Application of hydrogel when planting trees. Hydrogel for indoor plants: use in gardening

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Hydrogel - if it is needed, then why?

Among the many ready-made soils for plants that are sold in any flower shop, hydrogel (also known as aqua soil and eco soil) causes the most questions and confusion.

What is hydrogel, why do we, flower growers, need it, how and where to use it - let’s try to figure it out.

A hydrogel is a polymer that has the unique ability to absorb and retain, when swollen, up to two liters of distilled water per 10 grams of hydrogel or about 0.11 liters of nutrient solution per 1 g of drug. The most common hydrogels are based on polyacrylamide. The hydrogel is non-toxic, absolutely sterile, and retains its properties at high and low temperatures in the soil for five years. In the end, the hydrogel is completely biodegradable - it breaks down into carbon dioxide, water and nitrogen. In our country, work on the creation of highly swelling polymer hydrogels began in the early eighties at the Institute of Chemical Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences under the leadership of Professor K.S. Kazansky.

Polymers are substances whose molecules (macromolecules) consist of a large number of repeating units; The molecular weight of polymers can vary from several thousand to many millions. Special properties of polymers, such as: elasticity; low fragility of glassy and crystalline polymers; the ability of macromolecules to orient under the influence of a directed mechanical field; high solution viscosity at low polymer concentration; dissolution of the polymer through the swelling stage; the ability to dramatically change their physical and mechanical properties under the influence of small amounts of a reagent - allows them to be widely used in everyday life, mechanical engineering, the textile industry, agriculture and medicine, automobile and shipbuilding, and aircraft construction. The special properties of polymers are explained not only by their high molecular weight, but also by the fact that macromolecules have a chain structure and have a unique property for inanimate nature - flexibility.

Scope of application of hydrogel

Initially, the hydrogel is a dry powder or granule. Hydrogel crystals are similar in appearance and size to sugar and are irregularly shaped and irregular in size. When water is added to a dry substance, the latter swells (the hydrogel crystal increases in size by about 300 times) and a jelly-like mass is formed, which is used independently or as an additive to soils for plants. So the crystal becomes a kind of reservoir of water, which, if there is a lack of moisture in the soil, will give up its reserves to the roots of the plants, and if there is an excess of moisture, will absorb it. Thus, the hydrogel saves plants not only when the soil is dry, but also when it is waterlogged!

Due to their structure, hydrogel crystals improve the characteristics of a wide variety of soils: clayey soils become more loose, and loose soils become lumpy. Plants grown using hydrogel, even in the most extreme heat, need to be watered once a week or less.

Today, the scope of application of hydrogel looks like this:

* Hydrogel is a soil additive to retain moisture,

* Hydrogel – a medium for keeping plants,

* Hydrogel is a means for transporting plants.

Hydrogel is an ideal moisture-retaining soil additive for plants that are demanding on watering regimes. If you are afraid of your plants drying out, or are forced to be away from home, or even forget to water your pets, add a little hydrogel when replanting into the soil - the plants will thank you.

Preparation and methods of use

Before adding hydrogel to the soil, prepare it according to the instructions on the package. Typically, the dry substance should be filled with clean water (the purer the water, the larger the granules will grow, the more water they will absorb) and left for several hours until completely swollen. Excess water must be drained. For every liter of soil, take 1 gram of dry matter, or a glass of ready-made hydrogel. Mix thoroughly with the soil so that the gel is distributed evenly in it. Then plant the plants as usual.

You can apply dry gel under already planted indoor plants. To do this, first calculate the volume of soil in the plant pot. For every liter of soil, take 1 g of dry matter (about a quarter of a teaspoon). For example, if you have a 3 liter pot, you will need 3 g of hydrogel. Carefully make punctures throughout the entire volume of the flower pot, carefully pour the hydrogel into the resulting holes (do not fill them to the top). Water the plant properly. The swollen gel may be squeezed out onto the surface of the soil; carefully mix it into the top layer of soil in the pot. The roots of the plant themselves will find moisture reserves in the soil. As soon as the roots grow into the gel (usually this takes a couple of weeks), the plant can be watered 5-6 times less often.

It is very convenient to grow plant cuttings and germinate seeds in a mixture of hydrogel and soil. This mixture is prepared in the same way as a mixture for indoor plants. The resulting mixture is also used in the traditional way. Only watering can be reduced.

The hydrogel can also be used as an independent soil for rooting cuttings, as a soil for floral compositions. Some indoor plants will also grow successfully in pure gel.

Before use, we traditionally fill the dry substance with the required amount of water and forget about it for a certain time (see instructions on the package).

We plant plant cuttings in the clean, ready-made gel. Just stick them into the gel. The process can be controlled, since everything is visible to the naked eye through the transparent gel. You will see fresh roots as if you were rooting cuttings in a glass of water.

A few years ago, when you entered any flower shop, you risked immediately seeing some dracaena, or ficus, or any other plant placed in a glass container and colored hydrogel. More precisely - in aqua soil.

Aqua soil is the same polymer in structure as hydrogel. Is that it is a little denser than hydrogel, which allows you to produce aqua soil in the form of pearls, cubes, pyramids, etc. Usually aqua soil is also painted in different colors. You can create the same ikebana yourself.

Young plants are better suited for planting in pure hydrogel; even better are plant cuttings, which take root more easily and quickly adapt to a new environment.

Before planting, the hydrogel must be saturated with water. It is better to take distilled or boiled water - dechlorinated. The finished hydrogel should not contain dry areas that are not saturated with water. The granules must be completely transparent. Excess water must be drained. It is very convenient to do this through a colander. It’s even better to spread the finished aqua soil on a flat surface and let it dry slightly for an hour. This is done in order not to drown the roots of the plant in water - they must breathe.

Then fill the glass vessel halfway with hydrogel, carefully place the roots of the plant on the surface of the soil and fill the remaining volume so that the plant stays confidently in its new home. If the top of the dish has a wide neck, it is better to cover it with a transparent film so that the top layer of hydrogel does not dry out too quickly.

Plant care

Caring for a plant in hydrogel is the same as caring for a plant in regular soil. The only difference is that the hydrogel does not need to be watered as often as the soil. The top layer of hydrogel may dry out more quickly than the lower layers - just spray it with a spray bottle, or carefully remove it and replace it with a fresh one. Fertilize the plant in aqua soil carefully, using a solution in a weaker concentration.

Please note that it is better not to place the resulting composition in direct sunlight - the hydrogel may “bloom”.

Do not confuse gel planting with hydroponics - these are completely different technologies. The hydrogel itself is neither a nutrient medium nor a plant growth stimulator. It is neutral - this is its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of growing in hydrogel

* plants planted in hydrogel in glass containers look new, unusual,

* hydrogel has different colors - you can create multi-color compositions,

*hydrogel in dry form takes up a very small volume, there is no need to look for a place to store it, there are no problems with transportation,

* replanting plants does not cause any trouble, it becomes “clean”,

* hydrogel is neutral - and therefore can be used by people with an allergic reaction to earth.

Disadvantages of growing plants in hydrogel

* hydrogel as an artificial substrate does not provide plants with normal conditions for development,

* hydrogel does not contain nutrients - they need to be added regularly,

* hydrogel can “bloom” in sunlight

* hydrogel can only be used in vessels without a drainage hole, not all plants like this (the roots must breathe),

The following plants can be recommended for planting in pure hydrogel:
ficus, dieffenbachia, arrowroot, ivy, dracaena, philodendron, syngonium, chlorophytum, ferns, bromeliads. Any herbaceous plants will do well in the gel.

You should not plant cacti, succulents, or orchids in hydrogel.

In general, it must be said that hydrogel is a wide field for experimentation. Maybe you will be the one to find a new use for it.

After returning from a long trip, many gardeners are horrified by the condition of their indoor plants, which, in the absence of watering, turn into a herbarium. The only way to avoid this is growing plants in hydrogel, which we will talk about below.

Hydrogel: what is it?

Not everyone knows what hydrogel is, although in recent years this substance has become increasingly widespread among gardeners. The hydrogel has a very simple composition - it is an ordinary polymer, crushed to the state of powder or granules of various shapes. Its main feature is the ability to absorb large amounts of moisture, which can then either simply evaporate or be absorbed by plants planted in this substance. Thanks to this, even the smallest balls can “swell” to quite large sizes.

Did you know? 1 g of polymer hydrogel granules can absorb 200 g of liquid. Thus, to absorb 3 liters of water, you only need 2 tablespoons of these granules.

Regarding the question of what a hydrogel is and what it is needed for, there are several areas of its use:

  1. As a decorative multi-colored substance, which is used to fill glass containers and plant indoor plants or pour them into vases with freshly cut flowers.
  2. As a moisture-accumulating substance, thanks to which flowers can remain without watering for a long period of time.
  3. As a way to quickly and efficiently deliver nutrients to plant roots.
  4. As a substance for effective seed germination and rooting of cuttings.

Important! The hydrogel can absorb not only moisture, but also nutrients diluted in it, which will be delivered directly to the roots of the plant. Therefore, by adding hydrogel to the soil mixture for plants, you can also feed them.

Types of gel primers

Hydrogel for flowers has two common forms - soft and dense. They differ from each other not only in their structure, but also in the areas of use, as well as in cost.

Soft hydrogel for plants has the widest application. It is added to soil mixtures for indoor flowers, for germinating seeds, and for planting garden and garden plants. Thanks to the soft structure and small size of the granules, the roots of any plant can easily penetrate between and inside the granules, sucking out moisture and minerals.

This substance is produced colorless and is very rarely used on its own. It is often mixed with soil substrates, which helps prevent both acidification of the soil due to the introduction of large amounts of moisture and its rapid drying out.

This is a more expensive material, which can consist of larger and more varied granules in shape. Due to its high cost, aqua soil is completely irrational to use in gardening and horticulture. Unlike conventional hydrogel, aqua soil can include a variety of dyes, sparkles and rhinestones. In this regard, the answer to the question of how to use aqua soil appears by itself - it is used to decorate transparent flower pots, and also create attractive florariums.

Another way to use aqua soil is to freshen the air. For this purpose, dry granules are filled with water with essential oils or other liquid that has a pleasant aroma. Once the moisture is absorbed into the granules, they can be placed in glass containers throughout the house and enjoy the pleasant smell for a long time. In addition, if children or pets accidentally knock over a pot or vase with dense hydrogel, it can be put back together very quickly, and you don’t even have to vacuum the house.

Important! When filling multi-colored aqua soil granules with water, each color must be placed in different containers. It is recommended to stir them only after complete swelling.

How to use hydrogel in indoor floriculture

The hydrogel does not have clear instructions for use, so flower growers use it for a variety of purposes. There are practically no restrictions on how to use hydrogel for indoor plants - some types of plants can be grown directly in it (without forgetting to add a little mineral fertilizer) or mixed with soil substrate. In the latter case, the hydrogel will be useful only for long-term preservation of moisture in the soil, and it is recommended to add no more than 2 g of dry hydrogel per 1 liter of substrate. This is best done during transfers.

When growing flowers exclusively in pure hydrogel, consider several important nuances:

  • when using ordinary unsettled tap water to water the hydrogel, the granules may soon become covered with an unattractive coating or even turn green;
  • if the plant has a large root system, it can spread so widely across the pot and envelop the hydrogel granules that it will look completely unattractive;
  • Some types of plants may suffer from a lack of air in the hydrogel, so they will have to be replanted.

Important! Polymer hydrogel granules that you are not using can only be stored in the refrigerator and only in airtight containers. Otherwise, they may crystallize and lose their properties.

Using hydrogel in the garden

When it comes to hydrogel, the question of why it is needed in gardening may seem quite complicated, since for large trees tiny granules of water cannot play a big role. However, when it comes to rooting cuttings or propagating shrubs by layering, hydrogel can be the best assistant. Hydrogel is also used (1:5 ratio with soil) when planting young seedlings in soil that is not entirely suitable for them. Firstly, with the help of hydrogel, the soil can be made more nutritious, especially if there is a need for mineral fertilizers. Secondly, by planting plants in hydrogel and adding it to the soil, it becomes looser.

The hydrogel can also be applied to the trunk circles of adult fruit-bearing trees. The amount of dry matter used for one tree can vary from 20 to 40 g, which depends on the age of the tree (the older the tree, the more hydrogel will be required). To apply the hydrogel, punctures are made to a depth of 0.5 meters along the entire perimeter of the circum-stem circle, into which not only the hydrogel is poured, but also mineral fertilizers. After this, the punctures are filled up and the soil is watered abundantly. Be prepared for the ground to rise slightly around the tree. Similarly, you can add shrubs, but use 10 g of hydrogel for currants, blueberries and gooseberries, and 3 g for raspberries, hydrangeas and roses (you should deepen them no more than 30 cm).

Another direction for using hydrogel in the garden is to remove excess moisture in the spring, when the groundwater level rises significantly due to melted snow. In this case, dry hydrogel is also added to the soil. If we are talking about young seedlings that require a lot of moisture and nutrients, then it is recommended to dig already swollen granules into the soil around them.

How gardeners use hydrogel

In the garden, this substance is used no less often, so it’s worth figuring out how to properly use hydrogel for plants. This substance is very convenient for germinating seeds (which do not have a hard shell) and cultivating seedlings until the very moment of transplanting them into open ground. In addition, part of the hydrogel can be dug into the beds so that it retains moisture near the roots of the plant longer. But tomato seedlings can remain in the hydrogel until the very beginning of flowering (it’s just important not to forget about additional fertilizing), which will allow you to get a good harvest and forget about many diseases of this plant that can infect bushes through the soil.

Did you know? Hydrogel is a completely sterile substance in which bacteria cannot grow. In addition, this substance releases moisture to plants very slowly, so you don’t have to worry about possible rotting of plant roots.

However, the use of hydrogel for vegetables when growing them in open ground can play a cruel joke on the gardener. Hoping that the hydrogel will provide the plants with enough moisture, the gardener may skip several waterings, as a result of which the vegetables may wilt significantly. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt to the hydrogel and its abilities extremely carefully, especially since if there is a hydrogel in the soil, it will be safer to fill the plants with water than to leave them dry.

In general, you should use hydrogel in gardening only when growing:

  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • cucumbers;
  • radish;
  • potatoes.

Vn The hydrogel granules should be immersed to a depth of approximately 5 cm. If the soil is light, then per 1 sq. m will require no more than 10-20 g of dry matter, if heavy (loam) - from 20 to 30 g for the same area.

In the hot summer season, it is difficult for plants to tolerate the drying heat. Plants growing on balconies, for which hanging boxes, flowerpots, and baskets are used, suffer the most. The soil in the container dries out very quickly, and drying out soil often damages the root system of plants.
The situation with container flowers in the country is more complicated if the owners of a country plot come there only on weekends. And plants planted in open ground suffer from the heat. In the absence of good rainfall, if you water the plants once a week, they will turn yellow, wilt and eventually die.
But at present there is a modern unique remedy, which not all summer residents know about yet. - its properties and methods of use are not known to everyone. This product allows you to reduce watering by 4-6 times. This is a real miracle of the agricultural industry.

Characteristics of hydrogel for plants

The hydrogel is available in the form of a colorless powder or crystals. Soaked in water, they absorb it, turning into a kind of reservoir of water. If you add hydrogel to the soil, it will swell and begin to supply moisture to the plants. Even after the soil dries out, the reserve reservoir (hydrogel) remains full, and the root system of the plants pumps out as much liquid as it needs.

The chemical formula of the hydrogel is a polymer (cross-linked copolymer) that holds water and fertilizers in solutions in large quantities. The hydrogel has the following absorbing abilities: 1 gram of dry matter absorbs up to 0.3 liters of liquid.

Characteristics and methods of using hydrogel.

Before use, the hydrogel is applied to the soil in places where plant root systems have access to it. It is best to apply a substance that is swollen and saturated with water, but it can also be dry (in this case, after adding the hydrogel, it is necessary to immediately water the soil abundantly).

It takes 2-3 weeks for plant roots to grow through hydrogel capsules. They then absorb water from the capsules without needing frequent watering. If watering is infrequent, the soil between them dries out completely, but this will not harm the root system of the plants. The hydrogel acts as a backup source of moisture that can water plants and prevent them from withering and drying out during severe drought and heat.

Hydrogel granules are saturated not only with plain water, but also with fertilizer solutions. This allows not only to nourish the plants with life-giving moisture in the absence of their owners, but also to receive the necessary minerals and nutrients.

The ability to adsorb moisture adds another useful property to the hydrogel: not all flowers have a positive attitude towards flooding them. And the hydrogel prevents this. The hydrogel absorbs all excess moisture flowing through the drainage holes, after which the plants absorb moisture from it when they need it.

There is a Chinese hydrogel (the so-called “aquasoil”), but this is a completely different material, the polymer nature of which is similar to the hydrogel we are considering:

Agricultural hydrogel is a source of additional moisture for plants, and aqua soil is intended to create a decorative effect.

Areas of application of hydrogel

The use of agricultural hydrogel is convenient for open (OG) and protected soils (pots, containers, and other containers). It is often used in indoor floriculture. Hydrogel is an excellent tool for arranging a lawn and... Trees, shrubs, and flower beds are planted using hydrogel.

The effect of preserving water in hydrogel capsules is clearly visible when it is added to containers located on balconies and streets. In these cases, the plants are watered no more than 2 times a week, and the flower arrangements remain beautiful and decorative.

Using hydrogel for growing seedlings.

Hydrogel is used for growing seedlings on an industrial scale. The soil with which the seedling containers are filled dries out quickly, and thanks to the hydrogel, the final loss of moisture occurs much later.

An interesting option is to germinate seeds in a hydrogel, the granules of which swell, providing an excellent moisturizing environment that stimulates the development of sprouts.

For which plants can hydrogel be used?

Many gardeners consider hydrogel an excellent method that helps to grow almost any plant, except drought-resistant ones, which include succulents (desert cacti) and epiphytes (orchids, some aroids and other plants), the roots of which do not tolerate the constant presence of wet pieces of gel next to them.

For proper use of the hydrogel, it is mixed with soil - it is recommended to lay the hydrogel before the plants are planted - when preparing the soil for growing plants in a pot, in a bed, in a flower garden.

How to add hydrogel to flower pots and containers

Properly apply hydrogel to flower pots and containers during planting. This is done as follows: the hydrogel is added to the soil at the rate of 1 gram (take dry hydrogel in an approximate amount of ¼ teaspoon) per 1 meter of soil. If a swollen gel is used, then the ratio of hydrogel and soil is 1 to 5.

This norm applies to indoor and garden plants that are planted in containers for growing seedlings.

After the hydrogel swells, you need to mix it with the soil. The pieces of gel are evenly distributed, otherwise in some areas of the soil there will not be a single reserve capsule of liquid, which will harm the plants.

Using hydrogel for indoor plants.

After preparing the soil in this way, plants can be planted in it. After a couple of weeks, the plant roots grow into the hydrogel capsules. After this, you can reduce the frequency of watering by 2-6 times (this is affected by the temperature and location of the plants).

You can apply hydrogel under already planted plants. This is not difficult to do. Using a stick or pencil, you need to make punctures on the surface of the earth, pouring dry hydrogel into the resulting holes. After this, you should water the soil generously. When squeezing the hydrogel onto the surface of the earth, it is sprinkled with soil a couple of centimeters.

How to apply hydrogel to open ground

During landing. When preparing the soil for creating beds, flower beds or lawns, add dry hydrogel, followed by abundant watering. 25-100 grams of dry hydrogel per square meter of soil is enough. This is done as follows: the soil is dug up, dry hydrogel is added and mixed with the soil.

If you need to plant plants that have a superficial root system, the hydrogel should be applied to a depth of 10 cm. With a deep root system of plants, the depth of application of the hydrogel increases to 25 cm. Then you need to water the soil abundantly. Since, by absorbing liquid, the hydrogel is able to greatly increase its volume, after watering the soil will rise.

Using hydrogel for soil.

Some summer residents add hydrogel to the planting holes at a ratio of 1 to 5. The dry hydrogel is first filled with water. While it is swelling, you need to dig planting holes, at the bottom of which the swollen gel is then placed. Then it needs to be mixed with the soil.

Effective layer-by-layer mixing of gel and soil. You need to install the roots of the plant on top and cover them with soil, mixing it with hydrogel.

When the plants are already planted. In such cases, punctures are made in the middle of the crown of trees or bushes with a pitchfork, rebar or other tools into the soil at a depth of 15-20 cm. Dry hydrogel is poured into the holes and sprinkled with earth. Then everything should be watered well. After about 40 minutes, water again.

There is another method in which the hydrogel, after swelling, is mixed into the upper layers of soil around the plants. To do this, you first need to soak the hydrogel in water and mix it with soil to a depth to which the overgrown roots of the plant will allow. This work must be done manually and very carefully so as not to damage the root system.

Proper sowing of plant seeds in hydrogel

Polymer capsules can be successfully used in seed germination. Manufacturers do not share this method, but gardeners actively use it.

First you need to soak the hydrogel, drain off the excess liquid, and grind the remaining mass through a sieve or grind in a blender. The result will be something like a homogeneous “jelly”, which will be evenly distributed along the bottom of a shallow and wide vessel. The hydrogel layer should be 1-2 cm.

Seeds are laid out on it, which need to be pressed down using a toothpick or match. After planting all the seeds, cover the container with film and wait for them to sprout. After seed germination, when the first leaves appear, sprouts and pieces of hydrogel are transferred to the soil.

What are the advantages of hydrogel for plants?

To solve many problems that arise from growing indoor and garden plants, sometimes it is enough to use a hydrogel, which has many positive characteristics.

The most basic positive effects from using hydrogel are the following:

  1. Plants grown using hydrogel are never afraid of drought.
  2. The frequency of watering is reduced by increasing the intervals between them by 2-6 times.
  3. Garden plants growing in containers located on streets or balconies will not need watering for a week, and indoor plants - up to three weeks (the frequency of watering is affected by the time of year and the air temperature in the room).
  4. The hydrogel retains a decent amount of nutrients (fertilizers) that are not washed out of the soil.
  5. Excess moisture in the soil is absorbed by the hydrogel, and at the same time the aeration pores are released.
  6. Plant roots breathe easily and freely, there is no stagnation of liquid in the soil.
  7. The use of hydrogel has a beneficial effect on the existence of plants, accelerates their growth, promotes good flowering and increases fruiting.
  8. The hydrogel increases the resistance of plants to stressful situations and helps cope with infectious diseases.

Questions and answers regarding hydrogel and its uses

It remains to answer only the most popular questions regarding the properties and application of hydrogel.

How long does the hydrogel applied to the soil last?

The average service life of a hydrogel in the soil is 3-5 years - it depends on the microbiological activity of the soil. Hydrogel perfectly tolerates frosts and soil thawing periods, complete drying of the soil. Even after doing the above, the hydrogel does not change its properties. When the hydrogel expires, it decomposes into the following components: carbon dioxide, ammonium and water.

How long can a swollen hydrogel be stored without losing its properties?

To preserve the finished hydrogel, it is placed in a container for a couple of months. The container should be tightly closed with a lid and stored in a dark place. If the container is left open, the hydrogel dries out. This is not scary, because before use you can simply re-soak it with liquid until it swells.

Is it necessary to water plants in whose pots the soil is mixed with hydrogel?

When the top layer of soil dries out, it is still difficult to determine the need for watering. If the soil has dried out even a few centimeters, the hydrogel capsules may still have liquid reserves. Therefore, this problem is approached experimentally - focusing on the state of the plants.

When the leaves lose their bright green color and wilt, it’s time to water. The watering interval is the time from the last watering to the start of wilting. It is better to shorten this period slightly, not to let the plants begin to wilt.

It is easier to calculate the frequency of watering in this way: if without hydrogel you watered the plants once every three days, then after adding the hydrogel the interval is stretched no less than twice.

If a hydrogel lies on the surface of the soil in a flower pot, will it increase the humidity around the plant?

It will not increase, because, being in the open air, the substance begins to quickly lose moisture and dry out. It cannot be a long-lasting humidifier. For this purpose, it is better to use damp sphagnum moss.

Where can I buy hydrogel?

You will be offered to buy hydrogel at any flower shop, garden shopping center or online store. It comes in different packaging: from 10 grams to several kilograms.

Hydrogel for plants are beautiful and bright balls that are used for growing indoor flowers. They are especially useful if the owners of the plants leave their home for a long time. This device appeared in floriculture quite recently, but quickly gained popularity among gardeners. What is this aqua soil, what is it for and how to use it?

Product Description

Few people know what hydrogel is, despite the fact that it is increasingly gaining popularity. Gel beads are a simple polymer that has been ground into powder or granules of various shapes.

The peculiarity of hydroballs is their ability to absorb significant volumes of liquid, which subsequently simply evaporates or is absorbed by the rhizome of the plant. Thanks to this ability, even the smallest balls can swell to very large sizes.

1 g of hydrogel granules can absorb about 200 ml of water. Therefore, to remove about 3 liters of liquid, you will need only 2 tbsp. l. balls.

Hydrogel is a sterile substance. Pathogenic microflora is unable to grow in it. The material releases moisture gradually and slowly, so you don’t have to worry about possible rotting of the plant rhizomes.

What are gel beads used for?

Hydrogel for plants will be useful in several cases:

  1. A very effective way to germinate seeds and root cuttings.
  2. In this way, nutrients can be delivered to plants easily and over a long period of time.
  3. Hydroballs retain a significant supply of water, so plants can remain without moisture for a long time.
  4. The gel acts as a decorative element in decorating flowerpots. They fill a container with indoor plants or freshly cut flowers.

It is important to know that aqua soil for flowers can absorb not only moisture, but also all the nutritional components contained in it. They will have access to the roots of the plant. Therefore, flowers can be easily fed by mixing balls with soil.

Variety of hydroballs

Gel beads come in two most common forms - soft and dense. They differ in structure, purpose of application, and cost.

Soft gel beads are the most common type. It is added to soil mixtures for indoor flowers, for germinating seeds, and for planting garden and vegetable crops. Due to the elastic and soft structure and small dimensions, plant roots can freely and unhinderedly penetrate directly into and through the balls and absorb moisture and nutrients.

This hydrogel is always made colorless and in rare cases is used independently. Most often, hydroballs are mixed with the substrate, this helps prevent acidification of the soil from adding a large amount of liquid and promotes its rapid and uniform drying.

Dense gel balls (or aqua soil) are much more expensive than soft ones. The material can come in different shapes and sizes. The high price does not allow the use of such material in gardening and horticulture. Aqua soil differs from regular gel in that it can include rhinestones, sparkles, and is often painted in different colors. This colored hydrogel is used for transparent flower pots; in addition, it can be used to create charming florariums.

Another use for hard gel beads is air freshening. To improve the smell in a room, dry gel balls are filled with water with essential oils or other fragrant liquids. When the aqua soil is saturated with moisture, the balls are placed in glass containers and placed around the room. A pleasant aroma will spread throughout the apartment for a long time.

This soil is very convenient: even if one of the family members or a pet knocks over a container with balls, they can be collected very easily even without using a vacuum cleaner.

It is important to remember that when filling with colored balls, you need to put each shade into different containers and let them swell in water. Only then can they be mixed.

Method of using hydrogel

Flower growers use the product for plants in different ways. How to use the hydrogel is described in detail in the instructions for use. There are almost no restrictions in the choice of plants; some types of flowers can be grown directly in the substance. You definitely need to remember about mineral fertilizers. It is possible to mix the balls with soil, in this case the gel is useful for preserving moisture, while per 1 liter of substrate it is enough to add about 2 g of dry hydroballs. It is better to carry out such manipulations during transplantation.

If you grow flowers only in pure hydrogel, then you should consider several factors:

  1. Watering should be done with good, settled, filtered water. Liquid straight from the tap can leave an unpleasant residue on the balls or the gel can turn green.
  2. When a flower has a too voluminous root system, it can spread wildly throughout the flowerpot and cover all the balls. This will cause the pot to have an unattractive appearance.
  3. Some types of plants, when grown in hydrogel, can “suffocate” from a lack of oxygen, so they need to be replanted.

Interestingly, unused gel balls should be stored in the refrigerator, and only in airtight containers. Otherwise, the gel begins to crystallize and the material loses its abilities.

Hydrogel and gardening

How can hydrogel help in gardening? It is very useful to use it for the development and rooting of petioles or when propagating bushes by layering. You can mix it with soil at a ratio of 1:5 for transferring seedlings to open ground, which is not always suitable for everyone. Hydrogel can help make the soil more fertilized, especially if the plant needs nutrients. Gel balls are also used to loosen heavy soils, this facilitates the penetration of more oxygen.

Hydroballs are very useful in the spring when the snow melts. They are placed dry in the ground. Then these same balls can be dug into the soil around the young seedlings.

Hydroballs are added even to the soil around the trunk of mature fruit-bearing trees.

Hydrogel for gardeners

Very often this gel is used by gardeners. Therefore, it is worth figuring out how to use it correctly. This material is an ideal medium for germinating seeds without a hard shell, as well as for seedlings until they are transferred to open ground. In addition, a small part of the balls can be dug into the soil along with the seedlings, where it will feed the young plants for a long time.

Tomato seedlings can remain in such “soil” until it blooms. It is important not to forget about periodic feeding. This will help increase productivity and prevent diseases that young individuals become infected with in open soil.

If you use hydrogel for plants in open ground, then do not forget to skip watering. This can affect yield and plant health. Therefore, it is better to fill plants grown in soil with hydrogel with water than to leave them without moisture.

Only the following vegetables are grown using hydrogel: tomatoes, potatoes, radishes, cabbage, cucumbers. But this method is not suitable for eggplants; it gives poor results.

Gel balls are dug in to a depth of 5 cm. For light soil, 10-20 g of hydrogel per 1 m² will be sufficient. If the soil is heavy and clayey, then you will need from 20 to 30 g of gel balls per 1 m²

Positive and negative qualities

This method of growing plants definitely has more positive qualities. Using hydrogel, you can provide the plant with constant dosed access to liquid. The gel prevents the plant’s rhizomes from rotting and decorates interiors with its unusual design.

But despite its usefulness, we should not forget that plants need nutrients, which are important to be introduced periodically. Watering is also reduced, but not reduced.

Hydroballs can bloom under the influence of direct rays of the sun. And this is a big minus. You cannot use the same gel to grow different plant specimens. This makes the gel no longer sterile.

Many people are concerned about the safety of this material. Hydrogel is an absolutely safe product, since it does not evaporate any toxic substances, and when decomposed it forms water, carbon dioxide and ammonium. This explains its harmlessness.

One of the main conditions for the normal development of indoor plants and flowers is a sufficient level of soil moisture. It is quite difficult to control this issue during a busy work schedule, so you have to try different methods. In fact, it is much easier to solve this issue; you just need to purchase a hydrogel and learn how to use it.

Hydrogel is a polymer non-toxic material, having the ability to absorb large amounts of moisture (irrigation water or fertilizer solution) and retain it for a long time. Thanks to the unique property of the polymer, the root system is timely fed.

The hydrogel is produced in the form of granules that retain their properties over a wide range of temperatures. Over time, the product loses its properties and decomposes into safe substances. You can purchase it at almost any garden store or online.

Using hydrogel in open ground

Types of gel soils for plants

There are two modifications of hydrogel, which have different structures and purposes.

  • Designed for introducing indoor flowers into the soil in order to increase the inter-watering period, rooting cuttings and for seed germination. The delicate structure does not interfere with root processes. The product, by absorbing large amounts of water, prevents acidification of the soil due to excessive watering. The roots of the flower easily penetrate the polymer material and are fed from it for a long time.
  • (aqua soil) is used to create compositions. It has a multi-colored color with incredible shine, and is made in the form of balls, cubes, and pyramids. Transparent vessels are filled with aqua soil, forming layers of different colors. Cuttings take root well in such a substrate, and cut flowers are pleasing to the eye for a long time. It is worth noting that harmful bacteria do not multiply in the polymer and the formation of midges is eliminated.

Pros and cons of using aquasoil

Flower growers have already managed to fully appreciate the benefits of using hydrogel for indoor plants. Among the main advantages:

  • high absorption rate (1 g of dry granules absorb 200-300 ml of liquid);
  • favorable conditions are created for feeding indoor crops;
  • the soil is not waterlogged, which eliminates the formation of fungal diseases;
  • the leaching of useful substances is prevented;
  • the flowability of sandy soil decreases, and clayey soil becomes looser;
  • microbiological processes in the soil are excluded;
  • reducing the consumption of expensive water-soluble fertilizers.

The hydrogel retains its properties in the soil for 5 years, after which the product disintegrates.

Like any garden product, hydrogel has disadvantages:

  • It is not recommended to fill a transparent pot with them; the granules bloom when exposed to sunlight;
  • hydrogel gel beads cannot provide adequate nutrition; you cannot do without fertilizers;
  • It is rational to use the product one time due to the fact that it loses its unique qualities over time.

It is not recommended to use granules that are too small for indoor flowers. After moistening, the mass becomes jelly-like. This product is more suitable for germinating seeds.

How to use the product?

Before use, purchased granules should be soaked in water.. According to the instructions, you need to add 2 tablespoons of hydrogel to a 3-liter jar. After absorbing moisture (after 10-12 hours), the granules significantly increase in size. The remaining water must be drained, holding the gel with a colander.

To plant a plant, you need to mix the substrate with hydrogel in a ratio of 3:1 or 5:1 (according to the included instructions) and fill the pot with the mixture. The plant should not be watered abundantly at first; there is a sufficient amount of moisture in the polymer material.

To root cuttings, just fill the container with soaked gel balls and place the sprout in the center. In this case, it is not at all necessary to mix soaked crystals with soil.

Dry granules cannot be introduced into the soil. When moisture is absorbed, the gel crystals increase in volume and displace the soil and plant roots from the pot.

How to store?

Gel that is not used can be stored in a cool place. The refrigerator door is ideal for this. The main requirement is that the container is hermetically sealed. If you leave the jar open, the granules will crystallize due to the evaporation of moisture. They can also be used after re-soaking. The shelf life of the finished gel is 1-2 months.

Each plant has its own watering schedule. When enriching the soil with hydrogel, the intervals between waterings increase by at least 2 times. But to accurately determine the timing, you need to first observe the petals. If a slight sign of wilting is observed, urgent watering measures are necessary.


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