The concept of cargo. Components of transport characteristics

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Transport characteristics of the cargo is a property of a product that manifests itself during the transportation process and determines this process. The concept of “transport characteristics of cargo” includes: physical-chemical, biochemical and hazardous properties; volume-mass indicators; containers and packaging in which the cargo is transported; conditions (modes) of transportation, storage and loading and unloading operations. The set of certain qualitative and quantitative indicators of the transport characteristics of cargo, formed for a specific transportation, is called transport condition of the cargo.

The physical, chemical, biochemical and hazardous properties inherent in a particular cargo determine the conditions for its transshipment, transportation and storage, as well as the basic requirements for containers and packaging of the cargo. A description of these properties and their influence on the organization of the transport process is given in the works. At the same time, biochemical properties (processes) occur in cargoes of plant and animal origin and are caused by the interaction of the cargo with atmospheric oxygen, or the presence of various microorganisms and their life activities. The presence of dangerous properties indicates the transport danger of the cargo. Transportation of dangerous goods is carried out in compliance with special conditions established in the general case by the Rules for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods approved for various types transport.

Determining the volume-mass indicators of cargo is necessary to assess the use of the capacity and carrying capacity of rolling stock in which cargo can be transported, as well as to calculate the parameters of warehouses and loading mechanisms, and cargo weight. Moreover, for cargo different types These indicators differ: density characterizes liquid cargo, volume (bulk) mass - bulk and bulk cargo, specific volume - general.

Containers and packaging can be used for the transportation of various general cargo. Cargoes that, due to their characteristics, can be packaged and bagged, must be presented for transportation in packaged form using transport containers. As a result of product packaging, packaging units– goods packaged in consumer packaging for sale and cargo units– goods packed in transport packaging for transportation. Cargo units are called differently transport units or cargo places. Each type of container is characterized by a specific code.

The conditions of transportation, storage and loading and unloading operations must be determined on the basis of the current rules for the transportation of goods approved for various types of transport. These conditions must take into account the physical, chemical, biochemical and hazardous properties that are inherent in the cargo being transported. When presenting cargo for transportation, it is necessary to indicate its name and code, which are generally accepted in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Statistical Nomenclature of Cargo (UTSNG).


The concept of cargo. Components of transport characteristics

At different stages economic cycle: production – transportation – consumption, the result of labor appears in a new quality each time. At the first stage (production), the material result of social labor is product having consumer value. The product, in whole or in part, can be used for sale or consumption elsewhere. In this case he becomes goods. At the second stage (transportation), the product acquires a new quality: it becomes cargo, that is, the object of transportation. Cargo in transport is any product that is in the process of transportation, that is, from the moment it is accepted for transportation until the moment it is delivered to the consignee. At the third stage - when the consumer value is realized - the cargo again acts as a product.

The cost of a product consists of the cost of its production and the cost of transportation. In the process of transporting cargo, the main participants in this process are not the manufacturer and consumer of the product, but the cargo owner and the transport organization (carrier). Objectively, transportation increases the cost of the product for the consumer, so transportation costs should be reduced in every possible way, but not to the detriment of the safety, timeliness and safety of cargo delivery.

Any product, even before it gets into transport, already has the right set properties, that is, a certain quality that during transportation should not change or, in any case, deteriorate from the point of view of the consumer.

All those beneficial features product, which characterize its consumer value, are significant at the initial and final stages economic cycle. At the transportation stage, many consumer properties of the product that characterize it as a commodity turn out to be insignificant, since they do not affect the transportation process. In this case, those properties of the goods that are associated with the transportation process and constitute the transport characteristics of the cargo come to the fore.

A transport characteristic of cargo is a property of a product that manifests itself during transportation and determines this process. The transport characteristics of cargo include: physical-chemical, biochemical, thermophysical and hazardous properties; volume-mass indicators; containers and packaging in which the cargo is transported; marking; modes of transportation, storage and reloading. A change in the transport characteristics of cargo leads to the need to change technical support and/or technology of the transportation process. For example, the transition from transportation of cement in bulk to transportation in containers (paper bags) will require the use of other types of rolling stock, warehouses and means of mechanized loading and unloading operations (LOW), as well as the use of packaging materials and packaging means.

The set of specific qualitative and quantitative indicators of the transport characteristics of cargo is called the transport state of the cargo. For example, when transporting cement in bags, the transport state of this cargo consists of the following components: according to physical and chemical properties - subject to sprayability, abrasiveness, caking, hygroscopicity; in terms of volumetric mass indicators - it has a volumetric mass of 1.7 t/m 3; By dangerous properties– is dusty and causes diseases; for containers and packaging - transported in paper bags indicating the name “Portland cement for construction” and the weight of the cargo (50 kg).

The safety of cargo and the safety of its transportation are ensured if the cargo is presented for transportation in a transportable condition. The cargo is transportable if:

  • - is in good condition (has required quality);
  • - meets the requirements state standards and transportation conditions (has proper containers, packaging, seals, locks and the necessary markings);
  • - reliably protected from adverse events external influence.

Description of the cargo in the contract of carriage. The name, condition and quantity of the cargo are its most significant characteristics, which should be reflected in the contract of carriage, since depending on these data, issues are resolved about the possibility of accepting the cargo for transportation, ensuring proper conditions for loading (unloading) of cargo, its transportation and storage, the amount of freight, as well as the nature and extent of unsafe cargo, for which the carrier may be held liable. The determination of the cargo to be transported depends on the type of transportation and the concluded contract.
In the bill of lading, the characteristics of the cargo must be complete and accurate. Information about the cargo to be included in the bill of lading is provided for in the CTM: name of the cargo, brands on it, number, places or quantity and (or) measure (weight, volume), and, if necessary, data on appearance, condition and special properties cargo In the 1924 Bill of Lading Convention, the requirement to include in the bill of lading data on the appearance and condition of the cargo, in contrast to the KTM, is formulated in an unconditional form. The Convention proceeds from the fact that data on the appearance and position of the cargo must be included by the carrier in the bill of lading.

The carrier checks the condition of the cargo, its packaging and labeling. Data about the cargo is entered into the bill of lading based on the information contained in the loading order, based on the results of an inspection carried out by the carrier in accordance with the rules for accepting cargo in force in maritime transport. A bill of lading drawn up on the basis of the loading order data verified by the carrier is the most important evidence of the actual quantity and condition of the cargo accepted for transportation. Since the carrier undertakes to deliver the cargo entrusted to him safely, the recipient has the right to make a claim against him if the delivered cargo does not correspond to its description in the bill of lading. In addition, the inclusion of correct information about cargo in cargo documents contributes to the safety of cargo during storage, loading (unloading) and transportation.
The carrier checks the condition of the accepted cargo, its packaging and labeling through external inspection. The carrier, as a rule, is not obliged to check the quality of the accepted cargo, i.e. internal properties(grade, humidity, etc.). The clause in the bill of lading “quality unknown” means that the carrier does not know the internal properties of the cargo, since he could not detect them by external inspection of the cargo. The carrier is released from liability for failure to preserve the cargo caused by hidden flaws the cargo itself, its properties, as well as defects of containers and packaging that are invisible in appearance.
When inspecting the cargo, the carrier checks the presence and compliance of the stamps on the cargo with the data of the loading order and their clarity. The condition of containerized and packaged goods is determined by appearance and the condition of the container and packaging. Compliance of containers and packaging with the requirements imposed on them and serviceability is also established by external inspection, i.e. without compromising their integrity. The internal packaging of goods is not subject to inspection. In cases where documents certifying the quality of the cargo must be transferred to the carrier along with the cargo, the carrier must check the compliance of these documents with the requirements for the carriage of this cargo by sea.
Cargo condition clauses and their meaning. Most forms of bills of lading contain a provision that the cargo is accepted “in apparent good order and condition”. The presence of this provision in the bill of lading deprives the carrier of the right to refer to defects in the cargo and its packaging that could have been noticed by him when accepting the cargo, if the holder of the bill of lading is a third party. Therefore, if, upon acceptance of the cargo, an improper condition of the cargo or its packaging is revealed, the carrier enters into the navigator’s receipt, and then into the bill of lading, appropriate clauses reflecting the actual condition of the accepted cargo. The practice of merchant shipping has developed generally accepted formulations of clauses indicating deficiencies in the condition of the cargo or its packaging, “example: “second hand cases”, bags have stains” (bags stained), “packaging of bales is torn” (cover of bales torn), “barrels leaking”, etc. The presence in the bill of lading of clauses denying the good condition of the cargo does not relieve the carrier from liability for the failure of the cargo, however, it places the burden of proof on the recipient of proof that the cargo was accepted by the carrier in good condition, and the damage to the cargo was caused during its transportation. However, such consequences occur only if the loss or damage to the cargo is due to the defects of the cargo or its container noted in the bill of lading. Thus, the clause in the bill of lading “the bags are torn” will not be taken into account if the damage caused to the cargo is associated with its soaking in sea water.
Due to the fact that reservations reduce the value of the bill of lading as a document of title, shippers often ask the carrier to issue a “clean” bill of lading, that is, without reservations discrediting the condition of the cargo, and offer letter of guarantee the obligation to compensate the carrier for all losses that may arise as a result of the inclusion in the bill of lading of data that does not correspond to reality.

In the process of moving cargo, the main participants in transportation are not the manufacturer and consumer of the product, but the cargo owner and the owner of the rolling stock with their service organizations. Naturally, transportation objectively increases the cost of the product for the consumer, so it is necessary to reduce transport costs, of course, without compromising the safety, timeliness and safety of cargo delivery.

Thus, from the moment of acceptance for transportation at the point of departure and until the moment of issuance at the point of destination, all commercial products are called cargo.

2. Transport characteristics of the cargo

Cargoes of each type have unique physical and chemical properties, volumetric and mass characteristics and a degree of danger that determine the technical conditions of transportation. In combination with the parameters of containers and packaging, the specific properties of cargo constitute the concept transport characteristics of the cargo.

Transport characteristics of cargo determines the modes of transportation, transshipment and storage, as well as the requirements for technical means for performing these operations. Transport characteristics are used when solving problems of rationalizing the transportation process: choosing the type of rolling stock (FS), loading and unloading mechanisms and devices (LMD), warehouse equipment, means of cargo packaging, developing conditions for their transportation, etc.

The set of specific qualitative and quantitative indicators of the transport characteristics of goods is called transport condition of the cargo.

The safety of the cargo and the safety of its transportation is ensured if the cargo is presented for transportation in a transportable condition. The cargo is transportable if:

    is in good condition;

    meets the requirements of standards and transportation conditions;

    has serviceable containers, packaging, seals, locks, control tapes and proper markings;

    reliably protected from adverse external influences; has no other signs indicating its deterioration.

3. Transport classification of goods

Transport classification of goods is understood as the ordering of a set of goods according to some criterion that determines the characteristics of the transport process. The following main types of cargo are installed in transport: bulk- liquid cargo transported in bulk; dry- any cargo, except liquid cargo; bulk- dry cargo transported in bulk without containers; bulk- grain cargo transported without containers; piece- dry cargo, consisting of individual packages; general- various piece cargo.

Each group (type) is divided into subgroups that unite goods that are similar in their transport characteristics and transportation conditions. In road transport (AT), several cargo classification systems are used.

TO bulk cargo include solid fuel, ore, mineral construction materials, timber, etc. The specified cargo is accepted for transportation without counting of places. Bulk cargoes are divided into two groups:

    not requiring protection from precipitation and spray (solid fuel, ore, brick);

    subject to spraying, contamination and deterioration from precipitation (cement, lime, chalk, fertilizers).

Transportation of the first group is permitted on open rolling stock, and the second - in universal covered and specialized containers or specialized tanks.

Bulk cargo are allowed for transportation by vehicle in bulk. These include rye, wheat, barley, buckwheat, oilseeds and legumes. Flour and cereals are also transported in containers and are included in the subgroup of packaged unit cargo.

General cargo classified into categories (subgroups): metal products: rolled metal, profiled metal, sheet metal, ingots, wire in coils, metal pipes, rails, beams, metal products;

mobile equipment: movable technical means tracked and wheeled;

reinforced concrete products and structures: beams, crossbars, sleepers, columns, piles, slabs, panels, blocks, etc.;

containers: large-tonnage - gross weight from 10 to 30 tons, medium-tonnage - from 3 to 5 tons, small-tonnage - from 0.625 to 1.25 tons, universal and specialized: soft, isothermal, refrigerated, open, tanks, platforms, etc. .;

packaged cargo- a cargo consignment consisting of piece goods, packaged or unpacked: packages in strapping (film), on pallets, block and sling packages;

packaged and piece: with a weight of one piece of less than 500 kg, heavy-weight with a weight of one piece of more than 500 kg, long and bulky: length more than 3 m, width 2.6 m, height 2.1 m, oversized - height over 4 m, width 2.5 m and protruding beyond the tailgate or the edge of the rolling stock platform is more than 2 m;

roll-barrel: barrels And wooden, metal and plastic drums, drums with cable, tires in bundles and separately, coils and coils;

timber: round timber, lumber in packages, plywood, wood board in bundles, logs, sawn timber, etc.;

to living creatures include large and small livestock, horses, wild animals, birds, bees and live fish.

Depending on the specific properties and transportation conditions, all cargo is divided into nine groups:

    perishable, i.e. cargo requiring protection from high or low ambient temperatures. These include products from livestock, crop farming, poultry farming and the fishing industry. In these cargoes, processes of color change, decomposition and hydrolysis of complex organic substances actively occur;

    hygroscopic, i.e. cargo capable of absorbing free moisture from the air, which can lead to changes in mass, volume, physical and chemical properties, and direct losses and damage to the cargo. These include sugar, salt, cement, etc.;

    cargoes that easily accumulate foreign odors (ground products, tea, sugar), which can lead to food spoilage;

    cargo with specific odors, which, when stored and transported together, can lead to damage to other cargo (fish products, leather, tobacco, petroleum products);

    cargoes that stably retain their characteristic characteristics physicochemical characteristics during transportation and storage, which do not undergo noticeable changes under normal conditions (mineral construction materials, ores, coal, timber);

    bulk cargoes that lose their flowability properties during transportation as a result of freezing or sintering of individual particles (granulated slag, pyrites, potassium salt);

    caking bulk cargoes in which, during long-term storage or transportation, loss of mobility of product particles occurs as a result of pressure upper layers(cement, clay, peat);

    dangerous goods that require compliance with special rules during transportation and which can cause harm to personnel and damage to rolling stock involved in transportation;

    cargo that is capable of significant weight loss during transportation (vegetables, melons, meat products).

According to the conditions and methods of storage, cargo can be divided into three large groups:

    valuable cargo and cargo that can deteriorate under the influence of moisture or temperature changes: perishable, industrial, food; storage in closed warehouses is recommended;

    goods that are not exposed to temperature fluctuations, but moisture ingress can cause them to deteriorate: paper, metal, cotton. Storage in closed warehouses or under a canopy is recommended.

    cargoes not exposed or slightly exposed to the external environment: coal, metals, containers. Storage is recommended in open areas.


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