Rules for communicating with people: easy and effective. How to learn to talk to people: the secret of easy communication How to learn to communicate well with people

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Today I was asked a very interesting question - how to learn to communicate with people? Of course, someone is surprised that a person does not know how to communicate, but if you think about it, not every conversation goes as it should. I will talk about how to communicate with people correctly, what you should pay attention to, and I will share my own secrets in this matter.

In recent years, especially after the release of a series about one extremely smart detective, being a sociopath has become fashionable. However, it will not be forgotten that even that same notorious detective knew how to carry on a conversation - another thing is that the topic for dialogue with him had to be chosen in a special way.

Every person, if he lives in society, must be able to communicate. Even if he believes that he could do just fine without this skill. However, over time it becomes clear that communication is not just friendly chat over tea on any interesting topic. The following actions can be included in the framework of communication:

  • employment;
  • communication with the work team;
  • family relationships;
  • contacts with service personnel;
  • contacts with superiors;
  • parenting.

Even if it seems to you that you are not talkative at all, and there is no need for you to learn how to talk beautifully, you are mistaken. Any encounter with other people involves communication. And the best thing is to know how to communicate correctly.

There is another side to the issue - the need for communication. Psychology considers the need for communication as one of the most important and basic. If you know how to carry on a conversation, sooner or later you will want to implement this skill in your own life.

Basic rules for pleasant communication

The art of dialogue implies certain rules; if you follow them, then any dialogue will be easier and freer. Read them and you will understand how to talk.

  1. To understand how to talk to other people, you need to listen to their speech. It's best to talk at the same pace, and with similar intonations, then the interlocutor will be more favorable.
  2. There is no secret to talking about something you understand - speak firmly, clearly and competently.
  3. To understand how to talk, try polish your written language first. Psychology connects the ability to write beautifully and the ability to express one’s thoughts orally.
  4. Take time to understand how to learn to speak competently. Read Russian language textbooks, re-read fiction, find a style that suits you.
  5. Develop your vocabulary. Otherwise, you may be interested in how to talk for a long time, but still not be able to - it is very difficult to talk about serious topics using a vocabulary like Ellochka the Ogress.
  6. Gesture and work with mime, when you learn how to communicate properly.

Psychology links several information channels together. Thus, a person better understands and remembers what was said if it caused an emotional response in him.

Chatting with strangers

Let's try to figure out how to learn to communicate if you are not sure that you are an expert in this field.

Let's look at it point by point.

How to start a conversation if you're shy? The main thing to do in this situation is to get out of the stupor. Psychology also advises shifting the focus of vision to something understandable or pleasant. The easiest way is to approach the person starting to say something in a few steps.

Psychology calls this method a deceptive maneuver, and most often it is used by older people who are ashamed to admit that they do not know how to start a conversation with a stranger. Remember - many people approach a person, muttering something under their breath, and then turn to him, as if by chance.

Okay, let’s say you approached a stranger and managed to strike up a dialogue with him, what next? And then there are several ways - you can try to ask the person about what interests you, or try to tell something about yourself.

There is also a win-win option; most often it is used by people in craft professions while working. This method implies starting a dialogue on one of the current topics. Politics, psychology, social pedagogy. At worst, the dollar exchange rate and the roads will come down.

By the way, there is another way to start a conversation with strangers; it is often used by hitchhikers. The point is to ask one question, and then ask the interlocutor three times for his last phrase.

For example, talk about bad road surfaces, and when the interlocutor says a few words, repeat the last 2-3 words out loud with a questioning intonation. The interlocutor will begin to delve into a topic he understands, and you both won’t notice how easily and naturally you start talking.

Worried about how to learn competently talk? This question is more complicated. First you need to determine whether you have speech problems. Record several monotonous pieces of text on a voice recorder, and then carefully listen to this audio recording several times.


I talked about how to learn to communicate, but perhaps I’ll make a small conclusion. Before you worry about learning how to communicate, practice at home in front of a webcam or smartphone and evaluate your speech from the outside. When thinking about how to learn to communicate, we too often feel deprived of interesting events.

This is completely normal - first our lives are filled with close people, then events, and only then - the hidden meanings and motives of both people and events.

Read more, listen to recordings of your speech more often, and of course, don’t forget that the best skill can only be acquired through live training - meet people and learn to maintain a dialogue.

Communication on VKontakte between a guy and a young lady often develops into virtual friendship, telephone dialogue, and then it’s not far to a real date. However, to achieve such progress, it is important.

If you don’t know what to talk about with a girl or what topics to choose for conversation, follow the following tips from experienced network users.

If you have no idea what to talk about with a girl, first remember what you know about this interlocutor.

Let’s say you already know each other (you have mutual friends, just a casual acquaintance, you’ve been corresponding for quite some time), in this case it will be much easier to conduct a dialogue on VK.

You just need to ask the right questions that relate to changes that have occurred since the previous communication.

If you just want to communicate with a woman online, carefully study her page - photos, list of communities, downloaded audio and video files. Such an “audit” will tell you the hobbies of a potential interlocutor and will help you choose really interesting topics for conversation with a girl.

If you notice something that unites you - acquaintances, studies, hobbies - offer to talk about this particular topic. As a starter, you can post a “piece” of your biography, telling some interesting incident from your life.

There is no need to immediately talk about personal topics, since adherence to principles, characteristic of young people, can reduce communication to nothing.

Don't know what to talk about with a girl? Be guided by the situation and once again carefully review all her photographs in contact. Probably, something in a girl’s appearance will give a clue and help maintain the conversation that has begun. For example, in the photo, a young lady is hugging a cat (find out his name), sitting on the bank of a river (ask if she knows how to swim when the photo was taken). Finding questions is not that difficult, the main thing is to be attentive to the details.

Topics for conversation with girls

Your task is to correspond on VK with the young lady in such a way that it is interesting for both of you. To do this, you need to find suitable topics for communicating with the girl. A representative of the fairer sex is unlikely to be pleased by a long conversation about cars or football news.

You need to be careful when choosing questions that you don’t particularly understand, so as not to appear stupid in girls’ eyes. It is also not permissible to argue while discussing such topics; this can make your interlocutor laugh.

What questions should we discuss? The simplest and most reasonable solution is to choose so-called eternal topics for dialogues. It is worth dwelling on them in more detail.

  1. Relationship. Ask what kind of men your interlocutor likes, what she expects from a relationship, and what behavior she will not tolerate from a guy. Naturally, one should not insist on discussing this topic if the girl is not ready for excessive frankness. Don't ask vulgar questions either.
  2. Cinematography and music. You can chat with a girl online about such current topics as new movies, music, television series or television shows. From the correspondence you can find out what the young lady’s favorite actor, film, or musician is. Then these questions should be smoothly translated into the possibility of going to the cinema together.
  3. Hobbies. Another “eternal” topic that will interest both a guy and a young lady is hobbies and sports. Ask what your interlocutor’s hobbies are, how she spends her free time, and whether she plays any sports.
  4. Reading. Nowadays it’s not so easy to find a girl in contact, or even in real life, who would be passionate about literature. If your interlocutor is an avid bibliomaniac, discuss what literary genres are close to her, and what books by writers she has read over the past week. You can show your erudition by including quotes and aphorisms from classical works into your conversation.
  5. Memorable or favorite places. You can also chat on VKontakte about the sights of the city in which you both live. Discuss the girl’s favorite city places, find out which cafes she prefers to sit at and have a cup of coffee. This information can then be used when asking you out on a date.
  6. Travel or vacation. You can also chat with your interlocutor on VK about planning a weekend getaway, traveling during the holidays or vacation. A guy and a girl can be united by a common love of travel, active recreation, or a vacation spent in the same place.
  7. Study or work. Questions about educational or work issues also belong to the “classic” topics of communication in VKontakte and other social networks. You can ask your interlocutor how her day was, so she can feel cared for by the guy.
  8. Animals. Representatives of the fairer sex usually love to talk about their pets and will be interested in a guy who also shares this interest. Find out if the girl is a cat lover or a dog lover; perhaps she keeps parrots at home. Most likely, you will see these very favorites in the photos on VK.

Naturally, you don’t need to correspond on all these topics at once; choose for dialogue only those questions that are interesting to your interlocutor and you. In this case, communication in contact will not seem like an interrogation to the girl, but will look like a casual conversation.

To keep the conversation going, insert stories about your hobbies and skills as you write, but in a way that doesn't seem like bragging.

For example, if your interlocutor is interested in riding, offer to keep her company or teach her bicycle tricks.

If the conversation turns to literature that has been read, offer to read some new book or a continuation of a series that the young lady is interested in. The guy’s task in such a situation is to show his imagination and offer his help.

If you have had a good chat on VKontakte, it’s time to chat on your mobile phone. And then the guy faces the following questions: what to talk about with a girl on the phone, where to find the courage to call and how to carry on a conversation while hearing her voice.

Having taken the girl's phone number, be brave and make a call. At the very beginning of the conversation, make a smooth transition from communication in contact to the moment when you decide to call her. Continue the conversation from the point where you left off during the correspondence. For example, find out how she got home yesterday.

There are no special topics when communicating on the phone between a guy and a girl. You can chat on the above examples of topics, discuss something new that happened while you weren't talking. Perhaps the interlocutor herself will ask questions - serious and not so serious, and you can switch to a new problem of discussion.

Try to listen to the young lady carefully, inserting your emotional comments during the conversation. Be sure to tell her how much you enjoyed talking to her and how pleasant and sexy her voice is. Vulgar hints at this stage are not entirely appropriate.

Rules of communication

Let's say you now know the main topics for communicating with a girl on VK or by phone. However, in order for communication to proceed in a positive way and bring you and your interlocutor only positive emotions, adhere to the following rules of communication in contact:

  1. Don’t deceive your interlocutor by inventing non-existent wealth or a successful career for yourself, or by displaying other people’s photographs. If you want to communicate not only on VK, but also in real life, the deception will quickly be revealed, and the girl, most likely, will no longer want to correspond with you.
  2. Don’t pull the “blanket” of the conversation onto yourself by actively advertising yourself. A guy who starts talking or describing for hours how cool he is will be 100% likely to be considered by his interlocutor as a narcissist and a narrow-minded egoist.
  3. If you communicate with your interlocutor as a girl, and not as a friend or pen pal, do not discuss other representatives of the fairer sex with her. The only exception is if you want to compare your interlocutor with some actress (naturally, the young lady will at least be in no way inferior to the celebrity).
  4. Do not discuss her previous relationship with the young lady, unless she, on her own initiative, wants to discuss her former lover with you. In general, having a conversation with a girl you barely know about ended love affairs is considered bad form.
  5. Not all representatives of the fairer sex like vulgar jokes! This is a reinforced concrete rule that applies to every guy, which should be remembered once and for all. Perhaps, after some time, you will move to another level of relationship, and vulgar anecdotes and jokes will be perceived by the young lady with understanding and even pleasure.
  6. During the conversation, try to ask so-called open questions that will require detailed answers from the interlocutor. For example, instead of “worked today?” ask the girl “how was your work day today?” This way you can significantly prolong and diversify the conversation.

And a few more simple recommendations for a guy who doesn’t know how to communicate with pretty girls on VK. There is no need to behave intrusively and defiantly when speaking. Nice young ladies like interlocutors who arouse interest, and not the desire to quickly end the conversation. In addition, it is important to find topics that both of you will like, because both people should enjoy communication in contact and on the phone.

Communication on the Internet is an invariable component of the life of any modern person. At the same time, online communication has some unique properties that face-to-face communication cannot boast of. These include:

  • anonymity - not a single person can reveal himself anywhere as much as this can be done on the Internet. At the same time, the user himself determines how much he is ready to open up to a particular interlocutor, which of his character traits he would like to show and which to hide, and, importantly, the person himself regulates the duration of his communication, devoting to it exactly as much time as he can afford;
  • a huge audience of potential interlocutors. Only through the Internet is it possible to communicate with people whom a person has never seen before and, perhaps, will never see;
  • the opportunity to find not only friends with similar interests, but also a life partner, if you’re lucky.

In our article we will talk about existing programs for communicating on the Internet, discuss their main differences from each other and their advantages for the user. In addition, we will give you some tips on how to more organically join the Internet crowd in order to avoid discomfort and create an interesting social circle for you.

Programs for communicating on the Internet

Programs for communicating on the Internet today are quite diverse. Some, by modern standards, are already considered a little outdated, but still hold their positions. Such programs, with the help of which communication via the Internet was initially organized, includes e-mail. By logging into your mailbox on the selected service, you can read and write letters. Examples of such services are, hotmail, and other mail sites.

Of course, mail is great, but first it is logical to find those to whom you can write letters. Traditionally, forums and chats are considered convenient for finding new acquaintances, where you can organize a discussion on a topic that interests you, make inquiries on topics that interest you, receive answers to questions asked, and ultimately form a certain circle of communication, the unifying factor for which will be common professional or personal interests.

Forums can be highly specialized (for example, a forum about computing and digital technology) or general topics, which cover a variety of topics that are interesting to a specific target audience. There are also universal forums where you can just chat with people “about nothing.”

A more dynamic program for communicating via the Internet is chats such as ICQ, Skype and others. There are thematic and general chats. It is in chats that you need to be active and quickly respond to events! Probably one of the most common chat programs today is ICQ, and this is quite understandable: the program allows you to quickly and easily communicate with online users. At the same time, the program does not load PC resources and takes up minimal space on the monitor. Using this program you can send files, links to pages, SMS.

Some useful tips for chat life newbies:

  1. Always say hello when you arrive and goodbye when you leave. This is a basic rule of politeness, do not neglect it.
  2. Try to choose chats with fewer visitors, then there is a greater chance that you will be able to find interesting interlocutors with whom it will be easier to communicate in the future in real life.
  3. Avoid large capital letters! In chats, this is considered a sign of bad taste, since it means shouting, and screamers are not liked.
  4. Add emoticons to your phrases, especially if this is the only way to determine your true attitude to what is written.
  5. Don’t have a complex about inserting yourself into someone else’s conversation. The whole point of chats is that if the conversation takes place in an open mode, the interlocutor can join in at any time. However, intervene as tactfully as possible, do not start communication with accusations or arguments.

Of course, sooner or later you will be faced with the question, what next? Should we limit ourselves to written communication or meet live with interesting interlocutors? You decide! Most chat rooms traditionally gather in certain places where people can chat with each other live and make new friends.

Social networks for communication

Now we invite you to talk about such a modern phenomenon as “social networks for communication.” There are countless of them!

WhatsApp is currently considered the most popular service for communication around the world. The program can be installed on any mobile device and is suitable for any operating system; WhatsApp can be used by Apple fans, BlackBerry lovers, and owners of Windows Phone smartphones. The essence of the program is that it searches for all users known to it by phone numbers, with its help you can send text messages to these users for free during the first year of using the application, and starting from the second year, pay $1 per year for this service. In addition to text correspondence, using this service you can exchange photo, video and audio files.

A similar program to WhatsApp that uses the subscriber’s number as a subscriber identifier is Viber. In addition to the listed functions, the program makes voice calls. And unlike its main competitor, this program is free.

The “ChompSMS/Textra” program has been developed specifically for the Android platform. This program sends a message to any number, bypassing the mobile operator’s network, but not for free, but in accordance with the prices on the official website.

Naturally, we couldn’t ignore the global giant – Facebook Messenger! This program allows you to exchange text messages with friends from Facebook without going to the network's website, as well as view your news feed and notifications. In addition to text messages, you can also send voice messages, but only if you are in a Wi-Fi zone.

The developer of the most famous social network in our country, VKontakte, Pavel Durov, created the Telegram messenger, which is essentially similar to WhatsApp. One feature is that sent messages can be prohibited from being forwarded to anyone else and the program can be configured so that they self-destruct after some time. Registration is carried out by phone number.

Surely we will not be mistaken if we say that the main purpose of using social networks is to communicate with the opposite sex on a variety of topics. And indeed, communicating with a girl on the Internet is easier and simpler for those who find it difficult to overcome their shyness and start freely communicating with a person immediately after seeing him for the first time in their life. In this context, social networks play the role of a kind of “bringer” - when people communicate with each other for some time, get used to the communication style, and subsequently it is easier for them to interact in reality. However, we should not forget that not a single one, even the most advanced chat or forum, can replace a sincere conversation face to face in the company of a pleasant interlocutor. So get acquainted, communicate, find new friends and be sure to meet! We wish you good luck!

What prevents us from easily and simply communicating with people - talking, maintaining contact? After all, speaking is one of the most important human abilities.

There are many reasons, the most popular of which are:

- fear of saying something stupid,
- fear of being misunderstood,
- reluctance to express one's opinion -

and many other excuses that hide the psychological problem of communication. How to communicate with people correctly so that this process brings joy, how to reveal the secret of the ability to talk and negotiate - .

Why you can't talk to people correctly

The ability to communicate with people is required every day. Thanks to the ability to speak, we can convey our thoughts, make friends, confess our love, achieve career growth and remain confident in any life situation. The whole life of a modern person consists of intersections with other people, and communication skills are simply necessary.

But what to do if the conversation doesn't work out? Fear, isolation, unsociability, uncertainty - all this makes it impossible to find a common language with your interlocutor. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan helps to unravel the secret of effective communication.

Communicative interaction is the activity of transmitting and receiving information between people. It seems that everything is simple and clear. But for some reason a failure occurs, and a person cannot easily perform these same actions. The reasons lie in his psyche, which determines thoughts, hidden motives, priorities. Regardless of education or age, the psychology of communication is closely related to a set of desires and values ​​of a particular person, called vectors.

Rules of communication psychology: for whom is it important?

For the owner of the anal vector, the problem will be the fear of disgracing himself, of saying something wrong, inappropriately. Excellent memory and the ability to analyze past events carefully preserve in his thoughts all past mistakes and mistakes.

An innate tendency toward perfectionism and attention to detail force him to constantly scroll through a different set of conversation options in his head and think about the next word. Therefore, his speech is slow, burdened with many details, often unnecessary to the interlocutor. If he is interrupted during a conversation or forced to speak faster, he may fall into a stupor and lose the thread of the conversation.

The tendency to generalize bad personal experiences instead of productively applying one's analytical abilities in professional activities inevitably leads to fear of communication. And even if such a person begins to attend training on communicating with people, problems will most likely remain. The set of rules and recommendations received there shows how to work on the investigation, but will not be able to remove the cause of uncertainty and difficulties in communication.

And this is the main thing - to understand the reasons for your fears and problems. It's like a medical diagnosis. When it is accurately diagnosed and the cause of the disease is determined, it can be cured. Knowing how the psyche works, its properties can be used for the benefit of others and for your own joy.

It's scary to communicate with people: how to overcome yourself

What if it’s scary not only to communicate, but even to live? The enormous emotional amplitude of the owner of the visual vector sometimes plays cruel jokes on him. The range of emotions from boundless happiness to the same boundless grief and melancholy. A stunningly rich imagination throws up fantastic stories with disasters, murders and innumerable misfortunes.

It is people with the visual vector who have the strongest fears, panic attacks and anxiety.

The innate fear of death is the root emotion, as the cause of all the variety of phobias remains in a visual person, when all his thoughts revolve around fear for himself and his own safety. He begins to be afraid to communicate with people, playing out fantastic stories about robberies, violence, and murders in his head. The viewer's fantasies are so vivid and exciting that he begins to believe them, live in a fictional reality and cannot get out of there.

The paradox is that fantasies carry over into real life. The more the viewer fears for himself, the more fears he has, the more often he finds himself in situations where he becomes a victim of stories that are no longer made up. He can't be confident. He “smells” of fear, “victim”, and this smell is caught by everyone - from dogs that growl and bite such people, to rapists and robbers.

Advice from psychologists on how to overcome fear, overcome yourself, stop being afraid, does not give any results. And this is understandable. After all, again we are trying to fight the consequences, not understanding the reasons for any fears, including the fear of communicating with people. Awareness of one's properties and desires allows a person to get rid of all problems associated with hypertrophied self-care and fear for oneself.

Empathy for other people, your family, loved ones, friends allows the viewer to establish strong emotional contact with the interlocutor and share with him his sorrows and joys. In this case, the fear goes away and there are no communication problems at all. On the contrary, people are drawn to such people. They want to be close to them, feeling genuine sympathy and empathy.

How to learn to communicate when I'm not interested in you

Sound artists are generators of ideas. But with whom to share them? Who can understand and discuss them? Potentially brilliant, but difficult to communicate, seemingly fixated on themselves and their thoughts, sound artists often withdraw into themselves and have trouble making contact with people. They cannot clearly and simply express their thoughts, because the meaning is clear to them, and pronouncing the entire chain of words is no longer interesting.

Egocentric by nature, arrogant and “the smartest”, people with the sound vector can engage in spiritual self-improvement, the psychology of which is to cognize what is not in the material world. Of course, finding like-minded people for such communication is not easy. But if this happened, then the two sound people will discuss the higher worlds, spiritual topics, or be happily silent, sitting at night under the starry sky.

To answer the eternal questions - who am I, where am I from and where am I going? - the sound engineer needs to realize his desires and characteristics. Having realized that his main desire is to know himself, the people around him and the meaning of life, the sound artist can come out of his “shell” and begin to explore the world around him. Shifting focus from your internal states to others completely solves all problems of communicating with people.

- Why do we need communication?
— 6 main rules for communicating with people
— The art of effective communication
— 10 immutable rules of contact in society

Every person, if he lives in society, must be able to communicate. Even if he believes that he could do just fine without this skill. However, over time it becomes clear that communication is not just friendly chat over tea on any interesting topic. The following actions can be included in the framework of communication:

1) employment;
2) communication with the work team;

3) family relationships;
4) contacts with service personnel;
5) contacts with superiors;
6) raising children.

Even if it seems to you that you are not talkative at all, and there is no need for you to learn how to talk beautifully, you are mistaken. Any encounter with other people involves communication. And the best thing is to know how to communicate correctly.

There is another side to the issue - the need for communication. Psychology considers the need for communication as one of the most important and basic. If you know how to carry on a conversation, sooner or later you will want to implement this skill in your own life.

— 6 main rules for communicating with people

The psychology of communicating with people is based on several rules that were most clearly and clearly formulated by the famous psychologist and writer Dale Carnegie. He published his most famous books in the 1930s and 40s, but since then nothing has changed in human behavior and these rules are still relevant.

Rule #1: Be genuinely interested in others.
We all consider ourselves unique and want to be interesting to others. Remember your experience of communication - we are always more willing to talk not with those who say smart things, but with those who make us understand that we ourselves are interesting.

Rule #2: Smile.
Psychological research has shown that people who smile are generally more attractive to us. We tend to attribute to them the best human qualities. A smile shows the interlocutor that communicating with him is joy and pleasure.

Rule No. 3. Remember that your own name is the most pleasant word for any person.
By calling a person by name, we give him the simplest and most natural compliment. For us, a name expresses individuality. By using a person’s name in a conversation, you seem to be telling him: “You are an amazing person and a bright personality.”

Rule No. 4. Know how to listen.
It’s sad, but few people know how to really listen to their interlocutor - most often, especially in the heat of an argument, we simply wait for our turn to speak, without delving into what they are trying to convey to us. But demonstrating attention is a powerful tool of influence.

Rule No. 5. Talk about what interests your interlocutor.
Everyone has their own strong point. If you find the topic that worries your interlocutor, you will win him over. This applies to both business communication and ordinary friendly conversations. Even if the topic doesn’t seem particularly important to you, don’t close yourself down - try to listen and find out something valuable for yourself. It’s not for nothing that the Chinese sages said that you can learn from the first person you meet.

Rule No. 6: Sincerely demonstrate to your interlocutor his importance.
The key word here is “sincerely.” This is perhaps the most difficult part of communication psychology. People sense falsehood, and even those who love flattery in all forms will sense something is wrong if your enthusiasm is feigned. Look for what you truly find admirable in everyone, and honestly praise those character traits.

— The art of effective communication

Communication with people is an art. To master it, you need to know many subtleties and have special skills, many of which may seem unrelated to communication. However, it is their presence that makes people brilliant speakers and interesting interlocutors. What will help us “pump up” our communication skills?

1) Observation.
By noting the behavior, appearance, and facial expressions of the interlocutor, we can draw conclusions about what kind of person he is and in what style it is best to communicate with him. In addition, observation is closely related to memory, another important quality of a good conversationalist.

2) Memory.
The more information about a person we remember, the more successful our communication with him will be. If you remember everything the other person told you, you can demonstrate your interest in him. He will be truly flattered.

3) Broad outlook.
“Oh, I don’t understand anything about this!” After such words, few people will want to continue their exciting story about football, healthy eating or the latest international news. You don't need to be a generalist to have an understanding of the most diverse aspects of life. Interesting interlocutors do not isolate themselves in their own little world - they are interested in what is happening around them and can carry on a conversation on any topic.

4) Sensitivity.
The ability to read the emotions of an interlocutor can be called sensitivity, although in fact this is one of the consequences of observation. Anyone can master this art - for everyday life it is enough to learn to see basic emotions and know the basics of body language.

5) Constant training of communication skills.
The larger the number of people we talk to, the easier it is for us to find a common language with them. Look for opportunities to chat with strangers, with people from different social groups, with people whose interests differ markedly from yours. Talking to strangers will make you a more flexible conversationalist.

— 10 immutable rules of contact in society

1) Call a person by name more often if you strive to learn how to communicate. A person’s own name is more pleasant than angelic chants.

2) Ask leading questions. Try to ask in such a way that it is difficult to limit yourself to a monosyllabic “yes” or “no.”

3) Don’t be afraid to provoke a little in conversation and feel free to ask about what really interests you if you want to communicate correctly. However, we must remember that if you want to learn how to communicate, you should know that there are “forbidden” topics that are only appropriate to raise over a glass of good wine with your best friend.

4) You need to communicate correctly with people with their intonation and at their pace. You shouldn’t tire an elderly woman with a speech in which words fly out faster than bullets, and irritate a terribly busy boss with the manners of a “Turgenev” young lady.

5) Try to speak intelligently, clearly and firmly to people when you communicate. And to do this, you should at least understand a little about the subject of conversation

6) Work on your writing. Psychologists say that there is a direct connection between writing and the ability to express one’s thoughts orally.

7) Use facial expressions and gestures moderately. You shouldn’t talk about a trip to the sea with a straight face, like a central television announcer, but waving your arms like a windmill is also not the best option.

8) You can communicate correctly only by delving into what the interlocutor is saying.

9) Trust people, be open. Your neighbor may be annoying you with his endless repairs (and does he want to hammer into the wall on a Sunday morning?), but he may turn out to be a brilliant fitness trainer or an equally brilliant lawyer.

10) Be confident in yourself.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site


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