The benefits of radon baths. Radon source benefits and harms

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One of the effective and popular methods of hydrotherapy is radon therapy. The procedure of immersing the body in a wet or dry bath containing radon. What is radon?

It is a half-life product of the radioactive element radium. This is the heaviest gas, it is several times heavier than air and 4 times heavier than iron. When radon gets into water, it loses its harmful radiation. And through the dermis, the lungs, the inert gas affects the human body. Humanity has been healing with radon baths for more than a century. This is a priceless gift from nature. Let's find out in more detail what radon baths are.

Today, a large number of sanatoriums around the world, among other services, offer their patients the famous radon baths - all doctors know the indications and contraindications for them in detail.So, after consulting with your doctor, knowing what diseases this procedure can cure, you can hope that these miraculous baths will be prescribed for you.

Where are the natural springs located?

Mineral radon springs are located in different parts of the globe. They are rare. This makes radon a rather expensive gas. In Russia, radon sources are located in the territory Altai Territory, Primorye, Chita region, in the Caucasus, in Crimea. In their immediate vicinity there are sanatoriums with radon baths, which offer radon treatment for various diseases. There are strong radon and weak radon sources. The gas concentration in them is different.

There are artificial radon baths. They are prepared by specially saturating water with radon. Such radon water affects humans in exactly the same way as natural water. But anyway natural baths have a richer composition, which is impossible to copy.

Features and properties of radon:

  • The density of radon is approximately 8 times greater than that of air;
  • It is the heaviest of the radioactive gases;
  • At a temperature of -62, radon turns into a liquid and it is 7 times heavier than water;
  • Temperatures of -71 turn radon into a solid, opaque substance with a blue glow;
  • Radon produces heat without heating;
  • May form radioactive solids.

What is treated with radon

The effect of radon on the body is extensive. Treatment with radon baths is characterized by the formation of a thin film on the skin - these are half-life particles of a radioactive element. Radon in low concentrations enters the blood through the skin and heals the entire body. It comes out after 2-3 hours. Natural gas stimulates the processes of self-renewal and self-rejuvenation of the body. The work of the immune system, respiratory, and nervous is activated. The functions of the pancreas, kidneys and urinary tract are normalized. Hydrotherapy sessions have an anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect. Blood pressure returns to normal. Metabolic processes are accelerated. The positive effects of radon on the body do not appear immediately, but after 2-4 weeks.

When baths are indicated:

  • Dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, polyarthritis, osteomyelitis, recovery from injuries.
  • Endocrine system diseases, obesity, diabetes.
  • Cardiovascular diseases: hypertension, varicose veins.
  • Central and peripheral disorders nervous system: neuritis, neurasthenia, neuralgia.
  • Diseases respiratory system, including bronchial asthma.
  • Male sexual disorders: prostatitis, hormonal imbalances.
  • Ailments of the female reproductive system: polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, fibromatosis, infertility.
  • Benefit radon baths undeniable for skin diseases: this is common acne, acne, psoriasis, dermatitis, seborrhea, lichen, trophic ulcers.
  • ischemia, angina pectoris, myocardial dystrophy, defects, cardiosclerosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • varicose veins;
  • diseases of the peripheral (plexitis, neuralgia, radiculitis, neuritis) and central (sleep disorders and neurasthenia) nervous system;
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, polyarthritis, osteitis, osteomyelitis, fractures, osteoarthritis, spondylitis);
  • chronic pulmonary diseases;
  • diseases (mostly chronic) of the female genital organs of an inflammatory nature (fibroids, endometriosis), and radon baths are also very effective for fibroids;
  • prostatitis;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • kidney problems;
  • various skin diseases (lichen, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, scleroderma), fresh wounds, keloid scars, trophic ulcers;
  • diabetes;
  • gout;
  • obesity.

This is how radon baths turn out to be useful: the indications for their use cover quite a lot of diseases. In addition to the therapeutic effect, they can also be an excellent preventative measure for these same painful conditions. The main thing is that there are no contraindications, because in this case radon is not something to joke about: after all, the element is radioactive!

Contraindications for this procedure

Possessing a radioactive charge, albeit in small quantities, radon baths also have contraindications, when the slightest dose can turn out to be disastrous. This can be expressed in numerous side effects(dizziness, headaches), and in exacerbation of painful conditions. Therefore, each patient who is planning to undergo this procedure undergoes a mandatory examination for the presence of contraindications:

  • radiation sickness;
  • smoking;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • heart failure;
  • ischemia;
  • angina pectoris;
  • heart rhythm disturbances (arrhythmia, extrasystole);
  • leukopenia;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • individual tolerance to radon water (manifests itself in the form of sweating, shortness of breath, dizziness, etc.);
  • occupational exposure to radiation;
  • epilepsy;
  • benign tumors;
  • vegetative-vascular dysfunctions.

Only after a thorough medical examination can radon treatment be prescribed if there are no contraindications. If everything goes well, you will be able to enjoy the healing and rejuvenating effects of these miracle baths.

For psoriasis, radon baths should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist and in a sanatorium setting. A balneotherapy session stimulates cellular metabolism skin. The properties of inert gas in small doses have a beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis, and in large doses slow down cell regeneration, confirm the need for treatment in the presence of medical staff. This will exclude possible risk overdose. As a result of hydrotherapy, the inflammatory process decreases and the skin cleanses.

Famous radon baths: benefits and harms

Despite the seemingly open danger of radon, scientists were able to consider it useful side and a unique ability to influence various human diseases. And a healing technique called radon therapy was born, which quickly became very popular.

There are few natural sources of water on our planet that are enriched with radon - in these unique places, elite sanatoriums with radon-based practices were created.

Radon is a half-life product of Radium; it has alpha radiation that is dangerous to humans. But scientists have found that water molecules reduce the risk of radiation to almost zero, and particles of this gas have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Many women are interested in whether it is possible to take radon balneotherapy if their gynecological history is complicated. Only the attending physician can answer this question. In gynecology, radon baths are widely used. For example, baths for endometriosis have a positive effect on the condition of the mucous tissue. Radon baths for uterine fibroids are prescribed strictly individually. After a thorough examination of the patient and tests. They are able to stop the growth of a tumor or completely extinguish it. Stop heavy bleeding.

TO radon treatment They are also used for mastopathy (pathology of the mammary glands). It serves as an addition to the main medication. Hydrotherapy is prescribed only in its initial form or in the postoperative period.

“There is no better cure for mastopathy and tumors. Radon helps where traditional medicine is powerless.”

There are many contraindications to radon baths.

The prohibitions for balneotherapy are:

  • Any disease in the acute phase.
  • Children's age up to 5 years.
  • Benign neoplasms.
  • Malignant tumors.
  • Purulent inflammation on the skin.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Radiation sickness.
  • Alcohol intoxication.
  • Individual intolerance and allergic reactions.
  • Some heart rhythm disturbances.

You should know how to properly take mineral baths. The proven methodology allows you to get the maximum healing effect from the procedure.

Treatment of diseases Radon baths affect a very wide range of effects on the body. Indications and contraindications allow us to understand who can and should undergo the procedures. Radon helps with gynecological, cardiovascular, endocrine-metabolic, nervous, digestive, and skin diseases. In addition, ionized water promotes rapid healing of bones during fractures and strengthens muscles.

The main rule of therapy is to take into account all indications and contraindications for radon baths. Doctor's supervision is required. Since there is a danger of overdose of radioactive gas and Negative consequences inevitable. Breakthrough bleeding may begin or an exacerbation of existing diseases may occur.

Radon baths should be taken according to certain requirements.

Such as:

  1. You cannot eat 2 hours before swimming.
  2. It is advisable to empty the intestines and bladder in advance.
  3. Radon therapy should begin with a 10-minute immersion. The subsequent ones are 15 minutes each.
  4. The water temperature corresponds to 36°C-38°C.
  5. The water level should not exceed the height of a person’s chest.
  6. You need to enter the water smoothly, without sudden movements.
  7. The full course of balneotherapy ranges from 5 to 10 sessions.
  8. At the end of the procedure, pat your body dry with a towel without rubbing. Then rest and peace are shown for 1 hour.

To perform artificial radon baths, a concentrated aqueous solution of radon is used, obtained in a bubbler with a solution of radon salts, which are located in a lead container. Taking into account the high radioactivity of radon concentrate, it is diluted in accordance with special techniques. The temperature of radon baths ranges from 34 to 36 degrees Celsius.

Before the procedure begins, 200 liters are poured into the bath fresh water the prescribed temperature, then, with strict adherence to the rules, a portion (100 ml) of a concentrated radon solution is added and stirred. The patient should immerse himself in the bath up to the level of the nipples. After taking such a bath, the patient’s skin is dried with a towel (without rubbing), due to which the daughter products of radon decay are preserved on the skin. After the procedure, the patient should rest for 30-60 minutes.

Usually baths are carried out daily or every other day, their duration is 12-15 minutes. The course of treatment may include taking from 10 to 15 baths. Repeated courses of radon baths are possible after 6-12 months.

Radon baths are combined with mineral baths(radon sodium chloride baths) and carbon dioxide baths. The use of radon mineral waters is also possible for intestinal lavages, rectal and vaginal irrigations, inhalations, rinses and local applications.

Additional ways to improve your health

  • Vaginal and rectal irrigations. The vagina is sprayed with water containing radon. Rectally, using a microenema, the temperature of which is 36 °C-40 °C. A course of 20 procedures. After 2-3 sessions, a break of 1 day is taken.
  • Dry air radon baths. This requires special equipment. Thanks to such baths, all the same conditions can be treated. Dry radon baths consist of placing the human body in a special box and the head outside. A thick cuff is secured around the neck. A person is in an air environment containing radon. Such baths are indicated for patients who find it difficult to take wet baths.
  • Oral administration and rinsing. The main thing is not to exceed acceptable values radon content in water. The norm is no more than 120 Bq per 1 liter. People suffering from gastrointestinal dysfunction note positive influence inert gas for the functioning of the stomach, pancreas, and liver.

Medical science does not stand still, regularly offering people new methods of treatment, recovery, maintenance and preservation of health. One such method is radon baths, which are very popular in Lately. Radon healing is considered one of the most effective procedures designed to restore health.

Let's figure out what radon baths are, consider and discuss indications and contraindications for these procedures:

Radon baths. What is this?

The basis of these treatment procedures is saturation, enrichment of the body with radon and its decay products. Radon is an inert gas that is formed during the half-life of radium (a radioactive element) and has fairly powerful alpha radiation. At a certain dosage, when exposed to the body, this radiation has a healing effect, helping in treatment large quantity diseases.
Simply put, healing effect occurs due to alpha radiation appearing during the decay of radon.

Radon waters are distinguished by the strength of their impact - weakly radon, strongly radon. For treatment, radon waters with a low concentration of this substance (5-40 nCi/l) are used.

Thus, radon baths are used for the complex treatment of many ailments, as well as for the general health of the body. Baths are part of a whole range of radon therapy methods. In addition to the baths themselves, this complex includes radon irrigation and drinking treatment. Radon treatment includes airborne radon, inhalation and brachyradium therapy, which is a truly unique procedure.

Healing effect

During the procedure, the body is saturated with radon, which penetrates through the skin. After acceptance medicinal bath, radon is removed from the body through the lungs during exhalation, after about one and a half to two hours.
After the procedure, microcirculation of the skin improves, the heart begins to work better, blood pressure stabilizes, and the function of the central nervous system improves (the person becomes calmer).

Radon baths strengthen the immune system, have an anti-inflammatory effect, normalize the blood clotting process, promote better regeneration and tissue restoration. The procedures restore and activate metabolic processes, especially carbohydrate, mineral, cholesterol, and water metabolism.

The procedure for taking such baths for the time required for the healing effect causes a prolonged expansion of arterioles, spasms are relieved, and blood flow to the epidermis increases. Peripheral vessels are strengthened. After the procedure, for about another hour, the patient's microcirculation in the heart improves, tissue blood flow increases, becomes more active, and blood flow in the capillaries accelerates.

In addition, such radon procedures have a pronounced analgesic effect. The fact is that when taking a bath with radon water, combat impulses are blocked in the spinal cord, as well as certain centers of the brain responsible for the occurrence of painful sensations.

Indications for procedures:

Diseases of the nervous system: various neuroses, neuritis, neuralgia, etc.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: various pathologies of a degenerative-dystrophic nature, arthritis, various injuries, myositis, etc.

Cardiovascular diseases: cardiac dystrophy, coronary artery disease, hypertension, venous diseases, thrombophlebitis, and other pathologies affecting general hemodynamics.

Skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis, scleroderma, etc.

Diseases of the female genital area: fibroids, endometriosis, various inflammatory diseases, negative manifestations of menopause, infertility.

Gastrointestinal pathologies: peptic ulcer, gastritis, pancreatic diseases, as well as diseases of the liver, gall bladder and their ducts.

Respiratory diseases: chronic inflammatory processes of the nasal cavity (its mucous membrane), inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, bronchial asthma, pulmonary obstruction, etc.

Diseases of the excretory organs, endocrine system, pathologies of metabolic processes, for example, diabetes, hyperthyroidism.


In no case should you approach radon procedures frivolously or seriously. Before performing them, you must undergo a medical examination and obtain a doctor’s approval, since baths with radon water have contraindications, for example:

Under no circumstances should you take such baths if you have radiation sickness at any stage, and they are also contraindicated if you have a low leukocyte count (leukopenia).

For severe pathologies or exacerbations of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system. You should not take radon procedures if your thyroid gland is underactive or if you have hypothyroidism.

Radon baths are contraindicated for blood diseases - leukemia, ovarian hypofunction, and cancer.

In addition, refrain from taking radon baths during pregnancy, if you are in a state of alcohol intoxication.

In any case, permission from the attending physician should be obtained for any radon procedures. You cannot prescribe them for yourself. Be healthy!

The radiotherapy method is well known and is a popular spa procedure, but it also has mixed reviews from specialists. The benefits and harms of radon baths depend on their proper use. Let's look into the details.

History and types of radon baths

The benefits of radon lakes have been known for a long time. Resorts and sanatoriums were built at the sites of origin. For example, the beneficial properties of the Belokurikha resort, which appeared in 1867, are known. Serious studies of the influence of this lake on the human body began to be carried out later.

The radiotherapy treatment method is based on beneficial use a radioactive element dissolved in water or air. It is radon-222. This gas is formed by the decay of radium-226 alpha particles.

The benefits and harms of radon sources have been discussed many times over 130 years, finding confirmation and refutation. Today there is a boom in this procedure, which is sometimes regarded as a panacea for all diseases.

Mineral pools with an element dissolved in them are called radon if they contain 5 nCi/l of inert gas. According to content they are divided into types:

  1. Low radon - 1 - 10 nCi/l of gas.
  2. Strong radon - 110 - 200 nCi/l of gas.
  • to natural;
  • and artificial.

And according to the type of procedures that a person takes while at the resort:

  • irrigation;
  • enema;
  • ointment;
  • candles.

Artificial baths have their advantages compared to mineral baths. Narpimer, it is possible to regulate the useful dose of a substance when treating a person, and, consequently, to modify their properties of action on the body.

The mechanism of action of radon baths

A special one is prepared for baths liquefied gas. The water is saturated with concentrated radon. Then diluted to a safe component, enriched useful substances. Usually water with various minerals dissolved in it is used.

When dilution stops, the gas begins to break down into alpha components. The beneficial properties of alpha particles are used in medicinal purposes.

During radiotherapy, radon particles enter a person. It spreads throughout the body through the skin and blood. There are two types of beneficial effects of radiotherapy on humans:

  1. Direct.
  2. Indirect: by involving the centers of neuroendocrine and immune regulation.

The receptor apparatus of human skin is irradiated with alpha particles. The benefit of the penetration of gas particles is a change in cellular metabolism, during which biologically active substances are released.

Mineral springs affect the terminal part of the blood circulation. When in them, short-term spasms of the capillaries and blanching of the skin surface are observed. After staying for 1 hour, the number of capillaries increases and the blood flow in them accelerates. This is the benefit of dissolved radon in water.

The benefits of radon baths

The procedure has many positive effects that it has on the human body. The beneficial properties of radon therapy are used in medical and surgical treatment.

There are conflicting data about the benefits and harms of radon baths for women.

For women

Some experts believe that, being a radioactive element, radon is contraindicated, especially for women, with gynecological problems and do not recommend indulging in this procedure. Other medical experts consider radon baths useful during menopause and pelvic inflammatory processes. In addition, it is believed that the procedure has a beneficial effect in the fight against extra pounds due to the property of baths to speed up the metabolic processes of the body. The composition of the blood is normalized, the nervous system is improved and stimulated, and the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases.

Requirements for procedures for women:

  • the course of treatment lasts for half a month, visits every other day;
  • immersion at nipple level;
  • Duration: 20 minutes.

For men

For men, the benefits of radon baths are in the treatment of the main scourge of the male genital area - prostatitis.

Thanks to immersion in mineral springs, inflammatory processes in the prostate gland are relieved, male potency improves, and sexual desire increases.

Stress greatly affects a man’s mental state. The procedures relieve severe stress and neutralize their harmful effects on the body.

To ensure full benefits of a men's bath, the following requirements must be met:

  • water temperature no more and no less than 37 o C;
  • take without immersion above the thoracic region;
  • course of administration for 15 days, once every other day.

For children

The benefits of radon are known not only for adults, but also for children.

Important! Radiotherapy is contraindicated for children under 5 years of age.

After this age, the beneficial properties will have a healing effect for children with diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • eczema;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Radon therapy procedures should be prescribed in courses appropriate to the child’s age. Abuse of therapy can also cause harm.

Are radon baths good for weight loss?

The therapeutic effect of radon baths will be felt by those patients who want to lose extra pounds, since the beneficial properties of radon affect metabolism.

They speed up metabolism, have a positive effect on the human body, improving the condition of patients suffering from endocrine diseases and obesity.

Indications for taking radon baths

In addition to the fact that the beneficial properties of inert gas benefit healthy people, relieving stress, improving blood circulation, people with various diseases are also recommended to take radon therapy procedures.

Indications for the use of radon baths include an extensive list of diseases:

  • heart defects;
  • post-infarction period;
  • sleep disorders;
  • neuritis;
  • for diseases of the bones and spine;
  • for obesity of 2 and 3 degrees;
  • chronic diseases of the female genital organs;
  • prostatitis;
  • angina pectoris;
  • hypertension stages 1 and 2.

Baths with a rich concentration of radon strengthen muscles and trigger the body's regenerative processes.

Radon baths for mastopathy will be beneficial in the early stages of the disease. They speed up rehabilitation and relieve pain syndromes.

Important! Radon therapy for exacerbation of mastopathy is not recommended.

Radon baths for cysts will be useful only in the case of a benign tumor. In case of cancer, such a procedure threatens to harm the growth of malignant tumors.

Radon baths have a positive effect on the spine, relieving inflammation in the vertebrae, relieving pain and working with the removal of toxins.

Radon baths restore the functions of the thyroid gland and normalize the level of androgens.

For varicose veins, radon baths have a positive effect on the resorption of cholesterol plaques.

Preparation for radon baths

In order for the procedure to have a beneficial effect, you must follow the rules for preparing for bathing:

  • empty your bladder before taking a bath;
  • do not eat 2 hours before the procedure;
  • don't smoke or drink alcoholic drinks two hours before and after;
  • do not take a bath if a person is tired and unwell;
  • Before using baths for medicinal purposes, you must consult your doctor.

How is treatment with radon baths carried out?

To obtain a greater beneficial effect, you must follow these rules of administration:

  • when immersing, do not make sudden movements in the bath;
  • the head and chest should remain above the surface of the water in the bath;
  • do not roll over in the bath;
  • relax and enjoy the procedure;
  • after leaving the bath, do not dry yourself with a towel: radon will cause beneficial effect in two hours.

Advice! Radioactive baths are best taken under the supervision of a doctor or nurse.

In addition to baths with gas dissolved in them, there are the following radon treatment methods:

  • radon irrigation;
  • air radon baths;
  • drinking radon water.

Radon irrigation

Radon irrigation is used to treat gynecological diseases. Diseases such as adenomyosis and endometriosis can be cured. This procedure is used immediately before taking a radon bath.

Chronic prostatitis is treated by gas irrigation through the rectum.

Air-radon baths

The beneficial properties of air-gas baths are used to restore patients who have undergone heart surgery, as well as during myocardial infarction, when immersion in water is not recommended.

The patient is placed in a hermetic box, while the head remains outside. Radon exposure occurs.

Other treatments

Other therapies include:

  • Inhalation. Prescribed for those who are contraindicated water procedures. Bronchial asthma, bronchitis, and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract are cured;
  • Applicators - for the treatment of the thyroid gland, intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis;
  • Drinking solutions– have beneficial properties for kidney diseases: improve immunity, cure diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Harm of radon baths and side effects

Radon water, in addition to its benefits, can be harmful in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance, causing dizziness, vomiting;
  • in patients with angina pectoris and extrasystole, baths of radioactive gas can disrupt heart rhythms;
  • malignant tumors.

Therefore, before taking inert gas baths at a resort, you need to discuss with your doctor what is beneficial and what will harm the patient’s body.

Contraindications to taking radon baths

These include:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • high body temperature;
  • purulent formations on the skin;
  • blood diseases;
  • neurosis;
  • severe hypertension;
  • tuberculosis;
  • phlebeurysm;

In addition, excess gas concentrations also cause harm.

Post-procedure care

After taking baths with gas dissolved in them, the body must be allowed to dry in a natural way. Under no circumstances should you dry yourself with a towel, since the effect of the procedure lasts for another 2 hours after taking a bath.

You should rest for 40 minutes: lie down and relax.


The benefits and harms of radon baths depend on what disease this procedure treats. Since radon baths are a useful physiotherapeutic method of sanatorium treatment, there are certain indications for their use and, conversely, a number of cases in which the procedure is contraindicated, when benefits can turn into harm. In any case, to decide whether to use the procedure, a full examination and a doctor’s prescription are necessary.

Today, doctors use many therapy methods. In their arsenal not only medications, but also properly selected diets, and special physical activity, and means traditional medicine, and physical therapy. In general, all physiotherapeutic procedures can be characterized as methods of treating various ailments using different physical factors, for example, electric current, magnetic radiation, heat, air, light and others. One of the well-known methods of balneophysiotherapy includes radon baths. The topic of our conversation today will be the benefits and harms of radon baths, as well as sanatoriums with radon baths in Russia and Ukraine.

Radon is an inert gas that is colorless and odorless. This substance is radioactive, from which we can conclude that it is not completely safe for our health. However, many years of experience show that radon in low concentrations can be used for therapeutic purposes, of course, when prescribed by a doctor.

Radon baths - benefits and harms

The benefits of radon baths

Radon baths are recommended for people with a variety of health problems. During such procedures, gas penetrates the human body first through the skin and then enters the subcutaneous layers. It can dissolve in fatty tissues or penetrate deeper into organs. Radon triggers an ionization effect that activates internal processes, restoring balance and triggering regeneration.

So radon treatment allows you to reduce inflammatory lesions and optimize metabolism. Also, such procedures speed up the recovery of injured internal tissues by an order of magnitude. Radon has a particularly positive effect on the activity of the circulatory system. It affects all vessels, both small and large, improving blood circulation and increasing blood pressure. Radon baths affect the activity of the heart muscle and normalize the pulse rate.

This inert gas is also beneficial for the nervous system: it has a calming effect and relaxes. Due to this effect, it is often used to relieve pain.

Radon benefits patients with pulmonary and joint ailments. It is recommended to use it successfully in combination with a balanced diet and adequate physical activity.

Radon baths are widely used for the treatment of gynecological diseases. Such procedures are indicated for patients with fibromatosis, etc. Their implementation helps eliminate discomfort, etc.

Radon baths are also beneficial for disorders of the musculoskeletal system. They help correct chronic diseases of the digestive tract. Exposure to radon also helps patients with prostatitis, various skin ailments, diabetes and some diseases of old age. Such procedures help normalize blood pressure.

Possible harm from radon baths

When used in doses, such procedures bring enormous benefits to humans. But in some cases they can only do harm. Thus, exposure to radon is strictly contraindicated for blood diseases (including leukemia), angina pectoris and epilepsy. Such procedures may be harmful to patients with hyperthyroidism. In addition, they are not performed if the patient has any diseases at the stage of acute inflammation. Radon is also contraindicated for people with tumors of both malignant and benign types.

Russian sanatoriums with radon baths

There are many resorts in Russia where you can take radon baths. Significant amount Such sanatoriums are concentrated in Pyatigorsk (sanatoriums “Don”, “Zori Stavropolya”, “Im. Lermontov”, “Im. Kirov”, “Mashuk”, “Rodnik”, etc.). There are quite a lot of them in Kislovodsk (sanatoriums “Victoria”, “Valley of Narzanov”, “Kolos”, “Fortress”, “Spring”, “Moscow”, etc.). Radon baths are carried out in Zheleznovodsk (in the sanatoriums “Beech Grove”, “Zdorovye”, “Dubrava”, “Rus”, “Elbrus”, etc.). They are also offered in Essentuki (in the sanatoriums “Victoria”, “Istok”, “Metallurg”, “Im. Sechenov”, “Nadezhda”, etc.).

Similar procedures are also practiced in the Belokurikha resort (in the Altai Territory). Among the famous resorts where radon baths are performed is Saratov.
Similar procedures are also practiced in Buryatia - in the herbal and balneotherapy clinic “Halyuty”, as well as in the Bauntovsky and Tunkinsky districts of Buryatia.

The famous radon lake is located in Krasnodar region- on the Taman Peninsula.
Also for such procedures you can visit the sanatoriums “Lipovka” (in the Sverdlovsk region), “Uvildy” (in the Chelyabinsk region), “White Stone” (in the Sverdlovsk region) and “Abelmana” (in the Vladimir region).
Radon treatment is carried out in the village of Suvorovskaya (in the Stavropol Territory), in the sanatorium in the village of Chistovodnoye (in the Primorsky Territory) and in the sanatorium in the city of Liski (in the Voronezh region).

Sanatorium with radon baths in Crimea

Radon baths are also not uncommon in Crimea. The fact is that in the Bakhchisarai region of Crimea there is a natural radon source. That’s why radon baths are now offered in many sanatoriums. A significant number of them are located in Evpatoria, Alushta, Saki, Feodosia, Yalta, etc. Therapy in such institutions is carried out all year round. But it is worth noting that such sanatoriums often use water artificially saturated with radon.

Sanatorium with radon baths in Ukraine

There are several sanatoriums in Ukraine where they practice radon baths. Such procedures are carried out in the Vinnytsia region, in the Avangard sanatorium (Nemirov). Also in the same area, radon is treated in the city of Khmelnik in the sanatoriums “Podolie”, “Southern Bug” and “Khmelnik”. Such services are also provided in the Donetsk region, in the city of Mariupol - in the Metallurg sanatorium, in Odessa - in the sanatorium named after. Chkalov."

Radon baths can bring enormous health benefits if taken in doses and after consultation with a doctor.

Alternative treatment for coronary heart disease

In order to improve heart function in many diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is worth preparing a mixture of a couple of egg whites, two teaspoons of sour cream and a teaspoon of honey. Shake well and take in the morning on an empty stomach.

Hawthorn will help cope with coronary heart disease. Brew a tablespoon of dried and crushed fruits of this plant with two hundred milliliters of boiling water and leave for two hours in a fairly warm place (you can also use a thermos). Strain the finished infusion and take one or two tablespoons three or four times a day. It is best to take it shortly before a meal.

Taking medicine based on rose hips also has a good healing effect. To prepare a healing remedy, prepare a couple of tablespoons of the fruits of this plant. Grind them well and pour three hundred and fifty milliliters of vodka in a half-liter glass jar. Infuse this medicine for two weeks at a fairly dark place. Then strain. Take the prepared tincture, twenty drops at a time, dropping them on a piece of sugar. Take it three times a day.

If coronary heart disease is accompanied by shortness of breath and angina, prepare a medicine based on garlic and honey. Prepare one liter of honey, a dozen medium lemons and five heads of garlic. Squeeze the juice out of the lemons, peel the garlic, rinse and grate or mince. Mix all the prepared ingredients, pour in honey and mix again. Cover the container with the medicine with a lid and leave it for a week in a fairly cool place. Take the finished medicine four teaspoons once a day. You need to eat this healing mixture slowly, taking short breaks (about a minute) after each spoon.

Nettle flowers can also be used for medicinal purposes for coronary heart disease. Brew a teaspoon of this raw material with a glass of just boiled water. After cooling, strain the infusion and take half a glass twice a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and shortly before meals.

To treat coronary heart disease, healers advise preparing a medicine based on garden horseradish. You will need its root, peel it and grate it. Pour a couple of tablespoons of the resulting mass into a glass of cool, pre-boiled water and leave for a day. Then add a glass of honey and a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice to the container. Mix well and take a tablespoon on an empty stomach about an hour before a meal or one and a half to two hours after it. Store the finished medicine in the refrigerator.

Radon baths can help patients with many diseases. But before a course of such treatment, as well as before using traditional medicine, it is necessary to obtain the approval of the attending physician.

One of the effective and popular methods of hydrotherapy is radon therapy. The procedure of immersing the body in a wet or dry bath containing radon. What is radon? It is a half-life product of the radioactive element radium. This is the heaviest gas, it is several times heavier than air and 4 times heavier than iron. When radon gets into water, it loses its harmful radiation. And through the dermis, the lungs, the inert gas affects the human body. Humanity has been healing with radon baths for more than a century. This is a priceless gift from nature. Let's find out in more detail what radon baths are.

Mineral radon springs are located in different parts of the globe. They are rare. This makes radon a rather expensive gas. In Russia, radon sources are located in the Altai Territory, Primorye, Chita Region, the Caucasus, and Crimea. In their immediate vicinity there are sanatoriums with radon baths, which offer radon treatment for various diseases. There are strong radon and weak radon sources. The gas concentration in them is different.

There are artificial radon baths. They are prepared by specially saturating water with radon. Such radon water affects humans in exactly the same way as natural water. But still, natural baths have a richer composition, which cannot be copied.

What is treated with radon

The effect of radon on the body is extensive. Treatment with radon baths is characterized by the formation of a thin film on the skin - these are half-life particles of a radioactive element. Radon in low concentrations enters the blood through the skin and heals the entire body. It comes out after 2-3 hours. Natural gas stimulates the processes of self-renewal and self-rejuvenation of the body.

The work of the immune system, respiratory, and nervous is activated. The functions of the pancreas, kidneys and urinary tract are normalized. Hydrotherapy sessions have an anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect. Blood pressure returns to normal. Metabolic processes are accelerated. The positive effects of radon on the body do not appear immediately, but after 2-4 weeks.

It is important to know the indications and contraindications for radon baths. Their self-appointment is unacceptable.

When baths are indicated:

  • Dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, polyarthritis, osteomyelitis, recovery from injuries.
  • Endocrine system diseases, obesity, diabetes.
  • Cardiovascular diseases: condition after a heart attack, angina pectoris, ischemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension, varicose veins.
  • Disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system: neuritis, neurasthenia, neuralgia.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system, including bronchial asthma.
  • Male sexual disorders: prostatitis, hormonal imbalances.
  • Ailments of the female reproductive system: polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, fibromatosis, infertility.
  • The benefits of radon baths are undeniable for skin diseases: common acne, acne, psoriasis, dermatitis, seborrhea, lichen, trophic ulcers.

For psoriasis, radon baths should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist and in a sanatorium setting. A balneotherapy session stimulates the cellular metabolism of the skin. The properties of inert gas in small doses have a beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis, and in large doses slow down cell regeneration, confirm the need for treatment in the presence of medical staff. This will eliminate the possible risk of overdose. As a result of hydrotherapy, the inflammatory process decreases and the skin cleanses.

Many women are interested in whether it is possible to take radon balneotherapy if their gynecological history is complicated. Only the attending physician can answer this question. In gynecology, radon baths are widely used. For example, baths for endometriosis have a positive effect on the condition of the mucous tissue. Radon baths for uterine fibroids are prescribed strictly individually. After a thorough examination of the patient and tests. They are able to stop the growth of a tumor or completely extinguish it. Stop heavy bleeding.

Radon treatment is also used for mastopathy (pathology of the mammary glands). It serves as an addition to the main medication. Hydrotherapy is prescribed only in its initial form or in the postoperative period.

“There is no better cure for mastopathy and tumors. Radon helps where traditional medicine is powerless.”

There are many contraindications to radon baths.

The prohibitions for balneotherapy are:

  • Any disease in the acute phase.
  • Children's age up to 5 years.
  • Benign neoplasms.
  • Malignant tumors.
  • Purulent inflammation on the skin.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Radiation sickness.
  • Alcohol intoxication.
  • Individual intolerance and allergic reactions.
  • Some heart rhythm disturbances.

You should know how to properly take mineral baths. The proven technique allows you to get the maximum healing effect from the procedure.

The main rule of therapy is to take into account all indications and contraindications for radon baths. Doctor's supervision is required. Since there is a danger of overdose of radioactive gas and negative consequences are inevitable. Breakthrough bleeding may begin or an exacerbation of existing diseases may occur.

Radon baths should be taken in accordance with certain requirements. Such as:

  1. You cannot eat 2 hours before swimming.
  2. It is advisable to empty the intestines and bladder in advance.
  3. Radon therapy should begin with a 10-minute immersion. The subsequent ones are 15 minutes each.
  4. The water temperature corresponds to 36°C-38°C.
  5. The water level should not exceed the height of a person’s chest.
  6. You need to enter the water smoothly, without sudden movements.
  7. The full course of balneotherapy ranges from 5 to 10 sessions.
  8. At the end of the procedure, pat your body dry with a towel without rubbing. Then rest and peace are shown for 1 hour.

Additional ways to improve your health

  • Vaginal and rectal irrigations. The vagina is sprayed with water containing radon. Rectally, using a microenema, the temperature of which is 36 °C-40 °C. A course of 20 procedures. After 2-3 sessions, a break of 1 day is taken.
  • Dry air radon baths. This requires special equipment. Thanks to such baths, all the same conditions can be treated. Dry radon baths consist of placing the human body in a special box and the head outside. A thick cuff is secured around the neck. A person is in an air environment containing radon. Such baths are indicated for patients who find it difficult to take wet baths.
  • Oral administration and rinsing. The main thing is not to exceed the permissible values ​​for radon content in water. The norm is no more than 120 Bq per 1 liter. People suffering from gastrointestinal dysfunction note the positive effect of inert gas on the functioning of the stomach, pancreas, and liver.

Is radon so harmless?

To understand why radon is dangerous, you need to remember the characteristics of the element. This is a radioactive gas. The decay products of radon, once in the lungs, settle in them. If the radiation dose is high, then the alpha particles into which the gas breaks down begin to infect lung epithelial cells, causing cancer. Leukemia may develop. Exposure to radon negatively affects the reproductive, hematopoietic and immune systems the most. Therefore, the use of radon baths in sanatoriums under the strict supervision of doctors is practiced all over the world. A video about radon treatment in a sanatorium will help you make a decision.


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