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Hello, I have a lot of complexes. the thing is that I'm very pimply, I constantly shower and pick pimples, on top of that I'm thin, I have no bust at all, many guys like me, but I don't like myself... I masturbate, although I've never had sex , I watch pornography very often and, in addition, I lie very often... help me get rid of all this... I just hate myself for it...

Lika, age: 17 / 07/04/2012


To begin with, forgive yourself for your imperfections, our life is given to us so that we can improve, free from all husks. Do you think you’re the only one... Every person has something in their past that sometimes they can’t even voice to themselves. You honestly said what your problems are, which means you’re already coping with lies, acne - this requires a competent approach, and care. Look for a specialist, or search on the Internet. Regarding the bust, I can also reassure you, a large bust loses its shape very quickly, it is rare that it is large and elastic, especially after you feed the baby. And small breasts, they are constantly changing, and in general they look quite normal. You need to look at yourself from the outside and accept your appearance. Bad habits must be fought. There is such a method of combating masturbation, go to confession and confess, it is a sin and therefore it not only brings you pleasure, but also poisons your Soul. If you pluck up courage, then maybe it will be easier for you to cope with this, but you don’t have to beat yourself up for it, there’s just a problem, there’s a solution. You’re a good grown-up girl, just don’t watch pornography, you can get “poisoned.” You understand that you can’t wander a little, if you say A, you’ll also say B. Good luck.

Olga, age: 51 / 07/04/2012

Lika, it’s very good that you are aware of your problems and want to solve them. You write that you are a virgin, but at 17 years old this is normal. You are young, attractive to the opposite sex, you will still have a young man, a lover, a husband. And you are insecure in yourself. Negativity needs to be turned into positive. Play sports, dance, vitamins and a balanced diet will help your skin. And most importantly, watch good films, read books. Grow yourself for a big and bright feeling, and you need to grow to it. And it will be like that. Happiness To you.

Galina, age: 38 / 07/04/2012

Lika, you lack love for yourself, you write about it yourself. So act in this direction! How can we help you? Every person is good simply because he exists, by the fact of his existence. Don't read glossy magazines with photoshopped photos, don't compare yourself to others. You probably have a lot of merits and positive traits. Think better about it. But everyone has shortcomings, there are no ideal people. So don't hate yourself, under any circumstances. Make this a rule. I may be saying banal things and you already know all this, but it’s clear that you haven’t “felt” it yourself.

Give up this pornography and so on, go in for sports instead. It’s clear that hormones are raging and so on, so there’s nowhere to put the energy.
As you begin to treat yourself better, you will gain weight and your acne should go away, not immediately, but gradually. After all, this (acne, lack of weight) has, among other things, psychological reasons. Then, by the way, you’ll stop lying (if you’re lying to embellish something). So start with the main thing - change your attitude from dislike to self-love. A few years will pass, and you yourself will laugh at your own complexes.
Although acne needs to be treated, go to a cosmetologist or a therapist; perhaps the problem is internal.

Natalya, age: 29 / 07/05/2012

Hello Lika :)

I'll start in order.
1. If you pick at pimples, they will leave scars. If acne bothers you, consult your mother/sister and buy a cream.
2.About the bust/thinness. You are who you are. There is no need to strive for pseudo-ideals, understand that you are special, there is no one else like you.
3. Everything described above does not matter if you accept yourself for who you are. Boys like you, and for some it’s like a little dream :) If people love you, then there’s a reason :)
4. With masturbation, everything is much more serious. Self-hatred due to masturbation is the first step towards atonement for sin. But you can’t dwell on this, you can’t reproach yourself forever. We need to develop, we need to get away from this. It’s not easy to get over this, I advise you to stop hating yourself and spend less time on the Internet. Surely you have a favorite pastime, be it reading books, sports, walking (well, I don’t know what you like). In general, find something you like :)
5. About lying. If this is not necessary, then try not to lie :)

In general, I'm just as lost as you are:) Smile more often:)

Dog Smile;), age: 17 / 07/06/2012

The face, acne and figure, especially for a girl, are of course a considerable problem, but believe me, by masturbating and watching pornography, you are ruining your whole life. Let’s start with the fact that these things are harmful to health, they can cause irreparable damage to your physiology , genitals and psyche.
But the worst thing is that these activities corrupt and destroy your soul, after a while you may begin to feel depressed, you may lose the meaning of life. Short-term bodily pleasures will turn into a nightmare for the rest of your life. Dear Lika, get out of this hole, fight vices, and then, overcoming temptations, you will begin to respect yourself, life will improve. If you believe in God, then be sure to go to church, consult with the priest, it will definitely become easier for you, the main thing is to overcome yourself, I believe in You. Good luck!!!

I want the site to work! so that he could sell my services in one fell swoop, and also so that he would make me famous. Social media makes me very tired. I want a website, I have 5,000 rubles, and I think that for a landing page, I threw the template on the Internet and that’s it: business! - that this is enough for a small page! Well, in general, I don’t have any money anymore, I want a site that works and sells, that helps me earn money, where do I get the money for the site? I'll earn money and there will be money...

More and more often, specialists in the field of creating websites and promoting projects on the Internet are faced with customers who want to have EVERYTHING for 5,000 rubles. per month. The most popular figure is five thousand rubles - where does it come from?

I want to open the eyes of everyone who doesn’t yet know: the creation of any good website CANNOT cost 5000 rubles.

So, you are a customer who really wants to sell his things or become a hired contractor for something. You ask a question to the website designer: I want a new website, how much will it cost?

Website designer's answer: If we take a template, then from 10 thousand. If a new design, then the cost can reach up to 100,000, or even higher. WOW! SHOCK! how come from 10? What is this for anyway?

For most people walking upright on simple earth, their eyes pop out of their sockets and a moment of panic sets in - we are not a corporation or a company to just pay 100 thousand and rejoice! where do we get this kind of money???

I really want to tell you what the price of creating a website consists of.

How to order a site:
- Hello, I want to order a website that is so beautiful, modern with a mobile version, etc. - says the customer.

Hello, everything is clear. Do you already have any ideas or content for the site? - The specialist asks.

No, there’s nothing... - Says the customer.

It's clear. Then the cost of a template website will be from 15 thousand rubles. - Says the specialist.

Why is it so expensive?? - asks the customer.

This is a completely normal conversation between a customer and a specialist. Do you recognize yourself? Usually at this stage many people give up on this idea, because they honestly think that the world is cruel, and everyone around them wants to deceive them - to extract money for a ridiculous job.

Here a communication problem arises when the contractor does not understand well that the customer asking the price most likely does not know at all what such a price consists of, and how much work and what kind of work needs to be done in order for everything to turn out well and beautifully.

Everyone wants to order, get quality work, and not pay anything for it. Many performers want to have wealthy and understanding customers who pay on the fly and immediately understand that ALL the services of the performer are very, very necessary.

But what goes into the work that customers don’t even know about? Let's take a look in as much detail as possible.

If the customer understands exactly what he wants and takes a template design (template is when we take a template and fill it with quality content), then the period of such work can be a day or two, depending on the professionalism of the specialist. Typically, such work can cost no more than 10 thousand rubles.

Now there is a case when you want a template website, but you don’t know at all how you want it to look, you don’t understand how the elements should be arranged. And you don't have any text. What then should a specialist do?

You need to choose a template so that it matches your desires. Sometimes it can take one day, and sometimes a week.
- You need to “get into” your brain to accurately imagine what you want.
- You need to fully customize the selected template.
- Fill the site with information and content so that you like it.

Usually the basic capabilities of the template are not enough and you have to make edits to the code. And since the code was not written by this specialist, it can take a lot of time.

You need to try to meet the deadline, because... Usually everyone needs a website in a week maximum.
- Sometimes you need to write texts for a website.
- Often the site is not one-page, which means that you need to fill each page with information.
- In 80% of cases, the customer has neither a domain nor hosting. All this needs to be registered.

Give feedback so that it fits the template, sometimes it adapts to it immediately, sometimes you have to do it yourself.

Make a huge number of points related to maps, buttons, photos, albums.

Well, in the end, of course, you also need to explain to the customer how to make it so that he himself can edit and add information to the site. Usually this comes down to writing a small manual.

These are not all the points that are encountered when developing a template website. And you think it’s not worth 15 thousand rubles?

Now we are taking the site from scratch, turnkey, with a new design.

1. Development of several design options from scratch. Those. when the designer and the client meet. They share their thoughts and from all this, the designer should come up with 2-3 versions of the site. How much time do you think it might take to draw 2-3 websites so that they have the same theme, have the same needs, perform the same functions, but are different? Right! A lot of time, a lot of manpower.

Now let’s imagine that there is more than one page. And at least two and add a mobile version to this.

And then: 6 different pages for the computer, 6 different pages for the mobile version. How much is it? Think for yourself - are there any options?

2. After drawing the design, there is a moment of so-called site layout, when the programmer begins to write code to transfer the design to the site. There is no magic wand to turn pictures into code. This is a long, painstaking work that takes a lot of time and effort. It can take a month, 12 hours of work. Sometimes less, but the essence does not change much.

3. You need to write texts so that they are readable and useful. Those who do copywriting will tell you what it's like to write text that fits the topic so that people read it, and also that the text includes keywords. Well, these are the minimum requirements.

4. Sometimes you also have to arrange a photo shoot in order to photograph a product or a person, depending on what kind of site it is.

5. And now everything is ready. The site is shown to the customer and then something begins that most people don’t even think about. They're starting, let's try... Let's try to put this picture here, and this one there. Let's try to make the phone bigger. Let's... Let's...

Only a few of the most banal options are listed here, but there are others, such as, for example, creating an online store for 1000-5000 products, where a shopping cart and payment systems should work. And the description of the product must be of high quality..

if you need a good website and a website designer who will explain exactly why you need to pay this or that money,
contact here

Friends! Please note: in order to correctly correct the lyrics of the song, you need to highlight at least two words

There may still be inaccuracies in these song lyrics.
Do you see the mistake? Write in the comments!

[Verse 1, Pharaoh]:
Respect the squad, don't bring whores to the base.
We came and I saw you hiding whores.
The bags are full. I'm leaving the war. "Pharaoh is not the same..."
Yes, how can you, bitch, whine!

I always smoke blunt. What the fuck? Fuck you!
Young mobile phone, I call if you need a plug.
There are a lot of whores, we need a warehouse. Fuck them, we need a plan.
Like those xanny rock stars? Icey neck, fucking stunt.

I fly up to your bitch and she's ready, bro.
There were so many situations, each time he let it into her mouth.
But I won't be back again, you can rest assured, bro.
If it's not about money, then you can fuck off, bro!

I have a lot to do - very, very, very much to do!
I have a lot to do - very, very, very much to do!

I have a lot to do! A lot of work.
I have a lot to do! A lot of work.
I have a lot to do! A lot of work.

[Verse 2, Thirty-nine and Pharaoh]:
I have a lot to do
But I haven't sobered up yet.
The phone never stops ringing (never).
I wake up - a bunch of bodies (ni**as).

There is some kind of chalk (some kind) on the table.
Every day is like chaos (oh yeah!)
I shift and start,
After all, there is a lot to do today.

My work is not your concern (yay)!
How much did you raise (how much?)
Yes, you haven’t seen that much (cheap sucker).
How much do I need? (How many?)
I don’t know yet (I don’t know myself).
But I'm sure the question
We will never run out of this one!

[Chorus, Pharaoh and Thirty-Ninth]:
I have a lot to do - very, very, very much to do!
I have a lot to do - very, very, very much to do!
I have a lot to do - very, very, very much to do!
Do not waste my time! I have many demands on my time!

I have a lot to do! A lot of work.
I have a lot to do! A lot of work.
I have a lot to do! A lot of work.
I have a lot to do! A lot of work.

About the song Pharaoh - Lots of things to do

  • Gleb’s latest post on Instagram Stories, quote: “As always, the dazzling Siemens, wearing a The Doors merch T-shirt with the image of its frontman - a true legend and one of the rock gods of the last century, Jim Morrison, shares with us his joy about the much-coveted purchase of grills, and also a piece of his new composition." PHARAOH.

    July 8th is exactly that wonderful day for the fan base when Pharaoh released the highly anticipated experimental album "Pink Phloyd", which Gleb first talked about a few years ago. The title of the album is similar to the name of the cult British rock band Pink Floyd, famous for its philosophical lyrics, acoustic experiments, innovations in album design and grandiose shows. In this way, the Artist shows his current musical feeling in its modern form. The track list of the record included 15 new tracks, on guest verses in which you can hear Boulevard Depo, Mnogoznaal, the Chemodan, Morty Mort, 39 instrumentals recorded with the highest quality.

Additional Information

Lyrics of the song Pharaoh - Lots of things to do.
Lyricist: Pharaoh with the participation of THIRTY-NINE.
Prod. By ColdSiemens.
Release label: Dead Dynasty.
Album "Pink Phloyd".
Album cover: PRPL - designer of Dead Dynasty.
Official release date: July, 2017.

His years are his wealth

Vakhtang KIKABIDZE: “I don’t have a lot of property, but still, I wrote it off to my children and grandchildren and said: “You can, if you want, kick me out of the house, but if I raised you correctly, you won’t touch me for now.”

Part II


- You went on your first tour as Vakhtang Bagrationi - why?

“So that the director of the Philharmonic would not find out, he rejected me then, but the administrator, who also sat on the artistic council, came up and said: “If you change your last name, I’ll take it.” He probably saw something in me... I consulted with my mother: “What should I do?” “Take,” he says, “mine—what could be better?” I still have this article at home - in the only newspaper that scolded me: “You are a thin, nervous young man walking around and yelling in a hoarse voice into the microphone” - something like that was written in it (laughs).

- You smoke one cigarette after another - at a time when smoking is no longer fashionable and is prohibited everywhere. They say you've been addicted to cigars since you were nine years old?

— 67 years of smoking experience! (laughs).

- And you don’t want to quit?

“I can’t: I feel like if I quit, I’ll die right away.” One day I ran out of cigarettes, and I was looking for a stash - I turned the whole house upside down! It was very funny...

Why didn’t I fly to my son? They don’t smoke on the plane, and the flight to Canada is a long way – 10 hours. One day he called: “I have an idea! If you fly through Kyiv, you will be allowed to smoke in the cockpit.” I thought: is it enough? - and my wife and I went overseas from Kyiv. We boarded the plane, the girls smiled at us, we sat down, buckled up, took off, then the flight attendant walked through the cabin, offering tea, coffee... I asked: “Do your pilots smoke?” (It was still the first hour). They were surprised: “What’s the matter?” - "I feel bad". - “I’ll go tell them.” The guys invited me over: they thought I’d smoke one cigarette and leave. I sat there for 10 hours, they all turned yellow! I told them all the jokes I knew so that they could bear it somehow; they almost fainted. In general, we arrived, and three months later I returned back - and this plane, the same team! When they saw me, they started shouting: “No!” (laughs).

— Do you smoke a lot, but do you drink?

- Well, I drank - God willing, I could drink well!

- Chachu?

- Chacha, vodka - mostly. I didn’t like wine very much - because of the ulcer.

- So, wine is not allowed for ulcer sufferers, but chacha - 70 degrees - is okay?

— 74! (Smiles).

— Don’t you drink now?

- Not allowed.

— Was drinking ever a problem for you?

- No. He stood up from the table without staggering, walked away on his own feet, and there was never a hangover: I drink tea - everything is fine, I’m working.

— Could you take a lot on your chest?

- Up to three bottles.

- Chachi?

- In one sitting?!

- So you are a hero!

- Hero of the Soviet Union! (Smiles).

“We also lived playfully, and if we walked, to the fullest. One day Danelia and Leonov came to see me at the Rossiya Hotel at night. I loved Zhenya very much, in my perception he is a big and kind Cheburashka. Surprisingly, he was a completely non-drinker, so you can’t tell anything funny about him (it still happens during the feast), but Gia and I gave in well and at about three in the morning the two of us, drunken assholes, moved to his house.

We sat down at the table again, we continued, and, like a ghost, his wife, Lyuba Sokolova, in a white nightgown, came in and tenderly asked: “Giechka, Bubochka, don’t drink anymore.” Suddenly Danelia, in anger, takes out a pistol and shoots at her - almost point-blank. Lyuba falls... I sobered up instantly, rushed to her in horror, I think I killed her! Can you imagine my condition? How could we have known that the gun was a gas gun, but Lyubochka was not even offended: she was not only a wonderful actress - she was a holy woman, a pure angel.”


— There were a lot of rumors about you at one time - for example, that your black daughter was growing up in Kenya...

- In Kenya? No, I haven't.

- What have you heard about yourself? That you are not Georgian, but Armenian?

- It was even printed, and they indicated some funny surname - Sargsyan or something like that (laughs).

In Chicago, I remember, the concert is going on: it’s sold out, the hall with three thousand seats is jam-packed... Ira, my wife, gave up her place to a woman with heavy legs, who has elephantiasis, and stands behind her near the wall, and I sing “My Jews, live forever,” I sing, and suddenly that woman from her third row shouts to the man in the first: “Monya, Vakhtangchik is ours!” (Laughs).

“I know, you were sent a gorgeous spruce tree six times in a row for the New Year...

- ...Christmas tree, yes.

- What kind of story is this, Vakhtang Konstantinovich?

- Well, the first time this happened, we were already decorating our nylon one, which was at home, and then the doorbell rang, I opened it - a boy, about 16-17 years old, with a live Christmas tree. Apparently he didn’t know whose apartment it was: they gave him money and he brought it. “Uncle Vakhtang, is it you who live here?” - “Yes, what is it?” - “Here, they handed it over.” - "Who?". - “I don’t know this man - he paid me, told me to raise him.”

I felt so pleased! - they removed the artificial one, dressed up the real one... Later in the city I asked: “Perhaps anyone heard who it could be?” Nobody, nothing... A year passed - they sent a Christmas tree again, a year later again. We got used to it, we didn’t dress up ours, we knew that this would be a gift, and after five or six years we suddenly didn’t get it...

I once went to visit a friend in the hospital - I took some fruits and something else. I get out of the elevator - I have to walk a couple more steps to get to the desired floor, and on the stairs there is an urn and several patients are smoking near it. I brought in some fruit and also went out to smoke, but there was already one person standing there - throwing away one cigarette, lighting a second, in a tracksuit, thin... I asked: “Can you smoke?” He: “No, absolutely.” I fell silent, and he looked at me like this... “I,” he said, “can no longer send you a Christmas tree.” I remember - and even now there is a lump in my throat... I felt so ashamed! He had cancer... Apparently he was somehow connected with the forest - by profession. (Sighs). Amazing things happen in life sometimes, right?

- There is an expression: “A million for a smile” - you have such a smile that you could give a million for a million, and more than one...

(Laughs). Come on...

- Where does it come from? Did your mother smile like that?

“I look a lot like my father, probably from him.”

— Did you know that this was your weapon when you were communicating with women?

- No-no...

“That wasn’t the weapon, was it?”



— Is it true that you were in love with Claudia Ivanovna Shulzhenko?

- Is it true. Very! She was Olga Voronets’ neighbor, and I asked Olga: “Introduce me to her!” There were two people who were transformed during the game: she and Juliet Masina - an ugly woman...

-...both are ugly...

- ...but what actresses! We went to see her...

- a small two-room apartment...

- Yes, I invited you for tea. I admitted that I was going to Africa, she said: “Vakhtang, I want you

Please bring me a bottle of Ma Grief,” that’s what the perfume was like. I looked for them and couldn’t find them anywhere: it turns out they stopped selling them altogether. In every store I bought some good perfume - I brought a whole bag to Klavdia Ivanovna, but she keeps putting it aside - “Ma Grif” is looking for it. I threw up my hands: “It wasn’t.” She was an extra-class singer!

- And Bernes, and Utesov?

— Did you know them?

— I met Bernes in the elevator. We often visited the same house - he was friends with my father-in-law's brother. I remember I was wearing a sheepskin coat—I brought it from Bulgaria. He said: “You don’t need any bonuses, give them to a needy country, and find me one sheepskin coat.”

- Well, what kind of Georgian is without a sheepskin coat?!

- Yes, and then Bernes saw me in it in the elevator. He asked: “Can I touch it?” I tried it, I didn’t like it, and now we leave on the same floor. When they approached the same door, he asked: “Are you going to Georgy Yakovlevich?” I nodded...

-...and he didn’t recognize you?

- No, then I realized - they probably told him, and Utesov... I thought all the time: “Am I really going to be so lucky in life that I won’t shake his hand at least once?” And at the Central House of Arts, Sabantuy, I was standing talking with some colleagues and suddenly I saw: everyone turned around - Utesov was coming. He was already walking poorly, and there was a whole crowd behind him, and he walked, walked, walked, came straight up to me and said: “Vakhtangchik, you are no longer Vakhtang Kikabidze, you are Vakhtang Bernes!” And left. (Laughs). I was so happy! I probably thought I was doing something right.

— Still, there was an interesting generation: Shulzhenko, Utesov, Bernes...

- ...Very!

“Something went wrong with them, didn’t it?” - there will be no such thing anymore...

- No never. First of all, what do they write? Secondly, what are they singing? Will I really become an American if I perform American music?

— A trivial question: I can imagine what kind of not even crowds, but entire hordes of female fans followed you...

(laughs). Got it!

— Did you have a lot of women?

- I think yes.

- And there was great love?

- No. I don’t really like it, but I’m a one-woman man—I realized it with age. Now I have another syndrome: I’m afraid that when Irina is left alone, without me, nothing will happen to her - I call all the time to find out how she’s doing...

- Your wife is beautiful - a ballerina...

- Well, we’re adults already, you know? I call, and she gets angry: “Why are you bothering me? “As long as you’re gone, nothing will happen to me!”

From the magazine “Caravan of Stories Collection”.

“Then everything was like everyone else: the foam that accompanies success began - interviews, photo shoots, television... Fans, like the tail of a comet, accompanied us everywhere, the most elite families opened the doors of their houses for us, and the most beautiful women opened their arms, but I won’t talk about it. Maybe that’s why women loved me because I never pawned them, although there was this and that and “go for a walk, Vasya.” Some less, some more, but all men, which is no secret to anyone, alas, is not without sin: it is very difficult to live correctly. I can say one thing: if you fall in love, I must honestly admit, leave everything and leave, do not spoil the life of a loved one, children, and my wife and I have been together for plus or minus fifty years - so draw your conclusions.”

In show business, it often happens that friends take each other’s wives, run back and forth... Firstly, you have no right to offend a loved one. If you fall in love, tell me honestly and leave, there is no need to fight for an apartment or anything else, but this is what I think - maybe I’m wrong, I don’t know.

Yesterday I watched a program: in capital countries, joint deaths of elderly people have become more frequent - they come up with some option - and die together. It was an incredibly touching story, and I thought: probably their children have their own families and don’t really care about their parents. I don’t like it when old people are sent to a nursing home: it’s scary. I distributed all my property—I don’t have much, but still—to my children and grandchildren. He wrote everything down and said: “You can, if you want, kick me out of the house, because I...

-...goal like a falcon...

“Yes, and now everything depends on you, but if you were raised correctly, you won’t touch me for now.” It’s better to decide now what will go to whom - why should they quarrel later?

— They’re not touching it yet?

(Laughs). Not yet.


“I once asked if you still wanted Larisa Ivanovna, and you answered that a real man, as long as he walks on this earth, should...

- ... always want Larisa Ivanovna - without it, life is meaningless!

- Do you still want Larisa Ivanovna?

- Yes, I still want to! (Laughs).

— What are your children doing now?

- The eldest in Canada - everything is fine with him there. My daughter Marina worked at the Tbilisi Theater named after Shota Rustaveli, starred in several films - a talented person, and her son Georgiy, my eldest grandson, works for the Socar oil corporation and became the gas director - for Georgia. He graduated from the University of London, defended his studies in Canada - he’s so smart... The middle grandson Vakhtang will probably go to his father - he wants to become a sound engineer, and there are good universities there. I say: “If you’re interested, study, of course,” and the youngest, Ivan, is studying at an American school. I think he will look after his brother - he is completely different: he’s such a guy, he doesn’t say much... He recently came to me: “I want to work.” I ask: “Why?” - “Well, how? It’s not convenient to ask your father for money in your pocket.”

— Do your children help you financially?

- They want it, but I don’t take money from them - while I can earn it myself, why? They don't ask me for anything - ever.

- Do you give it yourself?

- When necessary and there is an opportunity. I knew that my youngest grandson needed a computer, so I bought it - he is so happy! They are good guys, they adore grandma, they love me...

- You, Vakhtang Konstantinovich, are a very wise man, but what is the meaning of life, what is worth living for, have you already understood today?

— Did I tell you the story about the shoemaker?

- No...

— There is a program on the Moscow channel “Culture” called “Islands”: these are stories from the lives of famous people. They called me: “We want to make a 45-minute documentary about you.” I asked: “About what? Come up with an idea and I’ll tell you yes or no.” Well, the editor explained everything - Tanya Korbut is such a smart girl. “Come,” I say, “and I’ll tell you what life is.”

In general, the group arrived for a week, we were in the city, at home, filming anywhere. It’s already the last day, we’re sitting at home, and suddenly Tanya asks: “Vakhtang Konstantinovich, do you have any close friends among businessmen?” Me: “Yes,” and in front of my house there is a shoebox - small, like this closet. The shoemaker has Parkinson's disease - he can no longer hit his shoes, he suffers... We used to be very friends, he is 15 years older than me. “This,” I say, “is my friend, he has a shoe business,” and I point to the booth. “Can I talk to him?” - “Of course, we’ll go to his office now.”

We approach, he comes from the window: “Ah-ah, Buba-jan! Hello” (he is an Armenian from Tbilisi). I told him: “Hello, Sandro. A film crew from the “Culture” channel came to see me, they were interested in what life is,” and he was illiterate right away, but he figured it out! - said: “Even Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy could not answer this question.” The editor almost fainted - that’s how the film ends.

“You can’t answer that either?”

- For what it’s worth it, actually...

- Well, for the sake of little Alexandra ( great-granddaughters. — D.G.), for the sake of the children. It’s not a fool who said: “Plant a tree, build a house, sing a song”... I’m happy: I’m doing what interests me - this is great happiness, because everything could have been different, right? That's why I'm not complaining...

— Are you satisfied with your health today?

- Completely dissatisfied (smiles sadly)- God is punishing me for something. There are probably some sins, but I just can’t figure out what they are yet. Every two days they “charge” my “batteries” - I once didn’t pay attention to my kidneys, but now...


— Several years ago I interviewed the brilliant cartoonist Boris Efimov. He was 107 years old at the time (he died at 108), and I said: “Forgive me if my question seems tactless to you. Are you afraid of death? He smiled: “Well, what are you talking about, the question is absolutely innocent - you can ask it to anyone.” I’ll ask you, Vakhtang Konstantinovich, about this...

“The only thing I can say is: I don’t want to die in such a way as to torture someone.” When there is a bedridden patient in the house, it is very difficult for loved ones. There are peoples who treat death as a holiday - in Latin America...

- Asia...

- ... yes, and I’m not afraid of her: I have my own philosophy. If I had not been born, we would not have talked about this topic - it is a blessing that we were born, enjoy life, sing songs, write something, do something else, gave birth to children, raised them. You should be grateful for the fact that you showed up. It's probably easier to die than to be born (smiles)- I wrote a song for my wife... Well, I always write the lyrics first, and then the music, and the chorus is like this:

My dear, mother of my children,

Grandmother of my grandchildren!

I ask the Almighty

first to die

So as not to see your tears.

Wife: “You won’t sing that!” - "Why?". - “Take away the word “grandmother”!” (laughs).

As the Almighty decides, so it will be...

— You have been “buried” more than once on the Internet - they wrote: “Vakhtang Kikabidze has died”...

- ...Yes I know.

- How did you feel about this?

“One of my friends said: “If they “bury” you a third time, everything will be fine,” and a few days later they “bury” you again... My friends contacted the woman who was spreading such information - and so what? “And I was joking...”

From the magazine “Caravan of Stories Collection”.

“I was then nominated for the title of People’s Artist... My uncle Jano Bagrationi was in the hospital and said: “Until I see the paper, I won’t believe it.” I arrived to see him and was late, I found out that my uncle was no more, and it was as if something heavy had hit me from the inside of my skull - I fell unconscious. Well, I’m not used to seeing doctors, and I don’t have time: we were in the old city, right on the square, to present an absolutely fantastic program “Old Tiflis” of 25 concerts...

It lasted like that for another month. Previously, I didn’t know what a headache was, but then something terrible began. He began to lose his balance, he began to skid when walking, his arms were shaking, he could not hold a glass of wine without spilling it - what good is this!

The last concert ended, I lay down, but I couldn’t get up - they discovered a cyst in my brain. The doctor in Tbilisi refused to perform the operation: take him, he ordered, to Moscow - if Buba dies on my table, I won’t live in Georgia. They stuffed me with medicine and sent me to the Burdenko Institute. Alexander Nikolaevich Konovalov, a great man and a brilliant neurosurgeon, said that the operation should have been done “yesterday,” but he was ready to take the risk, although he would not give more than one percent for everything to be successful. I said to my wife: “It’s either pan or bust. Sign the consent, but if I become disabled and can’t sing, it’s better not to live, don’t let them take you out of anesthesia.”

The evening before the operation, I called the Moscow artist Misha Bakushev: “Come, let’s have a drink somewhere - tomorrow it may be too late.” They gave the watchman some money, drove off, got thoroughly drunk (by the way, when I drank, my head hurt less). In the morning the doctor smelled it and looked at it reproachfully.

- What's the difference, doctor? - I asked.

He said nothing. The anesthesiologist came in with a huge syringe in his hands, they called it an “atomic bomb.” In order to hide my jitters, I tried to joke:

- Can I, doctor, ask you not to take off your panties?

“If you hold them tight, the orderlies won’t be able to handle it,” he echoed the joke.

I woke up from anesthesia at night - I tried to understand what light I was in, and saw figures in white in the fog. Suddenly a face with a mustache loomed over me and spoke in Georgian in a woman’s voice. Well, I think he’s dead! I remembered that I was in a Moscow hospital - where did the Georgian language come from here? — and suddenly my nose smelled the smell of fried sausage. Not at all otherworldly, earthly and so alluring - even my stomach began to growl: I’ve been hungry for a day. No, I think it seems to be alive.

"My head hurts? — again, in our way, the Georgian nurse asked. “Is the spacesuit in the way?” and I realized that I was sitting, and my head and neck were fixed. For another year and a half I slept while sitting - as soon as I bent my head, it felt like a plane was falling. It turned out that after finishing their duty, the doctors celebrated something with vodka and snacked on fried sausage. They poured me some water, I made a toast and suddenly felt that my hands weren’t shaking!

When they allowed me to eat, Danelia came to me and brought me chicken: “Eat, dear, get better—I cooked it for you myself.” I have a lump in my throat: Gia! Myself! Cooked chicken! I don’t know if it’s clear: he could have just asked his wife. I see the remains of feathers sticking out of the chicken - I can’t stand this, but I didn’t even show it, I ate with appetite, I didn’t wince - how can you offend a friend? Since then, I stopped paying attention to whether the bird was plucked well or poorly.

Out of idleness, lying in a hospital bed, he wrote the first script, then he made a comedy based on it, “Be Healthy, Dear!”, which received the Grand Prix at the Gabrovo festival in 1983.

They discharged me, handed me a disability certificate (I don’t remember which group), and everything was forbidden - smoking, drinking, singing, running, and I even walked on the wall, but the ending was inexplicable, mystical. After the operation, I persistently had a strange dream every night: a cut glass, a soldier’s glass, with a greenish tint, filled to the brim with vodka. I couldn’t get rid of this vision; it was already standing before my eyes during the day, but I never drank alone.

Ira and I returned to Tbilisi on New Year’s Eve, everyone in the house was preparing for his meeting. He quietly poured Borjomi from one bottle, poured vodka into it, and marked it. When we sat down at the table, I filled the glass to the brim - so that it was about to spill: just like I saw in a dream, and - balloons! - to the bottom in one gulp. It hit me and I fell out of my chair (I didn’t drink at all for four months).

Ira sniffed the glass, in horror she called Konovalov, who was sitting at the New Year’s table and, poor thing, almost fell. He said: “If he survives, then let him drink.” In the morning I woke up - more alive than anyone else alive, and a couple of days later, secretly from my family, I ran away to hunt at night. As usual, with my best friend Guram Meliva - a wonderful opera director (may he rest in heaven! - he recently passed away, and I lost a huge and important part of myself). Then I wanted to see if I could walk, and I wandered through the forest for nine hours. When he returned, he tore the issued certificate into small pieces: “That’s it, I’m not disabled!”

— You once admitted to me that you were writing a book of memoirs called “A Person of Caucasian Nationality”...

- I wanted to, but then it became inconvenient: I have a lot of friends who wouldn’t like it - why? It pulled me in a completely different direction, and now I call this book “They” - it’s more about them than about me. The short stories turned out like this - about many people of different nationalities.

—Have you finished writing it yet?

- No, but there’s not much left. I haven’t touched this book for two years, but now the publishers are talking about this topic again. I suggested: “Let’s conclude an agreement - and in a month I’ll hand over the book to you, ready.”

— Is she interesting? Or rather, are you interested in working on it?

- I didn’t want to take it on, they tried to persuade me... I don’t like it when memoirs write: “I thought”, “I did”, but when I remembered one story, I suddenly realized: these people need to be shown through me, and off we go , wrote very quickly. Two thirds can already be printed, one third is here (shows), in my head, but until they sign an agreement with me, I won’t run around and calculate any percentages. Roughly speaking, I can voice the price: “It costs a ruble, buy it and you’ll earn a million,” but there are also serious crooks in publishing houses - you know better than me.


— In your youth, you dreamed of becoming an artist - do you draw anything now?

- Not anymore. To be honest, I always drew caricatures - it’s unclear why. I often go to see my artist friends and they come out unshaven...

— In Georgia, the artists are wonderful...

- Yes, and when they start drawing, I say: “How happy you are!” (laughs). They eat old bread, some canned food - they don’t care.

— You also wrote poetry, didn’t you?

- I wrote something...

- And now?

- Well, when a song is needed, but it’s not poetry - so, the lyrics are rhyming. During the first “poetic” night I composed five songs - all of them are very popular now! Two bottles of vodka helped. (Sings):

I don't like old people

aching, bored,

I don't like crying

dreaming in vain.

Life is given to man

just for torment

You are against fate

live in pleasure!

Old robbers

cute falcons,

Beautiful fighters

passionate suitors,

So live and hello

life is fleeting!

Make yourself happy

because it is not eternal.

— Your poems?

- My. I once visited Nazarbayev, and he asked me: “Sing this song, Vakhtang.” - “Which one?” — “Old Robbers” (laughs).

- I will turn to you with a completely wild request. Millions of people who love your unique timbre of voice... Maybe, by the way, they love you because no one else has it...

- Do you want me to sing something?

- Yes!

- My mother sang this song - I only remember the chorus. Then I’ll translate what it’s about. “Vardi” is a “rose”, “bulbuli” is a nightingale. (Sings in Georgian). In Russian it sounds like this:

The petals have fallen from the beautiful rose,

and the nightingale began to cry bitterly,

and the poet says: “Don’t cry, nightingale,

because spring will come

and the rose will bloom again...

I am an optimist and believe that everything will be fine - both for us and for you. What is happening on our balloon now will not last forever, so we must live with song, love for one’s neighbor and respect for one’s neighbor.

“This is how our conversation went today—at times you had tears in your eyes.” Do you often cry?

— I noticed that when I watch a movie where something happens to children, tears well up: as if it’s not on the screen. Age, probably... It happens...

— Vakhtang Konstantinovich, I am very grateful to you for the interview...

-...on the contrary, I’m grateful...

- You are an unsurpassed teller of jokes, and in order to end our conversation on a positive note, I want to ask you to tell one at the end...

- I would love to, but how can I replace a bad word?

- And we’ll put points...

- OK then. USSR, time of guild workers, thieves, Jewish house, doorbell. The owner came out - a respectable man in a raincoat, tie, with a briefcase, standing. “Who do you want?” - “I’m from OBKhSS.” The owner turned pale and blue: “What is it?” - “I’m wondering, do you have a home photo album?” - “Yes, but why do you need it?” - “Yes, your family sent me here to fuck me: I’m afraid to miss someone.”

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I study at a technical school and I don’t have much free time.
I'm studying at a technical school, and I don't have much free time. But I always find time for my hobby. I really love photography. Recently my parents gave me
expensive and very good
camera and I spend a lot of time
nor in search of interesting
frames. I love taking pictures of myself
their friends. When we go hiking or walk around the city, I always have my camera with me. I already have four albums of photographs, and my friends love to look at them when they come to visit me.

I study at a technical school, and I don’t have a lot of free time. I study at a technical school, and I don’t have a lot of free time. But I always find time for my hobby. I really love photography. Recently my parents gave me an expensive and very good camera, and I spend a lot of time looking for interesting shots. I love taking pictures of my friends. When we go hiking or walk around the city, I always have my camera with me. I already have four albums of photographs, and my friends love to look at them when they come to visit me.

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I"m in school and I don"t have much free timeJauchus" in technical school, and I have not very much of its free time. But I always find time for my hobby. I love taking pictures. Recently, the parents gave meexpensive and very good camera, and I spend a lot of timeneither in search of interesting frames. I love to photograph their their friends. When we go on a hike or walk through the city, I always have my camera with them. I already have four albums of photos and friends love to consider them when coming to visit me.

is being translated, please wait..

I am a student at a technical school, and I did not have very much free time
Yauchus in a technical school, and I do not have much of a free time. But I always find time for my hobby. I love to take pictures. Recently, parents gave me a
road and a very good
camera and I spend much time
either in search of interesting
shots. I love to photograph it
their friends. When we go hiking or walk around the city, I always bring my camera. I already have four photos in an album, and friends love to see them when they come to visit me.


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