Correct layout of the kindergarten. How to open a private kindergarten: a detailed business plan

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Attention! The free business plan offered for download below is a sample. A business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

According to research data, today in the Russian Federation about 2,000,000 children aged 0 to 7 years need kindergartens, of which approximately:

  • 25% of children aged (1.5 – 3 years) require places urgently;
  • 41% of children of the same age – within one to one and a half years;
  • 33% of the youngest, who have not yet turned 1.5 years old, will need places no earlier than in 1.5 - 2 years.

Despite the measures taken by our government, the construction and repurposing of facilities for kindergartens does not produce the desired results. In this situation, small facilities for preschool children can solve the problem.

Based on these data, you will draw up a business plan for a private kindergarten, taking into account the Russian legislative framework.

Legal aspects

The legal basis for organizing your business is, first of all, registration with the tax authority. How to obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur can be previously studied on the website of the State Services of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

There you can also take the forms required to register the type of activity. Your activity type codes will be 85.32 (main); 80.10.1 and 80.10.3.

If you have all the necessary data, you will receive individual entrepreneur status within a week. Next, you will need to open a bank account, provide information about it to the Federal Tax Service, and register with the Pension Fund and the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund.

Organization of child care activities does not require licensing, as well as individual teaching activities.

Special permission may be required if the functions of your institution will include preschool education services.

An important point is also to draw up a form of agreement with the parents whose children will attend your kindergarten. Try to draw up points that may be controversial in as much detail as possible, for example, describe in detail what will be included in the “implementation of early development”, etc.

The contract must stipulate the rights and obligations of the parties, the grounds for recalculating the cost of services, and mutual measures of liability for violation of contractual obligations. Such a document is best drawn up by a specialist; in addition, several additions to the contract will be required.

Selecting a room

The second most important thing, after legal registration, is the selection and preparation of premises. Your business plan for a private kindergarten will be much more profitable if you own suitable buildings and areas.

Ideally, this is a detached house with a plot of land where you can place a playground. In addition, you will not have to interview your neighbors to find out their attitude to your idea, as you will have to do if you are planning to locate a kindergarten in an apartment in a multi-story building.

Remember that according to SanPiN, each child will need at least 4 m2. area, while rooms for sleeping, playing, and eating should be isolated from each other.

The premises must be equipped with special furniture; the presence of a fire alarm and an emergency exit are also mandatory conditions for the existence of a child care institution.

How to choose staff

Finding workers for a private childcare center today is not difficult, but it will be better if they are people who have recommendations from your friends.

Think about the issue of hiring staff; this will also require drawing up contracts and, if you draw up job descriptions, it will be much easier to manage the team.

You can read about the latest news and trends in franchise business

Minimum staff:

  • Manager;
  • Educator;
  • Nanny;
  • Cook;
  • Cleaning woman;
  • Security guard.

Depending on the number of children, you may need several identical units of staff.

How quickly do expenses pay off?

Download a business plan for a private kindergarten with calculations for the return on costs of its organization. According to the owners of such businesses, regardless of region, their services are always in demand.

For a child’s stay in a private kindergarten in Russia, parents, on average, pay from 10 to 30 thousand rubles per month. Of course, the cost depends on the income level of the population.

With correct calculations, the payback period is no more than one and a half years.

Watch the video: “Startup in detail “How to open a mini kindergarten””

Quality assurance. All regions. More than 3000 options in one place. Instant download.

On this page you can download or read a ready-made standard business plan for organizing a private kindergarten for free.

Read also the material about what an entrepreneur needs to consider when opening a private kindergarten How to open a private kindergarten .

As already noted, private kindergartens are becoming increasingly common, especially in large cities. There is a catastrophic shortage of places in the usual municipal kindergartens, and not every family can afford to hire a nanny or governess. In addition, we should not forget that the child needs communication in a children's group. For many, there is only one way out - to send the child to private kindergarten.

Business plan for a private kindergarten

Opening a private preschool institution, as well as the process of raising a child itself, is a very difficult and quite troublesome matter due to the difficulties of obtaining permits and other restrictions (in particular, requirements for the premises of a kindergarten).

The first step on the path to a private kindergarten is to register a legal entity and select a premises that meets all standards, the area of ​​which will directly depend on the number of children in the kindergarten. According to sanitary standards, one child should have at least 6 square meters. meters of area.

If we are talking about a large project, then the best option would be to rent the premises of a former state kindergarten from the local authorities. In this case, you will not have to pay for refurbishment of the premises, since such a building already has a kitchen, sports and music rooms, bedrooms, etc.

When it comes to creating home kindergarten, then you must have a fairly spacious, bright room with a separate room (at least one) for children. Usually, for a small private kindergarten, premises are rented. This could be an apartment, a cottage, or renting a suitable space in any existing educational institution. For example, renting a four-room apartment will cost on average about 40-60 thousand rubles per month.

To obtain license for educational activities, you will need to develop educational programs, provide information about the teaching staff, and obtain opinions on the suitability of the selected premises from the SES and firefighters.

A private kindergarten must be equipped with special children's furniture, equipment for sports and recreational procedures, and a fire alarm.

The set of necessary equipment for organizing a private kindergarten includes special children's furniture, toys, sports equipment, dishes, kitchen equipment, bedding, medicines, stationery, teaching aids, etc. The total cost of equipment for a group of 15 children can range from 300 thousand rubles.

Of course, in a private kindergarten (unless we are talking about a home group), the presence of qualified teachers is mandatory.

In addition, you must take care of medical care for your little visitors and a balanced diet. Be prepared for the fact that these positions will be controlled quite tightly.

In addition to the listed organizational issues, your business plan for a private kindergarten must include all the necessary financial calculations, which will be different in each case.

Necessary costs include:

  1. the cost of purchasing or renting premises,
  2. cost of repairing the premises (if necessary),
  3. the cost of the necessary equipment and inventory,
  4. Communal expenses,
  5. staff salaries,
  6. food expenses,
  7. laundry and general business expenses.

Income will vary depending on the services and conditions of a particular private kindergarten. It’s one thing if you are drawing up a business plan for an elite private kindergarten, and quite another thing - a small kindergarten for a group of 5-7 children of your friends and neighbors.

Average cost of a child staying in a regular private kindergarten– 15 thousand

rubles per month. If you have a group of 15 people, then the income, accordingly, will be from 225 thousand rubles. Additional income can come from various leisure activities, weekend groups, clubs, etc.

You can download a ready-made business plan for a kindergarten here

You can also download a sample of a ready-made business plan for a private kindergarten on our website.

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How does a modern kindergarten project differ from projects of previous years?

In the CIS countries, you can find the same type of kindergartens everywhere, which completely fail to cope with all the needs of children. Although such buildings were built decades ago, no one is going to demolish them, even considering the fact that they are outdated and completely unsuitable for raising children.

At the same time, it is simply impossible to do without major repairs of these buildings, since many kindergartens have problems with leaking roofs or cold rooms. The most amazing thing is that Soviet kindergarten designs are still in use today.

However, everything is not so bad, because recently outdated templates and architectural solutions are used less and less. They have been replaced by newer templates and designs that combine all the essentials for children. It is pleasant to be in modern kindergartens, because they are light and cozy, and properly selected climatic conditions do not force children to sit in cold rooms in winter and too stuffy rooms in summer.

Modern standard project of a kindergarten

To get a good kindergarten in which children will feel comfortable, it is necessary to completely revise the projects of kindergartens of previous years. It is necessary to leave all the positive aspects of Soviet projects, completely remove the weak ones, correct mistakes, and add new functions to kindergartens. This is the only way to get a modern building that is ready for many years of use.

Modern daycare centers have better layouts and more features. Also, recently attention has been paid to landscaping the area adjacent to the garden. The way kindergartens look externally has also changed, because not only the interior of the building, but also the exterior is being thought through. Therefore, it often happens that the kindergarten becomes the architectural center of the area.

Can standard kindergarten projects be unique and interesting?

If we again talk about kindergartens that have remained since the Soviet period, then it should be noted that they are not distinguished by their uniqueness. They are all gray and faceless, which is why children are bored in them. But modern kindergartens can differ from each other even in their layout and building facade.

Modern kindergartens also differ in color scheme. After all, you can focus your attention on facing the facade with red brick, or choose calmer tones, for example, beige or gray. But it is best to turn your attention to bright options, as they are more interesting for children.

Therefore, when decorating a kindergarten, you can not be afraid to mix red, blue, green and other bright colors. Children will love it if the building has an unusual shape and combines all the colors of the rainbow.

Possibilities of modern kindergarten layouts

But it’s not just about the appearance of modern kindergartens, because that’s not all. You also need to make sure that the building’s capabilities are sufficient for the comprehensive development of children. For example, swimming pools in kindergartens are no longer uncommon. This is especially true for large cities.

A small swimming pool can be located next to the kindergarten, but most often it is located indoors, which makes it possible to use it at any time of the year. The pool is very important, because swimming lessons develop the child’s still fragile muscles, improve posture and help strengthen the immune system.

It is also necessary to equip music and physical education rooms, because a kindergarten cannot do without them. They should be slightly larger than the rest of the rooms.

If we talk about the gym for physical education, then it is quite obvious that the more free space in the room, the better, since this provides greater freedom of action. If the room is large enough, you can even play football or volleyball in it, which will add variety to your regular physical education class.

What else can a typical project of a kindergarten for 80 places include?

Of course, in kindergarten there should still be group rooms that are intended for games and activities. They must be made of safe and practical materials that are easy to clean. This also applies to the bedroom. But the dining room should accommodate everything you need, so you need to carefully work on its design.

Parents are interested in the conditions in which their child will spend time. What you should pay attention to when choosing a kindergarten for your child:

  • Cleanliness of premises;
  • Location (if the kindergarten is too far from home, then it is better to refuse it);
  • Kindergarten projects Ukraine;
  • Availability of permission for the occupied area.

Also a huge plus will be the presence of large playrooms that contain many modern toys. The rooms themselves must be in good condition. It is advisable that the interior be bright and interesting for the child, but you can also opt for calmer options.

There are many reasons why more and more modern parents choose a private kindergarten for their child. This includes the desire to receive an individual approach to the child, and the presence in such kindergartens of more serious and varied early development programs, a balanced children's menu, and more comfortable conditions than in a municipal kindergarten. In this review, we will together draw up a business plan for a private kindergarten “from A to Z” (calculations for 2018).

Business plan for opening a private kindergarten.

The most popular groups remain for children from 1.5 to 3 years old, since in our country many mothers on maternity leave are forced to go to work without waiting for their child to turn 3 years old and be given a coveted place in a municipal kindergarten. How to open such a kindergarten and what pitfalls to expect along the way will be discussed in this article.

Basic costs

When preparing a business plan, it is necessary to take into account what the costs of opening a kindergarten are:

  1. rental and renovation of premises;
  2. legal registration of business and obtaining a license;
  3. hiring qualified personnel;
  4. purchase of furniture, toys, equipment, office equipment;
  5. advertising to attract customers.

Of course, the amount of costs can vary greatly depending on the city, the local cost of rent, the status of the garden, etc. An entrepreneur needs to familiarize himself with the cost of rent, repairs and other expenses directly in his city. Obviously, the costs in a business plan can be radically different when starting a private kindergarten in Moscow and in a provincial town.

Monthly expenses

Monthly expenses in a business plan include:

  1. rent for premises;
  2. communal payments;
  3. staff salaries;
  4. tax and social contributions;
  5. repayment of the loan (loan) and interest on it (if any);
  6. food products for children's kitchens;
  7. advertising and promotion;
  8. purchase of stationery, equipment, detergents, teaching aids, etc.

The amount of expenses depends on the size of the private kindergarten. Naturally, the larger the premises, the higher the rent and the cost of utilities. If there are many children in the kindergarten, then more workers will be needed, which means higher wage costs and tax deductions.

In your business plan, focus on start-up capital; initially, it is enough to open a small-format kindergarten for 10-20 children. This way, it will be easier to understand and organize internal processes in the business. In addition, save yourself from unnecessary risks and spend less money. Mistakes when starting a new business are inevitable, so keep them on a smaller scale. You will always have time to expand.

Legal issues

To operate a private kindergarten, you must register with the tax authorities. Typically, business uses 2 options:

  1. in the form of a legal entity (LLC, etc.);
  2. as an individual entrepreneur (IP).

If the option of a legal entity is chosen, then it must be a non-profit organization (i.e., you cannot register in the form of LLC, CJSC, JSC, etc.). Registration is carried out at the Ministry of Justice of Russia. If you are not familiar with the nuances of legal individuals, we recommend contacting the relevant companies for advice, as a rule, it is free. It is worth noting that LLC is a more expensive form for business, higher deductions, more complex tax accounting, reporting, etc.

Registering as an individual entrepreneur today is easier than ever. It is enough to submit an application to the tax office and pay the state fee. Registration period is up to 5 days.

Keep in mind in your business plan that legal delays can cost up to 10,000 rubles. If you work with hired lawyers, then this costs another 5-10,000 monthly, depending on the number of employees.

After registration, you must register with the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, and statistical authorities. You will also need a current account for work; after opening it, do not forget to inform your tax office about this in order to avoid a fine.

If a private kindergarten expects hired employees (teachers, security, cooks, cleaners), then by law they must be officially registered. This is a rather complicated procedure; we recommend that all accounting be serviced by a law firm or a private lawyer from your city.


As already noted, this is a licensed type of activity, so you will have to obtain a license. However, for those who do not wish to obtain a license, they can choose a childcare activity or register as a development center. But there is a rather fine line here; the inspection authorities may have questions, parents will not be able to receive compensation for part of the parental fees and there will be no opportunity to receive additional funding from the state budget.

Licensing is handled by the regional ministry (department) of education; the application review period is 30 days. In addition to the constituent documents, you will need to provide:

  1. documents confirming the availability of premises;
  2. certificate of logistics;
  3. educational programs;
  4. conclusion of the SES and State Fire Inspectorate

You can learn more about the licensing procedure from lawyers, or you can study the issue on your own on the Internet: all documentation and answers to questions are available on official websites.

Selecting a room

To open a kindergarten, you need to select the appropriate premises. Naturally, it can be rented, and this amount will form the basis of the monthly expenses in the business plan. This issue should be approached with great responsibility, since educational activities are licensed, which means that a license may be denied if the premises do not meet the necessary requirements and standards.

So, when choosing a suitable building, first of all, you must be guided by SanPin, approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2018 No. 26 “On approval of SanPin “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the regime work of preschool educational organizations."

Group area requirements:

  1. 2.5 m² (per person) in groups for children under 3 years old;
  2. 2.0 m² - for children from 3 to 7 years old.

Don’t forget to add the area of ​​the kitchen and administrative premises.

It is recommended to fence the area around the building with a fence; planting trees and shrubs would be a good solution. Playgrounds must be provided. In this regard, it is most convenient to rent cottages; as a rule, their layout is very convenient, and the fenced area allows you to organize children's playgrounds.

Furniture, toys, equipment

After you decide on the premises and the number of groups in the kindergarten, you should purchase furniture, toys and other equipment.

When purchasing furniture, do not forget to ask the seller for documents confirming its safety and origin. Furniture will require tables, chairs, cribs, lockers for the locker room and shelving for toys, furniture for staff, and plumbing fixtures (including those adapted for children).

When choosing toys, remember that they should be easy to wash.

You will also need:

  1. bed sheets;
  2. towels;
  3. dishes;
  4. stationery;
  5. didactic materials, etc.

Pay attention to the equipment of typical private kindergartens; it is very appropriate (what is it, the simplest and most obvious way) to visit such kindergartens yourself and make a list of necessary purchases.

After this, you need to find out the cost, go to shopping centers, compare prices on the Internet, and write down the total amount in the project’s business plan.

Kindergarten staff

Your team is an extremely important component of a successful business, especially when it comes to children. The selection of personnel must be treated with great attention and pedantry. Pay attention to all the little things, do not hesitate to ask candidates any questions regarding their professional activities and personal qualities.

There are many reasons why more and more modern parents choose a private kindergarten for their child. This includes the desire to receive an individual approach to the child, and the presence in such kindergartens of more serious and varied early development programs, a balanced children's menu, and more comfortable conditions than in a municipal kindergarten. For this reason, the need to open private kindergartens is increasing, which is an excellent source of income. In this review, we will together draw up a business plan for a private kindergarten “from A to Z” (calculations for 2018).

Business plan for opening a private kindergarten.

The most popular groups remain for children from 1.5 to 3 years old, since in our country many mothers on maternity leave are forced to go to work without waiting for their child to turn 3 years old and be given a coveted place in a municipal kindergarten. How to open such a kindergarten and what pitfalls to expect along the way will be discussed in this article.

Be sure to check it out video, in which real owners of private kindergartens talk about the structure of the business from the inside:

Start-up costs and payback

The article presents a business plan for a private kindergarten for children under 5 years of age.


  1. Capacity - up to 16 children (2 groups of 8 children)
  2. The cost of maintaining a child for 1 month is 25,000 rubles
  3. Services provided: Preparation for school (for children aged 5 years), modeling, dancing, drawing, classes for the development of speech and hearing, logical development.

As a result, annual revenue amount will be: 4,800,000 rubles

Net profit amount equal to 21,300 rubles.

Profitability: 21,300/400 000 * 100=5,3%

Payback period, divide the initial costs by the amount of net profit: 670 700 /21 300 = 31.5 months.

And now we will analyze in more detail each stage of the formation of a private kindergarten and analyze all the items of expenses and income.

Basic costs

When preparing a business plan, it is necessary to take into account what the costs of opening a kindergarten are:

  1. rental and renovation of premises;
  2. legal registration of business and obtaining a license;
  3. hiring qualified personnel;
  4. purchase of furniture, toys, equipment, office equipment;
  5. advertising to attract customers.

Of course, the amount of costs can vary greatly depending on the city, the local cost of rent, the status of the garden, etc. An entrepreneur needs to familiarize himself with the cost of rent, repairs and other expenses directly in his city. Obviously, the costs in a business plan can be radically different when starting a private kindergarten in Moscow and in a provincial town.

In your business plan, focus on start-up capital; initially, it is enough to open a small-format kindergarten for 10-20 children. This way, it will be easier to understand and organize internal processes in the business. In addition, save yourself from unnecessary risks and spend less money. Mistakes when starting a new business are inevitable, so keep them on a smaller scale. You will always have time to expand.

Legal issues

To operate a private kindergarten, you must register with the tax authorities. Typically, business uses 2 options:

  1. in the form of a legal entity (LLC, etc.);
  2. as an individual entrepreneur (IP).

If the option of a legal entity is chosen, then it must be a non-profit organization (i.e., you cannot register in the form of LLC, CJSC, JSC, etc.). Registration is carried out at the Ministry of Justice of Russia. If you are not familiar with the nuances of legal individuals, we recommend contacting the relevant companies for advice, as a rule, it is free. It is worth noting that LLC is a more expensive form for business, higher deductions, more complex tax accounting, reporting, etc.

Registering as an individual entrepreneur today is easier than ever. It is enough to submit an application to the tax office and pay the state fee. Registration period is up to 5 days. Keep in mind in your business plan that legal delays can cost up to 10,000 rubles. If you work with hired lawyers, then this costs another 5-10,000 monthly, depending on the number of employees.

After registration, you must register with the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, and statistical authorities. You will also need a current account for work; after opening it, do not forget to inform your tax office about this in order to avoid a fine.

If a private kindergarten expects hired employees (teachers, security, cooks, cleaners), then by law they must be officially registered. This is a rather complicated procedure; we recommend that all accounting be serviced by a law firm or a private lawyer from your city.


As already noted, this is a licensed type of activity, so you will have to obtain a license. However, for those who do not wish to obtain a license, they can choose a childcare activity or register as a development center. But there is a rather fine line here; the inspection authorities may have questions, parents will not be able to receive compensation for part of the parental fees and there will be no opportunity to receive additional funding from the state budget.

Licensing is handled by the regional ministry (department) of education; the application review period is 30 days. In addition to the constituent documents, you will need to provide:

  1. documents confirming the availability of premises;
  2. certificate of logistics;
  3. educational programs;
  4. conclusion of the SES and State Fire Inspectorate

You can learn more about the licensing procedure from lawyers, or you can study the issue on your own on the Internet: all documentation and answers to questions are available on official websites.

Selecting a room

To open a kindergarten, you need to select the appropriate premises. Naturally, it can be rented, and this amount will form the basis of the monthly expenses in the business plan. This issue should be approached with great responsibility, since educational activities are licensed, which means that a license may be denied if the premises do not meet the necessary requirements and standards.

So, when choosing a suitable building, first of all, you must be guided by SanPin, approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2018 No. 26 “On approval of SanPin “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the regime work of preschool educational organizations."

Group area requirements:

  1. 2.5 m² (per person) in groups for children under 3 years old;
  2. 2.0 m² - for children from 3 to 7 years old.

Don’t forget to add the area of ​​the kitchen and administrative premises.

It is recommended to fence the area around the building with a fence; planting trees and shrubs would be a good solution. Playgrounds must be provided. In this regard, it is most convenient to rent cottages; as a rule, their layout is very convenient, and the fenced area allows you to organize children's playgrounds.

A rented country cottage serves as premises for a private kindergarten. The rent is 80,000 rubles (including utilities).


Furniture, toys, equipment

After you decide on the premises and the number of groups in the kindergarten, you should purchase furniture, toys and other equipment.

When purchasing furniture, do not forget to ask the seller for documents confirming its safety and origin. Furniture will require tables, chairs, cribs, lockers for the locker room and shelving for toys, furniture for staff, and plumbing fixtures (including those adapted for children).

When choosing toys, remember that they should be easy to wash.

Pay attention to the equipment of typical private kindergartens; it is very appropriate (what is it, the simplest and most obvious way) to visit such kindergartens yourself and make a list of necessary purchases. After this, you need to find out the cost, go to shopping centers, compare prices on the Internet, and write down the total amount in the project’s business plan.

Furniture and equipment:

Name Price Quantity Price
Wardrobe for changing room (4 sections)6 431 4 25 724
Drying cabinet (20 places)3 926 1 3 926
Game wall30 000 1 30 000
Bed2 500 16 40 000
Table "Chamomile"7 000 2 14 000
Round table5 000 2 10 000
Rectangular table10 000 2 20 000
Children's chair500 18 9 000
Wall "Gorka"11 000 1 11 000
Book rack4 000 2 8 000
Craft shelf500 2 1 000
Wardrobe4 000 1 4 000
Office table5 000 1 5 000
Office chair5 000 3 15 000
Kitchen appliances70 000 1 70 000
Kitchen table8 000 1 8 000
Cutlery30 000 1 30 000
Costs for kindergarten furniture 304 650

You will also need:

  1. bed sheets;
  2. towels;
  3. dishes;
  4. stationery;
  5. toys and teaching materials, etc.
Name Price Quantity Price
Doll2 000 10 20 000
Constructor3 000 10 30 000
Typewriter2 000 10 20 000
Developmental set2 000 10 20 000
interactive toy5 000 5 25 000
Wooden toy500 10 5 000
Bed sheets1 000 26 26 000
Total 126 000

The total cost of purchasing furniture and equipment will be 430,650 rubles.

Kindergarten staff

Your team is an extremely important component of a successful business, especially when it comes to children. The selection of personnel must be treated with great attention and pedantry. Pay attention to all the little things, do not hesitate to ask candidates any questions regarding their professional activities and personal qualities.

Kindergarten must have:

  1. educators;
  2. teacher assistants;
  3. cook;
  4. cleaning woman;
  5. administrator (manager).

It is necessary to ensure that there is a medical worker in the kindergarten (or ensure his immediate arrival in case of an emergency, as well as regular examinations of children).

To attract additional clients, you may want to hire a psychologist or teachers in certain subjects (drawing, foreign languages, physical education, music, singing, dancing, etc.).

All kinds of master classes are in great demand in private kindergartens. Pay attention to finding the appropriate specialists, negotiate a reasonable price on an ongoing basis.

Staff Salary per 1 employee (RUB) The number of employees Salary Total (RUB)
Cook 15 000 1 15 000
Educator 20 000 2 20 000
Assistant teacher 15 000 1 15 000
Medical worker 20 000 1 20 000
Cleaning woman 12 000 1 12 000
Expenses forpayment of wages 6 82 000

Attracting clients: advertising and promotion

After the kindergarten is ready to receive its first guests, it is necessary to take a close look at the issue of attracting customers. It’s very good if you develop a logo for your kindergarten and release promotional products in your corporate style.

In attracting customers, all communication channels should be used to the maximum: social networks, television, radio, print media, outdoor advertising. In a business plan, it is reasonable to allocate a monthly budget for advertising, at least for the first time - 20-50,000 rubles.

At a certain point in time, word of mouth will begin to work. Leave advertising brochures in children's development centers, clinics, shopping centers and other places where parents and children often visit.

At first, hold open days on weekends, this will attract additional clients. Focus on the additional opportunities of a private kindergarten, show the advantages over the municipal one, and show your individuality.

Project financial plan

As an example, let's take an average Russian city - a regional center. Calculation for a garden of 5 groups, 12 people per group.

Starting investment for opening a private garden:

  1. Renting premises - 80,000 rub.;
  2. Installation of fire and security alarms - 160,000 rub.;
  3. Purchase of furniture, inventory and equipment, toys - RUB 304,650+126,000;
  4. Advertising - 50,000 rub.

Total: 670,700 rubles.

Monthly expenses in a business plan include:

  1. rent for premises + utilities - 80,000 rub.;
  2. staff salaries - 82,000 rub.;
  3. tax and social contributions - 12,300 rub.;
  4. food products for children's kitchen - RUB 134,400;
  5. advertising and promotion - 5,000 rub.;
  6. purchase of stationery, equipment, detergents, teaching aids, etc. - 5,000 rub.

Total: 318,700 rubles.

The amount of expenses depends on the size of the private kindergarten. Naturally, the larger the premises, the higher the rent and the cost of utilities. If there are many children in the kindergarten, then more workers will be needed, which means higher wage costs and tax deductions.

Income forecast for business plan (per month):

  1. Cost of visiting the kindergarten for one child - 25,000 rub.;
  2. Total income at full load - 400,000 rub.;
  3. With a simplified taxation system and a tax rate of 15% (income - expenses), income tax - 60,000 rub.;

Net profit (minus taxes and monthly expenses) is 21,300 rubles.

You can increase profits by introducing additional paid services for parents - paid developmental classes, massage and other wellness treatments for children, driver services (children are picked up from home and brought back from kindergarten), weekend groups.

Of course, each business plan is unique; it is impossible to objectively take into account all the nuances in one example; serious deviations are possible.

Sources of financing

As you can see, organizing a kindergarten requires a considerable amount of funds, but it is worth keeping in mind that there are several ways to reduce the financial burden.

Opening a private kindergarten - educational activity - is social entrepreneurship, and close attention is paid to this today. There are special programs and grants for entrepreneurs engaged in social activities. You can find out about them at the regional ministry (department) of economic development. In some regions, such grants reach several million rubles, and to receive them you just need a competent business plan with calculations.

You can also apply for a subsidy to create your own business and receive up to 900,000 rubles. In almost all regions of the Russian Federation, regional and municipal authorities hold these competitions and allocate subsidies.

In addition, in each subject of Russia there are state microfinance funds (centers) (here you need to carefully read the constituent documents; the founder must be a government body, for example, the Ministry of Economic Development of the subject). Such microfinance funds issue microloans up to 3,000,000 at only 10% per annum, unlike commercial banks, which today do not even offer less than 20 percent.

  • Developer - State Unitary Enterprise MNIITEP.
  • Customer - .
Land area 0.98 ha
Built-up area 1695.0 sq. m
Total area (without basement) 4633.0 sq. m
Number of storeys 1 - 3 floors
Capacity 280 seats (12 groups)

RUB 35.971 million
153.13 million rubles.
Total area for 1 place 16.6 sq. m
RUB 0.124 million
RUB 0.547 million
RUB 0.0108 million
RUB 0.033 million

Standard project of a kindergarten for 250 places (code VI-71)

  • Developer - State Unitary Enterprise MNIITEP.
  • Customer - Department of Urban Development Policy of the City of Moscow.
  • The constructive solution is a monolith. The capacity of the main group cells is 25 people.

Access for people with limited mobility is provided on all floors. Developed in 2012 - 2013. Recommended for use.

Project for the reuse of a kindergarten for 220 places

  • Customer - Moskomarkhitektura.
  • The constructive solution is monolithic.

Access for people with limited mobility is provided on all floors. Developed in 2010. Recommended for use in the AIP for 2013 and subsequent years.

Land area 0.63 - 0.68 ha
Built-up area 1727.8 sq. m
3733.7 sq. m
Number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 220 seats
Cost in base prices 2000
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 40.602 million
Cost in prices of the first quarter of 2012. 172.154 million rubles.
Total area for 1 place 16.9 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices 2000. RUB 0.184 million
Cost of 1 place in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.783 million
Cost per sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.007 million
Cost per sq. m of total area in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.031 million

Project for the reuse of a kindergarten for 190 places

  • Customer - Department of Urban Development Policy of the City of Moscow.
  • The constructive solution is monolithic.
  • The capacity of the main group cells is 25 people.

Access is provided for people with limited mobility to all floors. Developed in 2012. Recommended for use in the AIP for 2013 and subsequent years.

Land area 0.45 - 0.5 ha
Built-up area 1250.0 sq. m
Total area (excluding basement and terraces) 2935.3 sq. m
Number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 190 seats
Cost in base prices 2000
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 28.635 million
Cost in prices of the first quarter of 2012. 121.414 million rubles.
Total area for 1 place 15.4 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices 2000. RUB 0.151 million
Cost of 1 place in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.639 million
Cost per sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.007 million
Cost per sq. m of total area in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.031 million

Standard project of a kindergarten for 120 places (code VI-70)

  • Developer - State Unitary Enterprise MNIITEP.
  • Customer - Department of Urban Development Policy of the City of Moscow.
  • The design solution is large-panel. The capacity of the main group cells is 25 people.

Access is provided for people with limited mobility to all floors. Developed in 2012. Recommended for use in the AIP for 2013 and subsequent years.

Land area 0.42 ha
Built-up area 881.0 sq. m
Total area (without basement) 2410.0 sq. m
Number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 120 places (5 groups)
Cost in base prices 2000
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 22.379 million
Cost in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 95.27 million
Total area for 1 place 20.08 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices 2000. RUB 0.186 million
Cost of 1 place in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.794 million
Cost per sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.009 million
Cost per sq. m of total area in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.039 million

Project for the reuse of a kindergarten for 115 places

  • Developer - NABAD Design LLC.
  • Customer - KROST LLC.
  • The design solution is large-panel.
  • The capacity of the main group cells is 20 people.
Land area 0.56 ha
Built-up area 1274.7 sq. m
Total area (without basement) 2180.5 sq. m
Number of storeys 2 floors
Capacity 115 seats
Cost in base prices 2000
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 22.347 million
Cost in prices of the first quarter of 2012. 73.968 million rubles.
Total area for 1 place 18.9 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices 2000. RUB 0.194 million
Cost of 1 place in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.642 million
Cost per sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.010 million
Cost per sq. m of total area in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.034 million

Reuse project for a 90-seat kindergarten

  • Customer - Moskomarkhitektura.
  • The constructive solution is monolithic.
  • The capacity of the main group cells is 20 people.

Access is provided for people with limited mobility to all floors. Developed in 2010. Recommended for use.

Land area 0.3 - 0.4 ha
Built-up area 1073.0 sq. m
Total area (excluding basement and terraces) 2167.2 sq. m
Number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 90 seats
Cost in base prices 2000
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 25.707 million
Cost in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 108.997 million
Total area for 1 place 24.0 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices 2000. RUB 0.286 million
Cost of 1 place in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 1.211 million
Cost per sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.008 million
Cost per sq. m of total area in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.032 million

Project for the reuse of a kindergarten for 168 places (correctional type)

  • Customer - Moskomarkhitektura.
  • The constructive solution is monolithic.
  • Access is provided for people with limited mobility to all floors.
Land area 0.85 ha
Built-up area 2328.9 sq. m
Total area (excluding basement and terraces) 4374.5 sq. m
Number of storeys 2 - 3 floors
Capacity 168 + 12 seats
Cost in base prices 2000
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 53.777 million
Cost in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 228.01 million
Total area for 1 place 24.3 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices 2000. RUB 0.299 million
Cost of 1 place in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 1.267 million
Cost per sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.008 million
Cost per sq. m of total area in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.035 million

Individual project of a kindergarten for 350 places (15 groups) with premises for variable forms of preschool education (short-term group for 20 places) at the address: Moscow, Biryulevo Vostochnoe, Zagorye, microdistrict. 3

  • Customer - KP "UGS" of the Moscow Construction Department.
  • The constructive solution is monolithic.
  • The capacity of the main group cells is 25 people.
Land area 0.95 ha
Built-up area 1834.65 sq. m
Total area (without basement) 4701.03 sq. m
Number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 350+20 seats
Cost in base prices 2000
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 48.597 million
Cost in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 219.574 million
Total area for 1 place 12.7 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices 2000. RUB 0.131 million
Cost of 1 place in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.593 million
Cost per sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.008 million
Cost per sq. m of total area in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.036 million

Individual project of a kindergarten for 350 places (14 groups) with premises for variable forms of preschool education (short-term group for 20 places) at the address: Moscow, TiNAO, pos. Voskresenskoye, village Yazovo

  • Customer - JSC "Yazovskaya Sloboda Invest".
  • The constructive solution is monolithic.
  • The capacity of the main group cells is 25 people.

Access is provided for people with limited mobility to all floors. Developed in 2012 - 2013. Recommended for use.

Land area 0.86 ha
Built-up area 1782.29 sq. m
Total area (without basement) 4344.53 sq. m
Number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 350+20 seats
Cost in base prices 2000
(without landscaping and external networks)
45.542 million rubles.
Cost in prices of the first quarter of 2012. 205.772 million rubles.
Total area for 1 place 11.7 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices 2000. RUB 0.123 million
Cost of 1 place in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.556 million
Cost per sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.008 million
Cost per sq. m of total area in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.035 million

Individual project for a kindergarten for 125 places (Southern Administrative Okrug, Chertanovo Yuzhnoye, microdistrict 18, building 5)

  • The developer is JSC Mosproekt.
  • The customer is the investor's funds.
  • The capacity of the main group cells is 20 people.

Access is provided for people with limited mobility to all floors. Developed in 2011-2012. Recommended for use.

Land area 0.54 ha
Built-up area 1400 sq. m
Total area (without basement) 3940 sq. m
Number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 125 seats
Cost in base prices 2000
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 37.0 million
Cost in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 180.4 million
Total area for 1 place 31.5 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices 2000. RUB 0.333 million
Cost of 1 place in prices of the first quarter of 2012. 1.4 million rubles.
Cost per sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.0094 million
Cost per sq. m of total area in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.045 million

Individual project for a kindergarten for 115 places (South-Western Administrative District, Nametkina St., intersection with Khersonskaya St.)

  • Developer - NABAD Design LLC.
  • The customer is the investor's funds.
  • The constructive solution is prefabricated monolithic.
  • The capacity of the main group cells is 20 people.

Access is provided for people with limited mobility to all floors. Developed in 2011. Recommended for use.

Land area 0.56 ha
Built-up area 1274.7 sq. m
Total area (without basement) 2180.5 sq. m
Number of storeys 2 floors
Capacity 115 seats
Cost in base prices 2000
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 20.559 million*
Cost in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 68.051 million*
Total area for 1 place 18.9 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices 2000. RUB 0.179 million*
Cost of 1 place in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.592 million*
Cost per sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.009 million*

Cost per sq. m of total area in prices of the first quarter of 2012.
* - preliminary investor data

RUB 0.034 million*

Individual project for a kindergarten for 95 children (Southern Administrative Okrug, Vostochnoye Biryulyovo, 6th Radialnaya St., 7, building 9)

  • The developer is OJSC TsNIIEP residential and public buildings.
  • Customer - OJSC "Moscow Bakery Plant".
  • The constructive solution is monolithic, attached to an individual residential building. The capacity of the main group cells is 20 people.

Access is provided for people with limited mobility to the first floor. Developed in 2009. Recommended for use.

Land area 0.52 ha
Built-up area 838.7 sq. m
Total area (without basement) 2066.8 sq. m
Number of storeys 3 floors
Capacity 95 places (5 groups)
Cost in base prices 2000
(without landscaping and external networks)
RUB 24.72 million
Cost in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 105.31 million
Total area for 1 place 21.7 sq. m
Cost of 1 seat in base prices 2000. RUB 0.26 million
Cost of 1 place in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 1.110 million
Cost per sq. m of total area at base prices in 2000. RUB 0.012 million
Cost per sq. m of total area in prices of the first quarter of 2012. RUB 0.051 million

All parents understand that their child’s education needs to be addressed from a very early age. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether to send the child to kindergarten or limit himself to home education is more than 90% in favor of the first. And the next question is which garden to choose, private or public.

Recently, due to an increase in the birth rate, there has been a catastrophic shortage of places in state kindergartens. And the middle class that has formed in Moscow over the past 10-15 years is increasingly giving preference to private kindergartens. By choosing them, parents expect that the quality of child care, conditions, nutrition and education will be much higher than in public kindergartens. Therefore, private preschool institutions have recently become increasingly popular in our country. But to open them, you will first need a business plan for a kindergarten.

For an enterprising and talented organizer, this segment of the market for providing educational services can turn out to be quite a profitable business. You should not count on extremely large profits, because high-quality child care requires considerable expenses. There is little competition in this market. Demand exceeds supply.

The majority of the market for private educational services consists of semi-legal mini-kindergartens, which are organized directly in apartments and houses. In such an institution, sanitary standards are often violated, and the qualifications of the staff are in doubt. The example of such a home kindergarten is far from the only one in our country. There are very few legal home kindergartens that have all the necessary permits and comply with sanitation and hygiene standards.

Private kindergartens can be divided into several types:

  • working from morning until evening;
  • working around the clock;
  • providing short-term stays.

All of them provide a full range of services for upbringing, education, comprehensive development, maintenance, care and nutrition for children.

If you follow the law, educational activities on the territory of the Russian Federation can be carried out by an individual registered as an Individual Entrepreneur (IP) and a legal entity. A legal entity must be registered in a non-profit organizational and legal form. Registration is carried out by the Federal Registration Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. The period for consideration of the submitted application is 1 month. Next, it will be necessary to agree on the specifics of the activity with various authorities, register with the tax authorities, extra-budgetary funds (such as the compulsory health insurance fund, pension and social funds), and state statistics bodies. To conduct educational activities, you must obtain a license from the Department of Education.

To obtain a license, you must collect the following set of documents:

  • premises rental agreement;
  • data on teachers and the number of children who will attend kindergarten;
  • documents that confirm the availability of methodological and educational materials;
  • education program;
  • articles of association;
  • a certificate from the tax authority confirming that the organization is registered;
  • extracts from the fire and sanitary services, in which it will be written that the premises of the kindergarten meet all the standards for preschool institutions.

Getting a license is not easy. But if you do not, this may result in criminal liability. If you position the kindergarten not as a private kindergarten, but as a development or training center for children, then lengthy red tape with a license can be avoided. For this type of organization it is simply not required. But if an unscheduled inspection comes, problems cannot be avoided.

After receiving all the necessary documents, you need to check the written business plan for a private kindergarten again.

Search and arrangement of premises

Finding the right one for a space is not an easy task. SNiP imposes certain requirements on preschool institutions. Example:

  • Each child should have at least 6 sq. m area;
  • the presence of at least three rooms: a dining room, a play area and a bedroom;
  • the height of the ceiling and window sills must comply with the standards;
  • walls must be covered with moisture-resistant paint.

Before opening a home kindergarten, the owner should thoroughly study the requirements of SNiP.

Theoretically, it is possible to open a home kindergarten in an apartment. Most of the private kindergartens in Moscow are located in apartments. But it is better to give preference to a separate building. The ideal option is to rent the building of a state kindergarten, because during the construction of such buildings all the requirements that apply to the buildings of preschool institutions were taken into account. It will not be possible to buy such a building. City municipal authorities usually rent them out for several years.

In the rented premises, it will be necessary to make repairs, carry out all the necessary communications, install an alarm system, etc. In the toilet rooms, all plumbing must be suitable for children. To design a home kindergarten, it would be best to invite a professional artist. For the normal development of children, you will need to purchase children's furniture, toys, dishes, etc.

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A home kindergarten must have on its staff:

  • educators;
  • nannies or teaching assistants;
  • medical worker;
  • manager;
  • cleaning woman;
  • cook;
  • security guard.

The higher the level of a private kindergarten, the more opportunities it has to expand its workforce. Such kindergartens can afford to hire a child psychologist, sports coach, additional education teachers, etc. Many of these kindergartens focus on proprietary methods of educational activities. The staff who will work in a home kindergarten must have a valid medical record, pedagogical education, experience working with children and, most importantly, love children.

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Organization of meals for children in a home kindergarten

To organize catering you will need a separate room and the necessary equipment for preparing food. Nutrition should be varied, thoughtful, balanced and meet all required standards.


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