Etiquette rules that will make you a better person. A set of strict rules of etiquette or laws of behavior in society

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IN modern world not knowing the rules of etiquette means going against society, presenting yourself not in the best way.

We present to you a selection of current rules that every person who respects himself and others should know:
1. Never come to visit without calling
If you are visited without warning, you can afford to wear a robe and curlers. One British lady said that when uninvited guests she always puts on shoes, a hat and takes an umbrella. If a person is pleasant to her, she will exclaim: “Oh, how lucky, I just came!” If it’s unpleasant: “Oh, what a pity, I have to leave.”

2. The umbrella never dries open - neither in the office nor at a party.
It needs to be folded and placed in a special stand or hung.

3. The bag should not be placed on your lap or on your chair.
A small elegant clutch bag can be placed on the table, a large bag can be hung on the back of a chair or placed on the floor if there is no special chair (these are often served in restaurants). The briefcase is placed on the floor.

4. Plastic bags acceptable only upon returning from the supermarket
Just like paper branded bags from boutiques. Carrying them with you later as a bag is redneck.

5. A man never carries a woman's bag.
AND woman coat he takes it only to carry it to the locker room.

6. Home clothes are trousers and a sweater, comfortable but decent looking
The robe and pajamas are designed to go to the bathroom in the morning, and from the bathroom to the bedroom in the evening.

7. From the moment the child settles in a separate room, learn to knock when entering his room.
Then he will do the same before entering your bedroom.

8. A woman can wear her hat and gloves indoors, but not her cap and mittens.

9. The total number of jewelry according to the international protocol should not exceed 13 items
And this includes jewelry buttons. A ring is not worn over gloves, but a bracelet is allowed. The darker it is outside, the more expensive the jewelry. Diamonds used to be considered an adornment for evening and married ladies, but in Lately It became permissible to wear diamonds during the day. On a young girl, stud earrings with a diamond of about 0.25 carats are quite appropriate.

10. Rules for paying for an order in a restaurant
If you say the phrase “I invite you,” this means you pay. If a woman invites a business partner to a restaurant, she pays. Another formulation: “Let’s go to a restaurant,” - in this case, everyone pays for themselves, and only if the man himself offers to pay for the woman, can she agree.

11. A man always gets into the elevator first, but the one closest to the door gets off first.

12. In a car, the most prestigious seat is considered to be behind the driver.
A woman occupies it, a man sits next to her, and when he gets out of the car, he holds the door and gives the lady his hand. If a man is driving, it is also preferable for a woman to take a seat behind him. However, no matter where the woman sits, the man must open the door for her and help her out.
In business etiquette, men have recently been increasingly violating this norm, using the feminist motto: “There are no women and men in business.”

13. Talking publicly about the fact that you are on a diet is bad form.
Moreover, under this pretext one cannot refuse dishes offered by a hospitable hostess. Be sure to praise her culinary talents, while you don't have to eat anything. The same should be done with alcohol. Don't tell everyone why you can't drink. Ask for dry white wine and sip lightly.

14. Taboo topics for small talk: politics, religion, health, money
Inappropriate question: “God, what a dress! How much did you pay? How to react? Smile sweetly: “This is a gift!” Change the conversation to another topic. If the other person insists, say softly: “I wouldn’t like to talk about it.”

15. Every person over 12 years old must be addressed as “you”
It’s disgusting to hear people say “you” to waiters or drivers. Even to those people with whom you know well, it is better to address them as “you” in the office, but only as “you” in private. The exception is if you are peers or close friends. How to react if your interlocutor persistently “pokes” you? First, ask again: “Excuse me, are you addressing me?” Otherwise, a neutral shrug: “Sorry, but we didn’t switch to “you.”

16. Discussing those who are absent, that is, simply gossiping, is unacceptable
It is impermissible to speak badly about loved ones, in particular to discuss husbands, as is customary in our country. If your husband is bad, why don’t you divorce him? And in the same way, it is inadmissible to speak about one’s native country with contempt and a grimace. “In this country, everyone is a redneck...” - in this case, you also belong to this category of people.

17. When you come to the cinema, theater, or concert, you should go to your seats only facing those sitting
The man goes first.

18. Nine things should be kept secret:
Age, wealth, a gap in the house, prayer, the composition of a medicine, a love affair, a gift, honor and dishonor.

The rules of etiquette in society are the ability to behave in all situations in which a person may find himself. In the modern world, it is extremely important to know them, to have good manners in order to be satisfied with yourself and others, to treat all people with respect, kindness, kindness, and naturally. So that any, even the best elite society would willingly accept you into its ranks.

Interpretation of the term

Etiquette in modern society- a list of generally accepted rules that relate to human behavior in relation to other people in certain life situations.

There are several main types of such rules.

  1. The ability to present yourself - rules for creating a wardrobe, appearance, self-care, physical form and posture, gait, poses, gestures.
  2. Speech etiquette - the ability to correctly say greetings, compliments, thanks, and give remarks; rules of farewell, politeness,
  3. Table etiquette- table manners, serving standards, eating skills.
  4. Rules of etiquette in society - how to behave in a museum, at an exhibition, in a theater, restaurant, court, library, store, office, etc.
  5. Business etiquette - relationships with colleagues, superiors, good manners in business, ability to lead, etc.

The ability to present yourself

Good manners, rules of etiquette, the ability to be an amiable person - all this requires not only skills, but also knowledge in these areas. Modern man must know how to behave in any circumstances, be able to behave accordingly, be courteous, friendly and confident.

Etiquette in clothing

The first impression is the strongest and most memorable, and in addition, intelligence is shown in the choice of clothes for the occasion. To make a good impression, it is not enough to be fashionably or expensively dressed. If you want to please others, you must take them into account and take into account different circumstances. Therefore, even in the formation of a wardrobe, it is customary to follow the rules of etiquette in society. It is important that the clothes are beautiful and suit you, but it is much more important that all the details appearance organically combined with each other, and he himself corresponded to the time, place and situation. It is not customary to wear evening clothes during the day, and to wear leisure clothes to work. Every time, when choosing what to wear, you must take into account the situation, the appropriate occasion, time, place, and do not forget about your own age, features of your figure. Everything you wear should always be clean, hemmed, buttoned and ironed. The exit outfit should always be in full readiness. When forming your wardrobe, remember that it should include mandatory items, such as suits, formal trousers and skirts, blouses and evening wear, as well as home kits.

Personal care

Good manners require keeping your clothes clean, proper nutrition And healthy image life. It is unacceptable to appear in society unkempt. At the same time, it is important to monitor your appearance as a whole, carefully removing your hair when going out into the world. This mandatory rules etiquette and behavior for a girl, as well as for a man.

Good social behavior

The ability to present yourself begins with gait, posture, gestures, postures, and manner of sitting. The rules of etiquette in society require a beautiful gait with a straight posture, when the arms move slightly in the rhythm of the step, the shoulders are straightened, and the stomach is tucked. You can’t lift your head high, but you shouldn’t walk with your head down either. Postures and gestures are no less important. To make a good impression, you need to behave simply and naturally. In bad taste It is considered the manner of twirling something in your hands, twirling your hair on your finger, drumming your fingers on the table, stamping your feet to the beat of music, touching any part of the body with your hands, tugging at another’s clothes. As for the question of how to sit correctly, it is important to know only two rules: do not cross your legs and do not fall apart, spreading your legs and arms to the sides.

Speech etiquette

Polite words are special formulas that encrypt a large amount of information, both semantic and emotional. It is necessary to know them by heart, be able to choose the ones most suitable for the occasion and pronounce them in time in the appropriate tone. Masterly, correct mastery of these words is speech etiquette in modern society.

1. Greeting

When choosing a form of greeting, put enough meaning and feeling into the words. For example, you would not act very delicately by saying “good afternoon” to a person whose face shows that he is upset about something. Or it is completely unacceptable to say “hello” to your boss, except in cases of personal friendship. Be attentive to words and people - when greeting them, call them by name or patronymic. Men should greet each other with a handshake. When meeting a lady, the gallant gentleman kisses her hand, and he should not pull her towards him, but must bend down as far as the woman offered her hand.

2. Appeal, presentation

Which message is preferable must be decided on a case-by-case basis, depending on the audience you are addressing. It is customary to address acquaintances by their first name or first name and patronymic; the latter is considered a sign of greater respect. In a formal setting, when introducing someone, use their first and last name. And calling by patronymic, for example Ivanovna, is acceptable only in the village, but not in secular society.

3. Requests

The word “please” is truly magical; it must be heard in all requests. Since the request in one way or another burdens the person to whom you are addressing, in some cases it is worth adding: “If it’s not difficult for you,” “Wouldn’t it be difficult for you?” It is also appropriate to say: “Do me a favor, be kind, could you,” etc.

4. Farewell

Before saying goodbye, you should prepare your interlocutor for parting: “It’s too late,” “Unfortunately, I have to go.” It is then customary to express satisfaction with the time spent together, for example, “I'm glad we met.” Next stage farewells - words of gratitude. Sometimes you can pay a compliment to the hostess of the house, say goodbye and immediately leave without lingering.

In addition, the rules of etiquette in society require the ability to invite, apologize, console, express condolences, and gratitude. Each of these forms of address should sound natural and sincere, excluding rude and harsh phrases and phrases.

Table etiquette

Eating beautifully is just as important as moving and speaking well, but this is where moderation is especially important.

  • There is no need to try to specially embellish the process of eating, for example, eat in very small pieces, hold out your bent fingers. It is enough not to open your mouth while chewing, do not talk with your mouth full, and chew your food thoroughly before putting another portion in your mouth.
  • Never drink until you have swallowed food, unless you unexpectedly put it in your mouth. hot food. If you see your food is hot, don't blow on it before you start eating.
  • Try to eat and drink absolutely silently.
  • In society, bread is eaten not by biting off a whole piece, but by breaking off pieces from it.
  • Salt from an open salt shaker, if it does not have a special spoon, should be taken with the end of a clean knife, then poured onto the edge of your plate.
  • Ketchup or mustard as a condiment is offered only in the most relaxed atmosphere.
  • While eating, try to stain your plate as little as possible; do not stir or smear food on it.
  • Never, even at home, eat with your hands. It is customary to hold the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right. If you are eating a salad, you can take a fork right hand.
  • If you want to drink or take a break from eating, you need to leave the fork and knife in a criss-cross or “house” position.
  • Always take the spoon with your right hand; if you eat from a soup bowl, leave the spoon there after eating without putting it on the table.
  • After finishing a meal and before drinking, it is customary to use a napkin.

Etiquette: rules of behavior in society and public places

In public places there are some specific rules of good manners, which are extremely important to observe.

1. In a museum, at an exhibition, opening day

The rules of behavior in these “temples” of art all over the world are the same and extremely simple: walk through the halls quietly, speak in a subdued tone, do not touch anything with your hands, do not come too close to the paintings and exhibits so as not to disturb other visitors.

2. In the theatre, philharmonic, concert hall

Modern rules of good manners are somewhat contradictory. Previously, a man had to invite ladies to such public places; today it is considered quite decent if a girl herself invites him to a play or concert. And even if she is the one who pays for the tickets for two. A well-mannered man should play the role of a gallant gentleman, courting the lady everywhere. It is important to arrive on time, calmly undress, take a seat without disturbing anyone. People with impeccable upbringing should not chew anything while watching.

3. In court, church, clinic, library

The rules of etiquette and good manners in society call for behavior in these places to be as quiet and inconspicuous as possible. You cannot talk, rustle, chew or walk unless absolutely necessary. Appeals and questions should be answered politely and in a low voice.

In any establishment, it is important to maintain good manners, be accommodating, tactful and polite. The main thing is that your stay should not cause discomfort to any of those present.

Business Etiquette

Good manners at work - required condition for each employee. What points does it cover? Business Etiquette? Easy rules will help you understand this issue.

  • Maintaining subordination with colleagues and superiors.
  • Arrive at work on time and quickly complete your duties.
  • Polite communication with both colleagues and visitors.
  • Confidentiality at work.
  • Dress appropriately for the institution where you work.
  • Lack of personal topics in discussions.
  • Maintaining order in your workplace.
  • by phone.

Rules in society help achieve the goals set in business. Thanks to good manners, you can move up the career ladder and be a successful, self-actualized person in everything.

To be nice person in any situation, in order for them to want to do business with you, you need to perfectly know the laws of behavior in society. They will help you not only achieve any goals, but also become a confident and happy person.

One of the basic principles modern life is to maintain normal relationships between people and the desire to avoid conflicts. In turn, respect and attention can only be earned by maintaining politeness and restraint. But in life we ​​often have to deal with rudeness, harshness, and disrespect for the personality of another person. The reason here is that we underestimate the role culture of human behavior, manifested in etiquette.

Etiquette culture, acting as a manifestation of a person’s general moral culture, upbringing, his internal attitude towards others, manifests itself primarily in attention And respect to other people. Therefore, one of the most necessary norms of etiquette is politeness, manifested in many specific rules of behavior: in greeting, addressing a person, in the ability to remember his name and patronymic, the most important dates of his life. Cervantes famously said: “Nothing is so cheap and nothing is valued so much as politeness” - this “sum of small sacrifices” we make to people with whom we enter into one relationship or another.

True politeness is a must friendly and sincere... It is one of the manifestations of a selfless attitude towards the people with whom we have to communicate. With some of them these relationships can turn into friendship, with others they can remain simply friendly or business relationships. But our sincere goodwill towards everyone is an obligatory tribute to politeness.

Other important “pillars” on which the rules of etiquette are based are tact And sensitivity. These noble human qualities are revealed in attention, deep respect for those with whom we communicate, in the desire and ability to understand them, to feel how we can give them pleasure, joy, or vice versa, cause irritation, annoyance, resentment. Tactfulness and sensitivity are also manifested in sense of proportion which should be observed in conversation, in the ability to sense the limit beyond which our words and actions can cause a person undeserved offense, grief, pain.

A tactful person always takes into account specific circumstances: differences in age, gender, social status, place of conversation, presence or absence of strangers. A tactful and well-mannered person behaves in accordance with the norms of etiquette not only in an official setting, but also at home. Tact and a sense of proportion tell him what can and cannot be done under certain circumstances. Such a person will never, by word or deed, offend another, or insult his dignity.

Unfortunately, there are people with a double standard of behavior: one in public, the other at home. At school, with acquaintances and friends, they are polite and helpful, but at home, with loved ones, they do not stand on ceremony, are rude and tactless. This indicates a person’s low culture and poor upbringing.

Forms of tactlessness very diverse.

Tactless in conversation:

– refuse to discuss the proposed topic without reason (“I don’t want to talk about this topic”);

– conduct conversations that can evoke difficult memories for those present and unpleasantly offend them (about illness, death, etc.);

- allow inappropriate jokes, make fun of those present, gossip about those absent;

– talk loudly in public places and transport about purely personal, intimate matters – your own and others’;

– whisper in your ear, etc.

Tactless in behavior :

– upon entering the transport, stop at the door without thinking about the remaining passengers;

– occupy several seats in transport with yourself or your luggage at once;

    sit in transport, “not noticing” the women and elderly people standing in front of you;

– do not leave a passage on the metro escalator for those who are in a hurry (you should always stand on the right);

- always be dissatisfied with everything, grumble, condemn everything, make constant complaints;

    behave uncontrollably own apartment, disturbing neighbors: slamming doors, turning on full power TV or radio, making noise late at night;

It is also tactless to show idle curiosity:

– look closely at a person, especially point at him or whisper about him;

– look into the windows of other people’s apartments;

- to blab other people's secrets.

Tactful behavior is also based on self-control. That's why tactless:

- act and speak in a state of anger or passion - later you may bitterly regret it;

– show your likes and dislikes too openly;

- go too far in expressing your courtesy and friendliness so that they do not turn into importunity.

Not only a sense of proportion will help you behave correctly in these situations, but also delicacy, which will tell you how to approach a person so as not to offend, not to offend him, not to touch a sore spot, but, on the contrary, to try to help him, to get him out of a difficult situation.

At the same time, delicacy should not be excessive, intrusive, turn into flattery, or lead to the praise of everything seen and heard. For example, there is no need to hide the fact that you are seeing, hearing, or tasting something for the first time, for fear that you will be considered ignorant.

A prerequisite for tact is respect for another, manifested, in particular, in the ability to listen to him, in the ability to quickly and accurately determine the interlocutor’s reaction to our statements, actions and, if necessary, self-critically, without false shame, apologize for the mistake made. This will not only not damage your dignity, but, on the contrary, will strengthen it in the eyes of people, revealing such a valuable trait of yours as modesty. After all, a modest person never strives to show himself better, more capable, smarter than others, does not emphasize his superiority, does not demand any privileges, special amenities, or services for himself.

But self-centered people, on the contrary, strive to attract attention to themselves, to squeeze forward everywhere. To this end, they condemn, ridicule, and belittle the importance of others, exalting their own merits, which often do not exist. Such people are unpleasant in society, they are no longer respected, because they lack tact and inner sensitivity, which are so necessary in communication.

At the same time, modesty should not manifest itself in timidity and shyness. On the contrary, modest people may well turn out to be quite decisive and active in critical circumstances, when defending their own opinions. But this should be done without causing internal resistance in the interlocutor and a desire to fight before the argument begins. To prove something, you need to do it so subtly, so skillfully that no one feels it. And the best way to end the misunderstanding is with a friendly, tactful remark, a sympathetic desire to understand the point of view of your opponent.

Calmness, diplomacy, a deep understanding of the interlocutor’s argumentation, well-thought-out counter-argumentation based on accurate facts - this is the solution to this contradiction between the requirements of “good form” and firmness in defending one’s opinion during discussions.

You cannot simply “learn tact” - it is acquired not only under the influence of environment and upbringing, but is also determined by the character and desire of the person himself. However, it is certainly possible to develop it.

In addition to the main principles politeness, tact, modesty there are also general rules behavior. These include, for example, "inequality" people in the field of etiquette, expressed, in particular, in the form benefits who have - remember!: - women before men,

- elders before younger ones,

– the sick before the healthy,

– boss (director, teacher) in front of subordinates.

How can this manifest itself, for example, in relation to a woman? A man, a young man, a young man must be attentive to women and girls (remember: the level of his culture and upbringing is judged by his attitude towards a woman).

If he accompanies or sees her off, he must take every possible care of her. In the theater, in a restaurant, at a party - help undress and dress, give a coat, put clothes in the wardrobe. At the door, let them go first (except for restaurant halls, where men enter first). In transport, elevators, help to get in and out (the man gets out first, giving the lady his hand). Take the heavy luggage from her or at least offer help. Always and all women, regardless of their age, give up their seat in transport. Walking up the stairs, a man lags behind a woman by 1-2 steps; going down, he walks ahead.

Thus our conversation moves from general principles of etiquette private behavioral issues.

A well-mannered person lives in harmony with himself and others. It is impossible to become well-mannered at once, or only in some cases; good manners are not a suit or dress that is stored in the closet until a special occasion. Education either exists or it doesn’t.

What are good manners?

A person is judged not by his clothes, but by his manners, by how he behaves in society, how he treats others, how he speaks and gestures. To summarize completely, good manners are the presence or, conversely, absence of respect for people. The old saying, “Treat people the way you want to be treated,” will probably never get old. You don’t have to read treatises on the ability to behave in society, but simply act in accordance with this proverb, and you will be known as a very pleasant and well-mannered person with refined manners.

Why are good manners needed?

Have good manners also very useful. We have to communicate with many people every day - at work, in transport, with friends, and the result depends on how friendly this communication is. Without at least compliance elementary rules Decency is difficult to adapt to a new society. You may notice that successful and self-confident people are almost always well-mannered. They often say about people who have achieved their goals, earned recognition, and, at the same time, are calm and restrained: “He has aristocratic manners, it’s pleasant to communicate with him.”

Good manners in modern society

You can often hear that modern society has no time for manners. However, a person who swears loudly, is dressed dirty, or yawns loudly at all times does not cause anything other than rejection. Another thing is that some manners have changed, but have not been lost. Modern manners are based on respect for the other person, but convenience and practicality come to the fore. Eg

  1. Let the woman go ahead and open the door for her. Now the door is opened by whoever is more comfortable, regardless of whether you are a man or a woman. If a man with a child appears in front of a girl, naturally she will open the door for him.
  2. Men must give way to women. The same as in the first case - the one for whom it is easier stands, and the woman may well give way to a disabled man.

Rules of good manners

What should you do and how to behave so as not to be considered ignorant? The basic rules of etiquette and good manners are simple: be discreet, friendly, control yourself, and behave naturally.

  1. There is no need to hide from everyone that you are seeing or trying something for the first time. It will be better if you are taught how to do this than to be publicly embarrassed.
  2. Looking good is very important, and it's not about clothes. It is unacceptable to sit with your legs spread wide apart, or to place the ankle of one leg on the knee of the other, to shout loudly and gesticulate widely.
  3. Do not chew gum while talking or look at your watch or mobile phone.
  4. Do not come to visit without warning; if you find people in pajamas in an uncleaned room, you will feel the inconvenience.
  5. Be sure to knock on the room before entering, no matter whether it is the boss’s office or a child’s nursery.
  6. Naturally, you can’t read other people’s letters, but modern conditions SMS, emails.
  7. There is no need to talk with your mouth full and, especially, to wipe your mouth with your hands - use a napkin.
  8. Good manners for a girl are to never place her bag on her lap or on the table. A small clutch is allowed, but a fashionable tote bag can only be placed on the floor or can be hung on the back of a chair.

How to deal with manners?

The main sign of bad manners is pointing out to other people their bad manners. It’s better to take a closer look at yourself; you can probably spot a few bad manners.

  1. If you are irritable, flare up over trifles and can be rude in the heat of the moment, try to control yourself. Practice breathing deeper at home, counting during an attack of irritation, use what works best, and gradually it will become a habit.
  2. Bad manners can be caused by ignorance, especially if you are in another country. Take an interest, or better yet, find out in advance how to behave and what the customs are in this area.
  3. If you are inattentive to people, or simply do not notice the need for help, ask, thereby you will be known as an attentive person and gradually get used to showing concern for others.
  4. Write down all your bad habits, manners, ask someone you trust what irritates you, analyze what situations provoke them. At first you can ask loved one gently draw your attention to the manifestation of bad manners, later you will see them yourself and will be able to keep them under control.

How to learn good manners?

Is it possible to learn good manners? How can a woman learn good manners so that the situation does not arise: she seemed beautiful and spiritual until she spoke? Rules of conduct are taught in childhood, but this does not mean that an adult cannot master them.

  1. First of all, learn to be calm. A calm reaction to stimuli contributes to the development of self-control, and self-control will prevent you from losing your temper and committing an act that you may later regret.
  2. Cultivate a positive perception of the world around you. A well-mannered person is not one who will refrain from answering if he is pushed, but one who is not offended by the push at all.
  3. Try not to provoke situations in which a feeling of awkwardness may arise, and if such a situation arose through no fault of yours, create a distracting maneuver.
  4. Remember what irritates you in other people and try not to repeat it.
  5. Be polite in all situations, politeness is the basis of good manners, do not use rude expressions or disdain for people.
  6. Carefully observe those who seem to you to be well-mannered people and try to repeat their actions in different situations.
  7. Watch your speech - do not allow slang expressions or special terms, not to mention outright vulgarisms. Secret correct speech simple - read! Especially Russian classical literature, the more you read, the faster your speech will improve, and enough has been written about good manners in books.

Films about good manners

There are films that can help you learn correct behavior:

  1. "How to become a princess"- Is it possible to change your manners and remain yourself.
  2. "Pride and Prejudice"- how to successfully get married without a dowry, but with impeccable manners.
  3. "Kate and Leo"- the sophistication and slowness of the 19th century and the crazy New York of the 20th.
  4. "Miss Congeniality"- Are a policewoman and a good upbringing incompatible?
  5. "The Devil Wears Prada"- what is hidden behind the good manners of a successful lady?
  6. "My Fair Lady"- how to turn into a society lady from an ugly duckling.

Is it worth it for a modern, self-confident and beautiful girl adhere to any rules of etiquette? Definitely yes! If a girl lives in society, treats others with respect and expects to receive sympathy, goodwill and respect from others, and achieve some goals, then she not only has to, but even has to. What exactly should every young lady know?!

What is etiquette

Everyone has heard this unusual word, and in most cases it is associated with a lot of cutlery or aristocratic manners. Many consider it a relic that is not needed in everyday life.

Indeed, earlier, more importance was paid to manners, especially in rich, aristocratic families or houses close to science and art. But even today you need to know and follow the basic rules of etiquette. A lot depends on this.

Etiquette is the rules of behavior that should guide a person in society.

One etiquette for everyone

The rules of behavior dictated by society show how well-mannered a person is and respects the people around him. From childhood, parents try to give their children a good upbringing. Knowing the norms and rules of behavior and observing them will allow the child to feel comfortable in society in the future.

Rules that everyone should know and follow:

    Be polite and friendly with others.

    Don't make noise, don't spit, don't litter in public places.

    Men should stand up to greet those who approach.

    When bringing a companion into the company, you need to introduce him.

    At the table you cannot reach for anything over your neighbor’s plate; you must ask for something to be served.

    Don't eat on the road or on the street (exception: ice cream or cotton candy in the park).

It is not difficult to remember the rules and norms of etiquette; moreover, most of them are applied by a well-mannered person every day.

How a well-mannered girl behaves at the table

Eating is one of the physiological needs, but you should not show animal instincts, especially in society. And even if alone you like to have a snack in front of the TV or stretch your legs during lunch on the next chair, sitting down with a magazine, then in the company you should limit your weaknesses and remember the rules of etiquette for a girl at the table.

Let's consider the most “strict” situation - a restaurant:

1. If a trip to a restaurant took place after the phrase “I invite...”, then the person who said it pays. If such an invitation did not follow, and this was common decision, then everyone pays for their own income. A man can pay for a woman with her permission.

2. The man takes the menu first, he hands it to the lady and asks her to make a choice. A man orders dishes for two.

3. You should not start eating until everyone at the table has received their order. If those waiting suggested not to wait for them, you can slowly try your dish. This rule is relevant for the first course; you can proceed to subsequent courses “without regard” to others.

4. The basic rules of table etiquette warn everyone: you should not rush, slurp, put your elbows on the table, wave your fork and talk while chewing!

5. The cotton napkin that is brought with the cutlery should be on the visitor’s lap.

6. If you decide to try something from a shared dish, be sure to use the utensils that were brought with it. They took it, put it down and immediately returned it general device in place.

7. Remember to eat citrus fruits, cakes, cookies and bread with your hands.

8. Pour sugar to taste into a mug yourself and stir with a spoon. After this, the spoon is left on the edge of the saucer.

Etiquette at a party

Going on a visit is often a joyful and useful event. We enjoy visiting people who like us and accept us for who we are. But even among friends and relatives, you should not forget about the rules of etiquette when visiting. Their observance is a sign of respect for the hosts and other guests.

Seven simple rules:

1. You should not visit without an invitation and a preliminary call.

2. Being late is ugly! If you cannot arrive at the appointed time, call and warn the owners.

3. The rules of etiquette in society say that if you enter a room where other guests have already gathered, you must say hello first.

4. Even if you have some problems, it is better not to talk about them. Try to have a fun, relaxed conversation and not burden others with your worries.

5. Guest etiquette tells you what to do when you need to leave before others. Be sure to thank the owners, apologize and say goodbye. You don’t have to disturb the rest and leave quietly, unnoticed.

6. Even if you go to visit for no reason, you should not show up empty-handed, especially if there are children in the house. The rules of etiquette for girls do not oblige the fair sex to buy a cake or other sweets, but such care and attention will be pleasant to the owners.

7. “Whoever goes to visit in the morning acts wisely,” said the domestic Winnie the Pooh. Unless you are a bear cub, you should avoid visiting too early or too late.

How to behave as a decent girl in society

As you know, society greatly influences a person. Being in the company of intelligent, well-mannered, successful people, I don’t want to be ignorant. The rules of etiquette for a girl are designed to help the young lady “not fall face down in honest company.” By observing this small code, she will be able to conquer others not only with her appearance, but also with her manners and upbringing.

1. If the greeter said, “Good afternoon,” you should respond in the same way, and not just say, “Good.”

2. If you are leaving or entering a room, hold the door for the person following you.

3. Be kind, polite and reserved.

4. Do not make comments to either children or adults.

5. If you go to the cinema, theater or concert, then you need to make your way to your seat facing the people sitting. The man goes first, followed by the lady. Don't forget to turn off your cell phone sound.

6. A girl can wear a hat and gloves indoors, but she must definitely take off her hat and mittens.

7. You cannot speak loudly, laugh, discuss or use foul language: the rules of etiquette in society prohibit this for absolutely everyone!

Rules of clothing etiquette

A woman's appearance depends on her age, fashion, activities and internal state. There are ladies who are watched very closely by the press. For example, celebrities, royalty or first ladies cannot afford to relax, especially in public. The rules of etiquette for a girl include recommendations for choosing a wardrobe and creating your own image, so that anyone looks no worse than a duchess:


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