Water does not flow under a standing stone. Why does water flow poorly from the faucet? Solving pressure problems

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In ancient times, there lived a peasant. He had some good things, but most of all he valued his beloved wife. They used to get up at dawn and get to work together. They worked hard and somehow made ends meet. But it’s not for nothing that they say that grief and misfortune walk among people. Less than a year after the wedding, the unfortunate husband lost his only treasure: his dear wife died.
It is known that a good housewife is the pride of any home, and whoever has lost such a wife is sickened to look at a careless one. The widower's hut is empty, the hearth has grown cold, and now he himself goes about in a dirty shirt to the feast, and to the world, and to good people. There was nothing to be done, he had to think about marriage. Marriageable brides are like nuts in the forest, but take a closer look at them and you will see: the girl is beautiful, but lazy to spin. The peasant was tired of choosing a bride for himself, and then one day he decided to go to a neighboring village and marry the first girl he met on the way.
Once upon a time there were horse-drawn mills. On the outskirts of a neighboring village there was just such a mill, and near that mill the widower saw a girl - she was waiting for the miller to sweep away her grain.
-Will you marry me, red maiden? - he asks at random.
The girl perked up and sang in a sweet voice, as if she had eaten enough honey gingerbread:
- Don't know. Ask mother!
There will always be a bride for the groom, but the peasant’s word was firm, and he did not want to back down from his decision. He went to the mother of the girl who was waiting for the grinding near the mill, and she said to him:
“We have a girl of marriageable age - it’s true, but I’ll just tell you frankly: my daughter is not trained to herd sheep, nor do laundry, nor cook dinner.” Then don’t blame us for giving you a pig in a poke.
“Look, son,” the girl’s father intervened, “the mother spoiled her daughter; she just didn’t dip her in honey or bathe her in milk.” If you hope that you can make a good wife out of her, well, then take it!
The groom himself understood what the bride was like as soon as she said a word, but he said to the old man:
- It’s a big problem! I have a big bag - as long as the bag is full, the young woman will sit with her hands folded.
And then the widower showed the old man a large colorful bag, filled to the brim with all sorts of food - wheat bread, meat, butter, but he never discovered what the secret was in that bag. He just added, addressing the bride:
- Your job is to make sure that the bag is always full, and don’t worry about anything else.
And then the fun began: the father is happy to death to throw away his couch potato, and the mother is happy that she has found a home for her beloved daughter, and the groom is happy that the bride agreed to only sit back until the bag is full.
The next day, the husband got ready to plow in the field, and the young woman remained to guard the house. Before leaving, the husband hung the bag on a nail and punished:
- Hey, bag! Pokaty is full, please do all the housework!
And to the door, and his wife called out to him:
- Why are you leaving, hubby, and not telling me where I can get lunch and dinner?
- There are all sorts of things in store in the bag - just take the trouble to stretch out your hands, my darling.
In the evening, the husband returned home from the arable land and saw that the young woman had settled down behind the stove with a cat on her lap; you couldn’t tell who was purring songs to whom. And the house is in disarray and desolation. The lazy woman trips over the broom, but still doesn’t touch it - why on earth, if the husband ordered the bag to be in charge. The husband had not yet crossed the threshold, and the wife was already complaining to him:
- Look, hubby, your bag didn’t even sweep the hut!
The peasant pretended that this was something new to him, got angry and started hitting the bag:
- Oh, you lazy thing, you should hang everything on a nail!
He whipped the bag properly, and then exclaimed, as if he had guessed something:
- Listen, wife, it seems to me that our bag has become thin...
- So I took food from it for both lunch and dinner!
“That’s probably why the bag was so careless today,” said the husband and took dinner out of it.
The same thing happened on the second and third days. The husband kept scolding and beating the bag until it was completely empty.
- What should we do now? - the wife became worried when it was time for dinner.
The husband seemed to be upset and worried too, like my head was spinning from worries, and when my wife was really hungry, he said:
- Yes, nothing, apparently, we have no choice but to fill the bag to the top... And then we can rest.
- What do we do?
- We'll have to work hard on the bag. I warned you when I came to get married - fill your bag and have a good time. But after the first lunch, the bag lost a lot of weight - you noticed it yourself.
Then the husband showed his wife what business she should take on first. The young woman had to clean the house and feed the cattle, and her husband twisted the head of a large rooster and ordered it to be fried. Then he got some flour and taught his wife how to knead the dough, light the stove and bake bread. When everything was ready, the husband put the bread and the roast rooster in a sack and said:
- Well, now, little wife, you can sit back.
The time has come to reap the wheat. The peasant gave his wife a sickle - go, reap and knit sheaves.
- Yes, I can’t! - the young woman cries.
- You’ll learn, don’t worry, wife. If you like to sit at the stove, you also like to stuff your bag full. Wheat will make flour, flour will make flat cakes, so your bag is full.
Involuntarily, the young woman has to work, but she just really doesn’t like the fact that the reserves in the bag are constantly melting and they need to be replenished constantly. And she told her mother: take me home or tame my husband.
The mother became angry, like a witch, and rushed to her daughter as fast as she could. And the son-in-law had been waiting for his mother-in-law for a long time and, as soon as he saw her, he grabbed a saw and started sawing wood and dumping it right under his feet.
- Hey, you crazy! Where have you seen this - dumping firewood at your feet? - the woman was still squealing from the gate.
- What, mother, is it only crazy people who dump firewood under their feet?
- the son-in-law meekly answers, as if he had no idea what kind of storm was about to break out.
The mother-in-law sees that her son-in-law is out of his mind and rushes to her daughter. The young woman spoke to her about three times, and her mother listened to her complaints and let’s honor her son-in-law. His mother-in-law calls him to the hut, but there is no trace of his son-in-law. They went back and forth and finally found him in the attic.
The woman became more furious than ever:
- Why are you hiding behind the pipe, like some kind of bat or owl!
- Oh, mother, don’t scold me! - the poor man groaned. - This is me hiding from worries! I don’t know where to hide - they are hot on my heels.
- What other worries, thunder strikes you!
- Yes, I need to plow, but one of my ox died. What should I do now, poor wretch? After all, a pair of oxen is needed; the yoke falls off one of them and the furrow lies crookedly!
- What are you going to feed your wife, you fool, if you don’t sow on time! - the woman scolds him.
And the son-in-law pricked up his ears, remained silent and listened.
- Give me your ox, I’ll teach you how to work now! - his mother-in-law yelled at him.
The son-in-law quickly took the ox out into the field and set up the plow. The woman also did not waste time - she climbed into the yoke along with the ox and said to her son-in-law:
- Now hold the handles tightly, the furrow will lie evenly!
The son-in-law obeys, and the mother-in-law drew a furrow almost to the middle of the field and said:
- Why are you so sour, limp, like last year’s sauerkraut? Harness for me, and let your wife support the handles of the plow - and so that the whole field is sown!
“Okay, mother,” the peasant answers. - Just repeat all this louder so that my wife can hear.
“Yes, I’m not going to talk to you, the good-for-nothing,,” the woman snapped and rushed to her daughter, and from her the direct way home, so that her eyes would no longer see her son-in-law.
The mother-in-law returned to her village and told all the neighbors that her son-in-law was a bungler, he couldn’t provide his own wife with bread, and all he knew was that he was running around with his bag. She buzzed the ears of all her neighbors, and most of all her old man, until he got ready to visit his son-in-law.
- Well, now two wise little heads will come together! - the woman mocks.
But the old man doesn’t even care about her ridicule. He immediately liked his son-in-law - it was clear that he was a hard-working and thrifty owner, and the old man had already studied his wife and daughter to the finest detail. So he decided to look at the life of the young people with his own eyes. He comes to the village and sees that the son-in-law is plowing, and the daughter is leading the ox.
“Well, well, my children,” the grandfather rejoiced, “work together and you will live comfortably.”
The old man speaks smartly, the son-in-law doesn’t really know where to sit him, and the daughter immediately complains to her father:
- Father! When he married me, he promised that I wouldn’t have to work at all, but in reality, look, I’m in the field just like him.
- Excuse me, the agreement was this: rest while the bag is full! Is that so, father?
“Yes, yes,” confirmed the father-in-law. -What about the bag, isn’t it full?
“It’s full,” the daughter answers, “if you don’t take food from it for lunch and dinner.”
- Well, you don’t have lunch or dinner, so you’ll be kicking ass, but your bag will be full! - her father advised her.
- I'm not used to starving!
- Then put in it exactly as much as you take!
The old man sees that his son-in-law is smarter than he thought, and the son-in-law realized that he had a smart old man, and he tried to treat the owner to the fullest. They feasted for three days; the hostess only had time to offer food. When the father-in-law got ready to go home, his son-in-law greeted him with honor and even hung a bottle of honey drink around his neck.
The grandfather approaches his village, and the woman is already looking out for him. She saw her husband with a heavy bag around his neck and caused a commotion throughout the entire neighborhood. The neighbors came running, and the woman shouted:
- I told you what a crazy person got my daughter! If you didn't believe it, let him see for himself! This crazy man plowed half of my field, but I ran away from him that same day! And he kept my poor grandfather for three days and, probably, harnessed him to my plowing and harrowed him and sowed him. So it seemed to him that this was not enough; he also hung a yoke around the unfortunate old man’s neck.
Meanwhile, the grandfather came very close, the neighbors looked at what was hanging around his neck, and burst into laughter. And when the old man treated them to a honey drink, everyone shouted, as if they had agreed:
- Hey, woman, they should put such a yoke on us more often!

The same thing happens to people who, like stones, have grown into their houses, dachas, businesses, jobs, and the little world they have created.

They are surprised that they are not led by the Holy Spirit. But how to control a ship that is anchored at the pier? It seems that there is a steering wheel and it can be rotated, but without floating anywhere, it remains in place.

The Internet, like an axe, has dual uses. An ax can chop wood and also kill a person. All these forums and discussions are arguments, insults, insults and a waste of time. Preaching to each other instead of preaching to the world. The truth has never been born in disputes. Hatred is born in disputes.

The people of the world need us to preach the Gospel to them. Is it possible to preach on the Internet? It’s possible, but it’s better eye to eye. The Word of God, when released through the mouth, has the power to influence.

An old friend, whom I looked for on the Internet and found after more than three decades of separation, communicated with me on Skype. I told him about Christ and salvation and saw tears rolling down his face from his eyes. He wondered why he was crying and couldn’t stop. He did not know that the Holy Spirit was touching him.

At one of these communications, he said the words of a prayer of repentance and wished to be baptized. He decided to come to my house so I could do it. It was useless to dissuade him.

Despite the long distance, he came to me. The next day, we took him to the pond by car. There he was baptized in water and testified that he was ready to serve God.

We continued to communicate with him on Skype, I instructed him in the faith. He quit drinking and smoking. He began to witness to other people and pray for them. People even received healing from cancer.

Why am I writing all this? You may envy those through whom God works, but He can also work through you if you are not a lying stone.

Jesus Christ did not say, “Sit.” He told His disciples, “Go and teach.”

Consider this scripture: “For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when He comes in His glory and of the Father and of the holy angels.” (Luke 9:26)

I heard the version of cowards and lazy people on this matter. They explained their inaction by saying that only those who were sent should be preached. If they were not sent, then they are not disciples of Christ.

Written: “And Jesus came near and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.” Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen". (Matt. 28:16-20)

He also said not to be afraid to do this: “And do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul; but fear Him more who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.” (Matt. 10:28)

Preaching should be preaching, not drawing some Scriptures on cardboard and displaying them at crossroads.

Written: “But what does Scripture say? The word is close to you, in your mouth and in your heart, that is, the word of faith that we preach. For if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved, because with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth one confesses unto salvation. For the Scripture says: Whoever believes in Him will not be put to shame. There is no difference here between Jew and Greek, because there is one Lord of all, rich for all who call on Him. For whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. But how can we call upon [Him] in whom we have not believed? how to believe [in] [Him] of whom you have not heard? How to hear without a preacher? And how can we preach if they are not sent? as it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of peace, who bring good news!” (Rom.10:8-15)

You cannot preach with your life, otherwise this life may not be enough. Don't wait for Satan to give you a signal that you are ready to do this. Your character has no bearing on the preaching of the Gospel. It matters for your own salvation. Everyone who repented in the Bible went and spoke the good news everywhere and at once.

Written: “You are the salt of the earth. If the salt loses its strength, then what will you use to make it salty? It is no longer good for anything except throwing it out there for people to trample underfoot. You are the light of the world. A city standing on top of a mountain cannot hide. And having lit a candle, they do not put it under a bushel, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. Let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matt. 5.13-16)

Why doesn't water flow under a lying stone? Yes, all because it flows around it according to the law of least resistance. The stone that lies grows together with the place on which it lies. It is difficult for water to get under it.

The same thing happens to people who, like stones, have grown into their houses, dachas, businesses, jobs, and the little world they have created.

Nikolai Nikolaevich

Under a lying stone and water does not flow

(does not flow)

Wed. God’s will is in itself, but measures must be taken. Under a lying stone and water does not flow.

Saltykov. Poshekhonskaya antiquity. 25.

Wed. What's the use of sitting like that? Nobody will feed you for free. Under a lying stone and water does not flow.

Danilevsky. The ninth wave. 13.

Russian thought and speech. Yours and someone else's. Experience of Russian phraseology. Collection of figurative words and parables. T.T. 1-2. Walking and apt words. A collection of Russian and foreign quotes, proverbs, sayings, proverbial expressions and individual words. St. Petersburg, type. Ak. Sci.. M. I. Mikhelson. 1896-1912.

See what “under a lying stone and water does not run” means in other dictionaries:

    Water does not run (does not flow) under a lying stone. Wed. God’s will is in itself, but measures must be taken. Even water does not run under a lying stone. Saltykov. Poshekhonskaya antiquity. 25. Wed. Why sit like that for nothing? No one will be fed for nothing. Come up... ...

    A lying stone becomes overgrown with moss. Wed. “Out of laziness I have grown moss” (from inaction). Wed. In one place the pebble becomes overgrown. Wed. Deacon P. Ilyinsky. Ancient proverbs. 18th century manuscript Wed. Collection Russian proverb 1770. Wed. Pierre qui roule… … Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    A lying stone becomes overgrown with moss (inc.) from idleness a person becomes sour. See under a lying stone and the water does not flow. See Lezhenka... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    - (inc.) from idleness a person turns sour. See, water does not run under a lying stone. See bed... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    There is no work without care; and care lives without work. Any care does not live without worries (without hassle). It’s easy, but caring, and wears out even more than heavy work (hard work). The commercial bathhouse washes everyone, but itself is covered in dirt. Love, even if you don’t love, look more often! Wash yourself... ... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people


    WAIT BY THE SEA FOR WEATHER- who Inaction awaiting a change in circumstances. This means that a person or group of persons (X) does not do anything, but only passively waits, hoping for something. favorable changes, hoping that difficulties will resolve themselves... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    SIT AND WAIT BY THE SEA FOR WEATHER- who Inaction awaiting a change in circumstances. This means that a person or group of persons (X) does not do anything, but only passively waits, hoping for something. favorable changes, hoping that difficulties will resolve themselves... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    SIT AND WAIT BY THE SEA FOR WEATHER- who Inaction awaiting a change in circumstances. This means that a person or group of persons (X) does not do anything, but only passively waits, hoping for something. favorable changes, hoping that difficulties will resolve themselves... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

Hello, young literary scholar! It’s good that you decided to read the fairy tale “Water does not flow under a lying stone (Croatian fairy tale)”; in it you will find folk wisdom that has been edified by generations. With the virtuosity of a genius, portraits of the heroes are depicted, their appearance, rich inner world, they “breathe life” into the creation and the events taking place in it. Probably due to the inviolability of human qualities over time, all moral teachings, morals and issues remain relevant at all times and eras. It is very useful when the plot is simple and, so to speak, life-like, when similar situations arise in our everyday life, this contributes to better memorization. The inspiration of everyday objects and nature creates colorful and bewitching pictures of the surrounding world, making them mysterious and enigmatic. All descriptions of the environment are created and presented with a feeling of deepest love and appreciation for the object of presentation and creation. “Good always triumphs over evil” - creations like this one are built on this foundation, laying the foundation for our worldview from an early age. The fairy tale “Water does not flow under a lying stone (Croatian fairy tale)” is certainly useful to read for free online; it will instill in your child only good and useful qualities and concepts.

In ancient times, there lived a peasant. He had some good things, but most of all he valued his beloved wife. They used to get up at dawn and get to work together. They worked hard and somehow made ends meet. But it’s not for nothing that they say that grief and misfortune walk among people. Less than a year after the wedding, the unfortunate husband lost his only treasure: his dear wife died.
It is known that a good housewife is the pride of any home, and whoever has lost such a wife is sickened to look at a careless one. The widower's hut is empty, the hearth has grown cold, and now he himself goes about in a dirty shirt to the feast, and to the world, and to good people. There was nothing to be done, he had to think about marriage. Marriageable brides are like nuts in the forest, but look closely at them and you will see: the girl is beautiful, but lazy to spin. The peasant was tired of choosing a bride for himself, and then one day he decided to go to a neighboring village and marry the first girl he met on the way.
Once upon a time there were horse-drawn mills. On the outskirts of a neighboring village there was just such a mill, and near that mill the widower saw a girl - she was waiting for the miller to sweep away her grain.
-Will you marry me, red maiden? - he asks at random.
The girl perked up and sang in a sweet voice, as if she had eaten enough honey gingerbread:
- Don't know. Ask mother!
There will always be a bride for the groom, but the peasant’s word was firm, and he did not want to back down from his decision. He went to the mother of the girl who was waiting for the grinding near the mill, and she said to him:
“We have a girl of marriageable age - that’s true, but I’ll just tell you frankly: my daughter is not trained to herd sheep, nor do laundry, nor cook dinner. Then don’t blame us for giving you a pig in a poke.
“Look, son,” the girl’s father intervened, “the mother spoiled her daughter; she just didn’t dip her in honey or bathe her in milk.” If you hope that you can make a good wife out of her, well, then take it!
The groom himself understood what the bride was like as soon as she said a word, but he said to the old man:
- It's not a big deal! I have a big bag - as long as the bag is full, the young woman will sit with her hands folded.
And then the widower showed the old man a large colorful bag, filled to the brim with all sorts of food - wheat bread, meat, butter, but he never discovered what the secret was in that bag. He just added, addressing the bride:
“Your job is to make sure the bag is always full, and don’t worry about anything else.”
And then the fun began: the father is happy to death to throw away his couch potato, and the mother is happy that she has found a home for her beloved daughter, and the groom is happy that the bride agreed to only sit back until the bag is full.
The next day, the husband got ready to plow in the field, and the young woman remained to guard the house. Before leaving, the husband hung the bag on a nail and punished:
- Hey, bag! Pokaty is full, please do all the housework!
And to the door, and his wife called out to him:
- Why are you leaving, hubby, and not telling me where I can get lunch and dinner?
“There’s all sorts of stuff in the bag—just take the trouble to stretch out your hands, my darling.”
In the evening, the husband returned home from the arable land and saw that the young woman had settled down behind the stove with a cat on her lap; you couldn’t tell who was purring songs to whom. And the house is in disarray and desolation. The lazy woman trips over the broom, but still doesn’t touch it - why on earth, if the husband ordered the bag to be in charge. The husband had not yet crossed the threshold, and the wife was already complaining to him:
- Look, hubby, your bag didn’t even sweep the hut!
The peasant pretended that this was something new to him, got angry and started hitting the bag:
- Oh, you lazy thing, you should hang everything on a nail!
He whipped the bag properly, and then exclaimed, as if he had guessed something:
- Listen, wife, it seems to me that our bag has become thin...
“So I took food from it for both lunch and dinner!”
“That’s probably why the bag was so careless today,” said the husband and took dinner out of it.
The same thing happened on the second and third days. The husband kept scolding and beating the bag until it was completely empty.
- What should we do now? — the wife became worried when it was time for dinner.
The husband seemed to be upset and worried too, as if my head was spinning from worries, and when my wife was really hungry, he said:
-Yes, nothing, apparently, we have no choice but to fill the bag to the top... And then we can rest.
- What do we do?
- We'll have to work hard on the bag. I warned you when I came to get married - fill your bag and have a good time. But after the first lunch, the bag lost a lot of weight - you noticed it yourself.
Then the husband showed his wife what business she should take on first. The young woman had to clean the house and feed the cattle, and her husband twisted the head of a large rooster and ordered it to be fried. Then he got some flour and taught his wife how to knead the dough, light the stove and bake bread. When everything was ready, the husband put the bread and the roast rooster in a sack and said:
- Well, now, little wife, you can sit back.
The time has come to reap the wheat. The peasant gave his wife a sickle - go, reap and knit sheaves.
- But I can’t! - the young woman cries.
“You’ll learn, don’t worry, wife.” If you like to sit at the stove, you also like to stuff your bag full. Wheat will make flour, flour will make cakes, so your bag is full.
Involuntarily, the young woman has to work, but she just really doesn’t like the fact that the reserves in the bag are constantly melting and they need to be replenished constantly. And she told her mother: take me home or tame my husband.
The mother became angry, like a witch, and rushed to her daughter as fast as she could. And the son-in-law had been waiting for his mother-in-law for a long time and, as soon as he saw her, he grabbed a saw and started sawing wood and dumping it right under his feet.
- Hey, you crazy! Where have you seen this - dumping firewood at your feet? — the woman was still squealing from the gate.
- What, mother, is it only crazy people who dump firewood under their feet?
— the son-in-law answers meekly, as if he had no idea what kind of storm was about to break out.
The mother-in-law sees that her son-in-law is out of his mind and rushes to her daughter. The young woman spoke to her about three times, and her mother listened to her complaints and let’s honor her son-in-law. His mother-in-law calls him to the hut, but there is no trace of his son-in-law. They went back and forth and finally found him in the attic.
The woman became more furious than ever:
- Why are you hiding behind a pipe like some kind of bat or owl!
- Oh, mother, don’t scold me! - the poor man groaned. - This is me hiding from my worries! I don’t know where to hide - they are hot on my heels.
- What other worries, thunder strikes you!
- Yes, I need to plow, but one of my ox died. What should I do now, poor wretch? After all, a pair of oxen is needed; the yoke falls off one of them and the furrow lies crookedly!
“What are you going to feed your wife, you fool, if you don’t sow on time!” - the woman scolds him.
And the son-in-law pricked up his ears, remained silent and listened.
- Give me your ox, I’ll teach you how to work now! - his mother-in-law yelled at him.
The son-in-law quickly took the ox out into the field and set up the plow. The woman also did not waste time - she climbed into the yoke along with the ox and said to her son-in-law:
- Now hold the handles tightly, the furrow will lie evenly!
The son-in-law obeys, and the mother-in-law drew a furrow almost to the middle of the field and said:
“Why are you so sour, so limp, like last year’s sauerkraut?” Harness for me, and let your wife support the handles of the plow - and so that the whole field is sown!
“Okay, mother,” the peasant answers. “Just repeat all this louder so my wife can hear.”
“Yes, I’m not going to talk to you, the good-for-nothing,,” the woman snapped and rushed to her daughter, and from her straight home, so that her eyes would no longer see her son-in-law.
The mother-in-law returned to her village and told all the neighbors that her son-in-law was a bungler, he couldn’t provide his own wife with bread, and all he knew was that he was running around with his bag. She buzzed the ears of all her neighbors, and most of all her old man, until he got ready to visit his son-in-law.
- Well, now two wise little heads will come together! - the woman mocks.
But the old man doesn’t even care about her ridicule. He immediately liked his son-in-law - he was apparently a hard-working and thrifty owner, and the old man had already studied his wife and daughter to the last detail. So he decided to look at the life of the young people with his own eyes. He comes to the village and sees that the son-in-law is plowing, and the daughter is leading the ox.
“Well, well, my children,” the grandfather rejoiced, “work together and you will live comfortably.”
The old man speaks smartly, the son-in-law doesn’t really know where to sit him, and the daughter immediately complains to her father:
- Father! When he married me, he promised that I wouldn’t have to work at all, but in reality, look, I’m in the field just like him.
- Excuse me, the agreement was this: rest while the bag is full! Is that so, father?
“Yes, yes,” confirmed the father-in-law. -What about the bag, isn’t it full?
“It’s full,” the daughter answers, “if you don’t take food from it for lunch and dinner.”
- Well, you don’t have lunch or dinner, so you’ll be throwing around, but your bag will be full! - her father advised her.
- I'm not used to starving!
“Then put in it exactly as much as you take!”
The old man sees that his son-in-law is smarter than he thought, and the son-in-law realized that he had a smart old man, and he tried to treat the owner to the fullest. They feasted for three days; the hostess only had time to offer food. When the father-in-law got ready to go home, his son-in-law greeted him with honor and even hung a bottle of honey drink around his neck.
The grandfather approaches his village, and the woman is already looking out for him. She saw her husband with a heavy bag around his neck and caused a commotion throughout the entire neighborhood. The neighbors came running, and the woman shouted:
“I told you what a crazy person got my daughter!” For those who didn’t believe, let them see for themselves! This crazy man plowed half of my field, but I ran away from him that same day! And he kept my poor grandfather for three days and, probably, harnessed him to my plowing and harrowed him and sowed him. So it seemed to him that this was not enough; he also hung a yoke around the unfortunate old man’s neck.
Meanwhile, the grandfather came very close, the neighbors looked at what was hanging around his neck, and burst into laughter. And when the old man treated them to a honey drink, everyone shouted, as if they had agreed:
- Hey, woman, they should put such a yoke on us more often!

When using plumbing equipment, a problem may arise such as a lack of water or constant leaks. Why water does not flow well from the tap, how to deal with it and what repairs are required - it all depends on the reason why the equipment broke down. There may be several such reasons; in the most difficult cases, you simply need to replace the faucet with a new one.

The lack of water in the mixer usually indicates a breakdown.

Causes of breakdowns

Choosing a faucet that is too cheap and of poor quality is often the reason why there are leaks or problems with the water supply to the consumer. It must be remembered that savings in this case usually result in additional expenses for repairs and the purchase of a new crane. Problems with plumbing may result from improper installation of equipment. Usually this situation arises among beginners when they have neither experience nor knowledge for this. Of course, installing a crane is not the most difficult job, but it also needs to be done correctly, in full compliance with all standards. This is especially true for complex models, when installation is carried out according to special instructions.

Improper operation is another reason why water does not flow from the tap. Incorrect operation, valves that are turned too tightly, mechanical loads and shocks that are not at all intended for such equipment lead to its failure. You cannot press hard on the spout; the same rule applies to valves, which must be moved smoothly and carefully.

The cause of faucet breakdown is often wear and tear of its parts during operation.

If you do not follow the basic rules of use, the water will simply stop flowing, there will be interruptions in supply or constant leaks, which also does not add comfort to use.

Often the reason that a crane simply does not work is natural wear and tear of the equipment. A large number of on/off cycles leads to abrasion of individual parts, the appearance of chips and cracks. Over time, moving elements become damaged and gaskets fail. Sooner or later, this situation is typical even for expensive and high-quality models. But such wear and tear rarely leads to the fact that water stops flowing; usually, on the contrary, there are constant leaks that increase over time.

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Plumbing service

If the water does not flow or the faucet is leaking, then it is necessary to begin repairing it. What to do first? First, you need to understand the causes of the phenomenon, and then begin the appropriate work. To avoid such situations, experts advise adhering to the following rules:

  1. In this case, preference should be given not to the cheapest or most expensive, but to the most convenient to use, high-quality in assembly and appearance. Often, expensive faucets cause many problems with their home use; water may simply not flow due to the fact that the pressure in the water supply system is not suitable for such a model.
  2. The equipment must be installed by a specialist. This will ensure reliability and no problems.
  3. The equipment must be used correctly. Its service life depends on the conditions and how the crane is used.
  4. Availability of preventive examinations. Faucets, like other plumbing equipment, require regular inspection, cleaning, replacement of gaskets and other parts. Without this, they will quickly fail.

To fix the problem and repair the faucet if there is no water in it, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • crane axle boxes (in case you have to make a replacement);
  • set of keys, adjustable wrench;
  • special set of screwdrivers;
  • various gaskets (if the exact size is known, then you need to take that one);
  • silicone-based seals;
  • drill, set of attachments.

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Repair work

What should you do if the taps are leaking or there is simply no water in them? There can be several sources of problems:

  • water drips even when the tap is closed;
  • water leaks out in a trickle when the valve is completely closed, and over time it only increases;
  • When the valve is open, water simply does not flow through the tap;
  • moisture seeps through visible damage to equipment.

Once the source of the problem has been identified, the water must be turned off. It is recommended to immediately turn off not only cold but also hot water, since you will have to remove the mixer. The equipment is then carefully disassembled so that repair work can be carried out.

For example, if water just starts to leak, then the reason is a loose fit of the valve-axlebox or complete wear of the rubber gasket. Changing the gasket is very simple, it takes literally a couple of minutes, including disassembling and assembling the tap. In a ceramic faucet, you will have to seal the silicone seal; for other models, a complete replacement will be required.

If the water flows in a trickle, then you also need to replace the faucet axle box, whose edges are simply worn out. But this problem is often caused by the mixer not being used correctly. The valve should not be tightened too tightly when closing, as this will quickly erase the edges and require repairs quite often. If the faucet shows severe damage in the form of cracks, then it simply needs to be replaced. Repair in this case will be a simple waste of money and time, water will flow. If only the valve is damaged, then it can still be replaced, but it is better to immediately buy a new body.

If water simply does not flow from the tap, but still flows to the mixer, then the reason may lie in a broken faucet or a gasket that is bent and does not allow water to enter the spout. This problem is solved depending on the breakdown. If the gasket is bent, then you just need to remove it and replace it with a new one. If the crane axlebox is broken, then it must be carefully dismantled, a working one must be installed, and the functionality of the crane must be checked.

In rare cases, a complete replacement of the faucet is required. This usually happens if it is completely out of order and cannot be repaired. Experts advise replacing it if the equipment is old and leaks and other problems are often observed. You need to choose taps and mixers that are most suitable for specific conditions. Today, manufacturers offer the widest range, so there should be no problems with the choice.

When water flows poorly from an installed faucet or there is simply no water, you need to figure out what caused the malfunction. After this, you can begin the appropriate repairs, the complexity of which depends on the scale of the damage. In rare cases, it may be necessary to completely replace the faucet, but this usually does not happen.


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