Acceptance of animal skins. Pawnshops of mink fur coats

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Free examination. We conduct preliminary assessments online. To do this, you should send to our email [email protected] several photographs showing the product from different angles. Please include a detailed description and based on the information we receive, we will tell you the approximate value of your property. Our specialists will be able to give a more accurate amount after an examination in the office. Any assessment is carried out free of charge.

Quality of service. We invite you to our offices, which are open from 10:00 every day, including weekends and holidays. We have competent and friendly specialists who are ready to give you any explanations regarding the evaluation of products.

Professionalism. Experts conduct an assessment objectively, that is, taking into account all important parameters that may affect the final cost of the product. We have an extremely transparent and understandable cost calculation algorithm.

Profitable offer. We purchase fur in Moscow quickly and at high cost; money is paid immediately upon completion of the transaction.

Additional services. In our online store you can make profitable purchases of various categories of goods. The catalog includes antiques, fashion jewelry, silverware, branded watches and much more. All products are tested for compliance with the declared characteristics by our experts, and their cost is several orders of magnitude less than their market price.

Types of fur products

In our pawnshop you can donate:

  • fur coats;
  • short fur coats;
  • vests;
  • coat;
  • poncho;
  • capes;
  • sheepskin coats;
  • hats;
  • fur bags;
  • mittens;
  • blankets, etc.

We accept products made from mink, chinchilla, sable, broadtail, arctic fox, fox or rabbit. Buying fur is expensive if the items are in good condition and have not lost their relevance.

How we are working

  • Our pawnshop near Babushkinskaya metro station is open every day at any convenient time.
  • An expert determines the cost of your product. This will take no more than 10 minutes.
  • We conclude a purchase and sale agreement with you. The paperwork will take another 10 minutes.
  • You immediately receive the entire amount in your hands. Our pawnshop buys furs in Moscow at high prices for cash.

Admission conditions

  • To sell a fur product to us, you only need a passport. However, the presence of certificates or other documentation can increase the cost of a fur coat.
  • We cooperate with clients who have reached the age of majority.
  • Our pawnshop accepts various types of fur, but it is better to check with our managers if we are ready to buy your property.
  • When conducting an examination, it is of great importance how valuable the animal skins from which the fur coat is made are valued. Obviously, sable is more expensive than silver fox. However, other parameters are also taken into account: brand, relevance, etc.

What does the purchase price depend on?

The examination of fur products takes into account the following parameters:

  1. type and color of fur. For example, the cost of a white fur coat made from arctic fox is higher than that of a black fur coat made from mouton;
  2. state. This is an important parameter that sometimes decides everything. If an item is worn out, it will not be accepted anywhere. Conversely, a new fur coat without defects will be very expensive;
  3. year of manufacture, model and brand. Items from the latest collections of famous designers are especially valued. A used product can also be sold profitably if it remains relevant. Style and original design solutions also matter;
  4. item length. The more skins that were used to make a garment, the higher it will be valued.

We have an online calculator on our website that will calculate for you the approximate cost of the product, taking into account these and other parameters. You can also consult our specialists by phone.

How long does it take to buy up?

The professionalism of our specialists allows us to evaluate a product in just 10–15 minutes. The peculiarity of this procedure is that the expert needs to take into account many parameters: product dimensions, presentation, manufacturer, and more. This is why fur items can take longer to be appraised than jewelry.

Fur is usually called the skins of fur-bearing animals - marten, fox, mink, squirrel, lynx, otter, ermine, raccoon, weasel, muskrat, arctic fox, beaver, sable, etc. Fur is obtained by hunting or bred on fur farms.

There are two types of fur: spring and winter. Winter skins include those skins of animals that do not hibernate, and spring skins include those skins of animals that hibernate in winter and are quite difficult to hunt. The quality of wild fur is directly dependent on such characteristics as the density of the underfur, the height of the hair, softness, elasticity, shine, color and shade of the fur, the thickness, density and strength of the leather fabric, the size and weight of the skin, and the level of thermal protection. The listed properties are determined by the conditions and geographic area of ​​habitat, the age of the fur-bearing animal, and the time of year (when purchasing wild fur, we take all these factors into account). Habitat conditions usually mean terrestrial, underground or amphibian lifestyle, and geographic region means latitude (the harsher the winter in the region, the higher the quality of the fur). The animal's skin acquires the highest quality after molting.

Of course, such a pleasure cannot be cheap - we purchase high-quality wild furs at appropriate prices.

Where are you from?

Historically, the main suppliers of wild fur are two countries - Russia and Canada. Nordic maritime countries (Greenland, Norway, Russia) supply seals to the fur market. In the supply of farm furs such as fox and mink, the leaders are Scandinavia, the Netherlands, North America and again Russia. Chinchillas are bred on a global scale in Hungary and Mexico, and astrakhan breeding is carried out in Namibia and Afghanistan. The best muton and the highest quality rabbit are found in Spain, and the best nutria usually come from Argentina. We buy expensive furs of excellent quality from these regions.

Greece and China are also leaders in fur production today, and China deserves special attention. The lion's share of products marked, for example, with the Made in Italy marking is manufactured here and then supplied to the world market. The number of Chinese factories and stores selling fur is growing rapidly - and although they buy wild furs, since they do not produce it themselves, the final products are not satisfactory. You can also buy a fur coat for a real price in Greece - a high-quality product will most likely be sewn according to patterns in compliance with the technology of some Italian company.

Currently, fur wholesale trade through which about 90% of sales of the total global volume of fur is carried out are fur auctions Kopenhagen Fur (Denmark), Finnish Fur Sales (Finland), NAFA (Canada), American Legend (USA), Soyuzpushnina (Russia), Fur Harvesters (Canada) and Western Canadian Raw Fur Auction Sales (Canada).

We value each of our clients and are ready to provide you with services in accordance with the profile of our activities. The company's specialty is fur pelts and fur products. If you are interested in buying and working with wild fur, we will always be happy to help you.

Before bringing it to us for dressing, remove the FAT and MEAT from the skins, and then salt the skins with 2 packs of fine salt and put them NOT in a plastic bag. Then your skins will be perfect!

Fur is obtained in different ways: hunting, breeding, purchasing, etc. However, in order for these skins to realize your ideas, they need to be tanned. Our factory provides dressing services. We have been serving both individuals and taxidermy studios for 40 years. The quality of the skins processed by us allows us to create not only taxidermy products from them, but are also perfect for tailoring. With the help of German manufacturing technology and chemistry, your fur will last for many years. The quality of our products is important to us.

For those who obtain their fur by hunting, we recommend taking a look at the “Tips” section. Remember, the quality of the skins depends not only on us, but also on you!

Skins are accepted for dressing in raw-salted, fresh-salted and dry form.

The cost of dressing hides and fur

Changes have been made to dressing prices:

  • 1st column - for fresh-dry and raw-salted skins, fat-free according to GOST;
  • 2nd column - for skins with fat, meat, bones, cartilage, without salt or frozen;

This measure was introduced due to the fact that the supplied raw materials are not properly processed, which increases the manufacturing process, the cost of time and chemicals.

Factory dressing and processing

Humanity has always hunted. From the very moment the first weapons appeared, the first trophies appeared. Ancient people hunted not only for food; animal skins perfectly protected the body from the cold. How skins were processed in primitive times, and what production tools were used for this, is an interesting question. But let’s leave it for historians, and let’s talk about modern technologies for tanning skins.

The modern factory "Lynx" invites everyone who is partial to natural fur to cooperate. Our diversified enterprise specializes in working with the fur of fur-bearing animals. The cost of fur dressing at our factory is available to everyone who is interested in this service. High quality of work is ensured by the following characteristics in our company’s arsenal:

  • Proven and reliable equipment for fur processing;
  • Proven technologies for tanning hides, allowing to preserve as much as possible the quality characteristics of hide and fur;
  • Our craftsmen have many years of experience in dressing and processing fur and skins;
  • A well-coordinated team of professionals with different specializations.

Their future fate depends on the quality of the skins. Only elastic, soft and light skins will become a source of inspiration for designers. They are shown on the world's leading catwalks and the most famous women proudly throw them on their shoulders.

Trophies in the modern world

Hunting for men is not only entertainment and an opportunity to escape from the drabness of everyday life. Hunting is an opportunity to return home as a hunter, with a real trophy. A fur-bearing animal is a prey that you can be proud of. A properly tanned skin, be it a red fox or a fluffy raccoon, can also be an excellent gift. Products decorated with natural fur are always beautiful, stylish, elegant and warm, which is important for our climate zone. Regardless of fashion trends, at all times, cold is the main incentive for hunting fur-bearing animals and breeding them on an industrial scale.

The Lynx factory has enough capabilities to provide skinning services on an industrial scale. To maintain high quality standards and comply with modern requirements, the Lynx fur factory uses special technological processes, the observance of which is not acceptable in domestic conditions, both from the point of view of human safety and the environment. Poisoning and injury are possible, but the quality of the workmanship will still not be adequate.

It is important to understand that fur raw materials processed in an artisanal way cannot meet modern standards of quality and safety of manufactured products, and their service life is significantly lower than that of fur processed in production conditions.

What does the price consist of?

The cost of tanning hides in Malakhovka at the Lynx fur factory depends mainly on how competently the customer approached the issue of preserving the skins, whether he processed them correctly initially and how long he stored them before bringing them to the factory for dressing. The price is influenced by the type of fur raw material itself.

It is recommended to salt with natural fine salt (a couple of packets per skin), after removing fat and meat from them. It is recommended to store the skins without cellophane until delivery to the factory. Using a plastic bag significantly reduces the quality of the skin after tanning.

The difference in the cost of incorrectly preserved skins can be up to 50% of the cost of properly preserved fur raw materials.

The Lynx factory produces hides in Moscow and the Moscow region quickly and with a guarantee of results. Finished skins can be used for various purposes.

The quality of processing leather and animal skins is largely determined by a competent approach to conservation. It is recommended to deliver the skins to the factory in raw-salted, fresh-salted and dry form.

If you live in Zheleznodorozhny, then you will only need half an hour to get to our factory by car and use our professional services.

Among other things, you can order the following services at our factory:

  • for tailoring fur products according to individual design;
  • taxidermy;
  • for dyeing and cutting skins.

gray 26.11.2011 - 17:18

Tell me where I can get good money for marten and fox skins? Interested in permanent sales.

paitor 26.11.2011 - 20:57

Anna: 8-965-288-51-98

Buying a Fox skin 500 - 600 rubles per skin
Full price list at the link:

gray 26.11.2011 - 21:06

Anna: 8-965-288-51-98
Purchase of Marten skin (Female) 600 rubles
Purchase of Marten skin (Male) 800 rubles
Buying a Fox skin 500 - 600 rubles per skin
I know about the Lynx factory. But the prices, I must admit, are not very tempting (very cheap). In the periphery last year they even rented for 1000.
I don't know about this.

Awega777 11/27/2011 - 12:12

Marten 1400, fox 900, raccoon 800, mink 500. Admission only to Kirov - come

gray 27.11.2011 - 14:24

It’s a long way off, but that’s already something. Can you find similar offers near Moscow?

Igor71 29.11.2011 - 08:45

wolf from 6000, lynx 8000-10000, Tula.

gray 29.11.2011 - 16:25

I propose to post in this topic all proposals for the sale and purchase of skins (raw materials). Addresses or contacts with prices

Ruslan33 29.11.2011 - 16:46

What about larger animals? Interesting elk, deer, roe deer - for stuffed trophy heads.

gray 29.11.2011 - 16:49

What about larger animals? Interesting elk, deer, roe deer - for stuffed trophy heads.
In terms of? Interested in raw materials? Then in this thread, voice what you are willing to offer for what you are looking for?

Ruslan33 29.11.2011 - 17:06

Raw materials, good quality, for reasonable money. Not interested in horns.

Ruslan33 29.11.2011 - 17:28

3-4 elk from 2-3t.r., a pair of red deer - from 3t.r.; spotted deer from 2t.r.; roe deer from 1000.

gray 29.11.2011 - 18:16

3-4 elk from 2-3t.r., a pair of red deer - from 3t.r.; spotted deer from 2t.r.; roe deer from 1000.
It’s none of my business, of course, but for Trophy heads it sounds like I’ll accept it as a gift 😊

Ruslan33 29.11.2011 - 19:30

This is often left as a gift in the forest or cut up for dogs. What are your prices?

gray 29.11.2011 - 19:44

This is often left as a gift in the forest or cut up for dogs. What are your prices?
I don’t sell this stuff. (That’s why I added that discussing the price is not my business) They don’t leave trophy heads in the forest. As I understand it, you are interested in trophy ones and not just any? But to be honest, I wouldn’t drag even any moose head for 2 thousand 😊

SeregaRK08 29.11.2011 - 20:17

But to be honest, I wouldn’t even drag any moose head for 2 thousand
Why drag a whole head, it is enough to remove the skin correctly. And the size is not necessarily trophy, the main thing is normal removal and preservation of the skin.

gray 29.11.2011 - 20:20

Why drag a whole head, it is enough to remove the skin correctly. And the size is not necessarily trophy, the main thing is normal removal and preservation of the skin.
I think this will not be of interest to a taxidermist for making a trophy head.

gray 29.11.2011 - 20:24

No, no. It’s strange - 400 rubles is money for you, but 2-3 thousand or more is not.
Well, there is no need to compare soft with warm. 😊 It’s one thing to deal with fur, but it’s another thing to harvest elk with trophy qualities. The work alone of dragging such a head out of the forest can be valued at your 3 thousand 😊 The hunter usually keeps a good trophy for himself, but perhaps someone doesn’t need it and your proposal will be heard and you will get what are you looking for? It’s just brek heads that are scattered throughout the forest 😊 one of my friend the huntsman says that now there are such hunters that they take away bones and hooves 😊

gray 29.11.2011 - 20:29

It’s somehow strange - 400 rubles is money for you, but 2-3 thousand or more is not.
400 rubles for each skin is normal money for those who mine and deal with furs.
I conducted a small educational program on the prices of trophy heads in RuNet. So, a ready-made trophy elk head on sale costs about 40 thousand rubles. Most taxidermy workshops for production cost from 20 thousand onwards.
Against this background, 3 thousand for buying a trophy head sounds like redneck 😊 😊 😊

Ruslan33 29.11.2011 - 21:05

I wrote about the cost of only the skin, and not the entire head with horns, etc. Have you looked at how much they charge for working with the same marten and what is the cost of a stuffed marten in most workshops???????

gray 29.11.2011 - 21:13

It was supposed to sell furs not for stuffed animals. There was not much point in handing over one or three skins per stuffed animal.

gray 03.12.2011 - 18:12

Another small addition: Gray, a trophy head in the form of a stuffed animal is just a name, and not the concept of some kind of outstanding trophy. And in most cases, the skin for this type of product is needed not only from the head, but including the scapulohumeral complex (a little further than the shoulder blades in side of the tail).
Thanks for the clarification. What type of preservation does the skin need? and what size is considered a trophy? (otherwise they’ll drag cows’ heads 😊) It goes without saying that the skin should be shoulder-length, otherwise it’s a stump and not a head for a medallion 😊

Ruslan33 03.12.2011 - 18:44

Ideally, take measurements 1 - from the tip of the nose to the eye, 2 - from the tip of the nose to the back of the head (during the peeling process), 3 - the circumference of the neck behind the ears (after peeling) Cuts along the top of the neck to the back of the head, the back of the front legs, closer to the lips to the gums, eyelids deeper towards the eyeballs, nostrils as close as possible to the nasal bones, ears closer to the skull. Remove the skin more carefully, without cutting. After preparation, cut through the existing folds of skin (lips, nose, eyelids, if possible, turn out the ears. If the skin thick, then make longitudinal and transverse cuts along the entire perimeter of the skin (every 1-1.5 cm) and rub thoroughly with salt. Or freeze immediately after peeling. And a trophy one is usually a large adult male, which among animal species is considered preferable for a hunter. Even in price lists hunting farms, the cost of hunting such animals is several times higher than the price of hunting young of the year and other age groups. Secondly, a trophy is considered to be a skull with horns, fangs, just a skull. In Russia, the skins of large predators (wolf, bear, lynx, wolverine and etc.)
Regarding females and young animals, in the photo there are stuffed deer heads and a young roe deer (customer’s initiative).

gray 03.12.2011 - 18:51

I suggest that TS clear the posts with water and leave only the specifics
Yes. So I will do

barguz 03.12.2011 - 19:31

gray 04.12.2011 - 01:37

Thanks for the info. This is the second good offer. I’m surprised why prices in the regions are much more attractive than in Moscow and the Moscow region 😊

Mosquitoes 08.12.2011 - 12:49

Gray, I know you as a serious person. Unfortunately, it is now difficult to find normal sales for furs. I myself have a problem in selling mink, polecat, and marten skins. In Per. In the area, I don’t know buyers who sell for more than 600 per marten. There are hunters who sell for more, but the channels don’t report it, because we are competitors for them. According to rumors, prices reach up to 1200 per skin, but these are rumors. On the other hand, people get 4 likes and they only deal with furs for a reason. Sincerely. If you find normal prices, please write back at least in a personal message

gray 08.12.2011 - 17:24

On the other hand, people have 4 likes and deal only with fur for a reason.
Greetings. I know people like that 😊, in fact, they asked me to find out how things are going with this in Moscow - since their channels are limited, they are trying to find something else. Of course, I myself am not involved in fur farming - I don’t have time for that. Sometimes I help, of course - but this is all like an amateur-delitant 😊I know that “from our regions” they are brought to Yaroslavl - the prices there are really more interesting than Moscow ones. By posting in Taxidermy I understand perfectly well that there will be no demand for fur here - there is more interest in trophy animals. But there is no branch on raw materials, and in Hunting this is also not entirely relevant.

gray 12/13/2011 - 16:46

Marten 1400, fox 900, raccoon 800, mink 500. Admission only to Kirov - come
Can I have a phone?

Awega777 12/14/2011 - 19:23

Sent to PM

SPn 12/15/2011 - 16:37

Closer to the topic! Reception in beaver-700 fox. raccoon-800 marten-1200 females-900 mink-500 ferret-300 In general, you need to call to find out more precisely; during the season, prices can change both positively and negatively, and sometimes quite noticeably.

Are these already made or not?

ABN 16.12.2011 - 12:01

gray 12/16/2011 - 12:23

Today a friend told me the prices: beaver 1300, fox 1000, marten 1600 rubles.
Where is this?

barguz 12/17/2011 - 06:12

Today a friend told me the prices: beaver 1300, fox 1000, marten 1600 rubles.

Where is this

It looks like the city of Kirov is becoming the capital of the fur trade of Russia!

oos 12/17/2011 - 11:31

He has been this for a long time...

gray 12/17/2011 - 15:27

It looks like the city of Kirov is becoming the capital of the fur trade of Russia!
Well done Kirov residents. And they are fine with hunting and with furs. In Moscow, I must admit, they got greedy 😊 and they don’t want to do anything other than buy cheaper and resell at a higher price.

ABN 12/18/2011 - 10:18

He has been this for a long time...
Plus mullion.

DIMA 44 01/20/2012 - 15:13

Interesting to follow. How to find out contact information for Kirov. Possible in PM

[B] Well done Kirov residents.

umans 02/14/2012 - 15:53

there are raw fox skins... about 100 pieces at the moment (there will be more) 8 920 2333339 tambov...

aillion 22.03.2012 - 17:06

Recently I was looking for an elk horn of the same age, I found an advertisement with a photo about the sale of a whole bunch of horns (by the way, I couldn’t find what I needed) I called the seller, it turns out he is purchasing skins, the prices were pleasantly surprising: fox about eight hundred, beaver five hundred, marten 1600. He says he can come for a larger volume. myself. If anyone is interested, I can send you my phone number in a private message.

A l e x a n d r 03.28.2012 - 19:00

Recently I was looking for an elk horn of the same age, I found an advertisement with a photo about the sale of a whole bunch of horns (by the way, I couldn’t find what I needed) I called the seller, it turns out he is purchasing skins, the prices were pleasantly surprising: fox about eight hundred, beaver five hundred, marten 1600. He says he can come for a larger volume. myself. If anyone is interested, I can send you my phone number in a private message.
and PM me please. with uv Al.


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