Outdoor games and training for summer camp. Outdoor summer games at a school camp for younger students

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Equipment: Volleyball.

Game description: The playing field, 8-10 meters long, is outlined on both sides by lines, behind which there are bouncers (drivers), their task is to knock the players off the field with the ball, the ball is served alternately from one bouncer to another.


Equipment: Volleyball.

Game description: The players, standing in a circle, throw the ball to each other (catch or hit, as in the game “volleyball”), the one who misses or drops the ball becomes a “potato” - he squats in a circle and can be hit with the ball. If the ball falls to the ground after hitting the “potato”, then it is not considered missed and the game is resumed; if the “potato” manages to catch the ball (like a “candle”), then the one who lost the ball becomes the “potato”, and the rest of the players leave the circle.

The goose was flying

Game description: Participants stand in a circle, stretch out their arms, while keeping their palms vertical, placing their right palm on left palm neighbor on the right. All players take turns pronouncing one word from the counting rhyme, and for each word they make a move - clap the left hand of the neighbor on the left. “Flying, goose, screaming, getting married.” - "On whom?" - "On you". - "How many times?" - number; or: “A crow flew-in-blue-pants-read-a-newspaper-numbered” - number; or: “Dragon-flying-ate-donuts-how-many-donuts-did-the-dragons-ate?” - number. The player calls any number out loud and clap. The claps are counted out loud one by one. The task of the player on whom the named number “falls” is to quickly remove his hand from under the clap. Those who do not have time are eliminated.

I know five names

Equipment: Ball.

Game description: They hit the ground with a ball (palm), with each strike pronouncing another word: “I know five names of girls (boys, names of flowers, birds, and so on ad infinitum): Masha - one, Tanya - two, Katya - three, Sonya - four , Ira - five, I know five..."If a player makes a mistake or makes a long pause, the ball passes to another player, when the ball makes a circle and returns to the player, the game for that player resumes from the place where it was interrupted (as this done in the “classics”), while it is better to agree in advance in what order the items will be named.


Game description: A circle with a diameter of 1.5-2 m is drawn, into which all participants are placed. The driver throws the ball as high as possible, and everyone runs as far as possible from the circle. Having caught the ball, the driver shouts “stop”, selects a “victim” and assigns the number of steps to it (the steps can be very diverse and vary different quantities, for example, two “giants” and “five “Lilliputians”).

If the driver, after completing the prescribed steps, manages to touch the driver, then the “victim” becomes the driver. The names of some steps: “giants” - big steps in a jump, “liliputians” - a half-foot step, “thread” - from toe to toe, “ducklings” - squatting, “umbrellas” - a jump with a flip, “bunny” - a jump - legs together. The rest you can come up with yourself.

The sea is agitated...

Game description: The driver stands with his back to the players, who depict various figures in motion, and says the words: “The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two, the sea is worried - three, sea figure, freeze in place.” Then he turns around. The one who did not have time to freeze or moved first becomes the driver.


Game description: Players collect one of each item, which is put into a bag. After which one player is blindfolded; the presenter pulls out things one by one, and the blindfolded player comes up with a task for the pulled out thing, the owner of which must complete it.

The tasks can be very different: sing a song, dance, etc. Only your imagination can limit your choice.


Game description: The driver stands with his back to the players. The presenter points with his hand at any player of the opposite sex (in relation to the driver) and says “kitty”. If the driver answers “shoot,” then the leader points to the other player, asking the same question.

If the answer is “meow,” then the host asks what this player should do together with the driver (or invites the driver to draw a task from the hat). The couple completes the task. For example: he dances, sings, depicts a famous monument, draws a tied pair of legs, etc. Next, the driver joins the players, and the called player becomes the driver.

Fishing rod

Game description: A fishing rod is a jump rope. One end of it is in the hand of the “fisherman” - the driver. All players stand around the “fisherman” no further than the length of the rope. The “fisherman” begins to spin the “fishing rod”, trying to touch the feet of the players with it. The “fish” must protect themselves from the “fishing rod” by jumping over it. To prevent the “fish” from interfering with each other, there should be a distance of about half a meter between them. The “fish” should not leave their places. If the “fisherman” managed to catch the “fish”, i.e. touch the “fishing rod”, then the place of the “fisherman” is taken by the caught “fish”. Two conditions must be met: the rope can be twisted in any direction, but it cannot be lifted from the ground higher than 10-20 cm.

Tea-tea, help me out

Description: There is a driver (or several) who stains the participants. The person he stained stands up and begins to say: “Tea-tea-help out!” Uncaught players try to help out a friend by trying to touch him. If this succeeds, then the embattled player is released and is back in Ife. The point is to catch everyone.

12 sticks

Game description: For this game you need a board and 12 sticks. The board is placed on a flat stone or small log to create something like a swing. All the players gather around this “swing”. 12 sticks are placed on the lower end, and one of the players hits the upper end so that all the sticks fly apart. The driver collects the sticks, while the players run away and hide. When the sticks are collected and placed on the board, the driver goes to look for the hidden ones. The found player is eliminated from the game. Any of the hidden players can sneak up to the “swing” unnoticed by the driver and scatter the sticks again. At the same time, hitting the board, he must shout out the name of the driver. The driver collects the sticks again, and all the players hide again. The game ends when all the hidden players are found and the driver manages to keep his sticks. The last player found becomes the driver.


Properly organized outdoor games have a positive effect on the condition and well-being of students; They study more productively, perceive the material better, listen attentively to the teacher, and behave more calmly in class. Games are played during big breaks (preferably during fresh air) under the guidance of a teacher or one of the students. As a rule, children participate in all games voluntarily, at will. For games of elders and junior schoolchildren better to withdraw separate places. It is good to have several games at the same time, which gives children the opportunity to choose. A game played during recess must meet the following requirements: allow for the possibility of changing the composition of participants; be well known to children; have simple rules; meet the physical fitness of students; be interesting. It is necessary to encourage children's desire to play independently.

Games forI- IVclasses (Fig. 99)

1. “Sparrows” and “crows”

4 parallel lines are drawn on the ground: two middle ones - at a distance of 1-2 m from each other and two extreme ones - at a distance of 10-15 m from them. The players (20-50 people) are divided into 2 teams and are located along the middle lines with their backs to each other, taking the position low start. The players of one line are “sparrows”, the players of the other are “crows”.

The teacher names one of the teams - for example, “sparrows”. At the same time, the “sparrows” quickly turn and catch the fleeing players of the other team - the “ravens”. You can only catch those who have not reached their end line. When the teacher whistles, the teams return to their places. Caught players are “captured”, that is, they move to the opposing team.

The teacher calls one or the other team in any order. At the same time, he pronounces the first two syllables drawn out, and the last one abruptly: “vo-o-o-ro-o-ny”, “vo-o-o-ro-o-bye”. Until the leader finishes the word, players do not have the right to run away or turn around. The team that captures the most players wins.

2. Dashes

The players stand in a circle, at a distance of three steps from each other. One of them becomes in the center. Each participant marks their place by drawing a small circle on the ground around their feet.

At the command “Change!”, given by the person standing in the center, all participants change their places, crossing the circle. The person standing in the center must take advantage of this dash to take someone else's empty place.

3. Passing the ball

The players are divided into 2 or several teams, located at a distance of several steps from each other, and stand in a column one at a time. The head players are at the same distance from the intended line drawn on the ground; each of them holds a ball in their hands. At the teacher’s command, the ball is passed from hand to hand over the heads of the players until it reaches the last player. He quickly runs forward, stands at the head of his column, and the transfer of the ball begins again. When the first player is last and receives the ball, he runs to the target line and places the ball on the ground beyond it. The one who does this before others ensures victory for his team. Note. The ball can also be passed between the players' legs or alternately: over the heads of odd-numbered players and between the legs of even-numbered players. You can also roll the ball between the players' legs from one end of the column to the other.

4. Change of numbers

The players stand in a circle, shoulder to shoulder, and are counted in numerical order. The driver is in the center. He calls out any numbers loudly. The called numbers must quickly change places, and the driver tries to take one of the empty seats. The one left without a seat becomes the driver.

5. "Wolf" and "lamb"

The players stand in a column one at a time, holding each other tightly by the waist. The first depicts a shepherd, the last a lamb; the rest are sheep. The player representing the wolf stands a few steps ahead of the “shepherd” (facing him). At the teacher’s signal, the “wolf” rushes to grab the “lamb”. The “Shepherd”, with his arms stretched out to the sides, tries not to miss him. "Sheep" run in the least dangerous direction. When the "lamb" is captured by the "wolf", the teacher assigns a new "wolf", "shepherd" and "lamb" and the game resumes.

6. Relay race with skipping rope

The players are divided into 2 teams and stand in a column one at a time. The first and second players separate from the column and take the rope by the ends. At the teacher’s signal, they walk along the entire column, and the players jump in place, trying not to touch the rope. Then the first player stands at the end of the column, and the second and third players continue the game in the same way. The game continues until the first player is again at the head of the column. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

7. Who came first

The players are divided into 3 teams and stand in a column, one at a time, at the intended line. The leading players hold flags in their hands. At a distance of 30 m from the line, opposite each column, a circle with a diameter of 1 m is drawn. 4 clubs (or other objects) are placed in the circle. At the signal, the leading players run to the clubs, place them on the ground and, returning to their team, pass the flag to the second player. He places the clubs again and, returning, passes. flag to the next player, etc. The first team to finish the game wins.

Games forV- VII classes (Fig. 100)

1. Circle chase

The players stand in a circle close to each other. The driver sits behind the circle and holds a tourniquet in his hands. At the teacher’s command, he runs in a circle and, without stopping, puts the tourniquet behind him.

one of the players. As soon as the player discovers this, he grabs the tourniquet and rushes in pursuit of the driver, trying to hit him with the tourniquet before he takes the vacant seat. If this succeeds, they change places and the chase continues - until free place won't be busy. If the driver manages to make a full circle and again take the assigned tourniquet, then the missing player becomes the driver.

2. Fishing

To play the game, a rectangular area measuring 15 (20) x 30 (40) m is marked out. “Houses” are located behind the smaller sides of the rectangle. Two designated players (“fishermen”) stand in the middle of the court (picture above). At the command of one of them “Into the water!” the remaining players (“fish”) must run out of the “house” and “swim across” to the opposite side, avoiding the “fishermen” along the way and dodging them. The salted “fish” form a chain, on both sides of which there are “fishermen”. Game continues. Those standing in the chain help the “fishermen” catch the “fish”, but only the “fishermen” can salt (pic. below). "Pisces" are allowed to break the chain; in this case, the “catch” does not count. Then the “fishermen” count their “catch” and choose two

vyh "fishermen". As a result of the game, the luckiest “fishermen” are determined.

3. On one leg in a circle

The players are divided into 2 teams, stand in a circle at a distance of 2-3 steps from each other and are calculated in numerical order. At the command of the leader, the first numbers, jumping on one leg, “run around” successively each player in front and behind, stand in front of the second numbers, etc. etc. The team that finishes the game first wins.

4. Counter relay

The game involves two teams. Players on each team are counted in numerical order. The teams, in turn, are divided into 2 groups, which line up opposite each other in columns one at a time at a distance of 30-40 m: even numbers on one side, odd numbers on the other. At the teacher’s signal, the first numbers run to the column opposite, pass the baton to the first number, and themselves stand at the end of the column. Having received the baton, the second numbers run and pass it on to the third numbers, etc. Running can begin only after receiving the baton. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

5. Throwing the ball

A square of 25 x 25 m or 30 x 30 m is marked on the site. A circle with a diameter of 3 m is drawn in the center of the square. The players (20-40 people) are divided into 4 teams. Each team lines up on one side of the square (facing the center). The first players (right wing) of each team stand in a circle (facing their team), holding the ball in their hands. At the teacher’s signal, each of them throws the ball to a player on their team standing on the right side. As soon as he catches the ball, the player from the circle runs to his team and stands in line on the left side. The player who caught the ball runs into the circle and throws the ball from there to the next player on his team (standing on the right), etc. The team in which the first player returns to the circle faster wins.

If the ball does not reach the player, the thrower picks it up and, standing in a circle, throws it a second time.

If the ball is not caught, then the player who did not catch it runs after it.

Games forVIII- IXclasses (Fig. 101)

1. Here and there

The players line up on the starting line (at a distance of 3-4 steps from each other). Everyone places 3-4 small objects at their feet. At the teacher’s signal, players draw three small circles along a line parallel to the start line (at a distance of 9-10 m from it); then they return to the starting line. At the signal, each player takes one of the objects lying at his feet and runs to his first circle to put the object in it; then he returns for the second item, etc.

When all the items are placed in the circles, the player, without stopping, returns to each circle in turn and, taking one item at a time, brings them back and puts them at his feet. The first one to finish carrying objects back and forth is considered the winner.

2. Pulling to your side

Two parallel lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 7-8 m from each other. Teams (10-20 people each) line up opposite each other in the middle of the distance between the lines. At the teacher’s signal, each player tries to drag the opponent standing opposite him beyond his team’s line. The game lasts 1 minute.

The team that outlasts the most opponents during this time wins.

3. Push out of circle

A circle is drawn on the ground. The players sit inside the circle, holding their hands behind their backs. At the teacher’s signal, each player tries to push one of his neighbors outside the circle, pushing him with his back, shoulders and elbows (grabbing and pushing with a hand is prohibited). The one who remains in the circle is considered the winner.

4. Relay

The players are divided into 2 teams. Each team is located in random order at its starting line, drawn between two flags. The flags are 20 m apart. Players in teams are counted in numerical order. The first numbers, holding the baton in their left hand, stand behind their starting line. At the teacher’s signal, having run around 2 of their flags, the first numbers pass the baton to the second, go to the players of their team, etc. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

5. Relay race with towns

The players are divided into 2 teams and line up in columns one at a time (at a distance big step from each other). The first players each have 2 towns in their hands. At the teacher’s signal, they turn their torso to the right (without lifting their feet) and pass the town with their left hand to the player standing behind them. Then, turning to the left, they give him another town with their right hand. The second players, having received the towns, pass them on in the same way. The last player, having received the towns, runs around in turn (“snake”) each player on his team and, standing at the head of the column, again passes the towns back, etc. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Games forX- XIclasses (Fig. 102)

1. Consecutive relay

The game involves 2 teams. The distance is divided by lines into 4 segments: three of 10 m and the fourth of 5 m (to the flag). One player stands at each line; fifths stand for the last line. At the signal, the first numbers of both teams run to the second and pass the baton to them, the second to the third, etc.

After passing the baton, the first to fourth numbers turn in a circle. The fifth numbers run around the flag and pass the baton in the reverse order. The team that finishes the relay faster wins.

2. Leapfrog

The players are divided into several teams and line up in columns. The first number of each column takes one of the positions shown in the figure. At the teacher’s signal, the second number in each column jumps over the first and stands 3 steps away from him in the same position. Subsequent numbers do the same as quickly as possible. When the first number is last, he, in turn, jumps over everyone standing in the column,

returning to his place. The team whose first number finishes the game the fastest wins.

3. Circle relay

A large circle (10-20 m in diameter) is drawn on the ground and its center is marked. The players (from 20 to 100 people) are divided into several teams. Each team lines up in a column along the radius of the circle (with their backs to the center). The first players of the teams stand on the line of the circle, holding some object in their hands (flag, tourniquet, etc.).

The teacher stands in the center of the circle. At his signal, the first team players run around the circle in a given direction. As soon as they run away, the next players move onto the circle line. Having run around the entire circle, the lead player passes the flag to the second player, and he himself stands at the end of his column. The player who received the flag also runs around the circle, etc. The last player runs around the circle and passes the flag to the teacher. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

4. Tug of war

The players (10-30 people) are divided into 2 teams and located on opposite sides of the court. At a distance of 10-15 m from the location of each team, two parallel lines are drawn. Inside the resulting square, a rope 15 m long is placed, rolled into a ring (the ends of the rope are free and extended 1 m to the sides). At the teacher’s command “Attention - march!” everyone runs to the center of the site and, holding the rope, tries to drag it to their side.

The game lasts 1-2 minutes. The team that pulls the entire rope (or most of it) over its line wins.

"Comrade commanders"

The leader explains the rules of the game: “You must do what I say, if before this the words of appeal are spoken: “comrade commanders”... “Comrade commanders, raise your right hand... Comrade commanders, raise left hand... Clap your hands...” Whoever clapped is out of the game. Whoever can overcome all obstacles will be the winner. Now let's start the game!..”

Word game

Let's divide into equal groups-teams of 3-5 people... Each team makes a guess compound word, consisting of two independent words. For example, mouse-yak. Teams take turns using pantomime to first depict parts of the hidden word, saying the number of this part, then the entire hidden word. Other teams guess.

A leader needs to have good words in stock: man, hay-shaft, sea-yak...

Music Express

We stand in a circle, facing each other. The host starts the song, sings or speaks one verse. The next player continues with a verse of another song, without a pause in between.

Condition. All subsequent verses must contain at least one word from the previous song.

Hands up!

The game is played by 8 or more people. You must have 1 coin. Everyone is divided into two teams and sits opposite each other at the table. One team receives a coin and the participants pass it to each other under the table. The commander of the opposing team slowly (you can silently) counts to ten, and then says: “Hands up!” The players of the team that passed the coin must immediately raise their hands up, with their hands clenched into fists. Then the commander says: “Hands down!” - and players must place their hands, palms down, on the table. The one who has the coin tries to cover it with his palm.

Now the players of the opposite team confer and decide who has the coin. If they guess correctly, the coin goes to them; if not, it remains with the same team.

Hit the hat

Give participants five playing cards, shelled nuts, drinking straws, etc. and ask them to hit the hat with these objects while standing at a certain distance from the target.

Melt the ice

This game is best played outdoors, in good weather.

Everyone is divided into two teams, each receiving one ice cube (preferably the cubes are the same size). The goal is to melt the ice as quickly as possible. The cube must constantly pass from one player to another. Participants can warm it in their hands, rub it, etc. The team that melts the ice faster wins.


First, participants are asked to “discover” a new planet - inflate it as quickly as possible Balloons, and then “populate” this planet with inhabitants - quickly draw human figures on the ball with felt-tip pens (markers or pens). Whoever has more “inhabitants” on the planet is the winner.

Sound engineer

For this game you need sound accompaniment, and here you can’t do without special devices. To do this, find objects that can become sources of different characteristic sounds. A baking tray and a metal spoon will do. ski boots and a board, clean tin cans filled with dry peas, a saucepan with a lid, a whistle, etc.

Also, have a tape recorder and a blank cassette ready. Now you are ready to make a radio show. Tell, for example, some fairy tale. It might start like this:

“One day we were wandering through the forest and suddenly heard someone’s steps. (Put your hands into your shoes, and then move them heavily and slowly along the board.) At first the footsteps were quiet, but gradually became louder and louder. I turned around and saw a huge bear. I froze in fear, and then thunder struck. (Hit the pan several times with a spoon.) I looked at the sky, from which large drops of rain began to fall (shake tin can with dry peas), and the bear opened his umbrella and walked away..."

We believe that your production will be successful and you will give the radio version of your fairy tale to listen to the guys from another squad.


Players freeze in different poses. The presenter remembers the poses of the players, their clothes and leaves the room. The players make five changes in their poses and clothes (not everyone has five, but only five). The leader must return everything to its original position. If the presenter finds all five changes, then as a reward the players fulfill some of his wishes. Otherwise, you need to drive again.


Remember the fairy tale where the wife, in defiance of her husband, did everything the other way around? The presenter will have to come forward and show some physical exercise, and you will need to do the opposite. If the presenter raises his hand, you must lower it; if he spreads his palms, you fold them; he will quickly wave his hand from right to left, and you slowly, from left to right. The one who makes a mistake becomes the leader.

Who is missing and how is he dressed?

The presenter is blindfolded. One of the participants leaves the room. The driver's task is to guess who is not in the room when the blindfold is removed, and to describe in detail what he was wearing.


Everything and everyone turns into something else, but not with the help of words, but with the help of determining the appropriateness of actions. The room turns into a forest. Then the participants go into trees, animals, birds, lumberjacks, etc. And if they go to the station, that means into a suitcase, a train, passengers. And if in the studio - as announcers, TV cameramen, “pop stars”, etc.

At the same time, someone can create noise, depict props, etc.


Place the button on forefinger your hand and, turning to your neighbor in the game, invite him to move the button to his index finger.

You are not allowed to use other fingers. The one who does not hold and drops the button is eliminated from the game.

Guess what I see!

This game can be played anywhere, and everywhere it relieves boredom and gives pleasure. And it works best by distracting attention if Petya is quarreling with Anya again or Kolya is sadly huddled in a corner.

Start like this: Counselor. I see something red that you don't see.

Child. Hearts on the curtains? Counselor. No.

Child. The cover of Tanya's notebook? Counselor. No. Child. Oleg's hat?

Counselor. No. Child. Candy wrapper on the table? Counselor. Yes!

Believe me, this can continue indefinitely!

A story without adjectives

Participants are divided into groups of 4 people. Each group receives the task of writing a story on some topic in 10-15 minutes (“Our camp”, “Our life in the camp”), but at the same time, empty spaces must be left in the story instead of adjectives. Then the groups get together and take turns writing into their stories adjectives that are randomly told to them by representatives of other groups. These adjectives can be funny (but not offensive). Then the finished stories are read out and the funniest, most original work is determined. Duration of the game is 40-50 minutes.

Making soft balls

In bad weather, you can pass the time indoors by making balls from crumpled newspaper wrapped in tape.

First, one sheet of newspaper is squeezed with your hands as tightly as possible. The resulting lump is wrapped in a second sheet, after which this mass is crumpled, compacted more strongly, etc. Then the newspaper lump is wrapped crosswise with wide tape (preferably colored tape - it’s more elegant!). The same sticky rings are again wrapped around the still uncovered areas, forming a more or less rounded ball.

These balls can be juggled or thrown to each other, caught, rolled on the floor, knocked down pins, thrown into an empty bucket.

You can play the next game.


The player playing as a goalkeeper protects a section of the wall from balls thrown at him. The area should be no larger than arms extended upward and in width plus 30-40 cm. Sometimes the necessary boundaries of these gates already exist thanks to the niches in the wall, double painting... It is better to mark the gate yourself with a rope taped to the wall.

The throwers line up a few meters from the goalkeeper in a column and each throw one ball at a time. The one who hits the goal immediately changes roles with the goalkeeper. The winner is the one who withstood a large number of throws, for which you need to count them out loud.

Five pebbles

First option. Take one pebble, without touching the others, and throw it vertically upward. At the same time (and throughout the entire game) you sit on the floor as you like, and throw the pebble 40-60 cm, not higher. While the pebble is lying, with the same hand you need to have time to lift another pebble and catch the one thrown first. Now put one of these pebbles aside and, tossing the one you left, lift the other three pebbles one at a time in the manner described.

Second option. Having thrown one pebble, pick up two at once and catch the thrown one.

Having put aside any two so that one pebble remains in the palm of your hand, throw it again, pick up the next two and catch the thrown one.

Third option. Throw one pebble, pick up the second and catch the first. Having put one of them aside from the game, throw in the remaining one and pick up the next three at once.

Fourth option. After throwing one, pick up four pebbles at once. Beginners are allowed to throw a pebble, move the lying pebbles closer to each other and, without trying to pick them up the first time, catch the thrown one. And only when the lying pebbles, in the view of the player, lie conveniently for their quick lifting, while another time the first pebble flies up, do they really try to lift them. For experienced players, such a gradual bringing together of the pebbles needed for lifting is not allowed.

Fifth, sixth, seventh options. They throw, and in the end they catch two, three or four pebbles, and pick them up one at a time at the moment of their flight.

Eighth option. They throw five pebbles and catch them on the back of their hand. They throw again from the previous position and try to catch everything in the palm of their hand. Points are awarded based on the number of pebbles finally caught.

Everyone strives to complete all options in a row without errors. Whoever makes a mistake must give up the game to the next one in line. The one whose game was interrupted will continue it when his turn returns again, from the exercise on which he made a mistake before.

Outdoor games, relay races, games of intelligence in children's holiday camps

Children at camp may refuse to eat porridge or go to bed. They may become capricious or quarrel among themselves. But children always react with great interest to the offer to play games at a summer health camp. It’s a matter of little things – among a rich arsenal game scenarios choose one that will captivate the children. And if they arrived at the children's health Camp, then outdoor games will be very useful for their health. It could be children's sport games or even yard endurance games. If it’s late in the evening, or the kids are already tired of running around, you can offer them games of intelligence or arrange a children’s competition. artistic creativity. So, to help the counselor, here are scenarios for various games in a summer health camp.

Outdoor games

Fishing rod
The players form a circle. The driver, standing in the center, rotates a rope with a bag of sand (fishing rod) tied at the end. The players jump over the rope as it passes under their feet, trying not to touch it. The one who touches the rope becomes the driver.

Children move chaotically around the territory - jumping, running, screaming. The leader shouts: “Let’s unite in groups of four! (three, five, seven, etc.)”
Everyone should quickly form groups - by holding hands or hugging. The one who remains “superfluous” must complete some task. For example, run around a circle or crow loudly, etc.

Hunters and ducks
Two parallel lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 10-15 meters. All players are divided equally into “hunters” and “ducks”. “Hunters” stand outside the line, and “ducks” between the lines. The “hunters” throw the ball and try to hit the “ducks” with it. The greasy "ducks" are eliminated from the game. When all the “ducks” have been caught, the team switch roles. The team that kills all the “ducks” in less time wins. This active game is sometimes also called "Dodgeball".

One-legged tug and jump
A more complicated version of regular tags. This outdoor game can be played in a small area. The driver, jumping on one leg, tries to catch up with the players also jumping on one leg. After the tag has caught up and touched any player, they change places. The one who touches the ground with both feet either becomes a tag or is eliminated from the game (for example, for 3 changes of tag).

Turtle tags
Less movable version ordinary tags. The main rule is that you can't run. You can only move at a walk and dodge the tag, so as not to become the driver yourself. Whoever broke the rule and ran becomes a tag or is eliminated from the game. This outdoor game is also suitable for indoors.

Relay races

Relay race of funny kangaroos
The players are divided into teams. To play you need small objects - small balls or matchboxes.
A player from each team needs to hold this object between his knees and jump some distance to the mark and back to his team. After that, he passes the item to the next participant. If the player drops an item, he returns to his place and starts over. The team warmly supports its player; it is advisable for the presenter to ask the team to choose a name before starting.

Spoon-potato relay race
A team member needs to run a certain distance while holding a spoon with a large potato in his outstretched hand. You can't run without potatoes! If it falls, the player returns to the starting position.

The counselor draws two lines at a distance of about half a meter from each other. The squad is divided into two teams and chooses the two strongest players. They determine which team will be the “tractor” and which will be the “cargo”. The selected strongest players will be the "rope". The “tractor” is trying to move the “load” from its place and drag it to its side. At the same time, the “load” resists in every possible way. The “cable” is trying to withstand double the load.
Children line up in this way: players playing the role of a “rope” join hands. The “tractor” team lines up like a “locomotive” one after another, each player holds the person in front by the waist on one side of the “cable”. In a similar way, only on the other side of the “cable” is the “load” lined up.
Those who cope with the task more successfully win. If the “cable” is broken, the “load” wins. The teams change roles.

Two teams of six people play. The rest are fans. Each team has a grandfather and grandmother, a bug with a granddaughter, a cat and a mouse. On each of the two chairs, placed at some distance from the lined-up teams, sits a turnip. For example, a child wearing a hat with a picture of a turnip on it.
Grandfather starts the game. At a certain signal, he runs to the turnip in order to run around it and return. Then the “grandmother” clings to the grandfather’s waist - and now they run to the turnip together. Then the granddaughter clings to them, then Bug, etc. When the whole company, including the mouse, runs around the turnip, the latter clings to the mouse. The team that “pulls out the turnip” faster than the other wins.

Living Bridge
Children stand in two opposite ranks facing each other. Children from opposite ranks hold each other's hands as tightly as possible. A “living bridge of hands” is formed. One person lies down on this bridge and moves to the end. Then the next one. The counselor does not forget to joke. Children should cheer on those passing on the bridge. There are no winners or losers - this game brings children together well and develops strong hands. Follow safety precautions.

Match tournament
This is a fun set of relay races suitable for all ages. The optimal number of participating teams is three. The winning team is awarded three points, the second place team is awarded two points, and the third place team is awarded a point. The winner is determined by the sum of points after all stages.
You can also stick matches into each team’s potatoes for each stage. At the end, count how many needles these “hedgehogs” have. The relay ends when the last player on the team delivers Matchbox to the place where the movement began. If this box falls during movement, then the relay participant stops, puts the box in place and continues on his way. If the task is to build from matches, then the teams are given certain time. In this case, the teams perform the task in turn.
Tasks for the stages:
1. Put out the words from matches: “Matches are not a game for children!”
2. Carry the box, placing it on the top of your head.
3. Carry two matchboxes on your shoulders like shoulder straps.
4. Carry the box, first placing it upside down on your fist.
5. The task is to quickly collect the scattered matches. For teams, 3-5 boxes of matches are scattered in certain places.
6. Carry a box of matches, placing it on your back in the lumbar region.
7. Carry the box on your leg, placing it on the instep of your foot.
8. Whose team will build a taller “well” of matches in two minutes?
9. Carry the box, pressing it with your chin to your neck. Place the ends of the boxes against the neck and chin.
10. Carry the “cover” of the box (outer part), putting it on your nose. You need to pass the baton without using your hands. The participant must remove the box from the person passing the baton with his nose.
11. Build a train with several cars on the ground or floor using matches.
12. Place an empty matchbox on the ground or floor and blow on it so that it moves on its own. You need to move the box by blowing only one side and run back.

Games of wits

Animals on your back
A picture (or written name) of an animal is hung on each player’s back so that he cannot see it. In order to guess, a person asks questions to others. They only answer “yes” or “no”. For example: “Do I have feathers? What about fins? Am I a predator? Do I have horns? Do I swim?” etc.). It is better if you ask questions to everyone. You can make it so that two questions in a row and the same cannot be asked. If a player guesses the animal, the next one can be hung on his back. And a point is awarded. The one who has more points.In addition to animals, you can make wishes for objects, sports equipment, tools, etc.

What can be done?
Players name options for what can be done, for example, with a glass cup. You can drink from it, squeeze out dough circles, mash potatoes, use it as a pencil holder, make a terrarium for beetles, etc. Each player in a circle names his option. The counselor determines whether the option is suitable or not (for example: “the glass can be placed on a shelf” is not suitable because it is not useful). Anyone who cannot name the option is eliminated from the game.

This game requires a ball and a stopwatch. The players are divided into two teams.
Players sit in two lines opposite each other at a distance of about two meters. The counselor takes the ball and throws it to the end player of any of the teams, pronouncing the beginning of any word, for example: “Ko...”
“... ruble!” - the player must quickly finish the word and throw the ball to the one sitting opposite: “Ar...”
"...buzz!" - he must quickly answer and pass the ball to the opponent, shouting the beginning of a new word..
The counselor notes any delay in answering. If it lasts more than 4-5 seconds, one penalty point is awarded. The counselor also monitors compliance with the rules. He makes sure that the ball is passed accurately so that there are no clues. The entire game should last no more than 3-5 minutes - as agreed.
In order to make the game easier or more difficult, you can limit yourself to guessing, for example, the names of animals, plants, cities, musical groups - whatever your imagination allows.
The team that ends up with fewer penalty points wins.

Who's in charge here?
According to the counting rhyme, they determine the driver who leaves the room or simply walks away and turns away. The remaining players choose their “main one”. They stand in a circle. As soon as the driver returns, the “main” begins to show some movements, all the other players immediately repeat after him. The driver must determine in two attempts who is “in charge.” If he succeeds, the main one becomes the driver. It is very advisable to play to music - children will be much more willing to move.

Do not hurry
A game to develop attention. All players become a semicircle. The presenter shows various movements - physical education or dance. The players repeat, while lagging behind the leader by one movement. While he shows the first movement, the players stand at attention. When he shows the second movement, the players show the first, etc.
As soon as someone makes a mistake, he is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who is left alone in the end. It is also advisable to play the game with music.

Summer camp games

07.09.2011 32228 1180

Summer camp games


Before the game starts, everyone sitting in a circle reminds everyone of their name. Everyone is trying to remember each other. Then everyone begins to clap their hands together, twice on their hands, twice on their knees, in rhythm. The clapping should not stop. The first player must name two names - his own and anyone sitting in the circle - by clapping his hands. The one who hears his name skips one or two intervals (by prior agreement) and also calls his name and another after two clapping hands. Since there may be several people in the circle with the same name, arrange for the players to look at the person whose name is being called. The main thing is not to disrupt the general rhythm of clapping and not to stop. Then you can make the game more difficult by eliminating intervals. For example, one-two, Sveta-Lena, one-two, Lena-Misha, one-two, Misha-Olya, etc.

If one of the participants made a mistake and did not have time to join in time, his name is replaced with a nickname. Usually the first one gets the nickname "brake" or "teapot". Thus, now this person needs to be called not by his name, but by his nickname.

Squad traditions

Guys of any age really like it if their squad is different from others. Some decals, attributes, their own chants, their own, unlike anyone else’s way of walking - the guys come up with all this with pleasure, you just need to help them start. It would be nice to come up with it on the first day interesting name squad. Based on the famous line “whatever you call the yacht, that’s how it will sail.” The squad's name should be beautiful and speak for itself. Based on the name, you can arrange a detachment place.

There are many forms of working with a squad. One of them is alternating creative assignments (ACAs). With its help, you can diversify your daily life, organize a squad and quickly make friends with children.

At the beginning of the shift, the squad is divided into permanent groups. This can be done by drawing lots or by playing. For example, using sociometry or the “leader” game. You have five leaders. You announce that you will now be divided into five ship crews. The captains stand in a row and take turns recruiting their team. First boatswains, then pilots, radio operators, cooks, sailors. The last ones are the cabin boys. (Variations: tree (root, trunk, leaves, flower)). It is better if not one person recruits the group, but the first - the second, the second - the third, etc. In this case, you will take into account the children’s desire to be together, and the groups will most likely turn out to be equal. After dividing into groups, it is better to conduct a small CTD (creative activity) with them or simply give them a small task. And only then announce that the group will work in this composition for the entire shift. Let the guys choose the name of the group, based on the name of the detachment, and the commander, who will ensure that no one in the group is offended, that everyone is included in the work. The commander is also responsible for carrying out the assignment.

Assignments should be constant throughout the shift, but if one of them does not work, it should be replaced. Instructions change in a circle every other day or every day, at your discretion.

We offer you the following instructions for private emergency situations

Group “Hosts”. This group monitors the cleanliness in and around the building throughout the day, brings drinking water, pours soup at lunch, receives guests, if any.

Group “Comfort”. During the period of its work, the “Comfort” group must make some contribution to the design of the detachment’s place, make it a little more comfortable, homely, more beautiful.

Group “Surprise”. Already based on the name, it is clear that the squad should not guess what this group is up to. During the day, or at the evening “light”, the guys in this group should surprise the squad with some pleasant surprise. A small creative performance, or gifts for everyone - whatever. Maybe it’s someone’s birthday - the “Surprise” group should take care of the congratulations.

Group “Master”. This group should replenish the squad’s stock of souvenirs with which you reward the guys during squad activities. Let it be 3-4 crafts, but they must be well done.

Group “Chronicle”. To ensure a long lasting memory of the shift, you can keep a chronicle of the detachment. The group that is carrying out this assignment today must describe yesterday and colorfully design the page of the chronicle.

Group “ChP”. It is impossible to predict all orders. This group carries out any assignment that arises during the day. Prepares firewood for the evening fire or draws a welcome poster for parent's day- the counselor must come up with this.

ChTP is a system of work. If you take this form, do not forget to allocate an hour and a half every day to work in groups and at each morning planning meeting remind the groups what assignment they are doing today. At the evening “light” the work of each group is necessarily discussed. The work should not go unnoticed. If you decide to introduce competition in the squad, then the work on the CTP can be assessed. But it’s worth competing if you can ultimately offer the guys something, and somehow reward them at the end of the shift. It’s better if the guys work not for points, but out of interest.

Children at camp. Age characteristics.

The camp, as we have already said, is a completely different world - a world where the average age of residents is much less than 18 and the largest age difference hardly reaches 10 years, but each age has its own characteristics that you need to know and take into account in your work. There are also games that are aimed at specific ages. This is completely justified on the one hand, but on the other hand it is worth keeping in mind that even the most adult game Can be adapted for little ones. And children's games for the little ones go off with a bang for adults without any changes.

Young children (4-8 years old)

Children are just like us, just a little different.

In this phrase we expressed the main, in our opinion, idea of ​​this section. Not quite clear? Then let's try to explain. A child, no matter how old he is, is a person. If you accept this statement, then understanding the rest is much easier. Accept children as they are. You don't need to treat them like adults, best case scenario a small child simply will not understand you. But it’s probably not worth considering them as aliens from another planet either.

Children have a great need to learn and discover. A child (especially a small one) strives to perceive ideas that are new to him, he is pleased to respond to them, and he just needs to present these ideas in a form that is understandable to him. Try to use language, ideas and imagery that will be understood small child. Games, fairy tales, stories - this is what you need.

It is very important to be sincere when working and communicating with children. The child instantly feels falsehood and pretense. And of course, you need to love children, otherwise why work in the camp at all. You will torture yourself, and you will torture your children.

And now our specific advice and wishes.

You probably already know that young children are hyperactive; in addition, they are also extremely changeable. A 6-8 year old child cannot do one thing for a long time; he needs to switch. Therefore, try to alternate between calm and active games. If you have a big event planned for three hours, it is important that it is filled with as many different toys as possible.

Young children are very susceptible and find it difficult, unlike, say, teenagers, to resist the opinion of an adult. That is why the worst option is to force a child to do something (do you like it when you are forced?.. so and so!). We are closer to another method, which is called non-directive. It can be presented in three stages:




There is no need to be intimidated by the terms, because in fact everything is simple. Acceptance means that it is important for the counselor to understand the child’s internal state. Find out: how does he feel? what's his mood? does he want to play, and if so, what? etc. Adjustment only means that the event should be carried out taking into account the needs of the child at the moment. Let us explain the term management with an example. Suppose you have a bloody nose and need to prepare for a squad evening, and energy flows out of the children like a fountain. In this case, it is reasonable to start by playing some kind of game that makes it possible to release excess of this energy, for example, Hippodrome. And then smoothly move on to the main event. Those. try to do something not OVER the children, but TOGETHER with them.

Children love all kinds of secrets, and one way to attract their attention is to say something like: “Guys, I’ll tell you a secret, but no one else should know it.”

Children enjoy games that alternate between silence and noise. Games where you can scream and scream usually go off with a bang.

Of the entire range of games that a counselor can know, educational games are of particular value. For small children this is various games and competitions where they can use all their senses, such as the “Crunch” game, when a child is blindfolded and allowed to guess by sound what the other participants are currently eating: an apple, chips or cabbage.

The game will be more fun if it has a melody and repeating lyrics. In general, play more often any games that combine movement, melody and rhythm.

It’s very good if the squad has some kind of mascot, it can be any fictional creature, or some kind of toy, preferably a soft one. With its help, a counselor can solve many problems: from how to put a child to sleep, to how to distract him from missing his parents.

There are a lot of games that you can play with young children. We have listed only a few of the most characteristic ones, in our opinion. These games are good because you can play them with participants of different ages. In general, almost any game can be adapted to be played with children of any age, you just need to have a little desire and a drop of imagination. In some games, materials are a necessary factor, but sometimes, on the contrary, having some object at hand, you can come up with many new games. If you have on hand, for example, air balloons, you will always find something to keep little children occupied.

Games for little ones



Time: 5 minutes.

Number of participants: 10 or more.

Venue: any.

Participants either stand or sit in a circle.

Presenter: “Show me your hands and your knees. Does everyone have two knees? Then go ahead! We will now take part in horse racing at the hippodrome. Repeat after me".

Participants repeat the movements after the leader. "The horses went to the start (clap-clap-clap discordantly on the knees). They stopped at the start. They hesitated (we quietly clap). To the start, attention, march! The race has begun (we quickly clap on the knees). Barriers (we raise our hands as if we were hovering over barrier). Stone road (we hit our chests with our fists). Through the swamp (we pull our cheeks). Sand (three palms against palm).

Finish line (very fast). Hooray!"


Target: unloading, release of energy, “shout.”

Time: 5-8 min.

Number of participants: from 10 or more.

Location: any.

Everyone sits on chairs (stands in a circle). Chairs are placed around the room at a large distance from each other so that you can run around (if everyone is standing in a circle, you can squat). Everyone gets the role of “kolobok” and some other role (grandfather, woman, fox, wolf, bear, path) so that each participant has at least two roles. The presenter begins the fairy tale: “Once upon a time there were grandfather and grandmother (those who are “grandfather” and “woman” must run around their chairs) in small house. And once the grandfather (runs around) asked the grandmother (runs around) to bake a bun (everyone runs around their chairs)... etc., the story goes with a gradual increase in the use of the word “kolobok” (“And the fox said to the bun”: “ Kolobok, Kolobok, ruddy little Kolobok, I will eat you, Kolobok..." and at some point the guys will no longer have time to run - the game ends by itself.

(You can tell the fairy tale “Turnip”, “Teremok” for variety)

All for sausage!

Target: unloading, release of energy, “shout” (it’s good to spend it while waiting to enter the dining room).

Time: 5-15 min.

Number of participants: from 8 to 20.

Location: any (better outside, on the grass).

The players are divided into two teams and stand opposite each other. Everyone gets numbers. (For example, each team has 5 people, which means there are two first numbers, two second, etc.). The teams take five steps apart. The counselor places some object in the middle (this is a “sausage”).

As soon as team members hear their number, they must rush forward and grab the sausage.

"On the sausage... second!" The team that is faster gets a point.


Target: development of attention and reaction speed.

Time: 8-10 min.

Number of participants: from 10 or more.

Location: any.

Everyone stands (or sits) in a circle. The presenter shows two identical objects. They need to be passed around quickly. The one who has two of them at once is eliminated.

If there are more than 20 participants, you can introduce three fleas.

Role-playing game: “Theater”


Time: 8-10 min.

Number of participants: from 6 to 20.

Location: any.

At the beginning of the game, roles are assigned. We name and distribute the roles (curtain, king, queen, maid of honor, maid of honor's dog, etc.) The presenter says: “Now we are staging a play. In order for a performance to turn out well, it must be rehearsed. The curtain goes up (whack-whack, the “curtain” runs across the stage in both directions). No not like this! Again!"

“Well, it's okay now. The king has gone.”

“No, not like that. All over again.” And so on. Thus, the presenter portrays himself as a very picky director who forces everyone to do everything again. You can repeat it by changing the genre.

Role-playing game: “Home”

Target: development of attention and speed of reaction, unloading.

Time: 8-10 min.

Number of participants: from 6 to 20.

Location: any.

Host: “Let's build a house! The house has a roof, right? Who wants to be the roof? Who wants to be the walls (2 people)?

There is a window in the house, isn't there? Who wants to be a window? And a fluffy cat sits by the window all the time... Who will be the cat?

Standing alone on the window big cactus...Who will be the cactus?

The cat sits and sees that it has suddenly started to rain. Who is our rain?

A cat came out onto the porch... Who's on our porch? ...take a closer look. She saw a frog. Who's the frog? Then the wind appeared and drove away the rain, etc.” (the fairy tale must have a good ending).

There should be enough roles for everyone or almost everyone.

The game creates a cheerful, but not very excited mood, and is also an indicator of the situation in the group - people most often choose a role that is consonant with their internal state(therefore, the roles should be of different types so that everyone finds the right one for themselves).

9-11 years

This age is characterized by internal balance, cheerfulness, and a desire for active activity. At this age, children easily come into contact with peers and adults.

They are very receptive to all sorts of rituals, they are fascinated Team work. But they definitely need success and encouragement; if they fail, they lose interest in activities.

For this age the most suitable would be role-playing games, competitions.

12-15 years

Around the age of 12-13, a child becomes a teenager, and this means a lot for himself and for the people around him. As a result of all the physiological and emotional changes, the teenager’s attention turns to himself. He becomes more sensitive and shy. He gets upset over the slightest defect, exaggerating its significance (a girl with freckles may think that they disfigure her). Small feature the structure of his body or the functioning of his body immediately convinces the boy that he is not like everyone else, that he is worse than others. A teenager changes so quickly that it is difficult for him to figure out what he is. His movements become angular because he cannot yet control his new body as easily as before; similarly, at first it is difficult for him to manage his new feelings. The teenager is easily offended by comments. At some moments he feels like an adult, wise from life experience and wants others to treat him accordingly. But the next minute he feels like a child and feels the need for protection and maternal affection.

To a kind word and an offer to help, a teenager will often respond with ostentatious rudeness and coldness, but for a long time they will remember how he was praised as the most responsible in the squad and was told that he could become a good athlete in the future.

Boys and especially girls fall in love with different people, most often literary and film characters, and not necessarily of the opposite sex. For example, a boy may admire his teacher, a girl may fall madly in love with her teacher or a literary heroine. This is because for many years, girls and boys stuck to the company of their own sex and considered members of the opposite sex to be their natural enemies. This barrier is being overcome slowly. When a teenager first dares to entertain tender thoughts about a person of the opposite sex, it usually turns out to be a movie star. After a while, boys and girls hanging out together begin to dream about each other, but even then it will be a long time before the shyest ones find the courage to express their affection to their faces.

You can help kids express their affection openly through play. A great way is to hold a grand show “Love at first sight” at the end of the shift.

Another feature of this age is the formation of one’s own point of view. A person at that age has his own opinion about everything. He strives to determine his place in the team, and is very worried about what others think of him.

It is common for teenagers to form informal groups.

Dating games


Target: development of attention, familiarity.

Time: 10-15 min.

Number of participants: from 10 to 40.

Location: any, but participants must sit together in a circle.

The counselor explains the rules: “Friends, now we will try to get to know everyone together. To do this, you need to be very attentive. The rules of our game are as follows: the first person says his name. His neighbor says the name of the first and his. The neighbor of the neighbor says the name of the first, the second and his . And so on".

1 person Peter;

2 people Petya, Vasya;

3 people Petya, Vasya, Lena;

4 people Petya, Vasya, Lena, Olya...

It is advisable that the counselor be the last and correctly name all the children’s names without errors (winning the favor of the group).

Variants of this game:

1. say your name and make some movement;

2. name + word with which you are associated;

3. name + word, object that you like starting with the same letter.


Target: development of communication skills, acquaintance.

Time: 60 min.

Number of participants: from 24 to 30.

Venue: in a spacious room.

Materials: sheets of paper with a picture of a large clock for each group member, pens, 14 conversation topics prepared in advance.

The presenter gives each participant a watch. A few minutes are given for everyone to make appointments for each other at a certain time and write down the name of their friend next to the certain time. You can't date the same person twice.

All show hours with filled divisions.

The counselor announces: “It’s one o’clock in the afternoon and at one o’clock in the afternoon we talk about what kind of music we like. You have 3 minutes.” The guys find a person with whom they have an appointment for an hour and chat with him about music.

“And now it’s 2 o’clock. And we’re talking about how we were getting ready for camp yesterday and what our relatives told us goodbye,” etc.

Tell me about your neighbor

Target: acquaintance.

Time: 60 min (depending on the number of participants).

Number of participants: from 10 to 30.

Age: from 12 years old.

Location: in a spacious room.

The guys are sitting in a circle. The counselor invites them to look carefully at their neighbor on the right and try to guess what he is like in life (or what he was like at 5 years old, what he will be like when he is 30 years old). Then everyone tells.

Educational games

Games for concentration

The age is not limited, the number of participants is not limited, the duration is usually no more than five minutes. Such games are good to play at the beginning of such an activity, when you need to attract the attention of children.


All participants sit in a circle. The task is to clap everyone's hands in turn as quickly as possible so that it happens very, very quickly.


All participants sit in a circle. The leader sets the rhythm by clapping his hands. The guys must repeat this rhythm in a circle, provided that everyone claps only once.


Host: "Let's listen to the silence... Count the sounds in this room. How many? What?" The guys name the sounds they heard. It's better to start with what you've heard the least.

"Count the sounds outside the room, on the street..."


The presenter shows with his hands different number fingers at a good pace. Everyone calls in chorus.

Games for attentiveness and observation

How many?

Host: “Count how many objects starting with the letter “p” (“r”, “l”, etc.) are in this room.” We call them one by one. Items should not be repeated. The one who lasts the longest wins.

Look for him

Playing with words. Participants are offered a short word. They must remember and write down in a certain time as many words as possible that contain this word. For example: poppy - hammock, cuff, relish, macaque.

Then a competition is held, everyone takes turns reading out. Can be done by command.

“Oh yes I am”(or “Kva-kva”, “Karamba” and anything else)

Presenter: “We will now take turns calling the numbers in order, but instead of numbers that are divisible by 3 (5, 7, 4) and contain three in their spelling, we will say “Karamba” (for example: 1, 2, Karamba, 4, Karamba, 7, 8, Karamba, 10, 11, Karamba, Karamba, 14,...). The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game."

You can complicate the task - take two numbers and say one word with one number, and another with the other, if they come together, then both words (for example: (numbers 3 and 5): 1, 2, Karamba, 4, Kva, Karamba , 7, 8, Karamba, Kva, 11, Karamba, Karamba, 14, Karamba-Kva [the number 15 is divided by 3 and 5],...)

Do you remember there?

Target: development of mindfulness.

Time: from 20 minutes (until you get bored).

Number of participants: from 4 to 10.

Age: from 8 years.

Location: board or floor game.

Materials: About 40 cardboard cards with the same design on every two of them (that is, 20 pairs of designs). You can make it from old magazines with your children.

Everyone sits in a circle and places the cards face up first in the center. For one minute, everyone looks carefully and tries to remember the location of the cards. Then the cards are turned over. The guys take turns walking. You can turn over any two cards in one move. If they have the same pattern, the player takes them for himself and plays again. If not, he turns them over again.

The one who has the most cards at the end of the game wins.

Target: development of mindfulness.

Time: OK. 20 minutes.

Number of participants: from 5 to 40.

Age: from 12 years old.

Location: any (participants sit in a circle).

Important! "disposable" game.

Several volunteers who have never played this game leave the room for one minute. Everyone else agrees that they will answer about their right neighbor (MPS = my right neighbor). Upon returning, the driver is told: “Now we have all made a wish for a person from our group. You need to guess who it is and decipher his code name MPS.”

Games to develop creative thinking


Target: development of imagination, theatrical abilities.

Time: 40 min.

Number of participants: from 6 to 20.

Age: from 10 years.

Location: in room.

Important! The number of participants is limited, since the performance of skits takes a lot of time.

Host: “You have a dialogue:

What's happened?

Are you crazy?

What exactly is the matter?


Come up with and show a situation in which these words can be spoken."

After everything, you can compare them - how different and similar they are.

Unity games


Target: group cohesion.

Time: 5-10 min.

Number of participants: from 10 to 20.

Age: from 10 years.

Location: any.

Everyone stands opposite each other, and each one takes his neighbor's hand by the thumb. Your neighbor's thumb will be the joystick. The first in the chain extends his hand forward over the table. A small object (coin, earring, etc.) is placed on the table. Everyone closes their eyes except the last team member. He controls the “joystick”, transmitting the command to the first through the other participants. The goal of the first one is to place his finger exactly on the object on the table.

The game can be played in the form of a competition. If you decide to make this game a competition, be sure to appoint independent judges so that no one cheats.


Target: creating and maintaining a friendly atmosphere in the team.

Time: from one evening to several days ( the game is on in parallel with other camp activities).

Number of participants: from 15 people.

Age: from 10 years.

Materials: mailbox and several sheets of colored cardboard.

Each participant in the game receives a number (this is his address). You need to make a business card with your name and number and be sure to wear it. Everyone can write different funny notes to everyone and put them in a box. Distribution of mail occurs either publicly, or with the help of special postmen (pre-selected) it is delivered directly into the hands of the addressee. The counselors should “warm up” the game by writing various funny and kind notes to as many children as possible.


Target: unity of the group, preserving the memory of the camp.

Time: whole shift.

Number of participants: squad.

Age: any.

Materials: paper, paints, markers.

This event can be called a camp tradition rather than a game. During the shift, the guys write together in the chronicle new page. They write down what happened, who distinguished themselves, and make illustrations. The main thing is not to forget to set aside time for her at least once every two days. Unfortunately, the chronicle is created in only one copy and therefore, in order to avoid offense, the counselor takes it for himself.


Target: group unity, creating a warm atmosphere.

Time: 5-10 min.

Number of participants: from 10 to 30.

Age: any.

Materials: ball.

Participants must throw the ball to each other and say: “Hello! You look nice today"; “ Good morning! I’m glad to see you so happy!”...

Games to identify the leader



Time: 5-10 min.

Number of participants: from 6 to 20.

Age: from 10 years.

Location: any.

Materials: rope about 6 meters long. Tie its ends so that a ring is formed (the length of the rope depends on the number of participants).

Participants stand in a circle and grab the rope, which is located inside the circle, with both hands.

Exercise: “Now everyone needs to close their eyes and, without opening their eyes, without letting go of the rope, build a triangle.”

First, there is a pause and complete inaction of the guys, then one of the participants suggests some kind of solution: for example, pay off and then build a triangle according to serial numbers, and then directs the actions.

The practice of this game shows that leaders usually take on these functions.

You can continue the game, complicating the task, and invite the children to build a square, star, hexagon, rhombus.


Target: group unity, identifying a leader.

Time: 5-10 min.

Number of participants: from 8 to 20.

Age: from 13 years old.

Location: spacious room.

Presenter: “You have 4 types of movements: arms up, sit down, come to the center, spread out along the walls. Your task is to maximum number people did the same thing."

Careful observation of the group allows you to find out who drops out, who is the leader, who obeys.

Calm games


Target: concentration.

Time: 5-10 min.

Number of participants: from 6 to 20.

Age: from 10 years.

Location: any.

We sit in a circle. Everyone chooses an object and begins to mentally describe it. The counselor accidentally calls someone, and he begins to voice his story out loud, from the place where he was mentally when he was called. You can ask the same person twice so that people don’t stop thinking.

Big games

We call big games in which the entire camp or at least several squads can participate. Here are the actual camp games (don't get me wrong). We would also like to remind you that any television game can be adapted to the conditions of the camp, and it goes well, since many of the children already know its rules, and have long wanted to participate. We mean such games as "Two Pianos" (in the camp a black and white piano will replace two blankets, and you can sing without accompaniment), "Field of Miracles", "What? Where? When?" (only the questions need to be simpler - special collections of simple questions have now been published for fans of this game and children), “Love at First Sight”, “The Seventh Sense”, “Finest Hour”, “Leonid Yarmolnik’s Gold Rush”, etc. and so on. The main thing is to highlight the main idea of ​​a particular game and not get hung up on technical difficulties.

Search for treasure

Target: strengthening physical health children, development of intelligence, ability to work together.

Time: 60 min.

Number of participants: from 8 to 40.

Age: from 7 years.

Location: the entire camp area.

Materials: several sheets of paper, one prize.

Preparing the game: The counselor writes notes that covertly (in verse, allegorically, encrypted) describe places in the camp. Each new note sends participants to the next one. Then the counselor must hide these notes in certain places in the camp. Now you can start the game.

Each team receives the first message and sets off on a signal. Each team runs along its own route, but there is only one note with the “treasure”. You must go through all the stages. At the end the most quick command finds the final note with the inscription “Treasure” and goes to the counselor for the prize. Optimal number of teams: 3-4.

Tour of the camp, the building and its surroundings.

Target: introduce children to their territory so that they know the location of all objects that are important to them.

Time: 60 min.

Number of participants: from 8 to 40.

Age: from 7 years old.

Location: the entire camp area.

A tour of the camp is held at the very beginning of the shift. It will be much more interesting for the children if the counselors organize this walk into a fun theatrical performance full of secrets and interesting meetings. The legend needs to be thought out in advance (some New Year's version would work well). Children are divided into groups according to the number of instructors. All other adults can be made into goblins, ghosts, Santa Clauses, etc.


Target: keep children occupied and entertained, teach them to work as a team independently (without an instructor).

Time: 3 hours.

Number of participants: several units.

Age: from 12 years old.

Location: the entire camp area.

Materials: a lot of paper, whatman paper, markers, paints, tape, glue, brushes, pens, pencils, old newspapers, etc.

People: The chief secretary of the headquarters, “interesting people” (there should be at least 3 people, if there are few adults, you can involve older guys in this), at least one free instructor who goes through the groups from time to time and monitors the state of affairs.

The game is aimed at all children of the camp at once. Each unit is asked to create a newspaper.

Beginning of the game: everyone gathers in the common room. They are divided into groups (if there are no clearly defined patrols or detachments). By lot, they receive the topic of their future newspaper.

Rules of the game: Chief Secretary of the headquarters: “Now you will have exactly 2 hours at your disposal to create your newspaper. Your task is to make sure that your newspaper is the very best. In 10 minutes, this room will become the information headquarters for the game. Here you can find out about where and when will meetings with interesting people be held, with whom you can interview.For work, you will now need to take all the materials for preparing the newspaper, settle down at your workplace, select journalists, proofreaders, scribes, editor, etc. Not forget that in order for the newspaper to be read, you also need to advertising campaign. So, now we ask the groups to inform the chief secretary of the headquarters of the topics of your newspapers and go. Time has passed!

For the first hour or hour and a half of the game, they have to send journalists to different parts of the camp to meet different interesting people ( interesting people portrayed by counselors and other adults). Information about meetings appears at headquarters and should change literally every 10-15 minutes.

The second hour of the game is devoted purely to designing and writing the text of the newspaper. During the game, children conduct an advertising campaign, reconnaissance forays into other editorial offices, etc.

The end date of the game must be set clearly and clearly. By this moment, all newspapers should be hanging in the common room. If the guys don't make it in time, they are not allowed to hang up the newspaper (usually this doesn't happen).

Break. Everyone reads the rivals' newspapers.

An independent commission awards prizes in several categories.


Target: creating a friendly atmosphere in the children's team.

Time: from one evening to 3 days.

Number of participants: from 10 to 60 people.

Age: from 8 years.

Location: the entire camp area.

Beginning of the game: everyone writes their first and last name on a piece of paper, rolls it into a tube and puts it in their hat. Instructors must also participate in the game in order to spur the children’s imagination. They can play in their own circle or with children together.

After the hat is full, the notes in it are mixed, and everyone takes out a note from it. The person whose name is written on the note becomes a Giant for pulling it out. And for him he becomes a good Dwarf.

During the game, the gnome must give his giant good surprises, but so that he cannot guess who he is.

The game takes place in parallel with other events, but you need to remember about it and tell the whole camp about the funniest tricks of the Dwarves (well, for example, they put things in order in the Giant’s room, hung a dress on the chandelier, gave a bouquet of flowers through third parties, etc.)

At the end of the game, a ball is held at which each Dwarf gives his Giant a gift personally. This ball smoothly turns into a disco.


Target: relax actively, repeat acquired knowledge.

Time: 3 hours.

Number of participants: several units.

Age: from 10 years.

Location: Big hall.

People: leading. The presenter should have a list of questions (with reserve), rules, location of squads in the hall, location of chairs, prizes, games and chips. A scorekeeper who monitors the progress of the game very carefully and does not allow injustice. He must have a scoreboard with the current score, and he must also write down the situation for himself after each round. Musical breaks must be thought out. Accordingly, there is a musical technician. A support group wouldn't hurt. All other counselors must sit with their squads and lead them.

Before the game starts:

All units are located in a circle in strictly defined places. Circles are drawn in the center according to the number of units. Each group is given pieces of paper and pens. The guys choose a scribe, he writes the name of his squad on each piece of paper in advance. Each circle has a number. Everyone got ready. Begin!

Start and progress of the game:

The facilitator asks questions (most often these are questions about what was discussed in the previous days of the camp). The guys must write the answer quickly and legibly, and the fastest from the squad runs to the first circle. If the place in the first circle is taken, he stands in the second and raises his hand. If the second one is busy, go to the third one, etc. Assistants take the answers and help the accountant summarize. Questions can range from 10 to...

The game usually takes place in the late afternoon, but not very late. In order for this game to go well, you need a lively leader who reacts to the situation, good musical breaks, lively leaders in the squads and a fair summing up. Yes, the most important thing is a lot of prizes! Almost everyone!

Station game.

A special place among big games The game takes place by station. It is distinguished by its versatility. Its appearance can be completely changed by changing the theme and form of presentation. But for this game to be successful, you need to determine the main points of its implementation: Goal. Subject. Place. Materials. Methods of implementation. Time.


1. entertain,

2. teach

3. create a mood,

4. make you think,

5. calm down.


Find out for yourself.


The location should be consistent with the theme and purpose.


The main thing and, perhaps, the only thing: the materials must be thought out in advance and should be there.

Methods of implementation.

The counselor himself does not participate in the game, he only organizes the children.

There must be a plan for the movement of groups over time. This plan must be followed, otherwise the movement of everyone will be disrupted.

One or two counselors should specifically ensure that no one gets lost, so that each group knows where to go.

If the stations are far from each other, you need to think about what to do along the way.

There are two options for playing the game at stations: counselors go to squads, squads go to squad places to visit other squads.

Download material

See the downloadable file for the full text of the material.
The page contains only a fragment of the material.


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