Will Harry and Hermione kiss? Incredible facts about Harry Potter that will simply blow your mind

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This week was a good one for me and I was finally able to get out to London to interview the actors on the set of Harry Potter. Today I want to tell you about Rupert Grint, who played the beloved red-haired Ron Weasley.

Is it true that you had to leave the set during Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) and Hermione's (Emma Watson) kiss because you couldn't stop laughing?
Yeah, that was the case. Emma and Dan kissed with silver body paint to make the scene surreal.

Was Dan also asked to leave when you were kissing Emma?

Was this film more physically demanding than the others? How did you cope with filming?
Yes, the seventh part is physically more difficult than the previous ones. The heroes are no longer in Hogwarts, but in the real world, full of dangers. Everywhere they go, they risk their lives. There was a lot of running loads, which I was not used to. Of course, in other films there were also chases, but in the seventh part they took on an aggressive character.

What was it like working away from Hogwarts?
I enjoyed filming the scenes outside of school without all the annoying scenery. We slept right in the open air, it was an amazing time.

At the same time, you starred in other films. How much free time did you have left? After all, in the seventh part you are in almost every scene.
You are right, I worked almost every day, and there was almost no free time left. When I took a few months off, I immediately wanted to try myself in a new role. I'm glad that I was able to appear in other films besides Harry Potter. On top of all this, I was able to get some rest.

By taking time off and starring in other projects, did you gain experience for further filming of Harry Potter?
Certainly. The more people you work with, the more you learn. It's really interesting to see how other films are made. Harry Potter gave me a unique shooting experience. I know that I will never experience anything like this again, so it’s interesting to watch the work of other directors.

We spoke with Daniel about the filming of the first and last films. Has anything changed since David Yates arrived? Has your character remained the same or has the director also changed it?
Oh, David is a great director! He gave us more freedom and gave us the opportunity to play this or that scene at our own discretion. Over these 10 years, I was able to get used to my role, so I did not have any problems.

The first Harry Potter films will soon be shown on television. Probably after watching you will say: “Oh my God, how have I changed?”
Yes, it’s simply impossible not to notice the difference, especially in the first films. Everything happened before our eyes. All the previous films are like home videos of me growing up. [Laughter] I can always go back to this and remember the old days.

Tom Felton told us that he learned many interesting facts about Draco thanks to JK Rowling. How well do you know Ron?
I don't think I know everything about him. Joan did not give me any advice or comment. I acted according to the book and my greatest fear was to find out that at the end my hero would die.

Did you turn to books before you started filming?
Of course, I re-read the books before every movie to refresh my memory.

When did you find out that Ron and Hermione were going to be together?
Already in the first part there were notes of love. This became especially noticeable after the scene of jealousy. It was clear that in the final film the kiss between Ron and Hermione could no longer be avoided. But most of all I was surprised by the epilogue, when I found out that we would have children together.

Do you take advice from the Harry Potter directors? Over the years, what advice have they given you?
Of course, I was lucky with the directors. I learned something from each of them. They all have their own approach to the film. But I think only David Yates was consistent and stuck closest to the story. It was very easy and interesting to work with him.

What is Yeats like at work?
David completely trusted the actors and gave them complete freedom. Maybe because we met his hopes. Overall, he made an excellent director.

Talking about filming the epilogue is difficult for each of us. But it is in the epilogue that the most interesting events take place, which it would be a shame not to ask about.
Yes it is. At the first meeting with the children in the film, we all remembered ourselves as children. They were so similar to us that I was even a little scared. [Laughter] I'm looking forward to Ron's daddy scene [Laughs] I'm not much of a grown man, but I hope it didn't turn out that bad.

The scene with the medallion was really scary. What was it like working on green screen and provoking strong emotions?
This is Ron's great moment where he finally gets to feel like a hero by destroying the Horcrux. The medallion began to control him, talking about family and Hermione, but Ron resisted the Horcrux. This was the best scene, despite the fact that it was difficult for me.

What do you know about this episode?
I was informed that this scene would involve Daniel and Emma kissing.

What do you appreciate most about Ron?
Ron was always my favorite character in the book. I felt a strong connection with him, and a little with Ginny. I just loved the laid-back nature of my character.

Have you re-read the essay about your character that Alfonso Cuaron asked you to write?
I think Dan and Emma wrote something [Laughs] But I didn't write anything, I don't really remember why. Oh yes. At that moment I was taking exams.

Did you take anything as a souvenir from the Harry Potter set?
It's hard to say goodbye to a film without taking something with you. On the last day I unscrewed Ron's house number. They also gave me a deluminator, which I was incredibly happy about!

I know that Hogwarts will burn in the Deathly Hallows. What other surprises did you give us in the final part?
In the second part everything is just terrible. It reminded me of a war movie. People are dying all over the world. The Gryffindor common room where I grew up was reduced to rubble. This is the last film. That's it, it's over. There will be no continuation. And this is very sad to realize.

After 10 years of filming, how long will it take you to move away from the character of Ron?
I don't know how long it will take and I don't want to go into details. Filming took up half of my life. I don't remember life before this.

It's time to study. Time for new knowledge. A time in which you can escape from your own problems, concentrating only on your studies. Hermione now felt a strong need for the latter, stubbornly taking on more and more assignments, reports, essays... But, even after all this immense amount of work was completed, the girl’s own thoughts fell on her, tormenting her so much from the inside. And now, wearily throwing away the pen, she instantly became gloomy as soon as she thought about it. After waiting a little, she wrote the date on a long scroll: the first of October. “It’s amazing how I’ve changed in this month,” she sighed. Not afraid to meet anyone in the living room, the girl climbed onto the sofa with her legs, and, having made herself comfortable, indulged in her thoughts. And it all started quite normally. About a week after arriving at Hogwarts, one cold autumn evening, Ron took her to the school broom closet for just one thing - her kisses. This is where Hermione's problem arose - she no longer liked Ron's caresses. Every time she appeared in that storeroom, she didn't think about Ron at all. Every time she remembered that same kiss on the platform, which was impossible to forget, no matter how hard she tried to do it. Instead of forgetting about what had happened, she thought more and more often about the kiss itself, about how careful actions on Harry's part were. It all led to a secret desire to kiss him one more time. Just one kiss was enough for her, and she would have calmed down, she would have found the strength to restrain herself. But Harry didn't know about this. He continued to communicate with her, as before, but the girl could no longer look into his eyes, afraid that she would not be able to restrain herself and would rush into his arms. They began to communicate less and less. Even if Harry himself was the initiator of the dialogue, the girl almost immediately found excuses convincing him that they would talk later. Harry was sincerely perplexed about what was happening to his friend, and often, when leaving him somewhere, she felt his perplexed gaze directed at her back. Relations with Ron also deteriorated, and one day, after another refusal from Hermione to go for a walk with him, he said that she could forget about him as a boyfriend. During this month, she managed to become so entangled in herself that she no longer knew how to unravel this completely tangled tangle in her soul. Hermione withdrew into herself, and the Gryffindors practically stopped seeing the Gryffindor prefect smiling. Instead, she looked worse and worse, rarely got enough sleep at night, preferring another essay on Transfiguration to sleep. On one of these “beautiful nights,” when Hermione had almost finished writing a long essay on the history of magic, and was absolutely sure that nothing extraordinary would happen, the portrait door suddenly opened, and Harry walked into the living room. Almost without looking around, he walked up to the first sofa he came across (it just so happened that Hermione was already sitting on it) and impulsively sat down on it, staring into the fire. The girl looked at him in surprise, not understanding what happened and why Harry came into the living room so late. - Harry? – from her quiet voice he shuddered, and quickly looking into her face, he again returned to observing the fire. “Explain,” did she imagine, or did his voice sound hoarse? - What? – the girl was taken aback, and almost screamed when he grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes for the first time in a long time. - Explain why you are avoiding me? -Avoiding? “Hermione was completely confused, and then there were his eyes, his beautiful eyes, which seemed to see right through her, making it very difficult to think logically. - Yes, you avoid it! I... I don’t even know what to think anymore! – he let go of her hand and moved away from her. - Tell me where? Where is the cheerful and cheerful Hermione I saw just a month ago? What is the reason for such drastic changes? Or maybe someone... maybe... maybe the reason is me? – he tried to restrain himself, but still hid his face in his hands. The girl trembled. She suddenly realized that if she didn’t explain everything now, then she would never have such an opportunity again. “No,... not really into you, Harry,” she said it as softly as possible, herself being in a state of panic. - What about it, Mione? – He took his hands away from his face and turned his head towards her. “Is that...” the sound of the name suddenly made her breath hitch, and Hermione took a deep breath, “God, why was everything so easy with Ron?” - flashed through her head - “Because it was he who suggested meeting, and he explained everything himself,” whispered a harmful voice in her head. - Do you remember that kiss on the first of September on the platform? - calling on all the gods known to her to help her, she began to speak. “So, I tried to forget this moment, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t,” the girl turned away from him because she could no longer look him in the face , and feel his gaze on yours - gradually, closer to the middle of the month, the desire to kiss you turned into an obsession. I held back as best I could, because I didn’t know how you would react to this,” she sobbed, realizing that this was it, this was the finish line, then everything would depend only on him. - Gradually, my mania reached its climax, and has not subsided for several weeks now. That’s why I stopped communicating with you because just the sight of you persistently made me spit on all standards of decency and kiss you in front of everyone,” Hermione began to cry, feeling her heart become lighter. “What if he gets scared and leaves? Will it go away forever? - the girl froze, completely frightened by this thought. There was complete silence in the room. Just when she had time to think that he had left, a pair of arms suddenly hugged her and pressed her to him so tightly, as if they were trying to create a barrier from all her misfortunes. The girl, burying her face in his chest, cried quietly, still afraid that he was simply mocking her, and now he would just leave. “I’m afraid that I’ll go crazy if I continue to restrain myself,” she whispered hotly, feeling that the hug loosened a little, which she perceived as an escape. His fingers gently lift her head and force her to look into his face. A few nimble movements of the fingers - and it was as if there were no tears. “Come on, don’t hold back,” his eyes shine. “I,... I allow you...” he says quietly, but his every word is like a clap of thunder for her. With very trembling fingers, she removes his glasses. This did not escape his attention. He gently squeezes her hands in his hands. -You're shaking all over, are you cold? – the voice is unusually warm and soothing. “No, I’m just... I’m just afraid,” she freed one hand and, quietly taking her wand, casts all sorts of confusing, distracting spells on the room. Hoping that he didn't notice her manipulations, she carefully placed her hand on his arm. - Well, what are you afraid of? – he carefully releases his palm from his hands, and, touching their foreheads with her, he openly looks into her eyes. He sees nothing in them except strong fear: Don’t be afraid, it’s only me, only Harry... - without warning he kisses her. He kisses on purpose, slowly, at the same time showing the girl that there is no hurry and that he is not averse to teasing her. The kisses become deeper, they press closer and closer to each other, and now, after several extremely fast minutes, she is in his tight arms, not intending to leave them anywhere. But, in addition to all this happy state, one single thought persistently beats in my head, depriving me of the right to happiness. - What's next, Harry? How do we explain everything to others? – she asks hoarsely. - Further? – a chuckle creeps into his voice, and he hugs the girl tighter. - Come what may! The main thing is that we are together,” she hears in his voice that Harry is smiling, and imperceptibly smiles back. “Really, come what may! The main thing is that as long as I’m with Harry, everything will be fine.”

If you suddenly decided that you already know everything about everyone’s favorite series about the adventures of a boy wizard, we hasten to dispel your misconception 😎 See for yourself! 😱

The reason why in the film version Harry's eyes are blue, and not green, like Lily's, is simple and ridiculous to the point of impossibility - while trying on lenses, Radcliffe discovered an allergy to them.


Tom Felton carried sweets in the pockets of his robe right onto the set. When it was opened, the pockets had to be sewn shut.


The “snake” door to the “Chamber of Secrets” is not a special effect, but a real and still functioning mechanism.


To film seven Potters in one room, it took 95 takes - an average of 12-14 for each character.


In order to properly film the kissing scene between Harry and Hermione, Emma Watson had to push a hysterical and constantly laughing Rupert Grint off the set.


Throughout the entire Potter series, Daniel Radcliffe destroyed about 80 wands.


Hero Fiennes Tiffin, who played young Tom Riddle in Half-Blood Prince, is the nephew of Ralph Fiennes, who played Voldemort.


The line "I didn't think you could read" was improvised by Felton and fortunately left in the final cut.


As a souvenir, Daniel took Potter's first and last pair of glasses, Rupert took the Deluminator and sign #4 from the house on Privet Drive, and Emma took the wand, robe, and time turner.


Did you like the article? Scroll on and see even more interesting facts about everyone's favorite series! 😎

Despite the fact that the final part of the film adaptation of the adventures of Harry Potter was released 6 years ago, the glory of the story about the boy who lived has not subsided. And we are sure that you will be interested to see exactly how the cool special effects were made 😎

1. Voldemort's makeup

Ralph Fiennes was put on Voldemort's makeup 60-70 times during filming. Each time, three people spent two or three hours poring over the image: stickers on the eyebrows, darkening of the eyes, venous traces, false teeth and nails, and generally the whole pale appearance.

2. Spider Aragog

The corpse of the giant spider Aragog was made by a team of 20 people over six months. It weighed about a ton and was the size of a small car, so a crane was needed to transport it to the set.

3. Harry's Gills

The gills themselves were made from silicone and silk so that they behave naturally underwater, like real gills. It turned out great!

4. Pensieve

To make a wonderful Pensieve, a green screen was placed in the bowl, and a video sequence of memories was superimposed on it.

5. Pouty Aunt Marge

To make a balloon out of Aunt Marge, we had to resort to the help of plastic makeup, large inflatable chambers and pumps. “We made a camera for a face that we molded to look like her face, put it over a balloon on her face and inflated it.

6. The magic of things

To create magic we had to go through a lot of tricks. This is a self-cleaning frying pan. And these are books that put themselves in place.

“I know—you’ve been saying this for several years now.” But, Hermione, you won't be able to convince everyone. They don’t believe you, and even if you threaten everyone with some disgusting curse, it won’t help. - Lavender made this heartfelt speech and now impatiently awaited the answer - as if her life depended on it.

- Better not start. “You know this topic is taboo,” Granger replied, leaning back on the sofa.

At this time, Harry and Ron burst into the common room, laughing merrily. After Quidditch practice, both were wet from the rain and sweating. Seeing them, Hermione smiled happily. Harry ruffled his hair and smiled cheerfully in response, now reminiscent of a mischievous child, and not a seventeen-year-old boy who had matured too early.

Ron set out to become the best goalkeeper and win the Quidditch Cup at all costs, and his friend, not paying attention to the time of day or the weather, helped him practice every free minute.

The redhead, on the contrary, did not smile, but frowned at his right hand and winced. Hermione quickly stood up, cast a cleaning and drying spell on both of them, and, gently taking Ron's hand, began to move her wand over it. Gradually the swelling disappeared, and after a minute the redness disappeared - the hand became its normal color. The moment the girl took Weasley's hand, his ears lit up. An outside observer would have been surprised at his embarrassment - after all, everyone knew that Ron had known this girl for a long time, so such shyness seemed strange. But Hermione couldn't even imagine Ron Weasley any other way - his embarrassment was so charming and homely.

“So you really are in love with him,” Lavender announced contentedly. Luckily for her, there were only a few people in the living room. Otherwise, within five minutes the whole of Hogwarts would be discussing Miss Brown's premature death.

Hermione growled, like Crookshanks when she's chasing her next victim. Harry, who had been pestered by everyone over the last few days about the same thing, winced with displeasure, and Ron looked as if he was ready to fall into the ground right now.

“Stop interfering in other people’s lives, otherwise it will end badly for you,” only a deaf person would not have heard the warning in Hermione’s voice. True, due to the fact that Harry was holding her tightly, she could not rush at Brown. The poise of the smartest witch of Hogwarts has recently evaporated in an unknown direction, because Madam Pomfrey forbade her to overwork and sit at books for more than two hours a day, while her usual “norm” is six to seven hours. Harry had to ensure compliance with the regulations - as the only person who could cope with Granger.


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