The dishwasher does not wash dishes well. Bosch dishwasher doesn't wash dishes well - why? Bosch dishwasher doesn't clean well: reasons

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The quality of washing depends on several factors. But usually users do not pay attention to the operating rules, which is why the device begins to work worse and worse. Among the reasons why your dishwasher has become difficult to wash dirty dishes:

  • untimely cleaning of parts;
  • errors during operation;
  • poor-quality cleaning products or their incorrect dosage.

Dishes may remain dirty if the machine is not used correctly.

If your dishwasher does not wash dishes, first of all, analyze how you use the unit. Among the most common mistakes you can note:

  • loading more dishes than allowed;
  • choosing the wrong mode;
  • improper placement of plates and glasses in cages.

Before turning on the dishwasher, you should carefully read the instructions. Dishes should be placed so that they do not interfere with the operation of the spray arm or block access to the detergent. In addition, the plates that are located on the lower level should not interfere with the passage of water to objects higher up.

Place dishes in the dishwasher correctly

The more dishes you put in the dishwasher, the worse they will clean. If you overload the machine, you will have to wash the dishes again after washing. Another mistake is setting a mode that does not correspond to the type of pollution. If you need to wash a frying pan and you turn on the glass mode, the utensil will remain dirty. A quick wash will also not remove grease remaining on pots and plates. If your dishwasher is having trouble cleaning dirty dishes and you don’t know what to do, first read the instructions. It describes all types of possible downloads, modes and other useful information.

If stains appear constantly on plates that have been in the dishwasher, the unit most likely needs to be cleaned. Any model must be regularly inspected and the condition of the following parts checked:

  • sprinklers;
  • mesh filter for food;
  • heating element and tank;
  • filling filter.

Check the instructions to understand where the filter is located to collect food particles. If the appliance does not wash dishes, it is most likely dirty. Usually the element is located at the bottom of the unit and looks like a fine mesh. It needs to be washed every ten days.

Washed utensils in the dishwasher and by hand

If the water is hard, keep an eye on the filter core - it can be seen at the inlet of the unit. When the filter becomes clogged, the water pressure weakens. This is another reason why the machine does not wash dirty dishes.

The heating element and tank may suffer from scale. To prevent its occurrence, buy the appropriate product. It is important that it matches the type of dishwasher you have. Periodically turn it on in idle mode, adding a composition that removes scale.

To internal elements not rusted, after all procedures wipe them with a dry cloth.

If your dishwasher has become difficult to wash dirty dishes, one of the ways to fix it is to check the detergent used. If you changed the composition, and plaque and stains begin to appear on your kitchen utensils, the reason is obvious. Buy another one and your machine will work much better.

If you always add the same product, but the plates remain dirty after washing, the reasons may be different:

  1. The machine does not wash away stains from coffee, tea and lipstick well - not enough bleach. To solve the problem, buy the necessary supplements or change the product.
  2. Gray plaque and unsightly stains are a sign of a lack of rinse aid. To solve the problem, adjust its flow.
  3. Plastic plates remain greasy - there is not enough grease dissolving agent. To correct the situation, change the composition or add additives yourself.
  4. White streaks are observed on the pots - salt powder ends up inside the machine, resulting in a coating.

The cause of problems may be the use of a composition produced to solve other problems. At first everything will be fine, but over time the performance of the unit will begin to deteriorate, and then it will fail.

The reason may be poor quality dishwashing detergents.

If there is a residue on the plates, you may have added special salt a long time ago. In such a situation, due to hard water, the ion exchanger breaks down, as a result of which the detergent particles dissolve poorly. If you reapply salts, the operation of the dishwasher will quickly return to normal.

If the above measures do not have an effect, the problem may be significant. One possible reason is the failure of some parts:

  1. The heater burned out. This element comes into contact with water, so scale forms on it. Over time, the heating element simply burns out. In this case, the water does not heat up, and it is impossible to wash the plates with cold liquid.
  2. The sprinkler does not function - as a result, water does not reach all places, and the dishes remain dirty.
  3. Broken water turbidity sensor - used only in new models. It controls the quality of the water: if it is cloudy, the washing continues, if it is clean, the process ends. When the device does not work, the machine does not understand exactly when to end the cycle.
  4. The thermostat has burned out - it detects the temperature of the water and gives the command to heat it. If there is no signal, it remains cold and the dishes are not washed.
  5. The recirculation pump has failed - it provides. If damaged, the device will not work.
  6. The control module is malfunctioning - this element is responsible for everything. If it fails, the machine will work poorly or stop completely.

Master repairing a dishwasher

To eliminate the listed faults, you should call a technician or take the dishwasher for repair.

How to wash dishes in the dishwasher

To achieve the desired result, place the dishes loosely so that the water flows down easily. Before loading, remove any leftover food from plates and soak pots and pans first. Regularly check the condition of the sensors, keep everything in stock necessary funds. After each cycle, wipe down the internal elements, and do a thorough cleaning once a week.

When choosing a dishwasher model, be sure to consider the load size. If a lot of dirty dishes accumulate in the house, a compact device will not suit you - an overloaded machine will not be able to wash the dishes.

Treat your dishwasher with care, carefully select detergents, do not violate operating rules and regularly clean it of dirt, and it will never let you down.

After the end of the washing cycle, poorly washed dishes are found behind the bin door - with plaque, food residue or soap scum? Common situation? Why did this happen and why does the dishwasher wash dishes poorly? The reasons for this may be simple to the point of banality, but serious damage cannot be ruled out. We suggest you look into everything in detail.

PMM does not wash: improper operation

If the dishwasher begins to clean poorly, first of all it is necessary to eliminate factors not related to the breakdown of parts and systems. This could be due to a violation of the terms of use:

  • There is food left on the plates. If you are used to hoarding dishes all day long and don’t brush away any leftover food from them, then you can forget about high-quality and efficient washing forever. The manufacturer clearly warns about this in the user manual - take a look at it if you don’t believe it.

  • Incorrectly selected program. If you loaded a large batch of plates with complex stains and chose a short or economical mode, do not be surprised that the machine does not wash well. Such cycles are designed for washing lightly soiled plates and utensils, as well as for refreshing dishes. In other cases, you need to choose intensive and high-temperature cycles.
  • Bunker overload. The machine does not wash plates if the baskets are filled to capacity with them. Unload the boxes, keeping the distance between the dishes - perhaps this is the reason.

  • Detergents. Another reason why the dishwasher stopped cleaning is the incorrect selection of detergents or their required volume. Adjust the dose of powder or detergent, add rinse aid, or completely replace the products in your arsenal.

If none of the above factors come true and you still end up with dirty or soapy dishes, you need to take the issue more seriously. You will have to understand the structure of the machine or contact a specialist. Although this is an extreme measure, most problems at an early stage can be solved without contacting a service center.

Other problems requiring immediate attention

The reasons listed below are often not related to violation of the rules of use or are related, but indirectly:

  • Limescale or simply scale. This is the main enemy of equipment that works with heated water. It's all due to impurities that make tap water tough. Often, even special softeners and regenerating salt do not soften the impact of water on the inside of the dishwasher. The worst thing is that the plaque is not visible - it is inside the PMM and slowly causes the machine to break down. If scale appears on the impellers (sprinklers), then the water spray is much worse, which affects the cleaning efficiency.

  • Blockages. It is difficult to completely remove all remnants of food, napkins and other things from the plates - in this case they will have to be washed, but why then use PMM? All this debris is collected by filters and also ends up on sprinklers. Therefore, if after washing the dishes are slippery and unwashed, check the filters. It is advisable to clean them after each cycle - this recommendation is even specified by the manufacturers in the instructions.

If the volume of detergent is selected correctly, you have thoroughly cleaned the utensils of dirt and cleaned all the filters, but the washing is still poor, it looks like a breakdown. What to do: how to detect and fix the failure? More on this later.

Possible problems: how to fix?

Let's consider possible malfunctions in which the PMM may not cope 100% with its main function:

Heating element failure

Every PMM is equipped with a device that heats water to the required temperature. Thermoelectric heater (TEH) is most prone to scale accumulation on its surface. The longer a coated heating element operates, the sooner it will burn out. After the heater fails, the machine ceases to cope with the main function - and the quality of washing drops to a minimum, since it is difficult to wash something in cold water. In this situation, it is necessary to disassemble the machine body and complete replacement heater with a new part.

Circulation pump failure

The pump that pumps water inside the dishwasher, if it fails, blocks the supply of water for the washing process, hence the dirty, cloudy dishes. The way out of the situation is to replace the part with a new original.

Sprinkler impeller problems

The impeller is a mechanism that rotates a rocker arm with sprinklers. If it fails, rotation stops (either one impeller or two) and the dishes are not washed well. The way out is to replace the impeller.

Temperature sensor failure

The temperature sensor (thermal relay) is used to measure the water temperature. The information received by the sensor is fed to the electronic module, which commands the heater to begin heating. If the data is incorrect (or not supplied at all), the heating element does not start and washing occurs in cold water - hence its low quality. The sensor needs to be replaced with a new one.

Malfunction of the control module

The task of the software board is to send commands to all PMM nodes. So, the module controls heating, draining and other processes. If it breaks down, the board does not work correctly, causing the machine to malfunction. In this case, the module must be flashed or replaced with a new one.

Turbidity sensor failure

This failure is specific only to expensive cars, which are designed with a sensor that monitors water turbidity. It sends a signal to the board that if the water is not yet clean enough, the cycle should continue. If the sensor fails, the module does not receive data about the state of the liquid and the washing cycle does not occur correctly. Replacing the sensor with a new one will help.

When you have a dishwasher in your home, washing plates, cups, and glasses becomes much easier. But, unfortunately, no model can work forever. Something always breaks from time to time. And then you have to look for the reasons why the dishwasher began to wash poorly.

All malfunctions can be conditionally divided into two groups: those caused by violation of the rules for using equipment, or those that appeared as a result active work machines during long-term operation.

And if in the first case everything is solved quickly and quite simply - with your own hands, then if serious problems are discovered, you will still have to turn to professional repairmen.

Breakdowns associated with violation of the rules of use

One of the most common reasons The problem that causes the dishwasher to become poorly cleaned is that not all food debris has been removed from the dishes. But every manufacturer warns about such problems. No need to ignore the operating instructions! So you will definitely have to clear the plates of food before you start washing.

If you use your dishwasher correctly, damage can be avoided.

Often the reason that a dishwasher does not clean well is an incorrect determination of the operating mode. For example, choosing an economical or short program in case of heavy pollution. But greasy plates will be washed efficiently only if you set a long wash cycle, and it is better to turn on the maximum water temperature.

If you see that your dishwasher is not cleaning well, check to see if you are overloading it. Perhaps the problem lies precisely in the large number of items to wash. To find out for sure, next time put fewer plates and see the results.

The dishwasher does not clean well even when detergents not recommended by the manufacturer are used. Check your instructions! Selecting washing solutions with unsuitable characteristics or consumption is too large volume for one cycle of operation of an electrical appliance good result they won't bring you. Try changing the brand of mouthwash or at least reducing your use to begin with.

Failures associated with active use

Unfortunately, the fault cannot always be recognized immediately, and the dishwasher continues to clean poorly even after all your efforts. In this case, you will have to look literally deeper - perhaps the reason lies inside the household appliance.

Scale formation

The cause of scale is hard water, which settles on metal parts from the inside, destroying them. Bad in in this case the fact that when negative processes reach the water sprayers, it will not be enough for high-quality washing of dishes.

For self-elimination problems at home, try using citric acid instead of detergent. Choose a mode that will last a long time at the same high temperature. When your dishwasher doesn't clean well due to scale build-up, the steps described above will almost certainly solve the problem.

Mechanical clogging with foreign objects

They are most often caused by leftover food on plates, pieces of napkins and similar debris that easily gets into the middle of a household appliance. In this regard, the main damage is caused to cleaning filters and sprinklers.

Leftover food, napkins and other debris easily clog the machine filters.

Therefore, when the dishwasher begins to clean poorly after 3–5 months of operation, you need to check the condition of the specified parts. Most manufacturers recommend cleaning filters and spray arms after each wash cycle.

Dishes that do not need to be washed in the dishwasher

Occasionally, problems arise due to the fact that items that are not intended for this are placed in the dishwasher.

  • metal frying pans, pots, etc., because rust formed during operation may represent real danger for other items when washing them at the same time;
  • thin and fragile types of porcelain sometimes break, damaging the dishwasher;
  • Products coated with varnish or anodized aluminum may change color when exposed to high temperatures;
  • on porcelain on which hand painting was applied, the design may be washed off;
  • Items made of wood, natural bone and other similarly fragile materials may become damaged or change in appearance.

Breakdowns that cannot be repaired with your own hands

Sometimes the cause of poor washing quality is really serious malfunctions. In this case, only qualified specialists with special instruments and spare parts can help.

Failure of the heating element - water heater

Since the heating element is constantly in the water, it is highly susceptible to the formation of scale on its parts. And if you don’t clean it for a long time, the dishwasher may break.

Most often, when a dishwasher fails, it is the heating element that is broken. After all, since it does not heat the water, it is not possible to wash off the grease on plates and glasses in cold water. Well, since a heating element It can't be repaired, you'll have to buy a new one.

There are a number of breakdowns that should be repaired by a specialist.

Failure of the circulation pump

Naturally, every dishwasher has a water pump that pumps water inside. If it breaks, it will not flow, which means the washing process will not begin. Here there is also only one option - to change the circulation pump.

Sprinkler impeller malfunctions

Speaking in simple words, thanks to the impeller, the mechanism with the rocker arm on which the sprinklers are installed rotates. If the impeller fails, naturally, the sprinklers will not rotate, which means there is no question of any quality dishwashing. The only solution to the problem is to replace the broken part.

Thermal sensor failure

The thermal sensor, or thermal relay, is responsible for measuring the water temperature and transmitting this information further to its destination - to the software module. The latter, in turn, gives the command directly to the heating element, helping it turn on exactly at the time when it is needed.

So, without a command from the temperature sensor, the water will remain cold and the greasy dishes will remain unwashed. In this case, there is also only one way out - replacing the damaged temperature sensor.

Software module problems

As the name of the part implies, the main task of the software module is to give accurate and timely orders to other systems of the dishwasher during its operation, such as heating, draining and filling water. It is clear that without such important detail the household electrical appliance begins to work incorrectly or even refuses to respond to your commands.

The software module is repaired by flashing or complete replacement, depending on the complexity of the malfunction.

Failure of the sensor measuring water turbidity (for expensive models)

A sensor that monitors turbidity is needed so that the software module knows exactly when to end the wash cycle. After all, if the dishes have not yet been washed and are dirty, then the water will be cloudy.

If the sensor breaks down, the software module will not be able to understand what the water is like now, and the dishwasher will continue the washing cycle until it is turned off. The solution in this case is to change the turbidity sensor.

How to repair a dishwasher (video)

Whatever malfunction you encounter, remember that you can do repairs yourself only when you clearly know what exactly should be done in a particular situation. Otherwise, you will still have to call professional repairmen, but it is not a fact that the final cost after your actions will remain the same.

A dishwasher is not as complicated a piece of equipment as it seems at first glance. Most breakdowns are caused by simple reasons. To eliminate them you don’t need high qualification or specialized knowledge. If the equipment is no longer under warranty, you can try to repair it yourself. Basic faults dishwashers and ways to eliminate them will be described further. In most cases, the causes and methods of elimination do not depend on the brand of the machine. Bosch, Siemens, Samsung, Electrolux, Miele, Indesit, Candy, Beko - it doesn’t matter. The repair is the same. The disassembly process, fastening, etc. may differ. But the basic principles of finding the causes and troubleshooting dishwashers are the same.

A dishwasher is every housewife's dream

To repair a dishwasher, you need to understand the processes that occur in it. This is the only way to determine possible reasons breakdowns and eliminate them as soon as possible.

Let's describe general principle functioning of the dishwasher. The operating algorithm is usually the same for all manufacturers, although some changes may occur. Next, we will describe the most time-consuming process - washing dirty dishes with time to “acidify” the remaining food.

As you can see, the process involves a large number of sensors All of them can fail and cause a breakdown. Filters, nozzles, and sprinklers may also become clogged. All these are causes of failure.

Breakdowns, possible causes, elimination

Many dishwasher breakdowns can be resolved with simple steps. Problems are often related to low voltage in the electrical network or low pressure in the water supply. Many breakdowns are explained by the fact that filters, grilles, and openings are clogged with food debris. All these reasons can be eliminated independently, restoring functionality.

The dishwasher does not draw or drain water - you can figure out the reasons yourself

We check at the very beginning and if the PM does not start working

Many malfunctions of dishwashers are explained by simple reasons - a drop in voltage in the network, insufficient water pressure, clogged filters, etc. At the very beginning, after we have discovered that the dishwasher is not working or is working abnormally, we check:

These are very simple steps, but it is for these reasons that the dishwasher often does not start working.

Water leak

Some dishwasher problems are caused by water leaks. Then the dishwasher stops during operation and no longer responds to commands. One of the combinations also lights up, signaling a breakdown, but each manufacturer and even each model has its own. But the result is the same - during the washing process (no matter at what stage), the car stops and no longer responds to any signals. Sometimes it can be started again. But after turning it on, it stops again.

The fact is that there is a leakage protection sensor in the pan - it is a polystyrene float. When water appears in the pan, it rises and a contact closes, which is perceived as an emergency signal. Everything is logical - if water appears in the pan, then something is going wrong. This float prevents flooding of your apartment and neighbors below.

Here are the possible causes of PMM water leaks:

Sometimes a water leak in a dishwasher is a result of a leak in one of the parts. Then you need to remove the back wall of the dishwasher and carefully inspect all the parts. There may be a leak in the hose, a connection that has lost its tightness, etc.

No drain

There are malfunctions of dishwashers of the opposite nature - the PM does not drain the water. There are reasons of a different nature. This type of breakdown is often associated with clogging drain hole or hose. Here's what it could be:

If the problem is a clogged machine, the first step is to clean the drain and filter. Next, remove the pump cover. This plastic cover, secured with bolts (bolt). In some brands it is secured with latches. We clean the impeller and impellers (holes for spraying water). In general, we remove all residues and dirt that catch our eye. The cleaner the machine is, the less likely it is to have another shutdown.

If you are repairing a dishwasher yourself and have little experience in this matter, take photographs of the position of all parts and pieces before you begin to disassemble the unit. It will be easier to restore everything. Even if it seems like there is nothing to forget.

We install everything in place and turn on the car. The water flow should be restored. If not, the problem may be with the pump. It does not pump water and should be replaced.

No water coming in or not enough water being collected

Dishwasher malfunctions are often water related. And one of them is that you don’t get enough water. It could also be that it doesn’t wash off detergent, does not rinse well. All these dishwasher malfunctions can be caused by one reason - insufficient pressure. It is checked first. The pressure in the system must be above the minimum threshold at which the PM can be operated (found in the passport). If the pressure is normal, there may be the following reasons for this failure:

To make sure that the problem is in the water supply system and not in others, pour 4 liters of water into the machine, load some dishes and start it up. If the dishwasher does not clean, there is likely a control problem with the dishwasher.

Doesn't wash well

Sometimes, after some time after you start using it, you notice that the dishwasher does not wash dishes as well. Such malfunctions are usually associated with violation of operating rules, but there may also be technical problems. So, what could be the reasons that the quality of washing dishes has deteriorated:

Dishwasher malfunctions due to deterioration in quality can also be caused by control failures. If you have checked all possible causes and there is no improvement, follow the process. You may be able to figure out why your dishwasher has gotten worse at cleaning dishes.

Knocks out the circuit breaker

Dishwasher malfunctions associated with electrical problems usually appear after power surges. Then the control also crashes. Therefore, during installation, it is advisable to take care of installing a stabilizer. If not general - for the whole apartment or house, then at least local. This could be a low-power unit for connecting a dishwasher, or maybe a more powerful one, to which you can connect several electronically controlled appliances.

If, when you turn on/start the dishwasher, the circuit breaker in the panel is knocked out, the reasons may be the following:

  • The heating element has burned out.
  • Short circuit of the wiring inside the PM.
  • The seal is broken and water gets into the parts.
  • Voltage fluctuations in the network.

Identifying the exact cause of most of these faults (except for seal failure) assumes that you know how. Take it electrical diagram dishwashers, first of all, check the condition of the fuses, then follow the diagram.

These are, perhaps, all the main malfunctions of dishwashers that you can fix yourself. If these measures do not help, you will have to resort to the services of specialists.

Video on the topic

Housewives often have to deal with the problem when their expensive and reliable dishwasher doesn’t wash well and stops coping with the functions that just yesterday it performed perfectly. The reasons for this situation are not always associated with serious technical problems. In the ranking of circumstances limiting the functionality of these devices, they are usually in the very last place.

Summarizing reviews of breakdowns, their origins can be ranked in the following order:

  • improper operation;
  • untimely cleaning and maintenance;
  • technical issues.

Users often neglect manufacturers' requirements and do not pay attention to instructions and operating manuals. The realization of their relevance comes only when their dishwasher begins to clean poorly. Typically there are five main mistakes:

  • neglect of preliminary cleaning of utensils from food debris;
  • violation of the order of placement in baskets;
  • loading with excess number of sets;
  • incorrect choice of washing modes;
  • errors when using detergents.

Pre-cleaning of utensils

Before placing the dishes in the machine, remove food residues. Otherwise, it will accumulate in the washing compartment, clog the filter, and negatively affect the operation of the sprinkler. A natural result of such use is complaints that the dishwasher does not clean well.

Placement order

Any, even the smallest dishwasher, is equipped with metal baskets, which are divided into zones for certain types utensils

The placement takes into account the direction and intensity of water flows, which allows you to thoroughly wash away contaminants. On the contrary, its violation does not allow the dishes to be washed with the required level of quality.

Laying in different models may have features, but in general it will correspond to the order shown in the table.

Exceeding the number of sets

Depending on the type of washing devices, they are designed for a certain number of sets:

  • compact models can be loaded with 4 to 6;
  • narrow models are designed for 9 sets;
  • full size can take up to 12-17.

Based on the number of sets, the manufacturer determines the optimal water consumption and other washing parameters. The packing density increases, problems arise with water splashing and detergent access into the compartment. All this does not allow us to expect that the dishes will be washed completely and with the required quality.

In some cases, housewives try to compensate for the overload by restarting or using intensive washing, which reduces the operating life of the device.

Mode selection

Different models may have different quantities modes, but standard set everyone has the same. This is the normal mode, enhanced and delicate.

Do not be surprised that the dishwasher does not clean well if the delicate (accelerated) operating mode is selected for heavily soiled utensils. At a temperature of 45 °C, the device simply cannot cope with dried food residues, grease and other contaminants.


Dishwasher malfunctions can be caused by misuse detergents The manufacturer's instructions indicate a list of products that can be used with a particular model.

Trying to use their universal analogues or detergent for other models will not allow you to get the desired effect. Disadvantages in the operation of the device may be caused by non-compliance with the dosage.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Another reason why a dishwasher does not wash dishes well is untimely maintenance. During operation, especially with a large number of sets, food residues accumulate inside the device. They settle on the sprinkler rocker arm, internal system filtration, contribute to the formation of scale and blockages.

Poor quality tap water with a large number of small particles can clog the filling filter. The only way to prevent such problems is to regularly clean the filters and thoroughly rinse the internal compartment.

technical issues

If there are no complaints about the operating procedure, but the dishwasher still does not clean well, more serious problems are likely due to the breakdown of structural elements. In branded, expensive devices such as Bosch, Electrolux or Hansa, they arise after many years of intensive use and are the result of natural wear and tear of individual components and mechanisms. Among the reasons for the decline in washing quality, experts usually mention:

  • heater failure;
  • circulation pump malfunction;
  • problems with the sprinkler rocker arm;
  • failure of the temperature sensor;
  • failure in the software module.

Heater failure

One of key elements design, which ensures water heating to desired temperature. It is more susceptible to scale formation than other elements and can burn out during prolonged use. This causes a lack of heating and the inability of the device to function normally.

Circulation pump malfunction

If this mechanism malfunctions, water supply for washing is impossible. In the latest models, the heater and pump are installed in one unit. If they fail, repair is impractical; the failure is eliminated by replacing the unit as a whole.

Sprinkler arm problems

This problem occurs when the impeller that rotates the rocker arm is faulty. If there is no rotation, the water is not distributed inside the compartment. Dishes are not washed with the required quality.

Thermal sensor failure

This element controls the temperature of the liquid, ensures that it increases to normal or decreases. Its breakdown means failure to comply with the required temperature regime, which means problems with washing. Eliminated by replacing with a new part with similar characteristics.

Software module failure

It is better to replace the problem with the software module. Responsible for transmitting commands to mechanisms and structural components. Its failure will not allow the machine to reach the desired operating mode and provide the appropriate level of processing.

It is better to eliminate all of the listed technical malfunctions with the help of an invited specialist. During repairs on our own Without proper experience and qualifications, the likelihood of new breakdowns is high.


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