Portioned pike perch ala naturel bulgakov. Cooking Bulgakov style: culinary recipes from the Massolita restaurant

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A la naturel

A la naturel I several Wed

Something that has a natural, natural look.

II adj.

Having a natural, natural look.

III adv. quality-circumstances

Having a natural, natural look.

Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000.

See what “a la naturel” is in other dictionaries:

    naturel- naturel. kulin. About products in their natural form, the same as about naturel. And I know the cooking part.. I studied at the English club for five years.. and serving, and coloring, and how to serve, and about blanzhire.. So? again, canned food, lanspig..… …

    naturel- about naturel in its natural form, naked (French au naturelle) ... Dictionary of literary types

    and naturel- Wed. Oh naturel. Herring a naturel with hot potato salad (100-150 g). Gastronomic bulletin No. 187 Pushkin's time. // PIO 1999 9 12 ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    about naturel- au naturel. 1. kulin. In its natural form, without culinary tricks. Potatoes au naturel came into use during the reign of terror. BDCH 1835 12 4 40. They were first greeted not by sterlets au naturel, not by Russian men from... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    enfant naturel- * enfant naturel. An illegitimate child. “I only know that they have mothers,” the owner answered. Our little mermaid, mauvais genre, would blurt out to you: fat... fi! How can I put it mildly, more subtly, the French are masters of this. I will name these after them... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    boeuf au naturel- * boeuf au naturel. Home cooked beef. It's so tempting: boeuf au naturel. RB 1904 8 1 71 ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

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    istoire naturel- *histoire naturelle. Natural history, natural science. What lovely exercises they asked me... there abroad! And how I loved doing histoire naturelle. Bobor. Businessmen. // OZ 1873 5 1 129 ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

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The Master and Margarita, the Young Lady and the Cook... what can such different couples have in common? It turns out that this is pike perch a la naturel, described by Bulgakov in the famous novel. A modern culinary specialist has exactly repeated the recipe, thanks to which we now have the opportunity to try to prepare one of the dishes from the beginning of the last century, served in the famous Moscow restaurant of the Griboyedov House, where the heroes of the novel frequented.

This pike perch recipe is, in my opinion, quite unusual. Although, even just watching it being prepared, we can say with confidence that it is very tasty.

How to cook pike perch a la naturel

For this recipe you need fish (in this case pike perch) weighing about half a kilo.

First of all, let's make sure that the fish turns out juicy and flavorful. To do this, put a pan of water on the fire to prepare a broth from the roots, in which the fish will subsequently be cooked.

We start with celery. We clean the root, cut it in half, and then cut half into large pieces about one and a half to two centimeters thick. If the root is not very large, then we use it entirely. The exact proportion is not critical.

Place celery in a saucepan.

We crush 5-6 cardamom grains with a knife so that they give their aroma to the broth and send them after the celery. There we also put 3 bay leaves, a pinch of oregano, a piece and a couple of grains of hot chili pepper. If desired, you can add paprika.

Let's start cutting up the pike perch. We cut off the head of the fish, which can also be thrown into the broth. You won’t need it later, and it will add richness to the broth.

We cut off the fins of the pike perch and cut it into pieces about three centimeters thick. Place in our aromatic broth, boiling over low heat.

The most important thing is not to overcook the fish. The pieces are relatively small, so they will be ready quickly, so cook for about five minutes.

Preparing sweet and sour sauce for fish

Ingredients: 1 lemon, 150 ml vegetable oil, 5 boiled eggs and 100 g of powdered sugar.

Cut a whole lemon and squeeze the juice out of it through a strainer so that no seeds get into the sauce. Add vegetable oil to the same bowl. Whisk.

If five minutes have already passed, then carefully remove the fish from the pan, place it on a dish and continue preparing the sauce.

The main ingredient of this sauce will be hard-boiled egg yolks. Remove them from the eggs and grind them into a homogeneous paste. The easiest way is to do this through a sieve directly into the bowl with the future sauce.

We add the most unexpected element for fish sauce - powdered sugar. Using a whisk or blender, bring everything until smooth.

We generously pour the yellow sauce over the fish, after which the dish can be placed on the table.

It must be said that this optimistic sauce is suitable not only for the old recipe for pike perch, but for any other boiled fish, turning a banal taste into a real holiday.

Pike perch a la naturel can be served either warm, freshly prepared, or completely cooled. The dish turns out so aromatic that the temperature does not matter here.

Bon appetit!

According to Bulgakov...

For a long time now, probably since I first read Bulgakov’s immortal novel, portioned pike perch “a la naturel” have haunted me. I tried to delve into the essence of the question, and realized that there was no clear answer. As a result, I offer my vision of the dish. Without claiming to be 100% similar to the MOSSOLITA restaurant, I think that it is very close to the truth.
It looks like I won’t be able to go to normal fishing on Akhtuba this year, so let’s go to the market to fish.

We come across six of the freshest pike perch weighing 200-300 grams each.
We take them to:
Couple bulbs
Parsley root
And celery
- 5 pieces.
Olive oil– 150 grams
Dry white
- 4 things.
Allspice peas- 2 pcs.
Black peppercorns– 6 pcs.
Bay leaf
Salt, sugar.

We clean the fish, cut off the fins, tails and heads, cut along the ridge and remove the fillets from the bones. We get 12 fillets respectively. We cut half the roots, the onion into half rings.

Salt the fillet from the inside, roll it up and fasten it with thread.

Place the rolls standing in a saucepan, filling the free space with onions, roots and spices.

Pour in dry wine half and half with water to approximately the level of the middle of the pike perch, so that the onions are covered. I only got 3 cups of liquid. Cover with a lid and put on fire. After boiling, keep on low heat for 20 minutes.

Prepare the sauce. Press the yolks of hard-boiled eggs through a sieve.

Pour in the oil, stir in 100 grams of sugar, squeeze in the lemon juice. Beat with a mixer until smooth.

-Where are you having dinner today, Ambrose?
- What kind of question is there, of course, here, dear Foka! Archibald Archibaldovich whispered to me today that there will be portioned pike perch a naturel. Virtuoso thing!
- You know how to live, Ambrose! - with a sigh, the skinny, neglected Fok, with a carbuncle on his neck, answered the ruddy-lipped giant, golden-haired, puffy-cheeked Ambrose the poet.
“I don’t have any special skills,” objected Ambrose, “but an ordinary desire to live like a human being.” Are you saying, Foka, that pike perch can also be found at the Colosseum. But at the Colosseum a portion of pike perch costs thirteen rubles and fifteen kopecks, and here it costs five fifty! In addition, at the Colosseum, the pike perch are third-day, and, besides, you still have no guarantee that you will not get a grape brush in the face in the Colosseum from the first young man who bursts in from the theater passage. No, I’m categorically against the “Colosseum,” the grocery store Ambrose thundered throughout the boulevard. - Don’t persuade me, Foka!
“I’m not trying to persuade you, Ambrose,” squeaked Foka. - You can have dinner at home.
“Humble servant,” trumpeted Ambrose, “I can imagine your wife trying to make portioned pike perch a naturel in a saucepan in the common kitchen of the house!” Gi-gi-gi!.. Orevoir, Foka! - and, humming, Ambrose rushed to the veranda under the awning.

I have long been interested in what kind of pike perch are mentioned so deliciously in Mikhail Bulgakov’s immortal work “The Master and Margarita”. Having scoured the Internet, I found many recipes that can claim to be the “same” one used in the Griboyedov restaurant. Everywhere, pike perch is cut into portions, boiled in its own juice with spices and, when served, topped with a specially prepared sauce.

Cooking pike perch.
Everything is simple here. Pour water into a deep frying pan, add some salt, add allspice and black peppercorns, cardamom, bay leaf and lay out pieces of fish. Cook over low heat until cooked, but do not overcook - the fish should remain firm.

Prepare the sauce.
Make the sauce sweet and sour. Almost all recipes require the following ingredients: 150 grams of olive oil, 100 grams of powdered sugar, 5 yolks, lemon. The yolks are grated and then mixed with butter. Then powdered sugar is added and everything is whipped with a mixer. Instead of olive oil, I used vegetable oil, and instead of powdered sugar, fragrant mountain honey from herbs. The honey was very sweet, so I had to add more lemon to balance out the sweet and sour balance.

The pike perch turned out very tasty and incredibly filling. Be sure to try this recipe. And be careful if you have a shared kitchen in a communal apartment

Where are you having dinner today, Ambrose?
- What kind of question is there, of course, here, dear Foka! Archibald Archibaldovich whispered to me today that there will be portioned pike perch a naturel. Virtuoso thing!
- You know how to live, Ambrose! - with a sigh, the skinny, neglected Fok, with a carbuncle on his neck, answered the ruddy-lipped giant, golden-haired, puffy-cheeked Ambrose the poet.
“I don’t have any special skills,” objected Ambrose, “but an ordinary desire to live like a human being.” Are you saying, Foka, that pike perch can also be found at the Colosseum. But at the Colosseum a portion of pike perch costs thirteen rubles and fifteen kopecks, and here it costs five fifty! In addition, in the “Colosseum” the pike perch are third-rate, and, besides, you still have no guarantee that you will not get a grape brush in the face in the “Coliseum” from the first young man who bursts in from the theater passage. No, I am categorically against the “Colosseum,” the grocery store Ambrose thundered throughout the boulevard.
- Don't persuade me, Foka!
“I’m not trying to persuade you, Ambrose,” Foka squeaked. - You can have dinner at home.
“Humble servant,” trumpeted Ambrose, “I can imagine your wife trying to make portioned pike perch a naturel in a saucepan in the common kitchen of the house!” Gi-gi-gi!.. Orevoir, Foka! - and, humming, Ambrose rushed to the veranda under the awning. This is a quote from M. Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita".
Of course, the exquisite portioned pike perch, so colorfully described by Bulgakov, cannot be called a traditional dish of Don cuisine. But pike perch themselves, as well as other fish, have always been the most important raw material for Cossack cooking, and therefore, taking this into account, as well as the authority of the writer Mikhail Bulgakov, I consider it necessary to describe the preparation of this dish. This is especially true in the year of literature.
So, portioned pike perch. The word "portioned" means that the fish is cooked and served in portion form. And “naturel” means about the same as the inscription “fish in its own juice” on a tin can. That is, pike perch as they are. We take a pike perch, preferably a large one, cut it into portions, biting off the sharp dorsal fins with tongs, leaving the caviar, if any, the liver and fat carefully removed from the intestines. In a small amount of salted water, thoroughly boil the head, sawn in half lengthwise with a saw knife, the tail, fins and other parts of the carcass not used in the dish. Then you can, we note in passing, pick the meat from the boiled parts of the fish, carefully removing the bones from it. This meat, when chopped, can then be used mixed with cabbage as a filling for pies or for other purposes. The remainder of the decoction and pulp can also be used in the future, for example, to prepare a small amount of aspic. Place the meat collected from the bones of the head, tail and fins in a tray, add a little garlic, a piece of bay leaf and a couple of allspice peas, pour boiling broth into which it is useful to add a pinch of edible gelatin. Cool, decorate with a sprig of herbs and then put in the refrigerator. But these, one might say, are notes in the margins that do not directly relate to our dish.
In the meantime, we add spices to the resulting broth: 3-4 peas of allspice and a bay leaf, place fish, fat, liver and caviar here, if necessary, add water so that it does not cover the fish, but is slightly lower. Bring to a boil and simmer for a couple of minutes, after cooling for some time, carefully remove the contents from the broth and place on plates. Sometimes, it should be noted, pike perch is served in the form of fillet rolls, but the natural taste of the fish is preserved to a lesser extent. Now let's worry about preparing the sauce. The simplest thing is to use mayonnaise without vinegar, for example, with lemon juice or sour cream sauce. Depending on the amount of fish, slightly dilute the required amount of mayonnaise with fish decoction, knead the yolk of a hard-boiled chicken egg and mix everything well. In addition to fish, we place a piece of liver and a piece of caviar on a plate. More accentuated pickled wild garlic, capers, pickles, seaweed harmonize well with the delicate taste of pike perch; you can also use ginger, grated horseradish, lemon slices, and potatoes. Pour the prepared sauce over the contents of the serving and serve hot. The design and components of the dish, naturally, can change, but the boiled pike perch and light sauce remain unchanged.


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