Righteous Elder Nikolai (Guryanov). The church has an armored train, but no driver! alexey dobyn about the new arrogance of slanderers of the Russian people

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About the destructive activities of the website of Alexey Dobychin's website "Moscow the Third Rome" Roman Kotov May 18th, 2017

Our Motherland is dear to us - Russia, we believe in Christ, and we believe in it - Holy Rus', the resurrection. We believe that the time will come when our country will wake up from its current suicidal intoxication, repent and once again become Orthodox and Royal. We believe that not everything is lost for our people, that “salvation for the world comes from Russia,” as St. Seraphim Vyritsky said, that “Holy Rus' is the foot of the throne of God,” that it is still will show you from the best side. Like the prodigal son, our people will return to their Heavenly Father and again become Orthodox, Russian. The madness of fratricide will stop and “On the bones of the martyrs, as on a strong foundation, there will be

a new Rus' was erected - according to the old model, strong in its faith in Christ God and the Holy Trinity - and according to the behest of Prince Vladimir, it will be like a single Church” (St. Righteous John of Kronstadt).

But how much on this faith of ours - on our hope, there are all kinds of speculations, games, deceptions! Whoever earns a name and money for himself on Orthodoxy, on the faith of our people in the future bright life - with the Sovereign at its head. How many different “prophets” and “public leaders” have become attached to the people’s pain and to the people’s aspirations! The Internet is full of all kinds of temptations, and the enemy of the human race and the Orthodox have not escaped. “For false Christs and false prophets will arise and show signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect” (Mark 13:22).

It is sad that many of those who lead our people away from the path of salvation are not given any notice. Moreover, many priests simply ignore them, believing that it is useless to fight such phenomena, or they listen to them in one way or another. I would like not to remain silent about one blatant case of deceiving people.

There is such a well-promoted website in the Orthodox community “Moscow-Third Rome”. The name is beautiful, but the content is not at all the same as in the picture. Materials of scandalous “revelations”, panicky calls constantly appear on it, people are intimidated - and all this for years, systematically, obviously not by one person, but by a large editor. Many people (judging by the views of key articles on this site - thousands and tens of thousands) believe him as a source of truthful information, due to the scandalousness and supposed frankness of the articles, without thinking about who is distributing this information and why.

What would I like to say about the essence of the problem? More than once “Third Rome” Dobychin “stopped the Gulf Stream”, set dates for the start of worldwide catastrophes, called for support for Kvachkov’s “people’s militia”, called for people to go into the forests (dig dugouts), etc. Not to mention the attacks on everyone who the editors of this site do not like - from the anti-globalist writer Sergei Filimonov to the creator of the “First Positive Portal” ppp1.ru Sergei Aliev.

Not so long ago, the editors of the site openly stated that they know for certain the coming Emperor, allegedly from the words of Hieroschemamonk Raphael (Berestov). Moreover, this is a monk (!) and the future Tsar-Patriarch (!?), who, as the “Third Rome” writes, will be both the Tsar and the Patriarch in one person. All this could have been ignored. Moreover, real Orthodox elders, who are familiar first-hand with spiritual issues, do not bless reading this site. But on the Internet there is not much information from spiritual fathers and there are a lot of all kinds of false directions, or, in the language of the Runet, “fakes.” One of which is this latest provocative release from the Dobynsky website. It would seem that we could remain silent again. But there is a limit to everything!

The website “Moscow - the Third Rome” poisons the lives of thousands of people, driving them into panic, a passionate state, deceives their bright hopes, and invites them to believe in outright deception. Together with the films of Dobychin himself and his video messages, he creates an information background where he, Alexey Dobychin, supposedly knows the real Sovereign, whom Orthodox Russia is waiting for, and acts on his behalf! And on his behalf, allegedly, the next (seventh, eighth and further) appeal is written by the unknown “monk Michael” - the “prophet” of the Tsar-Patriarch. I note that these appeals are read by thousands of Orthodox Christians, and many, unfortunately, believe in this information. After all, not everyone will go to check the veracity of such statements with real elders, and these statements can confuse many.

Roman Kotov, Orthodox journalist
More interesting facts

Alexey Dobychin:

Dear fathers, brothers and sisters!

Today we must understand the main thing - with the victory of Trump in the USA, the world has completely changed and found itself in the hands of the Antichrist and the devil. People have not yet realized this and continue to live their normal lives. But what was before will never happen again. Never!

Now events in the world will begin to change rapidly and catastrophically for all humanity, which has rejected God, His commandments and completely submitted to Satan. Including in Russia and in all “Russian countries”... We ourselves made our choice. We ourselves have given all rights over ourselves into the clawed paws of the godless devil and now we will accept what we deserve.

These are not some speculations, versions or fantasies, but this is today’s reality. The USA - the most powerful power in the world - the “club” of the new world government - found itself in the clutches of the Antichrist. Satanic Chabad, which is rapidly preparing the world for the reign of the Antichrist, has now received complete power over the world. Complete and undivided!

The son-in-law and daughter of US President Trump are part of Chabad and are its tools to achieve the goals set by the Satanists. Therefore, the world is facing war, upheavals, cataclysms and catastrophes, i.e. everything that is described in Revelation and in the prophecies of the holy fathers. And this will not happen in 20-30 years and not in 200 years, as seduced interpreters and various experts like to philosophize about it. This will happen here and now!

Brothers and sisters, we must understand that the way we lived before is no longer possible. Full spiritual mobilization and willingness to stand in the Truth to the end are required! Only Golgotha ​​- there is no other way to salvation for the faithful of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Of course, it is very difficult for us now. Antichrist's servants have infiltrated our Russian Orthodox Church, and other local churches, led by these wolves through godless ecumenism and modernism into the pernicious church of the Antichrist. But the Lord always has servants and shepherds faithful to Him. Let's stick to them.

Let us repent of our sins and pray to the Lord to grant Rus' the Anointed of God - the Tsar. Let us ask God for victory over the satanic yoke of the Jews, which has been tormenting Rus' and the Russian people for a hundred years. For God to grant victory, soldiers must fight!

Let us not become discouraged, grumble and fall into despair. The time for the decisive battle has come and the soldiers of Christ, the soldiers of the Heavenly King, have not stopped cowardly throwing away their spiritual swords and surrendering to the enemy. Let's arm ourselves with the power of the Lord, raise our prayer shields and, without hesitation, go into battle!

The Lord has defeated all enemies! And we are heirs of this victory if we do not fall away from Him and remain faithful to Him until death. Thank God for everything! Amen

Food for thought:


To begin with, let us recall that it was Chabad Ivanka, Trump’s daughter, who had a “significant influence” on Washington’s decision to carry out a missile attack on government forces in Syria. She demonstrated “considerable influence in the Oval Office” at a crucial moment, The Independent reported, citing sources and diplomatic records.

A very indicative phrase flashed in some media that “ Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner calls the shots in the war zone«.

Radio Liberty writes: “The husband of US President Donald Trump's daughter, Jared Kushner, who is an adviser to the president, arrived in Iraq. A representative of the American administration told reporters about this. The purpose of the visit, as well as the list of persons with whom negotiations will take place, are not disclosed.”

The New Yorker, USA writes: “In some ways, President Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner's surprise trip to Iraq this week was not surprising. At this point, it comes as no surprise that some Trump administration officials thought the decision was a good idea. send a newcomer to a war zone, or ignore normal diplomatic procedures, or turn a war in which American soldiers are putting themselves at risk and in which Iraqi civilians are dying in random airstrikes as an excuse to brag about their relatives.

Trump's team is undoubtedly very aware that the US President's closest relative is a very tempting target in a war zone. Perhaps the team decided that the American and Iraqi armies would send so many soldiers to protect Kushner that there would be nothing to fear - at least for him personally. The fact that the announcement of his impending visit could endanger many of these ordinary soldiers apparently did not occur to White House officials.

What is the main question? The question is, does Trump really think Kushner is competent enough to do the job the president has chosen for him to do?

On Monday, April 3, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer was asked how Kushner would be able to handle all of this, to which he responded: “He has a team that he leads”. Asked if he could name some of the members of Jared's team, Spicer first tried to refer to an emissary and a "group of people" from the American Innovation Division - who would be helping Kushner on another project. namely in a project to combat the drug addiction epidemic- and then gave up and said that in it “different people” will play “different roles”. Many tasks, many people, many roles...

In Iraq Kushner met with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi(Haider al-Abadi), and no matter what he says, his words will be perceived as a certain signal.

Besides, Kushner was instrumental in planning Trump's meeting with the Chinese president Xi Jinping, whose much more experienced team also sees Trump's inexperience as an opportunity.

The idea that powerful foreigners are taking him seriously because in much less democratic countries the role he plays is so familiar is a common theme in reports about Kushner's dealings.

Thus, Kushner is negotiating with the Prime Minister of Iraq, preparing and scheduling a meeting with the leader of China, all this before the attack on the base in Syria, and also claims that “ the role he plays is a familiar one."

It's time to take a closer look at this figure to understand what role he is hinting at.

TASS writes: “At 36 years old, Jared Kushner has reached unprecedented heights: he is a multimillionaire, the owner of one of the largest development companies in New York, and also a senior adviser to the President of the United States, his father-in-law Donald Trump. The young official is credited with many accomplishments: from organizing Trump’s acquaintance with Henry Kissinger and Rupert Murdoch to organizing the Republican billionaire’s virtual campaign on social networks. Recently, Kushner's role in the White House has become so great that he is seriously called the shadow president of the country.

People like Jared Kushner are called in the West “born with a silver spoon in their mouth” - in the sense that he and his brother Joshua, as well as two sisters Nicole and Dara, grew up in luxury from early childhood and did not know poverty. His father Charles Kushner is a famous philanthropist and tycoon, founder of the development company Kushner Companies and one of the main donors of the Democratic Party- Made billions of dollars selling real estate in New Jersey.

In business, Kushner Sr. did not shy away from gray schemes, which is why in 2005 he was sentenced to imprisonment for tax evasion, illegal contributions to the election campaign and pressure on witnesses.

As a youth, Kushner studied at a private Jewish school - yeshiva, but was not a particularly diligent student. Well-known journalist Daniel Golden in his book “The Cost of Admission” writes that Jared’s father donated $2.5 million so that his son would be accepted into Harvard.

In 2009, Kushner married a representative of another large development clan in New York - Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka. Before the marriage was consummated, she adopted the Jewish religion and has been leading a corresponding lifestyle ever since. The Kushner-Trump couple is raising their three children in the traditions of Judaism, follows a kosher diet, and donates money to synagogues and Jewish schools. Both also diligently observe Shabbat: from sunset on Friday until Saturday night, they turn off their phones and do not participate in any government affairs. Journalists note that, coincidentally, it is during Shabbat that Donald Trump writes his most scandalous tweets and makes his most controversial statements.

Kushner joined Trump's campaign headquarters immediately after his presidential nomination - fortunately, the relationship between father-in-law and son-in-law has always been extremely positive. Gradually and very confidently, the young man began to participate in almost all aspects of the campaign - many both inside and outside the campaign headquarters called Kushner the de facto leader of the campaign team. He helped Trump select a communications director, oversaw the creation of an online fundraising system, and also had a hand in writing several of the Republican's keynote speeches.

But perhaps his greatest merit is the campaign he organized in support of Trump on the Internet and social networks.

Previously, Kushner had already communicated with a wide range of high-ranking foreign officials: British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson, members of the Canadian government, EU diplomacy head Federica Mogherini, and Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray Caso.

Another area under the jurisdiction of the young official is US relations with Israel. During the official visit of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Washington, it was Kushner who was present at the negotiating table between the leaders of the two countries - representatives of the State Department, including experts on Middle East issues, were not invited. According to CBS State Department sources, the decision was made to “make the discussions more personal” due to the fact that Trump, Netanyahu and Kushner are longtime acquaintances.

Kushner also played a key role in organizing Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Washington. It was in his office in the Trump Tower skyscraper on December 9 and 10 last year that the American side had contacts with the Chinese Ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai and Member of the State Council of the People's Republic of China Yang Jiechi. “During this meeting, Yang Jiechi outlined his proposals. China wants the Trump administration to embrace the concept of a "new model of great power relations" - Xi Jinping's idea of ​​conflict avoidance and cooperation."- says The Washington Post.

In the current US administration, Kushner takes the position of an “outsider among his own” - in a predominantly conservative White House, he promotes measures that are unpopular among Republicans. In particular, he persuaded Trump to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement, and also blocked the upcoming presidential decree weakening the rights and freedoms of the country's LGBT communities and religious minorities.

However, Kushner’s liberal views do not hinder his career advancement in the camp of conservatives. At the end of March, it became known that under his leadership a new executive body would be formed - the Office of American Innovation, which would function as an independent unit in the West Wing (where the Oval Office is located), directly subordinate to Trump.

It is expected that this structure will become a kind of task force, consisting of former leaders of commercial organizations, which is designed to “bring fresh thinking” to Washington. In addition, according to The Washington Post, the division will eventually will transfer a number of government functions.

Kushner’s activity is not limited to this field. The ABC television channel tried to compile a list of all the responsibilities assigned to the young man by the president. The list is impressive:

Planning for Xi Jinping's visit.

Making peace in the Middle East.

The fight against IS ( or more precisely - curation)

Reform of the criminal justice system in the United States.

Leadership of the Office of American Innovation.

Reform of social support for veterans.

Combating the opioid epidemic.

Renewing the US Federal Government."

So, there is one point left, but the most important one for understanding the threat hanging over the whole world!!!

The publication “The Whole Truth About Anti-Zionism” writes (anti-Zionism has nothing to do with anti-Semitism): “When more than six months ago it became clear that Senator Bennie Sanders was hopelessly losing the primaries in the Democratic Party to Hillary Clinton, those Israelis who believed that “a Jewish president is bad for Israel” breathed a sigh of relief.”(Jews don’t like it when their ears stick out directly, so you may have to answer that way).

Donald Trump did not cause any concern among the supporters of this theory - until they found out that the only daughter of the billionaire Ivanka-Yael (Yael is the name she chose in Judaism) Trump-Kushnir passed away in 2009 Orthodox conversion, and since then has led a Jewish lifestyle, donating money to synagogues and Jewish schools, and she is also listed as an activist in the Chabad women's movement.

Ivanka prayed at the grave of the Lubavitcher Rebbe that the Almighty would send victory to her father. The Jewishness of Yael-Ivanka and Jerad Kushnir is manifested, of course, not only in the fact that they regularly attend the synagogue, keep kashrut, the Sabbath and the commandments of the purity of family life, but, as already mentioned, in their active participation in the life of the Jewish community of New York. York and donate a lot of money to Jewish schools and various community events. In addition, Ivanka and her husband do not hide the fact that are great patriots of Israel, although they still haven’t decided where they will buy an apartment - in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv.

Just how much Donald Trump respects his Jewish son-in-law (or rather, how he knows how to make money out of any situation) is evidenced by the existence of Trump vodka with the Kasher LePesach brand. By the way, in the Chabad community of New York, “lechaim” in honor of Trump’s victory was made in glasses with Trump vodka, which Ivanka put out in unlimited quantities.”

You also need to know and understand the following:

1. Behind the situation in the Middle East, behind the creation of ISIS, is Israel with its idea of ​​Greater Israel, in the lands of Syria and Libya

2. Chabad considers it its duty to restore Great Khazaria and pay back the Russians for its destruction, and now they have the largest army in the world and nuclear weapons in their hands. “The Russians are the most rebellious people in the world, they cannot be enslaved, they can only be destroyed,” said Schneerson.

The sect arose in the 18th century at the junction of the borders of three Slavic states - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus - in the town of Lyubavichi (at that time the territory of Ukraine, and now the Smolensk region of Russia). The emergence of Chabad, according to the ideologists of the sect, was a response to persecution by Bohdan Khmelnitsky, accompanied by the mass death of Jews.

Chabad-Lubavitch is the only movement in Judaism with an obligatory leader at its head - the Lubavitcher Rebbe. For 200 years, or seven generations, this title was passed down by inheritance.

From the moment of its inception, the sect was built on a clan principle. ENTRY INTO THE CLAN IS EXTREMELY LIMITED, and its members are characterized by aggressive, bordering on madness, religious fanaticism.

In the early 1930s, Joseph Stalin, who had studied at the Tiflis Theological Seminary and was well versed in religious issues, CHABAD EXPELLED OUTSIDE THE USSR AS A FASCIST SECT– despite the fact that traditional Judaism continued to exist on Soviet territory. This happened during the leadership of the movement of the Sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson.

Until the fall of 1939, the Sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe was in Poland, from where he was secretly transported overseas after members of the Chabad community in the United States appealed for help personally to Secretary of State Cordell Hull. As a result of an agreement between the US State Department and the head of German military intelligence (Abwehr), Admiral Canaris, Yosef Isaac Schneerson left Warsaw, freely crossed the territory of the Reich and ended up in neutral Holland, and then in the United States. The operation to remove the Sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe from occupied Poland was led by Abwehr lieutenant colonel Ernst Bloch, a Jew on his father’s side.

Since the 1940s, the headquarters of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement have been located in New York, Brooklyn. From 1950 to 1994, the sect was led by the seventh and last Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the son-in-law of Yosef Isaac Schneerson, who took his last name and continued the dynasty of the Lubavitcher Rebbes.

“IN THESE DAYS, WHEN “ALL THE KINGDOMS OF THE WORLD ARE RISING AGAINST EACH OTHER,” WE MUST KNOW AND BELIEVE THAT THE WAR BETWEEN THE KINGDOMS OF THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD WILL NOT AFFECT THE JEWS, GOD FORBIDDEN. On the contrary, all the events that take place will ONLY BE FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE...” These words belong to the Seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe, whom the members of the sect worship with the fury of maddened idolaters and whom they after his death proclaimed Moshiach, i.e. the Messiah.

The seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe practiced the ritual of blessing with a dollar. He introduced it in 1986 - after the Chernobyl disaster, which Chabadniks call the “CHERNOBYL MIRACLE”.

During the reign of Menachem Mendel Schneerson, Chabad achieved unprecedented political and financial power, and its main goal was proclaimed “worldwide expansion.”

During the period of Gorbachev's perestroika, Chabad entered the USSR, gradually crushed the vast majority of Jewish religious and financial structures and consolidated its status as the main force in the Jewish movement of the 20th–21st centuries. Now Chabad is the main “roof” organization that has built an extensive network of countless Jewish entities and patronizes their activities.

Today Chabad nests are scattered throughout the territory of the former Soviet Union. The largest and most strategically significant are located in Ukraine and Russia. But if in Russia the Chabad “capital” is, naturally, Moscow, then in Ukraine the capital center of Chabad has become Dnepropetrovsk, the hometown of the Seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson.

At this time, the Chabad-Lubavitch movement has unprecedented influence for a small ultra-Orthodox sect not only on the microclimate of its home countries, but also on the global political and economic situation.

The activities of the sect are extremely conspiratorial, while at the same time, EXCEPTIONAL PIENCY, RELIGIOUS HUMILITY AND TOLERANCE ARE PHARISECHLY DISPLAYED.

Unlike other representatives of Orthodox Judaism, Chabadniks not only do not recognize Jesus Christ, but hate him with fierce hatred. Chabad considers Orthodoxy its worst enemy, and the corresponding attitude towards the bearers of this religion.

Chabadniks actively oppose the process of assimilation of Jews and are fanatical fighters for the purity of blood. The main principle of the fascist ideology of the sect is the following: “JEWS ARE ABOVE EVERYTHING, AND CHABAD IS ABOVE THE JEWS.”

The ideological concept of the Lubavitcher clan (the concept of Judeo-racism) is set out in the book “Tanya”, written by the founder of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, Rabbi Shneur-Zalman Schneerson.

According to the Chabad canon developed by Shneur-Zalman, God created the world exclusively for the Jews; Jews have a Divine soul, goyim (non-Jews) have a soul of a lower order - an animal soul; THE JEWS ARE THE ONLY ONE TO WHOM THE CONCEPT OF “HUMAN” CAN BE APPLIED, THE REST OF THE PEOPLES OF THE WORLD ARE COMPARED TO VOMITING AND DURABILITY
. The book "Tanya" is the main subject of study in Chabad schools, along with the Torah and Talmud.

Until now, Chabad, despite the achieved power and super-influence, remains a very small sect. However, the number of Chabadniks is growing day by day: if by the beginning of the 1990s. There were only 20 thousand representatives of Chabad-Lubavitch in the world, but today this figure has increased several times. P.S. It is also worth mentioning that Kushner is a friend and partner of Mark Mezvinsky, the husband of Chelsea Clinton, whom Hillary Clinton gave birth to from her two Jewish bosses in a law office. That's why - It’s clear that the Clinton vs. Trump election was a show for suckers.

And there it is a lot about Russia and Putin...

Alexey Dobychin.


Recently, the deviation from God on the part of the Patriarch and the hierarchy of the Russian Orthodox Church MP has reached such a degree and acquired such a scale that even those priests who previously confidently asserted this can no longer pretend that nothing is happening.

Today, many of them confirm that, yes, the patriarch is an ecumenist and spreads this evil faith, but this, they say, is his personal sin, for which he himself will bear responsibility before God, and we must continue to pray and be saved...

But the saddest thing began to happen is that those of our fathers who had previously been jealous of the Truth and its defense began to take the same position. They also began to assert that all the apostate and heretical actions of the patriarch and his assistants were only their personal sins.

No! And again no! These are not just personal sins. There is no need to dissemble, our dear fathers!


Personal sins include eating an egg during Lent, drinking vodka at home, quietly and secretly praying with non-believers, etc. Such sins of our loved ones, incl. and the patriarch, if we have learned about them, we should not bring them into the public field for everyone to see and discuss.


But the public preaching of apostate, heretical statements and teachings of the patriarch, his public such actions, is not only his personal sin, but also a sin against the entire Church, which must be brought to public attention and denounced.

Why? Yes, because when a patriarch, bishop or priest TEACHES heresy or apostasy to their flock, they destroy not only their souls, but also the souls of the children of God entrusted to them, who become infected with this evil faith.


When a priest teaches heresy, he can destroy a thousand souls, a bishop - tens and hundreds of thousands, and a patriarch - millions.

Even when the shepherd does not intentionally teach his flock heresy and sin, but openly shows a sinful example and does not repent of it, then even then it is already necessary to stop and expose this evil, because otherwise the flock will certainly begin to imitate their spiritual teacher.

Just look at the last bright and blatant fact of the patriarch’s public preaching.

In it, he openly and publicly announced to the whole world from the pages of the official website of the Russian Orthodox Church that Muslims and Christians pray to the same God (video): “...pray, ask the Lord for help. I know there are both Christians and Muslims here. Everyone turns to the same God the Creator."

It's not even heresy. This is the very best thing - apostasy!


By asserting that Allah, to whom Muslims pray, is equivalent to the Holy Trinity, St. Cyril violated and rejected the first and most important commandment of God: “I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt have no other gods besides Me.”

Muslims do not believe in the Holy Trinity and do not pray to Her. They do not recognize Jesus Christ as the Son of God and God. So how can one say that Muslims pray to the same Creator God as Christians? The Lord Jesus Christ, Who is the Truth, said: “Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father” (John 5:23) How can Muslims know God the Creator if they deny the Son? No way!

The fundamental difference in the worship of God in Christianity and Islam was confirmed by the Church conciliarly, moreover, twice. And the holy fathers taught that the Hagaran faith is a soul-destroying evil faith.

Let us remember the words of Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov): “It is in vain that you mistakenly think and say that good people among... the Mohammedans will be saved, that is, they will enter into communion with God! He who recognizes the possibility of salvation without faith in Christ denies Christ and, perhaps unknowingly, falls into the grave sin of blasphemy.”

Muslims, as St. teaches. Ignatius, the Orthodox cannot enter into communion with God, no matter how much they pray to their Allah. This is certain and unambiguous! And therefore - St. Cyril publicly renounced Christ and committed the sin of blasphemy! And not only did he himself renounce, becoming an apostate, but he also teaches this to his entire Orthodox flock.


And now we come to the main point of our conversation. All-honorable fathers, is our and your silence acceptable in response to such actions of the Primate of the Church? Did he only commit a personal sin that we should not pay attention to?


P. Kirill committed a sin against God and the Church! And therefore, you cannot remain silent and inactive. Under no circumstances is it possible. This is exactly the case when God is betrayed by silence!


Fathers, you offer prayers before the throne of God for St. Kirill, as for your father. But your father Kirill is an apostate and blasphemer, leading you and your entire flock to hell. So what kind of good shepherds are you if you allow him to do this?!

Either forbid him and force him to renounce his evil faith, publicly repenting of this, or you yourself renounce him before God as your spiritual father. There is no other way. Otherwise, you join him in the camp of apostates and blasphemers, leading their flock to destruction.


The following is also worth noting. Those fathers who previously stopped Eucharistic communion with the heretical hierarchy should also not remain silent. Yes, you acted quite justifiably according to the 15th church canon and are worthy of praise, but you were and remain in our Russian Orthodox Church MP.

And therefore, everything that continues to happen in it fully concerns you, and you, too, should not remain silent, just as our dear confessors - the fathers who labor on Holy Mount Athos under the guidance of the Elder Hieroschemamonk Raphael (Berestov), ​​who made an appeal to archpastors, pastors and laity of the Russian Orthodox Church MP.


Apostates and blasphemers crucify Christ, destroy the Church and people of God, and you, all-honorable bishops and fathers, remain silent! May the Lord enlighten you!

This also applies to the laity. We all collectively and each individually must sound the alarm and demand that our archpastors and pastors condemn the apostasy of the Primate of the Church. Don't be silent, brothers and sisters! Do not be silent!


P.S. And this is only one of the last blatant facts of the apostate and heretical activity of P. Kirill, of which a great many can be cited. Here, at least yesterday’s fact of his blasphemy against the Holy Spirit...


And finally, remember the words of St. Theophan of Poltava:

“Concerning church life, the Savior’s speeches indicate to us, as one of the most amazing phenomena of recent times, that then “the stars will fall from heaven” (Matthew 24:29). According to the explanation of the Savior Himself, the “stars” are the essence of the Angels of the Churches, that is, bishops (Rev. 1:20).

The religious and moral fall of the bishops is, therefore, one of the most characteristic signs of recent times. The fall of bishops is especially terrible when they fall away from the dogmas of the faith or, as the Apostle puts it, when they want to “pervert the Gospel of Christ” (Gal. 1:7).

The Apostle commands such to pronounce “anathema”: “Whoever preaches a gospel other than what we have preached,” he says, “let him be accursed” (Gal. 1:9). And there is no need to hesitate here, he continues: “After the first and second admonition, turn away from the heretic, knowing that he has become corrupt and sins, condemning himself” (Titus 3:10-11). Otherwise, that is, for indifference to deviating from the truth, God’s judgment may befall you: since “you are warm, and neither hot nor cold, then the imam will vomit you out of my mouth” (Rev. 3:15-16).

The clouds on the world horizon are gathering. God’s judgment is approaching on nations and hypocritical Christians, starting with heretical and lukewarm hierarchs.”

Archbishop Feofan. 1936. IV. 31.

"Letters of Archbishop Theophan of Poltava and Pereyaslavl"



(downloads: 348) Alexey Dobychin
Dear fathers, brothers and sisters! Over the years, you and I have examined, analyzed and discussed spiritual and worldly events, phenomena and problems. They often argued, but more often they agreed with each other. We have been and are doing what our Lord Jesus Christ requires of us - we tried to discern the signs of the times. When this is done not to the detriment of spiritual life, without exaltation and panic, then this is important and soul-saving.
As today's events have shown, with the help of God and under the leadership of our dear fathers, asceticizing on Holy Mount Athos - Elder Hieroschemamonk Rafail (Berestov) and Hieroschemamonk Onuphry (Stebelev-Velaskis), we rarely made mistakes. They often mocked and laughed at us, insulting us and calling us eschatologists and other blasphemous epithets. But now the time has come when our critics are put to shame by the Lord himself and the realities of what is happening. Everything (what we talked and wrote about) has come true over the years and continues to come true almost completely down to the smallest detail.
In the last year and a half, the rapid decline of Ecumenical Orthodoxy and all Local Churches, including the Russian Church, began. The salt overwhelmed me. The servants of the Antichrist, led by the Jesuit Pope Francis, whose main postulate was the assertion that all religions have one Almighty and the main task is the active development of godless ecumenism. The servants of the Antichrist are not creating some new religion that did not previously exist, and with a new name, as it was believed, the majority of Orthodox Christians will come, saying: “when the church of the Antichrist is created, then we will categorically reject it.” God-fighters create it by uniting all existing faiths and religions into one common “cauldron”. And since, according to their evil faith, everyone has one Almighty, then everyone can unite with everyone, including praying together, etc. To great misfortune, all Local Orthodox Churches joined this process to a greater or lesser extent, including our Russian Orthodox Church MP, in which ecumenism became part of the doctrine when this heresy of heresies was unanimously accepted by the entire episcopate at the Council of Bishops in February 2016. And it doesn’t matter at all that later the delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church MP did not go to the Eighth Wolf Council. All his heretical documents had already been accepted in advance.

And after the Wolf Council in July 2016 in Crete, ecumenism became the doctrine of all local churches, which became a universal catastrophe. And those who opposed this were declared schismatics, sectarians, and real persecution was launched against them. Even on Holy Mount Athos, monastic confessors are expelled. This is open about it.
Who would have thought ten years ago that such lawlessness would be openly committed by the patriarch and the hierarchy of the Russian Church, and that the entire church would look on meekly, silently and cowardly?! Lord have mercy!
It has reached the point of apostasy from the liars. Kirill (Gundyaev), who openly preached the sermon of the Antichrist, Stating that Christians and Muslims pray to the same God the Creator. This is not even a heresy, but a real apostasy and a violation of the main and First Commandment of God. And how did the entire church react to this fact of the patriarch’s renunciation of Christ? But no way. Once again, everyone silently and cowardly pretended that nothing special had happened. And with this silence they betrayed God!
Thank God, there are confessors of Christ in Rus' who applied the 15th rule against apostates and heretics and protected themselves from communication with them. And all the true warriors of Christ were expelled from parishes and monasteries. But it is they who stand in the Truth and are in the Church of God. When I managed to communicate with priests who knew about everything that was happening, almost all of them said the same thing: “yes, it’s a disaster what’s happening in the church now. But I think that it’s not yet time to resort to drastic measures and stop commemoration, i.e. because they will immediately kick me out of the parish..." But this is timidity, cowardice, and this is the choice of this world, which lies in evil, instead of the Cross.
Now let us remember the words of the Lord about the fearful: « The timid ones and unbelievers, and the abominable, and murderers, and fornicators, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars Fate in the lake burning with fire and brimstone." (Rev. 21:8). The fearful ones are first on the list., and only then murderers, sorcerers and others. And their fate, like that of demons, is in a lake burning with fire and brimstone. Why such a terrible fate and first place among seemingly the most terrible villains and sinners?

Yes, because timidity is an extreme degree of self-love and self-pity, which is the opposite of the self-sacrifice required by God. The fearful always justifies his condition, his fall and sinful state. For example, by obedience to the hierarchy, although this obedience is demonic, since the hierarchy is apostate.

A fearful person is afraid of the cross, sorrows, troubles and quarrels (for example, with a bishop or priest). He is afraid of illness, death and all kinds of difficulties. That is why a fearful person is always cowardly, unfaithful, unreliable and a ready traitor for the sake of fear. The prevailing fearful love of life constantly drives him from the cross. “Come down from the cross, and then I will believe in You, Christ,” is the prayer of the fearful.

Such reasoning by the fearful is the same as if a patient in whom the initial stage of a malignant tumor was discovered were told: “Well, it’s still too early to resort to radical surgical measures and cut it out... It will hurt. We still need to wait...” And what will happen in the end? The tumor will quickly grow and metastasize throughout the body, which will now be very difficult to help.
These metastases have already spread throughout our entire church body. Widespread heretical sermons, bishops and clergy opening mosques, over the last year there have literally been riots at church altars: dances, dances, circus shows, performances, religious processions with balloons and orchestras. Venerable priests and reverent old women, who had been going to churches for decades, ceased to distinguish good from evil, white from black. They sit and clap for the performance at the holy altar on the pulpit. Lord have mercy! Because of this general timidity and treacherous silence, there is now no doubt that the apostates and heretics who have seized power in the Russian Church will begin to act more brazenly and openly, without looking back at anyone, being confident that no one will stop them from doing their satanic work. May God forbid them! You don’t have to say much about President Putin, because for attentive people who don’t watch TV zombies, everything about him is clear without much explanation. You can serve either God or the devil. There is no third. Whom a person serves can be determined by his deeds. And when there is a large time period by which to judge, it is even easier to draw conclusions. Today we already know very well what the specific goals and objectives of the Antichrist are, whose coming into the world his servants are preparing. In recent years, they practically no longer hide their intentions and act openly. For those who don't understand this, take a look Brief interview with Aaron Russo. The ultimate goal of the servants of the Antichrist is the creation of a world government, headed by the Antichrist. All people will have to have an implanted radio frequency identification microchip and an Antichrist mark, in which a unique digital name of the person will be entered, by which the state Antichrist system can identify him in order to carry out the necessary operations and contacts with him, including financial ones. After all, at that time there will only be electronic money, and there will be no cash. The ultimate goal of the Antichrist is for people to accept him as the one universal king and worship him as a god. The means to achieve this goal of the devil are the creation of the religion of the Antichrist, this is happening openly and clearly before our eyes and the establishment of total electronic control over every person on the planet through an implanted chip or laser mark - an outline, with the digital name of the Antichrist - 666 and the digital name of the person - personal the number under which a person is recorded in the world-wide computer “beast”. Whoever does not have them will be unable to buy or sell. This is what is said in the Revelation of the holy Apostle John the Theologian.
So, a person who helps the Antichrist solve all these problems and achieve this goal serves the devil, not God. This is probably understandable? An Orthodox person will never, under any circumstances, do this.
Now look at Putin. In Russia, it is precisely on his initiative and on his personal instructions, despite the extreme shortage of budget funds and the growing economic crisis, that all electronic anti-Christ technologies are being introduced ahead of the rest: digital identification, email. cards, chips, now, starting next year, a Unified Register of Citizens will be created. By the way, it will become the basic basis for the final establishment of total electronic control over Russian citizens.
It’s worth reminding here as a liar. Kirill did Putin a huge service, as they worked in a cohesive tandem in the interests of the Antichrist. How they drove into an electronic concentration camp not only non-church, disoriented people, but also Orthodox Christians not only throughout Russia, but throughout Rus'. This is what we wrote about many times, sounded the alarm bell, and for this we were beaten by everyone, including those who consider themselves great fighters against anti-Christ globalization. Everyone remembers how many years and how many hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of appeals the Orthodox children wrote to their father-patriarch, their father-bishops, asking them for protection from being drawn into a total concentration camp by the Antichrist.
Church leaders feigned a high degree of concern and got down to business. The Patriarch and bishops convened Synods, Councils of Bishops, Round Tables, etc. They appealed to the President, the government, State Duma deputies, and Kremlin human rights activists with a request to give the Orthodox an alternative to electronic accounting and control. Those in response, including the Putin Administration, replied that no one has the right to force people to accept Antichrist documents, and everything should happen on a voluntary basis. Although, as we remember, locally, including in the Church, there was no voluntariness, but there was severe pressure on refuseniks.

Our fathers and I, for our part, demanded only one thing from the patriarch. So that the church hierarchy Made a request Not to government officials, but to his flock, warning her of the extreme danger of accepting digital names and documents to save her soul. So like this: “From a spiritual point of view, a person’s voluntary acceptance and use of a digital name instead of a Christian name, as well as electronic documents that bear it, Is a sinful act, tantamount to renouncing Christ."
If such an appeal from the patriarch, synod or council of bishops had been addressed to the flock, then after such a blessing millions of citizens would not have accepted digital names and emails. documentation. AND THE WHOLE ELECTRONIC SYSTEM WOULD COLLAPSE! After all, if there are 5-10 thousand refuseniks, then that’s one thing, but if there are millions... The system would be in a stupor, at least for some long time.
But the patriarch did not take such a step, because it went against the goals of the Antichrist. And now everything is happening, as the spirit-bearing elders warned: “Today a number, tomorrow a card, the day after tomorrow a chip”... Now that the Unified Register of Citizens is being implemented, many have understood all the cunning and deceit of the liars. Kirill and Putin, because there will be no possibility of refusing to enter this Antichrist register.

Sometimes the blindness of people, including Orthodox Christians, is simply amazing. Most of them consider Putin not only an Orthodox man, but even a national leader and a worthy contender for the royal throne. But I'm sorry, How can a faithful servant of the Antichrist be Orthodox and, even more so, God’s anointed?! The fact that TV shows him visiting churches and monasteries means nothing. The Antichrist will also initially show benevolence towards Christians, which will deceive them. We are no longer talking about Putin’s pathological lies. He lies always and everywhere, even where there is no need to do so, and where this lie is quickly discovered. But people have forgotten how and do not want to analyze and reason. People watch TV with the Kremlin’s false news, through which a powerful zombie occurs, and they lose all ability to look at things soberly. You refuse AND Stop watching TV for at least 2-3 months, and you will begin to see the world and everything that happens in it with completely different eyes.
We will later touch on various problems and issues of our time, but I think that the main thing is already clear: through the strong tandem of Putin and Gundyaev, the Antichrist solves all his tasks in Russia and achieves all his goals: through the first - in the state itself, and through the second - in the Russian Church. Moreover, the Antichrist gets everything he wants quickly, since these executors of his will do everything necessary voluntarily and even with zeal, apparently hoping to sit on the right and left sides of the Antichrist in his future godless kingdom. May God forbid them! P.S. Fathers, brothers and sisters, in order to better understand what is happening, I invite you to carefully watch this video. Russia is a testing ground for the creation of a global electronic concentration camp. Speech by Rev. Maxim Kolesnik. He explains all the details simply and clearlyimplementation of the Unified Register of Citizens in Russia, which, in turn, is a key stage in drawing Russia into the project of a new world order in the form of a global electronic concentration camp. When this program aired, Fr. Maxim pointed out that at the end of the program itself, important information was cut out in his interview about radical secular Judaism, which is the driving force behind the construction of a new world anti-Christian order.

Recently, in the Russian information field, which, thanks to modern electronic means of communication, already has a worldwide scale, powerful blows have been struck one after another against the Russian Orthodox Church. Scandalous publications in the media about the “blue”, “alcoholic”, “acquisitive” disease of bishops and the priesthood, unabating accusations against the patriarch for his elite dachas, watches, limousines, cigarettes, oil, etc. Now here's a scandalous case with a multimillion-dollar apartment. And so on, so on, so on...

March 29, 2012 Members of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation announced that a massive information campaign had been launched against the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', which was “Russophobic and anti-Christian” in nature. They called it obscurantism, an insult to our culture and an “order” from certain political groups.

At the same time, from Chisty Lane, which is buried in the mud, only some incomprehensible excuses are heard, grievances for spreading rumors and assurances of the machinations of the enemies of Orthodoxy. The Chairman of the Synodal Information Department of the Moscow Patriarchate, Vladimir Legoyda, said in his speech: “Alas, today we have to observe many public campaigns aimed at discrediting the Church. Their initiators are trying to discredit the patriarch, and many bishops, priests, and lay believers, to present them as “monsters.” He also stated: “The most correct response to blasphemy is the unceasing prayer life of the Church.”

Yes, of course, this is correct, the main thing is prayer. But this is not enough for officials who are directly responsible for protecting and maintaining the high authority of the Church in a hostile outside world.

When Jesus Christ was brought to the high priest and the Son of God answered him, one of the ministers hit Christ on the cheek, considering that He had responded impudently to the high hierarch. After this, the Lord did not silently and humbly turn his other cheek to the blow, but “answered him: if I said bad, show that it is bad; What if it’s good that you beat Me?” (John 18:23).

So it is not always true that Orthodox Christians, much less people responsible for the authority of the entire Church, must turn the other cheek. In your face they are striking not on your own cheek, but on the spiritual foundation of all Russia - Orthodoxy. Therefore, you not only have the right, but the obligation to defend yourself. If you have something to answer, and you feel you are right, then why don’t you answer your opponents in a reasoned, loud, clear and distinct manner? (they are most often silent, because they have nothing to say. After all, almost all the accusations against the patriarch and the episcopate are true - Ed.)

For six months now, the Russian Orthodox Church MP has had in its hands not only a gas canister against hooligans, but a powerful cudgel capable of cooling many hot and openly hostile heads.

We all witnessed and remember well the scandal, without exaggeration, of universal proportions associated with accusations of the Holy Bogolyubsky Monastery of torture and sadistic treatment of the children of its own orphanage. All the country's central television channels, newspapers, and radios heard heartbreaking stories of fugitive women about brutal beatings, standing on nails, burning their hands in hot ovens, feeding them glasses of salt, backbreaking slave labor, the Holodomor and other facts of the fascist regime in the children's monastery GULAG.

For several months the whole country was filled with horror and growing hatred towards the clergy and the Church. An endless stream of commissions from the guardianship and trusteeship bodies, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor General's Office, social activists, politicians, journalists from central state media, Synodal commissions of the Russian Orthodox Church MP, Vladimir diocesan departments, etc. rushed to the Bogolyubsky Monastery.

Terrible officials of all stripes promised the monastery all earthly punishments. An entire homicide department was dedicated to exposing the perverted nuns. A criminal case was opened, which was placed under the control of Moscow. The monastery was accused of kidnapping a minor, illegally confining a minor, and causing physical and psychological suffering to minors.

The Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, Vladimir Lukin, also put the progress of this case under personal control and promised not to let tyrants over children go free. Even in the church environment there were spiteful critics from among various experts and the priesthood. They rushed to publicly blaspheme the monastery and its 84-year-old rector of the monastery churches, confessor, Archimandrite Peter (Kucher) - a WWII veteran and the most authoritative priest for believers from all the former republics of the Soviet Union, revered by the people as an elder.

Let us recall that then, in 2010, without waiting for the decision of the investigative authorities, the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church MP “sent” him to retirement, i.e. actually fired, and nun Georgia (Kurchevskaya) was released from her duties as abbess of the monastery. At the same time, the Archbishop of Vladimir and Suzdal issued an order that completely excluded minors from staying in the Bogolyubsky Monastery. Thus, the orphanage was ruined and even more.

And for more than a year, the most scrupulous and unbiased investigation was carried out. The investigative authorities carried out all conceivable and unimaginable examinations, surveys, interrogations, etc.
And what is the end result? Never mind!

This is what the Head of the Department for Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Yuri Evtukhov, said to the “Man and the Law” program: “A number of facts were not confirmed outright, a number of facts were distorted. If we say that some terrible things happened in the monastery, I am ready to unequivocally say that this did not happen. The matter is over. The monastery is justified." All previously expressed assumptions about the “custom-made” nature of this scandal with the monastery were completely justified. Moreover, the forces that stood behind this provocation were very powerful and influential.

In November 2010, the Moscow Patriarchate Administration announced that it would await the conclusion of the investigative authorities regarding the criminal case they had opened.

A year later, the investigative authorities completely acquitted the monastery. And what decisions and measures did the above-mentioned MP Department take? Yes, none!

The orphanage remained empty, the monastery remained spat upon in the public consciousness, slandered and humiliated in his old age, Archimandrite Peter (Kucher) was not restored to the clergy of the monastery, just as nun Georgia (Kurchevskaya) was not restored to the position of abbot. Maybe the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church MP confronted the clergy who helped inflate the scandal with the monastery throughout the entire universe and demanded that they repent for their sin of slander and slander against their neighbors? Nothing like this!

So what do we want?! The enemy, who launched a war unprecedented in scale, strength and means against the Holy Bogolyubsky Monastery, and in his person against the entire Russian Church, lost this war, because... the holy monastery was completely justified by the investigative authorities, but, at the same time, he won it, because all the destruction that his efforts caused to the Church remained unrestored by it.

Even if the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church MP had some complaints about the monastery, it was only in order to shame their enemies that everything had to be restored to its former dignity and even better. Those who ordered the attack on the monastery must have seen and clearly understood that all their titanic efforts to destroy the Church were fruitless and even strengthened it. None of this was done.

Just as there was no information counterattack by the Russian Orthodox Church MP. After all, as soon as an acquittal decision appeared in a criminal case about such a high-profile case against the Church, it immediately had to voice it to the whole world, using all its forces, mechanisms, and reserves for this. It was necessary to get all the central media involved in fanning the scandal with the monastery to cover the acquittal in the St. Bogolyubsky case. This would restore the sharply shaken authority of the church in the public consciousness.

For this purpose, the Moscow Patriarchate has special synodal departments: information, public relations and others. But all of them, who regularly gather numerous conferences of Orthodox journalists, social activists, and entrepreneurs, have done absolutely nothing.

Therefore, one should not be surprised that he, once again, a powerful enemy, launched another massive attack on the Church on all fronts and with the involvement of even greater forces and resources. And it will only get worse. Evil grows bolder from impunity. Every Orthodox person knows this.

If we touch on the moral aspect of what happened, we can draw an even more sad conclusion. Our society, incl. and Orthodox-oriented, became skeletal and cruel. There is no love and mercy in us. After all, after the truth became clear about the ordered nature of the attack on the Holy Bogolyubsky Monastery and the acquittal, no one went and visited the slandered monastery monasteries, who continue to unceasingly offer prayers to God for all of us today.

For many journalists, social activists, politicians, driven to illness by false slander and legal proceedings, 85-year-old Archimandrite Peter (Kucher) is a great-grandfather who, without sparing his life, defended their today's freedom, the right to give birth and raise children, the opportunity to do what they love and build their own future.
No one went to visit the gray-haired old man and make sure that after his forced sending to “retirement”, he was not subjected to even greater sorrows and oppression, as often happens in our evil world. No one interviewed him or filmed a program that would raise the self-awareness of our people, that we are alive thanks to the feat of such great-grandfathers and have hope for the future in the person of their grateful descendants.

And this is the main victory of our enemy. He proved to us that we are spiritual and moral “rickets”, incapable of compassion and love for our neighbors. And as long as this remains so, we will always remain in ruins, regardless of whether we win or lose in battles with a cunning and powerful enemy.

The Church can and must defend itself! It is the foundation of Russia and should not be allowed to be destroyed. The enemy is always strong when we are weak. And we have no right to be weak, for God is with us.

Alexey Dobychin


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