Step-by-step installation of the program without an installation disk. How to install CryptoPro: step-by-step instructions Installing CryptoPro 3.9 step-by-step instructions

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After purchasing a license in our online store, you will receive an email in which you will find:

  • product license key
  • link to product distribution
  • link to user manual
Since no one likes to read the user manual anyway (and you wouldn’t be reading this article if you had read the manual), we only need product license key And link to distribution.

Step 1

First you need to find out whether you have installed Cryptopro CSP earlier and if installed, what version?

This can be done by carefully examining your Start menu: there should be an item CRYPTO-PRO, which has a program CryptoPro CSP.

If you don’t find it, most likely you don’t have CryptoPRO installed, so feel free to go to.

If you find it, run it CryptoPro CSP. There we see the General tab, where the license validity period and version number are indicated.

If the version number matches the version you purchased (for example, if the window says 4.0.****, and you bought CryptoPro CSP 4.0, it means it matches), then you you don't have to reinstall the program, but simply enter the license key. How to do this - look at .

Step 2

You find out that the program is not installed. This means you need to download CryptoPro CSP and install it.

Downloading it is not so easy: the crypto provider is a means of cryptographic information protection, which means its distribution is subject to registration with the relevant authorities. Therefore, you will need to follow the link that came to you in the letter or go to the CryptoPro website yourself using the link and select from the list of products CryptoPro CSP.

You will see something like this:

Click on the link " Pre-registration" and fill out a form from many fields. After filling out the form and registering, you will be required to agree to the license agreement, and then you will still have the opportunity to download the program distribution.

At the time of publication, the distribution selection page looks like this:

If you purchased the version CryptoPro CSP 3.6, then you will need to select a version R4- today it is the most functional.

If you purchased a license for CryptoPro CSP 3.9 be careful: CryptoPro CSP 3.9 - certified version, but does not support Windows 10, CryptoPro CSP 3.9R2 - supports Windows 10, certification planned for Q4 2015

If you bought version 4.0, then select CryptoPro CSP 4.0 accordingly (recommended for working with Windows 10, certification is planned for the third quarter of 2015).

You will need to download this file:

Step 3

You have downloaded the installation file CryptoPro CSP, and now you will need to install the program itself. To do this, run the installation file; if we see a security warning, you need to allow the program to make changes on your computer. In the window that opens, click the button Install (recommended)

Installation of the program occurs automatically within a few minutes and does not require user participation.

All, Installation completed.

Step 4

Now you need to enter the license key in a special window. You can get to it this way (the path may vary slightly depending on the version of the operating system):

Start - Programs - CryptoPro - CryptoPro CSP.

Then press the button Entering a license

In the window that opens, fill in the fields in accordance with the received license.

Step 5

We rejoice! We have just installed a crypto provider. Not that hard, right?

But you need to understand that CryptoPro CSP itself cannot do anything. The next step is to install (or simply configure) programs that will interact with CryptoPro CSP and solve your problems, be it electronic signature, encryption or something else.

Usually, to carry out an electronic signature, they use or - they can be purchased from us in the online store. We tried to make the purchase as convenient as possible: electronic licenses are sent immediately after payment (even at night), a large selection of payment methods.

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In the following instructions I will tell you how to install CryptoPro Office Signature , CryptoARM, how to work with tokens and so on.

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Installation via the “View certificates in container” menu

1. Select “Start” > “Control Panel” > “CryptoPro CSP”, go to the “Tools” tab and click on the “View certificates in the container” button.

2. In the window that opens, click the “Browse” button to select a container to view. After selecting the container, click on the “Ok” button.

3. In the window that opens, click the “Next” button.

4. In the next window, click on the button« Install”, then respond affirmatively to the certificate replacement notification (if it appears). The certificate is installed.

5. If the “Install” button is missing, then in the “Certificate for viewing” window, click on the “Properties” button.

6. In the window that opens, select Install Certificate.

7. In the Certificate Import Wizard window, select Next . In the next window, leave the radio button on Automatically select a store based on certificate type and click Next. The certificate will be installed in the Personal storage.

8. In the next window, select Next, then click on the Finish button and wait for the successful installation message.

Installation via the “Install personal certificate” menu

To install, you will need a certificate file (a file with the .cer extension). The certificate file can be exported from the Personal storage. If the storage does not contain the required certificate, please contact technical support at [email protected], indicating the tax identification number and checkpoint of the organization and the essence of the problem.

1. Select Start > Control Panel > CryptoPro CSP. In the CryptoPro CSP Properties window, go to the “Service” tab and click on the “Install personal certificate” button.

2. In the Certificate Import Wizard window, click on the Next button. In the next window, click on the Browse button and select the certificate file.

4. In the next window, click on the “Next” button.

5. Click the Browse button .

6. Specify the private key container corresponding to the certificate and click OK.

7. After selecting the container, click on the Next button .

8. In the “Select a certificate store” window, click on the “Browse” button.

If the version of CryptoPro CSP 3.6 R2 (product version 3.6.6497) or higher is installed, then check the “Install certificate into container” checkbox.

9. Select Personal storage and click OK.

10. After selecting the storage, click on the Next button, then Finish. After clicking the Finish button, you may be asked to replace the existing certificate with a new one. At the prompt, select Yes.

Wait for a message about successful installation. The certificate is installed.

Electronic security in the modern world is of particular importance, since there are securities, intellectual property and other valuables online. To protect your information, confirm the right to own data or check your electronic signature (ES), the Yandex browser has the CryptoPro EDS Browser Plug-in extension. It simplifies the use of low-level signatures; with the plugin, creating and viewing electronic signatures is simple and safe. The addition is required to be used on the websites of financial institutions, for example, when entering the foreign trade office on the website of the Customs Service.

The CryptoPro plugin is supported in Yandex browser and any other web browser (only modern ones) that support dynamic JavaScript code. Available for most popular platforms:

  • Linux - LSB 3.1 or later;
  • Windows 2000 (subject to installation of SP4 and IE0) and higher;
  • iOS 6 and Mac OSX 10/7 and later;
  • Solaris – from version 10;
  • AIX 5-7;
  • FreeBSD from 7.

Almost every computer meets the listed requirements; there are rarely any problems with system components.

Why is the CryptoPro extension used in the Yandex browser?

The main task comes down to working with signatures. Installing CryptoPro Extension for CAdES Browser helps achieve the following goals:

  • User identification;
  • Creating a certificate with public keys;
  • Formation of a register of electronic signatures;
  • EDS management with public keys;
  • Certificate owners can generate and manage keys.

What are signatures set to in CryptoPro EDS Browser Plugin for Yandex browser:

  • Any electronic documents;
  • Information entered into submission forms;
  • Files that the user uploaded to the server from a PC;
  • Messages in text form.

The CryptoPro plugin is mainly used in secure systems, such as online banking or similar resources that are responsible for processing money or important documents. After installing the signature, there will be no doubt that the owner performed the necessary operations with his own hands. Less often it is required to use the CryptoPro add-on for Yandex browser on client portals or when accessing the Internet from the corporate network.

The CryptoPro center will perform a number of useful actions:

  • Generating your own identifiers of both closed and open types. Supports encryption function;
  • Creates a request to issue a new certificate on the local network;
  • Registers requests electronically in the CA Registration Center.
  • Filling out digital signatures using public keys according to the X.509 standard, version 3 and RFC 3280. Centralized certification of certificates helps to record the key and its attribute for each user;
  • Information about revoked certificates is sent to all registered users.

How to install the CryptoPro add-on

Installing the CryptoPro module is relatively simple, but the method is slightly different from the standard algorithm of actions. After installing the extension, you must separately install the program from this developer.

How to install:

If CryptoPro CSP was installed previously, then when installing the extension, the plugin icon will not have a red cross and a message will appear that the extension has been successfully installed and is working.

The listed steps are enough to start using the module, but some users complain that the plugin does not start or they cannot open a page that requires the extension.

Why does the CryptoPro plugin not work in the Yandex browser?

If the Yandex web browser does not react to the digital signature after installing the plugin, some of the functions of banking systems will be inaccessible.

Causes of failures and ways to restore operation:

  • The CryptoPro CSP program is not installed - the most common cause of failure. You can download the file from the link;
  • The PC was not restarted. Despite the notification after installation, it is often forgotten that you need to restart the computer;
  • Install the plugin on a clean browser. Before installing the add-on, you should delete the cache from your web browser. Click Ctrl + Shift + Del, in the “Delete records” line, select “For all time” and be sure to check the box next to “Files saved in the cache”;
  • Inactive extension. If by chance the plugin was deactivated, it becomes clear why nothing is happening. You can easily check the situation by clicking on “Yandex Browser Settings” and selecting “Add-ons”. The CryptoPro plugin is located in the “From other sources” column;
  • The resource is not in the list of trusted sites. To add a site to the exceptions, you need to find the installed Crypto-Pro program in the system (preferably through a search) and select “CryptoPro EDS Browser Plug-in Settings”. In the “List of trusted nodes” column, enter the domains and subdomains of the site.

If opening a file from the last point does not work, you should right-click on the program and select “Open with...”, where we select Internet Explorer.

Most likely the reason why the plugin does not work is user inattention, but this is easy to fix. After completing the above steps, the CryptoPro EDS Browser Plug-in extension will begin to work properly in the Yandex browser and any Chromium-based browser.

To install the system without an installation disk, you must download and install all the component distributions from this manual. The installation must be performed with local administrator rights.

Installation of CIPF CryptoPro CSP

Download and install the CryptoPro CSP distribution according to the purchased license.

Open the CryptoPro CSP program and enter the license serial number. Depending on your computer, this can be done in different ways:

Installing the RuToken driver

Download and install components for working with RuToken media. (if certificates are stored on flash media, skip this step). When installing components, disconnect RuToken from your computer.

Installing Capicom

Installing Certification Authority certificates

Download and install Certification Authority certificates

Browser installation and configuration

The system works in the following browsers: Internet Explorer version no lower than 11, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Yandex Browser, Opera.
For installation .

For Internet Explorer to work correctly with the Kontur.Extern system, you must run the utility to configure the browser.
You can also configure the browser manually. To do this, use this.

To install other browsers, contact your system administrator.

Installing Adobe Reader

Download and install Adobe Reader. Use the link to the official Adobe website. To begin installation, you must select the operating system version and language.

Installing a shortcut

For ease of login, save to your desktop. After installation is complete, you must restart your computer. Before you start working in the reporting system, do not forget to install a signing certificate. Use the instructions for installing a personal certificate.

Installation completed

The developer on the website indicates what CryptoPro is - this is the name for a cryptographic information protection tool (CIPF). This program protects information through encryption and the creation of electronic signatures (ES). These certificates confirm the importance and status of electronic documents when working:

  • with electronic platforms;
  • electronic reporting;
  • client-banks;
  • when exchanged between users on the network.

Cryptographic protection is based on the implementation of national standards in this area:

  1. GOST R 34.10-2012 (replaces 34.10-2001) on digital signature.
  2. GOST R 34.11-2012 (replaced 34.11-94) on caching.
  3. GOST 28147-89 on the crypto conversion algorithm.

The company has introduced CryptoPro Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP) software modules that are compatible with the Microsoft interface. The developer forum states that you can install CryptoPro CSP for free if you do not perform operations with private keys, for example:

  • generation of private keys;
  • signing or decrypting data.

It turns out that installing CryptoPro CIPF for free means not entering the serial number.

Electronic signature certificate service

From the services available in electronic form, install the CryptoPro EDS certificate. Obtain a legally binding signature that will verify, encrypt and decrypt documents in electronic form using a certificate.

Through the “Services” tab, open the “Electronic Signature Service”.

If this service is activated, installation of the CryptoPro EDS key is not required. The system stores the key and the necessary set of cryptographic operations.

If you store the digital signature key at the user's workplace, contact the Certification Center for service.

To work with the electronic signature certificate in electronic download format, download the distribution kit.

Obtain manuals from the developer. The manufacturer asks you to register. If your email and password are already in the database, enter them to log in.

Before loading again, the site will make sure that it is ready to enter into a license agreement.

When you agree and start working with the electronic signature certificate (EPS) service, the function of working through the company’s Certification Center is enabled. A signature verification key certificate is created in it.

As part of this CryptoPro service, a certificate is not installed on your computer. The use of an electronic signature key certificate is confirmed by the owner when entering a one-time password with an individual PIN code for access to the key container.

The ES key certificate is created in a non-exportable format. It is not available for use on removable media (and the user's desktop).

When to reinstall

If you replace the demo program with the main one or upgrade to the next version of the distribution, reinstall CryptoPro. Make sure your computer has licenses or certificates. If not, save them.

By launching the menu of an existing program with system administrator functions, remove the previous program in the standard way. If you cannot remove the program correctly through the installation and removal panel, use the distribution kit. In an emergency, remove it using the CryptoPro utility.

The utility is suitable for all versions of CSP. To perform cleaning, run the cspclean.exe file, restart your computer, and run the utility again.

Now install the new product.

How to install CryptoPro

To download and verify an electronic signature on web pages using CryptoPro CSP, you will need a plugin. Here are instructions on how to install CryptoPro EDS browser plug in to work on an electronic platform:

Step 1. Download the current version of the plugin.

Step 2: Run the executable file cadesplugin.exe.

Step 3: Confirm installation.

Step 4: If prompted, allow changes to be made by clicking Yes.

Step 5. Wait for the installation to complete.

Step 6: Once the installation is complete, click OK.

There are several versions of the program. The distribution package is purchased by:

  • from the manufacturer or from an official dealer on a tangible medium;
  • on the website of the manufacturer or official dealer.

From the description we can conclude which operating systems the program is compatible with. Let's make sure that the required functionality has a certificate.

In the “Products” tab, select the “Certificates” section. Let's take a look at the description.

Once you have a preference for a particular version, get an idea of ​​the potential costs. A price list for services for obtaining licenses and company certificates has been published as of August 2020. For example, annual technical support at a workplace costs 850 rubles, and installation or updating at a workplace or server costs 5,500 rubles.

How to work with CryptoPro

Having the necessary information, we use the program in demo mode. Here are instructions on how to use CryptoPro for free:

Step 1. Upload files through the products and the CIPF CryptoPro CSP tab.

Step 2. We see a message about limited access. Let's pre-register and answer a few questions.

Step 3. Fill out the fields and send a registration request, take further actions on the next page. Please note the message about the period of use of the demo version: 90 days from the date of installation. The transfer of rights to use is acquired in the form of a license. The demo version is designed to work during the initial installation of the product. If you try again, the download will not happen.

Step 4. Select the distribution that matches the computer’s operating system and download it. Loads quickly. Launch the program file with the extension .exe. Security software will alert you when changes are made to your computer. If you agree, click “Install”. The module is loading.

After installing the latest version, work with the program immediately. If you downloaded previous versions, restart your computer immediately or delay this action.


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