Equipment necessary for table setting. Different ways to serve the table

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Table setting


Table setting. This is a very difficult task. Once upon a time it served as a sign of coming from a difficult family. A symbol of a beautiful life, which gradually spread to ordinary houses. In some places it is still one of the important qualities of a hospitable and decent home. And who would refuse a beautifully decorated banquet? Thus, table setting is quite necessary thing if you want to impress your guests.

What was it like in the Middle Ages? Especially in the early Middle Ages? In fact, they didn’t know about table setting back then. Yes, they ate in a certain order, drank wine, lit candles and fireplaces. But how far the medieval feast was from the modern holiday is impossible to describe. We ate with our hands. They drank from rough goblets. If there were dishes, as a rule? it was made of clay or wood and rather rough. And then they ate from the recesses in the table. In addition, a major feast usually ended in a major drinking session. We slept side by side. The sewage could have just been poured nearby. Although this would be too much for the Middle Ages. In short, at the beginning of the Middle Ages little was known about customary manners. It was the wrong time and the wrong morals. And life is not so simple, but much more saturated with dangers. And in drunken fights at the table, they tried to avoid killings, otherwise all the feasters could be brought to justice. But, if there were more than seven guests, then it was possible to avoid responsibility, as this would border on the loss of noble persons, who often die in battles and tournaments, in duels and in confrontation with robbers. Not out of nobility, but in the Middle Ages there were enough people who preferred illegal and very bloody fishing.

Medieval decoration was ascetic. Dresses are much simpler. Even the ladies were far from the image of Madame Pompadour, for a completely objective reason - etiquette was just being formed at that time, and old traditions were partly being revived. Charles, nicknamed the Great, turned the feast into a ritual. He decided to revive the ancient traditions of the Romans and Greeks. During meals, he preferred to either listen to music or invite readers to read aloud. At the table there were servants, a manager and a steward. The hall was decorated. Carpets, candles, animal skins, simple furniture such as tables, benches - everything was ready for the holiday on demand. Spoons were not particularly popular, so they ate meat from knives and gold utensils. We drank wine. Dancers, singers, jesters entertained the guests. The owner himself usually did not skimp on gifts.

Since the 11th century, the presence of women as guests at a feast became acceptable, which contributed to a more civilized behavior of the guests. They began to use one dish and cup for two. The rule of not rushing in eating and drinking was added to etiquette. Do not wipe oily hands and cutlery on party clothes. It was possible, however, to absolutely freely use the edge of the tablecloth as a napkin. A salt shaker was added to the festive table. However, it was more often a rather guarded object. It was believed that poison could be added to salt, so the salt shaker was rarely used. In the 16th century, Europeans began to use knives and spoons. Later a fork was added, which was borrowed from the Venetians. The Venetians used a fork for eating, since the fruits were juicy, they should not stain their clothes - so they invented the fork for this purpose. But the conversation about the fork was not over. In France it was considered a normal five-fingered fork, quite short for that time. The clergy advocated for the restoration of the feasts of the past. Tablecloths and napkins firmly entered into everyday life, becoming commonplace for large feasts of the nobility. Gradually moving to small feudal lords. Yes, and to the people. Tureens and dishes made of silver and tin appeared. Porcelain was still expensive. It was supplied from China. Noble people could afford a lot. But porcelain was very expensive even for them. Therefore, the assumption arose that it would be nice to produce porcelain directly in Europe. Duke Ehrenfried Walter succeeded in this with his assistant Joachim Friedrich in 1707. Red clay and kaolin were used. Thus, the long-awaited invention of porcelain reached Europe.
1710 A porcelain manufactory arose in Meissen. But it was not possible to maintain the monopoly for long. The method of making porcelain is no longer a secret.
In 1781, England began to mass produce porcelain products. Coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate - all this gave rise to special utensils for consumption.
In the 19th century. In Germany and Austria there is special style Biedermeier More precisely, it dates from 1818-1848. The round table is like the center of the salon. It is customary to decorate the table with a vase of flowers. Green decorations from ferns to palms take their place as part of the table setting.

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the culture of feasts improved, lunch became shorter, and table speeches became fashionable. A variety of cutlery has been introduced. Table etiquette itself is becoming more diverse. Many cutlery is based on materials such as nickel, bronze, silver and gold - however, nickel silver and cupronickel remain. The napkins are folded in a certain way for greater aesthetics.
1855 Gas lighting appeared in America. Already in 1860, kerosene lamps occupied their niche. A little later they are replaced by incandescent lamps.
The current century combines the rationalization of work and time. After World War II, food and food culture are not Europeanized, but Americanized to a greater extent. Many rituals are abolished and simplified. Instead of a round table there is a buffet table. All kinds of fast foods have firmly occupied their niche. For better or worse, simplifying food has not always been a qualitative success. The quantity was increasing. However, to this day there are connoisseurs and representatives of high society who prefer the old traditions in table setting. It's your choice what to use.

A few tips on setting the table and serving dishes correctly

1. The festive table must be covered with a cloth tablecloth, but if this is an ordinary family meal, then you can use oilcloth and small napkins (including paper ones).

2. Plates should be placed at a distance of 2 cm from the edge of the table.

3. Place the cutlery on the right side of the plates in such an order that the one that will be used first is the one on the far right. For those placed on the left, the leftmost one should be first.

4. The knife should be placed with the blade towards the plate, and the fork and spoon with the concave side up.

5. Place a glass for drinks in front of the knife edge, and a salad bowl to the left of the plate.

6. Place the folded napkin to the left of the plate or on the plate.

7. Salt shakers should be located close to each appliance, so it is recommended to place them on big table several small salt shakers.

8. The table can be decorated with low bouquets in small vases (the flowers should be alive and not crumbling).

9. When food is served, the dish is brought from the left side, holding it with the left hand, and the used dishes are collected from the right side (you cannot place the plates one on top of the other directly with the cutlery placed on them - then everything on the tray can crumble).

10. Drinks are poured from the right side, holding the bottle or jug right hand, into a glass standing on the table.

11. The soup is served in a soup bowl with a spoon, which is used to pour it, and the broth is served in special cups and eaten with a dessert spoon (average in size between a soup spoon and a tea spoon)

12. The hot appetizer is served on the dish in which it was prepared.

13. The meat is served cut into beautiful slices with a simply decorated side dish, salad or vegetables.

14. Fish, if it is not portioned, is served on a platter with a fork and spoon or spatula.

15. The butter is served on a dessert plate and small knife to it, and to the sliced ​​cheese - a knife and spatula.

16. Bread is served on the table in slices in a basket with a napkin placed under it.
A set table should evoke appetite, not only at the beginning, but throughout the entire meal. Therefore, you need to make sure that the table is in order at all times, that empty dishes, dirty plates and cutlery are removed on time. You should also remove anything that is not needed for the next dish, such as the salt shaker before dessert.

WITH table setting for tea or coffee

When setting such a table, they use a coffee or tea set. For each guest, plates are placed under the pastry or cake a few centimeters from the edge of the table. On the right side, at a slight angle from the plate, a cup (handle on the right, parallel to the edge of the table) with a saucer is placed. The teaspoon is placed on the saucer behind the cup with the handle facing to the right. The cake fork or spoon should be to the right of the plate. If sandwiches, snack cakes, and savory pies are served during a coffee feast, then a dessert plate is placed for each guest, a fork for snacks is placed to the left of it, a fork for the cake is placed to the right, and a knife for snacks is placed behind it. Very often “evening tea” replaces light dinner. Then you can not just serve tea in cups, but place a samovar or kettle next to the hostess, and she will pour the tea herself. Vases with jam and sweets are placed in the center of the table, next to them are rusks with cookies, plates with thinly sliced ​​lemon, carafes of juice, liqueurs, cream, and milk. You can serve dessert wine, cold meat, ham, etc.

Setting for an informal dinner with friends

First, set out a dinner plate on which you can put a napkin. On the left are a dinner fork and a salad fork, on the right are a dinner knife, a teaspoon and a soup spoon, in front of them are a wine glass and a water glass.

Serving for a formal dinner, for a large number of guests

Focusing on the center of the table, we place the central, first plate, on the right and left sides of which we will place the remaining items. Stepping back from the edge of the table 2-3 cm, place the dinner plates, then the snack plates on them. The distance between the plates of people sitting next to them should be 70-80 cm. To the left of the plate, place 2 forks - a large dinner fork and a smaller salad fork, with the horns facing up. There is a napkin behind the forks. The napkin can be on the right side, if there is no space on the left, the napkins can be placed in a fan, cap, or triangle on the salad plate. To the right of the plates are located: a dinner knife with the tip inward, the next one is a teaspoon, and the next one is a soup spoon. Next to the right is a cup and saucer (usually they are not placed on the table until dessert is announced). Glasses are placed higher on the right - at the very top for water, then for red wine, the last one for white. We place a cake fork and a dessert spoon in front of the plate, and a plate and a bread knife to the left in front of the forks and napkin. And before the whole set there is a card with the name of the guest.


Napkins for table setting

A napkin (French “serviette”) is a handkerchief or soft piece of paper intended for wiping lips and hands during and after meals. The ancient Romans used it at the table. Nowadays, both paper and linen napkins are widely used.

for serving festive table As a rule, they use linen napkins of the same color as the tablecloth. They should be well ironed and slightly starched. In order for napkins to look beautiful on the table, you need to learn how to fold them correctly and beautifully.

The simplest ways to fold napkins: in a triangle (Fig. 1, A), envelope (Fig. 1, b), rocket (Fig. 1, V), cone (Fig. 1, d), pipe (Fig. 1, e), pocket (Fig. 1, e).

Rice. 1. Methods for folding napkins

Let's get acquainted with a more complex method of folding napkins for the holiday table. Fold the napkin in half; the resulting half is folded again to form a square, which is then folded diagonally to form a triangle. Then fold its left and right corners and secure it as shown in Figure 2, A.

Rice. 2. Folding napkins for the holiday table

To diversify this method somewhat, bend the half obtained by folding the triangle forward, the left and right corners inward (Fig. 2, b).

A linen napkin can be shaped into a candle. First, it is folded into a square, which is then bent obliquely, then bent from the edge about 5 cm, rolled into a tube and its edges are secured (Fig. 2, c).

To liven up the table, you can put a fresh flower or a sprig of spruce or pine on each napkin.

For the everyday table, instead of fabric napkins, paper napkins are used, which are more economical. They can also be folded into a variety of fancy shapes.

Here, for example, is how to make a “peacock tail”. Two different sizes The napkins must be placed one on top of the other, folded into an “accordion” shape, bent in half and placed in a glass (Fig. 2, d).

You can make a “double candle” using two different sizes and colors of paper napkins. The napkins are placed one on top of the other, folded so that the small one is on the outside, and rolled (Fig. 2, d).

There are other more complex ways folding napkins. Paper napkins can be given different shape and patterns. To do this, fold it 4-5 times and cut out the edges with scissors, then make punctures in the form of patterns with an awl. The napkin will look much more beautiful.

Students should also be taught how to correctly and beautifully place napkins on the table. A folded napkin is placed near the device, you can put it on pie plate. Napkins look beautiful when inserted in a cone into tall glasses, glasses, or placed in wicker, knitted, wooden, or metal rings.

Paper napkins are also used for serving baked goods. Pans with various portioned dishes (omelet, scrambled eggs) are also placed on them.

The sight of a beautifully and neatly set table arouses appetite, promotes better secretion of gastric juice and digestibility of food.


A well-mannered lady will never pick her teeth with a fork or put food into her mouth with a knife. Because he knows: with the help of cutlery, you can either eat culturally... or communicate with the waiter in the language of cutlery that he understands.

1. If you want to take a break from eating, place the knife and fork on the plate crosswise: the tines of the fork are facing down, the knife lies under the fork. This way the waiter will understand that it is too early to clear your plate. The position when the knife and fork lie on the edges of the plate has the same meaning; fork - tines down.

2. In the orderly rows of “piece of iron” canteens, as it turned out, there are individual owners: seafood cutlery, soup spoons, tea spoons and coffee spoons are invariably salted. As you can see in the picture, there are pairs of utensils for the second main hot course, snack bars and fish forks and knives, as well as a fork and spoon for spaghetti. Snail tweezers and a snail fork can also work together, but instead of a special thin one, a regular small snack fork can be used.

H. If you don’t like the dish and you want your plate to be removed, place the device crosswise. In this case, the fork should lie with its teeth up, and the knife should be on it.

4. You really liked the dish and would like to try another portion - then place the knife and fork crosswise: the tines of the fork are facing up, and the knife lies under the fork.

5. You can signal the end of the meal to the staff by placing the fork and knife parallel to each other so that their handles, like the hands of a round clock, point to “half past six.”

Serving for special occasions differs from regular serving only in the use of themed accessories, the use of more expensive tableware and a larger number of cutlery compared to regular serving.

How to conveniently and correctly set the table

Good manners suggest avoiding excess cutlery located near the plate. More accurate adherence to etiquette would be the use of additional serving tables and separate serving of additional cutlery for dishes. Special fish forks, two-pronged lemon forks, cheese knives and sherbet or crab tongs only clutter the table. Except if crab or specialty fish is the main dish.

If you find yourself in the middle of a dozen spoons and forks placed to the right and left of the plate, simply use them in pairs, starting from the edge to the center. An excessive number of devices can also mean a hint of the brevity of the event. The table setting rules also allow this option. But usually, frankly speaking, an overabundance of cutlery indicates a shortage of waiters or a low class of service.

There are general rules for table setting

  1. Guests must have all the same utensils.
  2. Napkins are supplied with each appliance; there is an additional supply of napkins and towels, linen and paper.
  3. Bread plates are included with each appliance.
  4. A glass for water is required for each device and is located on the right in front of the plate.
  5. An overabundance of cutlery and crowding at the festive table is unacceptable. It's better to put extra tables.
  6. For desserts, special dishes, hot dishes, use additional serving tables.

Accommodation of guests

When organizing a celebration, the seating plan, decoration and menu should be thought out in advance and written down.

Each guest must have an invitation card with a number according to which he will take a place at the table. You can use business cards with the names of the guests, laid out on placemats or beautifully placed between the cutlery.

Using numbered spaces is more practical because finding a large written number that matches an invitation is easier than reading an intricately and beautifully written name. The comfort of guests is the main requirement for organizing special events.

Time to set the table

Many guides say that you should not set the table in advance. This does not mean that waiters should run around with cutlery, pushing guests aside. This means that you cannot start serving a few days in advance.

  1. Tables must be fully set half an hour before the appointed time for receiving guests. What does the concept of “set tables” include?
  2. Tables must be covered with tablecloths.
  3. The decor must be placed and secured. Shuttlecocks, decorative garlands, themed decorations, bouquets in vases - all these elements of the celebration should be placed before the guests arrive.
  4. Tables are numbered in a visible way.
  5. Salt shakers, pepper shakers, and vinegar are conveniently placed in special stands at the rate of at least 1 salt shaker for 4 guests.
  6. Bottles of water are placed. It is possible to place water next to each device.
  7. Opposite everyone seat there should be stand plates. This creates the personal space of the guest. Arranging coaster plates will help avoid possible crowding. If it turns out that there are more guests than planned, the seating plan is changed and additional tables are placed.
  8. Cards with guest numbers or names must be placed in front of each appliance.
  9. After arranging the guest cards, cutlery is laid out.
  10. Table knives lie on the right, with the blade facing the guest, forks are located on the left. If soup is served, the spoon for it is located to the right of the knives.
  11. Arrange the glasses in advance. The optimal number of glasses is a glass for water, a glass for champagne or a wine glass, a glass for strong drinks. Glasses can be built in one line or in a semicircle.

These rules will help you avoid nervousness, fuss and enjoy the celebration to the fullest.

Plates of sliced ​​bread can be set out a few minutes before entertaining. Bottles of wine in napkins and champagne in ice buckets can be served after guests have taken their seats.

Where did the remark come from that it is not advisable to set tables in advance? Mainly from books on etiquette of the century before last. They prepared in advance for special events, especially weddings. Wedding dresses and tablecloths were sewn and embroidered several years before the event. Therefore, starting to decorate the wedding table immediately after the engagement announcement, months before the celebration, seemed completely natural for the young bride. Ceremonial plates became covered with dust, tablecloths faded, silver became tarnished and was stolen.

Let's not go to extremes and prepare everything in advance.


Arrangement of cold appetizers.

  • Cold appetizers can be placed a few minutes before guests arrive. If there are a large number of guests, the same dishes must be exactly repeated for each table.
  • A serving fork for sausages, cheese, rolls and other small snacks will be conveniently placed directly in the dish.
  • It is more convenient to provide canapés with caviar with skewers inserted in advance.
  • Stuffed eggs, baskets, conveniently equipped with tongs.

Proper serving table implies the use of serving tables.

Soups, desserts, and specialties are conveniently served from serving tables. Also, tables are indispensable when changing dishes.

A prudent manager will take care of additional serving table, standing to the side, on which a supply of bread in baskets, towels, napkins, a number of plates and clean glasses will be placed if urgent replacement is required.

Have a nice holiday!

Evgeniy Sedov

When hands grow out the right place, life is more fun :)


The ancient art of decorating a ceremonial feast, arranging dishes for a dinner party or family celebration, the ability to set it beautifully and serve it festively is called table setting. It is based on a set of established rules and customs, including the order of laying out cutlery and serving dishes, recommendations for choosing decorations, stylish elements decor to create an elegant appearance. How to decorate a table for guests or husband?

What is table setting

The correct arrangement of plates, salad bowls and dishes, as well as the layout of cutlery, napkins and other small items necessary during a meal - all this is serving. This also includes the choice of tablecloths, napkins and other decorative elements. There are three types of serving: preliminary, banquet and “Bistro”. How they differ and what are the features of the procedure - all this is interesting to know not only for restaurant regulars, but also for ordinary housewives, because then their celebrations will be decorated in an interesting way.

Types of serving

The first type is the simplest. A set table with it involves a partial arrangement of dishes and cutlery for serving the dishes that come first on the menu. In this case, in the process of changing dishes, the entire set of dishes is replaced. Pre-service includes:

  • table-knife;
  • fork;
  • teaspoon;
  • pie plate;
  • objects placed in the center (flowers, candlestick, porcelain figurines);
  • red wine glass;
  • wine glass;
  • salt shaker, pepper shaker;
  • a fabric napkin without a pattern.

Banquet serving is a one-time arrangement of plates, cutlery and decorative elements. Devices used in this type of serving:

  • snack utensils (knife, fork);
  • soup spoon;
  • pepper shaker;
  • bread plate;
  • fish utensils;
  • a plate for pies or other pastries;
  • dessert spoon;
  • soup plate;
  • butter knife;
  • saucer (oval or round);
  • glassware;
  • fabric or silk napkins (rectangular or square).

"Bistro" is simple variety arrangements for informal, non-formal occasions, a modern everyday option for lunch or breakfast. It is used in restaurants, hotels, hostels, self-service canteens and kebab shops, establishments that serve their own staff. The devices and their location depend on the specific menu, the style of the establishment, average cost dishes. Cover the tabletop with white cloth tablecloths and serve with paper napkins.

Table setting rules

The decoration of a table, especially a festive one, both in restaurants and cafes, and at home, should be carried out in accordance with generally accepted standards. Proper setting of the holiday table sets the tone for the holiday. If you choose the wrong dishes, you can ruin a gala dinner on the occasion of an event or an important business lunch. According to etiquette, certain napkins and glasses should be used - the choice depends on the type of meal (celebratory, for receiving guests, for a romantic date).


The overall tone of the event can be set by the tablecloth. For a formal meal, it should be snow-white; for simpler meals, a cream color or color is allowed Ivory. Regardless of the event, the material must be immaculately clean and ironed. The presence of delicate decorative elements is allowed: lace, silk ribbons, perforation. Traditionally, the edges should hang 25-30 cm from the edge of the tabletop. In French and Italian restaurants, the edges are allowed to touch the floor. The material of the tablecloth should be natural: silk or cotton.

Types of plates

There are approximately 35 types of serving plates, but only about 5-6 are commonly used. The rules of etiquette stipulate that plates must be from the same set or, at least, made in the same style. The number and type of plates served depend on what dishes will be served and how many people are participating in the gala dinner. The main plates used in restaurants are:

  • soup;
  • a plate or bowl for mustard;
  • herring fish;
  • large and small flat plates;
  • meat dishes;
  • dessert shallow and deep;
  • pie

Cutlery for table setting

To the right of the plate is a soup spoon, immediately behind it on the outer edge there is a fork and a knife for appetizers (meat), the last place is a tea or coffee spoon. Cutlery for the main course is placed immediately next to the plate, and the dessert spoon is located behind the plate. Small knife for butter placed on a pie plate. The devices must be polished using boiling water or special products until they shine. Some restaurants place a special napkin under the cutlery.


The classic is two glasses: for wine and champagne. The remaining varieties for alcoholic beverages are agreed upon in advance; if necessary, glassware for strong alcohol (shot glasses, glasses for whiskey, liqueur) is added. Glasses are arranged in this order: for red wine, for white wine, for champagne, and then glassware for strong alcohol in the order in which it is served. In addition, there is a separate glass (wine glass) for drinking water or juice, it is placed on the left.


If a problem occurs budget decoration table, then serving napkins will help solve it. Napkins are one of the most important accessories on a formal dinner table. There are two main types for serving - fabric and paper:

  • Fabric napkins are larger in size, square, and made of linen fabric. Designed to be placed on your lap or for decoration.
  • Paper napkins are used directly during meals, and they should be in the center of the tabletop - so that they are convenient to use. In addition, they must be accessible to every person sitting at the table. Napkins are placed in a napkin holder or in the form of figures as decoration. Paper napkins at official receptions and celebrations should be plain, without patterns.

You can beautifully arrange dishes for lunch or dinner at home. To do this, you need to buy a tablecloth, a set of cutlery and dishes. For a home serving option, it is not necessary to have everything; you should proceed only from your own needs and food preferences. To set a table for one person you need:

  • tablecloth, napkins (paper or fabric);
  • deep and flat plates;
  • table spoon, tea spoon, dessert spoon and fork;
  • table-knife;
  • tea pair (jam rosette), wine glass;
  • glass for water.

For dinner


  • The tablecloth must be spread on the table, a flat plate should be placed, and a deep plate should be placed on top of it.
  • To the right and left you need to put cutlery for the main course, followed by snack bars.
  • Place a teaspoon or coffee spoon in front of the plate.
  • A pair of tea or a wine glass is placed on the top right.
  • If desired, you can decorate the table with fabric napkins, flowers in vases or candles.

Dining table

Recommendations on how to properly set a table for lunch for one person are no different from those for setting dinner. With the exception that for dinner the table is not decorated with anything other than napkins or flowers. In addition, instead of a white tablecloth for dinner, you can use special plastic or silicone substrates - they are more practical and can be easily washed off food and spilled drinks.

For guests

During lunch, serving for guests is done in a similar way, only the number of cutlery and plates on the table changes. Decorations are almost never used; the tablecloth can be replaced with decorative stands for hot dishes. If dinner is provided for guests, then light snacks and alcohol (wine, liquor) should be served, and coasters should be replaced with a white tablecloth.

For the holiday

Arranging your own lunch for the holiday is a labor-intensive task, because... at celebrations, many dishes are served, there is a large number of of people. For the holiday, the table is decorated with vases of flowers and fruits. At home, you don’t have to follow the rules regarding the arrangement of plates and cutlery, but only use a tablecloth, napkins and make sure that every guest feels comfortable.

Beautiful table setting

Vases with flowers, satin or silk ribbons, porcelain angel figurines, and napkin rings are used as decoration. The creation of a festive atmosphere is facilitated by: air balloons, serpentine, elegant tablecloths. Decorations for serving are selected in accordance with the holiday - a wedding, anniversary or romantic dinner. Main decorative elements– tablecloth and cloth napkins.


Traditionally, for a casual lunch or dinner, the tabletop is decorated with flowers or napkin rings. At classic serving the main condition is the impeccable cleanliness of the tablecloth, napkins, cutlery, and utensils for spices. To set the table beautifully, but at the same time avoid excessive solemnity, you can choose napkins in bright, saturated colors - this move will help brighten up a boring meal.

Banquet room

Decorating a table for a large banquet is not an easy task. In this case, they try to make all decorative elements in the same style or color. They are selected according to the type of banquet: anniversary, corporate party or other event. More often they use bright napkins, fresh or artificial flowers. First of all, the wishes of people ordering a gala dinner are taken into account.


When serving a wedding dinner, the emphasis is on the places for the newlyweds, which are decorated with symbols of love (hearts, roses, posters with wishes, figurines of swans). Places for the newlyweds are marked with separate glasses (decorated or tied with ribbons). The wedding banquet is served with white dishes with a gold or silver border. The tablecloth is only snow-white, symbolizing the purity of the newlyweds’ feelings.

Table setting for two

To create a romantic atmosphere, when serving dinner for two, it is customary to use candles, a basket in which fruits and alcohol (wine or champagne) are beautifully placed. The tablecloth is chosen scarlet or white. The dishes are placed opposite each other, but in such a way that the person sitting opposite can be reached without effort by hand. There is not a lot of dishes and cutlery provided for two people, the emphasis here is on romance.

The main problem when arranging a meal for round table top- a small space, so the meal is served only with the necessary cutlery, deep and flat plates, a knife, fork for the main course, and a glass for wine. The rest is served as needed. A vase with a bouquet of flowers, a dessert or a bottle of wine, decorated with a red or black napkin, is placed in the center.

For a birthday

Table decoration for a birthday involves an emphasis on the solemnity of the event. Serving dishes and choosing the right decorations, including decorating desserts, will help with this. How to set the table beautifully? It all depends on the personality of the birthday person:

  1. Children's table You can decorate your birthday using various toys, cardboard or paper cartoon characters.
  2. A young girl or older woman traditionally uses fresh flowers, original desserts, vases with exotic fruits, napkins, rosettes, and stylish dishes made of multi-colored glass to decorate a formal meal.
  3. It is customary for men to decorate a festive lunch or dinner laconically, with the help of beautiful contrasting napkins and tablecloths, with classic cutlery and white dishes.

Serving a festive sweet table

For an event with a lot of sweets or a holiday that only includes desserts, it is not customary to use decorative elements. Multi-tiered plates, pyramids, and special stands for cake pops or muffins are used. It is better if everything is selected in the same color scheme. If you use additional festive decorations, the design will turn out to be pockmarked, overly pretentious and tasteless.

Table setting ideas

To surprise family and guests at celebrations or during regular meals, the following serving options can be offered:

  1. Spring. The tabletop is covered with a tablecloth, and fresh flowers and herbs are used as decorations. A linen napkin is placed on the plate, and a flower is placed on top. If desired, you can use a green tablecloth and decorations in the form of insects (chafer bugs, ladybugs). Fresh salad leaves are served at the beginning of the meal.
  2. Decoration for tea. Tea pairs are placed on a tablecloth of any color and decorated with bright napkins. You can use spectacular cutouts for cookies and small desserts (marshmallows, sweets, muffins). In the center of the composition is a large teapot, around it are rosettes with jam and honey.
  3. Breakfast at the dacha. The tablecloth is either not used at all, or linen in a natural gray color. Used as decoration ceramic tableware, enamel bowls with flowers in water.
  4. Hen-party. The tablecloth is used in fresh, bright colors (pink, coral, blue). Dishes are placed in a minimal amount (glasses, wine glasses, champagne or martini glasses), the main area is occupied by desserts, snacks, and drinks. You can decorate the surface with flowers and decorative beads.
  5. Children's holiday. They use oilcloth napkins of bright colors, plain or with images of cartoon characters or animals; the entire surface of the tabletop is occupied by sweets: sweets, pastries, fruits, cakes.


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A full table setting will take up space but will draw guests' attention to such a sophisticated approach.

Basic rules for table setting - arrangement of plates, cutlery and glasses:

The art of serving is not so complicated! Read the commentary for each item below. All items in the photo, including the wonderful one round table, French brand “Du Bout Du Monde”, serving napkins from the “Beauville” brand.

1. Plate.

The bottom plate (the so-called sub-plate) serves as a stand, and is removed only after dessert. The edge of the plate is placed flush with the edge of the table. Plates are placed on it for the dishes that you are going to serve and which will be used during meals. At the very bottom is a plate for the main course. A plate is placed on it for snacks or meals. The soup plate will stand even higher. Without a plate - the plate stands stand a centimeter from the edge of the table.

    Instruments on the left.

    The forks are located on the left. There is a simple rule, and it is not difficult to remember. For many changes, the cutlery is used from edge to plate, that is, first the outermost, left-hand fork is used, then the one next to it and closer to the plate. And so on. The outer fork is for snacks. Then, if necessary, a fish fork, and a meat fork is located at the plate itself.

3. Instruments on the right.

Here is a place for spoons and knives. The outermost one is a soup spoon. Then the appetizers. Further towards the plate are: an appetizer knife and a butcher knife. If necessary, place a fish knife between them.

    Dessert cutlery.

    Small spoons and forks for dessert are placed above the plate, perpendicular to the other cutlery. The handle of the fork points to the left, and the handle of the spoon points to the right.

5. Glasses and glasses are located at the top right of the plate. The order of construction is the one in which they will be used. In front is a glass for the first wine or other aperitif, diagonally - a glass for the second wine. Nearby on the right is a glass or glass for water. It will remain on the table all the time, but unnecessary wine glasses can be removed.

6. Bread plate.

On the left, next to each place, above the napkins and forks, there is a plate for bread. The butter knife is placed on the right edge of the plate with the blade to the left.

tip: when setting the table, start by arranging the plates and gradually add everything else.

Stages of table setting:

1. Lay an old white tablecloth or undyed felt on the table, which will help prevent stains from appearing on the table if water spills. In addition, this fabric will muffle the sounds of dishes, protect the table from hot plates, and the festive tablecloth will lie more smoothly.

2. Lay out a linen tablecloth. When choosing a tablecloth, remember the influence of colors: red and its shades increase appetite, while blue, on the contrary, mutes it. Make sure that the ends hang evenly and that the tablecloth lies flat and without wrinkles.

3.Remember, table settings need color selection. When organizing table decorations and selecting flowers, it is worth remembering that these decorations will always be in sight of guests, so they should not be too bright and pretentious. You should also avoid flowers with strong odor, as some guests may be sensitive to fragrances.

Artificial flowers were used here for decoration. It is best to place them, of course, not in plates, but next to glasses or add them to decorate napkins with rings...

4. Place mats under plates and placemats.

in the photo there is a French cotton tablecloth from Nice and place mats with an olive pattern.
Rugs are more of an additional decor; it is good to combine a plain tablecloth and brightly patterned rugs, or vice versa.
This table setting is bright and colorful; the richness of the pattern is appropriate here.

5.Place jugs of water.

6.If a large number of dishes will be served during dinner, then put knives and forks for each of them, in the order of use. On the right side, towards the plate: a soup spoon, a fish knife, two table knives. On the left side, towards the plate: a fish fork, two table forks. A dessert spoon and a cheese knife are placed above the plate, with the handle turned to the right; underneath them is a dessert fork, the handle turned to the left.

7.Napkins are beautifully decorated and placed on a plate. Often they put some kind of sweet in the napkin to please the guest.

If you don't have napkin rings, that's okay. Use ribbons, cotton cord, scrap fabric, suede cord... If you don't have any, just fold the napkin into a pointed rectangle and place it on a plate.

8. Glasses and glasses are placed on the right side, near the soup spoon. They should all be placed close to each other, with the tallest glass being furthest from the guest.

Every self-respecting housewife should know the basic rules of table setting etiquette. This is the art of arranging cutlery beautifully in accordance with the rules of good manners. Table setting has a rich history: each era had its own rules for table decoration, which changed over time. Of course, there are many subtleties and nuances, but it is not at all necessary to apply them all. Enough to know basic rules table setting.

General rules for table setting

A table set according to the rules of etiquette is always pleasing to the eye and is a pleasant place to spend time having a leisurely conversation. The basic serving rules are quite simple.

  • All cutlery must be perfectly clean. To achieve sparkling cleanliness, you need to wipe them with a damp, warm towel. Then wipe dry thoroughly.
  • Make sure that there are no smudges on the cutlery or utensils.
  • An important component of serving is the tablecloth. It must be perfectly ironed. You need to cover the table with it so that the edges lightly cover its legs. They should hang down by about 25-30 cm. There is no need to additionally cover the tablecloth with oilcloth, because this is not accepted by the rules of good manners.
  • The number of cutlery depends on the number of dishes that will be served at the table.
  • Appliances should be arranged the same way for each guest.

By following these basic rules, your table will always be decorated in accordance with etiquette.

Tablecloth on the table

  • A classic and win-win option is snow-white tablecloth . She always looks elegant and solemn.
  • However, there is no need to be afraid to experiment. It should be selected depending on the general color palette cutlery, interior and type of feast. But one thing Golden Rule yes: the tablecloth should be combined with curtains and upholstery.
  • Usually preference is given to light shades. But they can also be colored, plain or with a pattern. But the pattern should be located along the edge, because excessive variegation can distract the attention of guests. If you prefer a dark-colored tablecloth, then the cutlery should be a light shade.
  • Now big choice tablecloth shapes and materials, but usually choose it in a rectangular or triangular shape. It is best to choose one made from fabric, especially natural materials– it will add even more comfort to the feast. The size should be such that its edges can cover the table legs, and the ends should hang 25-30 cm, but not be lower than the level of the seats.

The tablecloth for table setting is laid out as follows: opened, taken by the ends on one side. Then it is lifted, shaken and sharply lowered down. This makes it easier to level it out. But you don’t need to stretch it too much and pull the corners.

If the surface is polished, then you should put oilcloth under the tablecloth. The main thing is that it is clean and well ironed.

Cutlery - layout diagram

To location cutlery According to etiquette, you need to approach it responsibly. There is no need to put all kinds of cutlery on the table. They must correspond to the holiday list of dishes. Cutlery is divided into individual (which each guest has) and auxiliary - they are needed in order to lay out dishes.

  • In table etiquette, it is customary to first place dishes made of earthenware or porcelain, then place the cutlery, and only then place glass or crystal.
  • Glasses and wine glasses should be placed holding them by the stem.
  • According to the rules of etiquette, the spoon and knife should be placed to the right of the plate, and the fork to the left.
  • You need to use utensils starting from the outer edge, changing them towards the plate as you change dishes.
  • The distance between the cutlery and the plate should be 0.5-1 cm.

The figure shows the location of cutlery. Of course, the set of forks, spoons and knives depends on what dishes will be served on the table. Glasses with wine glasses are also selected depending on the drinks.

Serving plates

There is an order in which the plates are laid out.

  • Snack plate - it is placed in front of each chair at a distance of approximately 2 cm from the edge.
  • Pie plate (bread) - it is customary to place it on the left side of the snack bar at a distance of 5-15 cm.
  • If you serve several dishes, then place a dining room under the snack bar.

It is the responsibility of the housewife to promptly replace the plates with clean ones.

Serving with napkins

They are an integral part of serving. Folding napkins beautifully is a real art. The more solemn the holiday, the more elegantly they can be folded.

The material is chosen depending on the type of feast. You can take it for a holiday cotton or linen e. They are usually intended to be placed on guests' laps.

If you decide to use paper, then they are removed under the right edge of the plate. Or they are placed in general availability.

Napkins can be any color, the main thing is that they are folded beautifully and neatly.

Spice utensils

They are usually placed on the festive table at the very end of the table setting. They are placed on special stands in the center of the table. So you can use small boards or saucers as stands. This must include a salt and pepper shaker, as well as additional mustard, vinegar, vegetable oil and other spices.

Drink glasses

You need to remember about the glasses when serving. They can be made from either glass or crystal. Small glasses are intended for stronger alcohol. Therefore, there should be a wine glass, a glass, a glass, and glasses on the table.

Selected depending on the color of the drink. For red wine they should be larger than for white wine. Champagne is served in special glasses. There are also special beer glasses. Vodka is usually served in glasses.

The following set of cutlery must be present on the table:

  • pie plate;
  • snack bar;
  • wine glass;
  • saucer;
  • coffee cup and saucer.

Bread can be served in a wicker basket, and butter can be served in a butter dish made of ceramic or porcelain - this way it retains its taste. Sausage and cold cuts are served in an elongated plate. Cheese is served in one piece on a porcelain board, with a knife for cutting cheese placed next to it.

The snack plate is placed opposite the center of the chair, and the pie plate is placed to the left of it. The knife is placed to the right of the snack plate, with the blade facing it. Fork - on the left side, tines up. The teaspoon is placed with the handle to the right, parallel to the table. Vases with flowers, napkins and utensils with spices are placed in the center.

How to serve lunch and dinner correctly

The dinner table is set in such a way that guests can be served conveniently and quickly. To do this, place the snack plate on a stand, with the pie plate on the left side. Cutlery is placed between them - a knife and a spoon on the right, and a table fork on the left. And in front of the cutlery is a wine glass.

Also, when setting the table for dinner, you should place a ladle with which to pour the soup. This must be done carefully so as not to stain the tablecloth. If you drip a little, you need to blot the stain with a napkin. The main thing is not to attract the attention of guests, so as not to disturb the calm flow of the conversation.

Dessert table setting

For serving dessert table It is permissible to choose a brighter tablecloth. Ideal option There will be a special tea set used. It is customary to place beautiful lace napkins in the center of the table and under tea cups. Serving the sweet table holiday etiquette consists of the following cutlery:

  • cups and saucers (the cup must be turned with the handle to the right);
  • teaspoons (placed on a saucer, it is also permissible to place spoons behind the cup parallel to the table, with the handle on the right side);
  • small teapot;
  • a large kettle for boiling water;
  • Setting the table for dessert involves using a sugar bowl in which lump sugar is served along with tongs, or a special bowl;
  • a bowl for jam or preserves is placed on the left side;
  • lemon for tea is served on a special tray with a two-pronged fork for spreading;
  • The milk jug is placed on the pie plate on the guest's right side.
  • A plate for bread and sweets should be placed in front of each guest. Diagonally on the right side of it is a cup and saucer, and a teaspoon is placed next to it. A special spatula for serving the cake should be placed on the right side of the main plate.
  • The saucers are placed on the table, tea or coffee is poured into cups only when all the guests have taken their seats. Sweets are served on an elegant table: buns, pies with sweet filling, cakes, muffins, sweets and fruits. From alcoholic drinks Wine and liqueurs are acceptable.

For a youth group you can make a buffet table. It is served with a stack of plates (8-10 pieces in one stack). Cloth napkins are placed behind it. Glasses and wine glasses are placed next to the drinks. If there are people who smoke in the company, ashtrays are placed at the ends of the table.

Festive table setting

Serving banquet table helps create a festive mood. The main thing is not only to serve the dishes correctly, but also to decorate the table beautifully. Table setting for a banquet depends on what dishes are served at the holiday. But there are principles of classic holiday table design.

Chairs must be placed at a distance of 50 to 80 cm from each other so as not to violate the personal space of guests.
The tablecloth should be light shades, bright and dark colors better left for tea tables. Its edges should hang no more than 20-30 cm. To prevent the knocking of dishes from distracting guests from the conversation, oilcloth or oilcloth is laid under the tablecloth. soft cloth. But the main thing is that it is perfectly ironed and clean.

A napkin is placed on a serving plate and a plate intended for hot food is placed on it. A pie plate is placed on the left side of the snack plate so that they are on the same line. The serving plate should always remain in its place, and others can be replaced while dishes are being served.

There should be no more than 3 pairs of forks and spoons. To the right of the serving plate, place a soup spoon, a snack knife and a table knife, with the blade facing the plate, and the forks are placed on the left side. Only an oyster fork can be placed on the right. Place the forks with their tines up, and the spoons with their convex side on the table.
The principle of arrangement: the dish that is served first is the distant device.


Setting a holiday table is also an opportunity to show your creativity. You need to pay attention to decorative items - using flowers is a win-win option. Usually they are placed in the middle of the table - it can be a bouquet or composition.
It is important to consider the following nuances:

  • so that none of the guests are allergic to them;
  • the bouquet should not contain flowers with a strong aroma;
  • The vase with the bouquet must be placed at a distance from the cutlery.

For New Year or a romantic date, you can choose more original decoration table. On New Year's feast you can put a composition made from pine needle branches, Christmas decorations, tinsel. Candles are perfect for a romantic evening. On the table, the holiday atmosphere will be conveyed by objects in the form wedding rings, figurines of the bride and groom, doves.

You should be especially imaginative when decorating a table for a child’s birthday. You can attach balloons to the backs of the chairs, and pictures from your favorite cartoons will be a bright detail. It is important that all decorative elements are in the same style. They should not be too high so that guests can see each other. The main thing is not to overdo it with decoration, so that the table setting at the holiday and the decoration complement each other.

Depending on the interior and imagination, festive or dinner table can amaze guests with its sophistication. A additional elements table settings will give it brightness and originality. The listed design principles are not complicated and are an indicator of good taste.

Video: how to properly set the table


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