Venerable Anthony the Great: life, icon, prayer. St. Anthony's Day among Western Christians

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The most cheerful month in Portugal is undoubtedly June, when a series of holidays in honor of the most revered saints - Santos Populares - begins. Basil, sardines, concerts and marches. What happens in June in Lisbon and the history of the feast of St. Anthony?

The honor of opening noisy festivities falls Santo Antonio. The day when he is revered is June 13, but already on the eve of June 12, festive festivities take over the streets of Lisbon and the brightest night of the year arrives Noite de Santo António.

The next to take up the baton is the second largest city in Portugal - Porto, where they celebrate the day on a grand scale on the night of June 24-25 São João do Porto holiday dedicated to John the Baptist. The festive parade closes on June 29th, St. Peter's Day São Pedro, which is celebrated in different towns of the country: festive processions and concerts in Sintra, Évora and Porto de Mos and other cities of the country.

All holidays are accompanied by street parties, concerts, cheerful crowds, beer, wine, and delicious Portuguese food.

In this article we will tell you more about what happens in Lisbon in June. Just a few years ago in June, only one day was noisily celebrated in Lisbon - June 13th. However, the capital's residents were so captivated by the holiday that it all turned into a whole month of street festivities. The most enchanting holiday, like the cherry on the cake, is still St. Anthony's Night, but let's talk about everything in order.

Who is Saint Anthony

Born in Lisbon, between 1191-1195. on the street Pedras Negras, next to the Se Cathedral. He was brought up in a noble family and his name was Fernando de Bulhões. On the site of the house where he was born and spent his childhood, there is now Igreja de Santo António, the relic of the Saint is also kept there.

In youth Fernando asks permission to join the Order of St. Augustine in the church Igreja de São Vicente de Fora. He later moves to the city Coimbra, where he studies theology. His search for enlightenment leads him to the Franciscan Order. Fernando takes name Antonio, in honor of the hermit Santo Antão, and devotes himself to preaching the holy scriptures. Especially after moving to Italy.

In Rimini in Italy, Saint Anthony tried to preach Holy Word heretics. He was so successful that even fish listened to his sermons.

Saint Anthony is one of the most popular saints in catholic church. His images can be found in Portuguese, Italian, Brazilian churches, as well as in the south of France. There was a time when the image of St. Anthony was printed on Portuguese escudos.

Miracles of St. Anthony

One day, when Anthony was preaching, standing on the ocean shore, fish swam to listen to him. There is even a tile painting dedicated to this in the Lisbon Cathedral.

He restored an entire field of wheat that had been trampled by the crowd that followed him.

He miraculously protected the listeners of his sermons from the rain.

He implanted the amputated leg of a young man.

When heretics poisoned the Saint's food, trying to test his holiness, he made the sign of the cross on the food and did not get poisoned.

The image of Saint Anthony is usually depicted with the boy Jesus in his arms, this happened due to the fact that during one of the sermons the boy Jesus appeared next to him.

When was he canonized?

His canonization turned out to be one of the most record-breaking. After the death of Antonio, the church in the city of Padua became a pilgrimage center: people from different parts came for help, after an incredible number of healings, the bishop asked Pope Gregory IX to begin the process of canonization. Saint Anthony was canonized on May 30, 1232.

700 years later, in 1946, Pope Pius XII proclaimed Saint Anthony Teacher of the Church.

Why is June 13th celebrated?

Saint Anthony died on June 13, 1231 in Italy, in the place Arcella, Near Padua. His body was buried in the church Santa Maria Mater Domini in the city Padua. 40 years after construction was completed Basilica of Santo António, his tomb was opened and it was stated that the saint’s language had not undergone any changes. Which, in the eyes of believers, served as further proof of his holiness and the fact that he was a preacher from God. The tongue of Saint António was placed in a reliquary.

Anthony of Padua or Saint Anthony of Lisbon?

In fact, we are talking about the same Saint. Saint Anthony was born and raised in Lisbon and lived and died in Padua. In Italy they consider him one of their own, in Portugal no one doubts that the Saint is from Lisbon. But the best answer to this question was given by Pope Leo XIII: "This is the Saint of the whole world". And it’s true, Saint Anthony is revered in many countries of the world, not only Catholic, but also Muslim.

Saint Anthony was and is the people's Saint. He was treated with great familiarity, which led to various incidents. For example, if the request was not fulfilled, the image of the Saint was subjected to peculiar punishments: the image with the Saint was placed face down on the floor and pressed down with a stone. They buried him in the ground and took the figurine of the baby Jesus from his hands.

It was believed that punishment would speed up the process of fulfilling the request. This was explained by the fact that Saint Anthony wanted to die in his youth martyrdom for your faith. Some traditions arose from this, for example, in Brazil, girls of marriageable age took the boy Jesus from the statue of St. Anthony and returned him only after they got married.

Is Saint Anthony the patron saint of Lisbon?

The answer to this question is not simple. The main patron of the Patriarchate of Lisbon is São Vicente de Saragoça(Saint Vincent of Saragossa), while Santo Antonio is the main patron of the city of Lisbon. Saint Anthony is also the second patron saint of Portugal.

Traditions for celebrating St. Anthony's Day

This holiday is celebrated on a larger scale than New Year, and is a day off. Over the years, the celebration has developed its own traditions: Marchas Populares(people's parade), Casamentos de Santo Antonio(the wedding of St. Anthony), integral attributes of the holiday - ceramic pots with manjerico(a type of basil), bright garlands decorating the city, and the most important symbol - grilled sardines, which are cooked on every corner, so much so that the haze covers the city.

Recently, sardines are not only fried, the holiday is preceded by a competition for the best and unusual design these fish, in which professionals and amateurs from all over the world participate. The winning sardines become symbols of the holiday; they are printed and decorated in the city.

Why sardines? This is a question we get asked very often. The answer is actually simple: by this time the sardines have reached the right size and manage to gain enough fat. Before cooking, sardines must be seasoned with coarse salt, allowed to brew a little, and then placed on a grill over properly heated coals.

The fat from the fish begins to render out, making the sardines juicy. People from all over the world fly in to enjoy this dish. It seems that after centuries of celebration, the Portuguese have some kind of gene that is responsible for properly prepared sardines.

Another integral attribute of the feast of St. Anthony in Lisbon is the bush. manzherika, known as the “lovers plant.” The fragrant, green spherical basil bush decorates the streets, bars and restaurants of Lisbon in June.

According to tradition, young people give this plant to their loved ones. The bush is usually decorated with a love message. Giving a manzherika is like declaring your love.

Basil is very delicate, so that the plant does not wither, you cannot smell it; in order to feel the aroma, you must carefully run your hand over the green leaves and bring your hand to your nose. Girls who received such a gift must take care of the plant until next year.

In many areas of Lisbon, special areas are being created for celebration -. A stage is set up there, additional areas for preparing food are installed, and it is in such places that folk festivities take place.

If previously such zones were created only in ancient areas, such as Alfama, Madragoa and Mouraria, today there are at least several places in almost every area. Concerts will be held there not only on the night of June 12-13. Throughout June, from Thursday to Sunday, there will be music, wine poured into glasses and grills smoking.

We have prepared a map for you where you can find your nearest Arayal, check the opening days and indulge in the street fun.

Saint Anthony is also the patron saint of lovers.

There is a legend according to which a girl from a poor family turned to Anthony with a request for help: she wanted to marry her neighbor Philip. The problem was that the girl had no dowry. This request greatly touched the Saint, and he said that it was best to leave it in the hands of the Lord. But in secret, Saint Atony began to keep the donations of believers.

When the required amount had accumulated, Saint Anthony put the money in a bag and wrote a note “This is the dowry that will enable the bride to get married.” and threw it into the poor girl's house.

Following the tradition of helping couples walk down the aisle, each year the municipality of Lisbon organizes St. Anthony's Weddings for couples who cannot afford the ceremony.

To be among the lucky ones, you need to submit an application. Needless to say, the number of applicants every year goes through the roof, because the wedding takes place in the main cathedral of Lisbon on June 12 at 12 a.m. This event is even broadcast live on television.

This is a costume carnival that brings together different areas of Lisbon.

The idea of ​​this parade is to show the unity of the soul of the Alfacinha (Lisbon people) with the feast of St. Anthony. The tradition began in 1932. Only 3 districts took part in the first parade: Alto do Pina, Bairro Alto and Campo de Ourique.

By 1934, the number had increased to 12 districts and eight hundred participants, and about 300 thousand people watched the parade. The tradition of marches either stopped or was resumed, but since the 80s it has existed continuously, and every year this event becomes more colorful and large-scale.

Traditionally, the parade takes place on June 12th. But preparations begin long before X-Day. Everyone participates in the parade: from young to old.

In a few months they begin to prepare costumes and their performances, both musical and choreographic. They try to keep it secret from competing areas in order to be unique and inimitable.

You can see all the riot of colors and imagination on the evening of June 12 at 21:00. The parade starts from Marquis of Pombal Square. There are stands along Avenida da Liberdade, tickets for which must be purchased in advance. You can watch the marches for free to take your time best places people gather along the fence several hours before the start.

Night of St. Anthony

The peak of the holiday is the night of St. Anthony, when it seems that the whole city is awake. The narrow streets of Alfama are filled with people, so densely that a trip on tram 28 during rush hour will seem like fun.

Only lazy people don't fry sardines. Local residents pull out their small barbecues and fry fish right next to the entrance.

If you are going to stroll through the old districts of Lisbon this evening, then be prepared for the smell of fried sardines to become your perfume for the coming evening. This is an indescribable atmosphere of a simple and bright holiday that Lisbon residents wait for all year.

Program for the celebration of St. Anthony's Day in Lisbon (Festas de Lisboa)

V different parts cities
Collective exhibition of the thrones of St. Anthony As last year, the proposal to revive the tradition and create thrones of St. Anthony was joyfully received by both children and adults. On the 4th and 5th, a special exhibition-competition will be held in the city, but many of the works will remain on view to the public until the end of the holidays.

Largo do Intendente, Campo Mártires da Patria, Time Out Market
Atlantic Swing Festival The swing festival of vintage music and dance will be held under the theme "What We Dance is Life". Dance masterclasses, music and a lot of dancing await you.

St. George's Castle, 22:00
Fado at the castle Popular fado performers will give a free concert at the castle. Ticket distribution at the box office on the day of the concert will begin at 20:00. The number of tickets is limited. This year each of the concerts will be special.

Tagus River, 19:00
Regatta Sails of Lisbon Sails of Lisbon is the most popular regatta in Portugal. In 2016, 80 sailing yachts will take part in the competition. The regatta will continue after sunset. It will be an unforgettable spectacle that can be watched from the shore.

Anthony the Great(born about 251, Qoma, Egypt - died 356, Deir-Mari) - venerable, early Christian saint, ascetic and hermit, founder of hermit monasticism.


Anthony was born in 251 in Qom (Egypt) into a wealthy Coptic family belonging to the noble class. The boy was raised in the Christian faith. From early youth, Anthony was distinguished by his piety. His parents died when he was about 20 years old and he was left with a little sister in his care.

The legend says that one day, when Anthony entered the temple, he heard the words: “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in Heaven, and follow Me.” (Matt. 19, 21). What he heard prompted Anthony to follow these words from the Gospel. He rejected his parents' inheritance and distributed his property to the poor people in his village. Later he heard Jesus say: “Do not worry about tomorrow: tomorrow will take care of itself; Enough for every day of your care" (Matt. 6, 34). Having entrusted the care of his younger sister to trusted virgins known to him, he went with a certain elder to serve God.

After some time, Anthony left the elder and began to live alone in the Thebaid desert in a tomb cave, not far from his village. Later, he took a six-month supply of bread and went to Pispira, on the banks of the Nile. Here he settled in a destroyed military fortification. He spent about 20 years in this secluded place, only occasionally communicating with people who came to see and hear him. Living as a hermit, Anthony was tempted by the devil more than once. He made even stricter vows for himself, completely eliminating communication with people. Even with those who came to him, he spoke only through a small hole made in the wall. According to legend, at moments when Anthony could not stand such spiritual suffering, Jesus Christ appeared to him, saying that He was nearby all the time. By the end of his life, Anthony the Great had followers and students. Only 2 students are known for certain.

Around 305, due to popular demand, Anthony interrupted his hermitage. He is organizing the monastic life of people who followed his example and began to settle next to him.

In 311 he came to Alexandria. At that time, under Emperor Maximian, there was persecution of Christians. Anthony the Great inspired the persecuted, coming to the very dangerous places. After the persecution subsided, the elder left Alexandria in 313, going even deeper into the desert - to a monastery near the Gulf of Suez on the shores of the Red Sea in the Pispir Mountains. In order not to take bread from his students, he independently cultivated a small field, growing bread for himself. Only occasionally did he make trips to Thebad to visit his followers, for whom he was the spiritual leader.

After 70 years of hermitage, Anthony the Great met Paul of Thebes, who had lived in the desert for about 90 years, who told him that in the Roman Empire the persecution of the Christian faith had ended and that the Arian heresy had appeared.

In the 350s, the Monk Anthony settled in Alexandria, leaving his hermitage for a time. He agreed to leave solitude, heeding the urgent invitation of Athanasius the Great, who wanted Anthony to take part in the movement against the teachings of the Arians. The followers of Arianism, in order to win over the believers to their side, said that the Monk Anthony also adheres to Arianism. Anthony was forced to personally deny his involvement in the Arian heresy and in his speech condemned Arianism. The appearance of the elder greatly inspired the people; they expected a miracle. After this speech, Anthony the Great returned to his desert, and soon died at the age of 105. Until his death, the elder was distinguished by his cheerful spirit and excellent spirit, as St. John Chrysostom mentions. The Monk Anthony commanded his two disciples, who had been with him for the last 15 years, not to reveal the burial place, fearing their deification.


Already during the reign of Emperor Justinian, in 529, his relics were discovered and solemnly moved to Alexandria. Later, in 623, the relics were transferred a second time to Constantinople. In 980, the elder’s relics were transferred to Motte-Saint-Didier (now Saint-Antoine-l’Abbey) in France, where they are kept in a 114-kilogram ark in our time. “The Head of St. Anthony” - the saint’s skull is kept in the Church of St. Julian, in Arles.

Text of the Life of Anthony the Great

The main source of information about the life of Anthony the Great is one of the greatest works of ascetic and hagiographic literature, the oldest Greek description - “The Life of Anthony”. It belongs to the pen of the famous Greek writer, Athanasius of Alexandria, and was created by him around 365. Of all the Greek works describing the life of Anthony the Great, only this work exists in Slavic translation. The translation was made in Bulgaria in connection with Anthony's participation in the anti-Arian movement. Saint John Chrysostom believed that this work must be read by all Christians.

Saint Athanasius writes: “This story is of little significance in comparison with Anthony’s virtues, however, from this you can conclude what kind of man of God Anthony was. From his youth until that age, he observed equal zeal for asceticism, neither in his old age was deceived by expensive foods, nor in the weakness of his body did he change the appearance of his clothes, but he did not suffer harm in any way, his eyes were healthy and unharmed and he saw well. Not a single tooth fell out, but they only weakened in the gums due to the old man’s advanced years. He was healthy in arms and legs... And what was said everywhere about him, everyone was amazed at him, even those who had not seen him loved him - this serves as proof of his virtue and God-loving soul.”

In addition to this description, references to the life of the reverend elder are found in the texts of church historians: Blessed Jerome, Sozomen, Rufinus, Socrates and others.

The worldview of Anthony the Great can also be judged by the works he personally wrote:

  • 20 speeches on Christian and monastic virtues;
  • 7 messages to monasteries about the desire for moral perfection and spiritual struggle;
  • Rules of life for monks.
  • Founder of Christian monasticism

    The Monk Anthony is revered as the father of monasticism, despite the fact that he was not the first to live as a hermit in the desert - and before him, in the 2nd century, people went to deserted places and lived there for a long time, prompted by the desire for an ascetic life or hiding from persecution . But it was the asceticism of Anthony the Great that was the most striking and inspiring example of desert life: “he sanctified the monastic hermit life.” Not striving to found monasteries and the role of a spiritual teacher (abba), nevertheless, it was Anthony who became a mentor for many of his followers. People came to him and sat near him, attracted by his spiritual wisdom and greatness.

    Anthony the Great is considered the founder of hermit monasticism. In this type of monasticism, several hermits live close to their spiritual mentor, in caves or huts. Hermit monks live separately from each other, spending their days in solitude, in work, prayer and fasting. Such settlements, united under the spiritual authority of one leader, are called "laurels".

    At the same time, another type of monastic life appeared: followers united in a community, worked together, obeyed rules, and shared meals. Such communities became known as "monasteries" or "Kinovia". The Abbas of these communities began to be called "archimandrites", and the founder of Cenonic monasticism is considered to be the Monk Pachomius the Great.

    The image of St. Anthony in art

    Anthony the Great is revered as the father of monks and a hermit in Eastern Christianity. Western Christians revere him as a miraculous physician with the ability to heal.

    In the Middle Ages, the popularity of the personality of Saint Anthony reached its apogee. Around 1070, the Order of St. Anthony was founded, which was dedicated to helping the sick with “Anthony’s fire” (according to different sources This is either gangrene or a disease caused by ergot poisoning).

    The iconography of the image of Saint Anthony is diverse. This is due to the fact that representatives of many professions, from peasants to undertakers, considered him their patron.

    Mandatory iconographic attributes of images of St. Anthony are considered to be a T-shaped cross, a lion, fire, a pig and bells, with the help of which members of the Order of St. Anthony attracted attention when collecting donations.

    Since the 15th century, the most frequently occurring motif in the depiction of Anthony the Great has been the scene of the temptation of St. Anthony. Among the painters who paid attention to the image of Saint Anthony in their work: Rubens, Velazquez, Bosch, Teniers the Elder, Zurbaran, and others.

    Sayings of Anthony the Great

  • Let us run away from hatred and strife. He who is in friendship with one infected with hatred and quarrelsome is in friendship with a beast of prey. Exactly, one who trusts himself to a beast is safer than one who trusts himself to a grumpy and hate-infected person. He who does not turn away from quarrelsomeness and does not disdain it will not spare any of the people lower than his friends.
  • The beating piece of iron looks ahead with the thought of what it intends to make: a sickle, a sword or an ax. So we must reflect: what virtue should we begin to practice so as not to work in vain.
  • Pride and arrogance cast the devil from heaven to hell; humility and meekness lift man from earth to heaven.
  • Die daily so that you may live forever: for he who fears God will live forever.
  • If anyone speaks about something that is not good for the soul, be like a deaf man who does not hear, and a dumb man who does not speak.
  • If anyone, at the instigation of the devil, happens to fall, let him rise in repentance and resort to the One who descended to earth to save one sheep, led astray by sin.
  • If you couldn’t get along with people in the world, then later you won’t be able to cope with loneliness.
  • If you see that your brother has fallen into sin, then do not be tempted by him, do not despise or condemn him; otherwise you will fall into the hands of your enemies.
  • Just as fish die if they stay on land for a long time, so monks lose the attractive power bestowed by silence if they leave their cell for a long time, spending time with secular people. Just as a fish must return to the water, so we must strive to return to the cell, so that while we are outside it we do not miss the guard in our consciousness.
  • Whoever surrenders to silence in his cell in the desert is invulnerable to three temptations: auditory, verbal and visual; There is only one struggle ahead of him: the struggle with sensuality.
  • Love humility; it will cover all your sins.
  • Prayer performed with carelessness and laziness is idle talk.
  • Do not be voluptuous and devoted to overeating, so that your previous sins do not renew in you.
  • Do not forget the labors you have endured for the sake of virtue, do not fall into laziness, so as not to end up in last hour yours are careless and have gone astray from the right path; but love the Lord to the end, so that you may inherit mercy.
  • He who has not been tempted will not go to heaven. Take away temptation and no one will find salvation.
  • Do not bend your ears to hear evil about your neighbor; be a friend of men, and you will gain life.
  • Don’t complain and don’t allow yourself to offend anyone.
  • Do not consider yourself wise: otherwise your soul will be exalted in pride, and you will fall into the hands of your enemies.
  • Constantly watch over yourself, so as not to be deceived and led astray, so as not to fall into laziness and negligence, so as not to be rejected in the next century. Woe to the lazy! their end is approaching and there is no one to help them, there is no hope of salvation for them.
  • Don’t offer anything to anyone, don’t teach anyone anything that you haven’t put into practice before.
  • Don’t talk about the good deed you want to do; do it without disclosing it first.
  • Beware of getting angry with anyone - forgive everyone.
  • Our neighbor gives us both life and death. For if we gain a brother, we gain God; if we seduce a brother, we sin against Christ.
  • When you feel anger, immediately cast it away from you, so that your joy in the Lord may remain undisturbed to the end. I beg both young men and elders that they do not allow anger to take over them.
  • Be gone - lies! She will remove the fear of God from you.
  • Rejoice in the temptations that will be allowed to you: through them, spiritual fruit is acquired.
  • My son! Do not multiply words: verbosity will drive the Spirit of God away from you.
  • Remove hatred from yourself, protect yourself from your lusts, as well as from bad thoughts.
  • I saw all the traps the enemy had set on the ground, and said with a sigh: “Who can bypass them?” Then I heard a voice say, “humble.”
  • (~251–~356)

    The childhood and adolescence of St. Anthony

    The Monk Anthony the Great was an Egyptian by birth. He was born in 251, into a noble, wealthy family, in the village of Koma (near Heliopolis).

    Anthony's parents were Christians, and he grew up and was brought up on the Testaments of Christ. Early childhood Antonia passed at her parents' house. When he reached adolescence, and was supposed to be sent to learn to read and write, he preferred to stay closer to his parents, not wanting to either leave his father’s house or communicate with his peers.

    In general, he was an obedient child, willingly visiting God’s temple with his mother and father, listening carefully to what was read there. Despite the enviable family budget, Anthony was not a spoiled child; he did not demand exquisite dishes and other excesses; he was content with what was given, and given, for pedagogical purposes, in moderation.

    Calling of God

    After the death of his parents, Anthony remained the eldest. Caring for the household and his little sister fell on his shoulders. By that time he was quite an adult (according to ancient sources he was between 18 and 20 years old).

    A few months after he was orphaned, an incident happened to him that dramatically influenced his future life. One day, Anthony, according to custom and the desire of his heart, went to the temple. Along the way, I gave myself over to thought: I remembered the apostles who left everything and followed Christ, I remembered those believers who, when selling their property, brought the funds they had handed over and humbly laid them down before the Lord’s disciples.

    As soon as he entered the threshold of God's temple, he heard words that sounded as if from the lips of the Redeemer Himself. These were the words from the Gospel addressed to the rich young man, which he uttered and which formed the basis of one of the most important monastic vows - non-covetousness. Anthony took the meaning of these sublime words - whoever wants to be perfect must sell what they have and follow the Savior - as closely as if they were addressed to him personally.

    Leaving the temple, he immediately sold everything that he inherited from his deceased parents (and this was a lot: tens of hectares of fertile land alone), distributed part of the funds to local residents so that neither his sister nor himself would be disturbed, he left part of it to his sister, and He gave some of it to the poor.

    Once again entering the temple of the Lord (shortly after what happened), Anthony heard other words from the Gospel that were based on Providence and again took them to himself. He immediately returned, distributed the remains of his property to the poor, entrusted his sister to the care of the virtuous virgins who lived in the monastery, and, settling down near his home, devoted himself to solitude and prayerful deeds.


    Having barely embarked on the path of strict ascetic life, the Monk Anthony did not have the proper spiritual experience and needed the advice of wise people. For the sake of these advice, from time to time he left his place of solitude and went in search of those whom he had heard of as guardians of truth and virtue. Having received wise instruction from one or another righteous man, he returned and continued to practice asceticism.

    Step by step, enriching his experience with grains of taught wisdom and careful observations of the lifestyle of God's saints, he replenished it by observing himself: he listened to his own thoughts, thoughts, desires.

    At the same time, the Monk Anthony was engaged physical labor. This is how he earned food and donated the surplus to those in need.

    Residents of the surrounding area, seeing Anthony's virtue, treated him with respect and love.

    Gradually, Anthony accustomed himself to more difficult feats. He often spent entire nights in prayer vigil. He ate once a day after sunset, but it also happened once every two days, and even once every four days. The only food he served was bread and salt, and he drank only water. As a rule, he slept right on the bare ground and covered himself with matting.

    Deciding to aggravate the feat of solitude, Saint Anthony retired to the tombs. Then, choosing one from several, he imprisoned himself in it, blocking the entrance with a large stone. He previously agreed with an acquaintance that he would bring him bread. While in the tomb, the saint experienced many temptations, but with help from above he managed to overcome them and not only remained on the path of salvation, but also became stronger in spirit and grew in spiritual age.

    According to some estimates, the Monk Anthony labored in the tombs for about 15 years, then, in 285, he retired to a mountain located east of the Nile. There he lived and worked, glorifying God, for 20 years.

    When he was still looking for where to set up his home, he discovered a fenced-in, completely neglected place. People haven't lived there for a long time; the place was filled with reptiles. But as soon as this deserted place became the place of residence and exploits of the monk, the reptiles left, as if some powerful force had expelled them from there.

    Anthony, having taken care of food in advance and having with him a six-month supply of bread (he ate extremely poorly), took refuge inside (he got drinking water right there). Subsequently, bread was brought to him twice a year.

    From time to time people came to him looking for a meeting, but they were not allowed inside the fence. Sometimes they spent several days outside. If it was God's will, Anthony talked with those coming through a small window.

    One day, regular visitors, without expecting it, heard a strange noise coming from behind the fence, as if there was a large crowd in the interior: knocking, screaming, groaning. Among this strange uproar, quite distinct words could be heard: someone urgently demanded that the saint get away from the desert and quickly. Having peered into the wall hole and not finding anyone outside the fence, those who heard realized that those knocking and screaming were demons. Frightened, people naturally began to shout, calling Saint Anthony, and he, approaching the door with inside, advised them to rely on God, not to fall into fear, and to leave.

    Over time, people began to reach out to Anthony more and more. more people. Many sought to imitate his life and wanted to settle near him. One day, wanting to meet the holy pilgrim, people broke down the locked doors. And then Anthony went out to the crowd. By that time, he had spent about 20 years in voluntary captivity (in the fortress).

    Many of those present then received healing, and demons were cast out of some. In addition, with an inspired speech, the ascetic consoled those suffering and reconciled those in a quarrel; convinced someone to take the monastic path. From that time on, those who wanted to take the monastic path began to settle in the local mountains, and monasteries began to appear. Anthony, moved by the will of God, took spiritual leadership over them. Monasteries were mainly built in the likeness of monasteries.

    Around 308, under Maximian, another persecution of the Church was launched: Christian blood began to flow. When the holy martyrs were led to Alexandria, the Monk Anthony followed them. He was ready to die for Christ, but did not want to provoke the authorities on his own, contrary to Providence. During this period, he courageously served the confessors kept in prisons and mines. He supported those drawn to the judgment seat with words, calling for steadfastness in faith and zeal.

    The judge, seeing the valor of Saint Anthony and the monks who were with him, ordered that they not appear at the court, and even leave the city altogether. Many then considered it best to hide. Anthony washed his clothes and the next day, as if challenging his tormentors, he appeared before the hegemon in everything clean. But God was not pleased with his quick death.

    After the martyrdom of the bishop, the Monk Anthony left Alexandria and, secluded, devoted himself to asceticism in his monastery.

    Meanwhile, many sought a meeting with him: some for guidance, some for healing, some for other reasons. Seeing that people were walking and walking, he, seeking peace and not wanting to be thought highly of, decided to move to Upper Thebaid, where no one knew or expected him. But when he was sitting on the shore waiting for a passing ship, the Lord turned to him and said that if he really seeks peace, let him go to the inner desert.

    Due to the fact that Anthony did not know the way to the appointed place, the Lord commanded him to approach the Saracens, which he did. After three days of travel, Anthony saw a mountain surrounded by a plain on which several palm trees grew; under the mountain there was a spring with cool and clean water. He liked the place; he realized that this was the very place that the voice from above had pointed to. Here Anthony stayed, set up a cell for himself, and devoted himself to prayer, contemplation of God and work. Subsequently, this mountain became known as Inner or Antonieva.

    The Saracens, passing along this route, delivered bread to Anthony. Over time, in order not to burden anyone with the delivery of food, Anthony cultivated a plot of land and sowed wheat. But people still came. Then he began to grow vegetables so that those who came after a difficult journey could strengthen their strength.

    When wild animals began to bother the monk with frequent damage to the garden, he, mercifully catching one, commanded him in the name of the Lord to tell the others so that they would no longer approach the crops and beds and cause harm. After this incident, the animals, all as one, began to avoid the gardens.

    When Anthony grew old and weak in flesh, the pious brethren begged him for permission to bring him vegetables, oil and olives once a month. According to the Life of the Saint, he gave to those who brought (as if paying) baskets that he made with his own hands.

    One day the brethren asked Anthony to visit their monastery, and he agreed. Along the way, they ran out of water and died of thirst. And then God, through the prayer of the saint, created a miracle: in the place where he prayed, a spring appeared drinking water. After spending a short time among the monastics, Anthony returned to the Inner Mountain and continued to perform his exploits there.

    However, from time to time he left this place for various reasons, for the sake of pleasing God.

    Gradually, more and more people began to turn to Anthony. He healed some, gave instructions to others.

    Over time, rumors about the great ascetic reached the ears of the king and his sons. Those, wanting to receive wise instruction from the ascetic, wrote messages to him. Anthony refused to accept these letters, explaining to those present that one should be surprised not at the attention of the king and his sons who wrote the letters, but at God, who wrote the law and revealed himself through the Only Begotten Son. And only through the intervention of the monks, who represented to Anthony that those kings were helping Christians, but could be tempted if the messages were ignored, did Anthony send a response.

    Anthony learned about the approach of death in advance. Before his blessed death, he visited the monks who lived on the “Outer Mountain”, warned them that he would soon leave this world and gave them his last parting words. They began to tearfully beg him to stay and accept death in their monastery. But he refused and returned to the Inner Mountain.

    A few months later he fell ill, and just before his death he called two monks who lived with him (due to his extreme old age) and served him, said goodbye to them in a Christian way and bequeathed to bury his body in the ground. In 355 or 356 (memory day: January 17), the Monk Anthony peacefully departed to the Lord.

    Saint Anthony's fight against the devil's wiles

    Even at the very beginning of Anthony’s ascetic life, a hater of goodness and an envier, the devil, knowing about his successes on the path to the Kingdom of Heaven and not wanting to put up with it, raised a battle against him, began to create all kinds of stumbling blocks, twist shackles, spread nets.

    At first, he tried to tempt the monk by arousing memories of wealth; inspiring thoughts about the abandoned sister, about comforts, exquisite dishes, the weakness of the flesh and the many difficulties of the monastic field. The saint opposed all these intrigues with heartfelt prayer, fortitude, sincere faith and firm hope in God, and unshakable love.

    Not content with defeat, the devil took on a female form and appeared to Anthony at night, but he, instead of being inflamed by lustful passion, was inflamed with zeal for the Lord, brought to mind the thought of hellish fire and extinguished the heat of satanic seduction.

    The devil, seeing that he did not prevail, but was himself overcome by the zealous ascetic, called upon spirits friendly to him, appeared to Anthony at night and beat him so severely that he was left lying on the ground without signs of life. According to the testimony of the monk, these beatings were so painful that they could not be compared with the pain caused by beatings from people. The Lord did not leave the saint without help and consolation. Anthony was healed and continued to glorify the Lord with new exploits.

    The annoyed Satan, bursting with anger and hatred, again began to attack the ascetic. This time he planned to break the will of the saint, bringing him to a state of desperate horror. For this purpose, a shaking thunder was made in the middle of the night, from which the walls of Anthony’s dwelling seemed to disintegrate. At that moment, demons in the form of wild, ferocious animals rushed at the ascetic from different directions. With all their appearance, the animals demonstrated that they were ready to pounce on Anthony: the lion grouped itself to jump; the wolf bared his grin; the serpent wriggled, preparing to attack; the ox strained to gore.

    Vulnerable by uninvited visitors, Anthony experienced severe physical pain, but without fear in his soul. Finally, he exposed the demons, telling them that if they really had power, it would be enough to come alone; but since there are many of them, it means God took away their power. Then, protecting himself with the shield of faith, he added that if they are able to inflict on him what they are frightening him with, let them attack; if they don’t have such power, there’s no point in trying. After this courageous statement, the roof seemed to open up and a ray of light penetrated through the freed space. The demons became invisible, the pain disappeared, and the home regained its previous appearance. Anthony devoted himself to prayer, God encouraged him, and the disgraced spirits disappeared like smoke.

    The next time the devil tried to present Anthony with a silver dish, intending to deceive him through the thought of love of money. But when the monk realized the vile trick in this and said that the dish would be the devil’s destruction, the dish disappeared.

    One day, demons visited Anthony in a ghost of light, trying to convince him that they were from God. But Anthony closed his eyes and devoted himself to prayer, after which the light disappeared. Another time, Satan, trying to break Anthony’s spirit, called himself God and the Providence of God. However, this ploy remained unsuccessful.

    It happened that the devil sent a pack of ferocious hyenas to attack the saint. But Anthony did not flinch, and the Lord did not allow His creatures to attack Anthony, and they left from where they came.

    The enemy plotted many other intrigues for him; he reflected them with faith, hope and prayer.

    Spiritual heritage

    Anthony the Great was not a church writer in the traditional sense of the word. Despite this, many of his teachings, compiled by one or another good-lover, have reached us. Other benefits include:

    The date of Saint Anthony's death has become a symbol of faith for Catholics, who for centuries have asked him for help in business and finding meaning in life in difficult periods of despair. Saint Anthony did not live long - only 35 years, but managed to become famous for his sermons and deeds for centuries.

    Born in the oldest city in Europe, Portuguese Lisbon on August 15, 1195, it seemed that his path was predetermined in a completely different direction. His father, the famous crusader knight, named his first-born Fernando, hoping for a worthy successor in the fight against the infidels. But the boy unexpectedly chose the monastery share instead military glory, at the age of 15, becoming a novice, immersing himself in the study of the word of God.

    The death of his father and the five Franciscan monks with whom he was familiar radically changed his worldview. He saw the meaning of life in death, but not in battle, but from torment for his faith. At the age of 25, he changed his name and parish, joining the Franciscan order, formed several years before these events (1208), but which had already gained respect and recognition for its asceticism and self-sacrifice. A serious illness of malaria, which caught him in North Africa, shattered dreams of converting all Muslims to Christianity. A ship caught in a storm, sailing home, with a failed missionary on board, crashed off the coast of Italy. Anthony, who miraculously survived, accepted this as God’s will.

    Padua, an Italian province, became the place where, in the days remaining before his death, he was able to accomplish a great mission with his sermons. Numerous heretics, who at that time inhabited the territory of Italy in large numbers, were converted to the faith, sometimes by entire cities. The vigorous activity that Anthony launched was especially noted by the head and founder of the order, Saint Francis of Assisi. “Lamp of the Order” was the name of the young preacher who opened new monasteries and was not afraid to stop internecine wars only with the power of his word.

    After his death in 1231, he was immediately canonized, and this happened so quickly only twice in the history of the Catholic Church. For some, it took centuries for their work to be recognized as sacred. Simply amazing events, which cannot but be considered a miracle, continued after death.

    The inhabitants of Padua, who built a special resting place - a basilica - in 1263. Transferring the remains of the saint there, it was established that vocal cords and the tongue, the instruments of oratory, remained unharmed. Anthony's theological activity puts him on the same level as Thomas Aquinas and other Church Doctors, of whom there are only 36 people. He was promoted to this honorary rank in 1946.

    Anthony’s life story allows us to consider him the patron saint of travelers; they ask him for help when something important is lost, and lovers seek his intercession. Extremely modest and undemanding, he always helped the poor, for this, glorifying him, alms are called “St. Anthony’s bread.”

    The basilica, owned by the Vatican, gathers millions of Catholics under its majestic arches every year. But not only believers, but also ordinary tourists enjoy visiting this attraction of Padua, more popular even than Cathedral. June 13 is a special holiday not only for all Western Christians, but also for the residents of Padua, because they celebrate the day of the city, which is proud of its saint, who received the distinctive name Anthony of Padua.

    A group of scientists presented a recreated image of the saint’s head on this memorable date in 2014. The reconstruction is a tribute to the memory of a great man, whose list of miracles amazes believers to this day.

    Saint Anthony the Great: life

    Saint Ant O The Great was born in Egypt around the year 250 from noble and wealthy parents who raised him in the Christian faith. At the age of 18, he lost his parents and was left alone with his sister, who was in his care. One day he was going to church and thinking about the holy apostles about how they left everything in this world to follow the Lord and serve Him. He enters the temple and hears the gospel words: “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in Heaven, and follow Me (Matt. 19:21). These words struck Anthony, as if they were spoken by the Lord personally to him. Soon after this, Anthony renounced the inheritance from his parents in favor of the poor inhabitants of his village, but was perplexed as to whom he would leave his sister to. Concerned with this thought, he again goes to the temple and hears there again the words of the Savior addressed to him: “Do not worry about tomorrow: tomorrow will take care of itself: enough for each day of its own care (Matt. 6:34). Anthony entrusted his sister to Christian virgins known to him and left the city and home to live in solitude and serve the Lord alone.

    The departure of the Monk Anthony from the world did not happen suddenly, but gradually. At first he stayed near the city with a pious elder who lived in solitude and tried to imitate him in everything. He also visited other hermits who lived in the vicinity of the city and took their advice. Already at this time he became so famous for his exploits that he was called “the friend of God.” Then he decides to move on. He calls the old man with him, and when he refuses, he says goodbye to him and settles in one of the remote caves. One of his friends brought him food from time to time. Finally, Saint Anthony leaves completely from inhabited places, crosses the Nile River and settles in the ruins military fortification. He brought with him bread for six months, and after that he received it from his friends only twice a year through a hole in the roof.

    It is impossible to describe how many temptations and struggles this great ascetic endured. He suffered from hunger and thirst, from cold and heat. But the most terrible temptation of the hermit, according to Anthony himself, is in the heart: this is longing for the world and agitation of thoughts. To all this were added temptations and horrors from demons. Sometimes the holy ascetic became exhausted and was ready to fall into despondency. Then either the Lord Himself appeared or sent an angel to encourage him. “Where have you been, good Jesus? Why didn’t You come first to end my suffering?” - Anthony cried when the Lord, after one severe temptation, appeared to him. “I was here,” the Lord told him, “and I waited until I saw your feat.”

    One day, amid a terrible struggle with thoughts, Anthony cried out: “Lord, I want to be saved, but my thoughts won’t let me.” Suddenly he sees someone similar to him sitting and working, then he got up and began to pray, then he sat down to work again. “Do this and you will be saved,” the angel of the Lord told him.

    Anthony had already lived twenty years in his solitude, when some of his friends, having learned of his whereabouts, came to settle around him. For a long time they knocked on his door and asked him to come out to them from his voluntary imprisonment; They finally decided to break down the doors when Anthony opened them and went out. They were surprised to find no traces of exhaustion in him, although he subjected himself to the greatest hardships. Heavenly peace reigned in his soul and was reflected on his face. Calm, reserved, equally friendly to everyone, the elder soon became the father and mentor of many. The desert came to life: in the mountains all around there appeared abodes of monks; many people sang, read, fasted, prayed, worked, and served the poor. Saint Anthony did not give his disciples any certain rules for monastic life. He cared only about instilling in them a pious mood, instilling in them devotion to the will of God, prayer, renunciation from everything earthly, and tireless work.

    But Saint Anthony, in the desert itself, was burdened by the crowds and sought new solitude. “Where do you want to run?” - there was a voice from the sky when he was waiting on the banks of the Nile for a boat to get away from people. “To upper Thebes And"Yes," answered Antony. But the same voice objected to him: “Whether you sail up to Thebaid, or down to Bucolia, you will have no peace either there or here. Go to the inner desert.” This was the name of the desert that lay near the shores of the Red Sea. Anthony went there, following the passing Saracens.

    Three days later he found a wild high mountain with a spring of water and a few palm trees in the valley. He settled on this mountain. Here he cultivated a small field, so that now no one needed to come to him and bring bread. From time to time he visited the brethren. The camel carried bread and water to maintain his strength during these difficult journeys through the desert. However, admirers of Saint Anthony also discovered his last solitude. Those who sought his prayers and instructions began to come to him in large numbers. They brought the sick to him; he prayed for them and healed them.

    Saint Anthony had lived in the desert for about seventy years. Against his will, the proud thought that he was older than everyone here began to confuse him. He asked God to remove this thought from him and received a revelation that one hermit had settled in the desert much earlier than him and was serving the Lord more than him. Anthony got up early in the morning and went to look for this ascetic unknown to the world. I walked the whole day and did not meet anyone except desert animals. An immense space spread out before him, but he did not lose his hope. Early in the morning he went again. A she-wolf flashed before his eyes, running towards the stream. Saint Anthony approached this stream and saw a cave near it. At the sound of his footsteps, the door to the cave closed tightly. Until noon, Saint Anthony called out through the door to the unknown ascetic and asked to show him his face. Finally, the door opened and a very old man, completely white with gray hair, came out to meet him. It was Saint Paul of Thebes e ysky. He had already lived in the desert for about ninety years. After the brotherly kiss, Paul asked Anthony: in what condition is the human race? what kind of government in the world? are there still idolaters left? The cessation of persecution and the triumph of Christianity in the Roman Empire was good news for him, and the appearance of the Ari A nstva - bitter. While the elders were talking, a raven came down to them and laid down some bread. “The Lord is generous and merciful,” Paul exclaimed: “For so many years I have received half a loaf of bread from Him every day, but now for your coming He has sent a whole loaf.”

    The next morning, Paul revealed himself to Anthony that he would soon depart from the world; therefore, he asked Anthony to bring to him the mantle of Bishop Athanasius, (famous for his struggle for Orthodoxy against the Arian heresy.) in order to cover his remains with it. Anthony hastened to fulfill the desire of the holy elder. He returned to his desert in great excitement and to the questions of his brother monks he could only say : “Sinner, I still considered myself a monk! I saw Or Yu, I saw John, I saw Paul in heaven.” On the way back to Saint Paul, he saw him ascending into heaven among a host of angels, prophets and apostles.

    “Why, Pavel, didn’t you wait for me? - Anthony exclaimed. “I recognized you so late and you are leaving so early!” However, when he entered Paul's cave, he found him silent and motionless on his knees. Anthony also knelt down and began to pray. After several hours of prayer, he was convinced that Paul was not moving because he was dead. He reverently washed his body and wrapped him in the mantle of St. Athanasius. Suddenly two lions appeared and with their claws dug a rather deep grave, where Anthony buried the holy ascetic.

    The Monk Anthony died at a very old age (106 years old, in 356) and for his exploits earned the title of the Great.

    The Monk Anthony founded hermit monasticism. Several hermits, under the guidance of one mentor - Abba (Abba, the Hebrew word means father) lived separately from each other in huts or caves (monasteries) and indulged in prayer, fasting and labor. Several monasteries united under the authority of one abba were called a monastery. But even during the life of Anthony the Great, another kind of monastic life appeared. The devotees gathered in one community, carried joint efforts, each according to his strength and abilities, shared a common meal, obeying the same rules. Such communities were called cenovia or monasteries. The abbas of these communities began to be called archimandrites. The Monk Pachomius the Great is revered as the founder of cenobitic monasticism.

    Venerable Anthony the Great: icon

    Venerable Anthony the Great: prayer

    Troparion to St. Anthony the Great, tone 4

    Imitating the zealot Elijah's morals, following the Baptist in the right paths, Father Anthony, you lived in the desert and established the universe with your prayers. Likewise, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

    Kontakion to St. Anthony the Great, tone 2

    Having rejected the rumors of everyday life, you silently passed away from life, imitating the Baptist in every way, most reverend, with him we honor you, the leader of the fathers, Anthony.

    Prayer to St. Anthony the Great

    O great servant of God, Rev. Father Anthony! Because you have boldness towards the Lord Christ and towards His Most Pure Mother, be alert for us, unworthy ( names), a warm prayer book, protecting us from all troubles and misfortunes, so that through your prayers we may remain unharmed from enemies visible and invisible. Pray for God's mercy to save us from our sins, including fate. Pray for His goodness, which is mercifully given to this temple (house) in need, to pacify our lives and to have mercy on all the parishioners of this temple, and to save our souls, so that we may continually glorify, praise, sing and magnify the most honorable and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit now and forever and ever. Amen.


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