Behavior of a woman during alcoholism at the second stage. Alcoholism in women: main signs and methods of treatment

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Today, the problem of female alcoholism is of increased relevance. Statistics show that over the past five years the number of women drinking alcohol has increased by more than 150%. On the territory of the Russian Federation, about 30% of the fair sex regularly drink alcohol, and a third of their number suffer from binge drinking.

Alcohol addiction in women has a more dangerous course in contrast to male alcoholism. Signs of the disease become noticeable after several years of regular drinking, due to the physiological and anatomical characteristics of the body, including:

  1. Poor tolerance of alcohol by the body.
  2. Low content in liver cells of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of ethyl alcohol.
  3. Unlike men, women's bodies contain less fluid, which helps break down ethanol.
The first signs of alcoholism in women are manifested in a constant craving for alcohol.

The time period from the first stage of alcoholism to the moment when a woman begins to suffer from withdrawal symptoms is so short that the diagnosis of “alcoholism” falls like snow on one’s head. During this period, a woman may completely drink herself to death, without the possibility of further rehabilitation and recovery.

Thus, alcohol addiction in women is an extremely serious disease that develops rapidly and has a very unfavorable course.

Causes of the disease

Typically, the causes of female alcoholism lie in problems such as: severe stress, mental wounds, loneliness, lack of work or, conversely, excessive stress, loss of a loved one, betrayal of a loved one, etc. To drown out emotions, a representative of the fairer sex begins to drink. Most often, women with low social status, lack of profession and poor heredity are susceptible to alcoholism. The latter is explained by genetic predisposition and family structure. Children whose parents regularly drank alcohol later consider this lifestyle to be normal.

Alcohol addiction often develops when you regularly drink alcohol for appetite, to relieve fatigue after a hard day, to kill time when there is nothing to do, or when getting together with friends over a bottle of wine. Many women, realizing that society condemns such behavior, begin to drink alcohol at home alone. However, the feeling of loneliness only aggravates the woman’s condition, forcing her to drink more often and more. The lack of hobbies, family, friends and work turns into alcoholism for the fairer sex.

Symptoms of female alcoholism

Due to the fact that the fair sex tries in every possible way to hide their addiction to alcohol, at the initial stage the symptoms of the disease may go unnoticed, and often even the closest people do not recognize the presence of a problem. But there are still a number of signs that indicate alcoholism in a woman:

  1. Systematic intake of alcohol. The intervals between alcohol consumption are reduced, and over time, libation becomes a daily ritual.
  2. No requirements for the quality of alcoholic beverages. With the development of the diagnosis of alcoholism, representatives of the fair sex become undemanding to the appearance and taste of alcohol; the only criterion remains the presence of ethanol in the composition.
  3. Drinking alcohol alone. A woman stops caring about the reason for using. Even in the absence of company, the alcoholic does not refuse another portion of alcohol.
  4. Mood changes. In the absence of the possibility of drinking alcohol, a woman’s mood becomes depressed, she can show aggression and, conversely, in anticipation of the next dose, the alcoholic behaves unusually cheerfully and joyfully.
  5. Spending your last money on alcohol. Even if there is no free money in the family budget, or it is set aside for an important purchase, a woman is ready to part with her last savings to purchase alcoholic beverages.

Signs of female alcoholism progress extremely quickly and result in persistent attachment

Even advanced female alcoholism, the symptoms of which are clearly visible in appearance, is very rarely recognized by the patient herself; at this moment it is very important that relatives be nearby, show patience and provide support.

Signs of addiction

Female alcoholism is vehemently condemned by society, which is why many representatives of the fairer sex hide, drinking alcohol alone. However, prolonged use of alcohol leaves an indelible mark on the body, thanks to which it is quite easy to identify an alcoholic. The photos provided in the article clearly demonstrate the external changes taking place. Signs of alcoholism in women are as follows:

  1. External. At the initial stage of development of the disease, external signs can be disguised under applied makeup. But as the disease progresses, even professional cosmetics will not be able to hide swelling, swelling under the eyes and spots on the surface of the skin. The first signs of alcoholism in women on the face appear in the following changes: the skin becomes flabby, muscle tone disappears. The whites of the eyes take on a jaundiced tint due to problems with the liver. The face may take on a blue or red tint, this indicates disturbances in the circulatory system. Swelling appears on the face, and noticeable “bags” appear under the eyes.
  2. Physiological. Long-term consumption of alcohol-containing drinks leads to the accumulation of toxins in the body, which have a detrimental effect on the internal organs and vital systems of the female body. As a result, an alcoholic develops a whole range of diseases, including: liver cirrhosis, fatty hepatitis, suppression of the reproductive system, hormonal imbalances, arrhythmia, kidney failure, decreased intellectual abilities and memory loss.
  3. Psychological. The character and habits of the alcoholic change radically; she no longer restrains herself within the bounds of decency. The psyche also undergoes pathological changes: the woman becomes irritated, aggressive, the main desire becomes the desire to get drunk, the social circle consists of the same people who have sunk to the social bottom. In advanced situations, hallucinations (both visual and auditory) and mental illness may appear. Alcoholics often become patients in psychiatric hospitals.
  4. Social. The fair sex ceases to be interested in family ties, the maternal instinct disappears, and connections with society and relatives come to naught. Often such women begin to lead a promiscuous sex life.
  5. Secondary. These signs clearly indicate that a woman suffers from an addiction, among them: a sloppy appearance, dirty hair, an unpleasant odor, unwashed clothes, etc.

Although drinkers never admit that they want to drink, they always have a reason to look into the glass

Stages of alcoholism in women

Alcoholism in women occurs in 3 stages, which differ in the degree of complexity of the condition, the behavior of the addict and the method of treatment.

Stage 1. At this stage, addiction to alcohol is just beginning to develop. As a rule, this stage is accompanied by a desire to drink when conflicts arise in the family or at work. In the future, a woman may begin to look for a pseudo-reason for the next use. This is how the first stage flows into the second, and often it is not possible to grasp this fine line. It becomes very difficult to fight desire, and the woman begins to drink systematically.

Stage 2. During this period, irritation of opioid receptors occurs if the woman does not take a portion of alcohol. A representative of the fairer sex begins to suffer from psychological dependence on alcohol. Pathological changes have not yet occurred in the structures of brain neurons and internal organs. This stage of alcoholism in women is characterized by regular consumption of alcohol-containing drinks and binges. This is the most common stage among the fair sex, which leads to early aging, destruction of internal organs and transition to the most severe stage.

Stage 3. This is the last and most dangerous stage of alcoholism in women, during which irreversible changes occur in opioid receptors, the brain, and internal organs. At the third stage, dependence on alcoholism becomes so serious that a female representative begins to drink regularly, completely changing her lifestyle. At the same time, the alcoholic develops psychological diseases, and internal organs are destroyed. Treatment of alcoholism in women at this stage rarely produces results, due to the patient’s complete lack of desire to undergo rehabilitation and the high mortality rate.

Consequences of alcohol addiction

Female alcoholism is a very dangerous phenomenon that can lead to serious and sometimes irreversible consequences. A woman’s purpose is to be the keeper of the family hearth, to take care of her husband and raise children, but in a state of intoxication this becomes impossible to do. Thus, alcoholism destroys families, leads to divorce, severance of ties with friends and loved ones, violence, and also causes the formation of psychological illnesses in children. That is why it is so important to pay attention to the presence of a problem in time and begin treatment.

Regular alcohol consumption disrupts the balance of chemicals in the brain

Alcoholism in the fairer sex develops extremely rapidly, and therefore the changes occurring in the body proceed faster . Ethanol has a destructive effect on the psyche and internal organs, often leading to the death of the patient. The consequences of alcohol dependence include toxic alcoholic encephalopathy, which manifests itself in the form of brain damage. Patients may develop polyneuropathy, in which disturbances occur in the structures and functioning of all peripheral nerves. In addition, intellectual abilities decrease, reactions decrease, and mental illness develops.

The most pronounced consequences of libation are delirium tremens and hallucinations. In addition, toxic fatty hepatitis and liver cirrhosis are frequent companions of alcoholism. Patients with alcoholism suffer from kidney failure, diseases of the pancreas and stomach. Ethanol has a destructive effect on the heart muscle, increasing the risk of heart attack or stroke. Regular use leads to impaired blood circulation in the extremities, which can provoke the appearance of trophic ulcers and gangrene. As a result, there is a need to amputate the affected limbs. Such severe consequences pose a serious danger to the life of an alcoholic, which is why, when the first signs appear, treatment should be started immediately.

How does the treatment work?

The path to recovery begins with the recognition of the need to treat the patient herself. A strong desire to get rid of addiction and return to a full and healthy life is the first step towards recovery. Unfortunately, forced treatment, even with the most modern and effective methods, will not give a stable and long-term result.

Women hide their addiction more carefully

During the rehabilitation period, it is very important to pay sufficient attention to the patient, to give her the opportunity to feel needed and complete. In addition, you should not put pressure on a woman and pour out problems on her. The task of loved ones is to help the patient not miss the moment of her desire to be cured, and at this very moment to make every effort to provide her with comprehensive treatment. It includes:

  1. Psychotherapy and psychocorrection sessions.
  2. A procedure for detoxifying the body using modern medications.
  3. Drug therapy aimed at developing an aversion to alcohol.
  4. The use of drugs that block certain brain receptors.
  5. Coding using hypnosis and psychotherapeutic sessions.
  6. Restoration of the body and affected internal organs.

All therapeutic measures must be selected individually, based on the patient’s condition, stage of alcoholism and other factors. Getting rid of alcoholism is a long and difficult path, and its effectiveness directly depends on the woman herself, her mood and desire to get rid of the destructive addiction.

Alcoholism– a psychonarcological disease characterized by dependence on alcoholic beverages. By abusing it, a person poisons the body with ethyl alcohol, the breakdown products of which, in particular acetaldehyde, affect all vital systems.

Representatives of the fairer sex become addicted much faster than men. There are three stages of alcoholism in women.

Prerequisites for systematic drinking

You don't become an alcoholic overnight. The need for regular consumption of alcoholic beverages begins gradually. The impetus for this can be a severe shock, communication with people dependent on alcohol, a difficult life situation, depression and other mental disorders. Every woman has her own motivations.

There is an opinion that it is impossible to cure female drunkenness. But there is still a way out of the situation, the main thing is to have someone to rely on. Society condemns addiction in women much more than in men.

This is the reason why ladies try not to show it in public. They are ready to hide the problem even from their relatives. As a result, the truth comes to light only when signs of regular alcohol intoxication are reflected in a woman’s appearance and behavior.

Unfortunately, at that time, treatment of alcoholism was complicated by severe addiction and concomitant diseases. Often the patient does not recognize herself as such, which significantly reduces the likelihood of a positive result.

The emergence of addiction

Women are in many ways more resilient than men. They also tolerate pain better and tolerate various diseases more easily. But, unfortunately, the influence of alcohol for representatives of the fair half of humanity is more catastrophic.

The first signs of alcoholism in women appear a long time after the trial glass. External manifestations are not particularly noticeable, but the same cannot be said about changes in character. This is caused by stress and depression, aggravated by the effects of addiction. Sleep problems and irritability become a regular occurrence.

Why does drinking alcohol by women lead to their accelerated alcoholism?

Firstly, there is less water in the girl’s body (by about 10%), which entails a higher concentration of acetaldehyde and its derivatives in the circulatory system.

Secondly, the enzymes that process alcohol work more slowly in women than in men.

Thirdly, the adaptation process is much faster and smoother. There are no unpleasant consequences in the early stages of alcohol addiction. This dulls the instinct of self-preservation, as a result of which the woman believes that a visit to a narcologist is not necessary.

Fourthly, alcohol abuse before menstruation is characterized by faster intoxication due to the increased absorption of ethanol from the stomach during this period of time.

Signs of the first stage

How to recognize alcoholism in women at an early stage?

It is possible to determine alcohol dependence by the following signs:

  1. Rapid intoxication after drinking a small amount of alcohol.
  2. Drinking drinks containing ethyl alcohol occurs 3-5 times a week.
  3. Complete denial of the problem, which is based on the attraction to alcohol and meaningless excuses for one’s behavior.
  4. Lack of gag reflex.
  5. The appearance of drinking acquaintances and the purchase of alcohol for the home.
  6. Loss of the ability to objectively analyze one’s own actions.

Each of these symptoms is formed by mental dependence on alcoholic beverages.

Signs of the second stage

Manifestations of the second phase are: hangover syndrome; increased craving for ethanol; choosing an alcoholic drink characterized by a higher degree; going on pseudo-binges, the duration of which reaches 4 days; problems with sleep, resulting in aggression towards others and excessive irritability.

Amnesia also often occurs - memory loss in this case for a short period. In such a situation, we can confidently talk about physical dependence. A girl who drinks regularly begins to notice signs of alcoholism on her face.

Signs of the third stage

Female alcoholism at this stage provokes symptoms and signs inherent in personality degradation. The duration of binge drinking increases, delirium tremens appears. Intoxication of the body with alcoholic beverages increasingly damages the brain, resulting in an increased likelihood of developing dementia. This is a disease that results in dementia.

If the second stage is called acute, then the third can be defined as chronic. It is impossible to get rid of its consequences and cannot be completely cured. A woman cannot live without alcohol. Her mind is so poisoned by alcohol that she is ready to do anything for him. Another factor in chronic alcoholism is long-term amnesia.

External changes

External signs of alcoholism in women appear already at the second stage. The color and structure of the skin changes, both on the face and throughout the body. It takes on an earthy tint, damaged capillaries provoke the appearance of purple spots and bruises, an unhealthy lifestyle is expressed in wrinkles formed due to tension in the frontal muscles and near the nasolabial fold.

Insomnia is the cause of the formation of bags under the eyes. Swelling is caused by an imbalance of fluid in the body. The eyes have an unhealthy shine, the gaze is heavy, and it is difficult to grasp coherent thoughts in it. The hair is brittle, unkempt, and the teeth can hardly be called healthy. Lack of interest in one's own life is reflected in careless, dirty clothing and behavior.

In general, the appearance completely corresponds to the way of existence.

The first signs of female alcoholism are masked with the help of cosmetics, but over time their use only strengthens the negative impression. Mental and physical dependence on ethyl alcohol contributes to tremor (shaking of hands), angularity of the figure (subcutaneous fat layer is destroyed) and other changes that cannot be corrected later.

The sooner treatment begins, the greater the chance of returning to a healthy, full life. Signs of still emerging alcoholism in women can be easily eliminated, so you should not delay going to the doctor.

Mental condition

Features of female alcoholism, formed due to the influence of bad company or problems in personal life, cause mental oddities in the patient’s behavior.

You can identify:

  • sexual looseness;
  • tendency to hysterics;
  • the desire to make a scandal;
  • nervousness;
  • coarseness;
  • selfishness even towards relatives.

Such behavior is no longer considered unacceptable, as it was previously from the position of an outside observer. Former friends and acquaintances step aside due to an obvious change of interests, new ones, due to the same habits, only welcome belonging to their society.

It seems to the woman that life has improved, because pressing problems have gone to the side, and in their place relationships have arisen with people who are free from obligations even to themselves.

Euphoria, self-confidence and lack of anxiety - these are the “positive moments” that imperceptibly lead you into the abyss.

Treatment of female alcoholism

How to treat female alcoholism?

It depends on the patient's condition. The first stage of therapy is to cleanse the body of toxins, the source of which was alcohol and the lifestyle that was provoked by it. At the same time, psychological assistance is provided. It is carried out not only for those suffering from alcohol addiction, but also for their relatives.

An individual approach is selected for each patient, since the causes of female alcoholism are numerous. You cannot cure a patient without eliminating the source of the problem. A reasonable hope of getting rid of a bad habit comes with a certain degree of trust in the attending physician.

Thanks to this, comprehension of committed actions and their objective assessment comes. To reduce cravings for alcoholic beverages, drug therapy is used to combat withdrawal symptoms.

The diagnosis of “Female alcoholism” implies treatment, which can be carried out through:

  • coding;
  • detoxification;
  • torpiding;
  • sewing in.

In this situation, the patient must want to get well, otherwise everything will be useless.

Consequences of the disease

Female alcoholism causes consequences such as infertility, amnesia, depressive disorders, pathologies of the cardiovascular and nutritional systems, chronic kidney and liver diseases, severe headaches and damage to brain cells.

Those who, with the help of doctors and their own willpower, managed to cope with this illness know how wrong people are who claim that female alcoholism cannot be treated. There is a way out of any situation.

The main thing is to have loved ones nearby who make life worth living. It is their support that can help a woman free herself from alcohol addiction and regain a full life. Former patients should understand that they were not treated in order to become dependent on the “green snake” again.


The very serious problem of female alcoholism, which destroys families, destroys the health and psyche of a woman, can only be treated when the patient herself has realized that alcohol is deadly for her, and if you continue in the same vein, continue to drink alcohol uncontrollably, then the fatal outcome will not occur. just around the corner. A drinking woman represents a terrible picture of the degradation of the human personality, and it is very important to prevent a person from reaching such a state.

What is female alcoholism

Experts disagree on the exact definitions of the concept, but any alcoholism, including female alcoholism, is a severe chronic illness, akin to drug or substance abuse, which destroys a person both physically and morally. In women, the process of addiction to alcohol and intoxication with the same doses of alcohol occurs faster than in men, since they have less body weight and the total amount of fluid in the body.

Female alcohol addiction in Russia has acquired alarming proportions, akin to an epidemic outbreak - during the first decade of the 21st century, the number of patients susceptible to alcohol addiction at various stages, according to statistical surveys, increased fivefold. If we consider that many women are ashamed of their addiction and do not go to see drug addiction specialists, then the picture will be much sadder.


A common stereotype is that women are tougher than men, they tend to endure stressful situations better, and their pain threshold is, on average, higher. The same opinion carries over to drinking alcohol - society tends to believe that women’s self-control is higher than men’s in terms of resistance to alcohol. However, the peculiarities of female alcoholism include the fact that the weaker sex is much more sensitive to the effects of alcohol than the stronger sex; women develop dependence on alcohol more quickly, and drinking has a stronger effect on them.

If society treats men who drink much more leniently - they say, the man has problems, so he is filled with grief, then an alcoholic woman causes universal contempt and condemnation, everyone believes that she is to blame for everything, since she does not know how to control herself. This attitude forces women to hide their painful craving for alcohol for a long time, even from loved ones, so the problem is often discovered when the disease is already difficult to treat.

Can female alcoholism be cured?

Back in Soviet times, there was a saying that alcohol addiction in women was incurable. Is this really so and can this disease really not be cured? If you look at the problem more broadly, you can see that women’s craving for alcohol is similar to the need of a drug addict to get another dose. There are special clinics for the treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts; many people leave them in a state of stable remission, which means that treatment for female alcoholism is also possible. In this situation, the most important thing is the patient’s persistent desire to overcome her destructive passion.

Signs of alcoholism in women

Unfavorable heredity plays a big role: if close older relatives on the mother’s or father’s side abused alcohol, then there is a high probability that their heiress will also suffer from a craving for alcoholic beverages. In addition, the patient will deny for a very long time that she has developed an unhealthy constant need to regularly take “on the breast.” She herself will not be able to notice that she has alarming symptoms, so family and friends should start sounding the alarm if they notice the following signs of alcoholism in women:

  • constant search for a reason to “use”, which can be absolutely anything;
  • constant smell of alcohol from the breath, while a woman may try to disguise it;
  • open bottles of alcohol hidden here and there throughout the house;
  • beer alcoholism in women can manifest itself as a desire to drink more and more beer or wine, because the initial dose no longer brings the necessary satisfaction;
  • hand tremors, convulsive desire to drink, even without a snack.

Signs of female alcoholism on the face

Alcohol, like any drug, has a detrimental effect on the body, so it is no wonder that the following signs of female alcoholism on the face become noticeable:

  • the complexion becomes gray, the eyes become bloodshot and cloudy;
  • a woman’s face swells, becomes puffy, and her cheeks become puffy;
  • a venous network appears around the nose;
  • an alcoholic no longer takes care of her appearance; her hair may be dirty, disheveled, and unkempt;
  • in the final stages, the face may turn yellow - this is a sign that the liver has stopped coping with shock doses of toxins poisoning it and has begun to fail;
  • the patient looks much older than her age, the features of the woman’s face lose clarity, and teeth begin to fall out.

The first signs of alcoholism in women

Despite the desire of female alcoholics to hide their craving for alcohol, it is not at all difficult to notice the first signs of alcoholism in women. They dashingly knock back glass after glass, considering this an achievement, their behavior becomes more and more cheeky, their face becomes flushed with blood, they stop taking care of themselves, and quickly lose control of the situation. Friends, instead of neutralizing the situation, encourage excessive libations. The circle of the patient begins to be limited to those people who are also intemperate to alcohol.

The female psyche is very vulnerable to alcohol-containing drinks. The disease is manifested by changes in the patient’s behavior - she becomes hysterical, psychopathic tendencies appear in her character, and a tendency to rudely cut off those who try to make comments to her about her addiction to alcohol. She can withdraw into herself, or, conversely, become unrestrained, swear, rush into fights, and become promiscuous in sexual relations.

Causes of female alcoholism

The change in the role of a woman as a housewife to that of a breadwinner and source of material well-being in the family, coupled with the persistent tendency in society to put as many responsibilities as possible on women’s shoulders, is not something that everyone can withstand. Permanent economic crises in our country aggravate the matter, forcing women to try to somehow make ends meet and look for new sources of income for themselves and their children. Not everyone survives this obstacle race, so among the causes of female alcoholism, doctors identify the following:

  • depressive psychological state, tendency to neuroses caused by external reasons;
  • various discord in the family or at work, problems with children, husband or relatives;
  • material disadvantage, causing a desire to “forget yourself” with the help of a bottle;
  • physiological factors - slow female metabolism contributes to the retention of alcohol in the body, causing the desire to drink frequently;
  • emptiness in life, when there is nothing else to do, the absence of a favorite thing.

Stages of alcoholism

Narcologists distinguish three stages of alcoholism in women, which can smoothly and imperceptibly pass from one to another:

  • First stage. At this stage, the degradation changes are still invisible - you can only see that the patient drinks more and more, trying to somehow hide it from others.
  • Second stage. It is characterized by the development of a hangover syndrome, the absence of vomiting due to alcohol abuse, memory loss, progressive changes in the psyche, brain function, and mood swings. A woman becomes asocial, her thinking and quality of life change, she loses her job, problems arise with relatives, she may start stealing, lead a riotous lifestyle, and ceases to be interested in children.
  • Last stage. The patient practically loses her human appearance, intellectual abilities, and remembers almost nothing. At this stage, the disease is difficult to treat, since it is accompanied by irreversible pathologies in the internal organs.

Diagnosis of female alcoholism

Since any tests may indicate concomitant diseases, but not alcohol dependence, narcologists are guided by the following signs when diagnosing female alcoholism:

  1. Alcohol is the most valuable item for the patient; she is ready to endlessly discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this or that drink.
  2. The patient always drinks more than she originally intended, unable to control herself.
  3. He drinks despite common sense, pressure from family, society, and his immediate needs.
  4. The patient has withdrawal symptoms.

How to deal with female alcoholism

Since narcologists deal with a variety of stages of the disease, the mental and physiological state of patients, it is necessary to combat female alcoholism on an individual basis. The patient must understand that she has a serious problem, trouble, and sincerely want to get well, making every effort to do so. The help of loved ones in this case plays a big role. Alcohol addiction can be relieved with medication in special dispensaries, where doctors use effective measures and brain coding tools to relieve psychological cravings.

Consequences of alcoholism in women

An excessive craving for alcohol destroys a person from all sides, so the consequences of alcoholism in women are terrible - complete degradation of a person occurs, loss of both physical and moral appearance. Apart from the craving for alcohol, the patient has no priorities, all social and family ties are gradually lost, no principles or values ​​remain. The body is destroyed, unable to withstand constant shock toxic doses; the liver, kidneys, heart, and brain fail. Incontinence in sexual intercourse leads to sexually transmitted diseases.

Video: Symptoms of alcoholism in women

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Alcoholism in women - symptoms and first external signs, why it is incurable and how to deal with addiction

The desire for equality between men and women has also swept Russia. Women strive to work and earn no less than men, adopt male habits and want to be less dependent on the male sex. Unfortunately, women have largely adopted the bad habits inherent in men. It is unfortunate to note the fact that an increasing number of women are becoming susceptible to alcoholism.

Female alcoholism

Women's alcoholism, like men's, is a dependence on alcoholic beverages containing ethanol. Of course, the division of alcoholism into male and female is quite arbitrary; alcoholism in the stronger and weaker sex is inherently a physiological and psychological addiction to strong drinks. Both the consequences and the mechanism of action of ethanol on a woman are no different from the same factors in relation to men. However, doctors still distinguish female alcoholism as a separate disease. Why is this happening? The development of alcoholism in women has certain specifics, completely different causes, features of the course and therapy than in men. Perhaps it’s worth starting with the factors that contribute to the development of alcoholism in women.


Women, unlike the stronger sex, are more emotional and receptive, and it is psychological reasons that often push women to relax with the help of alcohol.

The main causes of alcohol addiction in women are:

  • Depression. Factors contributing to the development of depression may include loneliness, misunderstanding of loved ones, and dissatisfaction with life lived.
  • Severe psychological trauma - leaving a spouse, loss of loved ones, illness.
  • Boredom. This reason, as a start for the development of alcohol addiction, is very typical for the wives of wealthy people. The husband is busy with business, but at the same time does not allow the woman to earn money herself. There is emptiness, a lot of unspent energy, a feeling that life is passing by. In this situation, alcohol comes to the rescue as a salvation from blues and despondency. Addiction develops very quickly.
  • Serious responsible work. In this case, serious business ladies holding high positions in the service become the targets of alcoholism. This requires a lot of effort, stress and fatigue accumulate. Alcohol is seen as a pleasant end to a working day, a way to relax and fall asleep. Over time, relaxation and calm give way to habit. This is how addiction develops.
  • Active advertising of low-alcohol cocktails and beer. Such drinks are consumed casually, in the company of girlfriends, and by teenage girls at discos. Low alcohol is not perceived as something serious, although in fact one bottle of beer is nothing more than 60 milliliters of vodka. A year later, the evening ends with a bottle of wine, and then vodka.
  • Social dissatisfaction with the situation in society, low income, inability to achieve a high status in society.


The development of addiction occurs very quickly - in just five years, a woman turns from a successful, well-groomed lady into a degenerate alcoholic. This is partly due to the fact that women hide their addiction to alcohol until the last moment, and partly due to physiological features due to which alcoholism develops much faster in the fairer sex.

Female alcoholism has the following features:

  • Low enzymatic activity towards ethanol. Alcohol is processed and eliminated from the body of a woman more slowly than in men. In this case, there is an increased sensitivity of liver tissue to the toxic effects of ethanol. The liver is destroyed very quickly, and in a short period of time a deadly disease occurs -.
  • The blood-brain barrier between blood cells and the cells of the fluid surrounding the brain in women is more permeable, and therefore ethanol penetrates much faster through this fragile membrane and affects neurons.
  • Presence of a menstrual cycle. During the premenstrual period, many women experience increased mental stress, which is easily relieved with alcohol. At this time, the absorption of alcohol into the blood increases, which enhances the toxic effect of ethanol.
  • No less important is the different water content in the bodies of men and women. Thus, in the female body there is 10% less water, which causes an increased ethanol content in the blood with the same dose drunk. An increased concentration of ethanol aggravates the intoxication of the body, and therefore irreversible negative changes in the internal organs pass faster.
  • Lower blood flow in the organs responsible for storing blood - the liver and spleen - and a large number of venous vessels contribute to rapid damage to these organs.
    Rapid absorption of alcohol in the small intestine, resulting in rapid intoxication due to increased penetration into the bloodstream.

Because of these features, the development of alcoholism in women is immeasurably faster in comparison with the male part of the population. The woman feels an increasing craving for constant drinking. In turn, frequent consumption of high doses of strong alcohol leads to a severe form of alcoholism with damage to internal organs in just a few years.
In the video about the features of female alcoholism:

Signs and symptoms

It is often very difficult for loved ones to diagnose incipient alcoholism in their relative. This is facilitated by the fear of social condemnation and the woman’s associated secrecy.

The disease can be recognized by a combination of some signs:

  • Alcohol is consumed even on minor occasions; the desire to drink is always present.
  • A rapid increase in the doses of alcohol consumed and its strength, the development of immunity to large doses of alcohol.
  • Refusal of snacks when drinking, loss of appetite.
  • A change in a woman’s social circle, the appearance of active drinkers as friends.
  • Denial of problems with alcohol, sharply aggressive behavior in response to possible comments about craving for alcohol.
  • Changes in the mental and emotional state of a woman - episodes of memory loss after drinking alcohol, constantly depressed mood, apathy, rudeness.
  • Physiological changes. Hand tremors, swelling and redness of the face appear, and traces of broken capillaries on the nose are observed. The skin around the eyes sags and bags appear under the eyes.
  • Lack of personal hygiene. A woman stops taking care of herself, becomes unkempt, and gives off an unpleasant odor of an unwashed body and unwashed clothes.

When the first symptoms of alcoholism appear, it is the woman’s relatives who should sound the alarm, since the drinking lady herself is unlikely to be able to assess how dangerous her condition is. And if at the first stage you can counteract the development of the disease on your own, then at subsequent stages you cannot do without drug support.

Photos of women suffering from alcoholism

Stages of disease development

Experts distinguish three stages of female alcoholism:

  1. The first stage is characterized by an increased desire to drink alcohol. This is due to the body becoming accustomed to the effects of alcohol and its effect on the opioid receptors of the brain. Mental dependence is formed.
  2. The second stage can be considered as binge drinking. Irritation appears from the inability to drink alcohol, psychological dependence is quite clearly expressed. Pathological changes in internal organs and the brain have not yet been observed, but the appearance of a drinking woman is already undergoing negative changes.
  3. This is the last stage of alcoholism, in which numerous pathological changes occur in the liver, kidneys, and brain. This stage is characterized by high physical and mental dependence on alcohol. The woman drinks a lot and often.


Considering the rapid development of alcoholism in women, the consequences of libations occur very quickly. In some cases, a woman reaches the third stage of alcoholism within a year or two of constant drinking.

Almost all internal organs are affected, which leads to the death of a woman or the appearance of severe pathologies:

  • due to constant poisoning of the body with ethanol;
  • multiple damage to peripheral nerves, characterized by weakness in the legs, cramps and pain in the lower extremities;
  • liver cirrhosis and progressive liver failure;
  • chronic pancreatitis of alcoholic etiology;
  • — delirium tremens, caused by the constant toxic effects of ethanol on the nervous system;
  • , caused by a lack of thiamine and leading to early dementia.


There is an opinion that female alcoholism is incurable. On the one hand, this is a true statement, since alcoholism is a disease that, in principle, cannot be completely cured. There are periods of remission that last for years, sometimes for the entire life of the patient. But an alcoholic will have to fight the temptation to drink a glass or two for the rest of her life.

The main complication in the treatment of alcoholism in women is late diagnosis. It is extremely rare for a woman to go to a narcologist on her own. This is facilitated by increased emotionality, shame and guilt towards relatives. Therefore, providing assistance to a woman who drinks is considered an extremely difficult task, especially if there is an active reluctance to receive drug treatment.

At the first stage of treatment, it is advisable to identify the reason why the woman started drinking. Eliminating this psychological background, coupled with medication support, will undoubtedly give a positive result.

It is advisable to carry out treatment of female alcoholism in a specialized department of a drug treatment clinic, where all the necessary procedures are carried out:

  • withdrawal from binge drinking;
  • and cleansing the body of ethanol breakdown products;
  • maintenance therapy with disulfiram-based drugs or;
  • psychotherapeutic assistance, conversations with a psychologist, group classes;
  • restoration of internal organs with the help of medicines - nootropics, vitamin-mineral complexes, hepatoprotectors.

In the video about the treatment of female alcoholism:

At home

By admitting her dependence on alcohol, a woman takes the first step towards recovery. However, not all alcoholics decide to fight addiction in a hospital due to a feeling of modesty, intolerance of their appearance and reluctance to be in everyone's sight. If a woman categorically does not want to go to the clinic, you can try to provide help at home. At the same time, it is important to create a favorable microclimate, an atmosphere of understanding and support.

At the first stage of alcoholism, when the internal organs are not yet affected by alcohol intoxication and the woman’s appearance has not undergone drastic changes, psychotherapeutic assistance and medicinal support for the sober period using coding are sufficient. This treatment can be combined with work and normal daily life.

At the second, and even more so the third stage, treatment of alcoholism at home is impossible.

As with any other disease, alcoholism is easier to prevent than to treat. When the first signs of depression or mental anguish appear, a woman needs to consult a specialist as soon as possible, and not discuss her troubles over a glass. Those ladies who have alcoholics in their family should be especially careful.

Documentary about female alcoholism:

Female alcoholism is the result of a number of different causes, which, in turn, are closely intertwined with the causes of male alcoholism, which gives grounds, in general, to equate the provoking factors. Meanwhile, female alcoholism has one extremely important distinctive feature in this comparison. Our article today is about what this difference is, about the stages of alcoholism and the features of its treatment in women.

Causes of female alcoholism

Returning to what we started, we note that the difference between female and male alcoholism stated above is that its basis in women is emotional and psychological, which determines its characteristics. When even a small amount of alcohol gets into our body (and more specifically, into our brain), it has a corresponding effect, which in particular affects the neurotransmitter system. Against the background of this effect, drinking alcohol is accompanied by euphoria, relaxation and general calm. It is precisely the listed features of the impact that in the overwhelming majority of cases determine the desire to use this particular remedy to distract from problems and for relaxation. Considering that women are more flexible psychologically, their ability to skillfully balance between states of brain activation due to alcohol and depression is determined, which in particular relates to the doses consumed.

Delving into the reasons against which female alcoholism develops, we can make a comprehensive generalization into two main categories for all factors that serve as their basis, in particular these are psychological and physical reasons. Let's take a closer look at these options.

  • Psychological reasons:
    • The predisposition of women on an emotional level to solve problems associated with the state against a background of stress without the involvement of strangers. Here, in particular, we can consider the almost usual way of relieving stress through “get-togethers” with friends, which, in turn, are almost traditionally accompanied by drinking alcohol (seeing a doctor, as is clear, is excluded; a problem of one kind or another is solved at the specified social and everyday level ).
    • An increased level of stress load, which in general, in certain conditions, falls on the female body.
    • High level of importance of social factors and society as a whole. In this case, it means the acceptance of certain forced positions to which certain life circumstances predispose, as well as the role that a woman adheres to against their background. Because of this, in turn, an excess load arises, which a woman is often unable to adequately bear. As an example, we can cite a situation in which, based on the prevailing model of behavior in society, a woman cannot show her weakness because of the “wrongness” of such behavior. As a result, the load becomes excessive, and an easy path to relaxation helps to get rid of it, which, as is clear, goes through alcohol.
    • The existing model of a woman’s perception of other female representatives who drink alcohol is hostility towards them. Because of this internal contradiction, reinforced by other accompanying factors, everyday drunkenness among women has a hidden form. Because of this situation, additional stress arises, which, this time, is associated with the need to hide one’s own addiction. Such a vicious circle leads not only to an increase in the woman’s general stress state, but also to the fact that alcohol begins to be consumed in even larger quantities.
  • Physical reasons:
    • less water in a woman’s body, due to which the concentration of alcohol in it is higher;
    • less muscle mass, due to which severe intoxication occurs;
    • achieving the required antidepressant result by drinking less alcohol, resulting in the formation of an illusory perception regarding the safety of this method of dealing with stress;
    • increased degree of absorption of ethanol, caused by hormonal characteristics inherent in the female body.

In general, continuing to consider the causes of female alcoholism, we cannot help but dwell on some of its other, no less important features. So, for example, the first of them is that the loss of loved ones is perceived by a woman much more deeply (this applies to such examples as, for example, divorce, loss of a child, etc.). Against the backdrop of this kind of stress, women seek to escape reality using a means at hand, which, as is understandable, is alcohol. Next is the awareness of some “underrealization”, missed opportunities, family troubles and the general way of life (suspicions about the husband’s mistress, the passage of time and the passing of youth, sacrificing a career for the current role of a housewife, etc.).

An equally common reason for female alcoholism is career. Having completely devoted herself to the role of a successful businesswoman, a woman, meanwhile, loses an equally important role - the role of a happy woman and mother, in other words, against the backdrop of success in her professional activities, her personal life suffers, which can also lead to the subsequent formation of addiction to drug use alcoholic drinks, due to which this kind of inferiority is muffled. Inferiority is considered both in the context of the general way of life and in the context of considering oneself as an individual, which in both cases aggravates the essence of the problem.

An equally significant role is given to problems of other social scales. In particular, this is a certain specificity of professional activity and the difficulties that accompany it, these are the financial difficulties that, for one reason or another, a woman has to face, these are, in the end, the features of the initially laid and reinforced foundations in terms of education and upbringing. A common problem with the listed options is the presence of drinking men in any of the woman’s social circles. At particular risk, oddly enough, are also women in leadership positions (which we have already discussed in the context of the definition of businesswomen), as well as women in similar positions in companies directly involved in the production of alcoholic beverages or in their sale. The presence of certain nervous diseases, as well as mental illnesses, attitudes towards criminal activity or prostitution - all this also causes the formation of an addiction to alcohol in women.

Regardless of the examples that readers themselves can add to the listed options, the relevance of the problem of female alcoholism, unfortunately, will not decrease, and any of the factors considered can play a leading role in the formation of such addiction. Based on approximate statistical data, it is known that female alcoholism, especially in recent years, is considered a rather serious problem. Again, based on these data, it is known that about 25% of women who drink alcohol do so systematically, and 45% of women even drink alcohol during binge periods. In approximately 4% of cases, women drink alcohol periodically (“on occasion”) and about 28% of the total number of drinkers balance within periods of abstinence, alternating with binge drinking (we can also talk about daily drinking). It seems that there is little point in focusing readers’ attention on the fact that such figures seem at least frightening.

Features of female alcoholism

Despite the presence of general parallels with male alcoholism, female alcoholism, of course, has a number of its own characteristics, and although we discussed some of them a little higher, it would not be amiss to reveal the issue concerning them in more detail.

First of all, the point here is the peculiarities of women's addiction to alcohol. Thus, in particular, it is known that full-fledged dependence and corresponding addiction to alcohol - all this develops in women much faster than in men. So, if in order to obtain the status of an alcoholic a man needs to drink alcohol regularly for a period of 7 to 10 years, then addiction in women, which causes subsequent dependence, occurs much faster - about 5 years.

What is noteworthy is that the symptoms of alcoholism in women begin to develop so rapidly that treatment due to this feature is associated with a number of difficulties. Based on such a rapid addiction to alcohol in the female body, it is not surprising that the effect on the state of the body also occurs in a more pronounced and rapid form. Among the most common pathologies relevant for female alcoholics are various pathologies of the pancreas and liver.

Due to the influence of alcohol, a woman loses the ability to behave adequately, as a result of which she is assigned the status of a cheeky person, which, in turn, leads to the consolidation of another side that characterizes a woman no less clearly - commitment to promiscuity. Due to the lack of necessary hygiene for this type of relationship, certain sexually transmitted diseases, as well as diseases of the genitourinary system, become frequent companions of alcoholism. Based on a number of data concerning medical studies regarding alcoholic women, it was revealed that only 10% of them can “boast” of a normal state of the functions of the gonads. As for the rest of the women, here the picture in a certain direction is not only depressing, but also irreversible. In particular, we are talking about motherhood, or more precisely, about the inability to do so. This limitation is due to the fact that, against the background of alcohol abuse, women experience degeneration of ovarian tissue into adipose tissue, resulting in loss of reproductive function.

But that's not all. No less serious consequences are caused by female alcoholism in terms of the gradual development of mental disorders, and these disorders are only intensified under the influence of alcohol consumed by a woman. Changes also affect character traits, which manifest themselves in hysteria and nervousness, selfishness and aggressiveness. Significantly earlier in women (compared to men) with alcoholism, encephalopathy develops, which causes further personality degradation and the development of dementia.

Female alcoholism: stages

Alcoholism develops in accordance with certain stages, in accordance with them there is a transition from a period of minimal dependence, in which doses of alcohol consumption are small, to a period of absolute loss of self-control, within which alcohol consumption is accompanied by personality disintegration in combination with actual somatic pathologies. Let us highlight specific stages of the process of alcoholization, and note that in their consideration we are talking about already formed alcoholism, in which, accordingly, there is already a dependence on alcohol.

First stage consists of loss of control over the dosage of alcohol. In everyday life, this pattern of alcohol consumption is called “ignorance of the limit/norm.” Basically, intoxication has a fairly pronounced form during each episode of alcohol consumption, while concomitant psychoneurological disorders of one type or another are absent at this stage, and, as a rule, a certain self-criticism remains. Meanwhile, regardless of the severity of the situation within this stage, not every woman is ready to admit the fact that she is simply drinking herself to death.

Second phase characterized by the formation of a hangover or withdrawal syndrome. This is due to the fact that a certain kind of changes have already occurred in the body against the background of alcohol abuse, and changes on a very significant scale, such that as a result of which tolerance to ethanol has increased, and therefore in order to achieve the usual state of intoxication with the accompanying consequences, it is necessary to large dose of alcohol. As a result, the higher the dose, the more intense the poisoning caused by acetaldehyde becomes, and this, in turn, causes an even more severe form of intoxication of the body.

Based on the actual processes of this stage, characteristic changes occur in a woman’s appearance, in particular they consist in the development of puffiness of the face and redness of the skin, lips become swollen, and eyes take on the appearance of slits. Also, purple spots or bluish spots appear on the skin, bruises form under the eyes, the eyes may shine, but at the same time there is a general unhealthy appearance. A drinking woman stops taking care of herself, her hair is tangled and greasy. Due to the rapid disappearance of fatty tissue while drinking alcohol, women’s legs, arms and shoulders lose their inherent smoothness in movement, and excessive muscularity develops due to this type of loss.

It should be noted that the appearance of a woman who abuses alcohol changes not only quite quickly, but also irrevocably; she literally becomes decrepit day after day. Again, women suffer from the effects of alcohol on the female body and hair, which begins to fall out and turn gray quite early, as well as teeth - they, in turn, crumble greatly. In addition, shortness of breath becomes a frequent accompaniment of female alcoholism, and, as one can understand, corresponding, negative changes in character appear. It should also be noted here that the listed changes are relevant to the second stage, which is characterized by a greater degree of severity of the course, which, accordingly, complicates the subsequent treatment of female alcoholism at this stage.

Concerning third stage, then here alcohol affects almost everything, from emotional manifestations to physiological manifestations. The main symptom corresponding to this stage of female alcoholism is binge drinking.

Female beer alcoholism

This type of alcoholism in most cases is perceived by our fellow citizens as a matter of course, moreover, as a normal and safe phenomenon that has nothing in common with alcoholism. Meanwhile, this is not at all the case, and in this section we will briefly explain why, also highlighting the main symptoms, stages and features of beer alcoholism in women.

The formation of an addiction to beer usually begins with a standard scenario in which low-alcohol drinks are used as a means of relaxation. We can only talk about one bottle a day, however, due to the apparent harmlessness of this method of relaxation, beer is consumed daily.

Thus, drinking one or two bottles of this type of alcohol per day, a woman does not feel any special changes in her own body, nor does she feel the danger associated with drinking beer. All that accompanies drinking alcohol is euphoria and a certain feeling of intoxication. As in any similar scheme (take, for example, drug addiction), the sensations experienced during intoxication are fixed in the brain, and this is also accompanied by the emergence of a desire to repeat these sensations again and again. At this stage, it is advisable to consider the transition to the next stage of alcoholism. According to the same scheme and for the same reason, the doses of alcohol taken are gradually increased, reaching about several liters per day. In the future, there is a risk of subsequently increasing the dosage or switching to more “serious” drinks, because beer does not provide the opportunity to achieve the desired effect in the same volume. Meanwhile, as you can see, it is beer that acts as a kind of springboard for alcoholism as such.

The addiction to beer in women (as well as in men) develops imperceptibly, and the addiction manifests itself much faster than in cases of drinking other types of alcohol. For the most part, the basis for this is the attractive taste characteristics, as well as the already noted imaginary harmlessness attributed to beer in comparison with other types of alcohol.

As for the symptoms accompanying beer alcoholism, they are for the most part similar to the symptoms that appear when drinking another type of alcohol. Let us highlight a number of signs on the basis of which a preliminary diagnosis of “beer alcoholism” is made:

  • beer is consumed by a woman in quantities exceeding 1 liter per day;
  • within the framework of the so-called “sober” periods, a woman becomes angry and aggressive;
  • disruption of events and meetings during which it was planned to drink beer leads to severe anger and irritability;
  • headaches become common;
  • beer acts as a kind of stimulant that ensures a woman’s normal mood;
  • during the daytime, drowsiness is noted, while at night, on the contrary, insomnia is relevant;
  • Without the need to drink beer, a woman cannot rest and relax normally.

As for the external manifestations that accompany beer alcoholism, they are similar to the symptoms already discussed earlier and are as follows:

  • constant weakness and lethargy;
  • puffiness;
  • untidiness;
  • cyanosis of the lips, swelling of the lips (explained by the increased load placed on the kidneys);
  • disproportionate thinness of the lower extremities;
  • early aging of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles on it, as well as early aging of the skin.

In addition, due to significant volumes of beer consumption, women become masculine, which is accompanied by characteristic symptoms. In particular, this is a change in figure in accordance with the specified sign, a “beer mustache,” and a deepening of the voice. Hair may also begin to grow in the face or chest area.

The accelerated pattern of the process of destruction of the female body by alcohol is determined by the characteristics of natural female enzymes, which differ from male enzymes in their own activity in terms of the breakdown of alcohol and its deactivation.

Among the physiological manifestations of the symptoms of beer alcoholism, the following points can be distinguished:

  • decreased fertility;
  • depression;
  • development of chronic diseases relevant to internal organs (kidneys, heart, liver, etc.);
  • development of diseases of the nervous system.

Due to disruption of tissue nutrition in the body, as well as damage to small nerves by alcohol, a woman’s intelligence gradually decreases, memory loss occurs and, ultimately, dementia develops. Interest in everything that happens around is lost, and the main goal of existence (not life, but existence) becomes getting, in one way or another, the next and next portion of beer.

As for the psychological symptoms relevant to beer alcoholism, here women face problems in the form of internal psychological soul-searching and depression, they also become moody and tearful. Among other things, the maternal instinct decreases, any desire to take care of the family also disappears, which, again, is dictated by new goals in a woman’s life. Against the background of beer alcoholism, absolute degradation of personality develops, within which understanding of one’s own situation is lost.

To say that female alcoholism is incurable is, of course, incorrect. Meanwhile, it can be quite difficult to change a person’s perception regarding his or her established belief that alcohol is an effective means of dealing with severe forms of anxiety, as well as with various adversities in one or another area of ​​life. It is also difficult to change the attitude of patients towards their own condition and to convince them of the need for treatment of alcoholism due to its established relevance, which is not always recognized by patients.

In a situation where a person (in our case, a woman, although this certainly applies to men as well) feels that drinking alcohol leads to relief, it can be argued that there is already a real problem with alcohol. If alcohol consumption develops into a habit, this, accordingly, also determines the relevance of the problem. And, finally, when there is a feeling that there is not enough alcohol (in one form or another) to ensure normal and adequate well-being, then we are no longer talking about just a problem, but about alcoholism as such. It is the awareness of the problem, regardless of the scale of its relevance, that is the main step in the treatment of alcoholism.

Returning to treatment, we repeat that the disease, namely alcoholism, can be treated, but you need to start treatment as early as possible. The point, as the reader was able to understand, is the rapid progression of degradation against the background of alcoholism in women, not to mention other related problems. Separately, the emotional degree of involvement of a woman is also taken into account, this also includes dependence on the current opinion of the environment, self-hypnosis. Again, the lack of particular discrimination in sexual relations, which is eliminated by alcohol, also does not add attractiveness to the overall picture of alcoholism. By the way, during the period of so-called “enlightenment” (time without drinking alcohol, a pause in the form of a state of sobriety), a woman, delving into the peculiarities of her own behavior during the period of alcoholic euphoria and oblivion, is usually faced with a pronounced feeling of guilt, bordering on self-destruction, which , in turn, provokes a subsequent return to alcoholic libations for relief. Thus, without assistance in the form of appropriate treatment, a woman is simply forced to be in such a vicious and vicious circle.

In general, methods of treating female alcoholism can be called traditional. In particular, this is treatment in a drug treatment center, coding, aversive therapy, and psychocorrection. The use of traditional methods of treatment, homeopathic medicines, and dietary supplements is also allowed. Moreover, in some cases, a combination of methods is possible, based on which there is a high probability of achieving successful results. Let's look at some methods of treating alcohol addiction in women.

Coding and common methods of combating female alcoholism

Coding determines either the provision of a certain psychological impact, or the formation of a ban on drinking alcohol through a conditioned reflex that arises as a response to the current disulfiram-ethanol reaction. It is also possible to combine a psychotherapeutic method with a certain medicinal effect on the woman’s body.

Regardless of whether we are talking about a suggestion session or a medicinal procedure, coding for alcoholism is initially based on communication with the patient, as well as on compiling an anamnesis of the disease we are considering. In some cases, you may also need data obtained by interviewing relatives in certain areas.

Regardless of the coding method, the patient’s consent to it is a prerequisite for its implementation. Before the procedure, the doctor explains all those points that are relevant in it, the emphasis is placed not only on a possible positive result, but also on what consequences and complications may occur during coding. Also, before coding, the patient must avoid drinking alcohol for a certain period of time; the duration of such a period can range from 2-5 days to 2 weeks.

The duration of the coding period is determined individually, taking into account the medical history and characteristics of the patient’s condition; in general, coding is possible for a period from one month to five years.

Torpedo. This coding method involves intravenous administration of a prolonged form of disulfiram. If a woman begins to drink alcohol after this, the gradual release of disulfiram will provoke a sharp and immediate formation of a corresponding reaction, in which medical assistance cannot be avoided. The treatment of female alcoholism, reviews of which relate to this method, is very contradictory in terms of its effectiveness; there are many negative opinions about it. Thus, in the West it has not been used for a long time due to the fragility of the result, as well as due to the serious harm it causes to patients on a psychological level. However, there is also no need to talk about the lack of effectiveness, because the method is quite suitable for its implementation.

Dovzhenko's method. This method is the very first in coding; it involves influencing the patient through his consciousness. Initially, the psychotherapeutic effect occurs within the framework of group therapy, then it is provided on an individual basis, for which both psychological and physical measures are used.

Esperal. In this case, either Esperal gel is administered (parenterally - injections that prevent their entry into the gastrointestinal tract), or a special type of tablet is sewn in. Disulfiram, which acts as an active substance, is slowly released when drinking alcohol, provokes a corresponding reaction from the body, against the background of which a negative attitude towards alcohol is formed in patients. The method is easy to implement and quite in demand; in addition, its positive side is its long-term effectiveness (up to 5 years). The method is good for those patients who have successfully endured a period of sobriety pre-established by the doctor as a measure of preparation for the procedure. Esperal can also be taken in the form of tablets, but although this method is the simplest, in this case it is very easy to fail in the systematic use of them, as well as in drinking alcohol.

Hypnosis. This method in the treatment of alcoholism represents a variety of variants of the author's hypnosis techniques. Their goal is based on introducing the patient into a controlled state of hypnosis, in which bringing him to a borderline state is accompanied by instilling in him thoughts of negative content regarding alcoholism while simultaneously forming a negative attitude towards any type of alcoholic beverages.

Aversive therapy, namely, it implies the listed coding options, is often accompanied by a number of additional problematic issues. For example, patients often develop various phobias, they also develop fears regarding fermentation products, and they also develop fears regarding skin contact with any liquids that contain alcohol.

Another disadvantage of these measures is the treatment of the manifestations of the disease, but not the impact on the causes that provoked it. Considering this feature, in the treatment of alcoholism, it is preferable to use any of these methods as the initial stage of treatment, due to which for a certain time it will be possible to ensure the restoration of the normal functioning of the body as a whole, and also to enable the patient to stay sober (literally and figuratively ) approach understanding of your own life.

Joseph Addison

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