Plastic windows: summer and winter mode, adjustment and configuration. Adjusting windows for the winter with your own hands Transferring plastic windows for winter

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Having installed “winter-summer” or “winter-summer-autumn” systems with seasonal adjustment of fittings has great advantages: in winter, waterproofing and thermal protection are maintained through the sealing of window parts, and in summer there is sufficient protection from dust and heat.

Unfortunately, not every plastic window provides the ability to change settings; this does not depend on the quality of the double-glazed window, but on the class of the installed fittings.

It is customary to distinguish three main types:

  1. Budget fittings. Provides basic functions - opening and closing window sashes without additional resources. It belongs to the low price segment and is often installed in new buildings.
  2. Standard fittings. There are adjustment systems, good quality characteristics. Average price category.
  3. Specialized fittings. Developments with elements of anti-burglary fortifications. Seasonal changes in settings “summer-autumn-winter” are provided.

What are they and why are they needed?

Switching the window to winter and summer mode

The concept of operating mode is associated with the degree of pressing of window fittings to the base and, accordingly, of the sashes to the frame seals. In winter mode, the setting maximizes the tightness of the structure. Thus, isolation from the external environment is enhanced.

At the end of the winter period, it is time to reconfigure winter settings to summer ones in order to prevent wear of the fittings fastening parts and abrasion of the seal.

By default, when purchasing or installing windows, summer mode is always set to extend the shelf life of the internal seal. Unfortunately, when installing double-glazed windows, consumers are very rarely instructed on the functioning and operation of seasonal settings.

Summer and winter modes, as the main ones, protect the interior from drafts, guarantee comfort and tightness of plastic windows depending on the season. If such a technical possibility exists, it is recommended to carry out periodic adjustments.

Adjustment is available to any consumer; no need to call specialists. The only recommendation when changing the settings is to be careful not to damage the fittings and extend the life of the glass unit.

How can I check if a window can be translated?

If, during installation or moving into an apartment, it remains unclear whether the double-glazed window has season settings, then you can find out for yourself. First, open the doors and look at the fastenings. On the side there are special eccentrics, or otherwise trunnions.

This is the name given to a small mechanism that serves to hold the sash when it is closed. When closing the window, you can hear a characteristic click - this is the sound of a working pin. Thanks to this device, adjustments are made to the changing seasons.

The eccentrics must have holes for a hex key, a star screwdriver or a regular screwdriver. Their presence is a kind of confirmation of the ability to adjust the seasonal settings of the seal.

The oval shape of the eccentric also speaks of this. There may be several or one trunnion, depending on the size of the valves and the manufacturer. With their help you can change the mode.

If these holes are missing, you will not be able to change the seasonal settings. The solution to the problem may be to replace the fittings or sealing elements to ensure the sealing of the structure in winter.

How to change the mode yourself?

Trunnion adjustment diagram

Changing the seasonal regime on double-glazed windows is not a difficult task. But before you get started, decide whether this is necessary. Double-glazed windows are inherently reliable protection from the external environment. In mild, not too cold weather, it is not worth resetting the mode, so as not to expose the seal to additional wear.

Step by step guide:

  1. Step 1. Preparatory. Open the sashes and use a damp cloth to clean the joints and connections on the end side of the sashes. It is important to prevent dirt from getting into the internal mechanisms and hinges. Use a hard brush to clean the fittings and remove traces of dried grease. If necessary, replace the worn seal and re-lubricate the adjustment screws and hinges with machine or vegetable oil. There is a special tool for processing accessories available for sale in a syringe tube, convenient for use.
  2. Step 2. To avoid distortion or sagging of the sash, it is recommended to check the geometry of the window position. To do this, the closed sash is lightly outlined around the perimeter with a pencil. Then, the sash needs to be opened and the distance from the drawn lines to the frame opening measured. Ideally, it should be the same or have a small error of up to 5 mm. If there are deviations in the upper part, then you should remove the decorative inserts from the hinges and tighten the screws at the bottom with a hexagon. If there are deviations in the lower part of the contour, adjustments are made at the top. The load on the hinges must be uniform.
  3. Step 3. Count all the eccentrics, or trunnions. Their number may vary depending on the size of the window. Everything must be transferred to another mode.
  4. Step 4. Using pliers, a hex key or a screwdriver, you need to turn each eccentric clockwise so as to press the seal as much as possible. Some types of fittings provide for the initial pull of the pin towards itself before turning it, similar to the winding mechanism of a watch.
  5. Step 5. The result of changing the mode can be seen using a simple sheet of paper. Place the sheet so that it is sandwiched between the sash and frame and close the window. Try to pull out the paper. If you succeeded without difficulty, then the established summer mode has been preserved. If the paper is pressed tightly and tears in an attempt to pull it out, it means that the setting has been changed; the window is sealed in the winter format. Please note that turning the window handle has also become more difficult.

When is it time to transfer?

You can replace seasonal modes and adjust fittings along the way if the following reasons exist:

  1. Window sashes are blown around the perimeter in cold autumn, heat leaves, cold air and dust enter the cracks. The fittings are operating in summer mode or you do not know their condition.
  2. Spring-summer period. It's time to free the windows from additional load to protect the seals and other parts from wear.
  3. Difficulty opening the doors, which may be due to winter conditions or sagging hinges.
  4. Presence of sagging sashes or offsets relative to the window. Perhaps the reason is a worn seal or incorrect setting of the seasonal mode.

It should be noted that reconfiguring modes for no reason is not recommended, especially for new windows. On average, fittings can be adjusted no more than once every six months.

Changing the “winter-summer” regime at plastic windows is carried out mainly by residents independently.

  1. Refer to instructions, if they are preserved, to study the features of the supplied double-glazed windows.
  2. Consult with specialists from window installation companies or experienced users of double-glazed windows.
  3. Correctly assess the technical condition of windows to carry out the adjustment: you can break the adjustment bolts or cause the seal to become deformed. As a result, a complete replacement of the fittings and seal will be required.

In general, the right solution will allow you to create maximum comfort indoors at any time of the year, and your plastic windows will last for decades.

The best indicator of the quality of manufacturing a plastic window and its installation is frosty weather. Perhaps this is why some people prefer to install these structures in winter. If your window was installed in the summer, and in winter you notice that it is blowing, then you should understand the reasons for this phenomenon. To do this, you can contact the company where the product was ordered and its installation was carried out, or you can insulate the plastic windows yourself.

As a rule, a quality product should not create any problems in principle. On the contrary, its purpose is to solve them. However, in reality everything turns out differently. However, do not rush to blame installers or manufacturers for everything - blowing from the sashes can be caused by the fact that the fittings were initially set to summer mode. In this case, independent repair of plastic windows (or rather, their adjustment) is quite simple.

I would immediately like to note the fact that in some designs the fittings do not allow changing the modes of plastic windows in accordance with the time of year. In order to find out whether your design supports changing modes, it is enough to study the system of trunnions that are responsible for this event. If the trunnion has a recess for a hex key or it is oval-shaped, then such fittings are initially designed to be able to adjust the mode. In this article we will talk about how to set winter mode on plastic windows, considering all the intricacies of this process.

Winter mode of plastic windows - setting up fittings

The optimal time to adjust the fittings is late autumn (you can also catch this moment if you feel cold air blowing from under the window sash). In this situation, if you do not experience discomfort while indoors in winter, then it is highly not recommended to switch plastic windows to winter-summer mode. This is due to the fact that with such manipulations the rubber seal wears out much faster. If you feel the need to calibrate the fittings for winter mode, then try to be as attentive to this process as possible. Due to incorrect settings, you can damage the fittings themselves.

Considering the fact that you can set up the winter mode of plastic windows yourself, we offer you a complete guide to action. This way you can save on the services of specialists.

So, let's look at the sequence of your actions:

  1. Raise the hardware roller.
  2. Use a hex wrench to adjust the amount of pressure (the direction of rotation of the trunnion can be determined by trial and error).
  3. Lower the roller into place.
  4. Turn the roller so that the mark marked on it faces inside the room. To set plastic windows to summer mode, the roller should be turned towards the street, loosening the degree of pressure.
  5. All of the above must be done with each roller that is present around the perimeter of the sash or door.

If you are still not confident in your abilities, then in such a situation it is better to seek the help of specialists. However, be prepared for the fact that you will have to pay for their services, taking into account the technician’s visit to your home.

Concluding this topic, we will give you some more useful tips regarding the modes of plastic windows:

  1. If the seal is worn out, it must be replaced with a new one.
  2. It is highly not recommended to leave the fittings in permanent winter mode. It needs to be adjusted periodically according to the time of year.
  3. Be careful in setting up. If you adjust the fittings incorrectly, the window may break. As a result, you will have to “fork out” for a full repair of the product.

By properly calibrating the fittings, you will be able to maximize its service life, as well as the service life of the rubber seal. To put it more briefly, the principle of the modes is as follows: in the warm season, the degree of pressure on the sash should be reduced, and in the cold season, accordingly, increased.

Reasons for blowing unrelated to the modes of plastic windows

Among other existing reasons for the blowing of plastic windows, the most common are: poor-quality installation of the structure or defects in the manufacture of the product. For poor-quality installation, claims must be made to the company that actually installed the structure. In the event of a manufacturing defect, responsibility falls entirely on the manufacturer. In such a situation, claims must be submitted to the organization where you purchased such a window.

If we consider the reasons in more detail, we can highlight the following points that contribute to the blowing of plastic windows:

  1. The window profile cracked due to the fact that it was made of low-quality plastic.
  2. Incorrect calibration of fittings. This leads to the fact that the sash is not pressed tightly enough to the frame, as a result of which blowing occurs.
  3. A loose glazing bead that does not securely hold the glass unit. A similar problem is observed in most cases in winter - it is at this time that the product decreases in volume due to low temperatures. Often, as a result, the glazing beads jump out of the grooves.
  4. Poor quality fixation of the structure on foam.
  5. Incorrect fastening of the frame in the window opening (insufficient overlap of the sash to the window appears).

Of course, all of the above in no way gives you a reason to panic. These faults must be corrected by the company that installed the product. If something happens, some components can be replaced due to their malfunction - warranty service and consumer rights will be your trump card in such a situation.

The main advantages of plastic windows

If the product was manufactured with high quality, and its installation was carried out in compliance with all modern technologies, then the design will act as an ironclad guarantor of a favorable microclimate in the room where it is installed. The main advantages of plastic windows include the following:

  • They are warm. Due to their tightness, the products eliminate the need for additional thermal insulation.
  • They are sealed. When closed, the structure does not allow random gusts of wind and drafts to pass through.
  • They are effective. Thanks to plastic windows, it is possible to raise the room temperature to five degrees without resorting to additional heating means.
  • They are persistent. Thanks to the metal reinforcement of the plastic profile, the stability and strength of the window are kept at a fairly high level.
  • They are universal. High-quality structures do an excellent job with all the responsibilities assigned to them. When choosing PVC windows, you will forget for a long time what annual insulation of openings is. In addition, there is no need to paint these products and constantly care for them - all you need to do is wipe them occasionally with a damp cloth.
  • They are durable. A good product can serve you for more than forty years without losing its quality and color.

If the structure installed in your apartment does not comply with any of the above points, you can safely send a claim to the manufacturer. A truly high-quality plastic window must fully comply with the previously stated characteristics.

Additional window insulation for winter

Some types of fittings built into the frame allow you to set the modes for summer and winter. They are called a trunnion or an eccentric. The demand for plastic windows with adjustable devices is increasing every year.

Adjustment modes

The ability to adjust the air flow into the room by changing the position of the trunnion. The adjustment is made in accordance with the marked marks. Against each there is an inscription containing the following information::

  • Average(standard) – natural ventilation is created when the window is closed.
  • Summer– the smallest seal between the sash and the frame.
  • Winter mode– tight pressing to the frame.

How to define functionality?

When choosing a design, inspect the end side of the sash, from the side of the lock handle. It should have built-in fittings in the form of a convex hexagon, roundness or oval. This is a trunnion or eccentric. It is used to transfer from one mode to another.

Note:When purchasing a product, pay attention to the presence of an auxiliary tool for adjustment; this is a wrench with a tip that matches the shape of the eccentric. It should be included in the kit.

Window technical characteristics

At high temperatures, the elastic seal begins to expand. If you do not change the winter mode, the material will fail. Seasonal adjustments reduce wear on fasteners and the window lock.

The axle is installed in the edge of the sash. The requirements for the device are high. The metal is subjected to mechanical stress during adjustment, and should not change the dimensions specified by the manufacturer during the entire service life. Products, Made from high strength stainless steel, making them durable and hardy, they are more expensive, but retain technical characteristics for a long time. That's why PVC manufacturers install them.

The tightness of the rubber layer depends on the quality of the fittings. Correct setting prevents friction between the profiles.

Mid-range trunnions are cheaper. High-quality steel is not used for their manufacture, which leads to rapid wear of the metal.

The advantage of eccentrics

Modern plastic windows retain heat and prevent drafts. The room is ventilated regardless of the time of year. With high-quality fittings, the service life of the window is extended without repair.

Types and forms

The modification depends on the manufacturer and technical specifications for production. The appearance of the eccentric is influenced by the requirements of the customer producing structures with a rotation mechanism.

All installed fittings vary according to the following type:

  • Budget.
  • Standard.
  • Highest category. These products are distinguished by their functionality, quality and service life.

The trunnion is made in different models, and has the following shape:

  • Oval.
  • Rounded.
  • Hexagon.

It is installed in the side plane, from the side of the lock. Improved manufacturing technology and high quality steel b, allows us to produce high-class products. They are more expensive, but the costs for them will be justified.

Transferring the device to another mode

Air entering through the side edges creates discomfort. Move the trunnions to the position corresponding to the time of year, namely:

  • "Winter". The seal moves out, pressing the window sash to the frame. In this position, it wears out more intensely.
  • "Summer". The seal, returning to its original position, creates a gap for air to pass through.

How to properly adjust the window?

Reasons why it is recommended to make adjustments:

  • The window sash is sagging.
  • Doesn't open or close well.
  • Dust enters the room.
  • Cold air blows into the cracks of the openings.
  • The lock handle turns with great hand effort.
  • The house has shrunk.

Translation of accessories

The method of adjustment, namely:

  • The hexagon is turned with a special key included in the product kit, putting it on top of the device.
  • Oval - by turning the pliers.
  • Round - with a sacral screwdriver, placing it in the center.

The number of eccentrics depends on the height of the window. The standard requires placing five pieces on one vertical line. Two of them are installed close to horizontal planes, the other three are evenly distributed over the entire height.

If fogging of glass occurs from inside the room, it is advised to leave a gap for natural condensation by setting the arrow to the “medium” mode.

Step-by-step instruction

  • Open the doors, clean the fittings with a stiff-bristled brush and wipe with a damp cloth.
  • Remove old grease from seals, and apply a thin layer of fresh silicone compound.
  • On cleaned surfaces It will be possible to discern the risks “winter”, “medium” and “summer”.
  • Check the setting. To change the position, the plastic roller of the sash is pulled towards you.
  • Changes rotate to the specified elevation using an auxiliary tool. To switch to the “winter” position, the end of the long radius is directed towards the inscription. The cut should line up with the tip of the arrow.
  • When set to "summer", or "medium", change the position of the short radius. The arrow is turned to the mark.
  • Trunnion turning clockwise, minimizes the distance between the sash and the frame by changing the position of the seal.
  • Having completed the adjustment process, it is buried in the holes, giving the original position. In the operating condition of the double-glazed window, metal elements should not come into contact with the plastic structure.
  • Check density using writing paper. They insert it into the opening between the frame and pull it out. If it doesn't work, then everything was done correctly.


On the round axle, a line pointing towards the street means that the frame is set for winter. For oval there is a different type of mark. It must be horizontal.

On a round device, a dash directed towards the room means that the frame is set for summer. For an oval trunnion, the mark takes a vertical position.

Adjustment when squeaking from friction occurs

Similar deviations occur in a new house, when the foundation or its walls shrink. If you find areas of friction or leakage, make adjustments.


The adjustment is made on the bottom loop. IN There is an adjusting screw on the top. It is removed from the profile by mechanical tension towards itself, and the following turns are made:

  • Clockwise, lifting the sash.
  • Against her, lowering her down.


The adjustment is made on the lower hinge, at the location of the adjusting screw. When turning the arrow, the plane is shifted to the left or right.

The adjustment will create free play between the sash and the frame, ensuring uniform density of the horizontal and vertical planes. This will have a beneficial effect on the room climate and eliminate drafts.

What to pay attention to

  • Translation of the mechanism is carried out strictly according to the instructions. Failure to follow the adjustment rules leads to mechanical defects in individual elements and the entire set as a whole.
  • Constant contact of metal parts causes wear. To maintain the operating parameters specified by the manufacturer, the fittings are lubricated and adjusted.
  • It is not advisable to leave the frame in “winter” mode for the whole year. This leads to rubber wear.
  • If the “summer” mode does not create drafts, and the room has good heating, it is not recommended to change it. This will have a positive effect on maintaining the functionality of the mechanisms over a long period of operation.

Once you have completed switching to winter mode, trace the outline of the window sash on the frame with chalk. Open it and measure the distance between the edge and the mark. Standard parameters are from 6 to 8 millimeters. If they differ, make additional adjustments. The indicator along the entire length must match. A different value may cause:

  • The passage of cold air into the room through the seal.
  • In places of excessive contact, friction and compression of the material will be created.
  • It will become more difficult to turn the lock handle. This will lead to wear of the core and mechanical damage to the insulation.
  • When purchasing a new PVC window with adjustment for modes such as summer and winter, do not change the position of the seal on it in the first year. Rubber is resistant to density; increasing the load on it will damage all metal fasteners and the lock.


A custom-made product will fit tightly into the prepared window opening, and there will be no horizontal or vertical loads after the installation work is completed. Entrust the work from start to finish to one contractor, and receive a guarantee for the operation of the structure. Order products with high-quality fittings; they can be adjusted without involving a specialist.

Modern fittings for plastic windows provide the ability to adjust the sash pressure. The operating mode is determined by the clamping force. There are three modes in total: weak (summer), strong (winter) and medium (standard). They need to be used wisely, taking into account the current state of the structure and the level of comfort in the room. If there is a need to switch the shutters to winter mode, you should determine the type of eccentrics and study the instructions below for adjusting them.

Changing the mode on PVC windows: unnecessary or necessary

By default, the wizard who installs the windows sets the mode at his discretion; he can be guided by the time of year or his own experience. Therefore, during installation, it is advisable to find out what clamping force will be installed.

The mode directly affects the wear rate of the structure:

  • At summer The sealing rubber does not experience pressure. The sash fits without a gap, but does not squeeze the seal. This mode is the most preferable, since the service life of the rubber is maximum. Plastic structures expand and contract freely as the temperature outside the window changes, which puts less stress on the welds.
  • Standard The operating mode already slightly compresses the seal. It perfectly protects against dust, noise and drafts. It can be used all year round, but the wear rate of the rubber will be higher.
  • At winter mode, the sash fits as tightly as possible, the seal is compressed, this can be felt by the tight turn of the handle. With constant use of this mode, the rubber wears out over several seasons, it loses its shape and is no longer able to restore it. When switching to summer mode after prolonged use of winter mode, blowing may occur.

The ideal operating mode for PVC windows is summer. If there is no discomfort for residents, the windows provide good insulation from cold air, dust and street noise, then it can be used constantly.

Switching the sashes to strong pressure is necessary in the following cases:

  • There is a blowing air, and cold air can be felt around the perimeter of the sash.
  • The seal has worn out, lost elasticity or dried out.
  • In case of heat loss, in order to save on space heating.

Not all types of fittings are equipped with a mechanism for switching modes; as a rule, the cheapest options do not have this capability. Kits from the middle and expensive segments are most often equipped with movable pins (eccentrics), by changing the position of which you can adjust the clamping force. These are fittings from the brands Roto, Maco, Siegenia Aubi.

Rules for using modes:

  • The period of use of the sash in winter mode should be shorter than in summer. It is recommended to switch the mechanism to a tighter fit in late autumn, and return it to its original position in early spring.
  • For the first year or two after installation, it is advisable to use only summer mode. There is no need to convert to winter.
  • You cannot use strong pressure in the warm season - this can lead to serious damage to the fittings and increased load on the welded seams of the sash, since the structure expands when heated.

A simple method will help you determine that the sash does not fit well to the frame and you need to switch the clamp to a tighter one: you need to hold the edge of a notebook sheet between the sash and the frame and turn the handle to the “closed” position, then try to remove the paper. If the sheet comes free easily, the seal is loose. If it is difficult to pull out or is torn, then the pressure is sufficient for the winter season and there is no need to tighten the trunnions.

What do trunnions look like and where are they located?

Trunnions or eccentrics are part of the locking mechanism of the fittings. They are located at the end of the sash on the handle side. They are easy to spot if you open the window. By changing the position of the eccentrics you can adjust the clamping force. Standard size window sashes are equipped with 3 trunnions: at the bottom, in the center and at the top. Depending on the dimensions of the sash, there may be more.

Eccentrics vary in shape, which determines how they are adjusted:

● Some round eccentrics have an offset center; you can find several points on them or one mark that goes through the entire trunnion. In this case, the largest point or the longest part of the mark serves as a guide. If these marks are directed closer to the room, then the mode is winter, closer to the street - summer. You can also focus on the center of the eccentric; the closer it is to the street, the stronger the rebate.

Trunnion positions with an offset center and a long notch.
Multi-point trunnion

Which tool to use to switch plastic windows to winter mode or return them to summer mode also depends on the shape of the eccentrics. If they have holes, use the appropriate tool (hexagon, sprocket or screwdriver). The position of trunnions without special holes (oval) is adjusted with pliers.

How to convert eccentrics to strong pressure with your own hands

Switching mode is a simple operation. You can handle it yourself without involving a specialist. Before adjusting the eccentrics, it is necessary to prepare plastic windows for winter operation. This is the normal maintenance procedure for plastic profile products:

  • Clean the surface of the frame from dust and debris.
  • Wipe all metal parts of the fittings with a dry and soft cloth.
  • Apply special lubricant or industrial petroleum jelly to the moving parts of the fitting mechanism.
  • Open and close the sash several times to ensure that the lubricant is evenly distributed.
  • Remove excess compound with a dry cloth.

It is better to clean and lubricate the fittings before making adjustments, as debris and sand can accumulate on them; during movements, the protective coating on the metal will be damaged by abrasive particles, which will lead to corrosion.

Instructions for adjusting windows for the winter:

  1. Find all the eccentrics on the open sash. Everything needs to be translated at once. Some models of fittings are equipped with recessed trunnions; before starting work, they need to be pulled towards you.
  2. Find the mark on the trunnion indicating the clamping force. The closer the mark is to the street side, the stronger the fit. For trunnions with an offset center, another rule applies - the closer the center is to the street, the tighter the vestibule.
  3. Using a window wrench, an asterisk or pliers, turn the eccentric: oval to a horizontal position; round - with a point (point) towards the street; round with an offset center - the wide side into the room.
  4. The eccentrics do not have an extreme point; they scroll around their axis. The maximum rotation when switching from summer to winter mode is 180°. From standard to winter or summer - 90°.
  5. You can check the result using a piece of paper.

In the spring it is necessary to return the sashes to their original position.

If the sash does not fit well enough to the frame on the hinge side or sagging is detected, you will need to adjust the hinges and scissors using a hex key. To do this, you need to remove the decorative plugs, find the holes on the hinges for the hex key to enter and align the position of the sash vertically and horizontally. If the fittings provide adjustment for pressure on the hinge side, you can make the fit tighter around the entire perimeter. The clamp is adjusted on the bottom loop or scissors.

Diagram for adjusting the sash horizontally, vertically and for clamping.

The ability to adjust the clamping force is a useful feature of the fittings. This allows you to reduce heat loss in winter and extend the service life of sealing rubber and plastic by loosening the pressure in the warm season. But in order for the windows to serve as long as possible, you should not abuse this function.

Plastic windows save you from street noise and provide a comfortable air temperature in your apartment or private home. However, after installation they require . Adjustment of the locking mechanisms is necessary every off-season - only then will the double-glazed windows perform their intended task. Today’s article will tell you how to switch windows to winter mode, why this is needed, and when such actions are performed. Along the way, it is worth understanding the features of locking mechanisms, the design, and some of the nuances of operation. Photo and video instructions will help us, explaining in detail the algorithm of the actions performed.

Let us immediately make a reservation that if you lack knowledge and experience, our editors recommend turning to professionals in your field. Specialists from specialized companies will advise on all possible issues and offer the most profitable options for solving problems. Well, for those who still want to tackle this issue on their own, here is a little information.

Modern plastic windows are adjustable according to the pressing force of the sashes in three modes:

  • summer– the window sash is pressed weakly. This ensures air circulation in the room, realizing. The wear of the rubber seals is minimal;
  • winter mode on plastic windows provides a tight clamp. There is no air circulation, which ensures heat retention in the home. The load on the sealing rubber bands is maximum;
  • standard– average position of the eccentrics (trunnions). More often than not, installers leave the locking mechanisms in this position. The only difference is that professionals who value their reputation show the owner how to switch double-glazed windows to winter or summer mode, while careless ones (which, unfortunately, are the majority) do not bother with explanations. The standard mode is intended for off-season use.

Why switch the modes of plastic windows

It is enough not to switch the “winter-summer” mode on plastic windows for 2-3 years, so that later, even with the correct adjustments, it begins to blow from under the window sill or balcony door. Let's look at the problems that arise with incorrect settings.

The first is a violation of the microclimate of the room. Excessive condensation contributes to the formation of condensation on frames, double-glazed windows and walls, which leads to mold. “Summer” settings in winter lead to heat loss, the need arises. The result is higher gas bills or...

Important! Using the winter position of plastic windows in the warm season will lead to rapid wear of the seals. The result is the futility of any subsequent adjustments. The solution is to replace the rubber seals, which are not cheap.

Switching modes of plastic windows: advantages and disadvantages

Disadvantages in window adjustment can only occur if the home technician does the wrong thing. If everything is done correctly, switching modes will only bring benefits. Let's figure out in what cases it is justified.

Timely switching will extend the life of the windows, even if these actions have not been performed for some time. Drafts in winter or dust ingress in summer for some reason are treated by switching the fittings to winter mode. Maybe not for long, but it will be delayed for a year or two. Sagging loops are eliminated in the same way. Replacing fittings is a last resort measure.

Good to know! Incorrectly set modes can cause a window or door to jam separately in the ventilation position or together with opening.

Determining the possibility of changing the seasonal regimes of plastic windows

Not all models of plastic windows have the ability to change modes. To understand whether it is present on your double-glazed windows, you need to look at the shut-off valves. The eccentric located in the middle can be oval or have a hole in the center for an asterisk or hexagon. This indicates the presence of winter mode on plastic windows. The photos below will help the reader understand this issue.

The algorithm for adjusting windows with different trunnions is identical, but their position may differ. Let's try to understand in detail the types of eccentrics.

Forms of eccentrics and nuances of mode transfer

The oval trunnion after installation is often located diagonally - this is the standard position, average between winter and summer. The horizontal position indicates winter mode, and the vertical position indicates summer mode.

If the shut-off valve eccentric is round (hexagonal), then its positions are as follows. Pushed towards the street - winter, located in the center - standard, recessed towards the apartment - summer.

The third option is a round hexagon pin that does not move when turning. In this case, there is a mark on it, which indicates the correct position. To make it easier to understand, we offer pictures for viewing on how to switch windows to winter mode.

How to switch windows to winter mode: preparing double-glazed windows

Before you do, preparatory work should be done. The first thing to do is to remove the lubricant from the locking mechanism components with a rag, so that when adjusting, dirt and dust do not get inside with it. After all the work done, the mechanism is lubricated again.

Very important! The rubber frame seal should be treated before cold weather. You can do this with a lubricant (silicone or glycerin based), but it is better to use silicone spray, which is sold in all hardware and automotive stores.

How and when are plastic windows switched to winter mode?

Experts recommend switching locking mechanisms from summer to winter only in extreme cases, when drafts become sensitive. However, this is only suitable for warm climate zones of Russia. It is optimal to switch at the beginning of the heating season.

A fogged glass unit or a slight appearance of ice on it from the inside may also indicate the need for adjustment.

Helpful information! Before switching the windows to winter mode, you should carefully inspect the rubber seal. Perhaps the sash fittings are adjusted correctly, but the seal is cracked or torn. In this case, you must definitely replace it. You can buy cheap seals for one winter, but they don’t last more than a season.

Other adjustment options for plastic window frames

Having figured out how to switch the windows to winter mode using a hexagon, screwdriver or pliers, you can move on to the rest. After all, over time, the frame may move, and one side will fit tighter than the other, which is unacceptable. This creates a load on the window fittings and contributes to the appearance of drafts.

The sash is adjusted vertically and horizontally from the bottom hinge. We remove the protective plastic cover and find a screw with a hexagon hole located on top. When you turn the screw clockwise, the frame will begin to rise. Turning counterclockwise, lower the glass unit. In order to move the sash away from the frame or, conversely, to install it closer, we use a screw located on the side at the bottom of the hinge.

Important! If all adjustments are made correctly, and draft problems have not disappeared, this indicates wear of the seals, a factory defect in the frame, or improper installation of the sashes. We check the rubber seals, and if they are normal, we file a complaint with the installer. That is why it is important to perform adjustments in the first year of operation - the possibility of warranty repairs and sometimes replacement remains.



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