Build a toilet with your own hands in the country. Do-it-yourself country toilet - step-by-step instructions with video lessons and drawings

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Often the first thing a person thinks about after purchasing a plot is: how to make a simple outdoor toilet at the dacha with your own hands and ready-made drawings will come in handy here, as well as detailed description all stages of construction, tips and nuances.

One of the most important and vital buildings on a dacha or garden plot is the toilet. The need for a simple structure arises within a few hours of arrival. And even if the owners already have a bathroom in a cozy house, outdoor amenities will never be superfluous.

It’s easy to build a toilet in your summer cottage with your own hands

The simplicity of the design allows even a person without much construction experience to equip a toilet for their dacha with their own hands. And if you use your imagination, then a house for thinking about

will fit perfectly into the design of the site and, perhaps, even become its decoration.

What kind of toilet to build: types and features

Actually, there are only two options here: with or without a cesspool.

  • A toilet with a cesspool is a simple structure, proven by experience and time, which consists of an equipped cesspool and a toilet house above it. As the pit is filled with sewage, it is cleaned out manually or a sewer truck is ordered.
    And sometimes they simply move the house to another place. The old pit is buried, and after 6-7 years its contents will finally rot and you can put the toilet back again.
  • A backlash closet is a type of outdoor toilet with a pit for sewage, but with the difference that it must be sealed. Such a toilet has to be built if it is located close to a house, a water source, or when the groundwater is high.

Diagram: how the backlash closet works

  • A toilet without a cesspool or a powder closet is installed if the groundwater is very high or if the toilet is rarely used. In this case, the container for collecting sewage can be anything except a hole (bucket, barrel, plastic tank). The required volume determines the intensity of use of the bathroom.

After each trip to such a toilet, sewage is sprinkled with dry peat, sometimes sawdust or ash is used, so the house should have a box for “masking powder”. After filling, the container is removed manually and the contents are evacuated to the compost pit. If the sewage has been sprinkled with peat, then after a while it becomes a wonderful fertilizer.

Toilet without a cesspool (powder closet)

Important! If groundwater lies below 2.5 meters, any type of toilet can be built, but if it is located higher, then a cesspool will have to be abandoned.

Where to build a toilet

For toilets with a cesspool, there are a number of sanitary and hygienic standards and restrictions, which determine their location on the site.
Minimum distances from the toilet to other objects:

  • To water sources (wells, boreholes, lakes, rivers) – 25 m;
  • To houses, cellars - 12 m;
  • To a summer shower or bath – 8 m;
  • To the nearest tree – 4 m, and to the bushes – 1 m;
  • To fences - at least 1 m.

Diagram: correct location of the toilet relative to other buildings on the dacha plot

Important! When choosing a construction site, it is worth considering not only the objects located on your own site, but also those located on the neighboring one.

So that summer evenings on the terrace are not spoiled by the amber, the place is chosen taking into account the wind rose. If the site is located on a slope, it is better to install the toilet at the lowest point.

Construction of a cesspool

After selecting and preparing the site, they begin to dig a cesspool. As a rule, it is square in shape and at least 2 meters deep.
There are two types of cesspool:

  • Sealed. The bottom of such a pit is concreted, reinforced before pouring, and to prevent the reinforcement from sinking in the concrete, it is placed on pegs. The walls are also sealed, puttied with mortar or the seams covered with bitumen.

Sealed pit latrine

  • Absorbing. It is better to dig such a hole down to the sand, then the liquid fraction of sewage will quickly sink into the ground. The bottom is covered with a layer of coarse crushed stone or pebbles.

Absorption cesspool design

There are several ways to strengthen the walls of a cesspool:

  • Brickwork;
  • Concrete structure;
  • Ready-made reinforced concrete rings;
  • Plastic tank.

The pit is covered from above, with beams, slate or concrete, leaving only the area under the toilet seat open, and they begin to assemble the toilet house.

Construction of a toilet house

The optimal dimensions of a country toilet are 1×1.5 m, height – 2.2-2.5 m. Otherwise, it will simply be inconvenient, especially for people with large figures. It is not necessary to make toilet drawings yourself, if there are no special requirements and you can use ready-made ideas.
First of all, the scheme is convenient in that it allows you to correctly calculate the amount of building materials and the preliminary cost of a yard bathroom.

Construction of a toilet over a cesspool (proper placement diagram)

Frame base

It is recommended to move the toilet house 2/3 forward above the cesspool, thus providing access for cleaning behind the rear wall of the structure.
The stability of the building can be ensured by a shallow foundation. Between it and the frame, waterproofing is laid, 1-2 layers of roofing felt. But for light construction It doesn't have to be made of wood. It is enough to install the base on concrete blocks.
You can also install four support posts. To do this, four holes with a depth of about 60 cm are dug in the corners of the future structure, up to 1 meter in soft soils, and they are lowered into them. asbestos pipes. The hole is filled one third with cement mortar. After this, a support beam is installed in the pipe, and the hole is completely filled with concrete.

Installing the toilet base on concrete blocks

Frame assembly

To build a frame, beams with a cross section of 50×50 or 80×80 mm will be sufficient; it is not advisable to take larger material.

  • First, assemble a rectangular support with a jumper from which the front wall of the toilet seat will rise, and screw it to the foundation or support posts. A board is laid on top. The thickness of the floor board must be at least 3 cm.

Construction of a wooden frame for a toilet

  • The frame of the front, rear and side walls is assembled from timber. In this case, the front wall should be at least 10 cm higher than the back wall, this will ensure the necessary roof slope.
  • For greater structural strength, it is recommended to make diagonal jibs on the side and rear walls.
  • On the front wall, be sure to make a reinforcement for the door of the appropriate size and make a hole for the window.
  • The wall frames are fixed to the base metal corners, a harness is made on top and at the level of the toilet seat.

Strengthening the toilet frame with metal corners

  • The next step will be to assemble the frame of the toilet seat and cover it, if alternative options are not provided, for example, floor standing toilet.

Frame covering

The frame is covered with wooden boards. The vertical arrangement allows you to significantly save material, and the horizontal one imitates a log house and looks more interesting. The boards are tightly fitted to each other and attached to the base. Instead of wood, corrugated sheets, slate or any other material that matches the construction budget are also used.

Toilet frame trim

Advice! All wooden elements It is advisable to treat the structures with a special antibacterial impregnation, which will protect the material from moisture and pests, and then cover it with varnish or paint


The roof should not protrude beyond the walls by more than 30 cm. Installation begins by securing parallel boards at a short distance. After this, the visor is sewn up from below, and boards are attached to the outside around the perimeter. A layer of waterproofing is laid on the prepared base, usually roofing felt, after which the structure is covered with any roofing material (slate, metal profile, bitumen shingles).

For a toilet, erecting a simple flat roof is enough

Summer residents who are not satisfied with the standard house layout can look for drawings of more interesting options, make it themselves or purchase ready-made toilet houses; they are assembled like a construction set, and for convenience they are necessarily accompanied by instructions and all the accompanying drawings.

Exhaust ventilation

Exhaust ventilation in a country toilet is a pipe that removes odors from the cesspool. Its lower edge is inserted into the hole, and the upper edge should rise above the roof by at least 20 cm.

Ventilation of a country toilet

Suitable for arranging ventilation plastic pipe with a diameter of 100 millimeters. It is pulled to the rear wall from the inside or outside of the building and fixed with iron clamps. To increase traction, a deflector attachment is installed on the head.

Installing a toilet door

Doors are installed using ordinary wooden, ready-made plastic or home-made ones, from the material with which the frame was sheathed. Hang the door on 2 hinges. In principle, the closing method can be any, traditionally it is a latch, latch or hook, outside and inside. It is better to avoid more sophisticated locking systems, for example, with latches, since their mechanism will be exposed to moisture and will quickly rust.

Two hinges are enough to install the door


For more comfortable operation of amenities, it is better to take care of their lighting in advance. This could be a wall lantern that is battery powered. As an option, you can install electrical wiring and connect a small lighting fixture.

Lighting options for a country toilet

And to illuminate during the day inner space there will be a small window. It is usually cut out above the doors or at the top of the door, but there are actually more options, from figured windows on the walls to a transparent roof.

Advice! A cesspool will last longer if you don’t throw it in toilet paper and other hygiene or household supplies, so there must be a bucket in the toilet. If the size allows, it is convenient to install a regular washbasin with a hanging spout here, especially since the rowing pit is already ready.

Powder closet: construction features

The absence of a cesspool is the main difference in construction. But there are some differences in the design of the house. You will have to think about a way to remove the container in which the sewage is collected.

Scheme: powder closet device

The door is usually equipped on the back wall of the house or the front wall of the toilet seat. Inside the cabin there is a special box for peat (ash, sawdust). It’s also impossible to do without ventilation here, only the pipe is not lowered into the hole, but directly under the toilet seat.

Setting up a toilet in a country house with your own hands is not the most difficult task. For each design, it is necessary to select appropriate materials taking into account their durability. This article provides step-by-step instructions for the competent construction of a country toilet.


First you need to choose what type of toilet the toilet will belong to. Depending on the internal structure, a country toilet can be with or without a cesspool. The groundwater level plays a decisive role in the choice. If its mark reaches 3.5 m, then you need to choose the option without a cesspool. Otherwise, waste products will fill the space around the house.

The construction of a pit is inappropriate on soil with natural cracks. If the village house is located on an area with predominant shale rocks, then the cesspool should also be abandoned. The lower the groundwater level, the wider the choice of successful options for arranging a toilet for a summer residence. Any type of structure can be placed on soil with increased resistance to cracks.

In depth, the cesspool should reach the high water level and be one meter below it. When making calculations, it is necessary to take into account the level of water rise during the period of active ice melting. Experts advise taking the spring groundwater level as a basis. The depth of the well is directly proportional to the frequency of use of the toilet and the number of residents. So, for a family of three permanently living in a house, a cesspool with a volume of 1.5 cubic meters is installed. m.

The well can be of any shape, but it is better to give preference to a square or round design. Digging such a hole will be much easier. The walls are lined with rubble, brick or wood. Log masonry must be treated with resin to protect the material from rotting. The bottom is sometimes lined with concrete rings. In this case, it is important to treat the joint between the wall and the floor.

To increase the tightness of the masonry, before laying the final covering, the walls are treated with compacted clay. The thickness of such an insulator can vary from 20 to 30 cm. After laying the cladding, craftsmen recommend impregnating the masonry with bitumen mastic. Resins will protect the coating from soil moisture and prevent premature collapse of the soil.

It is impossible to install a country toilet with a cesspool without ventilation. A pipe with a diameter of 100 mm or more is buried at one end into the well. The second end is built into the roof and rises 50-70 cm above its surface. A ventilation window can be provided in the house itself. It is usually placed on the side wall or mounted above the door.

The cesspool should be located within easy reach of the road. Once the tank is more than two-thirds full, its contents are pumped out and transported away using a special vehicle. Access to the toilet must be unobstructed.

A cesspool can be organized in two ways. The first is the usual one, installing a structure under the house. The second is a backlash closet. The second type of well is dug at some distance from the building. This option is considered the best for arranging a private country house: it is much easier to remove sewage.

The backlash closet is equipped with a complete ventilation and flushing system. Communications are lowered below the freezing level of the soil, and the cesspool is deepened even further. The slope of the sewage drainage pipe should reach 2-3 centimeters for every meter of length. This option requires a serious investment of money and is not suitable for everyone. Craftsmen advise arranging a backlash closet only if the country house is a full-fledged dwelling.

The option without a cesspool is considered the simplest and cheapest. Place a sealed container under the toilet seat. The main advantage of such toilets is the absence of land and construction work. In this case, there is no need to hire a sewer truck to remove waste. There is no need to locate the toilet in close proximity to the road. Sewage can be used as fertilizer.

Among the disadvantages of such toilets are the need to frequently change the working container and purchase materials to eliminate odor. Cleansers are used after each use of the toilet. It is important to know that high-quality factory toilets are not cheap. Saving on installation leads to an increase in the cost of purchasing the device.


Among all types of toilet organization, the easiest way is the option with a cesspool. It can be located either in a private house or away from the main building in a small house. A cesspool toilet should not be installed near bodies of water or near neighboring houses. The source for collecting water into the sewer system of the house should not be adjacent to the waste collection pit.

The cesspool is usually cleaned after it is two-thirds full using a sewer truck. If it is not possible to hire such equipment, then the well can be filled with gravel and the pit moved. Villagers make a pit in a new place every two to three years. For full recovery soil is enough for four years.

Craftsmen advise lining a hole in the ground with drainage. A gravel bed is not necessary, but adding one will help extend the time between cleanings of the hole. The stone mixture is often replaced with a concrete screed, and the walls are laid with bricks. It is important to correctly process all joints between elements. The duration of operation of the pit depends on the quality of the chosen antiseptic.

When constructing a cesspool, it is necessary to become familiar with the geology of the site. Knowing the level of groundwater rise is a key point for choosing this toilet design. It is important to maintain a sufficient distance to the reservoir: soil water should not interact with waste. Failure to comply with this rule may cause contamination of forage crops. Getting bacteria into drinking water can cause poisoning for residents.

The backlash closet is practically no different in its characteristics from a traditional cesspool. The key point is the location of the hatch - it should be in the yard. This device is great for organizing a toilet in wooden house. A backlash closet is also not the most environmentally friendly toilet option.

The next device is a septic tank. Masters distinguish two types: cumulative and with cleaning. The first option resembles a cesspool in terms of waste collection method, but is characterized by tightness and environmental safety. Devices with cleaning can be settled and returned to their original condition. Cleaning up to 90% is carried out under the influence of chemical compounds.

A septic tank can collect pollution not only from the toilet. Pipes for collecting household water and sewage waste are also connected to the system. Communications from the bathhouse and the house can be connected in a septic tank. The device also works well apart from the central communications system.

The main advantage of a septic tank is its tightness. The design eliminates interaction with the soil. This option is suitable for those who are concerned about the cleanliness of the water in their home. The device is easy to clean, so there is no need to move the tank. The septic tank almost completely eliminates the smell of waste.

Among the disadvantages of this design are high cost. Storage septic tanks need to be emptied; electric analogues require connection to electrical system building. You should not install a septic tank if you are not sure of its proper connection to the central communications of the house.

Powder-closet is characterized by low cost. Setting it up is even more profitable than laying a cesspool. A small house is installed on a summer cottage, and a toilet seat is installed in it. A removable tank is located under the ceramic product. Once this tank is filled, it must be taken out and cleaned. The powder closet is easy to use and is suitable for arranging a toilet both away from the house and in the building itself.

The disadvantage of this system is the lack of a way to eliminate unpleasant odors. The device is not large in size, so it needs frequent emptying. It is important to equip a special pit on the site for draining waste. The criteria for the pit correspond to the requirements for constructing a cesspool.

A liquid chemical dry closet works on the following principle: With the help of certain compounds, the waste in the tank is processed into a homogeneous mixture. The resulting substance does not have a specific odor. On the modern market you can buy liquid toilets based on ammonium and formaldehyde.

Ammonium agents are harmless. The mass obtained during processing with their help is odorless and can become a source of water contamination. The substance can be poured into a compost well. An ammonium-based composition can also be poured into a cesspool. The liquid will help reduce the rate at which the tank fills and eliminate pungent odors. Ammonium concentrate can be used over a long period of time, but it must be added every 4-7 days.

The formaldehyde composition is highly effective. One liter of this product will be enough to service a twenty-liter portable toilet for 3-4 months. Formaldehyde can harm soil and plants. This compound is banned in some countries, so experts do not recommend its use in portable toilets. Disposing of formaldehyde waste into soil and water is strictly prohibited.

The Finnish peat toilet is the most common type of dry toilet. Sewage is disposed of by adding dry matter: peat or sawdust. The bulk substance must have good hygroscopicity. Peat is harmless and can eliminate unpleasant odors.

The dry substance is poured into a special tank in layers. After each use of the toilet, another portion is poured into the pit. A mixture of peat and waste forms compost, which can be used as organic fertilizer. The portable tank is easy to carry. The cost of such a device is relatively low, which allowed the Finnish toilet to take a leading position among analogues.

The disadvantage of a peat toilet is that it requires frequent emptying of the tank during daily use. Also, the dry substance is unable to process ordinary paper. In order for the waste to turn into a single mass suitable for fertilizing the soil, it is necessary to use special biodegradable paper.

The biological liquid toilet works on a similar principle to the Finnish device. Waste decomposition occurs under the influence of microorganisms, which are produced in the form of a mixture or tablets. Bacteria can also be used to clean a cesspool. The processed mass is absolutely harmless, therefore it does not require a special organization of waste collection area.

Microorganisms are expensive, but ensure complete preservation of the ecology of the site. They can be used as fertilizer, to clean pipelines and drains. Due to their properties, microorganisms are able to eliminate unpleasant odors.

The electric dry closet works according to complex scheme. First, the liquid phase is separated from the solid phase. The second is cleaned and drained, and the first is processed into powder. The resulting dry raw material can be used as fertilizer. Such a system, like a warm floor, must be connected to a central heating system. It is also necessary to connect the system with ventilation and drainage.

The strength of this system is that it does not require frequent emptying of the tank. All components of the device are already included in the kit, so there is no need to worry about purchasing additional materials. Biological toilet fillers are not needed in this system. The main disadvantage of an electric toilet is its dependence on a central power source and its high cost.


The above-ground parts of the toilet, separate from the building, are arranged in the form of a tent house. In order to build such a structure, it is necessary to purchase boards, sheets of metal profiles for installing the roof and exterior finishing house. Slate sheets will help strengthen the roof and protect the building from rain. It is better to lay out the base of the house from brick or concrete slabs.

Many builders prefer to use wooden materials. The boards are easy to saw, and creating a plank structure does not require special construction skills. It is important to understand that without pre-treatment with a hygroscopic material, the wood will quickly deteriorate and the frame will not withstand the load. Wood is also a fire hazard, so you should not place this material next to flammable structures.

To create a cesspool, you need to decide whether the well requires lining. The most popular option for constructing such a system is to create a tank from concrete rings. This design can last about 100 years. The concrete composition is quite cheap, but requires the use of special equipment. The cast rings are lowered into the pit one by one, and the joints are coated with cement.

The base must be poured with concrete, or a round structure must be made in advance and immersed in a dug well. The bottom is first covered with a small layer of sand or fine gravel. These materials play the role of drainage - they remove groundwater from the surface of the well. Concrete rings can be cast with special recesses - grooves. With the help of such “locks” the rings are connected. If grooves are not provided, then the structure is fastened with metal rings.

works on the principle of a cesspool. However, it is much easier to install a plastic tank. Polymers are impervious to liquids and resistant to temperature changes. The dimensions of the pit in this case should exceed the dimensions of the plastic container. Before laying the tank, the bottom must be concreted. Welded concrete is placed in the cement screed metal carcass with protruding loops.

A plastic vessel is attached to the protruding reinforcement ropes. A similar design is necessary to hold the tank in the pit. Groundwater can lift light containers and push them to the surface. The gaps between the plastic must be filled with a layer of sand and cement. Before backfilling, the container is filled with water to protect it from deformation due to the expansion of cement and sand.


The main element of a toilet in a country house is the toilet. The most common version of this plumbing fixture is plastic. The seat with the lid and the frame of this device are made of polymer. Such systems do not provide a tank, since there is no connection to the sewer system. The toilet seat does not need to be purchased separately - the design is monolithic.

Plastic systems come in all colors and shapes. This design has an attractive appearance and a fairly simple design. Polymers are characterized by increased strength and immunity to temperature changes. This toilet is lightweight, so it does not exert increased pressure on the foundation of the structure. A pleasant advantage is the ease of cleaning and operation.

The ceramic toilet is easy to clean. However, in conditions summer cottage this model can cause some difficulties. Installation of ceramics requires additional reinforcement of the floor of the room. Products for the dacha do not have a drain tank, but the design still has a large mass. The advantage of this system is durability.

The wooden device is short-lived. Such structures are installed exclusively outside the house: you can build a wooden box yourself. Such a device does not provide ventilation; the toilet itself is placed above the cesspool. You can equip such a toilet with a minimum of investment, but the appearance of such a product will be simple.

A dry closet is most often made from polymers. The system consists of several blocks that need to be assembled. This process does not take much time. The toilet is comfortable, it is a monolithic structure together with a toilet seat. The design is quite simple and does not feature any special features, such as a thermal seat. The toilet is convenient not only to use, but also to clean.

The purchase of equipment must be carried out taking into account certain requirements.

  • If the country house is not the permanent place of residence of the family, then it is rational to purchase a toilet at a low cost. The design must be easy to use and durable over time. Plastic toilets are perfect.
  • Installing a flushing device and connecting the toilet to the central sewer requires a lot of money and time. This option is necessary only in case of constant use of the bathroom.
  • Installation should not take much time and effort. It is better to opt for ready-made structures that will not require repairs. capital works for refurbishment of premises.

  • The connection between the waste disposal pipe and the toilet must be tight. Experts advise using a cone-shaped tube. It is important to avoid waste from getting past the receiving tank. It is necessary to ensure that all elements of the system are clearly connected.
  • Ventilation helps eliminate unpleasant odors from the room. Do not neglect the design of this system. Plastic products can be used as an air duct. Due to their structure, they are lightweight and easy to install. PVC sewer gaskets with a diameter of about 110 mm will be a good analogue.

Accommodation options

A bathroom can be located anywhere in the building, but only if it does not contradict sanitary and hygienic standards. One of the walls of the restroom must be load-bearing. It is prohibited to install a bathroom in a room without an external wall. Ventilation in such rooms is easier to install and more cost effective.

The toilet should not border on the premises for eating and preparing food. Often, not all types of toilets are able to absorb all unpleasant odors. Chemical waste, when decomposed, can release substances that should not interact with food. The most advantageous location of the bathroom in a country house is near the dressing room or under the stairs.

When installing a bathroom under the stairs, it is important to determine whether there is enough space to accommodate all the necessary appliances. Ventilation must be provided through the stairs. In some cases, sewer and water pipes are connected to the toilet. Floors are pre-treated with products to protect against bacteria and excess moisture.

Masters advise completely covering the entire space under the stairs with boards - creating a special room. This will not only visually isolate the bathroom, but will also protect the apartment from the spread of odors. It is advisable to further strengthen the floor under the structure with damping devices: over time, the floor may begin to collapse. To ensure good air circulation, a small gap is left at the junctions of the floorboards with the wall.

Craftsmen do not recommend installing a toilet on the second floor. The bathroom should not be adjacent to sources of drinking water. Such a device will not allow connecting the structure with a cesspool. When installing a dry closet, a sufficient distance from the edge of the seat to the floor is required. Obtaining the required height on the second floor will be problematic - it is impossible to make a recess in the floor.

When building a toilet on a summer cottage outside the house, you need to familiarize yourself with the wind rose. Unpleasant odors should not reach a residential building, so before you start developing a waste disposal well, you need to draw up a map of the area. This also applies to the construction of a cesspool for servicing dry closets located in the house. The placement of neighboring houses should also influence the drawing up of the plan.


The dimensions of the cesspool may vary depending on the frequency of use of the toilet and the number of residents. The average size of a pit to serve a family of two is 1.5 by 1.2 m. The recess is increased by thirty percent with the addition of each new resident. The larger the pit, the less often you will have to hire equipment to empty it. But it is also important to consider the negative impact that waste can have on the environment.

If the cesspool combines sewerage from the house, then it is necessary to increase its size. Ideally, you can calculate the water consumption for each family member and design a well based on the data obtained. On average, a hole is dug 12 cubic meters. m and increase to 18 cubic meters. m. This reserve allows you to use the bathroom uninterruptedly for a month.

The tightness of the well is ensured by a concrete screed about 15 cm thick. The soil on the site may have good absorbent properties. In this case, the tank is covered with a layer of drainage. The thickness of such a pillow should not be less than 15 cm, as is the case with a screed. The top of the gravel is doused with bitumen mastic.

To build a toilet as a separate tent, you need to familiarize yourself with the accepted dimensions. You can make the drawings yourself or download ready-made ones. The normalized width of the house is 1 m. The depth of the room should reach 1.5 m, and the ceiling height should be 2-2.5 m. The allowance for the lid of a standard “birdhouse” is taken to be 30 cm relative to the walls. This technique will help moisture from the roof not to penetrate the walls and destroy them.

The vent pipe is bolted to the rear wall of the toilet. The thickness of the plastic is assumed to be 100 mm. The lower part of the pipe is immersed in a hole to a depth of 10 cm, and the top should rise 20 cm above the roof level. These parameters can be changed a little, but you should not neglect the design completely.

The dimensions of the toilet under the stairs also play a role important role. The minimum size of a bathroom is 0.8 x 1.2 m. If a sink is provided in the room, then the width is doubled and the length is taken to be 2.2 m. If the toilet is combined with a bathtub, then the dimensions of the room cannot be less than 2.2 x 2.2 m. The ceiling height should not be lower than 2.5 m. It is important to maintain a distance in front of the toilet of 0.6 m.

Experts recommend providing access to the toilet from all sides. But this advice is often not followed. The door from the bathroom should open into the corridor. It is prohibited to connect the toilet to the living room or kitchen area. In accordance with fire safety regulations, doors must open outward. This is a must to ensure proper evacuation.

How to do it?

You can build a toilet house with your own hands. The project is quite simple - you can find the necessary design solution on the Internet.

Let's look at the stages of building an outdoor toilet step by step.

  • The type of foundation is chosen based on the characteristics of the soil. The most common type of base for a house is columnar. Will also work monolithic design from concrete blocks. Before laying the floor, it is necessary to cover the piles with a layer of roofing felt.
  • The floor of the house is made of wooden planks. Before using wood, it is necessary to treat the material with antiseptic agents. The width of the floor panels is chosen around 15x15 or 10x10 cm.

  • The structure of the house itself is first made in the form of a frame. The pre-assembled structure must be secured to the base with bolts and secured with metal plates. Next, the box is sheathed with wooden sheets, forming the walls of the house.
  • A toilet is mounted to the far wall and all the necessary communications are laid out. The cesspool is dug in advance, the pipe from it is connected to the device. It is important not to forget about the ventilation device. Personal toilets are not combined with sewerage, this helps reduce construction work.
  • The role of the roof is played by slate and roofing felt flooring. It is permissible to use a profiled sheet.
  • If necessary, install lighting fixtures.

Toilets inside country houses are often connected to sewerage. Such a system can be gravity-fed: pipes are laid at an angle, and water is discharged into a cesspool. The slope of the pipe is two cm per meter of communication. Another option is pressure sewerage. In this case, the movement of water is carried out under pressure from a special pump. This method is applicable for houses where the installation of a gravity structure is impossible due to some reasons.

When choosing material for pipes, it is advisable to give preference to polypropylene. This material is highly durable and can withstand high temperatures. The pipe does not deform when heated to 95 degrees. Installation of this design is quite simple. It is important to ensure a tight connection between the pipes.

Sewer sections are fixed with fittings, and the joints are treated with sealant. The pipes are attached to the wall using clips. For these purposes, you can use clamps on studs. To make a sealed connection cast iron pipe a rubber gasket must be placed with the plastic one.

The pipes are removed and immersed in the trench. Sewage should not be placed above the soil freezing level. At the junction of internal and external sewerage, a device is required inspection hatch. A check valve is placed in the pipe cavity. Such measures are necessary to prevent backlash. Wastewater if the pit is filled with waste.

After laying the sewer system, the craftsmen install the toilet. At this stage, work on the toilet is completed. Before installing the device, ensure that the surface is smooth. To install the toilet, you must first mark the floor and the size of the hole. Between the bowl and the floor it is necessary to lay rubber cuff. The device is fixed with bolts, and the joints are treated with silicone.

Before installing all elements, it is necessary to lay waterproofing on the floor. In cases where restrooms are located on each floor, it is necessary to install the devices one below the other. The distance from the toilet to the riser should be minimal. Failure to comply with this condition may lead to clogging of the pipe.

In order to equip the bathroom with maximum benefit for visitors, shelves are placed on the walls. If the dimensions of the restroom allow, then a set can be placed in the room. You can equip a utility unit for storing mops and buckets. There is no need to allocate additional space for these purposes - it is enough to install a small cabinet in the corner of the toilet.

Drawings and diagrams

To rationally place a toilet on the territory of the dacha, it is necessary to draw up a drawing of the future structure. This method will save materials. Schemes of the future structure can be found on the Internet or drawn up yourself. When drawing, it is necessary to do this to scale, otherwise the final design may differ greatly from the idea.

The development of the scheme begins with measuring the area of ​​the site and plotting all existing communications on the plan. Be sure to include neighboring buildings and bodies of water on the diagram. It is important to plan pipe laying taking into account regulatory requirements for placement of waste pits. Experts advise first drawing up a wind rose.

A drawing of a wooden outdoor toilet will help you calculate the cost of all the necessary materials. Drawing a picture of a house begins with modeling the frame. The dimensions of all elements are indicated and the total amount of materials is recorded. Don't forget about the cladding cutting pattern. The parameters of the front, rear and side surfaces of the future structure are indicated.

The front side of the tent must be larger than the back wall. This necessary condition to ensure the required slope of the building. The front and rear walls of a typical structure are rectangular in shape, and the side faces are trapezoidal. The plan indicates the dimensions of the roofing sheet for constructing the roof. If under the slate there will be wood sheet, his linear dimensions needs to be fixed.

Instructions for drawing up a drawing for a toilet in country house practically no different from a similar scheme for arranging a bathroom in an apartment. All dimensions and required dimensions are taken from the relevant regulatory documents. It is necessary to mark the location of the toilet supply to the sump pipe. Installing a dry closet does not require such actions. The device is pre-assembled and installed on the far wall of the room.

The selected room should be well ventilated. The doors should open onto the corridor. When drawing up a drawing of a room, it is important to correctly position all the necessary devices: toilet, sink or bathtub. All devices must be accessible without obstruction. It is important to properly position the ventilation and remove the sewage system from the room.

The marking of the bathroom is carried out not for the purpose of estimating the amount of necessary materials, but for the proper distribution of space. Only after the location of the main appliances has been designated, do they begin to arrange cabinets and shelving. Don't clutter the space too much.

It is important to remember that before installing a ceramic toilet, it is necessary to strengthen the base. Waterproofing wooden floors at the dacha it is mandatory, regardless of the location of the bathroom. Walls wooden house it is also necessary to treat it with paint and varnish material or bitumen to preserve the surface from excess moisture. Knowing the dimensions of the room, you can calculate the total consumption of materials and record it on the diagram.

Without cesspool

If you want to install a toilet without odor and pumping, experts advise giving preference to options without a compost pit. Among these options, the most famous are septic tanks, dry closets and powder closets. Dry toilets are located regardless of the surface. This option will be good decision for an area with a high groundwater level. In this case, it is prohibited to build a cesspool - the waste can contaminate the soil throughout the entire area.

To install a dry closet, you can allocate a room in the house or build a wooden structure in the distance. The first version of the device is preferable, as it saves on time and materials. In this case, the pipeline is not laid. A washbasin can be connected to the waste collection tank. Emptying such a system is done by removing the storage tank and draining the waste into a designated area.

The main sewer system cannot be connected to the dry closet. Such tanks are intended for temporary use. A system with a capital toilet and flush requires a cesspool. Sealed storage tanks can hold a small amount of liquid, so they will not be able to provide waste disposal in year-round homes.

Thanks to the ease of use, toilets without a cesspool allow you to avoid various emergency situations. The tightness of the container eliminates the possibility of interaction of the contents with groundwater. It is important to know that there should be a distance of 25 m from the cesspool to the source of water intake. The distance from the toilet to the fence should not be less than 1 m.

Another analogue of a toilet without odor and pumping is a septic tank. Such a device is capable of processing sewage over a long service life, which makes a septic tank ideal option for a bathroom with year-round use. The design can be purchased, but there are also schemes for creating a septic tank with your own hands.

Sealed chambers can be made from concrete, plastic or metal containers. The main principle of constructing such a structure is the vacuum of the tanks. Making a sealed chamber is quite simple and has been described previously. It is necessary to select containers with strong walls that will not deform under the pressure of groundwater and soil.

Standard country septic tank to serve a family of two, it has two or more cameras. Each new tank serves to further purify the water entering it. So, in the first compartment, waste is separated into solid and liquid phases. The liquid flows into an adjacent container, where it is purified again. In subsequent chambers the cycle is repeated.

After passing through all stages of filtration, the water enters the ground. Such liquid does not pose a threat of soil contamination. Experts advise purchasing septic tanks with a biological purifier. This system is the most environmentally friendly for use in summer cottages.

Treatment system

Septic tanks are a simplified method of treating sewage water. Complex systems include additional compartments for water filtration. These structures can be installed in summer cottages to increase the safety of the area. Filtration systems are complex and expensive simple septic tank. However, experts recommend paying attention to them.

  • Ultrafiltration. This method completely disinfects the water. A significant advantage of the system is its reusability. No chemicals are used in cleaning; the resulting water can be used for domestic purposes.

  • Reagents providing ion exchange, allow you to speed up the process of liquid purification. Water hardness increases. It is not recommended to use such water for food purposes.
  • Electrochemical cleaning. Sewage is settled under the influence of special radiation. A layer of metal impurities forms at the bottom of the tank. Removes chemicals heavy elements of water.
  • Membrane osmosis. This complex design is recognized as the best cleaning system. The return membrane traps waste and turns contaminated water into distilled water. The complex structure of the shell makes it possible to purify the liquid from harmful chemical impurities.

All cleaning systems require large costs to purchase and install. The main advantage of the structures is the complete elimination of unpleasant odors throughout the entire territory of the summer cottage. Sewage treatment facilities can reduce the frequency of pumping out contents from a cesspool.

Any system requires timely cleaning. If waste is not removed from the cesspool in time, the process of proliferation of harmful bacteria will negatively affect the condition of the soil. Stagnant waste produces toxic gases that can harm health. The more gas masses accumulate, the more difficult it is to remove them. In particularly advanced cases, it is not possible to pump out harmful vapors.

Pit treatment and waste disposal can be done in various ways. The easiest and most proven way is to call a sewer truck. The contaminated liquid is pumped out using hoses. This service is expensive, and it is used only when the well is filled to two-thirds of its volume, and biological drugs unable to process waste. The machines are equipped with cutting mechanisms that grind solid sediment.

Cleaning with chemicals is effective, but not advisable. Fast-acting reagents work even at low temperatures. But not every such composition is environmentally friendly. It is strictly forbidden to pour the processed substance into the soil, so it becomes necessary to call a pumping machine. When choosing chemicals, you can pay attention to nitrate oxidizers - their composition is the least harmful.

Biological products differ from chemical analogues in their safety of use. Cleaning with these compounds is widely used by owners of summer cottages. Microorganisms do not work well in low temperatures, so they are used mainly in the summer. Bacteria die upon contact with acid and alkali and do not tolerate chlorine. For these reasons, it is better not to add biological additives to the soil.

Mechanical pit cleaning is a traditional method of removing sewage. This work is carried out at least once a year, the procedure is very unpleasant. This type of cleaning saves money, but requires effort and time. If the waste is too liquid, it is mixed with dry matter. Sawdust and sand are excellent fillers.

When choosing biological cleaning agents, it is important to correctly calculate the dose. Number beneficial bacteria should be sufficient to restore the microflora in the tank. Biological supplements They are distinguished by the speed of the cleansing process, the speed of action and the ability to eliminate odors. Before using the drug, you should read reviews about the material.

The composition of biological products determines the conditions for its use. Aerobic bacteria capable of processing waste only under the influence of oxygen. Anaerobic analogues do not need direct air access, so they are easily placed in vacuum tanks. You can often find a combination of additives on the market - this is how manufacturers get the most effective drug.

Successful examples and beautiful options

Many clients cannot imagine beautiful design toilet in a country house. An unusual toilet design can ruin the interior. To dispel doubts, designers recommend familiarizing yourself with the following interesting solutions.


Similar wood trim premises in the country is used everywhere. Plank masonry looks natural. High-quality material fills the room with a pleasant smell of wood. A bright room can be decorated with white ceramics.

This option is perfect for installing a bathroom in a small room. The toilet is hidden from view by pieces of furniture. Additional equipment with shelves and cabinets allows you to place all the necessary personal hygiene items. Wooden furniture in combination with the decoration of walls and floors it creates a single composition.

Wood and tiles

Original design This room is created by combining wood with ceramics. The white toilet combines with the mosaic to complete the composition. The tiles are dominated by shades of brown, in harmony with the wooden cladding of the adjacent wall. A small window creates an additional source of lighting.

The light floor goes well with the color scheme of the walls. The room does not seem small; air and light prevail in it. This solution looks appropriate not only in a country house, but also in an urban interior. The ceramic pattern on the wall can be given any look. In this case, the decision was made in favor of keeping things simple.

Plastic in the interior

Usage plastic toilet cannot spoil the appearance of the room. You can easily find a rather unusual option on the market. In this interior, a plastic tank looks appropriate in combination with wall cladding made of colored polymer. The red checkered pattern in the interior of a country house looks unusual and lively.

Wooden shelves add color to the bathroom design. The combination of bright walls and light floors avoids overcrowding in the design. The floor is covered with linoleum painted to look like stone. Since the plastic tank is not connected to the floor with bolts, cleaning the coating is not difficult. A light baseboard gives the room elegance and completeness.

Combination of dark and light

This decision The bathroom looks advantageous due to the strong contrast of the color of the walls with the floor. Rough wide wood slabs on the wall are reminiscent of ancient log buildings. Light flooring in combination with ceramics gives the interior tenderness and sophistication. The premises are fully equipped - all necessary communications are provided.

This room is designed for constant use. The craftsmen made every effort to make it pleasant to be in the room. Designer jewelry– vases and stands – create the mood. Rich ceramics fit this solution perfectly.

Complex shapes

The room is completely decorated with wood. A toilet built independently looks unusual. Rough wooden finish looks noble. The most striking element in the room is the cut-out sink. Complex figure resembles a log frame of a tree. This option is perfect for connoisseurs of wood species.

Even if you don’t have a permanent or even temporary house on your summer cottage, there is still a need to build a latrine. “The call of nature” can make itself felt even if you left the country for just a couple of hours in order to water the plants and cultivate the land. The most optimal option in this case would be to create a toilet with your own hands. The instructions on how to build a country toilet are quite simple, and the cost of materials is quite low.

A country toilet is fundamentally different from similar buildings 20 or even 10 years ago. And this is not just a fashion trend:

  1. The environmental situation is getting worse each time, and accordingly the sanitary requirements. And traditional solutions do not always correspond to them.
  2. Technologies do not stand still, and neither does the technology for processing and neutralizing waste. Achievements in this area have long been available in everyday life.
  3. Most people are increasingly demanding quality of life, and this includes not only comfort and ergonomics, but also external aesthetics and design.

According to these points, we will figure out how you can build an outdoor toilet with your own hands.

Before you make a toilet in your dacha with your own hands, which will meet such requirements as comfort, cleanliness, hygiene, and in addition to pleasing the eye with its appearance, you have to deal with the following tasks:

  1. Determine the type of drainage, drainage and disposal system based on local conditions.
  2. Choose a place where the toilet will be located on the site.
  3. Choose how the ground structure will look externally.
  4. Choose decorative design, what relevant details are available in this case.
  5. Summarize future construction costs.

It is worth noting that all of the above points are interconnected, and it is necessary to deal with them simultaneously.

Of course, a do-it-yourself outdoor toilet in a country house cannot compare with a normal bathroom, providing only minimal comfort. But without it, your summer vacation may be ruined, and working normally on the site will also be problematic.

There are a number of sanitary and hygienic requirements that must be observed during this construction. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to study them before starting to build a country toilet.

Sanitary and hygienic standards when building a toilet in a country house

Building an outdoor toilet is a fairly simple task, especially after carefully studying the instructions on how to build a toilet in a country house, you don’t even need to seek help from specialists. However, during such construction it is still worth remembering some features.

Basic requirements for building an outdoor toilet:

  1. The main thing is to make sure that the construction of the toilet will not cause inconvenience to the neighbors.
  2. The location for installing the structure must be selected very carefully. This stage of construction must be carried out in compliance with all sanitary standards regarding the location of the bathroom. Violation of these rules can lead to serious pollution of the surrounding area (soil, groundwater), which can cause serious health problems, and you can also earn a serious fine from the sanitary service.
  3. While drawing up the diagram, you need to think about the way in which the cesspool will be emptied.
  4. There are some factors that limit the choice of design. The main one is the water horizon of the summer cottage. In the case where the groundwater level is quite high, the cesspool must be thoroughly and completely sealed.

Following these simple rules will help get rid of further problems during operation.

Now you can proceed directly to studying the different types of country toilets and the features of their construction.

Household toilets with pit cesspool

Garden toilets for dachas, whose design is based on the use of a cesspool, are perhaps the most popular and most common. This type of latrine is found not only in summer cottages, but also in the farmstead in the village.

During the construction of this structure, usually, no difficulties arise, since the sewer system in this case is replaced by a deep pit for a toilet in the country. Liquid waste should accumulate here and be disposed of through gradual absorption into the soil and evaporation. But from time to time it will be necessary to use the services of a sewer truck, which will help to completely clean and empty the cesspool.

The quality of the design, the depth and width of the pit determines how often you will have to use the services of vacuum cleaners. This procedure may be quite rare. Most often, this problem is solved by filling the hole. After which the waste collection tank is re-excavated.

An above-ground toilet house for a summer residence can be made from a wide variety of materials:

  • metal profile;
  • boards;
  • logs;
  • slate sheets;
  • bricks, etc.

An important component of a high-quality design is a durable frame and the presence of high-quality ventilation.

How to build a wooden toilet yourself according to the drawings?

Most owners of summer cottages prefer to make structures from wood. This is all due to the fact that making a wooden frame is quite simple and wooden bathroom in the countryside does not require special skills and knowledge, and the cost of materials is quite low, unless, of course, you decide to build a toilet from a log.

A wooden toilet can be made by stylizing it as a fairy-tale house or hut, which is why this design will not only have functional significance, but will become a very beautiful addition to the site. To finish the frame, you can use lining instead of boards. This solution will give the above-ground part of the restroom a stylish and aesthetic appearance.

Notice! The main advantage of a wooden structure is its mobility. If the hole is filled in, in order to dig it in another place, in this case you do not need to rebuild the above-ground part from scratch, you can simply move the frame to the place that you have prepared for the new toilet.

When choosing this material, you must remember the disadvantages that wood has. It can be subject to a number of negative influences that shorten the life of the wooden structure. If you decide to make a country toilet out of wood, then consider the list of negative factors:

  • direct impact sun rays(due to their influence, the tree dries out, becomes deformed and cracks);
  • prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the surface of wood leads to its burnout;
  • Humidity, this factor constantly accompanies the operation of any toilet, can cause deformation in the frame;
  • fungi and mold, this factor that develops under the influence of the previous one (humidity) in wood, due to which dampness, unpleasant odors appear in the wood and the process of rotting begins.

Special protective impregnations will help prevent premature wear of the summer toilet in the garden from the influence of various negative factors during operation. In order to increase the service life of boards or other materials based on wood, it is recommended to paint them with a special composition that is intended for outdoor conditions.

Before painting, the wood must be treated with a primer. For connoisseurs of natural wood, it is recommended to use it as protective material colorless varnish. It will help preserve the natural pattern of the wood and protect the constructed frame from moisture.

Do-it-yourself restroom with a cubicle made of metal profiles

A toilet made of metal profiles has several construction methods. The first method is the one whose drawing is based on the principle of constructing a wooden frame. Another option involves the use of metal profile pipes in order to create a base, the pipes of the structure are connected to each other by welding. To do this, you must have a welding machine and the skills to work with it.

After which the metal or wooden frame is sheathed with profile sheets. Self-tapping screws or rivets can be used as fasteners. It is also recommended to buy special protective washers for self-tapping screws; they will help prevent moisture from entering the fastener, thereby protecting it from damage by rust.

Despite the simplicity of the construction of this building, it has one significant drawback: in the summer the structure gets very hot. Because of this factor, it would be best to arrange a toilet of a similar design in the shade.

Advice! Experienced summer residents make the interior cladding from polystyrene foam sheets. They will keep the structure cool inside.

Profile metal sheets are coated with a special coating at the factory. protective layer. Because of this, this material is reliably protected from moisture. Therefore, profile sheets can be used outdoors without fear. The biggest advantage of a profile toilet is, perhaps, the speed of its installation, which is why it has become so popular among users.

Drawings of a brick toilet booth

The construction of a brick structure for a toilet is due to some difficulties. Firstly, you should say goodbye to the possibility of moving the structure to another place if necessary. Therefore, first of all, it is worth carefully studying various projects a DIY country restroom, drawings, as well as features of the site itself.

In essence, a brick closet is a capital building, the repair of which can not be remembered for even a dozen years. The costs of its construction are much higher than for a similar structure made of corrugated sheets or wood. But if you have leftover bricks after building a house or garage, you can save a lot.

Worth noticing! In case of construction of a latrine on personal plot made of the same brick as the house and garage will create a single harmonious picture of the exterior, which will look quite impressive and beautiful.

Considering that the weight of the finished brick toilet with your own hands according to the drawings with the dimensions of the building is quite large, as mentioned above, it is necessary to lay a strong and massive foundation under it.

  • minimum excavation work;
  • minimum cement consumption for the production of concrete for pouring;
  • high level of security;
  • reliability (suitable for almost any type of soil).

For structures made of lighter materials (for example, slate), you can use a column-type foundation.

Features of outdoor toilets without a waste pit

The simplest and budget option To solve problems with the toilet in a summer cottage, it is necessary to arrange sewage pit. But even with this option there are some limitations when creating such structures. The construction of pit toilets is limited by the following rules:

  • the basis of the soil on the plot is shale or limestone soil;
  • the groundwater horizon is located quite close to the surface;
  • The restroom is expected to be used by a large number of people.

These factors prohibit the construction of a toilet based on a cesspool in a summer cottage. To solve this problem, you can equip restrooms of a completely different type, which are based on a completely different principle of operation.

Types of latrines without a waste pit:

  • backlash-closet;
  • powder-closet;
  • composting toilet or chemical toilet.

Each design has its own nuances: structure, construction methods, requirements during operation.

Detailed information can be found in the article: “The dream of many summer residents.”

How to choose a place to build a closet?

Before you start designing a drawing and drawing up rough plan the structure itself, care must be taken to ensure the correct location.

The following conditions can seriously affect the installation of the structure:

  1. The distance between the toilet and the water source must be at least 30 meters. Ideally, the water should be as far away from this place as possible. In some cases, the geolocation of the water source may be located below the level of the toilet construction. In this case, the structure needs to be moved to another place, and a way out of this situation may be to move the latrine below the water source.
  2. Cellars or basements may also be located on a summer cottage. If placed, these structures can be located on the same level as the toilet. In this case, the restroom must be located at least 15 meters away from these buildings.
  3. Residential premises and other buildings must be separated by at least 8 meters.
  4. Animal habitats must be located at least 5 meters away.
  5. It is recommended to plant green spaces at a distance of 1 meter.
  6. The distance to the toilet from the fence that separates your area from the neighboring one should be at least 1 meter.

Wind direction also plays a significant role. You need to make sure that the unpleasant smell from the toilet does not bother your neighbors. If the site is located on a slope, optimal location the toilet is the lowest point.

Construction of a sewage pit

Once the site has been selected and prepared, you can begin digging a cesspool. Usually it has a square shape and its depth should be at least 2 meters.

There are two types of cesspools:

  1. Sealed. The bottom of such a pit is concreted, reinforced before pouring, and to avoid the possibility that the reinforcement may sink in the concrete, it is first placed on pegs. The walls also need to be sealed, puttied, and the seams covered with bitumen.
  2. Absorbing. This type of hole must be dug down to the sand, this will contribute to more quick care into the soil of the liquid fraction of sewage. The bottom is covered with a layer of pebbles or coarse crushed stone.

There are several ways to strengthen the walls of a cesspool:

  • brickwork;
  • concrete structure;
  • ready-made reinforced concrete rings;
  • plastic tank.

The top of the pit is covered with beams, slate or concrete; only the area allocated for the toilet seat should remain open, then proceed to the construction of the above-ground structure.

Advice! In order to be able to use the cesspool longer, it is not recommended to throw toilet paper and other hygiene or household items into it; for this purpose, there should be a specially designated bucket in the restroom.

General instructions for constructing a toilet booth

The optimal size of a country toilet can be considered 1×1.5 meters with a building height of 2.2-2.5 meters. Otherwise, you may experience some inconvenience while using it, especially for people with large builds. It is not at all necessary to start designing a drawing of a restroom yourself; if there are no special requirements or ideas, it is recommended to use ready-made ones.

First of all, the convenience of the scheme lies in the fact that it can be used to accurately calculate in advance required amount building materials and the preliminary cost of a yard bathroom.

Let's look at how to build a country toilet with your own hands step by step:

  • The basis of the frame. It is better to move the above-ground structure a little above the cesspool, about 2/3 forward. This way you can access it from behind for cleaning. A shallow foundation will help ensure the stability of the structure. For waterproofing, 1-2 layers of roofing material are laid between it and the frame. But when erecting a wooden structure, this is not necessary. The base can simply be marked on concrete blocks.

You can also install four support posts. To do this, you need to dig four holes in the corners of the future structure, the depth of which should be about 60 cm; if the soil is soft, you can go down to 1 meter, after which you need to install asbestos pipes in them. Next, the hole is filled one third with cement mortar. After which a support beam is installed in the pipe and the hole is completely filled with concrete.

  • Assembling a wooden frame. For the construction of this structure, beams measuring 50×50 or 80×80 mm are perfect; there is no point in taking larger beams.
  1. First, a rectangular support with a jumper is assembled on which the front wall of the toilet seat will be installed; the jumper is screwed to the support posts or to the foundation. A board is laid on top. The thickness of the floor board should not be less than 3 cm.
  2. The frame of future walls is assembled from timber. At the same time, the height of the front wall should be approximately 10 cm greater than the back wall in order to provide the required slope for the roof.
  3. To strengthen the structure, it is necessary to make diagonal jibs on the side and rear walls.
  4. The front wall must have reinforcement for a door of the required size, and you also need to make a hole for the window.
  5. The frames are fixed to the base with metal corners, and a strapping is made on top at the level of the toilet seat.

The next step is to assemble the frame for the toilet seat and cover it, but this is done in the case when other options are not provided, for example, a floor-standing toilet.

  • Frame covering. The frame is covered with wooden boards. In order to save material, vertical cladding is recommended, but horizontal cladding is more beautiful and looks more attractive. The boards fit tightly together and are attached to the base. Instead of wood, you can also use corrugated sheets, slate or some other material that is most affordable.
  • Roof. The boundaries of the roof should not exceed the boundaries of the walls by more than 30 cm. Installation begins after parallel boards are fixed at a short distance. Next, you need to sew up the visor from the bottom, attaching boards to the outside around the perimeter. After this, it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing on a previously prepared base; as a rule, roofing felt is used for waterproofing. After which the structure can be covered with any roofing material (metal profiles, slate, bitumen shingles).
  • Exhaust ventilation. As a hood in a country toilet, you can imagine a pipe, the task of which is to remove odors from the cesspool. Its lower edge is inserted into the hole, and the upper edge is raised above the roof by no less than 20 cm. To solve this problem, you can use a pipe with a diameter of 100 mm. It is attracted to the back wall from the inside or outside and fixed with metal clamps. To enhance traction, a deflector attachment is mounted on the head.
  • Installing a toilet door. Doors can be installed as ordinary wooden or plastic ones, or they can be constructed from the same material as the entire above-ground structure. After which the door is hung on 2 hinges. You can choose the method of locking the door to your taste; usually for these purposes they use a latch, hook or latch, which are installed both from the inside and from the outside. It is better to avoid more complex locking methods, for example, locks with latches, since due to the constant influence of moisture, it will quickly rust and can jam at the most inopportune moment.
  • Lighting. For greater comfort, it is recommended to take care of interior lighting in advance. For these purposes, you can use a battery-powered wall flashlight. Other summer residents provide full lighting by stretching a cable and installing a light bulb with a switch. During the day, a small window can easily cope with this task. It is usually cut at the top of the doors or above them, but in fact there are quite a few options here, from curly windows on the walls to a transparent roof.

Summer residents, for whom the usual construction of a house is not enough, can use drawings of more interesting designs; they can be made themselves, or they can buy ready-made toilet houses, which are assembled like a children’s construction set, and in order to facilitate this task they are equipped with assembly instructions and accompanying drawings.


🔨 It’s easy to make a country toilet with your own hands if you put in some effort and effort. We have selected drawings with dimensions for popular country toilets that will serve you for decades! Also in the article you will find step-by-step photo instructions for building a country toilet.

The most labor-intensive stage in the process of constructing a latrine will be digging a pit, but this work can be done. The aesthetic side of the building is a secondary issue; the most important thing is to properly arrange the cesspool and create a reliable foundation for the above-ground structure.

It should be noted that some owners suburban areas They don’t build a toilet according to the rules and make do with an ordinary bucket placed under the toilet seat. But, one way or another, waste needs to be disposed of somewhere, so you still can’t do without a capital pit. Therefore, it is better to do all the work correctly once and not return to this issue for many years. It is especially important to make a permanent structure if the residents spend a significant part of the year at the dacha.

When If If you don’t want to spoil the design of the site by installing it, you can hide it in the far corner behind the house, or come up with a design for it that will help the building organically fit into the landscape.

Choosing a toilet location and its design

Usually the toilet is installed closer to the far boundary of the site, and this is understandable, since even a slight smell will be present in this room or near it. But sometimes they use another option, installing a cesspool next to the house, and setting aside a free corner of the house for the toilet, leading a wide sewer pipe into the pit. This design is mainly used in cases where water is supplied to the house, and there are plans to install an insulated container for collecting waste.

In any case, you should adhere to the standards established by the sanitary and epidemiological services. They must be followed in order to protect yourself, neighbors and the environment from undesirable consequences, such as infectious diseases or soil contamination.

  • If a cesspool is installed, it must be located at a distance of at least 30 m from water sources, and its depth should not reach groundwater.
  • If a septic tank is installed, it should be located no closer than 15 m from the house.
  • If you plan to use an insulated container that will be cleaned as it fills sewage treatment plant machine, it can be installed anywhere, since waste will not enter the ground.

An insulated container is also a way out in cases where the groundwater does not run too deep and constructing a cesspool dug in the ground is impossible.

Typically, the pits of the simplest country toilet have an area of ​​about one square meter. If the hole is round, then its diameter should be approximately 1 m. Its depth is 1.5-2 m, depending on the depth of groundwater.

Once the location for the pit has been determined, you can proceed to choosing the design of the toilet.

  • The first thing to consider is the weight of the structure - it will largely be determined by the material that is planned to be used for construction. The house itself should not be too heavy, since over time the soil under its weight may begin to sag and, in the end, the building will become deformed and damaged.

Wooden blocks and boards, or thin metal - galvanized profiles and corrugated sheets, are well suited for construction.

If you decide to build a toilet booth from logs or bricks, then you will have to think about a well-fortified foundation. But there is absolutely no point in building such heavy buildings, since they still will not become warmer than light buildings. It's better, if necessary, thermally insulate room with insulation that is light in weight, for example, polystyrene foam. Such a building will be light and warm, not drafty in the cold season, and it will not be excessively hot in the summer.

  • Having decided on the material, you can move on to the size of the booth.

Typically, a standard toilet has a width of 1 m, a height of 2.3 m, and a room length of 1.3 ÷ 1.5 m. However, these dimensions are by no means a dogma and may well vary. In any case, the room should be comfortable for any family member to be in, both standing and sitting.

What is needed to build a toilet

Having decided on the design and placement of the toilet, they purchase the necessary materials for its construction. A wooden or metal “house” can be purchased already in finished form. If you decide to build it yourself, you will need the following materials:

  • Boards and wooden blocks.
  • Fasteners - nails and screws.
  • Metal corners to strengthen the structure of a wooden frame.
  • Door handle, hook or latch for closing the door.
  • Roof covering material – slate or corrugated sheet.
  • Plastic or wooden toilet seat with a lid.
  • At necessary - polystyrene foamst for insulating the booth, and the material for the internal lining of insulated walls, chipboard, thin board or plywood.

To install a cesspool you will need:

  • Cement, crushed stone, sand.
  • Reinforcement for strengthening the foundation of the house.
  • A metal mesh netting for covering the pit and metal brackets or pins for attaching this mesh to the ground.

Another option, instead of using a mesh and plastering it with concrete, could be brick, which is used to line the walls of the pit.

In addition, pits with holes in the walls are often used to construct pits. Many summer residents prefer old rubber tires of large sizes.

Another, most environmentally friendly option, could be ready-made capacity- septic tank. They are produced in different sizes, so you can choose the one you need, depending on the number of family members and the length of the period of residence at the dacha.

Naturally, when building a country toilet you cannot do without tools, so you need to have:

  • A hand drill that can help when digging a pit.
  • Sovkovaya and bayonet shovel, with long and short handle.
  • If the soil in the area is rocky, you may need a hammer drill.
  • Hammer and screwdriver.
  • The grinder is a grinder with discs for stone and metal.
  • Jigsaw.
  • Marking tool - ruler, tape measure, square, building level, pencil or marker.

Prices for popular septic tanks

Construction of a cesspool

Classification of toilets
by type of waste disposal

Of course, they always start with marking and digging a hole. It will have a square or round shape, depending on the chosen design.

1. If a two-chamber plastic septic tank is installed, then the hole is dug in such a way that the inlet pipe is located directly in the toilet stall, since the toilet seat will be mounted on it. The neck of the second chamber should remain outside the room - it is needed for regular pumping of accumulated fecal matter.

Tanks come in different shapes, and the dimensions and shape of the pit will depend on this. The size of the pit should be made 20-30 cm larger than the existing container, since the soil around it needs to be compacted well.

2. If the walls of the pit will be finished with concrete or brick, it can be made round or square.

  • After digging a hole of the required depth, at its bottom you need to arrange drainage from large crushed stone, stones, and fragments of bricks
  • Then, its walls are covered with a metal chain-link mesh with cells measuring 50 × 50 mm. The mesh is secured by driving steel wire or pins into the ground.
  • To make the walls stronger, you can additionally reinforce the walls with a metal grid with large cells 100 × 100 mm.
  • Next, using the casting method, a concrete solution is applied to the walls, which is left until completely dry. The total thickness of the concrete layer should be about 50 ÷ 80 mm.
  • After the first sketched layer has set, the walls are plastered until smooth with the same concrete mortar. The plastered pit is left to dry.
  • The pit is covered with either a ready-made reinforced concrete slab or one made locally. It will serve as a foundation for the toilet and a platform around it.
  • Boards are laid on the pit, which should extend beyond its limits by 700 ÷ 800 mm and be recessed into the ground to the same level as the ground. Boards must be treated with antiseptic agents. This wooden base for the foundation can be completely replaced with concrete pillars.

  • Two holes are left on the surface for installing a toilet seat and for a cesspool, which should later be covered with a lid. Formwork is installed around future holes.
  • A thick polyethylene film is spread over the entire area of ​​the future foundation.
  • A reinforcement grid is laid on top of it, which is enclosed in formwork around the entire perimeter of the future foundation.

  • The height of the formwork of the holes should be the same as that of the formwork of the entire foundation. The formwork boards will serve as beacons when leveling the surface.
  • The concrete solution is mixed, poured onto the site, leveled and left to dry. For the durability and strength of the outer concrete layer, after initial setting, it is possible to “ironize” the wet surface with dry cement.

  • Once the site is fully matured, it will be possible to install a toilet booth on the finished site. A hatch must be installed on the hole intended for pumping out accumulated waste. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself. The hatch cover should open and close easily.

3. Another option would be a round pit with car tires placed in it. But it should be noted that this type of cesspool is not suitable for permanent use. Such a toilet can only be used in dacha conditions, when residents come only sporadically, for example, on weekends, otherwise the collected waste will have to be pumped out very often.

  • To construct a cesspool of this type, a round pit is dug 150 ÷ ​​200 mm larger than the diameter of the existing tires.
  • A drainage layer 15-20 cm thick is laid at the bottom of the pit.
  • Then the tires are placed exactly in the middle of the pit. on to the other to the ground surface.
  • Around the tires, as they are laid, drainage from crushed stone and sand is filled and compacted. This process is carried out all the way to the top.
  • When the tires are completely laid, a shallow strip foundation can be built around the hole. To do this, a trench about 500 mm deep is dug along the perimeter of the future toilet, into which concrete will be poured.
  • Trench bottom compacted and covered with a layer of sand 50 ÷ 70 mm, which also compacted and covered with a layer of crushed stone of the same thickness.
  • Waterproofing made of dense polyethylene is installed.
  • You can do this in two ways:

- weld and install the reinforcing grid, install the formwork with a height of 100 ÷ 150 mm above ground level and then fill it with concrete mortar;

- lay a brick foundation and then plaster it with cement.

  • After the solution has hardened with cement foundation the formwork is removed, and the brick is leveled on top.
  • Roofing material is laid on its surface, which will separate concrete surface from wood.
  • A ready-made toilet structure is either installed on the foundation, or it is erected independently.

For the convenience of the construction process, a wooden base-frame made of powerful bars is first attached to the foundation, and other structural elements will be mounted on it, depending on the chosen building model.

4. It is impossible not to mention another way of arranging a cesspool - using metal barrels with a cut bottom. They are installed one on top of the other and in the same way as in the previous case. A gravel mixture or a mixture of sand and crushed stone is compacted around the resulting pipe.

A cesspool made of metal barrels obviously won’t last long

Prices for country toilets

country toilet

It would seem that the method is simple to implement, but it has many more disadvantages than advantages. Metal barrels, under aggressive influence both from the inside and outside, from the ground, corrode very quickly, and such a toilet will not last long.

Popular country toilet projects

Construction of a country toilet house

When both the pit and the site for installing the toilet room are ready, you can proceed to installing the house according to a pre-designed scheme.

Toilet houses can have a wide variety of shapes, for example, even in the form of a fairy-tale hut. The uninitiated will not immediately determine what kind of room this fits so perfectly into landscape design plot. It is quite possible to make such a structure with your own hands, knowing the diagram of its assembly.

The photo shows an option partially made of logs, which give this structure a decorative appearance and disguise the purpose of the building itself.

The original little house - you won’t immediately understand that it’s a toilet

The diagram shows the basic construction of a log cabin, but instead of logs, boards are used. You can clearly see how the walls are assembled and the roof slopes rise. Internal space allocated and selected location toilet seat.

Approximate diagram of the "teremka"

The next stage will be roof sheathing, roofing and wall cladding with the material chosen for this - it can be either wood or metal.

Such a house can either be installed on a cesspool, or used as a room for a dry closet.

Video: making a house - a “teremka” for a country toilet

Another option for building a toilet is called a “hut”. In this case, the house is built in the form of a triangle, and its side walls are also the roof. The shape is quite simple, so erecting the building will not be difficult.

Toilet - “hut”

This design is not only easy to construct, but also convenient to use - it is stable at the base and quite spacious inside.

Installation of a toilet - “hut”

The presented figure shows the entire internal structure of the house, the installation location of the toilet seat and the method of sheathing the walls and roof. The cladding of the front part of the building and the rear wall has begun. The “hut” house can be placed on a equipped cesspool, as in this case, or it can also be used as a room for a dry closet.

This form of house can be called traditional, since it can most often be found on plots. But even such a simple design can be decorated according to your preference.

For example, it was decided to make the toilet in this garden area look like a Japanese house. This is evidenced by the hieroglyphs written on a sign suspended on chains, a Japanese lantern at the entrance, and even additionally arranged roof. In addition, the interior design of the room is also consistent with the general style.

This attitude towards the design of the site suggests that even from such a structure as this, you can make a small work of art if you put in a little effort.

An approximate diagram of the construction of such a toilet is shown in the figure. It clearly shows the structure of the cesspool, the installation of a toilet structure and a cleaning hatch on top of it. The design is quite simple in design, and it is not difficult to erect. But for it to be reliable, it is necessary to achieve rigidity in the connections between all parts.

The interior of a toilet, located above a cesspool, may look like this during the construction of walls. That is, foundation bars are installed on the foundation, onto which the frame of the future structure is fixed.

After the final finishing of the toilet from the inside, the room can have such a neat and cozy look.

If desired and possibilities you can come up with another design for a country toilet, but all the interior decoration needs to be made from warm materials. It is not recommended to use ceramic tiles for decoration, as this is a very cold type of material, and in addition, in winter, the tiles also become very slippery.

Video: several options for constructing a country toilet

Dry toilet

If there is no way to build a country toilet or there is simply no desire to get involved with construction work, then you can use the dry closet. This option will save you from digging a hole and, possibly, from installing a house.

A dry toilet is an excellent solution for dacha conditions

- this is an autonomous toilet that does not require either a separate room or connection to drainage communications

The dry closet consists of two compartments-chambers, the upper one of which acts as a toilet, and the other serves for the biological processing of waste. The second, lower chamber contains active substances that decompose feces and turn them into a homogeneous mass that is odorless. The action of the bioactive liquid to decompose waste lasts for ten days, then the chamber is cleaned by pouring the contents into the central sewer or into the soil. The disposal method will depend on what active substances will be used in the dry closet. These substances are T Three types: composting, chemical and microorganic. Each of them is suitable for a specific type of dry closet.

  • For a composting dry closet, peat is used as the active substance. It has a high absorption capacity - for example, one kilogram of peat absorbs ten liters of liquid. The odorless compost obtained as a result of active processes is ideal for fertilizing beds.

Typically, such a dry closet comes with ventilation pipes that remove unpleasant odors during processing.

  • A dry toilet, which operates using chemicals, has an indicator that will indicate that the container requires cleaning. Waste processed in this way is discharged into the sewer system in order to protect the environment. For such models, special substances with non-freezing properties are produced.
  • The third type of this useful device is a dry closet, in which microorganisms process waste, turning it into compost. The resulting material is environmentally friendly and harmless to the soil and animals, so it will not be difficult to dispose of it.

Advantages and disadvantages of a dry toilet

  • high levels of environmental safety;
  • ease of use;
  • absence of unpleasant odors;
  • affordable price;
  • durable material.

  • odor leakage is possible, installation in a ventilated area will be required;
  • If the receiver container is heavily soiled, you will have to wash it yourself.
  • It is not possible to use a peat dry closet in rooms with low temperatures. Due to the cold, all processing processes stop, the contents of the lower reservoir freeze, as well as the peat itself. The problem is solved by moving the dry closet to a warm room.

If desired, a dry closet can be installed in a very ordinary room, built with your own hands, which is located in the yard, and in the winter, you can bring it into the house, allocating a convenient corner for these needs.

Prices for a popular range of dry toilets

Dry toilets

Biological toilet products

To help owners of summer cottages who have toilets with cesspools on their territory, special means, similar to those used in dry closets.

Before using the product, be sure to read the instructions, since the composition is poured or poured in parts. You can learn how to use such substances correctly from the information on the packaging, since each product is dosed differently. This substance is usually used very sparingly. For example, one package or jar of some products lasts for a year for a cesspool with a volume of 3.5 ÷ 4 tons.

So, there are many ways to solve the problem of a country toilet - there is always the opportunity to choose one option or another.

Many people dream of building their own home. On plot of land The first thing they do is arrange the bathroom. If the construction of a house is only at the preparation stage, then the construction of a closet is necessary! The solution would be to build a toilet in the yard.

The construction of a toilet house is quite simple to perform, and a novice master can master the task. The article will discuss how to build a toilet with your own hands and with minimal time.

Types and features of outdoor toilets

The construction of a summer house begins with the construction of a bathroom. When there is no sewage system in the house, it is better to place the toilet in the yard. To choose the best option, consider the types of restrooms.

The first question that arises is the design. Humanity has already come up with many types of toilets, which differ in appearance and internal structure - with a seat or with a hole.

Buildings that can be done without much effort:

  • bathroom with cesspool;
  • powder-closet;
  • backlash-closet;
  • dry closet;
  • chemical toilet;
  • peat toilet.

To choose a suitable outdoor toilet, it is advisable to take into account the following factors:

  1. how often you plan to use the bathroom;
  2. how many visitors are expected to use it;
  3. what budget is allocated for the construction of a restroom;
  4. issue of hygiene and ecology.

Examples of DIY toilet houses

Cesspool toilet - standard design, used in most country houses and gardens, is vaguely similar to a peat toilet. Despite certain similarities with a peat toilet, it works differently.

Installation of a toilet with a cesspool:

  • During installation, a recess is dug to accumulate sewage.
  • Then they lay the foundation so that the bathroom does not sag.

You can install any house on top of the cesspool. There are many of them - from standard huts and birdhouses to houses in the form of a carriage, mill, and tower. As a rule, a box is made from wood, and they try to cover the roof with timber fastenings.

A toilet with a cesspool is the most budget-friendly in terms of installation and construction.

Often such a bathroom is designed in the shape of a carriage. This way the decorated bathroom becomes a decoration and does not spoil the appearance of the yard or summer cottage. But it is worth noting that such construction is complex, and it is better to use the help of professional builders.

Construction budget varies from 15 to 25 thousand rubles. But, if the goal is to save money, then you can install a cesspool yourself, without the help of strangers.

This type of toilet is suitable for families not exceeding 6 people. And, if you properly care for it and devote time to arrangement and maintenance, then its service life will be from 25 to 45 years.

Scheme of a toilet with a cesspool

The main advantage of a powder closet is that it does not require a cesspool.

How the powder closet works:

  1. A toilet seat is built inside the house, and a container is placed under it to collect waste.
  2. Peat must be placed nearby.
  3. After each visit to the toilet, the excrement should be sprinkled with a layer of peat.
  4. Once the container is full, it is taken to the compost heap.

Such an outdoor bathroom has a number of positive aspects:

  • If we compare it with a cesspool, it is distinguished by its simplicity of design.
  • The powder closet is placed in the yard and in the living room.
  • Although the process of cleaning a container with sewage itself can hardly be called pleasant. To purify the air, special filters are installed in the house.
  • The powder closet is to some extent similar to the peat one, because you do not need to make a cesspool for it.
  • The cabin is built from wood or timber, it is also possible to use other materials.

Toilet diagram Powder-closet

This closet is ideal for those people who rarely visit their dacha and who do not need to frequently use the yard bathroom. The installation cost is low - 5 thousand rubles.

The backlash closet is equipped with a sump, in this it is similar to a cesspool. It is recommended to make it airtight and large. Drainage from the pit is not permitted. It can only be cleaned using a vacuum cleaner. Often such designs are used for use in residential premises and a toilet is installed.

This type of closet has distinctive features:

  1. For tightness, the walls in the pit are made of concrete, and the top is covered with a lid.
  2. The hatch is located above ground level.
  3. Extraction required.
  4. A toilet with a cut-off siphon is usually used as a receiving funnel.
  5. More hygienic than a cesspool, but more expensive.
  6. In addition to the toilet itself, elements of the restroom are placed in the cabin. The set is placed in carriages and beautifully decorated.

3D model of backlash closet

The dry toilet is a plastic toilet. Such toilets are found on city streets, in areas where there is no access to permanent toilets.

Advantages of a dry closet:

  • The advantage of a dry closet is its mobility. Can be moved to any convenient place.
  • It is durable, does not absorb odors, and is easy to clean.
  • A modern dry closet is equipped with a seat and a special cavity for waste.
  • You can clean it using the services of a vacuum cleaner, or you can do it yourself.
  • The interior decoration of such a toilet is variable, for example, you can install a washstand in it.

When installing a dry closet, it is important to remember the disadvantages:

  • During hot weather it does not function well.
  • At elevated air temperatures, sewage ferments, and plastic produces a stench.
  • Under the influence of temperatures, the casing may partially crack.

The price of the structure is quite reasonable - in the area 15-20 thousand rubles.

Chemical toilet

The chemical type of toilet is different from other toilets discussed in the article. Most often it used for outdoor events. It is made into a completely enclosed house. Can also be used in summer cottages.

You should not pour waste into the ground - it contains a large amount of chemical impurities that will make the ground unsuitable for garden planting.

Features of chemical toilet:

  • The chemical toilet cabin is made of plastic, but it is possible that some parts may be metal to increase service life.
  • A flush is provided, which is driven by a mechanical pump.
  • The waste accumulates in the lower container and dissolves within 24 hours, and the odor disappears.
  • The volume of the tank in which sewage accumulates is on average from 10 to 25 liters, and the volume of the container intended for flushing is about 12-14 liters.
  • It can be placed both outdoors and in a residential area, at the discretion of the owner.

Installing a chemical toilet requires significant material investments. The price of a chemical cabin ranges from 4 thousand rubles.

The popularity of the peat toilet is growing day by day because it makes waste useful. It can be designed in different ways, it all depends on the designer’s imagination.

The advantage of the bathroom is the presence of peat in the cesspool:

  • it absorbs liquid impurities that evaporate through a special hole;
  • solid waste accumulates and is then thrown into a compost heap for further decomposition;
  • Subsequently, this humus is used instead of fertilizers.

The peat toilet on the site is placed in wooden house. This is very convenient because when using a peat toilet, no water is used. A peat absorbs all unpleasant odors. The toilet used for this type of toilet is plastic.

It should be noted that such a bathroom is environmentally friendly and budget-friendly, but has the disadvantage of poor functioning at low temperatures.

Installation costs vary greatly. The minimum cost is about 8 thousand , but if the owner wants to choose the most beautiful option, the price will increase several times.

Construction of a peat toilet

Where is the best place to place an outdoor toilet?

There are no general recommendations for determining the location of a building - sites may vary in landscape and soil. The very location of the street toilet and cesspool is strictly regulated by building regulations.

To begin with, determine the type of construction; there are two options:

  • with cesspool;
  • without sump.

Based on the approved option, a place for the closet is selected. If a person took the issue of construction seriously, showed creativity and creativity, then there is no need to hide such a miracle; neighbors and guests should see and envy, but only within reasonable limits, because the toilet is an intimate place.

If you don’t plan to make the street convenience public, then a remote, secluded place will suit it, but you shouldn’t place the toilet too far from the house.

You also need to remember about sanitary standards, especially if there is a cesspool:

The bathroom is a source of stench. When choosing a location for a structure, you need to try take into account the local wind rose, and try to keep the closet in perfect order.

You cannot place a toilet with a cesspool near the veranda, because in the hot season it gives off a foul odor that is unlikely to please the people around you.

If you plan to use a sewer truck for cleaning, you need to take into account its large size and think about the passage.

Rules and restrictions

  1. It is prohibited to build a bathroom close to the water intake.
  2. Distance from the well to the bathroom- not less than 50 m, from the well this distance is more than 30 m.
  3. In the area of ​​reservoirs, the distance needs to be increased to two hundred meters.
  4. Residential development imposes more restrictions to the location of the toilets. In accordance with SANPIN 42/128/4690/88, the bathroom must be built away from residential areas and children's institutions. The minimum distance is 20 m. There are concessions provided for owners of private houses. They are authorized to determine the distance to amenities themselves, and it can be 8 meters less.
  5. Neighbors have a right insist that the distance from the bathroom to residential buildings is at least 30 meters.
  6. Groundwater determine the possible depth of the cesspool, but the maximum permissible depth is 3 m.

Previously, the cesspool could not be concreted; there were no such requirements. Today the pit must be waterproof. So far this is not regulated anywhere, so builders can use both concrete rings and metal caissons. For this type of structure, a cesspool with a special lid is used for ease of cleaning.

How to hide an outdoor toilet?

There are some ways that help disguise a dilapidated or ugly building:

  1. Hide behind creeper plants. Use decorative and edible plants: kobeyu, sweet peas, climbing beans or virgin grapes.
  2. Hide behind hedge plantings. Shrubs such as barberry, spirea, viburnum, serviceberry or black elderberry are used. Shrubs serve as decoration, and some also allow you to harvest berries. If the toilet is located in a lowland, then viburnum will grow well near it - it loves moist soil. Uninvited guests passage to foreign territory will be blocked by barbed hedge- barberry.
  3. Hide by building a decorative wall. You can hide the toilet using decorative fences and railings. They are made from picket fences or from special bars onto which slats are stuffed in each direction at an angle of 45°.
  4. Make a disguise as another building.

Types and sizes of cabins

Toilets now are completely different from what they were 15-20 years ago. Everything changes and improves. And this is not a tribute to fashion, but an improvement in functional properties. The environment is deteriorating, and sanitation rules are constantly changing and becoming stricter. The population's demands for the level and quality of life are increasing.

An outdoor toilet can be installed in the following architectural types:

Cabin shape Description



It is durable, resistant to wind, requires less materials for production, and is the easiest to construct.


It requires a larger land area and is not very convenient to use - you can’t turn around inside, one careless step and you can, for example, hit your head. To avoid this, you must maintain a ridge height of about 3 meters. Therefore, there is no need to talk here about saving the materials used.



It is much easier and faster to make than a hut; it will require slightly less materials for its manufacture, and it will take up a minimum of land area.

You can easily install a solar heated pressure tank on the roof of the birdhouse. And the cabin will gain additional strength under such a load.


The birdhouse has its drawbacks: the structure is fragile and does not retain heat. As a summer closet or a section of a utility block, such a bathroom is optimal.


It is rightfully considered warmer and more durable than a birdhouse toilet. And it requires almost no more materials.

Attaching a water tank to it, of course, is not an easy task, but with the house almost any artistic design is acceptable - there are no limits to imagination.



Ergonomic and functional. Suitable for any design, you can do everything you can think of for the restroom. And it will fit into every landscape.


It’s more difficult to make and requires more material. Thanks to its design, it is highly durable and can withstand changing climates.

When constructing cabins, take into account:

  1. Adhere to the recommended dimensions of the birdhouse cabin and house along the floor along with the toilet seat- about 1.2 m wide and 1.5 m deep.
  2. For huts and huts, the depth is similar to that of a birdhouse, and the width is taken from 1 meter - in a hut toilet it is at shoulder level, and in a hut it is along the floor.
  3. Distance from a full-length person’s head to the nearest wall- at least 45 cm. This is taken into account when calculating the angle of inclination of the walls in the hut.
  4. Ceiling height from floor should be about 2.1 m, and above the toilet seat no lower than 1.9 m.

The cabins of the hut, house and birdhouse have one drawback - if a person forgets to lock the toilet door, then due to the wind it can become loose in 15 minutes, so it is recommended to hang the door on barn hinges.

How to build an outdoor toilet correctly?

Every area needs a bathroom. It is not difficult to build it with your own hands. The technology for constructing an outdoor toilet is characterized by ease of construction and low cost of materials.

Before starting the process you should:

  1. Study the sanitary and hygienic rules for the structure.
  2. Select the type of closet you plan to build.

You can choose one or another design based on the following criteria:

  • the budget allocated for construction;
  • frequency of operation;
  • height of the water horizon;
  • the amount of budget that a person can spend on caring for the structure being built.

In order for the construction of a toilet to proceed without problems, you should initially devote time to studying the diagrams and drawings of the facility.

The above-ground part of the toilet is made of the following materials:

  • Metal profile. A bathroom made from a metal profile is installed in 2 ways: the base is sheathed with a metal profile. Rivets and screws are used as fasteners.
    A wooden structure is taken as a basis. A base is created from metal pipes which are connected by welding. To carry out such work, you need a welding machine and certain skills in working with it.
  • Wooden boards. Wooden structures are popular - a wooden frame is simple, and the price of materials is low.
  • Slate.
  • Brick. Making a brick toilet has certain difficulties. If there is a need to move the structure, it will not be possible. A brick toilet requires the installation of concrete floors.

Building a toilet in the shape of a birdhouse

Construction includes several stages:

  1. The first thing is to scavenge, minimum size which is within 1*1*2 meters. A crushed stone cushion is placed at the bottom.
  2. Then the foundation part is built. The concrete curb is installed so that the edges of the pit are located from it at a distance not exceeding 0.2 meters. In this case, the curb is installed as a ceiling. The border is dug into the ground so that its base is no more than 0.12 m above the soil.
  3. The next stage is the installation of roofing felt. It is laid on top of the base in several layers, as an insulator against moisture.
  4. Now they move on to the construction of the frame and finishing. The sheathing can be made of wooden boards or lining. Thick boards are used as flooring. The thickness of the floor covering is about 4 cm. It is recommended to use wood with increased strength - oak, larch.

The final stage includes the following work:

  1. A hole of any shape (circle, square) is made in the floor. The main condition is that the diameter must be at least 30 cm.
  2. Door installation. It is allowed to make a window in the door leaf that allows sunlight to enter the structure.
  3. They are installing the roof. For the roof it is better to use roofing felt or steel sheet.
  4. Finishing layer. The structure is treated with varnish or paint.
  5. They do ventilation. This may be the simplest option, for example, a pipe with a diameter of 15 cm.

Typical project "Birdhouse"

1 - frame, 2 - rack, 3 - door, 4 - handle, 5 - door cross member, 6 - front wall, 7 - roof rafters, 8 - roof, 9 - ventilation riser, 10 - deflector, 11 - side wall, 12 - cesspool cover, 13 - brick supports, 14 - rear wall.

Construction of a hut-shaped toilet

A step-by-step plan for constructing a hut-type toilet consists of the following steps:

  1. The foundation is being installed on the insulating material. You can use roofing felt. The material is laid in 3 layers.
  2. Then the lower part of the structure is assembled. For this purpose, use a beam (section 50*50). The size of the base is 1m*1m. Pinned with edged boards. Everything is covered with floorboards.
  3. A hole of any shape is made in the bottom. Adhere to the dimensions indicated in the order of construction of the birdhouse.
  4. The base is processed from all sides any antiseptic.
  5. To complete the assembly, rear and front parts of the structure. To do this, you should use the available drawings and sketches.

Final construction steps:

  • Finishing of toilet parts is carried out.
  • Install the walls of the structure. They are placed on the floor and fastened with scraps that remain after cutting the boards;
  • A wooden sheathing is assembled from boards. This sheathing is then sheathed.
  • Making a toilet roof. The roof is made of boards no less than 1.8 m long. To perform this type of work, the material is rested on the back and front of the frame and fixed with fasteners on wooden slats. You will get a strong roof.
  • Lay the material intended for the roof.
  • They install a ridge, which is decorated with some kind of tree figure.
  • The door is being installed. Before installing it, professionals advise attaching a handle to it. Outside, you can nail a special wind spit of any shape.
  • Varnish coating.

Typical project "Shalash"

Construction of a peat toilet

To build a peat closet, you will need to purchase the following materials:

  • plywood;
  • boards;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • toilet seat.

When making this type of toilet, you must follow the following instructions:

  1. First the box is assembled. The four planks are connected with self-tapping screws. To facilitate subsequent work, it is better to make a hole in the front part in advance.
  2. Then you need to sheathe the top of the box. For this purpose, it is better to use a material such as plywood. You need to make a hole in the plywood sheet, under which the container will be placed in the future.
  3. The legs are being installed. They are attached to the corners of the box. The height of the legs is calculated so that it allows easy replacement of the storage cavity.
  4. Fix the seat to the hole. You can use factory options for peat toilets. It is most often made of plastic or wood.
  5. A storage container is installed under the hole. You can use a plastic bucket. Peat is poured onto the bottom, about 4 cm thick.

Typical project "Peat closet"

Foundation and support

If you make the base of the toilet hastily, this promises certain troubles - the structure may tilt, and its use will be dangerous.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, you should consider:

  1. The foundation must be of high quality and reliable.
  2. The foundation is erected after strengthening the cesspool. This is done by laying the walls with bricks.
  3. You can choose the type of foundation at your discretion: strip, columnar. Their use is justified only if the construction is planned to be major.
  4. When constructing more lightweight design you can make a foundation, for example, from tires and blocks.

A cheap way to make a foundation is considered car tires. They are placed in the corners of the structure and filled with sand or gravel. The tires are made of comfortable material and do not rot or crack.

Frame making

The frame is made as follows:

  1. Four supports are installed vertically.
  2. The roof of the closet is tied. The longitudinal beams of the roof protrude about 35 cm beyond the structure. On one side there will be a canopy, and at the back there will be a drainage of rainwater.
  3. A screed is made at the toilet level. The beams are attached in a spacer to vertically installed supports.
  4. A door frame is installed - two supports to a height of up to 1.8 m and a horizontal lintel at the top to the same height.
  5. It is necessary to accurately calculate the height of the toilet seat so that the seat does not end up at too high a level.
  6. Then you should indicate at what level the floor will be and measure 39 cm up from it. It must be remembered that a 22-24 mm thick sheathing will be made above the trim.

Hull plating

The body is covered with boards 20 mm thick. They are located in a vertical position. Other materials are also used, for example, slate or corrugated board. This makes work easier, but will significantly reduce the comfort of use, since there will be no air exchange.

A door-lid is made on the rear wall of the structure to facilitate removal of the cavity with waste. The door is mounted across the entire width of the wall, 35 cm high and attached to hinges.


It is recommended to cover the roof with a material that is no different from that used on other buildings on the site. The materials used are corrugated sheets and metal tiles. The main thing is not to forget to make a hole on the roof for ventilation pipe and seal it. If wooden boards are used for the roof, they are covered with a material that will prevent them from getting wet.

Floor and door

In most cases, the door of an outdoor toilet is made of wood and hung on hinges - two or three, depending on the weight. The closing mechanism inside and outside is a matter of taste for each person.

It can be:

  • latches;
  • hooks;
  • bolts;
  • all kinds of valves.

A window is cut out above the doorway for lighting. It can be glazed so that rain does not seep inside and insects do not get in.

It is also preferable to make the floor wooden, and cover it with linoleum on top.

Ventilation and lighting

When designing ventilation, it is based on the fact that the stench is a consequence of the presence of a cesspool.

There are special measures to avoid contact with the smell:

  1. Install the bathroom at some distance from the pit. After installing the toilet, connect it to the cesspool using a plastic sewer pipe and at the same time connect the ventilation pipe using a tee. But, in this case, there is one nuance: it is necessary to supply water for rinsing.
  2. Provide natural ventilation. With this approach, air exchange is ensured by the movement of air from the toilet to the street.
  3. It is possible to use forced ventilation as a basis. Then the foul odor will be removed due to the operation of the fan.

If desired, you can also make lighting. You don't have to be an electrician to do this. There is no need to pull the wires or install the switch. Everything is much simpler - you need use lamps powered by solar panels.

They can be hung on hooks or placed directly on the floor in the toilet itself, and the module can be taken outside and installed in the most illuminated place. During the day, the battery will be charged, and when it gets dark, it will power the lamp.

It takes about 7-8 hours to charge the battery. The power of the solar battery (0.3 W) is quite sufficient to illuminate the bathroom, but the best option would be a power exceeding 0.36 W.

High chair, seat

The main element of a seated bathroom is the toilet seat.

Basic moments:

  • maximum comfort;
  • strength;
  • hygiene;
  • term of use.

Materials suitable for constructing a toilet seat:

  • Styrofoam;
  • plastic;
  • board;
  • plywood.

Wood stands out from this list - it is durable and comfortable.

There are several toilet seat designs. A simple option is to use a chair - cut a hole and make a seat. The conditional toilet seat is ready for use, but it does not look aesthetically pleasing. Stepped toilet seats - rectangular and corner - have become popular.

Special Moments

When building an outdoor toilet, pay attention to three nuances:

  • It should not be located close to neighboring territory, as neighbors make legally valid claims. The same applies to the distance to a road or body of water.
  • Sanitary and hygienic standards and building regulations must not be violated.
  • It is not recommended to install a regular toilet in an outdoor bathroom, since there is nothing to flush it with.

How to make an odorless outdoor toilet?

An important question when building an outdoor toilet is how to make a bathroom without odors and with the possibility of rare pumping.

You can not use a cesspool in the following cases:

  1. dry toilet installations;
  2. purchasing a plastic septic tank;
  3. availability of a treatment system.

Installation peat dry closet- a cheap opportunity to make a toilet so it doesn't stink. You don’t have to buy it, but make it yourself. Overflow septic tank - modern solution getting rid of odors.

Lack of ventilation is another reason for the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

You can make your own hood from a pipe whose diameter is about 100 mm. The pipe is attached with clamps to the rear wall of the house on the street side. Natural ventilation is achieved using windows.

How to make a warm outdoor toilet?

To make the use of an outdoor toilet as comfortable as possible, it is built with good thermal insulation. Often the toilet is insulated from the outside. This saves wasted space and reduces unpleasant odors. But making insulation from the inside is much easier.

The closet is insulated using polyurethane foam, which is applied to the internal and outside. This material protects against drafts and prevents heat loss. They also use drywall or foam to save money.

Septic tank for toilet

There are three recognized types of septic tanks:

  1. Sealed container. This option is practically no different from a cesspool. Such a tank is very well suited for collecting sewage that is periodically pumped out.
  2. Settlement tank with filtration fields. Such a septic tank is used when a large number of people use the toilet.
  3. Biological treatment (station)- justifies itself when high consumption water. Such a station is highly efficient; wastewater is subjected to maximum purification, and therefore no filtration sites are required.

Outdoor toilet with sewerage

To make a full-fledged outdoor toilet with a sink and flush, a sewer system is needed. For this purpose they are used pipes with a diameter from 55 to 90 mm.

PVC elements are most suitable - they do not rot, are durable and different easy installation. PVC sewers are easy to repair.

To prevent freezing, pipes are insulated in the cold season with materials that have low thermal conductivity.

Outdoor toilet with shower

A distinctive feature of the structure of a restroom with a shower is the common design with a dividing wall. Each room has a separate door.

Installation of a toilet with shower:

  1. This design is equipped with a water container, for example, a barrel.
  2. Pipes through which water is supplied are connected to it.
  3. In the shower, it is connected to a watering can, and the water supply is regulated by a tap.
  4. Water flows into the toilet through tubes connected directly to the washbasin and flush tank.

Such a device allows you to reduce time and material costs.

Design of beautiful toilet houses

The design of the toilet also deserves attention. The main condition is conciseness and functionality.
Most often, closets are decorated interesting figures. In addition, you can give free rein to your imagination and create a masterpiece by applying an exotic pattern over the entire surface.


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