Do-it-yourself planning of a 10-acre summer cottage: expert advice

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A plot of land of 10 acres is the most common option. This area allows you to accommodate a spacious country cottage and bathhouse, a garden and a vegetable garden, a place to relax with a gazebo, a playground and even a small pond. With rational planning and proper zoning, there will be territory left for placing a guest house or a summer kitchen. In this article we will look at how to properly plan the landscape design of a 10-acre dacha plot.

Principles of site planning

Many people do not pay due attention to the planning and design of their suburban area, but in vain. Rational planning and zoning will make the area practical and aesthetic. The following factors influence the design, schemes and zoning of a suburban area:

  • Terrain, soil and soil characteristics. Keep in mind that many crops will not grow in poor soil. If you are planning to arrange a garden or vegetable garden, carefully consider where it will be located and what plants will be suitable for the site;
  • Placing the site relative to the cardinal directions will help determine the degree of solar illumination of a particular area. Knowledge of these features will allow you to achieve a good harvest, as well as the optimal location of the house and other buildings;
  • Location and installation of engineering systems. Of great importance when zoning is the installation of communications in the garden area, including water supply and gas pipelines, electricity (if the input cable runs underground) and sewerage;
  • The shapes and types of the suburban area directly affect the project. The most rational ones are a rectangle or a square. But a round or triangular shape, an area in the shape of the letter L or trapezoid, provides many opportunities for the implementation of the most unusual and interesting ideas. A narrow, elongated section is considered the least profitable and convenient, but even here you can find original solutions;
  • The presence of plantings and a natural body of water (lake, pond or river) near the site obliges compliance with sanitary and construction standards. In addition, such proximity increases the risk of flooding during floods.

The project begins with soil and soil analysis. Research is carried out not only for planning, but also for choosing the foundation for future buildings. Then the territory is divided into functional zones and a plan is drawn up, taking into account the development, the placement of the garden and vegetable garden, and places for recreation. And lastly, decorative elements and plants are selected.

Zoning and site planning styles

Zoning will help plan and arrange the site. To do this, the territory is divided into functional areas. Of course, this is only a conditional and recommended division. If desired, you can increase this or that zone:

  • The residential area makes up 10% of the total area and includes a residential building and extensions, such as a terrace, garage or veranda;
  • The recreation area occupies 25% and includes a playground, a swimming pool or an artificial pond, a gazebo or a summer kitchen;
  • The gardening area involves the arrangement of beds and flowers, trees and shrubs. It takes up to 50%;
  • The utility zone contains utility and utility buildings, animal enclosures, etc. It makes up 15%.

The layout of a plot of 10 acres comes in different styles. Geometric style involves a clear geometry of buildings, paths and gardens. It is suitable for flat terrain and rectangular areas. Trees and shrubs are arranged in a checkerboard, square or rectangular pattern.

Landscape or picturesque style involves a free arrangement of buildings and plantings, winding paths and a sophisticated design. Such schemes are suitable for asymmetrical areas, visually increase the space and make the area original.

The mixed design of a plot of 10 acres is a popular option that combines picturesque and geometric styles. This project combines original furnishing elements and rational planning.

  1. Outbuildings may be adjacent to a residential area, but they should not be conspicuous;
  2. The residential building is located in the northern part of the site. This will provide comfortable lighting for the garden and protect the plantings from the cold wind;
  3. For an area of ​​10 acres, a 10X10 country house would be a suitable option. You will find interesting options for such cottages in the “MariSrub” catalogue;
  4. The arrangement of the garden area is done in the center of the site, but trees can be planted along the perimeter of the territory;
  5. It is customary to place beds and plants on the sunny south side; It is better to place a recreation area between the house and the bathhouse, or behind the house.
    For a plot in the shape of the letter L, it is better to arrange a resting place on a protruding part, which is then hidden by a hedge;
  6. Elements of the recreation area do not have to be located in one place. So, it is better to place a playground near the house to watch small children. Pond or pool - place in the center of the site;
  7. On a territory of a non-standard shape in the form of a triangle or trapezoid, an asymmetrical garden looks original. It is convenient to place a compact pond inside such a garden;
  8. A narrow elongated area brings a lot of trouble. In this case, designers advise highlighting individual objects with a bright or contrasting color, and zoning should be done with the help of plants. This decision will streamline the territory. You will find interesting examples of country house projects for a narrow plot at the link;
  9. The paths are arranged so that they lead from the main house to each important object. However, they should not be too long and narrow.

Decoration of the site and arrangement of the pond

The design of a summer cottage must necessarily include decorative elements, including plants and stairs, sculptures and forged items, lighting and bridges. But don't overdo it! An excess of decorative details will burden the design and make the area pretentious.

Please note that buildings and objects must be in harmony with each other and create a single composition. Use different color schemes and highlight details with lighting. Hidden lighting in the form of lamps in trees or staircases looks original. Be sure to use bright colors in your design to break up the typical green and brown palette of the garden.

A pond is the dream of many owners of country plots. Moreover, you can arrange a pond yourself, and it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Those whose plots have uneven terrain with holes will be especially lucky. Natural recesses are used for the device. If there is no such depression, and the terrain is flat, they dig a pit.

Before organizing a pond, keep in mind that the pond is located under natural light. But the object should not be placed in direct sun or near trees. In the first case, the sun's rays will quickly dry out the pond, which will provoke the appearance of bacteria and mud. In the second case, falling leaves will clog the water.

The depth of the pit is at least 60-80 centimeters, the angle of the bank slope is 45o. The walls of the reservoir are compacted with soft clay and covered with waterproofing material (geotextile, PVC film or hydroglass insulation), and then laid out with brick, stone or filled with concrete mixture. The banks of the reservoir are decorated with plants or decorative stones.

You can simplify installation and buy a ready-made form for the pond, which is simply placed in the pit. But be prepared that such material will last no more than 10 years. A pond can be made functionally useful by placing drainage waste into the pit.
The design and layout of a suburban area is a responsible process. The arrangement of a reservoir can cause particular difficulties. To properly plan your garden plot, contact the professionals! “MariSrub” designers will draw up a rational plan for the territory, taking into account zoning, installation of communication systems and reservoir equipment.


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