Vanga's predictions that came true and did not come true. Vanga's last prediction

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Vanga's predictions are shrouded in mysticism. Researchers are constantly trying to decipher what awaits humanity, according to the famous soothsayer. Many prophecies have already come true, but what awaits us in the future?

Vanga's predictions that came true by year

The soothsayer's contemporaries wrote down and saved her predictions in order to later reveal them to people. Let's look at what prophecies have already come true.

Vanga's predictions by year:

  • In 1989, Vanga said that huge steel birds would attack America and many people would suffer. This prediction came true on September 11, 2001, when the planes and twin towers tragedy occurred.
  • Vanga believed that in 2008 events would occur that would become the prerequisites for the Third World War. She predicted the death of four rulers of states. Whether this prediction came true or not is not known for certain.
  • The soothsayer also claimed that the Third World War will begin in 2010, however, this prediction did not come true. According to her forecast, the rulers of the superpowers were supposed to start using powerful weapons
  • Another unfulfilled prediction: Vanga believed that in 2011 the animal would become extinct and vegetable world Northern Hemisphere, and famine will begin on the European continent. The soothsayer predicted a war between Muslim countries and Europeans using powerful chemical weapons
  • And by the end of 2014, Vanga pointed to the end of the war, which would end negative consequences for the whole world. Vanga claimed that an epidemic of incurable skin diseases would begin in the world. She also predicted the deterioration of the environmental situation in the world

It is impossible to know for sure whether the predictions of the great soothsayer were interpreted correctly. Perhaps she did not mean at all what the researchers of her prophecies say.

The future of humanity in the 21st century

Vanga's later predictions are closely related to the previous ones. To believe the prophecies or not is everyone's business. Many of her words did not come true, so there are enough doubters.

What awaits us in the 21st century according to Vanga:

  • The prophecy about a “cold and empty Europe” tells that heads of state will begin to actively use nuclear and chemical weapons, and bloody wars will begin between Europe and Muslims
  • Some researchers interpret this prediction differently. They believe that Vanga meant the spiritual emptiness of Europeans, the destruction of their heart chakra. It’s easier to believe in this prophecy, because we are really witnessing the degeneration of spiritual values ​​and the race for material wealth
  • Vanga predicted that by 2018, China would turn into a powerful superpower and begin to influence the situation throughout the world. Other countries that will also receive power for a long time lived under oppression, they will begin to develop and benefit
  • Vanga’s prophecy about Russia says that our country will stand on a par with India and China and will take its place among the greatest states
  • By 2023, the soothsayer promised changes in the Earth's orbit. This will go unnoticed by people, but will affect the energetic vibrations of humanity
  • In 2025, Europe's population will decrease significantly due to past wars. However, the predicted wars did not happen, so it is hard to believe that this prediction will come true.
  • In 2028, a new, powerful source of energy will be formed. This will happen after some invention by scientists that will literally “blow up” people’s minds, and the world will begin to change. One of strong states will send an expedition of astronauts to Venus
  • By 2033, sea levels will rise, causing flooding of coastal cities. This will happen due to global warming which we are seeing now
  • By 2046, there will be a revolution in medicine. Doctors will learn how to create artificial organs and transplant them into people. This will be popular and most effective method treatment of complex diseases. Scientists will also invent fundamentally new types of weapons and military equipment.
  • In 2066, America will go to war with Muslim countries. During military operations, the United States will use new weapons that will adversely affect the climate of European countries. A cold snap is coming
  • In 2076 there will be a return of communism. It will be established in all countries, all people will become equal to each other, there will be no ruling classes left, the division into social strata will disappear. At this time, scientists will begin restoring the planet’s natural reserves, which will be fully completed by 2084.
  • In 2088, a new, hitherto unknown disease will appear. An unknown virus will provoke rapid aging - those infected will turn into old people in almost a few days. A cure for the disease will not be invented until 2097

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One of the most famous clairvoyants is Vanga, who spent her entire life helping people in need. She went blind as a child, but received the gift of seeing inaccessible things to an ordinary person. Many of Vanga’s predictions are striking in their accuracy, which is why prophecies for the future are so popular among people.

What did Vanga predict?

The famous Bulgarian clairvoyant spoke about the events of the future not only during sessions, it has been preserved a large number of her notes, which she dictated to her assistant. Vanga’s prophecies concerned people who, in her words, “left the righteous path.” Anger settled in souls will ultimately lead to madness. Deception, lack of faith in God, violence, all this will certainly come back to haunt humanity and then people will think that they are living wrong. There are Vanga’s predictions about the future, the implementation of which still has to wait:

  1. IN beginning of XXI centuries, doctors will be able to invent a medicine that will defeat cancer. She talked about how the disease would be shackled in “iron chains.” Some people suggest that the clairvoyant meant that the drug would contain a lot of iron.
  2. A new energy source will be created and this will happen in 2028. The seer also said that they would begin to actively use the energy of the sun, but oil production would completely stop.
  3. In 2033, sea levels will rise as a result of melting ice. Vanga did not say anything about whether this would happen suddenly or whether the level of the World Ocean would simply increase compared to what it was during the life of the clairvoyant.
  4. Muslims will come to power in European countries, and this will happen in 2043. As a result, there will be positive changes in the economy.
  5. A breakthrough in medicine is expected, so in 2046 doctors will learn to grow organs that can be transplanted into sick people.
  6. In 2088, humanity will face a new tragedy - a disease that causes rapid aging. In 11 years, doctors will find a cure for it.

Vanga's predictions about Russia

The clairvoyant said that the reserves of black gold would begin to dry up and after a while it would completely run out, but no matter how strange it may sound, the Russian economy would not be seriously affected by this, but they would find areas for the country’s development. Vanga’s predictions about Russia also concern the fact that beneficial agreements will be signed with China and India, which will be the impetus for concluding a peace treaty with America. Relations with Ukraine will normalize and people will understand that they are a friendly people. Vanga's prophecies about Russia also concerned the fact that this country would contribute to the unification of other states.

Vanga's predictions about Ukraine

In the seer's notes you can find a lot of information about different countries. Vanga’s predictions about Ukraine concerned the political situation, and she said that sooner or later the people would get tired of the government’s lies and a coup would happen. As a result, a representative of the middle class will come to power, thanks to whom the country will receive a new round of growth. By introducing the experience of Western countries, Ukraine will begin to develop at a rapid pace. Vanga also noted the rise in the cultural development of the country.

Vanga's predictions about the USA

There are not many records that concern America, but they still exist. For example, Vanga predicted that a black man would win the election, which is what happened. The seer said that the coastal states would be seriously affected by numerous tornadoes, tsunamis and floods. Vanga argued that America could “freeze,” but what this means and what environment it concerns is not clear, so it can relate to both nature and the economy. She also said that after some time the United States and Russia will improve relations and then everything will be stable in the world.

Vanga's predictions about Syria

Communicating with people, the seer more than once mentioned that Syria is a magical territory and great world events in the future will be connected with it. Vanga's predictions about the war emphasized that the fate of the whole world would be decided in this country. She said that super-powerful states would collide on this territory. If just a few decades ago these prophecies seemed strange, then judging by today’s news, everything is not as vague as it seemed. Vanga described that the world would emerge from the bloodbath completely different and a new teaching would unfold in Syria.

Vanga's predictions about China

The Bulgarian seer indicated in her notes that China will rise among other world powers and if you look at the pace of development of this state, the prediction may be quite real. Every year the Republic of China occupies more and more niches in the global market for the production of various goods and services. Vanga’s latest predictions indicated that the “mighty dragon” would conquer the world, people would use red money, and she also remembered the numbers 100, 5 and zeros. As you know, 100 yuan are red.

Vanga's predictions about the third world war

The notes of the Bulgarian seer contain information that the third world war will begin and this will happen in the East. It is worth noting that many clairvoyants confirm this information. Vanga predicted everything vaguely and did not specifically mention the war, but spoke of serious trials for the entire planet. Problems will manifest themselves after Syria “falls.” The first thing that will happen after this is the emergence of a new faith, the so-called “White Brotherhood”, which will come from Rus'. To summarize, we can conclude that cataclysms will begin due to religious contradictions.

Vanga's predictions about the end of the world

Like many other seers, Vanga agreed that the end of humanity would happen. A terrible apocalypse will have to do with water and, most likely, a global flood will happen again. Many are interested in when Vanga predicted the end of the world, for example, the Bulgarian seer pointed to the year 2378. She also talked about how the Sun would go out for three years, and without it all living things would die. Vanga’s most terrible predictions are related to an asteroid that will cause the world to go out. celestial body and there will be a flood.

Which of Vanga's predictions came true?

Many prophecies made with the clairvoyant eventually became real, and among the most significant are the following:

  1. Death of Stalin. The soothsayer spoke about the death of the leader six months before the incident, and she called the exact date. It is worth noting that for what she said she was imprisoned in a Bulgarian prison.
  2. Kennedy's death. When describing Vanga’s predictions, which came true, one cannot lose sight of the fact that she knew about the assassination attempt on the American president four months before the tragedy.
  3. Collapse of the USSR. In 1979, a Bulgarian clairvoyant spoke about the changes that were coming and the collapse of a great state.
  4. Disaster with the Kursk eyeliner. Many of Vanga’s predictions seemed strange to people until they became reality; these included the tragedy that she spoke about back in 1980. She said that the Kursk would be under water in August 1999 or 2000, and then everyone thought that this concerned the city, not the submarine.
  5. Peace between America and Russia. Vanga said that she sees the two leaders of the world shaking hands, but will sign the final peace “Eighth”. It is believed that the seer was talking about Gorbachev and Reagan, who shook hands, and the “Eighth” is Russia, which entered the “Big Seven”.
  6. Terrorist attack in America. In 1989, a seer warned what would happen terrible tragedy, and the American brothers will fall, pecked to death by iron birds. As a result, in September 2001, terrorists flew airplanes into the twin towers, which collapsed, leading to the death of a huge number of people.
  7. Own death. Vanga talked about her death 6 years before it became a reality.

Vanga's unfulfilled predictions

Not everything said by the clairvoyant became reality and the following prophecies can be attributed to them:

  1. Vanga's predictions for the future concerned the fact that in 1990 a tragedy was to occur - the explosion of an airplane carrying American President Bush Sr.
  2. The soothsayer also said that one of the Arab states would completely disappear.
  3. Vanga’s good prediction, according to which after 2000 there will be peace on earth and there will be no cataclysms or disasters, also did not become reality.
  4. Vanga prophesied the beginning of the third world war in 2010, which would last four years.

It is difficult to list Vanga’s predictions that have come true - many of her prophecies concerned individual ordinary people- neighbors and random petitioners. However, the Bulgarian seer also spoke about famous people, and about the fate of humanity as a whole.

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Vanga's predictions about events in America came true

Scientists who study and decipher prophecies have collected and sorted all of Vanga’s predictions that have come true. They can become a serious argument in favor of the presence of divination abilities in Bulgarian healing. Most of what Vangelia said came true. Something, according to experts, may come true in just a few years.

Some of Vanga's prophecies do not come true. The fact is that they are quite difficult to interpret, so mistakes happen. However, these are not the mistakes of the soothsayer, but the shortcomings of the people who were deciphering her words. Vanga very rarely spoke literally, and in order to understand what kind of future awaits humanity, you have to spend a lot of time interpreting the seer’s words.

A good example is Vanga’s prediction about America. Literally she said this:

Horror, horror! The American brothers will fall down, and the iron birds will tear them to pieces. Wolves howl from under the bush, and innocent blood flows like a river.

Said in 1989, the phrase gained meaning by 2001. Fallen buildings Shopping Center were called twin brothers. The birds turned out to be planes hijacked by terrorists. Bush is pronounced “bush” in English, which is similar to the name of the president who was in power during this period. However, not everyone believed this prediction, because they were unable to understand what kind of birds they were talking about.

Even then, when no one would have believed in the coming of a black man to power, Vanga said that. She knew that last president The United States will be Barack Obama, and a separate prediction on this matter does not inspire hope for the people of America - he will lay the foundations for the collapse of the United States.

What predictions of Vanga about Russia came true?

Many residents of Russia are wondering which of Vanga’s predictions have come true and how many of them there are. It is not surprising, since it was Russia that the Bulgarian clairvoyant most often spoke about. She loved this country very much and paid a lot of attention to it during divination. Residents of Russia want to know whether they are being deceived under the guise of Vanga. There are a lot of Vanga’s predictions that have come true, as well as her words that are just beginning to come true.

In January 1988, Vangelia said the following about the Russian President:

A completely unexpected person will come. It will not be Lebed and it will not be Zyuganov.

Then the seer did not reveal the identity of the future president of the country. However, some believe that she predicted Putin's rise to power. He first became acting president and then recruited maximum amount votes in the Russian presidential elections. There is another prediction from 1979:

Like cold ice, everything will melt, only the future will not touch - Vladimir’s glory, Russian glory. Nothing will stand in its way, and Russia will rule the world.

At the time Vanga said this, no one had even heard of Vladimir Putin. But now few people doubt that she predicted his rise to power and great destiny For Russia. It turns out that this prophecy of Vanga is coming true, because Vladimir has already come to power, the only thing is that he glorify Russia and make it a world power.

Vanga also spoke about the collapse Soviet Union. She didn't want this to happen, but it was impossible to prevent the events, according to the healer. In 1979, she said that old Russia would return and would be called as it was called under St. Sergius. All that remains is to achieve spiritual superiority over the whole world, as the great Vanga bequeathed.

In 1980, a famous prediction was made about Kursk, which would sink under the surface of the sea at the turn of the millennium. This tragedy should have been mourned by the whole world. Many expected a flood in Kursk, but it was not the city that suffered, but the submarine of the same name. Her entire crew died, and many countries really sympathized with this tragedy, offering Russia help.

Vanga's predictions about famous personalities that came true

If you doubt whether Vanga’s predictions come true, you can read about her words about Hitler, Stalin and other world-famous personalities. She predicted many events of world significance, and all her words were documented at the same time.

During World War II, Vanga told her fellow villagers about the whereabouts of their husbands, saying who would return from the war and who would not. Gradually her prophecies became more global. So, in 1943, Vangelia said that Hitler will be defeated on April 30, 1945. If he wants to survive, he will have to retreat and stay away from Russia. Of course, Hitler did not listen to the words of the soothsayer from Bulgaria, and everyone knows the date of the victory over the Nazis.

In 1952, Vanga made a prediction about Stalin. Many were concerned about the question of his death, and parts of it were asked to the Bulgarian clairvoyant. She did not hide what she saw and boldly made any statements. But after she predicted Stalin’s death no later than a year later, she was sent to prison for 10 years without the right of correspondence. This fact is known from the full story, as is the fact that she spent six months in prison. In March 1953, Stalin actually died, and the seer was released from prison.

In 1942, Vanga received her first high-ranking visitor - the Tsar of Bulgaria. Boris lll had heard about the power of the soothsayer and became one of her visitors. She predicted to him imminent death and even named its date - August 28. Vanga turned out to be right, the Tsar of Bulgaria died in 1943 on August 28.

Knew Bulgarian healer and about the death of Princess Diana. She said that the wedding would kill the princess. According to Vanga, Diana will learn about her death, but they will die almost simultaneously. This was in 1981. The princess survived the soothsayer by only a year; she also died in August.

Vanga predicted famous personalities not just death. For example, she promised Philip Kirkorov fame and a wife whose name would begin with the letter “A”. He was supposed to marry this woman at the age of 27, and it came true; it is difficult to find a person who would not know about the marriage of Alla Pugacheva and Philip Kirkorov. Vanga saw him at a height with a metal stick, which is easy to decipher - this is a stage and a microphone stand.

What other Vanga prophecies are coming true right now?

Vanga often talked about what awaits humanity as a whole, and how human consciousness will change in the future. If the list of prophecies by year says that people will forget about violence and evil intentions, then now things are completely different. Vanga said this about the current period of time:

Cataclysms and troubles await our world. People's consciousness will have to change. Hard years are coming. Faith will divide people...

Hard times are a rather vague and relative concept. In general, people of all times have talked about them. There are many cataclysms, and this has almost always been the case. Regarding the division of people based on faith, perhaps we are talking about terrorism on a religious basis, as well as riots and similar troubles. All this takes place, so Vanga’s prediction is considered correct.

In the 60s, the great Bulgarian fortuneteller reported that by 2018 trains would begin to fly on wires, and these wires would come from Sun. People will no longer be engaged in oil production; the earth will finally be able to take a break from resource extraction. This prophecy is just beginning to come true. Just by this time, it is planned to organize the extraction of minerals on the Moon, which will become a source of energy.

Vangu can perhaps be called the most famous person in the world who has superpowers. People who were familiar with the Bulgarian fortuneteller Vanga said that this woman could with incredible accuracy determine a person’s illnesses, predict his future fate, communicate with spirits, and foresee certain events in the world.

Vanga was believed by many. And at the time of the change of millennia, prophecies even began to be published in all printed publications in the world, along with the quatrains of the prophet Nostradamus. But what did Vanga predict? Some of Vanga’s real predictions have already come true, while others are yet to come true.

First of all, it’s worth looking at the predictions that have already come true:

What didn't come true

It is also worth noting that some of Vanga’s predictions did not come true. Such predictions include the following:

But as you can see, these predictions did not come true.

Predictions for the future

Sociologists carefully studied the predictions of the Bulgarian seer. They found that out of 99 predictions about Russia, 43 were adequate, 43 were ambiguous and 12 were inadequate. This suggests that the probability of telepathic prediction is about 68%. But still, this result is considered quite high.

Before moving on to predictions for the future, it is worth noting that Vanga was actively promoted by the Bulgarian special services. Bulgaria received a seer, to whom crowds of tourists and celebrities came from all over the world. Clients were never allowed to come to her right away; they were asked to wait a few days.

Skeptics claim that this was done so that the intelligence services could collect as much information as possible from tourists.

If we talk about this woman’s predictions regarding Russia, they are extremely dim. One of the latest predictions about Russia came down to just one gesture: Vanga, without uttering a single word, outlined a huge circle with her hands.

The future of Russia

The Bulgarian seer said the following about Russia: “Everything will melt like ice, only the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia, will remain untouched.” She also said in her predictions that no one and nothing can stop Russia, this country will sweep away everything in its path and become the ruler of the whole world. But all this will happen only in 2040. According to Vanga, by this time the three states should come closer:

  • Russia.
  • China.
  • India.

But if we talk about the near future, then the predictions of the Bulgarian clairvoyant are not very favorable. In her opinion, villages and cities will begin to collapse from floods and earthquakes. Various natural disasters will shake the planet, they will win bad people, the number of informers and thieves will increase.

But also during this period Russia will experience a huge spiritual upsurge. In the coming years, Russia will gain power when Prince Vladimir rules it.

Vanga’s close relatives and acquaintances said that she loved Russia very much. The clairvoyant really wanted to visit Moscow, but the opportunity never presented itself.

21 century

Speaking about predictions for the future, it is worth noting that Vanga almost never said anything directly. Therefore, interpreters could make a mistake in interpreting her words. For example, in 2016 Vanga prophesied a cold and empty Europe. This had to happen after the use of chemical and nuclear weapons, as well as after the war between the European people and the Muslim people. There was no war, so we didn’t see empty and cold Europe either. Some scientists believe that the Bulgarian clairvoyant had in mind some kind of spiritual desert, and not the destruction of states in the literal sense. But what else did the Bulgarian clairvoyant prophesy for the 21st century?

Perhaps the most famous person in the world with superpowers is the Bulgarian seer Vanga. People who knew her assured that the woman could accurately determine a person’s illness, predict his future fate, communicate with spirits, and foresee the occurrence of this or that event. Many people believed in her. And on the threshold of the turn of the millennium, her prophecies were published in all printed publications on the planet. This is very interesting topic, so now it’s worth talking about Vanga’s predictions that came true.

Death of Stalin

Perhaps we should start with this prediction. At the end of 1952, Vanga said the following words about Stalin: “The gates to another world, where Joseph Vissarionovich will go, will open for other Russian rulers.” She did not provide any time or dates. No clarifications. But for this prediction she had to pay with her own freedom. Because she allowed herself to speak out in this way about the Leader himself, she was imprisoned in a Bulgarian prison and given a long sentence.

But six months later, a year later, Stalin died. And the seer was released. By the way, people associated her words that the death of the Leader would lead to other deaths with the death of Yuri Andropov in 1984. He, like Stalin, died in Kuntsevo. And from that moment on, none of the Russian political figures used the complex located there as their residence.

USA Events

Listing Vanga's predictions that came true, one cannot fail to mention the fact that she foresaw the death of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. The woman said this in the middle of the summer of 1963, four months before the tragedy. She made a reservation - an assassination attempt would be made on the US President. And on November 22 of the same year, the head of America was killed with two shots in his own car.

The woman also foresaw the terrorist attack that occurred on September 11, 2001 in New York, which is still terrifying to this day. And back in 1989. Vanga said: “Fear, fear! American brothers will fall, pecked to death by iron birds. Wolves will howl from the bushes, and innocent blood will flow like a river.”

This is what happened. On the morning of September 11, four Boeing airliners were hijacked by al-Qaeda terrorists, who flew the planes to the World Trade Center towers, which people called “brothers” and “twins.” The blood of almost three thousand people was shed. What does this bush have to do with it? This is a reference to the then current US President, George W. Bush. This surname translates as “bush”. The seer's analogy boils down to the fact that the tragedy happened during his reign.

Perestroika and collapse of the USSR

When listing Vanga’s predictions that came true, it is worth mentioning this event. The Bulgarian seer foreshadowed perestroika back in 1979. That is, 6 years before the start of economic and political reforms in the USSR. Naturally, they tried their best to hide Vanga’s words, but some of the predictions were still made known to the public through the media.

The main “source” was the magazine “Friendship”, famous at that time. Vanga said the following words to his correspondent: “I see a garden - this is Russia. There is a lot of snow around. And from the depths of the earth there seemed to be voices - female and male. No... it's the sap that feeds the trees. An unusual spring is coming to the country. Three mighty trees are drying up, and two rings have been trampled in the snow-covered garden - a small one and a large one. A woman and a man walk in a small circle, and then... some people stick sticks into the snow.”

Vague words. But their meaning can be understood by paying attention to the memoirs of R. M. Gorbacheva. In them, she told how in 1985 she and her husband, Mikhail Sergeevich, went out into the snow-covered garden to walk along the walking ring. He said that perhaps he would be offered to lead the party. This brought up unpleasant thoughts, because in the last three years three people have died general secretaries. At one point, to distract herself, Raisa Maksimovna asked the guards how many laps they had completed. This is a test of attentiveness. The guards knew about this, and in order not to get confused, they stuck sticks into the snow. Here is the explanation for Vanga’s prophecy. By the way, in 1989, a woman predicted Gorbachev’s appointment to the presidency. 9 months later it came true.

Crimea and Ukraine

The events that take place in our lifetime also relate to Vanga’s predictions that have come true. A Bulgarian clairvoyant once said: “Crimea will break away from one shore and grow to the other.” Few people took these words seriously. But this is exactly what happened in the spring of 2014. Crimea “detached” from the shores of Ukraine and returned to Russia.

The woman also foresaw the conflict in the neighboring state. She warned about the fall of Donetsk, unrest in Ukraine, that mothers would begin to abandon their children, and brothers would fight among themselves. There was even the following wording in her words: “What has stood for 23 years will be ground into powder.” This is what happened. Exactly 23 years have passed since the separation of Ukraine from Russia until the beginning of civil war.

Russian reality

One cannot help but pay attention to Vanga’s predictions about Russia. The clairvoyant stated that in 2015 the Federation will begin to help refugees from other countries. In fact, this is what is happening. After the start of the civil war in Ukraine, its residents began to actively move to the territory of the neighboring Russian state, in the hope of finding peace there.

Even in Vanga’s predictions about Russia there was a foresight of a global economic crisis 2015/16. The woman said that the country would have a hard time, but it would survive, and even force other states to starve. This also came true. Apparently, the seer had in mind the sanctions that rained down on Russia in the hundreds. But in the end, many of them backfired on the majority European countries who regretted their decision.

About the Immortal Regiment

Vanga once said this phrase: “When the dead stand next to the living, rising from their graves, then Russia will become a Great Power.” These words of hers, like many others, stunned people with their eccentricity.

But now they have become clear. This phrase found an explanation on the day of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the victory, when the “Immortal Regiment” action was organized throughout the country. People, holding portraits of war heroes in their hands, walked with them in a solemn demonstration parade. This action seemed to revive the spirit of unity.

At that moment it became clear that Vanga was right after all. When the dead “stood” next to the living, reborn in portraits, and as if walking through a parade along with everyone else, it was clear that this was another vague analogy of a clairvoyant.

What was not destined to come true?

Some of Vanga's prophecies were not reflected in reality. For 2010, for example, a woman predicted the beginning of a new World War. She even clarified the time - according to her, it was supposed to be November. The war would go on for four years and end in October 2014. The clairvoyant even clarified the details. According to them, the war would begin as usual, but then nuclear and chemical weapons would be used.

Another unfulfilled prophecy of Vanga dates back to 2011. She foresaw the fallout of radioactive fallout in the Northern Hemisphere, as a result of which there would be no plants or animals left.

In 2014, according to the woman, many people were expected to be exposed to skin diseases. She called this a consequence of a new World War. As a result, according to her, Europe would be almost deserted in 2016. Terrible predictions, and it’s good that they didn’t come true.

Near future

Finally, it is worth listing a short list of Vanga’s predictions, which were dated by her in the recent years. So here's what you can expect soon:

  • In 2018, China will become the new world power.
  • In 2023, the Earth's orbit will change slightly.
  • In 2028, a new energy source will be produced and launched spaceship to Venus.
  • In 2033, polar ice will begin to melt, which will lead to rising sea levels.
  • In 2046, any organs are grown.
  • Communism will come in 2076.
  • In 2088, a new disease will be discovered - aging in a few seconds. In 2097, the phenomenon will be eradicated.
  • In 2100, the dark side of our planet will be illuminated by an artificial sun.

Well, these are predictions until the next century. In fact, Vanga saw further. For the year 5078, for example, she predicted humanity's decision to leave the boundaries of the Universe, despite people's ignorance of what lies beyond it. However, Vanga’s further prophecies are another topic.


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