Help for small businesses from the state. Ways to receive government assistance

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Organizing your own business requires significant financial investments from the entrepreneur. However, not everyone has enough money to start a business. Therefore, entrepreneurs need help, including financial assistance. The state seeks to support small businesses by providing subsidies for individual entrepreneurs in 2019. It is important to know when and how much money you can get for free to organize and develop your own business.

Types of government assistance

Assistance to individual entrepreneurs from the state is provided in several forms: financial, property, information, and infrastructure.

You can count on the following types of financial support:

  1. funds from the employment center;
  2. grant for start-up entrepreneurs;
  3. preferential lending;
  4. subsidizing.

Funds for opening an individual entrepreneur through the employment center are allocated in order to combat unemployment and maintain self-employment. Such assistance represents one-time financial support in the amount of sixty thousand rubles. These funds can be spent exclusively on organizing your own business. If a businessman plans to employ one or more employees in his activity, the amount of the subsidy increases in proportion to the number of employees hired.

For beginning businessmen, special funds can compensate up to five hundred thousand rubles spent on creating a business. Grants are traditionally allocated for development in those sectors that are significant for the state. Today it is Agriculture, innovation, education, areas of social significance and other areas.

Preferential lending involves issuing loans to individual entrepreneurs at rates that are lower than in banks. Today they amount to 11% per annum. You can receive up to one billion rubles for a period not exceeding three years. It should be borne in mind that only those individual entrepreneurs who have been successfully operating for more than 6 months can count on preferential loans. At the same time, the entrepreneur should not have outstanding debts or damaged credit history.

Subsidizing individual entrepreneurs involves issuing funds for specific purposes. In this case, you can count on government assistance to reimburse part of the interest on the loan, overpayments and the down payment for leasing, training and advanced training of workers.

Regardless of what the small business support scheme is, subsidies are issued only after going through a difficult procedure. First of all, you will need to develop a business plan and provide well-written documents. When the assistance is allocated and spent, you will have to document the directions in which the funds were spent.

Conditions of receipt

Don’t think that it will be easy to get free subsidies for individual entrepreneurs from the state. In fact, extensive and serious work will have to be done.

After registering with the employment center and receiving official unemployed status, the entrepreneur must go through the following steps:

  • choose a field of activity;
  • draw up detailed business plan, in the final part, it is important to carry out an economic as well as social justification of the significance of the business being opened for the development of a particular region;
  • conduct state registration of entrepreneurship;
  • submit the documents, application, and business plan prepared according to the list to the relevant authorities.

The submitted application is considered by the commission. The duration of this process reaches sixty days. After the review procedure, the commission makes a decision, which is sent to the entrepreneur by registered mail.

It is important to keep in mind that when receiving government support, an individual entrepreneur takes on specific responsibilities. First of all, they involve submitting reports. Subsequently, the individual entrepreneur is obliged to provide a report on the expenditure of the funds received. In this case, it is important to attach checks, payment orders, receipts and other documents confirming the direction of expenditure of funds.

When learning how to open an individual entrepreneur through the employment center, it is worth learning important rule. If a businessman cannot provide documents regarding the direction of spending the money received, he will have to return the subsidized funds to the state.

In addition, a business organized with government support must operate for at least two years. This condition makes it possible to exclude financing of fly-by-night companies.

Drawing up a business plan

A subsidy for opening an individual entrepreneur is issued only if a well-written business plan is provided. There is no established template according to which such a document is drawn up.

However, there are a number of points that must be considered in the business plan:

  1. First part in mandatory contains personal data of the entrepreneur. Here you should describe in detail the features of the chosen field of activity and explain why the chosen business is significant for the state.
  2. The second chapter of the business plan contains a description of the project. It is important to pay attention to the activities through which it is planned to achieve a specific profit level.
  3. Great value When drawing up a business plan, he studies the market, as well as the niche that the entrepreneur plans to occupy in it. Here you will have to describe the work process in detail, make a list of the necessary basic and working capital, provide the staffing table. In addition, at this point the cost of the project is calculated, as well as the payback period.
  4. At the end of the business plan, information about the expected risks is provided. It is important to foresee in what ways the entrepreneur will avoid them.

Only a well-drafted plan can become the basis for obtaining a subsidy for organizing and developing a business. Without this document, no commission will consider the possibility of government support. It must contain real data and calculations, since after receiving funds you will have to spend them exclusively in accordance with this document. Subsequently, the costs must be documented. The Commission of the Employment Exchange (Employment Exchange) will check their full compliance with the business plan.

Where can you spend subsidies for small businesses from the state?

Assistance from the state to individual entrepreneurs is targeted. This means that there is a strictly designated list of areas where you can spend the money received. They should be followed both when receiving money to organize your own business and to develop it.

The directions for spending the subsidy are necessarily reflected in the business plan. An entrepreneur cannot spend funds at his own discretion.

Assistance to individual entrepreneurs can be aimed at solving the following problems:

Do not forget that the entrepreneur will have to report where the funds provided were sent. This is why it is important to keep all supporting documents. It is necessary to carefully collect checks, transfer orders and other payment papers.

Reasons for refusal

Not only studying how to obtain a subsidy is of great importance. It is also important to know why government assistance may be denied.

There are several circumstances that can lead to a negative decision on an application for a subsidy:

To maximize the likelihood of a positive decision on a subsidy application, it is important to take into account all the reasons for refusal and try to avoid them.

Changes in 2019

In 2019, the main goals pursued by the support of individual entrepreneurs remain the organization of a new business, as well as an existing one. As before, this method of financing has the most important advantage, which is that it is free of charge. However, there are also serious disadvantages - complexity in registration, the need to put in a huge amount of effort in the absence of guarantees of a positive solution.

This year the government plans to introduce absolutely new system, which is based on the principles of a geomarketing navigator. For this purpose, more than 200 business plans were written, which characterize 75 areas of entrepreneurship. Such a system will help an individual entrepreneur decide which area and niche he should consider to create his own business. If the project is implemented, it will be an excellent support for entrepreneurs both in 2019 and in the future.

Other types of support that individual entrepreneurs can receive from the state in 2019 include:

  • broadcast real estate for rent on favorable conditions;
  • the use of infrastructure that was specially created by government bodies for the purpose of developing entrepreneurship - business incubators, technology parks and other companies;
  • sale of property owned by the state at a reduced price.

In 2019, it is planned to provide not only one-time financial assistance to individual entrepreneurs, but also to issue government grants. To participate in such subsidies, an appropriate application should be sent to the authorities involved in the distribution of funds.

Ministry economic development in 2019 it is going to start using a qualitatively new register of small and medium-sized businesses. It will be created automatically. If an entrepreneur is included in the new register, he will be able to count on subsidies issued to support small businesses.

Government assistance can be an invaluable support in creating and developing an individual entrepreneur’s business. It is worth considering this possibility, because the subsidy is free of charge.

Today, not all people are satisfied with hired work - a small income that cannot be regulated independently. To get maximum profit, many decide to open their own business. It can be controlled, take an active part in any transformations, develop and expand. But any business, even a small one, requires initial capital. For those who do not have enough funds to create an enterprise, the state is ready to provide financial and organizational assistance.

What kind of government assistance can small businesses expect?

Russia has adopted a program according to which everyone who decides to become an entrepreneur has a chance to receive a financial state. assistance to small businesses, completely free of charge. The amount of monetary compensation has certain limits, which differ in different regions. Many people have the right to receive such a subsidy, but due to objective circumstances and subjective reasons, not everyone can secure such support. In addition to financial assistance, funds for which come from the state budget, aspiring entrepreneurs are offered property assistance. This means the state’s willingness to lease certain property to small businesses at low rates or even free of charge: real estate, technical equipment, land use facilities, etc.

Limitations of the government assistance program

Not every entrepreneur can count on assistance from the state in developing a small business. For example, if a person has been registered as an entrepreneur for more than one year, he is no longer subject to this program. Great importance has the field of activity of small businesses, because specially created commissions necessarily consider each application and do not respond positively to everyone. It is also necessary for the entrepreneur to have his own money necessary to start a business. The state will be able to compensate from 40 to 60% of the costs, and often this amount does not exceed 300,000 rubles; the rest will have to be paid from your own wallet. Of course, these are to purchase equipment and create a competitive enterprise, but it is not profitable for the state to fully sponsor businessmen. It's just partial assistance from the state to small businesses, which gives it the opportunity to control the small business system.

Articles for receiving subsidies under government programs

The small business assistance program in Russia includes several articles that involve receiving a subsidy:

  • opening an enterprise;
  • opening a business;
  • rental of premises;
  • purchase of equipment and computer equipment;
  • obtaining a license;
  • training of specialists;
  • participation in advertising campaigns and exhibitions.

Consultation on these issues can be obtained at employment centers and specialized centers. The regional administration must provide residents with the addresses of these branches.

How to get financial support

If you have already thought about starting your own business, but do not have the necessary amount of money, then you can get help from the state for small businesses. First you need to draw up a business plan and submit it to the employment center for consideration. The amount of the subsidy issued by this organization is 58,800 rubles. (4900 rubles - monthly multiplied by 12 months). The procedure for reviewing a business plan and allocating money can take up to 6 months.

What is needed to receive start-up capital from the state

Firstly, that is, have unemployed status. To do this, you will need the following documents:

  • passport,
  • employment history,
  • educational documents, certificates and diplomas,
  • pension insurance certificate,
  • a completed form confirming the average salary for 3 months at the last place of work.

Note that the following are not unemployed:

  • citizens under 16 years of age;
  • women on maternity leave;
  • full-time students;
  • old age pensioners;
  • citizens working under an employment contract or registered as an LLC or individual entrepreneur;
  • disabled people from non-working groups.

Next, at the employment center you need to write an application to receive a subsidy from the state for the development of small businesses. Think through in detail and draw up a detailed business plan containing many calculations, graphs and tables. Having received approval, you should register as a legal entity (organize an LLC or individual entrepreneur). The tax office will give you a list of documents, copies of which you need to provide. After this, the agreed upon funds are credited to your bank account, which you can withdraw and purchase the necessary equipment specified in the business plan.

Very important point: You will need to provide a financial report to the employment center, which should reflect all costs for equipment, wages of employees, contributions to the tax and pension fund. If you received financial assistance for a small business from the state, you need to be responsible for every penny of this amount spent.

Other government assistance options

Possible assistance from the state to small businesses consists not only of issuing money for the creation of an enterprise, it can be repayment of interest on an already taken loan or the bank issuing a new loan with a reduced interest rate. Today, many banks issue loans to entrepreneurs, and they, in turn, prefer to contact the bank. After all, in this case, they will not have to report where they spent the funds received; they just need to pay a certain amount on time.

The state also organizes so-called business incubators, where you can get qualified assistance both in drawing up a business plan and in training employees in new skills in organizing and running their own business. In addition, in these centers you can rent a room inexpensively and place all your employees there, so they can always turn to experienced professionals for help.

Each of us has the opportunity to receive help and support from the state to create and develop our own business; all that remains is to decide on the direction of activity.

Many people dream of opening their own business, which will subsequently generate stable passive income.

However, often the desire to work for oneself is hampered by the need to attract starting capital. Finding funds can be a big problem, because to obtain a bank loan you need to collect a lot of formal documents and it is not a fact that the manager will approve the loan.

Loans from microfinance organizations are an unprofitable source of financing for starting a business.

The only option left that anyone can use is a government subsidy for starting a business. Obtaining funding for opening and promoting a small business is a very real source. What should someone who plans to take advantage of the subsidy program know?

What is a small business grant?

A “subsidy for small business” is the transfer of a certain amount of money to a businessman.

At the same time, the businessman must strictly follow the pre-agreed plan for investing resources.

As a rule, government subsidies are provided free of charge and are non-refundable.

The main goal of government programs to support small businesses is to develop the country's economy by creating a favorable climate for starting one's own business.

Should we expect real help from the state?

The answer to this question is, of course, positive. The state pursues its hidden interests by issuing subsidies. This includes the opening of additional jobs and the overall development of the country’s economy. It is not without reason that famous economists call small and medium-sized enterprises the “lungs” of the country.

The most convenient option for receiving assistance from the state in starting a business is a subsidy on a non-repayable basis.

All support for small and medium-sized businesses is regulated by a unified program for the development of entrepreneurship, which is approved by the Duma.

When applying for government assistance, it is recommended to follow the points of this program.

Residents of rural areas have a good chance of receiving a subsidy for business development. For example, bee keeping is a very popular activity. Subsidies for such businesses are given almost unconditionally. It is also necessary to remember that a well-drafted business plan plays an important role in obtaining a subsidy for starting a business.


How to get support for small businesses from the state? Today at Russian Federation(hereinafter referred to as the Russian Federation) there are several types of subsidies for small and medium-sized businesses.

Their main difference lies in the intended purpose of the funds.

State aid is provided strictly to specified areas of activity for specific purposes. Thus, the state develops an area that is beneficial to it in the short or medium term.

Small business support programs are also different for different regions of the Russian Federation. The main document that defines targeted support for industries in the region is the Federal Law on Small Business Development.

The most common subsidy programs are cash transfers for the opening and development of a business.

How to get government assistance?

Government subsidies for aspiring businessmen are issued by various self-government bodies.

There are subsidies that are issued to unemployed citizens at Employment Centers at their place of residence or registration.

If a person registers with the Labor Exchange as unemployed, then he has every right to one-time government assistance to open his own business.

However, receiving this type of subsidy requires preliminary preparation a business plan with a detailed description of the project for which funds are taken and the subsequent provision of a report on the expenditure of money.

The issuance of targeted subsidies for starting or developing a business is carried out by the Small and Medium Business Support Centers, which operate in each region. As a rule, these government agencies are closely related to the system of municipal self-government.

To receive a subsidy for starting a business, you must register with the Employment Service office at your place of registration.

After this, the citizen who applies for a subsidy must write an application. Next stage– preparation of a project plan with calculation of the payback period and overall profitability indicator. The business plan is considered at a special meeting of the commission.

If the business plan meets all the criteria, then the Employment Center makes a positive decision regarding the issuance of a subsidy. After approval of the terms of payment of funds, the recipient of state assistance to small businesses is required to register individual enterprise. The transfer of the subsidy occurs upon the provision by a citizen of the Russian Federation of documents on state registration business.

To receive a subsidy for the development of an existing enterprise, its owner must provide documents. The subsidy is issued only for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs.

There are also some separate programs for issuing subsidies for individual entrepreneurs in different regions of the Russian Federation.

The age of the company for which state aid is issued should not exceed one year (according to some programs - two years).

If a company operates in a priority area of ​​activity for the region, then receiving a subsidy is 100% guaranteed. In all other cases, officials may reject the application for a subsidy. Priority areas of activity are often published on official websites individual regions RF. An entrepreneur who has received a subsidy is obliged to use the funds strictly for their intended purpose and provide a report on expenses.

The standard goals for using state aid are as follows:

  • payment for components and raw materials for production;
  • purchase of equipment and Supplies to him;
  • purchasing software, production technology or patents, as well as other types of intangible assets.

Almost always, the period for using funds under subsidies is limited to two years from the date of their issuance. However, in some cases there may be exceptions.

Most subsidy programs have a mandatory condition, which is that the businessman invests his own funds (a certain percentage of the subsidy amount) in the business. For example, the recipient of the subsidy must invest at least 45% of the amount of government assistance in starting his own business.

The specific ratio of borrowed and own money is established for each federal program separately.

Some enterprises in Russia, despite the form of their activities, cannot qualify for government subsidies.

These include alcohol and cigarette companies. Also, the subsidy is not provided to companies that rent out equipment for short-term rent.

When drawing up a business plan to receive assistance, it is necessary to take into account that it will be assessed according to certain criteria. The main one is the profitability of the organization. Also, the lower the level of risk of loss of funds, the higher the likelihood of receiving a positive decision in issuing a subsidy.

An important criterion in approving a subsidy is the desire of the entrepreneur himself to create new jobs. The future businessman must demonstrate in every possible way to the loan commission his interest in developing the business.

What could be the reason for refusal?

A frequent and very common reason for refusal to issue a subsidy is the inconsistency of the applicant’s project with the field of activity supported by a particular fund. If a person asks too much a large sum, then the public service may lower the “bar” or even refuse to issue a subsidy.

The subsidy fund usually gives an answer no earlier than six months from the date of writing the application. Therefore, if you really need funding, then applications for subsidies can be submitted to several funds at once.

State Grant Fund

One more typical cause failure is a dubious or poorly written business plan. The grant commission must ensure that the money will be used for its intended purpose. Subsidies are not issued for projects located outside the Russian Federation. Also, a refusal to issue subsidies is likely to await an unemployed person who has already received government assistance once.

Before contacting an institution to obtain a patent or subsidies, you must think through everything to the smallest detail and collect documents. – content and summary, market analysis, financial calculations.

You may find this useful - read all about obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities online.

And here you will learn how to find an investor to open promising business. Where to start searching and how to draw up contracts correctly?

Support provided by the program

Assistance under the subsidy program, as described above, is issued for opening or developing a business. Money within the subsidy can be spent on financial assistance to an enterprise for the purchase of raw materials, on benefits for the placement of advertising materials or rental of premises/land, on ordering emergency legal assistance, etc.

List of documents

A citizen who has written an application for a subsidy is required to prepare the following documents:

  • internal passport of the Russian Federation or another document replacing it;
  • work book (except for young specialists);
  • educational diploma or certificate;
  • an order from the Employment Center stating that this citizen is unemployed.

In addition, you will also need a business plan, as well as copies and originals of the constituent documents of the enterprise.

Expense report

A citizen who has received a subsidy is required to account for the money spent to the last penny. A corresponding report is drawn up.

Loans to small businesses from the state

An alternative to subsidies are bank loans from leading financial organizations countries. There are special loan products for small businesses, for example, at Sberbank. The total amount provided by banks can range from 5 to 12 million rubles. The loan term and annual interest are considered in each case separately. The collateral for a loan is often the business itself.

In order to find out the efficiency of production and sales of an enterprise's products, special calculations are used. , read carefully.

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Video on the topic

There are special programs to help small businesses at both the federal and regional levels. What you need to do to get help from the state to launch your business project, where you need to go for this and what difficulties you will encounter - read about all this in our article.

You will learn:

  • What assistance is provided to small and medium-sized businesses.
  • What criteria must a small business meet to receive assistance from the government?
  • How to get subsidies or grants for small business development.
  • What organs state power provide assistance to small businesses.
  • What assistance will be provided to small businesses in 2018.

Why government assistance is necessary for small businesses

The state program is designed to help newcomers to small businesses at the stage of starting their business, to support them through providing subsidies. Of course, by issuing financial assistance, the state also pursues its own goals, because the government is also an interested party: opening small business projects improves the overall economic condition countries.

State assistance in starting a small business aims to improve the quality of goods domestic producers. Thanks to the formation of new business projects in the production of goods, a competitive environment is created that helps improve the quality of the product, because any production is interested in good sales volumes, that is, constant demand for goods on the part of consumers.

There are also non-state programs for subsidizing small businesses, but it is better to turn to the authorities, because in this case there is an undoubted advantage for the entrepreneur - free of charge.

It is important to say that in different regions the amount of financial state support differs, since in each constituent entity of the Russian Federation the pricing policy for goods and services is individual.

The act that regulates the provision of subsidies is Federal Law No. 209 “On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation.”

In addition, there are regional regulatory bodies responsible for providing government assistance to small businesses. A complete list of them can be found on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation in the “Small Business” section:

Why is it so important to provide government assistance to small businesses? Thanks to small and medium-sized business projects in the Russian Federation, more than 16 million citizens (which is a quarter of the total employed population) are provided with work. In addition, 20% of the gross domestic product comes from small and medium-sized enterprises. However, in the world this figure is almost 35%, so Russia still has something to strive for.

The role of small and medium-sized businesses in the country's economy is very large. Newly opening organizations:

  • create additional jobs;
  • create healthy competition in the market and adequate pricing of goods and services ;
  • provide revenue to budgets of all levels;
  • fill niches that large businesses cannot occupy (providing household services to the population, small wholesale, marketing).

However, there are some difficulties that arise when implementing small and medium-sized business projects, namely:

  • unstable economic situation in the country;
  • lack of necessary financial resources to open and develop a new business;
  • high taxes and difficulties with accounting reporting;
  • constantly changing legislation;
  • lack of personnel(qualified specialists prefer to work for business “sharks”, ignoring small entrepreneurs);
  • complexity of lending processes (not every bank wants to contact small businesses).

It is worth noting that even large-scale production cannot always withstand the above-mentioned difficulties, and even more so this applies to small and medium-sized enterprises. This is why government assistance to small businesses is so important.

A practitioner tells

State assistance at the stage of formation of small businesses

Lydia Tsarenko,

CEO Premium Telecom company, Moscow

Any newly created enterprise faces the problem of raising money. It is not always possible to take out a loan from a bank, because he wants to financial statements new organization already in the first year of operation a profit was reflected, or it requires mortgaging the property. Investors most often treat startups with some caution. In our case, the only way out of this situation was to contact the capital’s Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship, which provides free financial assistance capital businessmen.

We collected the necessary package of documents within a week, and a month after they were submitted, we were allocated the necessary amount of money. We used the bulk of the funds received as working capital, and spent the rest on attracting new employees. A few months later, we reported to the department for the allocated funds (such reporting is prerequisite providing government assistance to small businesses). I would like to note that, despite the gratuitous nature of the subsidy, we still returned part of the amount to the city budget in the form of additional tax deductions from the growth of the company’s turnover and the creation of new jobs.

Thanks to the assistance provided by the state, we were able increase profits. A year later, we again turned to the department to receive funds for the development of an innovative software product aimed at optimizing the expenses of our clients (first corporate, and later private) on mobile communications. We were again provided with financial assistance, and also provided office space for innovative developments in the Strogino technology park. Thanks to working there, we had access to information resources, various educational programs, and we were also able to meet with investors and representatives of venture capital funds.

We regularly monitor new opportunities within the framework of government assistance to small businesses, so as not to miss another chance to receive a subsidy. For example, last year we sent our employees for an internship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The internship program was organized by the Foundation for the Promotion of Venture Investments in Small Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere of Moscow.

What forms of assistance to small and medium-sized businesses from the state exist?

  1. Education.

Regional Entrepreneurship Development Funds organize various lectures, trainings, and meetings on business basics on their territory.

Anyone can attend the classes; to do this, you must register in advance. The lectures will be useful for beginning businessmen, where they will be told about the basic issues of planning and taxation, ways to expand their business and attract buyers.

  1. Participation in exhibitions and fairs.

This direction is quite effective in terms of the development of small and medium-sized businesses in different regions of our country. Thanks to the placement of products on free trading platforms advertising costs are reduced, and the connections of a new businessman are expanded and an opportunity arises to sell some of the goods.

  1. Consultations with specialists.

Consulting takes place in employment centers, departments of the Federal Tax Service and business development funds. Here you can ask specialists questions regarding taxation, accounting, and activity planning. Also, at such consultations you will be told about the possibilities of receiving other types of government assistance.

  1. Preferential lending.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 209-FZ, an entrepreneur can receive a loan from the state. Such assistance to small businesses can be provided by SME Bank JSC, as well as partner banks and other organizations. Before contacting the bank directly, you need to become a small or medium-sized business and clearly decide on the type of service requested (decide what exactly you need: microloan, credit, leasing services, etc.). Then you need to apply to a regional partner bank or bring the required package of documents to the support infrastructure organization, which should be collected in accordance with the requirements specified by the credit institution.

After you submit the documents, the bank will check whether your company meets its selection criteria and make a decision on whether to issue a loan or not.

There are certain organizations that cannot receive government assistance to small businesses in the form of a loan, namely:

  • insurance companies, investment and non-state pension funds, pawnshops, stock brokers;
  • representatives of the gambling business;
  • enterprises that sell or produce excisable goods specified in Article 181 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • enterprises extracting minerals;
  • non-residents of the Russian Federation.
  1. Rental of premises and land.

A budding entrepreneur can take temporary use land plot or office at a reduced price. From a financial point of view, this is much more profitable than buying a plot or premises from private individuals.

There are also business incubators, which are independent structures or part of technology parks (or centers at universities). They can accommodate an office on the territory allocated to you.

  1. Subsidies.

It is this type of government assistance to small businesses that is most in demand.

A subsidy is free monetary assistance provided to a company. It can be used to expand production, purchase new equipment, and compensate for lost profits. Most often, subsidies are issued for opening a new promising business.

Subsidies are received on a competitive basis, and preference is given to projects that have the highest priority for the region. Most often these are agricultural programs and the launch of production in villages and small towns, projects for housing and communal services, developments innovative technologies and so on.

How to get a subsidy from the state: a guide

Instructions on how to obtain financial support for business development were prepared by the editors of the Commercial Director magazine.

Main types of financial assistance to small businesses from the state

  1. Grants, which are issued to startups. In 2015, the upper threshold of the grant amount reached only 300 thousand rubles, and by 2017 it increased to 500 thousand rubles. Any citizen who has been registered as a business entity for at least two years can take part in the grant draw. To receive this government assistance, small businesses must be selected on a competitive basis, and the winning subsidy can be spent exclusively on business needs. However, their list does not include rent of premises and salaries of employees. A low-income family with young children, the unemployed, former civil servants and military personnel, and families with disabled children can receive a grant.
  2. Subsidies. For those business representatives who can provide jobs to citizens of the Russian Federation and contribute taxes to the country's budget, the state can issue a subsidy in the amount of 5 million rubles.

Small enterprises that operate in the social, economic, industrial or housing and communal services sectors can request such government assistance to small businesses. To do this, it is necessary to prepare all documents in accordance with the requirements of the commission, as well as draw up and defend a business plan.

  1. Cash subsidies from the employment center for the development of small businesses for opening a private business.
  2. Payment of loans or loans, which novice businessmen took before. In this case, state assistance to small businesses can reach 15 million rubles. To reduce the interest rate on the loan, the entrepreneur must provide everything Required documents, and also draw up a business plan. After these materials are studied, the commission will make a decision on whether to award payment to the small business owner.
  3. Subsidy for small businesses for socially vulnerable segments of society, which include:
  • disabled people;
  • single parents raising minor children;
  • released prisoners;
  • graduates of orphanages;
  • other categories of citizens.

In this case, state assistance to small businesses can amount to up to 1.5 million rubles.

  1. Internship, retraining and training, which are paid from the state budget. All expenses will be reimbursed. If they go beyond the established limit, only a part can be covered.
  2. Business incubators(most often they are opened under Small Business Support Funds), which provide budding entrepreneurs with offices, warehouses and other premises. In addition, business incubators teach the main aspects of running a small business and help with writing a business plan in accordance with established requirements.
  3. Outsourcing- provision free services on accounting and tax support.
  4. Encouraging the development of innovative technologies aimed at supporting innovative products. Licenses and patents are purchased from the budget treasury (the maximum amount of state assistance to small businesses in this case is 2.5 million rubles).

Federal financial assistance programs are supported by the Small Business Assistance Fund. Today there are the following options:

  1. Program "Commercialization". Within its framework, the amount of government assistance to small businesses is negotiated with each start-up entrepreneur individually. Assistance involves expanding production and, as a result, increasing the number of jobs.
  2. The Smart Guy program. Within its framework, any citizen 18-30 years old can apply for state assistance to small businesses in the amount of up to 1.5 million rubles. This program is designed to support representatives business sphere in the field of innovative technologies.
  3. Development program allows you to receive a grant in the amount of up to 15 million rubles. These funds are intended to provide the region with additional jobs, modernize equipment at the enterprise and increase labor productivity.
  4. Internationalization program. In it, the amount of government financial assistance to small businesses has no upper threshold and is calculated individually for each project. The name speaks for itself - the program is designed to help establish cooperation with foreign partners (create products for export).
  5. Start program designed to help budding innovators who engage in scientific and technological research and create innovative products. Within the framework of this program, public-private cooperation is practiced (part of the funds comes from third parties, and the rest from the government). Most often, government financial assistance to small businesses under this program is provided during the first year, and then investors provide financing. Any Start participant can receive a subsidy from the state in the amount of up to 5 million rubles, which will be paid to the entrepreneur in several stages. Wherein total amount financing is divided equally between private investors and the state.
  6. Program "Cooperation" involves state assistance to small businesses in the amount of up to 20 million rubles. The money can be used to develop and establish cooperation between this enterprise and large Russian industrial corporations, expand the production base, and improve equipment.

Under what conditions is government financial assistance provided to small businesses?

A citizen registered with the employment center can receive government assistance to small businesses in the form of a subsidy for launching a project after writing the appropriate application. Next, you need to draw up a business plan and send it to a special committee for consideration. If the commission finds the business plan to comply with the standards, then the financial payment will be approved. Then the applicant is registered as an individual entrepreneur and receives from the Federal Tax Service the necessary documents, on the basis of which the payment of material resources will be made.

To receive government assistance to small businesses in the form of a subsidy for the development of an existing project, you must be the owner of an operating enterprise, registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. In this case, the type of property must be registered no more than 12 months before submitting the application. Other programs allow even companies that have been operating for more than a year to receive assistance, but not longer than two years. The priority activity of the enterprise for the region is a strong plus in the process of receiving government assistance to small businesses. If the company is engaged in activities that do not represent the region special significance, then the state may refuse to provide it with a subsidy. The priority sectors of small business for your region can be viewed on the official website of the local territorial center for small business support.

The main condition after receiving a subsidy is the targeted spending of funds. That is, money can only be spent on those needs of the enterprise that were specified in a specific government assistance program for small businesses.

In 2018, government assistance to small businesses can be provided for:

  • payment for materials necessary for organizing production processes;
  • acquisition of equipment necessary for production;
  • payment for patents, technologies, software or other intangible assets.

Most often, the terms of use of funds are limited and usually amount to 1-2 years in case of absence additional conditions and any exceptions.

Almost all programs to provide government assistance to small businesses require the entrepreneur to contribute a certain amount of his own funds. That is, if a company asks for money from the government, it must invest at least 60% of the requested amount in its business. Each program contains its own conditions and establishes a certain percentage of the organization’s contribution to business development.

There are some restrictions on the payment of financial assistance, and in connection with them, some entrepreneurs may face a refusal of state assistance to small businesses. For example, the government cannot help companies that manufacture and sell alcohol and tobacco products, as well as organizations that use leased equipment.

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How to get help for small businesses from the state in the form of subsidies

To receive financial assistance from the state, small businesses must follow a certain algorithm of actions.

  1. Make a business plan . If an aspiring entrepreneur intends to produce goods for socially disadvantaged segments of the population, this fact greatly increases his chances of receiving financial support from the government. When considering a business plan, the commission evaluates several parameters, which include:
  • the amount of taxes that will be returned to the budget by the company;
  • the number of new jobs that the company can provide;
  • the importance and demand for a particular type of business in a given region.
  1. Collect a package of documents, namely:
  • an application describing the business project, as well as justifying its social importance (here you should indicate the objectives, methods of achieving the goal, stages of implementation, volumes of own and attracted funding, results);
  • a copy of the company’s registration certificate, as well as its statutory documents;
  • orders for the appointment of a director and chief accountant;
  • other types of documents (copies of premises rental agreements, contracts with suppliers, licenses, patents, expert opinions and permits from regulatory authorities; certificate of absence of debts on taxes and budget payments; bank statement on the status of accounts).
  1. Apply to a government agency or the SME Support Fund.
  2. Make an approximate cost estimate for business development.

How to get a. The entire package of documents must be taken to the small and medium-sized business support center or submitted through a special electronic form on the organization’s official website. Within 60 days from the date of filing the application, the commission must consider it and invite a businessman to defend his project. Based on the results of the defense, a positive or negative decision on government assistance to small businesses. The results are communicated to the entrepreneur by mail or telephone.

How to report. The use of funds must be explained within one calendar year. It is necessary to provide not only the originals of cash and sales receipts, but also their copies. Also, the package of documents should include invoices, invoices, lease agreements (with a notary’s seal), a book of income and expenses, and so on. If it is impossible to document any expense item, the commission will require the businessman to return the funds in full. Subsidies are not subject to taxes.

How to get help for small businesses from the government in the form of grants

Grants can be allocated to both new entrepreneurs who are just about to launch their business project, and those whose companies have been operating for no more than two years at the time of applying for a grant. Each region has its own list of categories of entrepreneurs who have the right to apply for government assistance to small businesses in the form of a grant. Find out all necessary information can be found on the website of the business support center of the region in which the organization is registered.

The most preferred directions are:

  • science and innovation - 30%;
  • socially significant services - 30%;
  • manufacturing and agriculture - 20%;
  • trade - 12%.

How much can you get? Businessmen who have been doing their business for no more than one year can receive 300 thousand rubles. At the same time, Moscow, Samara and Perm are ready to allocate up to 500 thousand rubles. These funds can be used to pay from 30 to 50% of business expenses (the exact amount depends on conditions in a particular region). The remaining funds must be found by the businessman himself.

Those who have officially registered the status of an unemployed citizen can count on a payment of 58.8 thousand rubles, which will be used to open their own business. If an entrepreneur officially employs people, he can receive the above amount for each person.

What to prepare. An entrepreneur needs:

  • register a legal entity or individual entrepreneur;
  • study the basics of entrepreneurship at the regional Small and Medium Business Support Fund (if a businessman has a diploma of higher economic education, then there is no need to undergo training);
  • write an application to the regional entrepreneurship support center to receive financial assistance (its form can be downloaded on the center’s website and sent by mail or leave an application on the website itself);
  • defend a business plan before a commission in a regional center;
  • obtain unemployed status at a local employment center;
  • present documents to the local employment center.

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To develop your business, you need to collect the necessary package of documents that will confirm the company’s compliance with regional requirements for small and medium-sized businesses. These conditions apply to:

  • number of jobs;
  • registration of a legal entity;
  • the amount of annual revenue and so on.

The basic requirements are reflected in Federal Law No. 209-FZ. They can be found on the websites of regional entrepreneurship support centers. A businessman must also:

  • document the absence of other financial assistance (from other sources) by providing a certificate from the business support center;
  • present documents on registration of a legal entity, constituent documents, a copy of an extract from the register of small enterprises, bank statements of accounts, a business plan, and so on;
  • prove the cleanliness of your credit history by providing a certificate from the National Credit History Bureau.

How to get a. You can leave a request at in electronic format on the website of the administration (local or regional) or on the portal of the regional Small and Medium Business Support Fund. The application will be reviewed within three days. If all the necessary documents are collected and meet the requirements, the commission will report approval or refusal to provide grant assistance within three months.

Each application is assessed according to the point system adopted in a particular region. An overall rating of applications is compiled, and then the commission members vote. Grants are allocated to those projects that receive the majority of votes.

To report, you need not only to draw up the report itself, but also to prepare documents confirming the intended use of funds (commodity and cash receipts, invoices, delivery notes, etc.). In case of failure to provide reports or misuse of funds, you will be required to return the money. You may also be forced to return the balance if you have not spent everything during the calendar year.

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Where can you get help from the government for small business development?

The subsidy is primarily a targeted payment from the local or federal budget. This type of financial assistance is not a loan or credit, and therefore the subsidy does not need to be returned to the state. Thus, it is characterized:

  • gratuitousness;
  • irrevocability;
  • target direction.
  1. Employment center.

Only unemployed citizens can receive a subsidy for the development of small businesses. To do this, you need to perform several successive steps.

Step 1. Registration with the Employment Center.

If you have not officially registered your unemployed status, then you need to collect a package of documents and submit it to the Employment Center. You will need:

  • identification document;
  • document confirming education;
  • work book (if available);
  • Sberbank card number;
  • SNILS;
  • military ID (men).

Then you will need to write two applications (about receiving unemployment benefits and about your intention to carry out small business activities), as well as answer several questions in the questionnaire.

Step 2. Drawing up a business plan.

After receiving the status of an unemployed citizen, you need to write a business plan. This stage is very important, since the commission’s decision on whether to provide state assistance to small businesses or to refuse to provide a subsidy will depend on it. Your business plan should be interesting and inspire confidence among the management of the Employment Center. Approach its preparation as responsibly as possible. To do this, pay special attention to:

  • additional jobs. If new people will be employed as part of your business project, be sure to indicate this. Under this condition, the chances of receiving government assistance for small businesses greatly increase;
  • the social importance of your business activity. Describe in as much detail as possible the usefulness of your business for the region. It is worth noting that the chances are higher for manufacturing projects and the service sector;
  • own investments. The more personal finances you invest in your project, the greater your chances of receiving government assistance for small businesses. To consider an application, you must invest at least 50% of your own funds from the requested amount;
  • targeted use of government subsidies for small businesses. As mentioned earlier, the purposes for which the funds are planned to be distributed are subject to the closest scrutiny. Describe in as much detail as possible all expected expense items. The commission should immediately see what you plan to spend the money provided by the state on.

Step 3. Protecting the business plan.

A detailed business plan must be submitted to the Employment Center. If approved, you will be invited to sign an agreement on providing government assistance to small businesses in the form of a subsidy. After this, you can begin registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

Step 4. Registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur.

On last stage You must register your business with the Federal Tax Service.

If an unemployed citizen is unable to find a job at the Employment Center, the government will provide him with financial support. For example, in Moscow, an entrepreneur can receive a subsidy of up to 10.2 thousand rubles. for registration of a legal entity, individual entrepreneur, farming or peasant farm. In this case, money is paid only after confirmation of expenses.

  1. Organs local government.

The employment center provides small businesses with very little support, which will not help greatly in developing the company. Therefore, try to find additional sources of funding.

If your business involves significant expenses, then ask local governments for help. What is needed for this?

The list of documents for receiving assistance is the same as when applying to the Employment Center, only the package of papers in this case must be taken to the small business development department. Local authorities can provide more impressive financial assistance, which leads to a large number of those who want to receive it. Therefore, your main task is to arouse interest in your project and convince the authorities of the usefulness of your business for the region. If money is allocated, you will be required to report on its expenditure on a monthly basis. If you are late in submitting your report or spent money for other purposes, you will be required to return it.

In addition, you will need to return the money that you did not spend during the first year. Due to the circumstances described above, it is extremely important to have documentary evidence of all targeted expenses in the annual report.

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A practitioner tells

Some don’t know where to turn, others have had bad experiences communicating with government agencies

Olga Kosets,

owner of the Sofiano clothing factory, president of the interregional public organization " Business people»

Many Russian businessmen do not try to get help from the state at all. Some simply don’t know where to turn, while others don’t want to do it because of past bad experiences. Here's my advice to businessmen: go straight to the regional entrepreneurship support centers. There you can get all the information for free about the available government assistance programs for small businesses and the conditions for participating in them. The government will provide you with both advisory assistance and financial support. Of course, on large amounts There is no point in hoping, but at least some problems can be solved using budget funds.

Last year, I contacted the Entrepreneurship Support Center of the Krasnodar Territory - the place of registration of my garment factory. I was hoping to get a soft loan, but for some formal reasons I was not able to. The Center received an offer to participate in a program to reimburse the costs of legal registration of a trademark. I agreed, and the government paid for the extension of Sofiano. Thanks to the assistance of the Department of Investment and Development of Small and Medium Enterprises of the Krasnodar Territory, I am preparing documents to receive a loan at a reduced interest rate from the Industrial Development Fund. For me, this issue is fundamental, since I plan to spend this money on organizing the first industry coworking space.

What kind of government assistance will be provided to small businesses in 2018?

State assistance for opening small businesses in 2018 involves the allocation of subsidies for social entrepreneurship. It is also planned to cancel the capital share limit for foreign investors at 49% and eliminate the link between individual entrepreneur contributions and minimum size wages so that the burden on the business does not increase following changes in the minimum wage. In addition, work will continue aimed at developing infrastructure for business and expanding entrepreneurs’ access to financial resources.

  1. Financial support

Preferential loans. The SME Corporation, together with the Ministry of Economic Development and the Central Bank, is implementing two preferential lending programs for small and medium-sized businesses:

  • “Program 6.5” - a loan in the amount of 10 million to 1 billion rubles. for a period of up to three years. The priority sectors are agriculture, manufacturing food products, primary and subsequent processing of agricultural products, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water, construction, transport and communications, domestic tourism, high-tech projects.
  • “Program 674” (addition to the first program) - a loan in the amount of 5 million to 1 billion rubles, term - up to five years. Priority areas are investment projects, construction, modernization of facilities capital construction. The interest rate on preferential lending programs for medium-sized businesses is 9.6%, for small businesses - 10.6%.

To receive a preferential loan, you can contact the program’s partner bank (there are 45 of them). If the loan amount does not exceed 200 million rubles, then the application will be considered by any of them, if more - by the SME corporation. WITH detailed information information about partner banks, requirements and conditions for granting a loan can be found on the Corporation’s website (section “Banks and credit institutions”).

Microloans. In addition to credit (for example, if there is no credit history or locality located far away), the company can apply for a microloan from a regional microfinance organization. Here you can get a loan of up to 3 million rubles. for a period of up to 36 months. The conditions and procedure for obtaining microloans are posted on the official websites of regional microfinance funds, for example

Departmental and regional programs. Depending on the field of activity of the company, businessmen can seek help from the relevant ministry at the place of registration. Thus, until 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture is implementing the “Beginner Farmer” program, within the framework of which novice farmers are given grants for the creation and development of peasant farms (up to 3 million rubles for cattle breeding and up to 1.5 million rubles for other areas) .

Each region has its own programs to support small and medium-sized businesses. Thus, the administration of Veliky Novgorod is implementing the municipal program “Development of Small and Medium Enterprises” for 2017-2023. To clarify current programs, you should visit the website of the regional administration.

State and municipal guarantees. Each region has a credit assistance fund, which guarantees the entrepreneur for credit, borrowing and leasing in case of insufficient collateral. To receive the service, you need to come to the partner bank, which will send the application and all the necessary documents to the guarantee fund. The decision will be received within three working days from the date of submission of the application. If the answer is positive, a tripartite guarantee agreement will be concluded, and the organization will receive funding. For example, the conditions and list of partner banks in Moscow can be viewed on the capital’s website of the Credit Promotion Fund.

  1. Property support.

Business incubators and technology parks. As mentioned above, business incubators provide space at discounted prices. For example, the monthly rental cost in a business incubator in St. Petersburg is 239 rubles. 25 kopecks per sq. m in the first year, 382 rubles. 80 kop. per sq. m in the second year.

Leasing. Preferential leasing implies the provision of equipment for rent at a rate of 6% per annum (for Russian equipment) or 8% per annum (for foreign equipment). Amount of financing - 5-200 million rubles. The terms of the program and the participant form can be found on the SME Corporation website (section “Financial Support”).

  1. Information support.

Business information exchange networks. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry has developed a special electronic platform “Success Navigator”, where entrepreneurs can obtain free information about taxes, changes in legislation, marketing, and so on. To do this, you need to follow the link and look at the archive of information on the issue of interest.

The platform provides the opportunity to subscribe. Then the person will receive recommendations twice a week, reminders about submitting reporting documents and paying taxes, and so on. The letters in the mailing list also contain a reporting form, into which the businessman simply enters his data and receives a ready-made document.

Exhibitions, fairs, forums. Up to 90% of businessmen’s expenses for participation in such events can be paid by the state. The subsidy is calculated after. For assistance and advice, you can contact the regional entrepreneurship support center.

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A practitioner tells

Centers will open in 40 regions to provide assistance to small businesses

Elena Lashkina,

Assistant Secretary of Economic Development

By February 1, 2018, on behalf of the Government of the Russian Federation, at least 40 regional centers were opened to provide services for small and medium-sized businesses. They will work on the one-window principle. In such a center it will be possible to register a legal entity, register real estate in the cadastral register, and obtain a license to sell alcoholic beverages.

At the end of 2017 - beginning of 2018, the Ministry of Economic Development will launch an online platform that will combine on one platform offers of educational, financial, government and b2b services for beginning and existing entrepreneurs. The portal will give people the opportunity to take online courses and webinars with experts. Training will take place in paid and free programs, and upon completion of some of them it will be possible to purchase a state-issued certificate. So that entrepreneurs can consolidate their acquired knowledge, special interactive tools will be created for them in the form of interactive simulators, business cases and business games. In addition, the site will contain step by step instructions who will tell you how to open your own business.

Information about the experts

Lydia Tsarenko, General Director of Premium Telecom, Moscow. "Premium Telecom". Field of activity: communication services, development software for mobile devices.

Olga Kosets, owner of the Sofiano clothing factory, president of the interregional public organization “Business People”. "Sofiano" founded in 1995. Main activities - clothing industry and sales of products under the same brand. Staff - 60 people. Annual turnover - 5 million rubles.

Elena Lashkina Graduated from Tashkent State Technical University. She worked as an assistant - press secretary to the Minister of Communications and Mass Communications Igor Shchegolev, head of the department for work with government organizations in Russia and the CIS countries of the NVision Group. Since 2013 - in current position.

In international practice, the share of replenishment of the state budget from small businesses can be up to 30-60 percent. The Ministries of Economy of some countries in the Asia-Pacific region, the Mediterranean basin, and even Central Europe can boast of similar records.

In Russia, these figures are an order of magnitude lower. A similar situation applies to the percentage of the population employed in small and medium-sized businesses. All last years and even decades after the country's transition to a market economy, programs to support small business development were adopted almost every year. As a result, today government assistance to small businesses is provided within the framework of federal and regional support programs. Sometimes it seems that the growth of the influence of small businesses on the country’s economy is only hampered by some inconsistency in the actions of officials and aspiring entrepreneurs.

Higher priority in receiving assistance are rural industries. For example, or cattle.

Beekeepers can also count on such help. We have a separate section about the bee business.

Should small businesses expect real help from the government? Who needs and is relevant such help?

How does the government help small businesses? Since the state is interested in replenishing the budget and increasing the number of jobs through small and medium-sized businesses, the possibility of receiving its help in theory exists. This includes assistance in the financial field. The most convenient option for assistance is free and non-repayable subsidies. Everything carried out within the framework of providing assistance to small businesses is based on the adopted unified state program for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. It is usually developed for each upcoming calendar year or two years. There is now a government program to support small businesses for 2013-2014. Possession of its positions often provides significant assistance in processing applications for government assistance.

Help in starting a business

The level of assistance provided depends on the direction of the new production. In fact, any small enterprise can receive subsidies from the state for business at the regional level and federal center in areas:

  • training, advanced training and retraining of specialists;
  • work in the field of participation in advertising campaigns and exhibition and congress events;
  • licensing;
  • activities to open an enterprise;
  • purchase of equipment and computer equipment;
  • selection of options for renting premises;
  • opening a business.

The feasibility of providing a subsidy for starting a business is assessed government agency based on the business plan of a small enterprise and is based on the choice of direction of work. Ideally, it should coincide with the priority directions of economic development in the region.

In most regions, priority areas include:

  • innovative business;
  • Agriculture;
  • production of goods in the real sector.

State support also includes the opportunity provided to small businesses to apply to business incubators. This is a convenient prospect for receiving legal assistance for small businesses, assistance in developing a business plan and other issues.

To increase the prospects of receiving a subsidy, experts recommend including the provision of vacant jobs to persons registered at the labor exchange in the list of priority activities of the created organization. These benefits are also aimed at unemployed people who plan to open their own small business.

Within the framework of grants and subsidies, with proper preparation of documents, you can receive from 40 to 60% of the amount necessary to start production. Grants and subsidies to small businesses operating under federal programs or regional programs, can be provided almost annually.

An alternative option is to participate in the execution of government orders. Data on announced competitions for the execution of government orders are published on the websites government organizations. On these resources, the plan for hosting competitions and their topics are published at the end of the next calendar year. Many government orders provide preferences for competition participants representing small businesses.

Assistance in developing existing small businesses

Support for existing small businesses and those with positive development indicators is also provided within the framework of these programs. In addition, in recent years, the trend has been for government officials to develop mechanisms to stimulate the development of the manufacturing sector. Such programs are supported through the provision of subsidies and special loans.

When applying for financial support, it is important to correctly draw up a package of documents that will justify the request for government subsidies. It includes:

  • an application drawn up in the prescribed form;
  • a copy of the complete package of all constituent documents;
  • copy of the founder's passport;
  • certificate confirming inclusion in the register of small businesses;
  • certificate confirming state registration.

You can increase the chance of a positive result of reviewing your request by including in your business plan:

  • data on employee salaries and staffing levels;
  • indicators of wage growth, maintaining the number of employees and increasing their number;
  • expected level data financial costs and payback periods.

Alternative financing options - loans to small businesses from the state

Lines of loan products aimed at small businesses are now offered by almost all leading banks in the country. This includes specialized programs. For example, “Sberbank for small businesses.”

Within the framework of such programs, amounts of up to 5,000,000 million rubles are provided. The maximum amount provided by a bank to small businesses is usually 12,000,000 million. The term of the loan and the annual interest rate directly depend on the documents submitted in the application.

Loans as part of refinancing are becoming a common offer option. They are often secured by an existing business. Any loan programs secured by property have favorable interest rates.

An important point when considering the conditions for the provision of borrowed funds is data on the term successful activities. Many banks indicate the minimum period of confirmed operation of an enterprise is 3 months.

Loans for the development of small businesses are provided under special programs, so-called startups. Most often, such programs issue loans secured by property. If it is impossible to obtain a secured loan, the lending conditions become quite strict. The interest rate increases and the amount issued is adjusted downward. It is easier for small businesses just starting out to get a micro loan.

When collateral is provided, significant amounts can be provided to successful small businesses. So, on collateral, VTB-24 Bank is ready to provide the borrower with up to 150 million rubles at 10.5% per annum. Many banks in the country offer a wide range of loans for small businesses. It is convenient to select the most attractive one for each potential borrower using loan calculators available on the Internet. Often this opportunity is provided by the websites of legal organizations. Many such resources allow you to immediately send your application for consideration to the selected bank or to several banks at once.

In any case, to obtain borrowed funds, a detailed and clear business plan is provided to the bank.

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