Building a country toilet with your own hands. Do-it-yourself country toilet: photos, drawings, video

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You shouldn’t deny yourself comfort even at the dacha. There are a huge number of country toilet projects that every person can implement. But first you need to decide on a drawing and, according to it, build the future structure.

A huge amount of materials and all kinds of designs for country toilets leads to the fact that people are simply lost against the backdrop of all this diversity. That is why the theoretical part is so important. Based on the data in this article, you can choose the optimal project for your dacha.

Typical designs of country toilets

Basically, to create a country toilet project, the following types of structures are used:

  1. toilet house with cesspool,
  2. dry closet,
  3. powder-closet.

Each of these designs has its own advantages. That is why it is so important to decide on the type before starting construction.

Country toilet with cesspool

The project must include a foundation pit. You also need to take care of its arrangement. For this, a plastic barrel or brickwork reinforced with reinforcement can be used.

In the project you must provide the required amount of bricks and cement, and also do not forget about the reinforcement. The walls you create are subsequently covered with plaster. It is the pit that determines the character of the above-ground building. Usually this is a small wooden house made from scrap materials. It can be in the form of a hut, a miniature house, or even a tower.

According to this country toilet project, all waste will accumulate in a pit. For further cleaning you will need a vacuum cleaner. The main disadvantage of the project is the unpleasant smell. That is why it is very important to provide for ventilation at the planning stage.

Ventilation can be either natural or forced. In the first case, two holes are made in the structure at the bottom and at the top. Their purpose is extremely simple - to create air disturbances. This way, the unpleasant odor will not linger inside for long.

Forced ventilation is a simple fan that blows out all the unpleasant odors from the toilet. When installing it, you need to think about the compensation hole through which air will penetrate inside. Its diameter must be no less than the diameter of the fan. All this is written down in the project.

Important ! Don't forget about the cesspool. It also needs air circulation. For this purpose, a ventilation pipe is installed.

Powder closet

When creating this country house project, a cesspool is not provided. All waste is collected in a reservoir under the toilet seat. It is best to include two containers of different sizes in the design. In the smaller one you need to make several holes of different sizes and insert it into a larger container, on the side of which there will be a round outlet. A drainage hose is connected to it.

Through the hose, the liquid goes into the ground or drainage system. The main role in this country toilet project is played by the container for the filler. Peat is most often used as a mixture. The filler helps control unpleasant odors. Once the tank is full, it should be taken to the compost heap.

When you make a drawing, it is important to take into account the ease of removing the container. There are two possible solutions to this problem. In the first of them, the reservoir is removed when the seat is raised. In the second, a small door is cut out at the back of the building. It allows you to remove the filled container without much difficulty.

Dry toilet

You don't even need to build anything here. In fact, you are buying a ready-made project for a country toilet. All you need is to install the product in a convenient place. In this case, you can purchase either a finished structure or a whole cabin.

Advice ! The finished structure is easy to install even in the house. All you need to do is take care of the drainage.

Shower and toilet under one roof

Nowadays, designs for a country toilet combined with a shower are very popular. This is especially beneficial from a financial point of view. In addition, such a project allows you to significantly save free space on the site.

In the project, the toilet and shower will have one common wall. The result is savings in building materials. In this case, the bathroom can operate both on the basis of a tank with a mixture, and on the basis of a cesspool.

How to create a drawing

The main task of the drawing when creating a country toilet project is to detail the design. The paper clearly indicates the size, shape and type of building. At the same time, there are a number of standards that must be observed.

Firstly, the distance from a country toilet to a water supply point cannot be less than 30 meters. This must be specified in the project. Secondly, a residential or commercial building should not be located closer than 15 meters. Of course, there are exceptions in the form of the same septic tank with a biological treatment system.

Dimensions are of particular importance in the drawing. You are free to ask them yourself. But there are certain standards that make it possible to create a beautiful and easy-to-use building with a high guarantee.

The height of the future dacha building should not exceed two and a half meters. In this case, the minimum indicator is at the level of 2 meters. The length of the building is from 1.2 to 1.8 m. The width is in the range from 1 to 1.2 m.

Many novice builders do not attach enough importance to the parameters of the cesspool. It is unacceptable. After all, it also needs to be included in the drawings. The estimated depth is 1.5-2 m, diameter is from 2 to 2.5 m. If groundwater lies close to the surface, then the pit will have to be abandoned.

Projects of superstructures for country toilets

When choosing a suitable project for a country toilet, the selection of material is of particular importance. It is he who largely sets the parameters of the future building. There are several typical options, which will be discussed further.

Brick toilet

The advantages of this material can be listed endlessly. It is resistant to atmospheric influences, retains heat and cool equally well, and is environmentally friendly. Moreover, it allows you to give the structure any shape.

The basis of this project is the foundation. Without it, creating a country toilet out of brick is simply impossible. Separately, it is necessary to mention the quality of the masonry. This is the real art of laying bricks that will last forever. The top of the building is covered with a roof, a material for which in most cases slate is used.

In the picture you see an example of a related project. One design combines a toilet and a shower. This is not only practical, but also allows you to save a lot on the cost of building materials.

Wooden toilet

The project of a wooden country toilet is a classic. Its construction takes a minimum of time, but in order for the structure to serve you faithfully, it is necessary to strictly follow the planned plan during the work process.

The picture shows one of the most popular options among summer residents - a teremok. As you can see, it has a small internal space and small dimensions. This allows you to install it anywhere. It is also worth noting the aesthetic appearance.

Metal toilet

This project option will appeal to those who want to save time and money. During construction, you can use sheets of metal left over from the construction of the house. The only thing you need to take care of is the interior lining. Of course, you can do without it, but in winter it will be very problematic to stay in such a structure.

The main advantage of the project is that there is no need for any knowledge. Almost anyone can build such a country toilet. This is the most cost-effective option you can imagine. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the toilet seat. It is best made of wood to make it comfortable to sit on.

Types of wooden cabins

It is wooden cabins that are most popular among summer residents. This is explained quite simply. The timber is inexpensive, but provides good thermal insulation and has a pleasant appearance. During construction, the following projects are most often used:


As you can see, there are many different designs for country toilets. During construction, you choose the material, type of construction and internal structure. Any of the above options has its own disadvantages and advantages. Therefore, it is very important to weigh all the pros and cons of each project and make a choice in favor of the optimal one.

Every summer resident wants to provide the most comfortable living conditions on his property. One of the main conditions is the presence of a toilet. Therefore, this structure can be considered the main one and, as a rule, it is build the very first on an empty garden plot.

The simplest option- This is an ordinary pit with a stall installed on top, but such a typical wooden toilet has two significant disadvantages: strong smell And the need for periodic cleaning of the toilet.

Therefore, today we will try to discuss how to make a toilet for a summer house without smell and pumping out sewage.

Regular toilet

A typical country toilet with a cesspool

A standard village toilet with a cesspool cannot eliminate unpleasant odors and requires periodic cleaning or relocation to a new location. But with the right arrangement you can reduce these negative factors to a minimum.

  • Firstly, it is advisable to do bigger hole. Many people dig a hole up to 2 meters deep and even more. 🙂 This significantly delays the moment when cleaning the pit is necessary. Some toilets with a large pit, when living seasonally in a country house, and even more so when visiting only on weekends without a large number of people, work for up to 20 years! And to prevent the pit from crumbling, some summer residents put concrete rings there.
  • Secondly, the pit should be located behind the toilet. That is, the booth is not placed directly in the center of the pit, but as if in front of it with a slight approach. The seat with the hole is located in the rear part of the toilet stall.
  • And thirdly, you definitely need to do good extraction from the pit. If there is constant draft in the exhaust pipe, there will be no smell in the stall due to proper ventilation of the toilet. The exhaust pipe is located behind the cabin and runs from the top of the pit to a level above the cabin by about half a meter. The air is drawn out through the hood and enters the pit through the hole in the toilet. At the same time, the cabin always has clean fresh air from the street, and there is almost no smell.

Nowadays they often sell ready-made toilets for summer cottages - wooden cabins. Which only need to be installed on the pit and the toilet is ready for use. The installation of the toilet itself does not require special knowledge and skills. The main thing is to place the booth level and fasten it securely.

Powder closet

Homemade powder closet for the dacha

This is an outdoor toilet in a country house without a cesspool.

It works in a similar way to a peat dry closet.

A container for waste (usually a bucket) is placed under the seat, and after defecation sprinkle the waste with sawdust, ash, peat or peat from a special container using a scoop.

The waste container itself is periodically removed and used as fertilizer.

Plastic toilet for a summer residence

Standard portable plastic toilet

This option is often used in various street cafes and at various events with large crowds of people in the open air. It is a plastic cabin with a waste container, into which a special container with chemicals for processing and disinfection of sewage.

Requires periodic cleaning. There are companies that replace such booths.

This option has the right to live within the dacha plot, but is not very popular.

Toilet inside the house

Bucket toilet

Plastic bucket toilet

Perhaps this is the simplest option for a toilet in the country. Different from regular baby potty the presence of a full seat with a lid.

It is advisable to place a disposable bag inside, which should then be thrown away. But many people don’t do this and simply wash the bucket-toilet. The package must be durable and not leak.

This bucket is often used as night toilet. During the day, an outdoor closet is used, but at night it is too lazy and cold to go outside, so such a bucket is brought into the house. Popular with the older generation of summer residents.

Biotoilet based on microorganisms

Dry toilet-bucket

This is a bucket toilet 2.0 :), that is, a more advanced unit that does not emit an unpleasant odor. Can also be used indoors. Periodically requires backfilling with special biomass with bacteria that process waste. A special removable container allows you to pour already processed waste into the garden as fertilizer.

Peat dry toilet

Peat toilet for a summer residence

One of the types of dry closets, where waste is sprinkled with peat from a special tank. Therefore there is almost no smell. This type of toilet is also called Finnish toilet.

To the toilet It is advisable to connect ventilation.

The operating principle of a peat toilet is as follows: waste is sprinkled with peat, then liquid waste is poured into a special container or into a drainage pit, and solid waste with peat must be periodically removed and used as fertilizer.

Finnish peat toilets have recently become very popular among summer residents. The most popular models: Ekomatic, Piteco, Biolan.

Chemical based portable toilet

Portable toilet

Another option for a bucket toilet. But in this case waste is processed by a special mixture of chemical reagents, which is poured inside. Just like a dry closet with bacteria does not have a bad smell, but unlike it in this case Do not pour recycled waste onto garden beds because they are not harmless.

Electric dry closet

Electric dry closet

Outwardly similar to a portable dry closet, but unlike it, it is not mobile and requires connection to engineering systems.

The operating principle is that solid waste is separated from liquid waste, dried and transferred to a special container.

The liquid component is drained into the sewer (an underground drainage pit is sufficient without a full-fledged septic tank).

In addition, a ventilation connection is required to eliminate odor.

At its core is almost a regular toilet, but is used in cases where it is not possible to arrange a full-fledged sewerage system.

Full bathroom

Country bathroom in the house

Perhaps this the best option for a country house, but also dearest.

It requires a separate room in the house and utilities. A toilet is installed in the bathroom, to which water supply is supplied. The toilet is drained either into a drainage pit or into a septic tank.

  • Drain pit will require periodic pumping of waste using a sewer truck.
  • Septic tank does not require pumping, or requires it much less often, since it processes waste in several containers.

In addition to the complexity of arranging a separate bathroom, you should also remember that a house with a bathroom requires heating in winter, otherwise at sub-zero temperatures you can defrost the water supply and toilet.

As a last resort, it is possible to drain the entire system for the winter and fill the toilet with non-freezing liquid.

But all difficulties are compensated by ease of use, so this option has become increasingly common in dachas, even in small houses.

Warm toilet in the country

Many summer residents are increasingly traveling to their dachas in winter. This is due to the fact that country roads began to be cleaned more often in winter, and the accessibility of the site has improved. A significant role in this belongs to those who have chosen to live in the country all year round. It is not uncommon to see full-fledged residential buildings in the country.

Outdoor heated toilet

It’s cold in winter, and the question arises of how to arrange warm toilet in the country.

If the toilet is inside the house, then the issue is resolved by itself - the bathroom will be warm.

What about the outdoor toilet? But this issue is also solvable.

  • First of all, winter The toilet in the country can be insulated. For example, use extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex). It is inexpensive, holds heat well and is not afraid of moisture. In an insulated toilet, the temperature is always higher than outside. Yes, and basic protection from the wind will already create more comfortable conditions in the outdoor toilet in winter.
  • Secondly, you can heat the toilet. Yes, yes, don't laugh. Many people do this. Any heat source can be installed in an outdoor toilet. This can be an electric heater or a heater using some kind of fuel. As a result, the cabin becomes warm and cozy on long winter evenings. 🙂

Which option should I choose?

What should you consider when choosing one option over another? The following factors should be considered:

Waste volume

Try to figure out how often you will use the toilet? How many people Will he go to the restroom? The volume of waste and, accordingly, the method of its disposal greatly depend on this. This is perhaps the main factor influencing the choice of toilet.

Depth of groundwater

If the groundwater level is high, pit toilets and, in some cases, septic tanks are excluded.

Check the groundwater level in the spring.


How much are you willing to spend for arranging a toilet? There are options from the cheapest to super expensive septic tanks. It all depends on your wallet and wishes.


Any toilets require waste disposal Sooner or later. Think about all this in advance when choosing one or another toilet option. You must understand how to clean your toilet, how difficult and expensive it is.


What should every self-respecting owner of a country plot have? Of course, first of all, the toilet. You can't go anywhere without him. A latrine is an important component of a comfortable stay in nature. And how to make it with your own hands and at the same time save money, this is what we will talk about.

Modern tendencies

We must remember that the latrines of today are significantly different from those of several decades ago. What is this connected with? First of all, with the change in the environmental situation, which is not for the better, which is why the requirements for sanitary standards have become stricter.

Helpful information:

Innovations in the field of waste processing and disposal, which have become more accessible to the general public, also played an important role. Modernity dictates its own rules regarding the design and comfort of toilets, and this is reflected in preferences. The place where people relieve themselves should now be not only ergonomic, but also attractive.

Based on all of the above, you can slowly begin building a toilet on your summer cottage. We will touch upon the topic of capital structures made of brick and concrete lightly, but will pay more attention to the external design, which is also of great importance. Like, for example, in this photo:

As for the basis for the toilet, that is, the foundation, then, oddly enough, you can do without it. And that's why. The fact is that with seasonal shifts in the soil, deeper layers undergo greater changes, while the surface layers can move by 5 centimeters on average. This will not at all disturb the stability of the cabin, perhaps just a little, which will be completely unnoticeable. And piles, foundation strips and pillars, on the contrary, tend to be more skewed.

If it is decided to install the foundation, then this must be done before the cold weather to avoid the above-mentioned problems. The exception is foundations that are well buried in the soil; these can easily withstand winter and frost.

So how do you install a cabin without a base?

Everything is very simple. To do this, concrete posts for trellises are taken, and a booth is installed on top of them. You can also place the booth on ready-made reinforced concrete monoliths or bricks. But the first option (columns) will be better. In the southern regions, trellis posts are often used for vineyards, and where the climate is not so mild, they are used for climbing plants.

Trellis posts are produced in lengths from 1.2 to 6 meters, with dimensions from 10X12 to 20X30 centimeters. They have a trapezoidal cross-section. On the larger side there are wire rod rigging eyes ranging in size from 6 to 12 millimeters, on the smaller side there are rounded corners. To get the pins on which the booth will be attached to the base, you need to saw the eyes in the middle part with a grinder and straighten them.

If a cesspool is provided for the toilet in advance, then you don’t have to worry about the safety of the rear beam of the cabin, which serves as a support. In this case, the negative chemical environment is not dangerous for the tree.

If your summer cottage is located in an area where there are frequent winds, then the cabin still needs to be strengthened. Profiled pipes (40x40x2) or support posts made of timber (80x80) are well suited for this. In this case, the metal base needs to be concreted about half a meter below the humus layer, and the wooden base must first be treated with hot bitumen, then with rough roofing felt with sprinkling, and then dug to a depth of 30 centimeters.

Structures, cladding and materials

As a rule, 4 types of lumber are used for the cabin. This:

  • edged and unedged boards (“twenty”) or roof slats measuring 50x20;
  • for cladding on the outside - edged or tongue-and-groove boards with dimensions from 20 to 30 millimeters;
  • for the flooring and toilet seat - tongue and groove boards (40X (120-150));
  • frame beam (80x80 or 60x60).

You can replace the sheathing board with OSB (8X20 thick) or waterproof plywood. By the way, you can cut laths from OSB for sheathing. A little more expensive, but in some respects even better, is a tongue-and-groove for sheathing.

The best option for covering the cabin with tongue-and-groove boards is horizontal cladding with belts. In this case, the ridges of the tongues should be directed upwards, and the grooves downwards, which will protect the sheathing from the accumulation of unnecessary moisture in the tongues. The door is sheathed vertically.

If the design plan includes curved sections, then it is best to cladding it with boat boards according to the marine type, as shown in the figure. This will be especially good for areas where there is a lot of rainfall, but a little worse for windy areas where tongue and groove piling is best. Using an electric jigsaw with a rotary shoe, you can make a cut edge from a boat board. In this case, it is important to observe the angle of inclination of the visor of the board, which should be within 30 degrees. It should also be taken into account that the canopies of the boards should be directed downward along the slope, as shown in the figure.

It is important to know that after pruning, solid lumber must be treated with special preparations that prevent putrefactive processes -. Afterwards, it is necessary to impregnate it twice with a water-polymer emulsion. This product is affordable and can provide good protection against dampness for many years. You should definitely adhere to a strict impregnation sequence. Otherwise, PVA glue simply will not allow the biocide to cover the wood with a protective film. It is better to treat materials for covering the toilet seat and flooring (from the inside), which face the cesspool or the ground, with bitumen mastic or hot bitumen.

Appearance of a toilet for a summer residence

A wooden toilet in a country area is traditionally made in 4 architectural forms, which have funny names. See pictures.

  • birdhouse;
  • hut;
  • house;
  • hut.

In the photo you can see the types of wooden toilet stalls.

These models do not have significant differences, but there is a difference between them. Which? Let's consider this issue in more detail.

11 drawings of the country toilet “Birdhouse”

It is even simpler in design, and requires very little land for it. But the structure is considered not very durable, and the “birdhouse” is prone to blowing and does not hold heat well. By the way, these disadvantages apply to all buildings with a pitched roof type. The design of such a structure as a birdhouse toilet is kept to a minimum. But this model is perfect as a summer toilet, on the roof of which you can install a pressure water tank, where the water will be heated by the sun. In addition, such a “load” contributes to greater stability of the cabin. Also, a building of this type can be used as a premises for household needs.

3 drawings of the country toilet "Shalash"

The advantages of this model are: resistance to precipitation and winds, strength, simplicity of design, low material consumption. Disadvantages: it requires a considerable amount of land for construction, as well as the inconvenience that if you miscalculate the capacity a little, you can hit your head, and on both sides. Therefore, you need to take the height along the ridge at least 3 meters, but then you won’t be able to save materials.

8 drawings of the country toilet "House"

The type of toilet called "house" is the most popular. Its design is considered better than a “birdhouse” in terms of strength, and the same amount of land and materials will be needed for construction. A “house” is also more suitable for realizing design fantasies, although it will be more difficult to install a water tank.

6 drawings of the country toilet "Izbushka"

The “hut” is the most complex in design, however, it is very durable and can withstand any vagaries of weather. An interesting cut gives room for imagination; the “hut” can be decorated in any way you like. Well, functionality and ergonomics are generally at their best! Inside you can arrange a hanger, washbasin and shelf, and this will not take up extra space.

Dimensions of a toilet for a summer residence

The permissible dimensions of the “house” and “birdhouse” on the floor (taking into account the toilet seat) are from 1.5 meters deep and from 1.2 meters wide. The same 1.5 meters for depth are taken for a “hut” with a “hut”, while the traditional width is 0.9 meters. In a hut, this is calculated by shoulder level (within 1.6 meters from the floor for a person of average height with shoes on); in a hut, measurements are taken along the floor. It is noteworthy that in “Khrushchev” buildings, which are built using blocks, there are toilets measuring 0.7X1.1, but they are not designed for entering in outerwear and country shoes.

However, to build a toilet on a summer cottage, it is still permissible to reduce the width to 1 meter.

According to the rules, there should be at least 40 cm from the head of a person in a standing position to the wall, this is especially important when calculating the angle of inclination of the walls of the hut. In this case, the height from floor to ceiling is optimally 2.1 meters, and above the toilet seat - 1.9 meters. The height of the side of the toilet seat from the floor should be within 50 cm, in contrast to the standard option adopted in apartments, which is 40 cm.

The “birdhouse”, “hut” and “house” models have one common, but in a certain sense, significant drawback: if you do not lock the door, then within 10-20 minutes both the door and the booth will become loose. If this happens repeatedly, the toilet stall risks losing stability. To prevent this from happening, you just need to install the door on barn hinges (as shown in the figure), and then there will certainly be no cause for alarm. Because of its strength, the “hut” is not in danger of loosening, so its door can be safely attached to secret hinges.

Construction of a booth

The simplest is to install a “birdhouse”, and the installation process is carried out using 100 mm nails for 60 mm timber or 150 mm for 80X80 mm timber. The sheathing is nailed with 60-70 mm nails.

The entire process of building a birdhouse is shown in the pictures.

Algorithm for constructing a birdhouse model toilet:

  1. Take roofing felt, then cover the corner slabs (columns) and the load-bearing belt with it. The roofing material should be simple, without sprinkling.
  2. Then immediately assemble the lower support frame from the timber. Processing is required. Why right away? Because roofing material that is not adapted to ultraviolet rays can quickly deteriorate.
  3. Then the floor is laid to the front edge of the toilet seat. The pieces of the remaining frame are filled with boards of the same thickness as for the floor. We also don’t forget about processing (especially on the inside).
  4. We prepare the back and front frames, while the joints are cut into half the tree.
  5. The backdrop and front frame are nailed to the bottom and reinforced with ties. The ties should be 1/4 embedded.
  6. The frame for the toilet seat is made in the same way.
  7. The toilet seat needs to be sheathed, then the seat window needs to be cut out, and then we can start covering the walls.
  8. Assembling roof cladding.
  9. The roof deck is made of any rigid roofing material. A figured window (the so-called “ace”) is cut out in the door leaf and above the door itself.
  10. The door canopy is made and the corners are sheathed.

Now the room is quite suitable for use.

Of course, when constructing a waste site, other types of buildings are also used, which are shown in this video:

DIY country toilet: video

The “hut” is also a fairly popular model, but it is also more difficult to build. Therefore, below are projects that indicate exact calculations of the material and cutting of the boards. An example drawing is also provided. It should be noted that the door in the “hut” has a high degree of strength and can withstand any bad weather, even strong winds. Even if the owner forgetfully leaves the door open for some time, the wind, of course, will loosen it, but will not damage the door leaf and repairs will be kept to a minimum.

Design of a toilet cabin model “hut”: photo

Below are less detailed drawings of several more projects: “birdhouse” (second option), “house” and “hut”. However, for those who have already understood how to build a “hut”, it will be much easier to understand the above models.

Toilet in the garden

There are certain factors (which will be discussed at the end of the article) due to which it is better to install the “house” and “hut” models in the depths of the garden, that is, among the trees. But the construction of a latrine in the garden has a number of features. We won’t describe them in detail, it’s better to watch the video and you’ll understand everything yourself:

Construction of a toilet in the garden: video


In suburban areas, it is traditional to combine a toilet, shower and outbuildings. They are also sometimes accompanied by summer kitchens and a place where you can hide from rain or wind (if there is no house on the site). This is all completely correct and justified. And that's why.

The fact is that in a summer cottage, the amount of “gray” water that ends up in the drain after using water in the shower or in the kitchen is significantly less than fecal water. And compared, for example, with a residential building, the volume of drainage is small. Therefore, it makes no sense to make this same drain separate. An acceptable and frequently used option for waste disposal in a utility room is a cesspool. Below are examples of how to make a utility block along with a shower and toilet in a summer cottage.

Plan of the utility block "Cheburashka": photo

This model of a utility room with a funny name was invented during the Khrushchev Thaw. Sets of parts for the Cheburashka can be purchased now, and, what’s most interesting, under the same names as before. The big advantage of this option is its reasonable price, functionality, simplicity and minimum footprint. In this case, the support pillars are concreted or dug directly into the ground (corrugated pipe 40x40x2, and timber 100x100). Sheathing is currently done using corrugated sheets, but previously it was customary to sheathe with slate.

The presented figure shows several plans for utility units, more complex in design:

Layout of utility blocks with a “change house”: photo

They consist of large rooms that include a barn or warehouse, a shelter from the weather, and a kitchen. Also, such a room requires the installation of a window in it. You can also arrange a mini-room with a sofa, table and chair. Entrance to the shower and toilet is from the street. So, a considerable area of ​​​​such a building is quite a winning option.

The figure below shows a utility room, which is optimally suited for its construction in the corner part of the site. This option involves installing a washbasin according to the summer type, that is, in the open air. The main difference of this type of structure is its maximum compactness and very small dimensions. It is noteworthy that the plan of the building is brick, but if it is made of wood, then the size of the premises in the plan can be reduced to 2x2 meters.


And this picture shows a diagram of the construction of a utility block and a toilet in the yard. Reflector 1 deserves special attention, which is
one of the main components of the toilet, because it is it that directs feces to the front part of the drainage pit. Then the entire mass gradually slides into the so-called pumping pocket. During this process, the shed masses are mixed with bacteria. It is thanks to the reflector that the correct biocenosis occurs. If you do not use it, then you will need a hole 2 times deeper and larger in volume. “Grey” waste can drain into a pit without a reflector and also end up in the front part. In order to avoid infiltration into the ground, it is imperative to use a blind concrete box 4 and a clay lock 3. An inspection and cleaning door 2 is also extremely necessary.

Country toilet in the house

It is quite possible to install a country toilet at home, however, you need to know important rules and solve a number of problems that may be encountered during the installation process. So:


It must be remembered that draining wastewater into a well with infiltration into the ground is almost impossible. Otherwise, you will have to adhere to certain distances that are prescribed in sanitary standards. This:

  • from water supply sources, a distance of at least 30 meters is accepted, and with traditional geology (in the middle zone) - from 50 to 80 meters;
  • the distance from plantings of food crops and stagnant bodies of water should also be 30 meters;
  • the distance from flowing bodies of water (rivers and streams) is taken to be 15 meters;
  • from road surfaces and buildings - 5 meters;
  • from the border of the site, bushes and non-fruit trees - from 2 meters.

It must be taken into account that these rules apply not only to objects on your own site, but also on the sites of your neighbors. And, as they say, you can’t joke with this, because in case of violations on your part, the law will be on the side of your neighbors.

Therefore, it is very important to understand that a toilet in a summer cottage must be built with a blind type cesspool. Modern and improved products designed for cesspools can help with this. Sanitary barrels usually travel out of town once a season, and by making an agreement with your neighbors, you can divide the cost of the call among those who use the services.

Summer residents who are able to make something on their own plot on their own have not ignored the cesspool. The video below shows how to make a cesspool with your own hands.

DIY cesspool: video


Installing a toilet with a flush system and a siphon is not permitted even in areas that have a constant water supply. Why? The fact is that due to water there will be an excess accumulation of moisture, which can have a detrimental effect on the bacteria that we really need that live in the pit. As a result, an almost emergency situation may occur and you will have to call a special service and carry out serious cleaning.

However, installing a backlash closet does not exclude the possibility that unpleasant odors will not penetrate into the room. This can happen for rather trivial reasons: due to the blowing of the ventilation draft by the wind and its surges. But there is a solution to this problem. In order to avoid the above-mentioned misunderstandings, you need or breather. It is a ventilation with forced draft, due to which a pressure below atmospheric is formed in the pit.

You should not install a fan on the breather duct - this will do absolutely nothing. After all, an ordinary household fan will not be able to function for a long time in an aggressive environment. There are special fans designed for such purposes. However, they are quite expensive. Such fans must be explosion-proof, and they will also need to be cleaned frequently.

In a house with heating, it will be quite easy to install a country closet. Options for boiler and furnace are shown in the pictures. How to do it? One of the most important links is the installation of a backlash channel with thermogradient draft under the breather. You also need to pay attention to the fact that the breather pipe must protrude at least 70 cm above the ridge of the roof and the mouth of the chimney. And in order for the hood to function well even in the warm season (when there is no heating), you need to take a metal pipe and paint it black, which, as you know, attracts heat on sunny days.

There are also toilet options for cottages without heating. Which? To begin with, let’s give an example: in the first “Khrushchev” buildings, fairly large toilets were installed, and the flush was so powerful that no brushes or other attributes were needed. This draining force was achieved due to the fact that the barrel was suspended almost from the ceiling, the height of which was 2.8 meters. On the side of the barrel there was a chain with a pear, with the help of which the draining process was carried out. Thus, the height of the flow of water falling down was about 2 meters.

The noise that arose as a result of the release of water was very loud. Subsequently, they came up with models of compact toilets, where the barrel was located on the back side of the seating area.

At first, the toilet bowls were shaped like sinks with a basin, but with low water pressure, the contents were almost impossible to flush away. Then they came up with toilets with an oblique flush, which was much more convenient. This type of toilet is shown in the figure.

Not so long ago, your humble servant also decided to improve the toilet in a suburban area. I wanted to buy something with a siphon so that there would be no unpleasant odor. A toilet with an oblique flush can flush even without good water pressure. But what if we make pressure, as in Khrushchev’s? This will save water, and the quality of the drainage will remain high.

At first I thought of buying an inexpensive compact toilet without a dispenser, in which water can be flushed as long as the button is pressed. Then it would be necessary to raise it higher. But then I thought that it would be inconvenient: to stretch high, water is given by the hour, so I additionally need to buy a pressure storage tank.

As a result, I took a “sink” with a direct downward outlet. For water, I took a 50-liter plastic barrel and hung it from the ceiling. I decided to supply the flushing water using two pieces of corrugated plastic through a ball valve with a handle so that it could be opened more sharply.

I was pleasantly pleased with the result, because it only took up to 3 liters of water to flush. And if you calculate the number of flushes per day from a tank with a capacity of 50 liters, then it turns out from 15 to 25 flushes per day. On top of that, the bacteria in the pit feel great in this situation!

It is noteworthy that the cabins described above can also support tanks with a volume of up to 200 liters. However, you should not install them, because frequent draining will oversaturate the pit with moisture, and its contents will begin to overflow and sour. I don't think anyone needs this.

Without cesspool

You can make a country closet without a cesspool in the form of a dry closet. But for any sewerage, natural or artificial bacteria are used, and it turns out that this is “bio”. Also, when purchasing a dry closet, you can buy something that is not “bio” at all. Therefore, we need to better understand this topic and figure out how to receive and process wastewater bypassing the sewer system. In other words, how to install an autonomous toilet on your property.

Public “autonomous” toilets can process waste in two types, biological and chemical. It happens that all this is combined, depending on the connected cartridge. “Chemists” process wastewater in two ways:

  • strong oxidizing agents of inorganic origin;
  • organic abiogenic reagents (for example, formaldehyde).

Also, “chemists” have a high absorption and throughput capacity and are expensive in price. The contents of the cartridge are toxic; its disposal and refilling is carried out by specially trained people using special equipment and protective equipment. Consequently, in normal household conditions, chemical toilets are practically not used.

In biotoilets, biocenosis is carried out thanks to specially grown crops. It turns out that the blind cesspool, in which the latest antiseptics are used, is also a dry closet. Below are options that do not require pumping and without the accumulation of liquefied wastewater.

It is interesting that a type of toilet was previously used, which has survived to this day and is successfully used today. This is the so-called. There is also a variety of it: powder-closet. They are slightly different from each other, but also have a lot in common. The most important thing is that they use natural bacteria from bogs saturated with peat. These microorganisms have important properties. What kind? They are inactive and process little wastewater (based on the net volume of the crop). However, their main advantage is their extraordinary vitality; these bacteria also tend to hibernate and wake up when favorable conditions occur.

It is customary for a composting or simple peat toilet to have a container with stone drainage of 40-200 liters. It will ensure the absorption of excess moisture, and then it will gradually be able to release it. A breather is also needed to absorb harmful gases. Both are very important for a peat toilet, since without these two components the emergence of a stable culture is impossible; it can dry out, fall asleep, sour, or even die.

The advantage of a peat dry closet is its ease of operation. After visiting it, you just need to pour peat chips into the funnel. The contents of the collection should be periodically shaken out onto the compost heap. After 2-3 years, the aged, disinfected and fermented compost is suitable as a fertilizer. However, a composting toilet cannot withstand overloads, like a powder closet, and does not eliminate unpleasant odors. If, for example, a party is expected at the dacha for several days, then after it it is guaranteed that the dry closet will need to be cleaned and refilled.

Self-contained microflora toilets use advanced, highly efficient bacteria obtained through genetic engineering. The most important thing is that they are completely harmless to people, they have been successfully used since the 80s of the last century and they have long been tested for “strength”. The process of changing a culture cartridge is very simple, it is no more complicated than changing a baby's diaper. But its contents must be recycled, as it is not suitable for fertilizer. If you spend 1-2 days a week at the dacha, then one cartridge cartridge is enough for the whole summer, and 2-3 replacements will be needed for the season. It must be said that there are quite a few varieties of cassettes and it is very important to be able to understand them so as not to purchase a fake.

For example, you should not buy an expensive cabin (as shown in Figure 1 below). Of course, it is comfortable, warm, has anti-vandal protection, and can take heavy loads. But the shelf life of any bacteria-based cartridge is still limited, regardless of the nature of use. At the same time, the crop can lose its properties before its absorption capacity is exhausted, and the price of the cassette is not small.

You should beware of purchasing cheap handicraft products (as shown in Figure 2). In this case, an “alternative” low-quality and inexpensive bio toilet is taken (as shown in the picture below) and a cubicle is built around it. As a result, rapid degradation occurs, an unpleasant odor appears, and the cartridge is replaced at your own expense. And if we’re going to take a full-fledged toilet for the dacha, then the dacha-household option (3) is better suited. Its price is reasonable, its drainage life is less, and it is designed for a family.

The same applies to bio-toilets. Public high-capacity ones, which can work both on chemistry and on microflora (item 4), are quite expensive in terms of money. Special bio-toilets for dachas (item 5) have been put on sale; they are cheaper and are suitable for a family. However, if only water is poured into their barrels, they will quickly deteriorate. The water is replaced with a special liquid, which is supplied for flushing in very small doses, literally drops. Therefore, it is important to ask in advance what the toilet is flushed with and the cost of this very flush.

Bucket toilets (item 6) are also used as a country option, which are designed for 2-5 days of use for 3 to 5 people. They are well suited for short-term use. There are also chemical options that are conditionally disposable; they are more often used on trips and in the field. These types of toilets are rented out, and after the expiration date of the absorbent or upon return, they are given for refilling.

Another good option for a summer house is a bio-toilet with a separate cartridge (item 7). Its main advantage is that it is much cheaper than a whole toilet. You can make a booth yourself or buy it. In general, you will get a fairly comfortable mini-room where you can relieve yourself (pos. 8). This is perfect for a suburban area, because the cost of a toilet and cartridges is much less than the price for a cesspool for a booth and a zero cycle.

You should remember when planning to build a toilet for your dacha with your own hands - step-by-step instructions will be specific for each of the options, of which there are quite a few. Structures can work according to different principles, and materials for construction are selected taking into account their cost, durability and aesthetic appeal. Experts recommend that before purchasing materials and building a toilet, not only carefully consider the chosen option, but also make the necessary calculations, find the optimal location for installation, and draw a diagram or drawing.

When choosing a design to build a toilet in a country house with your own hands, they focus, first of all, on the comfort of using the building. Moreover, not only visiting the toilet should be convenient, but also servicing it. In order to make the right choice, you should familiarize yourself with the operating features of each of the toilet options.

Pit toilets

The easiest option for waste disposal is a do-it-yourself toilet pit in the country. A house is installed above it, often called in everyday life, depending on its appearance, a “birdhouse” or “hut”, the degree of comfort of which depends on the capabilities of the master. The pit is cleaned using a sewer truck. Similar designs - not the most perfect, but due to the simplicity of the device and cost-effectiveness, they remain popular and in demand when it comes to suburban areas where owners do not appear often. Toilets with cesspools are also suitable for dachas where a small number of people live.

The photo shows a diagram of a toilet above a cesspool

Backlash closets

The backlash closet is an improved design of a toilet with a cesspool; its distinctive feature is the complete sealing of the storage tank. A backlash closet can be arranged in such a way that the toilet is located in a heated room (house), and the storage tank is located outside it (as a rule, against the wall adjacent to the toilet). The toilet is connected to the storage tank by an inclined or vertical pipe, through which waste flows by gravity into the tank. Due to the tightness, cleaning of the backlash closet storage can only be done with the help of vacuum trucks. Backlash closet more convenient and hygienic than a regular toilet in a country house with a cesspool.

When arranging a backlash closet, the toilet is located in the room, which is an advantage of this type of design

Powder closets

Powder closets are great in cases where when there is groundwater in the area close to the surface. This feature may cause trouble when installing other structures, but will not affect the operation of the powder closet. A significant advantage of this option for a country toilet is the ability to transform waste into environmentally friendly organic fertilizer. The powder closet gets its name from the principle of operation - the waste in the storage tank is sprinkled (“powdered”) with a dry composition (peat or peat-sawdust mixture). As a result, the occurrence of putrefactive processes is prevented and the likelihood of unpleasant odors is minimized. As the toilet tank fills, waste mixed with peat is dumped into a compost pit, where it is turned into compost.

Powder closets can be stationary with large storage units or compact portable ones. In the second case, a small-sized structure can be brought into the house at night or during rain.

Dry toilets

The dry closets, which are a ready-made compact toilet, have become popular and have proven themselves really well in use. Their operating principle may be similar to the operation of a peat powder closet. Processing and decomposition of waste in such peat dry closets occurs using a peat mixture.

In other models it is possible for recycling. Dry or liquid fillers contain cultures of certain types of bacteria.

In chemical models, the active substances for waste decomposition are chemicals. When choosing, you should take into account that safe and effective fillers are more expensive than others, and some substances used by uninformed summer residents (bleach, formaldehyde, etc.) are prohibited due to toxicity.

Choosing a place to build a toilet

When telling how to make a toilet in a country house with your own hands, experts usually place special emphasis on where it is best to place the structure. In this regard, there are absolute requirements that must be met in any case. They determine the minimum distances from the toilet to residential and outbuildings, water sources and other objects:

  • to a house that has a cellar or basement, as well as to a garage or barn with similar underground structures - 12 meters,
  • to the source of drinking water – 25 meters,
  • to a barn without a cellar, garage or sauna - 8 meters,
  • to the fence - 1 meter.
  • Placing the building according to the wind rose will allow the structure to be installed so that the unpleasant smell does not cause inconvenience to the owners or disturb the neighbors.
  • If the site has complex terrain, it is recommended to choose a level place for the toilet, and if there is a source of water in the country, the toilet is located below it in level.
  • If you need to use the services of a cesspool truck to pump out a toilet, you need to provide for the possibility of its access to the cesspool, taking into account the length of the equipment hose.

Selection of materials

Building a toilet in a country house with your own hands is possible from various materials. The choice is determined by the cost and availability of various options. For example, if an outdoor toilet is being installed as a temporary structure during the construction of a full-fledged sewer system, you can choose cheaper materials. If the dacha is visited only in the summer and an outdoor toilet is the only option, it is better to choose reliability and durability, even if additional costs are required.

Wooden models

Wooden outdoor toilets are probably the most common option. It combines economy and practicality, however, it should be borne in mind that wood is susceptible to moisture. To protect the material, special impregnations can be used. The service life of the material can be significantly increased by primed and painted the boards. Lovers of the natural texture of wood often coat structures with a transparent moisture-proof varnish.

Brick toilet

A brick toilet is a permanent structure that will stand for decades without requiring repairs. The cost of materials for such a structure is higher, but if you have some bricks left after building a house or garage, you should take advantage of this opportunity. If you are planning to build a brick toilet in your country house with your own hands, do not forget that the massive structure requires installation on a foundation. Experts recommend choosing a strip foundation for a country toilet. It requires less excavation work, reduces the consumption of cement for pouring, but ensures the reliability and safety of structures on almost any soil. Although for structures made of lighter materials it is also possible to use a columnar foundation.

Using corrugated sheets

A country toilet made of corrugated sheets is a frame structure covered with sheet metal material. The corrugated sheeting has a coating that protects it from moisture, so it can be used for outdoor buildings without any risk. The frame of the building is optionally made of wood or metal. The use of corrugated sheets can significantly reduce the construction time of a toilet.

Construction of a toilet with a cesspool

If you are building such a toilet for your dacha with your own hands, the step-by-step instructions begin with the storage device.

  • Digging a pit. Its volume is usually calculated based on the conditions of use (number of people, frequency and duration of visits to a summer cottage, etc.). Usually a pit 2 meters deep is quite sufficient. The cross-section of such a pit is a square with sides of 1 meter or a circle with a diameter of one meter. These parameters can be increased slightly taking into account the need to strengthen the walls of the pit.
  • Doing the bottom. The easiest way would be to fill the bottom with crushed stone or gravel. However, this method does not exclude partial penetration of waste from the toilet into the soil. If groundwater is located in an area close to the surface of the earth, it is better to make the bottom impenetrable, for example, by filling it with concrete mortar.
  • Strengthening walls. You can strengthen the walls of a cesspool for a toilet in a country house with your own hands using brickwork, concrete rings or concrete mortar using poured construction technology (the mortar is gradually poured into the formwork, no more than 50 cm in height at a time). In all cases, it is important to ensure the tightness of the structure (fill the seams between the rings, avoid gaps when making brickwork). To protect surface water in the area from sewage entering it, the walls can be plastered or covered with a waterproofing layer for greater reliability.

Important: If the groundwater level in your area is higher than 2.5 meters, then the cesspool must be made completely sealed, including the bottom.

After this, the selected house structure is erected over the pit. Most often in such cases a wooden structure is installed.

Construction of a wooden house step by step

Toilet ventilation

Despite the fact that the correct installation of a country toilet with your own hands allows you to minimize the appearance of an unpleasant odor, and many models eliminate the occurrence of putrefactive processes in the mass of waste, a toilet in the country, made with a cesspool, or another structure must be provided with ventilation.

The ventilation pipe is inserted into the storage tank at least 15 cm deep. Light and durable plastic sewer pipes with a diameter of 100 mm are well suited for these purposes. For stability, they are attached from the outside to the wall of the building using metal clamps. The ventilation pipe should rise approximately 50 cm above the roof. The ventilation pipe is protected from rain and debris using a deflector installed at the end of the pipe.

Construction of a backlash closet

If you are deciding how to build a toilet at your dacha yourself, a backlash closet should be considered as one of the best options. It is very simple to implement and does not require significant expenses. At the same time, such structures are more comfortable than ordinary “birdhouses” with holes.

First of all, it is important to choose a location for excavation work. The waste pit, unlike many other structures, is located directly next to the house, since the toilet from which the waste will flow will be located inside the house. So, you need to designate a place for the toilet inside the room and a place for the storage tank near the adjacent wall. The depth of the pit must be at least 1 meter, and its walls must be completely waterproofed. Experts recommend making the bottom and walls of the tank from poured concrete, followed by covering the strengthened structure with a waterproofing layer (for example, bitumen). You can increase the reliability of waterproofing using a clay castle (the thickness of the layer is at least 0.5 m).

The upper part of the toilet pit is closed with a double lid - a layer of heat insulation is installed between the layers of cast iron and wood. Gravity flow of waste can be ensured by the inclination of the pipe that leads from the toilet to the storage tank (in this case, at the construction stage it is necessary to provide an inlet for it, and after entering it, seal the seam) or by the design of the tank itself (an expanding pit that goes under the house in the direction from the toilet to the street with a sloping floor). Ventilation is necessary for the backlash closet. In the cold season, the efficiency of the hood can be ensured by the temperature difference, and in the summer it is better to use an exhaust fan.

Powder closet device

If you are building such a country toilet with your own hands step by step, the instructions will be quite concise. The simplicity of the device is explained, among other things, by the fact that the powder closet does not require the construction of a pit. For compact structures, excavation work is not needed at all, but for stationary ones, a recess in the ground may be required in which a storage container (bucket or tank) will be placed. The construction of a powder closet boils down to installing a container under the toilet seat for collecting sewage and supplying the toilet with a box with backfill (peat, sawdust, etc.) and a scoop. You should fill up waste after each visit to the restroom.


The video will clearly demonstrate how to build a toilet in a country house with your own hands. The video lists the necessary materials with dimensions, tools, and also shows the sequence of work with comments.

Toilet in the country photo

Here we have selected several photographs on the topic of our article “How to make a toilet in the country with your own hands.”

On a dacha or private plot, the first building should be a toilet. Even if construction is just beginning, you cannot do without this structure. The situation will be more relevant if you live permanently or periodically travel to the country. The best solution would be to install an outdoor toilet. The construction is not particularly complicated. Any home craftsman can handle the task. We will talk further about how to equip an outdoor toilet with your own hands.

Types of outdoor toilets

Toilet with cesspool. Most often, a wooden booth or house, under which there is a cesspool. It functions simply. All waste is placed in a pit. The liquid evaporates and is absorbed into the soil. Dense residues accumulate. They have to be removed from time to time.

Backlash closet. Also has a cesspool. However, it is completely sealed and large in size. The process of drainage from it is unacceptable. Cleaning occurs only by pumping with a sewage disposal machine. Typically, such structures are used for residential premises and a toilet is installed.

Powder closet. This system does not require a cesspool. A toilet seat is installed inside the house, under which a storage container for waste is placed. There is peat in the immediate vicinity. After each trip to the toilet, the excrement is sprinkled with a layer of peat. When the container is full, it is simply taken out to the compost heap.

Such an outdoor device has a number of advantages. Compared to a cesspool toilet, it has a simpler design. It can even be placed in a residential area. However, the process of cleaning a waste container is not very pleasant.

Peat dry toilet. It is a type of powder closet, but made in a factory. Looks like a plastic toilet with a cistern. The principle of operation is completely similar to the previous option. Peat is also used to add sewage. Such dry toilets are suitable for outdoor and indoor use.

Chemical toilet. The difference from the previous option will be the use of chemical reagents instead of peat. They break down and deodorize waste. Biobacteria can be used as a chemically active medium. They will even be preferable for summer cottages. The products of their processing can even be disposed of in garden beds. To that extent they are safe.

Where can I put the toilet?

We sorted out the views. Now it’s worth understanding where you can put a toilet in a private house with your own hands. Of course, this section will only apply to pit toilets. This will not affect powder closets and variations of dry closets, since they will not cause problems with choosing a location. They can be placed in any place you like.

We talked about it in one of the articles. It examined in detail all the nuances of placement. The same rules apply to the cesspool. We recommend that you study them before you start arranging the toilet.

There is no point in repeating them within the framework of this article. You will find all this information by following the link. Let's move on to construction issues.

Pit toilet

When making a toilet in a private house with your own hands, you should adhere to the recommended construction characteristics. So, there is no point in equipping a house that is too large. There is no need for extra space, and it will be fresh in winter. On the contrary, a building that is too small will be inconvenient. That is why the optimal sizes will be the following:

  • Height – from 2 to 2.5 meters;
  • Length – up to 1.5 meters;
  • Width – 1 meter.

In one of the previous articles we provided. Therefore, if you need a ready-made drawn version, then follow the link and study.

Initial stage and pit preparation

The initial stage will be preparation. At the very beginning, you should think through the project and prepare the site. You should immediately prepare the required materials and tools.

Above we have already touched upon the issue of choosing a location. It should be approached with all seriousness. If you don’t think through all the nuances, you can end up with a lot of problems. Moving a cesspool is not so easy.

After initial preparation and selection of a location, you can begin arranging the cesspool. For an outdoor toilet that does not require continuous use, a pit measuring 1-1.5 m3 is suitable. You can prepare the pit manually or using special equipment. However, in any case, the most optimal size will be as follows:

  • Depth – 2 meters;
  • Width – 1.5 meters;
  • Length – 1.5 meters.

In order to strengthen the walls of the pit, you can use boards, old tires, concrete rings or bricks. Alternatively, metal or plastic barrels can be used.

When laying bricks, it is necessary to make reinforcement. Reinforcement or reinforced mesh is used. All seams must be carefully sealed and waterproofed. The cesspool should not allow liquid to pass through.

In general, the technology for arranging a cesspool will look like this:

  • A pit is being dug. It needs to be made 30 centimeters larger than the planned raking;
  • Clay is placed and compacted at the bottom. Thickness – up to 30 cm. It will be a clay castle. Thanks to it, sewage will not penetrate into the soil.
  • The walls and bottom are laid out with brick, stone or boards. The main requirement will be the inability to pass water. At this stage, waterproofing is carried out.
  • The gap between the wall and the ground should also be sealed with clay. This is also a lock - external waterproofing.
  • A ceiling is laid on top of the pit. Most often, boards with a thickness of 40 millimeters are used. It is necessary to make 2 holes in this ceiling. The first will be required to install the toilet seat. The second is for the pumping hatch.
  • Ventilation is in progress.

To eliminate all the labor-intensive work of laying out walls with waterproofing, you can use some suitable container (options above) or a special one - a septic tank. This option will be done 2 times faster.

Construction of a toilet house

Any toilet will require a stall. If you do it yourself, the easiest way is to build a rectangular structure. The roof is pitched. This option requires a minimum amount of time and materials. The entire construction procedure was discussed in more detail in the article .

First of all, you should make the floor. However, it must be raised off the ground. This is best done with the help of pillars at the corners of the structure. It is best to deepen them by 20-30 centimeters. They are made of stones, bricks or concrete. There are special spacers made of concrete, as in the image. However, finding them will be more difficult and more expensive than making them yourself.

  • Flooring is placed on the pillars. Most often wooden. It is better to treat the tree with protective preparations. It is worth remembering the aggressive environment.
  • Vertical supports are installed. For this, timber 100x100 mm or larger is used. You choose the height yourself, but we have provided recommended values. The front ones must be made 15 cm higher. This is required to create a roof slope. They are fixed to the base with plates or pieces of bars. It is better to use self-tapping screws instead of nails.
  • At the top, the perimeter is also tied with timber.
  • A 50x100 mm timber is used to form a doorway. The width is selected based on the size of the door.
  • The frame is covered with boards, plywood or OSB board.
  • Lathing is being done on the roof. The same materials can be used as cladding.
  • The roof covering is laid - slate, corrugated sheet or soft covering.
  • Doors are being installed.

Toilet without cesspool

Without a pit, creating an outdoor toilet for your dacha on your own is much easier and faster. In the options considered, you saw that all waste is collected in containers. Accordingly, to be located on the street, you only need to build a suitable booth. You have seen the technology for constructing a cubicle for an outdoor toilet. Therefore, for a toilet without a cesspool, it can be built in exactly the same way.

Such toilets have significant advantages:

  • There is no need to dig a hole or seal it.
  • There is no need for regular pumping or cleaning.
  • Waste after processing can be used as fertilizer.

However, factory toilets have their drawbacks:

  • Factory-made toilets are not cheap.
  • The container will need to be replaced from time to time.
  • It is necessary to monitor the means of neutralization.

Despite certain disadvantages, modern dry closets are gaining increasing popularity. Of course, the potential for indoor use may outweigh any disadvantages. When purchasing such a device, you will not need to worry about arranging an outdoor toilet at all, and the problem will be solved easily and simply.


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