Why do girls wear bikinis? Hidden sexuality

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In the wardrobe of every fashionista there will definitely be small panties that seductively emphasize the roundness of beautiful hips in a beautiful dress or tight jeans. And no one even thinks about why you can’t wear thongs. At the moment they are very diverse. Thongs come in lace, cotton, seamless, synthetic, and sports.

The history of their origin is very interesting. These panties were originally intended for strippers. When one of the senators visited their show, he was extremely outraged by their open nudity. After which fashion designers came up with panties that slightly covered the piquant parts of the female body, which further attracted the attention of viewers. Over time, thongs entered the everyday life of every girl and became very fashionable. Despite the fact that such panties are very comfortable, beautiful and practical, if you ask yourself why wearing thongs is harmful, it turns out that there are many reasons for this.

Little girls from an early age try to follow fashion even when it is not always useful. Therefore, many mothers on the forums are wondering whether wearing thongs is harmful for their teenage girls and at what age can they start? Considering all the harmfulness of this underwear, it is recommended to wear it only when necessary for just a couple of hours. And from what age to allow it, the mother must decide for herself. But we shouldn’t forget the fact that the forbidden fruit is sweet, and the more you forbid it, the more you want to try it. If a young girl wants to wear thongs, then before buying them, you need to explain to her why wearing them is harmful. No matter how old you start wearing such panties, it will always have a negative impact on the child’s health.

When a girl comes to gynecologists with a complaint of thrush, they first of all ask what kind of underwear she wears.

So why shouldn't you wear a thong? Because most often manufacturers save on material and make underwear from synthetics. If the panties are made of natural fibers, then their price is such that not every girl can afford to buy this underwear. Synthetic fabric is very allergenic and its properties are harmful when in contact with the body. The skin does not breathe through such material, it allows moisture to pass through, and this is a very good breeding ground for bacteria. Synthetics can disrupt the vaginal microflora, causing itching, odor-bearing discharge and various fungal diseases. The most common of these is thrush, which affects the outer skin and internal organs. Therefore, gynecologists strongly recommend that when wearing synthetic panties, use panty liners that prevent the synthetic fabric from coming into contact with the body. Therefore, if you ask different gynecologists the question whether wearing thongs is harmful, everyone unanimously answers that it is harmful.

Thongs look very elegant. In front there is a beautiful triangle, smoothly turning into a rope. The main danger lies precisely in this. The distance from the vagina to the anus is extremely short, so the string is an excellent bridge for the passage of bacteria. There is a high risk of cystitis. This is an inflammation of the urinary system affecting the mucous membrane. Cystitis is caused by Escherichia coli, streptococcus and staphylococcus. During pregnancy, there is a huge risk of contracting cystitis. Its manifestation is frequent urination with pain and burning.

Thongs for expectant mothers

Doctors do not recommend wearing such panties for pregnant women. This is due to the fact that such underwear can harm not only the expectant mother, but also the baby himself. During pregnancy, a woman's body is more vulnerable due to changes in hormonal levels and decreased immunity. Therefore, at this time it is necessary to be extremely attentive and careful. Thongs can cause infection, causing vaginosis, which is extremely dangerous during pregnancy, as it provokes premature birth. And in the early stages this can lead to fetal pathology or loss of the child. Often thongs cause anal fissures, and everyday wear prevents healing. This may be aggravated by childbirth. Pregnant women should wear underwear only made from natural fabrics, which will allow the skin to breathe without causing allergies. This will create maximum comfort for the body. During pregnancy, it is also recommended to wear larger panties due to the fact that nothing should cause discomfort to the body.

Often, girls choose panties that are not their size, without thinking that this could cause harm to their health. Compressive thongs can impair blood circulation, which can even lead to poor fertility. Therefore, by following a few rules for wearing beautiful and small panties, a girl will be able to avoid unpleasant diseases.

  1. Pregnant women are recommended to wear regular panties to preserve both their health and the health of their unborn child.
  2. You cannot wear panties that are smaller than your size.
  3. You can only wear underwear made from natural fabrics, despite the fact that it is much more expensive than synthetics, because it affects your health.
  4. If the underwear is synthetic, girls need to constantly use panty liners with it.
  5. You can wear thongs for no more than four hours and no more than three times a week. They need to be worn when the need really arises, and then small panties will not cause harm.
  6. It is harmful for teenagers to wear due to the fact that the growing body has unstable immunity and is more susceptible to influence from various microorganisms.
  7. In the cold season, you should not wear thongs so as not to overcool your body.

Gone are the days when a trip to the sea or to warm countries was an important event in life. Today, no one bothers you to go to a foreign resort at any time of the year.

This means that bikinis remain constantly in demand. In addition, we must remember that people go to the beach not only to swim and sunbathe.

Some girls strive to bathe in the attention and glances of others. Only for this you need to first tighten your figure in the gym and buy some unusual swimsuit. Our story will be about the most original bikinis.

It has long been clear that the purpose of a bikini is not so much to hide the piquant parts of the figure, but to show it. If earlier it seemed that nothing could be more indecent than thongs, now quite bold swimsuits have appeared. One of their varieties is called micro bikini. It's actually a smaller than normal looking two-piece swimsuit with matching tiny bikini bottoms. Fans simply line up for girls in such an outfit. This is not surprising, because every sudden movement leads to the fact that these ribbon-ropes strive to slide down and finally reveal piquant places. You can argue for a long time about the practicality of such a bikini. Nevertheless, there is still a benefit, and a tangible one at that. Not only will all the men on the beach pay attention to the girl, but the tan will become very even, without large white areas on dark skin. If a girl has a good figure and is also ready to show it off, then such a micro bikini is worth buying.

Some girls are ready to open their bodies as much as possible. They also find micro-bikinis too puritanical. Then there is an option for them - an extreme bikini. Such a swimsuit is completely beyond openness. It’s not for nothing that the bikini received this name, because only extreme sports enthusiasts can wear it. A swimsuit is simply a set of several ropes, between which small pieces of fabric can be located. At the same time, these ropes pass along the folds of the skin in such a way that they only favorably emphasize the appetizing shapes. There is no need to talk about covering anything up here. The ropes dig into places where it is simply indecent to dig into them, exposing those places that decent girls usually try to hide as much as possible. An extreme bikini is in no way suitable for visiting a regular beach - the puritans will certainly start a scandal. But for a private party on some exotic secluded island, such a swimsuit will be just right. Only in this case it is necessary to comply with simple conditions - to be in shape. Otherwise, on a blurry figure, such an extreme outfit will look vulgar, tasteless and simply defiant.

Swimsuit "Monokini". There is a way out for those girls who want to stand out on the beach, but natural embarrassment does not allow them to turn to extreme options. A monokini swimsuit was created especially for them. It combines fashion trends in the manufacture of such clothes, but they also remain rather closed. This swimsuit has a lot in common with the closed version, it’s just that in this case, modern trends in beachwear are followed. In a monokini, the top meets the low in a funky way. It is no coincidence that this variety is always among the most fashionable swimsuits, flashing on the pages of glamor magazines. When creating such a bikini, the designers did not limit themselves in their fantasies. This is how unimaginably beautiful variations turned out. Although putting on such a swimsuit and then wearing it is not so easy. But a monokini is perfect for older women who can look fashionable thanks to it.

And yet skimpy bikinis rule the roost among the most unusual. This time we will talk about transparent swimsuits. Thanks to them, any man on the beach will be able to examine certain parts of the girl’s body. Of course, the designers abandoned transparent oilcloth. A special fabric was used that is slightly translucent. It is difficult for moralists to fight such a revealing bikini. After all, all formalities have been essentially complied with. The woman is dressed, her private parts are chastely covered. Only the fabric is “special”... It is not surprising that on the beach men will forget about their spouses and children and will stare at the owner of such a transparent swimsuit. Your appearance in it will be truly spectacular.

Such unusual bikinis are shown in magazines for the rich and at jewelry shows. The total cost of the swimsuit can reach 25 million dollars. Of course, in this case it is difficult to talk about any practical benefits. After all, not every millionaire can afford such an extreme. Even if he decides to surprise his beloved with a bikini with jewelry, most likely the outfit will not consist entirely of them, but will only be partially decorated. Precious or semi-precious stones can be sewn onto its most prominent and remarkable places. Their number and size depend only on the thickness of the buyer’s wallet. In such a swimsuit, you won’t be able to shine in the sun like the owner of a bikini worth millions. But the girl will certainly become the most richly dressed and remarkable in her circle.

It is clear that such thongs are poorly designed for swimming and even sunbathing. Nevertheless, brave women can decide to appear in such an outfit in a public place. To win male attention, any means are suitable. And unusual bikinis are perfect for this. C-strings are a new type of underwear that have no side straps at all. The structure is held on the body only thanks to built-in wires. They seem to squeeze the body easily in front and behind. The wire on top is covered with silicone, and to make the body feel pleasant, there is also soft fabric on top. You need to stretch the structure, attach these thongs to your body and let go. These panties fit well and do not interfere with movement. At least that's what the manufacturers say. These bikinis look quite original in the photo. But to understand whether they are really comfortable and whether they will not fall off, it is better to try it yourself. The price from the official manufacturer ranges from 50 to 100 dollars, copies will cost several times less. At the same time, there are many sizes and colors that can satisfy the needs of any girl. Where to wear such thongs? First of all, we need to mention the tight dress. For a woman with a good figure, there is a problem - underwear under such clothes bristles, and even the thinnest straps protrude. As a result, the smoothness of the lines is no longer so expressive. So for a perfect look, such an unusual bikini is perfect. After all, its secret is a secret method of attachment to the body.

At first glance, such a swimsuit looks not just unusual, but even strange and stupid. Nevertheless, he has a rather practical idea. An inflatable bikini has two important purposes. First of all, don’t let the incompetent girl drown. Well, the fact that the owner’s curves will become much more curvy is also quite nice. With the correct size selection, artificial breasts in a bikini will be invisible, but swimming abilities will greatly increase. Therefore, it is completely clear that such a swimsuit rightfully takes its place on the list of the most unusual. Even if such an idea seems too funny, you can buy only the top part of the swimsuit with inflatable inserts. The air there will make the shapes round and will certainly attract the attention of those who like ladies with a body.

In our high-tech age, even swimsuits can surprise with unusual properties. There are unusual bikinis on sale that are completely covered with solar panels. Where to put the accumulated energy? At the bottom there is a special connector through which you can connect any device to your swimsuit. This is precisely the idea of ​​the creators of such a device - you can be in nature for as long as you like, sunbathing, and at the same time continue to use your favorite gadget without fear of its discharge. A swimsuit will give you the opportunity to play, listen to music and even watch a movie. In the meantime, until the sun sets, you can read by recharging the reader. This bikini is extremely practical. But there is a drawback - large and hard plates will not allow you to lie down comfortably. And the whole structure looks rather angular and clumsy. But it is unusual and practical.

It turns out that a bikini can not only cover parts of the body, but also make tattoos at the same time. Don't be afraid, they won't last forever. After all, it is not the master’s needle that leaves its marks on the body, but the sun. And the idea in this case is quite simple, even primitive. A shaped hole is cut into the swimsuit; it usually resembles a heart. The girl is in nature, sunbathing or swimming, and at this time her skin tans through the neckline. At the same time, what is under the swimsuit remains white. But as soon as you take off your bikini, it turns out that a solar “tattoo” has appeared on your body. In this place the body sunbathed, as well as in the other open parts. Such an unusual design can please a loved one. After all, leather decoration is not only unusual, but also natural. At the same time, a tan tattoo will fade over time, so even a bad experience will not become irreparable. Only the closest person can rejoice at such a drawing, because you can’t show these places to just anyone.

Such a set will be purchased by a girl in love who is ready to do anything for the sake of her chosen one. Stroking a woman's body is a great pleasure in itself, and who doesn't like popping bubbles in packaging film? All this is certainly reassuring. The creators of this swimsuit decided to combine these two pleasures. If the softness of a woman’s body does not allow you to relax, then you can at least remember your childhood and pop bubbles on your beloved’s swimsuit. At the same time, designers have created several colors and types of such a swimsuit. You can purchase either a completely transparent bikini, created from bubbles alone, or with bubbles sewn directly onto the fabric. Only this kind of swimsuit can become disposable. After all, what to do with it after a session of soothing bursting of bubbles? But the original idea is worth noting.

More and more often you can find information about the harmful effects of the sun on the skin. They say that the luminary is simply killing us. The increase in the number of skin diseases has led to the need to limit time on the beach. But how can you force yourself to leave the beach exactly at the right time? The fact is that the sun hides behind the clouds and then shines again. How to calculate the amount of ultraviolet radiation received. Unusual swimsuits equipped with special sensors can help with this. There is another, simpler option. Bikinis can be decorated with special plastic inserts that change color depending on the dose of ultraviolet radiation received. But the most complex complex is the one that shows its owner numerical data about the environment. A special dial is attached to the woman's belt. It shows the dose of ultraviolet radiation received by a person. At the same time, they tried to make the display as stylish as possible. The complex, technologically advanced swimsuit itself is similar to those worn by James Bond's girlfriends. So bikinis can not only surprise, but also help you monitor your health.

We have selected 10 things that may be hazardous to your health. And you probably have them in your wardrobe!

Dangerous items of women's wardrobe

Jeans too tight

Problem. Almost all girls, without exception, love skinny jeans, and men love them even more: in their opinion, they are perhaps the sexiest item in our wardrobe. And in the store, sometimes you are tempted to take a size smaller than you need, at the same time there will be an incentive to lose weight, and your butt will look better... Unfortunately, in the end you will not get a tighter butt, but health problems: jeans that are too tight interfere with blood circulation in the legs, which can lead to vascular diseases.

Solution. When wearing skinny, do you feel numbness and tingling in your thighs? This is a sure sign that you should give up this dangerous clothing for a while. Also, don’t flatter yourself and don’t try to squeeze into a jeans size or even two smaller. This will not lead to anything good.


Problem. Why can't you wear such clothes? Sexy thong panties can lead to not the most attractive problems. Firstly, constant friction may cause irritation; secondly, when moving, thongs act as a carrier of bacteria that cause cystitis, thrush and other not very pleasant diseases. And we're not even talking about thongs made from low-quality synthetic materials.

Solution. If you are a fan of thongs, choose exclusively natural materials. In addition, you should not wear them all the time: today there are many equally seductive and beautiful panties of other models.

Balconette bra

Problem. The balconette model is one of the sexiest lingerie models. The breasts seem to be half “immersed” in it, and besides, such a bra is universal - it can be worn both under ordinary, everyday clothes, and under a low-cut strapless evening dress. Unfortunately, constantly wearing this model increases the risk of developing tumors in the breast several times. The same applies to everyone’s favorite push-up - doctors generally prohibit wearing it for more than 8 hours a day.

Solution. The main rule is not to skimp on linen. It’s best to leave the balconette and push-up for special occasions, such as evening outings. For every day, find a beautiful classic bra with a soft cup.

Too high heels

Problem. Intervertebral hernias, stoop, back pain and “bumps” on the feet - you can easily reward yourself with these problems. It is enough to constantly walk in high heels.


Problem. Flip-flops are shoes that don't fit on your feet in any way. Therefore, when we put on flip-flops, we instinctively begin to try to keep them in place by tucking our toes, thereby causing the muscles to constantly tense. This can lead to pain in your calves and ankles. In addition, in flip-flops, especially wet ones, it is easy to twist your ankle.

Solution. Flip-flops are not intended for long walks, much less for wearing them in the city. These are beach shoes, the functionality of which is just enough to walk from the hotel to the beach at this very hotel on vacation.

Poor quality jewelry

Problem. Cheap and low-quality jewelry not only quickly loses its presentation, but can also lead to allergies and skin irritation - this is the impact of clothing on health. In addition, you have no idea what goes into this suspiciously cheap purchase.

Solution. You have two options: switch to jewelry made of precious metals, or start looking for brands that produce high-quality jewelry. Yes, it’s unlikely to cost a penny, but you’re guaranteed not to have to visit a dermatologist afterwards.

Smaller shoes

Problem. You've finally found the perfect shoes, but bad luck - they don't have your size. Well, we'll have to endure the 38th instead of the 39th. Common situation? Congratulations: you can easily encounter such “joys” as ingrown nails and even foot deformities.

Solution. The solution to the problem here is simple and obvious - buy shoes in YOUR OWN size. You should also avoid shoes with too narrow toes and simple shoes that are too narrow.


Problem. The swimsuit itself is, of course, safe. But if, after leaving the water, you spend a long time in a wet bikini on the shore, then along with a tan you can get thrush (aggressive flora develops best in a warm and humid environment), and if the weather is not too hot, cystitis.

Solution. Take a spare swimsuit with you or change into a T-shirt and shorts while the swimsuit dries in the sun.


Problem. It would seem that everything is simple: I jumped into tight-fitting panties and - voila! - all tight skirts, jeans and dresses look great on you! However, constantly wearing shapewear can lead to heartburn, dermatitis, back pain and even thrombosis.

Daisy has nothing against two-piece swimsuits on little girls. The only downside is that they are not very comfortable to wear. She herself says that from the age of four she allows her daughter to decide for herself what she wants to wear.

“I trust her gut instinct to help her determine what she’s comfortable with and what she’s not. I want Ellie to not feel ashamed of herself, so I can't tell her not to wear certain clothes because she might think there's something shameful about showing off certain parts of her body. There is a fine line between modesty and shame,” she writes.

“We, as parents, are frightened by the growing sexuality of our daughters; we see a certain threat in this process. We feel how quickly our girls are growing up, and it’s scary to watch, because they are entering a dark world where there are so many creepy things around female sexuality.

We are frightened by things that we should be happy about. Our daughters will not remain little girls forever. So when comes the turning point when to wear a bikini - time! - and becomes normal and acceptable?” Florent asks rhetorically.

In her opinion, the ability to choose clothes, including swimwear, will help a girl feel confident in what she likes. “Maybe this two-piece swimsuit will have some effect on her. Maybe her body in all its glory now will help her save some self-love for the future - for the moment when she is 13, 25 or 42,” the writer concludes.

But her opponent, editor and mother of daughters Sharon Holbrook, believes that girls have no need for bikinis. However, she notes that swimwear should be comfortable and practical.

“A bikini has nothing to do with comfort. It is created in order to emphasize a woman's breasts, hips, and show as much naked skin as possible - in a sexual sense.

Some may, of course, say that a bikini on a child is innocent and funny, especially when a round baby belly sticks out of this swimsuit that looks like an adult. Adults laugh and wink, saying, “Oh, that’s so cute!”

A child, fueled by attention from adults, learns to amuse them with the help of his appearance, body, clothes,” Holbrook expresses concerns.

“The longer we protect our daughters from focusing on their physical identity, the wiser and stronger they will be when they enter the larger world that is obsessed with women's bodies,” she says.

“When she's four, we should give her the opportunity to be a little girl, instead of dressing her in something that imitates women's sexy clothing and directly points to where she will someday grow breasts,” writes an opponent of bikinis on babies.

Who do you support?

Are you ready to wear a bikini to the beach or pool? Putting on a swimsuit like this can sometimes be difficult. There is very little fabric, and it all needs to be in the right place to cover you properly. In this article, you'll learn how to wear a bikini that will fit you well, and how to prepare your body to look and feel amazing in it.


Part 1

How to wear a bikini

    Get completely naked. A bikini is designed to expose more of your skin to the sun, so get completely naked first. Don't forget to remove your bra and panties. Don't try to wear a bikini over your underwear, as it is nearly impossible to keep it in place during normal beach or pool activities.

    Put on your bikini bottom. Bikini bottoms usually cover your body just as much as regular bikini bottoms. The top edge of the panties should rest on the hips, resting on the hip joints and passing below the navel. The back of the panties should fit snugly to the buttocks. Depending on the specific bikini model, panties may hide the buttocks completely or partially.

    • Bikini panties should not sag. If they are too loose, then you need to take a smaller swimsuit.
    • Also, panties should not cut into the skin, causing it to bulge. If you notice this effect, try on a larger size.
  1. Pin the bikini top under your bust. Put on your bikini top just like you would a regular bra, securing it under your breasts. You may find it easier to place the bodice backwards first to fasten it in the front and then rotate it to its normal position so that the cups of the bodice are at the front.

    • If you have a string bikini, first tie it in a knot and then tie the ends of the strings with a bow. Tie your bikini so that it stays in place, but not too tightly so that the ties cut off circulation.
    • If you can easily fit your hand under your bikini top, either tie it tighter around your chest or go for a smaller swimsuit size. If the bodice is uncomfortably tight, take a larger swimsuit.
  2. Adjust the bodice cups. Place your breasts exactly in the center of the cups so that they stay securely there. Make sure the fabric of the cups completely covers your breasts. If the cups feel too tight or your breasts stick out at the sides, you should probably go up a swimsuit size. If the cups are too loose, try a smaller size or choose a layered bodice. There are different models of bikini tops that differ in fit. :

    • The triangle-cup bodice provides minimal breast support and conceals less of it, making it better suited to those with smaller busts. Be sure to ensure that the breasts are located strictly in the center of the triangles of the bodice. If these triangles move, move them so that the fabric completely hides the breasts underneath.
    • The halter neck bodice provides enhanced bust support and is well suited for women with larger busts. Place your breasts in the center of each cup and then spread them out to the sides to provide as much breast coverage as possible.
    • The bandeau bodice is characterized by the absence of straps, so it is very important to choose its size correctly so that it does not move up or down. Adjust the bodice so that the breasts are in the center of the cups. It should fit tightly around the chest. If the bandeau is sagging and slipping, you probably need a smaller size or a different bodice design altogether.
    • An underwire bra is similar to a regular bra and fits the bust in the same way. Position the underwires so that they are directly under the breasts, and then place the breasts in the cups of the bodice themselves.
  3. Adjust the straps. It is also important to adjust the bikini straps so that they securely fix the bra and provide support for your breasts. The straps should be tight enough to keep the bodice in place, but not dig into your shoulders. A bikini top should be as comfortable as a regular bra.

    • If your bikini straps are bra-style straps, adjust them the same way you would adjust regular bra straps. Use the adjustment buckles to lengthen or tighten the straps.
    • If the straps come in the form of ties, you may have to try a few times before you get the knots just right. The ties should be tight enough to support your chest, but not too tight that they cut into your shoulders. Tie the ends of the ties with bows.
    • Some bikini tops have a neck strap, which is two ties tied at the back of the neck. Such ties should also be tied tightly enough so that they support the breasts well, but do not cause a feeling of discomfort.
    • If you can't adjust the straps to provide adequate chest support without causing shoulder and neck pain, you should probably choose a different bra style. Try opting for a traditional underwired bodice for maximum breast support.
  4. Walk around the room to make sure the bikini is not slipping or causing you discomfort. Jump a little. If you're planning on having fun in the sun, you don't have to worry about your breasts popping out of your bodice or your panties sliding down. If necessary, further adjust the bikini to ensure that you are comfortable in it throughout the day.

  5. Don't forget sunscreen. A bikini exposes more of your body to direct sunlight, which is why you need to apply sunscreen generously. Apply sunscreen with SPF 16 or higher to your skin 5 to 10 minutes before going out into the sun. Reapply as needed. Sunscreen will protect you from painful sunburns, sun spots, and skin cancer.

    • If you plan to swim, use a water-resistant sunscreen. However, its layer will have to be updated several times during the day.
    • Even if you are going to sunbathe, you need sunscreen. It protects against sunburn, but does not completely stop the sun from damaging your skin. It is better to achieve a tan gradually than to “burn” in the sun the first time.


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