Orthodox prayers for children to the Most Holy Theotokos. Prayer to the Mother of God for children

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Being a mother is the hardest job in the world. A mother must feed her children from birth, keep them clean, develop, educate, and take care of their education. And the responsibilities of an Orthodox parent who believes in the Lord also include mandatory daily mother's prayer for your child.

Maternal prayer is invaluable for a child. It is not without reason that one of the most famous Christian sayings says that a mother’s prayer can even pull you out from the bottom of the sea. The truth and relevance of this saying has been proven in practice more than once. Numerous examples from life (including those archived in various sources) testify to how maternal prayer helped children in the most difficult and dangerous situations.

There is a lifelong, strong and inextricable connection on a spiritual level between a mother and her child. Words coming from a mother’s mouth can most directly influence the fate of a child, so any mother should wish only good things for her children, not curse or speak badly about them, and not make unfavorable forecasts for their adult life.

A mother has special power over her child - power given to her by the Lord himself. Mother's love is the strongest in the world, the most sincere, bright, selfless and holy love. For a child, a mother is a personal guardian angel in human form, staying with him from the moment of conception. Being a mother is the life purpose of any woman. The mother is important and needed by the child - this is precisely the meaning of her life.

The miraculous power of maternal prayer is associated with the power of maternal love, with the power over the child given to her by God. A loving mother worries about her child from the moment he is born. After the birth of a child, the mother’s heart seems to leave her body and begins to live separately from her - in her child. Of course, constant worry and anxiety about their children significantly undermines women's health. Orthodox prayer for your child will help calm a mother’s heart and protect children from danger and various troubles in life.

The most famous mother's prayers for her child

There are several Orthodox prayers with which a mother can pray to higher powers for the well-being of her children. All of them are very effective and truly miraculous, since they come from the most sincere and pure heart in the world - the heart of a mother, and are pronounced with the most selfless and holy love - maternal.

Prayer to the Lord for your child

Mothers have been turning to this prayer for a long time: it helped to attract God’s grace to the child. Pronouncing the text does not require the woman to comply with any special conditions— you can read it at any time and in any setting, at the first call of a sensitive mother’s heart. The words in it are:

This prayer, spoken with love and humility, attracts peace and prosperity into the child’s life, pacifies his (her) character, protects him from making mistakes, and helps him out in any situation.

Maternal prayer to the Mother of God for her children

You can and should turn to the Most Holy Theotokos with prayers for children - who, if not the mother herself, will best understand the feelings and experiences of the same mother? The prayer, the text of which is below, should be read daily, for any problem related to children. Words:

A strong mother's prayer for her child - for older children

The most famous Orthodox petition of a mother for her children sounds like this:

Listen also to the text of this prayer on video:

How to choose the right maternal prayer?

Any mother’s prayer for her child has incredible power. However, it often happens that the parent is in doubt and does not know which one to go to. Orthodox text contact.

The best solution for a woman in this case would be to consult with a clergyman and tell him about her situation. Father will always listen and give advice best option and will even be able to give a number of recommendations regarding the mother’s further actions, which will help protect her beloved child from everything bad.

It is advisable to say Orthodox prayers (including maternal prayers) in front of the icon of a certain saint. The priest will help clarify this issue.

When and how to correctly read a prayer for children?

Any mother worries about her child, no matter what age she is. And every mother wishes her child health, a happy fate, smooth life path. A mother’s task is not only to give birth and raise her child worthy person, but also to do everything so that the life of a son or daughter turns out in the most favorable way. All this is an incredibly complex matter, and Orthodox prayer can become a wonderful help in it.

Alas, it often happens that people remember prayers only in difficult times. Daily bustle and routine, unfortunately, crowd out the spiritual component of a person. Meanwhile, a mother’s prayer for her children should be said every day - only then will it become a reliable and strong protective barrier. You need to turn to her not only in moments when children have any problems, but also in periods when everything in their lives is calm and serene.

A prayer for children should be said with gratitude to God for giving the opportunity to carry out the proud calling of a mother. At the same time, we must not forget to ask the Creator for forgiveness for outbursts of anger and swearing at our children (and this happens to every mother), for a lack of patience and wisdom in some situations.

The mother's prayer must be read with with an open heart. The woman’s consciousness at the time of reading should be freed from all extraneous thoughts. Concentration on each word that makes up the sacred text is important. Sincere prayer will certainly be heard by higher powers.

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The Lord has endowed the father and mother with special power over their children, and the special effectiveness of parental prayer is connected with this. A mother’s prayer for the health of her children is always heard by God. The reason for God's favor is the selfless love of a parent for his child. Strong prayers will help in matters of health, well-being, and choosing a life path. Any saint can read them, but most often they appeal to Holy Virgin, who is the patroness of all mothers.

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    Prayers for children

    Mom's prayer for children:

    • Supplementary. They ask for healing, for the arrangement of some matter.
    • Thank you note. Thanksgiving for the blessings sent by the Lord.
    • Blessing. A valuable source of God's grace directed towards a son or daughter.

      It becomes more difficult for parents to pray for adult children. Many are overcome by disbelief that the situation can be changed. This is especially true for parents whose children are drug addicts, alcoholics, or gambling addicts.

      It is worth praying for the well-being of daughters more often and more diligently, because a son is future man, he will be able to fend for himself, but the girls need guardianship and protection. In addition, mother can pray for adult daughter. For example, so that she gets married successfully or so that her pregnancy goes smoothly.

      A strong maternal prayer, in which there is a request for help, but also humility before the will of God. Ultimatums or threats to God and the saints will not do any good, but will only harden the heart and take away hope.

      Don’t think that only a righteous woman can change her son’s life. This is possible for any unchurched woman who has humility, repentance and love.

      Rare prayer

      There are many prayers for children in Orthodox prayer books, but they are not limited to this list. There are also rare texts of prayers. They have repeatedly confirmed their effectiveness and healing power for diseases. They begin to pray to Jesus Christ for children. This is most correct, since God is the giver of all good things.

      A rare prayer composed by St. Ambrose of Optina:

      Its short version: “Lord, You alone weigh everything, You can do everything and You want everyone to be saved and to come to the mind of Truth. Enlighten my children (names) with the knowledge of Thy truth and Thy Holy will and strengthen them to walk according to Thy commandments and have mercy on me, a sinner. Amen".

      Daily powerful prayers for children

      If you clothe your whole life in prayer, then favorable changes will definitely come in everything. Believers will say with confidence that they find help in all matters, and happy coincidences are common for them.

      A daily prayer that should be used to bless children, especially adults, when they leave the house, sounds like this: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, bless, sanctify, preserve my child by the power of Your Life-giving Cross.”

      For mothers, the following blessing may be included in common daily prayers:

      Orthodox Church He offers everyone in need a remedy - the Sacraments and church services, by participating in which one can hope for quick heavenly help. If a child is seriously ill, you should try to bring him to Communion every Sunday service, submit health notes, and order prayer services.

Adversity and troubles often occur in a person's life. Sometimes it happens that you cannot conceive a child. Or you just want your children to always be healthy. In this case, you need to pray to Our Mother, the Queen of Heaven. After all, we are all her babies. And nothing is impossible for her. Love the Most Holy Theotokos with all your heart, and she will help you. From the article you will learn the basics about children.

How to pray for children?

Miracles happen if a mother sincerely turns to the Mother of God for her children.. After all, every parent wants to protect their child from everyday problems, adversity, bad surroundings and illnesses. Before turning to the Mother of God you should:

  • tune in to prayer
  • commit ritual ablution
  • rid mind from evil thoughts
  • open Mother of God your soul

John of Kronstadt said that you need to pray with all sincerity, without hiding anything. Only then will a person be worthy of heavenly gifts.

Prayer can take place both in church and in own home. In the second case, you must have an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary in a special place. During each prayer, you can light a candle in front of the face.

If there is no icon, then it’s okay. You can pray for your children simply by imagining the Mother of God. An interesting feature has been noticed - the prayers that children ask for are fulfilled much more often. But the priests believe that this should not be surprising.

After all, the sincerity of an innocent child touches, so it gives him relief from all his problems. Sometimes it doesn’t even matter that the boy or girl has not yet been baptized. For the Heavenly Mother, we are all her beloved children.


About pregnancy, conception and birth

Heavenly Mother will always hear a mother calling to her in need of help. She turned to her Son - our Lord - so that he could help in conceiving a child.

“Oh, Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord Most High, quick to obey intercessor of all who come running to You with faith! Look down from the height of Your heavenly majesty upon me, indecent, falling to Your icon, quickly hear the humble prayer of me, a sinner, and bring me to Your Son; beg Him to illuminate my dark soul with the light of His Divine grace and cleanse my mind from vain thoughts, to calm my suffering heart and heal its wounds, to enlighten me to good deeds and strengthen me to work for Him with fear, to forgive all the evil I have done, May He deliver eternal torment and not deprive the Heavenly One of His Kingdom. Oh, Most Blessed Mother of God! You deigned to be named Georgian in Your image, commanding everyone to come to You with faith, do not despise the sorrowful me and do not allow me to perish in the abyss of my sins. According to God, all my hope and hope of salvation is in You, and I entrust myself to Your protection and intercession forever. I praise and thank the Lord for sending me the happiness of a married state. I pray to You, Mother of the Lord and God and my Savior, that with Your Motherly prayers you will send me and my husband my beloved child. May He give me the fruit of my womb. May it be arranged according to His will, to His glory. Change the sorrow of my soul to the joy of conception in my womb. May I glorify and thank You, Mother of my Lord, all the days of my life. Amen."

Of its short versions, the following prayer gives the greatest effect:

« Holy Mother of God! Give me hope for the healing of my womb, Show me the thrill of desire to give birth to a child, Give me the strength to hope for such a heavenly gift, Bring me the light of the clear sun in my petition, Give me the gift of motherhood so that I can hear the cry of my child calling to me, So that you can hear my cry of petition. I pray to you, revive my womb, place a living heart in my womb, bring me a soul that wants to be born in my flesh for my joy, the prolongation of my race. I will forever pray to You for Your omnipotence. You can give happiness a face. Turn to me, Mother of God, Smile at me with the hope of the happiness of motherhood. Do not deny me my hope of becoming a mother. I will glorify Your Name forever and ever. Amen."

In addition, each parent should read:

“Receive, O All-Blessed and All-Powerful Lady Lady Theotokos the Virgin, this sad prayer, brought to You with tears from us, Your unworthy servants, to Your celibate image, sending up the singing with tenderness, as You Yourself exist and listen to our prayers and give with faith to those who ask. For every request you have fulfilled, you have alleviated sorrows, you have given health to the weak, you have healed the paralyzed and the sick, you have driven away demons from demons, you have delivered the offended from troubles, you have cleansed lepers and have mercy on small children, and you have also been kind to the Lady Lady Theotokos, freeing you from bonds and prisons and all sorts of other things. You heal passions: everything is possible through Your intercession to Your Son Christ our God. Amen."

To have a healthy baby:

“Oh, All-Singing Mother, Most Holy Theotokos! Do not cease to pray for us, Thy unworthy servants, who glorify Thee and honor Thee, and who worship Thy most pure image with tenderness, and who have irrevocable hope and unquestionable faith in Thee, Ever the Most Glorious and Immaculate Virgin, glorifying and honoring Thee and crying out to the ages of ages. Amen."

About your children

“O Most Holy Lady Virgin Theotokos, save and preserve under Your shelter my children (names), all youths, young women and infants, baptized and nameless and carried in their mother’s womb. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to their parents, pray to my Lord and Your Son to grant them what is useful for their salvation. I entrust them to Your maternal supervision, for You are the Divine Protection of Your servants. Amen."

O immaculate Mother of God Virgin Mary.

For everyone here,

I'm robbing you today

Like the mother of a son God's Jesus Christ.

I am ready to serve You faithfully,

live in sanctifying grace,

to take care of and bring your children closer to the Kingdom of Your Son.

I know my weakness

and I ask You through

the blood of Jesus Christ shed on the cross,

to accept my children

into Your circle of beloved souls.

And keep my children safe

How do you protect your property?

About health

This is how they ask the Heavenly Mother for a good child:

“Mother of God, lead me into the image of Your heavenly motherhood. Heal the mental and physical wounds of my children (names) caused by my sins. I entrust my child entirely to my Lord Jesus Christ and Your, Most Pure, heavenly protection. Amen."

How to make your request?

There are several basic rules that are important to follow:

  • Pray constantly, every day.
  • Attend confession as often as possible and try to obtain remission of your sins.
  • Give alms, help those in need, especially families with children. If you are unable to get pregnant, help little children left without parents and those who need help. Even your slightest contribution (financial or moral) will count towards you.
  • Read prayers not only for your own children, but also for the godchildren, because you are their spiritual parents.
  • Turn to the Blessed Virgin Mary with all your heart- only in this case is there a guarantee that Higher power will hear your request.
  • If you already have children, then you need to pray with them, the whole family. Be sure to tell your child how to do it and why it is needed. Thanks to this, the power of the petition will increase, because several hearts filled with her are sent to the Mother of God at once.
  • After reading the prayer, it is recommended to also tell in your own words what are you asking for your children? If you do this, the effect will be ten times better.

The editors of the portal “Orthodoxy and Peace” have collected for you orthodox prayers about children. From this article you will learn how to pray to a mother for her child.

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, bless, sanctify, preserve my child with the power of Your Life-giving Cross. Amen."
(And put the sign of the cross on the child.)

A mother's prayer for her children

(compiled by St. Ambrose of Optina)

God! Creator of all creatures, adding mercy to mercy, You have made me worthy to be the mother of a family; Your grace has given me children, and I dare to say: they are Your children! Because You gave them existence, revived them with an immortal soul, revived them through baptism for a life in accordance with Your will, adopted them and accepted them into the bosom of Your Church.

God! Keep them in a state of grace until the end of their lives; grant them to be partakers of the sacraments of Your Covenant; sanctify by Thy truth; may he be holy in them and through them holy name Your! Send me Your gracious help in raising them for the glory of Your name and the benefit of your neighbor! Give me methods, patience and strength for this purpose! Teach me to plant in their hearts the root of true wisdom - Thy fear! Illuminate them with the light of Your wisdom that rules the universe! May they love You with all their souls and thoughts; may they cleave to You with all their hearts and throughout their entire life may they tremble at Your words! Grant me the understanding to convince them that true life consists in keeping Your commandments; that work, strengthened by piety, brings serene contentment in this life, and in eternity - inexpressible bliss. Open to them the understanding of Your Law! May they contribute to the feeling of Your omnipresence until the end of their days; plant in their hearts fear and disgust from all iniquity: that they may be blameless in their ways; May they always remember that You, All-Good God, are a champion of Your law and righteousness! Keep them in chastity and reverence for Your name! Let them not discredit Your Church by their behavior, but let them live according to its instructions. Inspire them with a desire for useful teaching and make them capable of every good deed! May they acquire a true understanding of those objects whose information is necessary in their condition; may they be enlightened with knowledge beneficial to humanity.

God! Manage me to impress with indelible marks on the minds and hearts of my children the fear of partnerships with those who do not know Thy fear, to instill in them every possible distance from any alliance with the lawless; let them not listen to rotten conversations; Let them not listen to frivolous people; May they not be led astray from Your path by bad examples; Let them not be tempted by the fact that sometimes the path of the wicked is successful in this world.

Heavenly Father! Grant me the grace to take every possible care to tempt my children with my actions, but, constantly bearing in mind their behavior, to distract them from errors, correct their mistakes, curb their stubbornness and obstinacy, refrain from striving for vanity and frivolity, so that they do not get carried away by crazy thoughts; Let them not follow their own hearts; Let them not forget You and Your Law. May iniquity not destroy their mind and health, may sins not weaken their mental and physical strength. Righteous Judge, who punishes children for the sins of their parents to the third and fourth generation, turn away such punishment from my children, do not punish them for my sins, but sprinkle them with the dew of Your grace; let them advance in virtue and holiness; May they increase in Your favor and in the love of pious people.

Father of generosity and all mercy! According to my parental feeling, I would wish for my children every abundance of earthly blessings, I would wish them blessings from the dew of heaven and from the fatness of the earth, but may Thy holy will be with them! Arrange their fate according to Your good pleasure, do not deprive them of life daily bread, send down to them everything they need in time to acquire blissful eternity; be merciful to them when they sin before You; do not impute to them the sins of their youth and their ignorance; bring their hearts into contrition when they resist the guidance of Your goodness; punish them and have mercy, directing them to a path pleasing to You, but do not reject them from Your presence! Accept their prayers with favor; grant them success in every good deed; do not turn Your face away from them in the days of their tribulation, lest temptations befall them beyond their strength. Overshadow them with Your mercy; May Your Angel walk with them and protect them from every misfortune and evil path.

All-merciful God! Make me a mother who rejoices over her children, so that they will be my joy in the days of my life and my support in my old age. Honor me, with trust in Your mercy, to appear with them at Your Last Judgment and with unworthy boldness to say: Here I am and my children whom You gave me, Lord! Yes, together with them, glorifying the ineffable goodness and eternal love Yours, I extol Your most holy name, Father, Son and Holy Soul, forever and ever. Amen.

The responsibilities of Orthodox parents include not only education, feeding, raising and keeping their children clean. The main responsibility of a believing mother and father is to pray for the health of the child. As the ancient Christian saying goes, a mother’s prayer reaches the bottom of the sea. But it's true. Many sources of Orthodox literature contain real stories when strong prayer The Mother of God helped the children, and sometimes even saved the child from great danger. Parents and children are forever connected by a thread of life.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary for children

Remember that the parent word has great value. Therefore, under no circumstances should you:

  • curse your children;
  • make bad life predictions for them;
  • talk bad about them.

Even when your soul is bad and heavy. Remember that nothing is impossible for God. Therefore, always pray for your children and their health.

Unfortunately, it often happens that we turn to prayer precisely when some misfortune has already happened. We are always distracted by many factors and daily routine. However, this is not a reason to forget about prayers for our children. We need to pray not only when they feel bad, but also when everything is fine with our children.

Remember that you need to not only ask the Lord, but also thank him. Thank him for the gift of children, ask for forgiveness for anger and swear words, for your attitude towards children and for your lack of wisdom and patience.

In addition to the Mother of God, you can also turn to other saints in prayer for children. Over the centuries, the Most Holy Theotokos has helped in the healing of countless children. She also helps lost souls find the true parental path.

An example of the text of a prayer to the Mother of God for children’s health:

O Most Holy Lady Virgin Theotokos, save and preserve under Your shelter my children (names), all youths, young women and infants, baptized and nameless and carried in their mother’s womb. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to their parents, pray to my Lord and Your Son to grant them what is useful for their salvation. I entrust them to Your maternal supervision, for You are the Divine Protection of Your servants.

Mother of God, introduce me to the image of Your heavenly motherhood. Heal the mental and physical wounds of my children (names) caused by my sins. I entrust my child entirely to my Lord Jesus Christ and Your, Most Pure, heavenly protection. Amen.

May the Lord protect you!

Watch the video praying to the Mother of God for your child:


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