. How not to get lost in this diversity? How to find time for these procedures? How to choose the most suitable cosmetic products and procedures? To answer these questions, you need to create an individual self-care program. It includes: daily, weekly and periodic personal care (solarium, haircut, hair coloring). Let's focus on daily and weekly self-care.
So, let's talk about daily care. Every day we devote 15-30 minutes in the morning and evening.
Morning care includes the following procedures.
1. Open the window and do gymnastics.
2. Take a shower, lubricate the body with milk, use deodorant, brush your teeth.
3. Refresh your facial skin with cool water, which should be softened, for example, with baking soda. Then we wipe our face with a cotton swab dipped in lotion and apply day cream (moisturizing in summer, protective in winter) cream. Apply balm to lips.
4. While the cream is absorbed, comb your hair thoroughly.
5. Apply protective or moisturizing cream to your hands.
6. We get dressed, put on makeup, do our hair and perfume.
Evening care consists of the following procedures.
1. Cleanse your face with special milk. Then wipe with lotion and apply night (nourishing) cream. Apply a special cream for the skin around the eyes on the eyelids. Apply castor oil to the eyelashes using an old mascara brush.
2. After a bath or shower, apply cream or milk to the body and neck, lubricate your hands with nourishing cream.
3. Comb your hair thoroughly.
4. Treat your nails.
5. Brush your teeth.
Now you need to create a weekly self-care schedule. We describe the procedures by day of the week. For example, like this.
On Monday and Friday we take care of our hair. Frequently washing your hair, even with shampoos for daily use, is not very beneficial. Based on your hair type, determine the frequency of headaches. Fatty ones are washed more often than dry ones. Twice a week we pay more attention to our hair.
1. Before washing, apply castor or burdock oil to your hair.
2. Then comb them thoroughly. This way we massage the head and the combed hair will be washed better.
3. Wash your hair with shampoo. It is better not to rub the shampoo into your head, but first dilute it with water. And in this form, rub into the roots with massaging movements and distribute along the entire length of the hair. It takes a very long time to rinse off the shampoo until it squeaks.
4. Apply a balm, which we rub into the scalp (as opposed to conditioner, which is applied to the ends of the hair) and lightly massage it.
5. Then rinse your hair. To add shine and softness, add a tablespoon of vinegar or the juice of one lemon per liter of water to the water. Rinse oily hair with a strong infusion of black tea or oak bark. To give your hair a beautiful shade, add chamomile (for light hair) or sage (for dark hair) to the water - half a cup of herb per liter of water.
Friday. Instead of burdock or castor oil, we will feed our hair with masks. You can buy them in the store, or you can prepare them yourself. Use yogurt to make your hair silky. For dry hair, mix one yolk, a tablespoon of mayonnaise, a teaspoon of honey and burdock oil. Apply to hair, cover with film and a towel, leave for an hour. We prepare a mask for oily hair from honey, aloe juice, lemon juice (every teaspoon) and yolk.
On Tuesday and Saturday we take care of your face.
1. Cleanse your face with milk, wipe with lotion, apply scrub or peeling. Here are recipes for making a scrub at home:
- salt + soda;
- coffee scrub. Mix coffee grounds with two tablespoons of oatmeal. For dry skin, add a tablespoon of sour cream, for oily skin, add a spoonful of yogurt.
2. Pour a handful of chamomile or sage flowers into a bowl, pour in 1-2 liters of boiling water and hold your face over the steam for five minutes. After the steam bath, pat your face dry with a napkin and rinse with cool water.
3. Apply nourishing cream to your face.
4. Tidy up your eyebrows.
1. Make compresses for the face. Alternately place a napkin soaked in cold or hot water on your face.
2. Apply the mask. They, like hair masks, can be prepared at home:
- yolk + vegetable oil;
- honey + yolk;
- mayonnaise. Mayonnaise contains a lot of useful substances, already mixed in the right proportion. Just take it and smear it on your face. After twenty minutes, wash off - the skin is like a peach.
- Baby food mask. Dilute a tablespoon of any baby food (it is enriched with vitamins and minerals) in milk to a paste consistency and apply for twenty minutes.
3. Tidy up your eyebrows.
On Wednesday we take care of our hands.
1. Remove the old varnish.
2. File your nails.
3. Dip your fingers in soapy water or apply a special preparation to remove the cuticle.
4. We push the skin to the root of the nail with an orange stick or cut it with tweezers to remove the cuticle.
5. Apply cream to the nail bed.
6. Lubricate your hands with nourishing cream.
On Thursday we pay attention to the legs.
1. Remove dead skin layers (with a pedicure file).
2. Dip your feet in a bath of soapy water, herbs or oil.
3. After 15-20 minutes, treat with pumice.
4. Lubricate with cream.
On Sunday we take care of the body.
1. Take a milk bath (like Cleopatra): pour 3 liters of milk into warm water. You can add a tablespoon of honey.
2. You can make the following bath paste:
- 1 tablespoon of dried, crushed and sifted orange peels;
- 1 tablespoon of dried, crushed and sifted lemon peels;
- 2 tablespoons of almonds;
- a pinch of salt;
- 4 tablespoons of sprouted wheat flour;
- 1 tablespoon of thyme;
- a pinch of chopped allspice;
- almond oil (to make the mixture paste-like);
- a few drops of jasmine oil.
3. Or just add something to the bath: salt, oil (peach, ylang-ylang), foam, herbs.
4. “Global” hair removal.
5. Body scrub. You can use ground coffee.
6. Apply cream or milk.
Based on this plan, you can create your own self-care program. The main thing is that care should be systematic. And then you can be sure of your irresistibility.

Hi all! I already wrote that in December I took a planning training with Sveta Goncharova. Slowly but surely planning is coming into my life.

I make plans for the month, week. And I try to fulfill them. It’s more difficult with plans for the day - they’re more like a checklist with tasks.

But plans are plans, but you need to take care of yourself. To be honest, I didn’t have any system before. As soon as I remember, I do it.

Last summer I made a schedule where I indicated what I did and when. This is for clarity when I implemented it.

Then she stopped. I kept it more and more in my head.

In March, beautiful plans and checklists began to catch my eye. And I decided to make my own beauty plan. After all, every girl has her own set of self-care actions.

At the same time, I am introducing the habit of constant self-care. If with morning and evening care everything is more or less stable, then with weekly care there are gaps.

I finally made the plan and I really like it!

I understand that it won’t suit every girl, so below is a template that you can download and use. You can enter the necessary actions either by hand or in Power Point or in any other graphic program.

Many representatives of the fair sex do not hesitate to use their natural gifts, constantly postponing self-care procedures for later, believing that this is the lot of ladies of Balzac’s age, requiring significant time and material costs.

Meanwhile, caring for a woman’s appearance plays a very important role, especially now, when poor environment, bad habits, chronic lack of sleep, poor diet and constant stress have the most negative impact on the face and body. It is imperative to take care of your appearance, and you shouldn’t put this issue off for a long time, because there are a lot of easy-to-follow and absolutely inexpensive methods for maintaining beauty, and self-care by day of the week is a prime example of this. A pleasant bonus is the fact that we are talking about procedures that can be performed at home without the expensive services of a cosmetologist and any special products, because even the products available in the refrigerator can bring significant benefits for rejuvenation, nutrition and high-quality hydration of the face and body nutrition.

But let's talk about everything in order, and it is advisable first of all to give the basic routine for the week, which is a kind of plan. Thus, it is best to devote the beginning of the week to caring for the skin of the face and neck in the broadest sense of the word, because you can apply not only nutrition and hydration with the help of creams, vitamins and masks, but also mechanical cleaning and peeling. It should be remembered that after rough physical impact on delicate skin, which usually involves peeling or even regular cleansing, you shouldn’t apply anything to your face other than a light moisturizer, so it’s better to choose one thing.

When it comes to care and nutrition, all kinds of masks and scrubs made with your own hands from available products (sour cream, cream, strawberries, cucumbers, coffee, honey, eggs, etc.) can be very helpful. When applying a homemade product to the face, it is necessary to carefully monitor its reaction, since a feeling of discomfort and tightness indicates the incompatibility of this type of skin with the components used to nourish it. As for cleaning and peeling, for the first procedure you will need water steam and good lighting, and for the second you will need simple products such as baby soap without additives, cotton pads and an ampoule of calcium chloride. Simply moisten the disc with the indicated product and rub it with soap, then walk it all over your face.

Tuesday can be devoted to caring for your hair, using the most effective folk remedies and masks for these purposes. For example, you can rub olive or coconut oil into the strands along the entire length, cover your head with film and wrap a turban from a towel so that the oil warms up slightly. The longer this procedure lasts, the better for the hair, and as for cleaning the strands, it comes down to washing your hair twice with regular shampoo. Masks made from natural dairy products and egg yolks will also help strengthen, nourish and grow hair, but it is better to refrain from using onion juice, since the smell of this vegetable will appear at the slightest increase in air humidity.

On Wednesday, they usually begin comprehensive care for the body and hands, paying maximum attention to problem areas affected by cellulite and keratinized skin areas located on the elbows, knees and heels. Thus, the fight against cellulite will be effective only if it is comprehensive. That is, weekly wraps and heat loads on problem areas will not bring the desired result without physical exercise and a properly selected balanced diet.

As for rough islands of skin, they are removed mechanically by lubricating the designated areas with cosmetic oil or cream intended for moisturizing. Caring for all other areas of the body involves the use of fatty aromatic creams, emulsions and oils. Thursday is perfect for again devoting time to the skin of your face and neck, but without peeling and cleansing. Friday involves repeating a set of measures to improve the health of your hair and its follicles, but on Saturday you can finally take care of your own feet.

And in this regard, it is difficult to come up with something new, since there is simply no better care than a warm bath with Dead Sea salts and aromatic oils, mechanical treatment with sanding attachments and deep nourishment with rich cream or oil. And on Sunday you can visit the bathhouse or swimming pool, devoting this day to general wellness procedures.

Hello, girls!

The 1st spring month has ended, the March results are being summed up: a bunch of different useful procedures for the body and face have been redone (2-3 club tasks weekly). There are many different recipes for self-care. I want both, and the other, and the third. She anointed it here, rubbed it there, or didn’t anoint it at all. I’m a coffee maker in this matter, I’m still just learning to love myself, be satisfied with myself and take care of myself. I haven’t used any regular care all my life. I started thinking.

How to avoid turning self-care into complete chaos? After all, we often do this “bingely,” spontaneously, in fits and starts, irregularly, and then we put it on the back burner and limit ourselves to simply a set of hygienic morning and evening routines. How to find time for these procedures? How to choose the most suitable cosmetics and not go broke? So, without fanaticism)))

This wonderful post promptly prompted me to have positive emotions: it would be nice for me to have a constructive beauty plan! To answer the above questions, you just need to create an individual self-care program. It includes daily, weekly and periodic personal care (solarium, haircut, hair coloring). Stopped at weekly care taking care of yourself without a routine (mandatory daily care in the morning and evening).

Conventionally, the body is divided into 5 zones. It was not invented by me, but read from the Internet.

Zone 1 - face and neck.
Zone 2 - hands.
Zone 3 - legs.
Zone 4 - body.
Zone 5 - hair.

On Monday we work on zone 1.
Tuesday - zone 2,3.
Wednesday - zone 4.
Thursday - zone 5.
Friday - zone 1.
Saturday - zone 2.3.
Sunday - hodgepodge for the body - zone 4.

Self-care plan in 30 minutes for a week in the studio .

Monday. Face and neck.

We wash our face with milk or foam;
Apply a cleansing homemade mask or scrub;
Apply the mask around the eyes;
After 10 minutes, wash off the masks;

Apply eye cream;
Apply face cream and do a light massage;

Apply honey to your lips.

30 minutes was enough.

Tuesday. Arms and legs.

Make a hot foot bath;

Clean and file nails;
Apply moisturizer;
On nails - nourishing oil or medicinal enamel.
We wear cotton socks.

Make a hand bath for 5-7 minutes;
Remove cuticles;
Clean and file nails;
Apply nourishing or moisturizing hand cream;
We apply medicated enamel or special oil to the nails.
We wear cotton gloves.

Wednesday. Body.

We get into the shower and soak for a couple of minutes;
We actively apply the scrub for five minutes;
Wash off the scrub;
Three problem areas with an anti-cellulite washcloth or brush;
Rinse, apply balm, body milk or anti-cellulite cream.

Again, it took no more than 30 minutes.

Thursday. Hair.

Wash your hair;
Apply a nourishing hair mask for 15 minutes;
Wash off the mask;
Apply balm or oil.

The timer rings. 30 minutes.

Friday.Face and neck.

We do a light peeling for the face and neck;
Steam your face in a steam bath for 10-15 minutes;
Apply a commercial cleansing express mask or scrub;
Apply cotton pads soaked in herbal decoction to the eyes;
After 10 minutes, wash off the mask;
Wipe your face with tonic or lotion;
Apply eye and face cream;
We do a pinching massage and eyebrow combing;
Apply nourishing oil to eyelashes and eyebrows;
Apply butter to lips.

Saturday. Arms and legs.

Make a bath for hands and feet for 10 minutes;
Gently rub the heels with a pumice stone or scrub;
Clean and file fingernails and toenails;
Gently scrub the skin of your hands;
Apply nourishing masks to hands and feet for 10 minutes;
Wash off the masks with warm water;
Apply nourishing or moisturizing cream to hands and feet;
Apply a French manicure to your nails.

Sunday. Hodgepodge.

Bath with sea salt, essential oils and scented candle;
Clay body mask or wrap;
Spray with self-tanning effect.

And this can take a whole hour or two)))

We consolidate the Sunday result - dress nicely and go for a walk. Let's walk through the park, breathe in the fresh spring air, treat ourselves to ice cream, and treat ourselves to a little new thing.

The phrase: “I can’t find time for myself” is a wrong phrase. Believe me, this is where self-dislike begins, and this must be eradicated in the bud. There are different excuses, they say the husband loves one (but no, he doesn’t like one so shabby, give him a well-groomed and beautiful one.

Of course, the list of procedures during the week can be varied, adjusting to your own needs, the lunar calendar, the CD, and adding some of your own events to your personal care plan. The point is the same: set aside a strictly defined time every day for easy and relaxed self-care. In a month you can feel noticeably fresher, and in two months you can get tired of compliments. If you don't believe me, check it out.

I suggest you try to draw up a plan of procedures, say for a week, try it in practice and tell us about the results.

P.S. Phew, well, my brain started to smoke from the analysis. Motivation for my hard work:

This month I decided to pay special attention to caring for my body and organize a small Beauty marathon. Despite the fact that every day I wash off my makeup, use toner, cream and periodically use a scrub, I realized that I lack a system. I have long heard about such a practice as a beauty schedule and decided to try it on myself.

I’m 25 years old, I thought that at this age it’s great to start investing in your future beauty. In general, it seems to me that it is very important to do some things on a schedule, since in the flow of work it seems that we perform some procedures often, but in fact it turns out that this happens once every three months.

I also decided to pay special attention to some parts of the body that were previously undeservedly deprived of it. For example, I never thought about neck care. Meanwhile, the first signs of aging, first of all, attack her! Because, while caring for your face, it receives nutrients and “holds the defense”, but the neck does not and the “annual rings”, like on a tree, over time begin to indicate our age to everyone. I decided to study this issue more and start making it a habit to care for her. I also noticed that older women, no matter how good they look, are given away by their hands; they are also rarely well-groomed. And I must say, it’s not entirely deserved, because hands are our calling card, they are one of the integral elements of female beauty.

Hair. I wash my hair twice a week, which I consider optimal for my hair. At the moment, I bought Dikson capsules, this is quite intensive care (there are different ampoules from this company for different hair and problems), which I resort to a couple of times a year, and the course lasts for about a month. Therefore, my hair care will consist of washing my hair 2 times a week and applying these magical products (in your case, these could be masks). Sometimes I alternate ampoules and apply quite strong masks (this is especially useful after curling), my two favorites at the moment are Joico K-PAK RevitaLuxe and Macadamia Natural Oil Care, it should be noted that I have coarse, colored hair, and the masks are specially selected for this type. Also, do not forget that it is good to do these masks at most once a week, otherwise they can weigh down your hair. Remember that no one will see your well-groomed hair without proper styling or hairstyle. Therefore, hair care includes this item.

Face. At the moment I use Uriage cosmetics (blue line) and am slowly trying Beyond, which I selected by trial and error, and my skin responded positively to it. There is no clear recommendation regarding cosmetics; you need to look at your reaction. And, of course, the most important thing is to choose care according to your skin type. I always thought that I had combination skin, and only recently I was told that it was normal and even prone to dryness, but I lived and did not understand why many creams were not suitable for me. 🙂 My daily care is as follows: morning - tonic, cream; evening - cleanser (for removing makeup), toner, cream. Scrub once a week. I’m gradually adding masks to my skincare routine. I recently paid attention to the Beyond brand and bought myself 12 individual masks, which I will use twice a week. This month I am also planning a trip to a cosmetologist to supplement my skin care around my eyes. At the moment, every day I drop a couple of drops of Aevit vitamins into the cream and apply it under my eyes.

Neck. As I said earlier, the neck was almost not involved in the care process. Now she receives the same daily care as her face. Tonic + cream twice a day (I use nourishing neck cream). I also now apply masks to the décolleté area.

Hands. Now my hands also receive a scrub and mask twice a week. I make the mask as follows: take a bowl, put it on a warm stove (or heat it in the microwave), add 1/3 s. spoons of shea butter, 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil, a little castor and olive oils, squeeze out an ampoule of Aevita and a little aloe juice. A warm bowl is needed to melt the solid butters (shea and coconut). Next, I apply the scrub to my hands (I ordered my very finely ground scrub on the IHerb website, I mix it with the Aveeno liquid scrub) and massage them thoroughly, any scrub can be used, the main thing is that it does not seriously injure the skin, i.e. was not very large. I wash it off with warm water, apply mixed oils and massage my hands. Having covered them with a fairly dense layer of oils, I put on disposable plastic gloves and ordinary winter gloves on top. I leave the mask on for half an hour and go to work or drink tea, after 30 minutes I simply blot the remaining oil dry with napkins without rinsing it off. And of course, don’t forget about manicure, I used to do it myself once a week, now I go to the salon once every 10 days and mostly apply Shellac. Thanks to this, your nails are always well-groomed, they have a fresh and long-lasting manicure, which does not need to be updated every few days. It is important to ALWAYS wear gloves when washing and washing dishes. Since cleansers mercilessly deal with the beauty of our hands, and all our efforts will be reduced to zero.

Body. Since I was 16 years old, I have had a constant system in the fight against dry skin. Two or three times a week I rub my body with a coffee scrub (I buy ground coffee and moisten it with water, with the addition of citrus oil, or use coffee grounds). Every time after a shower, I apply a small amount of a mixture of oils to a wet body (usually olive oil with the addition of a couple of drops of any delicious-smelling oil, sometimes instead of olive oil I use grape seed oil, in general, room for experimentation) and then wipe it dry with a towel. This allows you to dress calmly in the future and not be afraid of getting your clothes dirty. In addition, the skin is incredibly velvety, often even people who accidentally touch me notice this.

Legs. I treat my feet with a special foot grater twice a week (once in winter) to remove rough skin and make foot baths with sea salt and herbal infusions. Also in the summer, once every 3 weeks I go for a pedicure with Shellac coating, in the winter I cover it with regular varnish and more often do it on my own.

So, you can download the schedule I compiled and arrange a small Beauty marathon for yourself. Click on the picture and it will appear in full size. Please note that I did not include manicure and pedicure, since this is a purely individual procedure and it takes a different time for everyone. It seems to me that a month of simple procedures will help, firstly, to get used to self-care, secondly, it will improve your mood and self-esteem, and thirdly, it will help you achieve a “polished effect”. Keep in mind that the procedures can be performed in any order (the main thing is to follow the logic, i.e. after a hand mask you should not immediately go to the shower). Over time, I will add to the calendar, but for now let’s use its simplified version and make it beautiful.

You can also download a blank form to fill out yourself.

“If a woman has not become a beauty by the age of 30, she is simply stupid,” this saying has struck my ears many times, raising many questions. How can you become beautiful if you are not naturally that way? How to learn this and what does “being beautiful” even mean? These questions haunted me for a long time - and by the age of 30, I finally decided to take the path of learning the science of self-care. It turns out that you can plan everything – even your own beauty!

Beauty, of course, comes from within, and our appearance is a reflection of our inner world. And no correction of appearance without internal changes will bring lasting results. Have you ever experienced a woman who doesn’t seem to be a beauty, but is so attractive and pleasant in every way that you involuntarily fall under her charm?! I had such a teacher at the university - the students simply froze when she entered the classroom and did not take their eyes off her for the entire lecture! Smart, beautiful, stylish, radiant, sincere, she could laugh loudly with students, but also harshly - always winning with her wit and impeccable manners in intellectual duels with upstarts. It seemed that everyone around was in love with her: from students to teachers...

I always wanted to solve the mystery of such attractive women - how do they do it?!

The answer that I found for myself sounds like this: the secret of attractive women lies in the harmony of inner and outer beauty .

We have already talked a lot about inner beauty and will continue to talk - after all, my blog is dedicated mainly to rewriting and finding your own formula for happiness and. But I believe that you cannot neglect the outer shell of your rich inner world - you need to strive to look the way you want and dream! When a woman becomes more beautiful and well-groomed over the years, this is undoubtedly an indicator of painstaking work on herself and the result of self-development!

At 20, you have the face that nature gave you; at 30 you have the face that life sculpted for you; and at 50 you have the face you deserve. Coco Chanel

How to plan self-care?

“I have neither time nor extra funds for all these procedures” - these are the most common excuses of women who deny themselves regular care. In fact, such women lack something else - self-love. If “to love” is a verb that denotes an action, then “to love yourself” means to take time for yourself, feel your needs and satisfy them in a timely manner, voice your desires and certainly fulfill them.

After all, if you don’t allocate time for yourself to care, then who will allocate it for you? If you don’t take care of your beauty, who will do it for you?!

And about the “extra funds” that are supposedly required for self-care, I will say this - there is never enough money and there is always not enough of it (even the wealthiest people always lack money!). Expenses speak, first of all, about priorities. If you feel sorry for money for a quality cream that you have been dreaming about for several years, think about your priorities...

You need to learn to spend money on yourself - afford a good face cream, amazing shampoo, quality clothes, regular self-care and the necessary procedures from the appropriate specialists.

For some, these are, of course, truisms - but not for everyone, believe me, not for everyone. Some have had the example of a mother, sister, or other favorable female environment in front of their eyes since childhood, while others have to learn to take care of themselves on their own. And in general it’s like this in life: what has long been a banality for some, is still news for others - it’s all a matter of personal experience.

So, back to the topic - how to paint detailed self-care plan.

Any adult woman, of course, has her own personal care plan - when to go to the hairdresser, for a manicure or to a cosmetologist. But often we forget to do the procedures on time, and even more often, due to constant worries and responsibilities, we simply do not have enough time to take care of ourselves. Therefore, I suggest creating a schedule of self-care routines - for a week to start.

The point of this schedule is to make self-care regular and systematic - and then you will be amazed at the results your body will thank you for! In order to be well-groomed and beautiful, you don’t have to go to a beauty salon every day. Moreover, any cosmetologist will tell you that he will not solve your problems during consultations - your beauty depends, first of all, on your regular efforts and self-care actions at home.

A woman’s self-care begins at home in the bathroom, and specialists can only correct, guide, and advise.

Self-care: weekly plan

This plan will be very useful for those who have decided to take their beauty and appearance seriously, but do not fully understand where to find time for themselves and how to practice self-care. And for a woman this is extremely necessary - after all Self-love begins with paying attention to your needs, taking care of your body and inner comfort.

Daily self-care routines perfectly fill the energy that women so generously distribute to their loved ones. It’s impossible to give all the time (we don’t need exhaustion and depression, do we?!) – we need to replenish expended energy on time. For me, for example, it is enough 15-30 minutes before bed for a procedure for yourself to feel a surge of strength and feel renewed, full, calm.

A weekly self-care plan is not my invention. I first heard about it from the Fly-Lady system, but I reworked it and decided to create a project to implement it. But first things first.

The plan itself is designed to ensure that you do not forget to regularly carry out self-care procedures. In order not to miss anything, care for each part of the body is divided by day of the week.

So, in addition to basic daily morning and evening care, on certain days we will carry out procedures (at home or with specialists - if desired) for the following parts of the body:

  1. Monday – facial. Treatment options: peelings, cleansing, masks, eyebrow correction, sponges, eyelashes - everything that your face needs. (You can read an interview with a cosmetologist about facial care)
  2. Tuesday – hand care. Treatment options: peeling, masks, oil baths, manicure, masks.
  3. Wednesday – foot care. Treatment options: baths, peelings, wraps, pedicure, heel moisturizing.
  4. Thursday – body care. Treatment options: wraps, peelings, massages, moisturizing - whatever you come up with or our experts suggest. (Rules for body care can be found)

    Friday – hair care. Treatment options: masks, nutrition/recovery, coloring, going to the hairdresser, etc. Or maybe it’s time to try styling your hair differently or doing your favorite hairstyle? (Interview with a hairdresser about proper hair care)

  5. Saturday – bath. Options: spa, sauna. Or maybe it’s time to organize a bachelorette party in a bathhouse with herbal teas, fresh juices and scrubs?!
  6. Sunday is the Day of Soul Renewal. When the external order is restored, it’s time to take care of the internal beauty! It's time to analyze the past week, plan the next, listen to your inner voice, take up your favorite hobby or read an interesting book - in general, whatever your heart desires! Listen to yourself, to your feelings - are you calm? Is there any discomfort? If so, where and why? Eliminate from your life everything and everyone that brings negativity - strive for lightness! After all, a Woman’s main duty to herself is to be Happy!

Of course, one “Weekly Self-Care Plan” is not enough. Self-care requires a systematic approach – it is necessary to create self-care programs for the day, week, month, year. When drawing up such programs, it is necessary to take into account many factors: create daily rituals for self-care (morning and evening), observe the seasonality of procedures and self-care, include work with wardrobe and style, select optimal nutrition and lifestyle for beauty, form a personal Must- have personal care products and replenish them in a timely manner, plan a budget for personal care, etc.

I have long been looking for a universal tool for self-care that would take into account inner beauty, style work, nutrition, and lifestyle; would contain expert advice and specific recipes for self-care. And when I couldn’t find such a tool, I decided to create it myself.

Meet this - “Beauty Planner”🙂

Beauty planner is a printed notebook that contains:

  • tables for drawing up personal programs and plans for self-care (for a year, month, week, day);
  • sections for each area of ​​the body (face, arms, legs, hair, body);
  • advice from experts (cosmetologist, hairdresser, nutritionist and stylist);
  • pages for the soul and inner work;
  • and many other useful tools for planning your self-care!

Marathon #7days_for_yourself

My dear readers, I am glad that you have read the article to this point - this means that you and I are on the same wavelength and the topic of regular self-care is relevant to you!

I am sure that you, just like me, want to develop and become more beautiful, and not just read articles on self-development. After all, any information in itself has no meaning - until it is translated into concrete actions!

This is why I hold beauty marathons. On October 2-9, 2017, the first Beauty Marathon #7days_for_yourself took place. The participants completed self-care tasks for 7 days in a row, sharing tips, life hacks and beauty recipes. Together it’s easier to stick to the chosen path and, definitely, in a female company – it’s fun and interesting! The results of the last Marathon and useful advice from participants can be read.

If you have a desire to take part in the Beauty Marathon, you can join us at any time. Now the Beauty Marathon operates on an ongoing basis - all the details on

And now I invite you to download a short version of the weekly self-care plan - a “reminder” that you can print out and hang in the bathroom:

I will send detailed information to those interested. Self-care checklist 😉 Want to? Leave your email and the checklist will arrive to you in a minute.

Hello, girls!

The 1st spring month has ended, the March results are being summed up: a bunch of different useful procedures for the body and face have been redone (2-3 club tasks weekly). There are many different recipes for self-care. I want both, and the other, and the third. She anointed it here, rubbed it there, or didn’t anoint it at all. I’m a coffee maker in this matter, I’m still just learning to love myself, be satisfied with myself and take care of myself. I haven’t used any regular care all my life. I started thinking.

How to avoid turning self-care into complete chaos? After all, we often do this “bingely,” spontaneously, in fits and starts, irregularly, and then we put it on the back burner and limit ourselves to simply a set of hygienic morning and evening routines. How to find time for these procedures? How to choose the most suitable cosmetics and not go broke? So, without fanaticism)))

This wonderful post promptly prompted me to have positive emotions: it would be nice for me to have a constructive beauty plan! To answer the above questions, you just need to create an individual self-care program. It includes daily, weekly and periodic personal care (solarium, haircut, hair coloring). Stopped at weekly care taking care of yourself without a routine (mandatory daily care in the morning and evening).

Conventionally, the body is divided into 5 zones. It was not invented by me, but read from the Internet.

Zone 1 - face and neck.
Zone 2 - hands.
Zone 3 - legs.
Zone 4 - body.
Zone 5 - hair.

On Monday we work on zone 1.
Tuesday - zone 2,3.
Wednesday - zone 4.
Thursday - zone 5.
Friday - zone 1.
Saturday - zone 2.3.
Sunday - hodgepodge for the body - zone 4.

Self-care plan in 30 minutes for a week in the studio .

Monday. Face and neck.

We wash our face with milk or foam;
Apply a cleansing homemade mask or scrub;
Apply the mask around the eyes;
After 10 minutes, wash off the masks;

Apply eye cream;
Apply face cream and do a light massage;

Apply honey to your lips.

30 minutes was enough.

Tuesday. Arms and legs.

Make a hot foot bath;

Clean and file nails;
Apply moisturizer;
On nails - nourishing oil or medicinal enamel.
We wear cotton socks.

Make a hand bath for 5-7 minutes;
Remove cuticles;
Clean and file nails;
Apply nourishing or moisturizing hand cream;
We apply medicated enamel or special oil to the nails.
We wear cotton gloves.

Wednesday. Body.

We get into the shower and soak for a couple of minutes;
We actively apply the scrub for five minutes;
Wash off the scrub;
Three problem areas with an anti-cellulite washcloth or brush;
Rinse, apply balm, body milk or anti-cellulite cream.

Again, it took no more than 30 minutes.

Thursday. Hair.

Wash your hair;
Apply a nourishing hair mask for 15 minutes;
Wash off the mask;
Apply balm or oil.

The timer rings. 30 minutes.

Friday.Face and neck.

We do a light peeling for the face and neck;
Steam your face in a steam bath for 10-15 minutes;
Apply a commercial cleansing express mask or scrub;
Apply cotton pads soaked in herbal decoction to the eyes;
After 10 minutes, wash off the mask;
Wipe your face with tonic or lotion;
Apply eye and face cream;
We do a pinching massage and eyebrow combing;
Apply nourishing oil to eyelashes and eyebrows;
Apply butter to lips.

Saturday. Arms and legs.

Make a bath for hands and feet for 10 minutes;
Gently rub the heels with a pumice stone or scrub;
Clean and file fingernails and toenails;
Gently scrub the skin of your hands;
Apply nourishing masks to hands and feet for 10 minutes;
Wash off the masks with warm water;
Apply nourishing or moisturizing cream to hands and feet;
Apply a French manicure to your nails.

Sunday. Hodgepodge.

Bath with sea salt, essential oils and scented candle;
Clay body mask or wrap;
Spray with self-tanning effect.

And this can take a whole hour or two)))

We consolidate the Sunday result - dress nicely and go for a walk. Let's walk through the park, breathe in the fresh spring air, treat ourselves to ice cream, and treat ourselves to a little new thing.

The phrase: “I can’t find time for myself” is a wrong phrase. Believe me, this is where self-dislike begins, and this must be eradicated in the bud. There are different excuses, they say the husband loves one (but no, he doesn’t like one so shabby, give him a well-groomed and beautiful one).

Of course, the list of procedures during the week can be varied, adjusting to your own needs, the lunar calendar, the CD, and adding some of your own events to your personal care plan. The point is the same: set aside a strictly defined time every day for easy and relaxed self-care. In a month you can feel noticeably fresher, and in two months you can get tired of compliments. If you don't believe me, check it out.

I suggest you try to draw up a plan of procedures, say for a week, try it in practice and tell us about the results.

P.S. Phew, well, my brain started to smoke from the analysis. Motivation for my hard work:

How to create basic daily care? Write down five tips from a pro, makeup artist Anastasia Cherenkova, on a sticky note.

Anastasia Cherenkova Visagiste

Student of Elena Krygina

First step

Early in the morning you drink a glass of water with lemon juice, put oatmeal on low heat and go wash your face. Daily self-care involves gentle cleansers - no peelings or scrubs.

In the morning, only breakfast should be hot - to invigorate your facial skin, turn on refreshing cold water.

Second step

I suspect you didn't get enough sleep again. Morning “bags” under the eyes and dull complexion will be saved by ice from clean filtered water.

For this folk care procedure, freeze the cubes the night before (preferably in molds with funny figures - to start the morning with a smile).

Third step

Fourth step

It’s hard to imagine a modern care plan without a couple of patches. This is what we dreamed about before school tests - to relax our book-tired eyes in 15 minutes.

My advice: apply the patches under your eyes before breakfast, post a selfie on Instagram Stories (I love the look of the gold or blue gel versions) and dream of an unexpected end to the day.

Fifth step

The finale of daily care is a light moisturizer. How to choose it? I recommend making an appointment with a good dermatologist and finding out for sure what type of skin you have. Remember, everyone needs hydration (yes, even if your nose is shiny under a layer of powder). The way the cream “works” depends on the type. If you don’t have time for a dermatologist, but you need a cream right now, choose a product from a trusted brand marked for all skin types (“for any skin type”).

Text: Dilyara Telyasheva

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Every woman dreams of impeccable appearance, excellent health and natural beauty. It goes without saying that in order to maintain all these parameters at a high level, you will have to take at least minimal care of yourself throughout your life. Without a well-designed personal care plan, maintaining beauty and health will be very difficult.

How not to make a mistake when choosing a plan

First of all, you should decide on specific goals that you want to achieve. Of course, a personal care plan for every day is created not only to keep the body in good shape, but also to adjust and improve certain parameters.

It is likely that such a plan may include items on tightening the skin of the face, improving the condition of hair and restoring it, burning fat and reducing the volume of the abdomen, and getting rid of acne on the face and body. These are the very goals that will help place emphasis when drawing up a schedule.

How to make a plan

Be sure to coordinate your plan with household chores, work, as well as other responsibilities and entertainment. You can make a plan either on a piece of paper or in any suitable smartphone application. Here the only criteria will be ease of viewing and editing, coupled with recording results and tracking success.

For any daily procedures in your beauty plan for self-care, you should allocate from 30 minutes to one hour. It is enough to look at many plans on the Internet, find the most useful and suitable procedures and carefully and evenly distribute them over seven days of the week.

The main rule is that the plan should be unobtrusive and easy. You should not immediately perform unimaginable feats, because after a few days or weeks of such tests, such self-care can have the opposite effect and cause complete apathy towards any such procedures.

What can you use to make a plan?

If we talk about self-care for every day, the plan is made up of dozens of different procedures, most of which can be distributed in any way. At the same time, it is undoubtedly worth monitoring the distribution logic. For example, if you plan to apply a face mask twice a week, then it is better to do this at approximately equal intervals, that is, on Wednesday and Saturday (Monday and Thursday, and so on).

Typically, a minimum self-care plan includes the following items:

  • face masks,
  • hair masks,
  • pedicure and manicure,
  • epilation,
  • leg and foot massage,
  • face massage,
  • back massage,
  • Anticellulite massage,
  • sports activities,
  • jogging.

Face and hair masks

Both are recommended to be applied twice a week. Also, all visits to hairdressing and beauty salons that will be associated with cutting, dyeing, hair styling and other care and restoration procedures can be attributed to this item.

There are a huge number of face masks that are made at home. But if there is no time for preparation, then stores will offer a wide range for any purpose. The face masks used in the weekly self-care plan are divided into moisturizing, nourishing, whitening, anti-aging and firming, as well as cleansing peels and anti-acne masks.

Hair masks, like facial masks, can be easily created from improvised materials right at home. In terms of plan, it would be best to alternate the application of different compounds, but you need to look at the situation. In some cases, frequent use of certain hair masks is required to achieve a desired goal, such as thickening, improving color saturation, preventing hair loss, or moisturizing dry hair.

Manicure and pedicure

Both procedures are mandatory in the schedule of the vast majority of modern women. Professionals advise updating your salon manicure every 7-10 days, and if a girl takes care of her nails on her own, then manicure procedures should be included in the weekly plan.

Pedicure, due to physiological characteristics, does not require such vigilant attention, therefore, in terms of self-care for a month, it can be assigned to only one specific day. Of course, this includes taking proper care of your feet and toes throughout the month.

Hair removal procedures

They are done as needed, that is, the frequency of procedures directly depends on the speed of hair growth and the type of hair removal itself. Some people prefer to visit salons that provide waxing, sugaring, laser or any other hair removal services, while others shave themselves with special epilators or ordinary razors.

You need to choose the appropriate type of hair removal not only according to the availability of free time in your plan, but also according to your own pain threshold, since some types of hair removal are very painful. You will have to include hair removal in your personal care plan based on the type of procedure itself and the physiological characteristics of the body.

Face and body massage

This method of skin care was used by the ancient Egyptians, who considered it to have a beneficial effect on human health and beauty. Nowadays, facial and body massage is generally recognized as an excellent method of increasing elasticity, smoothness and softness of the skin, as well as calming the nervous system and improving the general condition of the body.

No self-care routine is complete without a massage. A definite plus would be to include foot massage in your schedule every evening if you often have to wear high-heeled shoes for a long time. Relaxing back, facial and anti-cellulite massage - once a week. The latter also goes well with a visit to the bathhouse.

Sports and jogging

A daily self-care plan won't be effective without regular exercise. It is worth noting that we are not talking about a mandatory visit to a gym or fitness center. Simple basic training and exercise on an exercise bike several times a week (but not less than two) are enough. If possible and desired, one dance lesson per week is recommended.

Jogging has always been good for health, of course, as long as the exercise is done in moderation. You can run only two days a week, and the training time and distance covered should be adjusted according to your health condition. An adequate replacement for running is skiing, skating and simple long walks in the fresh air.

Example of a weekly plan

The self-care plan is designed for one week and can be continued without modification for one or more months. Nevertheless, achieving the desired results in some areas and other nuances allow you to adjust this and any other plan at any time.

  1. Monday. Fitness or any other sports activity. Apply face and hair masks. Apply scrub to face and hair. We take care of your feet and massage problem areas of your body.
  2. Tuesday. We use oil for eyelashes. We massage the head and then perform hydromassage. Apply the oil to the body and rub the cream into the hands and feet.
  3. Wednesday. Let's go for a run. Apply face and hair masks. Apply scrub to face and hair. We take care of your feet and massage problem areas of your body.
  4. Thursday. We use oil for eyelashes. We massage the head and then perform hydromassage. Apply the oil to the body and rub the cream into the hands and feet.
  5. Friday. Let's go for a run. Apply face and hair masks. Apply scrub to face and hair. We take care of your feet and massage problem areas of your body.
  6. Saturday. We do manicures and pedicures. Apply the cream to the entire body. We provide hydromassage. We use scrubs for the head and lips. We lie in a hot bath, apply clay to the body and completely relax for a while.
  7. Sunday. Apply face and hair masks. Apply scrub to face and hair. We take care of your feet and massage problem areas of your body. We paint and pluck eyebrows. We carry out epilation or depilation.

It is always worth imagining the future result, and in this case it is one hundred percent worth it. In just a month, the reflection in the mirror will become noticeably fresher, and in two months the flow of compliments to your new fit look will be truly inexhaustible.


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