Substrate under the laminate: how to choose the right base. Substrate under the laminate (cork, coniferous and others)

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The substrate, or lining, under the laminate is a thin material that closes the base of the floor for the subsequent laying of the topcoat boards.

The substrate must provide a number of tasks. The main functions of this material include:

  • leveling the concrete base;
  • ensuring the elasticity of the floor covering;
  • ensuring sound insulation of the floor covering;
  • providing waterproofing;
  • providing thermal insulation.

The main tasks of the substrate device are to level the base, provide elasticity and sound insulation. Requirements for thermal and waterproofing are considered additional and are presented when installing floors in rooms with certain characteristics.

Elimination of the shortcomings of the concrete base

The area of ​​any, even the smallest size, cannot be ideally prepared for laminate flooring. On the surface of the screed, processed with a grinder, there are irregularities that prevent high-quality laying of lamellas.

If you lay a laminate without using a lining, all the errors in the form of pits and tubercles will cause the floor surface to bend. To violate the integrity of the lamellae, 2-3 mm of deflection is sufficient. As a result, at first the floors begin to creak, and later the locks of the laminate boards are destroyed, which subsequently leads to the need for a complete replacement of the flooring.

The lining will help to avoid the described problems. It smooths out small irregularities in the concrete base and forms a single, even platform, which can significantly extend the life of the coating.

Elimination of oscillation of the floor covering under load

The floor is subjected to a constant dynamic load when walking, as well as the sound effect of reflected waves.

In this case, the provision of the damping (muffling) effect is assigned to the substrate. It avoids the impact of sound vibrations and smoothes the stress in the locks of the lamellas that occurs when walking. As a result, the integrity of the coating is maintained.


The peculiarity of the concrete base lies in the strong sound conductivity of this material, and if you lay a laminate without using a gasket, the sounds from the lower floor will pass almost without encountering obstacles. The thickness of the laminate in 8-12 mm is also not a serious barrier to the penetration of noise.

Neighbors below will be constantly dissatisfied with increased audibility from the upper floor. Only the use of a lining will help to avoid the penetration of extraneous sounds.


This function is required for the organization of flooring in rooms located on the ground floor or in areas with high humidity, and therefore, in most cases, the waterproofing properties of the material when arranging a base for a laminate are not important. To ensure waterproofing in standard rooms, it is enough to lay a PVC film under the substrate.

There are special types of linings with a moisture-proof coating, it is this material that is used in such conditions.

thermal insulation

Any coating under the laminate, regardless of the material of manufacture, allows you to protect the flooring from heat loss. Such a barrier will reflect heat waves and will not allow heat to escape through the concrete base.

When organizing underfloor heating, a special type of substrate will be required, which has a high thermal conductivity, otherwise the efficiency of the warm floor will be low.

Types of substrates

The choice of substrate for laminate flooring depends on the characteristics of the room. Modern industry produces many varieties of lining, and you can easily select the necessary material for specific operating conditions.

Substrates are distinguished by three main parameters:

  • Form - substrates are rolled or sheet.
  • Material - from natural or artificial raw materials.
  • Type of raw material - most often linings are produced from: polyethylene foam, expanded polystyrene, foam propylene, cork, bitumen-cork material, coniferous mixtures and in a combined form.

Polyethylene foam

The most affordable material for organizing the lining under the laminate. It is produced by foaming polyethylene and as a result a material is obtained that perfectly resists the destructive effects of microorganisms, has a high level of thermal insulation and waterproofing, and is also perfectly amenable to cutting.

The disadvantages of polyethylene foam include poor sound insulation and low strength characteristics.


An inexpensive material that has all the necessary qualities of a substrate for a laminate: it evens out small irregularities in a concrete base, copes with high loads without changing its structure, dampens sound waves, and can act as a waterproofing material. Made from extruded polystyrene foam.


This material is not in wide demand due to its bubble structure. During operation, the bubbles burst, the integrity of the web is violated, which leads to creases in the lamella lock.

It is often used as a waterproofing material.


Natural material perfectly copes with all loads, has increased thermal insulation properties and protects the room from sound waves. The disadvantages include the high cost of the cork substrate, so it is recommended to use this material when laying an expensive and durable laminate.

bituminous cork

A layer of bitumen and cork chips are applied to the kraft paper. The result is a durable material with increased resistance to moisture.


For the production of coniferous substrate, natural wood is used. This material has enhanced soundproofing properties, well levels the surface of the screed, absorbs condensate, but, like cork, is quite expensive.


Produced by splicing three layers. The top and bottom layers are made of polyethylene, and the intermediate layer is made of expanded polystyrene. Such material perfectly copes with high humidity, getting rid of moisture vapor through the porous structure of expanded polystyrene.

Combined substrates have good flexibility, have a long service life, retaining their original shape, and well level the surface of the screed. The disadvantages include high cost and undesirable for health evaporation of expanded polystyrene.

Which underlay to choose

The variety of types of underlays confuses a novice builder, but experienced finishers can easily determine which underlay to choose for a laminate based on the parameters and purpose of the room in the apartment, as well as the thickness of the customer's wallet.

Selection criteria and material requirements

In order to understand how to choose a substrate for a laminate, you need to decide on the key selection criteria. The general requirements include the following points:

  • the expected life of the coating;
  • acceptable range of prices for the material;
  • operational properties (resistance to aggressive environments);
  • environmental friendliness of the material.

Also select the lining under the laminate according to special criteria:

  • degree of moisture resistance;
  • level of thermal insulation;
  • required coating thickness;
  • the degree of sound insulation;
  • variety (roll or sheet material).

The best underlay for laminate flooring is one that is suitable for specific tasks, which in turn depends on the location of the apartment and the purpose of the room where the floor is being laid.

To organize the coverage of the rooms on the first floor, it will be correct to use a substrate with increased thermal insulation properties. In the nursery, a substrate with increased soundproofing characteristics is well suited.

For floors with significant (up to 3 mm) differences, it is recommended to use thicker substrates. In private houses located in fairly humid areas, in addition to the standard waterproofing of the floor, an Eco-Cover substrate is used, which will protect the premises from dampness.

For rooms with standard technical characteristics, it is sufficient to use 2 mm roll material.

Substrate thickness

The standard mistake of poorly informed apartment owners is to lay the thickest possible coating under the laminate. Thus, in their opinion, the best thermal insulation and noise protection are achieved. The reasoning is correct, but the nature of the work of the laminate board in bending is not taken into account.

When distributing the vertical load, in the case of using a thick substrate, the board is deformed at the point of adhesion to the adjacent board. As a result of a long dynamic impact, the locks on the lamellas lose their properties and break.

When choosing a substrate for a laminate, this feature should be taken into account and the material should be selected with a thickness of no more than 3 mm, since the main purpose of the lining is to level the floor surface for the subsequent organization of the finishing coating, and special advantages (thermal insulation, sound insulation and waterproofing) depend more on the quality and type of material .

The main criterion for choosing the thickness of the material for laying the laminate is the quality of the surface of the base. If the concrete screed has significant differences, it is recommended to use a lining 3 mm thick, in other cases it is enough to lay a material with a thickness of 1 to 2 mm, which provides the necessary insulating characteristics.

An exception may be a lining for thicker (up to 33 mm) and expensive laminate panels, in this case, a lining material with a thickness of up to 5 mm is used.

Substrate rating

The main conditions for choosing a substrate were discussed above. What is the best lining for a particular room depends on its purpose and location, but there is an objective rating of the highest quality materials, which takes into account all the pros and cons of the coating.

The most popular types include the following brands:

  • Izolon;
  • duplex;
  • Isoshum;
  • Eco cover;
  • Petroform.

Izolon, Tuplex and Petroform are produced in the form of rolls, Izoshum and Eco-Cover are sheet materials.

The most popular and inexpensive linings include the following types:

  • Petroform, 2 mm thick;
  • Izolon, 3 mm thick;
  • Jermaflex, 3 mm thick;
  • Isoplaat Startfloor Barlinek;
  • Isopolyn.

Underlayment for laminate flooring

Open the underlays.

Any novice master will be able to lay a substrate for laying a laminate. It is enough to adhere to the following rules:

  • Before laying the substrate, it is necessary to clean the floor surface from dirt and dust.
  • The next step is to lay the PVC film, which performs the function of waterproofing. The edges of the film should go 5-8 cm onto the walls, the joints are glued with adhesive tape.
  • Now you can lay the underlay. Sheet material is laid end-to-end, rolled material is cut off with a margin on the wall.

  • The connecting seams are fastened with adhesive tape.

The sheet substrate for the laminate is laid out immediately over the entire surface of the floor. If roll materials are used, each new piece is laid after laying the laminate on an already prepared surface. This laying order is necessary to preserve the consumer characteristics of the substrate for laminate in rolls, since rolled materials are more delicate and it is not recommended to walk on them during installation.

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Which will extend the life of the flooring, cushioning and evenly distributing the load on it, provide additional noise and heat insulation, and smooth out minor defects in the base. The choice of substrate is usually carried out according to two parameters: material and thickness.

The durability of the substrate largely depends on the material, it is also the main pricing factor. Thickness is a very important characteristic, which determines how successfully the substrate will cope with the tasks assigned to it. In this case, the thickness should not be maximum, but optimal.

When choosing a substrate of optimal thickness, the following criteria should be taken into account:

  • laminate class, its purpose and expected load on it
  • laminate thickness
  • the degree of unevenness of the base for laying
  • floor waterproofing features
  • subfloor level in neighboring rooms
  • substrate material

It is best to focus on the manufacturer's recommendations, most laminate manufacturers also produce related products, including the substrate, which is developed taking into account all the features of a particular collection.

The thickness of the substrate from different materials

As a rule, a softer substrate has a thickness limit; a substrate made of denser materials may have a greater thickness.

  • substrate from foamed polyethylene(isolon) or polystyrene(iso noise) usually has a thickness of 2-3 mm, the most common thickness is 3 mm
  • the most common thickness is 2-4 mm. Some manufacturers, for example, SEDACOR, produce both rolled and sheet cork substrates up to 10 mm thick, but this is too much for a laminate. There is a rolled substrate and a smaller thickness - 1.8-1.85 mm
  • combined substrate Tuplex from a layer of polypropylene balls located between layers of polyethylene film - roll material 3 mm thick
  • rolled underlay extruded polystyrene, for example, IMS, has a thickness of 2 mm, and sheet - 3-5 mm
  • substrate made from wood waste (wood fibres), the so-called coniferous, has a thickness of 4-7 mm. Although the manufacturer positions it as a substrate for various floor coverings, including laminate, its thickness exceeds the optimal value for a laminate. Therefore, if the choice is made in her favor, it is better to limit yourself to a minimum thickness of 4 mm.

Features of the laminate and the thickness of the substrate

The thickness of the substrate should correspond to the thickness of the laminate, for a thin one, 7 mm thick, a two-millimeter substrate will be sufficient; and 4-5 mm.

An indication of the possibility or necessity of using a substrate with a thickness of more than 3 mm should be contained in the manufacturer's instructions. Typically, this underlay is used with commercial grade 33 laminates, which are particularly stressed and are very dense and strong.

Is it possible to level the unevenness of the base with a thick substrate

A thin substrate 2 mm thick is best used if the subfloor is perfectly flat. If there are acceptable irregularities, a 3 mm thick substrate is suitable, this is the most versatile solution. If the height differences exceed the allowable, the base must be leveled. Often, instead, they try to smooth out defects with a thicker substrate.

If the substrate is dense enough, slightly wrinkled, practically does not cake (cork, coniferous substrates, some types of sheet substrates made of extruded polystyrene foam have such characteristics), you can use a material with a thickness of 4-5 mm. But only if this is due to the characteristics of the laminate and is recommended by its manufacturer, this is not the best way to compensate for uneven subfloors.

It is no coincidence that the thickness of the soft substrate is limited to 3 millimeters, and in no case should it be increased by laying the substrate in several layers. The fact is that it is crushed and caked during operation, and over time, its thickness can be halved. Due to this, a void, a play, is formed under the laminate, and the greater the thickness of the substrate, the greater this play will be. And the voids under the laminate have a very negative effect on the locking joints, leading to their premature failure.

The backlash formed after crushing the substrate of a standard thickness of 2-3 mm will be in the range of 1-1.5 mm, this is quite tolerable. But if on a base with height differences more than the maximum allowable 3 mm per linear meter, lay 2 layers of a three-millimeter substrate, after its caking, a backlash of up to 3 mm is formed. Together with base defects, significant height differences are obtained that exceed the allowable ones. Because of them, the load on the laminate will be uneven, the panels will begin to sag, and the locks may not withstand this.

So the thickness of neither polyethylene foam, nor more dense and caking-resistant polystyrene foam substrates under the laminate should not exceed 3 mm.

Additional Factors Determining Substrate Thickness

  • The thickness of the substrate should be proportional to the thickness of the waterproofing film
  • Due to the impregnation, the bitumen-cork substrate does not absorb moisture; laying it with the impregnation downwards makes it possible to refuse waterproofing, due to which it is possible to increase the thickness of the substrate itself, it is usually 3-4 mm
  • Sometimes the laminate is laid in neighboring rooms, and the level of the subfloor in them is different. You can compensate for this difference in height by using a substrate of different thicknesses, but it should be within the recommended range. Therefore, a difference of more than 1 mm in this way is problematic to align


The permissible thickness of the substrate under the laminate is in the range of 2-5 mm (for a cork substrate - from 1.8 mm.) The optimal thickness is 3 mm. A thinner underlay can be used with a thin laminate and laid on a subfloor with minimal flaws. A thicker underlay is usually used with a thick, heavy-duty laminate, only on the recommendation of the manufacturer.

The thickness of more than 3 mm has a substrate made of dense, slightly wrinkled and practically non-caking materials during operation, usually these are sheet substrates. The substrate can only smooth out minor irregularities in the base; instead of leveling the subfloor with significant height differences, it is unacceptable to try to solve this problem by increasing the thickness of the substrate.


When choosing and buying a laminate, many people forget about the need to use a substrate for this flooring. Although it is the substrate under the laminate that affects the service life and appearance of such a coating, and also provides additional heat and sound insulation of the floor. If you are interested in the question: do you need a substrate under the laminate? Which underlay to choose? Then, first of all, it is necessary to determine the basic requirements for this insulating layer.

The choice of lining in this case should be based on conditions such as:

  • material and condition of the base;
  • class of laminate used;
  • humidity and temperature fluctuations in the repaired premises.

In addition, in order to know which underlay to choose for a laminate, you need to understand the requirements for the coating in a given room (for example, the floor will be subjected to significant dynamic loads in game rooms, or the underlay will be used in a bathroom where it is often humid).

Benefits of a laminate flooring

The laminated covering is made of wood, MDF and fiberboard. In addition to the advantages, such materials also have their own disadvantages, which should be smoothed out by a high-quality substrate under the laminate. Therefore, such a layer provides:

  • Excellent soundproofing. Laminate floors are characterized by one rather unpleasant minus - a loud sound from steps, which is heard everywhere. And the insulating layer laid on the subfloor perfectly absorbs sound. Certain types of laminate (usually 32 or 33 classes) may have an integrated soundproofing system.
  • A flat surface, since such a lining smooths out small irregularities in the screed and hides minor differences in the base.

Note! It is unacceptable that the thickness of the substrate under the laminate exceeds 3 mm. Since too thick a layer of insulation at the joints will sag, and may cause damage to the connecting locks.

  • Moisture insulation. The underlay protects the surface of the laminate from moisture, and also provides an optimal microclimate between the base and the new floor covering.

In addition, the substrate under the laminate has a low thermal conductivity. It provides thermal insulation of the floor due to its high thermal insulation characteristics. Therefore, it is economically unprofitable to use a laminated coating and a substrate for it with , as they significantly reduce the efficiency of such a heating system.

The main types of underlays for laminate flooring and their features

There is a wide variety of insulating materials on the construction market. Therefore, in order to determine which substrate to choose for a laminate, you need to have an idea about the main varieties of such a material.

Depending on the material of manufacture of the lining for the laminated coating, there can be:


It is made from natural crumbs of tree bark. This is an excellent insulating layer that is not subject to decay and mold. Differs in environmental friendliness, durability and high wear resistance.

But the cork lining also has its drawbacks - this is the high cost of such a material, so the cork should not be used in combination with a cheap coating.

Advice! Cork underlays should not be installed in rooms with high humidity (bathroom or kitchen), as they cannot tolerate moisture. It is also not recommended to use such a substrate if subsequent installation of a warm floor is foreseen.

Polyethylene foam

Such isolone-based substrates are the most economical option, having high moisture resistance, low weight and good fillability. This material is easy to use, but it is easily torn and quickly crushed during operation.


Such insulating material usually consists of two layers - aluminum foil and polystyrene. There are also substrates made of a single layer of extruded polystyrene foam.

The advantages of such a gasket include excellent sound insulation, ease of installation, as well as affordable cost. It serves as a good protection against moisture and fungus, and is also able to hide the unevenness of the rough base.

But Styrofoam material also has its disadvantages: it does not roll well when laid and can lose its shape under direct load.

To answer the question: what is the best substrate for a laminate, you need to objectively assess the conditions in which it will be used. And also compare its cost with the price of a laminated coating.

Cork underlays are an excellent option for laying under expensive flooring, and are perfect for children's and playrooms, as well as for rooms with a normal level of humidity.

How to lay the laminate with your own hands? After looking you will perfectly learn how to lay a laminate without the help of professionals!

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Polyethylene foam pads are best used in rooms with high humidity and laid on boards. Such a substrate can significantly reduce the material costs of arranging a laminate floor.

Expanded polystyrene substrates are a versatile option that has an optimal ratio of quality and price.

Styling features

When installing the insulation on a concrete or stone base, it is imperative to pre-lay a layer of waterproof film. This will protect the underlayment and floor covering from moisture released by the subfloor. And laying a laminate on a wooden base can be carried out without the use of such a film.

Video instructions for laying the substrate and the laminate itself

Please note that the optimal thickness of the substrate under the laminate is 2-3 mm. You should not use several layers of insulation - this will not level the floor and will contribute to the appearance of excessive loads at the joints of the lamellas.

The underlayment should be laid perpendicular to the main installation direction of the laminate. The insulating layer also needs to be wound on the walls, then the laminate will last longer.

The laying process itself depends on the type of substrate. For example, the polyethylene foam lining is easily attached with adhesive tape. And the polystyrene gasket is laid with the foil up and connected with special aluminum tapes.

Thus, a special substrate under the laminate will provide sound insulation of the new floor and smooth out small irregularities in the rough base. Such an insulating material has a number of positive characteristics and is presented on the construction market in a wide range. Therefore, you can always choose a laminate underlay that will meet your operating conditions.

Laminate has become one of the most popular and cheapest floor coverings. It is strong, durable, pleases with a wide choice - from budget to elite models of any color. As a rule, people spend a lot of time choosing a laminate, but they forget about the substrate. In this article, we will figure out which substrate is better, because the durability of the coating depends on its quality.

Underlayment for laminate flooring is required by floating floor technology. This is due to several factors, which we will talk about.

    • Soundproofing. If the bedding under the laminate is not used, then each step will be given a booming thud. The presence of a soft even layer will hide small noises, frictions (see article about).

Sometimes in the 33rd and 32nd class of laminate there is a built-in substrate: an insulation layer is already glued on the reverse side. It is more convenient to lay such material than usual, but due to the more difficult production technology, the cost increases significantly.

    • Surface leveling. Another function of the substrate is to level small irregularities. This is very important when, because the durability of the locks depends on the evenness of the base. According to the technology, the allowable floor differences should be no more than 2 mm per 1 m. However, too much thickness of the substrate under the laminate will rather prevent bumps from hiding, because then it will sag at the joints when walking. So that the seams do not spread in six months, the floor surface is carefully prepared before laying the coating (see article on.
    • Moisture isolation. The laminate is made of pressed paper, so even moisture-resistant models do not need to be exposed to high humidity, otherwise the panels will swell. Laying the substrate under the laminate will provide additional protection against moisture from the concrete floor. For the same reason, before laying the coating, it is better to wait at least a month after the installation of the concrete screed.

As a test of the readiness of the screed, you can put polyethylene on the floor overnight. In the morning, there should be no perspiration on the concrete.

  • Thermal conductivity. A conventional underlay for a laminate installed under a warm floor reduces the efficiency of its work, since both the laminate itself and the substrate material have good thermal insulation properties. There are special substrates for underfloor heating, which we wrote about in. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with, which describes the installation process on a wooden and concrete base with further finishing with a laminate.

Substrate selection

It's easy to find plenty of options at any hardware store, but how do you choose the right underlay for laminate flooring? After all, they differ in material, thickness, sound insulation.

First of all, you need to find out the condition of the floor. If the base is even, the thinnest substrate will be enough - 2 mm. When small irregularities are encountered, it is worth choosing an insulation thickness of 3 mm. The thickness of the laminate with the underlay will be approximately 10-11 mm (assuming an average laminate floor thickness of 8 mm).

When choosing a substrate and the laminate itself, it is not necessary to give preference to the same manufacturer. It practically does not matter, because the parameters are general, so any company will do.

A brief video review of popular species:

Polyethylene foam

The most common polyethylene foam backing. Its popularity is primarily due to its low price. In addition, it has good moisture resistance, thermal insulation and is not affected by rodents and microorganisms. This material is very easy to use and minimizes waste. Often it is supplemented with a foil layer with aluminum to reflect infrared heat.

However, despite the large number of advantages, the cheapest material also has many disadvantages. First of all, it is a non-environmentally friendly synthetic material, which sags over time and does not hold its shape well. There are cases that after laying the laminate on a polyethylene foam substrate, static electricity is generated (especially in dry rooms), and the owners are periodically shocked. Therefore, think 10 times before saving 500 rubles, is your comfort worth this money? The material of domestic manufacturers will be cheaper: the price of a roll of 25 square meters. m. about 320-400 rubles. Foamed polyethylene from Quick step will cost 60-90 rubles. for 1 sq. m.

Cork substrates

Cork underlayment under laminate flooring is great as a base for a floating floor. Although it is a natural material, cork is not subject to mold and decay, and is an excellent heat insulator. Throughout the entire service life, such a substrate will retain its dimensions and characteristics. This type is available in the form of rolls or sheets. In some cases, there is a self-adhesive layer on the back (see the article about).

Due to the high cost, it is impractical to use the cork option for cheap coatings, but it is well suited as a durable base. The disadvantage of cork is water permeability, so condensation may appear under the coating.

Bitumen-cork substrates

This material is made on the basis of kraft paper with the addition of bitumen, and then covered with fine cork chips on top. The dressing is made from small pieces of cork 2-3 mm. Thanks to bitumen, this type is devoid of the disadvantages of conventional cork: it does not allow moisture to pass through and retains sounds well; the material breathes, which prevents the formation of condensate. Like the previous option, bitumen-cork substrates are only suitable for expensive types of laminate, due to the high price.


Often, extruded polystyrene foam is used as an insulating layer. It is optimally suited for high-loaded premises and evens out irregularities well. This is one of the most effective heaters due to the high air content in its composition. Due to its rigidity, it retains its shape well and effectively absorbs sounds, does not let moisture through. When using expanded polystyrene on the floor, a comfortable feeling when walking is provided. The most popular in this form are products from Izoshum, Arbiton.

Combined options

There are also combinations of polyethylene and expanded polystyrene. The most famous substrate is Tuplex (Tuplex), it consists of two layers of polyethylene, between which there are polystyrene foam balls.

This combined version is sold in rolls and has a thickness of 3 mm. Due to its structure, it can ventilate the room. The upper layer does not allow moisture to penetrate inside, and a thin lower layer passes it inside to the granules, and from there it comes out through technological gaps.

Coniferous tiles

A novelty of recent years is a coniferous substrate for laminate flooring. It is difficult to find it in stores due to its high cost, but coniferous boards from Isoplat are sometimes sold. The material is completely environmentally friendly and allows air to pass through, so there will be no greenhouse effect under the floor. However, in terms of elasticity, needles are inferior to cork. It is also worth considering that the minimum thickness of coniferous tiles is 4-5 mm, which is contrary to the requirements of many laminate manufacturers. The tiles are laid diagonally.

Substrate laying

Now let's talk about the technology, how to lay the substrate under the laminate:

  • If there is a fresh concrete screed on the floor, a layer of thin 0.2 micron polyethylene should be laid before laying. In older houses, this is not necessary.
  • Thoroughly clean the floor of debris, vacuum all the dirt. The base must be dry.
  • For cutting, use ordinary scissors or a construction knife. They overlap the walls, then the plinth will close it.
  • In no case do not lay several layers of the substrate to compensate for irregularities, a layer of 2-3 mm will be enough. If you need more, they are produced with plywood, screed or in another way.
  • If the material has a corrugation, it is laid down with this side, so there will be less irregularities. The foil material is laid with the reflective side up.
  • Laying is carried out end-to-end, without overlapping sheets on each other. In order not to displace the substrate during work, it is recommended to stick it on a double-sided adhesive tape to the floor.

Summing up

Subject to the technology and the purchase of a high-quality substrate and laminate, they will last more than 10 years at home. Of course, the final choice will depend on material possibilities, but it is better to try to purchase high-quality natural materials so as not to pay twice.

A stylish and quite practical coating - laminate - quickly conquered the market with its positive qualities. It is easy to take care of it, and it is very convenient to use. But you need to know that the lion's share of its appearance and durability is determined by the quality of installation, and not the last question here is which substrate to choose for the laminate.

  • What is the underlayment for?
  • Substrate thickness
  • Substrate materials for laminate flooring
    • Polyethylene foam (isolon)
    • Cork substrates
    • Styrofoam
    • Coniferous tiles
    • Foil backing
    • Combined substrates
  • Laminate underlay for underfloor heating
  • Underlayment for laminate flooring

What is the underlayment for?

The lining under the laminate should be laid in connection with the tasks assigned to it:

  • Soundproofing. If you do not put substrates under the laminate, then with each step the sounds will be amplified by a wooden or concrete base. With the help of a smooth soft base, you can get rid of squeaks and small noises. In the 32nd and 33rd grades of laminate, sometimes there are built-in substrates in the form of insulation glued on the back. Such material is easier to lay than usual, but a more sophisticated technology for its production significantly increases its price.
  • Surface leveling is another task that the sheet substrate under the laminate must cope with. When installing this coating, it is very important to level the surface, since the durability of the locks will depend on this. Laying technology allows a height difference of 1 m not more than 2 mm. But even too thick a substrate, hiding irregularities well, will, at the same time, strongly sag under the weight of steps. To prevent the seams from creeping out after six months, the floor surface must be carefully prepared before laying the laminate.
  • Waterproofing. Laminate is just pressed paper, so even the most moisture-resistant models should not be tested by pouring water, otherwise its panels will simply swell. The substrate under the laminate on the concrete floor is able to protect the coating from moisture coming from the cement base. In general, the concrete screed should be given a month to dry and only then the topcoat should be laid. You can check the readiness of the screed by laying a plastic film on its area overnight. If in the morning there is no perspiration on it, then the screed has dried out.
  • Thermal conductivity. The substrate under the laminate, located above the warm floor, will inevitably reduce the efficiency of its work, since both it and the coating itself have a rather low thermal conductivity. Although for the installation of underfloor heating began to produce special substrates. In any case, regardless of the material of manufacture, the thickness of the substrate laid under the laminate should not be more than 3 mm. True, there are unscrupulous craftsmen who, trying to hide the shortcomings they themselves made when leveling the base, use thick linings (4-5 mm). Such an object looks flawless upon delivery, but six months later, the laminate begins to creep at the seams.

Substrate thickness

You need to be able to choose the right substrate that will work perfectly with the laminate. Different substrates have a lot of differences in thickness, material and degree of sound insulation. Before deciding which underlay is better for laminate flooring, you need to assess the condition of the floor:

  • If the base is even, then the thinnest will be enough ( 2 mm) substrates.
  • If minor irregularities remain on the base, then it will be required 3 mm insulation.
  • The total thickness of the substrate with laminate is about 10-11 mm - if you use material of medium thickness (8 mm).

Some users believe that the thicker the underlayment under the laminate, the better. Some do not even stint and lay substrates of standard thickness in two layers to enhance the effects of thermal insulation and sound insulation. But at the same time, they do not take into account that the load on the floor is almost always uneven - where there is furniture or a person, it is significantly larger than next to this place.

As a result, a substrate that is too thick will dent more, causing the laminate planks to break.

Even if the substrate is only slightly thicker than the prescribed 3 mm, the lamella locks will be damaged over time, because the laminate is not designed to sag under the weight of a person. As a result of the wear of the locks and the deflection of the slats, noticeable gaps appear, and the floor will begin to creak louder and louder. Conversely, if the base is sufficiently smooth, then it makes sense to use a thinner substrate.

It makes no sense to buy a substrate from the same manufacturer that produced the flooring itself - the substrates of any manufacturer are completely interchangeable.

Substrate materials for laminate flooring

Polyethylene foam (isolon)

Foamed polyethylene does not have great strength and under load is easily torn and quickly compressed. Therefore, the isolone laminate substrate is one of the cheapest available on the market.


  • She is moisture resistant.
  • Not afraid of mold, fungus, not to the taste of rodents.
  • It has good soundproofing properties.
  • Laying it is quite easy, connecting with ordinary stationery tape, and you can do with almost no waste.
  • Sometimes it is produced duplicated with aluminum foil so that it can reflect thermal radiation.
  • Isolon smoothes well on the basis of unevenness.
  • Immune to many chemicals.


  • Short-lived. After one or two years, it loses its shape, elasticity and stops working as a damper, depriving the laminate of support.
  • If the isolon was stored for a long time before being sold under the direct rays of the sun, then it undergoes destruction and crumbles into dust.
  • A serious disadvantage of foamed polyethylene is its ability to accumulate static electricity, therefore, in dry rooms with the heating turned on in winter, the laminate often “charges” people with sensitive electrical discharges.

Therefore, you should not particularly chase after cheapness and save God knows what a large amount, risking comfort. At the same time, the choice remains: to buy imported polyethylene foam, for example, from Quickstep, or to prefer domestic one, which costs four times cheaper.

Cork substrates

In the children's room, a cork underlay under a laminate is best suited. Cork underlay is available in rolls or sheets. Sometimes you can find such material with a self-adhesive layer.

Pressed cork underlay is an expensive material, so it is not advisable to combine it with cheap floor coverings, because it itself can serve as a durable base. There are several types of cork substrates on sale:

  • cork with rubber;
  • cork with bitumen;
  • cork crumb.


  • Cork has wonderful properties of elasticity - being compressed by serious loads, after being released from them, it is able to restore its original shape. Therefore, no matter how often and no matter how intensively children play in a room where a cork is laid under the laminate, you can not worry about its safety and integrity.
  • Due to its very low thermal conductivity, cork material provides excellent thermal insulation, so we can say that cork is the warmest substrate for laminate flooring.
  • Its considerable elasticity also prolongs the life of the laminate, as it protects its locks from strong kinks.
  • Cork underlay is an excellent base for floating floor installation.
  • Despite its natural nature, cork is not afraid of rotting and mold.


  • Although the cork substrate is not afraid of moisture, it passes it quite easily, so moisture can accumulate under cork coatings.
  • Due to the high density of cork, it cannot be laid on surfaces whose surfaces are not sufficiently leveled and have height deviations of more than 2 mm, so the screed under it must be perfectly leveled.

In fact, cork is the best substrate for a laminate, although it is not without drawbacks, the main of which is its high cost, and less significant is its insufficient resistance to moisture.

Bitumen-cork substrates

As for the bitumen-cork substrate, it is made of kraft paper, poured with an even layer of bitumen and sprinkled with cork chips, the particles of which are 2-3 mm in size.

It passes air well, but at the same time, condensation does not form under it, since the bituminous layer becomes a reliable protection against its appearance.

However, laying the substrate under the laminate and in such a component composition will be very expensive, so it is rational to use it only with the most expensive types of laminate.


The domestic industry has launched the production of a substrate made of extruded polystyrene foam, which in the domestic market has become one of the most popular solutions for those who need a substrate for a 3 mm laminate. Its trade name is "isoshum". The foamed polystyrene that makes it up not only has all the advantages of polyethylene foam, but surpasses them many times over.

"Izoshum" is produced in square sheets with sides of 1 m, and there are 10 such sheets in the package. A very large proportion of air in its structure makes it an effective heater. The rigidity of polystyrene allows the product to keep its shape. When walking on the floor, under which the foam polystyrene substrate is located, there will be only pleasant sensations and no "recharges" with electricity, as in the case of polyethylene foam. In addition to "isoshum", another well-known brand from the same material is Arbiton.


  • "Isoshum" has excellent soundproofing and heat-insulating characteristics. Owners of private houses willingly use it when laying laminate, because they are especially interested in saving heat. In apartments of high-rise buildings, the soundproofing properties of “isoshum” will also be valuable, since it effectively absorbs shock sounds up to 27 dB.
  • After a long time of walking on Styrofoam, it will not compress like more flimsy PE foam, because it has a denser structure.

Due to these qualities, it is perfect for use in high-traffic areas.


  • If at first in some qualities it surpasses even the famous roll cork, then after a few years these qualities are “blown away”, that is, we can talk about insufficient durability of the material.
  • In the event of a fire and ignition, polystyrene releases a lot of toxic compounds, while it also contributes to the rapid spread of flames.
  • Its leveling ability is not high enough, therefore, for example, a 2 mm laminate underlay requires a perfectly even base.

Coniferous tiles

In recent years, another novelty has appeared - a coniferous substrate for a laminate. It is still very expensive, it is practically impossible to find it in stores, but if someone comes across the name “isoplat” on the counter, then this is it. The novelty is advertised as an extremely environmentally friendly material that “breathes” well, so it will not cause a greenhouse effect under the floor covering.

But in terms of elasticity, it is still significantly inferior to the classic cork.

It should also be taken into account that coniferous tiles have a minimum thickness of 4-5 mm, which conflicts with the requirements of the manufacturers of the laminate itself.

The wooden substrate under the laminate is produced in the form of tiles, which must be laid diagonally.

Foil backing

This material is valued for the fact that it can perfectly retain heat. On sale you can find single-sided or double-sided types of foil substrates, consisting of two layers: foil and polyethylene foam or polystyrene.

The foil substrate is ideal for rooms where there is a possibility of moisture penetration into the screed (bathroom, kitchen, basement).


  • Thermal insulation of floors is increased by 30%.
  • It is an additional waterproofing layer.
  • Increased moisture resistance, due to which laying an additional layer of polyethylene film is not necessary.
  • Interferes with occurrence of a fungus and a mold.

Combined substrates

Quite interesting is the material in which both polystyrene foam and polyethylene are present. So, for example, in the well-known brand Tuplex, foam polystyrene balls are located between two layers of polyethylene. In this case, the thickness of the substrate for the laminate is standard 3 mm, and the material itself is sold in rolls. Due to its structure, this material allows the room to be ventilated. The top layer does not let moisture in, and a very thin bottom layer allows it to pass to the bubbles, from where it is brought out through technological gaps.

There are other combinations, for example, some manufacturers produce a laminate, to which rubber is glued on the bottom, covered on the opposite side with a thin non-woven material. On the screed, it glides well, without warping, and perfectly absorbs noise while walking. Of course, the cost of such an "advanced" laminate is much higher than the usual one.

Laminate underlay for underfloor heating

Even in those cases when the laminate is laid on a warm floor, which cannot be wet by definition, then a special substrate under the laminate for the warm floor is needed.

Therefore, a special Arbiton material has been developed for underfloor heating, which has fine perforations, due to which it allows heat to pass through almost unhindered, but does an excellent job with the main function of supporting the laminate.

You can also use polyethylene without foil, and in the most extreme case, even use simple corrugated cardboard, because on a dry floor in the complete absence of moisture, even such an extravagant solution can work. Since the laminate itself does not conduct heat well, flooring over a heated floor requires the use of brands specially made for it.

Underlayment for laminate flooring

Laying the substrate under the laminate consists of the following steps:

  1. On a fresh concrete screed, you must first lay a thin plastic film, and for old screeds, this step can be skipped.

  1. All dirt and dust must be removed from the floor by vacuuming and making sure that the base is dry.
  2. You can cut the substrate with a construction knife or ordinary scissors.

  1. If the substrate material allows, the walls need to be overlapped, which will then be hidden under the skirting boards.

  1. In an attempt to compensate for unevenness, you cannot duplicate the layers of the substrate. Alignment can only be done with a screed, plywood or other acceptable method.
  2. If the substrate has a corrugation, then it should be turned down, then there will be less irregularities.
  3. Foil materials should be laid with the reflective side up.

  1. Laying should be done end-to-end, without overlapping sheets.

  1. To prevent the substrate from accidentally shifting during operation, it can be fixed with double-sided tape to the floor.

Video about laying a foil substrate under a laminate:

What kind of laminate flooring do you prefer and why? Share your experience and opinion in the comments - we are interested in your opinion.


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