Tomatoes stuffed with garlic are finger-licking good for the winter. Winter tomatoes stuffed with garlic and herbs

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Canning tomatoes with garlic inside

In order to prepare tomatoes with garlic inside for the winter in a liter jar (you'll lick your fingers), you need:

Half a kilo of tomatoes.
Garlic (as much as a tomato).
Peppercorns (3 pieces).
Salt (half a tablespoon).
Sugar (tablespoon).
Vinegar (one-third of a dessert spoon).
Water (half a liter).


Sterilize jars. First, you need to rinse them thoroughly with water and soda. Then sterilize for fifteen minutes. For sterilization, both a water jar and an oven are used. Metal lids also need to be sterilized. Put water to boil for brine. The tomatoes are sorted, the spoiled ones are removed and the whole fruits are washed. Garlic is peeled. At the junction with the stem, an incision is made in the shape of a cross on each tomato.

Place a clove of garlic into the cut. Herbs and pepper are placed at the bottom of the jar, and tomatoes are compacted on top. As soon as the water boils, pour it over the tomatoes. After holding the liquid in the jar for about five minutes, pour the water back into the pan, put it on the fire and bring to a boil.

Repeat the procedure. Only this time the tomatoes are poured not for five minutes, but for fifteen. The water is put back on the fire and brought to a boil. Add sugar and salt. Boil for another five minutes and remove from heat. The brine is poured into jars and vinegar is added. Cover the jars with lids, roll them up and leave them in a warm, dark place until they cool completely. Bon appetit.

Cooking tomatoes with garlic for the winter without vinegar

Vinegar is an essential ingredient for preparing many types of preserves. Despite the rich taste and incredible aroma of homemade food, not everyone will be able to try it. For example, vinegar is contraindicated for gourmets suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. In such cases, experienced chefs recommend paying attention to recipes for canned vegetables, which do not require this ingredient.

Top the tomatoes with cold brine. If there is too much filling, it can be spread between the tomatoes before pouring the marinade. Cover the jars with lids and put them in a cool, dark place. After four days, the tomatoes are ready to eat. Housewives should pay attention to the fact that the tomatoes are not salted, but lightly salted.

If you want the tomatoes to be spicier, you need to double the amount of garlic used (or add any other amount of this ingredient to your taste). Lightly salted tomatoes with garlic are finger-licking good for the winter (you should use one and a half times less for a liter jar of food) and can be stored in the refrigerator until spring.

We continue canning vegetables for the winter. Today we’ll look at our favorite tomatoes with garlic and put them deliciously in jars. The recipes are simple and easy to prepare.

The colors of tomato fruits are beautiful and bright. In prepared jars, the fruits look like “paradise apples,” as they were once called in the old days.

Excellent taste has made this vegetable the most beloved among the population. You can buy tomatoes in a store or at your summer cottage. Garlic is always freely available.

Tomatoes in the snow for the winter

Find out a delicious recipe with lots of garlic that will pleasantly surprise you.


  • Tomatoes
  • Garlic
  • Water - 2 liters
  • Coarse salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Vinegar essence 70% - 1.5 tbsp. spoons


1. First, we pierce the fruits with a toothpick in the place of the stalk. This is done so that the skin does not burst when it comes into contact with boiling water.

2. Grind the peeled garlic cloves using a blender.

3. Large quantities of crushed garlic in a cup.

4. Place the beautiful tomato fruits tightly in sterile jars. Place the jars on a towel and fill with boiling water to the very top. Cover the jars with sterile lids. Let it sit for 15 minutes.

5. Cut the remaining tomatoes into halves and place them in 1 liter sterile jars. When cut, more of them will fit into the jar.

6. Also pour boiling water, close the lids and leave for 15 minutes.

7. After 15 minutes, drain the water from the 3 liter jars into the pan. We ended up with 2 liters of drained water. Put the pan on the fire.

8. Add to the water in the pan: 150 g of sugar, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of salt, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of vinegar essence. Mix all this well and wait for it to boil.

9. Meanwhile, add chopped garlic to the tomatoes (as much as desired). Put chopped garlic in the amount of 1.5-2.0 tbsp. spoons.

10. Fill the jars containing the tomatoes and garlic with boiling brine. Immediately close the lids.

11. With 1 liter jars containing chopped tomatoes, we do the same procedure.

12. Then, with sharp movements, shake the jars upside down and vice versa.

13. And here they are, tomatoes “in the snow” for the winter. Enjoy eating!

Recipe for spicy tomatoes with garlic, horseradish, pepper

Anyone interested in original tomato preparations for the winter will undoubtedly be interested in this recipe.


1. Prepare fruits of medium ripeness (dense) and place in clean jars.

2. Take other, already overripe fruits and remember them well in the pan. Place the saucepan with the tomatoes on the fire and bring to a boil.

3. When they become completely soft, rub them through a fine sieve. You will get puree juice. In juice puree put (for 2.5 liters): 2 tbsp. spoons of salt, 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar and bring everything to a boil.

4. In boiling juice, add: 1/4 cup of finely chopped garlic, 1/4 of finely chopped horseradish, 250 g of sweet pepper, minced.

5. Pour this boiling mixture over the tomatoes in the jars. Then set to sterilize: 1 liter jars for 15 minutes, 3 liter jars for 30 minutes.

The recipe has good reviews from my friends.

Spicy tomatoes with garlic in tomato juice

You can also make a preparation for the winter in tomato juice similar to the previous recipe.


1. Take 2 liters of tomato juice and bring to a boil.

2. Then add 2 tbsp. spoons of salt, 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 0.5 cups of finely chopped garlic, 0.5 cups of horseradish and 0.5 kg of sweet pepper minced through a meat grinder.

3. Place the prepared mass on the fire and boil for 2 minutes.

4. Pour the boiling mixture over the tomatoes in the jars. Set the jars to sterilize: 1 liter jars for 15 minutes, and 3 liter jars for 30 minutes.

The result was very tasty tomatoes for the winter with a piquant taste.

Video on how to cook snowball tomatoes with garlic

The tomatoes are sweet with a garlicky aroma.

This recipe is also called “tomatoes under the snow.” Where the role of “snow” is played by garlic.

Tomatoes for the winter with the taste of fresh tomatoes

When you open the jar in winter, the tomato pieces will pleasantly surprise you with their fresh taste. Tomatoes do not lose the taste of fresh tomatoes.


  • Peeled tomatoes - 1 liter
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon without a slide


1. Cut the tomato fruits into 4 parts, cut out the stalk, remove the skin. The peel comes off easily because the fruits are soft. If your fruits are hard, you need to put them in boiling water for a moment and then remove the skin.

2. Place the prepared tomato pieces in a saucepan and put on fire. Add salt, stir and bring to a boil.

3. Place the peeled garlic cloves in a ladle and lower them into the boiling tomatoes for a little bit (2 seconds).

4. Then quickly take them out of the pan and put them in a sterilized jar.

5. And immediately we begin to fill our boiling tomatoes to the very top of the jar using a ladle. That's all, tomatoes and garlic in a jar.

6. Close the jar with a lid, ready.

7. You can prepare a lot of jars this way. In winter, open the jar, take out pieces of tomatoes, add onions, herbs, vegetable oil and the summer salad is ready.

Tomatoes with cinnamon in jars - you'll lick your fingers

In this recipe, vinegar is poured into the marinade, and you can add it then directly to the jar after it has already been filled with boiling brine. Tomatoes with garlic and cinnamon are very tasty.


  • Water - 1.5 liters
  • Tomatoes
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Cinnamon - on the tip of a knife
  • Garlic - 6 cloves
  • Vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Cloves - 2 buds
  • Greens, bay leaf - to taste


  1. Sterilize jars and lids in advance in the oven or over steam.
  2. Wash the tomatoes and herbs and dry with a paper towel.
  3. Peel the garlic and chop finely.
  4. Place in jars: herbs, bay leaf, garlic, peppercorns. Then pack the tomatoes tightly and fill the jar with boiling water.
  5. After 20 minutes, pour the water from the cans into the pan. Add salt and sugar to the water and bring it to a boil. Boil for 5-7 minutes.
  6. Remove the marinade from the stove and pour vinegar into it. Pour the prepared marinade into the jars of tomatoes.
  7. Roll up the jars with sterilized lids, turn them over, wrap them and leave them until they cool completely.

Enjoy eating!

Video on how to make a tomato preparation with garlic inside the fruit

See how easy it is to make a cutout in the place of the stalk for a clove of garlic.

You looked at the tomato preparation, which has been popular for a long time, but not everyone knows about it.

There are so many successful recipes for canning tomatoes that you want to try them all. But there are some that you can’t take your eyes off. And once you open the jar, you won’t calm down until you eat everything. This is exactly how tomatoes and garlic turn out for the winter “You’ll lick your fingers.” Otherwise, they are also called “tomatoes under the snow” because the garlic flakes resemble clusters of snowflakes nestled among the shiny tomato balls. The tomatoes turn out to be very piquant, sweet and sour, and spicy. If you love pickle juice, this version is amazing. I recommend trying it, because preparing it won’t take you more than an hour!

Ingredients for a 2 liter jar:

  • Tomatoes – 1 kg (approx.)
  • Sugar – 70 gr.
  • Salt – 1 tbsp. (fine salt, without slides)
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp.
  • Garlic - approximately 7-9 cloves (there should be 1.5 tablespoons of garlic, passed through a press)
  • Water for marinade – 1 l.

Method for preparing tomatoes with garlic for the winter “You’ll lick your fingers”:

I sterilize the well-washed jar and lid in any convenient way. I sterilized the jar in the oven and doused the lid with boiling water.

To prepare tomatoes with garlic, you need to take medium-sized, dense tomatoes. They should be elastic and not damaged.

I wash the tomatoes thoroughly with water. I prick each tomato with a wooden skewer in the place of the stalk. I carefully place the tomatoes in the jar without squeezing them.

I bring the water in the kettle to a boil and pour the tomatoes on top. You should try to pour boiling water one cent at a time, onto the tomatoes, so that the jar does not burst. I cover the top with a lid (I don’t roll it up, I cover it) and leave it to stand for 15 minutes.

I'm preparing a marinade for tomatoes. At this time, pour 1 liter of water into the pan, add salt and sugar. I stir. I put it on the fire and bring it to a boil.

While the marinade is boiling, I peel the garlic. I pass it through the press.

You should get 1.5 tbsp. with a heap of garlic passed through a press. As in the photo.

I drain the first hot water from the jar, using a lid with a hole so as not to get burned.

I distribute chopped garlic on top. I pour 1 tbsp into the jar. 9% vinegar.

Then I fill the jar with boiling marinade and immediately roll it up.

I turn the jar upside down and wrap it until it cools completely. You can try these tomatoes with garlic in a month. By this time they will be properly marinated.

Tomatoes with garlic are ready! Bon appetit!

Tomatoes with garlic “You will lick your fingers” are created quickly if you have all the necessary ingredients. Usually fresh garlic is used, so it must be steamed together with the tomatoes in a container so that the product does not ferment during storage. The oil can be anything: olive or sunflower, but it must be refined and odorless. Use only regular salt, rock salt, not iodized.

It is best to purchase tomatoes from the Slivka variety; it holds its shape perfectly even after two or three steamings, but in the absence of such fruits, any other fleshy variety will do. If you store the preserves in the pantry, it is best to steam the fruits twice, but if in a cellar or basement, then once will be enough.

So, prepare the ingredients for making “finger-licking” tomatoes with garlic for the winter according to the list for the recipe and let’s start cooking!

Peel the garlic, rinse along with the herbs and place in clean, rinsed containers.

Rinse the tomatoes in water and place them in jars with light pressure, trying to place as many tomatoes in the container as possible. Don't worry, they will slightly reduce in mass after steaming...

Boil water and pour it into containers, cover with tin lids and steam for about 10 minutes.

Change the lids on containers.

Pour salt, black peppercorns, bay leaf and granulated sugar into a saucepan or saucepan.

Drain the water from the container and bring it to a boil by placing the saucepan on the stove. Pour in odorless vegetable oil and turn off the heat. Add 9% vinegar, but not into the boiling brine!!!

Pour the hot marinade over the tomatoes in the jars.

Immediately roll up the hot lids under the thread or key.

Test the strength of the seamer by turning it upside down over a sink or bowl. Leave until completely cool.

Once the preserves have cooled, transfer them to the pantry. Finger-licking tomatoes with garlic are ready for the winter.

Bon appetit to you this winter!


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