Full and short forms of adjectives. Forms of adjectives

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    When choosing one of the two named forms in the function of the predicate, one should take into account the differences between them.

  1. The semantic difference is expressed in the fact that some short forms of adjectives differ sharply in their meaning from the corresponding full ones. Wed: deaf from birth - deaf to requests; the child is very much alive - the old man is still alive; the method is very good - the guy is good-looking. Wed. also the lack of use in short form of individual adjectives expressing permanent property objects or characteristics that serve as terminological designations: Opposite wall deaf; fresh flowers in a vase etc.

    Some short forms are used sparingly. So, they are usually not used when denoting weather, for example: the days were warm, the wind will be cold, the weather is fine.

    The names of some colors or not at all are used in the short form ( blue, brown, pink, purple etc.), or are used with known restrictions. Thus, there are almost no masculine forms drill, blue, black(with the use of feminine and neuter gender and plural forms).

    In phraseological units, in some cases only full forms were fixed, in others only short forms. Wed:

    A) the situation is hopeless, the time is hot, the hand is light and etc.;

    b) everyone is alive and well, the bribes are smooth, the matter is bad, dear to the heart, the hands are short, the conscience is unclean and etc.

  2. Long forms usually denote a permanent attribute, a timeless quality, and short forms -
    temporary symptom, short-lived condition; compare: mother is sick - mother is sick; his movements are calm - his face is calm etc.

    This provision is not categorical. Wed:

    1) At that moment he was very worried, his face was red(the full form, although a temporary sign is indicated, is affected by the limited use of the short form of the adjective denoting color, see above);

    2) Our land is rich, but there is no order in it(short form, although indicated constant sign; Such constructions are used in scientific statements, definitions, and descriptions, for example: space is infinite; our youth are very talented, the girl is young and beautiful; these demands are unacceptable and so on.).

    The third option is the full form in the instrumental case, indicating, like the short form, a temporary feature, but between the last two forms in the context shades of semantic difference are revealed. Wed:

    He was old(constant sign).

    He was old when I met him(a sign in relation to a given moment).

    He was old when I knew him(a characteristic limited to a certain period).

  3. In other cases, the long form denotes an absolute attribute not related to a specific situation, and the short form denotes a relative attribute in relation to a specific situation. Typically this distinction appears in adjectives denoting size, weight, etc., the short form indicating insufficiency or excess. Wed: the room is low(sign in general) – the room is low(for high furniture); the note is heavy(regardless of who will carry it) – the note is heavy(for a weak person, for a child). Wed. Also: boots are too small, gloves are too big, the corridor is narrow, coat is short and so on.
  4. The grammatical (syntactic) difference between both forms is that the short form has the ability of syntactic control, and the full form, used in nominative case, does not have this ability, for example: he is capable of music, we are ready to leave, the child is prone to colds, she was sick with the flu(using the full form in these examples is not possible). Found in fiction constructions with the presence of controlled words in full form are associated with a stylistic task (introducing vernacular coloring into the statement), for example: I am no longer capable of such a burden; Old man... on easy language and entertaining.
  5. The stylistic difference between both forms is expressed in the fact that the short form is characterized by a shade of categoricalness, while the full form is characterized by a shade of softened expression. Wed: he is cunning - he is cunning, she is brave - she is brave etc. The short form is often inherent in book language, the full form - in spoken language. Wed: The conclusions and conclusions of the author of the study are clear and accurate. – Student answers are clear and precise.. Wed. use of the short form in book and written speech: Every field of activity is infinitely diverse...(Belinsky); True wisdom is laconic(L. Tolstoy); Our speech is predominantly aphoristic...(Bitter).

    You can choose between the short form and the long form in the instrumental case, for example: became rich - became rich, became famous - became famous.

    Wed. with some linking verbs:

    I would like to be of service to you. – I can't be of any use to your son.

    His babble became unintelligible. – He quickly got drunk and became chatty.

    Grandfather was noticeably becoming greedy. – The silence became painful.

    The corporal turned out to be extremely naive in his admiration for the captain’s activities. – The supply of raw materials in the laboratory turned out to be quite significant.

    In modern language, the second option predominates. But with a linking verb be The construction with a short form is more common. Wed: he was young - he was young, she was beautiful - she was beautiful.

  6. As a rule, either only full or only short forms of adjectives act as homogeneous predicates, for example:

    A) October was unusually cold and stormy(Paustovsky); I was young, ardent, sincere, intelligent...(Chekhov);

    b) The open neck is thin and delicate(A N. Tolstoy); The power of sailors is unstoppable, persistent, purposeful(L. Sobolev).

    The following constructions violate the norm: “He is kind, but weak-willed”; “The views are original, although primitive at their core” (in both cases the forms of adjectives should be unified).

    Only in special conditions context or with a stylistic task, it is possible to combine both forms as syntactically homogeneous, for example: How sweet she is, how smart she is(Turgenev) – if there are words How And So Only the short form is used, if there are words Which And such– only full form.

  7. When politely addressed as “you”, a short form is possible (you are kind, you are persistent), or complete, consistent in gender with the real gender of the person to whom the speech is addressed (you are kind, you are so persistent).

§ 160. Variant forms of short adjectives

  1. From doublet forms of short adjectives (on -en and on -enen ), formed from complete forms with unstruck -ny , in neutral styles of speech the form is increasingly fixed on -en . These are, for example:
  2. Short adjectives are differentiated into -enen and short participles -en . Wed:

    the case is quite certain(clear) – The departure date has already been determined(installed, scheduled);

    the old man is very respectable(worthy of respect) - The hero of the day is honored by our attention(he was honored with attention).

  3. Some adjectives in the short form have a fluent vowel between the final consonant of the root and the suffix, while others have no fluent vowel in these cases. Wed:

    A) sour - sour, light - light, warm - warm;

    b) round - round, wet - wet, dark - dark, rotten - rotten.

    Doublet forms possible: spicy - spicy And sharp(colloquial); full - full And full(book, outdated).

§ 161. Forms of degrees of comparison of adjectives

  1. Simple form comparative degree used in all speech styles, in particular in colloquial speech, and complexity is mainly characteristic of book (scientific and business) speech. Wed. household: brother is taller than sister, this house is taller than the neighboring one; and book: Foreign trade growth rates this year are higher than last year. Wed. Also: Olya was more serious than Nina. – Further experiments were more complex than previous ones.

    Book and colloquial versions of the simple form of the comparative degree are possible, for example: smarter - smarter, louder - louder, smarter - smarter, sweeter - sweeter, sharper - smarter. From the word young a form is formed younger (under has the meaning “lower in position, in rank, in rank”). The form is clearly colloquial more beautiful.

    Conversational nature is inherent in expressions lives better than before(meaning “better than before”), more tired than yesterday(“more than yesterday”), etc.

    Form of comparative degree on -to her (hurry up, boldly etc.) is used in spoken language and in poetic speech.

    The combination in one construction of a simple and complex form of a comparative degree such as “more interesting” does not correspond to the norms of literary language; Wed quite common expressions better position, worse habits etc. The combination is not objectionable older.

    Forms with prefix By- , introducing the added value of a small degree of increase or decrease in quality, are characteristic of colloquial speech, for example: do better, get taller, wake up earlier etc. (cf. in business speech: a little better, a little higher, a little earlier). Combinations like: tell me a little more in detail(in the very form “in more detail” the meaning “a few, a little” is already contained). The forms of the comparative degree with the prefix have the same colloquial connotation By- and in other meanings: 1) in the meaning “to a greater extent than usual”, for example: My business, if you look at it, is more important than this piano(Paustovsky); 2) in the meaning “as far as possible”, for example: Having chosen a more spacious porch, we sat on it(Soloukhin).

    In adverbial pairs more - more, less - less, further - further, earlier - earlier first options (on -her ) are characteristic of book speech, the second (in -she ) are used in neutral styles. Wed: all the more so it is necessary to emphasize this, to speak more than seriously - wait more than two hours. The same distinction is made in pairs later - later.

  2. Simple form superlatives(unlike the same form of the comparative degree) has a bookish character, and the complex form is used in all styles of speech; compare: highest peaks knowledge is the most high buildings in the city; the strictest penalties - the strictest teachers in the boarding school.

    An outdated connotation is inherent in constructions formed by combining the word most with a superlative adjective (in the form of -greatest -the greatest the expression of the limiting characteristic has already been concluded); Such constructions were found among writers of the 19th century, for example: by itself best price (Gogol); one of the most honest people(Aksakov); the most convincing evidence(Belinsky); most honored guest(Dostoevsky). They were used less frequently in later times: the most valuable energy(Bitter); in the most impudent way(Novikov-Priboy); citizens of the most remote places(Mayakovsky); the oldest of our circle(Surkov). Nowadays, single expressions of this type are preserved: the closest way, the shortest road, the closest way and a few others.

    Should be distinguished complex shape superlative degree, containing a pronoun most(in cases where a high degree of quality is expressed without comparison, the so-called absolute superlative degree), and a form with adverbs most, least(relative superlative degree; the latter form is characteristic primarily of scientific and journalistic speech), for example: the most suitable conditions - the most suitable conditions. Therefore, the option in the sentence was chosen unsuccessfully: “All this requires the most serious approach to the matter from the meeting participants” (instead of: ... the most serious approach to business, since a high degree is expressed without comparing the carriers of the characteristic).

§ 162. Use of possessive adjectives

    To express possessiveness (the meaning of belonging), there are several forms that differ in semantic and stylistic shades.

  1. -ov(-ev), -in(-yn) are not used in scientific and journalistic language and are found only in colloquial speech and in fiction, for example: Morgunok himself, like everyone else, at first did not believe in his grandfather’s words(Tvardovsky); About twenty minutes later these neighbors were called to the old woman's hut(Kazakevich).

    Wed. colloquial expressions with a double expression of belonging: the genitive case of the noun and the possessive adjective ( to Uncle Petya's house, in Aunt Mashina's jacket) or two possessive adjectives ( Aunt Lizin's husband).

    Possible endings in the genitive and dative cases for masculine and neuter adjectives in -in ; compare: near grandfather's house - near grandfather's house; to the neighbor's son - to the neighbor's son. Short forms (with endings -a, -y ) are obsolete and have been in use for a long time literary language are replaced by forms with a complete ending ( -oh, -oh ).

    Forms are outdated -s(-s) , formed from surnames: instead Marx's "Capital", Hegel's "Logic", Dalev's "Dictionary" combinations with the genitive case of the noun are used - “Capital” by Marx, “Logic” by Hegel, “Dictionary” by Dahl. The specified forms are saved, as well as forms on -in in formations from personal names ( Ivan's childhood, Vera's dolls) and in stable phraseological combinations, entrenched in the language ( Adam's apple, Antonov fire, pansies, Ariadne's thread, Achilles' heel, Judas's kiss, Promethean fire, Sisyphus's work, Solomon's solution and etc.).

  2. When choosing options in synonymous constructions father's house - father's house It should be taken into account that adjectives in -sky (-ovsky, -insky) more often express qualitative meaning; compare: fatherly care, motherly love.
  3. Possessive adjectives on -new, -different denote not individual, but group affiliation - belonging to a whole class or breed of animals, for example: whalebone, Ivory, snake venom, bee sting. Such forms easily lose their possessive meaning and acquire a qualitative or relative meaning (an expression of property, similarity, relationship to someone, etc.), for example: beaver collar, mink coat, snake cunning, eagle vigilance. Wed. phraseological units: night blindness, a swan song and etc.
  4. Adjectives on -y, -ya, -ye also express group affiliation or characteristic, attitude, etc., for example: Cossack village, fishing village, camel's wool, swan fluff, bear fat. These forms often acquire a qualitative-relative meaning, for example: ravenous appetite, hare cowardice, fox cunning, hunting dog, shepherd's horn.

§ 163. Synonymous use of adjectives and indirect cases of nouns

    Adjectives and nouns of the same root with them in indirect cases without prepositions or with prepositions can perform the same function of definition, for example: fathers' house - father's house, mountain peak - mountain top, bookcase - bookcase, spelling exercises - spelling exercises. When choosing one of the two parallel structures one should take into account the shades of meaning and stylistic features inherent in them in the context (book or colloquial version, shade of obsolescence, expressive coloring).

  1. In pairs factory workers - factory workers, student's work - student's work, garden trellis - garden trellis the first combinations have a more specific meaning (meaning the workers of the factory in question, the work of a particular student, the lattice of a certain garden), and the second have a more general meaning; in the first version two objects are named, in the second - an object and its attribute. Wed. in the context:

    Factory workers finished their shift. – Factory workers make up high percent people engaged in physical labor;

    The student's work was rated as good. – The story under review is far from a mature work; it is still student work;

    The garden trellis is painted in green color . – Garden trellis encloses and protects green spaces.

    My brother's help was very timely. – They gave me truly brotherly help.

  2. Defining adjectives have the meaning of a qualitative characteristic, indicate a distinctive feature of an object, characteristic and stable, and nouns in indirect cases highlight any specific meaning (belonging, origin, purpose, etc.). Wed:

    father's house - father's house(accessory);

    company commander - company commander(relationship between objects);

    water pipe - water pipe(relationship of part to whole);

    emerald color - emerald color(definitive relations);

    morning exercises - exercises in the morning(circumstantial relations);

    Moroccan oranges – oranges from Morocco(origin);

    laboratory equipment – ​​laboratory equipment(purpose);

    bronze chandelier – bronze chandelier(material);

    raspberry jam – raspberry jam(substance);

    watch chain - watch chain(separate relations: one object is called in isolation from another).

    Depending on the context, one of the above options is selected. In general terms, it can be stated that combinations of an adjective and a noun are used more often than combinations of two nouns.

    So, the usual designs wool muffler(not “wool muffler”), leather gloves(not “leather gloves”), allowing you to point out characteristic feature subject, and not just the material.

    Combinations are also common Georgian wines(and not “wines from Georgia”), Pacific herring(not “herring from the Pacific Ocean”), Orenburg shawl(and not “a scarf from Orenburg”), since it is more important to give a qualitative description of the item than to indicate its origin. Wed. breaking this last connection in such combinations as Riga bread, Poltava sausage, safety pin and so on.

    More common combinations Kids toys(not “toys for children”), writing paper(not “writing paper”), Desktop(and not “desk for work”), since they show not only the purpose, but also the distinctive feature of the object.

    However, it should be noted that in some cases each of the two options has its own advantages. Yes, in pairs climb with the agility of a monkey – climb with the agility of a monkey the first construction is supported by its wider applicability (the concept of “monkey agility” is broader than the concept of “monkey agility”, since both humans and animals can demonstrate this dexterity); The second construction is supported by its imagery: we not only define the word dexterity, but also evoke the idea of ​​the bearer of the trait - a monkey. In addition, the second construction has richer expressive possibilities, since it allows you to more fully and accurately characterize the dependent noun with the help of an adjective that defines it; compare: howl of wolves - howl of hungry wolves(which cannot be done when combining wolf howl).

    Wed. also the justification of each option in a pair: I knocked and took the door handle . – There was a door handle on the table.

  3. Parallel phrases can diverge in their meanings and express different meanings. Wed:

    The enlarged village has real city streets(not “city streets”). – Before the advent of electricity in Moscow, the streets of the city were lit by gas jets(not “city streets”);

    A new urban center has been created in the region. – After reconstruction, we have created a new city center.

  4. Combinations with a qualifying adjective can have a figurative meaning (cf. his body was covered with goosebumps, his crane-like gait was funny, he moved at a snail’s pace), metaphorical use ( a man on thin, birdlike legs).

The adjective is one of the main ones used by its speakers constantly. It has a number of indicators, so before answering the question of how an adjective changes, it is necessary to clarify what exactly should be understood by this part of speech.

The term “adjective” appeared in the Russian language quite a long time ago, and it was derived from the Latin word adjectivum, which translated means “adding.” That is why the lexical meaning of the word “adjective” should be considered “a name that is attached to a noun.”

In general, an adjective denotes a lexico-grammatical class of word forms that denote a non-procedural attribute of an object. Lexical meaning in in this case expressed using inflectional categories. Adjectives in a sentence have their own syntactic function - definition, especially difficult cases they are a compound nominal predicate.

Adjective: three in one

Speaking about the adjective, it is worth noting three understandings of this term. According to the first, this part of speech should include adjectives themselves, adjective pronouns, participles and ordinal numbers. The lexical meaning of these words (a feature of the subject) is supplemented with new shades. This point of view is called a broad understanding of the adjective.

There is a formal position of the moderate type, in which only adjectives themselves and ordinal numbers are included under adjectives. This point of view was popular in the 60-70s of the 20th century, until it gave way to a broad understanding, actively lobbied by Russian Grammar-80.

With a narrow understanding of the adjective name, only adjectives themselves are included in it. Many linguists prefer to adhere to this approach, since only it takes into account all the features with the help of which a particular part of speech is distinguished. It is on the basis of this point of view that the adjective is analyzed today.

How does an adjective change?

The adjective has a number of morphological categories with the help of which it can be changed if necessary. All these categories are dependent on other parts of speech; the ending of an adjective is a universal morpheme that can indicate inflectional categories.

Adjectives change according to gender, number and case, and when the word becomes plural, the gender disappears as unnecessary. Most often, the inflectional categories of an adjective can be clarified using its ending in combination with the ending of a noun. Sometimes it happens that an adjective is used with and in the end get full information about the word is not possible. In this case, the meaning of the gender, number and case of the noun will depend on the ending of the adjective. The number of the adjective plays a role here important role, since it affects all indicators at once.

Short and long forms of adjectives

Most adjectives have a short and a long form. During the existence of the Old Church Slavonic (Old Russian) language, short forms had priority, but now the situation has changed exactly the opposite.

Adjectives in their full form are most often placed before a noun, in which case they play the role of a determiner in a sentence. If the full adjective appears after a noun, it is most often a nominal part of a compound nominal predicate. If there is no verb in the sentence, the adjective takes on the role of the predicate.

Most often they are located after the noun, in this case they play the role of the nominal part of a compound nominal predicate. If a sentence has a predicate expressed by a verb, a short adjective can play the function of a separate agreed definition.

Short forms of adjectives (qualitative)

Some qualitative adjectives have retained a short form, these are the remnants of the active use of this phenomenon in the Old Russian language. These forms usually denote temporary features that may be applicable to a particular situation, in addition, they can convey a softened categorical assessment of a particular feature.

The short form is formed using the stems of full adjectives, to which gender endings should be added. When forming short masculine adjectives, an alternation of the letters “o” and “e” with a zero sound may appear; this phenomenon is a consequence of the fall of the reduced ones.

It is important to be able to distinguish short forms from truncated adjectives, which are actively used in folklore and fiction. Short adjectives capable of being only qualitative and changing only in gender and number, they are most often used in postposition in relation to a noun.

Adjective categories

To understand how an adjective changes, it is necessary to touch upon its lexical and grammatical categories. Qualitative adjectives can denote the qualities of people, objects and animals, color characteristics, and also give a general assessment of any phenomenon discussed in the sentence.

Relative adjectives differ in that they express the attribute of an object indirectly, through their attitude to the object or some action. They are used to indicate attitudes toward persons, animals, objects, actions, concepts, places, times and numbers. Lexical meaning is conveyed using special suffixes.

Possessive adjectives are the most difficult category. In the broad sense of the word, it includes adjectives with possessive suffixes, in a narrow sense - a part of speech must simultaneously have two characteristics - a suffix and an individual affiliation with a person or object.

How to analyze an adjective?

Morphological analysis of an adjective is a fairly simple procedure that can be completed in a few minutes. The analysis scheme works the same for both school and university levels, so it will not cause any difficulties or additional hassle. If necessary, you can consult linguistic reference books.

In the analysis, it is necessary to indicate: the word form, whether the word form belongs to the part of speech, the categorical meaning, the initial form + a question to it, and a semantic question. Next, you need to indicate all lexical and grammatical indicators and the type of declension (with indicators). For qualitative adjectives, you will need to indicate comparatives and short forms (with evidence in the form of indicators). Next, you need to note by what nominal indicators the adjective agrees with number, case), and indicate it syntactic function in a sentence.

Unstressed endings of adjectives

Quite often a situation arises when it is very difficult to check, since it is unstressed. In this case, you will need to use a whole series of questions (which one? which one? which one? which one? which ones?). You should also remember about exceptions - adjectives ending in “-ы”, “-ь”, “-я”, “-й”, in most forms they are preceded by soft sign: rabbit, rabbit, rabbit.

The exception is the nominative and accusative singular masculine forms. If the adjective was formed from the name of a month, the soft sign will be preserved: July - July.

How is an adjective learned?

Previously, the deadline for learning the adjective (3rd grade) did not suit everyone, which is why children today learn about parts of speech much earlier than previous generations. An adjective is much easier to learn because it is closely related to another part of speech - a noun, and even has similar grammatical indicators.

To learn how an adjective changes, you need to make every effort in class and listen carefully to your teacher. However, if a child accidentally missed a lesson and it is now very difficult for him to catch up, he can open any reference book from large quantity scientific literature and find the answer to his question. The answer in this case may not always be correct, and this must be taken into account when searching.

In the university format, the adjective is studied much more deeply, but a small number of hours are provided for its development, which will help the student repeat only a basic understanding of this part of speech. However, university students have access to libraries and can easily and quickly find the information they need.

Words denoting the characteristics of an object and answering the questions “which?” and “whose?” in Russian they are called adjectives. The name speaks for itself - this is what attached to something, namely to another word - to a noun. Without it, an explicit or implied noun, an adjective cannot exist at all. Otherwise, it loses the meaning of its presence in a sentence and can even turn into a noun itself (cf.: blind(Which?) old man– adj. and sat (who?) blind– noun).

Accordingly, with a change in the defined word, the dependent word will adapt to it, assimilating its morphemic characteristics. This is expressed by endings. Adjectives always have the same gender, number and case as the noun with which they are related in meaning.

Therefore, in order not to make a mistake in the spelling of the ending of an adjective, you should:

  1. find the noun it refers to (attached);
  2. put a question from a qualified noun to an adjective. The end of the question will indicate the correct ending for the adjective; For the most part, they are consonant: weather(which?) warm; morning(which?) sunny; songs(which?) quiet; growth(which one?) high; branches(which ones?) thin);
  3. At the same time, we must remember that the question “which one?” it is impossible to check the endings of adjectives of the initial form (adjectives in m. r. singular. h. I./V. p.).
    In these cases:
    • the ending is written under the accent -Ouch (pencil(m. r. unit h. I. p.) (which one?) color);
    • without accent - -y/y (pencil(Which?) sharp, blue).
    In addition to those mentioned, adjectives also have other variable features:
    • degree of comparison;
    • full or short form.
Both of them are valid only for qualitative adjectives!

What are qualitative adjectives?
According to their meaning, all adjectives are divided into three categories.

  1. High quality. They answer the question “which one?” And indicate the quality of objects: color ( yellow Red), size ( big, small), weight ( heavy, small), character traits ( funny, gloomy), age ( young, old), taste qualities ( bitter, sour). You can easily find antonyms for most of them ( big – small, sharp – dull) or synonyms ( big – large, huge, enormous);
  2. Relative. They also answer the question “which one?”, but define an object in relation to another object: its location ( street flashlight, school yard), material ( paper snake, silk tape), purpose ( ski costume, shoe brush), relation to time ( evening cool, early dinner);
  3. Possessive. The only ones answer the question “whose?”, since characterize an object by its belonging to any living creature (mom's apron, fox tail, Sashin scream).
Qualitative adjectives are significantly different from the rest. They alone can:
  • form a short form, answering the question “what?”, ( high - high, bitter - bitter);
  • show signs of objects to a greater or lesser extent ( high – higher – even higher – highest – highest).
The strengthening of the attribute, as can be seen from the example, is increasing: from the initial, positive, it takes the form of comparative and superlative degrees; which can be expressed in different ways:
  • simple forms using suffixes: higher, highest;
  • compound forms using additional words: more (less, most, very, most...) high.
All adjectives are declined by case, number and gender (in singular). And only high-quality ones have exceptions.
  1. Short adjectives do not decline! That is, they do not change by cases, but change only by numbers and genders (in singular): hungry, hungry, hungry.
  2. In general, qualitative adjectives in a comparatively simple form do not change in any way ( higher, lower, narrower, wider, faster...) and in the compound superlative built on its basis ( above - above all).
Other qualitative adjectives are declined in the same way as relative adjectives. Depending on the last consonant at the base, their endings can be in the hard and soft versions (-a-i, -o-e, -u-yu, -s-i).

Also, adjectives agree with the noun in animation if the noun is in the V. plural form. h., and for the masculine gender - in units. hours (cf.: I see beautiful ones(what?) shoes and I see handsome ones(which?) girls).

Possessive adjectives are inflected differently. Their type of declination is called mixed. The set of endings there is special. They won't necessarily be in tune. Moreover, in the declension of adjectives with the suffix -iii- and adjectives with suffixes -yn-/-in- or -ov-/-ev- there are some differences.

For possessive adjectives with a suffix -iii- Be sure to write a soft sign in the middle of the word ( dog, sable, mustelid, fox...); in all forms except the initial one (m. r. unit h. I./V. p.), in it the endings will be zero ( hare_, fox_, cat_, sable_).

The categories of adjectives do not have clear boundaries, which allows them to move from one to another. Such changes depend on the context, usually when used in figurative meanings. So possessive adjective fox(whose?) Nora becomes relative in case fox(which one? What is it made of?) fur coat, and the relative adjective iron(which one? what is it made of?) tap turns into quality iron(what kind? i.e. strong) patience.

And finally, there are some special adjectives for colors ( beige, khaki, indigo, etc.), nationalities ( Khanty, Mansi, Urdu...) and clothing styles ( corrugated, flared, mini...), as well as words (weight) Gross Net, (hour) peak, which have their own characteristics: they are always unchangeable and are always placed after the noun ( beige jackets, flared skirt).

Some qualitative adjectives in modern language have only short forms, for example: glad, must, much, which are also unchangeable.

Every schoolchild knows about this. However, not everyone knows the spelling rules for this part of speech, as well as into what groups it is divided, etc.

general information

It is a part of speech that names the properties and qualities of objects (for example, old chair), events ( incredible incident), states ( strong feeling ) and other phenomena of the surrounding world ( Hard childhood). In addition, the adjective indicates that the object belongs to someone ( mom's bag, fox hole).

Main types

Depending on how the adjective is designated and what feature it has, as well as what grammatical properties it has, this part of speech is divided into the following groups:

  • relative;
  • quality;
  • possessive.

Relative adjectives

Such a group describes the properties of any attribute, action or object through its relationship to another attribute, action or object.

Here are some examples: bookcase, children's play, destructive power, Brazil nut, double blow, religious views, etc.

Qualitative adjectives

This group has its own characteristics, namely:

  • Indicates the characteristics of objects: age (old), size (sick), speed (fast), color (blue), human properties (angry), assessment (normal), physical properties (strong, dense, thick, etc.).
  • Forms such excellent ( strongest, subtlest, most important, most important) and comparative ( stronger, thinner, more important, etc.).
  • They have short forms (for example, fast, thick, powerful etc.). It should be especially noted that short adjectives cannot be formed from all qualitative ones.

Possessive adjectives

Adjectives of this group answer the question “whose?”, and also indicate that something belongs to an animal ( hare's hole, cow's milk) or person ( daddy's wallet, petya's car). It should also be noted that all possessive adjectives are formed from animate nouns using suffixes such as -nin, -in, -iy, -ev, -ov.

Here are some examples: grandfather - grandfather's; father - fathers, etc.

Short name adjective

In addition to the division into relative, qualitative and possessive groups, this part of speech also differs in special forms. So, in the Russian language there are:

  • brief;
  • full adjectives.

Moreover, the former are formed by a kind of reduction of the latter. To understand what features short adjectives have, you should consider all the rules regarding their formation and spelling. After all, only this information will allow you to correctly use this part of speech in writing text or in oral conversation.


Adjectives in the short singular form have the following gender endings:

  • Feminine - ending -A. Here are some examples: new, thin, strong, skinny, etc.
  • Masculine gender - zero ending. Here are some examples: strong, strong, lean, new, handsome, etc.
  • Neuter - ending -o or -e (beautiful, strong, strong, new, thin, skinny, etc.).

In plural There are no gender differences in this part of speech in this particular form. Thus, all short adjectives have endings -And or -s (strong, strong, beautiful, new, graceful, skinny, etc.).

Features of the short form

As you can see, this part of speech can be declined according to gender and number. However, it should be remembered that short adjectives never change by case. In a sentence, such members usually act as a predicate.

Let's give an example: She's very smart. In this case, the word “smart” is a short adjective that acts as a predicate.

It should also be noted that some types of a given part of speech with several lexical meanings can form a short form only in some of them. For example, the word "poor" does not have a short adjective if it means "miserable, miserable." In addition, some adjectives also cannot have their full form. These words include must, glad, loving and much.

What is the difference from full ones?

They only have a short form. Their difference from the full form is in the definition morphological features. That is, as mentioned above, this form of the presented part of speech does not change by case, but is declined only by number and gender. Besides, short names adjectives differ from full adjectives in their syntactic role. Thus, in a sentence they do not act as a definition, but in or as a component of it. Although in some cases they are still designated as a definition. Most often, this phenomenon is observed in phraseological units or in works of folk art (for example, and barefoot, in broad daylight, a beautiful maiden, a good fellow, etc..).

Spelling short adjectives

To correctly use short forms of adjectives, you should definitely study the rules of their spelling.

Formation of short adjectives

Short forms from long forms. This happens by adding to them generic endings:

  • zero or male;
  • middle (-e or -o);
  • female (-I or -a).

In addition, short adjectives can be plural (ending -ы or -и) or singular. So how are these shapes formed? These rules are very simple:

The relationship between the full and short forms of adjectives

From the point of view of lexical meanings, there are 3 types of relationships between the short and full forms of adjectives:

1. Matching lexical meaning(For example, good day and good day, beautiful baby and beautiful baby).

2. They coincide only in certain values:

  • “False” meaning “fake.” In this case there is no short form.
  • “False” meaning “insincere.” In this case, the short form will be "fake".
  • “Poor” means “unhappy.” In this case there is no short form.
  • “Poor” means “poor.” In this case, the short form will be "poor".

3. The short form is considered as a semantic synonym and differs from the full form in its meaning:

  • the short form denotes a temporary sign, and the full form denotes a permanent one (for example, the baby is sick and the baby is sick);
  • the short form indicates excessive manifestation of the trait (for example, grandma is old or grandma is old);
  • the long form indicates an unrelated attribute, and the short form indicates something in relation to something (for example, the dress is tight and the dress is tight).
  • in some cases the meanings of both forms of adjectives are so divergent that they are used and perceived as completely different words (e.g. the purpose of the trip was quite clear and the weather was clear).

Forms of adjectives

Forms of adjectives


1. General characteristics of adjectives

2. Full and short form of adjectives




Morphology is a section of grammar that studies the parts of speech and the forms of their change.

Parts of speech are certain lexico-grammatical classes of words that have common semantic, morphological and syntactic properties.

Based on semantic, morphological and syntactic principles, in the Russian language one can distinguish one of the significant parts of speech, such as an adjective. This is a part of speech that denotes the attribute of an object and answers the questions: what? what? whose?

It should be noted that adjectives are qualitative, relative and possessive. Adjectives also have degrees of comparison: comparative and superlative, and differ in forms, i.e. have a short and a long form.

In his test work, I tried to consider in detail the issue of forms of adjectives, their distinctive features and the conditions under which the formation of these forms is possible.

1. General characteristics of adjectives

An adjective is a part of speech that denotes an attribute of an object and answers questions Which? what? whose?

Unlike verbs denoting a characteristic that exists in time ( white sunrise), and nouns denoting a sign of an object or phenomenon, separated from this object, phenomenon (white), adjectives show a constant attribute of a specific object denoted by a noun.

Adjectives have categories of gender, number and case, which are dependent on nouns: tall tree(noun tree refers to the neuter gender, used in the nominative singular; adjective high has the same shapes) high dream, high pillar, tall trees (as the categories of nouns change, the categories of adjectives change accordingly).

Adjectives characterizing the pronouns I and you (in the form of different cases), devoid of gender meaning, can acquire independent gender meanings and be the only expressers of these meanings: I, young and talented, am waiting for recognition of success. You, strong and generous, will protect me. They tried to humiliate and insult you, proud and independent.

Adjectives can be qualitative, relative and possessive.

2. Full and short form of adjectives

Qualitative adjectives have full and short forms: fresh-- fresh, cute-- mil.

The short form of relative adjectives is used as a means of expressiveness (usually in artistic speech), for example: These are the strings. As if they were copper and as if they were cast iron.(March.)

Only full forms are used in the definition function. Both full and short forms of adjectives can be used as a predicate: Short night. The night is short. The night is short.

The full and short forms of adjectives in the predicate function differ stylistically: the short forms have a predominantly bookish stylistic overtones, the full forms have a neutral or colloquial tone, for example: And again the soul is poetryfull. (N.) Pupildiligent.

Full adjectives sometimes denote a permanent attribute of an object, while short adjectives sometimes denote a temporary attribute: From now on I know the value of successful and stingy words.(Born) In the forests, in the deserts I will endure the silent ones, full of you, your rocks, your bays, and shine, and shadow, once the talk of the waves.(P.)

In some cases, long forms indicate an absolute attribute of an object that is not associated with any specific conditions of its appearance, and short forms indicate a relative attribute, for example: short skirt-- the skirt is short(not in general, for someone), the door is low-- the door is low(not in general, but in order to bring a closet into it).

Full adjectives can have terminological meaning, but short adjectives cannot: black and red currants; porcini mushrooms etc.

The short form is characterized by a shade of greater categoricalness in the designation of a feature of an object, cf.: Masha is smart. Masha is smart.

With words How And So Only short forms are used: to how beautiful, how fresh the roses were...(I. Myatlev.), with words what kind of guy-- full: What a smart child/

The predicate, expressed by an adjective in full form, does not have the ability of syntactic control: Ivan-- malchick capable. The forest is beautiful. The short form can control dependent words: Ivan is good at mathematics.

The short form can be synonymized with the full form in the instrumental case: was helpful-- was useful, became greedy-- stal greedy.

With ligaments to become, to become, to be The instrumental predicative predominates. When connected be Both a short form and an instrumental predicative of the full form are possible.

When addressed politely to You possible or short form B you are resourceful and smart), or the full form, consistent in gender with the real gender of the person to whom the speech is addressed: You are resourceful and smart. You are resourceful and smart.

Using the full form of an adjective in the plural when addressing one person is a speech error. You cannot say: “You, Ivan Ivanovich, are resourceful and smart.” Necessary: You, Ivan Ivanovich, are resourceful and smart or You, Ivan Ivanovich, are resourceful and smart.

The short form is formed from the stems of full adjectives by adding gender endings in the singular and a plural ending common to all genders.

Historically, the short form is primary. She was more ancient. Full forms were formed from short way adding case forms of the demonstrative pronoun to them.

In the Old Russian language there was a special demonstrative pronoun: masculine - i (m), feminine - ga (ya), neuter - k (f). The nominative case of this pronoun disappeared from the language a long time ago, and its indirect cases have been preserved (with changes) and are used in modern language as indirect cases of the pronoun he: his, him, them etc. Thus, in feminine from young+ I happened young, neuter from young + e happened young. IN masculine at the end of short adjectives a special sound was pronounced, similar to [o] and represented in writing by the letter ъ: from odds young+ OAnd happened young. In a similar way, from merging with pronouns, forms of other cases were obtained: from mloda+ his happened young from young+ to him it turned out m young etc.

At first, short and full adjectives were declined and changed according to gender and number: short adjectives were declined as nouns of the 1st (female) or 2nd (m. and middle) declension, complete ones - as demonstrative pronouns that, that, that or all, all.

Both short and full adjectives were used as modifiers, that is, they agreed with the noun they referred to in gender, number and case. This is evidenced by some phrases that include case forms of multiple adjectives, for example: on bare feet, from young to old, his fuss flared up, in broad daylight, across the world, as well as >chiya and adverbial expressions formed from such aiming words: I'll say hello, red-hot, white-hot, white-hot, left, a. Traces of indirect cases of short forms of adjectives are preserved in works of oral folk art: The young man finally turned to the red sun; declared the king's will; He speaks sweetly, as if a river is babbling.(P.)

Short adjectives could act as predicates in Old Russian; full forms in this role began to be used no earlier than the 15th century.

In Old Russian, short adjectives are used with an indefinite noun denoting an unknown or first-mentioned object, and full adjectives are used with a definite noun denoting a known object, for example: good sister- this is some kind of sister and the one who is mentioned for the first time, and good sister- this is a certain, famous sister.

The category of definiteness-indeterminacy turned out to be unstable in the Old Russian language, and short adjectives began to be preserved only as a nominal part of a compound predicate. Since predicates are connected with subjects, which are always in the nominative case, then predicates expressed by short adjectives began to be used only in one case, that is, they began to decline.

Short forms are not formed from some adjectives, mainly those qualitative adjectives that are relative in origin, as indicated by their word-formation connection with nouns. These include:

a) adjectives with suffix -sk-: brotherly, heroic, heroic, rustic, friendly, comradely;

b) adjectives with suffix -oe- (-ev-): combative, strong-willed, businesslike, advanced;

c) adjectives with suffix -n-: near, upper, spring, evening, internal, distant, ancient, autumn, last, color;

G) verbal adjectives with suffix -l-, meaning “being in some state”: backward, frozen, saggy, shabby;

e) adjectives denoting the colors of animals: bay, ne-(ey, savrasy;

f) adjectives that denote color not directly, but through its relationship to the subject: pink(cf. rose), coffee(cf. coffee), cream(cf. cream), lilac(cf. lilac);

g) adjectives with the meaning of subjective assessment: feisty, hefty, unamiable.

Some adjectives are used only in short form: much, must, love, right, glad.

It is necessary to pay attention to some cases of the formation of short adjectives:

a) a short form of the masculine gender with a base on a sibilant that does not have a sibilant at the end s fragrant, beautiful;

b) at the base of some short masculine adjectives, fluent vowels appear between consonants one: strong-- strong, beautiful-- beautiful;

c) there is so much in the short form of the adjective n, how much in full form: valuable-- valuable, valuable-- valuable, valuable-- valuable; in the masculine between nn there is a fluent e: valuable -- valuable, extraordinary-- extraordinary;

d) from an adjective worthy a short form is formed worthy;

e) for adjectives ending in -ny, There may be short form options: immoral-- immoral And immoral. Adjectives that are formed from nouns with a stem ending in two or more consonants have a short form in - en: impeccable - impeccable, painful - painful, feminine - feminine, ambiguous - ambiguous, etc.

Relative adjectives in literary language are never short: folk, folk, folk, possessive adjectives ending in - in, - ov (- ev), - y, on the contrary, are not complete: aunt's house, grandfather's story, teacher's briefcase, fox tail.

Short adjectives have three types of stress.

They are shown in the table:

Fixed accent based

Adjectives with non-derivative stems

Kipucha, bubbly, bubbly, bubbly;

Curly, curly, curly, curly;

Useful, useful, useful, useful;

Submissive, submissive, submissive, submissive.

Movable stress moving from the stem to the ending in the feminine form

One-syllable and two-syllable adjectives with a non-derivative base and adjectives with a derived base with suffixes - ok (- ёк), -к-.

White, white, white, white;

Bos, bosa, boso, barefoot;

Fast, fast, fast, fast;

Cheerful, cheerful, cheerful, cheerful.

Emphasis on ending

Hot, hot, hot;

Must, must, must;

Light, light, easy;

Small, small, few;

Tricky, tricky, tricky;

Equal, equal, equal.


In my test, I looked at two forms of adjectives: full and short. Thus, I would like to highlight the main points:

Ш Qualitative adjectives have full and short forms

Ш The short form of relative adjectives is used as a means of expressiveness

Ш Only full forms are used in the definition function

Ш Short forms have a predominantly bookish stylistic connotation, while long forms have a neutral or colloquial tone.

Ш Full adjectives sometimes denote a permanent attribute of an object, and short adjectives sometimes denote a temporary attribute

Ш Full adjectives can have terminological meaning, but short ones cannot.

Ш The short form is formed from the stems of full adjectives by adding gender endings in the singular and a plural ending common to all genders.

Ш Historically, the short form is primary.

Ш Relative adjectives in literary language are never short

Ш Short adjectives have three types of stress.

Ш Fixed stress based on

Ш Emphasis on ending

Ш Movable stress, moving from the stem to the ending in the feminine form.


1. Kovadlo L. Ya., Starichenok V. D. 1750 exam questions, assignments and answers in the Russian language for schoolchildren and applicants to universities. - M.: Bustard, 2001.

2. Rosenthal D. E. A manual on the Russian language for applicants to universities. - M., 1994.

3. Russian language: Theory and practice. - Minsk, 1995.

4. Russian language: Encyclopedia. - M., 1998.

5. Shansky I.M. Russian language excellent. - Rostov n/d, 1998.


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