Plastic skis have a sliding surface. Instructions for use

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For fast movement across the field and forest in winter, hunting skis are well suited because, unlike sports skis, they do not sink under the snow. With them, fishing at this time of year will be successful and safe. Such skis need to be selected according to the weight and height of the hunter. Also, when purchasing them, you need to pay attention to the material of manufacture and design features.


Hunting skis must be durable, in which case they will withstand any load and will not let you down even in the most difficult conditions. At the same time, it is important that this element of equipment is light and minimally tires the hunter. To choose the right hunting skis, you first need to pay attention to the material. Wood and plastic are used to make them.

There are two types of wooden skis:

  • made from a single piece of wood;
  • made from veneer.

Skis made of veneer are lighter and more reliable, they bend better, so you should give preference to them.

Maple and birch have maximum strength. Skis made from them are suitable for hunters who need the most reliable equipment. Those who value lightness should choose skis made of spruce or aspen. At the same time, aspen skis are less durable and cost less.

Wooden skis have less kickback than plastic skis and don't slide down as much when going uphill. Their main disadvantage is that they become very heavy in the thaw, making movement across the landscape difficult. Unlike plastic, wood is a living material, so when purchasing skis made from it you need to inspect it especially carefully. There should be no delamination, kinks or knots on them. Wooden skis are recommended for use at temperatures from -10 to -30 degrees.

Plastic skis

Plastic hunting skis are not inferior to wooden skis in terms of strength and lightness; they do not require lubrication before each hunt. They glide very well and thanks to this they allow you to move quickly. But this quality is also a disadvantage - when going down the mountain, the speed develops too high, and climbing the hill becomes difficult due to the strong rollback.

Plastic skis are primarily suitable for hunting on flat terrain. Rollback can be reduced by using special mastics. Also, to prevent it, special notches are made on the lower surface of the skis, but they only work on dense snow. On loose snow cover, crust or ice they are ineffective. It is recommended to use plastic skis at temperatures from +5 to -10 degrees.

Came and combination skis

There are three types of wooden hunting skis:

  • golitsy;
  • camus;
  • combined.

Golitsy is the simplest option. Such skis have a serious drawback - they roll down when climbing a slope, and recoil interferes with movement on a flat surface. To avoid slipping when moving upward, these skis are equipped with aluminum plates with clamps. Before going uphill, they are pulled out by their fixations, after which they rest against the snow and prevent them from sliding down. Also for this purpose, brushes made of coarse bristles are installed on the skis, which are positioned at an angle of 45° to the surface and create braking that prevents backward movement.

Came skis do not have the disadvantages of shaft skis. A kamus is attached to their lower surface - a special wire made from the skins of deer, elk or horse. It improves their performance and makes movement on snow easier and more comfortable. Came skis are stable, they do not give back when moving quickly and do not slide down when going uphill, and snow does not stick to them.

A soft and quiet camus that does not creak when moving is made from deer skins. The best driving performance is achieved by a kamus made from skins taken from the legs of a horse. Elk camus is as strong and durable as possible. When choosing such skis, you need to pay attention to the direction of the wool. The middle part of the hair should lie parallel to its edges.

Combined skis are an intermediate option between the first two. Their working surface is partially finished with kamus. Pieces of skins are glued onto them from the underside. Which hunting skis to choose depends on the purchase budget and the hunter’s preferences. Golitsy are cheap, but moving around in them is very inconvenient. Came and combination skis are more comfortable in any conditions. You can also make them yourself by gluing or sewing skins to the caps.

Ski sizes

After choosing the material, you need to determine the required ski size. You don’t need a table for this - it’s better to calculate it using the formula. For 1 cm2 of ski area there should be 35 g of the hunter’s weight along with equipment, in this case the skis will not fall through and movement on the snow will be comfortable.

The required area must be divided by their width to calculate the required length. Eg:

  • if a hunter weighs 95 kg, and his clothes, gun and equipment weigh 15 kg, the total weight is 110 kg, or 110,000 g;
  • dividing 110,000 by 35, we get 3143 - this is the required minimum ski area in centimeters;
  • dividing 3143 by 20, we get 157 - this is the minimum suitable length of skis with a width of 20 cm.

There are other parameters to consider when choosing a size. The greater the height of the hunter, the longer the length of the skis should be. Wider models should be preferred if you plan to hunt in a region with snowy winters. In this case, instead of skis with a width of 20 cm, you can use skis of 22 cm or 24 cm.

Long and narrow skis are suitable for use in open areas, while short and wide models make moving through the forest as comfortable as possible.


It is also important to know how to select fasteners. Usually they must be purchased separately. They must securely secure the shoes used for hunting - boots, boots, felt boots, high boots and others - and at the same time make it possible to quickly free the foot if necessary to get off the skis or in the event of a fall.

There are three types of fastenings:

  • simple - made of leather or canvas straps tucked into slots located along the edges of the skis. They cover the toe of the foot;
  • soft - consist of a strap that covers the toe of the foot, and an additional strap running along the back of the foot above the heel;
  • semi-rigid fastenings look like a metal plate. The leg rests against it and is fixed with a special spring, which is stretched by a special lever and attached in the toe area.

The choice of one option or another is determined mainly by the preferences of the hunter. If possible, you should try on all types of mounts before purchasing to determine which will be more convenient for you. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the size and length of the puffs. They must securely secure the shoes used for hunting without squeezing them.

On sale you can find models that are lined with stocking bags made of durable fabric. They are put on the legs and tied below the knees. In skis with such bindings you can move silently, since thanks to the stockings the snow does not get under your shoes and does not creak.

With good hunting skis you can move quickly through winter landscapes. They do not fall under the snow and do not slide down while climbing the mountain. They can travel long distances, which increases the chances of a successful hunt. You need to approach the purchase of this piece of equipment carefully, paying attention to the material, size and design features. Choosing hunting skis is not an easy task for a beginner, but it is easy to solve if the hunter knows what to look for. Good skis can faithfully serve for many seasons and will not let you down even in the most difficult conditions.

And yet it's plastic...

First, a lyrical digression about wooden skis. Nowadays, skis with a plastic sliding surface are mainly sold (although wood continues to be used in the construction of skis). A person who has been skiing on wooden skis, when switching to plastic ones, usually encounters a very unpleasant phenomenon - strong recoil, which turns skiing from pleasure into real torture. The person is perplexed - I would have traveled N kilometers long ago on pieces of wood, but here I am forced to barely move my legs, and why did I buy this plastic. It’s especially offensive if such a person buys plastic skis not for himself, but for his child, turning physical education lessons for him into a humiliating crawl, forever instilling an aversion to skiing. What's the matter? The fact is that plastic skis are much more slippery than wooden skis. Firstly, wood gets pretty ruffled when rubbing against snow, which practically never happens with plastic, and then remember how wooden skis used to be smeared - with a HOLDING ointment along the entire length, only sometimes a little warmer ointment was added under the block. These two factors ensured the lack of tangible returns. Now, when buying plastic skis, many people naively believe that they do not need to be lubricated, or they put ointment under the block that corresponds to the temperature on the thermometer outside the window, as they are used to lubricating wooden ones. So, kickback on plastic skis can be avoided, but we’ll talk about this in more detail in the section on lubrication. And in terms of sliding properties, plastic is much better than wood. In addition, the plastic sliding surface is much more durable. And if you shouldn’t even try to reach positive temperatures on wooden skis, then on plastic your season can become much longer. So don't be afraid to buy plastic skis.

Start with the classics

When choosing skis, a lot depends on what level you are skiing at and what style you are going to ski mainly, classic or skate. Unfortunately, different styles require different equipment. There are so-called “universal” skis, but if you choose their length and stiffness optimal for classic skiing, then skating on them will be, let’s say, uncomfortable. In addition, the question of changing the lubrication system will arise - with classic ones, the block is smeared with holding ointments, and in order for the ointment to last longer, the block is usually sanded. Skate skates require a smooth sliding surface along the entire length, and are entirely lubricated with sliding lubricants (paraffins). But for classic ones, lubricating the block with paraffin is contraindicated. If you then apply a holding ointment to this paraffin (or even its remains), it will come off very quickly. In general, you should not combine incompatible things. (But don’t shy away from the word “universal” - these are completely normal skis, just choose the length and stiffness according to your skiing style).

Therefore, if you want to try both styles and the funds allow, it is better to take two sets, and if they do not allow, then stop at the classics. The skate requires wide prepared trails, and there are few of them. And people build a ski track for the classics in any forest or park. That is, there are many times more places for skiing. Also keep in mind that prepared skating trails are most often laid over difficult terrain with large ascents and descents - along hills and ravines, and are designed for trained athletes. It’s not easy for a beginner to overcome such a route; you can “stand up” after the second or third climb. And you can’t drag your family along such a route with you. (If there is a good (and easy) skating route near you, consider yourself lucky. In this case, the skating style is definitely worth trying.)

Which skis should a beginner choose?

First, about prices. Racing skis, standing at the top of the range of famous brands such as Fisher, Atomic, Madchus, Rossignol, etc. usually cost between $200 and $350. Inexpensive domestic ones, such as STC, Karelia (Sorsu) can cost less than $35. Mass-produced (amateur) models from well-known brands cost around $70-100. If you are a beginner, take our skis, unless, of course, you are concerned about your “image”. You can spend 30-35 dollars with quite decent quality. And when you gain experience and sports training, you yourself will understand what you need and where to move. The exception is if you have a lot of weight, say, over 70 kg. The main problem with inexpensive skis is that it is very difficult to choose among them the ones that suit your weight. Here you will have to move to a different price range and choose mass models from well-known brands. We will return to this issue below.

What is the difference between branded skis and those made here in Russia? The quality of top models from well-known brands, of course, is still unattainable for our manufacturer. Such skis, intended for high-class competitive skiers, are manufactured in special workshops, usually in the countries where the company itself is located. The design of such skis is quite complex and is simulated on a computer. Before launching into production, new developments are thoroughly tested by qualified athletes. Expensive materials are used in manufacturing, often coming from the aerospace industries. The production culture at such factories is very high; all skis undergo extensive testing on special computerized stands. All this together allows us to produce top-class skis. You can learn more about the production of skis by reading the magazine "Skiing" No. 17, 10 and other issues. However, manufacturers make most of their money on skis for the mass market, of which much more is required than for elite skiers. And here the situation is completely different. Let's take an analogy with computer technology. It is no secret that components for mass production, even from such well-known companies as IBM, Hewlett-Packard and others, are mostly manufactured in Southeast Asia, for example, in Taiwan. It's a similar story with mass skiing. It is more profitable for brand owners to place orders for production where it is cheaper, and to develop skis and produce top models themselves. Accordingly, there are huge factories that produce skis of different brands, including under their own brand. There are such factories in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Ukraine (Mukachevo, owned by the Fisher company), and we have the STC factory in Russia. The latter, for example, produces skis on orders from Madshus, Karhu, and Peltonen. So most of the cheap skis of these brands in our country are made in Russia, as well as the inexpensive Madshus and Karhu ski poles. And our own skis and poles under the STC brand differ from them mainly in appearance and lower price.

Now let’s learn more about the difference between professional racing skis and mass skis intended for amateurs. The high cost of technologies and materials used in racing skis is dictated by the desire of manufacturers to provide the highest technical parameters that allow them to achieve victories in competitions. Often these parameters are difficult to combine, such as the weight of the ski and its stiffness. This forces the use of materials with improved characteristics, but which are much more expensive - carbon fiber, honeycomb filling, expensive acrylic foam. For the sliding surface, high molecular weight polyethylene with various additives is used, obtained from powder during sintering under pressure and at high temperature. This porous plastic is harder and is able to absorb much more paraffin, which allows the lubricant to last over long distances. In addition, different weather conditions and piste preparation place different demands on skis. Therefore, in the world of racing skis, specialization is common, allowing you to achieve the best glide in certain conditions, but at the same time forcing you to have several pairs of skis. Models are produced specifically designed for wet and dry snow, or for hard and soft tracks, or even, like Madshus, 4 options: soft for dry and wet snow and hard for dry and wet (multiply by 2 more, since skis are produced for skate and for classics). In addition, designers compete in such parameters of skis as torsional rigidity, course stability, vibration damping and ski control when sliding quickly on slopes, and others. An analogy with the world of cars is appropriate here. There are many good cars that allow you to drive quickly and comfortably on various roads in different weather conditions. But as soon as we are talking about competitions where the price of victory is very high, for example, in Formula 1, there immediately arises the need for exceptional design solutions and specialization. These are expensive materials, tires for specific surfaces and weather conditions, fine-tuning the suspension for each track and tire, and a lot of other technical nuances. Accordingly, racing cars and skis best demonstrate their exceptional qualities on specially prepared tracks. Just as it’s difficult to imagine racing a McLaren on roads near Moscow, you shouldn’t expect super speed from a racing ski on a broken, loose track trodden in the nearest forest. Simpler models are more appropriate here.

Amateur (mass) skis are universal and suitable for most weather conditions. They use cheaper materials. Therefore they are a little heavier. For example, if a pair of racing skis weighs about 1 kg, then amateur ones weigh on average 1.4 - 1.5 kg. Inexpensive extruded plastic of the sliding surface absorbs less wax, and, accordingly, the lubricant does not last as long on the ski. But this doesn’t really matter if your usual “norm” does not exceed 10-15 km. As written in Ivan Kuzmin’s article “For Parents of Growing Skiers” in LS No. 8, it is generally accepted that the weight deflection of the ski determines 60% of the sliding properties of the skis, 20% is determined by the material, condition and structure of the sliding surface of the skis, and the last 20% is determined by the lubrication of the skis. Therefore, by successfully selecting skis for your weight, you will get excellent driving performance, even if their sliding surface is not made of the most expensive plastic.

Another argument in favor of inexpensive skis is that if you mainly walk in the woods with your family, then such skis will serve you faithfully for many years. And if you want to improve as a skier and buy yourself racing models, then these simple skis will be yours for the first and last snow, on which it’s a pity to tear up expensive skis.

There are skis with notches under the block. They seem to hold up well on soft snow. And they are attractive because, as buyers often assume, they do not need to be smeared. (In fact, they still need to be lubricated - this is what the manufacturers recommend). But I wouldn’t recommend these, unless you really don’t want to mess around with lubricant. Why? Firstly, in terms of driving performance, the conventional ones are certainly better. And secondly, skis without notches are more versatile. The notch will work well on a medium-soft ski track, but not on a compacted hard (or icy) one and not on a loose one. And ordinary skis can be easily adapted to changing conditions by changing the holding ointment and changing the length of the lubricated block. In addition, over time, the notch will wear out and the holding properties will deteriorate. But in general, whether or not to take notched skis is a matter of taste.

One of the pleasant and useful winter pastimes is skiing. In order for them to bring you only positive emotions and benefits, you need to choose the right skis that suit your riding style and body size. In this article we will tell you in detail about cross-country skis and how to choose them in a store.

Cross-country ski device

Each ski has a bottom and top surface, ribs, a toe, a heel and a cargo area for attaching boots:

  1. The lower sliding surface is the working surface. Depending on the weather, it must be treated with different ski waxes. One or more guide semicircular or trapezoidal grooves can be cut into it.
  2. On the top surface there is a platform for installing the fastener. This is what your leg rests on.
  3. The front part of the ski, or tip, has an outwardly curved shape that ensures easy gliding on the snow.
  4. The back or heel is thickened and reinforced with a glued wedge, rounded to reduce drag. It also prevents the ski from splitting.

Cross-country skis have a special weight deflection. When an athlete stands on them, they bend and distribute body weight evenly onto the snow-covered base.

What are cross-country skis made of: plastic vs wood

When choosing cross-country skis, people always wonder about the choice of material from which these products are made. Experienced athletes or beginners who grew up on Soviet wooden skis do not like to switch to modern plastic models. It's not a matter of retro-minded individuals or a reluctance to embrace innovation, but a lack of real information regarding the features of cross-country skiing like this.

Skiers using wooden skis know exactly the mileage they can cover in a specific time period. Skis were traditionally lubricated with a holding ointment along the entire length and warm under the block, and this was enough to prevent kickback when riding. The wood structure also contributed to this.

As for plastic models, everything is not so simple. Having bought them and started to maintain them the same way as wooden cross-country skis, many people are disappointed in the purchase. The fact is that plastic has better sliding properties, especially compared to wood. Thus, before riding on such skis, they need to be thoroughly lubricated with suitable products in certain places, and not everywhere. Read more about this on our website.

Plastic models are more durable than wooden ones and can be used even in warm weather. As for wooden cross-country skis, it is impossible to use them when the thermometer is above zero.

What stiffness should cross-country skis have?

To select high-quality and comfortable cross-country skis, you need to pay special attention to the selection of stiffness. Each ski has a bend, which greatly affects the performance of the ski. The maximum force applied from above to push through this deflection depends on the rigidity.

One of the effective ways to determine the stiffness of classic skis is to push the ski with both hands until the sliding surface comes into full contact with the floor. When you can’t push through, you should choose a model with less rigidity. For skate skis, the gap when squeezing with one hand should be 1-2 mm. Some models indicate the range of the athlete's permissible body weight.

For beginners and amateurs, it is better to choose cross-country skis with a low or medium degree of rigidity. If classic skis do not fully press when pushing off, then the choice was made incorrectly.

As for the choice of skis for, they are about twice as stiff as usual and should not be pressed completely when pushing off. At the same time, they are 15-20 cm shorter than usual.

How to choose the length of cross-country skis

Ski lengths must be selected taking into account your riding style:

  • for the classic running style, you should add 25-30 centimeters to your height;
  • for skating, add 10-15 cm to your height.

As a rule, the longer the skis, the higher their stiffness. Thus, if the skis selected for the length are too soft, choose a longer model.

How do classic skis differ from skate skis?

Skating skis must glide in all conditions, while classic skis glide and grip alternately - this difference is key. Regular cross-country skis are about 15 cm longer than skate skis, as they must both glide and grip. Due to their increased length and lower rigidity, classic skis are more difficult to control when making high-speed turns on the slopes if you do not know how to move off the track by stepping. Due to the fact that you usually have to move on the track during the classic course, cross-country skis usually have high toes, compared to skating models.

Skate skis are suitable for prepared wide and hard trails, so recently manufacturers of such products have trimmed the toes to increase aerodynamics and reduce the weight of the ski, but preventing “tramping the virgin soil.” At the edges of the route near the dumps, you need to move carefully, because if the toe lands in a snowdrift, you cannot avoid falling.

Today, there are also universal skis on sale, which are slightly more rigid than classic skis and are shorter in length. This is not the best option for both beginners and amateurs and professionals.

How much should good cross-country skis cost?

Expensive cross-country skis from world-famous brands usually cost from 4,500 rubles, while inexpensive domestically produced models can be found for about 1,000 rubles. If you are a beginner, pay attention to skis from Russian brands, and after acquiring certain skills and experience, you can switch to a more expensive model.

An exception in this case may be a large body weight exceeding 70-75 kg. Inexpensive domestic skis have one important drawback - they are not designed for heavy people. They have to choose cross-country skis from a different price range, focusing on models from well-known brands.

What is the difference between regular models and the most expensive branded ones? Skis for professional athletes are produced in special workshops, which are located in the same place as the manufacturing company itself. Structurally, such models are very complex, so everything is carefully simulated on a computer. All new developments are tested by experienced athletes before being put into production. In the manufacture of branded skis, expensive materials are used, which are borrowed from the aerospace industries. All these factors make it possible to produce first-class skis that cost a lot of money.

Regular mass-produced skis, which are sold in all sports stores, are intended for amateur skiers and are universal, that is, suitable for different weather conditions. As for professional athletes, they have to change their equipment every time the temperature changes. When creating mass-produced skis, less expensive materials are used, making the products heavier. For example, a pair of branded cross-country skis weighs about a kilogram, and amateur ones - about 1.5 kg.

Beginners should not be afraid to buy inexpensive simple skis. If you plan to go on regular ski trips through the forest, even the most basic model will serve you for many years. If you decide in the future to improve your skill level and buy yourself a racing model, then ordinary skis will be useful for the opening and closing of the ski season, when the quality of the snow-covered roads does not allow the use of expensive equipment.

How to choose skis for children?

Modern models of children's skis are made mainly of plastic, so they are almost independent of weather conditions and are more durable. The sliding properties of the plastic are so good that there can be special notches on the bottom surface that prevent sliding back, left and right. There are several factors to consider when purchasing children's cross-country skis.

Ski length:

  1. Children from 3 to 6 years old need shorter models with a length slightly larger than the child’s height. Long skis can be difficult to turn.
  2. Older children should choose skis according to the principle: height + 15-20 cm.
  3. Universal or classic models are suitable for teenagers. It’s too early to buy special skate skis.

Remember: you should never buy skis for your child to grow into!

Ski bindings come in hard, soft and semi-rigid types. Children under six years old are suitable for models with a soft or semi-rigid option, allowing them to wear everyday boots or boots. After 6 years, an adult version in the form of a rigid mount is suitable. Please note that children grow very quickly, so ski boots will last no more than 1-2 seasons.

Sports stores are so filled with goods that it is quite difficult for a beginner to choose the right quality skis. The buyer, having seen different models of sports equipment, is lost in the choice and cannot decide on the material of the equipment: wood and plastic. To make the right purchase, you should learn about some of the features of plastic and wooden products.

Comparative analysis of plastic and wooden skis

If you carefully study the information about skis on the website, you can conclude that all skis are divided into several categories: for adults, teenagers and children.

This division is not accidental, since skis have different lengths, thicknesses and coatings. The maneuverability and speed of movement on the descent of the skier depend on these indicators. However, in addition to the above indicators, plastic and wooden products have their own differences, namely:

  1. Sliding speed. Plastic skis glide well even in the thaw. Snow does not stick to artificial turf, while wood is very sensitive to changes in temperature and moisture.
  2. Wear resistance. In order for wooden skis to glide perfectly and not be scratched, they should be regularly lubricated with special substances. There is no risk of mechanical damage to the plastic.
  3. Moisture resistance. Wood can become deformed when exposed to moisture. As a result, the glide rate decreases and wooden skis become difficult to use.
  4. Time frame for use. Wooden skis are ideal for winter walks. However, as warmer temperatures approach, they may be worth packing away until next winter. Plastics, unlike wood, glide perfectly even at temperatures of +0 degrees.
  5. Price. Wooden skis are cheaper than plastic skis, and therefore the demand for them is much higher.
  6. Education. Experts recommend that beginners buy wooden skis, since with their help they can quickly and without injury learn various riding techniques. The plastic slips a lot and learning to control such skis is quite difficult.

Considering these features of the two above-mentioned sports products, the right choice of skis depends entirely on a person’s desires. Therefore, if you already have experience in skiing or snowboarding, you are attracted to high-speed riding, you want to go on vacation in the second half of winter, when warming is possible, then buy plastic skis that not only glide well on the snow, but are also suitable for use in extreme winter conditions. However, if you dream of learning how to ski professionally and feel calm on any slope, then your choice is wooden models.

With the arrival of the most fabulous and magical time of the year, it would be worth thinking about what you can do with yourself in winter? Just think about playing snowballs, sledding, ice skating and, of course, skiing. Why not bring to life the best moments of the past? Today, the shelves of ski stores are filled with various products, so the question is more pressing than ever: how to choose skis, mountain or cross-country?

How to choose the right skis: deciding on your riding style

Before you go shopping at a specialized store, you should decide what style of riding you have.

If you are new to skiing and want to buy a pair of skis for walking in the winter forest, then most likely your skiing style is classic. This style is inherent in almost all people who start skiing.

The second style is skating. A skier in this style resembles a speed skater, pushing off from the snow with the inside of the track. This type requires a wide track and dense snow.

Having set yourself the goal of how to choose skis for a beginner, do not try to adopt the riding style of a pro, since it will be problematic to move around a snow-covered forest on skating skis.

We're going to the mountains: which skis to choose?

Skis for skiing on mountainous terrain are called mountain skis. Depending on the target audience, they come in several types:

  • professional- the name speaks for itself, this type is designed for professionals. They are marked with the English word “Sport”. For buyers of such skis, there is no question of how to choose the right skis. These are people who have been riding for many years and have professional riding skills. Professional alpine skis are very light in weight, but the most expensive in price;

  • amateur skiing- this type of ski is also sports and is labeled “Fitness”. These skis should be chosen by people who have been skiing for a short time and do not consider themselves skiing professionals. They are much heavier in weight than professional skis, but also more affordable;
  • tourist or "Touring"- this type is intended for long and complex tourist trips. The width of touring skis is much larger than others, as is the weight, which sometimes reaches 1.5 kg. They are more rigid in their structure and often come with notches to avoid slipping;

  • recreational- they are slightly similar in appearance to touring skis, but are lighter in weight. Pleasure skis are intended for short skiing over short distances on snowy plains; beginners can choose them;
  • children's or teenagers- this type is marked with the word “Junior”. They are often made of plastic; skis of this type have fasteners for a regular boot. These skis are light and comfortable for a child to ride; choosing from the range of this series of skis is a pleasure.

How to choose alpine skis according to a person's height

Before choosing alpine skis, pay attention to their length or, as they also say, size. If a person is a beginner and is not confident in his abilities in skiing, then it is better to take skis at the rate of minus 20 cm from the person’s height.

A person with an average level of training should pay attention to skis whose length is 10 cm less than his height. Professionals choose alpine skis according to their height or 10-15 cm less.

Choosing cross-country and skating skis correctly

Buy ski equipment only in specialized stores, check for certificates of product compliance with European standards.

Before you start giving advice, how to choose skis running and skating, you need to clarify what kind of riding they are suitable for. Cross-country skis are designed for fast riding over short distances; they are light, smooth, and gliding.

Skate skis are the hardest; their main visual difference is that they do not have an upward-curved corner.

How to choose cross-country skis

  • You should choose cross-country skis according to individual parameters, such as height, weight, professional skills and, of course, financial capabilities.
  • Cross-country skis are selected based on +15, 20, 25 cm to a person’s height.

  • The weight of skis and poles should not be too heavy. Cross-country skiing involves a fast pace of skiing, pay attention to these parameters, as they are very important.

How to choose skate skis

  • Skating skis must be rigid, because when moving, the ski block must spring back and push the skier forward. This type has a blunt, not curved toe, and the length of the ski track should exceed a person’s height by 17-20 cm.
  • Determine hardness. Place the two ski tracks vertically, with the sliding surface facing each other, and, squeezing the pads with all your might, look at the gap between them. If the clearance is 3-4 mm, then these skis will suit you. If it is only 1-2 mm, then it is better to refuse the purchase due to insufficient rigidity.

How to choose skis by height? The table will help you determine the length of skis and poles for an adult.

How to choose skis and poles according to your child’s height

Children's and teenagers' skis should first of all be soft, which will allow the child to quickly learn how to ski and get maximum pleasure from riding. Many parents, in an effort to save money, buy skis for their children to grow into.

Longer skis are harder to control; a child may not be able to handle it, and this will discourage him from wanting to ski. When choosing skis for a child who is just learning to ski, you need to calculate the size of the skis according to the child’s weight: if the weight is about 20 kg, then the length of the skis should be 70 cm, 20-30 kg - it is better for the child to buy 90 cm skis.

« How to choose skis child so that he does not get injured while riding them? - This question worries many parents. If skis and equipment are selected correctly, the child will feel comfortable on the ski slope, and the likelihood of injury will be significantly reduced.

It should be noted that it is not at all necessary to buy expensive skis for a child to ride. Children grow up and are often not advanced skiing professionals; what is more important to them is the feeling that close people are nearby and doing something together.

This table will help you choose the right length of skis and poles for your child:

Making the right choice: wood or plastic

Wooden e is a classic and ecological type of ski, proven over the years. The disadvantages of wooden skis include the fact that they are not as slippery as plastic. In addition, their weight is significantly greater.

Plastic skis more practical and modern. They excel in operation under different weather conditions and snow conditions. If snow makes it difficult to ski on wooden skis in above-zero temperatures, then plastic will pass this test with a bang.

In addition, plastic skis are durable; they do not deform like wooden skis from moisture and dampness.

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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