Energy metering devices. Comprehensive metering of energy resources. Procedure for operating metering devices for consumed resources.

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The law provides for the obligation of the energy supply organization to offer collective and individual consumers the installation of metering devices. If, by January 1, 2012, in response to these proposals, the consumer does not install a meter, then the energy supplying organization has the right to force it to be installed and to recover from the consumer all installation costs, plus legal costs.

In accordance with Art. 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Energy Saving..." the responsibility of the consumer of energy resources is to install meters for metering the consumption of these same resources. A feature of the adopted legislation is that this responsibility is shared with the consumer by the resource supplying organization. It is these organizations that know for sure who officially consumes these resources from them.

The law provides for the obligation of the energy supply organization to offer collective and individual consumers the installation of metering devices. If, by January 1, 2012, in response to these proposals, the consumer does not install a meter, then the energy supplying organization has the right to force it to be installed and to recover from the consumer all installation costs, plus legal costs.

An offer from an energy supply organization to install a meter does not mean that the consumer must order installation from this organization. His right to choose any organization that will install the meter for him. But the application for installing a meter at the energy supply organization has some advantages for the consumer. At the request of the consumer, the energy supplying organization is obliged to provide an installment plan for payment of the cost of installing the meter for a period of up to 5 years.

If we take into account the possibility of savings by reducing consumption, then such an offer is very profitable for the consumer. In any case, he receives a reduction in current payments without investing in installing a meter. They want one thing from the consumer: savings. The Law “On Energy Saving...” speaks about this.

As for the energy supply organization, the obligation of the proposal to install meters is supported by penalties under the Code of Administrative Offenses. On the other hand, the organization’s costs for providing installment payments should be compensated from local budgets.

The installation of smart meters will become mandatory from July 1, 2019. The Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities of Russia submitted to the State Duma bill No. 139989–7 on smart energy metering. The measure proposed by the Ministry of Construction is designed to establish reliable accounting of consumed energy resources, make the payment system transparent, and minimize the risk of unmetered consumption.

Many residents tweak the meters, forcing other residents of the house to pay for themselves. It is impossible to steal with “smart” devices. Any interference will be recorded.

Alexander Sidyakin, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Housing Policy and Housing and Communal Services

First of all, the installation of “smart” meters will be made mandatory for new buildings and residential buildings that are put into operation after major renovations. Conditions for the widespread introduction of metering devices with remote data transmission will be created by the end of 2019.

Prerequisites for the mandatory installation of smart meters

In November 2017, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted in the first reading a bill from the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services on the transition to intelligent metering of consumed energy resources. The adoption of the new law is aimed at stimulating the implementation of systems for remote collection of readings from smart meters with transmission to resource supply organizations in real time.

For the first time, smart metering was widely discussed after the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ “On Energy Saving...” came into force. Then the Government set a difficult task for energy workers and developers - to quickly establish reliable accounting of consumed energy resources.

Thus, the law “On Energy Saving...” prohibits the commissioning of apartment buildings if they do not meet energy efficiency requirements or are not equipped with metering devices (Article 11, Parts 6-10).

The need to equip residential and public buildings with automated systems for commercial metering of energy consumption is also noted in SP 134.13330.2012 dated September 1, 2012 “Telecommunication systems for buildings and structures. Basic principles of design" (section 5.10).

Which houses will have smart meters?

By Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 26, 2016 No. 80-r, automated energy metering systems are included in the mandatory equipment for the design and construction of apartment buildings (Section IV.1). The bill under discussion also contains a requirement for the mandatory installation of automated commercial energy metering systems in apartment buildings put into operation after construction or major repairs.

During the public discussion of the future law, not all participants in the energy and construction markets agreed with this formulation of the issue. For example, the management of Rosseti PJSC insists that “smart” meters must be installed not only in new buildings and houses that are being rented out after major renovations. The company considers it necessary to introduce automated metering systems in residential and public buildings with a new technological connection or when previously installed devices fail.

There should be a law that will oblige the entire perimeter to be covered with electricity meters within three years. There should be fines. Stiff penalties for non-installation or inoperability. This is the basis. Moreover, all devices must be intelligent and digital.

Pavel Livinsky, General Director, Chairman of the Board of PJSC Rosseti

At whose expense will smart meters be installed?

This issue is under development. One thing is now known: Russians will not be required to install “smart” meters at their own expense.

Currently, the costs of installing smart meters are borne by developers and management companies. Moreover, if the latter do not have the funds to install smart metering devices, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation allows financing these activities from the capital repair fund (Article 166, Part 2 188-FZ).

Installing smart meters will not affect the pockets of consumers. The point is that they will be changed by market participants who are working today. These could be energy supply organizations or management companies; different models are being developed, but definitely not people.

Andrey Chibis, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Russia

According to the press service of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services, about half a million smart metering devices have been installed in Russia. And earlier, Chief Housing Inspector Andrei Chibis stated that by 2024, 95% of Russians will switch to “smart” meters.

To accelerate the transition to digital metering of consumed energy resources, on March 23, 2018, the Federation Council discussed the issue of shifting all costs of replacing metering devices to resource supply organizations. But parliamentarians failed to reach a consensus. The question remains open.

Who will benefit from the mandatory installation of smart meters?

Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said that the creation of a digital power grid infrastructure based on domestic equipment will primarily have a positive impact on consumers. The law on “smart” meters will relieve residents of apartment buildings from the inconvenience associated with transmitting readings “manually”: smart devices themselves broadcast data on resource consumption in real time.

In addition, the organization of automated accounting and operational control over energy consumption in each apartment and in the house as a whole allows:

  • do not pay for “energy scammers” - consumers who block the counting mechanism of metering devices using neodymium magnets or other devices that distort data on energy consumption;
  • receive bills only for the actual volumes of consumption of utility resources;
  • Over time, completely switch to a more profitable multi-tariff payment system.

Installing smart meters in apartment buildings will allow consumers to reduce their payments by 30%.

Svetlana Razvorotneva, executive director of the NP ZHKH Kontrol

This is also beneficial for resource supply organizations and management companies. According to IAR TASS, about a third of consumers submit readings from individual metering devices late or completely “forget” about this obligation. At the same time, there are no more than 5% of large debtors and energy debtors. Most homeowners really don’t remember or don’t have time to submit testimony.

In such cases, management and resource supply companies charge payments according to a standard that does not reflect actual consumption. Hence the lost funds, which affect the growth of tariffs.

After the Ministry of Construction obliges the installation of smart meters, utility service providers will have a number of new opportunities:

  • obtaining reliable information about resource consumption in real time;
  • significant reduction in costs for linemen and controllers;
  • implementation of automated control over the consumption of energy resources;
  • prompt determination of balance;
  • getting rid of payment gaps;
  • fast processing of received data and timely uploading of information to the GIS of housing and communal services.

According to the explanatory note to the bill on “smart” meters, the creation of automated systems will reduce commercial losses of energy supply organizations and provide targeted impact on non-payers.

The STRIZH system uses LPWAN technology with a range of 10 km, without concentrators and repeaters.

Automation system for resource accounting on a turn-key basis for apartment buildings, regional settlements and villages

In continuation of the article.

5/5 (3)

What is a heat meter

Modern meters of supplied heat are equipment that provides constant heat metering, accurately determines the mass of the coolant, and also controls parameters.

By design, the metering unit includes the following devices, which are embedded into pipelines by specialists:

  • special computer;
  • indicators and transducers of temperature and pressure level;
  • shut-off valves used.

Signals from the installed water meter are fed to the microprocessor of the operating heat meter, where they are converted into the required form by a special high-precision digital device. Then, to calculate the thermal energy parameters, their integration is carried out.

Is it mandatory to install energy meters?

Meters must be installed in residential premises.

In accordance with the current law, all required payments for consumed energy resources are carried out on the basis of data obtained on their exact value, determined by metering devices.

The Russian law quite clearly indicates the deadlines for installing energy meters. Until 2011, meters had to be present and operated in buildings, various structures, erected structures intended to house existing government bodies, including local governments.

Until 2011, owners of non-residential buildings, various structures, structures and other objects had an obligation to complete equipping their facilities with general building energy metering devices, as well as to begin operating such devices.

Until the beginning of 2012, owners of various premises in constructed apartment buildings, built country houses with a functioning centralized supply of consumed resources had to equip their houses with energy meters, as well as put the devices into permanent operation.

All modern apartment buildings are, at a certain time, equipped with building-wide meters for water, heat and electricity supplied, including individual and common energy meters used, with the exception of heat.

Since 2012, houses that are put into operation or are subject to reconstruction are required to be equipped with individually installed heat meters. Since the adoption of the Law, the operation of buildings and various structures without the necessary equipment with modern meters is not permitted.

Who should pay for the installation of metering devices?

Today, owners bear the financial costs of installing meters.

Important! If the owner cannot pay for the installation of the meter immediately, then the supplier of the necessary energy resources provides installments for the due payments for a period of up to 5 years. The interest charged for the loan is set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

An entity or an existing municipal entity has the full right to provide, at the expense of allocated budget funds, measures of necessary support to various categories of consumers. This happens by allocating financial resources to them for the installation of energy meters. Apartments owned by the municipality must be equipped with electricity meters purchased from allocated budget funds.

Watch the video. Heat energy metering unit in an apartment building:

General meeting to obtain a decision on installing meters

A general meeting of residents is required. Before installing meters, a collective decision of the owners is required, which is adopted by a majority vote at a meeting.

Since the installed metering unit will become common property after installation, payment for the equipment used and upcoming work must be distributed in whole or in part among all direct owners of the apartments.

The main task of the current management company, homeowners' association or created housing cooperative is to convey to the owners the need to install meters in accordance with the law on effective energy saving.

Moreover, refusal to do so will lead to the adoption of compulsory measures for the installation of meters by the existing energy supply organization and to legal proceedings. Therefore, the owners are offered a list of companies to conclude the necessary contract for the installation of meters with current proposals for the cost of the upcoming work.

Who has the right to install meters

Modern metering devices are installed on a residential property by organizations that supply them or by operating specialized companies.

The staff of such organizations includes specialized qualified specialists, whose work in installing meters is prescribed in the statutory documentation of the organization that has SRO membership in the construction industry and a corresponding certificate of admission to perform the work.

Suppliers of consumed energy resources are obligated to carry out installation and replacement of energy meters.

Until 2010, operating energy supply companies were required to provide the owners of premises in constructed apartment buildings, all persons who are responsible for such houses and various persons acting in the interests of the direct owners, prepared proposals for equipping housing with modern meters.

What will be the liability for refusal of installation?

If before the onset of 2011 and for some consumers until 2012, in response to proposals for the installation of metering devices from a direct supplier of energy resources, the direct consumer did not purchase and install the necessary meter, then the resource supplying organization has the right to carry out its forced installation with the recovery of costs incurred from the consumer expenses.

In accordance with the current law, the ongoing meter installation campaign must be completed before the end of 2012. All consumers of supplied energy resources, without exception, must become “equipmented.”

Operating resource-supplying organizations currently cannot refuse to conclude an agreement that contains the conditions for the installation, replacement and operation of resource consumption meters. The price of the contract is determined by the concluded agreement of both parties. The exact procedure for concluding the required agreement was previously approved by the current Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation No. 149.

Attention! Our qualified lawyers will assist you free of charge and around the clock on any issues.

Who monitors compliance with the obligations for installing devices?

Compliance with a number of obligations for the installation of various metering devices is under the control of the FAS, Rostechnadzor and their existing territorial branches located in the regions.

Penalties for non-compliance with installation requirements

Yes, currently penalties are applied, therefore the current law on energy conservation has recently developed and introduced some amendments to the Russian Code of Administrative Offenses.

For example, failure to comply with the stated requirements of the current legislation on the installation of meters leads to a fine for officials of up to 30 thousand rubles, and for legal entities - up to approximately 600 thousand rubles.

Complete non-compliance with the stated requirements by direct suppliers of energy resources for the installation of meters to the owners of constructed houses, cottages and garden buildings leads to fines.

Unreasonable refusal or constant evasion of the organization engaged in the installation, replacement and operation of energy meters from drawing up the necessary contract and its subsequent execution, as well as complete non-compliance with the requirements for installation, replacement, operation of meters of energy resources used also leads to penalties.

Who repairs metering devices?

It is the owner who must ensure the operation of the meters in accordance with the stated technical requirements for the device used. Therefore, the owner of the purchased metering unit has a concluded agreement for the maintenance of meters with the service organization.

Remember! All types of repair work on installed metering devices are carried out at manufacturing plants in accordance with the required technological process. After completion of the meter repair, an extraordinary verification is carried out.

Who should pay for verification?

An important responsibility of each owner is to ensure correct meter readings, as well as their metrological verification at the expense of his own funds.

Metrological assurance of the accuracy of the meter readings obtained consists of their verification in an operating specialized organization.

In accordance with the current decree of the Russian government No. 250, since 2012, verification of electricity meters, devices for measuring water flow in cubic meters and natural gas has been carried out by regional metrological centers that have accreditation.

Since the meter contains a flow meter, the stated requirement will also apply to commercial accounting of the thermal energy used. The main essence of the metrological verification is testing a modern metering device using high-precision equipment. In this case, the frequency of the required verification must be indicated in the passport for the meter.

The calibration interval of modern devices used for heat and hot water supply metering is four years, and for cold water metering devices - approximately six years. But current practice says that today none of the heat meters used have a MPI that matches the parameter specified in the passport.

For various measuring devices, the actual MPI generally does not exceed 1 year, although the manufacturer talks about a period of 3-5 years, so meter manufacturers secretly recognize this fact.

Unverified metering devices: consequences

Consumers should remember that the installation of a meter that has not been verified is prohibited and is regarded by the main supplier of energy resources as a complete lack of device, which leads to trouble. For the duration of the required verification, payment for services provided is allowed at average consumer expense.

What energy metering devices can be used

Modern metering devices are installed in residential premises, which are in the State Register of Measuring Instruments and are fully approved for use in Russia.

Even the inclusion of the device used in the Russian State Register does not guarantee its normal quality.

Therefore, it is necessary to introduce a quality system in heat supply organizations, which will help them use best practices, progressive new equipment, including competent technological solutions regarding commercial heat metering.

Also, the rules for the use of energy resources and consumed water establish a number of certain requirements for the accuracy class of modern meters of at least a certain value.

The accuracy class is considered to be a certain error of the meter in the range of measurements, expressed as a percentage. Therefore, the greater the value of the accuracy class, the lower the accuracy of the mounted device will be.

Since energy and energy metering devices are measuring instruments, only devices that are included in the state register of measuring instruments can be used. As a rule, evidence of this is the certification of the device with the GOST R certification system, which is indicated in the device passport, on the case and the information reading panel. In addition, the rules for the use of electrical, thermal energy, water and gas establish requirements for the accuracy class of the metering devices used not lower than the established threshold. Accuracy class is the possible error of a metering device in the measurement range, expressed as a percentage. The higher the number indicating the accuracy class, the lower the accuracy of the device. Accordingly, a higher class corresponds to a smaller number.

Metering device

Accuracy requirements

Range and conditions of use

1% (class 1.0)

Networks with voltage less than 0.4 kV. (except citizens)

Electric energy meter

2% (class 2.0)

Networks with voltage less than 0.4 kV. (for consumer citizens)

Electric energy meter

2% (class 2.0)

1% (class 1.0)

Class 0.5S

Consumers with installed device power of more than 750 kW

When replacing a class 2.0 meter and for networks with voltage from 6 to 35 kV

for networks with voltage over 110 kV

Electric energy meter

Electrical energy producers

Heat meters


heat metering unit

water meter

When the temperature difference in the supply and return pipelines is more than 20 degrees

Heat meters


heat metering unit

water meter

When the temperature difference in the supply and return pipelines is from 10 to 20 degrees

Heat metering unit

steam counter

With steam consumption from 30 to 100%

Heat meters for systems with steam supply.

Heat metering unit

steam counter

At steam consumption from 10 to 30%

Water flow meters(hot and cold)

Gas flow meters

Requirement for inclusion in the register of measuring instruments

Electricity meters

There is a requirement for the population to use electric meters with an accuracy class of at least 2.0. Therefore, all old electricity meters with an accuracy class of 2.5 or less are currently being withdrawn from circulation. The rules for the functioning of retail electricity markets approved by the Government of the Russian Federation (Resolution No. 530 of August 31, 2006) establish requirements for the accuracy classes of electricity metering devices for different groups of consumers. Look Rules for the supply of electrical energy.

Heat meters

Currently, the country uses heat meters used by legal entities and for collective accounting of heat consumption in multi-apartment residential buildings. The accuracy classes of these devices are established by the Rules for the metering of thermal energy and coolant from 1995. Look Heat metering rules.

A separate category of heat meters are the so-called apartment (compact) heat meters. When measuring the amount of heat on one radiator, the temperature difference is usually less than 10 degrees. In this case, the measurement accuracy may be less than 5% and such a measuring device will be considered an indicator. Obviously, therefore, there is no official permission to use apartment-by-apartment heat meters. Nevertheless, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Energy Saving” has prescribed the use of apartment-based heat meters since 2012. Such devices are already registered in the State Register of Measuring Instruments.

For gas meters

Gas metering rules do not regulate the accuracy class of gas metering devices. Nevertheless, manufactured gas meters are registered as measuring instruments and have an accuracy class. By design, these are diaphragm, rotary, turbine gas meters. Almost all of them have an error of 1-3% with a calibration interval of up to 10 years, which is comparable to the specified service life of the meter.

Gas meters used by the population must be included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments and verified by the State Metrological Service. Installation and commissioning of these meters is carried out by a specialized service that is part of the local gas distribution organization. Look Gas metering rules.

Water meters

The water metering rules do not regulate the accuracy class of water metering devices. A requirement has been introduced to include devices in the State Register of Measuring Instruments. In terms of design, water meters are very diverse and can use various physical principles (tachometer, electromagnetic, ultrasonic, combined) to measure volume. In everyday life, vane meters are mainly used, installed immediately after the inlet valve and filter.

Look Rules for using water supply and sewerage systems.

The water metering procedure in Moscow additionally establishes a requirement for inter-verification periods for apartment water meters: for cold water at least 5 years, for hot water at least 4 years. In addition, it is mandatory to install meters with pulse output if the house has a remote system for reading information from water meters.

accounting of energy resources in buildings and structures

based on wireless sensor network technologies and smart sensors

Intelligent energy-saving system for metering energy resources in buildings and structures based on wireless sensor network technologies and smart sensors (hereinafter referred to as IES) intended for automated accounting of energy resources, regulation of energy consumption and dispatch of energy resources (heat metering, thermal energy metering, water metering, electricity metering), as well as transmission of alarm notifications in the interests of reducing costs for end users, heat supply and operating organizations, housing and communal services, ensuring comfortable living conditions and prevention of accidents and emergencies.

Intelligent energy saving accounting systemenergy resources performs the following functions:

  • individual (apartment) multi-tariff metering of hot and cold water and electrical energy metering;
  • individual (apartment-by-apartment) receipt and accumulation of initial data (temperature of heating radiators and temperature in residential premises) for calculating consumed thermal energy using a proportional scheme based on data from a common building heat energy meter;
  • processing, accumulating and storing in non-volatile memory and issuing energy consumption data via Internet communication channels upon request and in a scheduled mode to the district (city) energy consumption accounting and dispatch server;
  • monitoring and visualization of data on consumed energy resources using a WEB interface in a form convenient for the end user;
  • prevention of emergency situations based on detection of water leaks and detection of facts of non-standard (non-standard) consumption of energy resources;
  • dispatching the consumption of hot and cold water when preventing emergency situations and following commands from the regional server for accounting and dispatching energy consumption;
  • dispatching of electricity consumption when preventing emergencies and following commands from the regional server for accounting and dispatching of energy consumption;
  • automatic temperature control in heated rooms using daily and weekly settings of the desired temperature;
  • interaction with standard security and fire alarm sensors, implementation of modes for remote arming and disarming of an apartment, “Panic button”, notification of fire, gas leaks, water leaks with the transmission of alarm events to a facility-wide concentrator and selected GSM network subscribers;
  • protecting the system from unauthorized access and unqualified use;
  • remote setup and configuration of devices as part of the system using standardized protocols;
  • maintaining archives on the regional server for accounting and dispatching energy consumption and distributing them to remote client workstations of government authorities, energy supply organizations, management companies, homeowners' associations, etc.

Composition and characteristicsaccounting systemenergy resources:
1. Apartment unit, structurally installed, for example, in a power panel or in any other convenient place that provides access to a 220 V network and a computer wired Ethernet network:

  • communication interfaces – TCP/IP Ethernet, RS-485, MiWi, GSM (if a router is available);
  • number of supported wireless modules via MiWi interface – up to 45;
  • radio communication range - up to 30...100 m (depending on the specific conditions of use, in particular on the type of walls of the premises - brick, concrete, etc.);
  • accumulation of information (up to several hours, depending on the number of connected metering modules) in the absence of communication with the server and subsequent sending of the accumulated information after the connection is restored;
  • support for two servers (main and backup) with automatic transition from one to another if the connection disappears;
  • redundancy of communication channels with the server – main channel: LAN Ethernet (twisted pair, RJ-45 connector), backup: GPRS GSM (if you have a GSM router);
  • maintaining the functionality of temperature control and dispatch functions in the absence of communication with the server.

Note: the apartment block is used for individual use and as a means of accumulating and transmitting data from modules for metering general house energy consumption.
2. Water supply metering and dispatching module:

  • cold and hot water meters with pulse output with installation diameter 1/2, 3/4;
  • electric taps with installation diameter 1/2, 3/4;
  • wireless digital thermometer with temperature measurement accuracy of 0.1°C;
  • converter “counting output-radio interface” BSI-01;
  • wireless water leak sensor BDUV-01;
  • valve control module with radio access MUV-01.

3. Module for accounting and regulation of heat supply, consisting of:

  • electrically controlled (or manual thermostatic) valve;
  • radiator and room digital thermometers with radio interface.

4. Power supply metering and dispatching module:

  • electric meter with counting output;
  • relay-limiter of consumed electrical power;
  • interface unit with limiter relay (load control module with radio access MUN-01);
  • converter "counting output-radio interface" BSI-01.

5. Module for accounting for general house energy consumption:

  • apartment block in the option of metering general house energy consumption;
  • standard facility (general house) energy metering devices with RS-485, ETHERNET interfaces.

6. Radio network repeater RRS-01 (for large premises with complex layouts and private buildings).
7. IR wireless motion sensor ODP-01.
8. Wireless fire sensor PDB-01.
9. District (city) server for collecting and processing data on energy consumption of buildings and structures with network access, static network address and uninterruptible power supply system
10. Server software (software):

  • Operating system - Windows or Linux (Unix);
  • The capacity of the address space for connecting apartment blocks (individual consumers) is 65535 units. (up to 200...300 multi-apartment residential buildings), the actual number of devices depends on the computer performance, transmission speed of communication lines, intensity of data exchange;
  • Continuous archiving of data received from objects;
  • Increased fault tolerance and minimal hardware requirements.

11. Client software:

  • Operating system - Windows or Linux (Unix)
  • Display of current (online) data both in text (tabular) and graphical form (in the form of graphs).
  • View archives for a user-specified time interval in text and tabular form.
  • Possibility of selective blocking (disabling) of consumers.
  • Remote configuration of facility equipment (client software for system engineer).

Structural scheme intelligent energy savingaccounting systemenergy resources shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1 – Block diagram of an intelligent energy-saving energy metering system

Operating procedureintelligent energy savingaccounting systemenergy resources.
Data from the pulse outputs of cold and hot water meters is supplied to the input of the “counting output-radio interface” converter BSI-01, which counts the number of pulses and transmits this data via the Mi-Wi wireless network to the apartment unit, which calculates the current value of the cold and hot water flow rate. hot water with saving the result in non-volatile memory. Then the apartment block transmits them via Enternet to the regional energy supply accounting and dispatch server. The BSI-01 “counting output-to-radio interface” converter is battery-powered.

Apartment unit with top cover removed and apartment control panel (right)

At the same time, taking into account the water flow, the temperature of the hot water pipeline is continuously monitored using a wireless temperature sensor installed on it. Temperature measurement is carried out after a specified time (20...30 seconds) after the start of the current flow cycle and, when the temperature goes beyond the standard parameters, information about this fact is transmitted to the apartment unit with data relayed to the district energy consumption server. This is necessary to exercise the legal rights of users to reduce costs during non-standard energy supply.
When the BDUV-01 wireless water leak sensor is triggered, information about this is transmitted to the apartment unit. Based on a given algorithm, the apartment unit makes a decision on dispatching (shut off the supply) of cold and hot water, which is indicated on the apartment panel. The command to shut off the water is issued via a wireless network to the valve control module MUV-01 and is relayed by it to the actuator - the ball valve. After the command is executed, a confirmation receipt is issued for the apartment block. In addition to what has been described, forced shut-off of cold and hot water can be used from the regional energy resource dispatching metering server in the absence of payment, the need to strictly limit consumption, etc., as well as water dispatching based on user commands.
The procedure for accounting and dispatching of electricity is similar to the procedure for accounting and dispatching water supply.
Accounting and regulation of heat supply is carried out as follows. Data on the temperature of the heating radiator and the temperature in the heated room are transmitted to the apartment unit at a specified frequency (100...300 seconds). When using a manual thermostatic valve, the specified data is accumulated in non-volatile memory and, after averaging with a cycle of 3...5 minutes, is sent to the regional energy consumption server. When using automatic electronic temperature control using special software of the apartment unit, a circuit for automatically maintaining the set temperature is implemented based on modified proportional control with the generation of control commands for the electric valve. As initial data for regulation, daily and weekly regulation programs (profiles) are used, set by the user via the apartment panel or WEB interface via the network. At the same time, taking into account data on room temperature and the temperature of heating radiators, the condition of the batteries of all battery-powered wireless devices is monitored. Calculation of the consumed thermal energy by each individual consumer is carried out using special software of the district energy consumption server based on the proportional principle based on data on recorded temperatures, heat transfer of installed radiators and data on household consumption.

Heating radiator with a temperature measurement module installed on it (right).

On the district energy consumption accounting and dispatch server, data received via the Internet from apartment blocks is archived for subsequent use. The server is turned on 24 hours a day, has the necessary means of data backup and is located in a specially designated room. Remote client workstations with special software for employees of government agencies, energy supply organizations, management companies, homeowners' associations and billing systems are connected to the server. The client software has a convenient, friendly user interface that allows you to observe (graphics, tables), statistically process and analyze information about energy consumption.
Client software makes it possible to block consumers. In this case, after the operator has given the blocking command, it is sent from the client workstation to the energy consumption server, then to the apartment unit. From the apartment block, the command is relayed to the corresponding module, which includes the dispatching actuator.

Connection and setupintelligent energy savingaccounting systemenergy resources.
The MUV-01 valve control module is powered from power sources (hereinafter referred to as the power supply) with a rated voltage of 12 V. Voltage deviations should range from minus 15% to plus 10% of the rated value. The power supply for the device must be rated for a maximum current of 1 A.

Rice. 2 - Connection diagram MUN-01

Ball valves are connected to the MUN-01 board to the relay outputs.

The pulse output of the meter (water, electricity, etc.) is connected to the BSI-01 board to the terminals of the counting input; one pin of the pulse output of the meter is connected to the common pin of the board (“minus” power supply), and the other to the terminal channel input (see Fig. 3).

Rice. 3 - Connection diagram for the BSI-01 device

The BSI-01 and MUN-01 boards are powered by a lithium battery power supply with a voltage of +3V, but it is also possible to connect an external source with a voltage of +3...5V.

The apartment unit, which includes the network hub board (Fig. 4), is powered from power sources with a rated voltage of 12 V. The voltage deviation should range from minus 15% to plus 10% of the nominal value. The power supply for the device must be rated for a maximum current of up to 1 A.

Rice. 4 – Apartment unit wireless network module

Setting the parameters of an intelligent energy-saving energy metering system can be done both from the server and through access using the Telnet terminal.
Algorithm for commissioning a new device (wireless module):

  • The operator sends a command to the selected apartment unit to search for a new wireless device. After this, the wireless network goes into standby mode for connecting a device with the factory address (which has a default value of 255).
  • The operator presses and holds for 3...5 seconds a special button on the device (wireless module) being added to the network, after which the device establishes a connection with the network node (apartment unit). Moreover, if the device is within the range of several wireless networks (neighboring apartment blocks) at the same time, it will connect only to the network that was previously switched to the standby state (see point 1).
  • The connected device sends its factory settings (module type, sensor type, values ​​of scale factors for converting sensor (counter) readings into the value of a specific physical quantity, etc.) to the apartment unit, which then transmits the received settings to the server, which in turn – into a special client utility program for system administration. After this, the operator is shown a form (Fig. 2.) for configuring the device with fields already filled in, based on the received factory settings.
  • The operator, if necessary, adjusts some fields (device address, name, etc.) in the specified settings form and clicks the “Apply” button. The entered settings are sent to the server, then through the apartment unit (local repeater) to the added device, where it is stored in non-volatile memory.
  • After these steps, the device is connected to the wireless network and sends the newly received new settings back to the Server for confirmation.

Before connecting the local repeater (RL-01) to the LAN-Ethernet network for the first time, it is necessary that the system administrator servicing this network assign an IP address and subnet mask for the connected device, as for a network device (for factory settings, see Table 1 ), and also provided access to the data collection server TCP port 2021.

Table 1 – Factory settings of network parameters





Own IP address (IP v4)

Gateway IP address

Subnet mask

Preferred DNS Server

Alternative DNS server

To gain access to the WEB interface, you need to type the device’s IP address in the address bar of your browser (default
The welcome page of the WEB interface will be displayed on the screen. (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5 – Start page of the WEB interface of the intelligent energy-saving energy metering system

Access to the start page does not require entering a password.
On the left side is the main menu of the WEB interface of the intelligent energy-saving energy metering system:

  • home
  • Devices
  • Configuration
  • Daily profiles
  • Weekly profiles
  • TCP/IP network
  • GSM network
  • Magazine
  • Technical support

To enter each of these pages (except for “Technical Support”), you must enter your login/password (Admin/start by default) in the authorization form (Fig. 6).

On the “Devices” WEB interface page, the user can view a list of all devices connected to the apartment unit, as well as the current readings for the selected metering module (Fig. 7).
The status of the device in the radio network (connected/disconnected) and the time of its last activity are also displayed. This allows you to quickly and clearly evaluate the operation of the system (quality of communication with devices, rate of data exchange, etc.).
For each of the values ​​coming from the devices, the measurement time is displayed, which allows you to have a clear idea of ​​the relevance of the data at any time.
When developing the WEB interface, technology was used AJAX, Ajax (from English. AsynchronousJavascriptandXML- “asynchronous JavaScript and XML”) is an approach to building interactive user interfaces for web applications, which consists of “background” exchange of browser data with the web server. As a result, when updating data, the web page is not completely reloaded, and web applications become faster and more convenient. This allows the user to observe changes in parameters in real time without constantly pressing the browser’s “Refresh” button.

Rice. 7 – Page of the WEB interface of the energy accounting system - “Devices”

The “Configuration” page of the WEB interface of the energy resource accounting system displays complete information about the composition of the WSN, the parameters of its devices, etc. (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8 - Page of the WEB interface of the energy accounting system - “Configuration”

On the “Daily Profiles” page of the energy metering system (Fig. 9), the user can set up to 4 different (according to the technical specifications) daily temperature control profiles. Each such profile contains 4 time intervals, during which a certain temperature value is maintained. Thus, it is possible, for example, to create profiles for the energy accounting system for a weekend (when the temperature is high all the time except at night) and a weekday (working) day (when all residents are outside the apartment - the temperature can be reduced), thereby achieving energy savings.

Rice. 9 – Page of the WEB interface of the energy accounting system - “Daily profiles”

The user has the opportunity to set up to two weekly profiles of temperature changes, each of which determines which of the 4 daily profiles to regulate the temperature on each of the 7 days of the week. You can edit weekly profiles on the “Weekly Profiles” page of the WEB interface (Fig. 10).
On subsequent pages of the WEB interface (“TCP/IP Network”, “GSM Network”, “Log” and “Technical Support”), the user or system administrator has the opportunity to change network settings and view the event protocol (log).

Rice. 10 – Page of the WEB interface of the energy accounting system - “Weekly profiles”

The apartment unit of the energy metering system also has the ability to connect via Telnet. This is necessary, first of all, for engineers involved in commissioning and maintenance of IES. In Telnet access mode, you can obtain significantly more detailed information about the system status compared to the WEB interface. (Fig. 11).

Rice. 11 – Viewing the status of the energy metering system using Telnet

Using Telnet access, you can monitor the following energy metering system parameters in real time:
- list of devices, their type;
- availability of wireless network communication for each device;
- status of the last data sent to the device (“ready”, “busy”, “error”, etc.);
- incoming and outgoing traffic (data volume) for each device;
- time of the last radio communication session with the device;
- time of receipt of the latest data on the measured value;
- on-board time of the apartment block;
- the number of transmission errors / checksum errors (CRC) that occurred during data transmission from the moment the apartment unit was turned on;
- total number of devices registered in the wireless network / number of devices in communication;
- connection status to the server;
- state of the queue for sending messages to devices;
- supply voltage of the apartment unit;
- operating time of the apartment block from the moment of switching on.

Rice. 12 - Window for setting up the energy metering system device via Telnet

When using Telnet, all commands are entered in text form, and their list and required syntax (record form) is given in Table 3.

Table 3 - Telnet commands for configuring an apartment unit.

Command (format


(actions performed)

Displays the current network settings of the energy metering system.

disconnect server

Disconnects the connection to the energy metering system server

Object number

Sets the object number of the energy accounting system (address of the apartment block).


Server URL

Sets the URL of the energy metering system server

TCP port number for connecting to the server

Sets the TCP port number for connecting to the energy accounting system server.

Device IP address

Installs own
Device IP address

Subnet mask

Sets the subnet mask of the energy metering system

Network gateway IP address

Sets the IP address of the energy metering system network gateway

addr=X ch=Y val=Z

X-address of the wireless module,
Y-channel number,
Z-new value

Sets a new value for the specified channel of the selected wireless module. Can, for example, be used for manual load control.

X is the current address of the wireless module, Y is the new address

Changes the address of the wireless module of the energy metering system.

Displays a list of all registered wireless modules (their addresses, name, type, etc.)

X-address of the wireless module

Displays the current values ​​of all parameters for all channels for a given wireless module.

add addr=X type=Y

X-address of the wireless module being added, Y-type of module*

Adds a new device (wireless module) of a specified type to the system.

X-address of the wireless module to be removed,

Removes a device (wireless module) from the system.

X is the starting number of the protocol record, Y is the ending number.

Displays the specified range of message records sent to the server.

link addr=X to Y ch=Z

X-address of temperature sensor,
Y and Z address and channel number of the load control module, respectively.

Connects the selected wireless temperature sensor to the desired channel of the specified load control module, thus forming an automatic temperature control loop.

XXXXX...-text displayed on the panel

Sends a text message to the apartment panel. (An analogue of a text information message from the server).

Activates the firmware update download mechanism.

Resets (reboots) the device

reset to default

Resets the device to factory settings.

Terminates the Telnet terminal.

Displays built-in help.

*– possible values ​​of the “module type” parameter:
0 – Unknown device;
1 - Local ETERNET/GSM repeater (RL-01);
2 - Housing and communal services load control module with radio access (MUN-01);
3 - Wireless heat distributor (BRT-01);
4 - Wireless pulse counter (BSI-01);
5 - Radio network repeater (RRS-01);
6 - Apartment display and control panel (KPIU-01);
7 - Transceiver/receiver device (PPU-01);
8 - Security IR wireless motion sensor (ODP-01);
9 - Wireless fire sensor (PDB-01);
10 - Wireless water leak sensor (BDUV-01);
11 - Security module;
12 - Wireless temperature sensor (BDT-01).

Brief description of the client and server software of the energy accounting system.

The appearance of the server software of the energy accounting system is shown in Fig. 13.

Rice. 13 - Server software (software) of the energy accounting system

The client software for the energy accounting system includes 2 client applications:

    • Client software for the energy metering system for setting up the system and viewing instrument readings in On-Line mode (client for the engineer and system operator);
    • Client software for an energy accounting system for accounting for energy consumption of housing and communal services facilities, designed to determine and visualize energy consumption by subscribers for a given period of time (client software for homeowners associations and management companies).

The appearance of the client software of the energy accounting system is shown in Fig. 14. The “Object Status” tab displays data received in real time from the object equipment. The left panel displays a list of devices connected to the server. The “Object Status” tab displays data received from the device, the presence of an alarm, as well as the status of the device’s connection to the server and the relevance of the received data.

Rice. 14 - Client software for the energy accounting system, “Object status” tab

The “On-line viewing” tab displays data received from devices in graphical form (Fig. 15).

Rice. 15 - Client software for the energy accounting system, “On-line viewing” tab

Client software for the energy accounting system for accounting the energy consumption of housing and communal services facilities:

    • ensures the maintenance of a database containing information about subscribers (legal entities and individuals), energy metering devices and tariffs for payment for energy consumption services;
    • provides import of energy consumption data from several servers of the energy consumption accounting system;
    • allows you to view the details of electricity consumption for an individual subscriber (or for a group of subscribers/objects) for a given time interval (Fig. 16).
    • allows you to view the distribution of energy consumption between subscribers or housing and communal services facilities for a given time interval (Fig. 17).
    • supports the generation of receipts for payment for housing and communal services (Fig. 18), determining the balance of subscribers, and generating lists of debtors.
    • supports the generation of reports on energy consumption by subscribers for a given period of time (Fig. 19).

Rice. 16 - View the total consumption of cold water by an object with details of 1 day

Rice. 17 - Viewing the distribution of electricity consumption between subscribers

Rice. 18 - Example of a payment receipt generated by a client application of an energy accounting system

Rice. 19 - Example of a report on electricity consumption by subscribers of the energy metering system

Rice. 19 - Intelligent energy-saving energy metering system based on wireless sensor network technologies and smart sensors in a shopping center building.


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