Under what signs of the zodiac were the most serial maniacs born? Killers, maniacs, cannibals: the most dangerous zodiac signs according to the FBI

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Everyone is always talking about how dangerous Gemini is, but in fact, this is the safest sign!

Geminis have the least amount of blood on their hands because they don't take anyone seriously enough to kill or maim.

Or maybe they just talk people to death! It's in their spirit!

11. Aquarius.

The second sign from the end is Aquarius!

Aquarians value justice very much, and their narcissism is so great that it is rather difficult to offend them. We don't know why, but they were second only to the Twins in safety.

Maybe they just don't get caught because they're smart enough not to leave evidence. So the FBI statistics simply do not reflect the whole truth!

10. Lev.

Don't let the roar scare you - it's just a big cat!

They say when they do commit murder, it's only for attention.

9. Scales.

We all know Libras as fair, kind and patient people, but they commit more murders than Leos and Aquarians, which is very unexpected.

Although there is a limit to every patience. Probably, Libras resort to violence when others abuse their good intentions.

8. Virgo.

Virgo is not the most pronounced psychopath, but a very accurate killer!

However, it is worth noting that Virgos are more prone to theft and fraud than murder.

7. Fish.

Think Pisces are all cuties? You are wrong.

Famous serial killers John Wayne Gacy, Richard Ramirez and Eileen Wuornos were all Pisces!

Unfortunately, Pisces have an innate tendency to addiction, which leads them to commit murder.

6. Capricorn.

Although there are not very many serial killers born under the sign of Capricorn, a serial killer with the largest number victims was Capricorn!

Although Capricorns are famous for being law-abiding, apparently, they simply do not need to be pissed off.

Capricorns don't kill often, but once they start, they can't stop.

5. Aries.

Aries are generally prone to insanity, so fifth place is not surprising.

They are scary in rage, but they are angry for a short time. So if you pissed off an Aries, just hide from him for a while.

He will forget that he was angry with you, and you will stay alive!

4. Taurus.

The wrath of Taurus is truly terrible!

But Taurus is more often involved in fraud than murder.

What to do - they love luxury!

3. Sagittarius.

So, the first three! Sagittarius closes it!

Representatives of this sign do not like to exchange for trifles. For example, Sagittarius were Ted Bundy, Pablo Exobar and Joseph Stalin.

They prefer major crimes and massacres, then to declare themselves "leaders".

2. Scorpio.

So, Scorpio has officially taken second place in the list of psychopaths! Does this surprise anyone?

Since most serial killers were born in November, most of them are Scorpios (and the rest are Sagittarians).

They are famous for sophisticated sadism and especially bloody murders.

1. Cancer.

The first place among the maniacs, oddly enough, went to Cancers!

These usually kill out of jealousy.

Cancer mood swings often lead them to crime.

Experts have been arguing for years which of the signs of the Zodiac is the most "maniac".

The most common version is that the most maniacs (such as Hannibal Lecters) are among the Virgins. The characteristic of the sign states that people born from August 23 to September 23 are pedants and zealous collectors striving for constant improvement (it really looks like Dr. Lecter).

"According to international statistics, most psychopathic maniacs grow out of people with the Virgo zodiac sign," writes the Telegram channel "I want to know everything!"

At the same time, according to the FBI, Virgo is only in 8th place.

  1. crayfish- most often killed out of jealousy;
  2. scorpions- supposedly the biggest sadists;
  3. archers- they prefer to act on a large scale, arranging, for example, a mass execution;
  4. Taurus- more scammers than murderers, but for some reason on the fourth line;
  5. Aries- prone to fits of rage, so that most often they commit crimes in a state of passion;
  6. Capricorn- if they start killing, then it is already difficult for them to stop, experts say;
  7. Fish- envy often pushes to crime;
  8. Virgin- also more swindlers than murderers, but if they really kill, then they do everything with maniacal accuracy;
  9. Scales- they can be killed if they are strongly hurt and try to use them;
  10. lions- allegedly capable of killing for the sake of attention to their beloved;
  11. Aquarius- in second place from the bottom, but there is a version that the guys are simply too smart to get caught by the FBI;
  12. Twins- it's more likely to talk to death than actually stain their hands with blood.

At the same time, we have already published: experts explained that it is impossible to determine the moral level of a person by a horoscope. It all depends on upbringing, heredity and circumstances.

For example, Chikatilo, according to the sign of the Zodiac, is Libra, Pichushkin is Aries, Onoprienko is Leo, Slivko is Capricorn, Mukhankin is Taurus. So here it is rather worth noting that many maniac killers were born in the year of the Horse and the Rat.

previously known. For example, Cancerians do not know how to build relationships over time.

and are defined. So, people born under the sign of Aries can charge with positive energy everyone who is close to them.

Also named. The top 3 most intelligent signs are Gemini, Virgo and Aquarius.

In addition, astrologers called. For example, Sagittarians have a lot of sexual energy, their only problem is choice.

Criminal inclinations in a person are defined in different ways. Factors of heredity and environment can be taken into account. And you can ask about them heavenly bodies. This horoscope is more suitable for men, although everything can be expected from women. Of course, not all people are hostages to their zodiac signs, and most will never commit crimes. Hollywood movie characters will do it for them.

There is no inferiority complex, there is no desire for self-affirmation, since there is a high self-esteem on the face. Not envious. They rely solely on their abilities, which, however, tend to overestimate. Motivation of aggressiveness: rather overcoming obstacles, rather than craving for destruction.
Aries killer. May act out of a false sense of justice. His adventurism sometimes becomes the cause of irreparable deeds. More tough than cruel.
Aries rapist. Does not seek to humiliate its victim or prove its superiority. He simply overcomes the resistance, which, as a stubborn and despotic nature, infuriates him.
Real example. John Duffy is a rapist and murderer who committed 27 attacks on women in England. Caught in 1986 thanks to computer program « Psychological picture offender."

Movie addict. Michael Myers from the TV series "Halloween", who committed crimes armed with a set of stabbing and cutting weapons exactly on All Saints' Day.

They are capable of the purposeful accumulation of aggression and the careful development of a crime. Accordingly, the most dangerous criminals. They do not commit crimes in a state of passion, on the contrary, they provide themselves with an alibi in advance and carefully cover their tracks. Free from dependence or complexes, but what they consider their own, they will definitely take it. The passion for hoarding is combined in them with the desire to demonstrate to others their well-being.
Killer calves. Initially selfish. There is no sense of revenge in them, but it is not advised to infringe on their interests. Very, very fraught with consequences.
Taurus rapists. Not impulsive. The victim is chosen in advance. First, they openly declare their rights to the chosen one or the chosen one. Having been refused, they take the “forbidden” fruit by force.
Real example. Alphonse Fiorello Caponi - he is the famous mafia Al Capone, who became famous for the infamous "Chicago Massacre" on Valentine's Day.

Movie addict. The Japanese girl Sadako or her American counterpart Samara, buried alive at the bottom of the well and returned through the TV screen to the world of the living from the movie saga "The Call".


Anxious personalities. Not adventurous by nature. However, their actions can be unpredictable and spontaneous. Or rather, their motivations are quite conscious, but they arise so quickly that they seem random and therefore almost unpredictable.
Killer twins. Bold and cunning. Somewhat fussy, but determined and cruel. Their plans are realized without delay.
The rapist twins. Extremely cynical, mostly sadists. They tend to accompany an act of violence with beatings and manifestations of sexual perversion. But they rarely kill their prey to cover their tracks.
Real example. Josef Kler - Chief medical management Auschwitz concentration camp. Personally responsible for the death of 475 people.

Movie addict. Drowned and resurrected on his birthday on June 13, 1945, Jason Voorhees from the movie Friday the 13th, who throughout the epic destroyed teenagers in a camp on the shores of Crystal Lake, in Manhattan and even in space.

High demands, not always corresponding to the possibilities. Revenge that develops into a fixed idea. A tendency to misanthropy, combined with increased sensitivity, can push to commit a crime.
Killer crabs. Particularly insidious. They think over the planned well, for the time being they dull the vigilance of the victim and ... inflict an unexpected, accurate and crushing blow. The main motive for the killings is self-interest.
Cancer rapists. They perform their actions under the influence of the same misanthropy and vindictiveness. This may be revenge for past love failures or for the arrogance of the victim. One way or another, the motive is always present.
Real example. Edward Kelly is the leader of the largest gang of bank robbers, nicknamed the "Australian Robin Hood".

Movie addict. The son of the former slave Candyman from the movie saga "Lollipop", who carried hatred of the white race since civil war in America and avenging all blacks already against the backdrop of a modern metropolis.

Domineering, aggressive, resolutely suppress any opposition. They are alien to envy or vindictiveness. And, on the contrary, an overestimated self-esteem, an unshakable belief in one's rightness and determination in achieving the intended goal are inherent. Lions are also characterized by desperate robbery attacks, terrorist attacks, but not sophisticated cruelty. Derailing a train - yes, but torturing someone with an iron - thank you.
Killer lions. Bold and large-scale in their actions, they like to show their scope and strength.
Lions are rapists. With arrogant superiority, they sweep away barriers and suppress the resistance of their victim.
Real example. Jesse James is one of the most successful bandits in the Wild West, robbing trains and banks for 16 years. Killed after a $10,000 bounty was placed on his head.

Movie addict. Born in a farm slaughterhouse, Thomas Hewitt, nicknamed "Leatherface" and adopted by a family of Texas cannibals, who wielded a chainsaw to kill random tourists in the series "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre".

Character traits: increased anxiety, aggressive suspiciousness combined with conservatism. The smallest step away from established rules is considered by them as a good reason for "execution" (sometimes without quotes). Virgos themselves believe that their aggression is a normal defensive reaction.
Killer girls. Extremely careful, prudent. Not subject to momentary outbursts of anger. Their crimes are verified, calculated and, most importantly, irreversible.
Virgo rapists. Often act under the influence of various sexual complexes. Sacrifice for them is just a means of gaining peace of mind.
Real example. Graham Young is the youngest poisoner in the world. He was first arrested for the constant poisoning of his relatives at the age of 14.

Movie addict. Freddy Krueger is the famous killer from Elm Street, burned by its inhabitants and gaining the ability to take revenge by coming to the victims in a dream in the most famous movie saga "A Nightmare on Elm Street".

Their consumer attitude to life is expressed in a short phrase “I want this (and this and that) to be mine!” Obstacles to the cherished goal of Libra destroy not without invention. Conviction in the correctness of the chosen criminal path usually develops in Libra into an ideology. They are so confident that they have the right to influence circumstances by force that apply these methods without hesitation.
Killer scales. Most of them are killed in the name of an idea. At the same time, they demonstrate miracles of cruelty and composure.
Libra rapists. They love the word "mine". Aggressors and sexual perverts.
Real example. Andrey Chikatilo is a maniac-killer. On his conscience - 53 murders of women and children.

Movie addict. John Ryder travels the roads of America in The Traveler trilogy and kills innocents who took pity on him and agreed to give him a lift.


Vengeful, merciless, extremely patient in anticipation of their hour. They differ from other signs in a greater depth of motives. Completely devoid of herd instinct, convinced lone avengers. They participate in group crimes only in exceptional cases. Devilishly inventive in planning crimes. The cherished goal for them is not the torment of the victim, but the very fact of the accomplished retribution.
Killer scorpions. Unusually bold and cautious at the same time. Most of the unsolved murders are on their conscience.
Scorpions are rapists. First of all, the avengers. Can rape the victim who hurt them material damage or offended in any way.
Real example. Hermine Breinsteiner - a guard at the Majdanek concentration camp. Found guilty of torture and murder.

Movie addict. Fleet Street hairdresser Sweeney Todd from the film of the same name, who took revenge on his offenders by cutting off his head with a sharp razor during a haircut and shave session.

Character - explosive and reckless. Avid gamers and adventurers. They realize their aggression in daring and sometimes unpredictable frontal attacks. Spontaneous outbursts of anger are often the cause of the tragic outcome of the most banal conflicts. Subject to the influence of the herd instinct, often involved in gang crimes.
Assassin shooters. Fussy, illogical and sloppy in hiding evidence. Their mistakes are so gross that sometimes they seem to be the subtle calculation of an experienced criminal.
Shooters are rapists. Brash and unbridled. They make hasty decisions. Prone to demonstrative sexual perversions.
Real example. Augusto Pinochet is the ex-dictator of Chile, who established a bloody dictatorship in Chile in 1973.

Movie addict. Lecturer Hannibal from the popular film The Silence of the Lambs, who added cannibalism to all other shortcomings.

The character is strong-willed and purposeful. Do not commit crimes under the influence of anger, hatred or passion. Their actions are subordinated not to a momentary, but to a global goal. Deprived of inferiority complexes, jealousy, envy and malice. Most crimes are committed for profit. Everything that threatens their well-being is destroyed decisively and mercilessly.
Capricorns are killers. They differ in cruel and thoughtful actions. They do not tolerate window dressing and unnecessary destruction. The main thing is to achieve the goal and carefully conceal the evidence.
Capricorns are rapists. They commit violence, seeking to gain power, to possess the desired object.
Real example. Gilles de Laval, Baron de Ré Marshal of France, who was executed in 1440 on charges of killing about 300 boys.

Movie addict. Norman Bates from the movie "Psycho", who operated in an old family motel, killing his guests and worshiping his mother, whose mummy he kept in the basement.

Prone to obsessive ideas. They seek to destroy the existing order of things at any cost. These qualities make the crimes of Aquarius paradoxical. Deprived of self-interest and envy in the generally accepted sense of the word. However, the thirst for success can push them to extraordinary actions.
Aquarius killers. Although the persons are eccentric, the crimes are carefully thought out and calculated.
Aquarians are rapists. In their actions, they are guided by the desire to stun, shock the victim. Often commit rape under the influence of internal contradictions. The sexual motive, oddly enough, is absent.
Real example. George Joseph Smith is a wife killer who drowned his wives in the bathroom, staging accidents. His case temporarily eclipsed front-line reports in England.

Movie addict. Charles. Lee Ray is better known as the Chucky doll from the Child's Play series. The maniac found his immortality in the body of a rag doll after his spirit moved to the moment of his own death.

They experience constant emotional swings, which is aggravated by a full set of complexes. The alternation of their polar states - from depression to euphoria - is impossible to predict. The tendency to alcohol and drug addiction sharply increases their criminal inclinations.
Killer fish. Bold, cruel and reckless. The main motives for crimes are success, power, recognition. There are usually no selfish motives in crimes.
Rapist fish. Particularly aggressive and prone to sexual perversions.
Real example. Lavrenty Beria - General Commissar of State Security of the USSR, one of the main Stalinist executioners who participated in the repressions of the 50s.
Movie addict. Patrick Bateman from the thriller "American Psycho", who suffered from insanity, during which he committed brutal murders.

In the ranking of killers among the signs of the Zodiac, 1,2 and 3 places are occupied by Leo, Taurus and Gemini. Then in 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th places are Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, Aries and Virgo. The 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th positions are Pisces, Sagittarius, Scorpio and Aquarius.

In the rating of rapists among the signs of the Zodiac, 1,2 and 3 places belong to Pisces, Taurus, Aries. Gemini, Capricorn, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Virgo and Aquarius live at 4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10 places. On the 11th and 12th places, respectively, are Sagittarius and Scorpio.

Incredible Facts

Much has been said about the typical characteristics of the signs of the zodiac.

But it's time to talk about real statistics. To demonstrate criminal inclinations, the FBI shared the birth dates of serial killers.

Read also:The worst qualities of the zodiac signs

According to their research, some zodiac signs are more prone to certain types. crimes.

So which zodiac signs are most likely to commit crimes?

Recall that all the signs of the zodiac can be divided into four forces:

Air– Aquarius, Gemini and Libra

Water– Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio

Fire- Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

Earth– Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo

Criminals according to the signs of the zodiac

Of all fire signs, among the Sagittarius most of all criminals, and they are the most difficult to arrest. Aries are usually armed to the teeth, but Leos are very dangerous.

When it comes to air signs , most crimes are committed by Libras, and they are usually heavily armed and dangerous. On the other hand, Geminis are most often caught cheating, and Aquarians most often commit crimes out of revenge.

From earth signs, Taurus is the most temperamental and risky. Virgos are usually armed, and Capricorns are the most versatile criminals.

Surprisingly, among the watermarks and most big number The criminals among all the signs of the zodiac have been found among the Cancers, and they are very cruel. Pisces and Scorpios have an uncontrollable temper.

12. Gemini

Despite the fact that a lot of bad things can be heard about Gemini, they are the least dangerous sign of the zodiac! It's rare for Geminis to have blood on their hands, as they don't take others seriously enough to hurt or kill them. The greatest harm that they are capable of is to crush a person with their chatter.

11. Aquarius

Aquarius cares about justice and has a strong ego that is difficult to crush. This is the second least dangerous sign of the zodiac. Perhaps this is due to the fact that they are smart enough not to get caught, or they do not leave evidence after the crime.

10. Leo

Lions are actually big cats, and they try to avoid any trouble. According to statistics, if a Leo commits a murder, he does it only to attract attention.

9. Libra

Libras are considered kind, fair and patient. However, among Libras there were more cases of murders than among Aquarius and Leo. Libras tend to get violent if you try to abuse their good intentions.

8. Virgo

Among Virgos, as a rule, there are psychopaths and very smart killers. However, Virgos are more likely to resort to fraud and theft than to murder.

7. Pisces

If you thought that Pisces are cuties, you are very wrong. There are many Pisces among the most famous serial killers. Given their addiction proneness, Pisces often commit extraordinary murders.

6. Capricorn

Among all the zodiac signs, Capricorns are the average serial killers who kill the most people. Although they respect the rules and laws, when they are angry, they show the worst. They don't kill often, but once they do, they're hard to stop.

5. Aries

People born under the sign of Aries are known for their unruly nature. They can get angry easily, but tend to cool down quickly. You should stay away from Aries when they are angry, but they will soon forget what pissed them off.

4. Taurus

Taurus' anger can be very intense. However, this zodiac sign is also more prone to fraud rather than murder.

3. Sagittarius

Sagittarius is on the third position in the list of the most dangerous signs of the zodiac. They don't target petty crimes, but something bigger, like mass murder. Although in most cases, Sagittarians rarely harm others. They are more likely to commit theft, but they are very difficult to catch.

2. Scorpio

People of this sign are real psychopaths. They can be sadistic and easily manipulate others. Scorpions often become professional spies and mercenaries. Most serial killers were born in November.

1. Cancer

Tops the list of the most dangerous signs of the zodiac Cancer. For the most part, people of this sign kill others out of jealousy, envy, or emotional instability. They kill with a special passion, and leave decals on the victim's body.

It is often said that we can tell a lot of interesting things about a person's personality if we know his zodiac sign or the star under which he was born. People are capricious or mischievous, happy, weak-minded, and so on. Astrologers believe that everything about us is "written" in the stars. But can you say the same about serial killers? Can stars predict insanity by month or birthday? Are Pisces predatory, Virgo vicious, Gemini calm, and Aquarius aggressive? What can be said about the zodiac sign and the propensity to commit crimes? Is there a connection? let's consider concrete examples and draw conclusions.

Gemini (Jeffrey Dahmer)

Let's give this constellation a round of applause because Gemini is the least dangerous sign of all! Their criminal activity is probably reduced to petty theft and fraud. The negative aspects of Gemini, such as restlessness and inconsistency, can be a reason that pushes for petty crimes. But there are exceptions. These are serial killers like Jeffrey Dahmer and David Berkowitz!

Aquarius (John Lee Malvo)

Aquarius is quite good-natured until he becomes a victim of wrongdoing. When it comes to revenge crimes, Aquarians are ahead of everyone else. A smart and charismatic Aquarius would make a good crook or hacker. Shenanigans are what they do very well, according to the horoscope.

Lee Boyd Malvo, known as John Lee Malvo, is a convicted murderer who, along with John Allen Muhammad, carried out the murders for three weeks in October 2002.

Leo (Anatoly Onoprienko)

Watch out for the roar of the lion! He is known to be passionate and energetic. Although these are mostly positive traits, Leos can do bad things if they have a psychotic temperament. Leo loves to be the center of attention, sometimes he has a very vicious and vicious character. He could get involved in criminal activities just for the sake of fame! Anatoly Yurievich Onoprienko was serial killer He comes from Ukraine. He was also known by the nicknames Beast of Ukraine, Terminator and Citizen O.

Scorpio (David Parker Ray)

Scorpios can be jealous and aggressive. This is a terrible combination under certain circumstances! If Scorpio goes to the dark side, then he can find himself a "job" of a killer or an insidious killer. Scorpios are also considered to be the most sadistic sign, and an evil Scorpio can go on a killing spree with ease. They are very cunning. They cannot commit the evil act themselves, but don't be surprised if they cover all their tracks. Patrick David McKay is a British serial hitman who confessed to killing 11 people in London and Kent from 1974 to 1975.

Pisces (Dennis Rader)

Beware of the Fish that swims in two directions! They can hide their dark side. Pisces are more likely to be involved in crimes that will hurt them and not anyone else. This may include drug abuse. But the quick-tempered Pisces can also become very dangerous if they are obsessed with something. Dennis Lynn Rader is an American serial killer who killed ten people in Sedgwick County, Kansas from 1974 to 1991. It is also known as VTK killer or VTK strangler. VTK means "to connect. Torture. Kill "(Bind. Torture. Kill), which was his terrible" signature. Until the moment he was arrested, he sent letters to the police and to different means mass media, where he described all the details of the murders.

Libra (Lawrence Bittaker)

Libra is a kind of balance of justice and values. Libras do not break the law easily and simply. If they do, they are likely to be involved in illegal schemes or banking fraud. If Libra is cunning, they will hide behind a large gang in order to quietly and silently commit their crimes. If they are in even the slightest danger, expect them to be on the run and heavily armed. Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Lewis Norris are American serial killers and rapists known as criminals who together carried out the kidnapping, rape, torture, and murder of five teenage girls over five months in Southern California in 1979.

Virgo (Albert De Salvo)

Virgos are smart, but not without sin, they also have a so-called criminal streak. Virgo may be more inclined to engage in burglary or other criminal activities. Unlike other signs, order is above all for them. Virgos are very tidy, so don't expect them to leave dirty marks if they commit a crime. Albert Henry DeSalvo was a Boston, Massachusetts, criminal who confessed to being the "Boston Strangler" and murdered thirteen women in the Boston area from 1962 to 1964.

Capricorn (Charles Ng)

Capricorns are more likely to be all-powerful scammers. They can be capable of anything from petty crimes to sadistic acts. Capricorn can be very dangerous. On the other hand, they are not very good at covering their tracks. This makes them vulnerable and can easily be prosecuted. Charles Chi-Tat Ng is considered a serial rapist, he also tortured his victims and killed 11-25 people with his accomplice Leonard Lake in Calaveras County (California), in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada, a few kilometers from San Francisco.

Aries (Keith Hunter Jesperson)

A stubborn Aries doesn't like being told what to do. They may seek illegal careers to avoid petty clerical work. Aries hate when their power is challenged. If you try to control this ram, you risk getting horns in the stomach. Although when Aries is very angry and impatient, he can become a weapon for hire. And if he strongly craves power and submission, this can lead to the fact that he will manage a huge group. Keith Hunter Jesperson is a Canadian-American serial hitman who killed at least nine women in the United States in the early 1990s.

Sagittarius (Ted Bundy)

The sinister Sagittarius can be erratic and unforgiving. If you provoke the wrath of the centaurs, then beware! They can be extremely harsh. However, in most cases, Sagittarians are reluctant to harm others. They are more likely to be arrested for theft, if, of course, you manage to catch them. The slippery centaur is notoriously difficult to arrest. Just ask serial killer Ted Bundy, who escaped from prison twice.

Taurus (Steve Wright)

Taurus are very temperamental. The possessive and stubborn Ox can easily become enraged, which makes him a very risky zodiac sign. The smart but scary Taurus prefers money laundering or financial crimes, that is, anything, just to avoid communicating with other people. Taurus are natural leaders, but if they go in the wrong direction, they can easily be influenced by a cruel dictator. Such a tyrant can be bloodthirsty, megalomaniac, obsessed with world domination. Steven Gerald James Wright is an English serial killer who fits this description.

Cancer (Charles Ray Hatcher)

Cancer is the most merciless sign of the zodiac! Of all the star signs, they have the most arrests. Mental instability is negative trait this sign of the zodiac, and this can cause them to repeatedly cross the line of the law. Jealousy crimes are often attributed to this sign. If an embittered Cancer feels the taste of murder, he is likely to commit crime again and leave special signs (marks) on his victims. Charles Ray Hatcher was an American serial killer who admitted to killing 16 people between 1969 and 1982.


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