Why do people have terrible dreams? Why do you have nightmares? What does Nightmare mean in a dream?

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And fears. Nocturnal ones appear to a person when he is in the REM sleep phase. As a rule, their plots are implausible and intricate. After waking up, a person can remember and retell what happened to him without experiencing any horror. The nature of night fears differs from nightmares. Fears manifest themselves during deep sleep, about an hour after falling asleep; dreams are rare during this phase. They are painful, but short-lived, their plot is clear and... Waking up the next morning, a person may not remember what he saw at night. Rarely, nightmares are daily. But if this happens constantly, it can lead to poor health and negatively affect the psyche. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the reasons for such dreams. Most often, the provoking factor for nightmares is a state of stress, the occurrence of which is associated with problems at work, worry about loved ones, and financial difficulties. Psychological reasons may include worries about personal relationships, resulting in fears and distrust of others. If it is possible to understand and establish these factors, then most likely this will help normalize sleep. Some medications, for example, antidepressants, barbiturates, sedatives, narcotic drugs, can have side effects such as nightmares. Before using such drugs, you should consult a doctor or pharmacist, and if necessary, avoid their use. Unpleasant dreams can be caused by certain diseases and ailments, especially those accompanied by high fever and difficulty breathing. To prevent restless sleep, you should not drink alcoholic beverages at night. You need to pay attention to the quantity and nature of food that is eaten for dinner. Eating too much or too late can have a very negative impact on the quality of your sleep. Avoid active physical work, computer games, and intellectual activity before bedtime. If you can't find out the reasons, try simply changing where you sleep. It is possible that the room is not quite suitable for you or the bed is inconveniently located. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey or use a folk remedy that has a calming effect. Take 3 parts sage and thyme herbs, 2 parts juniper branches, eucalyptus leaves, rose petals and one part lemon zest. Pour one liter of boiling water and let the drink brew in a thermos for 6 hours. Drink the resulting infusion one glass before bed, and after a few days the bad dreams will disappear. If nightmares at night are repeated with a certain frequency, you should seek help from neurologists or psychiatrists.

Many people have experienced at least once in their lives fear of nightmares.

Waking up in a cold sweat, with eyes widened with fear, a person remembers in the smallest detail the horror that disturbed him. So why do we have bad dreams?

What are nightmares?

Nightmare is realistically scary, frightening dream which causes a person to wake up in the middle of the night.

As a rule, nightmares occur during periods of REM sleep, so the nightmare is abruptly interrupted, the sleeper wakes up frightened, and he can remember his dream in detail.

In such a state a person comes to his senses quickly, may feel a certain cheerfulness.

Nightmares are a consequence of brain activity. In this way, a person experiences negative emotions, stress, bad impressions, and resolves some of his internal issues and conflicts.

Constant nightmares can lead to lack of sleep, headaches, depression, anxiety, etc.

The interesting thing is that creative people have nightmares much more often the rest, thanks to their wild imagination.

How do they manifest themselves?

Nightmares manifest themselves in the fact that a person wakes up in the middle of the night from a strong fright, may scream(in a dream or even after waking up). Cold sweat occurs, heart rate increases, and blood pressure may increase.

If the nightmare has a strong impact on the sleeper, then the frightened state may persist for some time. It becomes difficult to fall asleep, which can cause problems.

If nightmares bother you every day, then during the day a person feels tired, doesn't get enough sleep all the time, he may be disturbed by disturbing thoughts and haunted by certain fears.

This condition can lead to depression and other disorders.

When nightmares come in REM sleep, then the awakened person understands that it was just a bad dream, and it is easier to calm down during this period.

The deep sleep phase is much more difficult. Having woken up, a person may not understand where he is, and it takes quite a long time to come to his senses.

It is accompanied by drowsiness, high blood pressure, a feeling of cold, and palpitations. In this phase it’s harder to remember what led to the fright.

Why are there bad dreams? What do they mean? 10 worst dreams:


Each person has their own concept of nightmares. Someone is dreaming something truly terrifying he screams in his sleep, wakes up in tears, but for some this dream would not seem so frightening.

After all, all people are different, each has their own fears and experiences.

But there are several "universal" nightmares, which will make any person, at least, flinch.

  • falling into a black abyss, or falling from: many people claim that they dreamed of flying somewhere into the void and waking up just before they were about to crash;
  • someone close: most people have dreamed at least once in their lives that a close and beloved person is dying;
  • animal attack: such a dream is really scary, especially if a person is very afraid of dogs, and he dreams that he is being bitten by a pack of these animals;
  • natural disasters;
  • dreams about dead relatives;
  • strange people in masks: most people say that they periodically dream of characters in strange masks, or in strange clothes.

What nightmares do people usually have? Find out from the video:

Why do people scream out of fear in their sleep?

Sometimes you have really scary and frightening dreams about what a person once experienced and what strongly reflected in his consciousness or subconscious. Such dreams can cause screaming in the middle of the night, severe fright and panic.

Exists a few reasons, according to which a person can scream in a dream:

Causes of nightmares

What causes nightmares, from which you wake up:

I often have bad dreams - what does this mean?

If nightmares bother you often or constantly, this may indicate that there is some problem, which a person tries in every possible way to ignore and avoid.

In this case, you should understand that it needs to be resolved immediately. Because nightmares will haunt the sleeper for more than one night in a row.

Nightmares. Psychologist's comment:

How to get rid of it?

What to do to avoid nightmares? Psychologist's advice:

The same thing every night

What to do, if I have the same nightmare every night?

If the same dream bothers you every night, then you should come to the conclusion that the subconscious is trying to say that there is a problem to which the person is simply turning a blind eye.

In our life it often happens that we we don't want to decide anything or we are afraid to do it. At the same time, this worries us. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s on a conscious or subconscious level.

As a rule, all our fears and worries result in our dreams.

When a person takes too long running away from the problem, it can overtake him in the form of a nightmare.

If the same dream bothers you many nights in a row, then you should admit that there is a problem. You need to find the courage to solve it, look fear straight in the eye, then the nightmare will disappear on its own.

What to do if your child has nightmares?

When your child has nightmares, it is worth observing and finding out how often this happens. If this doesn't happen often, then nothing to worry about.

Nightmares are the norm for a child’s still unsettled nervous system. This will pass with age.

But if nightmares are a fairly common occurrence for a child, then it is worth paying attention to this problem.

First of all you need contact a specialist. It will help determine the cause. Next, he will explain what to do and how to deal with them.

Main, what should be done:

What causes scary dreams in a child? About, How can mom help?, in the video:

What's the benefit?

It would seem what benefits nightmares can bring. But they can really be useful.

In nightmares, a person may experience the consequences of a trauma that has left an imprint on his emotional state. Thus, he throws out all his negative emotions in his sleep.

During turning points in a person's life, nightmares seem to help him move to the next level. As a rule, such dreams, although scary, have an ending and often a favorable one.

Nightmares may indicate about the presence of a problem that a person may not be aware of. In this way, dreams help clarify and solve it.

Nightmares are always scary and unpleasant. When experiencing them, you should not be afraid and withdraw into yourself.

You need to understand that it's just a dream, not reality. It’s worth looking deeper into your dreams, maybe they want to say something that will help get rid of problems.

What do nightmares mean:

Today, more than 10% of adults around the planet constantly have bad dreams. Nightmares in children and adolescents are observed in 70% of cases.

A terrible dream never just happens. This phenomenon is always preceded by some event or facilitated by illnesses associated with mental disorders. Various stressful and conflict situations almost always provoke nightmares. But diseases that cause discomfort during sleep include:

  • Problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • Traumatic stress disorders;
  • Depression;
  • Alcoholism;
  • Substance abuse and drug addiction;
  • Schizophrenia;
  • Apnea;
  • Restless legs syndrome.

This is not a complete list; many diseases can provoke nightmares, which in one way or another can manifest their symptoms during sleep.

In order to understand why nightmares constantly occur, it is necessary to determine what type of dream this or that dream belongs to. There are several types of sleep horrors, but the most common is a nightmare that arises from various stress disorders. This variety occurs in 80% of the world's inhabitants. They are the most diagnosed, since stress is their basis. Therefore, if you had a nightmare for the first time in your life, then most likely stress was its trigger. In this case, a trip to a psychologist or various relaxation techniques will be very useful.

If we talk about recurring horrors in dreams, then most often they are based on real traumatic situations that took place in the past. Scientists have come to the unanimous conclusion that regularly duplicated dreams are embedded in human memory in the form of a fixed pattern. Stressful situations that are repeated in a dream, again and again, are reproduced in the same original volume, while each time a person experiences a feeling that haunts him in real life.

You should remember that the greater and higher the level of stress, the more nightmarish and realistic the night dream will be. And rash and unprofessional attempts to neutralize a nightmare will lead to disruption of the rapid phase of sleep, and, accordingly, to a depleted feeling in the body throughout the day.

Quite often, people have nightmares when exposed to various psychoactive substances and components. They negatively affect the brain and central nervous system, as a result of which the functional systems of the body are disrupted. Keep in mind that these may refer to various medications, in particular antidepressants.

Symptoms that will make you go to the doctor

The worst thing about nightmares is people's attitude towards them. Most of them do not understand that if you have a bad dream, you may need to see a doctor. Here is a basic list of symptoms that indicate the need to contact a certified specialist:

  • You can’t fall asleep for a long time;
  • Sleep, the duration of which is no more than half an hour;
  • You wake up very often at night and cannot sleep for a long time;
  • The awakening process is accompanied by various unpleasant feelings, which manifest themselves in the form of anger, anxiety, sadness, irritability, etc.;
  • Waking up constantly occurs with a feeling of confusion of emotions and thoughts. Immediately opening his eyes, a person can fully tell about what he dreamed;
  • There is an event that regularly repeats itself in the form of horrors in dreams.

Getting rid of nightmares

Today, there are quite a large number of ways to treat nightmares.
Therefore, if you have nightmares, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. Pay attention to your sleep schedule; as a rule, it is not recommended to go to bed later than 11 pm;
  2. Drug treatment in the form of sedatives and sleeping pills can only be prescribed by a doctor, and he independently determines the type and dose of the drug. Remember, under no circumstances should you take sleeping pills for more than four months. This may cause the body to become addicted;
  3. Herbal medicine is the most gentle method of treatment, although one should also be careful with it. Lavender petals can be thrown into a bath of warm water, which is recommended to be taken before bed. It has a calming and relaxing effect. An excellent way to cure sleep disorders is the herb lemon balm. Has a sedative effect on the human body. Most often prescribed to elderly people. Valerian root will help you calm down and sleep.
  4. An effective way to combat insomnia and nightmares is psychotherapy. There are many cognitive behavioral therapy techniques. This is what helps reduce the frequency of nightmares. One of the therapy methods goes something like this: the patient plays out a dream he had in his head, gradually modernizing its content to a more positive one. This method is called the “mental image rehearsal method” and works especially well with children.

Preventing nightmares in your sleep

Before going to bed, turn off all possible household appliances. The electromagnetic waves emitted by the equipment negatively affect the brain, thereby provoking scary dreams. Make sure that during sleep all sources of noise that interfere with your positive “dreams” are turned off. Make sure that the room where you sleep at night is completely dark, because streaming rays of light can disrupt the calm and dimensional process of sleep.

Don't forget that fresh and clean air helps you fall asleep better, so ventilate the room before going to bed. At this time, you can go for a walk, which will bring you light and pleasant fatigue. Do not drink drinks containing caffeine in the afternoon, as well as alcoholic beverages after seven o'clock in the evening (it causes deep but interrupted sleep).

Are you having nightmares? In order for your sleep to be strong, healthy and positive, you need to follow some recommendations. But if you have a terrible dream, despite following the recommendations, then you should seek help from a highly qualified specialist who will certainly help neutralize unpleasant dreams.

List of used literature:

  • Caruth C. Unclaimed experience: trauma, narrative, and history. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press (English)Russian, 1996.
  • Felman Sh. The juridical unconscious: trials and traumas in the twentieth century. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2002.
  • Luckhurst R. The trauma question. London; New York: Routledge, 2008.

For various reasons, people may have bad dreams. Sometimes they arise due to worries about their relatives and loved ones, and they can also dream when a person has done some bad deed in his life. Psychologists and specialists have conducted a lot of research and report that scary dreams are most often seen by skeptics, pessimists and suspicious people. If you understand why you have nightmares, you can quickly get rid of them, thanks to which your lifestyle will change for the better, and you will also be able to get a good night's sleep and avoid stressful situations at night.

Main reasons

If a woman or man has nightmares, then you need to find out the reason for their appearance as soon as possible. They usually arise due to the following factors:

  • stressful situations, anxiety and various experiences. Very often, nightmares in a dream occur after a person has buried his loved one or relative, as well as after acts of violence, conflict situations at work, in his personal life, after a divorce or a serious illness. Extreme events in life often have a detrimental effect on a person’s mental state, after which bad dreams begin;
  • if some important, responsible event is planned in a person’s life, as a result of which the nervous system is excited, an excess of thoughts occurs, so the brain stops working normally, the person often wakes up due to a nightmare;
  • during an infectious, viral or other disease, body temperature increases, this leads to nightmares;
  • if in a dream a person feels as if he is being strangled, this sometimes indicates the appearance of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • binge eating. Eating too much in the evening will cause bad dreams. When the stomach is overloaded, it is unable to work normally, heaviness and discomfort arise, the digestive system is overloaded, and sleep disturbance appears;
  • if a person abuses alcohol, this will be the reason why he often has nightmares. Alcoholic drinks, especially if consumed before bedtime, often lead to fear and insomnia;
  • when using medications. Some medications have various side effects, including disorders of the nervous system; these disorders can cause bad dreams in women and men;
  • severe physical fatigue, mental fatigue during daytime work. If a person is excessively tired during the day, he will not necessarily sleep well at night. Overwork often leads to insomnia and other sleep disorders, including nightmares;
  • discomfort at night. If it is uncomfortable to sleep at night, the room is very stuffy or hot, there is an unpleasant smell, bright light or too noisy, then this will most likely cause terrible dreams for both women and men;
  • smoking promotes the accumulation of toxic substances in human tissues, organs and blood vessels; these substances have a detrimental effect on night sleep;
  • watching scary movies, thrillers and action films. If you watch movies on TV or on the computer in the evening that stimulate the nervous system, they will disrupt your night's rest;
  • showdowns, scandals, shouting and swearing have a detrimental effect on brain function, so you should not start scandals in the evening;
  • psychological trauma in childhood has a negative impact on the subconscious, which transforms long-past events into terrible night dreams.

To normalize your night's rest, first of all, you need to understand why you constantly have nightmares, and after that you can fight them.

Ways to deal with bad dreams

Every person, man and woman, wants to sleep soundly at night and gain strength so that terrible dreams do not spoil the night's rest. What to do if you have nightmares every night? The following tips may help:

  • Before going to bed, you can take a warm bath; experts recommend adding aromatic oils to the water, and also placing candles with a pleasant aroma in the bathroom.
  • Before going to bed, it is advisable to drink a cup of lemon balm, mint or chamomile tea; you can dissolve a spoonful of honey in a glass of warm milk. Such drinks will help you calm down, relax and get ready for sleep;
  • night pajamas should be clean, made from natural material, so that when you sleep, they do not squeeze the body and do not limit movement, clothes should not be too tight and tight;
  • Lack of oxygen is often the reason why you have nightmares every night. Therefore, before going to bed, it is advisable, instead of watching TV, to take a walk outside, in the fresh air, and also ventilate the bedroom for 10-20 minutes or more. In addition, while working during the day, you also need to ventilate the room so that the body receives a sufficient amount of oxygen, this will be the key to a sound and quality night's sleep;
  • You shouldn’t think about bad events in your life in the evening, especially when you’re already in bed, and it’s also not recommended to replay negative situations from the past day in your head. It’s advisable to think about something good before going to bed, then you’re more likely to have a good dream;
  • if for some reason you often have nightmares, then the events you see can be drawn on paper after waking up. Experts in the field of psychology have proven that by drawing your nightmares, you can examine them in detail and think about why you dreamed about them. Thanks to this, you can understand what to do so that terrible dreams do not recur;
  • if you have nightmares very often, or even every day, then there is no need to hide them from other people; on the contrary, it will be useful to discuss them with relatives or friends. During such a discussion, you can understand what they mean, or what you dreamed about;
  • Sports activities and moderate physical activity are very useful, thanks to them you can stop having bad dreams;
  • when waking up at night after a bad sleep, you need to think about something good and pleasant, such thoughts will help you fall asleep quickly;
  • in the evening you do not need to eat too high-calorie foods;
  • If a person has tried many ways to get rid of bad dreams, but they still occur when you sleep, you need to contact a psychotherapist who will help you find out the reason why you have nightmares and also help eliminate them.


In the case when a person often sees terrible visions at night, and it is not clear why women and men have nightmares, you can take simple preventive actions and change your lifestyle. Psychologists and doctors have conducted various studies and found that it is quite easy to prevent bad dreams. What should I do for this? The following recommendations will help:

  • Instead of watching TV in the evening, it is better to pick up an interesting book and read it for half an hour or an hour, thanks to which the nervous system will calm down. However, you should not choose detective stories or books with a tense plot; it is better to read narrative stories, scientific articles or some other literature that will be practical and useful;
  • if you don’t want to read stories, then you shouldn’t watch films on TV that contain episodes of violence, cruelty, or horror;
  • in the evening there is no need to play computer games, they irritate the nervous system and often lead to scary dreams;
  • before going to bed, you need to tune in to something positive, remember pleasant incidents in life, good episodes;
  • in the evening you should not throw out your emotions, laugh excessively, before going to bed, you need to calm down and relax;
  • do not eat spicy and fatty foods in the evening, because when you sleep, they will provoke bad dreams;
  • It is advisable to go to bed early, no later than 22:00, because it is at this time that the human body begins to intensively produce melatonin, so you can only get a good night’s sleep and gain strength from this time;
  • when you sleep, it is better to do it on your back. Many experts agree that the position on the back allows all internal organs to relax; in this position, the spine completely rests, which has a beneficial effect on brain function.

Bad dreams in children

There are various reasons why children may have scary dreams. What to do if this happens?

  1. It is necessary to listen to the child’s complaints; perhaps his parents are not paying enough attention to him, or he is having serious problems at school.
  2. There is no need to tell your daughter or son scary fairy tales, intimidate them and let them read horror films, this has a detrimental effect on the psyche and leads to disturbances in night rest.
  3. Cruelty in the family or among friends often explains the occurrence of terrible dreams. If mom and dad often quarrel, or even fight, then on a subconscious level, negative emotions spill out at night in the form of nightmares.
  4. When the child was not yet born and was in the mother’s belly, he could take on a nervous state and mental imbalance; this can manifest itself when the child is 3 years old or older.
  5. Excessive fatigue and heavy loads can lead to disturbances in night rest. Parents should think about what to do to relieve their son or daughter, emotionally or physically.
  6. If the child is too sensitive and vulnerable, then he may have sleep disorders; in this case, the parents will not be able to help the baby; consultation with a qualified psychologist will be required.

Sleep is an important part of human life. Your activity and health throughout the day depend on comfort and proper rest at night. But nightmares don't let me sleep. A person gets up broken, with a terrible headache, and a feeling of anxiety. Why do you have nightmares? How to neutralize their impact on our lives?

What is a nightmare?

From the point of view of our perception, a nightmare is a bad dream. It does not allow us to rest, sleep, makes us toss and turn, sometimes scream. After such a night, we spend the whole day thinking about our dream, experiencing the events we saw at night again and again. Plus, we don’t feel rested at all: our heads hurt, we feel tired, and it’s impossible to concentrate. This is a state of non-stay.

A common misconception about nightmare visions is that they look like some kind of horror movie. It’s as if a zombie is chasing us, a terrible vampire is trying to catch us, or evil robbers want to bury us in a dark forest. In reality, every person has their own nightmare.

For some, being fired from a job is scary. Or rather, the fear that this dismissal will happen. Someone sees the death or illness of a loved one, separation from a loved one. And for him it is a nightmare. Someone is drowning, trying to escape in a disaster. That is, human night fears are more realistic, more tied to ordinary life. This kids filmed monsters, vampires and evil werewolves.

A nightmare is a product of our consciousness. Unpleasant emotions experienced recently, unresolved internal conflicts and fears, apprehensions - all this is processed by our brain and realized in dreams in the form of nightmares. If you have a bad dream, you need to look for the reasons in real life.

With the help of dreams, the body gets rid of stress. If the same nighttime fear is repeated, then somewhere in our psyche there is a problem that needs to be solved. And so the subconscious signals about this problem.

Nightmares can manifest in different ways. Sometimes a person suddenly wakes up from his own scream or fright. But more often, people get enough sleep during a “nightmare” night. But the next morning they feel confused and scared. These sensations may persist for a day or two.

Let us remember that our sleep goes through several stages. How we feel after a nightmare depends on the stage of the nightmare:

1. Horror movies came in a quick phase - after waking up, we immediately understand that it was only a dream that scared us.

2. Nightmarish events develop in a slow phase - after waking up, we cannot come to our senses for a long time. As a rule, we do not remember the events we saw. But breathing quickens, chills appear, temperature and blood pressure rise. The feeling of exhaustion does not leave me, I want to sleep.

Are scary dreams useful?

Psychologists say yes. Changes have occurred on a subconscious level. The dream gradually signals this. It is useful when:

1. They end well.

Such dreams accompany the transition to a new level of development, some turning point in our lives. At night someone is chasing us - we escape; a tsunami comes to the city - we survive; The road is blocked by an insurmountable wall - we overcome it too. Yes, emotions are running high, but the outcome is good.

2. A bad dream is the result of serious stress.

This could be a reaction to the death of a loved one, an accident, being fired from a job, divorce, natural disaster, etc. In a nightmare, a person expresses all his grief, all his anger and melancholy as much as possible. When the negative comes out, mental balance is restored faster.

But! If such a dream repeats again and again, tormenting the person even more, you need to consult a specialist.

3. A nightmare is a hint of a problem hidden deep inside the subconscious.

A person may not even suspect its presence at the level of consciousness. But this “worm” gnaws from the inside, interferes with self-development, self-realization, restoration of mental strength, etc. That's why it's sometimes worth taking a closer look at nightmares.

Reasons for nighttime horror stories

Young children are very impressionable and sensitive. Their psyche can be traumatized quite easily. Hence the nightmares. Namely:

  • after physical punishment;
  • strong quarrel between parents;
  • watching a film or cartoon full of events and negative characters;
  • scared.

By the way, severe emotional trauma experienced in childhood sometimes makes itself felt with nightmares in adulthood.

With adults it is somewhat more difficult, since a nightmare can be triggered by many factors.

Bad habits

Overeating, drinking large doses of alcohol or drugs before bed. This group also includes smoking immediately before a night's rest.

The brain, poisoned by toxic substances, cannot relax. From overexcitation, he forms strange images. Often a person cannot fall asleep for a long time. And in the morning he still feels tired and sleep-deprived.

Severe stress

In the same group of reasons we include overwork (physical, emotional, mental), and depressive states.

A person may experience emotional shock after

  • death of a loved one;
  • layoffs;
  • accidents;
  • rape;
  • making a fatal diagnosis;
  • parting with a loved one, etc.

The nervous system has received such a shock that it cannot immediately recover. Need time. And sometimes - the help of specialists.

Watching horror movies before bed

Horror films are contraindicated for very impressionable people. They will replay the events they saw on the screen over and over again and relive them. Too vulnerable individuals need to choose books carefully.

External stimuli

Something is preventing the person from sleeping. The acrid smell often makes you dream of fires and suffocation. Extreme cold can drive us to the top of an iceberg or into icy water. And so on.

Diseases of the nervous system and internal organs

Already existing or just starting. There are a number of studies that have found a connection between sleep events and diseases:

a) violence, fight, war, shootout - severe overexcitation, neurasthenia, high body temperature;

b) for some reason there is not enough air, it is difficult to breathe - lung disease, sleep apnea syndrome;

c) strong fear of death – heart pathology;

d) someone crawls on the body, bites, insects attack - skin diseases;

e) cold muddy water, cold shower, stuffy throat - any colds, flu, sore throat.

How to get rid of horrors from your dreams?

Firstly, stop being afraid of them. This is only a product of our subconscious. We need to thank him. There are problems in life, in our psyche, in our brains, in our organs. But we don't see them. A nightmare helps you see the problem. As soon as it is resolved, the bad dream will disappear.

Secondly, write down the events of terrible dreams on paper (if they are preserved in memory). Analysis of details, images, actions will help to quickly identify the cause of a bad dream. Knowing the enemy by sight makes it easier to fight him.

Thirdly, tell the whole world in confidence about your dream. If you repeat the plot of a nightmare several times, it will dissolve, disappear, and stop frightening. In addition, a loved one will help us see those details that we ourselves did not notice. And this is a positive moment in analyzing your problems.

Fourth, change your nightmare. You can talk to the main character. You can think of a happy ending.

And the most important thing is to improve sleep hygiene. Here are some simple tips:

  • always ventilate the bedroom before going to bed;
  • three hours before the night's rest, do not eat anything;
  • go to bed at the same time;
  • do not use strong drugs (alcohol, drugs, caffeine, nicotine) before bedtime;
  • Devote a few hours before bed to relaxation, walking in the fresh air, listening to pleasant music, reading an interesting book, making love.

Have pleasant dreams!


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